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diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Demand.hs b/compiler/basicTypes/Demand.hs
index ff71027eb6..2b0b8761d8 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/Demand.hs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Demand.hs
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module Demand (
absDmd, topDmd, botDmd, seqDmd,
lubDmd, bothDmd,
lazyApply1Dmd, lazyApply2Dmd, strictApply1Dmd,
- catchArgDmd,
isTopDmd, isAbsDmd, isSeqDmd,
peelUseCall, cleanUseDmd_maybe, strictenDmd, bothCleanDmd,
@@ -31,12 +30,12 @@ module Demand (
DmdResult, CPRResult,
isBotRes, isTopRes,
- topRes, botRes, exnRes, cprProdRes,
+ topRes, botRes, cprProdRes,
vanillaCprProdRes, cprSumRes,
appIsBottom, isBottomingSig, pprIfaceStrictSig,
trimCPRInfo, returnsCPR_maybe,
StrictSig(..), mkStrictSig, mkClosedStrictSig,
- nopSig, botSig, exnSig, cprProdSig,
+ nopSig, botSig, cprProdSig,
isTopSig, hasDemandEnvSig,
splitStrictSig, strictSigDmdEnv,
increaseStrictSigArity, etaExpandStrictSig,
@@ -114,105 +113,64 @@ mkJointDmds ss as = zipWithEqual "mkJointDmds" mkJointDmd ss as
* *
- Lazy
- |
- ExnStr x -
+ Lazy
/ \
SCall SProd
- \ /
+ \ /
Note [Exceptions and strictness]
-Exceptions need rather careful treatment, especially because of 'catch'
-('catch#'), 'catchSTM' ('catchSTM#'), and 'orElse' ('catchRetry#').
-See Trac #11555, #10712 and #13330, and for some more background, #11222.
-There are three main pieces.
-* The Termination type includes ThrowsExn, meaning "under the given
- demand this expression either diverges or throws an exception".
- This is relatively uncontroversial. The primops raise# and
- raiseIO# both return ThrowsExn; nothing else does.
-* An ArgStr has an ExnStr flag to say how to process the Termination
- result of the argument. If the ExnStr flag is ExnStr, we squash
- ThrowsExn to topRes. (This is done in postProcessDmdResult.)
-Here is the key example
- catchRetry# (\s -> retry# s) blah
-We analyse the argument (\s -> retry# s) with demand
- Str ExnStr (SCall HeadStr)
-i.e. with the ExnStr flag set.
- - First we analyse the argument with the "clean-demand" (SCall
- HeadStr), getting a DmdResult of ThrowsExn from the saturated
- application of retry#.
- - Then we apply the post-processing for the shell, squashing the
- ThrowsExn to topRes.
-This also applies uniformly to free variables. Consider
- let r = \st -> retry# st
- in catchRetry# (\s -> ...(r s')..) handler st
-If we give the first argument of catch a strict signature, we'll get a demand
-'C(S)' for 'r'; that is, 'r' is definitely called with one argument, which
-indeed it is. But when we post-process the free-var demands on catchRetry#'s
-argument (in postProcessDmdEnv), we'll give 'r' a demand of (Str ExnStr (SCall
-HeadStr)); and if we feed that into r's RHS (which would be reasonable) we'll
-squash the retry just as if we'd inlined 'r'.
-* We don't try to get clever about 'catch#' and 'catchSTM#' at the moment. We
-previously (#11222) tried to take advantage of the fact that 'catch#' calls its
-first argument eagerly. See especially commit
-9915b6564403a6d17651e9969e9ea5d7d7e78e7f. We analyzed that first argument with
-a strict demand, and then performed a post-processing step at the end to change
-ThrowsExn to TopRes. The trouble, I believe, is that to use this approach
-correctly, we'd need somewhat different information about that argument.
-Diverges, ThrowsExn (i.e., diverges or throws an exception), and Dunno are the
-wrong split here. In order to evaluate part of the argument speculatively,
-we'd need to know that it *does not throw an exception*. That is, that it
-either diverges or succeeds. But we don't currently have a way to talk about
-that. Abstractly and approximately,
-catch# m f s = case ORACLE m s of
- DivergesOrSucceeds -> m s
- Fails exc -> f exc s
-where the magical ORACLE determines whether or not (m s) throws an exception
-when run, and if so which one. If we want, we can safely consider (catch# m f s)
-strict in anything that both branches are strict in (by performing demand
-analysis for 'catch#' in the same way we do for case). We could also safely
-consider it strict in anything demanded by (m s) that is guaranteed not to
-throw an exception under that demand, but I don't know if we have the means
-to express that.
-My mind keeps turning to this model (not as an actual change to the type, but
-as a way to think about what's going on in the analysis):
-newtype IO a = IO {unIO :: State# s -> (# s, (# SomeException | a #) #)}
-instance Monad IO where
- return a = IO $ \s -> (# s, (# | a #) #)
- IO m >>= f = IO $ \s -> case m s of
- (# s', (# e | #) #) -> (# s', e #)
- (# s', (# | a #) #) -> unIO (f a) s
-raiseIO# e s = (# s, (# e | #) #)
-catch# m f s = case m s of
- (# s', (# e | #) #) -> f e s'
- res -> res
-Thinking about it this way seems likely to be productive for analyzing IO
-exception behavior, but imprecise exceptions and asynchronous exceptions remain
-quite slippery beasts. Can we incorporate them? I think we can. We can imagine
-applying 'seq#' to evaluate @m s@, determining whether it throws an imprecise
-or asynchronous exception or whether it succeeds or throws an IO exception.
-This confines the peculiarities to 'seq#', which is indeed rather essentially
+We used to smart about catching exceptions, but we aren't anymore.
+See Trac #14998 for the way it's resolved at the moment.
+Here's a historic break-down:
+Appearently, exception handling prim-ops didn't used to have any special
+strictness signatures, thus defaulting to topSig, which assumes they use their
+arguments lazily. Joachim was the first to realise that we could provide richer
+information. Thus, in 0558911f91c (Dec 13), he added signatures to
+primops.txt.pp indicating that functions like `catch#` and `catchRetry#` call
+their argument, which is useful information for usage analysis. Still with a
+'Lazy' strictness demand (i.e. 'lazyApply1Dmd'), though, and the world was fine.
+In 7c0fff4 (July 15), Simon argued that giving `catch#` et al. a
+'strictApply1Dmd' leads to substantial performance gains. That was at the cost
+of correctness, as Trac #10712 proved. So, back to 'lazyApply1Dmd' in
+28638dfe79e (Dec 15).
+Motivated to reproduce the gains of 7c0fff4 without the breakage of Trac #10712,
+Ben added a new 'catchArgDmd', which basically said to call its argument
+strictly, but also swallow any thrown exceptions in 'postProcessDmdResult'.
+This was realized by extending the 'Str' constructor of 'ArgStr' with a 'ExnStr'
+field, indicating that it catches the exception, and adding a 'ThrowsExn'
+constructor to the 'Termination' lattice as an element between 'Dunno' and
+'Diverges'. Then along came Trac #11555 and finally #13330, so we had to revert
+to 'lazyApply1Dmd' again in 701256df88c (Mar 17).
+This left the other variants like 'catchRetry#' having 'catchArgDmd', which is
+where #14998 picked up. Item 1 was concerned with measuring the impact of also
+making `catchRetry#` and `catchSTM#` have 'lazyApply1Dmd'. The result was that
+there was none; the performance gains stemmed the (change in) definition of
+'catchException', the semantics of which would probably make the saner default
+for 'catch'. We removed the last usages of 'catchArgDmd' in 00b8ecb7 (Apr 18).
+There was a lot of dead code resulting from that change, that we removed in this
+commit (as of this writing): We got rid of 'ThrowsExn' and 'ExnStr' again and
+removed any code that was dealing with the peculiarities.
+So history keeps telling us that the only possibly correct strictness annotation
+for the first argument of 'catch#' is 'lazyApply1Dmd', because 'catch#' really
+is not strict in its argument: Just try this in GHCi
+ :set -XScopedTypeVariables
+ import Control.Exception
+ catch undefined (\(_ :: SomeException) -> putStrLn "you'll see this")
+Any analysis that assumes otherwise will be broken in some way or another
+(beyond `-fno-pendantic-bottoms`).
-- | Vanilla strictness domain
@@ -238,22 +196,13 @@ data StrDmd
type ArgStr = Str StrDmd
-- | Strictness demand.
-data Str s = Lazy -- ^ Lazy (top of the lattice)
- | Str ExnStr s -- ^ Strict
+data Str s = Lazy -- ^ Lazy (top of the lattice)
+ | Str s -- ^ Strict
deriving ( Eq, Show )
--- | How are exceptions handled for strict demands?
-data ExnStr -- See Note [Exceptions and strictness]
- = VanStr -- ^ "Vanilla" case, ordinary strictness
- | ExnStr -- ^ @Str ExnStr d@ means be strict like @d@ but then degrade
- -- the 'Termination' info 'ThrowsExn' to 'Dunno'.
- -- e.g. the first argument of @catch@ has this strictness.
- deriving( Eq, Show )
-- Well-formedness preserving constructors for the Strictness domain
strBot, strTop :: ArgStr
-strBot = Str VanStr HyperStr
+strBot = Str HyperStr
strTop = Lazy
mkSCall :: StrDmd -> StrDmd
@@ -271,8 +220,8 @@ isLazy Lazy = True
isLazy (Str {}) = False
isHyperStr :: ArgStr -> Bool
-isHyperStr (Str _ HyperStr) = True
-isHyperStr _ = False
+isHyperStr (Str HyperStr) = True
+isHyperStr _ = False
-- Pretty-printing
instance Outputable StrDmd where
@@ -282,18 +231,13 @@ instance Outputable StrDmd where
ppr (SProd sx) = char 'S' <> parens (hcat (map ppr sx))
instance Outputable ArgStr where
- ppr (Str x s) = (case x of VanStr -> empty; ExnStr -> char 'x')
- <> ppr s
- ppr Lazy = char 'L'
+ ppr (Str s) = ppr s
+ ppr Lazy = char 'L'
lubArgStr :: ArgStr -> ArgStr -> ArgStr
-lubArgStr Lazy _ = Lazy
-lubArgStr _ Lazy = Lazy
-lubArgStr (Str x1 s1) (Str x2 s2) = Str (x1 `lubExnStr` x2) (s1 `lubStr` s2)
-lubExnStr :: ExnStr -> ExnStr -> ExnStr
-lubExnStr VanStr VanStr = VanStr
-lubExnStr _ _ = ExnStr -- ExnStr is lazier
+lubArgStr Lazy _ = Lazy
+lubArgStr _ Lazy = Lazy
+lubArgStr (Str s1) (Str s2) = Str (s1 `lubStr` s2)
lubStr :: StrDmd -> StrDmd -> StrDmd
lubStr HyperStr s = s
@@ -310,13 +254,9 @@ lubStr (SProd _) (SCall _) = HeadStr
lubStr HeadStr _ = HeadStr
bothArgStr :: ArgStr -> ArgStr -> ArgStr
-bothArgStr Lazy s = s
-bothArgStr s Lazy = s
-bothArgStr (Str x1 s1) (Str x2 s2) = Str (x1 `bothExnStr` x2) (s1 `bothStr` s2)
-bothExnStr :: ExnStr -> ExnStr -> ExnStr
-bothExnStr ExnStr ExnStr = ExnStr
-bothExnStr _ _ = VanStr
+bothArgStr Lazy s = s
+bothArgStr s Lazy = s
+bothArgStr (Str s1) (Str s2) = Str (s1 `bothStr` s2)
bothStr :: StrDmd -> StrDmd -> StrDmd
bothStr HyperStr _ = HyperStr
@@ -344,13 +284,13 @@ seqStrDmdList [] = ()
seqStrDmdList (d:ds) = seqArgStr d `seq` seqStrDmdList ds
seqArgStr :: ArgStr -> ()
-seqArgStr Lazy = ()
-seqArgStr (Str x s) = x `seq` seqStrDmd s
+seqArgStr Lazy = ()
+seqArgStr (Str s) = seqStrDmd s
-- Splitting polymorphic demands
splitArgStrProdDmd :: Int -> ArgStr -> Maybe [ArgStr]
-splitArgStrProdDmd n Lazy = Just (replicate n Lazy)
-splitArgStrProdDmd n (Str _ s) = splitStrProdDmd n s
+splitArgStrProdDmd n Lazy = Just (replicate n Lazy)
+splitArgStrProdDmd n (Str s) = splitStrProdDmd n s
splitStrProdDmd :: Int -> StrDmd -> Maybe [ArgStr]
splitStrProdDmd n HyperStr = Just (replicate n strBot)
@@ -711,12 +651,12 @@ mkHeadStrict :: CleanDemand -> CleanDemand
mkHeadStrict cd = cd { sd = HeadStr }
mkOnceUsedDmd, mkManyUsedDmd :: CleanDemand -> Demand
-mkOnceUsedDmd (JD {sd = s,ud = a}) = JD { sd = Str VanStr s, ud = Use One a }
-mkManyUsedDmd (JD {sd = s,ud = a}) = JD { sd = Str VanStr s, ud = Use Many a }
+mkOnceUsedDmd (JD {sd = s,ud = a}) = JD { sd = Str s, ud = Use One a }
+mkManyUsedDmd (JD {sd = s,ud = a}) = JD { sd = Str s, ud = Use Many a }
evalDmd :: Demand
-- Evaluated strictly, and used arbitrarily deeply
-evalDmd = JD { sd = Str VanStr HeadStr, ud = useTop }
+evalDmd = JD { sd = Str HeadStr, ud = useTop }
mkProdDmd :: [Demand] -> CleanDemand
mkProdDmd dx
@@ -760,17 +700,11 @@ bothDmd (JD {sd = s1, ud = a1}) (JD {sd = s2, ud = a2})
= JD { sd = s1 `bothArgStr` s2
, ud = a1 `bothArgUse` a2 }
-lazyApply1Dmd, lazyApply2Dmd, strictApply1Dmd, catchArgDmd :: Demand
+lazyApply1Dmd, lazyApply2Dmd, strictApply1Dmd :: Demand
-strictApply1Dmd = JD { sd = Str VanStr (SCall HeadStr)
+strictApply1Dmd = JD { sd = Str (SCall HeadStr)
, ud = Use Many (UCall One Used) }
--- First argument of catchRetry# and catchSTM#:
--- uses its arg once, applies it once
--- and catches exceptions (the ExnStr) part
-catchArgDmd = JD { sd = Str ExnStr (SCall HeadStr)
- , ud = Use One (UCall One Used) }
lazyApply1Dmd = JD { sd = Lazy
, ud = Use One (UCall One Used) }
@@ -790,7 +724,7 @@ botDmd :: Demand
botDmd = JD { sd = strBot, ud = useBot }
seqDmd :: Demand
-seqDmd = JD { sd = Str VanStr HeadStr, ud = Use One UHead }
+seqDmd = JD { sd = Str HeadStr, ud = Use One UHead }
oneifyDmd :: JointDmd s (Use u) -> JointDmd s (Use u)
oneifyDmd (JD { sd = s, ud = Use _ a }) = JD { sd = s, ud = Use One a }
@@ -806,7 +740,7 @@ isAbsDmd (JD {ud = Abs}) = True -- The strictness part can be HyperStr
isAbsDmd _ = False -- for a bottom demand
isSeqDmd :: Demand -> Bool
-isSeqDmd (JD {sd = Str VanStr HeadStr, ud = Use _ UHead}) = True
+isSeqDmd (JD {sd = Str HeadStr, ud = Use _ UHead}) = True
isSeqDmd _ = False
isUsedOnce :: JointDmd (Str s) (Use u) -> Bool
@@ -864,8 +798,8 @@ trimToType (JD { sd = ms, ud = mu }) ts
= JD (go_ms ms ts) (go_mu mu ts)
go_ms :: ArgStr -> TypeShape -> ArgStr
- go_ms Lazy _ = Lazy
- go_ms (Str x s) ts = Str x (go_s s ts)
+ go_ms Lazy _ = Lazy
+ go_ms (Str s) ts = Str (go_s s ts)
go_s :: StrDmd -> TypeShape -> StrDmd
go_s HyperStr _ = HyperStr
@@ -931,11 +865,11 @@ splitProdDmd_maybe :: Demand -> Maybe [Demand]
-- The demand is not necessarily strict!
splitProdDmd_maybe (JD { sd = s, ud = u })
= case (s,u) of
- (Str _ (SProd sx), Use _ u) | Just ux <- splitUseProdDmd (length sx) u
- -> Just (mkJointDmds sx ux)
- (Str _ s, Use _ (UProd ux)) | Just sx <- splitStrProdDmd (length ux) s
- -> Just (mkJointDmds sx ux)
- (Lazy, Use _ (UProd ux)) -> Just (mkJointDmds (replicate (length ux) Lazy) ux)
+ (Str (SProd sx), Use _ u) | Just ux <- splitUseProdDmd (length sx) u
+ -> Just (mkJointDmds sx ux)
+ (Str s, Use _ (UProd ux)) | Just sx <- splitStrProdDmd (length ux) s
+ -> Just (mkJointDmds sx ux)
+ (Lazy, Use _ (UProd ux)) -> Just (mkJointDmds (replicate (length ux) Lazy) ux)
_ -> Nothing
@@ -948,9 +882,7 @@ splitProdDmd_maybe (JD { sd = s, ud = u })
DmdResult: Dunno CPRResult
- ThrowsExn
- /
- Diverges
+ Diverges
CPRResult: NoCPR
@@ -969,10 +901,12 @@ We have lubs, but not glbs; but that is ok.
data Termination r
= Diverges -- Definitely diverges
- | ThrowsExn -- Definitely throws an exception or diverges
| Dunno r -- Might diverge or converge
deriving( Eq, Show )
+-- At this point, Termination is just the 'Lifted' lattice over 'r'
+-- (
type DmdResult = Termination CPRResult
data CPRResult = NoCPR -- Top of the lattice
@@ -988,10 +922,7 @@ lubCPR _ _ = NoCPR
lubDmdResult :: DmdResult -> DmdResult -> DmdResult
lubDmdResult Diverges r = r
-lubDmdResult ThrowsExn Diverges = ThrowsExn
-lubDmdResult ThrowsExn r = r
-lubDmdResult (Dunno c1) Diverges = Dunno c1
-lubDmdResult (Dunno c1) ThrowsExn = Dunno c1
+lubDmdResult r Diverges = r
lubDmdResult (Dunno c1) (Dunno c2) = Dunno (c1 `lubCPR` c2)
-- This needs to commute with defaultDmd, i.e.
-- defaultDmd (r1 `lubDmdResult` r2) = defaultDmd r1 `lubDmd` defaultDmd r2
@@ -1000,7 +931,6 @@ lubDmdResult (Dunno c1) (Dunno c2) = Dunno (c1 `lubCPR` c2)
bothDmdResult :: DmdResult -> Termination () -> DmdResult
-- See Note [Asymmetry of 'both' for DmdType and DmdResult]
bothDmdResult _ Diverges = Diverges
-bothDmdResult r ThrowsExn = case r of { Diverges -> r; _ -> ThrowsExn }
bothDmdResult r (Dunno {}) = r
-- This needs to commute with defaultDmd, i.e.
-- defaultDmd (r1 `bothDmdResult` r2) = defaultDmd r1 `bothDmd` defaultDmd r2
@@ -1008,7 +938,6 @@ bothDmdResult r (Dunno {}) = r
instance Outputable r => Outputable (Termination r) where
ppr Diverges = char 'b'
- ppr ThrowsExn = char 'x'
ppr (Dunno c) = ppr c
instance Outputable CPRResult where
@@ -1018,7 +947,6 @@ instance Outputable CPRResult where
seqDmdResult :: DmdResult -> ()
seqDmdResult Diverges = ()
-seqDmdResult ThrowsExn = ()
seqDmdResult (Dunno c) = seqCPRResult c
seqCPRResult :: CPRResult -> ()
@@ -1033,9 +961,8 @@ seqCPRResult RetProd = ()
-- [cprRes] lets us switch off CPR analysis
-- by making sure that everything uses TopRes
-topRes, exnRes, botRes :: DmdResult
+topRes, botRes :: DmdResult
topRes = Dunno NoCPR
-exnRes = ThrowsExn
botRes = Diverges
cprSumRes :: ConTag -> DmdResult
@@ -1051,10 +978,9 @@ isTopRes :: DmdResult -> Bool
isTopRes (Dunno NoCPR) = True
isTopRes _ = False
+-- | True if the result diverges or throws an exception
isBotRes :: DmdResult -> Bool
--- True if the result diverges or throws an exception
isBotRes Diverges = True
-isBotRes ThrowsExn = True
isBotRes (Dunno {}) = False
trimCPRInfo :: Bool -> Bool -> DmdResult -> DmdResult
@@ -1083,7 +1009,7 @@ retCPR_maybe NoCPR = Nothing
-- and [defaultDmd vs. resTypeArgDmd]
defaultDmd :: Termination r -> Demand
defaultDmd (Dunno {}) = absDmd
-defaultDmd _ = botDmd -- Diverges or ThrowsExn
+defaultDmd _ = botDmd -- Diverges
resTypeArgDmd :: Termination r -> Demand
-- TopRes and BotRes are polymorphic, so that
@@ -1092,7 +1018,7 @@ resTypeArgDmd :: Termination r -> Demand
-- This function makes that concrete
-- Also see Note [defaultDmd vs. resTypeArgDmd]
resTypeArgDmd (Dunno _) = topDmd
-resTypeArgDmd _ = botDmd -- Diverges or ThrowsExn
+resTypeArgDmd _ = botDmd -- Diverges
Note [defaultDmd and resTypeArgDmd]
@@ -1221,7 +1147,6 @@ toBothDmdArg :: DmdType -> BothDmdArg
toBothDmdArg (DmdType fv _ r) = (fv, go r)
go (Dunno {}) = Dunno ()
- go ThrowsExn = ThrowsExn
go Diverges = Diverges
bothDmdType :: DmdType -> BothDmdArg -> DmdType
@@ -1251,10 +1176,9 @@ emptyDmdEnv = emptyVarEnv
-- (lazy, absent, no CPR information, no termination information).
-- Note that it is ''not'' the top of the lattice (which would be "may use everything"),
-- so it is (no longer) called topDmd
-nopDmdType, botDmdType, exnDmdType :: DmdType
+nopDmdType, botDmdType :: DmdType
nopDmdType = DmdType emptyDmdEnv [] topRes
botDmdType = DmdType emptyDmdEnv [] botRes
-exnDmdType = DmdType emptyDmdEnv [] exnRes
cprProdDmdType :: Arity -> DmdType
cprProdDmdType arity
@@ -1319,14 +1243,14 @@ deferAfterIO d@(DmdType _ _ res) =
DmdType fv ds _ -> DmdType fv ds (defer_res res)
defer_res r@(Dunno {}) = r
- defer_res _ = topRes -- Diverges and ThrowsExn
+ defer_res _ = topRes -- Diverges
strictenDmd :: Demand -> CleanDemand
strictenDmd (JD { sd = s, ud = u})
= JD { sd = poke_s s, ud = poke_u u }
poke_s Lazy = HeadStr
- poke_s (Str _ s) = s
+ poke_s (Str s) = s
poke_u Abs = UHead
poke_u (Use _ u) = u
@@ -1344,8 +1268,8 @@ toCleanDmd (JD { sd = s, ud = u })
-- See Note [Analysing with absent demand]
(ss, s') = case s of
- Str x s' -> (Str x (), s')
- Lazy -> (Lazy, HeadStr)
+ Str s' -> (Str (), s')
+ Lazy -> (Lazy, HeadStr)
(us, u') = case u of
Use c u' -> (Use c (), u')
@@ -1361,14 +1285,11 @@ postProcessDmdType du@(JD { sd = ss }) (DmdType fv _ res_ty)
term_info = case postProcessDmdResult ss res_ty of
Dunno _ -> Dunno ()
- ThrowsExn -> ThrowsExn
Diverges -> Diverges
postProcessDmdResult :: Str () -> DmdResult -> DmdResult
-postProcessDmdResult Lazy _ = topRes
-postProcessDmdResult (Str ExnStr _) ThrowsExn = topRes -- Key point!
--- Note that only ThrowsExn results can be caught, not Diverges
-postProcessDmdResult _ res = res
+postProcessDmdResult Lazy _ = topRes
+postProcessDmdResult _ res = res
postProcessDmdEnv :: DmdShell -> DmdEnv -> DmdEnv
postProcessDmdEnv ds@(JD { sd = ss, ud = us }) env
@@ -1376,7 +1297,7 @@ postProcessDmdEnv ds@(JD { sd = ss, ud = us }) env
-- In this case (postProcessDmd ds) == id; avoid a redundant rebuild
-- of the environment. Be careful, bad things will happen if this doesn't
-- match postProcessDmd (see #13977).
- | Str VanStr _ <- ss
+ | Str _ <- ss
, Use One _ <- us = env
| otherwise = mapVarEnv (postProcessDmd ds) env
-- For the Absent case just discard all usage information
@@ -1385,7 +1306,7 @@ postProcessDmdEnv ds@(JD { sd = ss, ud = us }) env
reuseEnv :: DmdEnv -> DmdEnv
reuseEnv = mapVarEnv (postProcessDmd
- (JD { sd = Str VanStr (), ud = Use Many () }))
+ (JD { sd = Str (), ud = Use Many () }))
postProcessUnsat :: DmdShell -> DmdType -> DmdType
postProcessUnsat ds@(JD { sd = ss }) (DmdType fv args res_ty)
@@ -1398,18 +1319,13 @@ postProcessDmd (JD { sd = ss, ud = us }) (JD { sd = s, ud = a})
= JD { sd = s', ud = a' }
s' = case ss of
- Lazy -> Lazy
- Str ExnStr _ -> markExnStr s
- Str VanStr _ -> s
+ Lazy -> Lazy
+ Str _ -> s
a' = case us of
Abs -> Abs
Use Many _ -> markReusedDmd a
Use One _ -> a
-markExnStr :: ArgStr -> ArgStr
-markExnStr (Str VanStr s) = Str ExnStr s
-markExnStr s = s
-- Peels one call level from the demand, and also returns
-- whether it was unsaturated (separately for strictness and usage)
peelCallDmd :: CleanDemand -> (CleanDemand, DmdShell)
@@ -1420,8 +1336,8 @@ peelCallDmd (JD {sd = s, ud = u})
= (JD { sd = s', ud = u' }, JD { sd = ss, ud = us })
(s', ss) = case s of
- SCall s' -> (s', Str VanStr ())
- HyperStr -> (HyperStr, Str VanStr ())
+ SCall s' -> (s', Str ())
+ HyperStr -> (HyperStr, Str ())
_ -> (HeadStr, Lazy)
(u', us) = case u of
UCall c u' -> (u', Use c ())
@@ -1438,8 +1354,8 @@ peelManyCalls n (JD { sd = str, ud = abs })
= JD { sd = go_str n str, ud = go_abs n abs }
go_str :: Int -> StrDmd -> Str () -- True <=> unsaturated, defer
- go_str 0 _ = Str VanStr ()
- go_str _ HyperStr = Str VanStr () -- == go_str (n-1) HyperStr, as HyperStr = Call(HyperStr)
+ go_str 0 _ = Str ()
+ go_str _ HyperStr = Str () -- == go_str (n-1) HyperStr, as HyperStr = Call(HyperStr)
go_str n (SCall d') = go_str (n-1) d'
go_str _ _ = Lazy
@@ -1690,14 +1606,13 @@ hasDemandEnvSig (StrictSig (DmdType env _ _)) = not (isEmptyVarEnv env)
strictSigDmdEnv :: StrictSig -> DmdEnv
strictSigDmdEnv (StrictSig (DmdType env _ _)) = env
+-- | True if the signature diverges or throws an exception
isBottomingSig :: StrictSig -> Bool
--- True if the signature diverges or throws an exception
isBottomingSig (StrictSig (DmdType _ _ res)) = isBotRes res
-nopSig, botSig, exnSig :: StrictSig
+nopSig, botSig :: StrictSig
nopSig = StrictSig nopDmdType
botSig = StrictSig botDmdType
-exnSig = StrictSig exnDmdType
cprProdSig :: Arity -> StrictSig
cprProdSig arity = StrictSig (cprProdDmdType arity)
@@ -1831,7 +1746,7 @@ The occurrence analyser propagates this one-shot infor to the
binders \pqr and \xyz; see Note [Use one-shot information] in OccurAnal.
--- appIsBottom returns true if an application to n args
+-- | Returns true if an application to n args
-- would diverge or throw an exception
-- See Note [Unsaturated applications]
appIsBottom :: StrictSig -> Int -> Bool
@@ -1954,14 +1869,14 @@ strictifyDictDmd ty dmd = case getUseDmd dmd of
-- TODO revisit this if we ever do boxity analysis
| otherwise -> case mkProdDmd $ zipWith strictifyDictDmd inst_con_arg_tys dmds of
- JD {sd = s,ud = a} -> JD (Str VanStr s) (Use n a)
+ JD {sd = s,ud = a} -> JD (Str s) (Use n a)
-- TODO could optimize with an aborting variant of zipWith since
-- the superclass dicts are always a prefix
_ -> dmd -- unused or not a dictionary
strictifyDmd :: Demand -> Demand
strictifyDmd dmd@(JD { sd = str })
- = dmd { sd = str `bothArgStr` Str VanStr HeadStr }
+ = dmd { sd = str `bothArgStr` Str HeadStr }
Note [HyperStr and Use demands]
@@ -2002,30 +1917,19 @@ instance Binary StrDmd where
_ -> do sx <- get bh
return (SProd sx)
-instance Binary ExnStr where
- put_ bh VanStr = putByte bh 0
- put_ bh ExnStr = putByte bh 1
- get bh = do h <- getByte bh
- return (case h of
- 0 -> VanStr
- _ -> ExnStr)
instance Binary ArgStr where
put_ bh Lazy = do
putByte bh 0
- put_ bh (Str x s) = do
+ put_ bh (Str s) = do
putByte bh 1
- put_ bh x
put_ bh s
get bh = do
h <- getByte bh
case h of
0 -> return Lazy
- _ -> do x <- get bh
- s <- get bh
- return $ Str x s
+ _ -> do s <- get bh
+ return $ Str s
instance Binary Count where
put_ bh One = do putByte bh 0
@@ -2102,13 +2006,11 @@ instance Binary DmdType where
instance Binary DmdResult where
put_ bh (Dunno c) = do { putByte bh 0; put_ bh c }
- put_ bh ThrowsExn = putByte bh 1
- put_ bh Diverges = putByte bh 2
+ put_ bh Diverges = putByte bh 1
get bh = do { h <- getByte bh
; case h of
0 -> do { c <- get bh; return (Dunno c) }
- 1 -> return ThrowsExn
_ -> return Diverges }
instance Binary CPRResult where
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.hs
index 2947518352..37454ebee0 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.hs
@@ -153,9 +153,7 @@ exprBotStrictness_maybe e
Just ar -> Just (ar, sig ar)
env = AE { ae_ped_bot = True, ae_cheap_fn = \ _ _ -> False }
- sig ar = mkClosedStrictSig (replicate ar topDmd) exnRes
- -- For this purpose we can be very simple
- -- exnRes is a bit less aggressive than botRes
+ sig ar = mkClosedStrictSig (replicate ar topDmd) botRes
Note [exprArity invariant]
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/MkCore.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/MkCore.hs
index b1046c9a84..8de684bced 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/MkCore.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/MkCore.hs
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ tYPE_ERROR_ID = mkRuntimeErrorId typeErrorName
= mkVanillaGlobalWithInfo absentSumFieldErrorName
(mkSpecForAllTys [alphaTyVar] (mkTyVarTy alphaTyVar)) -- forall a . a
- (vanillaIdInfo `setStrictnessInfo` mkClosedStrictSig [] exnRes
+ (vanillaIdInfo `setStrictnessInfo` mkClosedStrictSig [] botRes
`setArityInfo` 0
`setCafInfo` NoCafRefs) -- #15038
@@ -785,8 +785,7 @@ mkRuntimeErrorId name
-- any pc_bottoming_Id will itself have CafRefs, which bloats
-- SRTs.
- strict_sig = mkClosedStrictSig [evalDmd] exnRes
- -- exnRes: these throw an exception, not just diverge
+ strict_sig = mkClosedStrictSig [evalDmd] botRes
runtimeErrorTy :: Type
-- forall (rr :: RuntimeRep) (a :: rr). Addr# -> a
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/primops.txt.pp b/compiler/prelude/primops.txt.pp
index 8904bbcec5..2740ef7455 100644
--- a/compiler/prelude/primops.txt.pp
+++ b/compiler/prelude/primops.txt.pp
@@ -2478,9 +2478,6 @@ section "Exceptions"
-- 0# -> maskAsynchExceptions# (\st -> case ma of MVar a -> ...)
-- The outer case just decides whether to mask exceptions, but we don't want
-- thereby to hide the strictness in 'ma'! Hence the use of strictApply1Dmd.
--- For catch, catchSTM, and catchRetry, we must be extra careful; see
--- Note [Exceptions and strictness] in Demand
primop CatchOp "catch#" GenPrimOp
(State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) )
@@ -2499,8 +2496,7 @@ primop RaiseOp "raise#" GenPrimOp
b -> o
-- NB: the type variable "o" is "a", but with OpenKind
- strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [topDmd] exnRes }
- -- NB: result is ThrowsExn
+ strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [topDmd] botRes }
out_of_line = True
has_side_effects = True
-- raise# certainly throws a Haskell exception and hence has_side_effects
@@ -2528,7 +2524,7 @@ primop RaiseOp "raise#" GenPrimOp
primop RaiseIOOp "raiseIO#" GenPrimOp
a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
- strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [topDmd, topDmd] exnRes }
+ strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [topDmd, topDmd] botRes }
out_of_line = True
has_side_effects = True
@@ -2579,7 +2575,7 @@ primop AtomicallyOp "atomically#" GenPrimOp
out_of_line = True
has_side_effects = True
--- NB: retry#'s strictness information specifies it to throw an exception
+-- NB: retry#'s strictness information specifies it to diverge.
-- This lets the compiler perform some extra simplifications, since retry#
-- will technically never return.
@@ -2589,13 +2585,10 @@ primop AtomicallyOp "atomically#" GenPrimOp
-- with:
-- retry# s1
-- where 'e' would be unreachable anyway. See Trac #8091.
--- Note that it *does not* return botRes as the "exception" that is thrown may be
--- "caught" by catchRetry#. This mistake caused #14171.
primop RetryOp "retry#" GenPrimOp
State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
- strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [topDmd] exnRes }
+ strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [topDmd] botRes }
out_of_line = True
has_side_effects = True
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.hs b/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.hs
index 51e1d7de5e..8418ce1c7d 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.hs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.hs
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import CoreUtils
import CoreOpt ( pushCoTyArg, pushCoValArg
, joinPointBinding_maybe, joinPointBindings_maybe )
import Rules ( mkRuleInfo, lookupRule, getRules )
-import Demand ( mkClosedStrictSig, topDmd, exnRes )
+import Demand ( mkClosedStrictSig, topDmd, botRes )
import BasicTypes ( TopLevelFlag(..), isNotTopLevel, isTopLevel,
RecFlag(..), Arity )
import MonadUtils ( mapAccumLM, liftIO )
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ addLetBndrInfo new_bndr new_arity is_bot new_unf
-- Bottoming bindings: see Note [Bottoming bindings]
info4 | is_bot = info3 `setStrictnessInfo`
- mkClosedStrictSig (replicate new_arity topDmd) exnRes
+ mkClosedStrictSig (replicate new_arity topDmd) botRes
| otherwise = info3
-- Zap call arity info. We have used it by now (via
diff --git a/compiler/stranal/WwLib.hs b/compiler/stranal/WwLib.hs
index 756a706dd8..9112ddc3bf 100644
--- a/compiler/stranal/WwLib.hs
+++ b/compiler/stranal/WwLib.hs
@@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ mk_absent_let dflags arg
= WARN( True, text "No absent value for" <+> ppr arg_ty )
Nothing -- Can happen for 'State#' and things of 'VecRep'
- lifted_arg = arg `setIdStrictness` exnSig
+ lifted_arg = arg `setIdStrictness` botSig
-- Note in strictness signature that this is bottoming
-- (for the sake of the "empty case scrutinee not known to
-- diverge for sure lint" warning)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/deSugar/should_compile/T2431.stderr b/testsuite/tests/deSugar/should_compile/T2431.stderr
index 3c1c232887..54308c6a5b 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/deSugar/should_compile/T2431.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/deSugar/should_compile/T2431.stderr
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ T2431.$WRefl
-- RHS size: {terms: 4, types: 8, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
absurd :: forall a. (Int :~: Bool) -> a
-[GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=<L,U>x, Unf=OtherCon []]
+[GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=<L,U>b, Unf=OtherCon []]
absurd = \ (@ a) (x :: Int :~: Bool) -> case x of { }
-- RHS size: {terms: 1, types: 0, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/spec-inline.stderr b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/spec-inline.stderr
index d978cc5719..07b04c215e 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/spec-inline.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/spec-inline.stderr
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ lvl = "spec-inline.hs:(19,5)-(29,25)|function go"#
-- RHS size: {terms: 2, types: 2, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
Roman.foo3 :: Int
-[GblId, Str=x]
+[GblId, Str=b]
= Control.Exception.Base.patError @ 'GHC.Types.LiftedRep @ Int lvl
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/stranal/should_run/T14171.hs b/testsuite/tests/stranal/should_run/T14171.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edee0830d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/stranal/should_run/T14171.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+module Main where
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
+chkLoop :: TVar String -> STM ()
+chkLoop v = do
+ val <- readTVar v
+ if (length val == 2) then retry else return ()
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ v <- newTVarIO "hi"
+ atomically $ do
+ chkLoop v `orElse` return ()
+ error "you're expected to see this"
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/stranal/should_run/all.T b/testsuite/tests/stranal/should_run/all.T
index f33adac932..278b91b292 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/stranal/should_run/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/stranal/should_run/all.T
@@ -20,5 +20,6 @@ test('T11555a', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
test('T12368', exit_code(1), compile_and_run, [''])
test('T12368a', exit_code(1), compile_and_run, [''])
test('T13380', [expect_broken(13380), exit_code(1)], compile_and_run, [''])
+test('T14171', [expect_broken(14171), exit_code(1)], compile_and_run, [''])
test('T14290', normal, compile_and_run, [''])
test('T14285', normal, multimod_compile_and_run, ['T14285', ''])
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/UnsatFun.stderr b/testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/UnsatFun.stderr
index 1ea2fa4773..9fb8ab321f 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/UnsatFun.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/stranal/sigs/UnsatFun.stderr
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
==================== Strictness signatures ====================
UnsatFun.$trModule: m
-UnsatFun.f: <B,1*U(U)><B,A>x
-UnsatFun.g: <B,1*U(U)>x
+UnsatFun.f: <B,1*U(U)><B,A>b
+UnsatFun.g: <B,1*U(U)>b
UnsatFun.g': <L,1*U(U)>
UnsatFun.g3: <L,U(U)>m
UnsatFun.h: <C(S),1*C1(U(U))>
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ UnsatFun.h3: <C(S),1*C1(U)>m
==================== Strictness signatures ====================
UnsatFun.$trModule: m
-UnsatFun.f: <B,1*U(U)><B,A>x
-UnsatFun.g: <B,1*U(U)>x
+UnsatFun.f: <B,1*U(U)><B,A>b
+UnsatFun.g: <B,1*U(U)>b
UnsatFun.g': <L,1*U(U)>
UnsatFun.g3: <L,U(U)>m
UnsatFun.h: <C(S),1*C1(U(U))>