diff options
13 files changed, 383 insertions, 358 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/PrelNames.hs b/compiler/prelude/PrelNames.hs
index a889f70363..2acb2a0019 100644
--- a/compiler/prelude/PrelNames.hs
+++ b/compiler/prelude/PrelNames.hs
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ gHC_PRIM, gHC_TYPES, gHC_GENERICS, gHC_MAGIC,
gHC_CONC, gHC_IO, gHC_IO_Exception,
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ gHC_CONC = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Conc")
gHC_IO = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.IO")
gHC_IO_Exception = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.IO.Exception")
gHC_ST = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.ST")
-gHC_ARR = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Arr")
+gHC_IX = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Ix")
gHC_STABLE = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Stable")
gHC_PTR = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Ptr")
gHC_ERR = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Err")
@@ -750,11 +750,11 @@ succ_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_ENUM (fsLit "succ")
pred_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_ENUM (fsLit "pred")
minBound_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_ENUM (fsLit "minBound")
maxBound_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_ENUM (fsLit "maxBound")
-range_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_ARR (fsLit "range")
-inRange_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_ARR (fsLit "inRange")
-index_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_ARR (fsLit "index")
-unsafeIndex_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_ARR (fsLit "unsafeIndex")
-unsafeRangeSize_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_ARR (fsLit "unsafeRangeSize")
+range_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_IX (fsLit "range")
+inRange_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_IX (fsLit "inRange")
+index_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_IX (fsLit "index")
+unsafeIndex_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_IX (fsLit "unsafeIndex")
+unsafeRangeSize_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_IX (fsLit "unsafeRangeSize")
readList_RDR, readListDefault_RDR, readListPrec_RDR, readListPrecDefault_RDR,
readPrec_RDR, parens_RDR, choose_RDR, lexP_RDR, expectP_RDR :: RdrName
@@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ rationalToDoubleName = varQual gHC_FLOAT (fsLit "rationalToDouble") rationalToDo
-- Class Ix
ixClassName :: Name
-ixClassName = clsQual gHC_ARR (fsLit "Ix") ixClassKey
+ixClassName = clsQual gHC_IX (fsLit "Ix") ixClassKey
-- Typeable representation types
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Const.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Const.hs
index 4e4992dcf6..651041f15b 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Const.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Const.hs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import Data.Bits (Bits, FiniteBits)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(foldMap))
import Foreign.Storable (Storable)
-import GHC.Arr (Ix)
+import GHC.Ix (Ix)
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Enum (Bounded, Enum)
import GHC.Float (Floating, RealFloat)
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Identity.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Identity.hs
index daaa3a450c..0709393616 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Identity.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Functor/Identity.hs
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import Data.Coerce
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor.Utils ((#.))
import Foreign.Storable (Storable)
-import GHC.Arr (Ix)
+import GHC.Ix (Ix)
import GHC.Base ( Applicative(..), Eq(..), Functor(..), Monad(..)
, Semigroup, Monoid, Ord(..), ($), (.) )
import GHC.Enum (Bounded, Enum)
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Ix.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Ix.hs
index 0171431f45..79f0805b84 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Ix.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Ix.hs
@@ -61,4 +61,4 @@ module Data.Ix
) where
-import GHC.Arr
+import GHC.Ix
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Ord.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Ord.hs
index 4ccfa7c6b4..8703c7bdc0 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Ord.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Ord.hs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Data.Ord (
import Data.Bits (Bits, FiniteBits)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable)
-import GHC.Arr (Ix)
+import GHC.Ix (Ix)
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Enum (Bounded, Enum)
import GHC.Float (Floating, RealFloat)
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Arr.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Arr.hs
index 730f2205b5..06951d3851 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Arr.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Arr.hs
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
module GHC.Arr (
Ix(..), Array(..), STArray(..),
- indexError, hopelessIndexError,
arrEleBottom, array, listArray,
(!), safeRangeSize, negRange, safeIndex, badSafeIndex,
bounds, numElements, numElementsSTArray, indices, elems,
@@ -42,340 +41,17 @@ module GHC.Arr (
unsafeFreezeSTArray, unsafeThawSTArray,
) where
-import GHC.Enum
import GHC.Num
import GHC.ST
import GHC.Base
import GHC.List
-import GHC.Real( fromIntegral )
+import GHC.Ix
import GHC.Show
infixl 9 !, //
default ()
--- | The 'Ix' class is used to map a contiguous subrange of values in
--- a type onto integers. It is used primarily for array indexing
--- (see the array package).
--- The first argument @(l,u)@ of each of these operations is a pair
--- specifying the lower and upper bounds of a contiguous subrange of values.
--- An implementation is entitled to assume the following laws about these
--- operations:
--- * @'inRange' (l,u) i == 'elem' i ('range' (l,u))@ @ @
--- * @'range' (l,u) '!!' 'index' (l,u) i == i@, when @'inRange' (l,u) i@
--- * @'map' ('index' (l,u)) ('range' (l,u))) == [0..'rangeSize' (l,u)-1]@ @ @
--- * @'rangeSize' (l,u) == 'length' ('range' (l,u))@ @ @
-class (Ord a) => Ix a where
- {-# MINIMAL range, (index | unsafeIndex), inRange #-}
- -- | The list of values in the subrange defined by a bounding pair.
- range :: (a,a) -> [a]
- -- | The position of a subscript in the subrange.
- index :: (a,a) -> a -> Int
- -- | Like 'index', but without checking that the value is in range.
- unsafeIndex :: (a,a) -> a -> Int
- -- | Returns 'True' the given subscript lies in the range defined
- -- the bounding pair.
- inRange :: (a,a) -> a -> Bool
- -- | The size of the subrange defined by a bounding pair.
- rangeSize :: (a,a) -> Int
- -- | like 'rangeSize', but without checking that the upper bound is
- -- in range.
- unsafeRangeSize :: (a,a) -> Int
- -- Must specify one of index, unsafeIndex
- -- 'index' is typically over-ridden in instances, with essentially
- -- the same code, but using indexError instead of hopelessIndexError
- -- Reason: we have 'Show' at the instances
- {-# INLINE index #-} -- See Note [Inlining index]
- index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i
- | otherwise = hopelessIndexError
- unsafeIndex b i = index b i
- rangeSize b@(_l,h) | inRange b h = unsafeIndex b h + 1
- | otherwise = 0 -- This case is only here to
- -- check for an empty range
- -- NB: replacing (inRange b h) by (l <= h) fails for
- -- tuples. E.g. (1,2) <= (2,1) but the range is empty
- unsafeRangeSize b@(_l,h) = unsafeIndex b h + 1
-Note that the following is NOT right
- rangeSize (l,h) | l <= h = index b h + 1
- | otherwise = 0
-Because it might be the case that l<h, but the range
-is nevertheless empty. Consider
- ((1,2),(2,1))
-Here l<h, but the second index ranges from 2..1 and
-hence is empty
-Note [Inlining index]
-We inline the 'index' operation,
- * Partly because it generates much faster code
- (although bigger); see #1216
- * Partly because it exposes the bounds checks to the simplifier which
- might help a big.
-If you make a per-instance index method, you may consider inlining it.
-Note [Double bounds-checking of index values]
-When you index an array, a!x, there are two possible bounds checks we might make:
- (A) Check that (inRange (bounds a) x) holds.
- (A) is checked in the method for 'index'
- (B) Check that (index (bounds a) x) lies in the range 0..n,
- where n is the size of the underlying array
- (B) is checked in the top-level function (!), in safeIndex.
-Of course it *should* be the case that (A) holds iff (B) holds, but that
-is a property of the particular instances of index, bounds, and inRange,
-so GHC cannot guarantee it.
- * If you do (A) and not (B), then you might get a seg-fault,
- by indexing at some bizarre location. #1610
- * If you do (B) but not (A), you may get no complaint when you index
- an array out of its semantic bounds. #2120
-At various times we have had (A) and not (B), or (B) and not (A); both
-led to complaints. So now we implement *both* checks (#2669).
-For 1-d, 2-d, and 3-d arrays of Int we have specialised instances to avoid this.
-Note [Out-of-bounds error messages]
-The default method for 'index' generates hoplelessIndexError, because
-Ix doesn't have Show as a superclass. For particular base types we
-can do better, so we override the default method for index.
--- Abstract these errors from the relevant index functions so that
--- the guts of the function will be small enough to inline.
-{-# NOINLINE indexError #-}
-indexError :: Show a => (a,a) -> a -> String -> b
-indexError rng i tp
- = errorWithoutStackTrace (showString "Ix{" . showString tp . showString "}.index: Index " .
- showParen True (showsPrec 0 i) .
- showString " out of range " $
- showParen True (showsPrec 0 rng) "")
-hopelessIndexError :: Int -- Try to use 'indexError' instead!
-hopelessIndexError = errorWithoutStackTrace "Error in array index"
--- | @since 2.01
-instance Ix Char where
- {-# INLINE range #-}
- range (m,n) = [m..n]
- {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
- unsafeIndex (m,_n) i = fromEnum i - fromEnum m
- {-# INLINE index #-} -- See Note [Out-of-bounds error messages]
- -- and Note [Inlining index]
- index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i
- | otherwise = indexError b i "Char"
- inRange (m,n) i = m <= i && i <= n
--- | @since 2.01
-instance Ix Int where
- {-# INLINE range #-}
- -- The INLINE stops the build in the RHS from getting inlined,
- -- so that callers can fuse with the result of range
- range (m,n) = [m..n]
- {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
- unsafeIndex (m,_n) i = i - m
- {-# INLINE index #-} -- See Note [Out-of-bounds error messages]
- -- and Note [Inlining index]
- index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i
- | otherwise = indexError b i "Int"
- {-# INLINE inRange #-}
- inRange (I# m,I# n) (I# i) = isTrue# (m <=# i) && isTrue# (i <=# n)
--- | @since
-instance Ix Word where
- range (m,n) = [m..n]
- unsafeIndex (m,_) i = fromIntegral (i - m)
- inRange (m,n) i = m <= i && i <= n
--- | @since 2.01
-instance Ix Integer where
- {-# INLINE range #-}
- range (m,n) = [m..n]
- {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
- unsafeIndex (m,_n) i = fromInteger (i - m)
- {-# INLINE index #-} -- See Note [Out-of-bounds error messages]
- -- and Note [Inlining index]
- index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i
- | otherwise = indexError b i "Integer"
- inRange (m,n) i = m <= i && i <= n
--- | @since
-instance Ix Natural where
- range (m,n) = [m..n]
- inRange (m,n) i = m <= i && i <= n
- unsafeIndex (m,_) i = fromIntegral (i-m)
- index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i
- | otherwise = indexError b i "Natural"
--- | @since 2.01
-instance Ix Bool where -- as derived
- {-# INLINE range #-}
- range (m,n) = [m..n]
- {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
- unsafeIndex (l,_) i = fromEnum i - fromEnum l
- {-# INLINE index #-} -- See Note [Out-of-bounds error messages]
- -- and Note [Inlining index]
- index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i
- | otherwise = indexError b i "Bool"
- inRange (l,u) i = fromEnum i >= fromEnum l && fromEnum i <= fromEnum u
--- | @since 2.01
-instance Ix Ordering where -- as derived
- {-# INLINE range #-}
- range (m,n) = [m..n]
- {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
- unsafeIndex (l,_) i = fromEnum i - fromEnum l
- {-# INLINE index #-} -- See Note [Out-of-bounds error messages]
- -- and Note [Inlining index]
- index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i
- | otherwise = indexError b i "Ordering"
- inRange (l,u) i = fromEnum i >= fromEnum l && fromEnum i <= fromEnum u
--- | @since 2.01
-instance Ix () where
- {-# INLINE range #-}
- range ((), ()) = [()]
- {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
- unsafeIndex ((), ()) () = 0
- {-# INLINE inRange #-}
- inRange ((), ()) () = True
- {-# INLINE index #-} -- See Note [Inlining index]
- index b i = unsafeIndex b i
--- | @since 2.01
-instance (Ix a, Ix b) => Ix (a, b) where -- as derived
- {-# SPECIALISE instance Ix (Int,Int) #-}
- {-# INLINE range #-}
- range ((l1,l2),(u1,u2)) =
- [ (i1,i2) | i1 <- range (l1,u1), i2 <- range (l2,u2) ]
- {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
- unsafeIndex ((l1,l2),(u1,u2)) (i1,i2) =
- unsafeIndex (l1,u1) i1 * unsafeRangeSize (l2,u2) + unsafeIndex (l2,u2) i2
- {-# INLINE inRange #-}
- inRange ((l1,l2),(u1,u2)) (i1,i2) =
- inRange (l1,u1) i1 && inRange (l2,u2) i2
- -- Default method for index
--- | @since 2.01
-instance (Ix a1, Ix a2, Ix a3) => Ix (a1,a2,a3) where
- {-# SPECIALISE instance Ix (Int,Int,Int) #-}
- range ((l1,l2,l3),(u1,u2,u3)) =
- [(i1,i2,i3) | i1 <- range (l1,u1),
- i2 <- range (l2,u2),
- i3 <- range (l3,u3)]
- unsafeIndex ((l1,l2,l3),(u1,u2,u3)) (i1,i2,i3) =
- unsafeIndex (l3,u3) i3 + unsafeRangeSize (l3,u3) * (
- unsafeIndex (l2,u2) i2 + unsafeRangeSize (l2,u2) * (
- unsafeIndex (l1,u1) i1))
- inRange ((l1,l2,l3),(u1,u2,u3)) (i1,i2,i3) =
- inRange (l1,u1) i1 && inRange (l2,u2) i2 &&
- inRange (l3,u3) i3
- -- Default method for index
--- | @since 2.01
-instance (Ix a1, Ix a2, Ix a3, Ix a4) => Ix (a1,a2,a3,a4) where
- range ((l1,l2,l3,l4),(u1,u2,u3,u4)) =
- [(i1,i2,i3,i4) | i1 <- range (l1,u1),
- i2 <- range (l2,u2),
- i3 <- range (l3,u3),
- i4 <- range (l4,u4)]
- unsafeIndex ((l1,l2,l3,l4),(u1,u2,u3,u4)) (i1,i2,i3,i4) =
- unsafeIndex (l4,u4) i4 + unsafeRangeSize (l4,u4) * (
- unsafeIndex (l3,u3) i3 + unsafeRangeSize (l3,u3) * (
- unsafeIndex (l2,u2) i2 + unsafeRangeSize (l2,u2) * (
- unsafeIndex (l1,u1) i1)))
- inRange ((l1,l2,l3,l4),(u1,u2,u3,u4)) (i1,i2,i3,i4) =
- inRange (l1,u1) i1 && inRange (l2,u2) i2 &&
- inRange (l3,u3) i3 && inRange (l4,u4) i4
- -- Default method for index
--- | @since 2.01
-instance (Ix a1, Ix a2, Ix a3, Ix a4, Ix a5) => Ix (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) where
- range ((l1,l2,l3,l4,l5),(u1,u2,u3,u4,u5)) =
- [(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5) | i1 <- range (l1,u1),
- i2 <- range (l2,u2),
- i3 <- range (l3,u3),
- i4 <- range (l4,u4),
- i5 <- range (l5,u5)]
- unsafeIndex ((l1,l2,l3,l4,l5),(u1,u2,u3,u4,u5)) (i1,i2,i3,i4,i5) =
- unsafeIndex (l5,u5) i5 + unsafeRangeSize (l5,u5) * (
- unsafeIndex (l4,u4) i4 + unsafeRangeSize (l4,u4) * (
- unsafeIndex (l3,u3) i3 + unsafeRangeSize (l3,u3) * (
- unsafeIndex (l2,u2) i2 + unsafeRangeSize (l2,u2) * (
- unsafeIndex (l1,u1) i1))))
- inRange ((l1,l2,l3,l4,l5),(u1,u2,u3,u4,u5)) (i1,i2,i3,i4,i5) =
- inRange (l1,u1) i1 && inRange (l2,u2) i2 &&
- inRange (l3,u3) i3 && inRange (l4,u4) i4 &&
- inRange (l5,u5) i5
- -- Default method for index
-- | The type of immutable non-strict (boxed) arrays
-- with indices in @i@ and elements in @e@.
data Array i e
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Generics.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Generics.hs
index 0492464d2b..56fca9b5a2 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Generics.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Generics.hs
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ import GHC.Ptr ( Ptr )
import GHC.Types
-- Needed for instances
-import GHC.Arr ( Ix )
+import GHC.Ix ( Ix )
import GHC.Base ( Alternative(..), Applicative(..), Functor(..)
, Monad(..), MonadPlus(..), NonEmpty(..), String, coerce
, Semigroup(..), Monoid(..) )
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Ix.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Ix.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..efd64670bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Ix.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, MagicHash, UnboxedTuples #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : GHC.Ix
+-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow, 1994-2000
+-- License : see libraries/base/LICENSE
+-- Maintainer :
+-- Stability : internal
+-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
+-- GHC\'s Ix typeclass implementation.
+module GHC.Ix (
+ Ix(..)
+ ) where
+import GHC.Enum
+import GHC.Num
+import GHC.Base
+import GHC.Real( fromIntegral )
+import GHC.Show
+-- | The 'Ix' class is used to map a contiguous subrange of values in
+-- a type onto integers. It is used primarily for array indexing
+-- (see the array package).
+-- The first argument @(l,u)@ of each of these operations is a pair
+-- specifying the lower and upper bounds of a contiguous subrange of values.
+-- An implementation is entitled to assume the following laws about these
+-- operations:
+-- * @'inRange' (l,u) i == 'elem' i ('range' (l,u))@ @ @
+-- * @'range' (l,u) '!!' 'index' (l,u) i == i@, when @'inRange' (l,u) i@
+-- * @'map' ('index' (l,u)) ('range' (l,u))) == [0..'rangeSize' (l,u)-1]@ @ @
+-- * @'rangeSize' (l,u) == 'length' ('range' (l,u))@ @ @
+class (Ord a) => Ix a where
+ {-# MINIMAL range, (index | unsafeIndex), inRange #-}
+ -- | The list of values in the subrange defined by a bounding pair.
+ range :: (a,a) -> [a]
+ -- | The position of a subscript in the subrange.
+ index :: (a,a) -> a -> Int
+ -- | Like 'index', but without checking that the value is in range.
+ unsafeIndex :: (a,a) -> a -> Int
+ -- | Returns 'True' the given subscript lies in the range defined
+ -- the bounding pair.
+ inRange :: (a,a) -> a -> Bool
+ -- | The size of the subrange defined by a bounding pair.
+ rangeSize :: (a,a) -> Int
+ -- | like 'rangeSize', but without checking that the upper bound is
+ -- in range.
+ unsafeRangeSize :: (a,a) -> Int
+ -- Must specify one of index, unsafeIndex
+ -- 'index' is typically over-ridden in instances, with essentially
+ -- the same code, but using indexError instead of hopelessIndexError
+ -- Reason: we have 'Show' at the instances
+ {-# INLINE index #-} -- See Note [Inlining index]
+ index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i
+ | otherwise = hopelessIndexError
+ unsafeIndex b i = index b i
+ rangeSize b@(_l,h) | inRange b h = unsafeIndex b h + 1
+ | otherwise = 0 -- This case is only here to
+ -- check for an empty range
+ -- NB: replacing (inRange b h) by (l <= h) fails for
+ -- tuples. E.g. (1,2) <= (2,1) but the range is empty
+ unsafeRangeSize b@(_l,h) = unsafeIndex b h + 1
+Note that the following is NOT right
+ rangeSize (l,h) | l <= h = index b h + 1
+ | otherwise = 0
+Because it might be the case that l<h, but the range
+is nevertheless empty. Consider
+ ((1,2),(2,1))
+Here l<h, but the second index ranges from 2..1 and
+hence is empty
+Note [Inlining index]
+We inline the 'index' operation,
+ * Partly because it generates much faster code
+ (although bigger); see #1216
+ * Partly because it exposes the bounds checks to the simplifier which
+ might help a big.
+If you make a per-instance index method, you may consider inlining it.
+Note [Double bounds-checking of index values]
+When you index an array, a!x, there are two possible bounds checks we might make:
+ (A) Check that (inRange (bounds a) x) holds.
+ (A) is checked in the method for 'index'
+ (B) Check that (index (bounds a) x) lies in the range 0..n,
+ where n is the size of the underlying array
+ (B) is checked in the top-level function (!), in safeIndex.
+Of course it *should* be the case that (A) holds iff (B) holds, but that
+is a property of the particular instances of index, bounds, and inRange,
+so GHC cannot guarantee it.
+ * If you do (A) and not (B), then you might get a seg-fault,
+ by indexing at some bizarre location. #1610
+ * If you do (B) but not (A), you may get no complaint when you index
+ an array out of its semantic bounds. #2120
+At various times we have had (A) and not (B), or (B) and not (A); both
+led to complaints. So now we implement *both* checks (#2669).
+For 1-d, 2-d, and 3-d arrays of Int we have specialised instances to avoid this.
+Note [Out-of-bounds error messages]
+The default method for 'index' generates hoplelessIndexError, because
+Ix doesn't have Show as a superclass. For particular base types we
+can do better, so we override the default method for index.
+-- Abstract these errors from the relevant index functions so that
+-- the guts of the function will be small enough to inline.
+{-# NOINLINE indexError #-}
+indexError :: Show a => (a,a) -> a -> String -> b
+indexError rng i tp
+ = errorWithoutStackTrace (showString "Ix{" . showString tp . showString "}.index: Index " .
+ showParen True (showsPrec 0 i) .
+ showString " out of range " $
+ showParen True (showsPrec 0 rng) "")
+hopelessIndexError :: Int -- Try to use 'indexError' instead!
+hopelessIndexError = errorWithoutStackTrace "Error in array index"
+-- | @since 2.01
+instance Ix Char where
+ {-# INLINE range #-}
+ range (m,n) = [m..n]
+ {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
+ unsafeIndex (m,_n) i = fromEnum i - fromEnum m
+ {-# INLINE index #-} -- See Note [Out-of-bounds error messages]
+ -- and Note [Inlining index]
+ index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i
+ | otherwise = indexError b i "Char"
+ inRange (m,n) i = m <= i && i <= n
+-- | @since 2.01
+instance Ix Int where
+ {-# INLINE range #-}
+ -- The INLINE stops the build in the RHS from getting inlined,
+ -- so that callers can fuse with the result of range
+ range (m,n) = [m..n]
+ {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
+ unsafeIndex (m,_n) i = i - m
+ {-# INLINE index #-} -- See Note [Out-of-bounds error messages]
+ -- and Note [Inlining index]
+ index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i
+ | otherwise = indexError b i "Int"
+ {-# INLINE inRange #-}
+ inRange (I# m,I# n) (I# i) = isTrue# (m <=# i) && isTrue# (i <=# n)
+-- | @since
+instance Ix Word where
+ range (m,n) = [m..n]
+ unsafeIndex (m,_) i = fromIntegral (i - m)
+ inRange (m,n) i = m <= i && i <= n
+-- | @since 2.01
+instance Ix Integer where
+ {-# INLINE range #-}
+ range (m,n) = [m..n]
+ {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
+ unsafeIndex (m,_n) i = fromInteger (i - m)
+ {-# INLINE index #-} -- See Note [Out-of-bounds error messages]
+ -- and Note [Inlining index]
+ index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i
+ | otherwise = indexError b i "Integer"
+ inRange (m,n) i = m <= i && i <= n
+-- | @since
+instance Ix Natural where
+ range (m,n) = [m..n]
+ inRange (m,n) i = m <= i && i <= n
+ unsafeIndex (m,_) i = fromIntegral (i-m)
+ index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i
+ | otherwise = indexError b i "Natural"
+-- | @since 2.01
+instance Ix Bool where -- as derived
+ {-# INLINE range #-}
+ range (m,n) = [m..n]
+ {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
+ unsafeIndex (l,_) i = fromEnum i - fromEnum l
+ {-# INLINE index #-} -- See Note [Out-of-bounds error messages]
+ -- and Note [Inlining index]
+ index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i
+ | otherwise = indexError b i "Bool"
+ inRange (l,u) i = fromEnum i >= fromEnum l && fromEnum i <= fromEnum u
+-- | @since 2.01
+instance Ix Ordering where -- as derived
+ {-# INLINE range #-}
+ range (m,n) = [m..n]
+ {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
+ unsafeIndex (l,_) i = fromEnum i - fromEnum l
+ {-# INLINE index #-} -- See Note [Out-of-bounds error messages]
+ -- and Note [Inlining index]
+ index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i
+ | otherwise = indexError b i "Ordering"
+ inRange (l,u) i = fromEnum i >= fromEnum l && fromEnum i <= fromEnum u
+-- | @since 2.01
+instance Ix () where
+ {-# INLINE range #-}
+ range ((), ()) = [()]
+ {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
+ unsafeIndex ((), ()) () = 0
+ {-# INLINE inRange #-}
+ inRange ((), ()) () = True
+ {-# INLINE index #-} -- See Note [Inlining index]
+ index b i = unsafeIndex b i
+-- | @since 2.01
+instance (Ix a, Ix b) => Ix (a, b) where -- as derived
+ {-# SPECIALISE instance Ix (Int,Int) #-}
+ {-# INLINE range #-}
+ range ((l1,l2),(u1,u2)) =
+ [ (i1,i2) | i1 <- range (l1,u1), i2 <- range (l2,u2) ]
+ {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}
+ unsafeIndex ((l1,l2),(u1,u2)) (i1,i2) =
+ unsafeIndex (l1,u1) i1 * unsafeRangeSize (l2,u2) + unsafeIndex (l2,u2) i2
+ {-# INLINE inRange #-}
+ inRange ((l1,l2),(u1,u2)) (i1,i2) =
+ inRange (l1,u1) i1 && inRange (l2,u2) i2
+ -- Default method for index
+-- | @since 2.01
+instance (Ix a1, Ix a2, Ix a3) => Ix (a1,a2,a3) where
+ {-# SPECIALISE instance Ix (Int,Int,Int) #-}
+ range ((l1,l2,l3),(u1,u2,u3)) =
+ [(i1,i2,i3) | i1 <- range (l1,u1),
+ i2 <- range (l2,u2),
+ i3 <- range (l3,u3)]
+ unsafeIndex ((l1,l2,l3),(u1,u2,u3)) (i1,i2,i3) =
+ unsafeIndex (l3,u3) i3 + unsafeRangeSize (l3,u3) * (
+ unsafeIndex (l2,u2) i2 + unsafeRangeSize (l2,u2) * (
+ unsafeIndex (l1,u1) i1))
+ inRange ((l1,l2,l3),(u1,u2,u3)) (i1,i2,i3) =
+ inRange (l1,u1) i1 && inRange (l2,u2) i2 &&
+ inRange (l3,u3) i3
+ -- Default method for index
+-- | @since 2.01
+instance (Ix a1, Ix a2, Ix a3, Ix a4) => Ix (a1,a2,a3,a4) where
+ range ((l1,l2,l3,l4),(u1,u2,u3,u4)) =
+ [(i1,i2,i3,i4) | i1 <- range (l1,u1),
+ i2 <- range (l2,u2),
+ i3 <- range (l3,u3),
+ i4 <- range (l4,u4)]
+ unsafeIndex ((l1,l2,l3,l4),(u1,u2,u3,u4)) (i1,i2,i3,i4) =
+ unsafeIndex (l4,u4) i4 + unsafeRangeSize (l4,u4) * (
+ unsafeIndex (l3,u3) i3 + unsafeRangeSize (l3,u3) * (
+ unsafeIndex (l2,u2) i2 + unsafeRangeSize (l2,u2) * (
+ unsafeIndex (l1,u1) i1)))
+ inRange ((l1,l2,l3,l4),(u1,u2,u3,u4)) (i1,i2,i3,i4) =
+ inRange (l1,u1) i1 && inRange (l2,u2) i2 &&
+ inRange (l3,u3) i3 && inRange (l4,u4) i4
+ -- Default method for index
+-- | @since 2.01
+instance (Ix a1, Ix a2, Ix a3, Ix a4, Ix a5) => Ix (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) where
+ range ((l1,l2,l3,l4,l5),(u1,u2,u3,u4,u5)) =
+ [(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5) | i1 <- range (l1,u1),
+ i2 <- range (l2,u2),
+ i3 <- range (l3,u3),
+ i4 <- range (l4,u4),
+ i5 <- range (l5,u5)]
+ unsafeIndex ((l1,l2,l3,l4,l5),(u1,u2,u3,u4,u5)) (i1,i2,i3,i4,i5) =
+ unsafeIndex (l5,u5) i5 + unsafeRangeSize (l5,u5) * (
+ unsafeIndex (l4,u4) i4 + unsafeRangeSize (l4,u4) * (
+ unsafeIndex (l3,u3) i3 + unsafeRangeSize (l3,u3) * (
+ unsafeIndex (l2,u2) i2 + unsafeRangeSize (l2,u2) * (
+ unsafeIndex (l1,u1) i1))))
+ inRange ((l1,l2,l3,l4,l5),(u1,u2,u3,u4,u5)) (i1,i2,i3,i4,i5) =
+ inRange (l1,u1) i1 && inRange (l2,u2) i2 &&
+ inRange (l3,u3) i3 && inRange (l4,u4) i4 &&
+ inRange (l5,u5) i5
+ -- Default method for index
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Unicode.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Unicode.hs
index d6f3ecc170..9d11b37d0c 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Unicode.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Unicode.hs
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import GHC.Base
import GHC.Char (chr)
import GHC.Real
import GHC.Enum ( Enum (..), Bounded (..) )
-import GHC.Arr ( Ix (..) )
+import GHC.Ix ( Ix (..) )
import GHC.Num
-- Data.Char.chr already imports this and we need to define a Show instance
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Word.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Word.hs
index dcd9e16208..b19e6a3bed 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Word.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Word.hs
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ import GHC.Base
import GHC.Enum
import GHC.Num
import GHC.Real
-import GHC.Arr
+import GHC.Ix
import GHC.Show
diff --git a/libraries/base/base.cabal b/libraries/base/base.cabal
index da018d27ce..d08b625b7f 100644
--- a/libraries/base/base.cabal
+++ b/libraries/base/base.cabal
@@ -258,6 +258,7 @@ Library
+ GHC.Ix
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/T14682.stderr b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/T14682.stderr
index 7656c9c3b8..59fc405cdb 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/T14682.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/T14682.stderr
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Derived class instances:
<a1, Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.lift a1>]
Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.liftTyped (T14682.Foo a1 a2)
= [|| T14682.Foo a1 a2 ||]
instance Data.Data.Data T14682.Foo where
Data.Data.gfoldl k z (T14682.Foo a1 a2)
= ((z T14682.Foo `k` a1) `k` a2)
@@ -54,22 +54,22 @@ Derived class instances:
(GHC.Classes.>) a b = (GHC.Classes.<) b a
(GHC.Classes.>=) a b = GHC.Classes.not ((GHC.Classes.<) a b)
- instance GHC.Arr.Ix T14682.Foo where
- GHC.Arr.range (T14682.Foo a1 a2, T14682.Foo b1 b2)
+ instance GHC.Ix.Ix T14682.Foo where
+ GHC.Ix.range (T14682.Foo a1 a2, T14682.Foo b1 b2)
= [T14682.Foo c1 c2 |
- c1 <- GHC.Arr.range (a1, b1), c2 <- GHC.Arr.range (a2, b2)]
- GHC.Arr.unsafeIndex
+ c1 <- GHC.Ix.range (a1, b1), c2 <- GHC.Ix.range (a2, b2)]
+ GHC.Ix.unsafeIndex
(T14682.Foo a1 a2, T14682.Foo b1 b2)
(T14682.Foo c1 c2)
- = (GHC.Arr.unsafeIndex (a2, b2) c2
+ = (GHC.Ix.unsafeIndex (a2, b2) c2
- (GHC.Arr.unsafeRangeSize (a2, b2)
- GHC.Num.* GHC.Arr.unsafeIndex (a1, b1) c1))
- GHC.Arr.inRange
+ (GHC.Ix.unsafeRangeSize (a2, b2)
+ GHC.Num.* GHC.Ix.unsafeIndex (a1, b1) c1))
+ GHC.Ix.inRange
(T14682.Foo a1 a2, T14682.Foo b1 b2)
(T14682.Foo c1 c2)
- = (GHC.Arr.inRange (a1, b1) c1
- GHC.Classes.&& GHC.Arr.inRange (a2, b2) c2)
+ = (GHC.Ix.inRange (a1, b1) c1
+ GHC.Classes.&& GHC.Ix.inRange (a2, b2) c2)
T14682.$con2tag_B4iUvrAY4wB3YczpMJQUOX ::
T14682.Foo -> GHC.Prim.Int#
@@ -175,19 +175,19 @@ GHC.Classes.Ord [T14682.Foo]
==================== Filling in method body ====================
-GHC.Arr.Ix [T14682.Foo]
- GHC.Arr.index = GHC.Arr.$dmindex @(T14682.Foo)
+GHC.Ix.Ix [T14682.Foo]
+ GHC.Ix.index = GHC.Ix.$dmindex @(T14682.Foo)
==================== Filling in method body ====================
-GHC.Arr.Ix [T14682.Foo]
- GHC.Arr.rangeSize = GHC.Arr.$dmrangeSize @(T14682.Foo)
+GHC.Ix.Ix [T14682.Foo]
+ GHC.Ix.rangeSize = GHC.Ix.$dmrangeSize @(T14682.Foo)
==================== Filling in method body ====================
-GHC.Arr.Ix [T14682.Foo]
- GHC.Arr.unsafeRangeSize = GHC.Arr.$dmunsafeRangeSize @(T14682.Foo)
+GHC.Ix.Ix [T14682.Foo]
+ GHC.Ix.unsafeRangeSize = GHC.Ix.$dmunsafeRangeSize @(T14682.Foo)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/ghci064.stdout b/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/ghci064.stdout
index 91298153fc..e3fe5a9804 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/ghci064.stdout
+++ b/testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/ghci064.stdout
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ instance Show Bool -- Defined in ‘GHC.Show’
instance Read Bool -- Defined in ‘GHC.Read’
instance Bounded Bool -- Defined in ‘GHC.Enum’
instance GHC.Generics.Generic Bool -- Defined in ‘GHC.Generics’
-instance GHC.Arr.Ix Bool -- Defined in ‘GHC.Arr’
+instance GHC.Ix.Ix Bool -- Defined in ‘GHC.Ix’
instance GHC.Generics.SingKind Bool -- Defined in ‘GHC.Generics’
instance Data.Bits.Bits Bool -- Defined in ‘Data.Bits’
instance Data.Bits.FiniteBits Bool -- Defined in ‘Data.Bits’