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50 files changed, 2636 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Reducibility.hs b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Reducibility.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82a6616f0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Reducibility.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+module GHC.Cmm.Reducibility
+ ( Reducibility(..)
+ , reducibility
+ , asReducible
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude hiding (splitAt, succ)
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.List (nub)
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Semigroup
+import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block
+import GHC.Cmm.Dominators
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Graph hiding (addBlock)
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Collapse
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+Module : GHC.Cmm.Reducibility
+Description : Tell if a `CmmGraph` is reducible, or make it so
+Test a Cmm control-flow graph for reducibility. And provide a
+function that, when given an arbitrary control-flow graph, returns an
+equivalent, reducible control-flow graph. The equivalent graph is
+obtained by "splitting" (copying) nodes of the original graph.
+The resulting equivalent graph has the same dynamic behavior as the
+original, but it is larger.
+Documentation uses the language of control-flow analysis, in which a
+basic block is called a "node." These "nodes" are `CmmBlock`s or
+equivalent; they have nothing to do with a `CmmNode`.
+For more on reducibility and related analyses and algorithms, see
+Note [Reducibility resources]
+-- | Represents the result of a reducibility analysis.
+data Reducibility = Reducible | Irreducible
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Given a graph, say whether the graph is reducible. The graph must
+-- be bundled with a dominator analysis and a reverse postorder
+-- numbering, as these results are needed to perform the test.
+reducibility :: NonLocal node
+ => GraphWithDominators node
+ -> Reducibility
+reducibility gwd =
+ if all goodBlock blockmap then Reducible else Irreducible
+ where goodBlock b = all (goodEdge (entryLabel b)) (successors b)
+ goodEdge from to = rpnum to > rpnum from || to `dominates` from
+ rpnum = gwdRPNumber gwd
+ blockmap = graphMap $ gwd_graph gwd
+ dominators = gwdDominatorsOf gwd
+ dominates lbl blockname =
+ lbl == blockname || dominatorsMember lbl (dominators blockname)
+-- | Given a graph, return an equivalent reducible graph, by
+-- "splitting" (copying) nodes if necessary. The input
+-- graph must be bundled with a dominator analysis and a reverse
+-- postorder numbering. The computation is monadic because when a
+-- node is split, the new copy needs a fresh label.
+-- Use this function whenever a downstream algorithm needs a reducible
+-- control-flow graph.
+asReducible :: GraphWithDominators CmmNode
+ -> UniqSM (GraphWithDominators CmmNode)
+asReducible gwd = case reducibility gwd of
+ Reducible -> return gwd
+ Irreducible -> assertReducible <$> nodeSplit gwd
+assertReducible :: GraphWithDominators CmmNode -> GraphWithDominators CmmNode
+assertReducible gwd = case reducibility gwd of
+ Reducible -> gwd
+ Irreducible -> panic "result not reducible"
+-- | Split one or more nodes of the given graph, which must be
+-- irreducible.
+nodeSplit :: GraphWithDominators CmmNode
+ -> UniqSM (GraphWithDominators CmmNode)
+nodeSplit gwd =
+ graphWithDominators <$> inflate (g_entry g) <$> runNullCollapse collapsed
+ where g = gwd_graph gwd
+ collapsed :: NullCollapseViz (Gr CmmSuper ())
+ collapsed = collapseInductiveGraph (cgraphOfCmm g)
+type CGraph = Gr CmmSuper ()
+-- | Turn a collapsed supernode back into a control-flow graph
+inflate :: Label -> CGraph -> CmmGraph
+inflate entry cg = CmmGraph entry graph
+ where graph = GMany NothingO body NothingO
+ body :: LabelMap CmmBlock
+ body = foldl (\map block -> mapInsert (entryLabel block) block map) mapEmpty $
+ blocks super
+ super = case labNodes cg of
+ [(_, s)] -> s
+ _ -> panic "graph given to `inflate` is not singleton"
+-- | Convert a `CmmGraph` into an inductive graph.
+-- (The function coalesces duplicate edges into a single edge.)
+cgraphOfCmm :: CmmGraph -> CGraph
+cgraphOfCmm g = foldl' addSuccEdges (mkGraph cnodes []) blocks
+ where blocks = zip [0..] $ revPostorderFrom (graphMap g) (g_entry g)
+ cnodes = [(k, super block) | (k, block) <- blocks]
+ where super block = Nodes (entryLabel block) (Seq.singleton block)
+ labelNumber = \lbl -> fromJust $ mapLookup lbl numbers
+ where numbers :: LabelMap Int
+ numbers = mapFromList $ map swap blocks
+ swap (k, block) = (entryLabel block, k)
+ addSuccEdges :: CGraph -> (Node, CmmBlock) -> CGraph
+ addSuccEdges graph (k, block) =
+ insEdges [(k, labelNumber lbl, ()) | lbl <- nub $ successors block] graph
+Note [Reducibility resources]
+*Flow Analysis of Computer Programs.* Matthew S. Hecht North Holland, 1977.
+Available to borrow from
+Matthew S. Hecht and Jeffrey D. Ullman (1972).
+Flow Graph Reducibility. SIAM J. Comput., 1(2), 188–202.
+Johan Janssen and Henk Corporaal. 1997. Making graphs reducible with
+controlled node splitting. ACM TOPLAS 19, 6 (Nov. 1997),
+1031–1052. DOI:
+Sebastian Unger and Frank Mueller. 2002. Handling irreducible loops:
+optimized node splitting versus DJ-graphs. ACM TOPLAS 24, 4 (July
+2002), 299–333. (This one
+contains the most detailed account of how the Hecht/Ullman algorithm
+is used to modify an actual control-flow graph. But still not much detail.)
+ (Nice summary of useful facts)
+type Seq = Seq.Seq
+-- | A "supernode" contains a single-entry, multiple-exit, reducible subgraph.
+-- The entry point is the given label, and the block with that label
+-- dominates all the other blocks in the supernode. When an entire
+-- graph is collapsed into a single supernode, the graph is reducible.
+-- More detail can be found in "GHC.Data.Graph.Collapse".
+data CmmSuper
+ = Nodes { label :: Label
+ , blocks :: Seq CmmBlock
+ }
+instance Semigroup CmmSuper where
+ s <> s' = Nodes (label s) (blocks s <> blocks s')
+instance PureSupernode CmmSuper where
+ superLabel = label
+ mapLabels = changeLabels
+instance Supernode CmmSuper NullCollapseViz where
+ freshen s = liftUniqSM $ relabel s
+-- | Return all labels defined within a supernode.
+definedLabels :: CmmSuper -> Seq Label
+definedLabels = fmap entryLabel . blocks
+-- | Map the given function over every use and definition of a label
+-- in the given supernode.
+changeLabels :: (Label -> Label) -> (CmmSuper -> CmmSuper)
+changeLabels f (Nodes l blocks) = Nodes (f l) (fmap (changeBlockLabels f) blocks)
+-- | Map the given function over every use and definition of a label
+-- in the given block.
+changeBlockLabels :: (Label -> Label) -> CmmBlock -> CmmBlock
+changeBlockLabels f block = blockJoin entry' middle exit'
+ where (entry, middle, exit) = blockSplit block
+ entry' = let CmmEntry l scope = entry
+ in CmmEntry (f l) scope
+ exit' = case exit of
+ -- unclear why mapSuccessors doesn't touch these
+ CmmCall { cml_cont = Just l } -> exit { cml_cont = Just (f l) }
+ CmmForeignCall { succ = l } -> exit { succ = f l }
+ _ -> mapSuccessors f exit
+-- | Within the given supernode, replace every defined label (and all
+-- of its uses) with a fresh label.
+relabel :: CmmSuper -> UniqSM CmmSuper
+relabel node = do
+ finite_map <- foldM addPair mapEmpty $ definedLabels node
+ return $ changeLabels (labelChanger finite_map) node
+ where addPair :: LabelMap Label -> Label -> UniqSM (LabelMap Label)
+ addPair map old = do new <- newBlockId
+ return $ mapInsert old new map
+ labelChanger :: LabelMap Label -> (Label -> Label)
+ labelChanger mapping = \lbl -> mapFindWithDefault lbl lbl mapping
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Collapse.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Collapse.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a19b5fa4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Collapse.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module GHC.Data.Graph.Collapse
+ ( PureSupernode(..)
+ , Supernode(..)
+ , collapseInductiveGraph
+ , VizCollapseMonad(..)
+ , NullCollapseViz(..)
+ , runNullCollapse
+ , MonadUniqSM(..)
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.List (delete, union, insert, intersect)
+import Data.Semigroup
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+Module : GHC.Data.Graph.Collapse
+Description : Implement the "collapsing" algorithm Hecht and Ullman
+A control-flow graph is reducible if and only if it is collapsible
+according to the definition of Hecht and Ullman (1972). This module
+implements the collapsing algorithm of Hecht and Ullman, and if it
+encounters a graph that is not collapsible, it splits nodes until the
+graph is fully collapsed. It then reports what nodes (if any) had to
+be split in order to collapse the graph. The information is used
+upstream to node-split Cmm graphs.
+The module uses the inductive graph representation cloned from the
+Functional Graph Library (Hackage package `fgl`, modules
+-- Full reference to paper: Matthew S. Hecht and Jeffrey D. Ullman
+-- (1972). Flow Graph Reducibility. SIAM J. Comput., 1(2), 188–202.
+------------------ Graph-splitting monad -----------------------
+-- | If you want to visualize the graph-collapsing algorithm, create
+-- an instance of monad `VizCollapseMonad`. Each step in the
+-- algorithm is announced to the monad as a side effect. If you don't
+-- care about visualization, you would use the `NullCollapseViz`
+-- monad, in which these operations are no-ops.
+class (Monad m) => MonadUniqSM m where
+ liftUniqSM :: UniqSM a -> m a
+class (MonadUniqSM m, Graph gr, Supernode s m) => VizCollapseMonad m gr s where
+ consumeByInGraph :: Node -> Node -> gr s () -> m ()
+ splitGraphAt :: gr s () -> LNode s -> m ()
+ finalGraph :: gr s () -> m ()
+-- | The identity monad as a `VizCollapseMonad`. Use this monad when
+-- you want efficiency in graph collapse.
+newtype NullCollapseViz a = NullCollapseViz { unNCV :: UniqSM a }
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadUnique)
+instance MonadUniqSM NullCollapseViz where
+ liftUniqSM = NullCollapseViz
+instance (Graph gr, Supernode s NullCollapseViz) =>
+ VizCollapseMonad NullCollapseViz gr s where
+ consumeByInGraph _ _ _ = return ()
+ splitGraphAt _ _ = return ()
+ finalGraph _ = return ()
+runNullCollapse :: NullCollapseViz a -> UniqSM a
+runNullCollapse = unNCV
+------------------ Utility functions on graphs -----------------------
+-- | Tell if a `Node` has a single predecessor.
+singlePred :: Graph gr => gr a b -> Node -> Bool
+singlePred gr n
+ | ([_], _, _, _) <- context gr n = True
+ | otherwise = False
+-- | Use this function to extract information about a `Node` that you
+-- know is in a `Graph`. It's like `match` from `Graph`, but it must
+-- succeed.
+forceMatch :: (Graph gr)
+ => Node -> gr s b -> (Context s b, gr s b)
+forceMatch node g = case match node g of (Just c, g') -> (c, g')
+ _ -> panicDump node g
+ where panicDump :: Graph gr => Node -> gr s b -> any
+ panicDump k _g =
+ panic $ "GHC.Data.Graph.Collapse failed to match node " ++ show k
+-- | Rewrite the label of a given node.
+updateNode :: DynGraph gr => (s -> s) -> Node -> gr s b -> gr s b
+updateNode relabel node g = (preds, n, relabel this, succs) & g'
+ where ((preds, n, this, succs), g') = forceMatch node g
+-- | Test if a graph has but a single node.
+singletonGraph :: Graph gr => gr a b -> Bool
+singletonGraph g = case labNodes g of [_] -> True
+ _ -> False
+---------------- Supernodes ------------------------------------
+-- | A "supernode" stands for a collection of one or more nodes (basic
+-- blocks) that have been coalesced by the Hecht-Ullman algorithm.
+-- A collection in a supernode constitutes a /reducible/ subgraph of a
+-- control-flow graph. (When an entire control-flow graph is collapsed
+-- to a single supernode, the flow graph is reducible.)
+-- The idea of node splitting is to collapse a control-flow graph down
+-- to a single supernode, then materialize (``inflate'') the reducible
+-- equivalent graph from that supernode. The `Supernode` class
+-- defines only the methods needed to collapse; rematerialization is
+-- the responsiblity of the client.
+-- During the Hecht-Ullman algorithm, every supernode has a unique
+-- entry point, which is given by `superLabel`. But this invariant is
+-- not guaranteed by the class methods and is not a law of the class.
+-- The `mapLabels` function rewrites all labels that appear in a
+-- supernode (both definitions and uses). The `freshen` function
+-- replaces every appearance of a /defined/ label with a fresh label.
+-- (Appearances include both definitions and uses.)
+-- Laws:
+-- @
+-- superLabel (n <> n') == superLabel n
+-- blocks (n <> n') == blocks n `union` blocks n'
+-- mapLabels f (n <> n') = mapLabels f n <> mapLabels f n'
+-- mapLabels id == id
+-- mapLabels (f . g) == mapLabels f . mapLabels g
+-- @
+-- (We expect `freshen` to distribute over `<>`, but because of
+-- the fresh names involved, formulating a precise law is a bit
+-- challenging.)
+class (Semigroup node) => PureSupernode node where
+ superLabel :: node -> Label
+ mapLabels :: (Label -> Label) -> (node -> node)
+class (MonadUnique m, PureSupernode node) => Supernode node m where
+ freshen :: node -> m node
+ -- ghost method
+ -- blocks :: node -> Set Block
+------------------ Functions specific to the algorithm -----------------------
+-- | Merge two nodes, return new graph plus list of nodes that newly have a single
+-- predecessor. This function implements transformation $T_2$ from
+-- the Hecht and Ullman paper (merge the node into its unique
+-- predecessor). It then also removes self-edges (transformation $T_1$ from
+-- the Hecht and Ullman paper). There is no need for a separate
+-- implementation of $T_1$.
+-- `consumeBy v u g` returns the graph that results when node v is
+-- consumed by node u in graph g. Both v and u are replaced with a new node u'
+-- with these properties:
+-- LABELS(u') = LABELS(u) `union` LABELS(v)
+-- SUCC(u') = SUCC(u) `union` SUCC(v) - { u }
+-- every node that previously points to u now points to u'
+-- It also returns a list of nodes in the result graph that
+-- are *newly* single-predecessor nodes.
+consumeBy :: (DynGraph gr, PureSupernode s)
+ => Node -> Node -> gr s () -> (gr s (), [Node])
+consumeBy toNode fromNode g =
+ assert (toPreds == [((), fromNode)]) $
+ (newGraph, newCandidates)
+ where ((toPreds, _, to, toSuccs), g') = forceMatch toNode g
+ ((fromPreds, _, from, fromSuccs), g'') = forceMatch fromNode g'
+ context = ( fromPreds -- by construction, can't have `toNode`
+ , fromNode
+ , from <> to
+ , delete ((), fromNode) toSuccs `union` fromSuccs
+ )
+ newGraph = context & g''
+ newCandidates = filter (singlePred newGraph) changedNodes
+ changedNodes = fromNode `insert` map snd (toSuccs `intersect` fromSuccs)
+-- | Split a given node. The node is replaced with a collection of replicas,
+-- one for each predecessor. After the split, every predecessor
+-- points to a unique replica.
+split :: forall gr s b m . (DynGraph gr, Supernode s m)
+ => Node -> gr s b -> m (gr s b)
+split node g = assert (isMultiple preds) $ foldM addReplica g' newNodes
+ where ((preds, _, this, succs), g') = forceMatch node g
+ newNodes :: [((b, Node), Node)]
+ newNodes = zip preds [maxNode+1..]
+ (_, maxNode) = nodeRange g
+ thisLabel = superLabel this
+ addReplica :: gr s b -> ((b, Node), Node) -> m (gr s b)
+ addReplica g ((b, pred), newNode) = do
+ newSuper <- freshen this
+ return $ add newSuper
+ where add newSuper =
+ updateNode (thisLabel `replacedWith` superLabel newSuper) pred $
+ ([(b, pred)], newNode, newSuper, succs) & g
+replacedWith :: PureSupernode s => Label -> Label -> s -> s
+replacedWith old new = mapLabels (\l -> if l == old then new else l)
+-- | Does a list have more than one element? (in constant time).
+isMultiple :: [a] -> Bool
+isMultiple [] = False
+isMultiple [_] = False
+isMultiple (_:_:_) = True
+-- | Find a candidate for splitting by finding a node that has multiple predecessors.
+anySplittable :: forall gr a b . Graph gr => gr a b -> LNode a
+anySplittable g = case splittable of
+ n : _ -> n
+ [] -> panic "anySplittable found no splittable nodes"
+ where splittable = filter (isMultiple . pre g . fst) $ labNodes g
+ splittable :: [LNode a]
+------------------ The collapsing algorithm -----------------------
+-- | Using the algorithm of Hecht and Ullman (1972), collapse a graph
+-- into a single node, splitting nodes as needed. Record
+-- visualization events in monad `m`.
+collapseInductiveGraph :: (DynGraph gr, Supernode s m, VizCollapseMonad m gr s)
+ => gr s () -> m (gr s ())
+collapseInductiveGraph g = drain g worklist
+ where worklist :: [[Node]] -- nodes with exactly one predecessor
+ worklist = [filter (singlePred g) $ nodes g]
+ drain g [] = if singletonGraph g then finalGraph g >> return g
+ else let (n, super) = anySplittable g
+ in do splitGraphAt g (n, super)
+ collapseInductiveGraph =<< split n g
+ drain g ([]:nss) = drain g nss
+ drain g ((n:ns):nss) = let (g', ns') = consumeBy n (theUniquePred n) g
+ in do consumeByInGraph n (theUniquePred n) g
+ drain g' (ns':ns:nss)
+ where theUniquePred n
+ | ([(_, p)], _, _, _) <- context g n = p
+ | otherwise =
+ panic "node claimed to have a unique predecessor; it doesn't"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Wasm/ControlFlow.hs b/compiler/GHC/Wasm/ControlFlow.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ef025574d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Wasm/ControlFlow.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, RankNTypes, TypeOperators, KindSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
+module GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow
+ ( WasmControl(..), (<>), pattern WasmIf, wasmReturn
+ , BrTableInterval(..), inclusiveInterval
+ , brTableLimit
+ , WasmType(..), WasmTypeTag(..)
+ , TypeList(..)
+ , WasmFunctionType(..)
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import Data.Kind
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable hiding ((<>))
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+Module : GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow
+Description : Representation of control-flow portion of the WebAssembly instruction set
+-- | WebAssembly type of a WebAssembly value that WebAssembly code
+-- could either expect on the evaluation stack or leave on the evaluation
+-- stack. At present we support only 32-bit values.
+data WasmType = I32 | F32
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Singleton type useful for programming with `WasmType` at the type level.
+data WasmTypeTag :: WasmType -> Type where
+ TagI32 :: WasmTypeTag 'I32
+ TagF32 :: WasmTypeTag 'F32
+-- | List of WebAssembly types used to describe the sequence of WebAssembly
+-- values that a block of code may expect on the stack or leave on the stack.
+data TypeList :: [WasmType] -> Type where
+ TypeListNil :: TypeList '[]
+ TypeListCons :: WasmTypeTag t -> TypeList ts -> TypeList (t : ts)
+-- | The type of a WebAssembly function, loop, block, or conditional.
+-- This type says what values the code expects to pop off the stack and
+-- what values it promises to push. The WebAssembly standard requires
+-- that this type appear explicitly in the code.
+data WasmFunctionType pre post =
+ WasmFunctionType { ft_pops :: TypeList pre
+ , ft_pushes :: TypeList post
+ }
+-- | Representation of WebAssembly control flow.
+-- Normally written as
+-- @
+-- WasmControl s e pre post
+-- @
+-- Type parameter `s` is the type of (unspecified) statements.
+-- It might be instantiated with an open Cmm block or with a sequence
+-- of Wasm instructions.
+-- Parameter `e` is the type of expressions.
+-- Parameter `pre` represents the values that are expected on the
+-- WebAssembly stack when the code runs, and `post` represents
+-- the state of the stack on completion.
+data WasmControl :: Type -> Type -> [WasmType] -> [WasmType] -> Type where
+ WasmPush :: WasmTypeTag t -> e -> WasmControl s e stack (t ': stack)
+ WasmBlock :: WasmFunctionType pre post
+ -> WasmControl s e pre post
+ -> WasmControl s e pre post
+ WasmLoop :: WasmFunctionType pre post
+ -> WasmControl s e pre post
+ -> WasmControl s e pre post
+ WasmIfTop :: WasmFunctionType pre post
+ -> WasmControl s e pre post
+ -> WasmControl s e pre post
+ -> WasmControl s e ('I32 ': pre) post
+ WasmBr :: Int -> WasmControl s e dropped destination -- not typechecked
+ WasmFallthrough :: WasmControl s e dropped destination
+ -- generates no code, but has the same type as a branch
+ WasmBrTable :: e
+ -> BrTableInterval -- for testing
+ -> [Int] -- targets
+ -> Int -- default target
+ -> WasmControl s e dropped destination
+ -- invariant: the table interval is contained
+ -- within [0 .. pred (length targets)]
+ WasmReturnTop :: WasmTypeTag t
+ -> WasmControl s e (t ': t1star) t2star -- as per type system
+ WasmActions :: s -> WasmControl s e stack stack -- basic block: one entry, one exit
+ WasmSeq :: WasmControl s e pre mid -> WasmControl s e mid post -> WasmControl s e pre post
+data BrTableInterval
+ = BrTableInterval { bti_lo :: Integer, bti_count :: Integer }
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Outputable BrTableInterval where
+ ppr range = brackets $ hcat[integer (bti_lo range), text "..", integer hi]
+ where hi = bti_lo range + bti_count range - 1
+brTableLimit :: Int
+ -- ^ Size of the largest table that is deemed acceptable in a `br_table` instruction.
+ --
+ -- Source:
+ -- See also discussion at, which shows
+ -- that major browsers agree.
+brTableLimit = 65520
+inclusiveInterval :: Integer -> Integer -> BrTableInterval
+inclusiveInterval lo hi
+ | lo <= hi = let count = hi - lo + 1
+ in if count > toInteger brTableLimit then
+ panic "interval too large in br_table instruction"
+ else
+ BrTableInterval lo count
+ | otherwise = panic "GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow: empty interval"
+(<>) :: forall s e pre mid post
+ . WasmControl s e pre mid
+ -> WasmControl s e mid post
+ -> WasmControl s e pre post
+(<>) = WasmSeq
+-- N.B. Fallthrough can't be optimized away because of type checking.
+-- Syntactic sugar.
+pattern WasmIf :: WasmFunctionType pre post
+ -> e
+ -> WasmControl s e pre post
+ -> WasmControl s e pre post
+ -> WasmControl s e pre post
+pattern WasmIf ty e t f =
+ WasmPush TagI32 e `WasmSeq` WasmIfTop ty t f
+-- More syntactic sugar.
+wasmReturn :: WasmTypeTag t -> e -> WasmControl s e (t ': t1star) t2star
+wasmReturn tag e = WasmPush tag e `WasmSeq` WasmReturnTop tag
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Wasm/ControlFlow/FromCmm.hs b/compiler/GHC/Wasm/ControlFlow/FromCmm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..741ab35560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Wasm/ControlFlow/FromCmm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+module GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow.FromCmm
+ ( structuredControl
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude hiding (succ)
+import Data.Function
+import Data.List (sortBy)
+import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
+import GHC.Cmm.Dominators
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Graph
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
+import GHC.Cmm.Switch
+import GHC.Platform
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable ( Outputable, text, (<+>), ppr
+ , pprWithCommas
+ , showSDocUnsafe
+ )
+import GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow
+Module : GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow.FromCmm
+Description : Translation of (reducible) Cmm control flow to WebAssembly
+Code in this module can translate any _reducible_ Cmm control-flow
+graph to the structured control flow that is required by WebAssembly.
+The algorithm is subtle and is described in detail in a draft paper
+to be found at
+--------------------- Abstraction of Cmm control flow -----------------------
+-- | Abstracts the kind of control flow we understand how to convert.
+-- A block can be left in one of four ways:
+-- * Unconditionally
+-- * Conditionally on a predicate of type `e`
+-- * To a location determined by the value of a scrutinee of type `e`
+-- * Not at all.
+data ControlFlow e = Unconditional Label
+ | Conditional e Label Label
+ | Switch { _scrutinee :: e
+ , _range :: BrTableInterval
+ , _targets :: [Maybe Label] -- from 0
+ , _defaultTarget :: Maybe Label
+ }
+ | TailCall e
+flowLeaving :: Platform -> CmmBlock -> ControlFlow CmmExpr
+flowLeaving platform b =
+ case lastNode b of
+ CmmBranch l -> Unconditional l
+ CmmCondBranch c t f _ -> Conditional c t f
+ CmmSwitch e targets ->
+ let (offset, target_labels) = switchTargetsToTable targets
+ (lo, hi) = switchTargetsRange targets
+ default_label = switchTargetsDefault targets
+ scrutinee = smartPlus platform e offset
+ range = inclusiveInterval (lo+toInteger offset) (hi+toInteger offset)
+ in Switch scrutinee range (atMost brTableLimit target_labels) default_label
+ CmmCall { cml_cont = Just l } -> Unconditional l
+ CmmCall { cml_cont = Nothing, cml_target = e } -> TailCall e
+ CmmForeignCall { succ = l } -> Unconditional l
+ where atMost :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
+ atMost k xs = if xs `hasAtLeast` k then
+ panic "switch table is too big for WebAssembly"
+ else
+ xs
+ hasAtLeast :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
+ hasAtLeast _ 0 = True
+ hasAtLeast [] _ = False
+ hasAtLeast (_:xs) k = hasAtLeast xs (k - 1)
+----------------------- Evaluation contexts ------------------------------
+-- | The syntactic constructs in which Wasm code may be contained.
+-- A list of these constructs represents an evaluation context,
+-- which is used to determined what level of `br` instruction
+-- reaches a given label.
+data ContainingSyntax
+ = BlockFollowedBy Label
+ | LoopHeadedBy Label
+ | IfThenElse (Maybe Label) -- ^ Carries the label that follows `if...end`, if any
+matchesFrame :: Label -> ContainingSyntax -> Bool
+matchesFrame label (BlockFollowedBy l) = label == l
+matchesFrame label (LoopHeadedBy l) = label == l
+matchesFrame label (IfThenElse (Just l)) = label == l
+matchesFrame _ _ = False
+data Context = Context { enclosing :: [ContainingSyntax]
+ , fallthrough :: Maybe Label -- the label can
+ -- be reached just by "falling through"
+ -- the hole
+ }
+instance Outputable Context where
+ ppr c | Just l <- fallthrough c =
+ pprWithCommas ppr (enclosing c) <+> text "fallthrough to" <+> ppr l
+ | otherwise = pprWithCommas ppr (enclosing c)
+emptyContext :: Context
+emptyContext = Context [] Nothing
+inside :: ContainingSyntax -> Context -> Context
+withFallthrough :: Context -> Label -> Context
+inside frame c = c { enclosing = frame : enclosing c }
+withFallthrough c l = c { fallthrough = Just l }
+type CmmActions = Block CmmNode O O
+type CfgNode = CmmBlock
+type FT pre post = WasmFunctionType pre post
+returns :: FT '[] '[ 'I32]
+doesn'tReturn :: FT '[] '[]
+returns = WasmFunctionType TypeListNil (TypeListCons TagI32 TypeListNil)
+doesn'tReturn = WasmFunctionType TypeListNil TypeListNil
+emptyPost :: FT pre post -> Bool
+emptyPost (WasmFunctionType _ TypeListNil) = True
+emptyPost _ = False
+----------------------- Translation ------------------------------
+-- | Convert a Cmm CFG to WebAssembly's structured control flow.
+structuredControl :: forall expr stmt .
+ Platform -- ^ needed for offset calculation
+ -> (Label -> CmmExpr -> expr) -- ^ translator for expressions
+ -> (Label -> CmmActions -> stmt) -- ^ translator for straight-line code
+ -> CmmGraph -- ^ CFG to be translated
+ -> WasmControl stmt expr '[] '[ 'I32]
+structuredControl platform txExpr txBlock g =
+ doTree returns dominatorTree emptyContext
+ where
+ gwd :: GraphWithDominators CmmNode
+ gwd = graphWithDominators g
+ dominatorTree :: Tree.Tree CfgNode-- Dominator tree in which children are sorted
+ -- with highest reverse-postorder number first
+ dominatorTree = fmap blockLabeled $ sortTree $ gwdDominatorTree gwd
+ doTree :: FT '[] post -> Tree.Tree CfgNode -> Context -> WasmControl stmt expr '[] post
+ nodeWithin :: forall post .
+ FT '[] post -> CfgNode -> [Tree.Tree CfgNode] -> Maybe Label
+ -> Context -> WasmControl stmt expr '[] post
+ doBranch :: FT '[] post -> Label -> Label -> Context -> WasmControl stmt expr '[] post
+ doTree fty (Tree.Node x children) context =
+ let codeForX = nodeWithin fty x selectedChildren Nothing
+ in if isLoopHeader x then
+ WasmLoop fty (codeForX loopContext)
+ else
+ codeForX context
+ where selectedChildren = case lastNode x of
+ CmmSwitch {} -> children
+ -- N.B. Unlike `if`, translation of Switch uses only labels.
+ _ -> filter hasMergeRoot children
+ loopContext = LoopHeadedBy (entryLabel x) `inside`
+ (context `withFallthrough` entryLabel x)
+ hasMergeRoot = isMergeNode . Tree.rootLabel
+ nodeWithin fty x (y_n:ys) (Just zlabel) context =
+ WasmBlock fty $ nodeWithin fty x (y_n:ys) Nothing context'
+ where context' = BlockFollowedBy zlabel `inside` context
+ nodeWithin fty x (y_n:ys) Nothing context =
+ nodeWithin doesn'tReturn x ys (Just ylabel) (context `withFallthrough` ylabel) <>
+ doTree fty y_n context
+ where ylabel = treeEntryLabel y_n
+ nodeWithin fty x [] (Just zlabel) context
+ | not (generatesIf x) =
+ WasmBlock fty (nodeWithin fty x [] Nothing context')
+ where context' = BlockFollowedBy zlabel `inside` context
+ nodeWithin fty x [] maybeMarks context =
+ translationOfX context
+ where xlabel = entryLabel x
+ translationOfX :: Context -> WasmControl stmt expr '[] post
+ translationOfX context =
+ WasmActions (txBlock xlabel $ nodeBody x) <>
+ case flowLeaving platform x of
+ Unconditional l -> doBranch fty xlabel l context
+ Conditional e t f ->
+ WasmIf fty
+ (txExpr xlabel e)
+ (doBranch fty xlabel t (IfThenElse maybeMarks `inside` context))
+ (doBranch fty xlabel f (IfThenElse maybeMarks `inside` context))
+ TailCall e -> WasmPush TagI32 (txExpr xlabel e) <> WasmReturnTop TagI32
+ Switch e range targets default' ->
+ WasmBrTable (txExpr xlabel e)
+ range
+ (map switchIndex targets)
+ (switchIndex default')
+ where switchIndex :: Maybe Label -> Int
+ switchIndex Nothing = 0 -- arbitrary; GHC won't go here
+ switchIndex (Just lbl) = index lbl (enclosing context)
+ doBranch fty from to context
+ | to `elem` fallthrough context && emptyPost fty = WasmFallthrough
+ -- optimization: `br` is not needed, but it typechecks
+ -- only if nothing is expected to be left on the stack
+ | isBackward from to = WasmBr i -- continue
+ | isMergeLabel to = WasmBr i -- exit
+ | otherwise = doTree fty (subtreeAt to) context -- inline the code here
+ where i = index to (enclosing context)
+ generatesIf :: CmmBlock -> Bool
+ generatesIf x = case flowLeaving platform x of Conditional {} -> True
+ _ -> False
+ ---- everything else is utility functions
+ treeEntryLabel :: Tree.Tree CfgNode -> Label
+ treeEntryLabel = entryLabel . Tree.rootLabel
+ sortTree :: Tree.Tree Label -> Tree.Tree Label
+ -- Sort highest rpnum first
+ sortTree (Tree.Node label children) =
+ Tree.Node label $ sortBy (flip compare `on` (rpnum . Tree.rootLabel)) $
+ map sortTree children
+ subtreeAt :: Label -> Tree.Tree CfgNode
+ blockLabeled :: Label -> CfgNode
+ rpnum :: Label -> RPNum-- reverse postorder number of the labeled block
+ isMergeLabel :: Label -> Bool
+ isMergeNode :: CfgNode -> Bool
+ isLoopHeader :: CfgNode -> Bool-- identify loop headers
+ -- all nodes whose immediate dominator is the given block.
+ -- They are produced with the largest RP number first,
+ -- so the largest RP number is pushed on the context first.
+ dominates :: Label -> Label -> Bool
+ -- Domination relation (not just immediate domination)
+ blockmap :: LabelMap CfgNode
+ GMany NothingO blockmap NothingO = g_graph g
+ blockLabeled l = findLabelIn l blockmap
+ rpblocks :: [CfgNode]
+ rpblocks = revPostorderFrom blockmap (g_entry g)
+ foldEdges :: forall a . (Label -> Label -> a -> a) -> a -> a
+ foldEdges f a =
+ foldl (\a (from, to) -> f from to a)
+ a
+ [(entryLabel from, to) | from <- rpblocks, to <- successors from]
+ isMergeLabel l = setMember l mergeBlockLabels
+ isMergeNode = isMergeLabel . entryLabel
+ isBackward :: Label -> Label -> Bool
+ isBackward from to = rpnum to <= rpnum from -- self-edge counts as a backward edge
+ subtreeAt label = findLabelIn label subtrees
+ subtrees :: LabelMap (Tree.Tree CfgNode)
+ subtrees = addSubtree mapEmpty dominatorTree
+ where addSubtree map t@(Tree.Node root children) =
+ foldl addSubtree (mapInsert (entryLabel root) t map) children
+ mergeBlockLabels :: LabelSet
+ -- N.B. A block is a merge node if it is where control flow merges.
+ -- That means it is entered by multiple control-flow edges, _except_
+ -- back edges don't count. There must be multiple paths that enter the
+ -- block _without_ passing through the block itself.
+ mergeBlockLabels =
+ setFromList [entryLabel n | n <- rpblocks, big (forwardPreds (entryLabel n))]
+ where big [] = False
+ big [_] = False
+ big (_ : _ : _) = True
+ forwardPreds :: Label -> [Label] -- reachable predecessors of reachable blocks,
+ -- via forward edges only
+ forwardPreds = \l -> mapFindWithDefault [] l predmap
+ where predmap :: LabelMap [Label]
+ predmap = foldEdges addForwardEdge mapEmpty
+ addForwardEdge from to pm
+ | isBackward from to = pm
+ | otherwise = addToList (from :) to pm
+ isLoopHeader = isHeaderLabel . entryLabel
+ isHeaderLabel = (`setMember` headers) -- loop headers
+ where headers :: LabelSet
+ headers = foldMap headersPointedTo blockmap
+ headersPointedTo block =
+ setFromList [label | label <- successors block,
+ dominates label (entryLabel block)]
+ index :: Label -> [ContainingSyntax] -> Int
+ index _ [] = panic "destination label not in evaluation context"
+ index label (frame : context)
+ | label `matchesFrame` frame = 0
+ | otherwise = 1 + index label context
+ rpnum = gwdRPNumber gwd
+ dominates lbl blockname =
+ lbl == blockname || dominatorsMember lbl (gwdDominatorsOf gwd blockname)
+nodeBody :: CfgNode -> CmmActions
+nodeBody (BlockCC _first middle _last) = middle
+smartPlus :: Platform -> CmmExpr -> Int -> CmmExpr
+smartPlus _ e 0 = e
+smartPlus platform e k =
+ CmmMachOp (MO_Add width) [e, CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral k) width)]
+ where width = cmmExprWidth platform e
+addToList :: (IsMap map) => ([a] -> [a]) -> KeyOf map -> map [a] -> map [a]
+addToList consx = mapAlter add
+ where add Nothing = Just (consx [])
+ add (Just xs) = Just (consx xs)
+--- everything below here is for diagnostics in case of panic
+instance Outputable ContainingSyntax where
+ ppr (BlockFollowedBy l) = text "node" <+> ppr l
+ ppr (LoopHeadedBy l) = text "loop" <+> ppr l
+ ppr (IfThenElse l) = text "if-then-else" <+> ppr l
+findLabelIn :: HasDebugCallStack => Label -> LabelMap a -> a
+findLabelIn lbl = mapFindWithDefault failed lbl
+ where failed =
+ panic $ "label " ++ showSDocUnsafe (ppr lbl) ++ " not found in control-flow graph"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Wasm/ControlFlow/ToAsm.hs b/compiler/GHC/Wasm/ControlFlow/ToAsm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbf387753a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Wasm/ControlFlow/ToAsm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow.ToAsm
+ ( toIndentedAsm
+ , noIndentation
+ )
+Module : GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow.ToAsm
+Description : Convert WebAssembly control-flow instructions to GNU assembler syntax.
+import GHC.Prelude
+import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BS
+import Data.List (intersperse)
+import Data.Monoid
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow hiding ((<>))
+type Indentation = Builder
+standardIndentation :: Indentation
+standardIndentation = " "
+noIndentation :: Indentation
+noIndentation = ""
+-- | Assuming that the type of a construct can be rendered as inline
+-- syntax, return the syntax. For every type our translator
+-- generates, the assumption should hold.
+wasmFunctionType :: WasmFunctionType pre post -> Builder
+wasmFunctionType (WasmFunctionType TypeListNil TypeListNil) = "void"
+wasmFunctionType (WasmFunctionType TypeListNil (TypeListCons t TypeListNil)) = tagBuilder t
+wasmFunctionType _ = panic "function type needs to be externalized"
+ -- Anything other then [] -> [], [] -> [t] needs to be put into a
+ -- type table and referred to by number.
+-- | Tag used in GNU assembly to name a WebAssembly type
+tagBuilder :: WasmTypeTag a -> Builder
+tagBuilder TagI32 = "i32"
+tagBuilder TagF32 = "f32"
+type Printer a = Indentation -> a -> Builder
+-- | Converts WebAssembly control-flow code into GNU (Clang) assembly
+-- syntax, indented for readability. For ease of combining with other
+-- output, the result does not have a trailing newline or preceding
+-- indentation. (The indentation argument simply gives the blank
+-- string that follows each emitted newline.)
+-- The initial `Indentation` argument specifies the indentation of the
+-- entire output; for most use cases it will likely be `mempty`.
+toIndentedAsm :: forall s e pre post
+ . Printer s -> Printer e -> Printer (WasmControl s e pre post)
+toIndentedAsm ps pe indent s = print s
+ where print, shift :: WasmControl s e pre' post' -> Builder
+ newline :: Builder -> Builder -> Builder
+ (<+>) :: Builder -> Builder -> Builder
+ ty = wasmFunctionType
+ -- cases meant to avoid generating any output for `WasmFallthrough`
+ print (WasmFallthrough `WasmSeq` s) = print s
+ print (s `WasmSeq` WasmFallthrough) = print s
+ print (WasmIfTop t s WasmFallthrough) =
+ "if" <+> ty t `newline` shift s `newline` "end_if"
+ print (WasmIfTop t WasmFallthrough s) =
+ "if" <+> ty t `newline` "else" `newline` shift s `newline` "end_if"
+ -- all the other cases
+ print (WasmPush _ e) = pe indent e
+ print (WasmBlock t s) = "block" <+> ty t `newline` shift s `newline` "end_block"
+ print (WasmLoop t s) = "loop" <+> ty t `newline` shift s `newline` "end_loop"
+ print (WasmIfTop t ts fs) = "if" <+> ty t `newline` shift ts `newline`
+ "else" `newline` shift fs `newline` "end_if"
+ print (WasmBr l) = "br" <+> BS.intDec l
+ print (WasmBrTable e _ ts t) =
+ pe indent e `newline` "br_table {" <+>
+ mconcat (intersperse ", " [BS.intDec i | i <- ts <> [t]]) <+>
+ "}"
+ print (WasmReturnTop _) = "return"
+ print (WasmActions as) = ps indent as
+ print (s `WasmSeq` s') = print s `newline` print s'
+ print WasmFallthrough = "// fallthrough" -- rare
+ newline s s' = s <> "\n" <> indent <> s'
+ shift s = standardIndentation <> toIndentedAsm ps pe (indent <> standardIndentation) s
+ s <+> s' = s <> " " <> s'
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 238f992ed6..35b619b8ce 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ Library
+ GHC.Cmm.Reducibility
@@ -373,6 +374,7 @@ Library
+ GHC.Data.Graph.Collapse
@@ -803,6 +805,9 @@ Library
+ GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow
+ GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow.FromCmm
+ GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow.ToAsm
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/linters/notes.stdout b/testsuite/tests/linters/notes.stdout
index c8a9278989..39bc4d7f64 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/linters/notes.stdout
+++ b/testsuite/tests/linters/notes.stdout
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Reducibility.hs:52:1: Note [Reducibility resources]
+ref compiler/GHC/Cmm/Reducibility.hs:142:1: Note [Reducibility resources]
ref compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Axiom.hs:458:2: Note [RoughMap and rm_empty]
ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/OccurAnal.hs:857:15: Note [Loop breaking]
ref compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/SetLevels.hs:1598:30: Note [Top level scope]
@@ -77,4 +79,3 @@ ref testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc231.hs:12:16: Note [Import
ref testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/UnliftedNewtypesMultiFieldGadt.hs:11:28: Note [Kind-checking the field type]
ref testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/tcfail093.hs:13:7: Note [Important subtlety in oclose]
ref validate:412:14: Note [Why is there no stage1 setup function?]
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/ActionsAndObservations.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/ActionsAndObservations.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d398cc88f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/ActionsAndObservations.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+module ActionsAndObservations
+ ( Stmt, Expr
+ , stmt, expr
+ )
+-- used to represent computations (in translation testing)
+-- * An action changes the state of a machine.
+-- * An expression inspects the state of a machine and observes a value.
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block
+import GHC.Platform
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+data Stmt = Stmt { s_label :: Label
+ , s_rendering :: String
+ }
+data Expr = Expr { e_label :: Label
+ , e_rendering :: String
+ }
+stmt :: Label -> Block CmmNode O O -> Stmt
+stmt lbl body = Stmt lbl (showSDocUnsafe $ pdoc genericPlatform $ body)
+expr :: Label -> CmmExpr -> Expr
+expr lbl e = Expr lbl (showSDocUnsafe $ pdoc genericPlatform $ e)
+instance Eq Stmt where
+ s == s' = s_label s == s_label s' || s_rendering s == s_rendering s'
+instance Eq Expr where
+ e == e' = e_label e == e_label e' || e_rendering e == e_rendering e'
+instance Show Stmt where
+ show = showSDocUnsafe . ppr . s_label
+instance Show Expr where
+ show = showSDocUnsafe . ppr . e_label
+instance OutputableP Platform Stmt where
+ pdoc _ s = text "Stmt" <+> ppr (s_label s)
+instance OutputableP Platform Expr where
+ pdoc _ e = text "Expr" <+> ppr (e_label e)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/BitConsumer.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/BitConsumer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..541d06bcab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/BitConsumer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
+module BitConsumer
+ ( BitConsumer
+ , ConsumptionResult(..)
+ , runWithBits
+ , eventsFromBits
+ , rangeSelect
+ , inverseRangeSelect
+ )
+-- A "bit consumer" simulates a computation.
+-- It can be run by supplying it with a sequence of Booleans.
+-- The Booleans determine the results of observations that
+-- drive control-flow decisions (a Boolean in an `if` and
+-- an integer in a `switch`).
+import ControlTestMonad
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+data ConsumptionResult stmt exp a
+ = Produced { pastEvents :: [Event stmt exp], value :: a }
+ | Halted { pastEvents :: [Event stmt exp] }
+ | Failed { pastEvents :: [Event stmt exp], msg :: String }
+instance Functor (ConsumptionResult s e) where
+ fmap f (Produced events a) = Produced events (f a)
+ fmap _ (Halted events) = Halted events
+ fmap _ (Failed events msg) = Failed events msg
+instance (Show exp, Show stmt, Show a) => Show (ConsumptionResult stmt exp a) where
+ show (Produced events a) = show events ++ " -> " ++ show a
+ show (Halted events) = show events ++ " EXHAUSTS"
+ show (Failed events msg) = show events ++ " FAILED: " ++ msg
+reverseEvents :: ConsumptionResult stmt exp a -> ConsumptionResult stmt exp a
+reverseEvents (Produced events a) = Produced (reverse events) a
+reverseEvents (Halted events) = Halted (reverse events)
+reverseEvents (Failed events msg) = Failed (reverse events) msg
+newtype BitConsumer stmt exp a =
+ BC { unBC :: [Bool] -> [Event stmt exp] -> (ConsumptionResult stmt exp a, [Bool]) }
+instance Functor (BitConsumer stmt exp) where
+ fmap f ma = BC $ \bits past -> update $ unBC ma bits past
+ where update (l, r) = (fmap f l, r)
+instance Applicative (BitConsumer stmt exp) where
+ pure a = BC $ \bits past -> (Produced past a, bits)
+ mf <*> ma = do { f <- mf; f <$> ma }
+instance Monad (BitConsumer stmt exp) where
+ m >>= k = BC $ \bits past ->
+ case unBC m bits past of
+ (Produced past' a, bits') -> unBC (k a) bits' past'
+ (Halted past, bits') -> (Halted past, bits')
+ (Failed past msg, bits') -> (Failed past msg, bits')
+instance MonadFail (BitConsumer stmt exp) where
+ fail msg = BC $ \bits past -> (Failed past msg, bits)
+runWithBits :: BitConsumer stmt exp a -> [Bool] -> ConsumptionResult stmt exp a
+-- ^ Run with Booleans determining decisions, return final
+-- state with oldest event first
+runWithBits m bits = reverseEvents $ fst $ unBC m bits []
+eventsFromBits :: BitConsumer stmt exp () -> [Bool] -> [Event stmt exp]
+eventsFromBits bc = pastEvents . runWithBits bc
+instance ControlTestMonad stmt exp (BitConsumer stmt exp) where
+ evalPredicate lbl =
+ BC $ \bits past -> case bits of
+ bit : bits' -> (Produced (Predicate lbl bit : past) bit, bits')
+ [] -> (Halted past, bits)
+ evalEnum lbl range =
+ BC $ \bits past -> case rangeSelect range bits of
+ Just (i, bits') -> (Produced (Switch lbl range i : past) i, bits')
+ Nothing -> (Halted past, bits)
+ takeAction lbl = BC $ \bits past -> (Produced (Action lbl : past) (), bits)
+rangeSelect :: (Integer, Integer) -> [Bool] -> Maybe (Integer, [Bool])
+rangeSelect (lo, limit) bits | lo == pred limit = Just (lo, bits)
+rangeSelect _ [] = Nothing
+rangeSelect (lo, limit) (bit : bits) =
+ rangeSelect (if bit then (lo, mid) else (mid, limit)) bits
+ where mid = (lo + limit) `div` 2
+inverseRangeSelect :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer -> [Bool]
+inverseRangeSelect (lo, limit) i
+ | lo == pred limit = if i == lo then [] else panic "inverseRangeSelect"
+ | otherwise = if i < mid then True : inverseRangeSelect (lo, mid) i
+ else False : inverseRangeSelect (mid, limit) i
+ where mid = (lo + limit) `div` 2
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/CmmPaths.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/CmmPaths.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a882b9178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/CmmPaths.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+module CmmPaths
+ ( cmmPaths
+ , cmmExits
+ )
+-- Enumerates paths through a CmmGraph. Paths can then
+-- be used to determine a sequence of observations, which
+-- is eventually converted into a sequence of Booleans
+-- and used to test a translation.
+import Prelude hiding (succ)
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Graph
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
+import GHC.Cmm.Switch
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import ActionsAndObservations
+import ControlTestMonad
+type CmmPath = [Event Stmt Expr]
+-- | Return all paths that start in the entry node
+-- and contain at most one repeated node.
+cmmPaths :: CmmGraph -> [CmmPath]
+cmmPaths g = map reverse $ pathsPrefixed (g_entry g) [] setEmpty
+ where pathsPrefixed :: Label -> CmmPath -> LabelSet -> [CmmPath]
+ -- ^ returns a list of all _short_ paths that begin with (block : prefix),
+ -- where a short path is one that contains at most one repeated label,
+ -- which must be the last one on the path (and so at the head of the list).
+ -- Precondition: `visited == setFromList prefix`.
+ pathsPrefixed lbl prefix visited = prefix' : extensions
+ where prefix' = action lbl : prefix
+ visited' = setInsert lbl visited
+ extensions = if setMember lbl visited then [prefix']
+ else concatMap extend (cmmExits $ blockLabeled lbl)
+ extend (Nothing, lbl) = pathsPrefixed lbl prefix' visited'
+ extend (Just event, lbl) = pathsPrefixed lbl (event : prefix') visited'
+ action lbl = Action (stmt lbl (middle $ blockLabeled lbl))
+ blockLabeled lbl = mapFindWithDefault (panic "missing block") lbl blockmap
+ middle block = m
+ where (_, m, _) = blockSplit block
+ CmmGraph { g_graph = GMany NothingO blockmap NothingO } = g
+-- | Returns the successors of the given nodes, associating each
+-- successor with the event/observation (if any) that causes the
+-- computation to transfer control to that successor.
+cmmExits :: CmmBlock -> [(Maybe (Event Stmt Expr), Label)]
+cmmExits b =
+ let thisExp e = expr (entryLabel b) e
+ in
+ case lastNode b of
+ CmmBranch l -> [(Nothing, l)]
+ CmmCondBranch e t f _ -> [(Just $ Predicate (thisExp e) True, t),
+ (Just $ Predicate (thisExp e) False, f)]
+ CmmSwitch e targets ->
+ let (lo, hi) = switchTargetsRange targets
+ dests = switchTargetsCases targets
+ other = switchTargetsDefault targets
+ caseExit (j, lbl) = (Just $ Switch (thisExp e) (lo, hi + 1) j, lbl)
+ defaultExits = case other of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just lbl -> [(Just $ Switch (thisExp e) (lo, hi + 1) defarg, lbl)]
+ defarg = try lo
+ where try i | i == hi = i
+ | i `elem` caseArgs = try (i + 1)
+ | otherwise = i
+ caseArgs = map fst dests
+ labelOf i = case [lbl | (j, lbl) <- dests, j == i]
+ of [lbl] -> lbl
+ [] -> case other of
+ Just lbl -> lbl
+ Nothing -> panic "GHC.Tests.CmmPaths.exit: no default"
+ (_ : _ : _) -> panic "GHC.Tests.CmmPaths.exit: too many matches"
+ in if hi - lo < 10 then
+ [(Just $ Switch (thisExp e) (lo, hi + 1) i, labelOf i) | i <- [lo..hi]]
+ else
+ -- as some switch statements go from minBound :: Int to maxBound :: Int
+ defaultExits ++ map caseExit dests
+ CmmCall { cml_cont = Just l } -> [(Nothing, l)]
+ CmmCall { cml_cont = Nothing } -> []
+ CmmForeignCall { succ = l } -> [(Nothing, l)]
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/ControlTestMonad.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/ControlTestMonad.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..936b0bfe7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/ControlTestMonad.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module ControlTestMonad
+ ( ControlTestMonad(..)
+ , Event(..)
+ )
+-- Defines observable events that can occur during a computation.
+-- Each event is either an action or an observation. If two
+-- computations produce the same events, they are equivalent.
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+class (MonadFail m) => ControlTestMonad stmt expr m where
+ evalPredicate :: expr -> m Bool
+ evalEnum :: expr -> (Integer,Integer) -> m Integer
+ -- ^ range is half-open: includes low end but not high
+ takeAction :: stmt -> m ()
+data Event stmt expr = Action stmt
+ | Predicate expr Bool
+ | Switch expr (Integer,Integer) Integer
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance (Outputable e, Outputable s) => Outputable (Event e s) where
+ ppr (Action l) = ppr l
+ ppr (Predicate l b) = ppr l <+> parens (if b then "T" else "F")
+ ppr (Switch l (lo,hi) i) =
+ ppr l <+> parens (hcat [ text $ show i
+ , " in ["
+ , text $ show lo
+ , ".."
+ , text $ show hi
+ , "]"
+ ])
+instance (Show e, Show s) => Show (Event e s) where
+ show (Action l) = show l
+ show (Predicate l b) = show l ++ "(" ++ (if b then "T" else "F") ++ ")"
+ show (Switch l (lo,hi) i) =
+ show l ++ "(" ++ show i ++ " in [" ++ show lo ++ ".." ++ show hi ++ "])"
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/EntropyTransducer.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/EntropyTransducer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73d21c074b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/EntropyTransducer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+module EntropyTransducer
+ ( traceBits
+ , rangeSelect
+ )
+-- Convert a sequence of events to a sequence of bits.
+-- Also provide an inverse function that converts
+-- a sequence of bits to an integer that lies in a
+-- known range (for simulating `switch`).
+import ControlTestMonad
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+traceBits :: [Event a b] -> [Bool]
+traceBits (Predicate _ b : events) = b : traceBits events
+traceBits (Action _ : events) = traceBits events
+traceBits (Switch _ (lo, hi) i : events) =
+ inverseRangeSelect (lo, hi) i ++ traceBits events
+traceBits [] = []
+rangeSelect :: (Integer, Integer) -> [Bool] -> Maybe (Integer, [Bool])
+rangeSelect (lo, limit) bits | lo == pred limit = Just (lo, bits)
+rangeSelect _ [] = Nothing
+rangeSelect (lo, limit) (bit : bits) =
+ rangeSelect (if bit then (lo, mid) else (mid, limit)) bits
+ where mid = (lo + limit) `div` 2
+inverseRangeSelect :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer -> [Bool]
+inverseRangeSelect (lo, limit) i
+ | lo == pred limit = if i == lo then [] else panic "fault in inverseRangeSelect"
+ | otherwise = if i < mid then True : inverseRangeSelect (lo, mid) i
+ else False : inverseRangeSelect (mid, limit) i
+ where mid = (lo + limit) `div` 2
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/LoadCmmGroup.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/LoadCmmGroup.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91a01ce457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/LoadCmmGroup.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module LoadCmmGroup
+ ( loadPath
+ , loadCmm
+ , loadHs
+ )
+-- Read a .hs or .cmm file and convert it to a list of `CmmGroup`s.
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import System.FilePath as FilePath
+import System.IO
+import GHC
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Cmm.Parser
+import GHC.Core.Lint.Interactive
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.CoreToStg
+import GHC.CoreToStg.Prep
+import GHC.Data.Stream hiding (mapM, map)
+import GHC.Driver.Config.Cmm.Parser (initCmmParserConfig)
+import GHC.Driver.Config.CoreToStg.Prep
+import GHC.Driver.Config.StgToCmm (initStgToCmmConfig)
+import GHC.Driver.Env
+import GHC.Driver.Errors.Types
+import GHC.Driver.Main
+import GHC.Stg.FVs
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import GHC.StgToCmm (codeGen)
+import GHC.Types.CostCentre (emptyCollectedCCs)
+import GHC.Types.HpcInfo (emptyHpcInfo)
+import GHC.Types.IPE (emptyInfoTableProvMap)
+import GHC.Unit.Home
+import GHC.Unit.Module.ModGuts
+import GHC.Utils.Error
+import GHC.Utils.Misc (fstOf3)
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+loadPath :: FilePath -> Ghc [CmmGroup]
+loadPath path =
+ case takeExtension path of
+ ".hs" -> loadHs path
+ ".cmm" -> fmap (: []) $ loadCmm path
+ _ -> do liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "File with unknown extension: " ++ path
+ return []
+loadHs :: FilePath -> Ghc [CmmGroup]
+loadHs path = do
+ target <- guessTarget path Nothing Nothing
+ setTargets [target]
+ mgraph <- depanal [] False
+ fmap concat $ mapM cmmOfSummary $ mgModSummaries mgraph
+cmmOfSummary :: ModSummary -> GHC.Ghc [CmmGroup]
+cmmOfSummary summ = do
+ dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
+ env <- getSession
+ guts <- liftIO $ frontend dflags env summ
+ stg <- stgify summ guts
+ logger <- getLogger
+ let infotable = emptyInfoTableProvMap
+ tycons = []
+ ccs = emptyCollectedCCs
+ stg' = depSortWithAnnotStgPgm (ms_mod summ) stg
+ hpcinfo = emptyHpcInfo False
+ tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs env
+ stg_to_cmm dflags mod = codeGen logger tmpfs (initStgToCmmConfig dflags mod)
+ (groups, _infos) <-
+ liftIO $
+ collectAll $
+ stg_to_cmm dflags (ms_mod summ) infotable tycons ccs stg' hpcinfo
+ return groups
+frontend :: DynFlags -> HscEnv -> ModSummary -> IO ModGuts
+frontend _dflags env summary = do
+ parsed <- hscParse env summary
+ (checked, _) <- hscTypecheckRename env summary parsed
+ hscDesugar env summary checked >>= hscSimplify env []
+loadCmm :: FilePath -> Ghc CmmGroup
+loadCmm path = do
+ env <- getSession
+ liftIO (slurpCmm env path)
+stgify :: ModSummary -> ModGuts -> Ghc [StgTopBinding]
+stgify summary guts = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ prepd_binds <- liftIO $ do
+ cp_cfg <- initCorePrepConfig hsc_env
+ corePrepPgm (hsc_logger hsc_env) cp_cfg (initCorePrepPgmConfig dflags (interactiveInScope $ hsc_IC hsc_env)) this_mod location core_binds data_tycons
+ return $ fstOf3 $ coreToStg dflags (ms_mod summary) (ms_location summary) prepd_binds
+ where this_mod = mg_module guts
+ location = ms_location summary
+ core_binds = mg_binds guts
+ data_tycons = filter isDataTyCon tycons
+ tycons = mg_tcs guts
+slurpCmm :: HscEnv -> FilePath -> IO (CmmGroup)
+slurpCmm hsc_env filename = runHsc hsc_env $ do
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ let logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ let home_unit = hsc_home_unit hsc_env
+ -- Make up a module name to give the NCG. We can't pass bottom here
+ -- lest we reproduce #11784.
+ mod_name = mkModuleName $ "Cmm$" ++ FilePath.takeFileName filename
+ cmm_mod = mkHomeModule home_unit mod_name
+ cmmpConfig = initCmmParserConfig dflags
+ (cmm, _) <- ioMsgMaybe
+ $ do
+ (warns,errs,cmm) <- withTiming logger (text "ParseCmm"<+>brackets (text filename)) (\_ -> ())
+ $ parseCmmFile cmmpConfig cmm_mod home_unit filename
+ let msgs = warns `unionMessages` errs
+ return (GhcPsMessage <$> msgs, cmm)
+ return cmm
+collectAll :: Monad m => Stream m a b -> m ([a], b)
+collectAll = gobble . runStream
+ where gobble (Done b) = return ([], b)
+ gobble (Effect e) = e >>= gobble
+ gobble (Yield a s) = do (as, b) <- gobble s
+ return (a:as, b)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d228c643a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Tests the basic infrastructure used to translate Cmm control flow to WebAssembly control flow:
+ - Check a Cmm control-flow graph to see if it is reducible.
+ - Convert an irreducible control-flow graph to an equivalent reducible control-flow graph.
+ - Interpret both Cmm control-flow graphs and WebAssembly programs using a stream of bits to determine the direction of each conditional and `switch`. Confirm that source and target programs take the same actions and make the same decisions.
+The tests dump a lot of information about the code under test, including the number of execution paths tested. Samples in `WasmControlFlow.stdout`.
+The source codes for the tested control-flow graphs are written in a mix of Haskell and Cmm; they are found in directory `src`.
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/RunCmm.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/RunCmm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9233d7a66a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/RunCmm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+module RunCmm
+ ( evalGraph
+ )
+-- Using a `ControlTestMonad` to provide observations,
+-- simulate the execution of a `CmmGraph`.
+import Prelude hiding (succ)
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Graph
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
+import GHC.Cmm.Switch
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import ControlTestMonad
+evalGraph :: forall stmt exp m .
+ ControlTestMonad stmt exp m
+ => (Label -> Block CmmNode O O -> stmt)
+ -> (Label -> CmmExpr -> exp)
+ -> CmmGraph
+ -> m ()
+evalGraph stmt exp g = run (g_entry g)
+ where GMany NothingO blockmap NothingO = g_graph g
+ run :: Label -> m ()
+ run label = do
+ takeAction @stmt @exp (stmt label (actionOf label))
+ case lastNode (blockOf label) of
+ CmmBranch l -> run l
+ CmmCondBranch e t f _ -> do
+ b <- evalPredicate @stmt @exp (exp label e)
+ run (if b then t else f)
+ CmmSwitch e targets -> do
+ i <- evalEnum @stmt @exp (exp label e) $
+ extendRight $ switchTargetsRange targets
+ run $ labelIn i targets
+ CmmCall { cml_cont = Just l } -> run l
+ CmmCall { cml_cont = Nothing } -> return ()
+ CmmForeignCall { succ = l } -> run l
+ blockOf lbl =
+ mapFindWithDefault (panic "GHC.Cmm.ControlFlow.Run.eval") lbl blockmap
+ actionOf lbl = middle
+ where (_, middle, _) = blockSplit $ blockOf lbl
+-- | Adapt between different representations of ranges
+extendRight :: Integral n => (n, n) -> (n, n)
+extendRight (lo, hi) = (lo, hi + 1)
+labelIn :: Integer -> SwitchTargets -> Label
+labelIn i targets =
+ case [lbl | (j, lbl) <- switchTargetsCases targets, j == i]
+ of [lbl] -> lbl
+ [] -> case switchTargetsDefault targets of
+ Just lbl -> lbl
+ Nothing -> panic "GHC.Cmm.ControlFlow.Run.labelIn: no default"
+ (_ : _ : _) -> panic "GHC.Cmm.ControlFlow.Run: too many matches"
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/RunWasm.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/RunWasm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5757348e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/RunWasm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wincomplete-patterns -Werror #-}
+module RunWasm
+ ( evalWasm
+ )
+-- Using a `ControlTestMonad` to provide observations,
+-- simulate the execution of WebAssembly control flow.
+import GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow
+import ControlTestMonad
+evalWasm :: ControlTestMonad s e m => WasmControl s e pre post -> m ()
+-- Evaluation uses a small-step semantics with a control stack.
+type Stack s e = [Frame (UntypedControl s e) e]
+data Frame s e = EndLoop s | EndBlock | EndIf | Run s | Pushed e
+data UntypedControl s e =
+ forall pre post . U (WasmControl s e pre post)
+evalWasm s = run [Run (U s)]
+withPushedValue :: Stack s e -> (e -> Stack s e -> answer) -> answer
+withPushedValue (Pushed e : stack) k = k e stack
+withPushedValue _ _ = error "looked for pushed value, but did not find one"
+run :: forall s e m . ControlTestMonad s e m => Stack s e -> m ()
+run [] = return ()
+run (EndLoop s : stack) = run (Run s : EndLoop s : stack)
+run (EndBlock : stack) = run stack
+run (EndIf : stack) = run stack
+run (Pushed e : frame : stack) = run (frame : Pushed e : stack)
+run (Pushed e : []) = return ()
+run (Run s : stack) = step s
+ where step :: UntypedControl s e -> m ()
+ step (U WasmFallthrough) = run stack
+ step (U (WasmBlock _ s)) = run (Run (U s) : EndBlock : stack)
+ step (U (WasmLoop _ s)) = run (Run (U s) : EndLoop (U s) : stack)
+ step (U (WasmBr k)) = br k stack
+ step (U (WasmPush _ e)) = run (Pushed e : stack)
+ step (U (WasmIfTop _ t f)) = withPushedValue stack $ \ e stack -> do
+ b <- evalPredicate @s @e e
+ run (Run (U $ if b then t else f) : EndIf : stack)
+ step (U (WasmBrTable e range targets default')) = do
+ n <- fromInteger <$>
+ evalEnum @s @e e (bti_lo range, bti_lo range + bti_count range)
+ if n >= 0 && n < length targets then br (targets !! n) stack
+ else br default' stack
+ step (U (WasmReturnTop _)) = withPushedValue stack $ \ _ _ -> return ()
+ step (U (WasmActions s)) = takeAction @s @e s >> run stack
+ step (U (WasmSeq s s')) = run (Run (U s) : Run (U s') : stack)
+ br 0 (EndLoop s : stack) = run (EndLoop s : stack)
+ br 0 (EndBlock : stack) = run stack
+ br 0 (EndIf : stack) = run stack
+ br k ((Run _) : stack) = br k stack
+ br k ((Pushed _) : stack) = br k stack
+ br k (_ : stack) = br (pred k) stack
+ br _ [] = fail "br index too large"
+instance Show (Frame s e) where
+ show (EndLoop _) = "end loop"
+ show EndBlock = "end block"
+ show EndIf = "end if"
+ show (Pushed _) = "<pushed value>"
+ show (Run _) = "run"
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/WasmControlFlow.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/WasmControlFlow.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3144161fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/WasmControlFlow.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+module Main where
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Data.List (nub)
+import Data.Maybe
+import System.Environment ( getArgs )
+import System.Exit
+import GHC hiding (Stmt, Match)
+import GHC.Cmm hiding (succ)
+import GHC.Cmm.ContFlowOpt
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Graph
+import GHC.Cmm.Dominators
+import GHC.Cmm.Reducibility
+import GHC.Cmm.Switch.Implement
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Platform
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
+import GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow
+import GHC.Wasm.ControlFlow.FromCmm
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import ActionsAndObservations
+import BitConsumer
+import CmmPaths
+import ControlTestMonad
+import EntropyTransducer
+import LoadCmmGroup
+import RunCmm
+import RunWasm
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ libdir : modeString : files <- getArgs
+ defaultErrorHandler defaultFatalMessager defaultFlushOut $ do
+ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
+ raw_dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
+ let dflags = raw_dflags `xopt_set` LangExt.MagicHash
+ `xopt_set` LangExt.StandaloneKindSignatures
+ `xopt_set` LangExt.UnliftedDatatypes
+ `xopt_set` LangExt.DataKinds
+ setSessionDynFlags dflags
+ groups <- mapM loadPath files
+ liftIO $ do
+ codes <- mapM (allTests $ targetPlatform dflags) (zip files groups)
+ exitWith $ foldl combineExits exitZero codes
+allTests :: Platform -> (FilePath, [CmmGroup]) -> IO ExitCode
+allTests platform (path, groups) =
+ foldl combineExits exitZero <$>
+ sequence [test platform (path, groups) | test <- tests]
+tests :: [Platform -> (FilePath, [CmmGroup]) -> IO ExitCode]
+tests = [reducibilityTest, splittingTest, translationTest]
+reducibilityTest, splittingTest, translationTest
+ :: Platform -> (FilePath, [CmmGroup]) -> IO ExitCode
+-- | Counts the number of reducible and irreducible CFGs in each group
+reducibilityTest platform (path, groups) = do
+ analyses <- runGrouped (return . reducibility . graphWithDominators) platform groups
+ let dump results = do
+ putStr $ path ++ ": "
+ case (number (== Reducible), number (== Irreducible)) of
+ (0, 0) -> putStrLn $ "no code"
+ (1, 0) -> putStrLn $ "reducible"
+ (0, 1) -> putStrLn $ "irreducible"
+ (0, n) -> putStrLn $ show n ++ " irreducible"
+ (n, 0) -> putStrLn $ show n ++ " reducible"
+ (r, i) -> putStrLn $ show r ++ " reducible, " ++ show i ++ " irreducible"
+ where number p = length $ filter p $ results
+ dump analyses
+ return exitZero
+-- Convert each input graph to a reducible graph via node splitting,
+-- run control-flow--path tests to confirm they behave the same.
+-- Run similar tests that compare each graph with a mutilated version,
+-- to confirm that the tests do in fact detect when graphs are different.
+splittingTest platform (path, groups) = do
+ reductions <- catMaybes <$> runGrouped testNodeSplitting platform groups
+ mutilations <- runGrouped (return . testGraphMutilation path) platform groups
+ codes <- liftM2 (++) (mapM (analyze "node splitting" path isIdentical) reductions)
+ (mapM (analyze "mutilation" path isDifferent) mutilations)
+ return $ foldl combineExits exitZero codes
+testNodeSplitting :: CmmGraph -> IO (Maybe Outcome)
+testNodeSplitting original_graph = do
+ reducible_graph <- fmap gwd_graph $ runUniqSM $
+ asReducible $ graphWithDominators original_graph
+ return $ case reducibility (graphWithDominators original_graph) of
+ Reducible -> Nothing
+ Irreducible ->
+ Just $
+ compareWithEntropy (runcfg original_graph) (runcfg reducible_graph) $
+ cfgEntropy reducible_graph
+testGraphMutilation :: FilePath -> CmmGraph -> Outcome
+testGraphMutilation path graph =
+ compareWithEntropy (runcfg graph) (runcfg $ mutilate path graph) $ cfgEntropy graph
+-- | Changes the graph's entry point to one of the entry point's successors.
+-- Panics if the input graph has only one block.
+mutilate :: FilePath -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
+mutilate path g =
+ case filter (/= entry_label) $ successors entry_block of
+ (lbl:_) -> CmmGraph lbl (g_graph g)
+ [] -> error $ "cannot mutilate control-flow graph in file " ++ path
+ where entry_label = g_entry g
+ entry_block = mapFindWithDefault (error "no entry block") entry_label $ graphMap g
+-- Translate each input graph to WebAssembly, then run
+-- control-flow--path tests to confirm the translation behaves the
+-- same as the original.
+translationTest platform (path, groups) = do
+ txs <- runGrouped (testTranslation platform) platform groups
+ codes <- mapM (analyze "WebAssembly translation" path isIdentical) txs
+ return $ foldl combineExits exitZero codes
+testTranslation :: Platform -> CmmGraph -> IO Outcome
+testTranslation platform big_switch_graph = do
+ real_graph <- runUniqSM $ cmmImplementSwitchPlans platform big_switch_graph
+ reducible_graph <- fmap gwd_graph $ runUniqSM $
+ asReducible $ graphWithDominators real_graph
+ let wasm = structuredControl platform expr stmt reducible_graph
+ return $ compareWithEntropy (runcfg real_graph) (runwasm wasm) $
+ cfgEntropy reducible_graph
+-- Outcomes of comparisons
+data Outcome = Identical { npaths :: Int }
+ | Different { different :: [(Trace, Trace)], nsame :: Int }
+type Trace = [Event Stmt Expr]
+isDifferent, isIdentical :: Outcome -> Bool
+isDifferent (Different {}) = True
+isDifferent _ = False
+isIdentical (Identical {}) = True
+isIdentical _ = False
+-- Comparisons of execution paths
+type Entropy = [[Bool]]
+compareWithEntropy :: BitConsumer Stmt Expr ()
+ -> BitConsumer Stmt Expr ()
+ -> Entropy
+ -> Outcome
+compareWithEntropy a b bit_streams =
+ foldl add (Identical 0) $ map (compareRuns a b) bit_streams
+ where add (Identical k) Match = Identical (succ k)
+ add (Different ts k) Match = Different ts (succ k)
+ add (Identical k) (NoMatch pair) = Different [pair] k
+ add (Different ts k) (NoMatch pair) = Different (pair:ts) k
+data SingleComparison = Match
+ | NoMatch (Trace, Trace)
+compareRuns :: BitConsumer Stmt Expr ()
+ -> BitConsumer Stmt Expr ()
+ -> [Bool]
+ -> SingleComparison
+compareRuns a b bits =
+ if and $ zipWith (==) aEvents bEvents then
+ Match
+ else
+ NoMatch (aEvents, bEvents)
+ where aEvents = pastEvents $ runWithBits a bits
+ bEvents = pastEvents $ runWithBits b bits
+cfgEntropy :: CmmGraph -> Entropy
+cfgEntropy = map traceBits . cmmPaths
+analyze :: String -> FilePath -> (Outcome -> Bool) -> Outcome -> IO ExitCode
+analyze what path isGood outcome = do
+ putStrLn $ display $ path ++ ", " ++ what ++ ": " ++ case outcome of
+ Identical n -> show n ++ " paths are identical"
+ Different diffs nsame ->
+ if nsame == 0 then
+ "all " ++ show (length diffs) ++ " paths are different"
+ else
+ show (length diffs) ++ " of " ++ show (length diffs + nsame) ++ " paths are different"
+ if isGood outcome then
+ return ExitSuccess
+ else
+ return $ ExitFailure 1
+ where display s = if isGood outcome then s ++ ", as expected"
+ else "(FAULT!) " ++ s
+-- Other test-running infrastructure
+runGrouped :: (CmmGraph -> IO a) -> Platform -> [CmmGroup] -> IO [a]
+runGrouped f platform groups = concat <$> mapM (concatMapGraphs platform (const f)) groups
+concatMapGraphs :: Monad m
+ => Platform
+ -> (Platform -> CmmGraph -> m a)
+ -> CmmGroup
+ -> m [a]
+concatMapGraphs platform f group =
+ catMaybes <$> mapM (decl . cmmCfgOptsProc False) group
+ where decl (CmmData {}) = return Nothing
+ decl (CmmProc _h _entry _registers graph) =
+ do a <- f platform graph
+ return $ Just a
+count :: [a] -> String -> String
+count xs thing = case length xs of
+ 1 -> "1 " ++ thing
+ n -> show n ++ " " ++ thing ++ "s"
+runcfg :: CmmGraph -> BitConsumer Stmt Expr ()
+runcfg = evalGraph stmt expr
+runwasm :: WasmControl Stmt Expr pre post -> BitConsumer Stmt Expr ()
+runwasm = evalWasm
+runUniqSM :: UniqSM a -> IO a
+runUniqSM m = do
+ us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'g'
+ return (initUs_ us m)
+-- ExitCode as monoid
+combineExits :: ExitCode -> ExitCode -> ExitCode
+exitZero :: ExitCode
+exitZero = ExitSuccess
+combineExits ExitSuccess e = e
+combineExits e _ = e
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/WasmControlFlow.stdout b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/WasmControlFlow.stdout
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f18f43c3b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/WasmControlFlow.stdout
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+src/Church.hs: 3 reducible
+src/Church.hs, mutilation: all 3 paths are different, as expected
+src/Church.hs, mutilation: all 3 paths are different, as expected
+src/Church.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/Church.hs, WebAssembly translation: 3 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Church.hs, WebAssembly translation: 3 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Church.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Closure.hs: 2 reducible
+src/Closure.hs, mutilation: all 3 paths are different, as expected
+src/Closure.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/Closure.hs, WebAssembly translation: 3 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Closure.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/FailingLint.hs: 1 reducible, 1 irreducible
+src/FailingLint.hs, node splitting: 218 paths are identical, as expected
+src/FailingLint.hs, mutilation: all 138 paths are different, as expected
+src/FailingLint.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/FailingLint.hs, WebAssembly translation: 218 paths are identical, as expected
+src/FailingLint.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr.hs: 1 reducible, 1 irreducible
+src/Irr.hs, node splitting: 872 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr.hs, mutilation: all 552 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr.hs, WebAssembly translation: 872 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs: 10 reducible
+src/Irr2.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, mutilation: all 13 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, mutilation: all 13 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, mutilation: all 11 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, WebAssembly translation: 13 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, WebAssembly translation: 13 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr2.hs, WebAssembly translation: 11 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr3.hs: 1 reducible, 1 irreducible
+src/Irr3.hs, node splitting: 24 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr3.hs, mutilation: all 21 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr3.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr3.hs, WebAssembly translation: 24 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr3.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr4.hs: 3 reducible, 1 irreducible
+src/Irr4.hs, node splitting: 74 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr4.hs, mutilation: all 3 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr4.hs, mutilation: all 3 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr4.hs, mutilation: all 61 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr4.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/Irr4.hs, WebAssembly translation: 3 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr4.hs, WebAssembly translation: 3 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr4.hs, WebAssembly translation: 74 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Irr4.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Length.hs: 5 reducible
+src/Length.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/Length.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/Length.hs, mutilation: all 18 paths are different, as expected
+src/Length.hs, mutilation: all 3 paths are different, as expected
+src/Length.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/Length.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Length.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Length.hs, WebAssembly translation: 18 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Length.hs, WebAssembly translation: 3 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Length.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Map.hs: 3 reducible
+src/Map.hs, mutilation: all 3 paths are different, as expected
+src/Map.hs, mutilation: all 3 paths are different, as expected
+src/Map.hs, mutilation: all 18 paths are different, as expected
+src/Map.hs, WebAssembly translation: 3 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Map.hs, WebAssembly translation: 3 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Map.hs, WebAssembly translation: 18 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Max.hs: 2 reducible
+src/Max.hs, mutilation: all 14 paths are different, as expected
+src/Max.hs, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/Max.hs, WebAssembly translation: 14 paths are identical, as expected
+src/Max.hs, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/PJIf.hs: reducible
+src/PJIf.hs, mutilation: all 10 paths are different, as expected
+src/PJIf.hs, WebAssembly translation: 10 paths are identical, as expected
+src/dec.cmm: reducible
+src/dec.cmm, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/dec.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/dloop.cmm: reducible
+src/dloop.cmm, mutilation: all 10 paths are different, as expected
+src/dloop.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 10 paths are identical, as expected
+src/ex9.cmm: reducible
+src/ex9.cmm, mutilation: all 9 paths are different, as expected
+src/ex9.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 9 paths are identical, as expected
+src/ex10.cmm: reducible
+src/ex10.cmm, mutilation: all 10 paths are different, as expected
+src/ex10.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 10 paths are identical, as expected
+src/fig1b.cmm: reducible
+src/fig1b.cmm, mutilation: all 5 paths are different, as expected
+src/fig1b.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 5 paths are identical, as expected
+src/hardswitch.cmm: reducible
+src/hardswitch.cmm, mutilation: all 12 paths are different, as expected
+src/hardswitch.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 13 paths are identical, as expected
+src/idmerge.cmm: reducible
+src/idmerge.cmm, mutilation: all 12 paths are different, as expected
+src/idmerge.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 12 paths are identical, as expected
+src/ifloop.cmm: reducible
+src/ifloop.cmm, mutilation: all 12 paths are different, as expected
+src/ifloop.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 12 paths are identical, as expected
+src/irr.cmm: irreducible
+src/irr.cmm, node splitting: 15 paths are identical, as expected
+src/irr.cmm, mutilation: all 13 paths are different, as expected
+src/irr.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 15 paths are identical, as expected
+src/irrbad.cmm: irreducible
+src/irrbad.cmm, node splitting: 30 paths are identical, as expected
+src/irrbad.cmm, mutilation: all 25 paths are different, as expected
+src/irrbad.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 30 paths are identical, as expected
+src/loop.cmm: reducible
+src/loop.cmm, mutilation: all 15 paths are different, as expected
+src/loop.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 15 paths are identical, as expected
+src/looptail.cmm: reducible
+src/looptail.cmm, mutilation: all 15 paths are different, as expected
+src/looptail.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 15 paths are identical, as expected
+src/multiswitch.cmm: reducible
+src/multiswitch.cmm, mutilation: all 97 paths are different, as expected
+src/multiswitch.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 115 paths are identical, as expected
+src/noloop.cmm: reducible
+src/noloop.cmm, mutilation: all 13 paths are different, as expected
+src/noloop.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 13 paths are identical, as expected
+src/panic.cmm: reducible
+src/panic.cmm, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/panic.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 9 paths are identical, as expected
+src/panic2.cmm: reducible
+src/panic2.cmm, mutilation: all 2 paths are different, as expected
+src/panic2.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 2 paths are identical, as expected
+src/self.cmm: reducible
+src/self.cmm, mutilation: all 5 paths are different, as expected
+src/self.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 5 paths are identical, as expected
+src/selfloop.cmm: reducible
+src/selfloop.cmm, mutilation: all 6 paths are different, as expected
+src/selfloop.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 6 paths are identical, as expected
+src/switch.cmm: reducible
+src/switch.cmm, mutilation: all 12 paths are different, as expected
+src/switch.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 15 paths are identical, as expected
+src/webexample.cmm: reducible
+src/webexample.cmm, mutilation: all 7 paths are different, as expected
+src/webexample.cmm, WebAssembly translation: 7 paths are identical, as expected
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/all.T b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/all.T
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7db9be0be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/all.T
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ctlextra_files = extra_files(['src/',
+ 'ActionsAndObservations.hs', 'BitConsumer.hs', 'CmmPaths.hs',
+ 'ControlTestMonad.hs', 'EntropyTransducer.hs', 'LoadCmmGroup.hs',
+ 'RunCmm.hs', 'RunWasm.hs',])
+basenames = ['Church.hs',
+ 'Closure.hs',
+ 'FailingLint.hs',
+ 'Irr.hs',
+ 'Irr2.hs',
+ 'Irr3.hs',
+ 'Irr4.hs',
+ 'Length.hs',
+ 'Map.hs',
+ 'Max.hs',
+ 'PJIf.hs',
+ 'dec.cmm',
+ 'dloop.cmm',
+ 'ex9.cmm',
+ 'ex10.cmm',
+ 'fig1b.cmm',
+ 'hardswitch.cmm',
+ 'idmerge.cmm',
+ 'ifloop.cmm',
+ 'irr.cmm',
+ 'irrbad.cmm',
+ 'loop.cmm',
+ 'looptail.cmm',
+ 'multiswitch.cmm',
+ 'noloop.cmm',
+ 'panic.cmm',
+ 'panic2.cmm',
+ 'self.cmm',
+ 'selfloop.cmm',
+ 'switch.cmm',
+ 'webexample.cmm'
+ ]
+sources = ['src/' + basename for basename in basenames]
+ [extra_run_opts(" ".join(['"' + config.libdir + '"', '-r'] + sources)), ctlextra_files],
+ multimod_compile_and_run,
+ ['WasmControlFlow', '-package ghc'])
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Church.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Church.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab5bcaefaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Church.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module Church
+type Churchlist t u = (t->u->u)->u->u
+nil :: Churchlist t u
+nil = \c n -> n
+cons :: t -> Churchlist t u -> Churchlist t u
+cons x xs = \c n -> c x (xs c n)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Closure.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Closure.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f223086e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Closure.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+module Closure where
+add :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
+add x = map (\n -> n + x)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/FailingLint.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/FailingLint.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02502c087a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/FailingLint.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+module Irr3 -- like Irr, but simplified
+import GHC.Exts hiding (List)
+data List = Nil | Cons !List
+length'' :: Int# -> List -> Int#
+length'' !trigger !xs =
+ case trigger of 0# -> countA 0# xs
+ _ -> countB 0# xs
+ where countA !n Nil = n
+ countA !n (Cons as) = countB (n +# 1#) as
+ countB !n Nil = n
+ countB !n (Cons as) = countA (n +# 2#) as
+ {-# NOINLINE countA #-}
+ {-# NOINLINE countB #-}
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Irr.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Irr.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9604dc2404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Irr.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+module Irr
+import GHC.Exts hiding (List)
+data List a = Nil | Cons !a !(List a)
+length'' :: Bool -> List a -> Int#
+length'' !trigger !xs = if trigger then countA 0# xs else countB 0# xs
+ where countA !n Nil = n
+ countA !n (Cons _ as) = countB (n +# 1#) as
+ countB !n Nil = n
+ countB !n (Cons _ as) = countA (n +# 2#) as
+ {-# NOINLINE countA #-}
+ {-# NOINLINE countB #-}
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Irr2.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Irr2.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43d73258c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Irr2.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+module Irr2
+foo :: Bool -> Int -> Bool
+foo b n
+ | n > 10 = even n
+ | otherwise = odd n
+ where
+ even 0 = b
+ even n = odd (n-1)
+ {-# NOINLINE even #-}
+ odd 0 = b
+ odd n = even (n-1)
+ {-# NOINLINE odd #-}
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Irr3.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Irr3.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f10a6ddb2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Irr3.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+module Irr3 -- like Irr, but simplified
+import GHC.Exts hiding (List)
+type List :: TYPE UnliftedRep
+data List = Nil | Cons !List
+length'' :: Int# -> List -> Int#
+length'' trigger xs =
+ case trigger of 0# -> countA 0# xs
+ _ -> countB 0# xs
+ where countA n Nil = n
+ countA n (Cons as) = countB (n +# 1#) as
+ countB n Nil = n
+ countB n (Cons as) = countA (n +# 2#) as
+ {-# NOINLINE countA #-}
+ {-# NOINLINE countB #-}
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Irr4.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Irr4.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90a99ad2be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Irr4.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+module Irr4 -- like Irr3, but with lifted types
+import GHC.Exts hiding (List)
+type List :: TYPE UnliftedRep
+data List = Nil | Cons !List
+length'' :: Int# -> List -> Int
+length'' trigger xs =
+ case trigger of 0# -> countA 0 xs
+ _ -> countB 0 xs
+ where countA n Nil = n + I# trigger
+ countA n (Cons as) = countB (n + 1) as
+ countB n Nil = n + I# trigger
+ countB n (Cons as) = countA (n + 2) as
+ {-# NOINLINE countA #-}
+ {-# NOINLINE countB #-}
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Length.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Length.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01f022266b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Length.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module Length
+data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
+length' :: List a -> Int
+length' = count 0
+ where count n Nil = case n of m -> m
+ count n (Cons _ as) = case n + 1 of m -> case count m as of k -> k
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Map.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Map.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07886c6a17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Map.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module Map
+myMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
+myMap f [] = []
+myMap f (x:xs) = f x : myMap f xs
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Max.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Max.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02e566337c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/Max.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module Max where
+delta :: Int -> Int -> Int
+delta m n =
+ let (large, small) = if m > n then (m, n) else (n, m)
+ in large - small
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/PJIf.hs b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/PJIf.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec0b68d635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/PJIf.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+module PJIf where
+myIf True x y = x
+myIf False x y = y
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/dec.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/dec.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38f81f555b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/dec.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+decrement(bits32 n) {
+ A:
+ if (n > 0) {
+ n = n - 1;
+ goto A;
+ }
+ return (n);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/dloop.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/dloop.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cc1f4f542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/dloop.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+double_loop (bits32 n) {
+ A:
+ foreign "C" A();
+ if (n > 1) goto B;
+ C:
+ foreign "C" C();
+ if (n > 3) goto A;
+ goto D;
+ B:
+ foreign "C" B();
+ if (n > 2) goto A;
+ D:
+ foreign "C" D();
+ return (999);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/ex10.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/ex10.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afaafd700f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/ex10.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ex10 (bits32 n) {
+ A:
+ foreign "C" A();
+ if (n > 1) goto D;
+ B:
+ foreign "C" B();
+ if (n > 2) goto E;
+ C:
+ foreign "C" C();
+ goto F;
+ D:
+ foreign "C" D();
+ if (n > 4) goto F;
+ E:
+ foreign "C" E();
+ F:
+ foreign "C" F();
+ return(1010);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/ex9.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/ex9.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0da722306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/ex9.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ex10 (bits32 n) {
+ A:
+ foreign "C" A();
+ B:
+ foreign "C" B();
+ if (n > 2) goto A;
+ C:
+ foreign "C" C();
+ if (n > 3) goto E;
+ D: foreign "C" D();
+ goto F;
+ E: foreign "C" E();
+ F: foreign "C" F();
+ return(333);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/fig1b.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/fig1b.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14ee4e0f56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/fig1b.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+fig1b (bits32 n) {
+ A:
+ foreign "C" A();
+ if (n > 1) goto B;
+ goto C;
+ B:
+ foreign "C" B();
+ goto D;
+ C:
+ foreign "C" C();
+ D:
+ foreign "C" D();
+ return(2020);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/hardswitch.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/hardswitch.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f85bacf1d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/hardswitch.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+section "comment" {
+ mycomment:
+ bits8 [] "see";
+hardswitch(bits32 n) {
+ bits32 m;
+ (m) = foreign "C" A();
+ switch [0 .. 4] (m) {
+ case 0:
+ { foreign "C" B(); goto c1; }
+ case 1:
+ { c1: foreign "C" C(); goto c2; }
+ case 2:
+ { c2: foreign "C" D(); goto c3; }
+ default:
+ { c3: foreign "C" E(); goto finish; }
+ }
+ finish:
+ return();
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/idmerge.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/idmerge.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52f1ae5baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/idmerge.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+idmerge (bits32 n) {
+ A:
+ foreign "C" A();
+ if (n > 1) goto C;
+ B:
+ foreign "C" B();
+ goto D;
+ C:
+ foreign "C" C();
+ D:
+ foreign "C" D();
+ E:
+ foreign "C" E();
+ if (n > 5) goto A;
+ return(888);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/ifloop.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/ifloop.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76c61a12c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/ifloop.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ifloop (bits32 n) {
+ A:
+ foreign "C" A();
+ if (n > 0) goto C;
+ B:
+ foreign "C" B();
+ goto D;
+ C:
+ foreign "C" C();
+ D:
+ foreign "C" D();
+ E:
+ foreign "C" E();
+ if (n > 5) goto A;
+ foreign "C" F();
+ return (999);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/irr.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/irr.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e5e3722d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/irr.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+section "comment" {
+ mycomment:
+ bits8 [] "The classic irreducible flow graph, modified so it doesn't loop forever (so we can test it";
+irr1 (bits32 n) {
+ A:
+ foreign "C" A();
+ if (n > 1) goto B;
+ C:
+ foreign "C" C();
+ if (n > 3) goto B;
+ return (888);
+ B:
+ foreign "C" B();
+ if (n > 2) goto C;
+ return (999);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/irrbad.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/irrbad.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a03d5dacc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/irrbad.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+section "comment" {
+ mycomment:
+ bits8 [] "An irreducible flow graph that can't be made reducible by node splitting alone (Hecht, page 117)";
+double_loop (bits32 n) {
+ A:
+ foreign "C" A();
+ if (n > 1) goto B;
+ C:
+ foreign "C" C();
+ if (n > 3) goto B;
+ goto E;
+ B:
+ foreign "C" B();
+ if (n > 2) goto C;
+ goto D;
+ D:
+ foreign "C" D();
+ if (n > 4) goto B;
+ return (888);
+ E:
+ foreign "C" E();
+ if (n > 5) goto C;
+ return (999);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/loop.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/loop.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6fab45b14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/loop.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+loop (bits32 n) {
+ A:
+ foreign "C" A();
+ B:
+ foreign "C" B();
+ C:
+ foreign "C" C();
+ if (n > 3) goto A;
+ D:
+ foreign "C" D();
+ if (n > 4) goto H;
+ E:
+ foreign "C" E();
+ if (n > 5) goto B;
+ F:
+ foreign "C" F();
+ if (n > 6) goto A;
+ G:
+ foreign "C" G();
+ H:
+ foreign "C" H();
+ return(0);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/looptail.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/looptail.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ca3038130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/looptail.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ex10 (bits32 n) {
+ A:
+ foreign "C" A();
+ if (n > 1) goto G;
+ B:
+ foreign "C" B();
+ if (n > 2) goto D;
+ C:
+ foreign "C" C();
+ goto E;
+ D:
+ foreign "C" D();
+ E:
+ foreign "C" E();
+ if (n > 5) goto B;
+ F:
+ foreign "C" F();
+ G:
+ foreign "C" G();
+ return(7331);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/multiswitch.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/multiswitch.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b3c76aa50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/multiswitch.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+myswitch (bits32 n) {
+ switch [0 .. 4] n {
+ case 0, 1: { foreign "C" A(); goto next; }
+ case 2: { foreign "C" B(); goto inner; }
+ case 4: { inner: foreign "C" C(); goto next; }
+ default: { foreign "C" D(); goto next; }
+ }
+ next:
+ switch [0 .. 4] n {
+ case 0, 1: { foreign "C" G(); goto finish; }
+ case 2: { foreign "C" H(); goto inner2; }
+ case 4: { foreign "C" J(); goto finish; }
+ case 3: { inner2: foreign "C" I();
+ switch [0 .. 1] n {
+ case 0: { foreign "C" I0(); goto finish; }
+ case 1: { foreign "C" I1(); goto finish; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ finish:
+ return();
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/noloop.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/noloop.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a8e791aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/noloop.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+noloop (bits32 n) {
+ A:
+ foreign "C" A();
+ if (n > 0) goto B;
+ G:
+ foreign "C" G();
+ if (n > 7) goto F;
+ E:
+ foreign "C" E();
+ return (999);
+ B:
+ foreign "C" B();
+ if (n > 2) goto C;
+ F:
+ foreign "C" F();
+ goto D;
+ C:
+ foreign "C" C();
+ D:
+ foreign "C" D();
+ goto E;
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/panic.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/panic.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b07c5e7ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/panic.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+myswitch (bits32 n) {
+ switch [0 .. 4] n {
+ case 0, 1: { foreign "C" A(); return (666); }
+ case 2: { foreign "C" B(); return (555); }
+ case 4: { foreign "C" C(); return (444); }
+ default: { foreign "C" D(); return (333); }
+ }
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/panic2.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/panic2.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79f8ebc32f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/panic2.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ex10 (bits32 n) {
+ C:
+ if (n > 3) { goto D; } else { goto E; }
+ D:
+ E:
+ return(333);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/self.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/self.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e433cdc20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/self.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+self (bits32 n) {
+ A:
+ n = n - 1;
+ if (n > 0) goto A;
+ return (n);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/selfloop.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/selfloop.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b9a3c313a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/selfloop.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+testLoop (bits32 counter)
+ if (counter > 0) {
+ counter = counter - 1;
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ return (counter);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/switch.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/switch.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53e968bf4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/switch.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+myswitch (bits32 n) {
+ switch [0 .. 4] n {
+ case 0, 1: { foreign "C" A(); goto finish; }
+ case 2: { foreign "C" B(); goto inner; }
+ case 4: { inner: foreign "C" C(); goto finish; }
+ default: { foreign "C" D(); goto finish; }
+ }
+ finish:
+ return();
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/webexample.cmm b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/webexample.cmm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..897b89be1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/wasm/should_run/control-flow/src/webexample.cmm
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+section "comment" {
+ mycomment:
+ bits8 [] "see";
+hardswitch(bits32 n) {
+ foreign "C" A();
+ if (n > 1) {
+ header:
+ foreign "C" B();
+ foreign "C" D();
+ if (n > 4) goto header;
+ } else {
+ foreign "C" C();
+ }
+ foreign "C" E();
+ return();
+} \ No newline at end of file