diff options
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 299 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/parser/Parser.y b/compiler/parser/Parser.y
index f32ce4a5e0..f34d9b61d4 100644
--- a/compiler/parser/Parser.y
+++ b/compiler/parser/Parser.y
@@ -93,293 +93,106 @@ import Util ( looksLikePackageName, fstOf3, sndOf3, thdOf3 )
import GhcPrelude
-%expect 236 -- shift/reduce conflicts
+%expect 0 -- shift/reduce conflicts
+%nonassoc shift
+%nonassoc 'forall'
+ '->'
+ '_'
+ 'as'
+ 'hiding'
+ 'qualified'
+ 'export'
+ 'label'
+ 'dynamic'
+ 'safe'
+ 'interruptible'
+ 'unsafe'
+ 'stdcall'
+ 'ccall'
+ 'capi'
+ 'prim'
+ 'javascript'
+ 'group'
+ 'stock'
+ 'anyclass'
+ 'via'
+ 'unit'
+ 'signature'
+ 'dependency'
+ ':'
+ '~'
+ '-'
+ '!'
+ '*'
+ '.'
+ '['
+ '('
+ '(#'
+ '`'
+ '$('
+ 'by'
+ 'case'
+ 'do'
+ 'if'
+ 'let'
+ 'mdo'
+ 'family'
+ 'role'
+ 'proc'
+ '\\'
+ '(|'
+ '[|'
+ '[p|'
+ '[t|'
+ '[d|'
+ '[||'
+ '$$('
+ '::'
+ '-<'
+ '>-'
+ '-<<'
+ '>>-'
+ ')'
+ '#)'
+ '='
{- Last updated: 04 June 2018
-If you modify this parser and add a conflict, please update this comment.
You can learn more about the conflicts by passing 'happy' the -i flag:
happy -agc --strict compiler/parser/Parser.y -idetailed-info
-How is this section formatted? Look up the state the conflict is
-reported at, and copy the list of applicable rules (at the top, without the
-rule numbers). Mark *** for the rule that is the conflicting reduction (that
-is, the interpretation which is NOT taken). NB: Happy doesn't print a rule
-in a state if it is empty, but you should include it in the list (you can
-look these up in the Grammar section of the info file).
-Obviously the state numbers are not stable across modifications to the parser,
-the idea is to reproduce enough information on each conflict so you can figure
-out what happened if the states were renumbered. Try not to gratuitously move
-productions around in this file.
-state 0 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts.
- Conflicts: DOCNEXT (empty missing_module_keyword reduces)
-Ambiguity when the source file starts with "-- | doc". We need another
-token of lookahead to determine if a top declaration or the 'module' keyword
-follows. Shift parses as if the 'module' keyword follows.
-state 60 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
- context -> btype .
- *** type -> btype .
- type -> btype . '->' ctype
- Conflicts: '->'
-state 61 contains 47 shift/reduce conflicts.
- *** btype -> tyapps .
- tyapps -> tyapps . tyapp
- Conflicts: '_' ':' '~' '!' '.' '`' '{' '[' '[:' '(' '(#' '`' TYPEAPP
- and all the special ids.
-Example ambiguity:
- 'if x then y else z :: F a'
-Shift parses as (per longest-parse rule):
- 'if x then y else z :: (F a)'
-state 143 contains 15 shift/reduce conflicts.
- exp -> infixexp . '::' sigtype
- exp -> infixexp . '-<' exp
- exp -> infixexp . '>-' exp
- exp -> infixexp . '-<<' exp
- exp -> infixexp . '>>-' exp
- *** exp -> infixexp .
- infixexp -> infixexp . qop exp10
- Conflicts: ':' '::' '-' '!' '-<' '>-' '-<<' '>>-'
-Examples of ambiguity:
- 'if x then y else z -< e'
- 'if x then y else z :: T'
- 'if x then y else z + 1' (NB: '+' is in VARSYM)
-Shift parses as (per longest-parse rule):
- 'if x then y else (z -< T)'
- 'if x then y else (z :: T)'
- 'if x then y else (z + 1)'
-state 148 contains 67 shift/reduce conflicts.
- *** exp10 -> fexp .
- fexp -> fexp . aexp
- fexp -> fexp . TYPEAPP atype
- Conflicts: TYPEAPP and all the tokens that can start an aexp
-Examples of ambiguity:
- 'if x then y else f z'
- 'if x then y else f @ z'
-Shift parses as (per longest-parse rule):
- 'if x then y else (f z)'
- 'if x then y else (f @ z)'
-state 203 contains 27 shift/reduce conflicts.
- aexp2 -> TH_TY_QUOTE . tyvar
- aexp2 -> TH_TY_QUOTE . gtycon
- *** aexp2 -> TH_TY_QUOTE .
- Conflicts: two single quotes is error syntax with specific error message.
-Example of ambiguity:
- 'x = '''
- 'x = ''a'
- 'x = ''T'
-Shift parses as (per longest-parse rule):
- 'x = ''a'
- 'x = ''T'
-state 299 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts.
- rule -> STRING . rule_activation rule_forall infixexp '=' exp
- Conflict: '[' (empty rule_activation reduces)
-We don't know whether the '[' starts the activation or not: it
-might be the start of the declaration with the activation being
-empty. --SDM 1/4/2002
-Example ambiguity:
- '{-# RULE [0] f = ... #-}'
-We parse this as having a [0] rule activation for rewriting 'f', rather
-a rule instructing how to rewrite the expression '[0] f'.
-state 309 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
- *** type -> btype .
- type -> btype . '->' ctype
- Conflict: '->'
-Same as state 61 but without contexts.
-state 353 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts.
- tup_exprs -> commas . tup_tail
- sysdcon_nolist -> '(' commas . ')'
- commas -> commas . ','
- Conflict: ')' (empty tup_tail reduces)
-A tuple section with NO free variables '(,,)' is indistinguishable
-from the Haskell98 data constructor for a tuple. Shift resolves in
-favor of sysdcon, which is good because a tuple section will get rejected
-if -XTupleSections is not specified.
-state 408 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts.
- tup_exprs -> commas . tup_tail
- sysdcon_nolist -> '(#' commas . '#)'
- commas -> commas . ','
- Conflict: '#)' (empty tup_tail reduces)
-Same as State 354 for unboxed tuples.
-state 416 contains 67 shift/reduce conflicts.
- *** exp10 -> '-' fexp .
- fexp -> fexp . aexp
- fexp -> fexp . TYPEAPP atype
-Same as 149 but with a unary minus.
-state 481 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
- oqtycon -> '(' qtyconsym . ')'
- *** qtyconop -> qtyconsym .
- Conflict: ')'
-Example ambiguity: 'foo :: (:%)'
-Shift means '(:%)' gets parsed as a type constructor, rather than than a
-parenthesized infix type expression of length 1.
-state 678 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts.
- *** aexp2 -> ipvar .
- dbind -> ipvar . '=' exp
- Conflict: '='
-Example ambiguity: 'let ?x ...'
-The parser can't tell whether the ?x is the lhs of a normal binding or
-an implicit binding. Fortunately, resolving as shift gives it the only
-sensible meaning, namely the lhs of an implicit binding.
-state 756 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts.
- rule -> STRING rule_activation . rule_forall infixexp '=' exp
- Conflict: 'forall' (empty rule_forall reduces)
-Example ambiguity: '{-# RULES "name" forall = ... #-}'
-'forall' is a valid variable name---we don't know whether
-to treat a forall on the input as the beginning of a quantifier
-or the beginning of the rule itself. Resolving to shift means
-it's always treated as a quantifier, hence the above is disallowed.
-This saves explicitly defining a grammar for the rule lhs that
-doesn't include 'forall'.
-state 992 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts.
- transformqual -> 'then' 'group' . 'using' exp
- transformqual -> 'then' 'group' . 'by' exp 'using' exp
- *** special_id -> 'group' .
- Conflict: 'by'
-state 1089 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts.
- rule_foralls -> 'forall' rule_vars '.' . 'forall' rule_vars '.'
- *** rule_foralls -> 'forall' rule_vars '.' .
- Conflict: 'forall'
-Example ambigutiy: '{-# RULES "name" forall a. forall ... #-}'
-Here the parser cannot tell whether the second 'forall' is the beginning of
-a term-level quantifier, for example:
-'{-# RULES "name" forall a. forall x. id @a x = x #-}'
-or a valid variable named 'forall', for example a function @:: Int -> Int@
-'{-# RULES "name" forall a. forall 0 = 0 #-}'
-Shift means the parser only allows the former. Also see conflict 753 above.
-state 1390 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
- *** atype -> tyvar .
- tv_bndr -> '(' tyvar . '::' kind ')'
- Conflict: '::'
-Example ambiguity: 'class C a where type D a = ( a :: * ...'
-Here the parser cannot tell whether this is specifying a default for the
-associated type like:
-'class C a where type D a = ( a :: * ); type D a'
-or it is an injectivity signature like:
-'class C a where type D a = ( r :: * ) | r -> a'
-Shift means the parser only allows the latter.
-- API Annotations
@@ -558,8 +371,6 @@ are the most common patterns, rewritten as regular expressions for clarity:
vccurly { L _ ITvccurly } -- virtual close curly (from layout)
'[' { L _ ITobrack }
']' { L _ ITcbrack }
- '[:' { L _ ITopabrack }
- ':]' { L _ ITcpabrack }
'(' { L _ IToparen }
')' { L _ ITcparen }
'(#' { L _ IToubxparen }
@@ -775,7 +586,7 @@ maybedocheader :: { Maybe LHsDocString }
| {- empty -} { Nothing }
missing_module_keyword :: { () }
- : {- empty -} {% pushModuleContext }
+ : {- empty -} %prec shift {% pushModuleContext }
implicit_top :: { () }
: {- empty -} {% pushModuleContext }
@@ -1665,7 +1476,7 @@ rule :: { LRuleDecl GhcPs }
-- Rules can be specified to be NeverActive, unlike inline/specialize pragmas
rule_activation :: { ([AddAnn],Maybe Activation) }
- : {- empty -} { ([],Nothing) }
+ : {- empty -} %prec shift { ([],Nothing) }
| rule_explicit_activation { (fst $1,Just (snd $1)) }
rule_explicit_activation :: { ([AddAnn]
@@ -1684,9 +1495,8 @@ rule_foralls :: { ([AddAnn], Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs], [LRuleBndr GhcPs]) }
>> return ([mu AnnForall $1,mj AnnDot $3,
mu AnnForall $4,mj AnnDot $6],
Just (mkRuleTyVarBndrs $2), mkRuleBndrs $5) }
- | 'forall' rule_vars '.' { ([mu AnnForall $1,mj AnnDot $3],
- Nothing, mkRuleBndrs $2) }
- | {- empty -} { ([], Nothing, []) }
+ | 'forall' rule_vars '.' %prec shift { ([mu AnnForall $1,mj AnnDot $3], Nothing, mkRuleBndrs $2) }
+ | {- empty -} %prec shift { ([], Nothing, []) }
rule_vars :: { [LRuleTyTmVar] }
: rule_var rule_vars { $1 : $2 }
@@ -1964,7 +1774,7 @@ is connected to the first type too.
type :: { LHsType GhcPs }
- : btype { $1 }
+ : btype %prec shift { $1 }
| btype '->' ctype {% ams $1 [mu AnnRarrow $2] -- See note [GADT decl discards annotations]
>> ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsFunTy noExtField $1 $3)
[mu AnnRarrow $2] }
@@ -2005,7 +1815,7 @@ constr_tyapp :: { Located TyEl }
| docprev { sL1 $1 $ TyElDocPrev (unLoc $1) }
btype :: { LHsType GhcPs }
- : tyapps {% mergeOps $1 }
+ : tyapps %prec shift {% mergeOps $1 }
tyapps :: { [Located TyEl] } -- NB: This list is reversed
: tyapp { [$1] }
@@ -2026,7 +1836,7 @@ tyapp :: { Located TyEl }
atype :: { LHsType GhcPs }
: ntgtycon { sL1 $1 (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted $1) } -- Not including unit tuples
- | tyvar { sL1 $1 (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted $1) } -- (See Note [Unit tuples])
+ | tyvar %prec shift { sL1 $1 (HsTyVar noExtField NotPromoted $1) } -- (See Note [Unit tuples])
| '*' {% do { warnStarIsType (getLoc $1)
; return $ sL1 $1 (HsStarTy noExtField (isUnicode $1)) } }
| '{' fielddecls '}' {% amms (checkRecordSyntax
@@ -2584,7 +2394,7 @@ exp :: { ECP }
ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsCmdArrApp noExtField $3 $1
HsHigherOrderApp False)
[mu AnnRarrowtail $2] }
- | infixexp { $1 }
+ | infixexp %prec shift { $1 }
infixexp :: { ECP }
: exp10 { $1 }
@@ -2609,7 +2419,7 @@ infixexp_top :: { ECP }
[mj AnnVal $2] }
exp10_top :: { ECP }
- : '-' fexp { ECP $
+ : '-' fexp %prec shift { ECP $
runECP_PV $2 >>= \ $2 ->
amms (mkHsNegAppPV (comb2 $1 $>) $2)
[mj AnnMinus $1] }
@@ -2627,7 +2437,7 @@ exp10_top :: { ECP }
[mo $1,mj AnnVal $2
,mc $3] }
-- hdaume: core annotation
- | fexp { $1 }
+ | fexp %prec shift { $1 }
exp10 :: { ECP }
: exp10_top { $1 }
@@ -2775,7 +2585,7 @@ aexp1 :: { ECP }
aexp2 :: { ECP }
: qvar { ECP $ mkHsVarPV $! $1 }
| qcon { ECP $ mkHsVarPV $! $1 }
- | ipvar { ecpFromExp $ sL1 $1 (HsIPVar noExtField $! unLoc $1) }
+ | ipvar %prec shift { ecpFromExp $ sL1 $1 (HsIPVar noExtField $! unLoc $1) }
| overloaded_label { ecpFromExp $ sL1 $1 (HsOverLabel noExtField Nothing $! unLoc $1) }
| literal { ECP $ mkHsLitPV $! $1 }
-- This will enable overloaded strings permanently. Normally the renamer turns HsString
@@ -2817,7 +2627,7 @@ aexp2 :: { ECP }
| SIMPLEQUOTE qcon {% fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsBracket noExtField (VarBr noExtField True (unLoc $2))) [mj AnnSimpleQuote $1,mj AnnName $2] }
| TH_TY_QUOTE tyvar {% fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsBracket noExtField (VarBr noExtField False (unLoc $2))) [mj AnnThTyQuote $1,mj AnnName $2] }
| TH_TY_QUOTE gtycon {% fmap ecpFromExp $ ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsBracket noExtField (VarBr noExtField False (unLoc $2))) [mj AnnThTyQuote $1,mj AnnName $2] }
- | TH_TY_QUOTE {- nothing -} {% reportEmptyDoubleQuotes (getLoc $1) }
+ | TH_TY_QUOTE {- nothing -} %prec shift {% reportEmptyDoubleQuotes (getLoc $1) }
| '[|' exp '|]' {% runECP_P $2 >>= \ $2 ->
fmap ecpFromExp $
ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsBracket noExtField (ExpBr noExtField $2))
@@ -2958,7 +2768,7 @@ tup_tail :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV [Located (Maybe (Located b))] }
return ((cL (gl $1) (Just $1)) : snd $2) }
| texp { runECP_PV $1 >>= \ $1 ->
return [cL (gl $1) (Just $1)] }
- | {- empty -} { return [noLoc Nothing] }
+ | {- empty -} %prec shift { return [noLoc Nothing] }
-- List expressions
@@ -3477,7 +3287,7 @@ child.
qtyconop :: { Located RdrName } -- Qualified or unqualified
- : qtyconsym { $1 }
+ : qtyconsym %prec shift { $1 }
| '`' qtycon '`' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $2))
[mj AnnBackquote $1,mj AnnVal $2
,mj AnnBackquote $3] }
@@ -3649,7 +3459,7 @@ special_id
| 'capi' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "capi") }
| 'prim' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "prim") }
| 'javascript' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "javascript") }
- | 'group' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "group") }
+ | 'group' %prec shift { sL1 $1 (fsLit "group") }
| 'stock' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "stock") }
| 'anyclass' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "anyclass") }
| 'via' { sL1 $1 (fsLit "via") }
@@ -3756,7 +3566,7 @@ moduleheader :: { Maybe LHsDocString }
maybe_docprev :: { Maybe LHsDocString }
: docprev { Just $1 }
- | {- empty -} { Nothing }
+ | {- empty -} %prec shift { Nothing }
maybe_docnext :: { Maybe LHsDocString }
: docnext { Just $1 }