diff options
7 files changed, 216 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
index c699441bb9..649f33f2db 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
@@ -146,8 +146,10 @@ vectTopBind b@(NonRec var expr)
; hs <- takeHoisted
; return . Rec $ (var, cexpr) : (var', expr') : hs
- `orElseV`
- return b
+ `orElseErrV`
+ do { emitVt " Could NOT vectorise top-level binding" $ ppr var
+ ; return b
+ }
unlessNoVectDecl vectorise
= do { hasNoVectDecl <- noVectDecl var
@@ -184,7 +186,7 @@ vectTopBind b@(Rec bs)
; cexprs <- sequence $ zipWith3 tryConvert vars vars' exprs
; return . Rec $ zip vars cexprs ++ zip vars' exprs' ++ hs
- `orElseV`
+ `orElseErrV`
return b
(vars, exprs) = unzip bs
@@ -309,8 +311,8 @@ vectTopRhs recFs var expr
info False vectDecl | isJust vectDecl = " [VECTORISE]"
| otherwise = " (no pragma)"
--- | Project out the vectorised version of a binding from some closure,
--- or return the original body if that doesn't work or the binding is scalar.
+-- |Project out the vectorised version of a binding from some closure,
+-- or return the original body if that doesn't work or the binding is scalar.
tryConvert :: Var -- ^ Name of the original binding (eg @foo@)
-> Var -- ^ Name of vectorised version of binding (eg @$vfoo@)
@@ -322,5 +324,9 @@ tryConvert var vect_var rhs
return rhs
- fromVect (idType var) (Var vect_var) `orElseV` return rhs
+ fromVect (idType var) (Var vect_var)
+ `orElseErrV`
+ do { emitVt " Could NOT call vectorised from original version" $ ppr var
+ ; return rhs
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Convert.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Convert.hs
index 6e0c5a1fb8..4e17fa7032 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Convert.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Convert.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
module Vectorise.Convert
- (fromVect)
+ ( fromVect
+ )
import Vectorise.Monad
import Vectorise.Builtins
import Vectorise.Type.Type
@@ -11,30 +12,32 @@ import TyCon
import Type
import TypeRep
import FastString
+import Outputable
--- | Build an expression that calls the vectorised version of some
--- function from a `Closure`.
+-- |Convert a vectorised expression such that it computes the non-vectorised equivalent of its
+-- value.
--- For example
--- @
--- \(x :: Double) ->
--- \(y :: Double) ->
--- ($v_foo $: x) $: y
--- @
+-- For functions, we eta expand the function and convert the arguments and result:
+-- For example
+-- @
+-- \(x :: Double) ->
+-- \(y :: Double) ->
+-- ($v_foo $: x) $: y
+-- @
--- We use the type of the original binding to work out how many
--- outer lambdas to add.
+-- We use the type of the original binding to work out how many outer lambdas to add.
- :: Type -- ^ The type of the original binding.
- -> CoreExpr -- ^ Expression giving the closure to use, eg @$v_foo@.
- -> VM CoreExpr
+fromVect :: Type -- ^ The type of the original binding.
+ -> CoreExpr -- ^ Expression giving the closure to use, eg @$v_foo@.
+ -> VM CoreExpr
-- Convert the type to the core view if it isn't already.
fromVect ty expr
- | Just ty' <- coreView ty
- = fromVect ty' expr
+ | Just ty' <- coreView ty
+ = fromVect ty' expr
-- For each function constructor in the original type we add an outer
-- lambda to bind the parameter variable, and an inner application of it.
@@ -49,35 +52,48 @@ fromVect (FunTy arg_ty res_ty) expr
$ Var apply `mkTyApps` [varg_ty, vres_ty] `mkApps` [expr, varg]
return $ Lam arg body
--- If the type isn't a function then it's time to call on the closure.
+-- If the type isn't a function, then we can't current convert it unless the type is scalar (i.e.,
+-- is identical to the non-vectorised version).
fromVect ty expr
= identityConv ty >> return expr
--- TODO: What is this really doing?
+-- Convert an expression such that it evaluates to the vectorised equivalent of the value of the
+-- original expression.
+-- WARNING: Currently only works for the scalar types, where the vectorised value coincides with the
+-- original one.
toVect :: Type -> CoreExpr -> VM CoreExpr
toVect ty expr = identityConv ty >> return expr
--- | Check that we have the vectorised versions of all the
--- type constructors in this type.
+-- |Check that the type is neutral under type vectorisation — i.e., all involved type constructor
+-- are not altered by vectorisation as they contain no parallel arrays.
identityConv :: Type -> VM ()
identityConv ty
| Just ty' <- coreView ty
= identityConv ty'
identityConv (TyConApp tycon tys)
- = do mapM_ identityConv tys
- identityConvTyCon tycon
+ = do { mapM_ identityConv tys
+ ; identityConvTyCon tycon
+ }
+identityConv (TyVarTy _) = noV $ text "identityConv: type variable changes under vectorisation"
+identityConv (AppTy _ _) = noV $ text "identityConv: type appl. changes under vectorisation"
+identityConv (FunTy _ _) = noV $ text "identityConv: function type changes under vectorisation"
+identityConv (ForAllTy _ _) = noV $ text "identityConv: quantified type changes under vectorisation"
+identityConv (PredTy _) = noV $ text "identityConv: predicate type changes under vectorisation"
-identityConv _ = noV
--- | Check that we have the vectorised version of this type constructor.
+-- |Check that this type constructor is neutral under type vectorisation — i.e., it is not altered
+-- by vectorisation as they contain no parallel arrays.
identityConvTyCon :: TyCon -> VM ()
identityConvTyCon tc
| isBoxedTupleTyCon tc = return ()
| isUnLiftedTyCon tc = return ()
| otherwise
- = do tc' <- maybeV (lookupTyCon tc)
- if tc == tc' then return () else noV
+ = do tc' <- maybeV notVectErr (lookupTyCon tc)
+ if tc == tc' then return () else noV idErr
+ where
+ notVectErr = text "identityConvTyCon: no vectorised version for type constructor" <+> ppr tc
+ idErr = text "identityConvTyCon: type constructor contains parallel arrays" <+> ppr tc
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
index 2b7accc646..ee3dfdfefa 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
@@ -200,7 +200,8 @@ vectScalarFun forceScalar recFns expr
; let scalarVars = gscalarVars `extendVarSetList` recFns
(arg_tys, res_ty) = splitFunTys (exprType expr)
; MASSERT( not $ null arg_tys )
- ; onlyIfV (forceScalar -- user asserts the functions is scalar
+ ; onlyIfV empty
+ (forceScalar -- user asserts the functions is scalar
all (is_scalar_ty scalarTyCons) arg_tys -- check whether the function is scalar
&& is_scalar_ty scalarTyCons res_ty
@@ -389,7 +390,7 @@ vectAlgCase _tycon _ty_args scrut bndr ty [(DataAlt dc, bndrs, body)]
$ vectExpr body
let (vect_bndrs, lift_bndrs) = unzip vbndrs
(vscrut, lscrut, pdata_tc, _arg_tys) <- mkVScrut (vVar vbndr)
- vect_dc <- maybeV (lookupDataCon dc)
+ vect_dc <- maybeV dataConErr (lookupDataCon dc)
let [pdata_dc] = tyConDataCons pdata_tc
let vcase = mk_wild_case vscrut vty vect_dc vect_bndrs vect_body
@@ -402,10 +403,12 @@ vectAlgCase _tycon _ty_args scrut bndr ty [(DataAlt dc, bndrs, body)]
mk_wild_case expr ty dc bndrs body
= mkWildCase expr (exprType expr) ty [(DataAlt dc, bndrs, body)]
+ dataConErr = (text "vectAlgCase: data constructor not vectorised" <+> ppr dc)
vectAlgCase tycon _ty_args scrut bndr ty alts
= do
- vect_tc <- maybeV (lookupTyCon tycon)
+ vect_tc <- maybeV tyConErr (lookupTyCon tycon)
(vty, lty) <- vectAndLiftType ty
let arity = length (tyConDataCons vect_tc)
@@ -437,6 +440,8 @@ vectAlgCase tycon _ty_args scrut bndr ty alts
return . vLet (vNonRec vbndr vexpr)
$ (vect_case, lift_case)
+ tyConErr = (text "vectAlgCase: type constructor not vectorised" <+> ppr tycon)
vect_scrut_bndr | isDeadBinder bndr = vectBndrNewIn bndr (fsLit "scrut")
| otherwise = vectBndrIn bndr
@@ -450,7 +455,7 @@ vectAlgCase tycon _ty_args scrut bndr ty alts
proc_alt arity sel _ lty (DataAlt dc, bndrs, body)
= do
- vect_dc <- maybeV (lookupDataCon dc)
+ vect_dc <- maybeV dataConErr (lookupDataCon dc)
let ntag = dataConTagZ vect_dc
tag = mkDataConTag vect_dc
fvs = freeVarsOf body `delVarSetList` bndrs
@@ -476,6 +481,9 @@ vectAlgCase tycon _ty_args scrut bndr ty alts
-- (LitAlt (mkMachInt 0), [], empty)])
let (vect_bndrs, lift_bndrs) = unzip vbndrs
return (vect_dc, vect_bndrs, lift_bndrs, vbody)
+ where
+ dataConErr = (text "vectAlgCase: data constructor not vectorised" <+> ppr dc)
proc_alt _ _ _ _ _ = panic "vectAlgCase/proc_alt"
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad.hs
index dd21762df7..9a61c6d013 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad.hs
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import Outputable
import FastString
import Control.Monad
+import System.IO
-- |Run a vectorisation computation.
@@ -101,7 +102,12 @@ initV hsc_env guts info thing_inside
; r <- runVM thing_inside' builtins genv emptyLocalEnv
; case r of
Yes genv _ x -> return $ Just (new_info genv, x)
- No -> return Nothing
+ No reason -> do { unqual <- mkPrintUnqualifiedDs
+ ; liftIO $
+ printForUser stderr unqual $
+ mkDumpDoc "Warning: vectorisation failure:" reason
+ ; return Nothing
+ }
} }
new_info genv = modVectInfo genv (mg_types guts) (mg_vect_decls guts) info
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Base.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Base.hs
index aa73e25264..01fb6a5847 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Base.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Base.hs
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
+-- |The Vectorisation monad.
--- | The Vectorisation monad.
module Vectorise.Monad.Base (
- -- * The Vectorisation Monad
- VResult(..),
- VM(..),
- -- * Lifting
- liftDs,
- -- * Error Handling
- cantVectorise,
- maybeCantVectorise,
- maybeCantVectoriseM,
- -- * Debugging
- traceVt, dumpOptVt, dumpVt,
- -- * Control
- noV, traceNoV,
- ensureV, traceEnsureV,
- onlyIfV,
- tryV,
- maybeV, traceMaybeV,
- orElseV,
- fixV,
+ -- * The Vectorisation Monad
+ VResult(..),
+ VM(..),
+ -- * Lifting
+ liftDs,
+ -- * Error Handling
+ cantVectorise,
+ maybeCantVectorise,
+ maybeCantVectoriseM,
+ -- * Debugging
+ emitVt, traceVt, dumpOptVt, dumpVt,
+ -- * Control
+ noV, traceNoV,
+ ensureV, traceEnsureV,
+ onlyIfV,
+ tryV, tryErrV,
+ maybeV, traceMaybeV,
+ orElseV, orElseErrV,
+ fixV,
) where
import Vectorise.Builtins
@@ -42,21 +42,23 @@ import System.IO (stderr)
-- The Vectorisation Monad ----------------------------------------------------
--- | Vectorisation can either succeed with new envionment and a value,
--- or return with failure.
+-- |Vectorisation can either succeed with new envionment and a value, or return with failure
+-- (including a description of the reason for failure).
data VResult a
- = Yes GlobalEnv LocalEnv a | No
+ = Yes GlobalEnv LocalEnv a
+ | No SDoc
newtype VM a
- = VM { runVM :: Builtins -> GlobalEnv -> LocalEnv -> DsM (VResult a) }
+ = VM { runVM :: Builtins -> GlobalEnv -> LocalEnv -> DsM (VResult a) }
instance Monad VM where
return x = VM $ \_ genv lenv -> return (Yes genv lenv x)
VM p >>= f = VM $ \bi genv lenv -> do
- r <- p bi genv lenv
- case r of
- Yes genv' lenv' x -> runVM (f x) bi genv' lenv'
- No -> return No
+ r <- p bi genv lenv
+ case r of
+ Yes genv' lenv' x -> runVM (f x) bi genv' lenv'
+ No reason -> return $ No reason
instance Functor VM where
fmap = liftM
@@ -66,27 +68,31 @@ instance MonadIO VM where
-- Lifting --------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Lift a desugaring computation into the vectorisation monad.
+-- |Lift a desugaring computation into the vectorisation monad.
liftDs :: DsM a -> VM a
liftDs p = VM $ \_ genv lenv -> do { x <- p; return (Yes genv lenv x) }
-- Error Handling -------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Throw a `pgmError` saying we can't vectorise something.
+-- |Throw a `pgmError` saying we can't vectorise something.
cantVectorise :: String -> SDoc -> a
cantVectorise s d = pgmError
- . showSDocDump
+ . showSDoc
$ vcat [text "*** Vectorisation error ***",
nest 4 $ sep [text s, nest 4 d]]
--- | Like `fromJust`, but `pgmError` on Nothing.
+-- |Like `fromJust`, but `pgmError` on Nothing.
maybeCantVectorise :: String -> SDoc -> Maybe a -> a
maybeCantVectorise s d Nothing = cantVectorise s d
maybeCantVectorise _ _ (Just x) = x
--- | Like `maybeCantVectorise` but in a `Monad`.
+-- |Like `maybeCantVectorise` but in a `Monad`.
maybeCantVectoriseM :: Monad m => String -> SDoc -> m (Maybe a) -> m a
maybeCantVectoriseM s d p
= do
@@ -100,6 +106,14 @@ maybeCantVectoriseM s d p
-- |Output a trace message if -ddump-vt-trace is active.
+emitVt :: String -> SDoc -> VM ()
+emitVt herald doc
+ = liftDs $
+ liftIO . printForUser stderr alwaysQualify $
+ hang (text herald) 2 doc
+-- |Output a trace message if -ddump-vt-trace is active.
traceVt :: String -> SDoc -> VM ()
traceVt herald doc
| 1 <= opt_TraceLevel = liftDs $
@@ -125,69 +139,99 @@ dumpVt header doc
; liftIO $ printForUser stderr unqual (mkDumpDoc header doc)
-- Control --------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Return some result saying we've failed.
-noV :: VM a
-noV = VM $ \_ _ _ -> return No
+-- |Return some result saying we've failed.
+noV :: SDoc -> VM a
+noV reason = VM $ \_ _ _ -> return $ No reason
--- | Like `traceNoV` but also emit some trace message to stderr.
+-- |Like `traceNoV` but also emit some trace message to stderr.
traceNoV :: String -> SDoc -> VM a
-traceNoV s d = pprTrace s d noV
--- | If `True` then carry on, otherwise fail.
-ensureV :: Bool -> VM ()
-ensureV False = noV
-ensureV True = return ()
+traceNoV s d = pprTrace s d $ noV d
+-- |If `True` then carry on, otherwise fail.
+ensureV :: SDoc -> Bool -> VM ()
+ensureV reason False = noV reason
+ensureV _reason True = return ()
--- | Like `ensureV` but if we fail then emit some trace message to stderr.
+-- |Like `ensureV` but if we fail then emit some trace message to stderr.
traceEnsureV :: String -> SDoc -> Bool -> VM ()
traceEnsureV s d False = traceNoV s d
traceEnsureV _ _ True = return ()
+-- |If `True` then return the first argument, otherwise fail.
+onlyIfV :: SDoc -> Bool -> VM a -> VM a
+onlyIfV reason b p = ensureV reason b >> p
--- | If `True` then return the first argument, otherwise fail.
-onlyIfV :: Bool -> VM a -> VM a
-onlyIfV b p = ensureV b >> p
--- | Try some vectorisation computaton.
--- If it succeeds then return `Just` the result,
--- otherwise return `Nothing`.
+-- |Try some vectorisation computaton.
+-- If it succeeds then return `Just` the result; otherwise, return `Nothing` after emitting a
+-- failure message.
+tryErrV :: VM a -> VM (Maybe a)
+tryErrV (VM p) = VM $ \bi genv lenv ->
+ do
+ r <- p bi genv lenv
+ case r of
+ Yes genv' lenv' x -> return (Yes genv' lenv' (Just x))
+ No reason -> do { unqual <- mkPrintUnqualifiedDs
+ ; liftIO $
+ printForUser stderr unqual $
+ text "Warning: vectorisation failure:" <+> reason
+ ; return (Yes genv lenv Nothing)
+ }
+-- |Try some vectorisation computaton.
+-- If it succeeds then return `Just` the result; otherwise, return `Nothing` without emitting a
+-- failure message.
tryV :: VM a -> VM (Maybe a)
tryV (VM p) = VM $ \bi genv lenv ->
r <- p bi genv lenv
case r of
Yes genv' lenv' x -> return (Yes genv' lenv' (Just x))
- No -> return (Yes genv lenv Nothing)
--- | If `Just` then return the value, otherwise fail.
-maybeV :: VM (Maybe a) -> VM a
-maybeV p = maybe noV return =<< p
+ No _reason -> return (Yes genv lenv Nothing)
+-- |If `Just` then return the value, otherwise fail.
+maybeV :: SDoc -> VM (Maybe a) -> VM a
+maybeV reason p = maybe (noV reason) return =<< p
--- | Like `maybeV` but emit a message to stderr if we fail.
+-- |Like `maybeV` but emit a message to stderr if we fail.
traceMaybeV :: String -> SDoc -> VM (Maybe a) -> VM a
traceMaybeV s d p = maybe (traceNoV s d) return =<< p
+-- |Try the first computation,
+-- * if it succeeds then take the returned value,
+-- * if it fails then run the second computation instead while emitting a failure message.
+orElseErrV :: VM a -> VM a -> VM a
+orElseErrV p q = maybe q return =<< tryErrV p
--- | Try the first computation,
--- if it succeeds then take the returned value,
--- if it fails then run the second computation instead.
+-- |Try the first computation,
+-- * if it succeeds then take the returned value,
+-- * if it fails then run the second computation instead without emitting a failure message.
orElseV :: VM a -> VM a -> VM a
orElseV p q = maybe q return =<< tryV p
--- | Fixpoint in the vectorisation monad.
+-- |Fixpoint in the vectorisation monad.
fixV :: (a -> VM a) -> VM a
fixV f = VM (\bi genv lenv -> fixDs $ \r -> runVM (f (unYes r)) bi genv lenv )
-- NOTE: It is essential that we are lazy in r above so do not replace
-- calls to this function by an explicit case.
unYes (Yes _ _ x) = x
- unYes No = panic "Vectorise.Monad.Base.fixV: no result"
+ unYes (No reason) = pprPanic "Vectorise.Monad.Base.fixV: no result" reason
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/InstEnv.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/InstEnv.hs
index 9492f1010f..be149af9d7 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/InstEnv.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/InstEnv.hs
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
+module Vectorise.Monad.InstEnv
+ ( lookupInst
+ , lookupFamInst
+ )
-module Vectorise.Monad.InstEnv (
- lookupInst,
- lookupFamInst
-) where
import Vectorise.Monad.Global
import Vectorise.Monad.Base
import Vectorise.Env
@@ -38,15 +39,15 @@ lookupInst :: Class -> [Type] -> VM (DFunId, [Type])
lookupInst cls tys
= do { instEnv <- getInstEnv
; case lookupInstEnv instEnv cls tys of
- ([(inst, inst_tys)], _, _)
+ ([(inst, inst_tys)], _, _)
| noFlexiVar -> return (instanceDFunId inst, inst_tys')
- | otherwise -> pprPanic "VectMonad.lookupInst: flexi var: "
- (ppr $ mkTyConApp (classTyCon cls) tys)
+ | otherwise -> cantVectorise "VectMonad.lookupInst: flexi var: "
+ (ppr $ mkTyConApp (classTyCon cls) tys)
inst_tys' = [ty | Right ty <- inst_tys]
noFlexiVar = all isRight inst_tys
- _other ->
- pprPanic "VectMonad.lookupInst: not found " (ppr cls <+> ppr tys)
+ _other ->
+ cantVectorise "VectMonad.lookupInst: not found " (ppr cls <+> ppr tys)
isRight (Left _) = False
@@ -73,8 +74,8 @@ lookupFamInst tycon tys
= ASSERT( isFamilyTyCon tycon )
do { instEnv <- getFamInstEnv
; case lookupFamInstEnv instEnv tycon tys of
- [(fam_inst, rep_tys)] -> return (famInstTyCon fam_inst, rep_tys)
- _other ->
- pprPanic "VectMonad.lookupFamInst: not found: "
- (ppr $ mkTyConApp tycon tys)
+ [(fam_inst, rep_tys)] -> return (famInstTyCon fam_inst, rep_tys)
+ _other ->
+ cantVectorise "VectMonad.lookupFamInst: not found: "
+ (ppr $ mkTyConApp tycon tys)
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/PADict.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/PADict.hs
index 33418d45e3..740a647180 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/PADict.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/PADict.hs
@@ -128,8 +128,9 @@ prDictOfPReprInstTyCon ty prepr_tc prepr_args
| otherwise = cantVectorise "Invalid PRepr type instance" (ppr ty)
--- | Get the PR dictionary for a type. The argument must be a representation
+-- |Get the PR dictionary for a type. The argument must be a representation
-- type.
prDictOfReprType :: Type -> VM CoreExpr
prDictOfReprType ty
| Just (tycon, tyargs) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
@@ -143,7 +144,8 @@ prDictOfReprType ty
return $ Var sel `App` Type ty' `App` pa
else do
-- a representation tycon must have a PR instance
- dfun <- maybeV $ lookupTyConPR tycon
+ dfun <- maybeV (text "look up PR dictionary for" <+> ppr tycon) $
+ lookupTyConPR tycon
prDFunApply dfun tyargs
| otherwise