diff options
3 files changed, 266 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
index 841f0aa713..6975eeb9d3 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ import GHC.Core.Type
import GHC.Data.Bag
import GHC.Tc.Errors.Types
import GHC.Tc.Types.Rank (Rank(..))
-import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType (tcSplitForAllTyVars)
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType (TcType, tcSplitForAllTyVars)
import GHC.Types.Error
-import GHC.Types.FieldLabel (flIsOverloaded, flSelector)
+import GHC.Types.FieldLabel (FieldLabelString, flIsOverloaded, flSelector)
import GHC.Types.Id (isRecordSelector)
import GHC.Types.Name
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader (GreName(..), pprNameProvenance)
-import GHC.Types.SrcLoc (GenLocated(..))
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc (GenLocated(..), unLoc)
import GHC.Types.TyThing
import GHC.Types.Var.Env (emptyTidyEnv)
import GHC.Types.Var.Set (pprVarSet, pluralVarSet)
@@ -398,6 +398,79 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
ppr_name (FieldGreName fl) | flIsOverloaded fl = ppr fl
| otherwise = ppr (flSelector fl)
ppr_name (NormalGreName name) = ppr name
+ TcRnAmbiguousField rupd parent_type
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $
+ vcat [ text "The record update" <+> ppr rupd
+ <+> text "with type" <+> ppr parent_type
+ <+> text "is ambiguous."
+ , text "This will not be supported by -XDuplicateRecordFields in future releases of GHC."
+ ]
+ TcRnMissingFields con fields
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [header, nest 2 rest]
+ where
+ rest | null fields = empty
+ | otherwise = vcat (fmap pprField fields)
+ header = text "Fields of" <+> quotes (ppr con) <+>
+ text "not initialised" <>
+ if null fields then empty else colon
+ TcRnFieldUpdateInvalidType prs
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $
+ hang (text "Record update for insufficiently polymorphic field"
+ <> plural prs <> colon)
+ 2 (vcat [ ppr f <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty | (f,ty) <- prs ])
+ TcRnNoConstructorHasAllFields conflictingFields
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $
+ hang (text "No constructor has all these fields:")
+ 2 (pprQuotedList conflictingFields)
+ TcRnMixedSelectors data_name data_sels pat_name pat_syn_sels
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $
+ text "Cannot use a mixture of pattern synonym and record selectors" $$
+ text "Record selectors defined by"
+ <+> quotes (ppr data_name)
+ <> colon
+ <+> pprWithCommas ppr data_sels $$
+ text "Pattern synonym selectors defined by"
+ <+> quotes (ppr pat_name)
+ <> colon
+ <+> pprWithCommas ppr pat_syn_sels
+ TcRnMissingStrictFields con fields
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $ vcat [header, nest 2 rest]
+ where
+ rest | null fields = empty -- Happens for non-record constructors
+ -- with strict fields
+ | otherwise = vcat (fmap pprField fields)
+ header = text "Constructor" <+> quotes (ppr con) <+>
+ text "does not have the required strict field(s)" <>
+ if null fields then empty else colon
+ TcRnNoPossibleParentForFields rbinds
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $
+ hang (text "No type has all these fields:")
+ 2 (pprQuotedList fields)
+ where fields = map (hfbLHS . unLoc) rbinds
+ TcRnBadOverloadedRecordUpdate _rbinds
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $
+ text "Record update is ambiguous, and requires a type signature"
+ TcRnStaticFormNotClosed name reason
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $
+ quotes (ppr name)
+ <+> text "is used in a static form but it is not closed"
+ <+> text "because it"
+ $$ sep (causes reason)
+ where
+ causes :: NotClosedReason -> [SDoc]
+ causes NotLetBoundReason = [text "is not let-bound."]
+ causes (NotTypeClosed vs) =
+ [ text "has a non-closed type because it contains the"
+ , text "type variables:" <+>
+ pprVarSet vs (hsep . punctuate comma . map (quotes . ppr))
+ ]
+ causes (NotClosed n reason) =
+ let msg = text "uses" <+> quotes (ppr n) <+> text "which"
+ in case reason of
+ NotClosed _ _ -> msg : causes reason
+ _ -> let (xs0, xs1) = splitAt 1 $ causes reason
+ in fmap (msg <+>) xs0 ++ xs1
diagnosticReason = \case
TcRnUnknownMessage m
@@ -553,6 +626,24 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
-> ErrorWithoutFlag
-> ErrorWithoutFlag
+ TcRnAmbiguousField{}
+ -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnAmbiguousFields
+ TcRnMissingFields{}
+ -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnMissingFields
+ TcRnFieldUpdateInvalidType{}
+ -> ErrorWithoutFlag
+ TcRnNoConstructorHasAllFields{}
+ -> ErrorWithoutFlag
+ TcRnMixedSelectors{}
+ -> ErrorWithoutFlag
+ TcRnMissingStrictFields{}
+ -> ErrorWithoutFlag
+ TcRnNoPossibleParentForFields{}
+ -> ErrorWithoutFlag
+ TcRnBadOverloadedRecordUpdate{}
+ -> ErrorWithoutFlag
+ TcRnStaticFormNotClosed{}
+ -> ErrorWithoutFlag
diagnosticHints = \case
TcRnUnknownMessage m
@@ -724,6 +815,24 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
-> noHints
-> noHints
+ TcRnAmbiguousField{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnMissingFields{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnFieldUpdateInvalidType{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnNoConstructorHasAllFields{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnMixedSelectors{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnMissingStrictFields{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnNoPossibleParentForFields{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnBadOverloadedRecordUpdate{}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnStaticFormNotClosed{}
+ -> noHints
messageWithInfoDiagnosticMessage :: UnitState
-> ErrInfo
@@ -789,6 +898,8 @@ pprLevityPolyInType ty prov =
-> empty
in formatLevPolyErr ty $$ extra
+pprField :: (FieldLabelString, TcType) -> SDoc
+pprField (f,ty) = ppr f <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty
pprRecordFieldPart :: RecordFieldPart -> SDoc
pprRecordFieldPart = \case
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Types.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Types.hs
index 4272ac9a4a..7bcd83c98c 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Types.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Types.hs
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Errors.Types (
, hasKinds
, SuggestUndecidableInstances(..)
, suggestUndecidableInstances
+ , NotClosedReason(..)
) where
import GHC.Prelude
@@ -20,15 +21,20 @@ import GHC.Hs
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Types (TcIdSigInfo)
import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint
import GHC.Tc.Types.Rank (Rank)
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType (TcType)
import GHC.Types.Error
+import GHC.Types.FieldLabel (FieldLabelString)
import GHC.Types.Name (Name, OccName)
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Types.TyThing (TyThing)
+import GHC.Types.Var (Id)
+import GHC.Types.Var.Set (TyVarSet, VarSet)
import GHC.Unit.Types (Module)
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Core.Class (Class)
import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom (CoAxBranch)
+import GHC.Core.ConLike (ConLike)
import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv (FamInst)
import GHC.Core.InstEnv (ClsInst)
import GHC.Core.TyCon (TyCon, TyConFlavour)
@@ -36,7 +42,6 @@ import GHC.Core.Type (Kind, Type, Var)
import GHC.Unit.State (UnitState)
import GHC.Unit.Module.Name (ModuleName)
import GHC.Types.Basic
-import GHC.Types.Var.Set (TyVarSet)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Typeable hiding (TyCon)
@@ -1097,6 +1102,135 @@ data TcRnMessage where
-> IE GhcPs -- ^ Export decl of second export
-> TcRnMessage
+ {-| TcRnAmbiguousField is a warning controlled by -Wambiguous-fields occurring
+ when a record update's type cannot be precisely determined. This will not
+ be supported by -XDuplicateRecordFields in future releases.
+ Example(s):
+ data Person = MkPerson { personId :: Int, name :: String }
+ data Address = MkAddress { personId :: Int, address :: String }
+ bad1 x = x { personId = 4 } :: Person -- ambiguous
+ bad2 (x :: Person) = x { personId = 4 } -- ambiguous
+ good x = (x :: Person) { personId = 4 } -- not ambiguous
+ Test cases: overloadedrecflds/should_fail/overloadedrecfldsfail06
+ -}
+ TcRnAmbiguousField
+ :: HsExpr GhcRn -- ^ Field update
+ -> TyCon -- ^ Record type
+ -> TcRnMessage
+ {-| TcRnMissingFields is a warning controlled by -Wmissing-fields occurring
+ when the intialisation of a record is missing one or more (lazy) fields.
+ Example(s):
+ data Rec = Rec { a :: Int, b :: String, c :: Bool }
+ x = Rec { a = 1, b = "two" } -- missing field 'c'
+ Test cases: deSugar/should_compile/T13870
+ deSugar/should_compile/ds041
+ patsyn/should_compile/T11283
+ rename/should_compile/T5334
+ rename/should_compile/T12229
+ rename/should_compile/T5892a
+ warnings/should_fail/WerrorFail2
+ -}
+ TcRnMissingFields :: ConLike -> [(FieldLabelString, TcType)] -> TcRnMessage
+ {-| TcRnFieldUpdateInvalidType is an error occurring when an updated field's
+ type mentions something that is outside the universally quantified variables
+ of the data constructor, such as an existentially quantified type.
+ Example(s):
+ data X = forall a. MkX { f :: a }
+ x = (MkX ()) { f = False }
+ Test cases: patsyn/should_fail/records-exquant
+ typecheck/should_fail/T3323
+ -}
+ TcRnFieldUpdateInvalidType :: [(FieldLabelString,TcType)] -> TcRnMessage
+ {-| TcRnNoConstructorHasAllFields is an error that occurs when a record update
+ has fields that no single constructor encompasses.
+ Example(s):
+ data Foo = A { x :: Bool }
+ | B { y :: Int }
+ foo = (A False) { x = True, y = 5 }
+ Test cases: overloadedrecflds/should_fail/overloadedrecfldsfail08
+ patsyn/should_fail/mixed-pat-syn-record-sels
+ typecheck/should_fail/T7989
+ -}
+ TcRnNoConstructorHasAllFields :: [FieldLabelString] -> TcRnMessage
+ {- TcRnMixedSelectors is an error for when a mixture of pattern synonym and
+ record selectors are used in the same record update block.
+ Example(s):
+ data Rec = Rec { foo :: Int, bar :: String }
+ pattern Pat { f1, f2 } = Rec { foo = f1, bar = f2 }
+ illegal :: Rec -> Rec
+ illegal r = r { f1 = 1, bar = "two" }
+ Test cases: patsyn/should_fail/records-mixing-fields
+ -}
+ TcRnMixedSelectors
+ :: Name -- ^ Record
+ -> [Id] -- ^ Record selectors
+ -> Name -- ^ Pattern synonym
+ -> [Id] -- ^ Pattern selectors
+ -> TcRnMessage
+ {- TcRnMissingStrictFields is an error occurring when a record field marked
+ as strict is omitted when constructing said record.
+ Example(s):
+ data R = R { strictField :: !Bool, nonStrict :: Int }
+ x = R { nonStrict = 1 }
+ Test cases: typecheck/should_fail/T18869
+ typecheck/should_fail/tcfail085
+ typecheck/should_fail/tcfail112
+ -}
+ TcRnMissingStrictFields :: ConLike -> [(FieldLabelString, TcType)] -> TcRnMessage
+ {- TcRnNoPossibleParentForFields is an error thrown when the fields used in a
+ record update block do not all belong to any one type.
+ Example(s):
+ data R1 = R1 { x :: Int, y :: Int }
+ data R2 = R2 { y :: Int, z :: Int }
+ update r = r { x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 }
+ Test cases: overloadedrecflds/should_fail/overloadedrecfldsfail01
+ overloadedrecflds/should_fail/overloadedrecfldsfail14
+ -}
+ TcRnNoPossibleParentForFields :: [LHsRecUpdField GhcRn] -> TcRnMessage
+ {- TcRnBadOverloadedRecordUpdate is an error for a record update that cannot
+ be pinned down to any one constructor and thus must be given a type signature.
+ Example(s):
+ data R1 = R1 { x :: Int }
+ data R2 = R2 { x :: Int }
+ update r = r { x = 1 } -- needs a type signature
+ Test cases: overloadedrecflds/should_fail/overloadedrecfldsfail01
+ -}
+ TcRnBadOverloadedRecordUpdate :: [LHsRecUpdField GhcRn] -> TcRnMessage
+ {- TcRnStaticFormNotClosed is an error pertaining to terms that are marked static
+ using the -XStaticPointers extension but which are not closed terms.
+ Example(s):
+ f x = static x
+ Test cases: rename/should_fail/RnStaticPointersFail01
+ rename/should_fail/RnStaticPointersFail03
+ -}
+ TcRnStaticFormNotClosed :: Name -> NotClosedReason -> TcRnMessage
-- | Which parts of a record field are affected by a particular error or warning.
data RecordFieldPart
= RecordFieldConstructor !Name
@@ -1151,3 +1285,9 @@ data SuggestUndecidableInstances
suggestUndecidableInstances :: Bool -> SuggestUndecidableInstances
suggestUndecidableInstances True = YesSuggestUndecidableInstaces
suggestUndecidableInstances False = NoSuggestUndecidableInstaces
+-- | A data type to describe why a variable is not closed.
+-- See Note [Not-closed error messages] in GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr
+data NotClosedReason = NotLetBoundReason
+ | NotTypeClosed VarSet
+ | NotClosed Name NotClosedReason
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs
index d61bbbe694..899a69353e 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Expr.hs
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ tcExpr expr@(RecordUpd { rupd_expr = record_expr, rupd_flds = Left rbnds }) res_
con1_tv_set = mkVarSet con1_tvs
bad_fld (fld, ty) = fld `elem` upd_fld_occs &&
not (tyCoVarsOfType ty `subVarSet` con1_tv_set)
- ; checkTc (null bad_upd_flds) (badFieldTypes bad_upd_flds)
+ ; checkTc (null bad_upd_flds) (TcRnFieldUpdateInvalidType bad_upd_flds)
-- STEP 4 Note [Type of a record update]
-- Figure out types for the scrutinee and result
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ disambiguateRecordBinds record_expr record_rho rbnds res_ty
identifyParent fam_inst_envs possible_parents
= case foldr1 intersect possible_parents of
-- No parents for all fields: record update is ill-typed
- [] -> failWithTc (noPossibleParents rbnds)
+ [] -> failWithTc (TcRnNoPossibleParentForFields rbnds)
-- Exactly one datatype with all the fields: use that
[p] -> return p
@@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ disambiguateRecordBinds record_expr record_rho rbnds res_ty
; return (RecSelData tc) }
-- Nothing else we can try...
- _ -> failWithTc badOverloadedUpdate
+ _ -> failWithTc (TcRnBadOverloadedRecordUpdate rbnds)
-- Make a field unambiguous by choosing the given parent.
-- Emits an error if the field cannot have that parent,
@@ -1286,13 +1286,7 @@ disambiguateRecordBinds record_expr record_rho rbnds res_ty
-- See Note [Deprecating ambiguous fields] in GHC.Tc.Gen.Head
reportAmbiguousField :: TyCon -> TcM ()
reportAmbiguousField parent_type =
- setSrcSpan loc $ addDiagnostic $
- TcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainDiagnostic (WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnAmbiguousFields) noHints $
- vcat [ text "The record update" <+> ppr rupd
- <+> text "with type" <+> ppr parent_type
- <+> text "is ambiguous."
- , text "This will not be supported by -XDuplicateRecordFields in future releases of GHC."
- ]
+ setSrcSpan loc $ addDiagnostic $ TcRnAmbiguousField rupd parent_type
rupd = RecordUpd { rupd_expr = record_expr, rupd_flds = Left rbnds, rupd_ext = noExtField }
loc = getLocA (head rbnds)
@@ -1401,13 +1395,10 @@ checkMissingFields con_like rbinds arg_tys
-- But C{} is still valid if no strict fields
= if any isBanged field_strs then
-- Illegal if any arg is strict
- addErrTc (missingStrictFields con_like [])
+ addErrTc (TcRnMissingStrictFields con_like [])
else do
when (notNull field_strs && null field_labels) $ do
- let msg = TcRnUnknownMessage $
- mkPlainDiagnostic (WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnMissingFields)
- noHints
- (missingFields con_like [])
+ let msg = TcRnMissingFields con_like []
(diagnosticTc True msg)
| otherwise = do -- A record
@@ -1415,7 +1406,7 @@ checkMissingFields con_like rbinds arg_tys
fs <- zonk_fields missing_s_fields
-- It is an error to omit a strict field, because
-- we can't substitute it with (error "Missing field f")
- addErrTc (missingStrictFields con_like fs)
+ addErrTc (TcRnMissingStrictFields con_like fs)
warn <- woptM Opt_WarnMissingFields
when (warn && notNull missing_ns_fields) $ do
@@ -1423,10 +1414,7 @@ checkMissingFields con_like rbinds arg_tys
-- It is not an error (though we may want) to omit a
-- lazy field, because we can always use
-- (error "Missing field f") instead.
- let msg = TcRnUnknownMessage $
- mkPlainDiagnostic (WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnMissingFields)
- noHints
- (missingFields con_like fs)
+ let msg = TcRnMissingFields con_like fs
diagnosticTc True msg
@@ -1468,22 +1456,13 @@ fieldCtxt :: FieldLabelString -> SDoc
fieldCtxt field_name
= text "In the" <+> quotes (ppr field_name) <+> text "field of a record"
-badFieldTypes :: [(FieldLabelString,TcType)] -> TcRnMessage
-badFieldTypes prs
- = TcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $
- hang (text "Record update for insufficiently polymorphic field"
- <> plural prs <> colon)
- 2 (vcat [ ppr f <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty | (f,ty) <- prs ])
:: [LHsFieldBind GhcTc (LAmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc) (LHsExpr GhcRn)]
-- Field names that don't belong to a single datacon
-> [ConLike] -- Data cons of the type which the first field name belongs to
-> TcRnMessage
badFieldsUpd rbinds data_cons
- = TcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $
- hang (text "No constructor has all these fields:")
- 2 (pprQuotedList conflictingFields)
+ = TcRnNoConstructorHasAllFields conflictingFields
-- See Note [Finding the conflicting fields]
-- A (preferably small) set of fields such that no constructor contains
@@ -1554,60 +1533,12 @@ a decent stab, no more. See #7989.
mixedSelectors :: [Id] -> [Id] -> TcRnMessage
mixedSelectors data_sels@(dc_rep_id:_) pat_syn_sels@(ps_rep_id:_)
- = TcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $
- text "Cannot use a mixture of pattern synonym and record selectors" $$
- text "Record selectors defined by"
- <+> quotes (ppr (tyConName rep_dc))
- <> colon
- <+> pprWithCommas ppr data_sels $$
- text "Pattern synonym selectors defined by"
- <+> quotes (ppr (patSynName rep_ps))
- <> colon
- <+> pprWithCommas ppr pat_syn_sels
+ = TcRnMixedSelectors (tyConName rep_dc) data_sels (patSynName rep_ps) pat_syn_sels
RecSelPatSyn rep_ps = recordSelectorTyCon ps_rep_id
RecSelData rep_dc = recordSelectorTyCon dc_rep_id
mixedSelectors _ _ = panic "GHC.Tc.Gen.Expr: mixedSelectors emptylists"
-missingStrictFields :: ConLike -> [(FieldLabelString, TcType)] -> TcRnMessage
-missingStrictFields con fields
- = TcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $ vcat [header, nest 2 rest]
- where
- pprField (f,ty) = ppr f <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty
- rest | null fields = Outputable.empty -- Happens for non-record constructors
- -- with strict fields
- | otherwise = vcat (fmap pprField fields)
- header = text "Constructor" <+> quotes (ppr con) <+>
- text "does not have the required strict field(s)" <>
- if null fields then Outputable.empty else colon
-missingFields :: ConLike -> [(FieldLabelString, TcType)] -> SDoc
-missingFields con fields
- = vcat [header, nest 2 rest]
- where
- pprField (f,ty) = ppr f <+> text "::" <+> ppr ty
- rest | null fields = Outputable.empty
- | otherwise = vcat (fmap pprField fields)
- header = text "Fields of" <+> quotes (ppr con) <+>
- text "not initialised" <>
- if null fields then Outputable.empty else colon
--- callCtxt fun args = text "In the call" <+> parens (ppr (foldl' mkHsApp fun args))
-noPossibleParents :: [LHsRecUpdField GhcRn] -> TcRnMessage
-noPossibleParents rbinds
- = TcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $
- hang (text "No type has all these fields:")
- 2 (pprQuotedList fields)
- where
- fields = map (hfbLHS . unLoc) rbinds
-badOverloadedUpdate :: TcRnMessage
-badOverloadedUpdate = TcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $
- text "Record update is ambiguous, and requires a type signature"
* *
@@ -1616,11 +1547,6 @@ badOverloadedUpdate = TcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $
--- | A data type to describe why a variable is not closed.
-data NotClosedReason = NotLetBoundReason
- | NotTypeClosed VarSet
- | NotClosed Name NotClosedReason
-- | Checks if the given name is closed and emits an error if not.
-- See Note [Not-closed error messages].
@@ -1686,25 +1612,7 @@ checkClosedInStaticForm name = do
-- when the final node has a non-closed type.
explain :: Name -> NotClosedReason -> TcRnMessage
- explain name reason = TcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $
- quotes (ppr name) <+> text "is used in a static form but it is not closed"
- <+> text "because it"
- $$
- sep (causes reason)
- causes :: NotClosedReason -> [SDoc]
- causes NotLetBoundReason = [text "is not let-bound."]
- causes (NotTypeClosed vs) =
- [ text "has a non-closed type because it contains the"
- , text "type variables:" <+>
- pprVarSet vs (hsep . punctuate comma . map (quotes . ppr))
- ]
- causes (NotClosed n reason) =
- let msg = text "uses" <+> quotes (ppr n) <+> text "which"
- in case reason of
- NotClosed _ _ -> msg : causes reason
- _ -> let (xs0, xs1) = splitAt 1 $ causes reason
- in fmap (msg <+>) xs0 ++ xs1
+ explain = TcRnStaticFormNotClosed
-- Note [Not-closed error messages]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~