diff options
5 files changed, 169 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/IO/Handle/Windows.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/IO/Handle/Windows.hs
index 3010b4d41e..e087b50570 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/IO/Handle/Windows.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/IO/Handle/Windows.hs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
module GHC.IO.Handle.Windows (
stdin, stdout, stderr,
openFile, openBinaryFile, openFileBlocking,
- handleToHANDLE
+ handleToHANDLE, mkHandleFromHANDLE
) where
import Data.Maybe
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/IO/Windows/Handle.hsc b/libraries/base/GHC/IO/Windows/Handle.hsc
index a970743b68..d96ccc364e 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/IO/Windows/Handle.hsc
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/IO/Windows/Handle.hsc
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ module GHC.IO.Windows.Handle
-- * File utilities
+ openFileAsTemp,
) where
@@ -858,13 +859,83 @@ openFile filepath iomode non_blocking =
- -- Tell the OS that we support skipping the request Queue if the
- -- IRQ can be handled immediately, e.g. if the data is in the cache.
- optimizeFileAccess handle =
- failIfFalse_ "SetFileCompletionNotificationModes" $
- c_SetFileCompletionNotificationModes handle
+-- | Open a file as a temporary file and make an 'NativeHandle' for it.
+-- Truncates the file to zero size when the `IOMode` is `WriteMode`.
+ :: FilePath -- ^ file to open
+ -> Bool -- ^ open the file in non-blocking mode?
+ -> Bool -- ^ Exclusive mode
+ -> IO (Io NativeHandle, IODeviceType)
+openFileAsTemp filepath non_blocking excl =
+ do devicepath <- getDevicePath filepath
+ h <- createFile devicepath
+ -- Attach the handle to the I/O manager's CompletionPort. This allows the
+ -- I/O manager to service requests for this Handle.
+ Mgr.associateHandle' h
+ let hwnd = fromHANDLE h
+ _type <- devType hwnd
+ -- Use the rts to enforce any file locking we may need.
+ let write_lock = True
+ case _type of
+ -- Regular files need to be locked.
+ RegularFile -> do
+ optimizeFileAccess h -- Set a few optimization flags on file handles.
+ (unique_dev, unique_ino) <- getUniqueFileInfo hwnd
+ r <- lockFile (fromIntegral $ ptrToWordPtr h) unique_dev unique_ino
+ (fromBool write_lock)
+ when (r == -1) $
+ ioException (IOError Nothing ResourceBusy "openFile"
+ "file is locked" Nothing Nothing)
+ _ -> return ()
+ return (hwnd, _type)
+ where
+ -- We have to use in-process locking (e.g. use the locking mechanism
+ -- in the rts) so we're consistent with the linux behavior and the
+ -- rts knows about the lock. See #4363 for more.
+ file_share_mode = #{const FILE_SHARE_READ}
+ .|. #{const FILE_SHARE_DELETE}
+ file_access_mode = #{const GENERIC_READ}
+ .|. #{const GENERIC_WRITE}
+ file_open_mode =
+ case excl of
+ True -> #{const CREATE_NEW} -- O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_EXCL
+ False -> #{const CREATE_ALWAYS} -- O_CREAT | O_RDWR
+ file_create_flags =
+ if non_blocking
+ then #{const FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED}
+ -- Open temp files sequentially
+ -- Hold data in cache for as long as possible
+ -- Hold data in cache for as long as possible
+ createFile devicepath =
+ withCWString devicepath $ \fp ->
+ failIf (== iNVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) "CreateFile" $
+ c_CreateFile fp file_access_mode
+ file_share_mode
+ nullPtr
+ file_open_mode
+ file_create_flags
+ nullPtr
+-- Tell the OS that we support skipping the request Queue if the
+-- IRQ can be handled immediately, e.g. if the data is in the cache.
+optimizeFileAccess :: HANDLE -> IO ()
+optimizeFileAccess handle =
+ failIfFalse_ "SetFileCompletionNotificationModes" $
+ c_SetFileCompletionNotificationModes handle
release :: RawHandle a => a -> IO ()
release h = if isLockable h
diff --git a/libraries/base/System/IO.hs b/libraries/base/System/IO.hs
index c5c0f15414..9a2d0ce69a 100644
--- a/libraries/base/System/IO.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/System/IO.hs
@@ -232,6 +232,12 @@ import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Storable
+import GHC.IO.SubSystem
+import GHC.IO.Windows.Handle (openFileAsTemp)
+import GHC.IO.Handle.Windows (mkHandleFromHANDLE)
+import GHC.IO.Device as IODevice
+import GHC.Real (fromIntegral)
+import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (new)
import Foreign.C.Types
import System.Posix.Internals
@@ -530,13 +536,29 @@ openTempFile' loc tmp_dir template binary mode
-- beginning with '.' as the second component.
_ -> errorWithoutStackTrace "bug in System.IO.openTempFile"
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
- findTempName = do
+ findTempName = findTempNamePosix <!> findTempNameWinIO
+ findTempNameWinIO = do
+ let label = if null prefix then "ghc" else prefix
+ withCWString tmp_dir $ \c_tmp_dir ->
+ withCWString label $ \c_template ->
+ withCWString suffix $ \c_suffix -> do
+ c_ptr <- new nullPtr
+ res <- c_createUUIDTempFileErrNo c_tmp_dir c_template c_suffix
+ c_ptr
+ if not res
+ then do errno <- getErrno
+ ioError (errnoToIOError loc errno Nothing (Just tmp_dir))
+ else do c_p <- peek c_ptr
+ filename <- peekCWString c_p
+ free c_p
+ handleResultsWinIO filename ((fromIntegral mode .&. o_EXCL) == o_EXCL)
+ findTempNamePosix = do
let label = if null prefix then "ghc" else prefix
withCWString tmp_dir $ \c_tmp_dir ->
withCWString label $ \c_template ->
withCWString suffix $ \c_suffix ->
- -- FIXME: revisit this when new I/O manager in place and use a UUID
- -- based one when we are no longer MAX_PATH bound.
allocaBytes (sizeOf (undefined :: CWchar) * 260) $ \c_str -> do
res <- c_getTempFileNameErrorNo c_tmp_dir c_template c_suffix 0
@@ -544,9 +566,9 @@ openTempFile' loc tmp_dir template binary mode
then do errno <- getErrno
ioError (errnoToIOError loc errno Nothing (Just tmp_dir))
else do filename <- peekCWString c_str
- handleResults filename
+ handleResultsPosix filename
- handleResults filename = do
+ handleResultsPosix filename = do
let oflags1 = rw_flags .|. o_EXCL
| binary = o_BINARY
@@ -567,9 +589,21 @@ openTempFile' loc tmp_dir template binary mode
return (filename, h)
+ handleResultsWinIO filename excl = do
+ (hwnd, hwnd_type) <- openFileAsTemp filename True excl
+ mb_codec <- if binary then return Nothing else fmap Just getLocaleEncoding
+ -- then use it to make a Handle
+ h <- mkHandleFromHANDLE hwnd hwnd_type filename ReadWriteMode mb_codec
+ `onException` IODevice.close hwnd
+ return (filename, h)
foreign import ccall "getTempFileNameErrorNo" c_getTempFileNameErrorNo
:: CWString -> CWString -> CWString -> CUInt -> Ptr CWchar -> IO Bool
+foreign import ccall "__createUUIDTempFileErrNo" c_createUUIDTempFileErrNo
+ :: CWString -> CWString -> CWString -> Ptr CWString -> IO Bool
pathSeparator :: String -> Bool
pathSeparator template = any (\x-> x == '/' || x == '\\') template
diff --git a/libraries/base/base.cabal b/libraries/base/base.cabal
index 5342e86616..591368931e 100644
--- a/libraries/base/base.cabal
+++ b/libraries/base/base.cabal
@@ -375,8 +375,10 @@ Library
-- mingw32 which is required by mingwex.
-- shlwapi: provides PathFileExistsW
-- ws2_32: provides access to socket types and functions
+ -- ole32: provides UUID functionality.
+ -- rpcrt4: provides RPC UUID creation.
extra-libraries: wsock32, user32, shell32, msvcrt, mingw32,
- mingwex, ws2_32, shlwapi
+ mingwex, ws2_32, shlwapi, ole32, rpcrt4
-- Minimum supported Windows version.
-- These numbers can be found at:
diff --git a/libraries/base/cbits/Win32Utils.c b/libraries/base/cbits/Win32Utils.c
index 7b9c9cd244..4181e6105f 100644
--- a/libraries/base/cbits/Win32Utils.c
+++ b/libraries/base/cbits/Win32Utils.c
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
#include <wchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <io.h>
+#include <objbase.h>
+#include "fs.h"
/* This is the error table that defines the mapping between OS error
codes and errno values */
@@ -162,6 +164,52 @@ BOOL file_exists(LPCTSTR path)
+/* If true then caller needs to free tempFileName. */
+bool __createUUIDTempFileErrNo (wchar_t* pathName, wchar_t* prefix,
+ wchar_t* suffix, wchar_t** tempFileName)
+ int retry = 5;
+ bool success = false;
+ while (retry-- > 0 && !success)
+ {
+ GUID guid;
+ ZeroMemory (&guid, sizeof (guid));
+ if (CoCreateGuid (&guid) != S_OK)
+ goto fail;
+ RPC_WSTR guidStr;
+ if (UuidToStringW ((UUID*)&guid, &guidStr) != S_OK)
+ goto fail;
+ wchar_t* devName = FS(create_device_name) ((wchar_t*)pathName);
+ int len = wcslen (devName) + wcslen (suffix) + wcslen (prefix)
+ + wcslen (guidStr) + 3;
+ *tempFileName = malloc (len * sizeof (wchar_t));
+ if (*tempFileName == NULL)
+ goto fail;
+ if (-1 == swprintf_s (*tempFileName, len, L"%ls\\%ls-%ls%ls",
+ devName, prefix, guidStr, suffix))
+ goto fail;
+ free (devName);
+ RpcStringFreeW (&guidStr);
+ /* This should never happen because GUIDs are unique. But in case hell
+ froze over let's check anyway. */
+ DWORD dwAttrib = GetFileAttributesW (*tempFileName);
+ success = (dwAttrib == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES
+ if (!success)
+ free (*tempFileName);
+ }
+ return success;
+ maperrno();
+ return false;
bool getTempFileNameErrorNo (wchar_t* pathName, wchar_t* prefix,
wchar_t* suffix, uint32_t uUnique,
wchar_t* tempFileName)