path: root/compat/Compat/Directory.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compat/Compat/Directory.hs')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compat/Compat/Directory.hs b/compat/Compat/Directory.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6e4cd4a2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/Compat/Directory.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : Compat.Directory
+-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001-2004
+-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer :
+-- Stability : provisional
+-- Portability : portable
+-- Functions from System.Directory that aren't present in older versions
+-- of that library.
+module Compat.Directory (
+ getAppUserDataDirectory,
+ copyFile,
+ findExecutable,
+ createDirectoryIfMissing
+ ) where
+#include "../../includes/ghcconfig.h"
+import System.Environment (getEnv)
+import System.Directory.Internals
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 600
+import Control.Exception ( bracket )
+import Control.Monad ( when )
+import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc ( allocaBytes )
+import System.IO (IOMode(..), openBinaryFile, hGetBuf, hPutBuf, hClose)
+import System.IO.Error ( try )
+import GHC.IOBase ( IOException(..), IOErrorType(..) )
+import System.IO ( try )
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ && defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+import Foreign.Ptr
+import Foreign.C
+import System.Directory(doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist, getPermissions, setPermissions, createDirectory)
+getAppUserDataDirectory :: String -> IO FilePath
+getAppUserDataDirectory appName = do
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ && defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+ allocaBytes long_path_size $ \pPath -> do
+ r <- c_SHGetFolderPath nullPtr csidl_APPDATA nullPtr 0 pPath
+ when (r<0) (raiseUnsupported "Compat.Directory.getAppUserDataDirectory")
+ s <- peekCString pPath
+ return (s++'\\':appName)
+ path <- getEnv "HOME"
+ return (path++'/':'.':appName)
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ && defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "directory.h __hscore_getFolderPath"
+ c_SHGetFolderPath :: Ptr ()
+ -> CInt
+ -> Ptr ()
+ -> CInt
+ -> CString
+ -> IO CInt
+-- __compat_long_path_size defined in cbits/directory.c
+foreign import ccall unsafe "directory.h __compat_long_path_size"
+ long_path_size :: Int
+foreign import ccall unsafe "directory.h __hscore_CSIDL_APPDATA" csidl_APPDATA :: CInt
+raiseUnsupported loc =
+ ioError (IOError Nothing UnsupportedOperation loc "unsupported operation" Nothing)
+copyFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+copyFile fromFPath toFPath =
+#if (!(defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 600))
+ do readFile fromFPath >>= writeFile toFPath
+ try (getPermissions fromFPath >>= setPermissions toFPath)
+ return ()
+ (bracket (openBinaryFile fromFPath ReadMode) hClose $ \hFrom ->
+ bracket (openBinaryFile toFPath WriteMode) hClose $ \hTo ->
+ allocaBytes bufferSize $ \buffer -> do
+ copyContents hFrom hTo buffer
+ try (getPermissions fromFPath >>= setPermissions toFPath)
+ return ()) `catch` (ioError . changeFunName)
+ where
+ bufferSize = 1024
+ changeFunName (IOError h iot fun str mb_fp) = IOError h iot "copyFile" str mb_fp
+ copyContents hFrom hTo buffer = do
+ count <- hGetBuf hFrom buffer bufferSize
+ when (count > 0) $ do
+ hPutBuf hTo buffer count
+ copyContents hFrom hTo buffer
+findExecutable :: String -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
+findExecutable binary = do
+ path <- getEnv "PATH"
+ search (parseSearchPath path)
+ where
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+ fileName = binary `joinFileExt` "exe"
+ fileName = binary
+ search :: [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
+ search [] = return Nothing
+ search (d:ds) = do
+ let path = d `joinFileName` fileName
+ b <- doesFileExist path
+ if b then return (Just path)
+ else search ds
+createDirectoryIfMissing :: Bool -- ^ Create its parents too?
+ -> FilePath -- ^ The path to the directory you want to make
+ -> IO ()
+createDirectoryIfMissing parents file = do
+ b <- doesDirectoryExist file
+ case (b,parents, file) of
+ (_, _, "") -> return ()
+ (True, _, _) -> return ()
+ (_, True, _) -> mapM_ (createDirectoryIfMissing False) (tail (pathParents file))
+ (_, False, _) -> createDirectory file