diff options
10 files changed, 159 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs b/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs
index 1538b95d52..c4187893e0 100644
--- a/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs
+++ b/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs
@@ -163,19 +163,14 @@ initSysTools mbMinusB dflags0
; let installed, installed_bin :: FilePath -> FilePath
installed_bin pgm = top_dir </> pgm
installed file = top_dir </> file
- inplaceUpDirs
- | isWindowsHost = 2
- | otherwise = 4
- inplace dir pgm = let real_top_dir = foldr (</>) ""
- $ reverse
- $ drop inplaceUpDirs
- $ reverse
- $ splitDirectories top_dir
- in real_top_dir </> dir </> pgm
+ real_top_dir
+ | isWindowsHost = top_dir </> ".." </> ".."
+ | otherwise = top_dir </> ".."
+ inplace dir pgm = real_top_dir </> dir </> pgm
; let pkgconfig_path
| am_installed = installed "package.conf"
- | otherwise = inplace cGHC_DRIVER_DIR_REL "package.conf.inplace"
+ | otherwise = inplace "inplace-datadir" "package.conf"
| am_installed = installed "ghc-usage.txt"
@@ -331,10 +326,10 @@ findTopDir :: Maybe String -- Maybe TopDir path (without the '-B' prefix).
findTopDir mbMinusB
= do { top_dir <- get_proto
-- Discover whether we're running in a build tree or in an installation,
- -- by looking for the package configuration file.
- ; am_installed <- doesFileExist (top_dir </> "package.conf")
+ -- by looking for a file we use for that purpose
+ ; am_inplace <- doesFileExist (top_dir </> "inplace")
- ; return (am_installed, top_dir)
+ ; return (not am_inplace, top_dir)
-- get_proto returns a Unix-format path (relying on getBaseDir to do so too)
diff --git a/driver/Makefile b/driver/Makefile
index a8352090c1..cf842e47c1 100644
--- a/driver/Makefile
+++ b/driver/Makefile
@@ -9,13 +9,15 @@ include $(TOP)/mk/
SUBDIRS = mangler split ghc ghci
-boot all :: package.conf.inplace package.conf
-package.conf.inplace :
- echo "[]" > $@
-package.conf :
- echo "[]" > $@
+INPLACE_DATA_DIR = $(FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS)/inplace-datadir
+# Used to signal that we are inplace, as opposed to installed:
+boot all ::
+ test -e $(INPLACE_PKG_CONF) || echo "[]" > $(INPLACE_PKG_CONF)
+ touch $(INPLACE_FILE)
override datadir = $(libdir)
INSTALL_DATAS += package.conf ghc-usage.txt ghci-usage.txt
diff --git a/ghc/Makefile b/ghc/Makefile
index 312ab05bbe..f824e3acef 100644
--- a/ghc/Makefile
+++ b/ghc/Makefile
@@ -32,16 +32,8 @@ clean distclean::
$(RM) -rf stage1-inplace
$(RM) -rf stage2-inplace
-# XXX Eugh, can we do this better? The problem is making extra-gcc-opts
-# infdable on both Linux and Windows. I guess this will go away when we
-# drop the mangler?
-ifeq "$(HOSTPLATFORM)" "i386-unknown-mingw32"
-SET_DATA_SUBDIR = --datasubdir=.
-INPLACE_DATA_DIR = '$$prefix'
-INPLACE_DATA_DIR = '$$prefix/data'
+# XXX This should be defined somewhere more central
+INPLACE_DATA_DIR = $(FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS)/inplace-datadir
CONFIGURE_FLAGS_STAGE1 += --flags=-ghci
$(CABAL) configure --distpref dist-stage$* \
@@ -88,7 +79,7 @@ build.stage.%:
'$$prefix/lib' \
'$$prefix/libexec' \
'$$prefix/dynlib' \
'$$prefix/doc' \
'$$prefix/html' \
'$$prefix/haddock' \
diff --git a/mk/ b/mk/
index c9663aa5ce..4483dc63d1 100644
--- a/mk/
+++ b/mk/
@@ -56,12 +56,15 @@ INSTALL_DIRS_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = \
--libdir=$(NONEXISTENT) \
--libexecdir=$(NONEXISTENT) \
--datadir=$(NONEXISTENT) \
+ --datasubdir=. \
--docdir=$(NONEXISTENT) \
--haddockdir=$(NONEXISTENT) \
- --prefix=`$(TOP)/utils/pwd/pwd forwardslash`/install-inplace
+ --prefix=`$(FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS)/utils/pwd/pwd forwardslash`/install-inplace \
+ --datadir=$(FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS)/inplace-datadir \
+ --datasubdir=.
--with-compiler=$(GHC) \
@@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ USE_BOOT_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = \
--package-db $(FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS)/libraries/bootstrapping.conf
- --with-hc-pkg=$(FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS)/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg-inplace \
+ --with-hc-pkg=$(GHC_PKG_INPLACE) \
$(addprefix --cc-option=,$(MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_CC_OPTS)) \
$(addprefix --ld-option=,$(MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_LD_OPTS))
diff --git a/mk/ b/mk/
index f3a23243ff..3391f1788c 100644
--- a/mk/
+++ b/mk/
@@ -625,10 +625,7 @@ ifacedir = $(libdir)
# (NOTE: configure script setting is ignored).
libexecdir = $(libdir)
-# This is a bit of a lie, as this is a wrapper rather than the program
-# itself. However, it means that we don't have to worry about Windows
-# and non-Windows having different extensions.
+GHC_PKG_PROG = $(FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS)/$(GHC_PKG_DIR_REL)/install-inplace/bin/ghc-pkg
# install configuration
@@ -809,7 +806,6 @@ GHC_TOUCHY_PGM = touchy$(exeext)
GHC_SPLIT_PGM = ghc-split
-GHC_PKG_INPLACE_PGM = ghc-pkg-inplace
GHC_GENPRIMOP_PGM = genprimopcode
@@ -834,7 +830,7 @@ HSC2HS_INPLACE = $(GHC_HSC2HS_DIR)/install-inplace/bin/$(GHC_HSC2HS_INPLACE_PGM
diff --git a/utils/Makefile b/utils/Makefile
index 972716feb8..4ecbd72b0c 100644
--- a/utils/Makefile
+++ b/utils/Makefile
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ include $(TOP)/mk/
ifeq "$(DOING_BIN_DIST)" "YES"
# We're doing a binary-dist, descend into a subset of the dirs.
-SUBDIRS = mkdirhier ghc-pkg hasktags hp2ps parallel unlit runghc hpc pwd
+SUBDIRS = mkdirhier hasktags hp2ps parallel unlit runghc hpc pwd
ifeq "$(BootingFromHc)" "YES"
-SUBDIRS = mkdependC mkdirhier runstdtest genapply genprimopcode ghc-pkg unlit
+SUBDIRS = mkdependC mkdirhier runstdtest genapply genprimopcode unlit
-SUBDIRS = mkdependC mkdirhier runstdtest ghc-pkg hasktags hp2ps \
+SUBDIRS = mkdependC mkdirhier runstdtest hasktags hp2ps \
installPackage parallel unlit genprimopcode genapply runghc hpc pwd
ifneq "$(TARGETPLATFORM)" "i386-unknown-mingw32"
@@ -53,14 +53,29 @@ boot ::
$(MAKE) -C genprimopcode
- $(MAKE) -C hsc2hs with-bootstrapping-compiler
+WITH_STAGE1 = ghc-pkg
ifneq "$(NO_INSTALL_HSC2HS)" "YES"
- $(MAKE) -C hsc2hs with-stage-1
-install ::
- $(MAKE) -C hsc2hs install
+WITH_STAGE1 += hsc2hs
+with-bootstrapping-compiler: \
+ $(foreach P,$(WITH_BOOTSTRAPPING_COMPILER),with-bootstrapping-compiler.$P)
+with-stage-1: $(foreach P,$(WITH_STAGE1),with-stage-1.$P)
+install:: $(foreach P,$(WITH_STAGE1),install.$P)
+$(foreach P,$(WITH_BOOTSTRAPPING_COMPILER),with-bootstrapping-compiler.$P): \
+ $(MAKE) -C $* with-bootstrapping-compiler
+$(foreach P,$(WITH_STAGE1),with-stage-1.$P): \
+ $(MAKE) -C $* with-stage-1
+$(foreach P,$(WITH_STAGE1),install.$P): \
+ $(MAKE) -C $* install
diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
index f2087b979b..7f727d7966 100644
--- a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
@@ -364,14 +364,14 @@ allPackagesInStack :: PackageDBStack -> [InstalledPackageInfo]
allPackagesInStack = concatMap snd
getPkgDatabases :: Bool -> [Flag] -> IO PackageDBStack
-getPkgDatabases modify flags = do
+getPkgDatabases modify my_flags = do
-- first we determine the location of the global package config. On Windows,
-- this is found relative to the ghc-pkg.exe binary, whereas on Unix the
-- location is passed to the binary using the --global-config flag by the
-- wrapper script.
let err_msg = "missing --global-conf option, location of global package.conf unknown\n"
global_conf <-
- case [ f | FlagGlobalConfig f <- flags ] of
+ case [ f | FlagGlobalConfig f <- my_flags ] of
[] -> do mb_dir <- getExecDir "/bin/ghc-pkg.exe"
case mb_dir of
Nothing -> die err_msg
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ getPkgDatabases modify flags = do
-- This is the database we modify by default.
virt_global_conf = last env_stack
- let db_flags = [ f | Just f <- map is_db_flag flags ]
+ let db_flags = [ f | Just f <- map is_db_flag my_flags ]
where is_db_flag FlagUser = Just user_conf
is_db_flag FlagGlobal = Just virt_global_conf
is_db_flag (FlagConfig f) = Just f
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ getPkgDatabases modify flags = do
-- stack, unless any of them are present in the stack
-- already.
flag_stack = filter (`notElem` env_stack)
- [ f | FlagConfig f <- reverse flags ]
+ [ f | FlagConfig f <- reverse my_flags ]
++ env_stack
modifying f
@@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ registerPackage :: FilePath
-> Bool -- update
-> Force
-> IO ()
-registerPackage input flags auto_ghci_libs update force = do
- db_stack <- getPkgDatabases True flags
+registerPackage input my_flags auto_ghci_libs update force = do
+ db_stack <- getPkgDatabases True my_flags
db_to_operate_on = my_head "db" db_stack
db_filename = fst db_to_operate_on
@@ -522,15 +522,15 @@ hidePackage :: PackageIdentifier -> [Flag] -> IO ()
hidePackage = modifyPackage (\p -> [p{exposed=False}])
unregisterPackage :: PackageIdentifier -> [Flag] -> IO ()
-unregisterPackage = modifyPackage (\p -> [])
+unregisterPackage = modifyPackage (\_ -> [])
:: (InstalledPackageInfo -> [InstalledPackageInfo])
-> PackageIdentifier
-> [Flag]
-> IO ()
-modifyPackage fn pkgid flags = do
- db_stack <- getPkgDatabases True{-modify-} flags
+modifyPackage fn pkgid my_flags = do
+ db_stack <- getPkgDatabases True{-modify-} my_flags
let ((db_name, pkgs) : _) = db_stack
ps <- findPackages [(db_name,pkgs)] (Id pkgid)
let pids = map package ps
@@ -545,9 +545,9 @@ modifyPackage fn pkgid flags = do
-- Listing packages
listPackages :: [Flag] -> Maybe PackageArg -> Maybe (String->Bool) -> IO ()
-listPackages flags mPackageName mModuleName = do
- let simple_output = FlagSimpleOutput `elem` flags
- db_stack <- getPkgDatabases False flags
+listPackages my_flags mPackageName mModuleName = do
+ let simple_output = FlagSimpleOutput `elem` my_flags
+ db_stack <- getPkgDatabases False my_flags
let db_stack_filtered -- if a package is given, filter out all other packages
| Just this <- mPackageName =
map (\(conf,pkgs) -> (conf, filter (this `matchesPkg`) pkgs))
@@ -586,8 +586,8 @@ listPackages flags mPackageName mModuleName = do
where doc = text (display (package p))
show_simple db_stack = do
- let showPkg = if FlagNamesOnly `elem` flags then display . pkgName
- else display
+ let showPkg = if FlagNamesOnly `elem` my_flags then display . pkgName
+ else display
pkgs = map showPkg $ sortBy compPkgIdVer $
map package (allPackagesInStack db_stack)
when (not (null pkgs)) $
@@ -597,8 +597,8 @@ listPackages flags mPackageName mModuleName = do
-- Prints the highest (hidden or exposed) version of a package
latestPackage :: [Flag] -> PackageIdentifier -> IO ()
-latestPackage flags pkgid = do
- db_stack <- getPkgDatabases False flags
+latestPackage my_flags pkgid = do
+ db_stack <- getPkgDatabases False my_flags
ps <- findPackages db_stack (Id pkgid)
show_pkg (sortBy compPkgIdVer (map package ps))
@@ -609,14 +609,14 @@ latestPackage flags pkgid = do
-- Describe
describePackage :: [Flag] -> PackageArg -> IO ()
-describePackage flags pkgarg = do
- db_stack <- getPkgDatabases False flags
+describePackage my_flags pkgarg = do
+ db_stack <- getPkgDatabases False my_flags
ps <- findPackages db_stack pkgarg
doDump ps
dumpPackages :: [Flag] -> IO ()
-dumpPackages flags = do
- db_stack <- getPkgDatabases False flags
+dumpPackages my_flags = do
+ db_stack <- getPkgDatabases False my_flags
doDump (allPackagesInStack db_stack)
doDump :: [InstalledPackageInfo] -> IO ()
@@ -649,8 +649,8 @@ compPkgIdVer p1 p2 = pkgVersion p1 `compare` pkgVersion p2
-- Field
describeField :: [Flag] -> PackageArg -> [String] -> IO ()
-describeField flags pkgarg fields = do
- db_stack <- getPkgDatabases False flags
+describeField my_flags pkgarg fields = do
+ db_stack <- getPkgDatabases False my_flags
fns <- toFields fields
ps <- findPackages db_stack pkgarg
let top_dir = takeDirectory (fst (last db_stack))
@@ -715,8 +715,8 @@ strList = show
-- Check: Check consistency of installed packages
checkConsistency :: [Flag] -> IO ()
-checkConsistency flags = do
- db_stack <- getPkgDatabases True flags
+checkConsistency my_flags = do
+ db_stack <- getPkgDatabases True my_flags
-- check behaves like modify for the purposes of deciding which
-- databases to use, because ordering is important.
let pkgs = map (\p -> (package p, p)) $ allPackagesInStack db_stack
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ checkConsistency flags = do
return (pid, broken_deps)
mapM_ (putStrLn . render . show_func) broken_pkgs
- show_func | FlagSimpleOutput `elem` flags = show_simple
+ show_func | FlagSimpleOutput `elem` my_flags = show_simple
| otherwise = show_normal
show_simple (pid,deps) =
text (display pid) <> colon
@@ -747,7 +747,7 @@ missingPackageDeps pkg pkg_map =
isBrokenPackage :: InstalledPackageInfo -> [(PackageIdentifier, InstalledPackageInfo)] -> Bool
isBrokenPackage pkg pkg_map
= not . null $ missingPackageDeps pkg (filter notme pkg_map)
- where notme (p,ipi) = package pkg /= p
+ where notme (p, _ipi) = package pkg /= p
-- remove p from the database when we invoke missingPackageDeps,
-- because we want mutually recursive groups of package to show up
-- as broken. (#1750)
@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ okInModuleName c
-- expanding environment variables in the package configuration
expandEnvVars :: String -> Force -> IO String
-expandEnvVars str force = go str ""
+expandEnvVars str0 force = go str0 ""
go "" acc = return $! reverse acc
go ('$':'{':str) acc | (var, '}':rest) <- break close str
@@ -1039,8 +1039,8 @@ dieForcible :: String -> IO ()
dieForcible s = die (s ++ " (use --force to override)")
my_head :: String -> [a] -> a
-my_head s [] = error s
-my_head s (x:xs) = x
+my_head s [] = error s
+my_head _ (x : _) = x
-- Cut and pasted from ghc/compiler/main/SysTools
diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/Makefile b/utils/ghc-pkg/Makefile
index 5afb448a22..6fba1c814b 100644
--- a/utils/ghc-pkg/Makefile
+++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/Makefile
@@ -1,131 +1,60 @@
include $(TOP)/mk/
+include $(TOP)/mk/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ghc-pkg.bin
-# Beyond stage 1, honour any Mac OS X depolyment target options. If we use
-# these options in stage 1 we get a linker error if the bootstrap compiler is
-# for a more recent OS version
-ifeq "$(stage)" "2"
-SRC_HC_OPTS += $(addprefix -optc, $(MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_CC_OPTS))
-SRC_LD_OPTS += $(addprefix -optl, $(MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_LD_OPTS))
-SRC_HC_OPTS += -cpp -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-unused-matches
-ifeq "$(Windows)" "NO"
-SRC_HC_OPTS += -package unix
-ifeq "$(ghc_ge_607)" "YES"
-SRC_HC_OPTS += -package containers
+SRC_HC_OPTS += -Wall
-SRC_HC_OPTS += -package Cabal
+# XXX From old Makefile:
+# SRC_HC_OPTS += -cpp -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-unused-matches
-# On Windows, ghc-pkg is a standalone program
-# ($bindir/ghc-pkg.exe), whereas on Unix it needs a wrapper script
-# to pass the appropriate flag to the real binary
-# ($libexecdir/ghc-pkg.bin) so that it can find package.conf.
-# on Windows, we need to take control of filename globbing ourselves
ifeq "$(HOSTPLATFORM)" "i386-unknown-mingw32"
-HS_PROG = ghc-pkg.exe
-EXCLUDE_SRCS += CRT_noglob.c
-NOGLOB_O = CRT_noglob.o
-# We have two version: the inplace version compiled by the bootstrap compiler
-# and the install version compiled by the stage 1 compiler.
-# When creating or using bindists we always want the final binary, as built
-# by the stage 1 compiler.
-ifeq "$(DOING_BIN_DIST)" "YES"
-HS_PROG = ghc-pkg.bin
-ifeq "$(stage)" "2"
-HS_PROG = ghc-pkg.bin
-HS_PROG = ghc-pkg-inplace.bin
+INSTALL_FLAGS = --enable-shell-wrappers
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Create the Version.hs file
-VERSION_HS = Version.hs
-boot :: $(VERSION_HS)
-Version.hs : Makefile $(TOP)/mk/
- @$(RM) -f $(VERSION_HS)
- @echo "Creating $(VERSION_HS) ... "
- @echo "module Version where" >>$(VERSION_HS)
- @echo "version, targetOS, targetARCH :: String" >>$(VERSION_HS)
- @echo "version = \"$(ProjectVersion)\"" >> $(VERSION_HS)
- @echo "targetOS = \"$(TargetOS_CPP)\"" >> $(VERSION_HS)
- @echo "targetARCH = \"$(TargetArch_CPP)\"" >> $(VERSION_HS)
+default all: with-bootstrapping-compiler
+with-bootstrapping-compiler: Version.hs
+ $(CABAL) configure --distpref dist-inplace \
+ $(CABAL) build --distpref dist-inplace $(BUILD_FLAGS)
+ $(CABAL) install --distpref dist-inplace $(INSTALL_FLAGS)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# ghc-pkg and ghc-pkg-inplace scripts
+with-stage-1: Version.hs
+ $(CABAL) configure --distpref dist-install \
+ $(CABAL) build --distpref dist-install $(BUILD_FLAGS)
-# ghc-pkg-inplace used to be either a /bin/sh script, or a .bat script
-# on Windows. It is now a real binary, compiled from a tiny .hs
-# file. The problem with using scripts here was that the .bat script
-# cannot be executed by /bin/sh on MSYS (it can on Cygwin), but the
-# /bin/sh script cannot be executed by Cabal. So we would have needed
-# both. A single binary is therefore simpler.
+ $(INSTALL_PACKAGE) install UNUSED UNUSED '$(DESTDIR)' '$(prefix)' \
+ '$(prefix)' '$(bindir)' '$(libdir)' \
+ '$(libexecdir)' '$(dynlibdir)' '$(datadir)' \
+ '$(docdir)' '$(htmldir)' '$(haddockdir)'
+ --distpref dist-install \
+clean: distclean
-$(INPLACE_HS): Makefile $(FPTOOLS_TOP)/mk/ $(NOGLOB_O)
- echo "import System.Cmd; import System.Environment; import System.Exit" > $@
- echo "main = do args <- getArgs; rawSystem \"$(FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS)/$(GHC_PKG_DIR_REL)/$(HS_PROG)\" (\"--global-conf\":\"$(FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS)/driver/package.conf.inplace\":args) >>= exitWith" >> $@
+ -$(CABAL) clean --distpref dist-inplace
+ -$(CABAL) clean --distpref dist-install
+ $(RM) -f Version.hs
- $(HC) --make $< -o $@ $(LD_OPTS) $(NOGLOB_O)
+# XXX fix binary-dist
-all :: $(INPLACE_PROG)
-ifneq "$(HOSTPLATFORM)" "i386-unknown-mingw32"
-LINK = ghc-pkg
-LINK_TARGET = $(LINK)-$(ProjectVersion)
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
- echo "#!$(SHELL)" >> $(INSTALLED_SCRIPT)
- echo "GHCPKGBIN=$(libexecdir)/$(HS_PROG)" >> $(INSTALLED_SCRIPT)
- echo "PKGCONF=$(libdir)/package.conf" >> $(INSTALLED_SCRIPT)
- echo 'exec $$GHCPKGBIN --global-conf $$PKGCONF $${1+"$$@"}' >> $(INSTALLED_SCRIPT)
-# ghc-pkg is needed to boot in rts/ and library dirs
-# Do a recursive 'make all' after generating dependencies, because this
-# will work with 'make -j'.
-ifneq "$(BootingFromHc)" "YES"
-boot :: depend
- $(MAKE) all
+##### Here down is unique to ghc-pkg
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(BIN_DIST_DIR)/utils/ghc-pkg
- $(INSTALL_DATA) Makefile $(BIN_DIST_DIR)/utils/ghc-pkg/
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(HS_PROG) $(BIN_DIST_DIR)/utils/ghc-pkg/
+Version.hs: Makefile $(TOP)/mk/
+ $(RM) -f Version.hs
+ echo "module Version where" >> Version.hs
+ echo "version, targetOS, targetARCH :: String" >> Version.hs
+ echo "version = \"$(ProjectVersion)\"" >> Version.hs
+ echo "targetOS = \"$(TargetOS_CPP)\"" >> Version.hs
+ echo "targetARCH = \"$(TargetArch_CPP)\"" >> Version.hs
-include $(TOP)/mk/
diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg.cabal b/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90722a62f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Name: ghc-pkg
+-- XXX Version number
+Version: 6.9
+Copyright: XXX
+License: BSD3
+-- XXX License-File: LICENSE
+Author: XXX
+Synopsis: XXX
+Category: Development
+build-type: Simple
+cabal-version: >=1.2
+Flag base3
+ Description: Choose the new smaller, split-up base package.
+Executable ghc-pkg
+ Main-Is: Main.hs
+ Extensions: CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface
+ if flag(base3)
+ Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 4,
+ directory >= 1 && < 1.1,
+ process >= 1 && < 1.1,
+ pretty >= 1 && < 1.1
+ else
+ Build-Depends: base < 3
+ Build-Depends: haskell98, filepath, Cabal
+ if !os(windows)
+ Build-Depends: unix
diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg.wrapper b/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg.wrapper
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c2b5d2b75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/ghc-pkg.wrapper
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+exec $executablename --global-conf $PKGCONF ${1+"$@"}