path: root/compiler/GHC/Builtin/PrimOps.hs
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+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[PrimOp]{Primitive operations (machine-level)}
+module GHC.Builtin.PrimOps (
+ PrimOp(..), PrimOpVecCat(..), allThePrimOps,
+ primOpType, primOpSig,
+ primOpTag, maxPrimOpTag, primOpOcc,
+ primOpWrapperId,
+ tagToEnumKey,
+ primOpOutOfLine, primOpCodeSize,
+ primOpOkForSpeculation, primOpOkForSideEffects,
+ primOpIsCheap, primOpFixity,
+ getPrimOpResultInfo, isComparisonPrimOp, PrimOpResultInfo(..),
+ PrimCall(..)
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
+import GHC.Builtin.Types
+import GHC.Cmm.Type
+import GHC.Types.Demand
+import GHC.Types.Id ( Id, mkVanillaGlobalWithInfo )
+import GHC.Types.Id.Info ( vanillaIdInfo, setCafInfo, CafInfo(NoCafRefs) )
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Builtin.Names ( gHC_PRIMOPWRAPPERS )
+import GHC.Core.TyCon ( TyCon, isPrimTyCon, PrimRep(..) )
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Types.RepType ( typePrimRep1, tyConPrimRep1 )
+import GHC.Types.Basic ( Arity, Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..), Boxity(..),
+ SourceText(..) )
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc ( wiredInSrcSpan )
+import GHC.Types.ForeignCall ( CLabelString )
+import GHC.Types.Unique ( Unique, mkPrimOpIdUnique, mkPrimOpWrapperUnique )
+import GHC.Types.Module ( UnitId )
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+* *
+\subsection[PrimOp-datatype]{Datatype for @PrimOp@ (an enumeration)}
+* *
+These are in \tr{state-interface.verb} order.
+-- supplies:
+-- data PrimOp = ...
+#include "primop-data-decl.hs-incl"
+-- supplies
+-- primOpTag :: PrimOp -> Int
+#include "primop-tag.hs-incl"
+primOpTag _ = error "primOpTag: unknown primop"
+instance Eq PrimOp where
+ op1 == op2 = primOpTag op1 == primOpTag op2
+instance Ord PrimOp where
+ op1 < op2 = primOpTag op1 < primOpTag op2
+ op1 <= op2 = primOpTag op1 <= primOpTag op2
+ op1 >= op2 = primOpTag op1 >= primOpTag op2
+ op1 > op2 = primOpTag op1 > primOpTag op2
+ op1 `compare` op2 | op1 < op2 = LT
+ | op1 == op2 = EQ
+ | otherwise = GT
+instance Outputable PrimOp where
+ ppr op = pprPrimOp op
+data PrimOpVecCat = IntVec
+ | WordVec
+ | FloatVec
+-- An @Enum@-derived list would be better; meanwhile... (ToDo)
+allThePrimOps :: [PrimOp]
+allThePrimOps =
+#include "primop-list.hs-incl"
+tagToEnumKey :: Unique
+tagToEnumKey = mkPrimOpIdUnique (primOpTag TagToEnumOp)
+* *
+\subsection[PrimOp-info]{The essential info about each @PrimOp@}
+* *
+The @String@ in the @PrimOpInfos@ is the ``base name'' by which the user may
+refer to the primitive operation. The conventional \tr{#}-for-
+unboxed ops is added on later.
+The reason for the funny characters in the names is so we do not
+interfere with the programmer's Haskell name spaces.
+We use @PrimKinds@ for the ``type'' information, because they're
+(slightly) more convenient to use than @TyCons@.
+data PrimOpInfo
+ = Dyadic OccName -- string :: T -> T -> T
+ Type
+ | Monadic OccName -- string :: T -> T
+ Type
+ | Compare OccName -- string :: T -> T -> Int#
+ Type
+ | GenPrimOp OccName -- string :: \/ . T1 -> .. -> Tk -> T
+ [TyVar]
+ [Type]
+ Type
+mkDyadic, mkMonadic, mkCompare :: FastString -> Type -> PrimOpInfo
+mkDyadic str ty = Dyadic (mkVarOccFS str) ty
+mkMonadic str ty = Monadic (mkVarOccFS str) ty
+mkCompare str ty = Compare (mkVarOccFS str) ty
+mkGenPrimOp :: FastString -> [TyVar] -> [Type] -> Type -> PrimOpInfo
+mkGenPrimOp str tvs tys ty = GenPrimOp (mkVarOccFS str) tvs tys ty
+* *
+* *
+Not all primops are strict!
+primOpStrictness :: PrimOp -> Arity -> StrictSig
+ -- See Demand.StrictnessInfo for discussion of what the results
+ -- The arity should be the arity of the primop; that's why
+ -- this function isn't exported.
+#include "primop-strictness.hs-incl"
+* *
+* *
+primOpFixity :: PrimOp -> Maybe Fixity
+#include "primop-fixity.hs-incl"
+* *
+\subsubsection[PrimOp-comparison]{PrimOpInfo basic comparison ops}
+* *
+@primOpInfo@ gives all essential information (from which everything
+else, notably a type, can be constructed) for each @PrimOp@.
+primOpInfo :: PrimOp -> PrimOpInfo
+#include "primop-primop-info.hs-incl"
+primOpInfo _ = error "primOpInfo: unknown primop"
+Here are a load of comments from the old primOp info:
+A @Word#@ is an unsigned @Int#@.
+@decodeFloat#@ is given w/ Integer-stuff (it's similar).
+@decodeDouble#@ is given w/ Integer-stuff (it's similar).
+Decoding of floating-point numbers is sorta Integer-related. Encoding
+is done with plain ccalls now (see PrelNumExtra.hs).
+A @Weak@ Pointer is created by the @mkWeak#@ primitive:
+ mkWeak# :: k -> v -> f -> State# RealWorld
+ -> (# State# RealWorld, Weak# v #)
+In practice, you'll use the higher-level
+ data Weak v = Weak# v
+ mkWeak :: k -> v -> IO () -> IO (Weak v)
+The following operation dereferences a weak pointer. The weak pointer
+may have been finalized, so the operation returns a result code which
+must be inspected before looking at the dereferenced value.
+ deRefWeak# :: Weak# v -> State# RealWorld ->
+ (# State# RealWorld, v, Int# #)
+Only look at v if the Int# returned is /= 0 !!
+The higher-level op is
+ deRefWeak :: Weak v -> IO (Maybe v)
+Weak pointers can be finalized early by using the finalize# operation:
+ finalizeWeak# :: Weak# v -> State# RealWorld ->
+ (# State# RealWorld, Int#, IO () #)
+The Int# returned is either
+ 0 if the weak pointer has already been finalized, or it has no
+ finalizer (the third component is then invalid).
+ 1 if the weak pointer is still alive, with the finalizer returned
+ as the third component.
+A {\em stable name/pointer} is an index into a table of stable name
+entries. Since the garbage collector is told about stable pointers,
+it is safe to pass a stable pointer to external systems such as C
+makeStablePtr# :: a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, StablePtr# a #)
+freeStablePtr :: StablePtr# a -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
+deRefStablePtr# :: StablePtr# a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
+eqStablePtr# :: StablePtr# a -> StablePtr# a -> Int#
+It may seem a bit surprising that @makeStablePtr#@ is a @IO@
+operation since it doesn't (directly) involve IO operations. The
+reason is that if some optimisation pass decided to duplicate calls to
+@makeStablePtr#@ and we only pass one of the stable pointers over, a
+massive space leak can result. Putting it into the IO monad
+prevents this. (Another reason for putting them in a monad is to
+ensure correct sequencing wrt the side-effecting @freeStablePtr@
+An important property of stable pointers is that if you call
+makeStablePtr# twice on the same object you get the same stable
+pointer back.
+Note that we can implement @freeStablePtr#@ using @_ccall_@ (and,
+besides, it's not likely to be used from Haskell) so it's not a
+Question: Why @RealWorld@ - won't any instance of @_ST@ do the job? [ADR]
+Stable Names
+A stable name is like a stable pointer, but with three important differences:
+ (a) You can't deRef one to get back to the original object.
+ (b) You can convert one to an Int.
+ (c) You don't need to 'freeStableName'
+The existence of a stable name doesn't guarantee to keep the object it
+points to alive (unlike a stable pointer), hence (a).
+ (a) makeStableName always returns the same value for a given
+ object (same as stable pointers).
+ (b) if two stable names are equal, it implies that the objects
+ from which they were created were the same.
+ (c) stableNameToInt always returns the same Int for a given
+ stable name.
+These primops are pretty weird.
+ tagToEnum# :: Int -> a (result type must be an enumerated type)
+The constraints aren't currently checked by the front end, but the
+code generator will fall over if they aren't satisfied.
+* *
+ Which PrimOps are out-of-line
+* *
+Some PrimOps need to be called out-of-line because they either need to
+perform a heap check or they block.
+primOpOutOfLine :: PrimOp -> Bool
+#include "primop-out-of-line.hs-incl"
+* *
+ Failure and side effects
+* *
+Note [Checking versus non-checking primops]
+ In GHC primops break down into two classes:
+ a. Checking primops behave, for instance, like division. In this
+ case the primop may throw an exception (e.g. division-by-zero)
+ and is consequently is marked with the can_fail flag described below.
+ The ability to fail comes at the expense of precluding some optimizations.
+ b. Non-checking primops behavior, for instance, like addition. While
+ addition can overflow it does not produce an exception. So can_fail is
+ set to False, and we get more optimisation opportunities. But we must
+ never throw an exception, so we cannot rewrite to a call to error.
+ It is important that a non-checking primop never be transformed in a way that
+ would cause it to bottom. Doing so would violate Core's let/app invariant
+ (see Note [Core let/app invariant] in GHC.Core) which is critical to
+ the simplifier's ability to float without fear of changing program meaning.
+Note [PrimOp can_fail and has_side_effects]
+Both can_fail and has_side_effects mean that the primop has
+some effect that is not captured entirely by its result value.
+---------- has_side_effects ---------------------
+A primop "has_side_effects" if it has some *write* effect, visible
+ - writing to the world (I/O)
+ - writing to a mutable data structure (writeIORef)
+ - throwing a synchronous Haskell exception
+Often such primops have a type like
+ State -> input -> (State, output)
+so the state token guarantees ordering. In general we rely *only* on
+data dependencies of the state token to enforce write-effect ordering
+ * NB1: if you inline unsafePerformIO, you may end up with
+ side-effecting ops whose 'state' output is discarded.
+ And programmers may do that by hand; see #9390.
+ That is why we (conservatively) do not discard write-effecting
+ primops even if both their state and result is discarded.
+ * NB2: We consider primops, such as raiseIO#, that can raise a
+ (Haskell) synchronous exception to "have_side_effects" but not
+ "can_fail". We must be careful about not discarding such things;
+ see the paper "A semantics for imprecise exceptions".
+ * NB3: *Read* effects (like reading an IORef) don't count here,
+ because it doesn't matter if we don't do them, or do them more than
+ once. *Sequencing* is maintained by the data dependency of the state
+ token.
+---------- can_fail ----------------------------
+A primop "can_fail" if it can fail with an *unchecked* exception on
+some elements of its input domain. Main examples:
+ division (fails on zero denominator)
+ array indexing (fails if the index is out of bounds)
+An "unchecked exception" is one that is an outright error, (not
+turned into a Haskell exception,) such as seg-fault or
+divide-by-zero error. Such can_fail primops are ALWAYS surrounded
+with a test that checks for the bad cases, but we need to be
+very careful about code motion that might move it out of
+the scope of the test.
+Note [Transformations affected by can_fail and has_side_effects]
+The can_fail and has_side_effects properties have the following effect
+on program transformations. Summary table is followed by details.
+ can_fail has_side_effects
+Discard YES NO
+Float in YES YES
+Float out NO NO
+Duplicate YES NO
+* Discarding. case (a `op` b) of _ -> rhs ===> rhs
+ You should not discard a has_side_effects primop; e.g.
+ case (writeIntArray# a i v s of (# _, _ #) -> True
+ Arguably you should be able to discard this, since the
+ returned stat token is not used, but that relies on NEVER
+ inlining unsafePerformIO, and programmers sometimes write
+ this kind of stuff by hand (#9390). So we (conservatively)
+ never discard a has_side_effects primop.
+ However, it's fine to discard a can_fail primop. For example
+ case (indexIntArray# a i) of _ -> True
+ We can discard indexIntArray#; it has can_fail, but not
+ has_side_effects; see #5658 which was all about this.
+ Notice that indexIntArray# is (in a more general handling of
+ effects) read effect, but we don't care about that here, and
+ treat read effects as *not* has_side_effects.
+ Similarly (a `/#` b) can be discarded. It can seg-fault or
+ cause a hardware exception, but not a synchronous Haskell
+ exception.
+ Synchronous Haskell exceptions, e.g. from raiseIO#, are treated
+ as has_side_effects and hence are not discarded.
+* Float in. You can float a can_fail or has_side_effects primop
+ *inwards*, but not inside a lambda (see Duplication below).
+* Float out. You must not float a can_fail primop *outwards* lest
+ you escape the dynamic scope of the test. Example:
+ case d ># 0# of
+ True -> case x /# d of r -> r +# 1
+ False -> 0
+ Here we must not float the case outwards to give
+ case x/# d of r ->
+ case d ># 0# of
+ True -> r +# 1
+ False -> 0
+ Nor can you float out a has_side_effects primop. For example:
+ if blah then case writeMutVar# v True s0 of (# s1 #) -> s1
+ else s0
+ Notice that s0 is mentioned in both branches of the 'if', but
+ only one of these two will actually be consumed. But if we
+ float out to
+ case writeMutVar# v True s0 of (# s1 #) ->
+ if blah then s1 else s0
+ the writeMutVar will be performed in both branches, which is
+ utterly wrong.
+* Duplication. You cannot duplicate a has_side_effect primop. You
+ might wonder how this can occur given the state token threading, but
+ just look at Control.Monad.ST.Lazy.Imp.strictToLazy! We get
+ something like this
+ p = case readMutVar# s v of
+ (# s', r #) -> (S# s', r)
+ s' = case p of (s', r) -> s'
+ r = case p of (s', r) -> r
+ (All these bindings are boxed.) If we inline p at its two call
+ sites, we get a catastrophe: because the read is performed once when
+ s' is demanded, and once when 'r' is demanded, which may be much
+ later. Utterly wrong. #3207 is real example of this happening.
+ However, it's fine to duplicate a can_fail primop. That is really
+ the only difference between can_fail and has_side_effects.
+Note [Implementation: how can_fail/has_side_effects affect transformations]
+How do we ensure that that floating/duplication/discarding are done right
+in the simplifier?
+Two main predicates on primpops test these flags:
+ primOpOkForSideEffects <=> not has_side_effects
+ primOpOkForSpeculation <=> not (has_side_effects || can_fail)
+ * The "no-float-out" thing is achieved by ensuring that we never
+ let-bind a can_fail or has_side_effects primop. The RHS of a
+ let-binding (which can float in and out freely) satisfies
+ exprOkForSpeculation; this is the let/app invariant. And
+ exprOkForSpeculation is false of can_fail and has_side_effects.
+ * So can_fail and has_side_effects primops will appear only as the
+ scrutinees of cases, and that's why the FloatIn pass is capable
+ of floating case bindings inwards.
+ * The no-duplicate thing is done via primOpIsCheap, by making
+ has_side_effects things (very very very) not-cheap!
+primOpHasSideEffects :: PrimOp -> Bool
+#include "primop-has-side-effects.hs-incl"
+primOpCanFail :: PrimOp -> Bool
+#include "primop-can-fail.hs-incl"
+primOpOkForSpeculation :: PrimOp -> Bool
+ -- See Note [PrimOp can_fail and has_side_effects]
+ -- See comments with GHC.Core.Utils.exprOkForSpeculation
+ -- primOpOkForSpeculation => primOpOkForSideEffects
+primOpOkForSpeculation op
+ = primOpOkForSideEffects op
+ && not (primOpOutOfLine op || primOpCanFail op)
+ -- I think the "out of line" test is because out of line things can
+ -- be expensive (eg sine, cosine), and so we may not want to speculate them
+primOpOkForSideEffects :: PrimOp -> Bool
+primOpOkForSideEffects op
+ = not (primOpHasSideEffects op)
+Note [primOpIsCheap]
+@primOpIsCheap@, as used in GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Utils. For now (HACK
+WARNING), we just borrow some other predicates for a
+what-should-be-good-enough test. "Cheap" means willing to call it more
+than once, and/or push it inside a lambda. The latter could change the
+behaviour of 'seq' for primops that can fail, so we don't treat them as cheap.
+primOpIsCheap :: PrimOp -> Bool
+-- See Note [PrimOp can_fail and has_side_effects]
+primOpIsCheap op = primOpOkForSpeculation op
+-- In March 2001, we changed this to
+-- primOpIsCheap op = False
+-- thereby making *no* primops seem cheap. But this killed eta
+-- expansion on case (x ==# y) of True -> \s -> ...
+-- which is bad. In particular a loop like
+-- doLoop n = loop 0
+-- where
+-- loop i | i == n = return ()
+-- | otherwise = bar i >> loop (i+1)
+-- allocated a closure every time round because it doesn't eta expand.
+-- The problem that originally gave rise to the change was
+-- let x = a +# b *# c in x +# x
+-- were we don't want to inline x. But primopIsCheap doesn't control
+-- that (it's exprIsDupable that does) so the problem doesn't occur
+-- even if primOpIsCheap sometimes says 'True'.
+* *
+ PrimOp code size
+* *
+Gives an indication of the code size of a primop, for the purposes of
+calculating unfolding sizes; see GHC.Core.Unfold.sizeExpr.
+primOpCodeSize :: PrimOp -> Int
+#include "primop-code-size.hs-incl"
+primOpCodeSizeDefault :: Int
+primOpCodeSizeDefault = 1
+ -- GHC.Core.Unfold.primOpSize already takes into account primOpOutOfLine
+ -- and adds some further costs for the args in that case.
+primOpCodeSizeForeignCall :: Int
+primOpCodeSizeForeignCall = 4
+* *
+ PrimOp types
+* *
+primOpType :: PrimOp -> Type -- you may want to use primOpSig instead
+primOpType op
+ = case primOpInfo op of
+ Dyadic _occ ty -> dyadic_fun_ty ty
+ Monadic _occ ty -> monadic_fun_ty ty
+ Compare _occ ty -> compare_fun_ty ty
+ GenPrimOp _occ tyvars arg_tys res_ty ->
+ mkSpecForAllTys tyvars (mkVisFunTys arg_tys res_ty)
+primOpOcc :: PrimOp -> OccName
+primOpOcc op = case primOpInfo op of
+ Dyadic occ _ -> occ
+ Monadic occ _ -> occ
+ Compare occ _ -> occ
+ GenPrimOp occ _ _ _ -> occ
+{- Note [Primop wrappers]
+Previously hasNoBinding would claim that PrimOpIds didn't have a curried
+function definition. This caused quite some trouble as we would be forced to
+eta expand unsaturated primop applications very late in the Core pipeline. Not
+only would this produce unnecessary thunks, but it would also result in nasty
+inconsistencies in CAFfy-ness determinations (see #16846 and
+Note [CAFfyness inconsistencies due to late eta expansion] in GHC.Iface.Tidy).
+However, it was quite unnecessary for hasNoBinding to claim this; primops in
+fact *do* have curried definitions which are found in GHC.PrimopWrappers, which
+is auto-generated by utils/genprimops from prelude/primops.txt.pp. These wrappers
+are standard Haskell functions mirroring the types of the primops they wrap.
+For instance, in the case of plusInt# we would have:
+ module GHC.PrimopWrappers where
+ import GHC.Prim as P
+ plusInt# a b = P.plusInt# a b
+We now take advantage of these curried definitions by letting hasNoBinding
+claim that PrimOpIds have a curried definition and then rewrite any unsaturated
+PrimOpId applications that we find during CoreToStg as applications of the
+associated wrapper (e.g. `GHC.Prim.plusInt# 3#` will get rewritten to
+`GHC.PrimopWrappers.plusInt# 3#`).` The Id of the wrapper for a primop can be
+found using 'PrimOp.primOpWrapperId'.
+Nota Bene: GHC.PrimopWrappers is needed *regardless*, because it's
+used by GHCi, which does not implement primops direct at all.
+-- | Returns the 'Id' of the wrapper associated with the given 'PrimOp'.
+-- See Note [Primop wrappers].
+primOpWrapperId :: PrimOp -> Id
+primOpWrapperId op = mkVanillaGlobalWithInfo name ty info
+ where
+ info = setCafInfo vanillaIdInfo NoCafRefs
+ name = mkExternalName uniq gHC_PRIMOPWRAPPERS (primOpOcc op) wiredInSrcSpan
+ uniq = mkPrimOpWrapperUnique (primOpTag op)
+ ty = primOpType op
+isComparisonPrimOp :: PrimOp -> Bool
+isComparisonPrimOp op = case primOpInfo op of
+ Compare {} -> True
+ _ -> False
+-- primOpSig is like primOpType but gives the result split apart:
+-- (type variables, argument types, result type)
+-- It also gives arity, strictness info
+primOpSig :: PrimOp -> ([TyVar], [Type], Type, Arity, StrictSig)
+primOpSig op
+ = (tyvars, arg_tys, res_ty, arity, primOpStrictness op arity)
+ where
+ arity = length arg_tys
+ (tyvars, arg_tys, res_ty)
+ = case (primOpInfo op) of
+ Monadic _occ ty -> ([], [ty], ty )
+ Dyadic _occ ty -> ([], [ty,ty], ty )
+ Compare _occ ty -> ([], [ty,ty], intPrimTy)
+ GenPrimOp _occ tyvars arg_tys res_ty -> (tyvars, arg_tys, res_ty )
+data PrimOpResultInfo
+ = ReturnsPrim PrimRep
+ | ReturnsAlg TyCon
+-- Some PrimOps need not return a manifest primitive or algebraic value
+-- (i.e. they might return a polymorphic value). These PrimOps *must*
+-- be out of line, or the code generator won't work.
+getPrimOpResultInfo :: PrimOp -> PrimOpResultInfo
+getPrimOpResultInfo op
+ = case (primOpInfo op) of
+ Dyadic _ ty -> ReturnsPrim (typePrimRep1 ty)
+ Monadic _ ty -> ReturnsPrim (typePrimRep1 ty)
+ Compare _ _ -> ReturnsPrim (tyConPrimRep1 intPrimTyCon)
+ GenPrimOp _ _ _ ty | isPrimTyCon tc -> ReturnsPrim (tyConPrimRep1 tc)
+ | otherwise -> ReturnsAlg tc
+ where
+ tc = tyConAppTyCon ty
+ -- All primops return a tycon-app result
+ -- The tycon can be an unboxed tuple or sum, though,
+ -- which gives rise to a ReturnAlg
+We do not currently make use of whether primops are commutable.
+We used to try to move constants to the right hand side for strength
+commutableOp :: PrimOp -> Bool
+#include "primop-commutable.hs-incl"
+-- Utils:
+dyadic_fun_ty, monadic_fun_ty, compare_fun_ty :: Type -> Type
+dyadic_fun_ty ty = mkVisFunTys [ty, ty] ty
+monadic_fun_ty ty = mkVisFunTy ty ty
+compare_fun_ty ty = mkVisFunTys [ty, ty] intPrimTy
+-- Output stuff:
+pprPrimOp :: PrimOp -> SDoc
+pprPrimOp other_op = pprOccName (primOpOcc other_op)
+* *
+\subsubsection[PrimCall]{User-imported primitive calls}
+* *
+data PrimCall = PrimCall CLabelString UnitId
+instance Outputable PrimCall where
+ ppr (PrimCall lbl pkgId)
+ = text "__primcall" <+> ppr pkgId <+> ppr lbl