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11 files changed, 472 insertions, 327 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
index 7d2415caf2..dc467f5187 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
@@ -86,10 +86,11 @@ vectModule guts@(ModGuts { mg_tcs = tycons
; (_, fam_inst_env) <- readGEnv global_fam_inst_env
-- Vectorise all the top level bindings and VECTORISE declarations on imported identifiers
+ -- NB: Need to vectorise the imported bindings first (local bindings may depend on them).
; let impBinds = [imp_id | Vect imp_id _ <- vect_decls, isGlobalId imp_id] ++
[imp_id | VectInst True imp_id <- vect_decls, isGlobalId imp_id]
- ; binds_top <- mapM vectTopBind binds
; binds_imp <- mapM vectImpBind impBinds
+ ; binds_top <- mapM vectTopBind binds
; return $ guts { mg_tcs = tycons ++ new_tycons
-- we produce no new classes or instances, only new class type constructors
@@ -301,7 +302,8 @@ vectTopBinder var inline expr
-- => generate vectorised code according to the the "Note [Scalar dfuns]" below
-- (4) There is no vectorisation declaration for the variable
--- => perform automatic vectorisation of the RHS
+-- => perform automatic vectorisation of the RHS (the definition may or may not be a dfun;
+-- vectorisation proceeds differently depending on which it is)
-- Note [Scalar dfuns]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@@ -342,7 +344,8 @@ vectTopRhs recFs var expr
; vectDecl <- lookupVectDecl var
; let isDFun = isDFunId var
- ; traceVt ("vectTopRhs of " ++ show var ++ info globalScalar isDFun vectDecl) $ ppr expr
+ ; traceVt ("vectTopRhs of " ++ show var ++ info globalScalar isDFun vectDecl ++ ":") $
+ ppr expr
; rhs globalScalar isDFun vectDecl
@@ -357,14 +360,18 @@ vectTopRhs recFs var expr
= do { expr' <- vectScalarDFun var recFs
; return (DontInline, True, expr')
- rhs False _isDFun Nothing -- Case (4)
- = do { let fvs = freeVars expr
+ rhs False False Nothing -- Case (4) — not a dfun
+ = do { let exprFvs = freeVars expr
; (inline, isScalar, vexpr)
<- inBind var $
- vectPolyExpr (isStrongLoopBreaker $ idOccInfo var) recFs fvs
+ vectPolyExpr (isStrongLoopBreaker $ idOccInfo var) recFs exprFvs
; return (inline, isScalar, vectorised vexpr)
+ rhs False True Nothing -- Case (4) — is a dfun
+ = do { expr' <- vectDictExpr expr
+ ; return (DontInline, True, expr')
+ }
info True False _ = " [VECTORISE SCALAR]"
info True True _ = " [VECTORISE SCALAR instance]"
info False _ vectDecl | isJust vectDecl = " [VECTORISE]"
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
index bf6fe3165e..ca7b13f866 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-- |Vectorisation of expressions.
module Vectorise.Exp
( -- * Vectorise polymorphic expressions with special cases for right-hand sides of particular
-- variable bindings
+ , vectDictExpr
, vectScalarFun
, vectScalarDFun
@@ -42,50 +45,45 @@ import Outputable
import FastString
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
+import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
--- | Vectorise a polymorphic expression.
+-- |Vectorise a polymorphic expression.
-vectPolyExpr :: Bool -- ^ When vectorising the RHS of a
- -- binding, whether that binding is a
- -- loop breaker.
+vectPolyExpr :: Bool -- ^ When vectorising the RHS of a binding: is that binding a loop breaker?
-> [Var]
-> CoreExprWithFVs
-> VM (Inline, Bool, VExpr)
vectPolyExpr loop_breaker recFns (_, AnnTick tickish expr)
- = do (inline, isScalarFn, expr') <- vectPolyExpr loop_breaker recFns expr
- return (inline, isScalarFn, vTick tickish expr')
+ = do { (inline, isScalarFn, expr') <- vectPolyExpr loop_breaker recFns expr
+ ; return (inline, isScalarFn, vTick tickish expr')
+ }
vectPolyExpr loop_breaker recFns expr
- = do
- arity <- polyArity tvs
- polyAbstract tvs $ \args ->
- do
- (inline, isScalarFn, mono') <- vectFnExpr False loop_breaker recFns mono
- return (addInlineArity inline arity, isScalarFn,
- mapVect (mkLams $ tvs ++ args) mono')
+ = do { arity <- polyArity tvs
+ ; polyAbstract tvs $ \args -> do
+ { (inline, isScalarFn, mono') <- vectFnExpr False loop_breaker recFns mono
+ ; return (addInlineArity inline arity, isScalarFn, mapVect (mkLams $ tvs ++ args) mono')
+ } }
(tvs, mono) = collectAnnTypeBinders expr
-- |Vectorise an expression.
vectExpr :: CoreExprWithFVs -> VM VExpr
-vectExpr (_, AnnType ty)
- = liftM vType (vectType ty)
vectExpr (_, AnnVar v)
= vectVar v
vectExpr (_, AnnLit lit)
- = vectLiteral lit
+ = vectConst $ Lit lit
-vectExpr (_, AnnTick tickish expr)
- = liftM (vTick tickish) (vectExpr expr)
+vectExpr e@(_, AnnLam bndr _)
+ | isId bndr = (\(_, _, ve) -> ve) <$> vectFnExpr True False [] e
--- SPECIAL CASE: Vectorise/lift 'patError @ ty err' by only vectorising/lifting the type 'ty';
--- its only purpose is to abort the program, but we need to adjust the type to keep CoreLint
--- happy.
+ -- SPECIAL CASE: Vectorise/lift 'patError @ ty err' by only vectorising/lifting the type 'ty';
+ -- its only purpose is to abort the program, but we need to adjust the type to keep CoreLint
+ -- happy.
-- FIXME: can't be do this with a VECTORISE pragma on 'pAT_ERROR_ID' now?
vectExpr (_, AnnApp (_, AnnApp (_, AnnVar v) (_, AnnType ty)) err)
| v == pAT_ERROR_ID
@@ -95,12 +93,14 @@ vectExpr (_, AnnApp (_, AnnApp (_, AnnVar v) (_, AnnType ty)) err)
err' = deAnnotate err
+ -- type application (handle multiple consecutive type applications simultaneously to ensure the
+ -- PA dictionaries are put at the right places)
vectExpr e@(_, AnnApp _ arg)
| isAnnTypeArg arg
- = vectTyAppExpr fn tys
- where
- (fn, tys) = collectAnnTypeArgs e
+ = vectPolyApp e
+ -- 'Int', 'Float', or 'Double' literal
+ -- FIXME: this needs to be generalised
vectExpr (_, AnnApp (_, AnnVar v) (_, AnnLit lit))
| Just con <- isDataConId_maybe v
, is_special_con con
@@ -111,25 +111,22 @@ vectExpr (_, AnnApp (_, AnnVar v) (_, AnnLit lit))
is_special_con con = con `elem` [intDataCon, floatDataCon, doubleDataCon]
--- TODO: Avoid using closure application for dictionaries.
--- vectExpr (_, AnnApp fn arg)
--- | if is application of dictionary
--- just use regular app instead of closure app.
--- for lifted version.
--- do liftPD (sub a dNumber)
--- lift the result of the selection, not sub and dNumber seprately.
-vectExpr (_, AnnApp fn arg)
- = do
- arg_ty' <- vectType arg_ty
- res_ty' <- vectType res_ty
- fn' <- vectExpr fn
- arg' <- vectExpr arg
- mkClosureApp arg_ty' res_ty' fn' arg'
+ -- value application (dictionary or user value)
+vectExpr e@(_, AnnApp fn arg)
+ | isPredTy arg_ty -- dictionary application (whose result is not a dictionary)
+ = vectPolyApp e
+ | otherwise -- user value
+ = do { -- vectorise the types
+ ; varg_ty <- vectType arg_ty
+ ; vres_ty <- vectType res_ty
+ -- vectorise the function and argument expression
+ ; vfn <- vectExpr fn
+ ; varg <- vectExpr arg
+ -- the vectorised function is a closure; apply it to the vectorised argument
+ ; mkClosureApp varg_ty vres_ty vfn varg
+ }
(arg_ty, res_ty) = splitFunTy . exprType $ deAnnotate fn
@@ -162,18 +159,19 @@ vectExpr (_, AnnLet (AnnRec bs) body)
. liftM (\(_,_,z)->z)
$ vectPolyExpr (isStrongLoopBreaker $ idOccInfo bndr) [] rhs
-vectExpr e@(_, AnnLam bndr _)
- | isId bndr = liftM (\(_,_,z) ->z) $ vectFnExpr True False [] e
-onlyIfV (isEmptyVarSet fvs) (vectScalarLam bs $ deAnnotate body)
- `orElseV` vectLam True fvs bs body
- where
- (bs,body) = collectAnnValBinders e
+vectExpr (_, AnnTick tickish expr)
+ = liftM (vTick tickish) (vectExpr expr)
+vectExpr (_, AnnType ty)
+ = liftM vType (vectType ty)
vectExpr e = cantVectorise "Can't vectorise expression (vectExpr)" (ppr $ deAnnotate e)
--- |Vectorise an expression with an outer lambda abstraction.
+-- |Vectorise an expression that *may* have an outer lambda abstraction.
+-- We do not handle type variables at this point, as they will already have been stripped off by
+-- 'vectPolyExpr'. We also only have to worry about one set of dictionary arguments as we (1) only
+-- deal with Haskell 2011 and (2) class selectors are vectorised elsewhere.
vectFnExpr :: Bool -- ^ If we process the RHS of a binding, whether that binding should
-- be inlined
@@ -181,15 +179,138 @@ vectFnExpr :: Bool -- ^ If we process the RHS of a binding, whether
-> [Var] -- ^ Names of function in same recursive binding group
-> CoreExprWithFVs -- ^ Expression to vectorise; must have an outer `AnnLam`
-> VM (Inline, Bool, VExpr)
-vectFnExpr inline loop_breaker recFns expr@(_fvs, AnnLam bndr _)
- | isId bndr = mark DontInline True (vectScalarFun False recFns (deAnnotate expr))
- `orElseV`
- mark inlineMe False (vectLam inline loop_breaker expr)
-vectFnExpr _ _ _ e = mark DontInline False $ vectExpr e
+vectFnExpr inline loop_breaker recFns expr@(_fvs, AnnLam bndr body)
+ -- predicate abstraction: leave as a normal abstraction, but vectorise the predicate type
+ | isId bndr
+ && isPredTy (idType bndr)
+ = do { vBndr <- vectBndr bndr
+ ; (inline, isScalarFn, vbody) <- vectFnExpr inline loop_breaker recFns body
+ ; return (inline, isScalarFn, mapVect (mkLams [vectorised vBndr]) vbody)
+ }
+ -- non-predicate abstraction: vectorise (try to vectorise as a scalar computation)
+ | isId bndr
+ = mark DontInline True (vectScalarFun False recFns (deAnnotate expr))
+ `orElseV`
+ mark inlineMe False (vectLam inline loop_breaker expr)
+vectFnExpr _ _ _ e
+ -- not an abstraction: vectorise as a vanilla expression
+ = mark DontInline False $ vectExpr e
mark :: Inline -> Bool -> VM a -> VM (Inline, Bool, a)
mark b isScalarFn p = do { x <- p; return (b, isScalarFn, x) }
+-- |Vectorise type and dictionary applications.
+-- These are always headed by a variable (as we don't support higher-rank polymorphism), but may
+-- involve two sets of type variables and dictionaries. Consider,
+-- > class C a where
+-- > m :: D b => b -> a
+-- The type of 'm' is 'm :: forall a. C a => forall b. D b => b -> a'.
+vectPolyApp :: CoreExprWithFVs -> VM VExpr
+vectPolyApp e0
+ = case e4 of
+ (_, AnnVar var)
+ -> do { -- get the vectorised form of the variable
+ ; vVar <- lookupVar var
+ ; traceVt "vectPolyApp of" (ppr var)
+ -- vectorise type and dictionary arguments
+ ; vDictsOuter <- mapM vectDictExpr (map deAnnotate dictsOuter)
+ ; vDictsInner <- mapM vectDictExpr (map deAnnotate dictsInner)
+ ; vTysOuter <- mapM vectType tysOuter
+ ; vTysInner <- mapM vectType tysInner
+ ; let reconstructOuter v = (`mkApps` vDictsOuter) <$> polyApply v vTysOuter
+ ; case vVar of
+ Local (vv, lv)
+ -> do { MASSERT( null dictsInner ) -- local vars cannot be class selectors
+ ; traceVt " LOCAL" (text "")
+ ; (,) <$> reconstructOuter (Var vv) <*> reconstructOuter (Var lv)
+ }
+ Global vv
+ | isDictComp var -- dictionary computation
+ -> do { -- in a dictionary computation, the innermost, non-empty set of
+ -- arguments are non-vectorised arguments, where no 'PA'dictionaries
+ -- are needed for the type variables
+ ; ve <- if null dictsInner
+ then
+ return $ Var vv `mkTyApps` vTysOuter `mkApps` vDictsOuter
+ else
+ reconstructOuter
+ (Var vv `mkTyApps` vTysInner `mkApps` vDictsInner)
+ ; traceVt " GLOBAL (dict):" (ppr ve)
+ ; vectConst ve
+ }
+ | otherwise -- non-dictionary computation
+ -> do { MASSERT( null dictsInner )
+ ; ve <- reconstructOuter (Var vv)
+ ; traceVt " GLOBAL (non-dict):" (ppr ve)
+ ; vectConst ve
+ }
+ }
+ _ -> pprSorry "Cannot vectorise programs with higher-rank types:" (ppr . deAnnotate $ e0)
+ where
+ -- if there is only one set of variables or dictionaries, it will be the outer set
+ (e1, dictsOuter) = collectAnnDictArgs e0
+ (e2, tysOuter) = collectAnnTypeArgs e1
+ (e3, dictsInner) = collectAnnDictArgs e2
+ (e4, tysInner) = collectAnnTypeArgs e3
+ --
+ isDictComp var = (isJust . isClassOpId_maybe $ var) || isDFunId var
+-- |Vectorise the body of a dfun.
+-- Dictionary computations are special for the following reasons. The application of dictionary
+-- functions are always saturated, so there is no need to create closures. Dictionary computations
+-- don't depend on array values, so they are always scalar computations whose result we can
+-- replicate (instead of executing them in parallel).
+-- NB: To keep things simple, we are not rewriting any of the bindings introduced in a dictionary
+-- computation. Consequently, the variable case needs to deal with cases where binders are
+-- in the vectoriser environments and where that is not the case.
+vectDictExpr :: CoreExpr -> VM CoreExpr
+vectDictExpr (Var var)
+ = do { mb_scope <- lookupVar_maybe var
+ ; case mb_scope of
+ Nothing -> return $ Var var -- binder from within the dict. computation
+ Just (Local (vVar, _)) -> return $ Var vVar -- local vectorised variable
+ Just (Global vVar) -> return $ Var vVar -- global vectorised variable
+ }
+vectDictExpr (Lit lit)
+ = pprPanic "Vectorise.Exp.vectDictExpr: literal in dictionary computation" (ppr lit)
+vectDictExpr (Lam bndr e)
+ = Lam bndr <$> vectDictExpr e
+vectDictExpr (App fn arg)
+ = App <$> vectDictExpr fn <*> vectDictExpr arg
+vectDictExpr (Case e bndr ty alts)
+ = Case <$> vectDictExpr e <*> pure bndr <*> vectType ty <*> mapM vectDictAlt alts
+ where
+ vectDictAlt (con, bs, e) = (,,) <$> vectDictAltCon con <*> pure bs <*> vectDictExpr e
+ --
+ vectDictAltCon (DataAlt datacon) = DataAlt <$> maybeV dataConErr (lookupDataCon datacon)
+ where
+ dataConErr = ptext (sLit "Cannot vectorise data constructor:") <+> ppr datacon
+ vectDictAltCon (LitAlt lit) = return $ LitAlt lit
+ vectDictAltCon DEFAULT = return DEFAULT
+vectDictExpr (Let bnd body)
+ = Let <$> vectDictBind bnd <*> vectDictExpr body
+ where
+ vectDictBind (NonRec bndr e) = NonRec bndr <$> vectDictExpr e
+ vectDictBind (Rec bnds) = Rec <$> mapM (\(bndr, e) -> (bndr,) <$> vectDictExpr e) bnds
+vectDictExpr e@(Cast _e _coe)
+ = pprSorry "Vectorise.Exp.vectDictExpr: cast" (ppr e)
+vectDictExpr (Tick tickish e)
+ = Tick tickish <$> vectDictExpr e
+vectDictExpr (Type ty)
+ = Type <$> vectType ty
+vectDictExpr (Coercion coe)
+ = pprSorry "Vectorise.Exp.vectDictExpr: coercion" (ppr coe)
-- |Vectorise an expression of functional type, where all arguments and the result are of scalar
-- type (i.e., 'Int', 'Float', 'Double' etc.) and which does not contain any subcomputations that
-- involve parallel arrays. Such functionals do not requires the full blown vectorisation
@@ -398,53 +519,68 @@ unVectDict ty e
Nothing -> panic "Vectorise.Exp.unVectDict: no class"
selIds = classAllSelIds cls
--- | Vectorise a lambda abstraction.
+-- |Vectorise an 'n'-ary lambda abstraction by building a set of 'n' explicit closures.
+-- All non-dictionary free variables go into the closure's environment, whereas the dictionary
+-- variables are passed explicit (as conventional arguments) into the body during closure construction.
vectLam :: Bool -- ^ When the RHS of a binding, whether that binding should be inlined.
-> Bool -- ^ Whether the binding is a loop breaker.
-> CoreExprWithFVs -- ^ Body of abstraction.
-> VM VExpr
vectLam inline loop_breaker expr@(fvs, AnnLam _ _)
- = do let (bs, body) = collectAnnValBinders expr
- tyvars <- localTyVars
- (vs, vvs) <- readLEnv $ \env ->
- unzip [(var, vv) | var <- varSetElems fvs
- , Just vv <- [lookupVarEnv (local_vars env) var]]
- arg_tys <- mapM (vectType . idType) bs
- res_ty <- vectType (exprType $ deAnnotate body)
- buildClosures tyvars vvs arg_tys res_ty
- . hoistPolyVExpr tyvars (maybe_inline (length vs + length bs))
- $ do
- lc <- builtin liftingContext
- (vbndrs, vbody) <- vectBndrsIn (vs ++ bs) (vectExpr body)
- vbody' <- break_loop lc res_ty vbody
- return $ vLams lc vbndrs vbody'
+ = do { let (bndrs, body) = collectAnnValBinders expr
+ -- grab the in-scope type variables
+ ; tyvars <- localTyVars
+ -- collect and vectorise all /local/ free variables
+ ; vfvs <- readLEnv $ \env ->
+ [ (var, fromJust mb_vv)
+ | var <- varSetElems fvs
+ , let mb_vv = lookupVarEnv (local_vars env) var
+ , isJust mb_vv -- its local == is in local var env
+ ]
+ -- separate dictionary from non-dictionary variables in the free variable set
+ ; let (vvs_dict, vvs_nondict) = partition (isPredTy . varType . fst) vfvs
+ (_fvs_dict, vfvs_dict) = unzip vvs_dict
+ (fvs_nondict, vfvs_nondict) = unzip vvs_nondict
+ -- compute the type of the vectorised closure
+ ; arg_tys <- mapM (vectType . idType) bndrs
+ ; res_ty <- vectType (exprType $ deAnnotate body)
+ ; let arity = length fvs_nondict + length bndrs
+ vfvs_dict' = map vectorised vfvs_dict
+ ; buildClosures tyvars vfvs_dict' vfvs_nondict arg_tys res_ty
+ . hoistPolyVExpr tyvars vfvs_dict' (maybe_inline arity)
+ $ do { -- generate the vectorised body of the lambda abstraction
+ ; lc <- builtin liftingContext
+ ; (vbndrs, vbody) <- vectBndrsIn (fvs_nondict ++ bndrs) (vectExpr body)
+ ; vbody' <- break_loop lc res_ty vbody
+ ; return $ vLams lc vbndrs vbody'
+ }
+ }
maybe_inline n | inline = Inline n
| otherwise = DontInline
+ -- If this is the body of a binding marked as a loop breaker, add a recursion termination test
+ -- to the /lifted/ version of the function body. The termination tests checks if the lifting
+ -- context is empty. If so, it returns an empty array of the (lifted) result type instead of
+ -- executing the function body. This is the test from the last line (defining \mathcal{L}')
+ -- in Figure 6 of HtM.
break_loop lc ty (ve, le)
| loop_breaker
- = do
- empty <- emptyPD ty
- lty <- mkPDataType ty
- return (ve, mkWildCase (Var lc) intPrimTy lty
- [(DEFAULT, [], le),
- (LitAlt (mkMachInt 0), [], empty)])
+ = do { empty <- emptyPD ty
+ ; lty <- mkPDataType ty
+ ; return (ve, mkWildCase (Var lc) intPrimTy lty
+ [(DEFAULT, [], le),
+ (LitAlt (mkMachInt 0), [], empty)])
+ }
| otherwise = return (ve, le)
vectLam _ _ _ = panic "vectLam"
-vectTyAppExpr :: CoreExprWithFVs -> [Type] -> VM VExpr
-vectTyAppExpr (_, AnnVar v) tys = vectPolyVar v tys
-vectTyAppExpr e tys = cantVectorise "Can't vectorise expression (vectTyExpr)"
- (ppr $ deAnnotate e `mkTyApps` tys)
-- | Vectorise an algebraic case expression.
-- We convert
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad.hs
index 6fbdb4e3ad..b9a1fdf046 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad.hs
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ module Vectorise.Monad (
-- * Variables
- maybeCantVectoriseVarM,
- dumpVar,
+ lookupVar_maybe,
) where
@@ -41,7 +40,6 @@ import Name
import ErrUtils
import Outputable
-import Control.Monad
import System.IO
@@ -142,32 +140,31 @@ builtins f = VM $ \bi genv lenv -> return (Yes genv lenv (`f` bi))
-- Var ------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- |Lookup the vectorised, and if local, also the lifted versions of a variable.
+-- |Lookup the vectorised, and if local, also the lifted version of a variable.
-- * If it's in the global environment we get the vectorised version.
-- * If it's in the local environment we get both the vectorised and lifted version.
lookupVar :: Var -> VM (Scope Var (Var, Var))
lookupVar v
- = do r <- readLEnv $ \env -> lookupVarEnv (local_vars env) v
- case r of
- Just e -> return (Local e)
- Nothing -> liftM Global
- . maybeCantVectoriseVarM v
- . readGEnv $ \env -> lookupVarEnv (global_vars env) v
-maybeCantVectoriseVarM :: Monad m => Var -> m (Maybe Var) -> m Var
-maybeCantVectoriseVarM v p
- = do r <- p
- case r of
- Just x -> return x
- Nothing -> dumpVar v
+ = do { mb_res <- lookupVar_maybe v
+ ; case mb_res of
+ Just x -> return x
+ Nothing -> dumpVar v
+ }
+lookupVar_maybe :: Var -> VM (Maybe (Scope Var (Var, Var)))
+lookupVar_maybe v
+ = do { r <- readLEnv $ \env -> lookupVarEnv (local_vars env) v
+ ; case r of
+ Just e -> return $ Just (Local e)
+ Nothing -> fmap Global <$> (readGEnv $ \env -> lookupVarEnv (global_vars env) v)
+ }
dumpVar :: Var -> a
dumpVar var
| Just _ <- isClassOpId_maybe var
= cantVectorise "ClassOpId not vectorised:" (ppr var)
| otherwise
= cantVectorise "Variable not vectorised:" (ppr var)
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Base.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Base.hs
index 01fb6a5847..b8a18c3334 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Base.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Base.hs
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import DynFlags
import StaticFlags
import Control.Monad
+import Control.Applicative
import System.IO (stderr)
@@ -60,6 +61,10 @@ instance Monad VM where
Yes genv' lenv' x -> runVM (f x) bi genv' lenv'
No reason -> return $ No reason
+instance Applicative VM where
+ pure = return
+ (<*>) = ap
instance Functor VM where
fmap = liftM
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Env.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Env.hs
index e1efc96244..87d071770c 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Env.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Env.hs
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ vectDataConWorkers orig_tc vect_tc arr_tc
. inBind orig_worker
. polyAbstract tyvars $ \args ->
liftM (mkLams (tyvars ++ args) . vectorised)
- $ buildClosures tyvars [] arg_tys res_ty mk_body
+ $ buildClosures tyvars [] [] arg_tys res_ty mk_body
raw_worker <- mkVectId orig_worker (exprType body)
let vect_worker = raw_worker `setIdUnfolding`
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Type.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Type.hs
index cdd7bedf26..db724ad4bf 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Type.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Type.hs
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
-- Apply the vectorisation transformation to types. This is the \mathcal{L}_t scheme in HtM.
-module Vectorise.Type.Type (
- vectTyCon,
- vectAndLiftType,
- vectType
-) where
+module Vectorise.Type.Type
+ ( vectTyCon
+ , vectAndLiftType
+ , vectType
+ )
import Vectorise.Utils
import Vectorise.Monad
import Vectorise.Builtins
-import TypeRep
+import TcType
import Type
+import TypeRep
import TyCon
import Outputable
import Control.Monad
-import Data.List
+import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe
-- | Vectorise a type constructor.
@@ -30,55 +32,53 @@ vectTyCon tc
-- |Produce the vectorised and lifted versions of a type.
+-- NB: Here we are limited to properly handle predicates at the toplevel only. Anything embedded
+-- in what is called the 'body_ty' below will end up as an argument to the type family 'PData'.
vectAndLiftType :: Type -> VM (Type, Type)
vectAndLiftType ty | Just ty' <- coreView ty = vectAndLiftType ty'
vectAndLiftType ty
- = do
- mdicts <- mapM paDictArgType (reverse tyvars)
- let dicts = [dict | Just dict <- mdicts]
- vmono_ty <- vectType mono_ty
- lmono_ty <- mkPDataType vmono_ty
- return (abstractType tyvars dicts vmono_ty,
- abstractType tyvars dicts lmono_ty)
+ = do { padicts <- liftM catMaybes $ mapM paDictArgType tyvars
+ ; vmono_ty <- vectType mono_ty
+ ; lmono_ty <- mkPDataType vmono_ty
+ ; return (abstractType tyvars (padicts ++ theta) vmono_ty,
+ abstractType tyvars (padicts ++ theta) lmono_ty)
+ }
- (tyvars, mono_ty) = splitForAllTys ty
+ (tyvars, phiTy) = splitForAllTys ty
+ (theta, mono_ty) = tcSplitPhiTy phiTy
-- |Vectorise a type.
+-- For each quantified var we need to add a PA dictionary out the front of the type.
+-- So forall a. C a => a -> a
+-- turns into forall a. PA a => Cv a => a :-> a
vectType :: Type -> VM Type
vectType ty
| Just ty' <- coreView ty
= vectType ty'
vectType (TyVarTy tv) = return $ TyVarTy tv
-vectType (AppTy ty1 ty2) = liftM2 AppTy (vectType ty1) (vectType ty2)
-vectType (TyConApp tc tys) = liftM2 TyConApp (vectTyCon tc) (mapM vectType tys)
-vectType (FunTy ty1 ty2) = liftM2 TyConApp (builtin closureTyCon) (mapM vectType [ty1,ty2])
--- For each quantified var we need to add a PA dictionary out the front of the type.
--- So forall a. C a => a -> a
--- turns into forall a. Cv a => PA a => a :-> a
+vectType (AppTy ty1 ty2) = AppTy <$> vectType ty1 <*> vectType ty2
+vectType (TyConApp tc tys) = TyConApp <$> vectTyCon tc <*> mapM vectType tys
+vectType (FunTy ty1 ty2)
+ | isPredTy ty1
+ = FunTy <$> vectType ty1 <*> vectType ty2 -- don't build a closure for dictionary abstraction
+ | otherwise
+ = TyConApp <$> builtin closureTyCon <*> mapM vectType [ty1, ty2]
vectType ty@(ForAllTy _ _)
- = do
- -- split the type into the quantified vars, its dictionaries and the body.
- let (tyvars, tyBody) = splitForAllTys ty
- let (tyArgs, tyResult) = splitFunTys tyBody
- let (tyArgs_dict, tyArgs_regular)
- = partition isDictTy tyArgs
- -- vectorise the body.
- let tyBody' = mkFunTys tyArgs_regular tyResult
- tyBody'' <- vectType tyBody'
+ = do { -- strip off consecutive foralls
+ ; let (tyvars, tyBody) = splitForAllTys ty
- -- vectorise the dictionary parameters.
- dictsVect <- mapM vectType tyArgs_dict
+ -- vectorise the body
+ ; vtyBody <- vectType tyBody
- -- make a PA dictionary for each of the type variables.
- dictsPA <- liftM catMaybes $ mapM paDictArgType tyvars
+ -- make a PA dictionary for each of the type variables
+ ; dictsPA <- liftM catMaybes $ mapM paDictArgType tyvars
- -- pack it all back together.
- return $ abstractType tyvars (dictsPA ++ dictsVect) tyBody''
+ -- add the PA dictionaries after the foralls
+ ; return $ abstractType tyvars dictsPA vtyBody
+ }
-- |Add quantified vars and dictionary parameters to the front of a type.
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils.hs
index 255a6c5857..c5f1cb7cb1 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils.hs
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Vectorise.Utils (
-- * Annotated Exprs
+ collectAnnDictArgs,
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ import Vectorise.Monad
import Vectorise.Builtins
import CoreSyn
import CoreUtils
+import Id
import Type
import Control.Monad
@@ -43,17 +45,28 @@ collectAnnTypeArgs expr = go expr []
go (_, AnnApp f (_, AnnType ty)) tys = go f (ty : tys)
go e tys = (e, tys)
+collectAnnDictArgs :: AnnExpr Var ann -> (AnnExpr Var ann, [AnnExpr Var ann])
+collectAnnDictArgs expr = go expr []
+ where
+ go e@(_, AnnApp f arg) dicts
+ | isPredTy . exprType . deAnnotate $ arg = go f (arg : dicts)
+ | otherwise = (e, dicts)
+ go e dicts = (e, dicts)
collectAnnTypeBinders :: AnnExpr Var ann -> ([Var], AnnExpr Var ann)
collectAnnTypeBinders expr = go [] expr
- go bs (_, AnnLam b e) | isTyVar b = go (b:bs) e
+ go bs (_, AnnLam b e) | isTyVar b = go (b : bs) e
go bs e = (reverse bs, e)
+-- |Collect all consecutive value binders that are not dictionaries.
collectAnnValBinders :: AnnExpr Var ann -> ([Var], AnnExpr Var ann)
collectAnnValBinders expr = go [] expr
- go bs (_, AnnLam b e) | isId b = go (b:bs) e
- go bs e = (reverse bs, e)
+ go bs (_, AnnLam b e) | isId b
+ && (not . isPredTy . idType $ b) = go (b : bs) e
+ go bs e = (reverse bs, e)
isAnnTypeArg :: AnnExpr b ann -> Bool
isAnnTypeArg (_, AnnType _) = True
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Closure.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Closure.hs
index 1f99ee5013..0a918f84e9 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Closure.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Closure.hs
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-- |Utils concerning closure construction and application.
-module Vectorise.Utils.Closure (
- mkClosure,
- mkClosureApp,
- buildClosure,
- buildClosures,
- buildEnv
-) where
+module Vectorise.Utils.Closure
+ ( mkClosure
+ , mkClosureApp
+ , buildClosures
+ )
import Vectorise.Builtins
import Vectorise.Vect
@@ -56,51 +55,72 @@ mkClosureApp arg_ty res_ty (vclo, lclo) (varg, larg)
return (Var vapply `mkTyApps` [arg_ty, res_ty] `mkApps` [vclo, varg],
Var lapply `mkTyApps` [arg_ty, res_ty] `mkApps` [Var lc, lclo, larg])
-buildClosures :: [TyVar]
- -> [VVar]
- -> [Type] -- ^ Type of the arguments.
- -> Type -- ^ Type of result.
+-- |Build a set of 'n' closures corresponding to an 'n'-ary vectorised function. The length of
+-- the list of types of arguments determines the arity.
+-- In addition to a set of type variables, a set of value variables is passed during closure
+-- /construction/. In contrast, the closure environment and the arguments are passed during closure
+-- application.
+buildClosures :: [TyVar] -- ^ Type variables passed during closure construction.
+ -> [Var] -- ^ Variables passed during closure construction.
+ -> [VVar] -- ^ Variables in the environment.
+ -> [Type] -- ^ Type of the arguments.
+ -> Type -- ^ Type of result.
-> VM VExpr
-> VM VExpr
-buildClosures _ _ [] _ mk_body
+buildClosures _tvs _vars _env [] _res_ty mk_body
= mk_body
-buildClosures tvs vars [arg_ty] res_ty mk_body
- = buildClosure tvs vars arg_ty res_ty mk_body
-buildClosures tvs vars (arg_ty : arg_tys) res_ty mk_body
- = do res_ty' <- mkClosureTypes arg_tys res_ty
- arg <- newLocalVVar (fsLit "x") arg_ty
- buildClosure tvs vars arg_ty res_ty'
- . hoistPolyVExpr tvs (Inline (length vars + 1))
- $ do
- lc <- builtin liftingContext
- clo <- buildClosures tvs (vars ++ [arg]) arg_tys res_ty mk_body
- return $ vLams lc (vars ++ [arg]) clo
+buildClosures tvs vars env [arg_ty] res_ty mk_body
+ = buildClosure tvs vars env arg_ty res_ty mk_body
+buildClosures tvs vars env (arg_ty : arg_tys) res_ty mk_body
+ = do { res_ty' <- mkClosureTypes arg_tys res_ty
+ ; arg <- newLocalVVar (fsLit "x") arg_ty
+ ; buildClosure tvs vars env arg_ty res_ty'
+ . hoistPolyVExpr tvs vars (Inline (length env + 1))
+ $ do { lc <- builtin liftingContext
+ ; clo <- buildClosures tvs vars (env ++ [arg]) arg_tys res_ty mk_body
+ ; return $ vLams lc (env ++ [arg]) clo
+ }
+ }
+-- Build a closure taking one extra argument during closure application.
-- (clo <x1,...,xn> <f,f^>, aclo (Arr lc xs1 ... xsn) <f,f^>)
-- where
-- f = \env v -> case env of <x1,...,xn> -> e x1 ... xn v
-- f^ = \env v -> case env of Arr l xs1 ... xsn -> e^ l x1 ... xn v
-buildClosure :: [TyVar] -> [VVar] -> Type -> Type -> VM VExpr -> VM VExpr
-buildClosure tvs vars arg_ty res_ty mk_body
- = do
- (env_ty, env, bind) <- buildEnv vars
- env_bndr <- newLocalVVar (fsLit "env") env_ty
- arg_bndr <- newLocalVVar (fsLit "arg") arg_ty
- fn <- hoistPolyVExpr tvs (Inline 2)
- $ do
- lc <- builtin liftingContext
- body <- mk_body
- return . vLams lc [env_bndr, arg_bndr]
- $ bind (vVar env_bndr)
- (vVarApps lc body (vars ++ [arg_bndr]))
- mkClosure arg_ty res_ty env_ty fn env
--- Environments ---------------------------------------------------------------
+-- In addition to a set of type variables, a set of value variables is passed during closure
+-- /construction/. In contrast, the closure environment and the closure argument are passed during
+-- closure application.
+buildClosure :: [TyVar] -- ^Type variables passed during closure construction.
+ -> [Var] -- ^Variables passed during closure construction.
+ -> [VVar] -- ^Variables in the environment.
+ -> Type -- ^Type of the closure argument.
+ -> Type -- ^Type of the result.
+ -> VM VExpr
+ -> VM VExpr
+buildClosure tvs vars vvars arg_ty res_ty mk_body
+ = do { (env_ty, env, bind) <- buildEnv vvars
+ ; env_bndr <- newLocalVVar (fsLit "env") env_ty
+ ; arg_bndr <- newLocalVVar (fsLit "arg") arg_ty
+ -- generate the closure function as a hoisted binding
+ ; fn <- hoistPolyVExpr tvs vars (Inline 2) $
+ do { lc <- builtin liftingContext
+ ; body <- mk_body
+ ; return . vLams lc [env_bndr, arg_bndr]
+ $ bind (vVar env_bndr)
+ (vVarApps lc body (vvars ++ [arg_bndr]))
+ }
+ ; mkClosure arg_ty res_ty env_ty fn env
+ }
+-- Build the environment for a single closure.
buildEnv :: [VVar] -> VM (Type, VExpr, VExpr -> VExpr -> VExpr)
buildEnv []
= do
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Hoisting.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Hoisting.hs
index 3625508515..7275bb254e 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Hoisting.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Hoisting.hs
@@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
-{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-tabs #-}
--- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
--- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and
--- detab the module (please do the detabbing in a separate patch). See
--- for details
-module Vectorise.Utils.Hoisting (
- Inline(..),
- addInlineArity,
- inlineMe,
- hoistBinding,
- hoistExpr,
- hoistVExpr,
- hoistPolyVExpr,
- takeHoisted
+module Vectorise.Utils.Hoisting
+ ( Inline(..)
+ , addInlineArity
+ , inlineMe
+ , hoistBinding
+ , hoistExpr
+ , hoistVExpr
+ , hoistPolyVExpr
+ , takeHoisted
+ )
import Vectorise.Monad
import Vectorise.Env
import Vectorise.Vect
@@ -28,33 +21,38 @@ import CoreUtils
import CoreUnfold
import Type
import Id
-import BasicTypes( Arity )
+import BasicTypes (Arity)
import FastString
import Control.Monad
+import Control.Applicative
-- Inline ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Records whether we should inline a particular binding.
+-- |Records whether we should inline a particular binding.
data Inline
= Inline Arity
| DontInline
--- | Add to the arity contained within an `Inline`, if any.
+-- |Add to the arity contained within an `Inline`, if any.
addInlineArity :: Inline -> Int -> Inline
addInlineArity (Inline m) n = Inline (m+n)
addInlineArity DontInline _ = DontInline
--- | Says to always inline a binding.
+-- |Says to always inline a binding.
inlineMe :: Inline
inlineMe = Inline 0
--- Hoising --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Hoisting --------------------------------------------------------------------
hoistBinding :: Var -> CoreExpr -> VM ()
hoistBinding v e = updGEnv $ \env ->
env { global_bindings = (v,e) : global_bindings env }
hoistExpr :: FastString -> CoreExpr -> Inline -> VM Var
hoistExpr fs expr inl
= do
@@ -67,7 +65,6 @@ hoistExpr fs expr inl
mkInlineUnfolding (Just arity) expr
DontInline -> var
hoistVExpr :: VExpr -> Inline -> VM VVar
hoistVExpr (ve, le) inl
= do
@@ -76,16 +73,22 @@ hoistVExpr (ve, le) inl
lv <- hoistExpr ('l' `consFS` fs) le (addInlineArity inl 1)
return (vv, lv)
-hoistPolyVExpr :: [TyVar] -> Inline -> VM VExpr -> VM VExpr
-hoistPolyVExpr tvs inline p
- = do
- inline' <- liftM (addInlineArity inline) (polyArity tvs)
- expr <- closedV . polyAbstract tvs $ \args ->
- liftM (mapVect (mkLams $ tvs ++ args)) p
- fn <- hoistVExpr expr inline'
- polyVApply (vVar fn) (mkTyVarTys tvs)
+-- |Hoist a polymorphic vectorised expression into a new top-level binding (representing a closure
+-- function).
+-- The hoisted expression is parameterised by (1) a set of type variables and (2) a set of value
+-- variables that are passed as conventional type and value arguments. The latter is implicitly
+-- extended by the set of 'PA' dictionaries required for the type variables.
+hoistPolyVExpr :: [TyVar] -> [Var] -> Inline -> VM VExpr -> VM VExpr
+hoistPolyVExpr tvs vars inline p
+ = do { inline' <- addInlineArity inline . (+ length vars) <$> polyArity tvs
+ ; expr <- closedV . polyAbstract tvs $ \args ->
+ mapVect (mkLams $ tvs ++ args ++ vars) <$> p
+ ; fn <- hoistVExpr expr inline'
+ ; let varArgs = varsToCoreExprs vars
+ ; mapVect (\e -> e `mkApps` varArgs) <$> polyVApply (vVar fn) (mkTyVarTys tvs)
+ }
takeHoisted :: VM [(Var, CoreExpr)]
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Poly.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Poly.hs
index f33fef36fc..e943313be9 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Poly.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Poly.hs
@@ -1,18 +1,12 @@
-- |Auxiliary functions to vectorise type abstractions.
-{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-tabs #-}
--- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
--- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and
--- detab the module (please do the detabbing in a separate patch). See
--- for details
-module Vectorise.Utils.Poly (
- polyAbstract,
- polyApply,
- polyVApply,
- polyArity
-) where
+module Vectorise.Utils.Poly
+ ( polyAbstract
+ , polyApply
+ , polyVApply
+ , polyArity
+ )
import Vectorise.Vect
import Vectorise.Monad
@@ -60,7 +54,7 @@ polyArity tvs
; return $ length [() | Just _ <- tys]
--- |Apply a variable to its type arguments as well as 'PA' dictionaries for these type arguments.
+-- |Apply a expression to its type arguments as well as 'PA' dictionaries for these type arguments.
polyApply :: CoreExpr -> [Type] -> VM CoreExpr
polyApply expr tys
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Var.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Var.hs
index de04f4da22..a2997311b1 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Var.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Var.hs
@@ -1,22 +1,17 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-tabs #-}
--- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
--- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and
--- detab the module (please do the detabbing in a separate patch). See
--- for details
--- | Vectorise variables and literals.
-module Vectorise.Var (
- vectBndr,
- vectBndrNew,
- vectBndrIn,
- vectBndrNewIn,
- vectBndrsIn,
- vectVar,
- vectPolyVar,
- vectLiteral
-) where
+-- |Vectorise variables and literals.
+module Vectorise.Var
+ ( vectBndr
+ , vectBndrNew
+ , vectBndrIn
+ , vectBndrNewIn
+ , vectBndrsIn
+ , vectVar
+ , vectConst
+ )
import Vectorise.Utils
import Vectorise.Monad
@@ -26,15 +21,15 @@ import Vectorise.Type.Type
import CoreSyn
import Type
import VarEnv
-import Literal
import Id
import FastString
-import Control.Monad
+import Control.Applicative
-- Binders ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Vectorise a binder variable, along with its attached type.
+-- |Vectorise a binder variable, along with its attached type.
vectBndr :: Var -> VM VVar
vectBndr v
= do (vty, lty) <- vectAndLiftType (idType v)
@@ -47,8 +42,8 @@ vectBndr v
mapTo vv lv env = env { local_vars = extendVarEnv (local_vars env) v (vv, lv) }
--- | Vectorise a binder variable, along with its attached type,
--- but give the result a new name.
+-- |Vectorise a binder variable, along with its attached type, but give the result a new name.
vectBndrNew :: Var -> FastString -> VM VVar
vectBndrNew v fs
= do vty <- vectType (idType v)
@@ -58,7 +53,8 @@ vectBndrNew v fs
upd vv env = env { local_vars = extendVarEnv (local_vars env) v vv }
--- | Vectorise a binder then run a computation with that binder in scope.
+-- |Vectorise a binder then run a computation with that binder in scope.
vectBndrIn :: Var -> VM a -> VM (VVar, a)
vectBndrIn v p
= localV
@@ -66,7 +62,8 @@ vectBndrIn v p
x <- p
return (vv, x)
--- | Vectorise a binder, give it a new name, then run a computation with that binder in scope.
+-- |Vectorise a binder, give it a new name, then run a computation with that binder in scope.
vectBndrNewIn :: Var -> FastString -> VM a -> VM (VVar, a)
vectBndrNewIn v fs p
= localV
@@ -74,60 +71,33 @@ vectBndrNewIn v fs p
x <- p
return (vv, x)
--- | Vectorise some binders, then run a computation with them in scope.
+-- |Vectorise some binders, then run a computation with them in scope.
vectBndrsIn :: [Var] -> VM a -> VM ([VVar], a)
vectBndrsIn vs p
= localV
$ do vvs <- mapM vectBndr vs
- x <- p
+ x <- p
return (vvs, x)
-- Variables --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Vectorise a variable, producing the vectorised and lifted versions.
+-- |Vectorise a variable, producing the vectorised and lifted versions.
vectVar :: Var -> VM VExpr
-vectVar v
- = do
- -- lookup the variable from the environment.
- r <- lookupVar v
- case r of
- -- If it's been locally bound then we'll already have both versions available.
- Local (vv,lv)
- -> return (Var vv, Var lv)
- -- To create the lifted version of a global variable we replicate it
- -- using the integer context in the VM state for the number of elements.
- Global vv
- -> do let vexpr = Var vv
- lexpr <- liftPD vexpr
- return (vexpr, lexpr)
--- | Like `vectVar` but also add type applications to the variables.
--- FIXME: 'vectVar' is really just a special case, which 'vectPolyVar' should handle fine as well —
--- MERGE the two functions!
-vectPolyVar :: Var -> [Type] -> VM VExpr
-vectPolyVar v tys
- = do vtys <- mapM vectType tys
- r <- lookupVar v
- case r of
- Local (vv, lv)
- -> liftM2 (,) (polyApply (Var vv) vtys)
- (polyApply (Var lv) vtys)
- Global poly
- -> do vexpr <- polyApply (Var poly) vtys
- lexpr <- liftPD vexpr
- return (vexpr, lexpr)
--- Literals ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Lifted literals are created by replicating them
--- We use the the integer context in the `VM` state for the number
--- of elements in the output array.
-vectLiteral :: Literal -> VM VExpr
-vectLiteral lit
- = do lexpr <- liftPD (Lit lit)
- return (Lit lit, lexpr)
+vectVar var
+ = do { vVar <- lookupVar var
+ ; case vVar of
+ Local (vv, lv) -> return (Var vv, Var lv) -- local variables have a vect & lifted version
+ Global vv -> vectConst (Var vv) -- global variables get replicated
+ }
+-- Constants --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- |Constants are lifted by replication along the integer context in the `VM` state for the number
+-- of elements in the result array.
+vectConst :: CoreExpr -> VM VExpr
+vectConst c = (c,) <$> liftPD c