diff options
9 files changed, 288 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs
index b34ad0bcad..8cfd5551ca 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module TcBinds ( tcLocalBinds, tcTopBinds, tcRecSelBinds,
TcPragEnv, mkPragEnv,
tcUserTypeSig, instTcTySig, chooseInferredQuantifiers,
instTcTySigFromId, tcExtendTyVarEnvFromSig,
- badBootDeclErr ) where
+ badBootDeclErr) where
import {-# SOURCE #-} TcMatches ( tcGRHSsPat, tcMatchesFun )
import {-# SOURCE #-} TcExpr ( tcMonoExpr )
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ tcBindGroups top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn (group : groups) thing_inside
tc_group :: forall thing.
TopLevelFlag -> TcSigFun -> TcPragEnv
- -> (RecFlag, LHsBinds Name) -> TopLevelFlag -> TcM thing
+ -> (RecFlag, LHsBinds Name) -> IsGroupClosed -> TcM thing
-> TcM ([(RecFlag, LHsBinds TcId)], thing)
-- Typecheck one strongly-connected component of the original program.
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ recursivePatSynErr binds
tc_single :: forall thing.
TopLevelFlag -> TcSigFun -> TcPragEnv
- -> LHsBind Name -> TopLevelFlag -> TcM thing
+ -> LHsBind Name -> IsGroupClosed -> TcM thing
-> TcM (LHsBinds TcId, thing)
tc_single _top_lvl sig_fn _prag_fn
(L _ (PatSynBind psb@PSB{ psb_id = L _ name }))
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ tcPolyBinds :: TopLevelFlag -> TcSigFun -> TcPragEnv
-> RecFlag -- Whether the group is really recursive
-> RecFlag -- Whether it's recursive after breaking
-- dependencies based on type signatures
- -> TopLevelFlag -- Whether the group is closed
+ -> IsGroupClosed -- Whether the group is closed
-> [LHsBind Name] -- None are PatSynBind
-> TcM (LHsBinds TcId, [TcId])
@@ -1913,12 +1913,12 @@ instance Outputable GeneralisationPlan where
ppr (CheckGen _ s) = text "CheckGen" <+> ppr s
- :: DynFlags -> [LHsBind Name] -> TopLevelFlag -> TcSigFun
+ :: DynFlags -> [LHsBind Name] -> IsGroupClosed -> TcSigFun
-> GeneralisationPlan
decideGeneralisationPlan dflags lbinds closed sig_fn
| unlifted_pat_binds = NoGen
| Just bind_sig <- one_funbind_with_sig = sig_plan bind_sig
- | mono_local_binds = NoGen
+ | mono_local_binds closed = NoGen
| otherwise = InferGen mono_restriction
binds = map unLoc lbinds
@@ -1946,8 +1946,8 @@ decideGeneralisationPlan dflags lbinds closed sig_fn
mono_restriction = xopt LangExt.MonomorphismRestriction dflags
&& any restricted binds
- mono_local_binds = xopt LangExt.MonoLocalBinds dflags
- && not (isTopLevel closed)
+ mono_local_binds ClosedGroup = False
+ mono_local_binds _ = xopt LangExt.MonoLocalBinds dflags
no_sig n = noCompleteSig (sig_fn n)
@@ -1974,17 +1974,23 @@ decideGeneralisationPlan dflags lbinds closed sig_fn
-- No args => like a pattern binding
-- Some args => a function binding
-isClosedBndrGroup :: Bag (LHsBind Name) -> TcM TopLevelFlag
+isClosedBndrGroup :: Bag (LHsBind Name) -> TcM IsGroupClosed
isClosedBndrGroup binds = do
type_env <- getLclTypeEnv
- if foldrBag (is_closed_ns type_env . fvs . unLoc) True binds
- then return TopLevel
- else return NotTopLevel
+ if foldUFM (is_closed_ns type_env) True fv_env
+ then return ClosedGroup
+ else return $ NonClosedGroup fv_env
- fvs :: HsBind Name -> NameSet
- fvs (FunBind { bind_fvs = vs }) = vs
- fvs (PatBind { bind_fvs = vs }) = vs
- fvs _ = emptyNameSet
+ fv_env :: NameEnv NameSet
+ fv_env = mkNameEnv $ concatMap (bindFvs . unLoc) binds
+ bindFvs :: HsBindLR Name idR -> [(Name, NameSet)]
+ bindFvs (FunBind { fun_id = f, bind_fvs = fvs })
+ = [(unLoc f, fvs)]
+ bindFvs (PatBind { pat_lhs = pat, bind_fvs = fvs })
+ = [(b, fvs) | b <- collectPatBinders pat]
+ bindFvs _
+ = []
is_closed_ns :: TcTypeEnv -> NameSet -> Bool -> Bool
is_closed_ns type_env ns b = b && nameSetAll (is_closed_id type_env) ns
@@ -1995,10 +2001,11 @@ isClosedBndrGroup binds = do
is_closed_id type_env name
| Just thing <- lookupNameEnv type_env name
= case thing of
- ATcId { tct_closed = cl } -> isTopLevel cl -- This is the key line
- ATyVar {} -> False -- In-scope type variables
- AGlobal {} -> True -- are not closed!
- _ -> pprPanic "is_closed_id" (ppr name)
+ ATcId { tct_info = ClosedLet } -> True -- This is the key line
+ ATcId {} -> False
+ ATyVar {} -> False -- In-scope type variables
+ AGlobal {} -> True -- are not closed!
+ _ -> pprPanic "is_closed_id" (ppr name)
| otherwise
= True
-- The free-var set for a top level binding mentions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.hs
index 42a03142c1..525e834393 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.hs
@@ -407,40 +407,45 @@ tcExtendTyVarEnv2 binds thing_inside
tyvar' = setTyVarName tyvar name'
name' = tidyNameOcc name occ'
-isTypeClosedLetBndr :: Id -> TopLevelFlag
+isTypeClosedLetBndr :: Id -> Bool
-- See Note [Bindings with closed types] in TcRnTypes
--- Note that we decided if a let-bound variable is closed by
--- looking at its type, which is slightly more liberal, and a whole
--- lot easier to implement, than looking at its free variables
isTypeClosedLetBndr id
- | isEmptyVarSet (tyCoVarsOfType (idType id)) = TopLevel
- | otherwise = NotTopLevel
+ | isEmptyVarSet (tyCoVarsOfType (idType id)) = True
+ | otherwise = False
-tcExtendLetEnv :: TopLevelFlag -> TopLevelFlag -> [TcId] -> TcM a -> TcM a
+tcExtendLetEnv :: TopLevelFlag -> IsGroupClosed -> [TcId] -> TcM a -> TcM a
-- Used for both top-level value bindings and and nested let/where-bindings
-- Adds to the TcIdBinderStack too
tcExtendLetEnv top_lvl closed_group ids thing_inside
= tcExtendIdBndrs [TcIdBndr id top_lvl | id <- ids] $
- tcExtendLetEnvIds' top_lvl closed_group [(idName id, id) | id <- ids]
+ tcExtendLetEnvIds' top_lvl closed_group
+ [(idName id, id) | id <- ids]
-tcExtendLetEnvIds :: TopLevelFlag -> [(Name,TcId)] -> TcM a -> TcM a
+tcExtendLetEnvIds :: TopLevelFlag -> [(Name, TcId)] -> TcM a -> TcM a
-- Used for both top-level value bindings and and nested let/where-bindings
-- Does not extend the TcIdBinderStack
tcExtendLetEnvIds top_lvl
- = tcExtendLetEnvIds' top_lvl TopLevel
+ = tcExtendLetEnvIds' top_lvl ClosedGroup
-tcExtendLetEnvIds' :: TopLevelFlag -> TopLevelFlag -> [(Name,TcId)] -> TcM a
+tcExtendLetEnvIds' :: TopLevelFlag -> IsGroupClosed
+ -> [(Name,TcId)] -> TcM a
-> TcM a
-- Used for both top-level value bindings and and nested let/where-bindings
-- Does not extend the TcIdBinderStack
tcExtendLetEnvIds' top_lvl closed_group pairs thing_inside
= tc_extend_local_env top_lvl
- [ (name, ATcId { tct_id = id
- , tct_closed = case closed_group of
- TopLevel -> isTypeClosedLetBndr id
- _ -> closed_group })
- | (name,id) <- pairs ] $
+ [ (name, ATcId { tct_id = let_id
+ , tct_info = case closed_group of
+ ClosedGroup
+ | isTypeClosedLetBndr let_id -> ClosedLet
+ | otherwise -> NonClosedLet emptyNameSet False
+ NonClosedGroup fvs ->
+ NonClosedLet
+ (maybe emptyNameSet id $ lookupNameEnv fvs name)
+ (isTypeClosedLetBndr let_id)
+ })
+ | (name, let_id) <- pairs ] $
tcExtendIdEnv :: [TcId] -> TcM a -> TcM a
@@ -460,7 +465,7 @@ tcExtendIdEnv2 names_w_ids thing_inside
| (_,mono_id) <- names_w_ids ] $
do { tc_extend_local_env NotTopLevel
[ (name, ATcId { tct_id = id
- , tct_closed = NotTopLevel })
+ , tct_info = NotLetBound })
| (name,id) <- names_w_ids] $
thing_inside }
@@ -512,11 +517,12 @@ tcExtendLocalTypeEnv lcl_env@(TcLclEnv { tcl_env = lcl_type_env }) tc_ty_things
extra_tvs = foldr get_tvs emptyVarSet tc_ty_things
- get_tvs (_, ATcId { tct_id = id, tct_closed = closed }) tvs
+ get_tvs (_, ATcId { tct_id = id, tct_info = closed }) tvs
= case closed of
- TopLevel -> ASSERT2( isEmptyVarSet id_tvs, ppr id $$ ppr (idType id) )
- tvs
- NotTopLevel -> tvs `unionVarSet` id_tvs
+ ClosedLet ->
+ ASSERT2( isEmptyVarSet id_tvs, ppr id $$ ppr (idType id) ) tvs
+ _ ->
+ tvs `unionVarSet` id_tvs
where id_tvs = tyCoVarsOfType (idType id)
get_tvs (_, ATyVar _ tv) tvs -- See Note [Global TyVars]
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs
index 5089cab80a..25a62cb7b3 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ import ConLike
import DataCon
import PatSyn
import Name
+import NameEnv
+import NameSet
import RdrName
import TyCon
import Type
@@ -2499,11 +2501,152 @@ fieldNotInType p rdr
+-- | A data type to describe why a variable is not closed.
+data NotClosedReason = NotLetBoundReason
+ | NotTypeClosed VarSet
+ | NotClosed Name NotClosedReason
+-- | Checks if the given name is closed and emits an error if not.
+-- See Note [Not-closed error messages].
checkClosedInStaticForm :: Name -> TcM ()
checkClosedInStaticForm name = do
- thing <- tcLookup name
- case thing of
- ATcId { tct_closed = NotTopLevel } ->
- addErrTc $ quotes (ppr name) <+>
- text "is used in a static form but it is not closed."
- _ -> return ()
+ type_env <- getLclTypeEnv
+ case checkClosed type_env name of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just reason -> addErrTc $ explain name reason
+ where
+ -- See Note [Checking closedness].
+ checkClosed :: TcTypeEnv -> Name -> Maybe NotClosedReason
+ checkClosed type_env n = checkLoop type_env (unitNameSet n) n
+ checkLoop :: TcTypeEnv -> NameSet -> Name -> Maybe NotClosedReason
+ checkLoop type_env visited n = do
+ -- The @visited@ set is an accumulating parameter that contains the set of
+ -- visited nodes, so we avoid repeating cycles in the traversal.
+ case lookupNameEnv type_env n of
+ Just (ATcId { tct_id = tcid, tct_info = info }) -> case info of
+ ClosedLet -> Nothing
+ NotLetBound -> Just NotLetBoundReason
+ NonClosedLet fvs type_closed -> listToMaybe $
+ -- Look for a non-closed variable in fvs
+ [ NotClosed n' reason
+ | n' <- nameSetElemsStable fvs
+ , not (elemNameSet n' visited)
+ , Just reason <- [checkLoop type_env (extendNameSet visited n') n']
+ ] ++
+ if type_closed then
+ []
+ else
+ -- We consider non-let-bound variables easier to figure out than
+ -- non-closed types, so we report non-closed types to the user
+ -- only if we cannot spot the former.
+ [ NotTypeClosed $ tyCoVarsOfType (idType tcid) ]
+ -- The binding is closed.
+ _ -> Nothing
+ -- Converts a reason into a human-readable sentence.
+ --
+ -- @explain name reason@ starts with
+ --
+ -- "<name> is used in a static form but it is not closed because it"
+ --
+ -- and then follows a list of causes. For each id in the path, the text
+ --
+ -- "uses <id> which"
+ --
+ -- is appended, yielding something like
+ --
+ -- "uses <id> which uses <id1> which uses <id2> which"
+ --
+ -- until the end of the path is reached, which is reported as either
+ --
+ -- "is not let-bound"
+ --
+ -- when the final node is not let-bound, or
+ --
+ -- "has a non-closed type because it contains the type variables:
+ -- v1, v2, v3"
+ --
+ -- when the final node has a non-closed type.
+ --
+ explain :: Name -> NotClosedReason -> SDoc
+ explain name reason =
+ quotes (ppr name) <+> text "is used in a static form but it is not closed"
+ <+> text "because it"
+ $$
+ sep (causes reason)
+ causes :: NotClosedReason -> [SDoc]
+ causes NotLetBoundReason = [text "is not let-bound."]
+ causes (NotTypeClosed vs) =
+ [ text "has a non-closed type because it contains the"
+ , text "type variables:" <+>
+ pprVarSet vs (hsep . punctuate comma . map (quotes . ppr))
+ ]
+ causes (NotClosed n reason) =
+ let msg = text "uses" <+> quotes (ppr n) <+> text "which"
+ in case reason of
+ NotClosed _ _ -> msg : causes reason
+ _ -> let (xs0, xs1) = splitAt 1 $ causes reason
+ in fmap (msg <+>) xs0 ++ xs1
+-- Note [Not-closed error messages]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- When variables in a static form are not closed, we go through the trouble
+-- of explaining why they aren't.
+-- Thus, the following program
+-- > {-# LANGUAGE StaticPointers #-}
+-- > module M where
+-- >
+-- > f x = static g
+-- > where
+-- > g = h
+-- > h = x
+-- produces the error
+-- 'g' is used in a static form but it is not closed because it
+-- uses 'h' which uses 'x' which is not let-bound.
+-- And a program like
+-- > {-# LANGUAGE StaticPointers #-}
+-- > module M where
+-- >
+-- > import Data.Typeable
+-- > import GHC.StaticPtr
+-- >
+-- > f :: Typeable a => a -> StaticPtr TypeRep
+-- > f x = const (static (g undefined)) (h x)
+-- > where
+-- > g = h
+-- > h = typeOf
+-- produces the error
+-- 'g' is used in a static form but it is not closed because it
+-- uses 'h' which has a non-closed type because it contains the
+-- type variables: 'a'
+-- Note [Checking closedness]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- @checkClosed@ checks if a binding is closed and returns a reason if it is
+-- not.
+-- The bindings define a graph where the nodes are ids, and there is an edge
+-- from @id1@ to @id2@ if the rhs of @id1@ contains @id2@ among its free
+-- variables.
+-- When @n@ is not closed, it has to exist in the graph some node reachable
+-- from @n@ that it is not a let-bound variable or that it has a non-closed
+-- type. Thus, the "reason" is a path from @n@ to this offending node.
+-- When @n@ is not closed, we traverse the graph reachable from @n@ to build
+-- the reason.
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs
index c6865f5492..154b127371 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs
@@ -1639,8 +1639,9 @@ runTcInteractive hsc_env thing_inside
-- See Note [Initialising the type environment for GHCi]
is_closed thing
| AnId id <- thing
- , NotTopLevel <- isTypeClosedLetBndr id
- = Left (idName id, ATcId { tct_id = id, tct_closed = NotTopLevel })
+ , not (isTypeClosedLetBndr id)
+ = Left (idName id, ATcId { tct_id = id
+ , tct_info = NotLetBound })
| otherwise
= Right thing
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.hs
index ef6feafc94..3978302958 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.hs
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ module TcRnTypes(
-- Typechecker types
TcTypeEnv, TcIdBinderStack, TcIdBinder(..),
TcTyThing(..), PromotionErr(..),
+ IdBindingInfo(..),
+ IsGroupClosed(..),
pprTcTyThingCategory, pprPECategory,
@@ -885,7 +887,7 @@ data TcTyThing
| ATcId { -- Ids defined in this module; may not be fully zonked
tct_id :: TcId,
- tct_closed :: TopLevelFlag } -- See Note [Bindings with closed types]
+ tct_info :: IdBindingInfo } -- See Note [Bindings with closed types]
| ATyVar Name TcTyVar -- The type variable to which the lexically scoped type
-- variable is bound. We only need the Name
@@ -922,11 +924,51 @@ instance Outputable TcTyThing where -- Debugging only
ppr elt@(ATcId {}) = text "Identifier" <>
brackets (ppr (tct_id elt) <> dcolon
<> ppr (varType (tct_id elt)) <> comma
- <+> ppr (tct_closed elt))
+ <+> ppr (tct_info elt))
ppr (ATyVar n tv) = text "Type variable" <+> quotes (ppr n) <+> equals <+> ppr tv
ppr (ATcTyCon tc) = text "ATcTyCon" <+> ppr tc
ppr (APromotionErr err) = text "APromotionErr" <+> ppr err
+-- | Describes how an Id is bound.
+-- It is used for the following purposes:
+-- a) for static forms in TcExpr.checkClosedInStaticForm and
+-- b) to figure out when a nested binding can be generalised (in
+-- TcBinds.decideGeneralisationPlan).
+-- See Note [Meaning of IdBindingInfo].
+data IdBindingInfo
+ = NotLetBound
+ | ClosedLet
+ | NonClosedLet NameSet Bool
+-- Note [Meaning of IdBindingInfo]
+-- @NotLetBound@ means that the Id is not let-bound (e.g. it is bound in a
+-- lambda-abstraction or in a case pattern).
+-- @ClosedLet@ means that the Id is let-bound, it is closed and its type is
+-- closed as well.
+-- @NonClosedLet fvs type-closed@ means that the Id is let-bound but it is not
+-- closed. The @fvs@ set contains the free variables of the rhs. The type-closed
+-- flag indicates if the type of Id is closed.
+instance Outputable IdBindingInfo where
+ ppr NotLetBound = text "NotLetBound"
+ ppr ClosedLet = text "TopLevelLet"
+ ppr (NonClosedLet fvs closed_type) =
+ text "TopLevelLet" <+> ppr fvs <+> ppr closed_type
+-- | Tells if a group of binders is closed.
+-- When it is not closed, it provides a map of binder ids to the free vars
+-- in their right-hand sides.
+data IsGroupClosed = ClosedGroup
+ | NonClosedGroup (NameEnv NameSet)
instance Outputable PromotionErr where
ppr ClassPE = text "ClassPE"
ppr TyConPE = text "TyConPE"
@@ -969,7 +1011,7 @@ have no free type variables, and it is the type variables in the
environment that makes things tricky for OutsideIn generalisation.
- A variable is "closed", and has tct_closed set to TopLevel,
+ A variable is "closed", and has tct_info set to TopLevel,
a) all its free variables are imported, or are let-bound and closed
b) generalisation is not restricted by the monomorphism restriction
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/RnStaticPointersFail01.stderr b/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/RnStaticPointersFail01.stderr
index 0590eaa567..52adc5b55b 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/RnStaticPointersFail01.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/RnStaticPointersFail01.stderr
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- ‘x’ is used in a static form but it is not closed.
+ ‘x’ is used in a static form but it is not closed because it
+ is not let-bound.
In the expression: static x
In an equation for ‘f’: f x = static x
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/RnStaticPointersFail03.hs b/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/RnStaticPointersFail03.hs
index 141aa89e2a..882af36292 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/RnStaticPointersFail03.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/RnStaticPointersFail03.hs
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
module RnStaticPointersFail03 where
+import Data.Typeable
+import GHC.StaticPtr
f x = static (x . id)
f0 x = static (k . id)
@@ -11,3 +14,9 @@ f0 x = static (k . id)
f1 x = static (k . id)
k = id
+f2 :: Typeable a => a -> StaticPtr TypeRep
+f2 x = const (static (g undefined)) (h x)
+ where
+ g = h
+ h = typeOf
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/RnStaticPointersFail03.stderr b/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/RnStaticPointersFail03.stderr
index 8102662257..3ba18c6869 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/RnStaticPointersFail03.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/RnStaticPointersFail03.stderr
@@ -1,14 +1,29 @@
- ‘x’ is used in a static form but it is not closed.
+ ‘x’ is used in a static form but it is not closed because it
+ is not let-bound.
In the expression: static (x . id)
In an equation for ‘f’: f x = static (x . id)
- ‘k’ is used in a static form but it is not closed.
- In the expression: static (k . id)
- In an equation for ‘f0’:
- f0 x
- = static (k . id)
- where
- k = const (const () x)
+ ‘k’ is used in a static form but it is not closed because it
+ uses ‘x’ which is not let-bound.
+ In the expression: static (k . id)
+ In an equation for ‘f0’:
+ f0 x
+ = static (k . id)
+ where
+ k = const (const () x)
+ ‘g’ is used in a static form but it is not closed because it
+ uses ‘h’ which has a non-closed type because it contains the
+ type variables: ‘a’
+ In the first argument of ‘const’, namely ‘(static (g undefined))’
+ In the expression: const (static (g undefined)) (h x)
+ In an equation for ‘f2’:
+ f2 x
+ = const (static (g undefined)) (h x)
+ where
+ g = h
+ h = typeOf
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/all.T b/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/all.T
index 38106209c3..78b80e8220 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/rename/should_fail/all.T
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ test('T8448', normal, compile_fail, [''])
test('T8149', normal, compile, [''])
test('RnStaticPointersFail01', [], compile_fail, [''])
test('RnStaticPointersFail02', [], compile_fail, [''])
-test('RnStaticPointersFail03', [], compile_fail, [''])
+test('RnStaticPointersFail03', [], compile_fail, ['-dsuppress-uniques'])
extra_clean(['T9006a.hi', 'T9006a.o']),
multimod_compile_fail, ['T9006', '-v0'])