path: root/compiler/GHC/Builtin
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13 files changed, 12459 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Names.hs b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Names.hs
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index 0000000000..1b1bfdf7fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Names.hs
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+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[GHC.Builtin.Names]{Definitions of prelude modules and names}
+Nota Bene: all Names defined in here should come from the base package
+ - ModuleNames for prelude modules,
+ e.g. pREL_BASE_Name :: ModuleName
+ - Modules for prelude modules
+ e.g. pREL_Base :: Module
+ - Uniques for Ids, DataCons, TyCons and Classes that the compiler
+ "knows about" in some way
+ e.g. intTyConKey :: Unique
+ minusClassOpKey :: Unique
+ - Names for Ids, DataCons, TyCons and Classes that the compiler
+ "knows about" in some way
+ e.g. intTyConName :: Name
+ minusName :: Name
+ One of these Names contains
+ (a) the module and occurrence name of the thing
+ (b) its Unique
+ The way the compiler "knows about" one of these things is
+ where the type checker or desugarer needs to look it up. For
+ example, when desugaring list comprehensions the desugarer
+ needs to conjure up 'foldr'. It does this by looking up
+ foldrName in the environment.
+ - RdrNames for Ids, DataCons etc that the compiler may emit into
+ generated code (e.g. for deriving). It's not necessary to know
+ the uniques for these guys, only their names
+Note [Known-key names]
+It is *very* important that the compiler gives wired-in things and
+things with "known-key" names the correct Uniques wherever they
+occur. We have to be careful about this in exactly two places:
+ 1. When we parse some source code, renaming the AST better yield an
+ AST whose Names have the correct uniques
+ 2. When we read an interface file, the read-in gubbins better have
+ the right uniques
+This is accomplished through a combination of mechanisms:
+ 1. When parsing source code, the RdrName-decorated AST has some
+ RdrNames which are Exact. These are wired-in RdrNames where the
+ we could directly tell from the parsed syntax what Name to
+ use. For example, when we parse a [] in a type we can just insert
+ an Exact RdrName Name with the listTyConKey.
+ Currently, I believe this is just an optimisation: it would be
+ equally valid to just output Orig RdrNames that correctly record
+ the module etc we expect the final Name to come from. However,
+ were we to eliminate isBuiltInOcc_maybe it would become essential
+ (see point 3).
+ 2. The knownKeyNames (which consist of the basicKnownKeyNames from
+ the module, and those names reachable via the wired-in stuff from
+ GHC.Builtin.Types) are used to initialise the "OrigNameCache" in
+ GHC.Iface.Env. This initialization ensures that when the type checker
+ or renamer (both of which use GHC.Iface.Env) look up an original name
+ (i.e. a pair of a Module and an OccName) for a known-key name
+ they get the correct Unique.
+ This is the most important mechanism for ensuring that known-key
+ stuff gets the right Unique, and is why it is so important to
+ place your known-key names in the appropriate lists.
+ 3. For "infinite families" of known-key names (i.e. tuples and sums), we
+ have to be extra careful. Because there are an infinite number of
+ these things, we cannot add them to the list of known-key names
+ used to initialise the OrigNameCache. Instead, we have to
+ rely on never having to look them up in that cache. See
+ Note [Infinite families of known-key names] for details.
+Note [Infinite families of known-key names]
+Infinite families of known-key things (e.g. tuples and sums) pose a tricky
+problem: we can't add them to the knownKeyNames finite map which we use to
+ensure that, e.g., a reference to (,) gets assigned the right unique (if this
+doesn't sound familiar see Note [Known-key names] above).
+We instead handle tuples and sums separately from the "vanilla" known-key
+ a) The parser recognises them specially and generates an Exact Name (hence not
+ looked up in the orig-name cache)
+ b) The known infinite families of names are specially serialised by
+ GHC.Iface.Binary.putName, with that special treatment detected when we read
+ back to ensure that we get back to the correct uniques. See Note [Symbol
+ table representation of names] in GHC.Iface.Binary and Note [How tuples
+ work] in GHC.Builtin.Types.
+Most of the infinite families cannot occur in source code, so mechanisms (a) and (b)
+suffice to ensure that they always have the right Unique. In particular,
+implicit param TyCon names, constraint tuples and Any TyCons cannot be mentioned
+by the user. For those things that *can* appear in source programs,
+ c) GHC.Iface.Env.lookupOrigNameCache uses isBuiltInOcc_maybe to map built-in syntax
+ directly onto the corresponding name, rather than trying to find it in the
+ original-name cache.
+ See also Note [Built-in syntax and the OrigNameCache]
+Note [The integer library]
+Clearly, we need to know the names of various definitions of the integer
+library, e.g. the type itself, `mkInteger` etc. But there are two possible
+implementations of the integer library:
+ * integer-gmp (fast, but uses libgmp, which may not be available on all
+ targets and is GPL licensed)
+ * integer-simple (slow, but pure Haskell and BSD-licensed)
+We want the compiler to work with either one. The way we achieve this is:
+ * When compiling the integer-{gmp,simple} library, we pass
+ -this-unit-id integer-wired-in
+ to GHC (see the cabal file libraries/integer-{gmp,simple}.
+ * This way, GHC can use just this UnitID (see Module.integerUnitId) when
+ generating code, and the linker will succeed.
+Unfortuately, the abstraction is not complete: When using integer-gmp, we
+really want to use the S# constructor directly. This is controlled by
+the `integerLibrary` field of `DynFlags`: If it is IntegerGMP, we use
+this constructor directly (see CorePrep.lookupIntegerSDataConName)
+When GHC reads the package data base, it (internally only) pretends it has UnitId
+`integer-wired-in` instead of the actual UnitId (which includes the version
+number); just like for `base` and other packages, as described in
+Note [Wired-in packages] in GHC.Types.Module. This is done in Packages.findWiredInPackages.
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Builtin.Names
+ ( Unique, Uniquable(..), hasKey, -- Re-exported for convenience
+ -----------------------------------------------------------
+ module GHC.Builtin.Names, -- A huge bunch of (a) Names, e.g. intTyConName
+ -- (b) Uniques e.g. intTyConKey
+ -- (c) Groups of classes and types
+ -- (d) miscellaneous things
+ -- So many that we export them all
+ )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Types.Module
+import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence
+import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import FastString
+* *
+ allNameStrings
+* *
+allNameStrings :: [String]
+-- Infinite list of a,b,c...z, aa, ab, ac, ... etc
+allNameStrings = [ c:cs | cs <- "" : allNameStrings, c <- ['a'..'z'] ]
+* *
+\subsection{Local Names}
+* *
+This *local* name is used by the interactive stuff
+itName :: Unique -> SrcSpan -> Name
+itName uniq loc = mkInternalName uniq (mkOccNameFS varName (fsLit "it")) loc
+-- mkUnboundName makes a place-holder Name; it shouldn't be looked at except possibly
+-- during compiler debugging.
+mkUnboundName :: OccName -> Name
+mkUnboundName occ = mkInternalName unboundKey occ noSrcSpan
+isUnboundName :: Name -> Bool
+isUnboundName name = name `hasKey` unboundKey
+* *
+\subsection{Known key Names}
+* *
+This section tells what the compiler knows about the association of
+names with uniques. These ones are the *non* wired-in ones. The
+wired in ones are defined in GHC.Builtin.Types etc.
+basicKnownKeyNames :: [Name] -- See Note [Known-key names]
+ = genericTyConNames
+ ++ [ -- Classes. *Must* include:
+ -- classes that are grabbed by key (e.g., eqClassKey)
+ -- classes in "Class.standardClassKeys" (quite a few)
+ eqClassName, -- mentioned, derivable
+ ordClassName, -- derivable
+ boundedClassName, -- derivable
+ numClassName, -- mentioned, numeric
+ enumClassName, -- derivable
+ monadClassName,
+ functorClassName,
+ realClassName, -- numeric
+ integralClassName, -- numeric
+ fractionalClassName, -- numeric
+ floatingClassName, -- numeric
+ realFracClassName, -- numeric
+ realFloatClassName, -- numeric
+ dataClassName,
+ isStringClassName,
+ applicativeClassName,
+ alternativeClassName,
+ foldableClassName,
+ traversableClassName,
+ semigroupClassName, sappendName,
+ monoidClassName, memptyName, mappendName, mconcatName,
+ -- The IO type
+ -- See Note [TyConRepNames for non-wired-in TyCons]
+ ioTyConName, ioDataConName,
+ runMainIOName,
+ runRWName,
+ -- Type representation types
+ trModuleTyConName, trModuleDataConName,
+ trNameTyConName, trNameSDataConName, trNameDDataConName,
+ trTyConTyConName, trTyConDataConName,
+ -- Typeable
+ typeableClassName,
+ typeRepTyConName,
+ someTypeRepTyConName,
+ someTypeRepDataConName,
+ kindRepTyConName,
+ kindRepTyConAppDataConName,
+ kindRepVarDataConName,
+ kindRepAppDataConName,
+ kindRepFunDataConName,
+ kindRepTYPEDataConName,
+ kindRepTypeLitSDataConName,
+ kindRepTypeLitDDataConName,
+ typeLitSortTyConName,
+ typeLitSymbolDataConName,
+ typeLitNatDataConName,
+ typeRepIdName,
+ mkTrTypeName,
+ mkTrConName,
+ mkTrAppName,
+ mkTrFunName,
+ typeSymbolTypeRepName, typeNatTypeRepName,
+ trGhcPrimModuleName,
+ -- KindReps for common cases
+ starKindRepName,
+ starArrStarKindRepName,
+ starArrStarArrStarKindRepName,
+ -- Dynamic
+ toDynName,
+ -- Numeric stuff
+ negateName, minusName, geName, eqName,
+ -- Conversion functions
+ rationalTyConName,
+ ratioTyConName, ratioDataConName,
+ fromRationalName, fromIntegerName,
+ toIntegerName, toRationalName,
+ fromIntegralName, realToFracName,
+ -- Int# stuff
+ divIntName, modIntName,
+ -- String stuff
+ fromStringName,
+ -- Enum stuff
+ enumFromName, enumFromThenName,
+ enumFromThenToName, enumFromToName,
+ -- Applicative stuff
+ pureAName, apAName, thenAName,
+ -- Functor stuff
+ fmapName,
+ -- Monad stuff
+ thenIOName, bindIOName, returnIOName, failIOName, bindMName, thenMName,
+ returnMName, joinMName,
+ -- MonadFail
+ monadFailClassName, failMName,
+ -- MonadFix
+ monadFixClassName, mfixName,
+ -- Arrow stuff
+ arrAName, composeAName, firstAName,
+ appAName, choiceAName, loopAName,
+ -- Ix stuff
+ ixClassName,
+ -- Show stuff
+ showClassName,
+ -- Read stuff
+ readClassName,
+ -- Stable pointers
+ newStablePtrName,
+ -- GHC Extensions
+ groupWithName,
+ -- Strings and lists
+ unpackCStringName,
+ unpackCStringFoldrName, unpackCStringUtf8Name,
+ -- Overloaded lists
+ isListClassName,
+ fromListName,
+ fromListNName,
+ toListName,
+ -- List operations
+ concatName, filterName, mapName,
+ zipName, foldrName, buildName, augmentName, appendName,
+ -- FFI primitive types that are not wired-in.
+ stablePtrTyConName, ptrTyConName, funPtrTyConName,
+ int8TyConName, int16TyConName, int32TyConName, int64TyConName,
+ word16TyConName, word32TyConName, word64TyConName,
+ -- Others
+ otherwiseIdName, inlineIdName,
+ eqStringName, assertName, breakpointName, breakpointCondName,
+ opaqueTyConName,
+ assertErrorName, traceName,
+ printName, fstName, sndName,
+ dollarName,
+ -- Integer
+ integerTyConName, mkIntegerName,
+ integerToWord64Name, integerToInt64Name,
+ word64ToIntegerName, int64ToIntegerName,
+ plusIntegerName, timesIntegerName, smallIntegerName,
+ wordToIntegerName,
+ integerToWordName, integerToIntName, minusIntegerName,
+ negateIntegerName, eqIntegerPrimName, neqIntegerPrimName,
+ absIntegerName, signumIntegerName,
+ leIntegerPrimName, gtIntegerPrimName, ltIntegerPrimName, geIntegerPrimName,
+ compareIntegerName, quotRemIntegerName, divModIntegerName,
+ quotIntegerName, remIntegerName, divIntegerName, modIntegerName,
+ floatFromIntegerName, doubleFromIntegerName,
+ encodeFloatIntegerName, encodeDoubleIntegerName,
+ decodeDoubleIntegerName,
+ gcdIntegerName, lcmIntegerName,
+ andIntegerName, orIntegerName, xorIntegerName, complementIntegerName,
+ shiftLIntegerName, shiftRIntegerName, bitIntegerName,
+ integerSDataConName,naturalSDataConName,
+ -- Natural
+ naturalTyConName,
+ naturalFromIntegerName, naturalToIntegerName,
+ plusNaturalName, minusNaturalName, timesNaturalName, mkNaturalName,
+ wordToNaturalName,
+ -- Float/Double
+ rationalToFloatName,
+ rationalToDoubleName,
+ -- Other classes
+ randomClassName, randomGenClassName, monadPlusClassName,
+ -- Type-level naturals
+ knownNatClassName, knownSymbolClassName,
+ -- Overloaded labels
+ isLabelClassName,
+ -- Implicit Parameters
+ ipClassName,
+ -- Overloaded record fields
+ hasFieldClassName,
+ -- Call Stacks
+ callStackTyConName,
+ emptyCallStackName, pushCallStackName,
+ -- Source Locations
+ srcLocDataConName,
+ -- Annotation type checking
+ toAnnotationWrapperName
+ -- The Ordering type
+ , orderingTyConName
+ , ordLTDataConName, ordEQDataConName, ordGTDataConName
+ -- The SPEC type for SpecConstr
+ , specTyConName
+ -- The Either type
+ , eitherTyConName, leftDataConName, rightDataConName
+ -- Plugins
+ , pluginTyConName
+ , frontendPluginTyConName
+ -- Generics
+ , genClassName, gen1ClassName
+ , datatypeClassName, constructorClassName, selectorClassName
+ -- Monad comprehensions
+ , guardMName
+ , liftMName
+ , mzipName
+ -- GHCi Sandbox
+ , ghciIoClassName, ghciStepIoMName
+ -- StaticPtr
+ , makeStaticName
+ , staticPtrTyConName
+ , staticPtrDataConName, staticPtrInfoDataConName
+ , fromStaticPtrName
+ -- Fingerprint
+ , fingerprintDataConName
+ -- Custom type errors
+ , errorMessageTypeErrorFamName
+ , typeErrorTextDataConName
+ , typeErrorAppendDataConName
+ , typeErrorVAppendDataConName
+ , typeErrorShowTypeDataConName
+ -- Unsafe coercion proofs
+ , unsafeEqualityProofName
+ , unsafeEqualityTyConName
+ , unsafeReflDataConName
+ , unsafeCoercePrimName
+ , unsafeCoerceName
+ ]
+genericTyConNames :: [Name]
+genericTyConNames = [
+ v1TyConName, u1TyConName, par1TyConName, rec1TyConName,
+ k1TyConName, m1TyConName, sumTyConName, prodTyConName,
+ compTyConName, rTyConName, dTyConName,
+ cTyConName, sTyConName, rec0TyConName,
+ d1TyConName, c1TyConName, s1TyConName, noSelTyConName,
+ repTyConName, rep1TyConName, uRecTyConName,
+ uAddrTyConName, uCharTyConName, uDoubleTyConName,
+ uFloatTyConName, uIntTyConName, uWordTyConName,
+ prefixIDataConName, infixIDataConName, leftAssociativeDataConName,
+ rightAssociativeDataConName, notAssociativeDataConName,
+ sourceUnpackDataConName, sourceNoUnpackDataConName,
+ noSourceUnpackednessDataConName, sourceLazyDataConName,
+ sourceStrictDataConName, noSourceStrictnessDataConName,
+ decidedLazyDataConName, decidedStrictDataConName, decidedUnpackDataConName,
+ metaDataDataConName, metaConsDataConName, metaSelDataConName
+ ]
+* *
+\subsection{Module names}
+* *
+--MetaHaskell Extension Add a new module here
+pRELUDE :: Module
+pRELUDE = mkBaseModule_ pRELUDE_NAME
+ gHC_CONC, gHC_IO, gHC_IO_Exception,
+gHC_PRIM = mkPrimModule (fsLit "GHC.Prim") -- Primitive types and values
+gHC_TYPES = mkPrimModule (fsLit "GHC.Types")
+gHC_MAGIC = mkPrimModule (fsLit "GHC.Magic")
+gHC_CSTRING = mkPrimModule (fsLit "GHC.CString")
+gHC_CLASSES = mkPrimModule (fsLit "GHC.Classes")
+gHC_PRIMOPWRAPPERS = mkPrimModule (fsLit "GHC.PrimopWrappers")
+gHC_BASE = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Base")
+gHC_ENUM = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Enum")
+gHC_GHCI = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.GHCi")
+gHC_GHCI_HELPERS= mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.GHCi.Helpers")
+gHC_SHOW = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Show")
+gHC_READ = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Read")
+gHC_NUM = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Num")
+gHC_MAYBE = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Maybe")
+gHC_INTEGER_TYPE= mkIntegerModule (fsLit "GHC.Integer.Type")
+gHC_NATURAL = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Natural")
+gHC_LIST = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.List")
+gHC_TUPLE = mkPrimModule (fsLit "GHC.Tuple")
+dATA_TUPLE = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Data.Tuple")
+dATA_EITHER = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Data.Either")
+dATA_LIST = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Data.List")
+dATA_STRING = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Data.String")
+dATA_FOLDABLE = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Data.Foldable")
+dATA_TRAVERSABLE= mkBaseModule (fsLit "Data.Traversable")
+gHC_CONC = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Conc")
+gHC_IO = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.IO")
+gHC_IO_Exception = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.IO.Exception")
+gHC_ST = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.ST")
+gHC_IX = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Ix")
+gHC_STABLE = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Stable")
+gHC_PTR = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Ptr")
+gHC_ERR = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Err")
+gHC_REAL = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Real")
+gHC_FLOAT = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Float")
+gHC_TOP_HANDLER = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.TopHandler")
+sYSTEM_IO = mkBaseModule (fsLit "System.IO")
+dYNAMIC = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Data.Dynamic")
+tYPEABLE = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Data.Typeable")
+tYPEABLE_INTERNAL = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Data.Typeable.Internal")
+gENERICS = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Data.Data")
+rEAD_PREC = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec")
+lEX = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Text.Read.Lex")
+gHC_INT = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Int")
+gHC_WORD = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Word")
+mONAD = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Control.Monad")
+mONAD_FIX = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Control.Monad.Fix")
+mONAD_ZIP = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Control.Monad.Zip")
+mONAD_FAIL = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Control.Monad.Fail")
+aRROW = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Control.Arrow")
+cONTROL_APPLICATIVE = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Control.Applicative")
+gHC_DESUGAR = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Desugar")
+rANDOM = mkBaseModule (fsLit "System.Random")
+gHC_EXTS = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Exts")
+cONTROL_EXCEPTION_BASE = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Control.Exception.Base")
+gHC_GENERICS = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Generics")
+gHC_TYPELITS = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.TypeLits")
+gHC_TYPENATS = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.TypeNats")
+dATA_TYPE_EQUALITY = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Data.Type.Equality")
+dATA_COERCE = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Data.Coerce")
+dEBUG_TRACE = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Debug.Trace")
+uNSAFE_COERCE = mkBaseModule (fsLit "Unsafe.Coerce")
+gHC_SRCLOC :: Module
+gHC_SRCLOC = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.SrcLoc")
+gHC_STACK = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Stack")
+gHC_STACK_TYPES = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Stack.Types")
+gHC_STATICPTR :: Module
+gHC_STATICPTR = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.StaticPtr")
+gHC_STATICPTR_INTERNAL = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.StaticPtr.Internal")
+gHC_FINGERPRINT_TYPE = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Fingerprint.Type")
+gHC_OVER_LABELS :: Module
+gHC_OVER_LABELS = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.OverloadedLabels")
+gHC_RECORDS :: Module
+gHC_RECORDS = mkBaseModule (fsLit "GHC.Records")
+mAIN, rOOT_MAIN :: Module
+mAIN = mkMainModule_ mAIN_NAME
+rOOT_MAIN = mkMainModule (fsLit ":Main") -- Root module for initialisation
+mkInteractiveModule :: Int -> Module
+-- (mkInteractiveMoudule 9) makes module 'interactive:M9'
+mkInteractiveModule n = mkModule interactiveUnitId (mkModuleName ("Ghci" ++ show n))
+pRELUDE_NAME, mAIN_NAME :: ModuleName
+pRELUDE_NAME = mkModuleNameFS (fsLit "Prelude")
+mAIN_NAME = mkModuleNameFS (fsLit "Main")
+dATA_ARRAY_PARALLEL_NAME = mkModuleNameFS (fsLit "Data.Array.Parallel")
+dATA_ARRAY_PARALLEL_PRIM_NAME = mkModuleNameFS (fsLit "Data.Array.Parallel.Prim")
+mkPrimModule :: FastString -> Module
+mkPrimModule m = mkModule primUnitId (mkModuleNameFS m)
+mkIntegerModule :: FastString -> Module
+mkIntegerModule m = mkModule integerUnitId (mkModuleNameFS m)
+mkBaseModule :: FastString -> Module
+mkBaseModule m = mkModule baseUnitId (mkModuleNameFS m)
+mkBaseModule_ :: ModuleName -> Module
+mkBaseModule_ m = mkModule baseUnitId m
+mkThisGhcModule :: FastString -> Module
+mkThisGhcModule m = mkModule thisGhcUnitId (mkModuleNameFS m)
+mkThisGhcModule_ :: ModuleName -> Module
+mkThisGhcModule_ m = mkModule thisGhcUnitId m
+mkMainModule :: FastString -> Module
+mkMainModule m = mkModule mainUnitId (mkModuleNameFS m)
+mkMainModule_ :: ModuleName -> Module
+mkMainModule_ m = mkModule mainUnitId m
+* *
+ RdrNames
+* *
+main_RDR_Unqual :: RdrName
+main_RDR_Unqual = mkUnqual varName (fsLit "main")
+ -- We definitely don't want an Orig RdrName, because
+ -- main might, in principle, be imported into module Main
+eq_RDR, ge_RDR, le_RDR, lt_RDR, gt_RDR, compare_RDR,
+ ltTag_RDR, eqTag_RDR, gtTag_RDR :: RdrName
+eq_RDR = nameRdrName eqName
+ge_RDR = nameRdrName geName
+le_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_CLASSES (fsLit "<=")
+lt_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_CLASSES (fsLit "<")
+gt_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_CLASSES (fsLit ">")
+compare_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_CLASSES (fsLit "compare")
+ltTag_RDR = nameRdrName ordLTDataConName
+eqTag_RDR = nameRdrName ordEQDataConName
+gtTag_RDR = nameRdrName ordGTDataConName
+eqClass_RDR, numClass_RDR, ordClass_RDR, enumClass_RDR, monadClass_RDR
+ :: RdrName
+eqClass_RDR = nameRdrName eqClassName
+numClass_RDR = nameRdrName numClassName
+ordClass_RDR = nameRdrName ordClassName
+enumClass_RDR = nameRdrName enumClassName
+monadClass_RDR = nameRdrName monadClassName
+map_RDR, append_RDR :: RdrName
+map_RDR = nameRdrName mapName
+append_RDR = nameRdrName appendName
+foldr_RDR, build_RDR, returnM_RDR, bindM_RDR, failM_RDR
+ :: RdrName
+foldr_RDR = nameRdrName foldrName
+build_RDR = nameRdrName buildName
+returnM_RDR = nameRdrName returnMName
+bindM_RDR = nameRdrName bindMName
+failM_RDR = nameRdrName failMName
+left_RDR, right_RDR :: RdrName
+left_RDR = nameRdrName leftDataConName
+right_RDR = nameRdrName rightDataConName
+fromEnum_RDR, toEnum_RDR :: RdrName
+fromEnum_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_ENUM (fsLit "fromEnum")
+toEnum_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_ENUM (fsLit "toEnum")
+enumFrom_RDR, enumFromTo_RDR, enumFromThen_RDR, enumFromThenTo_RDR :: RdrName
+enumFrom_RDR = nameRdrName enumFromName
+enumFromTo_RDR = nameRdrName enumFromToName
+enumFromThen_RDR = nameRdrName enumFromThenName
+enumFromThenTo_RDR = nameRdrName enumFromThenToName
+ratioDataCon_RDR, plusInteger_RDR, timesInteger_RDR :: RdrName
+ratioDataCon_RDR = nameRdrName ratioDataConName
+plusInteger_RDR = nameRdrName plusIntegerName
+timesInteger_RDR = nameRdrName timesIntegerName
+ioDataCon_RDR :: RdrName
+ioDataCon_RDR = nameRdrName ioDataConName
+eqString_RDR, unpackCString_RDR, unpackCStringFoldr_RDR,
+ unpackCStringUtf8_RDR :: RdrName
+eqString_RDR = nameRdrName eqStringName
+unpackCString_RDR = nameRdrName unpackCStringName
+unpackCStringFoldr_RDR = nameRdrName unpackCStringFoldrName
+unpackCStringUtf8_RDR = nameRdrName unpackCStringUtf8Name
+newStablePtr_RDR :: RdrName
+newStablePtr_RDR = nameRdrName newStablePtrName
+bindIO_RDR, returnIO_RDR :: RdrName
+bindIO_RDR = nameRdrName bindIOName
+returnIO_RDR = nameRdrName returnIOName
+fromInteger_RDR, fromRational_RDR, minus_RDR, times_RDR, plus_RDR :: RdrName
+fromInteger_RDR = nameRdrName fromIntegerName
+fromRational_RDR = nameRdrName fromRationalName
+minus_RDR = nameRdrName minusName
+times_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_NUM (fsLit "*")
+plus_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_NUM (fsLit "+")
+toInteger_RDR, toRational_RDR, fromIntegral_RDR :: RdrName
+toInteger_RDR = nameRdrName toIntegerName
+toRational_RDR = nameRdrName toRationalName
+fromIntegral_RDR = nameRdrName fromIntegralName
+stringTy_RDR, fromString_RDR :: RdrName
+stringTy_RDR = tcQual_RDR gHC_BASE (fsLit "String")
+fromString_RDR = nameRdrName fromStringName
+fromList_RDR, fromListN_RDR, toList_RDR :: RdrName
+fromList_RDR = nameRdrName fromListName
+fromListN_RDR = nameRdrName fromListNName
+toList_RDR = nameRdrName toListName
+compose_RDR :: RdrName
+compose_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_BASE (fsLit ".")
+not_RDR, getTag_RDR, succ_RDR, pred_RDR, minBound_RDR, maxBound_RDR,
+ and_RDR, range_RDR, inRange_RDR, index_RDR,
+ unsafeIndex_RDR, unsafeRangeSize_RDR :: RdrName
+and_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_CLASSES (fsLit "&&")
+not_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_CLASSES (fsLit "not")
+getTag_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_BASE (fsLit "getTag")
+succ_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_ENUM (fsLit "succ")
+pred_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_ENUM (fsLit "pred")
+minBound_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_ENUM (fsLit "minBound")
+maxBound_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_ENUM (fsLit "maxBound")
+range_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_IX (fsLit "range")
+inRange_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_IX (fsLit "inRange")
+index_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_IX (fsLit "index")
+unsafeIndex_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_IX (fsLit "unsafeIndex")
+unsafeRangeSize_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_IX (fsLit "unsafeRangeSize")
+readList_RDR, readListDefault_RDR, readListPrec_RDR, readListPrecDefault_RDR,
+ readPrec_RDR, parens_RDR, choose_RDR, lexP_RDR, expectP_RDR :: RdrName
+readList_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_READ (fsLit "readList")
+readListDefault_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_READ (fsLit "readListDefault")
+readListPrec_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_READ (fsLit "readListPrec")
+readListPrecDefault_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_READ (fsLit "readListPrecDefault")
+readPrec_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_READ (fsLit "readPrec")
+parens_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_READ (fsLit "parens")
+choose_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_READ (fsLit "choose")
+lexP_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_READ (fsLit "lexP")
+expectP_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_READ (fsLit "expectP")
+readField_RDR, readFieldHash_RDR, readSymField_RDR :: RdrName
+readField_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_READ (fsLit "readField")
+readFieldHash_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_READ (fsLit "readFieldHash")
+readSymField_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_READ (fsLit "readSymField")
+punc_RDR, ident_RDR, symbol_RDR :: RdrName
+punc_RDR = dataQual_RDR lEX (fsLit "Punc")
+ident_RDR = dataQual_RDR lEX (fsLit "Ident")
+symbol_RDR = dataQual_RDR lEX (fsLit "Symbol")
+step_RDR, alt_RDR, reset_RDR, prec_RDR, pfail_RDR :: RdrName
+step_RDR = varQual_RDR rEAD_PREC (fsLit "step")
+alt_RDR = varQual_RDR rEAD_PREC (fsLit "+++")
+reset_RDR = varQual_RDR rEAD_PREC (fsLit "reset")
+prec_RDR = varQual_RDR rEAD_PREC (fsLit "prec")
+pfail_RDR = varQual_RDR rEAD_PREC (fsLit "pfail")
+showsPrec_RDR, shows_RDR, showString_RDR,
+ showSpace_RDR, showCommaSpace_RDR, showParen_RDR :: RdrName
+showsPrec_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_SHOW (fsLit "showsPrec")
+shows_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_SHOW (fsLit "shows")
+showString_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_SHOW (fsLit "showString")
+showSpace_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_SHOW (fsLit "showSpace")
+showCommaSpace_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_SHOW (fsLit "showCommaSpace")
+showParen_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_SHOW (fsLit "showParen")
+error_RDR :: RdrName
+error_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_ERR (fsLit "error")
+-- Generics (constructors and functions)
+u1DataCon_RDR, par1DataCon_RDR, rec1DataCon_RDR,
+ k1DataCon_RDR, m1DataCon_RDR, l1DataCon_RDR, r1DataCon_RDR,
+ prodDataCon_RDR, comp1DataCon_RDR,
+ unPar1_RDR, unRec1_RDR, unK1_RDR, unComp1_RDR,
+ from_RDR, from1_RDR, to_RDR, to1_RDR,
+ datatypeName_RDR, moduleName_RDR, packageName_RDR, isNewtypeName_RDR,
+ conName_RDR, conFixity_RDR, conIsRecord_RDR, selName_RDR,
+ prefixDataCon_RDR, infixDataCon_RDR, leftAssocDataCon_RDR,
+ rightAssocDataCon_RDR, notAssocDataCon_RDR,
+ uAddrDataCon_RDR, uCharDataCon_RDR, uDoubleDataCon_RDR,
+ uFloatDataCon_RDR, uIntDataCon_RDR, uWordDataCon_RDR,
+ uAddrHash_RDR, uCharHash_RDR, uDoubleHash_RDR,
+ uFloatHash_RDR, uIntHash_RDR, uWordHash_RDR :: RdrName
+u1DataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "U1")
+par1DataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "Par1")
+rec1DataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "Rec1")
+k1DataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "K1")
+m1DataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "M1")
+l1DataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "L1")
+r1DataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "R1")
+prodDataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit ":*:")
+comp1DataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "Comp1")
+unPar1_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "unPar1")
+unRec1_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "unRec1")
+unK1_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "unK1")
+unComp1_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "unComp1")
+from_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "from")
+from1_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "from1")
+to_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "to")
+to1_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "to1")
+datatypeName_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "datatypeName")
+moduleName_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "moduleName")
+packageName_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "packageName")
+isNewtypeName_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "isNewtype")
+selName_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "selName")
+conName_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "conName")
+conFixity_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "conFixity")
+conIsRecord_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "conIsRecord")
+prefixDataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "Prefix")
+infixDataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "Infix")
+leftAssocDataCon_RDR = nameRdrName leftAssociativeDataConName
+rightAssocDataCon_RDR = nameRdrName rightAssociativeDataConName
+notAssocDataCon_RDR = nameRdrName notAssociativeDataConName
+uAddrDataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "UAddr")
+uCharDataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "UChar")
+uDoubleDataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "UDouble")
+uFloatDataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "UFloat")
+uIntDataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "UInt")
+uWordDataCon_RDR = dataQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "UWord")
+uAddrHash_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "uAddr#")
+uCharHash_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "uChar#")
+uDoubleHash_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "uDouble#")
+uFloatHash_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "uFloat#")
+uIntHash_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "uInt#")
+uWordHash_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "uWord#")
+fmap_RDR, replace_RDR, pure_RDR, ap_RDR, liftA2_RDR, foldable_foldr_RDR,
+ foldMap_RDR, null_RDR, all_RDR, traverse_RDR, mempty_RDR,
+ mappend_RDR :: RdrName
+fmap_RDR = nameRdrName fmapName
+replace_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_BASE (fsLit "<$")
+pure_RDR = nameRdrName pureAName
+ap_RDR = nameRdrName apAName
+liftA2_RDR = varQual_RDR gHC_BASE (fsLit "liftA2")
+foldable_foldr_RDR = varQual_RDR dATA_FOLDABLE (fsLit "foldr")
+foldMap_RDR = varQual_RDR dATA_FOLDABLE (fsLit "foldMap")
+null_RDR = varQual_RDR dATA_FOLDABLE (fsLit "null")
+all_RDR = varQual_RDR dATA_FOLDABLE (fsLit "all")
+traverse_RDR = varQual_RDR dATA_TRAVERSABLE (fsLit "traverse")
+mempty_RDR = nameRdrName memptyName
+mappend_RDR = nameRdrName mappendName
+varQual_RDR, tcQual_RDR, clsQual_RDR, dataQual_RDR
+ :: Module -> FastString -> RdrName
+varQual_RDR mod str = mkOrig mod (mkOccNameFS varName str)
+tcQual_RDR mod str = mkOrig mod (mkOccNameFS tcName str)
+clsQual_RDR mod str = mkOrig mod (mkOccNameFS clsName str)
+dataQual_RDR mod str = mkOrig mod (mkOccNameFS dataName str)
+* *
+\subsection{Known-key names}
+* *
+Many of these Names are not really "built in", but some parts of the
+compiler (notably the deriving mechanism) need to mention their names,
+and it's convenient to write them all down in one place.
+wildCardName :: Name
+wildCardName = mkSystemVarName wildCardKey (fsLit "wild")
+runMainIOName, runRWName :: Name
+runMainIOName = varQual gHC_TOP_HANDLER (fsLit "runMainIO") runMainKey
+runRWName = varQual gHC_MAGIC (fsLit "runRW#") runRWKey
+orderingTyConName, ordLTDataConName, ordEQDataConName, ordGTDataConName :: Name
+orderingTyConName = tcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "Ordering") orderingTyConKey
+ordLTDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "LT") ordLTDataConKey
+ordEQDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "EQ") ordEQDataConKey
+ordGTDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "GT") ordGTDataConKey
+specTyConName :: Name
+specTyConName = tcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "SPEC") specTyConKey
+eitherTyConName, leftDataConName, rightDataConName :: Name
+eitherTyConName = tcQual dATA_EITHER (fsLit "Either") eitherTyConKey
+leftDataConName = dcQual dATA_EITHER (fsLit "Left") leftDataConKey
+rightDataConName = dcQual dATA_EITHER (fsLit "Right") rightDataConKey
+-- Generics (types)
+v1TyConName, u1TyConName, par1TyConName, rec1TyConName,
+ k1TyConName, m1TyConName, sumTyConName, prodTyConName,
+ compTyConName, rTyConName, dTyConName,
+ cTyConName, sTyConName, rec0TyConName,
+ d1TyConName, c1TyConName, s1TyConName, noSelTyConName,
+ repTyConName, rep1TyConName, uRecTyConName,
+ uAddrTyConName, uCharTyConName, uDoubleTyConName,
+ uFloatTyConName, uIntTyConName, uWordTyConName,
+ prefixIDataConName, infixIDataConName, leftAssociativeDataConName,
+ rightAssociativeDataConName, notAssociativeDataConName,
+ sourceUnpackDataConName, sourceNoUnpackDataConName,
+ noSourceUnpackednessDataConName, sourceLazyDataConName,
+ sourceStrictDataConName, noSourceStrictnessDataConName,
+ decidedLazyDataConName, decidedStrictDataConName, decidedUnpackDataConName,
+ metaDataDataConName, metaConsDataConName, metaSelDataConName :: Name
+v1TyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "V1") v1TyConKey
+u1TyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "U1") u1TyConKey
+par1TyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "Par1") par1TyConKey
+rec1TyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "Rec1") rec1TyConKey
+k1TyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "K1") k1TyConKey
+m1TyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "M1") m1TyConKey
+sumTyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit ":+:") sumTyConKey
+prodTyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit ":*:") prodTyConKey
+compTyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit ":.:") compTyConKey
+rTyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "R") rTyConKey
+dTyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "D") dTyConKey
+cTyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "C") cTyConKey
+sTyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "S") sTyConKey
+rec0TyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "Rec0") rec0TyConKey
+d1TyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "D1") d1TyConKey
+c1TyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "C1") c1TyConKey
+s1TyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "S1") s1TyConKey
+noSelTyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "NoSelector") noSelTyConKey
+repTyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "Rep") repTyConKey
+rep1TyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "Rep1") rep1TyConKey
+uRecTyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "URec") uRecTyConKey
+uAddrTyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "UAddr") uAddrTyConKey
+uCharTyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "UChar") uCharTyConKey
+uDoubleTyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "UDouble") uDoubleTyConKey
+uFloatTyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "UFloat") uFloatTyConKey
+uIntTyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "UInt") uIntTyConKey
+uWordTyConName = tcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "UWord") uWordTyConKey
+prefixIDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "PrefixI") prefixIDataConKey
+infixIDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "InfixI") infixIDataConKey
+leftAssociativeDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "LeftAssociative") leftAssociativeDataConKey
+rightAssociativeDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "RightAssociative") rightAssociativeDataConKey
+notAssociativeDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "NotAssociative") notAssociativeDataConKey
+sourceUnpackDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "SourceUnpack") sourceUnpackDataConKey
+sourceNoUnpackDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "SourceNoUnpack") sourceNoUnpackDataConKey
+noSourceUnpackednessDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "NoSourceUnpackedness") noSourceUnpackednessDataConKey
+sourceLazyDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "SourceLazy") sourceLazyDataConKey
+sourceStrictDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "SourceStrict") sourceStrictDataConKey
+noSourceStrictnessDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "NoSourceStrictness") noSourceStrictnessDataConKey
+decidedLazyDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "DecidedLazy") decidedLazyDataConKey
+decidedStrictDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "DecidedStrict") decidedStrictDataConKey
+decidedUnpackDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "DecidedUnpack") decidedUnpackDataConKey
+metaDataDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "MetaData") metaDataDataConKey
+metaConsDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "MetaCons") metaConsDataConKey
+metaSelDataConName = dcQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "MetaSel") metaSelDataConKey
+-- Primitive Int
+divIntName, modIntName :: Name
+divIntName = varQual gHC_CLASSES (fsLit "divInt#") divIntIdKey
+modIntName = varQual gHC_CLASSES (fsLit "modInt#") modIntIdKey
+-- Base strings Strings
+unpackCStringName, unpackCStringFoldrName,
+ unpackCStringUtf8Name, eqStringName :: Name
+unpackCStringName = varQual gHC_CSTRING (fsLit "unpackCString#") unpackCStringIdKey
+unpackCStringFoldrName = varQual gHC_CSTRING (fsLit "unpackFoldrCString#") unpackCStringFoldrIdKey
+unpackCStringUtf8Name = varQual gHC_CSTRING (fsLit "unpackCStringUtf8#") unpackCStringUtf8IdKey
+eqStringName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "eqString") eqStringIdKey
+-- The 'inline' function
+inlineIdName :: Name
+inlineIdName = varQual gHC_MAGIC (fsLit "inline") inlineIdKey
+-- Base classes (Eq, Ord, Functor)
+fmapName, eqClassName, eqName, ordClassName, geName, functorClassName :: Name
+eqClassName = clsQual gHC_CLASSES (fsLit "Eq") eqClassKey
+eqName = varQual gHC_CLASSES (fsLit "==") eqClassOpKey
+ordClassName = clsQual gHC_CLASSES (fsLit "Ord") ordClassKey
+geName = varQual gHC_CLASSES (fsLit ">=") geClassOpKey
+functorClassName = clsQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "Functor") functorClassKey
+fmapName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "fmap") fmapClassOpKey
+-- Class Monad
+monadClassName, thenMName, bindMName, returnMName :: Name
+monadClassName = clsQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "Monad") monadClassKey
+thenMName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit ">>") thenMClassOpKey
+bindMName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit ">>=") bindMClassOpKey
+returnMName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "return") returnMClassOpKey
+-- Class MonadFail
+monadFailClassName, failMName :: Name
+monadFailClassName = clsQual mONAD_FAIL (fsLit "MonadFail") monadFailClassKey
+failMName = varQual mONAD_FAIL (fsLit "fail") failMClassOpKey
+-- Class Applicative
+applicativeClassName, pureAName, apAName, thenAName :: Name
+applicativeClassName = clsQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "Applicative") applicativeClassKey
+apAName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "<*>") apAClassOpKey
+pureAName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "pure") pureAClassOpKey
+thenAName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "*>") thenAClassOpKey
+-- Classes (Foldable, Traversable)
+foldableClassName, traversableClassName :: Name
+foldableClassName = clsQual dATA_FOLDABLE (fsLit "Foldable") foldableClassKey
+traversableClassName = clsQual dATA_TRAVERSABLE (fsLit "Traversable") traversableClassKey
+-- Classes (Semigroup, Monoid)
+semigroupClassName, sappendName :: Name
+semigroupClassName = clsQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "Semigroup") semigroupClassKey
+sappendName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "<>") sappendClassOpKey
+monoidClassName, memptyName, mappendName, mconcatName :: Name
+monoidClassName = clsQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "Monoid") monoidClassKey
+memptyName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "mempty") memptyClassOpKey
+mappendName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "mappend") mappendClassOpKey
+mconcatName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "mconcat") mconcatClassOpKey
+-- AMP additions
+joinMName, alternativeClassName :: Name
+joinMName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "join") joinMIdKey
+alternativeClassName = clsQual mONAD (fsLit "Alternative") alternativeClassKey
+joinMIdKey, apAClassOpKey, pureAClassOpKey, thenAClassOpKey,
+ alternativeClassKey :: Unique
+joinMIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 750
+apAClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 751 -- <*>
+pureAClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 752
+thenAClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 753
+alternativeClassKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 754
+-- Functions for GHC extensions
+groupWithName :: Name
+groupWithName = varQual gHC_EXTS (fsLit "groupWith") groupWithIdKey
+-- Random PrelBase functions
+fromStringName, otherwiseIdName, foldrName, buildName, augmentName,
+ mapName, appendName, assertName,
+ breakpointName, breakpointCondName,
+ opaqueTyConName, dollarName :: Name
+dollarName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "$") dollarIdKey
+otherwiseIdName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "otherwise") otherwiseIdKey
+foldrName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "foldr") foldrIdKey
+buildName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "build") buildIdKey
+augmentName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "augment") augmentIdKey
+mapName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "map") mapIdKey
+appendName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "++") appendIdKey
+assertName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "assert") assertIdKey
+breakpointName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "breakpoint") breakpointIdKey
+breakpointCondName= varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "breakpointCond") breakpointCondIdKey
+opaqueTyConName = tcQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "Opaque") opaqueTyConKey
+fromStringName = varQual dATA_STRING (fsLit "fromString") fromStringClassOpKey
+-- PrelTup
+fstName, sndName :: Name
+fstName = varQual dATA_TUPLE (fsLit "fst") fstIdKey
+sndName = varQual dATA_TUPLE (fsLit "snd") sndIdKey
+-- Module GHC.Num
+numClassName, fromIntegerName, minusName, negateName :: Name
+numClassName = clsQual gHC_NUM (fsLit "Num") numClassKey
+fromIntegerName = varQual gHC_NUM (fsLit "fromInteger") fromIntegerClassOpKey
+minusName = varQual gHC_NUM (fsLit "-") minusClassOpKey
+negateName = varQual gHC_NUM (fsLit "negate") negateClassOpKey
+integerTyConName, mkIntegerName, integerSDataConName,
+ integerToWord64Name, integerToInt64Name,
+ word64ToIntegerName, int64ToIntegerName,
+ plusIntegerName, timesIntegerName, smallIntegerName,
+ wordToIntegerName,
+ integerToWordName, integerToIntName, minusIntegerName,
+ negateIntegerName, eqIntegerPrimName, neqIntegerPrimName,
+ absIntegerName, signumIntegerName,
+ leIntegerPrimName, gtIntegerPrimName, ltIntegerPrimName, geIntegerPrimName,
+ compareIntegerName, quotRemIntegerName, divModIntegerName,
+ quotIntegerName, remIntegerName, divIntegerName, modIntegerName,
+ floatFromIntegerName, doubleFromIntegerName,
+ encodeFloatIntegerName, encodeDoubleIntegerName,
+ decodeDoubleIntegerName,
+ gcdIntegerName, lcmIntegerName,
+ andIntegerName, orIntegerName, xorIntegerName, complementIntegerName,
+ shiftLIntegerName, shiftRIntegerName, bitIntegerName :: Name
+integerTyConName = tcQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "Integer") integerTyConKey
+integerSDataConName = dcQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "S#") integerSDataConKey
+mkIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "mkInteger") mkIntegerIdKey
+integerToWord64Name = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "integerToWord64") integerToWord64IdKey
+integerToInt64Name = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "integerToInt64") integerToInt64IdKey
+word64ToIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "word64ToInteger") word64ToIntegerIdKey
+int64ToIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "int64ToInteger") int64ToIntegerIdKey
+plusIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "plusInteger") plusIntegerIdKey
+timesIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "timesInteger") timesIntegerIdKey
+smallIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "smallInteger") smallIntegerIdKey
+wordToIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "wordToInteger") wordToIntegerIdKey
+integerToWordName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "integerToWord") integerToWordIdKey
+integerToIntName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "integerToInt") integerToIntIdKey
+minusIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "minusInteger") minusIntegerIdKey
+negateIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "negateInteger") negateIntegerIdKey
+eqIntegerPrimName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "eqInteger#") eqIntegerPrimIdKey
+neqIntegerPrimName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "neqInteger#") neqIntegerPrimIdKey
+absIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "absInteger") absIntegerIdKey
+signumIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "signumInteger") signumIntegerIdKey
+leIntegerPrimName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "leInteger#") leIntegerPrimIdKey
+gtIntegerPrimName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "gtInteger#") gtIntegerPrimIdKey
+ltIntegerPrimName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "ltInteger#") ltIntegerPrimIdKey
+geIntegerPrimName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "geInteger#") geIntegerPrimIdKey
+compareIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "compareInteger") compareIntegerIdKey
+quotRemIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "quotRemInteger") quotRemIntegerIdKey
+divModIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "divModInteger") divModIntegerIdKey
+quotIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "quotInteger") quotIntegerIdKey
+remIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "remInteger") remIntegerIdKey
+divIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "divInteger") divIntegerIdKey
+modIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "modInteger") modIntegerIdKey
+floatFromIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "floatFromInteger") floatFromIntegerIdKey
+doubleFromIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "doubleFromInteger") doubleFromIntegerIdKey
+encodeFloatIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "encodeFloatInteger") encodeFloatIntegerIdKey
+encodeDoubleIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "encodeDoubleInteger") encodeDoubleIntegerIdKey
+decodeDoubleIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "decodeDoubleInteger") decodeDoubleIntegerIdKey
+gcdIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "gcdInteger") gcdIntegerIdKey
+lcmIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "lcmInteger") lcmIntegerIdKey
+andIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "andInteger") andIntegerIdKey
+orIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "orInteger") orIntegerIdKey
+xorIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "xorInteger") xorIntegerIdKey
+complementIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "complementInteger") complementIntegerIdKey
+shiftLIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "shiftLInteger") shiftLIntegerIdKey
+shiftRIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "shiftRInteger") shiftRIntegerIdKey
+bitIntegerName = varQual gHC_INTEGER_TYPE (fsLit "bitInteger") bitIntegerIdKey
+-- GHC.Natural types
+naturalTyConName, naturalSDataConName :: Name
+naturalTyConName = tcQual gHC_NATURAL (fsLit "Natural") naturalTyConKey
+naturalSDataConName = dcQual gHC_NATURAL (fsLit "NatS#") naturalSDataConKey
+naturalFromIntegerName :: Name
+naturalFromIntegerName = varQual gHC_NATURAL (fsLit "naturalFromInteger") naturalFromIntegerIdKey
+naturalToIntegerName, plusNaturalName, minusNaturalName, timesNaturalName,
+ mkNaturalName, wordToNaturalName :: Name
+naturalToIntegerName = varQual gHC_NATURAL (fsLit "naturalToInteger") naturalToIntegerIdKey
+plusNaturalName = varQual gHC_NATURAL (fsLit "plusNatural") plusNaturalIdKey
+minusNaturalName = varQual gHC_NATURAL (fsLit "minusNatural") minusNaturalIdKey
+timesNaturalName = varQual gHC_NATURAL (fsLit "timesNatural") timesNaturalIdKey
+mkNaturalName = varQual gHC_NATURAL (fsLit "mkNatural") mkNaturalIdKey
+wordToNaturalName = varQual gHC_NATURAL (fsLit "wordToNatural#") wordToNaturalIdKey
+-- GHC.Real types and classes
+rationalTyConName, ratioTyConName, ratioDataConName, realClassName,
+ integralClassName, realFracClassName, fractionalClassName,
+ fromRationalName, toIntegerName, toRationalName, fromIntegralName,
+ realToFracName :: Name
+rationalTyConName = tcQual gHC_REAL (fsLit "Rational") rationalTyConKey
+ratioTyConName = tcQual gHC_REAL (fsLit "Ratio") ratioTyConKey
+ratioDataConName = dcQual gHC_REAL (fsLit ":%") ratioDataConKey
+realClassName = clsQual gHC_REAL (fsLit "Real") realClassKey
+integralClassName = clsQual gHC_REAL (fsLit "Integral") integralClassKey
+realFracClassName = clsQual gHC_REAL (fsLit "RealFrac") realFracClassKey
+fractionalClassName = clsQual gHC_REAL (fsLit "Fractional") fractionalClassKey
+fromRationalName = varQual gHC_REAL (fsLit "fromRational") fromRationalClassOpKey
+toIntegerName = varQual gHC_REAL (fsLit "toInteger") toIntegerClassOpKey
+toRationalName = varQual gHC_REAL (fsLit "toRational") toRationalClassOpKey
+fromIntegralName = varQual gHC_REAL (fsLit "fromIntegral")fromIntegralIdKey
+realToFracName = varQual gHC_REAL (fsLit "realToFrac") realToFracIdKey
+-- PrelFloat classes
+floatingClassName, realFloatClassName :: Name
+floatingClassName = clsQual gHC_FLOAT (fsLit "Floating") floatingClassKey
+realFloatClassName = clsQual gHC_FLOAT (fsLit "RealFloat") realFloatClassKey
+-- other GHC.Float functions
+rationalToFloatName, rationalToDoubleName :: Name
+rationalToFloatName = varQual gHC_FLOAT (fsLit "rationalToFloat") rationalToFloatIdKey
+rationalToDoubleName = varQual gHC_FLOAT (fsLit "rationalToDouble") rationalToDoubleIdKey
+-- Class Ix
+ixClassName :: Name
+ixClassName = clsQual gHC_IX (fsLit "Ix") ixClassKey
+-- Typeable representation types
+ , trModuleDataConName
+ , trNameTyConName
+ , trNameSDataConName
+ , trNameDDataConName
+ , trTyConTyConName
+ , trTyConDataConName
+ :: Name
+trModuleTyConName = tcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "Module") trModuleTyConKey
+trModuleDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "Module") trModuleDataConKey
+trNameTyConName = tcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "TrName") trNameTyConKey
+trNameSDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "TrNameS") trNameSDataConKey
+trNameDDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "TrNameD") trNameDDataConKey
+trTyConTyConName = tcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "TyCon") trTyConTyConKey
+trTyConDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "TyCon") trTyConDataConKey
+ , kindRepTyConAppDataConName
+ , kindRepVarDataConName
+ , kindRepAppDataConName
+ , kindRepFunDataConName
+ , kindRepTYPEDataConName
+ , kindRepTypeLitSDataConName
+ , kindRepTypeLitDDataConName
+ :: Name
+kindRepTyConName = tcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "KindRep") kindRepTyConKey
+kindRepTyConAppDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "KindRepTyConApp") kindRepTyConAppDataConKey
+kindRepVarDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "KindRepVar") kindRepVarDataConKey
+kindRepAppDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "KindRepApp") kindRepAppDataConKey
+kindRepFunDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "KindRepFun") kindRepFunDataConKey
+kindRepTYPEDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "KindRepTYPE") kindRepTYPEDataConKey
+kindRepTypeLitSDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "KindRepTypeLitS") kindRepTypeLitSDataConKey
+kindRepTypeLitDDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "KindRepTypeLitD") kindRepTypeLitDDataConKey
+ , typeLitSymbolDataConName
+ , typeLitNatDataConName
+ :: Name
+typeLitSortTyConName = tcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "TypeLitSort") typeLitSortTyConKey
+typeLitSymbolDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "TypeLitSymbol") typeLitSymbolDataConKey
+typeLitNatDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "TypeLitNat") typeLitNatDataConKey
+-- Class Typeable, and functions for constructing `Typeable` dictionaries
+ , typeRepTyConName
+ , someTypeRepTyConName
+ , someTypeRepDataConName
+ , mkTrTypeName
+ , mkTrConName
+ , mkTrAppName
+ , mkTrFunName
+ , typeRepIdName
+ , typeNatTypeRepName
+ , typeSymbolTypeRepName
+ , trGhcPrimModuleName
+ :: Name
+typeableClassName = clsQual tYPEABLE_INTERNAL (fsLit "Typeable") typeableClassKey
+typeRepTyConName = tcQual tYPEABLE_INTERNAL (fsLit "TypeRep") typeRepTyConKey
+someTypeRepTyConName = tcQual tYPEABLE_INTERNAL (fsLit "SomeTypeRep") someTypeRepTyConKey
+someTypeRepDataConName = dcQual tYPEABLE_INTERNAL (fsLit "SomeTypeRep") someTypeRepDataConKey
+typeRepIdName = varQual tYPEABLE_INTERNAL (fsLit "typeRep#") typeRepIdKey
+mkTrTypeName = varQual tYPEABLE_INTERNAL (fsLit "mkTrType") mkTrTypeKey
+mkTrConName = varQual tYPEABLE_INTERNAL (fsLit "mkTrCon") mkTrConKey
+mkTrAppName = varQual tYPEABLE_INTERNAL (fsLit "mkTrApp") mkTrAppKey
+mkTrFunName = varQual tYPEABLE_INTERNAL (fsLit "mkTrFun") mkTrFunKey
+typeNatTypeRepName = varQual tYPEABLE_INTERNAL (fsLit "typeNatTypeRep") typeNatTypeRepKey
+typeSymbolTypeRepName = varQual tYPEABLE_INTERNAL (fsLit "typeSymbolTypeRep") typeSymbolTypeRepKey
+-- this is the Typeable 'Module' for GHC.Prim (which has no code, so we place in GHC.Types)
+-- See Note [Grand plan for Typeable] in GHC.Tc.Instance.Typeable.
+trGhcPrimModuleName = varQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "tr$ModuleGHCPrim") trGhcPrimModuleKey
+-- Typeable KindReps for some common cases
+starKindRepName, starArrStarKindRepName, starArrStarArrStarKindRepName :: Name
+starKindRepName = varQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "krep$*") starKindRepKey
+starArrStarKindRepName = varQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "krep$*Arr*") starArrStarKindRepKey
+starArrStarArrStarKindRepName = varQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "krep$*->*->*") starArrStarArrStarKindRepKey
+-- Custom type errors
+ , typeErrorTextDataConName
+ , typeErrorAppendDataConName
+ , typeErrorVAppendDataConName
+ , typeErrorShowTypeDataConName
+ :: Name
+errorMessageTypeErrorFamName =
+ tcQual gHC_TYPELITS (fsLit "TypeError") errorMessageTypeErrorFamKey
+typeErrorTextDataConName =
+ dcQual gHC_TYPELITS (fsLit "Text") typeErrorTextDataConKey
+typeErrorAppendDataConName =
+ dcQual gHC_TYPELITS (fsLit ":<>:") typeErrorAppendDataConKey
+typeErrorVAppendDataConName =
+ dcQual gHC_TYPELITS (fsLit ":$$:") typeErrorVAppendDataConKey
+typeErrorShowTypeDataConName =
+ dcQual gHC_TYPELITS (fsLit "ShowType") typeErrorShowTypeDataConKey
+-- Unsafe coercion proofs
+unsafeEqualityProofName, unsafeEqualityTyConName, unsafeCoercePrimName,
+ unsafeCoerceName, unsafeReflDataConName :: Name
+unsafeEqualityProofName = varQual uNSAFE_COERCE (fsLit "unsafeEqualityProof") unsafeEqualityProofIdKey
+unsafeEqualityTyConName = tcQual uNSAFE_COERCE (fsLit "UnsafeEquality") unsafeEqualityTyConKey
+unsafeReflDataConName = dcQual uNSAFE_COERCE (fsLit "UnsafeRefl") unsafeReflDataConKey
+unsafeCoercePrimName = varQual uNSAFE_COERCE (fsLit "unsafeCoerce#") unsafeCoercePrimIdKey
+unsafeCoerceName = varQual uNSAFE_COERCE (fsLit "unsafeCoerce") unsafeCoerceIdKey
+-- Dynamic
+toDynName :: Name
+toDynName = varQual dYNAMIC (fsLit "toDyn") toDynIdKey
+-- Class Data
+dataClassName :: Name
+dataClassName = clsQual gENERICS (fsLit "Data") dataClassKey
+-- Error module
+assertErrorName :: Name
+assertErrorName = varQual gHC_IO_Exception (fsLit "assertError") assertErrorIdKey
+-- Debug.Trace
+traceName :: Name
+traceName = varQual dEBUG_TRACE (fsLit "trace") traceKey
+-- Enum module (Enum, Bounded)
+enumClassName, enumFromName, enumFromToName, enumFromThenName,
+ enumFromThenToName, boundedClassName :: Name
+enumClassName = clsQual gHC_ENUM (fsLit "Enum") enumClassKey
+enumFromName = varQual gHC_ENUM (fsLit "enumFrom") enumFromClassOpKey
+enumFromToName = varQual gHC_ENUM (fsLit "enumFromTo") enumFromToClassOpKey
+enumFromThenName = varQual gHC_ENUM (fsLit "enumFromThen") enumFromThenClassOpKey
+enumFromThenToName = varQual gHC_ENUM (fsLit "enumFromThenTo") enumFromThenToClassOpKey
+boundedClassName = clsQual gHC_ENUM (fsLit "Bounded") boundedClassKey
+-- List functions
+concatName, filterName, zipName :: Name
+concatName = varQual gHC_LIST (fsLit "concat") concatIdKey
+filterName = varQual gHC_LIST (fsLit "filter") filterIdKey
+zipName = varQual gHC_LIST (fsLit "zip") zipIdKey
+-- Overloaded lists
+isListClassName, fromListName, fromListNName, toListName :: Name
+isListClassName = clsQual gHC_EXTS (fsLit "IsList") isListClassKey
+fromListName = varQual gHC_EXTS (fsLit "fromList") fromListClassOpKey
+fromListNName = varQual gHC_EXTS (fsLit "fromListN") fromListNClassOpKey
+toListName = varQual gHC_EXTS (fsLit "toList") toListClassOpKey
+-- Class Show
+showClassName :: Name
+showClassName = clsQual gHC_SHOW (fsLit "Show") showClassKey
+-- Class Read
+readClassName :: Name
+readClassName = clsQual gHC_READ (fsLit "Read") readClassKey
+-- Classes Generic and Generic1, Datatype, Constructor and Selector
+genClassName, gen1ClassName, datatypeClassName, constructorClassName,
+ selectorClassName :: Name
+genClassName = clsQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "Generic") genClassKey
+gen1ClassName = clsQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "Generic1") gen1ClassKey
+datatypeClassName = clsQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "Datatype") datatypeClassKey
+constructorClassName = clsQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "Constructor") constructorClassKey
+selectorClassName = clsQual gHC_GENERICS (fsLit "Selector") selectorClassKey
+genericClassNames :: [Name]
+genericClassNames = [genClassName, gen1ClassName]
+-- GHCi things
+ghciIoClassName, ghciStepIoMName :: Name
+ghciIoClassName = clsQual gHC_GHCI (fsLit "GHCiSandboxIO") ghciIoClassKey
+ghciStepIoMName = varQual gHC_GHCI (fsLit "ghciStepIO") ghciStepIoMClassOpKey
+-- IO things
+ioTyConName, ioDataConName,
+ thenIOName, bindIOName, returnIOName, failIOName :: Name
+ioTyConName = tcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "IO") ioTyConKey
+ioDataConName = dcQual gHC_TYPES (fsLit "IO") ioDataConKey
+thenIOName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "thenIO") thenIOIdKey
+bindIOName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "bindIO") bindIOIdKey
+returnIOName = varQual gHC_BASE (fsLit "returnIO") returnIOIdKey
+failIOName = varQual gHC_IO (fsLit "failIO") failIOIdKey
+-- IO things
+printName :: Name
+printName = varQual sYSTEM_IO (fsLit "print") printIdKey
+-- Int, Word, and Addr things
+int8TyConName, int16TyConName, int32TyConName, int64TyConName :: Name
+int8TyConName = tcQual gHC_INT (fsLit "Int8") int8TyConKey
+int16TyConName = tcQual gHC_INT (fsLit "Int16") int16TyConKey
+int32TyConName = tcQual gHC_INT (fsLit "Int32") int32TyConKey
+int64TyConName = tcQual gHC_INT (fsLit "Int64") int64TyConKey
+-- Word module
+word16TyConName, word32TyConName, word64TyConName :: Name
+word16TyConName = tcQual gHC_WORD (fsLit "Word16") word16TyConKey
+word32TyConName = tcQual gHC_WORD (fsLit "Word32") word32TyConKey
+word64TyConName = tcQual gHC_WORD (fsLit "Word64") word64TyConKey
+-- PrelPtr module
+ptrTyConName, funPtrTyConName :: Name
+ptrTyConName = tcQual gHC_PTR (fsLit "Ptr") ptrTyConKey
+funPtrTyConName = tcQual gHC_PTR (fsLit "FunPtr") funPtrTyConKey
+-- Foreign objects and weak pointers
+stablePtrTyConName, newStablePtrName :: Name
+stablePtrTyConName = tcQual gHC_STABLE (fsLit "StablePtr") stablePtrTyConKey
+newStablePtrName = varQual gHC_STABLE (fsLit "newStablePtr") newStablePtrIdKey
+-- Recursive-do notation
+monadFixClassName, mfixName :: Name
+monadFixClassName = clsQual mONAD_FIX (fsLit "MonadFix") monadFixClassKey
+mfixName = varQual mONAD_FIX (fsLit "mfix") mfixIdKey
+-- Arrow notation
+arrAName, composeAName, firstAName, appAName, choiceAName, loopAName :: Name
+arrAName = varQual aRROW (fsLit "arr") arrAIdKey
+composeAName = varQual gHC_DESUGAR (fsLit ">>>") composeAIdKey
+firstAName = varQual aRROW (fsLit "first") firstAIdKey
+appAName = varQual aRROW (fsLit "app") appAIdKey
+choiceAName = varQual aRROW (fsLit "|||") choiceAIdKey
+loopAName = varQual aRROW (fsLit "loop") loopAIdKey
+-- Monad comprehensions
+guardMName, liftMName, mzipName :: Name
+guardMName = varQual mONAD (fsLit "guard") guardMIdKey
+liftMName = varQual mONAD (fsLit "liftM") liftMIdKey
+mzipName = varQual mONAD_ZIP (fsLit "mzip") mzipIdKey
+-- Annotation type checking
+toAnnotationWrapperName :: Name
+toAnnotationWrapperName = varQual gHC_DESUGAR (fsLit "toAnnotationWrapper") toAnnotationWrapperIdKey
+-- Other classes, needed for type defaulting
+monadPlusClassName, randomClassName, randomGenClassName,
+ isStringClassName :: Name
+monadPlusClassName = clsQual mONAD (fsLit "MonadPlus") monadPlusClassKey
+randomClassName = clsQual rANDOM (fsLit "Random") randomClassKey
+randomGenClassName = clsQual rANDOM (fsLit "RandomGen") randomGenClassKey
+isStringClassName = clsQual dATA_STRING (fsLit "IsString") isStringClassKey
+-- Type-level naturals
+knownNatClassName :: Name
+knownNatClassName = clsQual gHC_TYPENATS (fsLit "KnownNat") knownNatClassNameKey
+knownSymbolClassName :: Name
+knownSymbolClassName = clsQual gHC_TYPELITS (fsLit "KnownSymbol") knownSymbolClassNameKey
+-- Overloaded labels
+isLabelClassName :: Name
+ = clsQual gHC_OVER_LABELS (fsLit "IsLabel") isLabelClassNameKey
+-- Implicit Parameters
+ipClassName :: Name
+ = clsQual gHC_CLASSES (fsLit "IP") ipClassKey
+-- Overloaded record fields
+hasFieldClassName :: Name
+ = clsQual gHC_RECORDS (fsLit "HasField") hasFieldClassNameKey
+-- Source Locations
+callStackTyConName, emptyCallStackName, pushCallStackName,
+ srcLocDataConName :: Name
+ = tcQual gHC_STACK_TYPES (fsLit "CallStack") callStackTyConKey
+ = varQual gHC_STACK_TYPES (fsLit "emptyCallStack") emptyCallStackKey
+ = varQual gHC_STACK_TYPES (fsLit "pushCallStack") pushCallStackKey
+ = dcQual gHC_STACK_TYPES (fsLit "SrcLoc") srcLocDataConKey
+-- plugins
+pLUGINS :: Module
+pLUGINS = mkThisGhcModule (fsLit "GHC.Driver.Plugins")
+pluginTyConName :: Name
+pluginTyConName = tcQual pLUGINS (fsLit "Plugin") pluginTyConKey
+frontendPluginTyConName :: Name
+frontendPluginTyConName = tcQual pLUGINS (fsLit "FrontendPlugin") frontendPluginTyConKey
+-- Static pointers
+makeStaticName :: Name
+makeStaticName =
+ varQual gHC_STATICPTR_INTERNAL (fsLit "makeStatic") makeStaticKey
+staticPtrInfoTyConName :: Name
+staticPtrInfoTyConName =
+ tcQual gHC_STATICPTR (fsLit "StaticPtrInfo") staticPtrInfoTyConKey
+staticPtrInfoDataConName :: Name
+staticPtrInfoDataConName =
+ dcQual gHC_STATICPTR (fsLit "StaticPtrInfo") staticPtrInfoDataConKey
+staticPtrTyConName :: Name
+staticPtrTyConName =
+ tcQual gHC_STATICPTR (fsLit "StaticPtr") staticPtrTyConKey
+staticPtrDataConName :: Name
+staticPtrDataConName =
+ dcQual gHC_STATICPTR (fsLit "StaticPtr") staticPtrDataConKey
+fromStaticPtrName :: Name
+fromStaticPtrName =
+ varQual gHC_STATICPTR (fsLit "fromStaticPtr") fromStaticPtrClassOpKey
+fingerprintDataConName :: Name
+fingerprintDataConName =
+ dcQual gHC_FINGERPRINT_TYPE (fsLit "Fingerprint") fingerprintDataConKey
+* *
+\subsection{Local helpers}
+* *
+All these are original names; hence mkOrig
+varQual, tcQual, clsQual, dcQual :: Module -> FastString -> Unique -> Name
+varQual = mk_known_key_name varName
+tcQual = mk_known_key_name tcName
+clsQual = mk_known_key_name clsName
+dcQual = mk_known_key_name dataName
+mk_known_key_name :: NameSpace -> Module -> FastString -> Unique -> Name
+mk_known_key_name space modu str unique
+ = mkExternalName unique modu (mkOccNameFS space str) noSrcSpan
+* *
+\subsubsection[Uniques-prelude-Classes]{@Uniques@ for wired-in @Classes@}
+* *
+--MetaHaskell extension hand allocate keys here
+boundedClassKey, enumClassKey, eqClassKey, floatingClassKey,
+ fractionalClassKey, integralClassKey, monadClassKey, dataClassKey,
+ functorClassKey, numClassKey, ordClassKey, readClassKey, realClassKey,
+ realFloatClassKey, realFracClassKey, showClassKey, ixClassKey :: Unique
+boundedClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 1
+enumClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 2
+eqClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 3
+floatingClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 5
+fractionalClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 6
+integralClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 7
+monadClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 8
+dataClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 9
+functorClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 10
+numClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 11
+ordClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 12
+readClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 13
+realClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 14
+realFloatClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 15
+realFracClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 16
+showClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 17
+ixClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 18
+typeableClassKey :: Unique
+typeableClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 20
+monadFixClassKey :: Unique
+monadFixClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 28
+monadFailClassKey :: Unique
+monadFailClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 29
+monadPlusClassKey, randomClassKey, randomGenClassKey :: Unique
+monadPlusClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 30
+randomClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 31
+randomGenClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 32
+isStringClassKey :: Unique
+isStringClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 33
+applicativeClassKey, foldableClassKey, traversableClassKey :: Unique
+applicativeClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 34
+foldableClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 35
+traversableClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 36
+genClassKey, gen1ClassKey, datatypeClassKey, constructorClassKey,
+ selectorClassKey :: Unique
+genClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 37
+gen1ClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 38
+datatypeClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 39
+constructorClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 40
+selectorClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 41
+-- KnownNat: see Note [KnowNat & KnownSymbol and EvLit] in GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
+knownNatClassNameKey :: Unique
+knownNatClassNameKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 42
+-- KnownSymbol: see Note [KnownNat & KnownSymbol and EvLit] in GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
+knownSymbolClassNameKey :: Unique
+knownSymbolClassNameKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 43
+ghciIoClassKey :: Unique
+ghciIoClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 44
+isLabelClassNameKey :: Unique
+isLabelClassNameKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 45
+semigroupClassKey, monoidClassKey :: Unique
+semigroupClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 46
+monoidClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 47
+-- Implicit Parameters
+ipClassKey :: Unique
+ipClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 48
+-- Overloaded record fields
+hasFieldClassNameKey :: Unique
+hasFieldClassNameKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 49
+---------------- Template Haskell -------------------
+-- GHC.Builtin.Names.TH: USES ClassUniques 200-299
+* *
+\subsubsection[Uniques-prelude-TyCons]{@Uniques@ for wired-in @TyCons@}
+* *
+addrPrimTyConKey, arrayPrimTyConKey, arrayArrayPrimTyConKey, boolTyConKey,
+ byteArrayPrimTyConKey, charPrimTyConKey, charTyConKey, doublePrimTyConKey,
+ doubleTyConKey, floatPrimTyConKey, floatTyConKey, funTyConKey,
+ intPrimTyConKey, intTyConKey, int8TyConKey, int16TyConKey,
+ int8PrimTyConKey, int16PrimTyConKey, int32PrimTyConKey, int32TyConKey,
+ int64PrimTyConKey, int64TyConKey,
+ integerTyConKey, naturalTyConKey,
+ listTyConKey, foreignObjPrimTyConKey, maybeTyConKey,
+ weakPrimTyConKey, mutableArrayPrimTyConKey, mutableArrayArrayPrimTyConKey,
+ mutableByteArrayPrimTyConKey, orderingTyConKey, mVarPrimTyConKey,
+ ratioTyConKey, rationalTyConKey, realWorldTyConKey, stablePtrPrimTyConKey,
+ stablePtrTyConKey, eqTyConKey, heqTyConKey,
+ smallArrayPrimTyConKey, smallMutableArrayPrimTyConKey :: Unique
+addrPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 1
+arrayPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 3
+boolTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 4
+byteArrayPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 5
+charPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 7
+charTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 8
+doublePrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 9
+doubleTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 10
+floatPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 11
+floatTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 12
+funTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 13
+intPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 14
+intTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 15
+int8PrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 16
+int8TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 17
+int16PrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 18
+int16TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 19
+int32PrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 20
+int32TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 21
+int64PrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 22
+int64TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 23
+integerTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 24
+naturalTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 25
+listTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 26
+foreignObjPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 27
+maybeTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 28
+weakPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 29
+mutableArrayPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 30
+mutableByteArrayPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 31
+orderingTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 32
+mVarPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 33
+ratioTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 34
+rationalTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 35
+realWorldTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 36
+stablePtrPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 37
+stablePtrTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 38
+eqTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 40
+heqTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 41
+arrayArrayPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 42
+mutableArrayArrayPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 43
+statePrimTyConKey, stableNamePrimTyConKey, stableNameTyConKey,
+ mutVarPrimTyConKey, ioTyConKey,
+ wordPrimTyConKey, wordTyConKey, word8PrimTyConKey, word8TyConKey,
+ word16PrimTyConKey, word16TyConKey, word32PrimTyConKey, word32TyConKey,
+ word64PrimTyConKey, word64TyConKey,
+ liftedConKey, unliftedConKey, anyBoxConKey, kindConKey, boxityConKey,
+ typeConKey, threadIdPrimTyConKey, bcoPrimTyConKey, ptrTyConKey,
+ funPtrTyConKey, tVarPrimTyConKey, eqPrimTyConKey,
+ eqReprPrimTyConKey, eqPhantPrimTyConKey, voidPrimTyConKey,
+ compactPrimTyConKey :: Unique
+statePrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 50
+stableNamePrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 51
+stableNameTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 52
+eqPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 53
+eqReprPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 54
+eqPhantPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 55
+mutVarPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 56
+ioTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 57
+voidPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 58
+wordPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 59
+wordTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 60
+word8PrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 61
+word8TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 62
+word16PrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 63
+word16TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 64
+word32PrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 65
+word32TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 66
+word64PrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 67
+word64TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 68
+liftedConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 69
+unliftedConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 70
+anyBoxConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 71
+kindConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 72
+boxityConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 73
+typeConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 74
+threadIdPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 75
+bcoPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 76
+ptrTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 77
+funPtrTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 78
+tVarPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 79
+compactPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 80
+eitherTyConKey :: Unique
+eitherTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 84
+-- Kind constructors
+liftedTypeKindTyConKey, tYPETyConKey,
+ constraintKindTyConKey, runtimeRepTyConKey,
+ vecCountTyConKey, vecElemTyConKey :: Unique
+liftedTypeKindTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 87
+tYPETyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 88
+constraintKindTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 92
+runtimeRepTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 95
+vecCountTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 96
+vecElemTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 97
+pluginTyConKey, frontendPluginTyConKey :: Unique
+pluginTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 102
+frontendPluginTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 103
+unknownTyConKey, unknown1TyConKey, unknown2TyConKey, unknown3TyConKey,
+ opaqueTyConKey :: Unique
+unknownTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 129
+unknown1TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 130
+unknown2TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 131
+unknown3TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 132
+opaqueTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 133
+-- Generics (Unique keys)
+v1TyConKey, u1TyConKey, par1TyConKey, rec1TyConKey,
+ k1TyConKey, m1TyConKey, sumTyConKey, prodTyConKey,
+ compTyConKey, rTyConKey, dTyConKey,
+ cTyConKey, sTyConKey, rec0TyConKey,
+ d1TyConKey, c1TyConKey, s1TyConKey, noSelTyConKey,
+ repTyConKey, rep1TyConKey, uRecTyConKey,
+ uAddrTyConKey, uCharTyConKey, uDoubleTyConKey,
+ uFloatTyConKey, uIntTyConKey, uWordTyConKey :: Unique
+v1TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 135
+u1TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 136
+par1TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 137
+rec1TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 138
+k1TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 139
+m1TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 140
+sumTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 141
+prodTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 142
+compTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 143
+rTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 144
+dTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 146
+cTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 147
+sTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 148
+rec0TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 149
+d1TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 151
+c1TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 152
+s1TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 153
+noSelTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 154
+repTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 155
+rep1TyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 156
+uRecTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 157
+uAddrTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 158
+uCharTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 159
+uDoubleTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 160
+uFloatTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 161
+uIntTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 162
+uWordTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 163
+-- Type-level naturals
+typeNatKindConNameKey, typeSymbolKindConNameKey,
+ typeNatAddTyFamNameKey, typeNatMulTyFamNameKey, typeNatExpTyFamNameKey,
+ typeNatLeqTyFamNameKey, typeNatSubTyFamNameKey
+ , typeSymbolCmpTyFamNameKey, typeNatCmpTyFamNameKey
+ , typeNatDivTyFamNameKey
+ , typeNatModTyFamNameKey
+ , typeNatLogTyFamNameKey
+ :: Unique
+typeNatKindConNameKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 164
+typeSymbolKindConNameKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 165
+typeNatAddTyFamNameKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 166
+typeNatMulTyFamNameKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 167
+typeNatExpTyFamNameKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 168
+typeNatLeqTyFamNameKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 169
+typeNatSubTyFamNameKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 170
+typeSymbolCmpTyFamNameKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 171
+typeNatCmpTyFamNameKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 172
+typeNatDivTyFamNameKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 173
+typeNatModTyFamNameKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 174
+typeNatLogTyFamNameKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 175
+-- Custom user type-errors
+errorMessageTypeErrorFamKey :: Unique
+errorMessageTypeErrorFamKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 176
+ntTyConKey:: Unique
+ntTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 177
+coercibleTyConKey :: Unique
+coercibleTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 178
+proxyPrimTyConKey :: Unique
+proxyPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 179
+specTyConKey :: Unique
+specTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 180
+anyTyConKey :: Unique
+anyTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 181
+smallArrayPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 182
+smallMutableArrayPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 183
+staticPtrTyConKey :: Unique
+staticPtrTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 184
+staticPtrInfoTyConKey :: Unique
+staticPtrInfoTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 185
+callStackTyConKey :: Unique
+callStackTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 186
+-- Typeables
+typeRepTyConKey, someTypeRepTyConKey, someTypeRepDataConKey :: Unique
+typeRepTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 187
+someTypeRepTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 188
+someTypeRepDataConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 189
+typeSymbolAppendFamNameKey :: Unique
+typeSymbolAppendFamNameKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 190
+-- Unsafe equality
+unsafeEqualityTyConKey :: Unique
+unsafeEqualityTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 191
+---------------- Template Haskell -------------------
+-- GHC.Builtin.Names.TH: USES TyConUniques 200-299
+----------------------- SIMD ------------------------
+-- USES TyConUniques 300-399
+#include "primop-vector-uniques.hs-incl"
+* *
+\subsubsection[Uniques-prelude-DataCons]{@Uniques@ for wired-in @DataCons@}
+* *
+charDataConKey, consDataConKey, doubleDataConKey, falseDataConKey,
+ floatDataConKey, intDataConKey, integerSDataConKey, nilDataConKey,
+ ratioDataConKey, stableNameDataConKey, trueDataConKey, wordDataConKey,
+ word8DataConKey, ioDataConKey, integerDataConKey, heqDataConKey,
+ coercibleDataConKey, eqDataConKey, nothingDataConKey, justDataConKey :: Unique
+charDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 1
+consDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 2
+doubleDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 3
+falseDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 4
+floatDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 5
+intDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 6
+integerSDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 7
+nothingDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 8
+justDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 9
+eqDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 10
+nilDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 11
+ratioDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 12
+word8DataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 13
+stableNameDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 14
+trueDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 15
+wordDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 16
+ioDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 17
+integerDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 18
+heqDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 19
+-- Generic data constructors
+crossDataConKey, inlDataConKey, inrDataConKey, genUnitDataConKey :: Unique
+crossDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 20
+inlDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 21
+inrDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 22
+genUnitDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 23
+leftDataConKey, rightDataConKey :: Unique
+leftDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 25
+rightDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 26
+ordLTDataConKey, ordEQDataConKey, ordGTDataConKey :: Unique
+ordLTDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 27
+ordEQDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 28
+ordGTDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 29
+coercibleDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 32
+staticPtrDataConKey :: Unique
+staticPtrDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 33
+staticPtrInfoDataConKey :: Unique
+staticPtrInfoDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 34
+fingerprintDataConKey :: Unique
+fingerprintDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 35
+srcLocDataConKey :: Unique
+srcLocDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 37
+trTyConTyConKey, trTyConDataConKey,
+ trModuleTyConKey, trModuleDataConKey,
+ trNameTyConKey, trNameSDataConKey, trNameDDataConKey,
+ trGhcPrimModuleKey, kindRepTyConKey,
+ typeLitSortTyConKey :: Unique
+trTyConTyConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 40
+trTyConDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 41
+trModuleTyConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 42
+trModuleDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 43
+trNameTyConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 44
+trNameSDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 45
+trNameDDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 46
+trGhcPrimModuleKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 47
+kindRepTyConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 48
+typeLitSortTyConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 49
+ typeErrorAppendDataConKey,
+ typeErrorVAppendDataConKey,
+ typeErrorShowTypeDataConKey
+ :: Unique
+typeErrorTextDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 50
+typeErrorAppendDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 51
+typeErrorVAppendDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 52
+typeErrorShowTypeDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 53
+prefixIDataConKey, infixIDataConKey, leftAssociativeDataConKey,
+ rightAssociativeDataConKey, notAssociativeDataConKey,
+ sourceUnpackDataConKey, sourceNoUnpackDataConKey,
+ noSourceUnpackednessDataConKey, sourceLazyDataConKey,
+ sourceStrictDataConKey, noSourceStrictnessDataConKey,
+ decidedLazyDataConKey, decidedStrictDataConKey, decidedUnpackDataConKey,
+ metaDataDataConKey, metaConsDataConKey, metaSelDataConKey :: Unique
+prefixIDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 54
+infixIDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 55
+leftAssociativeDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 56
+rightAssociativeDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 57
+notAssociativeDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 58
+sourceUnpackDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 59
+sourceNoUnpackDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 60
+noSourceUnpackednessDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 61
+sourceLazyDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 62
+sourceStrictDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 63
+noSourceStrictnessDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 64
+decidedLazyDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 65
+decidedStrictDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 66
+decidedUnpackDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 67
+metaDataDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 68
+metaConsDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 69
+metaSelDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 70
+vecRepDataConKey, tupleRepDataConKey, sumRepDataConKey :: Unique
+vecRepDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 71
+tupleRepDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 72
+sumRepDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 73
+-- See Note [Wiring in RuntimeRep] in GHC.Builtin.Types
+runtimeRepSimpleDataConKeys, unliftedSimpleRepDataConKeys, unliftedRepDataConKeys :: [Unique]
+liftedRepDataConKey :: Unique
+runtimeRepSimpleDataConKeys@(liftedRepDataConKey : unliftedSimpleRepDataConKeys)
+ = map mkPreludeDataConUnique [74..88]
+unliftedRepDataConKeys = vecRepDataConKey :
+ tupleRepDataConKey :
+ sumRepDataConKey :
+ unliftedSimpleRepDataConKeys
+-- See Note [Wiring in RuntimeRep] in GHC.Builtin.Types
+-- VecCount
+vecCountDataConKeys :: [Unique]
+vecCountDataConKeys = map mkPreludeDataConUnique [89..94]
+-- See Note [Wiring in RuntimeRep] in GHC.Builtin.Types
+-- VecElem
+vecElemDataConKeys :: [Unique]
+vecElemDataConKeys = map mkPreludeDataConUnique [95..104]
+-- Typeable things
+kindRepTyConAppDataConKey, kindRepVarDataConKey, kindRepAppDataConKey,
+ kindRepFunDataConKey, kindRepTYPEDataConKey,
+ kindRepTypeLitSDataConKey, kindRepTypeLitDDataConKey
+ :: Unique
+kindRepTyConAppDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 105
+kindRepVarDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 106
+kindRepAppDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 107
+kindRepFunDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 108
+kindRepTYPEDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 109
+kindRepTypeLitSDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 110
+kindRepTypeLitDDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 111
+typeLitSymbolDataConKey, typeLitNatDataConKey :: Unique
+typeLitSymbolDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 112
+typeLitNatDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 113
+-- Unsafe equality
+unsafeReflDataConKey :: Unique
+unsafeReflDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 114
+---------------- Template Haskell -------------------
+-- GHC.Builtin.Names.TH: USES DataUniques 200-250
+* *
+\subsubsection[Uniques-prelude-Ids]{@Uniques@ for wired-in @Ids@ (except @DataCons@)}
+* *
+wildCardKey, absentErrorIdKey, augmentIdKey, appendIdKey,
+ buildIdKey, errorIdKey, foldrIdKey, recSelErrorIdKey,
+ seqIdKey, eqStringIdKey,
+ noMethodBindingErrorIdKey, nonExhaustiveGuardsErrorIdKey,
+ runtimeErrorIdKey, patErrorIdKey, voidPrimIdKey,
+ realWorldPrimIdKey, recConErrorIdKey,
+ unpackCStringUtf8IdKey, unpackCStringAppendIdKey,
+ unpackCStringFoldrIdKey, unpackCStringIdKey,
+ typeErrorIdKey, divIntIdKey, modIntIdKey,
+ absentSumFieldErrorIdKey :: Unique
+wildCardKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 0 -- See Note [WildCard binders]
+absentErrorIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 1
+augmentIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 2
+appendIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 3
+buildIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 4
+errorIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 5
+foldrIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 6
+recSelErrorIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 7
+seqIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 8
+absentSumFieldErrorIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 9
+eqStringIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 10
+noMethodBindingErrorIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 11
+nonExhaustiveGuardsErrorIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 12
+runtimeErrorIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 13
+patErrorIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 14
+realWorldPrimIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 15
+recConErrorIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 16
+unpackCStringUtf8IdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 17
+unpackCStringAppendIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 18
+unpackCStringFoldrIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 19
+unpackCStringIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 20
+voidPrimIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 21
+typeErrorIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 22
+divIntIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 23
+modIntIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 24
+concatIdKey, filterIdKey, zipIdKey,
+ bindIOIdKey, returnIOIdKey, newStablePtrIdKey,
+ printIdKey, failIOIdKey, nullAddrIdKey, voidArgIdKey,
+ fstIdKey, sndIdKey, otherwiseIdKey, assertIdKey :: Unique
+concatIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 31
+filterIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 32
+zipIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 33
+bindIOIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 34
+returnIOIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 35
+newStablePtrIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 36
+printIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 37
+failIOIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 38
+nullAddrIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 39
+voidArgIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 40
+fstIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 41
+sndIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 42
+otherwiseIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 43
+assertIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 44
+mkIntegerIdKey, smallIntegerIdKey, wordToIntegerIdKey,
+ integerToWordIdKey, integerToIntIdKey,
+ integerToWord64IdKey, integerToInt64IdKey,
+ word64ToIntegerIdKey, int64ToIntegerIdKey,
+ plusIntegerIdKey, timesIntegerIdKey, minusIntegerIdKey,
+ negateIntegerIdKey,
+ eqIntegerPrimIdKey, neqIntegerPrimIdKey, absIntegerIdKey, signumIntegerIdKey,
+ leIntegerPrimIdKey, gtIntegerPrimIdKey, ltIntegerPrimIdKey, geIntegerPrimIdKey,
+ compareIntegerIdKey, quotRemIntegerIdKey, divModIntegerIdKey,
+ quotIntegerIdKey, remIntegerIdKey, divIntegerIdKey, modIntegerIdKey,
+ floatFromIntegerIdKey, doubleFromIntegerIdKey,
+ encodeFloatIntegerIdKey, encodeDoubleIntegerIdKey,
+ decodeDoubleIntegerIdKey,
+ gcdIntegerIdKey, lcmIntegerIdKey,
+ andIntegerIdKey, orIntegerIdKey, xorIntegerIdKey, complementIntegerIdKey,
+ shiftLIntegerIdKey, shiftRIntegerIdKey :: Unique
+mkIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 60
+smallIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 61
+integerToWordIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 62
+integerToIntIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 63
+integerToWord64IdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 64
+integerToInt64IdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 65
+plusIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 66
+timesIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 67
+minusIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 68
+negateIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 69
+eqIntegerPrimIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 70
+neqIntegerPrimIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 71
+absIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 72
+signumIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 73
+leIntegerPrimIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 74
+gtIntegerPrimIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 75
+ltIntegerPrimIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 76
+geIntegerPrimIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 77
+compareIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 78
+quotIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 79
+remIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 80
+divIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 81
+modIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 82
+divModIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 83
+quotRemIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 84
+floatFromIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 85
+doubleFromIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 86
+encodeFloatIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 87
+encodeDoubleIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 88
+gcdIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 89
+lcmIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 90
+andIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 91
+orIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 92
+xorIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 93
+complementIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 94
+shiftLIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 95
+shiftRIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 96
+wordToIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 97
+word64ToIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 98
+int64ToIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 99
+decodeDoubleIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 100
+rootMainKey, runMainKey :: Unique
+rootMainKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 101
+runMainKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 102
+thenIOIdKey, lazyIdKey, assertErrorIdKey, oneShotKey, runRWKey :: Unique
+thenIOIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 103
+lazyIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 104
+assertErrorIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 105
+oneShotKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 106
+runRWKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 107
+traceKey :: Unique
+traceKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 108
+breakpointIdKey, breakpointCondIdKey :: Unique
+breakpointIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 110
+breakpointCondIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 111
+inlineIdKey, noinlineIdKey :: Unique
+inlineIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 120
+-- see below
+mapIdKey, groupWithIdKey, dollarIdKey :: Unique
+mapIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 121
+groupWithIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 122
+dollarIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 123
+coercionTokenIdKey :: Unique
+coercionTokenIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 124
+noinlineIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 125
+rationalToFloatIdKey, rationalToDoubleIdKey :: Unique
+rationalToFloatIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 130
+rationalToDoubleIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 131
+magicDictKey :: Unique
+magicDictKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 156
+coerceKey :: Unique
+coerceKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 157
+Certain class operations from Prelude classes. They get their own
+uniques so we can look them up easily when we want to conjure them up
+during type checking.
+-- Just a placeholder for unbound variables produced by the renamer:
+unboundKey :: Unique
+unboundKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 158
+fromIntegerClassOpKey, minusClassOpKey, fromRationalClassOpKey,
+ enumFromClassOpKey, enumFromThenClassOpKey, enumFromToClassOpKey,
+ enumFromThenToClassOpKey, eqClassOpKey, geClassOpKey, negateClassOpKey,
+ bindMClassOpKey, thenMClassOpKey, returnMClassOpKey, fmapClassOpKey
+ :: Unique
+fromIntegerClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 160
+minusClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 161
+fromRationalClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 162
+enumFromClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 163
+enumFromThenClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 164
+enumFromToClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 165
+enumFromThenToClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 166
+eqClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 167
+geClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 168
+negateClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 169
+bindMClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 171 -- (>>=)
+thenMClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 172 -- (>>)
+fmapClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 173
+returnMClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 174
+-- Recursive do notation
+mfixIdKey :: Unique
+mfixIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 175
+-- MonadFail operations
+failMClassOpKey :: Unique
+failMClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 176
+-- Arrow notation
+arrAIdKey, composeAIdKey, firstAIdKey, appAIdKey, choiceAIdKey,
+ loopAIdKey :: Unique
+arrAIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 180
+composeAIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 181 -- >>>
+firstAIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 182
+appAIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 183
+choiceAIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 184 -- |||
+loopAIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 185
+fromStringClassOpKey :: Unique
+fromStringClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 186
+-- Annotation type checking
+toAnnotationWrapperIdKey :: Unique
+toAnnotationWrapperIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 187
+-- Conversion functions
+fromIntegralIdKey, realToFracIdKey, toIntegerClassOpKey, toRationalClassOpKey :: Unique
+fromIntegralIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 190
+realToFracIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 191
+toIntegerClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 192
+toRationalClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 193
+-- Monad comprehensions
+guardMIdKey, liftMIdKey, mzipIdKey :: Unique
+guardMIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 194
+liftMIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 195
+mzipIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 196
+-- GHCi
+ghciStepIoMClassOpKey :: Unique
+ghciStepIoMClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 197
+-- Overloaded lists
+isListClassKey, fromListClassOpKey, fromListNClassOpKey, toListClassOpKey :: Unique
+isListClassKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 198
+fromListClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 199
+fromListNClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 500
+toListClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 501
+proxyHashKey :: Unique
+proxyHashKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 502
+---------------- Template Haskell -------------------
+-- GHC.Builtin.Names.TH: USES IdUniques 200-499
+-- Used to make `Typeable` dictionaries
+ , mkTrTypeKey
+ , mkTrConKey
+ , mkTrAppKey
+ , mkTrFunKey
+ , typeNatTypeRepKey
+ , typeSymbolTypeRepKey
+ , typeRepIdKey
+ :: Unique
+mkTyConKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 503
+mkTrTypeKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 504
+mkTrConKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 505
+mkTrAppKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 506
+typeNatTypeRepKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 507
+typeSymbolTypeRepKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 508
+typeRepIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 509
+mkTrFunKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 510
+-- Representations for primitive types
+ ,trTYPE'PtrRepLiftedKey
+ , trRuntimeRepKey
+ , tr'PtrRepLiftedKey
+ :: Unique
+trTYPEKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 511
+trTYPE'PtrRepLiftedKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 512
+trRuntimeRepKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 513
+tr'PtrRepLiftedKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 514
+-- KindReps for common cases
+starKindRepKey, starArrStarKindRepKey, starArrStarArrStarKindRepKey :: Unique
+starKindRepKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 520
+starArrStarKindRepKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 521
+starArrStarArrStarKindRepKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 522
+-- Dynamic
+toDynIdKey :: Unique
+toDynIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 523
+bitIntegerIdKey :: Unique
+bitIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 550
+heqSCSelIdKey, eqSCSelIdKey, coercibleSCSelIdKey :: Unique
+eqSCSelIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 551
+heqSCSelIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 552
+coercibleSCSelIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 553
+sappendClassOpKey :: Unique
+sappendClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 554
+memptyClassOpKey, mappendClassOpKey, mconcatClassOpKey :: Unique
+memptyClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 555
+mappendClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 556
+mconcatClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 557
+emptyCallStackKey, pushCallStackKey :: Unique
+emptyCallStackKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 558
+pushCallStackKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 559
+fromStaticPtrClassOpKey :: Unique
+fromStaticPtrClassOpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 560
+makeStaticKey :: Unique
+makeStaticKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 561
+-- Natural
+naturalFromIntegerIdKey, naturalToIntegerIdKey, plusNaturalIdKey,
+ minusNaturalIdKey, timesNaturalIdKey, mkNaturalIdKey,
+ naturalSDataConKey, wordToNaturalIdKey :: Unique
+naturalFromIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 562
+naturalToIntegerIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 563
+plusNaturalIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 564
+minusNaturalIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 565
+timesNaturalIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 566
+mkNaturalIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 567
+naturalSDataConKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 568
+wordToNaturalIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 569
+-- Unsafe coercion proofs
+unsafeEqualityProofIdKey, unsafeCoercePrimIdKey, unsafeCoerceIdKey :: Unique
+unsafeEqualityProofIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 570
+unsafeCoercePrimIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 571
+unsafeCoerceIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 572
+* *
+\subsection[Class-std-groups]{Standard groups of Prelude classes}
+* *
+NOTE: @Eq@ and @Text@ do need to appear in @standardClasses@
+even though every numeric class has these two as a superclass,
+because the list of ambiguous dictionaries hasn't been simplified.
+numericClassKeys :: [Unique]
+numericClassKeys =
+ [ numClassKey
+ , realClassKey
+ , integralClassKey
+ ]
+ ++ fractionalClassKeys
+fractionalClassKeys :: [Unique]
+fractionalClassKeys =
+ [ fractionalClassKey
+ , floatingClassKey
+ , realFracClassKey
+ , realFloatClassKey
+ ]
+-- The "standard classes" are used in defaulting (Haskell 98 report 4.3.4),
+-- and are: "classes defined in the Prelude or a standard library"
+standardClassKeys :: [Unique]
+standardClassKeys = derivableClassKeys ++ numericClassKeys
+ ++ [randomClassKey, randomGenClassKey,
+ functorClassKey,
+ monadClassKey, monadPlusClassKey, monadFailClassKey,
+ semigroupClassKey, monoidClassKey,
+ isStringClassKey,
+ applicativeClassKey, foldableClassKey,
+ traversableClassKey, alternativeClassKey
+ ]
+@derivableClassKeys@ is also used in checking \tr{deriving} constructs
+derivableClassKeys :: [Unique]
+ = [ eqClassKey, ordClassKey, enumClassKey, ixClassKey,
+ boundedClassKey, showClassKey, readClassKey ]
+-- These are the "interactive classes" that are consulted when doing
+-- defaulting. Does not include Num or IsString, which have special
+-- handling.
+interactiveClassNames :: [Name]
+ = [ showClassName, eqClassName, ordClassName, foldableClassName
+ , traversableClassName ]
+interactiveClassKeys :: [Unique]
+interactiveClassKeys = map getUnique interactiveClassNames
+* *
+ Semi-builtin names
+* *
+The following names should be considered by GHCi to be in scope always.
+pretendNameIsInScope :: Name -> Bool
+pretendNameIsInScope n
+ = any (n `hasKey`)
+ [ liftedTypeKindTyConKey, tYPETyConKey
+ , runtimeRepTyConKey, liftedRepDataConKey ]
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Names.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Names.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8dcd62e716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Names.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module GHC.Builtin.Names where
+import GHC.Types.Module
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+mAIN :: Module
+liftedTypeKindTyConKey :: Unique
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Names/TH.hs b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Names/TH.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f83cd7521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Names/TH.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1093 @@
+-- %************************************************************************
+-- %* *
+-- The known-key names for Template Haskell
+-- %* *
+-- %************************************************************************
+module GHC.Builtin.Names.TH where
+import GhcPrelude ()
+import GHC.Builtin.Names( mk_known_key_name )
+import GHC.Types.Module( Module, mkModuleNameFS, mkModule, thUnitId )
+import GHC.Types.Name( Name )
+import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence( tcName, clsName, dataName, varName )
+import GHC.Types.Name.Reader( RdrName, nameRdrName )
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import FastString
+-- To add a name, do three things
+-- 1) Allocate a key
+-- 2) Make a "Name"
+-- 3) Add the name to templateHaskellNames
+templateHaskellNames :: [Name]
+-- The names that are implicitly mentioned by ``bracket''
+-- Should stay in sync with the import list of GHC.HsToCore.Quote
+templateHaskellNames = [
+ returnQName, bindQName, sequenceQName, newNameName, liftName, liftTypedName,
+ mkNameName, mkNameG_vName, mkNameG_dName, mkNameG_tcName, mkNameLName,
+ mkNameSName,
+ liftStringName,
+ unTypeName,
+ unTypeQName,
+ unsafeTExpCoerceName,
+ -- Lit
+ charLName, stringLName, integerLName, intPrimLName, wordPrimLName,
+ floatPrimLName, doublePrimLName, rationalLName, stringPrimLName,
+ charPrimLName,
+ -- Pat
+ litPName, varPName, tupPName, unboxedTupPName, unboxedSumPName,
+ conPName, tildePName, bangPName, infixPName,
+ asPName, wildPName, recPName, listPName, sigPName, viewPName,
+ -- FieldPat
+ fieldPatName,
+ -- Match
+ matchName,
+ -- Clause
+ clauseName,
+ -- Exp
+ varEName, conEName, litEName, appEName, appTypeEName, infixEName,
+ infixAppName, sectionLName, sectionRName, lamEName, lamCaseEName,
+ tupEName, unboxedTupEName, unboxedSumEName,
+ condEName, multiIfEName, letEName, caseEName, doEName, mdoEName, compEName,
+ fromEName, fromThenEName, fromToEName, fromThenToEName,
+ listEName, sigEName, recConEName, recUpdEName, staticEName, unboundVarEName,
+ labelEName, implicitParamVarEName,
+ -- FieldExp
+ fieldExpName,
+ -- Body
+ guardedBName, normalBName,
+ -- Guard
+ normalGEName, patGEName,
+ -- Stmt
+ bindSName, letSName, noBindSName, parSName, recSName,
+ -- Dec
+ funDName, valDName, dataDName, newtypeDName, tySynDName,
+ classDName, instanceWithOverlapDName,
+ standaloneDerivWithStrategyDName, sigDName, kiSigDName, forImpDName,
+ pragInlDName, pragSpecDName, pragSpecInlDName, pragSpecInstDName,
+ pragRuleDName, pragCompleteDName, pragAnnDName, defaultSigDName,
+ dataFamilyDName, openTypeFamilyDName, closedTypeFamilyDName,
+ dataInstDName, newtypeInstDName, tySynInstDName,
+ infixLDName, infixRDName, infixNDName,
+ roleAnnotDName, patSynDName, patSynSigDName,
+ implicitParamBindDName,
+ -- Cxt
+ cxtName,
+ -- SourceUnpackedness
+ noSourceUnpackednessName, sourceNoUnpackName, sourceUnpackName,
+ -- SourceStrictness
+ noSourceStrictnessName, sourceLazyName, sourceStrictName,
+ -- Con
+ normalCName, recCName, infixCName, forallCName, gadtCName, recGadtCName,
+ -- Bang
+ bangName,
+ -- BangType
+ bangTypeName,
+ -- VarBangType
+ varBangTypeName,
+ -- PatSynDir (for pattern synonyms)
+ unidirPatSynName, implBidirPatSynName, explBidirPatSynName,
+ -- PatSynArgs (for pattern synonyms)
+ prefixPatSynName, infixPatSynName, recordPatSynName,
+ -- Type
+ forallTName, forallVisTName, varTName, conTName, infixTName, appTName,
+ appKindTName, equalityTName, tupleTName, unboxedTupleTName,
+ unboxedSumTName, arrowTName, listTName, sigTName, litTName,
+ promotedTName, promotedTupleTName, promotedNilTName, promotedConsTName,
+ wildCardTName, implicitParamTName,
+ -- TyLit
+ numTyLitName, strTyLitName,
+ -- TyVarBndr
+ plainTVName, kindedTVName,
+ -- Role
+ nominalRName, representationalRName, phantomRName, inferRName,
+ -- Kind
+ starKName, constraintKName,
+ -- FamilyResultSig
+ noSigName, kindSigName, tyVarSigName,
+ -- InjectivityAnn
+ injectivityAnnName,
+ -- Callconv
+ cCallName, stdCallName, cApiCallName, primCallName, javaScriptCallName,
+ -- Safety
+ unsafeName,
+ safeName,
+ interruptibleName,
+ -- Inline
+ noInlineDataConName, inlineDataConName, inlinableDataConName,
+ -- RuleMatch
+ conLikeDataConName, funLikeDataConName,
+ -- Phases
+ allPhasesDataConName, fromPhaseDataConName, beforePhaseDataConName,
+ -- Overlap
+ overlappableDataConName, overlappingDataConName, overlapsDataConName,
+ incoherentDataConName,
+ -- DerivStrategy
+ stockStrategyName, anyclassStrategyName,
+ newtypeStrategyName, viaStrategyName,
+ -- TExp
+ tExpDataConName,
+ -- RuleBndr
+ ruleVarName, typedRuleVarName,
+ -- FunDep
+ funDepName,
+ -- TySynEqn
+ tySynEqnName,
+ -- AnnTarget
+ valueAnnotationName, typeAnnotationName, moduleAnnotationName,
+ -- DerivClause
+ derivClauseName,
+ -- The type classes
+ liftClassName, quoteClassName,
+ -- And the tycons
+ qTyConName, nameTyConName, patTyConName, fieldPatTyConName, matchTyConName,
+ expQTyConName, fieldExpTyConName, predTyConName,
+ stmtTyConName, decsTyConName, conTyConName, bangTypeTyConName,
+ varBangTypeTyConName, typeQTyConName, expTyConName, decTyConName,
+ typeTyConName, tyVarBndrTyConName, clauseTyConName,
+ patQTyConName, funDepTyConName, decsQTyConName,
+ ruleBndrTyConName, tySynEqnTyConName,
+ roleTyConName, tExpTyConName, injAnnTyConName, kindTyConName,
+ overlapTyConName, derivClauseTyConName, derivStrategyTyConName,
+ -- Quasiquoting
+ quoteDecName, quoteTypeName, quoteExpName, quotePatName]
+thSyn, thLib, qqLib :: Module
+thSyn = mkTHModule (fsLit "Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax")
+thLib = mkTHModule (fsLit "Language.Haskell.TH.Lib.Internal")
+qqLib = mkTHModule (fsLit "Language.Haskell.TH.Quote")
+mkTHModule :: FastString -> Module
+mkTHModule m = mkModule thUnitId (mkModuleNameFS m)
+libFun, libTc, thFun, thTc, thCls, thCon, qqFun :: FastString -> Unique -> Name
+libFun = mk_known_key_name varName thLib
+libTc = mk_known_key_name tcName thLib
+thFun = mk_known_key_name varName thSyn
+thTc = mk_known_key_name tcName thSyn
+thCls = mk_known_key_name clsName thSyn
+thCon = mk_known_key_name dataName thSyn
+qqFun = mk_known_key_name varName qqLib
+-------------------- TH.Syntax -----------------------
+liftClassName :: Name
+liftClassName = thCls (fsLit "Lift") liftClassKey
+quoteClassName :: Name
+quoteClassName = thCls (fsLit "Quote") quoteClassKey
+qTyConName, nameTyConName, fieldExpTyConName, patTyConName,
+ fieldPatTyConName, expTyConName, decTyConName, typeTyConName,
+ matchTyConName, clauseTyConName, funDepTyConName, predTyConName,
+ tExpTyConName, injAnnTyConName, overlapTyConName, decsTyConName :: Name
+qTyConName = thTc (fsLit "Q") qTyConKey
+nameTyConName = thTc (fsLit "Name") nameTyConKey
+fieldExpTyConName = thTc (fsLit "FieldExp") fieldExpTyConKey
+patTyConName = thTc (fsLit "Pat") patTyConKey
+fieldPatTyConName = thTc (fsLit "FieldPat") fieldPatTyConKey
+expTyConName = thTc (fsLit "Exp") expTyConKey
+decTyConName = thTc (fsLit "Dec") decTyConKey
+decsTyConName = libTc (fsLit "Decs") decsTyConKey
+typeTyConName = thTc (fsLit "Type") typeTyConKey
+matchTyConName = thTc (fsLit "Match") matchTyConKey
+clauseTyConName = thTc (fsLit "Clause") clauseTyConKey
+funDepTyConName = thTc (fsLit "FunDep") funDepTyConKey
+predTyConName = thTc (fsLit "Pred") predTyConKey
+tExpTyConName = thTc (fsLit "TExp") tExpTyConKey
+injAnnTyConName = thTc (fsLit "InjectivityAnn") injAnnTyConKey
+overlapTyConName = thTc (fsLit "Overlap") overlapTyConKey
+returnQName, bindQName, sequenceQName, newNameName, liftName,
+ mkNameName, mkNameG_vName, mkNameG_dName, mkNameG_tcName,
+ mkNameLName, mkNameSName, liftStringName, unTypeName, unTypeQName,
+ unsafeTExpCoerceName, liftTypedName :: Name
+returnQName = thFun (fsLit "returnQ") returnQIdKey
+bindQName = thFun (fsLit "bindQ") bindQIdKey
+sequenceQName = thFun (fsLit "sequenceQ") sequenceQIdKey
+newNameName = thFun (fsLit "newName") newNameIdKey
+liftName = thFun (fsLit "lift") liftIdKey
+liftStringName = thFun (fsLit "liftString") liftStringIdKey
+mkNameName = thFun (fsLit "mkName") mkNameIdKey
+mkNameG_vName = thFun (fsLit "mkNameG_v") mkNameG_vIdKey
+mkNameG_dName = thFun (fsLit "mkNameG_d") mkNameG_dIdKey
+mkNameG_tcName = thFun (fsLit "mkNameG_tc") mkNameG_tcIdKey
+mkNameLName = thFun (fsLit "mkNameL") mkNameLIdKey
+mkNameSName = thFun (fsLit "mkNameS") mkNameSIdKey
+unTypeName = thFun (fsLit "unType") unTypeIdKey
+unTypeQName = thFun (fsLit "unTypeQ") unTypeQIdKey
+unsafeTExpCoerceName = thFun (fsLit "unsafeTExpCoerce") unsafeTExpCoerceIdKey
+liftTypedName = thFun (fsLit "liftTyped") liftTypedIdKey
+-------------------- TH.Lib -----------------------
+-- data Lit = ...
+charLName, stringLName, integerLName, intPrimLName, wordPrimLName,
+ floatPrimLName, doublePrimLName, rationalLName, stringPrimLName,
+ charPrimLName :: Name
+charLName = libFun (fsLit "charL") charLIdKey
+stringLName = libFun (fsLit "stringL") stringLIdKey
+integerLName = libFun (fsLit "integerL") integerLIdKey
+intPrimLName = libFun (fsLit "intPrimL") intPrimLIdKey
+wordPrimLName = libFun (fsLit "wordPrimL") wordPrimLIdKey
+floatPrimLName = libFun (fsLit "floatPrimL") floatPrimLIdKey
+doublePrimLName = libFun (fsLit "doublePrimL") doublePrimLIdKey
+rationalLName = libFun (fsLit "rationalL") rationalLIdKey
+stringPrimLName = libFun (fsLit "stringPrimL") stringPrimLIdKey
+charPrimLName = libFun (fsLit "charPrimL") charPrimLIdKey
+-- data Pat = ...
+litPName, varPName, tupPName, unboxedTupPName, unboxedSumPName, conPName,
+ infixPName, tildePName, bangPName, asPName, wildPName, recPName, listPName,
+ sigPName, viewPName :: Name
+litPName = libFun (fsLit "litP") litPIdKey
+varPName = libFun (fsLit "varP") varPIdKey
+tupPName = libFun (fsLit "tupP") tupPIdKey
+unboxedTupPName = libFun (fsLit "unboxedTupP") unboxedTupPIdKey
+unboxedSumPName = libFun (fsLit "unboxedSumP") unboxedSumPIdKey
+conPName = libFun (fsLit "conP") conPIdKey
+infixPName = libFun (fsLit "infixP") infixPIdKey
+tildePName = libFun (fsLit "tildeP") tildePIdKey
+bangPName = libFun (fsLit "bangP") bangPIdKey
+asPName = libFun (fsLit "asP") asPIdKey
+wildPName = libFun (fsLit "wildP") wildPIdKey
+recPName = libFun (fsLit "recP") recPIdKey
+listPName = libFun (fsLit "listP") listPIdKey
+sigPName = libFun (fsLit "sigP") sigPIdKey
+viewPName = libFun (fsLit "viewP") viewPIdKey
+-- type FieldPat = ...
+fieldPatName :: Name
+fieldPatName = libFun (fsLit "fieldPat") fieldPatIdKey
+-- data Match = ...
+matchName :: Name
+matchName = libFun (fsLit "match") matchIdKey
+-- data Clause = ...
+clauseName :: Name
+clauseName = libFun (fsLit "clause") clauseIdKey
+-- data Exp = ...
+varEName, conEName, litEName, appEName, appTypeEName, infixEName, infixAppName,
+ sectionLName, sectionRName, lamEName, lamCaseEName, tupEName,
+ unboxedTupEName, unboxedSumEName, condEName, multiIfEName, letEName,
+ caseEName, doEName, mdoEName, compEName, staticEName, unboundVarEName,
+ labelEName, implicitParamVarEName :: Name
+varEName = libFun (fsLit "varE") varEIdKey
+conEName = libFun (fsLit "conE") conEIdKey
+litEName = libFun (fsLit "litE") litEIdKey
+appEName = libFun (fsLit "appE") appEIdKey
+appTypeEName = libFun (fsLit "appTypeE") appTypeEIdKey
+infixEName = libFun (fsLit "infixE") infixEIdKey
+infixAppName = libFun (fsLit "infixApp") infixAppIdKey
+sectionLName = libFun (fsLit "sectionL") sectionLIdKey
+sectionRName = libFun (fsLit "sectionR") sectionRIdKey
+lamEName = libFun (fsLit "lamE") lamEIdKey
+lamCaseEName = libFun (fsLit "lamCaseE") lamCaseEIdKey
+tupEName = libFun (fsLit "tupE") tupEIdKey
+unboxedTupEName = libFun (fsLit "unboxedTupE") unboxedTupEIdKey
+unboxedSumEName = libFun (fsLit "unboxedSumE") unboxedSumEIdKey
+condEName = libFun (fsLit "condE") condEIdKey
+multiIfEName = libFun (fsLit "multiIfE") multiIfEIdKey
+letEName = libFun (fsLit "letE") letEIdKey
+caseEName = libFun (fsLit "caseE") caseEIdKey
+doEName = libFun (fsLit "doE") doEIdKey
+mdoEName = libFun (fsLit "mdoE") mdoEIdKey
+compEName = libFun (fsLit "compE") compEIdKey
+-- ArithSeq skips a level
+fromEName, fromThenEName, fromToEName, fromThenToEName :: Name
+fromEName = libFun (fsLit "fromE") fromEIdKey
+fromThenEName = libFun (fsLit "fromThenE") fromThenEIdKey
+fromToEName = libFun (fsLit "fromToE") fromToEIdKey
+fromThenToEName = libFun (fsLit "fromThenToE") fromThenToEIdKey
+-- end ArithSeq
+listEName, sigEName, recConEName, recUpdEName :: Name
+listEName = libFun (fsLit "listE") listEIdKey
+sigEName = libFun (fsLit "sigE") sigEIdKey
+recConEName = libFun (fsLit "recConE") recConEIdKey
+recUpdEName = libFun (fsLit "recUpdE") recUpdEIdKey
+staticEName = libFun (fsLit "staticE") staticEIdKey
+unboundVarEName = libFun (fsLit "unboundVarE") unboundVarEIdKey
+labelEName = libFun (fsLit "labelE") labelEIdKey
+implicitParamVarEName = libFun (fsLit "implicitParamVarE") implicitParamVarEIdKey
+-- type FieldExp = ...
+fieldExpName :: Name
+fieldExpName = libFun (fsLit "fieldExp") fieldExpIdKey
+-- data Body = ...
+guardedBName, normalBName :: Name
+guardedBName = libFun (fsLit "guardedB") guardedBIdKey
+normalBName = libFun (fsLit "normalB") normalBIdKey
+-- data Guard = ...
+normalGEName, patGEName :: Name
+normalGEName = libFun (fsLit "normalGE") normalGEIdKey
+patGEName = libFun (fsLit "patGE") patGEIdKey
+-- data Stmt = ...
+bindSName, letSName, noBindSName, parSName, recSName :: Name
+bindSName = libFun (fsLit "bindS") bindSIdKey
+letSName = libFun (fsLit "letS") letSIdKey
+noBindSName = libFun (fsLit "noBindS") noBindSIdKey
+parSName = libFun (fsLit "parS") parSIdKey
+recSName = libFun (fsLit "recS") recSIdKey
+-- data Dec = ...
+funDName, valDName, dataDName, newtypeDName, tySynDName, classDName,
+ instanceWithOverlapDName, sigDName, kiSigDName, forImpDName, pragInlDName,
+ pragSpecDName, pragSpecInlDName, pragSpecInstDName, pragRuleDName,
+ pragAnnDName, standaloneDerivWithStrategyDName, defaultSigDName,
+ dataInstDName, newtypeInstDName, tySynInstDName, dataFamilyDName,
+ openTypeFamilyDName, closedTypeFamilyDName, infixLDName, infixRDName,
+ infixNDName, roleAnnotDName, patSynDName, patSynSigDName,
+ pragCompleteDName, implicitParamBindDName :: Name
+funDName = libFun (fsLit "funD") funDIdKey
+valDName = libFun (fsLit "valD") valDIdKey
+dataDName = libFun (fsLit "dataD") dataDIdKey
+newtypeDName = libFun (fsLit "newtypeD") newtypeDIdKey
+tySynDName = libFun (fsLit "tySynD") tySynDIdKey
+classDName = libFun (fsLit "classD") classDIdKey
+instanceWithOverlapDName = libFun (fsLit "instanceWithOverlapD") instanceWithOverlapDIdKey
+standaloneDerivWithStrategyDName = libFun (fsLit "standaloneDerivWithStrategyD") standaloneDerivWithStrategyDIdKey
+sigDName = libFun (fsLit "sigD") sigDIdKey
+kiSigDName = libFun (fsLit "kiSigD") kiSigDIdKey
+defaultSigDName = libFun (fsLit "defaultSigD") defaultSigDIdKey
+forImpDName = libFun (fsLit "forImpD") forImpDIdKey
+pragInlDName = libFun (fsLit "pragInlD") pragInlDIdKey
+pragSpecDName = libFun (fsLit "pragSpecD") pragSpecDIdKey
+pragSpecInlDName = libFun (fsLit "pragSpecInlD") pragSpecInlDIdKey
+pragSpecInstDName = libFun (fsLit "pragSpecInstD") pragSpecInstDIdKey
+pragRuleDName = libFun (fsLit "pragRuleD") pragRuleDIdKey
+pragCompleteDName = libFun (fsLit "pragCompleteD") pragCompleteDIdKey
+pragAnnDName = libFun (fsLit "pragAnnD") pragAnnDIdKey
+dataInstDName = libFun (fsLit "dataInstD") dataInstDIdKey
+newtypeInstDName = libFun (fsLit "newtypeInstD") newtypeInstDIdKey
+tySynInstDName = libFun (fsLit "tySynInstD") tySynInstDIdKey
+openTypeFamilyDName = libFun (fsLit "openTypeFamilyD") openTypeFamilyDIdKey
+closedTypeFamilyDName = libFun (fsLit "closedTypeFamilyD") closedTypeFamilyDIdKey
+dataFamilyDName = libFun (fsLit "dataFamilyD") dataFamilyDIdKey
+infixLDName = libFun (fsLit "infixLD") infixLDIdKey
+infixRDName = libFun (fsLit "infixRD") infixRDIdKey
+infixNDName = libFun (fsLit "infixND") infixNDIdKey
+roleAnnotDName = libFun (fsLit "roleAnnotD") roleAnnotDIdKey
+patSynDName = libFun (fsLit "patSynD") patSynDIdKey
+patSynSigDName = libFun (fsLit "patSynSigD") patSynSigDIdKey
+implicitParamBindDName = libFun (fsLit "implicitParamBindD") implicitParamBindDIdKey
+-- type Ctxt = ...
+cxtName :: Name
+cxtName = libFun (fsLit "cxt") cxtIdKey
+-- data SourceUnpackedness = ...
+noSourceUnpackednessName, sourceNoUnpackName, sourceUnpackName :: Name
+noSourceUnpackednessName = libFun (fsLit "noSourceUnpackedness") noSourceUnpackednessKey
+sourceNoUnpackName = libFun (fsLit "sourceNoUnpack") sourceNoUnpackKey
+sourceUnpackName = libFun (fsLit "sourceUnpack") sourceUnpackKey
+-- data SourceStrictness = ...
+noSourceStrictnessName, sourceLazyName, sourceStrictName :: Name
+noSourceStrictnessName = libFun (fsLit "noSourceStrictness") noSourceStrictnessKey
+sourceLazyName = libFun (fsLit "sourceLazy") sourceLazyKey
+sourceStrictName = libFun (fsLit "sourceStrict") sourceStrictKey
+-- data Con = ...
+normalCName, recCName, infixCName, forallCName, gadtCName, recGadtCName :: Name
+normalCName = libFun (fsLit "normalC" ) normalCIdKey
+recCName = libFun (fsLit "recC" ) recCIdKey
+infixCName = libFun (fsLit "infixC" ) infixCIdKey
+forallCName = libFun (fsLit "forallC" ) forallCIdKey
+gadtCName = libFun (fsLit "gadtC" ) gadtCIdKey
+recGadtCName = libFun (fsLit "recGadtC") recGadtCIdKey
+-- data Bang = ...
+bangName :: Name
+bangName = libFun (fsLit "bang") bangIdKey
+-- type BangType = ...
+bangTypeName :: Name
+bangTypeName = libFun (fsLit "bangType") bangTKey
+-- type VarBangType = ...
+varBangTypeName :: Name
+varBangTypeName = libFun (fsLit "varBangType") varBangTKey
+-- data PatSynDir = ...
+unidirPatSynName, implBidirPatSynName, explBidirPatSynName :: Name
+unidirPatSynName = libFun (fsLit "unidir") unidirPatSynIdKey
+implBidirPatSynName = libFun (fsLit "implBidir") implBidirPatSynIdKey
+explBidirPatSynName = libFun (fsLit "explBidir") explBidirPatSynIdKey
+-- data PatSynArgs = ...
+prefixPatSynName, infixPatSynName, recordPatSynName :: Name
+prefixPatSynName = libFun (fsLit "prefixPatSyn") prefixPatSynIdKey
+infixPatSynName = libFun (fsLit "infixPatSyn") infixPatSynIdKey
+recordPatSynName = libFun (fsLit "recordPatSyn") recordPatSynIdKey
+-- data Type = ...
+forallTName, forallVisTName, varTName, conTName, infixTName, tupleTName,
+ unboxedTupleTName, unboxedSumTName, arrowTName, listTName, appTName,
+ appKindTName, sigTName, equalityTName, litTName, promotedTName,
+ promotedTupleTName, promotedNilTName, promotedConsTName,
+ wildCardTName, implicitParamTName :: Name
+forallTName = libFun (fsLit "forallT") forallTIdKey
+forallVisTName = libFun (fsLit "forallVisT") forallVisTIdKey
+varTName = libFun (fsLit "varT") varTIdKey
+conTName = libFun (fsLit "conT") conTIdKey
+tupleTName = libFun (fsLit "tupleT") tupleTIdKey
+unboxedTupleTName = libFun (fsLit "unboxedTupleT") unboxedTupleTIdKey
+unboxedSumTName = libFun (fsLit "unboxedSumT") unboxedSumTIdKey
+arrowTName = libFun (fsLit "arrowT") arrowTIdKey
+listTName = libFun (fsLit "listT") listTIdKey
+appTName = libFun (fsLit "appT") appTIdKey
+appKindTName = libFun (fsLit "appKindT") appKindTIdKey
+sigTName = libFun (fsLit "sigT") sigTIdKey
+equalityTName = libFun (fsLit "equalityT") equalityTIdKey
+litTName = libFun (fsLit "litT") litTIdKey
+promotedTName = libFun (fsLit "promotedT") promotedTIdKey
+promotedTupleTName = libFun (fsLit "promotedTupleT") promotedTupleTIdKey
+promotedNilTName = libFun (fsLit "promotedNilT") promotedNilTIdKey
+promotedConsTName = libFun (fsLit "promotedConsT") promotedConsTIdKey
+wildCardTName = libFun (fsLit "wildCardT") wildCardTIdKey
+infixTName = libFun (fsLit "infixT") infixTIdKey
+implicitParamTName = libFun (fsLit "implicitParamT") implicitParamTIdKey
+-- data TyLit = ...
+numTyLitName, strTyLitName :: Name
+numTyLitName = libFun (fsLit "numTyLit") numTyLitIdKey
+strTyLitName = libFun (fsLit "strTyLit") strTyLitIdKey
+-- data TyVarBndr = ...
+plainTVName, kindedTVName :: Name
+plainTVName = libFun (fsLit "plainTV") plainTVIdKey
+kindedTVName = libFun (fsLit "kindedTV") kindedTVIdKey
+-- data Role = ...
+nominalRName, representationalRName, phantomRName, inferRName :: Name
+nominalRName = libFun (fsLit "nominalR") nominalRIdKey
+representationalRName = libFun (fsLit "representationalR") representationalRIdKey
+phantomRName = libFun (fsLit "phantomR") phantomRIdKey
+inferRName = libFun (fsLit "inferR") inferRIdKey
+-- data Kind = ...
+starKName, constraintKName :: Name
+starKName = libFun (fsLit "starK") starKIdKey
+constraintKName = libFun (fsLit "constraintK") constraintKIdKey
+-- data FamilyResultSig = ...
+noSigName, kindSigName, tyVarSigName :: Name
+noSigName = libFun (fsLit "noSig") noSigIdKey
+kindSigName = libFun (fsLit "kindSig") kindSigIdKey
+tyVarSigName = libFun (fsLit "tyVarSig") tyVarSigIdKey
+-- data InjectivityAnn = ...
+injectivityAnnName :: Name
+injectivityAnnName = libFun (fsLit "injectivityAnn") injectivityAnnIdKey
+-- data Callconv = ...
+cCallName, stdCallName, cApiCallName, primCallName, javaScriptCallName :: Name
+cCallName = libFun (fsLit "cCall") cCallIdKey
+stdCallName = libFun (fsLit "stdCall") stdCallIdKey
+cApiCallName = libFun (fsLit "cApi") cApiCallIdKey
+primCallName = libFun (fsLit "prim") primCallIdKey
+javaScriptCallName = libFun (fsLit "javaScript") javaScriptCallIdKey
+-- data Safety = ...
+unsafeName, safeName, interruptibleName :: Name
+unsafeName = libFun (fsLit "unsafe") unsafeIdKey
+safeName = libFun (fsLit "safe") safeIdKey
+interruptibleName = libFun (fsLit "interruptible") interruptibleIdKey
+-- newtype TExp a = ...
+tExpDataConName :: Name
+tExpDataConName = thCon (fsLit "TExp") tExpDataConKey
+-- data RuleBndr = ...
+ruleVarName, typedRuleVarName :: Name
+ruleVarName = libFun (fsLit ("ruleVar")) ruleVarIdKey
+typedRuleVarName = libFun (fsLit ("typedRuleVar")) typedRuleVarIdKey
+-- data FunDep = ...
+funDepName :: Name
+funDepName = libFun (fsLit "funDep") funDepIdKey
+-- data TySynEqn = ...
+tySynEqnName :: Name
+tySynEqnName = libFun (fsLit "tySynEqn") tySynEqnIdKey
+-- data AnnTarget = ...
+valueAnnotationName, typeAnnotationName, moduleAnnotationName :: Name
+valueAnnotationName = libFun (fsLit "valueAnnotation") valueAnnotationIdKey
+typeAnnotationName = libFun (fsLit "typeAnnotation") typeAnnotationIdKey
+moduleAnnotationName = libFun (fsLit "moduleAnnotation") moduleAnnotationIdKey
+-- type DerivClause = ...
+derivClauseName :: Name
+derivClauseName = libFun (fsLit "derivClause") derivClauseIdKey
+-- data DerivStrategy = ...
+stockStrategyName, anyclassStrategyName, newtypeStrategyName,
+ viaStrategyName :: Name
+stockStrategyName = libFun (fsLit "stockStrategy") stockStrategyIdKey
+anyclassStrategyName = libFun (fsLit "anyclassStrategy") anyclassStrategyIdKey
+newtypeStrategyName = libFun (fsLit "newtypeStrategy") newtypeStrategyIdKey
+viaStrategyName = libFun (fsLit "viaStrategy") viaStrategyIdKey
+patQTyConName, expQTyConName, stmtTyConName,
+ conTyConName, bangTypeTyConName,
+ varBangTypeTyConName, typeQTyConName,
+ decsQTyConName, ruleBndrTyConName, tySynEqnTyConName, roleTyConName,
+ derivClauseTyConName, kindTyConName, tyVarBndrTyConName,
+ derivStrategyTyConName :: Name
+-- These are only used for the types of top-level splices
+expQTyConName = libTc (fsLit "ExpQ") expQTyConKey
+decsQTyConName = libTc (fsLit "DecsQ") decsQTyConKey -- Q [Dec]
+typeQTyConName = libTc (fsLit "TypeQ") typeQTyConKey
+patQTyConName = libTc (fsLit "PatQ") patQTyConKey
+-- These are used in GHC.HsToCore.Quote but always wrapped in a type variable
+stmtTyConName = thTc (fsLit "Stmt") stmtTyConKey
+conTyConName = thTc (fsLit "Con") conTyConKey
+bangTypeTyConName = thTc (fsLit "BangType") bangTypeTyConKey
+varBangTypeTyConName = thTc (fsLit "VarBangType") varBangTypeTyConKey
+ruleBndrTyConName = thTc (fsLit "RuleBndr") ruleBndrTyConKey
+tySynEqnTyConName = thTc (fsLit "TySynEqn") tySynEqnTyConKey
+roleTyConName = libTc (fsLit "Role") roleTyConKey
+derivClauseTyConName = thTc (fsLit "DerivClause") derivClauseTyConKey
+kindTyConName = thTc (fsLit "Kind") kindTyConKey
+tyVarBndrTyConName = thTc (fsLit "TyVarBndr") tyVarBndrTyConKey
+derivStrategyTyConName = thTc (fsLit "DerivStrategy") derivStrategyTyConKey
+-- quasiquoting
+quoteExpName, quotePatName, quoteDecName, quoteTypeName :: Name
+quoteExpName = qqFun (fsLit "quoteExp") quoteExpKey
+quotePatName = qqFun (fsLit "quotePat") quotePatKey
+quoteDecName = qqFun (fsLit "quoteDec") quoteDecKey
+quoteTypeName = qqFun (fsLit "quoteType") quoteTypeKey
+-- data Inline = ...
+noInlineDataConName, inlineDataConName, inlinableDataConName :: Name
+noInlineDataConName = thCon (fsLit "NoInline") noInlineDataConKey
+inlineDataConName = thCon (fsLit "Inline") inlineDataConKey
+inlinableDataConName = thCon (fsLit "Inlinable") inlinableDataConKey
+-- data RuleMatch = ...
+conLikeDataConName, funLikeDataConName :: Name
+conLikeDataConName = thCon (fsLit "ConLike") conLikeDataConKey
+funLikeDataConName = thCon (fsLit "FunLike") funLikeDataConKey
+-- data Phases = ...
+allPhasesDataConName, fromPhaseDataConName, beforePhaseDataConName :: Name
+allPhasesDataConName = thCon (fsLit "AllPhases") allPhasesDataConKey
+fromPhaseDataConName = thCon (fsLit "FromPhase") fromPhaseDataConKey
+beforePhaseDataConName = thCon (fsLit "BeforePhase") beforePhaseDataConKey
+-- data Overlap = ...
+ overlappingDataConName,
+ overlapsDataConName,
+ incoherentDataConName :: Name
+overlappableDataConName = thCon (fsLit "Overlappable") overlappableDataConKey
+overlappingDataConName = thCon (fsLit "Overlapping") overlappingDataConKey
+overlapsDataConName = thCon (fsLit "Overlaps") overlapsDataConKey
+incoherentDataConName = thCon (fsLit "Incoherent") incoherentDataConKey
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Class keys
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- ClassUniques available: 200-299
+-- Check in GHC.Builtin.Names if you want to change this
+liftClassKey :: Unique
+liftClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 200
+quoteClassKey :: Unique
+quoteClassKey = mkPreludeClassUnique 201
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ TyCon keys
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- TyConUniques available: 200-299
+-- Check in GHC.Builtin.Names if you want to change this
+expTyConKey, matchTyConKey, clauseTyConKey, qTyConKey, expQTyConKey,
+ patTyConKey,
+ stmtTyConKey, conTyConKey, typeQTyConKey, typeTyConKey,
+ tyVarBndrTyConKey, decTyConKey, bangTypeTyConKey, varBangTypeTyConKey,
+ fieldExpTyConKey, fieldPatTyConKey, nameTyConKey, patQTyConKey,
+ funDepTyConKey, predTyConKey,
+ predQTyConKey, decsQTyConKey, ruleBndrTyConKey, tySynEqnTyConKey,
+ roleTyConKey, tExpTyConKey, injAnnTyConKey, kindTyConKey,
+ overlapTyConKey, derivClauseTyConKey, derivStrategyTyConKey, decsTyConKey
+ :: Unique
+expTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 200
+matchTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 201
+clauseTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 202
+qTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 203
+expQTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 204
+patTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 206
+stmtTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 209
+conTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 210
+typeQTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 211
+typeTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 212
+decTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 213
+bangTypeTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 214
+varBangTypeTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 215
+fieldExpTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 216
+fieldPatTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 217
+nameTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 218
+patQTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 219
+funDepTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 222
+predTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 223
+predQTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 224
+tyVarBndrTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 225
+decsQTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 226
+ruleBndrTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 227
+tySynEqnTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 228
+roleTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 229
+tExpTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 230
+injAnnTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 231
+kindTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 232
+overlapTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 233
+derivClauseTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 234
+derivStrategyTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 235
+decsTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 236
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ DataCon keys
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- DataConUniques available: 100-150
+-- If you want to change this, make sure you check in GHC.Builtin.Names
+-- data Inline = ...
+noInlineDataConKey, inlineDataConKey, inlinableDataConKey :: Unique
+noInlineDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 200
+inlineDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 201
+inlinableDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 202
+-- data RuleMatch = ...
+conLikeDataConKey, funLikeDataConKey :: Unique
+conLikeDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 203
+funLikeDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 204
+-- data Phases = ...
+allPhasesDataConKey, fromPhaseDataConKey, beforePhaseDataConKey :: Unique
+allPhasesDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 205
+fromPhaseDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 206
+beforePhaseDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 207
+-- newtype TExp a = ...
+tExpDataConKey :: Unique
+tExpDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 208
+-- data Overlap = ..
+ overlappingDataConKey,
+ overlapsDataConKey,
+ incoherentDataConKey :: Unique
+overlappableDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 209
+overlappingDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 210
+overlapsDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 211
+incoherentDataConKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 212
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Id keys
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- IdUniques available: 200-499
+-- If you want to change this, make sure you check in GHC.Builtin.Names
+returnQIdKey, bindQIdKey, sequenceQIdKey, liftIdKey, newNameIdKey,
+ mkNameIdKey, mkNameG_vIdKey, mkNameG_dIdKey, mkNameG_tcIdKey,
+ mkNameLIdKey, mkNameSIdKey, unTypeIdKey, unTypeQIdKey,
+ unsafeTExpCoerceIdKey, liftTypedIdKey :: Unique
+returnQIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 200
+bindQIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 201
+sequenceQIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 202
+liftIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 203
+newNameIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 204
+mkNameIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 205
+mkNameG_vIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 206
+mkNameG_dIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 207
+mkNameG_tcIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 208
+mkNameLIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 209
+mkNameSIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 210
+unTypeIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 211
+unTypeQIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 212
+unsafeTExpCoerceIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 213
+liftTypedIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 214
+-- data Lit = ...
+charLIdKey, stringLIdKey, integerLIdKey, intPrimLIdKey, wordPrimLIdKey,
+ floatPrimLIdKey, doublePrimLIdKey, rationalLIdKey, stringPrimLIdKey,
+ charPrimLIdKey:: Unique
+charLIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 220
+stringLIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 221
+integerLIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 222
+intPrimLIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 223
+wordPrimLIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 224
+floatPrimLIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 225
+doublePrimLIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 226
+rationalLIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 227
+stringPrimLIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 228
+charPrimLIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 229
+liftStringIdKey :: Unique
+liftStringIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 230
+-- data Pat = ...
+litPIdKey, varPIdKey, tupPIdKey, unboxedTupPIdKey, unboxedSumPIdKey, conPIdKey,
+ infixPIdKey, tildePIdKey, bangPIdKey, asPIdKey, wildPIdKey, recPIdKey,
+ listPIdKey, sigPIdKey, viewPIdKey :: Unique
+litPIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 240
+varPIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 241
+tupPIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 242
+unboxedTupPIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 243
+unboxedSumPIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 244
+conPIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 245
+infixPIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 246
+tildePIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 247
+bangPIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 248
+asPIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 249
+wildPIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 250
+recPIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 251
+listPIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 252
+sigPIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 253
+viewPIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 254
+-- type FieldPat = ...
+fieldPatIdKey :: Unique
+fieldPatIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 260
+-- data Match = ...
+matchIdKey :: Unique
+matchIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 261
+-- data Clause = ...
+clauseIdKey :: Unique
+clauseIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 262
+-- data Exp = ...
+varEIdKey, conEIdKey, litEIdKey, appEIdKey, appTypeEIdKey, infixEIdKey,
+ infixAppIdKey, sectionLIdKey, sectionRIdKey, lamEIdKey, lamCaseEIdKey,
+ tupEIdKey, unboxedTupEIdKey, unboxedSumEIdKey, condEIdKey, multiIfEIdKey,
+ letEIdKey, caseEIdKey, doEIdKey, compEIdKey,
+ fromEIdKey, fromThenEIdKey, fromToEIdKey, fromThenToEIdKey,
+ listEIdKey, sigEIdKey, recConEIdKey, recUpdEIdKey, staticEIdKey,
+ unboundVarEIdKey, labelEIdKey, implicitParamVarEIdKey, mdoEIdKey :: Unique
+varEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 270
+conEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 271
+litEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 272
+appEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 273
+appTypeEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 274
+infixEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 275
+infixAppIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 276
+sectionLIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 277
+sectionRIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 278
+lamEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 279
+lamCaseEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 280
+tupEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 281
+unboxedTupEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 282
+unboxedSumEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 283
+condEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 284
+multiIfEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 285
+letEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 286
+caseEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 287
+doEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 288
+compEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 289
+fromEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 290
+fromThenEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 291
+fromToEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 292
+fromThenToEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 293
+listEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 294
+sigEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 295
+recConEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 296
+recUpdEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 297
+staticEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 298
+unboundVarEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 299
+labelEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 300
+implicitParamVarEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 301
+mdoEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 302
+-- type FieldExp = ...
+fieldExpIdKey :: Unique
+fieldExpIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 305
+-- data Body = ...
+guardedBIdKey, normalBIdKey :: Unique
+guardedBIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 306
+normalBIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 307
+-- data Guard = ...
+normalGEIdKey, patGEIdKey :: Unique
+normalGEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 308
+patGEIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 309
+-- data Stmt = ...
+bindSIdKey, letSIdKey, noBindSIdKey, parSIdKey, recSIdKey :: Unique
+bindSIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 310
+letSIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 311
+noBindSIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 312
+parSIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 313
+recSIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 314
+-- data Dec = ...
+funDIdKey, valDIdKey, dataDIdKey, newtypeDIdKey, tySynDIdKey, classDIdKey,
+ instanceWithOverlapDIdKey, instanceDIdKey, sigDIdKey, forImpDIdKey,
+ pragInlDIdKey, pragSpecDIdKey, pragSpecInlDIdKey, pragSpecInstDIdKey,
+ pragRuleDIdKey, pragAnnDIdKey, defaultSigDIdKey, dataFamilyDIdKey,
+ openTypeFamilyDIdKey, closedTypeFamilyDIdKey, dataInstDIdKey,
+ newtypeInstDIdKey, tySynInstDIdKey, standaloneDerivWithStrategyDIdKey,
+ infixLDIdKey, infixRDIdKey, infixNDIdKey, roleAnnotDIdKey, patSynDIdKey,
+ patSynSigDIdKey, pragCompleteDIdKey, implicitParamBindDIdKey,
+ kiSigDIdKey :: Unique
+funDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 320
+valDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 321
+dataDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 322
+newtypeDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 323
+tySynDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 324
+classDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 325
+instanceWithOverlapDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 326
+instanceDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 327
+sigDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 328
+forImpDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 329
+pragInlDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 330
+pragSpecDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 331
+pragSpecInlDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 332
+pragSpecInstDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 333
+pragRuleDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 334
+pragAnnDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 335
+dataFamilyDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 336
+openTypeFamilyDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 337
+dataInstDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 338
+newtypeInstDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 339
+tySynInstDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 340
+closedTypeFamilyDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 341
+infixLDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 342
+infixRDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 343
+infixNDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 344
+roleAnnotDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 345
+standaloneDerivWithStrategyDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 346
+defaultSigDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 347
+patSynDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 348
+patSynSigDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 349
+pragCompleteDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 350
+implicitParamBindDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 351
+kiSigDIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 352
+-- type Cxt = ...
+cxtIdKey :: Unique
+cxtIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 361
+-- data SourceUnpackedness = ...
+noSourceUnpackednessKey, sourceNoUnpackKey, sourceUnpackKey :: Unique
+noSourceUnpackednessKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 362
+sourceNoUnpackKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 363
+sourceUnpackKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 364
+-- data SourceStrictness = ...
+noSourceStrictnessKey, sourceLazyKey, sourceStrictKey :: Unique
+noSourceStrictnessKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 365
+sourceLazyKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 366
+sourceStrictKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 367
+-- data Con = ...
+normalCIdKey, recCIdKey, infixCIdKey, forallCIdKey, gadtCIdKey,
+ recGadtCIdKey :: Unique
+normalCIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 368
+recCIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 369
+infixCIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 370
+forallCIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 371
+gadtCIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 372
+recGadtCIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 373
+-- data Bang = ...
+bangIdKey :: Unique
+bangIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 374
+-- type BangType = ...
+bangTKey :: Unique
+bangTKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 375
+-- type VarBangType = ...
+varBangTKey :: Unique
+varBangTKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 376
+-- data PatSynDir = ...
+unidirPatSynIdKey, implBidirPatSynIdKey, explBidirPatSynIdKey :: Unique
+unidirPatSynIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 377
+implBidirPatSynIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 378
+explBidirPatSynIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 379
+-- data PatSynArgs = ...
+prefixPatSynIdKey, infixPatSynIdKey, recordPatSynIdKey :: Unique
+prefixPatSynIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 380
+infixPatSynIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 381
+recordPatSynIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 382
+-- data Type = ...
+forallTIdKey, forallVisTIdKey, varTIdKey, conTIdKey, tupleTIdKey,
+ unboxedTupleTIdKey, unboxedSumTIdKey, arrowTIdKey, listTIdKey, appTIdKey,
+ appKindTIdKey, sigTIdKey, equalityTIdKey, litTIdKey, promotedTIdKey,
+ promotedTupleTIdKey, promotedNilTIdKey, promotedConsTIdKey,
+ wildCardTIdKey, implicitParamTIdKey, infixTIdKey :: Unique
+forallTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 390
+forallVisTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 391
+varTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 392
+conTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 393
+tupleTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 394
+unboxedTupleTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 395
+unboxedSumTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 396
+arrowTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 397
+listTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 398
+appTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 399
+appKindTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 400
+sigTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 401
+equalityTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 402
+litTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 403
+promotedTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 404
+promotedTupleTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 405
+promotedNilTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 406
+promotedConsTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 407
+wildCardTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 408
+implicitParamTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 409
+infixTIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 410
+-- data TyLit = ...
+numTyLitIdKey, strTyLitIdKey :: Unique
+numTyLitIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 411
+strTyLitIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 412
+-- data TyVarBndr = ...
+plainTVIdKey, kindedTVIdKey :: Unique
+plainTVIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 413
+kindedTVIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 414
+-- data Role = ...
+nominalRIdKey, representationalRIdKey, phantomRIdKey, inferRIdKey :: Unique
+nominalRIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 415
+representationalRIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 416
+phantomRIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 417
+inferRIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 418
+-- data Kind = ...
+starKIdKey, constraintKIdKey :: Unique
+starKIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 425
+constraintKIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 426
+-- data FamilyResultSig = ...
+noSigIdKey, kindSigIdKey, tyVarSigIdKey :: Unique
+noSigIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 427
+kindSigIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 428
+tyVarSigIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 429
+-- data InjectivityAnn = ...
+injectivityAnnIdKey :: Unique
+injectivityAnnIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 430
+-- data Callconv = ...
+cCallIdKey, stdCallIdKey, cApiCallIdKey, primCallIdKey,
+ javaScriptCallIdKey :: Unique
+cCallIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 431
+stdCallIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 432
+cApiCallIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 433
+primCallIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 434
+javaScriptCallIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 435
+-- data Safety = ...
+unsafeIdKey, safeIdKey, interruptibleIdKey :: Unique
+unsafeIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 440
+safeIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 441
+interruptibleIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 442
+-- data FunDep = ...
+funDepIdKey :: Unique
+funDepIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 445
+-- data TySynEqn = ...
+tySynEqnIdKey :: Unique
+tySynEqnIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 460
+-- quasiquoting
+quoteExpKey, quotePatKey, quoteDecKey, quoteTypeKey :: Unique
+quoteExpKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 470
+quotePatKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 471
+quoteDecKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 472
+quoteTypeKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 473
+-- data RuleBndr = ...
+ruleVarIdKey, typedRuleVarIdKey :: Unique
+ruleVarIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 480
+typedRuleVarIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 481
+-- data AnnTarget = ...
+valueAnnotationIdKey, typeAnnotationIdKey, moduleAnnotationIdKey :: Unique
+valueAnnotationIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 490
+typeAnnotationIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 491
+moduleAnnotationIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 492
+-- type DerivPred = ...
+derivClauseIdKey :: Unique
+derivClauseIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 493
+-- data DerivStrategy = ...
+stockStrategyIdKey, anyclassStrategyIdKey, newtypeStrategyIdKey,
+ viaStrategyIdKey :: Unique
+stockStrategyIdKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 494
+anyclassStrategyIdKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 495
+newtypeStrategyIdKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 496
+viaStrategyIdKey = mkPreludeDataConUnique 497
+* *
+ RdrNames
+* *
+lift_RDR, liftTyped_RDR, mkNameG_dRDR, mkNameG_vRDR :: RdrName
+lift_RDR = nameRdrName liftName
+liftTyped_RDR = nameRdrName liftTypedName
+mkNameG_dRDR = nameRdrName mkNameG_dName
+mkNameG_vRDR = nameRdrName mkNameG_vName
+-- data Exp = ...
+conE_RDR, litE_RDR, appE_RDR, infixApp_RDR :: RdrName
+conE_RDR = nameRdrName conEName
+litE_RDR = nameRdrName litEName
+appE_RDR = nameRdrName appEName
+infixApp_RDR = nameRdrName infixAppName
+-- data Lit = ...
+stringL_RDR, intPrimL_RDR, wordPrimL_RDR, floatPrimL_RDR,
+ doublePrimL_RDR, stringPrimL_RDR, charPrimL_RDR :: RdrName
+stringL_RDR = nameRdrName stringLName
+intPrimL_RDR = nameRdrName intPrimLName
+wordPrimL_RDR = nameRdrName wordPrimLName
+floatPrimL_RDR = nameRdrName floatPrimLName
+doublePrimL_RDR = nameRdrName doublePrimLName
+stringPrimL_RDR = nameRdrName stringPrimLName
+charPrimL_RDR = nameRdrName charPrimLName
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Builtin/PrimOps.hs b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/PrimOps.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e85c12a55d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/PrimOps.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[PrimOp]{Primitive operations (machine-level)}
+module GHC.Builtin.PrimOps (
+ PrimOp(..), PrimOpVecCat(..), allThePrimOps,
+ primOpType, primOpSig,
+ primOpTag, maxPrimOpTag, primOpOcc,
+ primOpWrapperId,
+ tagToEnumKey,
+ primOpOutOfLine, primOpCodeSize,
+ primOpOkForSpeculation, primOpOkForSideEffects,
+ primOpIsCheap, primOpFixity,
+ getPrimOpResultInfo, isComparisonPrimOp, PrimOpResultInfo(..),
+ PrimCall(..)
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
+import GHC.Builtin.Types
+import GHC.Cmm.Type
+import GHC.Types.Demand
+import GHC.Types.Id ( Id, mkVanillaGlobalWithInfo )
+import GHC.Types.Id.Info ( vanillaIdInfo, setCafInfo, CafInfo(NoCafRefs) )
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Builtin.Names ( gHC_PRIMOPWRAPPERS )
+import GHC.Core.TyCon ( TyCon, isPrimTyCon, PrimRep(..) )
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Types.RepType ( typePrimRep1, tyConPrimRep1 )
+import GHC.Types.Basic ( Arity, Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..), Boxity(..),
+ SourceText(..) )
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc ( wiredInSrcSpan )
+import GHC.Types.ForeignCall ( CLabelString )
+import GHC.Types.Unique ( Unique, mkPrimOpIdUnique, mkPrimOpWrapperUnique )
+import GHC.Types.Module ( UnitId )
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+* *
+\subsection[PrimOp-datatype]{Datatype for @PrimOp@ (an enumeration)}
+* *
+These are in \tr{state-interface.verb} order.
+-- supplies:
+-- data PrimOp = ...
+#include "primop-data-decl.hs-incl"
+-- supplies
+-- primOpTag :: PrimOp -> Int
+#include "primop-tag.hs-incl"
+primOpTag _ = error "primOpTag: unknown primop"
+instance Eq PrimOp where
+ op1 == op2 = primOpTag op1 == primOpTag op2
+instance Ord PrimOp where
+ op1 < op2 = primOpTag op1 < primOpTag op2
+ op1 <= op2 = primOpTag op1 <= primOpTag op2
+ op1 >= op2 = primOpTag op1 >= primOpTag op2
+ op1 > op2 = primOpTag op1 > primOpTag op2
+ op1 `compare` op2 | op1 < op2 = LT
+ | op1 == op2 = EQ
+ | otherwise = GT
+instance Outputable PrimOp where
+ ppr op = pprPrimOp op
+data PrimOpVecCat = IntVec
+ | WordVec
+ | FloatVec
+-- An @Enum@-derived list would be better; meanwhile... (ToDo)
+allThePrimOps :: [PrimOp]
+allThePrimOps =
+#include "primop-list.hs-incl"
+tagToEnumKey :: Unique
+tagToEnumKey = mkPrimOpIdUnique (primOpTag TagToEnumOp)
+* *
+\subsection[PrimOp-info]{The essential info about each @PrimOp@}
+* *
+The @String@ in the @PrimOpInfos@ is the ``base name'' by which the user may
+refer to the primitive operation. The conventional \tr{#}-for-
+unboxed ops is added on later.
+The reason for the funny characters in the names is so we do not
+interfere with the programmer's Haskell name spaces.
+We use @PrimKinds@ for the ``type'' information, because they're
+(slightly) more convenient to use than @TyCons@.
+data PrimOpInfo
+ = Dyadic OccName -- string :: T -> T -> T
+ Type
+ | Monadic OccName -- string :: T -> T
+ Type
+ | Compare OccName -- string :: T -> T -> Int#
+ Type
+ | GenPrimOp OccName -- string :: \/ . T1 -> .. -> Tk -> T
+ [TyVar]
+ [Type]
+ Type
+mkDyadic, mkMonadic, mkCompare :: FastString -> Type -> PrimOpInfo
+mkDyadic str ty = Dyadic (mkVarOccFS str) ty
+mkMonadic str ty = Monadic (mkVarOccFS str) ty
+mkCompare str ty = Compare (mkVarOccFS str) ty
+mkGenPrimOp :: FastString -> [TyVar] -> [Type] -> Type -> PrimOpInfo
+mkGenPrimOp str tvs tys ty = GenPrimOp (mkVarOccFS str) tvs tys ty
+* *
+* *
+Not all primops are strict!
+primOpStrictness :: PrimOp -> Arity -> StrictSig
+ -- See Demand.StrictnessInfo for discussion of what the results
+ -- The arity should be the arity of the primop; that's why
+ -- this function isn't exported.
+#include "primop-strictness.hs-incl"
+* *
+* *
+primOpFixity :: PrimOp -> Maybe Fixity
+#include "primop-fixity.hs-incl"
+* *
+\subsubsection[PrimOp-comparison]{PrimOpInfo basic comparison ops}
+* *
+@primOpInfo@ gives all essential information (from which everything
+else, notably a type, can be constructed) for each @PrimOp@.
+primOpInfo :: PrimOp -> PrimOpInfo
+#include "primop-primop-info.hs-incl"
+primOpInfo _ = error "primOpInfo: unknown primop"
+Here are a load of comments from the old primOp info:
+A @Word#@ is an unsigned @Int#@.
+@decodeFloat#@ is given w/ Integer-stuff (it's similar).
+@decodeDouble#@ is given w/ Integer-stuff (it's similar).
+Decoding of floating-point numbers is sorta Integer-related. Encoding
+is done with plain ccalls now (see PrelNumExtra.hs).
+A @Weak@ Pointer is created by the @mkWeak#@ primitive:
+ mkWeak# :: k -> v -> f -> State# RealWorld
+ -> (# State# RealWorld, Weak# v #)
+In practice, you'll use the higher-level
+ data Weak v = Weak# v
+ mkWeak :: k -> v -> IO () -> IO (Weak v)
+The following operation dereferences a weak pointer. The weak pointer
+may have been finalized, so the operation returns a result code which
+must be inspected before looking at the dereferenced value.
+ deRefWeak# :: Weak# v -> State# RealWorld ->
+ (# State# RealWorld, v, Int# #)
+Only look at v if the Int# returned is /= 0 !!
+The higher-level op is
+ deRefWeak :: Weak v -> IO (Maybe v)
+Weak pointers can be finalized early by using the finalize# operation:
+ finalizeWeak# :: Weak# v -> State# RealWorld ->
+ (# State# RealWorld, Int#, IO () #)
+The Int# returned is either
+ 0 if the weak pointer has already been finalized, or it has no
+ finalizer (the third component is then invalid).
+ 1 if the weak pointer is still alive, with the finalizer returned
+ as the third component.
+A {\em stable name/pointer} is an index into a table of stable name
+entries. Since the garbage collector is told about stable pointers,
+it is safe to pass a stable pointer to external systems such as C
+makeStablePtr# :: a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, StablePtr# a #)
+freeStablePtr :: StablePtr# a -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
+deRefStablePtr# :: StablePtr# a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
+eqStablePtr# :: StablePtr# a -> StablePtr# a -> Int#
+It may seem a bit surprising that @makeStablePtr#@ is a @IO@
+operation since it doesn't (directly) involve IO operations. The
+reason is that if some optimisation pass decided to duplicate calls to
+@makeStablePtr#@ and we only pass one of the stable pointers over, a
+massive space leak can result. Putting it into the IO monad
+prevents this. (Another reason for putting them in a monad is to
+ensure correct sequencing wrt the side-effecting @freeStablePtr@
+An important property of stable pointers is that if you call
+makeStablePtr# twice on the same object you get the same stable
+pointer back.
+Note that we can implement @freeStablePtr#@ using @_ccall_@ (and,
+besides, it's not likely to be used from Haskell) so it's not a
+Question: Why @RealWorld@ - won't any instance of @_ST@ do the job? [ADR]
+Stable Names
+A stable name is like a stable pointer, but with three important differences:
+ (a) You can't deRef one to get back to the original object.
+ (b) You can convert one to an Int.
+ (c) You don't need to 'freeStableName'
+The existence of a stable name doesn't guarantee to keep the object it
+points to alive (unlike a stable pointer), hence (a).
+ (a) makeStableName always returns the same value for a given
+ object (same as stable pointers).
+ (b) if two stable names are equal, it implies that the objects
+ from which they were created were the same.
+ (c) stableNameToInt always returns the same Int for a given
+ stable name.
+These primops are pretty weird.
+ tagToEnum# :: Int -> a (result type must be an enumerated type)
+The constraints aren't currently checked by the front end, but the
+code generator will fall over if they aren't satisfied.
+* *
+ Which PrimOps are out-of-line
+* *
+Some PrimOps need to be called out-of-line because they either need to
+perform a heap check or they block.
+primOpOutOfLine :: PrimOp -> Bool
+#include "primop-out-of-line.hs-incl"
+* *
+ Failure and side effects
+* *
+Note [Checking versus non-checking primops]
+ In GHC primops break down into two classes:
+ a. Checking primops behave, for instance, like division. In this
+ case the primop may throw an exception (e.g. division-by-zero)
+ and is consequently is marked with the can_fail flag described below.
+ The ability to fail comes at the expense of precluding some optimizations.
+ b. Non-checking primops behavior, for instance, like addition. While
+ addition can overflow it does not produce an exception. So can_fail is
+ set to False, and we get more optimisation opportunities. But we must
+ never throw an exception, so we cannot rewrite to a call to error.
+ It is important that a non-checking primop never be transformed in a way that
+ would cause it to bottom. Doing so would violate Core's let/app invariant
+ (see Note [Core let/app invariant] in GHC.Core) which is critical to
+ the simplifier's ability to float without fear of changing program meaning.
+Note [PrimOp can_fail and has_side_effects]
+Both can_fail and has_side_effects mean that the primop has
+some effect that is not captured entirely by its result value.
+---------- has_side_effects ---------------------
+A primop "has_side_effects" if it has some *write* effect, visible
+ - writing to the world (I/O)
+ - writing to a mutable data structure (writeIORef)
+ - throwing a synchronous Haskell exception
+Often such primops have a type like
+ State -> input -> (State, output)
+so the state token guarantees ordering. In general we rely *only* on
+data dependencies of the state token to enforce write-effect ordering
+ * NB1: if you inline unsafePerformIO, you may end up with
+ side-effecting ops whose 'state' output is discarded.
+ And programmers may do that by hand; see #9390.
+ That is why we (conservatively) do not discard write-effecting
+ primops even if both their state and result is discarded.
+ * NB2: We consider primops, such as raiseIO#, that can raise a
+ (Haskell) synchronous exception to "have_side_effects" but not
+ "can_fail". We must be careful about not discarding such things;
+ see the paper "A semantics for imprecise exceptions".
+ * NB3: *Read* effects (like reading an IORef) don't count here,
+ because it doesn't matter if we don't do them, or do them more than
+ once. *Sequencing* is maintained by the data dependency of the state
+ token.
+---------- can_fail ----------------------------
+A primop "can_fail" if it can fail with an *unchecked* exception on
+some elements of its input domain. Main examples:
+ division (fails on zero denominator)
+ array indexing (fails if the index is out of bounds)
+An "unchecked exception" is one that is an outright error, (not
+turned into a Haskell exception,) such as seg-fault or
+divide-by-zero error. Such can_fail primops are ALWAYS surrounded
+with a test that checks for the bad cases, but we need to be
+very careful about code motion that might move it out of
+the scope of the test.
+Note [Transformations affected by can_fail and has_side_effects]
+The can_fail and has_side_effects properties have the following effect
+on program transformations. Summary table is followed by details.
+ can_fail has_side_effects
+Discard YES NO
+Float in YES YES
+Float out NO NO
+Duplicate YES NO
+* Discarding. case (a `op` b) of _ -> rhs ===> rhs
+ You should not discard a has_side_effects primop; e.g.
+ case (writeIntArray# a i v s of (# _, _ #) -> True
+ Arguably you should be able to discard this, since the
+ returned stat token is not used, but that relies on NEVER
+ inlining unsafePerformIO, and programmers sometimes write
+ this kind of stuff by hand (#9390). So we (conservatively)
+ never discard a has_side_effects primop.
+ However, it's fine to discard a can_fail primop. For example
+ case (indexIntArray# a i) of _ -> True
+ We can discard indexIntArray#; it has can_fail, but not
+ has_side_effects; see #5658 which was all about this.
+ Notice that indexIntArray# is (in a more general handling of
+ effects) read effect, but we don't care about that here, and
+ treat read effects as *not* has_side_effects.
+ Similarly (a `/#` b) can be discarded. It can seg-fault or
+ cause a hardware exception, but not a synchronous Haskell
+ exception.
+ Synchronous Haskell exceptions, e.g. from raiseIO#, are treated
+ as has_side_effects and hence are not discarded.
+* Float in. You can float a can_fail or has_side_effects primop
+ *inwards*, but not inside a lambda (see Duplication below).
+* Float out. You must not float a can_fail primop *outwards* lest
+ you escape the dynamic scope of the test. Example:
+ case d ># 0# of
+ True -> case x /# d of r -> r +# 1
+ False -> 0
+ Here we must not float the case outwards to give
+ case x/# d of r ->
+ case d ># 0# of
+ True -> r +# 1
+ False -> 0
+ Nor can you float out a has_side_effects primop. For example:
+ if blah then case writeMutVar# v True s0 of (# s1 #) -> s1
+ else s0
+ Notice that s0 is mentioned in both branches of the 'if', but
+ only one of these two will actually be consumed. But if we
+ float out to
+ case writeMutVar# v True s0 of (# s1 #) ->
+ if blah then s1 else s0
+ the writeMutVar will be performed in both branches, which is
+ utterly wrong.
+* Duplication. You cannot duplicate a has_side_effect primop. You
+ might wonder how this can occur given the state token threading, but
+ just look at Control.Monad.ST.Lazy.Imp.strictToLazy! We get
+ something like this
+ p = case readMutVar# s v of
+ (# s', r #) -> (S# s', r)
+ s' = case p of (s', r) -> s'
+ r = case p of (s', r) -> r
+ (All these bindings are boxed.) If we inline p at its two call
+ sites, we get a catastrophe: because the read is performed once when
+ s' is demanded, and once when 'r' is demanded, which may be much
+ later. Utterly wrong. #3207 is real example of this happening.
+ However, it's fine to duplicate a can_fail primop. That is really
+ the only difference between can_fail and has_side_effects.
+Note [Implementation: how can_fail/has_side_effects affect transformations]
+How do we ensure that that floating/duplication/discarding are done right
+in the simplifier?
+Two main predicates on primpops test these flags:
+ primOpOkForSideEffects <=> not has_side_effects
+ primOpOkForSpeculation <=> not (has_side_effects || can_fail)
+ * The "no-float-out" thing is achieved by ensuring that we never
+ let-bind a can_fail or has_side_effects primop. The RHS of a
+ let-binding (which can float in and out freely) satisfies
+ exprOkForSpeculation; this is the let/app invariant. And
+ exprOkForSpeculation is false of can_fail and has_side_effects.
+ * So can_fail and has_side_effects primops will appear only as the
+ scrutinees of cases, and that's why the FloatIn pass is capable
+ of floating case bindings inwards.
+ * The no-duplicate thing is done via primOpIsCheap, by making
+ has_side_effects things (very very very) not-cheap!
+primOpHasSideEffects :: PrimOp -> Bool
+#include "primop-has-side-effects.hs-incl"
+primOpCanFail :: PrimOp -> Bool
+#include "primop-can-fail.hs-incl"
+primOpOkForSpeculation :: PrimOp -> Bool
+ -- See Note [PrimOp can_fail and has_side_effects]
+ -- See comments with GHC.Core.Utils.exprOkForSpeculation
+ -- primOpOkForSpeculation => primOpOkForSideEffects
+primOpOkForSpeculation op
+ = primOpOkForSideEffects op
+ && not (primOpOutOfLine op || primOpCanFail op)
+ -- I think the "out of line" test is because out of line things can
+ -- be expensive (eg sine, cosine), and so we may not want to speculate them
+primOpOkForSideEffects :: PrimOp -> Bool
+primOpOkForSideEffects op
+ = not (primOpHasSideEffects op)
+Note [primOpIsCheap]
+@primOpIsCheap@, as used in GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Utils. For now (HACK
+WARNING), we just borrow some other predicates for a
+what-should-be-good-enough test. "Cheap" means willing to call it more
+than once, and/or push it inside a lambda. The latter could change the
+behaviour of 'seq' for primops that can fail, so we don't treat them as cheap.
+primOpIsCheap :: PrimOp -> Bool
+-- See Note [PrimOp can_fail and has_side_effects]
+primOpIsCheap op = primOpOkForSpeculation op
+-- In March 2001, we changed this to
+-- primOpIsCheap op = False
+-- thereby making *no* primops seem cheap. But this killed eta
+-- expansion on case (x ==# y) of True -> \s -> ...
+-- which is bad. In particular a loop like
+-- doLoop n = loop 0
+-- where
+-- loop i | i == n = return ()
+-- | otherwise = bar i >> loop (i+1)
+-- allocated a closure every time round because it doesn't eta expand.
+-- The problem that originally gave rise to the change was
+-- let x = a +# b *# c in x +# x
+-- were we don't want to inline x. But primopIsCheap doesn't control
+-- that (it's exprIsDupable that does) so the problem doesn't occur
+-- even if primOpIsCheap sometimes says 'True'.
+* *
+ PrimOp code size
+* *
+Gives an indication of the code size of a primop, for the purposes of
+calculating unfolding sizes; see GHC.Core.Unfold.sizeExpr.
+primOpCodeSize :: PrimOp -> Int
+#include "primop-code-size.hs-incl"
+primOpCodeSizeDefault :: Int
+primOpCodeSizeDefault = 1
+ -- GHC.Core.Unfold.primOpSize already takes into account primOpOutOfLine
+ -- and adds some further costs for the args in that case.
+primOpCodeSizeForeignCall :: Int
+primOpCodeSizeForeignCall = 4
+* *
+ PrimOp types
+* *
+primOpType :: PrimOp -> Type -- you may want to use primOpSig instead
+primOpType op
+ = case primOpInfo op of
+ Dyadic _occ ty -> dyadic_fun_ty ty
+ Monadic _occ ty -> monadic_fun_ty ty
+ Compare _occ ty -> compare_fun_ty ty
+ GenPrimOp _occ tyvars arg_tys res_ty ->
+ mkSpecForAllTys tyvars (mkVisFunTys arg_tys res_ty)
+primOpOcc :: PrimOp -> OccName
+primOpOcc op = case primOpInfo op of
+ Dyadic occ _ -> occ
+ Monadic occ _ -> occ
+ Compare occ _ -> occ
+ GenPrimOp occ _ _ _ -> occ
+{- Note [Primop wrappers]
+Previously hasNoBinding would claim that PrimOpIds didn't have a curried
+function definition. This caused quite some trouble as we would be forced to
+eta expand unsaturated primop applications very late in the Core pipeline. Not
+only would this produce unnecessary thunks, but it would also result in nasty
+inconsistencies in CAFfy-ness determinations (see #16846 and
+Note [CAFfyness inconsistencies due to late eta expansion] in GHC.Iface.Tidy).
+However, it was quite unnecessary for hasNoBinding to claim this; primops in
+fact *do* have curried definitions which are found in GHC.PrimopWrappers, which
+is auto-generated by utils/genprimops from prelude/primops.txt.pp. These wrappers
+are standard Haskell functions mirroring the types of the primops they wrap.
+For instance, in the case of plusInt# we would have:
+ module GHC.PrimopWrappers where
+ import GHC.Prim as P
+ plusInt# a b = P.plusInt# a b
+We now take advantage of these curried definitions by letting hasNoBinding
+claim that PrimOpIds have a curried definition and then rewrite any unsaturated
+PrimOpId applications that we find during CoreToStg as applications of the
+associated wrapper (e.g. `GHC.Prim.plusInt# 3#` will get rewritten to
+`GHC.PrimopWrappers.plusInt# 3#`).` The Id of the wrapper for a primop can be
+found using 'PrimOp.primOpWrapperId'.
+Nota Bene: GHC.PrimopWrappers is needed *regardless*, because it's
+used by GHCi, which does not implement primops direct at all.
+-- | Returns the 'Id' of the wrapper associated with the given 'PrimOp'.
+-- See Note [Primop wrappers].
+primOpWrapperId :: PrimOp -> Id
+primOpWrapperId op = mkVanillaGlobalWithInfo name ty info
+ where
+ info = setCafInfo vanillaIdInfo NoCafRefs
+ name = mkExternalName uniq gHC_PRIMOPWRAPPERS (primOpOcc op) wiredInSrcSpan
+ uniq = mkPrimOpWrapperUnique (primOpTag op)
+ ty = primOpType op
+isComparisonPrimOp :: PrimOp -> Bool
+isComparisonPrimOp op = case primOpInfo op of
+ Compare {} -> True
+ _ -> False
+-- primOpSig is like primOpType but gives the result split apart:
+-- (type variables, argument types, result type)
+-- It also gives arity, strictness info
+primOpSig :: PrimOp -> ([TyVar], [Type], Type, Arity, StrictSig)
+primOpSig op
+ = (tyvars, arg_tys, res_ty, arity, primOpStrictness op arity)
+ where
+ arity = length arg_tys
+ (tyvars, arg_tys, res_ty)
+ = case (primOpInfo op) of
+ Monadic _occ ty -> ([], [ty], ty )
+ Dyadic _occ ty -> ([], [ty,ty], ty )
+ Compare _occ ty -> ([], [ty,ty], intPrimTy)
+ GenPrimOp _occ tyvars arg_tys res_ty -> (tyvars, arg_tys, res_ty )
+data PrimOpResultInfo
+ = ReturnsPrim PrimRep
+ | ReturnsAlg TyCon
+-- Some PrimOps need not return a manifest primitive or algebraic value
+-- (i.e. they might return a polymorphic value). These PrimOps *must*
+-- be out of line, or the code generator won't work.
+getPrimOpResultInfo :: PrimOp -> PrimOpResultInfo
+getPrimOpResultInfo op
+ = case (primOpInfo op) of
+ Dyadic _ ty -> ReturnsPrim (typePrimRep1 ty)
+ Monadic _ ty -> ReturnsPrim (typePrimRep1 ty)
+ Compare _ _ -> ReturnsPrim (tyConPrimRep1 intPrimTyCon)
+ GenPrimOp _ _ _ ty | isPrimTyCon tc -> ReturnsPrim (tyConPrimRep1 tc)
+ | otherwise -> ReturnsAlg tc
+ where
+ tc = tyConAppTyCon ty
+ -- All primops return a tycon-app result
+ -- The tycon can be an unboxed tuple or sum, though,
+ -- which gives rise to a ReturnAlg
+We do not currently make use of whether primops are commutable.
+We used to try to move constants to the right hand side for strength
+commutableOp :: PrimOp -> Bool
+#include "primop-commutable.hs-incl"
+-- Utils:
+dyadic_fun_ty, monadic_fun_ty, compare_fun_ty :: Type -> Type
+dyadic_fun_ty ty = mkVisFunTys [ty, ty] ty
+monadic_fun_ty ty = mkVisFunTy ty ty
+compare_fun_ty ty = mkVisFunTys [ty, ty] intPrimTy
+-- Output stuff:
+pprPrimOp :: PrimOp -> SDoc
+pprPrimOp other_op = pprOccName (primOpOcc other_op)
+* *
+\subsubsection[PrimCall]{User-imported primitive calls}
+* *
+data PrimCall = PrimCall CLabelString UnitId
+instance Outputable PrimCall where
+ ppr (PrimCall lbl pkgId)
+ = text "__primcall" <+> ppr pkgId <+> ppr lbl
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Builtin/PrimOps.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/PrimOps.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9f913f602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/PrimOps.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module GHC.Builtin.PrimOps where
+import GhcPrelude ()
+data PrimOp
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types.hs b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e4ba28b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1690 @@
+(c) The GRASP Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1998
+Wired-in knowledge about {\em non-primitive} types
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+-- | This module is about types that can be defined in Haskell, but which
+-- must be wired into the compiler nonetheless. C.f module GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
+module GHC.Builtin.Types (
+ -- * Helper functions defined here
+ mkWiredInTyConName, -- This is used in GHC.Builtin.Types.Literals to define the
+ -- built-in functions for evaluation.
+ mkWiredInIdName, -- used in GHC.Types.Id.Make
+ -- * All wired in things
+ wiredInTyCons, isBuiltInOcc_maybe,
+ -- * Bool
+ boolTy, boolTyCon, boolTyCon_RDR, boolTyConName,
+ trueDataCon, trueDataConId, true_RDR,
+ falseDataCon, falseDataConId, false_RDR,
+ promotedFalseDataCon, promotedTrueDataCon,
+ -- * Ordering
+ orderingTyCon,
+ ordLTDataCon, ordLTDataConId,
+ ordEQDataCon, ordEQDataConId,
+ ordGTDataCon, ordGTDataConId,
+ promotedLTDataCon, promotedEQDataCon, promotedGTDataCon,
+ -- * Boxing primitive types
+ boxingDataCon_maybe,
+ -- * Char
+ charTyCon, charDataCon, charTyCon_RDR,
+ charTy, stringTy, charTyConName,
+ -- * Double
+ doubleTyCon, doubleDataCon, doubleTy, doubleTyConName,
+ -- * Float
+ floatTyCon, floatDataCon, floatTy, floatTyConName,
+ -- * Int
+ intTyCon, intDataCon, intTyCon_RDR, intDataCon_RDR, intTyConName,
+ intTy,
+ -- * Word
+ wordTyCon, wordDataCon, wordTyConName, wordTy,
+ -- * Word8
+ word8TyCon, word8DataCon, word8TyConName, word8Ty,
+ -- * List
+ listTyCon, listTyCon_RDR, listTyConName, listTyConKey,
+ nilDataCon, nilDataConName, nilDataConKey,
+ consDataCon_RDR, consDataCon, consDataConName,
+ promotedNilDataCon, promotedConsDataCon,
+ mkListTy, mkPromotedListTy,
+ -- * Maybe
+ maybeTyCon, maybeTyConName,
+ nothingDataCon, nothingDataConName, promotedNothingDataCon,
+ justDataCon, justDataConName, promotedJustDataCon,
+ -- * Tuples
+ mkTupleTy, mkTupleTy1, mkBoxedTupleTy, mkTupleStr,
+ tupleTyCon, tupleDataCon, tupleTyConName,
+ promotedTupleDataCon,
+ unitTyCon, unitDataCon, unitDataConId, unitTy, unitTyConKey,
+ pairTyCon,
+ unboxedUnitTyCon, unboxedUnitDataCon,
+ unboxedTupleKind, unboxedSumKind,
+ -- ** Constraint tuples
+ cTupleTyConName, cTupleTyConNames, isCTupleTyConName,
+ cTupleTyConNameArity_maybe,
+ cTupleDataConName, cTupleDataConNames,
+ -- * Any
+ anyTyCon, anyTy, anyTypeOfKind,
+ -- * Recovery TyCon
+ makeRecoveryTyCon,
+ -- * Sums
+ mkSumTy, sumTyCon, sumDataCon,
+ -- * Kinds
+ typeNatKindCon, typeNatKind, typeSymbolKindCon, typeSymbolKind,
+ isLiftedTypeKindTyConName, liftedTypeKind,
+ typeToTypeKind, constraintKind,
+ liftedTypeKindTyCon, constraintKindTyCon, constraintKindTyConName,
+ liftedTypeKindTyConName,
+ -- * Equality predicates
+ heqTyCon, heqTyConName, heqClass, heqDataCon,
+ eqTyCon, eqTyConName, eqClass, eqDataCon, eqTyCon_RDR,
+ coercibleTyCon, coercibleTyConName, coercibleDataCon, coercibleClass,
+ -- * RuntimeRep and friends
+ runtimeRepTyCon, vecCountTyCon, vecElemTyCon,
+ runtimeRepTy, liftedRepTy, liftedRepDataCon, liftedRepDataConTyCon,
+ vecRepDataConTyCon, tupleRepDataConTyCon, sumRepDataConTyCon,
+ liftedRepDataConTy, unliftedRepDataConTy,
+ intRepDataConTy,
+ int8RepDataConTy, int16RepDataConTy, int32RepDataConTy, int64RepDataConTy,
+ wordRepDataConTy,
+ word8RepDataConTy, word16RepDataConTy, word32RepDataConTy, word64RepDataConTy,
+ addrRepDataConTy,
+ floatRepDataConTy, doubleRepDataConTy,
+ vec2DataConTy, vec4DataConTy, vec8DataConTy, vec16DataConTy, vec32DataConTy,
+ vec64DataConTy,
+ int8ElemRepDataConTy, int16ElemRepDataConTy, int32ElemRepDataConTy,
+ int64ElemRepDataConTy, word8ElemRepDataConTy, word16ElemRepDataConTy,
+ word32ElemRepDataConTy, word64ElemRepDataConTy, floatElemRepDataConTy,
+ doubleElemRepDataConTy
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Types.Id.Make ( mkDataConWorkId, mkDictSelId )
+-- friends:
+import GHC.Builtin.Names
+import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Builtin.Uniques
+-- others:
+import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Settings.Constants ( mAX_TUPLE_SIZE, mAX_CTUPLE_SIZE, mAX_SUM_SIZE )
+import GHC.Types.Module ( Module )
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Types.RepType
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.ConLike
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.Class ( Class, mkClass )
+import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
+import GHC.Types.Name as Name
+import GHC.Types.Name.Env ( NameEnv, mkNameEnv, lookupNameEnv, lookupNameEnv_NF )
+import GHC.Types.Name.Set ( NameSet, mkNameSet, elemNameSet )
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+import GHC.Types.ForeignCall
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc ( noSrcSpan )
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import Data.Array
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import Util
+import BooleanFormula ( mkAnd )
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
+import Data.List ( elemIndex )
+alpha_tyvar :: [TyVar]
+alpha_tyvar = [alphaTyVar]
+alpha_ty :: [Type]
+alpha_ty = [alphaTy]
+Note [Wiring in RuntimeRep]
+The RuntimeRep type (and friends) in GHC.Types has a bunch of constructors,
+making it a pain to wire in. To ease the pain somewhat, we use lists of
+the different bits, like Uniques, Names, DataCons. These lists must be
+kept in sync with each other. The rule is this: use the order as declared
+in GHC.Types. All places where such lists exist should contain a reference
+to this Note, so a search for this Note's name should find all the lists.
+See also Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep] in GHC.Types.RepType.
+* *
+\subsection{Wired in type constructors}
+* *
+If you change which things are wired in, make sure you change their
+names in GHC.Builtin.Names, so they use wTcQual, wDataQual, etc
+-- This list is used only to define GHC.Builtin.Utils.wiredInThings. That in turn
+-- is used to initialise the name environment carried around by the renamer.
+-- This means that if we look up the name of a TyCon (or its implicit binders)
+-- that occurs in this list that name will be assigned the wired-in key we
+-- define here.
+-- Because of their infinite nature, this list excludes tuples, Any and implicit
+-- parameter TyCons (see Note [Built-in syntax and the OrigNameCache]).
+-- See also Note [Known-key names]
+wiredInTyCons :: [TyCon]
+wiredInTyCons = [ -- Units are not treated like other tuples, because they
+ -- are defined in GHC.Base, and there's only a few of them. We
+ -- put them in wiredInTyCons so that they will pre-populate
+ -- the name cache, so the parser in isBuiltInOcc_maybe doesn't
+ -- need to look out for them.
+ unitTyCon
+ , unboxedUnitTyCon
+ , anyTyCon
+ , boolTyCon
+ , charTyCon
+ , doubleTyCon
+ , floatTyCon
+ , intTyCon
+ , wordTyCon
+ , word8TyCon
+ , listTyCon
+ , maybeTyCon
+ , heqTyCon
+ , eqTyCon
+ , coercibleTyCon
+ , typeNatKindCon
+ , typeSymbolKindCon
+ , runtimeRepTyCon
+ , vecCountTyCon
+ , vecElemTyCon
+ , constraintKindTyCon
+ , liftedTypeKindTyCon
+ ]
+mkWiredInTyConName :: BuiltInSyntax -> Module -> FastString -> Unique -> TyCon -> Name
+mkWiredInTyConName built_in modu fs unique tycon
+ = mkWiredInName modu (mkTcOccFS fs) unique
+ (ATyCon tycon) -- Relevant TyCon
+ built_in
+mkWiredInDataConName :: BuiltInSyntax -> Module -> FastString -> Unique -> DataCon -> Name
+mkWiredInDataConName built_in modu fs unique datacon
+ = mkWiredInName modu (mkDataOccFS fs) unique
+ (AConLike (RealDataCon datacon)) -- Relevant DataCon
+ built_in
+mkWiredInIdName :: Module -> FastString -> Unique -> Id -> Name
+mkWiredInIdName mod fs uniq id
+ = mkWiredInName mod (mkOccNameFS Name.varName fs) uniq (AnId id) UserSyntax
+-- See Note [Kind-changing of (~) and Coercible]
+-- in libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Types.hs
+eqTyConName, eqDataConName, eqSCSelIdName :: Name
+eqTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "~") eqTyConKey eqTyCon
+eqDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "Eq#") eqDataConKey eqDataCon
+eqSCSelIdName = mkWiredInIdName gHC_TYPES (fsLit "eq_sel") eqSCSelIdKey eqSCSelId
+{- Note [eqTyCon (~) is built-in syntax]
+The (~) type operator used in equality constraints (a~b) is considered built-in
+syntax. This has a few consequences:
+* The user is not allowed to define their own type constructors with this name:
+ ghci> class a ~ b
+ <interactive>:1:1: error: Illegal binding of built-in syntax: ~
+* Writing (a ~ b) does not require enabling -XTypeOperators. It does, however,
+ require -XGADTs or -XTypeFamilies.
+* The (~) type operator is always in scope. It doesn't need to be be imported,
+ and it cannot be hidden.
+* We have a bunch of special cases in the compiler to arrange all of the above.
+There's no particular reason for (~) to be special, but fixing this would be a
+breaking change.
+eqTyCon_RDR :: RdrName
+eqTyCon_RDR = nameRdrName eqTyConName
+-- See Note [Kind-changing of (~) and Coercible]
+-- in libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Types.hs
+heqTyConName, heqDataConName, heqSCSelIdName :: Name
+heqTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "~~") heqTyConKey heqTyCon
+heqDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "HEq#") heqDataConKey heqDataCon
+heqSCSelIdName = mkWiredInIdName gHC_TYPES (fsLit "heq_sel") heqSCSelIdKey heqSCSelId
+-- See Note [Kind-changing of (~) and Coercible] in libraries/ghc-prim/GHC/Types.hs
+coercibleTyConName, coercibleDataConName, coercibleSCSelIdName :: Name
+coercibleTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "Coercible") coercibleTyConKey coercibleTyCon
+coercibleDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "MkCoercible") coercibleDataConKey coercibleDataCon
+coercibleSCSelIdName = mkWiredInIdName gHC_TYPES (fsLit "coercible_sel") coercibleSCSelIdKey coercibleSCSelId
+charTyConName, charDataConName, intTyConName, intDataConName :: Name
+charTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "Char") charTyConKey charTyCon
+charDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "C#") charDataConKey charDataCon
+intTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "Int") intTyConKey intTyCon
+intDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "I#") intDataConKey intDataCon
+boolTyConName, falseDataConName, trueDataConName :: Name
+boolTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "Bool") boolTyConKey boolTyCon
+falseDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "False") falseDataConKey falseDataCon
+trueDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "True") trueDataConKey trueDataCon
+listTyConName, nilDataConName, consDataConName :: Name
+listTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName BuiltInSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "[]") listTyConKey listTyCon
+nilDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName BuiltInSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "[]") nilDataConKey nilDataCon
+consDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName BuiltInSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit ":") consDataConKey consDataCon
+maybeTyConName, nothingDataConName, justDataConName :: Name
+maybeTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_MAYBE (fsLit "Maybe")
+ maybeTyConKey maybeTyCon
+nothingDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_MAYBE (fsLit "Nothing")
+ nothingDataConKey nothingDataCon
+justDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_MAYBE (fsLit "Just")
+ justDataConKey justDataCon
+wordTyConName, wordDataConName, word8TyConName, word8DataConName :: Name
+wordTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "Word") wordTyConKey wordTyCon
+wordDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "W#") wordDataConKey wordDataCon
+word8TyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_WORD (fsLit "Word8") word8TyConKey word8TyCon
+word8DataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_WORD (fsLit "W8#") word8DataConKey word8DataCon
+floatTyConName, floatDataConName, doubleTyConName, doubleDataConName :: Name
+floatTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "Float") floatTyConKey floatTyCon
+floatDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "F#") floatDataConKey floatDataCon
+doubleTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "Double") doubleTyConKey doubleTyCon
+doubleDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "D#") doubleDataConKey doubleDataCon
+-- Any
+Note [Any types]
+The type constructor Any,
+ type family Any :: k where { }
+It has these properties:
+ * Note that 'Any' is kind polymorphic since in some program we may
+ need to use Any to fill in a type variable of some kind other than *
+ (see #959 for examples). Its kind is thus `forall k. k``.
+ * It is defined in module GHC.Types, and exported so that it is
+ available to users. For this reason it's treated like any other
+ wired-in type:
+ - has a fixed unique, anyTyConKey,
+ - lives in the global name cache
+ * It is a *closed* type family, with no instances. This means that
+ if ty :: '(k1, k2) we add a given coercion
+ g :: ty ~ (Fst ty, Snd ty)
+ If Any was a *data* type, then we'd get inconsistency because 'ty'
+ could be (Any '(k1,k2)) and then we'd have an equality with Any on
+ one side and '(,) on the other. See also #9097 and #9636.
+ * When instantiated at a lifted type it is inhabited by at least one value,
+ namely bottom
+ * You can safely coerce any /lifted/ type to Any, and back with unsafeCoerce.
+ * It does not claim to be a *data* type, and that's important for
+ the code generator, because the code gen may *enter* a data value
+ but never enters a function value.
+ * It is wired-in so we can easily refer to it where we don't have a name
+ environment (e.g. see Rules.matchRule for one example)
+ * If (Any k) is the type of a value, it must be a /lifted/ value. So
+ if we have (Any @(TYPE rr)) then rr must be 'LiftedRep. See
+ Note [TYPE and RuntimeRep] in GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim. This is a convenient
+ invariant, and makes isUnliftedTyCon well-defined; otherwise what
+ would (isUnliftedTyCon Any) be?
+It's used to instantiate un-constrained type variables after type checking. For
+example, 'length' has type
+ length :: forall a. [a] -> Int
+and the list datacon for the empty list has type
+ [] :: forall a. [a]
+In order to compose these two terms as @length []@ a type
+application is required, but there is no constraint on the
+choice. In this situation GHC uses 'Any',
+> length (Any *) ([] (Any *))
+Above, we print kinds explicitly, as if with --fprint-explicit-kinds.
+The Any tycon used to be quite magic, but we have since been able to
+implement it merely with an empty kind polymorphic type family. See #10886 for a
+bit of history.
+anyTyConName :: Name
+anyTyConName =
+ mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "Any") anyTyConKey anyTyCon
+anyTyCon :: TyCon
+anyTyCon = mkFamilyTyCon anyTyConName binders res_kind Nothing
+ (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon Nothing)
+ Nothing
+ NotInjective
+ where
+ binders@[kv] = mkTemplateKindTyConBinders [liftedTypeKind]
+ res_kind = mkTyVarTy (binderVar kv)
+anyTy :: Type
+anyTy = mkTyConTy anyTyCon
+anyTypeOfKind :: Kind -> Type
+anyTypeOfKind kind = mkTyConApp anyTyCon [kind]
+-- | Make a fake, recovery 'TyCon' from an existing one.
+-- Used when recovering from errors in type declarations
+makeRecoveryTyCon :: TyCon -> TyCon
+makeRecoveryTyCon tc
+ = mkTcTyCon (tyConName tc)
+ bndrs res_kind
+ noTcTyConScopedTyVars
+ True -- Fully generalised
+ flavour -- Keep old flavour
+ where
+ flavour = tyConFlavour tc
+ [kv] = mkTemplateKindVars [liftedTypeKind]
+ (bndrs, res_kind)
+ = case flavour of
+ PromotedDataConFlavour -> ([mkNamedTyConBinder Inferred kv], mkTyVarTy kv)
+ _ -> (tyConBinders tc, tyConResKind tc)
+ -- For data types we have already validated their kind, so it
+ -- makes sense to keep it. For promoted data constructors we haven't,
+ -- so we recover with kind (forall k. k). Otherwise consider
+ -- data T a where { MkT :: Show a => T a }
+ -- If T is for some reason invalid, we don't want to fall over
+ -- at (promoted) use-sites of MkT.
+-- Kinds
+typeNatKindConName, typeSymbolKindConName :: Name
+typeNatKindConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "Nat") typeNatKindConNameKey typeNatKindCon
+typeSymbolKindConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "Symbol") typeSymbolKindConNameKey typeSymbolKindCon
+constraintKindTyConName :: Name
+constraintKindTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "Constraint") constraintKindTyConKey constraintKindTyCon
+liftedTypeKindTyConName :: Name
+liftedTypeKindTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "Type") liftedTypeKindTyConKey liftedTypeKindTyCon
+runtimeRepTyConName, vecRepDataConName, tupleRepDataConName, sumRepDataConName :: Name
+runtimeRepTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "RuntimeRep") runtimeRepTyConKey runtimeRepTyCon
+vecRepDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "VecRep") vecRepDataConKey vecRepDataCon
+tupleRepDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "TupleRep") tupleRepDataConKey tupleRepDataCon
+sumRepDataConName = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "SumRep") sumRepDataConKey sumRepDataCon
+-- See Note [Wiring in RuntimeRep]
+runtimeRepSimpleDataConNames :: [Name]
+ = zipWith3Lazy mk_special_dc_name
+ [ fsLit "LiftedRep", fsLit "UnliftedRep"
+ , fsLit "IntRep"
+ , fsLit "Int8Rep", fsLit "Int16Rep", fsLit "Int32Rep", fsLit "Int64Rep"
+ , fsLit "WordRep"
+ , fsLit "Word8Rep", fsLit "Word16Rep", fsLit "Word32Rep", fsLit "Word64Rep"
+ , fsLit "AddrRep"
+ , fsLit "FloatRep", fsLit "DoubleRep"
+ ]
+ runtimeRepSimpleDataConKeys
+ runtimeRepSimpleDataCons
+vecCountTyConName :: Name
+vecCountTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "VecCount") vecCountTyConKey vecCountTyCon
+-- See Note [Wiring in RuntimeRep]
+vecCountDataConNames :: [Name]
+vecCountDataConNames = zipWith3Lazy mk_special_dc_name
+ [ fsLit "Vec2", fsLit "Vec4", fsLit "Vec8"
+ , fsLit "Vec16", fsLit "Vec32", fsLit "Vec64" ]
+ vecCountDataConKeys
+ vecCountDataCons
+vecElemTyConName :: Name
+vecElemTyConName = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES (fsLit "VecElem") vecElemTyConKey vecElemTyCon
+-- See Note [Wiring in RuntimeRep]
+vecElemDataConNames :: [Name]
+vecElemDataConNames = zipWith3Lazy mk_special_dc_name
+ [ fsLit "Int8ElemRep", fsLit "Int16ElemRep", fsLit "Int32ElemRep"
+ , fsLit "Int64ElemRep", fsLit "Word8ElemRep", fsLit "Word16ElemRep"
+ , fsLit "Word32ElemRep", fsLit "Word64ElemRep"
+ , fsLit "FloatElemRep", fsLit "DoubleElemRep" ]
+ vecElemDataConKeys
+ vecElemDataCons
+mk_special_dc_name :: FastString -> Unique -> DataCon -> Name
+mk_special_dc_name fs u dc = mkWiredInDataConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPES fs u dc
+boolTyCon_RDR, false_RDR, true_RDR, intTyCon_RDR, charTyCon_RDR,
+ intDataCon_RDR, listTyCon_RDR, consDataCon_RDR :: RdrName
+boolTyCon_RDR = nameRdrName boolTyConName
+false_RDR = nameRdrName falseDataConName
+true_RDR = nameRdrName trueDataConName
+intTyCon_RDR = nameRdrName intTyConName
+charTyCon_RDR = nameRdrName charTyConName
+intDataCon_RDR = nameRdrName intDataConName
+listTyCon_RDR = nameRdrName listTyConName
+consDataCon_RDR = nameRdrName consDataConName
+* *
+* *
+-- This function assumes that the types it creates have all parameters at
+-- Representational role, and that there is no kind polymorphism.
+pcTyCon :: Name -> Maybe CType -> [TyVar] -> [DataCon] -> TyCon
+pcTyCon name cType tyvars cons
+ = mkAlgTyCon name
+ (mkAnonTyConBinders VisArg tyvars)
+ liftedTypeKind
+ (map (const Representational) tyvars)
+ cType
+ [] -- No stupid theta
+ (mkDataTyConRhs cons)
+ (VanillaAlgTyCon (mkPrelTyConRepName name))
+ False -- Not in GADT syntax
+pcDataCon :: Name -> [TyVar] -> [Type] -> TyCon -> DataCon
+pcDataCon n univs = pcDataConWithFixity False n univs
+ [] -- no ex_tvs
+ univs -- the univs are precisely the user-written tyvars
+pcDataConWithFixity :: Bool -- ^ declared infix?
+ -> Name -- ^ datacon name
+ -> [TyVar] -- ^ univ tyvars
+ -> [TyCoVar] -- ^ ex tycovars
+ -> [TyCoVar] -- ^ user-written tycovars
+ -> [Type] -- ^ args
+ -> TyCon
+ -> DataCon
+pcDataConWithFixity infx n = pcDataConWithFixity' infx n (dataConWorkerUnique (nameUnique n))
+-- The Name's unique is the first of two free uniques;
+-- the first is used for the datacon itself,
+-- the second is used for the "worker name"
+-- To support this the mkPreludeDataConUnique function "allocates"
+-- one DataCon unique per pair of Ints.
+pcDataConWithFixity' :: Bool -> Name -> Unique -> RuntimeRepInfo
+ -> [TyVar] -> [TyCoVar] -> [TyCoVar]
+ -> [Type] -> TyCon -> DataCon
+-- The Name should be in the DataName name space; it's the name
+-- of the DataCon itself.
+-- if you try to wire-in a /GADT/ data constructor you will
+-- find it hard (we did). You will need wrapper and worker
+-- Names, a DataConBoxer, DataConRep, EqSpec, etc.
+-- Try hard not to wire-in GADT data types. You will live
+-- to regret doing so (we do).
+pcDataConWithFixity' declared_infix dc_name wrk_key rri
+ tyvars ex_tyvars user_tyvars arg_tys tycon
+ = data_con
+ where
+ tag_map = mkTyConTagMap tycon
+ -- This constructs the constructor Name to ConTag map once per
+ -- constructor, which is quadratic. It's OK here, because it's
+ -- only called for wired in data types that don't have a lot of
+ -- constructors. It's also likely that GHC will lift tag_map, since
+ -- we call pcDataConWithFixity' with static TyCons in the same module.
+ -- See Note [Constructor tag allocation] and #14657
+ data_con = mkDataCon dc_name declared_infix prom_info
+ (map (const no_bang) arg_tys)
+ [] -- No labelled fields
+ tyvars ex_tyvars
+ (mkTyCoVarBinders Specified user_tyvars)
+ [] -- No equality spec
+ [] -- No theta
+ arg_tys (mkTyConApp tycon (mkTyVarTys tyvars))
+ rri
+ tycon
+ (lookupNameEnv_NF tag_map dc_name)
+ [] -- No stupid theta
+ (mkDataConWorkId wrk_name data_con)
+ NoDataConRep -- Wired-in types are too simple to need wrappers
+ no_bang = HsSrcBang NoSourceText NoSrcUnpack NoSrcStrict
+ wrk_name = mkDataConWorkerName data_con wrk_key
+ prom_info = mkPrelTyConRepName dc_name
+mkDataConWorkerName :: DataCon -> Unique -> Name
+mkDataConWorkerName data_con wrk_key =
+ mkWiredInName modu wrk_occ wrk_key
+ (AnId (dataConWorkId data_con)) UserSyntax
+ where
+ modu = ASSERT( isExternalName dc_name )
+ nameModule dc_name
+ dc_name = dataConName data_con
+ dc_occ = nameOccName dc_name
+ wrk_occ = mkDataConWorkerOcc dc_occ
+-- used for RuntimeRep and friends
+pcSpecialDataCon :: Name -> [Type] -> TyCon -> RuntimeRepInfo -> DataCon
+pcSpecialDataCon dc_name arg_tys tycon rri
+ = pcDataConWithFixity' False dc_name (dataConWorkerUnique (nameUnique dc_name)) rri
+ [] [] [] arg_tys tycon
+* *
+ Kinds
+* *
+typeNatKindCon, typeSymbolKindCon :: TyCon
+-- data Nat
+-- data Symbol
+typeNatKindCon = pcTyCon typeNatKindConName Nothing [] []
+typeSymbolKindCon = pcTyCon typeSymbolKindConName Nothing [] []
+typeNatKind, typeSymbolKind :: Kind
+typeNatKind = mkTyConTy typeNatKindCon
+typeSymbolKind = mkTyConTy typeSymbolKindCon
+constraintKindTyCon :: TyCon
+-- 'TyCon.isConstraintKindCon' assumes that this is an AlgTyCon!
+constraintKindTyCon = pcTyCon constraintKindTyConName Nothing [] []
+liftedTypeKind, typeToTypeKind, constraintKind :: Kind
+liftedTypeKind = tYPE liftedRepTy
+typeToTypeKind = liftedTypeKind `mkVisFunTy` liftedTypeKind
+constraintKind = mkTyConApp constraintKindTyCon []
+* *
+ Stuff for dealing with tuples
+* *
+Note [How tuples work] See also Note [Known-key names] in GHC.Builtin.Names
+* There are three families of tuple TyCons and corresponding
+ DataCons, expressed by the type BasicTypes.TupleSort:
+ data TupleSort = BoxedTuple | UnboxedTuple | ConstraintTuple
+* All three families are AlgTyCons, whose AlgTyConRhs is TupleTyCon
+* BoxedTuples
+ - A wired-in type
+ - Data type declarations in GHC.Tuple
+ - The data constructors really have an info table
+* UnboxedTuples
+ - A wired-in type
+ - Have a pretend DataCon, defined in GHC.Prim,
+ but no actual declaration and no info table
+* ConstraintTuples
+ - Are known-key rather than wired-in. Reason: it's awkward to
+ have all the superclass selectors wired-in.
+ - Declared as classes in GHC.Classes, e.g.
+ class (c1,c2) => (c1,c2)
+ - Given constraints: the superclasses automatically become available
+ - Wanted constraints: there is a built-in instance
+ instance (c1,c2) => (c1,c2)
+ See GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.matchCTuple
+ - Currently just go up to 62; beyond that
+ you have to use manual nesting
+ - Their OccNames look like (%,,,%), so they can easily be
+ distinguished from term tuples. But (following Haskell) we
+ pretty-print saturated constraint tuples with round parens;
+ see BasicTypes.tupleParens.
+* In quite a lot of places things are restricted just to
+ BoxedTuple/UnboxedTuple, and then we used BasicTypes.Boxity to distinguish
+ E.g. tupleTyCon has a Boxity argument
+* When looking up an OccName in the original-name cache
+ (GHC.Iface.Env.lookupOrigNameCache), we spot the tuple OccName to make sure
+ we get the right wired-in name. This guy can't tell the difference
+ between BoxedTuple and ConstraintTuple (same OccName!), so tuples
+ are not serialised into interface files using OccNames at all.
+* Serialization to interface files works via the usual mechanism for known-key
+ things: instead of serializing the OccName we just serialize the key. During
+ deserialization we lookup the Name associated with the unique with the logic
+ in GHC.Builtin.Uniques. See Note [Symbol table representation of names] for details.
+Note [One-tuples]
+GHC supports both boxed and unboxed one-tuples:
+ - Unboxed one-tuples are sometimes useful when returning a
+ single value after CPR analysis
+ - A boxed one-tuple is used by GHC.HsToCore.Utils.mkSelectorBinds, when
+ there is just one binder
+Basically it keeps everything uniform.
+However the /naming/ of the type/data constructors for one-tuples is a
+bit odd:
+ 3-tuples: (,,) (,,)#
+ 2-tuples: (,) (,)#
+ 1-tuples: ??
+ 0-tuples: () ()#
+Zero-tuples have used up the logical name. So we use 'Unit' and 'Unit#'
+for one-tuples. So in ghc-prim:GHC.Tuple we see the declarations:
+ data () = ()
+ data Unit a = Unit a
+ data (a,b) = (a,b)
+There is no way to write a boxed one-tuple in Haskell, but it can be
+created in Template Haskell or in, e.g., `deriving` code. There is
+nothing special about one-tuples in Core; in particular, they have no
+custom pretty-printing, just using `Unit`.
+Note that there is *not* a unary constraint tuple, unlike for other forms of
+tuples. See [Ignore unary constraint tuples] in GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType for more
+See also Note [Flattening one-tuples] in GHC.Core.Make and
+Note [Don't flatten tuples from HsSyn] in GHC.Core.Make.
+-- | Built-in syntax isn't "in scope" so these OccNames map to wired-in Names
+-- with BuiltInSyntax. However, this should only be necessary while resolving
+-- names produced by Template Haskell splices since we take care to encode
+-- built-in syntax names specially in interface files. See
+-- Note [Symbol table representation of names].
+-- Moreover, there is no need to include names of things that the user can't
+-- write (e.g. type representation bindings like $tc(,,,)).
+isBuiltInOcc_maybe :: OccName -> Maybe Name
+isBuiltInOcc_maybe occ =
+ case name of
+ "[]" -> Just $ choose_ns listTyConName nilDataConName
+ ":" -> Just consDataConName
+ -- equality tycon
+ "~" -> Just eqTyConName
+ -- function tycon
+ "->" -> Just funTyConName
+ -- boxed tuple data/tycon
+ "()" -> Just $ tup_name Boxed 0
+ _ | Just rest <- "(" `BS.stripPrefix` name
+ , (commas, rest') <- BS.span (==',') rest
+ , ")" <- rest'
+ -> Just $ tup_name Boxed (1+BS.length commas)
+ -- unboxed tuple data/tycon
+ "(##)" -> Just $ tup_name Unboxed 0
+ "Unit#" -> Just $ tup_name Unboxed 1
+ _ | Just rest <- "(#" `BS.stripPrefix` name
+ , (commas, rest') <- BS.span (==',') rest
+ , "#)" <- rest'
+ -> Just $ tup_name Unboxed (1+BS.length commas)
+ -- unboxed sum tycon
+ _ | Just rest <- "(#" `BS.stripPrefix` name
+ , (pipes, rest') <- BS.span (=='|') rest
+ , "#)" <- rest'
+ -> Just $ tyConName $ sumTyCon (1+BS.length pipes)
+ -- unboxed sum datacon
+ _ | Just rest <- "(#" `BS.stripPrefix` name
+ , (pipes1, rest') <- BS.span (=='|') rest
+ , Just rest'' <- "_" `BS.stripPrefix` rest'
+ , (pipes2, rest''') <- BS.span (=='|') rest''
+ , "#)" <- rest'''
+ -> let arity = BS.length pipes1 + BS.length pipes2 + 1
+ alt = BS.length pipes1 + 1
+ in Just $ dataConName $ sumDataCon alt arity
+ _ -> Nothing
+ where
+ name = bytesFS $ occNameFS occ
+ choose_ns :: Name -> Name -> Name
+ choose_ns tc dc
+ | isTcClsNameSpace ns = tc
+ | isDataConNameSpace ns = dc
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "tup_name" (ppr occ)
+ where ns = occNameSpace occ
+ tup_name boxity arity
+ = choose_ns (getName (tupleTyCon boxity arity))
+ (getName (tupleDataCon boxity arity))
+mkTupleOcc :: NameSpace -> Boxity -> Arity -> OccName
+-- No need to cache these, the caching is done in mk_tuple
+mkTupleOcc ns Boxed ar = mkOccName ns (mkBoxedTupleStr ar)
+mkTupleOcc ns Unboxed ar = mkOccName ns (mkUnboxedTupleStr ar)
+mkCTupleOcc :: NameSpace -> Arity -> OccName
+mkCTupleOcc ns ar = mkOccName ns (mkConstraintTupleStr ar)
+mkTupleStr :: Boxity -> Arity -> String
+mkTupleStr Boxed = mkBoxedTupleStr
+mkTupleStr Unboxed = mkUnboxedTupleStr
+mkBoxedTupleStr :: Arity -> String
+mkBoxedTupleStr 0 = "()"
+mkBoxedTupleStr 1 = "Unit" -- See Note [One-tuples]
+mkBoxedTupleStr ar = '(' : commas ar ++ ")"
+mkUnboxedTupleStr :: Arity -> String
+mkUnboxedTupleStr 0 = "(##)"
+mkUnboxedTupleStr 1 = "Unit#" -- See Note [One-tuples]
+mkUnboxedTupleStr ar = "(#" ++ commas ar ++ "#)"
+mkConstraintTupleStr :: Arity -> String
+mkConstraintTupleStr 0 = "(%%)"
+mkConstraintTupleStr 1 = "Unit%" -- See Note [One-tuples]
+mkConstraintTupleStr ar = "(%" ++ commas ar ++ "%)"
+commas :: Arity -> String
+commas ar = take (ar-1) (repeat ',')
+cTupleTyConName :: Arity -> Name
+cTupleTyConName arity
+ = mkExternalName (mkCTupleTyConUnique arity) gHC_CLASSES
+ (mkCTupleOcc tcName arity) noSrcSpan
+cTupleTyConNames :: [Name]
+cTupleTyConNames = map cTupleTyConName (0 : [2..mAX_CTUPLE_SIZE])
+cTupleTyConNameSet :: NameSet
+cTupleTyConNameSet = mkNameSet cTupleTyConNames
+isCTupleTyConName :: Name -> Bool
+-- Use Type.isCTupleClass where possible
+isCTupleTyConName n
+ = ASSERT2( isExternalName n, ppr n )
+ nameModule n == gHC_CLASSES
+ && n `elemNameSet` cTupleTyConNameSet
+-- | If the given name is that of a constraint tuple, return its arity.
+-- Note that this is inefficient.
+cTupleTyConNameArity_maybe :: Name -> Maybe Arity
+cTupleTyConNameArity_maybe n
+ | not (isCTupleTyConName n) = Nothing
+ | otherwise = fmap adjustArity (n `elemIndex` cTupleTyConNames)
+ where
+ -- Since `cTupleTyConNames` jumps straight from the `0` to the `2`
+ -- case, we have to adjust accordingly our calculated arity.
+ adjustArity a = if a > 0 then a + 1 else a
+cTupleDataConName :: Arity -> Name
+cTupleDataConName arity
+ = mkExternalName (mkCTupleDataConUnique arity) gHC_CLASSES
+ (mkCTupleOcc dataName arity) noSrcSpan
+cTupleDataConNames :: [Name]
+cTupleDataConNames = map cTupleDataConName (0 : [2..mAX_CTUPLE_SIZE])
+tupleTyCon :: Boxity -> Arity -> TyCon
+tupleTyCon sort i | i > mAX_TUPLE_SIZE = fst (mk_tuple sort i) -- Build one specially
+tupleTyCon Boxed i = fst (boxedTupleArr ! i)
+tupleTyCon Unboxed i = fst (unboxedTupleArr ! i)
+tupleTyConName :: TupleSort -> Arity -> Name
+tupleTyConName ConstraintTuple a = cTupleTyConName a
+tupleTyConName BoxedTuple a = tyConName (tupleTyCon Boxed a)
+tupleTyConName UnboxedTuple a = tyConName (tupleTyCon Unboxed a)
+promotedTupleDataCon :: Boxity -> Arity -> TyCon
+promotedTupleDataCon boxity i = promoteDataCon (tupleDataCon boxity i)
+tupleDataCon :: Boxity -> Arity -> DataCon
+tupleDataCon sort i | i > mAX_TUPLE_SIZE = snd (mk_tuple sort i) -- Build one specially
+tupleDataCon Boxed i = snd (boxedTupleArr ! i)
+tupleDataCon Unboxed i = snd (unboxedTupleArr ! i)
+boxedTupleArr, unboxedTupleArr :: Array Int (TyCon,DataCon)
+boxedTupleArr = listArray (0,mAX_TUPLE_SIZE) [mk_tuple Boxed i | i <- [0..mAX_TUPLE_SIZE]]
+unboxedTupleArr = listArray (0,mAX_TUPLE_SIZE) [mk_tuple Unboxed i | i <- [0..mAX_TUPLE_SIZE]]
+-- | Given the TupleRep/SumRep tycon and list of RuntimeReps of the unboxed
+-- tuple/sum arguments, produces the return kind of an unboxed tuple/sum type
+-- constructor. @unboxedTupleSumKind [IntRep, LiftedRep] --> TYPE (TupleRep/SumRep
+-- [IntRep, LiftedRep])@
+unboxedTupleSumKind :: TyCon -> [Type] -> Kind
+unboxedTupleSumKind tc rr_tys
+ = tYPE (mkTyConApp tc [mkPromotedListTy runtimeRepTy rr_tys])
+-- | Specialization of 'unboxedTupleSumKind' for tuples
+unboxedTupleKind :: [Type] -> Kind
+unboxedTupleKind = unboxedTupleSumKind tupleRepDataConTyCon
+mk_tuple :: Boxity -> Int -> (TyCon,DataCon)
+mk_tuple Boxed arity = (tycon, tuple_con)
+ where
+ tycon = mkTupleTyCon tc_name tc_binders tc_res_kind tc_arity tuple_con
+ BoxedTuple flavour
+ tc_binders = mkTemplateAnonTyConBinders (replicate arity liftedTypeKind)
+ tc_res_kind = liftedTypeKind
+ tc_arity = arity
+ flavour = VanillaAlgTyCon (mkPrelTyConRepName tc_name)
+ dc_tvs = binderVars tc_binders
+ dc_arg_tys = mkTyVarTys dc_tvs
+ tuple_con = pcDataCon dc_name dc_tvs dc_arg_tys tycon
+ boxity = Boxed
+ modu = gHC_TUPLE
+ tc_name = mkWiredInName modu (mkTupleOcc tcName boxity arity) tc_uniq
+ (ATyCon tycon) BuiltInSyntax
+ dc_name = mkWiredInName modu (mkTupleOcc dataName boxity arity) dc_uniq
+ (AConLike (RealDataCon tuple_con)) BuiltInSyntax
+ tc_uniq = mkTupleTyConUnique boxity arity
+ dc_uniq = mkTupleDataConUnique boxity arity
+mk_tuple Unboxed arity = (tycon, tuple_con)
+ where
+ tycon = mkTupleTyCon tc_name tc_binders tc_res_kind tc_arity tuple_con
+ UnboxedTuple flavour
+ -- See Note [Unboxed tuple RuntimeRep vars] in GHC.Core.TyCon
+ -- Kind: forall (k1:RuntimeRep) (k2:RuntimeRep). TYPE k1 -> TYPE k2 -> #
+ tc_binders = mkTemplateTyConBinders (replicate arity runtimeRepTy)
+ (\ks -> map tYPE ks)
+ tc_res_kind = unboxedTupleKind rr_tys
+ tc_arity = arity * 2
+ flavour = UnboxedAlgTyCon $ Just (mkPrelTyConRepName tc_name)
+ dc_tvs = binderVars tc_binders
+ (rr_tys, dc_arg_tys) = splitAt arity (mkTyVarTys dc_tvs)
+ tuple_con = pcDataCon dc_name dc_tvs dc_arg_tys tycon
+ boxity = Unboxed
+ modu = gHC_PRIM
+ tc_name = mkWiredInName modu (mkTupleOcc tcName boxity arity) tc_uniq
+ (ATyCon tycon) BuiltInSyntax
+ dc_name = mkWiredInName modu (mkTupleOcc dataName boxity arity) dc_uniq
+ (AConLike (RealDataCon tuple_con)) BuiltInSyntax
+ tc_uniq = mkTupleTyConUnique boxity arity
+ dc_uniq = mkTupleDataConUnique boxity arity
+unitTyCon :: TyCon
+unitTyCon = tupleTyCon Boxed 0
+unitTyConKey :: Unique
+unitTyConKey = getUnique unitTyCon
+unitDataCon :: DataCon
+unitDataCon = head (tyConDataCons unitTyCon)
+unitDataConId :: Id
+unitDataConId = dataConWorkId unitDataCon
+pairTyCon :: TyCon
+pairTyCon = tupleTyCon Boxed 2
+unboxedUnitTyCon :: TyCon
+unboxedUnitTyCon = tupleTyCon Unboxed 0
+unboxedUnitDataCon :: DataCon
+unboxedUnitDataCon = tupleDataCon Unboxed 0
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Unboxed sums
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- | OccName for n-ary unboxed sum type constructor.
+mkSumTyConOcc :: Arity -> OccName
+mkSumTyConOcc n = mkOccName tcName str
+ where
+ -- No need to cache these, the caching is done in mk_sum
+ str = '(' : '#' : bars ++ "#)"
+ bars = replicate (n-1) '|'
+-- | OccName for i-th alternative of n-ary unboxed sum data constructor.
+mkSumDataConOcc :: ConTag -> Arity -> OccName
+mkSumDataConOcc alt n = mkOccName dataName str
+ where
+ -- No need to cache these, the caching is done in mk_sum
+ str = '(' : '#' : bars alt ++ '_' : bars (n - alt - 1) ++ "#)"
+ bars i = replicate i '|'
+-- | Type constructor for n-ary unboxed sum.
+sumTyCon :: Arity -> TyCon
+sumTyCon arity
+ | arity > mAX_SUM_SIZE
+ = fst (mk_sum arity) -- Build one specially
+ | arity < 2
+ = panic ("sumTyCon: Arity starts from 2. (arity: " ++ show arity ++ ")")
+ | otherwise
+ = fst (unboxedSumArr ! arity)
+-- | Data constructor for i-th alternative of a n-ary unboxed sum.
+sumDataCon :: ConTag -- Alternative
+ -> Arity -- Arity
+ -> DataCon
+sumDataCon alt arity
+ | alt > arity
+ = panic ("sumDataCon: index out of bounds: alt: "
+ ++ show alt ++ " > arity " ++ show arity)
+ | alt <= 0
+ = panic ("sumDataCon: Alts start from 1. (alt: " ++ show alt
+ ++ ", arity: " ++ show arity ++ ")")
+ | arity < 2
+ = panic ("sumDataCon: Arity starts from 2. (alt: " ++ show alt
+ ++ ", arity: " ++ show arity ++ ")")
+ | arity > mAX_SUM_SIZE
+ = snd (mk_sum arity) ! (alt - 1) -- Build one specially
+ | otherwise
+ = snd (unboxedSumArr ! arity) ! (alt - 1)
+-- | Cached type and data constructors for sums. The outer array is
+-- indexed by the arity of the sum and the inner array is indexed by
+-- the alternative.
+unboxedSumArr :: Array Int (TyCon, Array Int DataCon)
+unboxedSumArr = listArray (2,mAX_SUM_SIZE) [mk_sum i | i <- [2..mAX_SUM_SIZE]]
+-- | Specialization of 'unboxedTupleSumKind' for sums
+unboxedSumKind :: [Type] -> Kind
+unboxedSumKind = unboxedTupleSumKind sumRepDataConTyCon
+-- | Create type constructor and data constructors for n-ary unboxed sum.
+mk_sum :: Arity -> (TyCon, Array ConTagZ DataCon)
+mk_sum arity = (tycon, sum_cons)
+ where
+ tycon = mkSumTyCon tc_name tc_binders tc_res_kind (arity * 2) tyvars (elems sum_cons)
+ (UnboxedAlgTyCon rep_name)
+ -- Unboxed sums are currently not Typeable due to efficiency concerns. See #13276.
+ rep_name = Nothing -- Just $ mkPrelTyConRepName tc_name
+ tc_binders = mkTemplateTyConBinders (replicate arity runtimeRepTy)
+ (\ks -> map tYPE ks)
+ tyvars = binderVars tc_binders
+ tc_res_kind = unboxedSumKind rr_tys
+ (rr_tys, tyvar_tys) = splitAt arity (mkTyVarTys tyvars)
+ tc_name = mkWiredInName gHC_PRIM (mkSumTyConOcc arity) tc_uniq
+ (ATyCon tycon) BuiltInSyntax
+ sum_cons = listArray (0,arity-1) [sum_con i | i <- [0..arity-1]]
+ sum_con i = let dc = pcDataCon dc_name
+ tyvars -- univ tyvars
+ [tyvar_tys !! i] -- arg types
+ tycon
+ dc_name = mkWiredInName gHC_PRIM
+ (mkSumDataConOcc i arity)
+ (dc_uniq i)
+ (AConLike (RealDataCon dc))
+ BuiltInSyntax
+ in dc
+ tc_uniq = mkSumTyConUnique arity
+ dc_uniq i = mkSumDataConUnique i arity
+* *
+ Equality types and classes
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- See Note [The equality types story] in GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
+-- ((~~) :: forall k1 k2 (a :: k1) (b :: k2). a -> b -> Constraint)
+-- It's tempting to put functional dependencies on (~~), but it's not
+-- necessary because the functional-dependency coverage check looks
+-- through superclasses, and (~#) is handled in that check.
+eqTyCon, heqTyCon, coercibleTyCon :: TyCon
+eqClass, heqClass, coercibleClass :: Class
+eqDataCon, heqDataCon, coercibleDataCon :: DataCon
+eqSCSelId, heqSCSelId, coercibleSCSelId :: Id
+(eqTyCon, eqClass, eqDataCon, eqSCSelId)
+ = (tycon, klass, datacon, sc_sel_id)
+ where
+ tycon = mkClassTyCon eqTyConName binders roles
+ rhs klass
+ (mkPrelTyConRepName eqTyConName)
+ klass = mk_class tycon sc_pred sc_sel_id
+ datacon = pcDataCon eqDataConName tvs [sc_pred] tycon
+ -- Kind: forall k. k -> k -> Constraint
+ binders = mkTemplateTyConBinders [liftedTypeKind] (\[k] -> [k,k])
+ roles = [Nominal, Nominal, Nominal]
+ rhs = mkDataTyConRhs [datacon]
+ tvs@[k,a,b] = binderVars binders
+ sc_pred = mkTyConApp eqPrimTyCon (mkTyVarTys [k,k,a,b])
+ sc_sel_id = mkDictSelId eqSCSelIdName klass
+(heqTyCon, heqClass, heqDataCon, heqSCSelId)
+ = (tycon, klass, datacon, sc_sel_id)
+ where
+ tycon = mkClassTyCon heqTyConName binders roles
+ rhs klass
+ (mkPrelTyConRepName heqTyConName)
+ klass = mk_class tycon sc_pred sc_sel_id
+ datacon = pcDataCon heqDataConName tvs [sc_pred] tycon
+ -- Kind: forall k1 k2. k1 -> k2 -> Constraint
+ binders = mkTemplateTyConBinders [liftedTypeKind, liftedTypeKind] id
+ roles = [Nominal, Nominal, Nominal, Nominal]
+ rhs = mkDataTyConRhs [datacon]
+ tvs = binderVars binders
+ sc_pred = mkTyConApp eqPrimTyCon (mkTyVarTys tvs)
+ sc_sel_id = mkDictSelId heqSCSelIdName klass
+(coercibleTyCon, coercibleClass, coercibleDataCon, coercibleSCSelId)
+ = (tycon, klass, datacon, sc_sel_id)
+ where
+ tycon = mkClassTyCon coercibleTyConName binders roles
+ rhs klass
+ (mkPrelTyConRepName coercibleTyConName)
+ klass = mk_class tycon sc_pred sc_sel_id
+ datacon = pcDataCon coercibleDataConName tvs [sc_pred] tycon
+ -- Kind: forall k. k -> k -> Constraint
+ binders = mkTemplateTyConBinders [liftedTypeKind] (\[k] -> [k,k])
+ roles = [Nominal, Representational, Representational]
+ rhs = mkDataTyConRhs [datacon]
+ tvs@[k,a,b] = binderVars binders
+ sc_pred = mkTyConApp eqReprPrimTyCon (mkTyVarTys [k, k, a, b])
+ sc_sel_id = mkDictSelId coercibleSCSelIdName klass
+mk_class :: TyCon -> PredType -> Id -> Class
+mk_class tycon sc_pred sc_sel_id
+ = mkClass (tyConName tycon) (tyConTyVars tycon) [] [sc_pred] [sc_sel_id]
+ [] [] (mkAnd []) tycon
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Kinds and RuntimeRep
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+-- For information about the usage of the following type,
+-- see Note [TYPE and RuntimeRep] in module GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
+runtimeRepTy :: Type
+runtimeRepTy = mkTyConTy runtimeRepTyCon
+-- Type synonyms; see Note [TYPE and RuntimeRep] in GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
+-- type Type = tYPE 'LiftedRep
+liftedTypeKindTyCon :: TyCon
+liftedTypeKindTyCon = buildSynTyCon liftedTypeKindTyConName
+ [] liftedTypeKind []
+ (tYPE liftedRepTy)
+runtimeRepTyCon :: TyCon
+runtimeRepTyCon = pcTyCon runtimeRepTyConName Nothing []
+ (vecRepDataCon : tupleRepDataCon :
+ sumRepDataCon : runtimeRepSimpleDataCons)
+vecRepDataCon :: DataCon
+vecRepDataCon = pcSpecialDataCon vecRepDataConName [ mkTyConTy vecCountTyCon
+ , mkTyConTy vecElemTyCon ]
+ runtimeRepTyCon
+ (RuntimeRep prim_rep_fun)
+ where
+ -- See Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep] in GHC.Types.RepType
+ prim_rep_fun [count, elem]
+ | VecCount n <- tyConRuntimeRepInfo (tyConAppTyCon count)
+ , VecElem e <- tyConRuntimeRepInfo (tyConAppTyCon elem)
+ = [VecRep n e]
+ prim_rep_fun args
+ = pprPanic "vecRepDataCon" (ppr args)
+vecRepDataConTyCon :: TyCon
+vecRepDataConTyCon = promoteDataCon vecRepDataCon
+tupleRepDataCon :: DataCon
+tupleRepDataCon = pcSpecialDataCon tupleRepDataConName [ mkListTy runtimeRepTy ]
+ runtimeRepTyCon (RuntimeRep prim_rep_fun)
+ where
+ -- See Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep] in GHC.Types.RepType
+ prim_rep_fun [rr_ty_list]
+ = concatMap (runtimeRepPrimRep doc) rr_tys
+ where
+ rr_tys = extractPromotedList rr_ty_list
+ doc = text "tupleRepDataCon" <+> ppr rr_tys
+ prim_rep_fun args
+ = pprPanic "tupleRepDataCon" (ppr args)
+tupleRepDataConTyCon :: TyCon
+tupleRepDataConTyCon = promoteDataCon tupleRepDataCon
+sumRepDataCon :: DataCon
+sumRepDataCon = pcSpecialDataCon sumRepDataConName [ mkListTy runtimeRepTy ]
+ runtimeRepTyCon (RuntimeRep prim_rep_fun)
+ where
+ -- See Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep] in GHC.Types.RepType
+ prim_rep_fun [rr_ty_list]
+ = map slotPrimRep (ubxSumRepType prim_repss)
+ where
+ rr_tys = extractPromotedList rr_ty_list
+ doc = text "sumRepDataCon" <+> ppr rr_tys
+ prim_repss = map (runtimeRepPrimRep doc) rr_tys
+ prim_rep_fun args
+ = pprPanic "sumRepDataCon" (ppr args)
+sumRepDataConTyCon :: TyCon
+sumRepDataConTyCon = promoteDataCon sumRepDataCon
+-- See Note [Wiring in RuntimeRep]
+-- See Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep] in GHC.Types.RepType
+runtimeRepSimpleDataCons :: [DataCon]
+liftedRepDataCon :: DataCon
+runtimeRepSimpleDataCons@(liftedRepDataCon : _)
+ = zipWithLazy mk_runtime_rep_dc
+ [ LiftedRep, UnliftedRep
+ , IntRep
+ , Int8Rep, Int16Rep, Int32Rep, Int64Rep
+ , WordRep
+ , Word8Rep, Word16Rep, Word32Rep, Word64Rep
+ , AddrRep
+ , FloatRep, DoubleRep
+ ]
+ runtimeRepSimpleDataConNames
+ where
+ mk_runtime_rep_dc primrep name
+ = pcSpecialDataCon name [] runtimeRepTyCon (RuntimeRep (\_ -> [primrep]))
+-- See Note [Wiring in RuntimeRep]
+liftedRepDataConTy, unliftedRepDataConTy,
+ intRepDataConTy,
+ int8RepDataConTy, int16RepDataConTy, int32RepDataConTy, int64RepDataConTy,
+ wordRepDataConTy,
+ word8RepDataConTy, word16RepDataConTy, word32RepDataConTy, word64RepDataConTy,
+ addrRepDataConTy,
+ floatRepDataConTy, doubleRepDataConTy :: Type
+[liftedRepDataConTy, unliftedRepDataConTy,
+ intRepDataConTy,
+ int8RepDataConTy, int16RepDataConTy, int32RepDataConTy, int64RepDataConTy,
+ wordRepDataConTy,
+ word8RepDataConTy, word16RepDataConTy, word32RepDataConTy, word64RepDataConTy,
+ addrRepDataConTy,
+ floatRepDataConTy, doubleRepDataConTy
+ ]
+ = map (mkTyConTy . promoteDataCon) runtimeRepSimpleDataCons
+vecCountTyCon :: TyCon
+vecCountTyCon = pcTyCon vecCountTyConName Nothing [] vecCountDataCons
+-- See Note [Wiring in RuntimeRep]
+vecCountDataCons :: [DataCon]
+vecCountDataCons = zipWithLazy mk_vec_count_dc
+ [ 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 ]
+ vecCountDataConNames
+ where
+ mk_vec_count_dc n name
+ = pcSpecialDataCon name [] vecCountTyCon (VecCount n)
+-- See Note [Wiring in RuntimeRep]
+vec2DataConTy, vec4DataConTy, vec8DataConTy, vec16DataConTy, vec32DataConTy,
+ vec64DataConTy :: Type
+[vec2DataConTy, vec4DataConTy, vec8DataConTy, vec16DataConTy, vec32DataConTy,
+ vec64DataConTy] = map (mkTyConTy . promoteDataCon) vecCountDataCons
+vecElemTyCon :: TyCon
+vecElemTyCon = pcTyCon vecElemTyConName Nothing [] vecElemDataCons
+-- See Note [Wiring in RuntimeRep]
+vecElemDataCons :: [DataCon]
+vecElemDataCons = zipWithLazy mk_vec_elem_dc
+ [ Int8ElemRep, Int16ElemRep, Int32ElemRep, Int64ElemRep
+ , Word8ElemRep, Word16ElemRep, Word32ElemRep, Word64ElemRep
+ , FloatElemRep, DoubleElemRep ]
+ vecElemDataConNames
+ where
+ mk_vec_elem_dc elem name
+ = pcSpecialDataCon name [] vecElemTyCon (VecElem elem)
+-- See Note [Wiring in RuntimeRep]
+int8ElemRepDataConTy, int16ElemRepDataConTy, int32ElemRepDataConTy,
+ int64ElemRepDataConTy, word8ElemRepDataConTy, word16ElemRepDataConTy,
+ word32ElemRepDataConTy, word64ElemRepDataConTy, floatElemRepDataConTy,
+ doubleElemRepDataConTy :: Type
+[int8ElemRepDataConTy, int16ElemRepDataConTy, int32ElemRepDataConTy,
+ int64ElemRepDataConTy, word8ElemRepDataConTy, word16ElemRepDataConTy,
+ word32ElemRepDataConTy, word64ElemRepDataConTy, floatElemRepDataConTy,
+ doubleElemRepDataConTy] = map (mkTyConTy . promoteDataCon)
+ vecElemDataCons
+liftedRepDataConTyCon :: TyCon
+liftedRepDataConTyCon = promoteDataCon liftedRepDataCon
+-- The type ('LiftedRep)
+liftedRepTy :: Type
+liftedRepTy = liftedRepDataConTy
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ The boxed primitive types: Char, Int, etc
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+boxingDataCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe DataCon
+-- boxingDataCon_maybe Char# = C#
+-- boxingDataCon_maybe Int# = I#
+-- ... etc ...
+-- See Note [Boxing primitive types]
+boxingDataCon_maybe tc
+ = lookupNameEnv boxing_constr_env (tyConName tc)
+boxing_constr_env :: NameEnv DataCon
+ = mkNameEnv [(charPrimTyConName , charDataCon )
+ ,(intPrimTyConName , intDataCon )
+ ,(wordPrimTyConName , wordDataCon )
+ ,(floatPrimTyConName , floatDataCon )
+ ,(doublePrimTyConName, doubleDataCon) ]
+{- Note [Boxing primitive types]
+For a handful of primitive types (Int, Char, Word, Float, Double),
+we can readily box and an unboxed version (Int#, Char# etc) using
+the corresponding data constructor. This is useful in a couple
+of places, notably let-floating -}
+charTy :: Type
+charTy = mkTyConTy charTyCon
+charTyCon :: TyCon
+charTyCon = pcTyCon charTyConName
+ (Just (CType NoSourceText Nothing
+ (NoSourceText,fsLit "HsChar")))
+ [] [charDataCon]
+charDataCon :: DataCon
+charDataCon = pcDataCon charDataConName [] [charPrimTy] charTyCon
+stringTy :: Type
+stringTy = mkListTy charTy -- convenience only
+intTy :: Type
+intTy = mkTyConTy intTyCon
+intTyCon :: TyCon
+intTyCon = pcTyCon intTyConName
+ (Just (CType NoSourceText Nothing (NoSourceText,fsLit "HsInt")))
+ [] [intDataCon]
+intDataCon :: DataCon
+intDataCon = pcDataCon intDataConName [] [intPrimTy] intTyCon
+wordTy :: Type
+wordTy = mkTyConTy wordTyCon
+wordTyCon :: TyCon
+wordTyCon = pcTyCon wordTyConName
+ (Just (CType NoSourceText Nothing (NoSourceText, fsLit "HsWord")))
+ [] [wordDataCon]
+wordDataCon :: DataCon
+wordDataCon = pcDataCon wordDataConName [] [wordPrimTy] wordTyCon
+word8Ty :: Type
+word8Ty = mkTyConTy word8TyCon
+word8TyCon :: TyCon
+word8TyCon = pcTyCon word8TyConName
+ (Just (CType NoSourceText Nothing
+ (NoSourceText, fsLit "HsWord8"))) []
+ [word8DataCon]
+word8DataCon :: DataCon
+word8DataCon = pcDataCon word8DataConName [] [wordPrimTy] word8TyCon
+floatTy :: Type
+floatTy = mkTyConTy floatTyCon
+floatTyCon :: TyCon
+floatTyCon = pcTyCon floatTyConName
+ (Just (CType NoSourceText Nothing
+ (NoSourceText, fsLit "HsFloat"))) []
+ [floatDataCon]
+floatDataCon :: DataCon
+floatDataCon = pcDataCon floatDataConName [] [floatPrimTy] floatTyCon
+doubleTy :: Type
+doubleTy = mkTyConTy doubleTyCon
+doubleTyCon :: TyCon
+doubleTyCon = pcTyCon doubleTyConName
+ (Just (CType NoSourceText Nothing
+ (NoSourceText,fsLit "HsDouble"))) []
+ [doubleDataCon]
+doubleDataCon :: DataCon
+doubleDataCon = pcDataCon doubleDataConName [] [doublePrimTy] doubleTyCon
+* *
+ The Bool type
+* *
+An ordinary enumeration type, but deeply wired in. There are no
+magical operations on @Bool@ (just the regular Prelude code).
+This is not the only way to encode @Bool@. A more obvious coding makes
+@Bool@ just a boxed up version of @Bool#@, like this:
+type Bool# = Int#
+data Bool = MkBool Bool#
+Unfortunately, this doesn't correspond to what the Report says @Bool@
+looks like! Furthermore, we get slightly less efficient code (I
+think) with this coding. @gtInt@ would look like this:
+gtInt :: Int -> Int -> Bool
+gtInt x y = case x of I# x# ->
+ case y of I# y# ->
+ case (gtIntPrim x# y#) of
+ b# -> MkBool b#
+Notice that the result of the @gtIntPrim@ comparison has to be turned
+into an integer (here called @b#@), and returned in a @MkBool@ box.
+The @if@ expression would compile to this:
+case (gtInt x y) of
+ MkBool b# -> case b# of { 1# -> e1; 0# -> e2 }
+I think this code is a little less efficient than the previous code,
+but I'm not certain. At all events, corresponding with the Report is
+important. The interesting thing is that the language is expressive
+enough to describe more than one alternative; and that a type doesn't
+necessarily need to be a straightforwardly boxed version of its
+primitive counterpart.
+boolTy :: Type
+boolTy = mkTyConTy boolTyCon
+boolTyCon :: TyCon
+boolTyCon = pcTyCon boolTyConName
+ (Just (CType NoSourceText Nothing
+ (NoSourceText, fsLit "HsBool")))
+ [] [falseDataCon, trueDataCon]
+falseDataCon, trueDataCon :: DataCon
+falseDataCon = pcDataCon falseDataConName [] [] boolTyCon
+trueDataCon = pcDataCon trueDataConName [] [] boolTyCon
+falseDataConId, trueDataConId :: Id
+falseDataConId = dataConWorkId falseDataCon
+trueDataConId = dataConWorkId trueDataCon
+orderingTyCon :: TyCon
+orderingTyCon = pcTyCon orderingTyConName Nothing
+ [] [ordLTDataCon, ordEQDataCon, ordGTDataCon]
+ordLTDataCon, ordEQDataCon, ordGTDataCon :: DataCon
+ordLTDataCon = pcDataCon ordLTDataConName [] [] orderingTyCon
+ordEQDataCon = pcDataCon ordEQDataConName [] [] orderingTyCon
+ordGTDataCon = pcDataCon ordGTDataConName [] [] orderingTyCon
+ordLTDataConId, ordEQDataConId, ordGTDataConId :: Id
+ordLTDataConId = dataConWorkId ordLTDataCon
+ordEQDataConId = dataConWorkId ordEQDataCon
+ordGTDataConId = dataConWorkId ordGTDataCon
+* *
+ The List type
+ Special syntax, deeply wired in,
+ but otherwise an ordinary algebraic data type
+* *
+ data [] a = [] | a : (List a)
+mkListTy :: Type -> Type
+mkListTy ty = mkTyConApp listTyCon [ty]
+listTyCon :: TyCon
+listTyCon = pcTyCon listTyConName Nothing [alphaTyVar] [nilDataCon, consDataCon]
+-- See also Note [Empty lists] in GHC.Hs.Expr.
+nilDataCon :: DataCon
+nilDataCon = pcDataCon nilDataConName alpha_tyvar [] listTyCon
+consDataCon :: DataCon
+consDataCon = pcDataConWithFixity True {- Declared infix -}
+ consDataConName
+ alpha_tyvar [] alpha_tyvar
+ [alphaTy, mkTyConApp listTyCon alpha_ty] listTyCon
+-- Interesting: polymorphic recursion would help here.
+-- We can't use (mkListTy alphaTy) in the defn of consDataCon, else mkListTy
+-- gets the over-specific type (Type -> Type)
+-- Wired-in type Maybe
+maybeTyCon :: TyCon
+maybeTyCon = pcTyCon maybeTyConName Nothing alpha_tyvar
+ [nothingDataCon, justDataCon]
+nothingDataCon :: DataCon
+nothingDataCon = pcDataCon nothingDataConName alpha_tyvar [] maybeTyCon
+justDataCon :: DataCon
+justDataCon = pcDataCon justDataConName alpha_tyvar [alphaTy] maybeTyCon
+** *********************************************************************
+* *
+ The tuple types
+* *
+The tuple types are definitely magic, because they form an infinite
+They have a special family of type constructors, of type @TyCon@
+These contain the tycon arity, but don't require a Unique.
+They have a special family of constructors, of type
+@Id@. Again these contain their arity but don't need a Unique.
+There should be a magic way of generating the info tables and
+entry code for all tuples.
+But at the moment we just compile a Haskell source
+file\srcloc{lib/prelude/...} containing declarations like:
+data Tuple0 = Tup0
+data Tuple2 a b = Tup2 a b
+data Tuple3 a b c = Tup3 a b c
+data Tuple4 a b c d = Tup4 a b c d
+The print-names associated with the magic @Id@s for tuple constructors
+``just happen'' to be the same as those generated by these
+The instance environment should have a magic way to know
+that each tuple type is an instances of classes @Eq@, @Ix@, @Ord@ and
+so on. \ToDo{Not implemented yet.}
+There should also be a way to generate the appropriate code for each
+of these instances, but (like the info tables and entry code) it is
+done by enumeration\srcloc{lib/prelude/InTup?.hs}.
+-- | Make a tuple type. The list of types should /not/ include any
+-- RuntimeRep specifications. Boxed 1-tuples are flattened.
+-- See Note [One-tuples]
+mkTupleTy :: Boxity -> [Type] -> Type
+-- Special case for *boxed* 1-tuples, which are represented by the type itself
+mkTupleTy Boxed [ty] = ty
+mkTupleTy boxity tys = mkTupleTy1 boxity tys
+-- | Make a tuple type. The list of types should /not/ include any
+-- RuntimeRep specifications. Boxed 1-tuples are *not* flattened.
+-- See Note [One-tuples] and Note [Don't flatten tuples from HsSyn]
+-- in GHC.Core.Make
+mkTupleTy1 :: Boxity -> [Type] -> Type
+mkTupleTy1 Boxed tys = mkTyConApp (tupleTyCon Boxed (length tys)) tys
+mkTupleTy1 Unboxed tys = mkTyConApp (tupleTyCon Unboxed (length tys))
+ (map getRuntimeRep tys ++ tys)
+-- | Build the type of a small tuple that holds the specified type of thing
+-- Flattens 1-tuples. See Note [One-tuples].
+mkBoxedTupleTy :: [Type] -> Type
+mkBoxedTupleTy tys = mkTupleTy Boxed tys
+unitTy :: Type
+unitTy = mkTupleTy Boxed []
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ The sum types
+* *
+mkSumTy :: [Type] -> Type
+mkSumTy tys = mkTyConApp (sumTyCon (length tys))
+ (map getRuntimeRep tys ++ tys)
+-- Promoted Booleans
+promotedFalseDataCon, promotedTrueDataCon :: TyCon
+promotedTrueDataCon = promoteDataCon trueDataCon
+promotedFalseDataCon = promoteDataCon falseDataCon
+-- Promoted Maybe
+promotedNothingDataCon, promotedJustDataCon :: TyCon
+promotedNothingDataCon = promoteDataCon nothingDataCon
+promotedJustDataCon = promoteDataCon justDataCon
+-- Promoted Ordering
+ , promotedEQDataCon
+ , promotedGTDataCon
+ :: TyCon
+promotedLTDataCon = promoteDataCon ordLTDataCon
+promotedEQDataCon = promoteDataCon ordEQDataCon
+promotedGTDataCon = promoteDataCon ordGTDataCon
+-- Promoted List
+promotedConsDataCon, promotedNilDataCon :: TyCon
+promotedConsDataCon = promoteDataCon consDataCon
+promotedNilDataCon = promoteDataCon nilDataCon
+-- | Make a *promoted* list.
+mkPromotedListTy :: Kind -- ^ of the elements of the list
+ -> [Type] -- ^ elements
+ -> Type
+mkPromotedListTy k tys
+ = foldr cons nil tys
+ where
+ cons :: Type -- element
+ -> Type -- list
+ -> Type
+ cons elt list = mkTyConApp promotedConsDataCon [k, elt, list]
+ nil :: Type
+ nil = mkTyConApp promotedNilDataCon [k]
+-- | Extract the elements of a promoted list. Panics if the type is not a
+-- promoted list
+extractPromotedList :: Type -- ^ The promoted list
+ -> [Type]
+extractPromotedList tys = go tys
+ where
+ go list_ty
+ | Just (tc, [_k, t, ts]) <- splitTyConApp_maybe list_ty
+ = ASSERT( tc `hasKey` consDataConKey )
+ t : go ts
+ | Just (tc, [_k]) <- splitTyConApp_maybe list_ty
+ = ASSERT( tc `hasKey` nilDataConKey )
+ []
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "extractPromotedList" (ppr tys)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b575fd2de3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+module GHC.Builtin.Types where
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.TyCon ( TyCon )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep (Type, Kind)
+import GHC.Types.Basic (Arity, TupleSort)
+import GHC.Types.Name (Name)
+listTyCon :: TyCon
+typeNatKind, typeSymbolKind :: Type
+mkBoxedTupleTy :: [Type] -> Type
+coercibleTyCon, heqTyCon :: TyCon
+unitTy :: Type
+liftedTypeKind :: Kind
+liftedTypeKindTyCon :: TyCon
+constraintKind :: Kind
+runtimeRepTyCon, vecCountTyCon, vecElemTyCon :: TyCon
+runtimeRepTy :: Type
+liftedRepDataConTyCon, vecRepDataConTyCon, tupleRepDataConTyCon :: TyCon
+liftedRepDataConTy, unliftedRepDataConTy,
+ intRepDataConTy,
+ int8RepDataConTy, int16RepDataConTy, int32RepDataConTy, int64RepDataConTy,
+ wordRepDataConTy,
+ word8RepDataConTy, word16RepDataConTy, word32RepDataConTy, word64RepDataConTy,
+ addrRepDataConTy,
+ floatRepDataConTy, doubleRepDataConTy :: Type
+vec2DataConTy, vec4DataConTy, vec8DataConTy, vec16DataConTy, vec32DataConTy,
+ vec64DataConTy :: Type
+int8ElemRepDataConTy, int16ElemRepDataConTy, int32ElemRepDataConTy,
+ int64ElemRepDataConTy, word8ElemRepDataConTy, word16ElemRepDataConTy,
+ word32ElemRepDataConTy, word64ElemRepDataConTy, floatElemRepDataConTy,
+ doubleElemRepDataConTy :: Type
+anyTypeOfKind :: Kind -> Type
+unboxedTupleKind :: [Type] -> Type
+mkPromotedListTy :: Type -> [Type] -> Type
+tupleTyConName :: TupleSort -> Arity -> Name
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types/Literals.hs b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types/Literals.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5c1d209c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types/Literals.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,993 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+module GHC.Builtin.Types.Literals
+ ( typeNatTyCons
+ , typeNatCoAxiomRules
+ , BuiltInSynFamily(..)
+ -- If you define a new built-in type family, make sure to export its TyCon
+ -- from here as well.
+ -- See Note [Adding built-in type families]
+ , typeNatAddTyCon
+ , typeNatMulTyCon
+ , typeNatExpTyCon
+ , typeNatLeqTyCon
+ , typeNatSubTyCon
+ , typeNatDivTyCon
+ , typeNatModTyCon
+ , typeNatLogTyCon
+ , typeNatCmpTyCon
+ , typeSymbolCmpTyCon
+ , typeSymbolAppendTyCon
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import Pair
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType ( TcType, tcEqType )
+import GHC.Core.TyCon ( TyCon, FamTyConFlav(..), mkFamilyTyCon
+ , Injectivity(..) )
+import GHC.Core.Coercion ( Role(..) )
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint ( Xi )
+import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom ( CoAxiomRule(..), BuiltInSynFamily(..), TypeEqn )
+import GHC.Types.Name ( Name, BuiltInSyntax(..) )
+import GHC.Builtin.Types
+import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim ( mkTemplateAnonTyConBinders )
+import GHC.Builtin.Names
+ , typeNatAddTyFamNameKey
+ , typeNatMulTyFamNameKey
+ , typeNatExpTyFamNameKey
+ , typeNatLeqTyFamNameKey
+ , typeNatSubTyFamNameKey
+ , typeNatDivTyFamNameKey
+ , typeNatModTyFamNameKey
+ , typeNatLogTyFamNameKey
+ , typeNatCmpTyFamNameKey
+ , typeSymbolCmpTyFamNameKey
+ , typeSymbolAppendFamNameKey
+ )
+import FastString ( FastString
+ , fsLit, nilFS, nullFS, unpackFS, mkFastString, appendFS
+ )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
+import Control.Monad ( guard )
+import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf )
+Note [Type-level literals]
+There are currently two forms of type-level literals: natural numbers, and
+symbols (even though this module is named GHC.Builtin.Types.Literals, it covers both).
+Type-level literals are supported by CoAxiomRules (conditional axioms), which
+power the built-in type families (see Note [Adding built-in type families]).
+Currently, all built-in type families are for the express purpose of supporting
+type-level literals.
+See also the Wiki page:
+Note [Adding built-in type families]
+There are a few steps to adding a built-in type family:
+* Adding a unique for the type family TyCon
+ These go in GHC.Builtin.Names. It will likely be of the form
+ @myTyFamNameKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique xyz@, where @xyz@ is a number that
+ has not been chosen before in GHC.Builtin.Names. There are several examples already
+ in GHC.Builtin.Names—see, for instance, typeNatAddTyFamNameKey.
+* Adding the type family TyCon itself
+ This goes in GHC.Builtin.Types.Literals. There are plenty of examples of how to define
+ these—see, for instance, typeNatAddTyCon.
+ Once your TyCon has been defined, be sure to:
+ - Export it from GHC.Builtin.Types.Literals. (Not doing so caused #14632.)
+ - Include it in the typeNatTyCons list, defined in GHC.Builtin.Types.Literals.
+* Exposing associated type family axioms
+ When defining the type family TyCon, you will need to define an axiom for
+ the type family in general (see, for instance, axAddDef), and perhaps other
+ auxiliary axioms for special cases of the type family (see, for instance,
+ axAdd0L and axAdd0R).
+ After you have defined all of these axioms, be sure to include them in the
+ typeNatCoAxiomRules list, defined in GHC.Builtin.Types.Literals.
+ (Not doing so caused #14934.)
+* Define the type family somewhere
+ Finally, you will need to define the type family somewhere, likely in @base@.
+ Currently, all of the built-in type families are defined in GHC.TypeLits or
+ GHC.TypeNats, so those are likely candidates.
+ Since the behavior of your built-in type family is specified in GHC.Builtin.Types.Literals,
+ you should give an open type family definition with no instances, like so:
+ type family MyTypeFam (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) :: Nat
+ Changing the argument and result kinds as appropriate.
+* Update the relevant test cases
+ The GHC test suite will likely need to be updated after you add your built-in
+ type family. For instance:
+ - The T9181 test prints the :browse contents of GHC.TypeLits, so if you added
+ a test there, the expected output of T9181 will need to change.
+ - The TcTypeNatSimple and TcTypeSymbolSimple tests have compile-time unit
+ tests, as well as TcTypeNatSimpleRun and TcTypeSymbolSimpleRun, which have
+ runtime unit tests. Consider adding further unit tests to those if your
+ built-in type family deals with Nats or Symbols, respectively.
+Built-in type constructors for functions on type-level nats
+-- The list of built-in type family TyCons that GHC uses.
+-- If you define a built-in type family, make sure to add it to this list.
+-- See Note [Adding built-in type families]
+typeNatTyCons :: [TyCon]
+typeNatTyCons =
+ [ typeNatAddTyCon
+ , typeNatMulTyCon
+ , typeNatExpTyCon
+ , typeNatLeqTyCon
+ , typeNatSubTyCon
+ , typeNatDivTyCon
+ , typeNatModTyCon
+ , typeNatLogTyCon
+ , typeNatCmpTyCon
+ , typeSymbolCmpTyCon
+ , typeSymbolAppendTyCon
+ ]
+typeNatAddTyCon :: TyCon
+typeNatAddTyCon = mkTypeNatFunTyCon2 name
+ BuiltInSynFamily
+ { sfMatchFam = matchFamAdd
+ , sfInteractTop = interactTopAdd
+ , sfInteractInert = interactInertAdd
+ }
+ where
+ name = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPENATS (fsLit "+")
+ typeNatAddTyFamNameKey typeNatAddTyCon
+typeNatSubTyCon :: TyCon
+typeNatSubTyCon = mkTypeNatFunTyCon2 name
+ BuiltInSynFamily
+ { sfMatchFam = matchFamSub
+ , sfInteractTop = interactTopSub
+ , sfInteractInert = interactInertSub
+ }
+ where
+ name = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPENATS (fsLit "-")
+ typeNatSubTyFamNameKey typeNatSubTyCon
+typeNatMulTyCon :: TyCon
+typeNatMulTyCon = mkTypeNatFunTyCon2 name
+ BuiltInSynFamily
+ { sfMatchFam = matchFamMul
+ , sfInteractTop = interactTopMul
+ , sfInteractInert = interactInertMul
+ }
+ where
+ name = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPENATS (fsLit "*")
+ typeNatMulTyFamNameKey typeNatMulTyCon
+typeNatDivTyCon :: TyCon
+typeNatDivTyCon = mkTypeNatFunTyCon2 name
+ BuiltInSynFamily
+ { sfMatchFam = matchFamDiv
+ , sfInteractTop = interactTopDiv
+ , sfInteractInert = interactInertDiv
+ }
+ where
+ name = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPENATS (fsLit "Div")
+ typeNatDivTyFamNameKey typeNatDivTyCon
+typeNatModTyCon :: TyCon
+typeNatModTyCon = mkTypeNatFunTyCon2 name
+ BuiltInSynFamily
+ { sfMatchFam = matchFamMod
+ , sfInteractTop = interactTopMod
+ , sfInteractInert = interactInertMod
+ }
+ where
+ name = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPENATS (fsLit "Mod")
+ typeNatModTyFamNameKey typeNatModTyCon
+typeNatExpTyCon :: TyCon
+typeNatExpTyCon = mkTypeNatFunTyCon2 name
+ BuiltInSynFamily
+ { sfMatchFam = matchFamExp
+ , sfInteractTop = interactTopExp
+ , sfInteractInert = interactInertExp
+ }
+ where
+ name = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPENATS (fsLit "^")
+ typeNatExpTyFamNameKey typeNatExpTyCon
+typeNatLogTyCon :: TyCon
+typeNatLogTyCon = mkTypeNatFunTyCon1 name
+ BuiltInSynFamily
+ { sfMatchFam = matchFamLog
+ , sfInteractTop = interactTopLog
+ , sfInteractInert = interactInertLog
+ }
+ where
+ name = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPENATS (fsLit "Log2")
+ typeNatLogTyFamNameKey typeNatLogTyCon
+typeNatLeqTyCon :: TyCon
+typeNatLeqTyCon =
+ mkFamilyTyCon name
+ (mkTemplateAnonTyConBinders [ typeNatKind, typeNatKind ])
+ boolTy
+ Nothing
+ (BuiltInSynFamTyCon ops)
+ Nothing
+ NotInjective
+ where
+ name = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPENATS (fsLit "<=?")
+ typeNatLeqTyFamNameKey typeNatLeqTyCon
+ ops = BuiltInSynFamily
+ { sfMatchFam = matchFamLeq
+ , sfInteractTop = interactTopLeq
+ , sfInteractInert = interactInertLeq
+ }
+typeNatCmpTyCon :: TyCon
+typeNatCmpTyCon =
+ mkFamilyTyCon name
+ (mkTemplateAnonTyConBinders [ typeNatKind, typeNatKind ])
+ orderingKind
+ Nothing
+ (BuiltInSynFamTyCon ops)
+ Nothing
+ NotInjective
+ where
+ name = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPENATS (fsLit "CmpNat")
+ typeNatCmpTyFamNameKey typeNatCmpTyCon
+ ops = BuiltInSynFamily
+ { sfMatchFam = matchFamCmpNat
+ , sfInteractTop = interactTopCmpNat
+ , sfInteractInert = \_ _ _ _ -> []
+ }
+typeSymbolCmpTyCon :: TyCon
+typeSymbolCmpTyCon =
+ mkFamilyTyCon name
+ (mkTemplateAnonTyConBinders [ typeSymbolKind, typeSymbolKind ])
+ orderingKind
+ Nothing
+ (BuiltInSynFamTyCon ops)
+ Nothing
+ NotInjective
+ where
+ name = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPELITS (fsLit "CmpSymbol")
+ typeSymbolCmpTyFamNameKey typeSymbolCmpTyCon
+ ops = BuiltInSynFamily
+ { sfMatchFam = matchFamCmpSymbol
+ , sfInteractTop = interactTopCmpSymbol
+ , sfInteractInert = \_ _ _ _ -> []
+ }
+typeSymbolAppendTyCon :: TyCon
+typeSymbolAppendTyCon = mkTypeSymbolFunTyCon2 name
+ BuiltInSynFamily
+ { sfMatchFam = matchFamAppendSymbol
+ , sfInteractTop = interactTopAppendSymbol
+ , sfInteractInert = interactInertAppendSymbol
+ }
+ where
+ name = mkWiredInTyConName UserSyntax gHC_TYPELITS (fsLit "AppendSymbol")
+ typeSymbolAppendFamNameKey typeSymbolAppendTyCon
+-- Make a unary built-in constructor of kind: Nat -> Nat
+mkTypeNatFunTyCon1 :: Name -> BuiltInSynFamily -> TyCon
+mkTypeNatFunTyCon1 op tcb =
+ mkFamilyTyCon op
+ (mkTemplateAnonTyConBinders [ typeNatKind ])
+ typeNatKind
+ Nothing
+ (BuiltInSynFamTyCon tcb)
+ Nothing
+ NotInjective
+-- Make a binary built-in constructor of kind: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
+mkTypeNatFunTyCon2 :: Name -> BuiltInSynFamily -> TyCon
+mkTypeNatFunTyCon2 op tcb =
+ mkFamilyTyCon op
+ (mkTemplateAnonTyConBinders [ typeNatKind, typeNatKind ])
+ typeNatKind
+ Nothing
+ (BuiltInSynFamTyCon tcb)
+ Nothing
+ NotInjective
+-- Make a binary built-in constructor of kind: Symbol -> Symbol -> Symbol
+mkTypeSymbolFunTyCon2 :: Name -> BuiltInSynFamily -> TyCon
+mkTypeSymbolFunTyCon2 op tcb =
+ mkFamilyTyCon op
+ (mkTemplateAnonTyConBinders [ typeSymbolKind, typeSymbolKind ])
+ typeSymbolKind
+ Nothing
+ (BuiltInSynFamTyCon tcb)
+ Nothing
+ NotInjective
+Built-in rules axioms
+-- If you add additional rules, please remember to add them to
+-- `typeNatCoAxiomRules` also.
+-- See Note [Adding built-in type families]
+ , axMulDef
+ , axExpDef
+ , axLeqDef
+ , axCmpNatDef
+ , axCmpSymbolDef
+ , axAppendSymbolDef
+ , axAdd0L
+ , axAdd0R
+ , axMul0L
+ , axMul0R
+ , axMul1L
+ , axMul1R
+ , axExp1L
+ , axExp0R
+ , axExp1R
+ , axLeqRefl
+ , axCmpNatRefl
+ , axCmpSymbolRefl
+ , axLeq0L
+ , axSubDef
+ , axSub0R
+ , axAppendSymbol0R
+ , axAppendSymbol0L
+ , axDivDef
+ , axDiv1
+ , axModDef
+ , axMod1
+ , axLogDef
+ :: CoAxiomRule
+axAddDef = mkBinAxiom "AddDef" typeNatAddTyCon $
+ \x y -> Just $ num (x + y)
+axMulDef = mkBinAxiom "MulDef" typeNatMulTyCon $
+ \x y -> Just $ num (x * y)
+axExpDef = mkBinAxiom "ExpDef" typeNatExpTyCon $
+ \x y -> Just $ num (x ^ y)
+axLeqDef = mkBinAxiom "LeqDef" typeNatLeqTyCon $
+ \x y -> Just $ bool (x <= y)
+axCmpNatDef = mkBinAxiom "CmpNatDef" typeNatCmpTyCon
+ $ \x y -> Just $ ordering (compare x y)
+axCmpSymbolDef =
+ CoAxiomRule
+ { coaxrName = fsLit "CmpSymbolDef"
+ , coaxrAsmpRoles = [Nominal, Nominal]
+ , coaxrRole = Nominal
+ , coaxrProves = \cs ->
+ do [Pair s1 s2, Pair t1 t2] <- return cs
+ s2' <- isStrLitTy s2
+ t2' <- isStrLitTy t2
+ return (mkTyConApp typeSymbolCmpTyCon [s1,t1] ===
+ ordering (compare s2' t2')) }
+axAppendSymbolDef = CoAxiomRule
+ { coaxrName = fsLit "AppendSymbolDef"
+ , coaxrAsmpRoles = [Nominal, Nominal]
+ , coaxrRole = Nominal
+ , coaxrProves = \cs ->
+ do [Pair s1 s2, Pair t1 t2] <- return cs
+ s2' <- isStrLitTy s2
+ t2' <- isStrLitTy t2
+ let z = mkStrLitTy (appendFS s2' t2')
+ return (mkTyConApp typeSymbolAppendTyCon [s1, t1] === z)
+ }
+axSubDef = mkBinAxiom "SubDef" typeNatSubTyCon $
+ \x y -> fmap num (minus x y)
+axDivDef = mkBinAxiom "DivDef" typeNatDivTyCon $
+ \x y -> do guard (y /= 0)
+ return (num (div x y))
+axModDef = mkBinAxiom "ModDef" typeNatModTyCon $
+ \x y -> do guard (y /= 0)
+ return (num (mod x y))
+axLogDef = mkUnAxiom "LogDef" typeNatLogTyCon $
+ \x -> do (a,_) <- genLog x 2
+ return (num a)
+axAdd0L = mkAxiom1 "Add0L" $ \(Pair s t) -> (num 0 .+. s) === t
+axAdd0R = mkAxiom1 "Add0R" $ \(Pair s t) -> (s .+. num 0) === t
+axSub0R = mkAxiom1 "Sub0R" $ \(Pair s t) -> (s .-. num 0) === t
+axMul0L = mkAxiom1 "Mul0L" $ \(Pair s _) -> (num 0 .*. s) === num 0
+axMul0R = mkAxiom1 "Mul0R" $ \(Pair s _) -> (s .*. num 0) === num 0
+axMul1L = mkAxiom1 "Mul1L" $ \(Pair s t) -> (num 1 .*. s) === t
+axMul1R = mkAxiom1 "Mul1R" $ \(Pair s t) -> (s .*. num 1) === t
+axDiv1 = mkAxiom1 "Div1" $ \(Pair s t) -> (tDiv s (num 1) === t)
+axMod1 = mkAxiom1 "Mod1" $ \(Pair s _) -> (tMod s (num 1) === num 0)
+ -- XXX: Shouldn't we check that _ is 0?
+axExp1L = mkAxiom1 "Exp1L" $ \(Pair s _) -> (num 1 .^. s) === num 1
+axExp0R = mkAxiom1 "Exp0R" $ \(Pair s _) -> (s .^. num 0) === num 1
+axExp1R = mkAxiom1 "Exp1R" $ \(Pair s t) -> (s .^. num 1) === t
+axLeqRefl = mkAxiom1 "LeqRefl" $ \(Pair s _) -> (s <== s) === bool True
+axCmpNatRefl = mkAxiom1 "CmpNatRefl"
+ $ \(Pair s _) -> (cmpNat s s) === ordering EQ
+axCmpSymbolRefl = mkAxiom1 "CmpSymbolRefl"
+ $ \(Pair s _) -> (cmpSymbol s s) === ordering EQ
+axLeq0L = mkAxiom1 "Leq0L" $ \(Pair s _) -> (num 0 <== s) === bool True
+axAppendSymbol0R = mkAxiom1 "Concat0R"
+ $ \(Pair s t) -> (mkStrLitTy nilFS `appendSymbol` s) === t
+axAppendSymbol0L = mkAxiom1 "Concat0L"
+ $ \(Pair s t) -> (s `appendSymbol` mkStrLitTy nilFS) === t
+-- The list of built-in type family axioms that GHC uses.
+-- If you define new axioms, make sure to include them in this list.
+-- See Note [Adding built-in type families]
+typeNatCoAxiomRules :: Map.Map FastString CoAxiomRule
+typeNatCoAxiomRules = Map.fromList $ map (\x -> (coaxrName x, x))
+ [ axAddDef
+ , axMulDef
+ , axExpDef
+ , axLeqDef
+ , axCmpNatDef
+ , axCmpSymbolDef
+ , axAppendSymbolDef
+ , axAdd0L
+ , axAdd0R
+ , axMul0L
+ , axMul0R
+ , axMul1L
+ , axMul1R
+ , axExp1L
+ , axExp0R
+ , axExp1R
+ , axLeqRefl
+ , axCmpNatRefl
+ , axCmpSymbolRefl
+ , axLeq0L
+ , axSubDef
+ , axSub0R
+ , axAppendSymbol0R
+ , axAppendSymbol0L
+ , axDivDef
+ , axDiv1
+ , axModDef
+ , axMod1
+ , axLogDef
+ ]
+Various utilities for making axioms and types
+(.+.) :: Type -> Type -> Type
+s .+. t = mkTyConApp typeNatAddTyCon [s,t]
+(.-.) :: Type -> Type -> Type
+s .-. t = mkTyConApp typeNatSubTyCon [s,t]
+(.*.) :: Type -> Type -> Type
+s .*. t = mkTyConApp typeNatMulTyCon [s,t]
+tDiv :: Type -> Type -> Type
+tDiv s t = mkTyConApp typeNatDivTyCon [s,t]
+tMod :: Type -> Type -> Type
+tMod s t = mkTyConApp typeNatModTyCon [s,t]
+(.^.) :: Type -> Type -> Type
+s .^. t = mkTyConApp typeNatExpTyCon [s,t]
+(<==) :: Type -> Type -> Type
+s <== t = mkTyConApp typeNatLeqTyCon [s,t]
+cmpNat :: Type -> Type -> Type
+cmpNat s t = mkTyConApp typeNatCmpTyCon [s,t]
+cmpSymbol :: Type -> Type -> Type
+cmpSymbol s t = mkTyConApp typeSymbolCmpTyCon [s,t]
+appendSymbol :: Type -> Type -> Type
+appendSymbol s t = mkTyConApp typeSymbolAppendTyCon [s, t]
+(===) :: Type -> Type -> Pair Type
+x === y = Pair x y
+num :: Integer -> Type
+num = mkNumLitTy
+bool :: Bool -> Type
+bool b = if b then mkTyConApp promotedTrueDataCon []
+ else mkTyConApp promotedFalseDataCon []
+isBoolLitTy :: Type -> Maybe Bool
+isBoolLitTy tc =
+ do (tc,[]) <- splitTyConApp_maybe tc
+ case () of
+ _ | tc == promotedFalseDataCon -> return False
+ | tc == promotedTrueDataCon -> return True
+ | otherwise -> Nothing
+orderingKind :: Kind
+orderingKind = mkTyConApp orderingTyCon []
+ordering :: Ordering -> Type
+ordering o =
+ case o of
+ LT -> mkTyConApp promotedLTDataCon []
+ EQ -> mkTyConApp promotedEQDataCon []
+ GT -> mkTyConApp promotedGTDataCon []
+isOrderingLitTy :: Type -> Maybe Ordering
+isOrderingLitTy tc =
+ do (tc1,[]) <- splitTyConApp_maybe tc
+ case () of
+ _ | tc1 == promotedLTDataCon -> return LT
+ | tc1 == promotedEQDataCon -> return EQ
+ | tc1 == promotedGTDataCon -> return GT
+ | otherwise -> Nothing
+known :: (Integer -> Bool) -> TcType -> Bool
+known p x = case isNumLitTy x of
+ Just a -> p a
+ Nothing -> False
+mkUnAxiom :: String -> TyCon -> (Integer -> Maybe Type) -> CoAxiomRule
+mkUnAxiom str tc f =
+ CoAxiomRule
+ { coaxrName = fsLit str
+ , coaxrAsmpRoles = [Nominal]
+ , coaxrRole = Nominal
+ , coaxrProves = \cs ->
+ do [Pair s1 s2] <- return cs
+ s2' <- isNumLitTy s2
+ z <- f s2'
+ return (mkTyConApp tc [s1] === z)
+ }
+-- For the definitional axioms
+mkBinAxiom :: String -> TyCon ->
+ (Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Type) -> CoAxiomRule
+mkBinAxiom str tc f =
+ CoAxiomRule
+ { coaxrName = fsLit str
+ , coaxrAsmpRoles = [Nominal, Nominal]
+ , coaxrRole = Nominal
+ , coaxrProves = \cs ->
+ do [Pair s1 s2, Pair t1 t2] <- return cs
+ s2' <- isNumLitTy s2
+ t2' <- isNumLitTy t2
+ z <- f s2' t2'
+ return (mkTyConApp tc [s1,t1] === z)
+ }
+mkAxiom1 :: String -> (TypeEqn -> TypeEqn) -> CoAxiomRule
+mkAxiom1 str f =
+ CoAxiomRule
+ { coaxrName = fsLit str
+ , coaxrAsmpRoles = [Nominal]
+ , coaxrRole = Nominal
+ , coaxrProves = \case [eqn] -> Just (f eqn)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ }
+matchFamAdd :: [Type] -> Maybe (CoAxiomRule, [Type], Type)
+matchFamAdd [s,t]
+ | Just 0 <- mbX = Just (axAdd0L, [t], t)
+ | Just 0 <- mbY = Just (axAdd0R, [s], s)
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just y <- mbY =
+ Just (axAddDef, [s,t], num (x + y))
+ where mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+matchFamAdd _ = Nothing
+matchFamSub :: [Type] -> Maybe (CoAxiomRule, [Type], Type)
+matchFamSub [s,t]
+ | Just 0 <- mbY = Just (axSub0R, [s], s)
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just y <- mbY, Just z <- minus x y =
+ Just (axSubDef, [s,t], num z)
+ where mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+matchFamSub _ = Nothing
+matchFamMul :: [Type] -> Maybe (CoAxiomRule, [Type], Type)
+matchFamMul [s,t]
+ | Just 0 <- mbX = Just (axMul0L, [t], num 0)
+ | Just 0 <- mbY = Just (axMul0R, [s], num 0)
+ | Just 1 <- mbX = Just (axMul1L, [t], t)
+ | Just 1 <- mbY = Just (axMul1R, [s], s)
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just y <- mbY =
+ Just (axMulDef, [s,t], num (x * y))
+ where mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+matchFamMul _ = Nothing
+matchFamDiv :: [Type] -> Maybe (CoAxiomRule, [Type], Type)
+matchFamDiv [s,t]
+ | Just 1 <- mbY = Just (axDiv1, [s], s)
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just y <- mbY, y /= 0 = Just (axDivDef, [s,t], num (div x y))
+ where mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+matchFamDiv _ = Nothing
+matchFamMod :: [Type] -> Maybe (CoAxiomRule, [Type], Type)
+matchFamMod [s,t]
+ | Just 1 <- mbY = Just (axMod1, [s], num 0)
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just y <- mbY, y /= 0 = Just (axModDef, [s,t], num (mod x y))
+ where mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+matchFamMod _ = Nothing
+matchFamExp :: [Type] -> Maybe (CoAxiomRule, [Type], Type)
+matchFamExp [s,t]
+ | Just 0 <- mbY = Just (axExp0R, [s], num 1)
+ | Just 1 <- mbX = Just (axExp1L, [t], num 1)
+ | Just 1 <- mbY = Just (axExp1R, [s], s)
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just y <- mbY =
+ Just (axExpDef, [s,t], num (x ^ y))
+ where mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+matchFamExp _ = Nothing
+matchFamLog :: [Type] -> Maybe (CoAxiomRule, [Type], Type)
+matchFamLog [s]
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just (n,_) <- genLog x 2 = Just (axLogDef, [s], num n)
+ where mbX = isNumLitTy s
+matchFamLog _ = Nothing
+matchFamLeq :: [Type] -> Maybe (CoAxiomRule, [Type], Type)
+matchFamLeq [s,t]
+ | Just 0 <- mbX = Just (axLeq0L, [t], bool True)
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just y <- mbY =
+ Just (axLeqDef, [s,t], bool (x <= y))
+ | tcEqType s t = Just (axLeqRefl, [s], bool True)
+ where mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+matchFamLeq _ = Nothing
+matchFamCmpNat :: [Type] -> Maybe (CoAxiomRule, [Type], Type)
+matchFamCmpNat [s,t]
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just y <- mbY =
+ Just (axCmpNatDef, [s,t], ordering (compare x y))
+ | tcEqType s t = Just (axCmpNatRefl, [s], ordering EQ)
+ where mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+matchFamCmpNat _ = Nothing
+matchFamCmpSymbol :: [Type] -> Maybe (CoAxiomRule, [Type], Type)
+matchFamCmpSymbol [s,t]
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just y <- mbY =
+ Just (axCmpSymbolDef, [s,t], ordering (compare x y))
+ | tcEqType s t = Just (axCmpSymbolRefl, [s], ordering EQ)
+ where mbX = isStrLitTy s
+ mbY = isStrLitTy t
+matchFamCmpSymbol _ = Nothing
+matchFamAppendSymbol :: [Type] -> Maybe (CoAxiomRule, [Type], Type)
+matchFamAppendSymbol [s,t]
+ | Just x <- mbX, nullFS x = Just (axAppendSymbol0R, [t], t)
+ | Just y <- mbY, nullFS y = Just (axAppendSymbol0L, [s], s)
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just y <- mbY =
+ Just (axAppendSymbolDef, [s,t], mkStrLitTy (appendFS x y))
+ where
+ mbX = isStrLitTy s
+ mbY = isStrLitTy t
+matchFamAppendSymbol _ = Nothing
+Interact with axioms
+interactTopAdd :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactTopAdd [s,t] r
+ | Just 0 <- mbZ = [ s === num 0, t === num 0 ] -- (s + t ~ 0) => (s ~ 0, t ~ 0)
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just z <- mbZ, Just y <- minus z x = [t === num y] -- (5 + t ~ 8) => (t ~ 3)
+ | Just y <- mbY, Just z <- mbZ, Just x <- minus z y = [s === num x] -- (s + 5 ~ 8) => (s ~ 3)
+ where
+ mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+ mbZ = isNumLitTy r
+interactTopAdd _ _ = []
+Note [Weakened interaction rule for subtraction]
+A simpler interaction here might be:
+ `s - t ~ r` --> `t + r ~ s`
+This would enable us to reuse all the code for addition.
+Unfortunately, this works a little too well at the moment.
+Consider the following example:
+ 0 - 5 ~ r --> 5 + r ~ 0 --> (5 = 0, r = 0)
+This (correctly) spots that the constraint cannot be solved.
+However, this may be a problem if the constraint did not
+need to be solved in the first place! Consider the following example:
+f :: Proxy (If (5 <=? 0) (0 - 5) (5 - 0)) -> Proxy 5
+f = id
+Currently, GHC is strict while evaluating functions, so this does not
+work, because even though the `If` should evaluate to `5 - 0`, we
+also evaluate the "then" branch which generates the constraint `0 - 5 ~ r`,
+which fails.
+So, for the time being, we only add an improvement when the RHS is a constant,
+which happens to work OK for the moment, although clearly we need to do
+something more general.
+interactTopSub :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactTopSub [s,t] r
+ | Just z <- mbZ = [ s === (num z .+. t) ] -- (s - t ~ 5) => (5 + t ~ s)
+ where
+ mbZ = isNumLitTy r
+interactTopSub _ _ = []
+interactTopMul :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactTopMul [s,t] r
+ | Just 1 <- mbZ = [ s === num 1, t === num 1 ] -- (s * t ~ 1) => (s ~ 1, t ~ 1)
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just z <- mbZ, Just y <- divide z x = [t === num y] -- (3 * t ~ 15) => (t ~ 5)
+ | Just y <- mbY, Just z <- mbZ, Just x <- divide z y = [s === num x] -- (s * 3 ~ 15) => (s ~ 5)
+ where
+ mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+ mbZ = isNumLitTy r
+interactTopMul _ _ = []
+interactTopDiv :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactTopDiv _ _ = [] -- I can't think of anything...
+interactTopMod :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactTopMod _ _ = [] -- I can't think of anything...
+interactTopExp :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactTopExp [s,t] r
+ | Just 0 <- mbZ = [ s === num 0 ] -- (s ^ t ~ 0) => (s ~ 0)
+ | Just x <- mbX, Just z <- mbZ, Just y <- logExact z x = [t === num y] -- (2 ^ t ~ 8) => (t ~ 3)
+ | Just y <- mbY, Just z <- mbZ, Just x <- rootExact z y = [s === num x] -- (s ^ 2 ~ 9) => (s ~ 3)
+ where
+ mbX = isNumLitTy s
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+ mbZ = isNumLitTy r
+interactTopExp _ _ = []
+interactTopLog :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactTopLog _ _ = [] -- I can't think of anything...
+interactTopLeq :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactTopLeq [s,t] r
+ | Just 0 <- mbY, Just True <- mbZ = [ s === num 0 ] -- (s <= 0) => (s ~ 0)
+ where
+ mbY = isNumLitTy t
+ mbZ = isBoolLitTy r
+interactTopLeq _ _ = []
+interactTopCmpNat :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactTopCmpNat [s,t] r
+ | Just EQ <- isOrderingLitTy r = [ s === t ]
+interactTopCmpNat _ _ = []
+interactTopCmpSymbol :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactTopCmpSymbol [s,t] r
+ | Just EQ <- isOrderingLitTy r = [ s === t ]
+interactTopCmpSymbol _ _ = []
+interactTopAppendSymbol :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactTopAppendSymbol [s,t] r
+ -- (AppendSymbol a b ~ "") => (a ~ "", b ~ "")
+ | Just z <- mbZ, nullFS z =
+ [s === mkStrLitTy nilFS, t === mkStrLitTy nilFS ]
+ -- (AppendSymbol "foo" b ~ "foobar") => (b ~ "bar")
+ | Just x <- fmap unpackFS mbX, Just z <- fmap unpackFS mbZ, x `isPrefixOf` z =
+ [ t === mkStrLitTy (mkFastString $ drop (length x) z) ]
+ -- (AppendSymbol f "bar" ~ "foobar") => (f ~ "foo")
+ | Just y <- fmap unpackFS mbY, Just z <- fmap unpackFS mbZ, y `isSuffixOf` z =
+ [ t === mkStrLitTy (mkFastString $ take (length z - length y) z) ]
+ where
+ mbX = isStrLitTy s
+ mbY = isStrLitTy t
+ mbZ = isStrLitTy r
+interactTopAppendSymbol _ _ = []
+Interaction with inerts
+interactInertAdd :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactInertAdd [x1,y1] z1 [x2,y2] z2
+ | sameZ && tcEqType x1 x2 = [ y1 === y2 ]
+ | sameZ && tcEqType y1 y2 = [ x1 === x2 ]
+ where sameZ = tcEqType z1 z2
+interactInertAdd _ _ _ _ = []
+interactInertSub :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactInertSub [x1,y1] z1 [x2,y2] z2
+ | sameZ && tcEqType x1 x2 = [ y1 === y2 ]
+ | sameZ && tcEqType y1 y2 = [ x1 === x2 ]
+ where sameZ = tcEqType z1 z2
+interactInertSub _ _ _ _ = []
+interactInertMul :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactInertMul [x1,y1] z1 [x2,y2] z2
+ | sameZ && known (/= 0) x1 && tcEqType x1 x2 = [ y1 === y2 ]
+ | sameZ && known (/= 0) y1 && tcEqType y1 y2 = [ x1 === x2 ]
+ where sameZ = tcEqType z1 z2
+interactInertMul _ _ _ _ = []
+interactInertDiv :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactInertDiv _ _ _ _ = []
+interactInertMod :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactInertMod _ _ _ _ = []
+interactInertExp :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactInertExp [x1,y1] z1 [x2,y2] z2
+ | sameZ && known (> 1) x1 && tcEqType x1 x2 = [ y1 === y2 ]
+ | sameZ && known (> 0) y1 && tcEqType y1 y2 = [ x1 === x2 ]
+ where sameZ = tcEqType z1 z2
+interactInertExp _ _ _ _ = []
+interactInertLog :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactInertLog _ _ _ _ = []
+interactInertLeq :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactInertLeq [x1,y1] z1 [x2,y2] z2
+ | bothTrue && tcEqType x1 y2 && tcEqType y1 x2 = [ x1 === y1 ]
+ | bothTrue && tcEqType y1 x2 = [ (x1 <== y2) === bool True ]
+ | bothTrue && tcEqType y2 x1 = [ (x2 <== y1) === bool True ]
+ where bothTrue = isJust $ do True <- isBoolLitTy z1
+ True <- isBoolLitTy z2
+ return ()
+interactInertLeq _ _ _ _ = []
+interactInertAppendSymbol :: [Xi] -> Xi -> [Xi] -> Xi -> [Pair Type]
+interactInertAppendSymbol [x1,y1] z1 [x2,y2] z2
+ | sameZ && tcEqType x1 x2 = [ y1 === y2 ]
+ | sameZ && tcEqType y1 y2 = [ x1 === x2 ]
+ where sameZ = tcEqType z1 z2
+interactInertAppendSymbol _ _ _ _ = []
+{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+These inverse functions are used for simplifying propositions using
+concrete natural numbers.
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
+-- | Subtract two natural numbers.
+minus :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Integer
+minus x y = if x >= y then Just (x - y) else Nothing
+-- | Compute the exact logarithm of a natural number.
+-- The logarithm base is the second argument.
+logExact :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Integer
+logExact x y = do (z,True) <- genLog x y
+ return z
+-- | Divide two natural numbers.
+divide :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Integer
+divide _ 0 = Nothing
+divide x y = case divMod x y of
+ (a,0) -> Just a
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- | Compute the exact root of a natural number.
+-- The second argument specifies which root we are computing.
+rootExact :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Integer
+rootExact x y = do (z,True) <- genRoot x y
+ return z
+{- | Compute the n-th root of a natural number, rounded down to
+the closest natural number. The boolean indicates if the result
+is exact (i.e., True means no rounding was done, False means rounded down).
+The second argument specifies which root we are computing. -}
+genRoot :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe (Integer, Bool)
+genRoot _ 0 = Nothing
+genRoot x0 1 = Just (x0, True)
+genRoot x0 root = Just (search 0 (x0+1))
+ where
+ search from to = let x = from + div (to - from) 2
+ a = x ^ root
+ in case compare a x0 of
+ EQ -> (x, True)
+ LT | x /= from -> search x to
+ | otherwise -> (from, False)
+ GT | x /= to -> search from x
+ | otherwise -> (from, False)
+{- | Compute the logarithm of a number in the given base, rounded down to the
+closest integer. The boolean indicates if we the result is exact
+(i.e., True means no rounding happened, False means we rounded down).
+The logarithm base is the second argument. -}
+genLog :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe (Integer, Bool)
+genLog x 0 = if x == 1 then Just (0, True) else Nothing
+genLog _ 1 = Nothing
+genLog 0 _ = Nothing
+genLog x base = Just (exactLoop 0 x)
+ where
+ exactLoop s i
+ | i == 1 = (s,True)
+ | i < base = (s,False)
+ | otherwise =
+ let s1 = s + 1
+ in s1 `seq` case divMod i base of
+ (j,r)
+ | r == 0 -> exactLoop s1 j
+ | otherwise -> (underLoop s1 j, False)
+ underLoop s i
+ | i < base = s
+ | otherwise = let s1 = s + 1 in s1 `seq` underLoop s1 (div i base)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types/Prim.hs b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types/Prim.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4bee18b964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Types/Prim.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1110 @@
+(c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1998
+Wired-in knowledge about primitive types
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+-- | This module defines TyCons that can't be expressed in Haskell.
+-- They are all, therefore, wired-in TyCons. C.f module GHC.Builtin.Types
+module GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim(
+ mkPrimTyConName, -- For implicit parameters in GHC.Builtin.Types only
+ mkTemplateKindVars, mkTemplateTyVars, mkTemplateTyVarsFrom,
+ mkTemplateKiTyVars, mkTemplateKiTyVar,
+ mkTemplateTyConBinders, mkTemplateKindTyConBinders,
+ mkTemplateAnonTyConBinders,
+ alphaTyVars, alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, gammaTyVar, deltaTyVar,
+ alphaTys, alphaTy, betaTy, gammaTy, deltaTy,
+ alphaTyVarsUnliftedRep, alphaTyVarUnliftedRep,
+ alphaTysUnliftedRep, alphaTyUnliftedRep,
+ runtimeRep1TyVar, runtimeRep2TyVar, runtimeRep1Ty, runtimeRep2Ty,
+ openAlphaTy, openBetaTy, openAlphaTyVar, openBetaTyVar,
+ -- Kind constructors...
+ tYPETyCon, tYPETyConName,
+ -- Kinds
+ tYPE, primRepToRuntimeRep,
+ funTyCon, funTyConName,
+ unexposedPrimTyCons, exposedPrimTyCons, primTyCons,
+ charPrimTyCon, charPrimTy, charPrimTyConName,
+ intPrimTyCon, intPrimTy, intPrimTyConName,
+ wordPrimTyCon, wordPrimTy, wordPrimTyConName,
+ addrPrimTyCon, addrPrimTy, addrPrimTyConName,
+ floatPrimTyCon, floatPrimTy, floatPrimTyConName,
+ doublePrimTyCon, doublePrimTy, doublePrimTyConName,
+ voidPrimTyCon, voidPrimTy,
+ statePrimTyCon, mkStatePrimTy,
+ realWorldTyCon, realWorldTy, realWorldStatePrimTy,
+ proxyPrimTyCon, mkProxyPrimTy,
+ arrayPrimTyCon, mkArrayPrimTy,
+ byteArrayPrimTyCon, byteArrayPrimTy,
+ arrayArrayPrimTyCon, mkArrayArrayPrimTy,
+ smallArrayPrimTyCon, mkSmallArrayPrimTy,
+ mutableArrayPrimTyCon, mkMutableArrayPrimTy,
+ mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon, mkMutableByteArrayPrimTy,
+ mutableArrayArrayPrimTyCon, mkMutableArrayArrayPrimTy,
+ smallMutableArrayPrimTyCon, mkSmallMutableArrayPrimTy,
+ mutVarPrimTyCon, mkMutVarPrimTy,
+ mVarPrimTyCon, mkMVarPrimTy,
+ tVarPrimTyCon, mkTVarPrimTy,
+ stablePtrPrimTyCon, mkStablePtrPrimTy,
+ stableNamePrimTyCon, mkStableNamePrimTy,
+ compactPrimTyCon, compactPrimTy,
+ bcoPrimTyCon, bcoPrimTy,
+ weakPrimTyCon, mkWeakPrimTy,
+ threadIdPrimTyCon, threadIdPrimTy,
+ int8PrimTyCon, int8PrimTy, int8PrimTyConName,
+ word8PrimTyCon, word8PrimTy, word8PrimTyConName,
+ int16PrimTyCon, int16PrimTy, int16PrimTyConName,
+ word16PrimTyCon, word16PrimTy, word16PrimTyConName,
+ int32PrimTyCon, int32PrimTy, int32PrimTyConName,
+ word32PrimTyCon, word32PrimTy, word32PrimTyConName,
+ int64PrimTyCon, int64PrimTy, int64PrimTyConName,
+ word64PrimTyCon, word64PrimTy, word64PrimTyConName,
+ eqPrimTyCon, -- ty1 ~# ty2
+ eqReprPrimTyCon, -- ty1 ~R# ty2 (at role Representational)
+ eqPhantPrimTyCon, -- ty1 ~P# ty2 (at role Phantom)
+ equalityTyCon,
+ -- * SIMD
+#include "primop-vector-tys-exports.hs-incl"
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Builtin.Types
+ ( runtimeRepTy, unboxedTupleKind, liftedTypeKind
+ , vecRepDataConTyCon, tupleRepDataConTyCon
+ , liftedRepDataConTy, unliftedRepDataConTy
+ , intRepDataConTy
+ , int8RepDataConTy, int16RepDataConTy, int32RepDataConTy, int64RepDataConTy
+ , wordRepDataConTy
+ , word16RepDataConTy, word8RepDataConTy, word32RepDataConTy, word64RepDataConTy
+ , addrRepDataConTy
+ , floatRepDataConTy, doubleRepDataConTy
+ , vec2DataConTy, vec4DataConTy, vec8DataConTy, vec16DataConTy, vec32DataConTy
+ , vec64DataConTy
+ , int8ElemRepDataConTy, int16ElemRepDataConTy, int32ElemRepDataConTy
+ , int64ElemRepDataConTy, word8ElemRepDataConTy, word16ElemRepDataConTy
+ , word32ElemRepDataConTy, word64ElemRepDataConTy, floatElemRepDataConTy
+ , doubleElemRepDataConTy
+ , mkPromotedListTy )
+import GHC.Types.Var ( TyVar, mkTyVar )
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Builtin.Names
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep -- Doesn't need special access, but this is easier to avoid
+ -- import loops which show up if you import Type instead
+import Data.Char
+* *
+\subsection{Primitive type constructors}
+* *
+primTyCons :: [TyCon]
+primTyCons = unexposedPrimTyCons ++ exposedPrimTyCons
+-- | Primitive 'TyCon's that are defined in "GHC.Prim" but not exposed.
+-- It's important to keep these separate as we don't want users to be able to
+-- write them (see #15209) or see them in GHCi's @:browse@ output
+-- (see #12023).
+unexposedPrimTyCons :: [TyCon]
+ = [ eqPrimTyCon
+ , eqReprPrimTyCon
+ , eqPhantPrimTyCon
+ ]
+-- | Primitive 'TyCon's that are defined in, and exported from, "GHC.Prim".
+exposedPrimTyCons :: [TyCon]
+ = [ addrPrimTyCon
+ , arrayPrimTyCon
+ , byteArrayPrimTyCon
+ , arrayArrayPrimTyCon
+ , smallArrayPrimTyCon
+ , charPrimTyCon
+ , doublePrimTyCon
+ , floatPrimTyCon
+ , intPrimTyCon
+ , int8PrimTyCon
+ , int16PrimTyCon
+ , int32PrimTyCon
+ , int64PrimTyCon
+ , bcoPrimTyCon
+ , weakPrimTyCon
+ , mutableArrayPrimTyCon
+ , mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon
+ , mutableArrayArrayPrimTyCon
+ , smallMutableArrayPrimTyCon
+ , mVarPrimTyCon
+ , tVarPrimTyCon
+ , mutVarPrimTyCon
+ , realWorldTyCon
+ , stablePtrPrimTyCon
+ , stableNamePrimTyCon
+ , compactPrimTyCon
+ , statePrimTyCon
+ , voidPrimTyCon
+ , proxyPrimTyCon
+ , threadIdPrimTyCon
+ , wordPrimTyCon
+ , word8PrimTyCon
+ , word16PrimTyCon
+ , word32PrimTyCon
+ , word64PrimTyCon
+ , tYPETyCon
+#include "primop-vector-tycons.hs-incl"
+ ]
+mkPrimTc :: FastString -> Unique -> TyCon -> Name
+mkPrimTc fs unique tycon
+ = mkWiredInName gHC_PRIM (mkTcOccFS fs)
+ unique
+ (ATyCon tycon) -- Relevant TyCon
+ UserSyntax
+mkBuiltInPrimTc :: FastString -> Unique -> TyCon -> Name
+mkBuiltInPrimTc fs unique tycon
+ = mkWiredInName gHC_PRIM (mkTcOccFS fs)
+ unique
+ (ATyCon tycon) -- Relevant TyCon
+ BuiltInSyntax
+charPrimTyConName, intPrimTyConName, int8PrimTyConName, int16PrimTyConName, int32PrimTyConName, int64PrimTyConName, wordPrimTyConName, word32PrimTyConName, word8PrimTyConName, word16PrimTyConName, word64PrimTyConName, addrPrimTyConName, floatPrimTyConName, doublePrimTyConName, statePrimTyConName, proxyPrimTyConName, realWorldTyConName, arrayPrimTyConName, arrayArrayPrimTyConName, smallArrayPrimTyConName, byteArrayPrimTyConName, mutableArrayPrimTyConName, mutableByteArrayPrimTyConName, mutableArrayArrayPrimTyConName, smallMutableArrayPrimTyConName, mutVarPrimTyConName, mVarPrimTyConName, tVarPrimTyConName, stablePtrPrimTyConName, stableNamePrimTyConName, compactPrimTyConName, bcoPrimTyConName, weakPrimTyConName, threadIdPrimTyConName, eqPrimTyConName, eqReprPrimTyConName, eqPhantPrimTyConName, voidPrimTyConName :: Name
+charPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Char#") charPrimTyConKey charPrimTyCon
+intPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Int#") intPrimTyConKey intPrimTyCon
+int8PrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Int8#") int8PrimTyConKey int8PrimTyCon
+int16PrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Int16#") int16PrimTyConKey int16PrimTyCon
+int32PrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Int32#") int32PrimTyConKey int32PrimTyCon
+int64PrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Int64#") int64PrimTyConKey int64PrimTyCon
+wordPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Word#") wordPrimTyConKey wordPrimTyCon
+word8PrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Word8#") word8PrimTyConKey word8PrimTyCon
+word16PrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Word16#") word16PrimTyConKey word16PrimTyCon
+word32PrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Word32#") word32PrimTyConKey word32PrimTyCon
+word64PrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Word64#") word64PrimTyConKey word64PrimTyCon
+addrPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Addr#") addrPrimTyConKey addrPrimTyCon
+floatPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Float#") floatPrimTyConKey floatPrimTyCon
+doublePrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Double#") doublePrimTyConKey doublePrimTyCon
+statePrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "State#") statePrimTyConKey statePrimTyCon
+voidPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Void#") voidPrimTyConKey voidPrimTyCon
+proxyPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Proxy#") proxyPrimTyConKey proxyPrimTyCon
+eqPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "~#") eqPrimTyConKey eqPrimTyCon
+eqReprPrimTyConName = mkBuiltInPrimTc (fsLit "~R#") eqReprPrimTyConKey eqReprPrimTyCon
+eqPhantPrimTyConName = mkBuiltInPrimTc (fsLit "~P#") eqPhantPrimTyConKey eqPhantPrimTyCon
+realWorldTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "RealWorld") realWorldTyConKey realWorldTyCon
+arrayPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Array#") arrayPrimTyConKey arrayPrimTyCon
+byteArrayPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "ByteArray#") byteArrayPrimTyConKey byteArrayPrimTyCon
+arrayArrayPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "ArrayArray#") arrayArrayPrimTyConKey arrayArrayPrimTyCon
+smallArrayPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "SmallArray#") smallArrayPrimTyConKey smallArrayPrimTyCon
+mutableArrayPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "MutableArray#") mutableArrayPrimTyConKey mutableArrayPrimTyCon
+mutableByteArrayPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "MutableByteArray#") mutableByteArrayPrimTyConKey mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon
+mutableArrayArrayPrimTyConName= mkPrimTc (fsLit "MutableArrayArray#") mutableArrayArrayPrimTyConKey mutableArrayArrayPrimTyCon
+smallMutableArrayPrimTyConName= mkPrimTc (fsLit "SmallMutableArray#") smallMutableArrayPrimTyConKey smallMutableArrayPrimTyCon
+mutVarPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "MutVar#") mutVarPrimTyConKey mutVarPrimTyCon
+mVarPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "MVar#") mVarPrimTyConKey mVarPrimTyCon
+tVarPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "TVar#") tVarPrimTyConKey tVarPrimTyCon
+stablePtrPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "StablePtr#") stablePtrPrimTyConKey stablePtrPrimTyCon
+stableNamePrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "StableName#") stableNamePrimTyConKey stableNamePrimTyCon
+compactPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Compact#") compactPrimTyConKey compactPrimTyCon
+bcoPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "BCO") bcoPrimTyConKey bcoPrimTyCon
+weakPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Weak#") weakPrimTyConKey weakPrimTyCon
+threadIdPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "ThreadId#") threadIdPrimTyConKey threadIdPrimTyCon
+* *
+\subsection{Support code}
+* *
+alphaTyVars is a list of type variables for use in templates:
+ ["a", "b", ..., "z", "t1", "t2", ... ]
+mkTemplateKindVar :: Kind -> TyVar
+mkTemplateKindVar = mkTyVar (mk_tv_name 0 "k")
+mkTemplateKindVars :: [Kind] -> [TyVar]
+-- k0 with unique (mkAlphaTyVarUnique 0)
+-- k1 with unique (mkAlphaTyVarUnique 1)
+-- ... etc
+mkTemplateKindVars [kind] = [mkTemplateKindVar kind]
+ -- Special case for one kind: just "k"
+mkTemplateKindVars kinds
+ = [ mkTyVar (mk_tv_name u ('k' : show u)) kind
+ | (kind, u) <- kinds `zip` [0..] ]
+mk_tv_name :: Int -> String -> Name
+mk_tv_name u s = mkInternalName (mkAlphaTyVarUnique u)
+ (mkTyVarOccFS (mkFastString s))
+ noSrcSpan
+mkTemplateTyVarsFrom :: Int -> [Kind] -> [TyVar]
+-- a with unique (mkAlphaTyVarUnique n)
+-- b with unique (mkAlphaTyVarUnique n+1)
+-- ... etc
+-- Typically called as
+-- mkTemplateTyVarsFrom (length kv_bndrs) kinds
+-- where kv_bndrs are the kind-level binders of a TyCon
+mkTemplateTyVarsFrom n kinds
+ = [ mkTyVar name kind
+ | (kind, index) <- zip kinds [0..],
+ let ch_ord = index + ord 'a'
+ name_str | ch_ord <= ord 'z' = [chr ch_ord]
+ | otherwise = 't':show index
+ name = mk_tv_name (index + n) name_str
+ ]
+mkTemplateTyVars :: [Kind] -> [TyVar]
+mkTemplateTyVars = mkTemplateTyVarsFrom 1
+ :: [Kind] -- [k1, .., kn] Kinds of kind-forall'd vars
+ -> ([Kind] -> [Kind]) -- Arg is [kv1:k1, ..., kvn:kn]
+ -- same length as first arg
+ -- Result is anon arg kinds
+ -> [TyConBinder]
+mkTemplateTyConBinders kind_var_kinds mk_anon_arg_kinds
+ = kv_bndrs ++ tv_bndrs
+ where
+ kv_bndrs = mkTemplateKindTyConBinders kind_var_kinds
+ anon_kinds = mk_anon_arg_kinds (mkTyVarTys (binderVars kv_bndrs))
+ tv_bndrs = mkTemplateAnonTyConBindersFrom (length kv_bndrs) anon_kinds
+ :: [Kind] -- [k1, .., kn] Kinds of kind-forall'd vars
+ -> ([Kind] -> [Kind]) -- Arg is [kv1:k1, ..., kvn:kn]
+ -- same length as first arg
+ -- Result is anon arg kinds [ak1, .., akm]
+ -> [TyVar] -- [kv1:k1, ..., kvn:kn, av1:ak1, ..., avm:akm]
+-- Example: if you want the tyvars for
+-- forall (r:RuntimeRep) (a:TYPE r) (b:*). blah
+-- call mkTemplateKiTyVars [RuntimeRep] (\[r] -> [TYPE r, *])
+mkTemplateKiTyVars kind_var_kinds mk_arg_kinds
+ = kv_bndrs ++ tv_bndrs
+ where
+ kv_bndrs = mkTemplateKindVars kind_var_kinds
+ anon_kinds = mk_arg_kinds (mkTyVarTys kv_bndrs)
+ tv_bndrs = mkTemplateTyVarsFrom (length kv_bndrs) anon_kinds
+ :: Kind -- [k1, .., kn] Kind of kind-forall'd var
+ -> (Kind -> [Kind]) -- Arg is kv1:k1
+ -- Result is anon arg kinds [ak1, .., akm]
+ -> [TyVar] -- [kv1:k1, ..., kvn:kn, av1:ak1, ..., avm:akm]
+-- Example: if you want the tyvars for
+-- forall (r:RuntimeRep) (a:TYPE r) (b:*). blah
+-- call mkTemplateKiTyVar RuntimeRep (\r -> [TYPE r, *])
+mkTemplateKiTyVar kind mk_arg_kinds
+ = kv_bndr : tv_bndrs
+ where
+ kv_bndr = mkTemplateKindVar kind
+ anon_kinds = mk_arg_kinds (mkTyVarTy kv_bndr)
+ tv_bndrs = mkTemplateTyVarsFrom 1 anon_kinds
+mkTemplateKindTyConBinders :: [Kind] -> [TyConBinder]
+-- Makes named, Specified binders
+mkTemplateKindTyConBinders kinds = [mkNamedTyConBinder Specified tv | tv <- mkTemplateKindVars kinds]
+mkTemplateAnonTyConBinders :: [Kind] -> [TyConBinder]
+mkTemplateAnonTyConBinders kinds = mkAnonTyConBinders VisArg (mkTemplateTyVars kinds)
+mkTemplateAnonTyConBindersFrom :: Int -> [Kind] -> [TyConBinder]
+mkTemplateAnonTyConBindersFrom n kinds = mkAnonTyConBinders VisArg (mkTemplateTyVarsFrom n kinds)
+alphaTyVars :: [TyVar]
+alphaTyVars = mkTemplateTyVars $ repeat liftedTypeKind
+alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, gammaTyVar, deltaTyVar :: TyVar
+(alphaTyVar:betaTyVar:gammaTyVar:deltaTyVar:_) = alphaTyVars
+alphaTys :: [Type]
+alphaTys = mkTyVarTys alphaTyVars
+alphaTy, betaTy, gammaTy, deltaTy :: Type
+(alphaTy:betaTy:gammaTy:deltaTy:_) = alphaTys
+alphaTyVarsUnliftedRep :: [TyVar]
+alphaTyVarsUnliftedRep = mkTemplateTyVars $ repeat (tYPE unliftedRepDataConTy)
+alphaTyVarUnliftedRep :: TyVar
+(alphaTyVarUnliftedRep:_) = alphaTyVarsUnliftedRep
+alphaTysUnliftedRep :: [Type]
+alphaTysUnliftedRep = mkTyVarTys alphaTyVarsUnliftedRep
+alphaTyUnliftedRep :: Type
+(alphaTyUnliftedRep:_) = alphaTysUnliftedRep
+runtimeRep1TyVar, runtimeRep2TyVar :: TyVar
+(runtimeRep1TyVar : runtimeRep2TyVar : _)
+ = drop 16 (mkTemplateTyVars (repeat runtimeRepTy)) -- selects 'q','r'
+runtimeRep1Ty, runtimeRep2Ty :: Type
+runtimeRep1Ty = mkTyVarTy runtimeRep1TyVar
+runtimeRep2Ty = mkTyVarTy runtimeRep2TyVar
+openAlphaTyVar, openBetaTyVar :: TyVar
+-- alpha :: TYPE r1
+-- beta :: TYPE r2
+ = mkTemplateTyVars [tYPE runtimeRep1Ty, tYPE runtimeRep2Ty]
+openAlphaTy, openBetaTy :: Type
+openAlphaTy = mkTyVarTy openAlphaTyVar
+openBetaTy = mkTyVarTy openBetaTyVar
+* *
+ FunTyCon
+* *
+funTyConName :: Name
+funTyConName = mkPrimTyConName (fsLit "->") funTyConKey funTyCon
+-- | The @(->)@ type constructor.
+-- @
+-- (->) :: forall (rep1 :: RuntimeRep) (rep2 :: RuntimeRep).
+-- TYPE rep1 -> TYPE rep2 -> *
+-- @
+funTyCon :: TyCon
+funTyCon = mkFunTyCon funTyConName tc_bndrs tc_rep_nm
+ where
+ tc_bndrs = [ mkNamedTyConBinder Inferred runtimeRep1TyVar
+ , mkNamedTyConBinder Inferred runtimeRep2TyVar ]
+ ++ mkTemplateAnonTyConBinders [ tYPE runtimeRep1Ty
+ , tYPE runtimeRep2Ty
+ ]
+ tc_rep_nm = mkPrelTyConRepName funTyConName
+* *
+ Kinds
+* *
+Note [TYPE and RuntimeRep]
+All types that classify values have a kind of the form (TYPE rr), where
+ data RuntimeRep -- Defined in ghc-prim:GHC.Types
+ = LiftedRep
+ | UnliftedRep
+ | IntRep
+ | FloatRep
+ .. etc ..
+ rr :: RuntimeRep
+ TYPE :: RuntimeRep -> TYPE 'LiftedRep -- Built in
+So for example:
+ Int :: TYPE 'LiftedRep
+ Array# Int :: TYPE 'UnliftedRep
+ Int# :: TYPE 'IntRep
+ Float# :: TYPE 'FloatRep
+ Maybe :: TYPE 'LiftedRep -> TYPE 'LiftedRep
+ (# , #) :: TYPE r1 -> TYPE r2 -> TYPE (TupleRep [r1, r2])
+We abbreviate '*' specially:
+ type * = TYPE 'LiftedRep
+The 'rr' parameter tells us how the value is represented at runtime.
+Generally speaking, you can't be polymorphic in 'rr'. E.g
+ f :: forall (rr:RuntimeRep) (a:TYPE rr). a -> [a]
+ f = /\(rr:RuntimeRep) (a:rr) \(a:rr). ...
+This is no good: we could not generate code code for 'f', because the
+calling convention for 'f' varies depending on whether the argument is
+a a Int, Int#, or Float#. (You could imagine generating specialised
+code, one for each instantiation of 'rr', but we don't do that.)
+Certain functions CAN be runtime-rep-polymorphic, because the code
+generator never has to manipulate a value of type 'a :: TYPE rr'.
+* error :: forall (rr:RuntimeRep) (a:TYPE rr). String -> a
+ Code generator never has to manipulate the return value.
+* unsafeCoerce#, defined in Desugar.mkUnsafeCoercePair:
+ Always inlined to be a no-op
+ unsafeCoerce# :: forall (r1 :: RuntimeRep) (r2 :: RuntimeRep)
+ (a :: TYPE r1) (b :: TYPE r2).
+ a -> b
+* Unboxed tuples, and unboxed sums, defined in GHC.Builtin.Types
+ Always inlined, and hence specialised to the call site
+ (#,#) :: forall (r1 :: RuntimeRep) (r2 :: RuntimeRep)
+ (a :: TYPE r1) (b :: TYPE r2).
+ a -> b -> TYPE ('TupleRep '[r1, r2])
+Note [PrimRep and kindPrimRep]
+As part of its source code, in GHC.Core.TyCon, GHC has
+ data PrimRep = LiftedRep | UnliftedRep | IntRep | FloatRep | ...etc...
+Notice that
+ * RuntimeRep is part of the syntax tree of the program being compiled
+ (defined in a library: ghc-prim:GHC.Types)
+ * PrimRep is part of GHC's source code.
+ (defined in GHC.Core.TyCon)
+We need to get from one to the other; that is what kindPrimRep does.
+Suppose we have a value
+ (v :: t) where (t :: k)
+Given this kind
+ k = TyConApp "TYPE" [rep]
+GHC needs to be able to figure out how 'v' is represented at runtime.
+It expects 'rep' to be form
+ TyConApp rr_dc args
+where 'rr_dc' is a promoteed data constructor from RuntimeRep. So
+now we need to go from 'dc' to the corresponding PrimRep. We store this
+PrimRep in the promoted data constructor itself: see TyCon.promDcRepInfo.
+tYPETyCon :: TyCon
+tYPETyConName :: Name
+tYPETyCon = mkKindTyCon tYPETyConName
+ (mkTemplateAnonTyConBinders [runtimeRepTy])
+ liftedTypeKind
+ [Nominal]
+ (mkPrelTyConRepName tYPETyConName)
+-- ... and now their names
+-- If you edit these, you may need to update the GHC formalism
+-- See Note [GHC Formalism] in GHC.Core.Lint
+tYPETyConName = mkPrimTyConName (fsLit "TYPE") tYPETyConKey tYPETyCon
+mkPrimTyConName :: FastString -> Unique -> TyCon -> Name
+mkPrimTyConName = mkPrimTcName BuiltInSyntax
+ -- All of the super kinds and kinds are defined in Prim,
+ -- and use BuiltInSyntax, because they are never in scope in the source
+mkPrimTcName :: BuiltInSyntax -> FastString -> Unique -> TyCon -> Name
+mkPrimTcName built_in_syntax occ key tycon
+ = mkWiredInName gHC_PRIM (mkTcOccFS occ) key (ATyCon tycon) built_in_syntax
+-- | Given a RuntimeRep, applies TYPE to it.
+-- see Note [TYPE and RuntimeRep]
+tYPE :: Type -> Type
+tYPE rr = TyConApp tYPETyCon [rr]
+* *
+ Basic primitive types (@Char#@, @Int#@, etc.)
+* *
+-- only used herein
+pcPrimTyCon :: Name -> [Role] -> PrimRep -> TyCon
+pcPrimTyCon name roles rep
+ = mkPrimTyCon name binders result_kind roles
+ where
+ binders = mkTemplateAnonTyConBinders (map (const liftedTypeKind) roles)
+ result_kind = tYPE (primRepToRuntimeRep rep)
+-- | Convert a 'PrimRep' to a 'Type' of kind RuntimeRep
+-- Defined here to avoid (more) module loops
+primRepToRuntimeRep :: PrimRep -> Type
+primRepToRuntimeRep rep = case rep of
+ VoidRep -> TyConApp tupleRepDataConTyCon [mkPromotedListTy runtimeRepTy []]
+ LiftedRep -> liftedRepDataConTy
+ UnliftedRep -> unliftedRepDataConTy
+ IntRep -> intRepDataConTy
+ Int8Rep -> int8RepDataConTy
+ Int16Rep -> int16RepDataConTy
+ Int32Rep -> int32RepDataConTy
+ Int64Rep -> int64RepDataConTy
+ WordRep -> wordRepDataConTy
+ Word8Rep -> word8RepDataConTy
+ Word16Rep -> word16RepDataConTy
+ Word32Rep -> word32RepDataConTy
+ Word64Rep -> word64RepDataConTy
+ AddrRep -> addrRepDataConTy
+ FloatRep -> floatRepDataConTy
+ DoubleRep -> doubleRepDataConTy
+ VecRep n elem -> TyConApp vecRepDataConTyCon [n', elem']
+ where
+ n' = case n of
+ 2 -> vec2DataConTy
+ 4 -> vec4DataConTy
+ 8 -> vec8DataConTy
+ 16 -> vec16DataConTy
+ 32 -> vec32DataConTy
+ 64 -> vec64DataConTy
+ _ -> pprPanic "Disallowed VecCount" (ppr n)
+ elem' = case elem of
+ Int8ElemRep -> int8ElemRepDataConTy
+ Int16ElemRep -> int16ElemRepDataConTy
+ Int32ElemRep -> int32ElemRepDataConTy
+ Int64ElemRep -> int64ElemRepDataConTy
+ Word8ElemRep -> word8ElemRepDataConTy
+ Word16ElemRep -> word16ElemRepDataConTy
+ Word32ElemRep -> word32ElemRepDataConTy
+ Word64ElemRep -> word64ElemRepDataConTy
+ FloatElemRep -> floatElemRepDataConTy
+ DoubleElemRep -> doubleElemRepDataConTy
+pcPrimTyCon0 :: Name -> PrimRep -> TyCon
+pcPrimTyCon0 name rep
+ = pcPrimTyCon name [] rep
+charPrimTy :: Type
+charPrimTy = mkTyConTy charPrimTyCon
+charPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+charPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 charPrimTyConName WordRep
+intPrimTy :: Type
+intPrimTy = mkTyConTy intPrimTyCon
+intPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+intPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 intPrimTyConName IntRep
+int8PrimTy :: Type
+int8PrimTy = mkTyConTy int8PrimTyCon
+int8PrimTyCon :: TyCon
+int8PrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 int8PrimTyConName Int8Rep
+int16PrimTy :: Type
+int16PrimTy = mkTyConTy int16PrimTyCon
+int16PrimTyCon :: TyCon
+int16PrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 int16PrimTyConName Int16Rep
+int32PrimTy :: Type
+int32PrimTy = mkTyConTy int32PrimTyCon
+int32PrimTyCon :: TyCon
+int32PrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 int32PrimTyConName Int32Rep
+int64PrimTy :: Type
+int64PrimTy = mkTyConTy int64PrimTyCon
+int64PrimTyCon :: TyCon
+int64PrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 int64PrimTyConName Int64Rep
+wordPrimTy :: Type
+wordPrimTy = mkTyConTy wordPrimTyCon
+wordPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+wordPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 wordPrimTyConName WordRep
+word8PrimTy :: Type
+word8PrimTy = mkTyConTy word8PrimTyCon
+word8PrimTyCon :: TyCon
+word8PrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 word8PrimTyConName Word8Rep
+word16PrimTy :: Type
+word16PrimTy = mkTyConTy word16PrimTyCon
+word16PrimTyCon :: TyCon
+word16PrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 word16PrimTyConName Word16Rep
+word32PrimTy :: Type
+word32PrimTy = mkTyConTy word32PrimTyCon
+word32PrimTyCon :: TyCon
+word32PrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 word32PrimTyConName Word32Rep
+word64PrimTy :: Type
+word64PrimTy = mkTyConTy word64PrimTyCon
+word64PrimTyCon :: TyCon
+word64PrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 word64PrimTyConName Word64Rep
+addrPrimTy :: Type
+addrPrimTy = mkTyConTy addrPrimTyCon
+addrPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+addrPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 addrPrimTyConName AddrRep
+floatPrimTy :: Type
+floatPrimTy = mkTyConTy floatPrimTyCon
+floatPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+floatPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 floatPrimTyConName FloatRep
+doublePrimTy :: Type
+doublePrimTy = mkTyConTy doublePrimTyCon
+doublePrimTyCon :: TyCon
+doublePrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 doublePrimTyConName DoubleRep
+* *
+ The @State#@ type (and @_RealWorld@ types)
+* *
+Note [The equality types story]
+GHC sports a veritable menagerie of equality types:
+ Type or Lifted? Hetero? Role Built in Defining module
+ class? L/U TyCon
+~# T U hetero nominal eqPrimTyCon GHC.Prim
+~~ C L hetero nominal heqTyCon GHC.Types
+~ C L homo nominal eqTyCon GHC.Types
+:~: T L homo nominal (not built-in) Data.Type.Equality
+:~~: T L hetero nominal (not built-in) Data.Type.Equality
+~R# T U hetero repr eqReprPrimTy GHC.Prim
+Coercible C L homo repr coercibleTyCon GHC.Types
+Coercion T L homo repr (not built-in) Data.Type.Coercion
+~P# T U hetero phantom eqPhantPrimTyCon GHC.Prim
+Recall that "hetero" means the equality can related types of different
+kinds. Knowing that (t1 ~# t2) or (t1 ~R# t2) or even that (t1 ~P# t2)
+also means that (k1 ~# k2), where (t1 :: k1) and (t2 :: k2).
+To produce less confusion for end users, when not dumping and without
+-fprint-equality-relations, each of these groups is printed as the bottommost
+listed equality. That is, (~#) and (~~) are both rendered as (~) in
+error messages, and (~R#) is rendered as Coercible.
+Let's take these one at a time:
+ --------------------------
+ (~#) :: forall k1 k2. k1 -> k2 -> #
+ --------------------------
+This is The Type Of Equality in GHC. It classifies nominal coercions.
+This type is used in the solver for recording equality constraints.
+It responds "yes" to Type.isEqPrimPred and classifies as an EqPred in
+All wanted constraints of this type are built with coercion holes.
+(See Note [Coercion holes] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep.) But see also
+Note [Deferred errors for coercion holes] in GHC.Tc.Errors to see how
+equality constraints are deferred.
+Within GHC, ~# is called eqPrimTyCon, and it is defined in GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim.
+ --------------------------
+ (~~) :: forall k1 k2. k1 -> k2 -> Constraint
+ --------------------------
+This is (almost) an ordinary class, defined as if by
+ class a ~# b => a ~~ b
+ instance a ~# b => a ~~ b
+Here's what's unusual about it:
+ * We can't actually declare it that way because we don't have syntax for ~#.
+ And ~# isn't a constraint, so even if we could write it, it wouldn't kind
+ check.
+ * Users cannot write instances of it.
+ * It is "naturally coherent". This means that the solver won't hesitate to
+ solve a goal of type (a ~~ b) even if there is, say (Int ~~ c) in the
+ context. (Normally, it waits to learn more, just in case the given
+ influences what happens next.) See Note [Naturally coherent classes]
+ in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.
+ * It always terminates. That is, in the UndecidableInstances checks, we
+ don't worry if a (~~) constraint is too big, as we know that solving
+ equality terminates.
+On the other hand, this behaves just like any class w.r.t. eager superclass
+unpacking in the solver. So a lifted equality given quickly becomes an unlifted
+equality given. This is good, because the solver knows all about unlifted
+equalities. There is some special-casing in GHC.Tc.Solver.Interact.matchClassInst to
+pretend that there is an instance of this class, as we can't write the instance
+in Haskell.
+Within GHC, ~~ is called heqTyCon, and it is defined in GHC.Builtin.Types.
+ --------------------------
+ (~) :: forall k. k -> k -> Constraint
+ --------------------------
+This is /exactly/ like (~~), except with a homogeneous kind.
+It is an almost-ordinary class defined as if by
+ class a ~# b => (a :: k) ~ (b :: k)
+ instance a ~# b => a ~ b
+ * All the bullets for (~~) apply
+ * In addition (~) is magical syntax, as ~ is a reserved symbol.
+ It cannot be exported or imported.
+Within GHC, ~ is called eqTyCon, and it is defined in GHC.Builtin.Types.
+Historical note: prior to July 18 (~) was defined as a
+ more-ordinary class with (~~) as a superclass. But that made it
+ special in different ways; and the extra superclass selections to
+ get from (~) to (~#) via (~~) were tiresome. Now it's defined
+ uniformly with (~~) and Coercible; much nicer.)
+ --------------------------
+ (:~:) :: forall k. k -> k -> *
+ (:~~:) :: forall k1 k2. k1 -> k2 -> *
+ --------------------------
+These are perfectly ordinary GADTs, wrapping (~) and (~~) resp.
+They are not defined within GHC at all.
+ --------------------------
+ (~R#) :: forall k1 k2. k1 -> k2 -> #
+ --------------------------
+The is the representational analogue of ~#. This is the type of representational
+equalities that the solver works on. All wanted constraints of this type are
+built with coercion holes.
+Within GHC, ~R# is called eqReprPrimTyCon, and it is defined in GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim.
+ --------------------------
+ Coercible :: forall k. k -> k -> Constraint
+ --------------------------
+This is quite like (~~) in the way it's defined and treated within GHC, but
+it's homogeneous. Homogeneity helps with type inference (as GHC can solve one
+kind from the other) and, in my (Richard's) estimation, will be more intuitive
+for users.
+An alternative design included HCoercible (like (~~)) and Coercible (like (~)).
+One annoyance was that we want `coerce :: Coercible a b => a -> b`, and
+we need the type of coerce to be fully wired-in. So the HCoercible/Coercible
+split required that both types be fully wired-in. Instead of doing this,
+I just got rid of HCoercible, as I'm not sure who would use it, anyway.
+Within GHC, Coercible is called coercibleTyCon, and it is defined in
+ --------------------------
+ Coercion :: forall k. k -> k -> *
+ --------------------------
+This is a perfectly ordinary GADT, wrapping Coercible. It is not defined
+within GHC at all.
+ --------------------------
+ (~P#) :: forall k1 k2. k1 -> k2 -> #
+ --------------------------
+This is the phantom analogue of ~# and it is barely used at all.
+(The solver has no idea about this one.) Here is the motivation:
+ data Phant a = MkPhant
+ type role Phant phantom
+ Phant <Int, Bool>_P :: Phant Int ~P# Phant Bool
+We just need to have something to put on that last line. You probably
+don't need to worry about it.
+Note [The State# TyCon]
+State# is the primitive, unlifted type of states. It has one type parameter,
+ State# RealWorld
+ State# s
+where s is a type variable. The only purpose of the type parameter is to
+keep different state threads separate. It is represented by nothing at all.
+The type parameter to State# is intended to keep separate threads separate.
+Even though this parameter is not used in the definition of State#, it is
+given role Nominal to enforce its intended use.
+mkStatePrimTy :: Type -> Type
+mkStatePrimTy ty = TyConApp statePrimTyCon [ty]
+statePrimTyCon :: TyCon -- See Note [The State# TyCon]
+statePrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon statePrimTyConName [Nominal] VoidRep
+RealWorld is deeply magical. It is *primitive*, but it is not
+*unlifted* (hence ptrArg). We never manipulate values of type
+RealWorld; it's only used in the type system, to parameterise State#.
+realWorldTyCon :: TyCon
+realWorldTyCon = mkLiftedPrimTyCon realWorldTyConName [] liftedTypeKind []
+realWorldTy :: Type
+realWorldTy = mkTyConTy realWorldTyCon
+realWorldStatePrimTy :: Type
+realWorldStatePrimTy = mkStatePrimTy realWorldTy -- State# RealWorld
+-- Note: the ``state-pairing'' types are not truly primitive,
+-- so they are defined in \tr{GHC.Builtin.Types}, not here.
+voidPrimTy :: Type
+voidPrimTy = TyConApp voidPrimTyCon []
+voidPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+voidPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon voidPrimTyConName [] VoidRep
+mkProxyPrimTy :: Type -> Type -> Type
+mkProxyPrimTy k ty = TyConApp proxyPrimTyCon [k, ty]
+proxyPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+proxyPrimTyCon = mkPrimTyCon proxyPrimTyConName binders res_kind [Nominal,Phantom]
+ where
+ -- Kind: forall k. k -> TYPE (Tuple '[])
+ binders = mkTemplateTyConBinders [liftedTypeKind] id
+ res_kind = unboxedTupleKind []
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Primitive equality constraints
+ See Note [The equality types story]
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+eqPrimTyCon :: TyCon -- The representation type for equality predicates
+ -- See Note [The equality types story]
+eqPrimTyCon = mkPrimTyCon eqPrimTyConName binders res_kind roles
+ where
+ -- Kind :: forall k1 k2. k1 -> k2 -> TYPE (Tuple '[])
+ binders = mkTemplateTyConBinders [liftedTypeKind, liftedTypeKind] id
+ res_kind = unboxedTupleKind []
+ roles = [Nominal, Nominal, Nominal, Nominal]
+-- like eqPrimTyCon, but the type for *Representational* coercions
+-- this should only ever appear as the type of a covar. Its role is
+-- interpreted in coercionRole
+eqReprPrimTyCon :: TyCon -- See Note [The equality types story]
+eqReprPrimTyCon = mkPrimTyCon eqReprPrimTyConName binders res_kind roles
+ where
+ -- Kind :: forall k1 k2. k1 -> k2 -> TYPE (Tuple '[])
+ binders = mkTemplateTyConBinders [liftedTypeKind, liftedTypeKind] id
+ res_kind = unboxedTupleKind []
+ roles = [Nominal, Nominal, Representational, Representational]
+-- like eqPrimTyCon, but the type for *Phantom* coercions.
+-- This is only used to make higher-order equalities. Nothing
+-- should ever actually have this type!
+eqPhantPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+eqPhantPrimTyCon = mkPrimTyCon eqPhantPrimTyConName binders res_kind roles
+ where
+ -- Kind :: forall k1 k2. k1 -> k2 -> TYPE (Tuple '[])
+ binders = mkTemplateTyConBinders [liftedTypeKind, liftedTypeKind] id
+ res_kind = unboxedTupleKind []
+ roles = [Nominal, Nominal, Phantom, Phantom]
+-- | Given a Role, what TyCon is the type of equality predicates at that role?
+equalityTyCon :: Role -> TyCon
+equalityTyCon Nominal = eqPrimTyCon
+equalityTyCon Representational = eqReprPrimTyCon
+equalityTyCon Phantom = eqPhantPrimTyCon
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ The primitive array types
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+arrayPrimTyCon, mutableArrayPrimTyCon, mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon,
+ byteArrayPrimTyCon, arrayArrayPrimTyCon, mutableArrayArrayPrimTyCon,
+ smallArrayPrimTyCon, smallMutableArrayPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+arrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon arrayPrimTyConName [Representational] UnliftedRep
+mutableArrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon mutableArrayPrimTyConName [Nominal, Representational] UnliftedRep
+mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon mutableByteArrayPrimTyConName [Nominal] UnliftedRep
+byteArrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 byteArrayPrimTyConName UnliftedRep
+arrayArrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 arrayArrayPrimTyConName UnliftedRep
+mutableArrayArrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon mutableArrayArrayPrimTyConName [Nominal] UnliftedRep
+smallArrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon smallArrayPrimTyConName [Representational] UnliftedRep
+smallMutableArrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon smallMutableArrayPrimTyConName [Nominal, Representational] UnliftedRep
+mkArrayPrimTy :: Type -> Type
+mkArrayPrimTy elt = TyConApp arrayPrimTyCon [elt]
+byteArrayPrimTy :: Type
+byteArrayPrimTy = mkTyConTy byteArrayPrimTyCon
+mkArrayArrayPrimTy :: Type
+mkArrayArrayPrimTy = mkTyConTy arrayArrayPrimTyCon
+mkSmallArrayPrimTy :: Type -> Type
+mkSmallArrayPrimTy elt = TyConApp smallArrayPrimTyCon [elt]
+mkMutableArrayPrimTy :: Type -> Type -> Type
+mkMutableArrayPrimTy s elt = TyConApp mutableArrayPrimTyCon [s, elt]
+mkMutableByteArrayPrimTy :: Type -> Type
+mkMutableByteArrayPrimTy s = TyConApp mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon [s]
+mkMutableArrayArrayPrimTy :: Type -> Type
+mkMutableArrayArrayPrimTy s = TyConApp mutableArrayArrayPrimTyCon [s]
+mkSmallMutableArrayPrimTy :: Type -> Type -> Type
+mkSmallMutableArrayPrimTy s elt = TyConApp smallMutableArrayPrimTyCon [s, elt]
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ The mutable variable type
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+mutVarPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+mutVarPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon mutVarPrimTyConName [Nominal, Representational] UnliftedRep
+mkMutVarPrimTy :: Type -> Type -> Type
+mkMutVarPrimTy s elt = TyConApp mutVarPrimTyCon [s, elt]
+* *
+ The synchronizing variable type
+* *
+mVarPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+mVarPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon mVarPrimTyConName [Nominal, Representational] UnliftedRep
+mkMVarPrimTy :: Type -> Type -> Type
+mkMVarPrimTy s elt = TyConApp mVarPrimTyCon [s, elt]
+* *
+ The transactional variable type
+* *
+tVarPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+tVarPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon tVarPrimTyConName [Nominal, Representational] UnliftedRep
+mkTVarPrimTy :: Type -> Type -> Type
+mkTVarPrimTy s elt = TyConApp tVarPrimTyCon [s, elt]
+* *
+ The stable-pointer type
+* *
+stablePtrPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+stablePtrPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon stablePtrPrimTyConName [Representational] AddrRep
+mkStablePtrPrimTy :: Type -> Type
+mkStablePtrPrimTy ty = TyConApp stablePtrPrimTyCon [ty]
+* *
+ The stable-name type
+* *
+stableNamePrimTyCon :: TyCon
+stableNamePrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon stableNamePrimTyConName [Phantom] UnliftedRep
+mkStableNamePrimTy :: Type -> Type
+mkStableNamePrimTy ty = TyConApp stableNamePrimTyCon [ty]
+* *
+ The Compact NFData (CNF) type
+* *
+compactPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+compactPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 compactPrimTyConName UnliftedRep
+compactPrimTy :: Type
+compactPrimTy = mkTyConTy compactPrimTyCon
+* *
+ The ``bytecode object'' type
+* *
+-- Unlike most other primitive types, BCO is lifted. This is because in
+-- general a BCO may be a thunk for the reasons given in Note [Updatable CAF
+-- BCOs] in GHCi.CreateBCO.
+bcoPrimTy :: Type
+bcoPrimTy = mkTyConTy bcoPrimTyCon
+bcoPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+bcoPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 bcoPrimTyConName LiftedRep
+* *
+ The ``weak pointer'' type
+* *
+weakPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+weakPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon weakPrimTyConName [Representational] UnliftedRep
+mkWeakPrimTy :: Type -> Type
+mkWeakPrimTy v = TyConApp weakPrimTyCon [v]
+* *
+ The ``thread id'' type
+* *
+A thread id is represented by a pointer to the TSO itself, to ensure
+that they are always unique and we can always find the TSO for a given
+thread id. However, this has the unfortunate consequence that a
+ThreadId# for a given thread is treated as a root by the garbage
+collector and can keep TSOs around for too long.
+Hence the programmer API for thread manipulation uses a weak pointer
+to the thread id internally.
+threadIdPrimTy :: Type
+threadIdPrimTy = mkTyConTy threadIdPrimTyCon
+threadIdPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+threadIdPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 threadIdPrimTyConName UnliftedRep
+* *
+\subsection{SIMD vector types}
+* *
+#include "primop-vector-tys.hs-incl"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Uniques.hs b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Uniques.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d73544378b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Uniques.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+-- | This is where we define a mapping from Uniques to their associated
+-- known-key Names for things associated with tuples and sums. We use this
+-- mapping while deserializing known-key Names in interface file symbol tables,
+-- which are encoded as their Unique. See Note [Symbol table representation of
+-- names] for details.
+module GHC.Builtin.Uniques
+ ( -- * Looking up known-key names
+ knownUniqueName
+ -- * Getting the 'Unique's of 'Name's
+ -- ** Anonymous sums
+ , mkSumTyConUnique
+ , mkSumDataConUnique
+ -- ** Tuples
+ -- *** Vanilla
+ , mkTupleTyConUnique
+ , mkTupleDataConUnique
+ -- *** Constraint
+ , mkCTupleTyConUnique
+ , mkCTupleDataConUnique
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Builtin.Types
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import Util
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Maybe
+-- | Get the 'Name' associated with a known-key 'Unique'.
+knownUniqueName :: Unique -> Maybe Name
+knownUniqueName u =
+ case tag of
+ 'z' -> Just $ getUnboxedSumName n
+ '4' -> Just $ getTupleTyConName Boxed n
+ '5' -> Just $ getTupleTyConName Unboxed n
+ '7' -> Just $ getTupleDataConName Boxed n
+ '8' -> Just $ getTupleDataConName Unboxed n
+ 'k' -> Just $ getCTupleTyConName n
+ 'm' -> Just $ getCTupleDataConUnique n
+ _ -> Nothing
+ where
+ (tag, n) = unpkUnique u
+-- Anonymous sums
+-- Sum arities start from 2. The encoding is a bit funny: we break up the
+-- integral part into bitfields for the arity, an alternative index (which is
+-- taken to be 0xff in the case of the TyCon), and, in the case of a datacon, a
+-- tag (used to identify the sum's TypeRep binding).
+-- This layout is chosen to remain compatible with the usual unique allocation
+-- for wired-in data constructors described in GHC.Types.Unique
+-- TyCon for sum of arity k:
+-- 00000000 kkkkkkkk 11111100
+-- TypeRep of TyCon for sum of arity k:
+-- 00000000 kkkkkkkk 11111101
+-- DataCon for sum of arity k and alternative n (zero-based):
+-- 00000000 kkkkkkkk nnnnnn00
+-- TypeRep for sum DataCon of arity k and alternative n (zero-based):
+-- 00000000 kkkkkkkk nnnnnn10
+mkSumTyConUnique :: Arity -> Unique
+mkSumTyConUnique arity =
+ ASSERT(arity < 0x3f) -- 0x3f since we only have 6 bits to encode the
+ -- alternative
+ mkUnique 'z' (arity `shiftL` 8 .|. 0xfc)
+mkSumDataConUnique :: ConTagZ -> Arity -> Unique
+mkSumDataConUnique alt arity
+ | alt >= arity
+ = panic ("mkSumDataConUnique: " ++ show alt ++ " >= " ++ show arity)
+ | otherwise
+ = mkUnique 'z' (arity `shiftL` 8 + alt `shiftL` 2) {- skip the tycon -}
+getUnboxedSumName :: Int -> Name
+getUnboxedSumName n
+ | n .&. 0xfc == 0xfc
+ = case tag of
+ 0x0 -> tyConName $ sumTyCon arity
+ 0x1 -> getRep $ sumTyCon arity
+ _ -> pprPanic "getUnboxedSumName: invalid tag" (ppr tag)
+ | tag == 0x0
+ = dataConName $ sumDataCon (alt + 1) arity
+ | tag == 0x1
+ = getName $ dataConWrapId $ sumDataCon (alt + 1) arity
+ | tag == 0x2
+ = getRep $ promoteDataCon $ sumDataCon (alt + 1) arity
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "getUnboxedSumName" (ppr n)
+ where
+ arity = n `shiftR` 8
+ alt = (n .&. 0xfc) `shiftR` 2
+ tag = 0x3 .&. n
+ getRep tycon =
+ fromMaybe (pprPanic "getUnboxedSumName(getRep)" (ppr tycon))
+ $ tyConRepName_maybe tycon
+-- Note [Uniques for tuple type and data constructors]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Wired-in type constructor keys occupy *two* slots:
+-- * u: the TyCon itself
+-- * u+1: the TyConRepName of the TyCon
+-- Wired-in tuple data constructor keys occupy *three* slots:
+-- * u: the DataCon itself
+-- * u+1: its worker Id
+-- * u+2: the TyConRepName of the promoted TyCon
+-- Constraint tuples
+mkCTupleTyConUnique :: Arity -> Unique
+mkCTupleTyConUnique a = mkUnique 'k' (2*a)
+mkCTupleDataConUnique :: Arity -> Unique
+mkCTupleDataConUnique a = mkUnique 'm' (3*a)
+getCTupleTyConName :: Int -> Name
+getCTupleTyConName n =
+ case n `divMod` 2 of
+ (arity, 0) -> cTupleTyConName arity
+ (arity, 1) -> mkPrelTyConRepName $ cTupleTyConName arity
+ _ -> panic "getCTupleTyConName: impossible"
+getCTupleDataConUnique :: Int -> Name
+getCTupleDataConUnique n =
+ case n `divMod` 3 of
+ (arity, 0) -> cTupleDataConName arity
+ (_arity, 1) -> panic "getCTupleDataConName: no worker"
+ (arity, 2) -> mkPrelTyConRepName $ cTupleDataConName arity
+ _ -> panic "getCTupleDataConName: impossible"
+-- Normal tuples
+mkTupleDataConUnique :: Boxity -> Arity -> Unique
+mkTupleDataConUnique Boxed a = mkUnique '7' (3*a) -- may be used in C labels
+mkTupleDataConUnique Unboxed a = mkUnique '8' (3*a)
+mkTupleTyConUnique :: Boxity -> Arity -> Unique
+mkTupleTyConUnique Boxed a = mkUnique '4' (2*a)
+mkTupleTyConUnique Unboxed a = mkUnique '5' (2*a)
+getTupleTyConName :: Boxity -> Int -> Name
+getTupleTyConName boxity n =
+ case n `divMod` 2 of
+ (arity, 0) -> tyConName $ tupleTyCon boxity arity
+ (arity, 1) -> fromMaybe (panic "getTupleTyConName")
+ $ tyConRepName_maybe $ tupleTyCon boxity arity
+ _ -> panic "getTupleTyConName: impossible"
+getTupleDataConName :: Boxity -> Int -> Name
+getTupleDataConName boxity n =
+ case n `divMod` 3 of
+ (arity, 0) -> dataConName $ tupleDataCon boxity arity
+ (arity, 1) -> idName $ dataConWorkId $ tupleDataCon boxity arity
+ (arity, 2) -> fromMaybe (panic "getTupleDataCon")
+ $ tyConRepName_maybe $ promotedTupleDataCon boxity arity
+ _ -> panic "getTupleDataConName: impossible"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Uniques.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Uniques.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f00490b538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Uniques.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+module GHC.Builtin.Uniques where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+-- Needed by GHC.Builtin.Types
+knownUniqueName :: Unique -> Maybe Name
+mkSumTyConUnique :: Arity -> Unique
+mkSumDataConUnique :: ConTagZ -> Arity -> Unique
+mkCTupleTyConUnique :: Arity -> Unique
+mkCTupleDataConUnique :: Arity -> Unique
+mkTupleTyConUnique :: Boxity -> Arity -> Unique
+mkTupleDataConUnique :: Boxity -> Arity -> Unique
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Utils.hs b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Utils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0725ee85fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/Utils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+-- | The @GHC.Builtin.Utils@ interface to the compiler's prelude knowledge.
+-- This module serves as the central gathering point for names which the
+-- compiler knows something about. This includes functions for,
+-- * discerning whether a 'Name' is known-key
+-- * given a 'Unique', looking up its corresponding known-key 'Name'
+-- See Note [Known-key names] and Note [About wired-in things] for information
+-- about the two types of prelude things in GHC.
+module GHC.Builtin.Utils (
+ -- * Known-key names
+ isKnownKeyName,
+ lookupKnownKeyName,
+ lookupKnownNameInfo,
+ -- ** Internal use
+ -- | 'knownKeyNames' is exported to seed the original name cache only;
+ -- if you find yourself wanting to look at it you might consider using
+ -- 'lookupKnownKeyName' or 'isKnownKeyName'.
+ knownKeyNames,
+ -- * Miscellaneous
+ wiredInIds, ghcPrimIds,
+ primOpRules, builtinRules,
+ ghcPrimExports,
+ primOpId,
+ -- * Random other things
+ maybeCharLikeCon, maybeIntLikeCon,
+ -- * Class categories
+ isNumericClass, isStandardClass
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Builtin.Uniques
+import GHC.Types.Unique ( isValidKnownKeyUnique )
+import GHC.Core.ConLike ( ConLike(..) )
+import GHC.Builtin.Names.TH ( templateHaskellNames )
+import GHC.Builtin.Names
+import GHC.Core.Opt.ConstantFold
+import GHC.Types.Avail
+import GHC.Builtin.PrimOps
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Types.Name.Env
+import GHC.Types.Id.Make
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
+import GHC.Builtin.Types
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import GHC.Core.Class
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import Util
+import GHC.Builtin.Types.Literals ( typeNatTyCons )
+import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
+import Data.List ( intercalate )
+import Data.Array
+import Data.Maybe
+* *
+\subsection[builtinNameInfo]{Lookup built-in names}
+* *
+Note [About wired-in things]
+* Wired-in things are Ids\/TyCons that are completely known to the compiler.
+ They are global values in GHC, (e.g. listTyCon :: TyCon).
+* A wired-in Name contains the thing itself inside the Name:
+ see Name.wiredInNameTyThing_maybe
+ (E.g. listTyConName contains listTyCon.
+* The name cache is initialised with (the names of) all wired-in things
+ (except tuples and sums; see Note [Infinite families of known-key names])
+* The type environment itself contains no wired in things. The type
+ checker sees if the Name is wired in before looking up the name in
+ the type environment.
+* GHC.Iface.Make prunes out wired-in things before putting them in an interface file.
+ So interface files never contain wired-in things.
+-- | This list is used to ensure that when you say "" in your source
+-- code, or in an interface file, you get a Name with the correct known key (See
+-- Note [Known-key names] in GHC.Builtin.Names)
+knownKeyNames :: [Name]
+ | debugIsOn
+ , Just badNamesStr <- knownKeyNamesOkay all_names
+ = panic ("badAllKnownKeyNames:\n" ++ badNamesStr)
+ -- NB: We can't use ppr here, because this is sometimes evaluated in a
+ -- context where there are no DynFlags available, leading to a cryptic
+ -- "<<details unavailable>>" error. (This seems to happen only in the
+ -- stage 2 compiler, for reasons I [Richard] have no clue of.)
+ | otherwise
+ = all_names
+ where
+ all_names =
+ concat [ wired_tycon_kk_names funTyCon
+ , concatMap wired_tycon_kk_names primTyCons
+ , concatMap wired_tycon_kk_names wiredInTyCons
+ -- Does not include tuples
+ , concatMap wired_tycon_kk_names typeNatTyCons
+ , map idName wiredInIds
+ , map (idName . primOpId) allThePrimOps
+ , map (idName . primOpWrapperId) allThePrimOps
+ , basicKnownKeyNames
+ , templateHaskellNames
+ ]
+ -- All of the names associated with a wired-in TyCon.
+ -- This includes the TyCon itself, its DataCons and promoted TyCons.
+ wired_tycon_kk_names :: TyCon -> [Name]
+ wired_tycon_kk_names tc =
+ tyConName tc : (rep_names tc ++ implicits)
+ where implicits = concatMap thing_kk_names (implicitTyConThings tc)
+ wired_datacon_kk_names :: DataCon -> [Name]
+ wired_datacon_kk_names dc =
+ dataConName dc : rep_names (promoteDataCon dc)
+ thing_kk_names :: TyThing -> [Name]
+ thing_kk_names (ATyCon tc) = wired_tycon_kk_names tc
+ thing_kk_names (AConLike (RealDataCon dc)) = wired_datacon_kk_names dc
+ thing_kk_names thing = [getName thing]
+ -- The TyConRepName for a known-key TyCon has a known key,
+ -- but isn't itself an implicit thing. Yurgh.
+ -- NB: if any of the wired-in TyCons had record fields, the record
+ -- field names would be in a similar situation. Ditto class ops.
+ -- But it happens that there aren't any
+ rep_names tc = case tyConRepName_maybe tc of
+ Just n -> [n]
+ Nothing -> []
+-- | Check the known-key names list of consistency.
+knownKeyNamesOkay :: [Name] -> Maybe String
+knownKeyNamesOkay all_names
+ | ns@(_:_) <- filter (not . isValidKnownKeyUnique . getUnique) all_names
+ = Just $ " Out-of-range known-key uniques: ["
+ ++ intercalate ", " (map (occNameString . nameOccName) ns) ++
+ "]"
+ | null badNamesPairs
+ = Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ = Just badNamesStr
+ where
+ namesEnv = foldl' (\m n -> extendNameEnv_Acc (:) singleton m n n)
+ emptyUFM all_names
+ badNamesEnv = filterNameEnv (\ns -> ns `lengthExceeds` 1) namesEnv
+ badNamesPairs = nonDetUFMToList badNamesEnv
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetUFMToList here because the ordering only affects
+ -- the message when we get a panic
+ badNamesStrs = map pairToStr badNamesPairs
+ badNamesStr = unlines badNamesStrs
+ pairToStr (uniq, ns) = " " ++
+ show uniq ++
+ ": [" ++
+ intercalate ", " (map (occNameString . nameOccName) ns) ++
+ "]"
+-- | Given a 'Unique' lookup its associated 'Name' if it corresponds to a
+-- known-key thing.
+lookupKnownKeyName :: Unique -> Maybe Name
+lookupKnownKeyName u =
+ knownUniqueName u <|> lookupUFM knownKeysMap u
+-- | Is a 'Name' known-key?
+isKnownKeyName :: Name -> Bool
+isKnownKeyName n =
+ isJust (knownUniqueName $ nameUnique n) || elemUFM n knownKeysMap
+knownKeysMap :: UniqFM Name
+knownKeysMap = listToUFM [ (nameUnique n, n) | n <- knownKeyNames ]
+-- | Given a 'Unique' lookup any associated arbitrary SDoc's to be displayed by
+-- GHCi's ':info' command.
+lookupKnownNameInfo :: Name -> SDoc
+lookupKnownNameInfo name = case lookupNameEnv knownNamesInfo name of
+ -- If we do find a doc, we add comment delimiters to make the output
+ -- of ':info' valid Haskell.
+ Nothing -> empty
+ Just doc -> vcat [text "{-", doc, text "-}"]
+-- A map from Uniques to SDocs, used in GHCi's ':info' command. (#12390)
+knownNamesInfo :: NameEnv SDoc
+knownNamesInfo = unitNameEnv coercibleTyConName $
+ vcat [ text "Coercible is a special constraint with custom solving rules."
+ , text "It is not a class."
+ , text "Please see section `The Coercible constraint`"
+ , text "of the user's guide for details." ]
+We let a lot of "non-standard" values be visible, so that we can make
+sense of them in interface pragmas. It's cool, though they all have
+"non-standard" names, so they won't get past the parser in user code.
+* *
+ PrimOpIds
+* *
+primOpIds :: Array Int Id
+-- A cache of the PrimOp Ids, indexed by PrimOp tag
+primOpIds = array (1,maxPrimOpTag) [ (primOpTag op, mkPrimOpId op)
+ | op <- allThePrimOps ]
+primOpId :: PrimOp -> Id
+primOpId op = primOpIds ! primOpTag op
+* *
+ Export lists for pseudo-modules (GHC.Prim)
+* *
+GHC.Prim "exports" all the primops and primitive types, some
+wired-in Ids.
+ghcPrimExports :: [IfaceExport]
+ = map (avail . idName) ghcPrimIds ++
+ map (avail . idName . primOpId) allThePrimOps ++
+ [ AvailTC n [n] []
+ | tc <- funTyCon : exposedPrimTyCons, let n = tyConName tc ]
+* *
+ Built-in keys
+* *
+ToDo: make it do the ``like'' part properly (as in 0.26 and before).
+maybeCharLikeCon, maybeIntLikeCon :: DataCon -> Bool
+maybeCharLikeCon con = con `hasKey` charDataConKey
+maybeIntLikeCon con = con `hasKey` intDataConKey
+* *
+ Class predicates
+* *
+isNumericClass, isStandardClass :: Class -> Bool
+isNumericClass clas = classKey clas `is_elem` numericClassKeys
+isStandardClass clas = classKey clas `is_elem` standardClassKeys
+is_elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
+is_elem = isIn "is_X_Class"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Builtin/primops.txt.pp b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/primops.txt.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a29fbf48d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Builtin/primops.txt.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,3841 @@
+-- (c) 2010 The University of Glasgow
+-- Primitive Operations and Types
+-- For more information on PrimOps, see
+-- This file is processed by the utility program genprimopcode to produce
+-- a number of include files within the compiler and optionally to produce
+-- human-readable documentation.
+-- It should first be preprocessed.
+-- Information on how PrimOps are implemented and the steps necessary to
+-- add a new one can be found in the Commentary:
+-- Note in particular that Haskell block-style comments are not recognized
+-- here, so stick to '--' (even for Notes spanning multiple lines).
+-- This file is divided into named sections, each containing or more
+-- primop entries. Section headers have the format:
+-- section "section-name" {description}
+-- This information is used solely when producing documentation; it is
+-- otherwise ignored. The description is optional.
+-- The format of each primop entry is as follows:
+-- primop internal-name "name-in-program-text" category type {description} attributes
+-- The default attribute values which apply if you don't specify
+-- other ones. Attribute values can be True, False, or arbitrary
+-- text between curly brackets. This is a kludge to enable
+-- processors of this file to easily get hold of simple info
+-- (eg, out_of_line), whilst avoiding parsing complex expressions
+-- needed for strictness info.
+-- type refers to the general category of the primop. Valid settings include,
+-- * Compare: A comparison operation of the shape a -> a -> Int#
+-- * Monadic: A unary operation of shape a -> a
+-- * Dyadic: A binary operation of shape a -> a -> a
+-- * GenPrimOp: Any other sort of primop
+-- The vector attribute is rather special. It takes a list of 3-tuples, each of
+-- which is of the form <ELEM_TYPE,SCALAR_TYPE,LENGTH>. ELEM_TYPE is the type of
+-- the elements in the vector; LENGTH is the length of the vector; and
+-- SCALAR_TYPE is the scalar type used to inject to/project from vector
+-- element. Note that ELEM_TYPE and SCALAR_TYPE are not the same; for example,
+-- to broadcast a scalar value to a vector whose elements are of type Int8, we
+-- use an Int#.
+-- When a primtype or primop has a vector attribute, it is instantiated at each
+-- 3-tuple in the list of 3-tuples. That is, the vector attribute allows us to
+-- define a family of types or primops. Vector support also adds three new
+-- keywords: VECTOR, SCALAR, and VECTUPLE. These keywords are expanded to types
+-- derived from the 3-tuple. For the 3-tuple <Int64,INT64,2>, VECTOR expands to
+-- Int64X2#, SCALAR expands to INT64, and VECTUPLE expands to (# INT64, INT64
+-- #).
+ has_side_effects = False
+ out_of_line = False -- See Note [When do out-of-line primops go in primops.txt.pp]
+ can_fail = False -- See Note [PrimOp can_fail and has_side_effects] in PrimOp
+ commutable = False
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeDefault }
+ strictness = { \ arity -> mkClosedStrictSig (replicate arity topDmd) topDiv }
+ fixity = Nothing
+ llvm_only = False
+ vector = []
+ deprecated_msg = {} -- A non-empty message indicates deprecation
+-- Note [When do out-of-line primops go in primops.txt.pp]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Out of line primops are those with a C-- implementation. But that
+-- doesn't mean they *just* have an C-- implementation. As mentioned in
+-- Note [Inlining out-of-line primops and heap checks], some out-of-line
+-- primops also have additional internal implementations under certain
+-- conditions. Now that `foreign import prim` exists, only those primops
+-- which have both internal and external implementations ought to be
+-- this file. The rest aren't really primops, since they don't need
+-- bespoke compiler support but just a general way to interface with
+-- C--. They are just foreign calls.
+-- Unfortunately, for the time being most of the primops which should be
+-- moved according to the previous paragraph can't yet. There are some
+-- superficial restrictions in `foreign import prim` which mus be fixed
+-- first. Specifically, `foreign import prim` always requires:
+-- - No polymorphism in type
+-- - `strictness = <default>`
+-- - `can_fail = False`
+-- - `has_side_effects = True`
+-- tracks this issue,
+-- and has a table of which external-only primops are blocked by which
+-- of these. Hopefully those restrictions are relaxed so the rest of
+-- those can be moved over.
+-- 'module GHC.Prim.Ext is a temporarily "holding ground" for primops
+-- that were formally in here, until they can be given a better home.
+-- Likewise, their underlying C-- implementation need not live in the
+-- RTS either. Best case (in my view), both the C-- and `foreign import
+-- prim` can be moved to a small library tailured to the features being
+-- implemented and dependencies of those features.
+-- Currently, documentation is produced using latex, so contents of
+-- description fields should be legal latex. Descriptions can contain
+-- matched pairs of embedded curly brackets.
+#include "MachDeps.h"
+section "The word size story."
+ {Haskell98 specifies that signed integers (type {\tt Int})
+ must contain at least 30 bits. GHC always implements {\tt
+ Int} using the primitive type {\tt Int\#}, whose size equals
+ the {\tt MachDeps.h} constant {\tt WORD\_SIZE\_IN\_BITS}.
+ This is normally set based on the {\tt config.h} parameter
+ {\tt SIZEOF\_HSWORD}, i.e., 32 bits on 32-bit machines, 64
+ bits on 64-bit machines. However, it can also be explicitly
+ set to a smaller number than 64, e.g., 62 bits, to allow the
+ possibility of using tag bits. Currently GHC itself has only
+ 32-bit and 64-bit variants, but 61, 62, or 63-bit code can be
+ exported as an external core file for use in other back ends.
+ 30 and 31-bit code is no longer supported.
+ GHC also implements a primitive unsigned integer type {\tt
+ Word\#} which always has the same number of bits as {\tt
+ Int\#}.
+ In addition, GHC supports families of explicit-sized integers
+ and words at 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits, with the usual
+ arithmetic operations, comparisons, and a range of
+ conversions. The 8-bit and 16-bit sizes are always
+ represented as {\tt Int\#} and {\tt Word\#}, and the
+ operations implemented in terms of the primops on these
+ types, with suitable range restrictions on the results (using
+ the {\tt narrow$n$Int\#} and {\tt narrow$n$Word\#} families
+ of primops. The 32-bit sizes are represented using {\tt
+ Int\#} and {\tt Word\#} when {\tt WORD\_SIZE\_IN\_BITS}
+ $\geq$ 32; otherwise, these are represented using distinct
+ primitive types {\tt Int32\#} and {\tt Word32\#}. These (when
+ needed) have a complete set of corresponding operations;
+ however, nearly all of these are implemented as external C
+ functions rather than as primops. Exactly the same story
+ applies to the 64-bit sizes. All of these details are hidden
+ under the {\tt PrelInt} and {\tt PrelWord} modules, which use
+ {\tt \#if}-defs to invoke the appropriate types and
+ operators.
+ Word size also matters for the families of primops for
+ indexing/reading/writing fixed-size quantities at offsets
+ from an array base, address, or foreign pointer. Here, a
+ slightly different approach is taken. The names of these
+ primops are fixed, but their {\it types} vary according to
+ the value of {\tt WORD\_SIZE\_IN\_BITS}. For example, if word
+ size is at least 32 bits then an operator like
+ \texttt{indexInt32Array\#} has type {\tt ByteArray\# -> Int\#
+ -> Int\#}; otherwise it has type {\tt ByteArray\# -> Int\# ->
+ Int32\#}. This approach confines the necessary {\tt
+ \#if}-defs to this file; no conditional compilation is needed
+ in the files that expose these primops.
+ Finally, there are strongly deprecated primops for coercing
+ between {\tt Addr\#}, the primitive type of machine
+ addresses, and {\tt Int\#}. These are pretty bogus anyway,
+ but will work on existing 32-bit and 64-bit GHC targets; they
+ are completely bogus when tag bits are used in {\tt Int\#},
+ so are not available in this case. }
+-- Define synonyms for indexing ops.
+#define INT32 Int#
+#define WORD32 Word#
+#define INT64 Int64#
+#define WORD64 Word64#
+#define INT64 Int#
+#define WORD64 Word#
+-- This type won't be exported directly (since there is no concrete
+-- syntax for this sort of export) so we'll have to manually patch
+-- export lists in both GHC and Haddock.
+primtype (->) a b
+ {The builtin function type, written in infix form as {\tt a -> b} and
+ in prefix form as {\tt (->) a b}. Values of this type are functions
+ taking inputs of type {\tt a} and producing outputs of type {\tt b}.
+ Note that {\tt a -> b} permits levity-polymorphism in both {\tt a} and
+ {\tt b}, so that types like {\tt Int\# -> Int\#} can still be well-kinded.
+ }
+ with fixity = infixr -1
+ -- This fixity is only the one picked up by Haddock. If you
+ -- change this, do update 'ghcPrimIface' in 'GHC.Iface.Load'.
+section "Char#"
+ {Operations on 31-bit characters.}
+primtype Char#
+primop CharGtOp "gtChar#" Compare Char# -> Char# -> Int#
+primop CharGeOp "geChar#" Compare Char# -> Char# -> Int#
+primop CharEqOp "eqChar#" Compare
+ Char# -> Char# -> Int#
+ with commutable = True
+primop CharNeOp "neChar#" Compare
+ Char# -> Char# -> Int#
+ with commutable = True
+primop CharLtOp "ltChar#" Compare Char# -> Char# -> Int#
+primop CharLeOp "leChar#" Compare Char# -> Char# -> Int#
+primop OrdOp "ord#" GenPrimOp Char# -> Int#
+ with code_size = 0
+section "Int8#"
+ {Operations on 8-bit integers.}
+primtype Int8#
+primop Int8Extend "extendInt8#" GenPrimOp Int8# -> Int#
+primop Int8Narrow "narrowInt8#" GenPrimOp Int# -> Int8#
+primop Int8NegOp "negateInt8#" Monadic Int8# -> Int8#
+primop Int8AddOp "plusInt8#" Dyadic Int8# -> Int8# -> Int8#
+ with
+ commutable = True
+primop Int8SubOp "subInt8#" Dyadic Int8# -> Int8# -> Int8#
+primop Int8MulOp "timesInt8#" Dyadic Int8# -> Int8# -> Int8#
+ with
+ commutable = True
+primop Int8QuotOp "quotInt8#" Dyadic Int8# -> Int8# -> Int8#
+ with
+ can_fail = True
+primop Int8RemOp "remInt8#" Dyadic Int8# -> Int8# -> Int8#
+ with
+ can_fail = True
+primop Int8QuotRemOp "quotRemInt8#" GenPrimOp Int8# -> Int8# -> (# Int8#, Int8# #)
+ with
+ can_fail = True
+primop Int8EqOp "eqInt8#" Compare Int8# -> Int8# -> Int#
+primop Int8GeOp "geInt8#" Compare Int8# -> Int8# -> Int#
+primop Int8GtOp "gtInt8#" Compare Int8# -> Int8# -> Int#
+primop Int8LeOp "leInt8#" Compare Int8# -> Int8# -> Int#
+primop Int8LtOp "ltInt8#" Compare Int8# -> Int8# -> Int#
+primop Int8NeOp "neInt8#" Compare Int8# -> Int8# -> Int#
+section "Word8#"
+ {Operations on 8-bit unsigned integers.}
+primtype Word8#
+primop Word8Extend "extendWord8#" GenPrimOp Word8# -> Word#
+primop Word8Narrow "narrowWord8#" GenPrimOp Word# -> Word8#
+primop Word8NotOp "notWord8#" Monadic Word8# -> Word8#
+primop Word8AddOp "plusWord8#" Dyadic Word8# -> Word8# -> Word8#
+ with
+ commutable = True
+primop Word8SubOp "subWord8#" Dyadic Word8# -> Word8# -> Word8#
+primop Word8MulOp "timesWord8#" Dyadic Word8# -> Word8# -> Word8#
+ with
+ commutable = True
+primop Word8QuotOp "quotWord8#" Dyadic Word8# -> Word8# -> Word8#
+ with
+ can_fail = True
+primop Word8RemOp "remWord8#" Dyadic Word8# -> Word8# -> Word8#
+ with
+ can_fail = True
+primop Word8QuotRemOp "quotRemWord8#" GenPrimOp Word8# -> Word8# -> (# Word8#, Word8# #)
+ with
+ can_fail = True
+primop Word8EqOp "eqWord8#" Compare Word8# -> Word8# -> Int#
+primop Word8GeOp "geWord8#" Compare Word8# -> Word8# -> Int#
+primop Word8GtOp "gtWord8#" Compare Word8# -> Word8# -> Int#
+primop Word8LeOp "leWord8#" Compare Word8# -> Word8# -> Int#
+primop Word8LtOp "ltWord8#" Compare Word8# -> Word8# -> Int#
+primop Word8NeOp "neWord8#" Compare Word8# -> Word8# -> Int#
+section "Int16#"
+ {Operations on 16-bit integers.}
+primtype Int16#
+primop Int16Extend "extendInt16#" GenPrimOp Int16# -> Int#
+primop Int16Narrow "narrowInt16#" GenPrimOp Int# -> Int16#
+primop Int16NegOp "negateInt16#" Monadic Int16# -> Int16#
+primop Int16AddOp "plusInt16#" Dyadic Int16# -> Int16# -> Int16#
+ with
+ commutable = True
+primop Int16SubOp "subInt16#" Dyadic Int16# -> Int16# -> Int16#
+primop Int16MulOp "timesInt16#" Dyadic Int16# -> Int16# -> Int16#
+ with
+ commutable = True
+primop Int16QuotOp "quotInt16#" Dyadic Int16# -> Int16# -> Int16#
+ with
+ can_fail = True
+primop Int16RemOp "remInt16#" Dyadic Int16# -> Int16# -> Int16#
+ with
+ can_fail = True
+primop Int16QuotRemOp "quotRemInt16#" GenPrimOp Int16# -> Int16# -> (# Int16#, Int16# #)
+ with
+ can_fail = True
+primop Int16EqOp "eqInt16#" Compare Int16# -> Int16# -> Int#
+primop Int16GeOp "geInt16#" Compare Int16# -> Int16# -> Int#
+primop Int16GtOp "gtInt16#" Compare Int16# -> Int16# -> Int#
+primop Int16LeOp "leInt16#" Compare Int16# -> Int16# -> Int#
+primop Int16LtOp "ltInt16#" Compare Int16# -> Int16# -> Int#
+primop Int16NeOp "neInt16#" Compare Int16# -> Int16# -> Int#
+section "Word16#"
+ {Operations on 16-bit unsigned integers.}
+primtype Word16#
+primop Word16Extend "extendWord16#" GenPrimOp Word16# -> Word#
+primop Word16Narrow "narrowWord16#" GenPrimOp Word# -> Word16#
+primop Word16NotOp "notWord16#" Monadic Word16# -> Word16#
+primop Word16AddOp "plusWord16#" Dyadic Word16# -> Word16# -> Word16#
+ with
+ commutable = True
+primop Word16SubOp "subWord16#" Dyadic Word16# -> Word16# -> Word16#
+primop Word16MulOp "timesWord16#" Dyadic Word16# -> Word16# -> Word16#
+ with
+ commutable = True
+primop Word16QuotOp "quotWord16#" Dyadic Word16# -> Word16# -> Word16#
+ with
+ can_fail = True
+primop Word16RemOp "remWord16#" Dyadic Word16# -> Word16# -> Word16#
+ with
+ can_fail = True
+primop Word16QuotRemOp "quotRemWord16#" GenPrimOp Word16# -> Word16# -> (# Word16#, Word16# #)
+ with
+ can_fail = True
+primop Word16EqOp "eqWord16#" Compare Word16# -> Word16# -> Int#
+primop Word16GeOp "geWord16#" Compare Word16# -> Word16# -> Int#
+primop Word16GtOp "gtWord16#" Compare Word16# -> Word16# -> Int#
+primop Word16LeOp "leWord16#" Compare Word16# -> Word16# -> Int#
+primop Word16LtOp "ltWord16#" Compare Word16# -> Word16# -> Int#
+primop Word16NeOp "neWord16#" Compare Word16# -> Word16# -> Int#
+section "Int64#"
+ {Operations on 64-bit unsigned words. This type is only used
+ if plain {\tt Int\#} has less than 64 bits. In any case, the operations
+ are not primops; they are implemented (if needed) as ccalls instead.}
+primtype Int64#
+section "Word64#"
+ {Operations on 64-bit unsigned words. This type is only used
+ if plain {\tt Word\#} has less than 64 bits. In any case, the operations
+ are not primops; they are implemented (if needed) as ccalls instead.}
+primtype Word64#
+section "Int#"
+ {Operations on native-size integers (32+ bits).}
+primtype Int#
+primop IntAddOp "+#" Dyadic
+ Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ with commutable = True
+ fixity = infixl 6
+primop IntSubOp "-#" Dyadic Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ with fixity = infixl 6
+primop IntMulOp "*#"
+ Dyadic Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ {Low word of signed integer multiply.}
+ with commutable = True
+ fixity = infixl 7
+primop IntMul2Op "timesInt2#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> Int# -> (# Int#, Int#, Int# #)
+ {Return a triple (isHighNeeded,high,low) where high and low are respectively
+ the high and low bits of the double-word result. isHighNeeded is a cheap way
+ to test if the high word is a sign-extension of the low word (isHighNeeded =
+ 0#) or not (isHighNeeded = 1#).}
+primop IntMulMayOfloOp "mulIntMayOflo#"
+ Dyadic Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ {Return non-zero if there is any possibility that the upper word of a
+ signed integer multiply might contain useful information. Return
+ zero only if you are completely sure that no overflow can occur.
+ On a 32-bit platform, the recommended implementation is to do a
+ 32 x 32 -> 64 signed multiply, and subtract result[63:32] from
+ (result[31] >>signed 31). If this is zero, meaning that the
+ upper word is merely a sign extension of the lower one, no
+ overflow can occur.
+ On a 64-bit platform it is not always possible to
+ acquire the top 64 bits of the result. Therefore, a recommended
+ implementation is to take the absolute value of both operands, and
+ return 0 iff bits[63:31] of them are zero, since that means that their
+ magnitudes fit within 31 bits, so the magnitude of the product must fit
+ into 62 bits.
+ If in doubt, return non-zero, but do make an effort to create the
+ correct answer for small args, since otherwise the performance of
+ \texttt{(*) :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer} will be poor.
+ }
+ with commutable = True
+primop IntQuotOp "quotInt#" Dyadic
+ Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ {Rounds towards zero. The behavior is undefined if the second argument is
+ zero.
+ }
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IntRemOp "remInt#" Dyadic
+ Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ {Satisfies \texttt{(quotInt\# x y) *\# y +\# (remInt\# x y) == x}. The
+ behavior is undefined if the second argument is zero.
+ }
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IntQuotRemOp "quotRemInt#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> Int# -> (# Int#, Int# #)
+ {Rounds towards zero.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop AndIOp "andI#" Dyadic Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ {Bitwise "and".}
+ with commutable = True
+primop OrIOp "orI#" Dyadic Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ {Bitwise "or".}
+ with commutable = True
+primop XorIOp "xorI#" Dyadic Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ {Bitwise "xor".}
+ with commutable = True
+primop NotIOp "notI#" Monadic Int# -> Int#
+ {Bitwise "not", also known as the binary complement.}
+primop IntNegOp "negateInt#" Monadic Int# -> Int#
+ {Unary negation.
+ Since the negative {\tt Int#} range extends one further than the
+ positive range, {\tt negateInt#} of the most negative number is an
+ identity operation. This way, {\tt negateInt#} is always its own inverse.}
+primop IntAddCOp "addIntC#" GenPrimOp Int# -> Int# -> (# Int#, Int# #)
+ {Add signed integers reporting overflow.
+ First member of result is the sum truncated to an {\tt Int#};
+ second member is zero if the true sum fits in an {\tt Int#},
+ nonzero if overflow occurred (the sum is either too large
+ or too small to fit in an {\tt Int#}).}
+ with code_size = 2
+ commutable = True
+primop IntSubCOp "subIntC#" GenPrimOp Int# -> Int# -> (# Int#, Int# #)
+ {Subtract signed integers reporting overflow.
+ First member of result is the difference truncated to an {\tt Int#};
+ second member is zero if the true difference fits in an {\tt Int#},
+ nonzero if overflow occurred (the difference is either too large
+ or too small to fit in an {\tt Int#}).}
+ with code_size = 2
+primop IntGtOp ">#" Compare Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ with fixity = infix 4
+primop IntGeOp ">=#" Compare Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ with fixity = infix 4
+primop IntEqOp "==#" Compare
+ Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ with commutable = True
+ fixity = infix 4
+primop IntNeOp "/=#" Compare
+ Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ with commutable = True
+ fixity = infix 4
+primop IntLtOp "<#" Compare Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ with fixity = infix 4
+primop IntLeOp "<=#" Compare Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ with fixity = infix 4
+primop ChrOp "chr#" GenPrimOp Int# -> Char#
+ with code_size = 0
+primop Int2WordOp "int2Word#" GenPrimOp Int# -> Word#
+ with code_size = 0
+primop Int2FloatOp "int2Float#" GenPrimOp Int# -> Float#
+primop Int2DoubleOp "int2Double#" GenPrimOp Int# -> Double#
+primop Word2FloatOp "word2Float#" GenPrimOp Word# -> Float#
+primop Word2DoubleOp "word2Double#" GenPrimOp Word# -> Double#
+primop ISllOp "uncheckedIShiftL#" GenPrimOp Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ {Shift left. Result undefined if shift amount is not
+ in the range 0 to word size - 1 inclusive.}
+primop ISraOp "uncheckedIShiftRA#" GenPrimOp Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ {Shift right arithmetic. Result undefined if shift amount is not
+ in the range 0 to word size - 1 inclusive.}
+primop ISrlOp "uncheckedIShiftRL#" GenPrimOp Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ {Shift right logical. Result undefined if shift amount is not
+ in the range 0 to word size - 1 inclusive.}
+section "Word#"
+ {Operations on native-sized unsigned words (32+ bits).}
+primtype Word#
+primop WordAddOp "plusWord#" Dyadic Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ with commutable = True
+primop WordAddCOp "addWordC#" GenPrimOp Word# -> Word# -> (# Word#, Int# #)
+ {Add unsigned integers reporting overflow.
+ The first element of the pair is the result. The second element is
+ the carry flag, which is nonzero on overflow. See also {\tt plusWord2#}.}
+ with code_size = 2
+ commutable = True
+primop WordSubCOp "subWordC#" GenPrimOp Word# -> Word# -> (# Word#, Int# #)
+ {Subtract unsigned integers reporting overflow.
+ The first element of the pair is the result. The second element is
+ the carry flag, which is nonzero on overflow.}
+ with code_size = 2
+primop WordAdd2Op "plusWord2#" GenPrimOp Word# -> Word# -> (# Word#, Word# #)
+ {Add unsigned integers, with the high part (carry) in the first
+ component of the returned pair and the low part in the second
+ component of the pair. See also {\tt addWordC#}.}
+ with code_size = 2
+ commutable = True
+primop WordSubOp "minusWord#" Dyadic Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+primop WordMulOp "timesWord#" Dyadic Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ with commutable = True
+-- Returns (# high, low #)
+primop WordMul2Op "timesWord2#" GenPrimOp
+ Word# -> Word# -> (# Word#, Word# #)
+ with commutable = True
+primop WordQuotOp "quotWord#" Dyadic Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop WordRemOp "remWord#" Dyadic Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop WordQuotRemOp "quotRemWord#" GenPrimOp
+ Word# -> Word# -> (# Word#, Word# #)
+ with can_fail = True
+primop WordQuotRem2Op "quotRemWord2#" GenPrimOp
+ Word# -> Word# -> Word# -> (# Word#, Word# #)
+ { Takes high word of dividend, then low word of dividend, then divisor.
+ Requires that high word < divisor.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop AndOp "and#" Dyadic Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ with commutable = True
+primop OrOp "or#" Dyadic Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ with commutable = True
+primop XorOp "xor#" Dyadic Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ with commutable = True
+primop NotOp "not#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+primop SllOp "uncheckedShiftL#" GenPrimOp Word# -> Int# -> Word#
+ {Shift left logical. Result undefined if shift amount is not
+ in the range 0 to word size - 1 inclusive.}
+primop SrlOp "uncheckedShiftRL#" GenPrimOp Word# -> Int# -> Word#
+ {Shift right logical. Result undefined if shift amount is not
+ in the range 0 to word size - 1 inclusive.}
+primop Word2IntOp "word2Int#" GenPrimOp Word# -> Int#
+ with code_size = 0
+primop WordGtOp "gtWord#" Compare Word# -> Word# -> Int#
+primop WordGeOp "geWord#" Compare Word# -> Word# -> Int#
+primop WordEqOp "eqWord#" Compare Word# -> Word# -> Int#
+primop WordNeOp "neWord#" Compare Word# -> Word# -> Int#
+primop WordLtOp "ltWord#" Compare Word# -> Word# -> Int#
+primop WordLeOp "leWord#" Compare Word# -> Word# -> Int#
+primop PopCnt8Op "popCnt8#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Count the number of set bits in the lower 8 bits of a word.}
+primop PopCnt16Op "popCnt16#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Count the number of set bits in the lower 16 bits of a word.}
+primop PopCnt32Op "popCnt32#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Count the number of set bits in the lower 32 bits of a word.}
+primop PopCnt64Op "popCnt64#" GenPrimOp WORD64 -> Word#
+ {Count the number of set bits in a 64-bit word.}
+primop PopCntOp "popCnt#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Count the number of set bits in a word.}
+primop Pdep8Op "pdep8#" Dyadic Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ {Deposit bits to lower 8 bits of a word at locations specified by a mask.}
+primop Pdep16Op "pdep16#" Dyadic Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ {Deposit bits to lower 16 bits of a word at locations specified by a mask.}
+primop Pdep32Op "pdep32#" Dyadic Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ {Deposit bits to lower 32 bits of a word at locations specified by a mask.}
+primop Pdep64Op "pdep64#" GenPrimOp WORD64 -> WORD64 -> WORD64
+ {Deposit bits to a word at locations specified by a mask.}
+primop PdepOp "pdep#" Dyadic Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ {Deposit bits to a word at locations specified by a mask.}
+primop Pext8Op "pext8#" Dyadic Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ {Extract bits from lower 8 bits of a word at locations specified by a mask.}
+primop Pext16Op "pext16#" Dyadic Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ {Extract bits from lower 16 bits of a word at locations specified by a mask.}
+primop Pext32Op "pext32#" Dyadic Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ {Extract bits from lower 32 bits of a word at locations specified by a mask.}
+primop Pext64Op "pext64#" GenPrimOp WORD64 -> WORD64 -> WORD64
+ {Extract bits from a word at locations specified by a mask.}
+primop PextOp "pext#" Dyadic Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ {Extract bits from a word at locations specified by a mask.}
+primop Clz8Op "clz8#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Count leading zeros in the lower 8 bits of a word.}
+primop Clz16Op "clz16#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Count leading zeros in the lower 16 bits of a word.}
+primop Clz32Op "clz32#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Count leading zeros in the lower 32 bits of a word.}
+primop Clz64Op "clz64#" GenPrimOp WORD64 -> Word#
+ {Count leading zeros in a 64-bit word.}
+primop ClzOp "clz#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Count leading zeros in a word.}
+primop Ctz8Op "ctz8#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Count trailing zeros in the lower 8 bits of a word.}
+primop Ctz16Op "ctz16#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Count trailing zeros in the lower 16 bits of a word.}
+primop Ctz32Op "ctz32#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Count trailing zeros in the lower 32 bits of a word.}
+primop Ctz64Op "ctz64#" GenPrimOp WORD64 -> Word#
+ {Count trailing zeros in a 64-bit word.}
+primop CtzOp "ctz#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Count trailing zeros in a word.}
+primop BSwap16Op "byteSwap16#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Swap bytes in the lower 16 bits of a word. The higher bytes are undefined. }
+primop BSwap32Op "byteSwap32#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Swap bytes in the lower 32 bits of a word. The higher bytes are undefined. }
+primop BSwap64Op "byteSwap64#" Monadic WORD64 -> WORD64
+ {Swap bytes in a 64 bits of a word.}
+primop BSwapOp "byteSwap#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Swap bytes in a word.}
+primop BRev8Op "bitReverse8#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Reverse the order of the bits in a 8-bit word.}
+primop BRev16Op "bitReverse16#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Reverse the order of the bits in a 16-bit word.}
+primop BRev32Op "bitReverse32#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Reverse the order of the bits in a 32-bit word.}
+primop BRev64Op "bitReverse64#" Monadic WORD64 -> WORD64
+ {Reverse the order of the bits in a 64-bit word.}
+primop BRevOp "bitReverse#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+ {Reverse the order of the bits in a word.}
+section "Narrowings"
+ {Explicit narrowing of native-sized ints or words.}
+primop Narrow8IntOp "narrow8Int#" Monadic Int# -> Int#
+primop Narrow16IntOp "narrow16Int#" Monadic Int# -> Int#
+primop Narrow32IntOp "narrow32Int#" Monadic Int# -> Int#
+primop Narrow8WordOp "narrow8Word#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+primop Narrow16WordOp "narrow16Word#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+primop Narrow32WordOp "narrow32Word#" Monadic Word# -> Word#
+section "Double#"
+ {Operations on double-precision (64 bit) floating-point numbers.}
+primtype Double#
+primop DoubleGtOp ">##" Compare Double# -> Double# -> Int#
+ with fixity = infix 4
+primop DoubleGeOp ">=##" Compare Double# -> Double# -> Int#
+ with fixity = infix 4
+primop DoubleEqOp "==##" Compare
+ Double# -> Double# -> Int#
+ with commutable = True
+ fixity = infix 4
+primop DoubleNeOp "/=##" Compare
+ Double# -> Double# -> Int#
+ with commutable = True
+ fixity = infix 4
+primop DoubleLtOp "<##" Compare Double# -> Double# -> Int#
+ with fixity = infix 4
+primop DoubleLeOp "<=##" Compare Double# -> Double# -> Int#
+ with fixity = infix 4
+primop DoubleAddOp "+##" Dyadic
+ Double# -> Double# -> Double#
+ with commutable = True
+ fixity = infixl 6
+primop DoubleSubOp "-##" Dyadic Double# -> Double# -> Double#
+ with fixity = infixl 6
+primop DoubleMulOp "*##" Dyadic
+ Double# -> Double# -> Double#
+ with commutable = True
+ fixity = infixl 7
+primop DoubleDivOp "/##" Dyadic
+ Double# -> Double# -> Double#
+ with can_fail = True
+ fixity = infixl 7
+primop DoubleNegOp "negateDouble#" Monadic Double# -> Double#
+primop DoubleFabsOp "fabsDouble#" Monadic Double# -> Double#
+primop Double2IntOp "double2Int#" GenPrimOp Double# -> Int#
+ {Truncates a {\tt Double#} value to the nearest {\tt Int#}.
+ Results are undefined if the truncation if truncation yields
+ a value outside the range of {\tt Int#}.}
+primop Double2FloatOp "double2Float#" GenPrimOp Double# -> Float#
+primop DoubleExpOp "expDouble#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop DoubleExpM1Op "expm1Double#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop DoubleLogOp "logDouble#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+ can_fail = True
+primop DoubleLog1POp "log1pDouble#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+ can_fail = True
+primop DoubleSqrtOp "sqrtDouble#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop DoubleSinOp "sinDouble#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop DoubleCosOp "cosDouble#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop DoubleTanOp "tanDouble#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop DoubleAsinOp "asinDouble#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+ can_fail = True
+primop DoubleAcosOp "acosDouble#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+ can_fail = True
+primop DoubleAtanOp "atanDouble#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop DoubleSinhOp "sinhDouble#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop DoubleCoshOp "coshDouble#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop DoubleTanhOp "tanhDouble#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop DoubleAsinhOp "asinhDouble#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop DoubleAcoshOp "acoshDouble#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop DoubleAtanhOp "atanhDouble#" Monadic
+ Double# -> Double#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop DoublePowerOp "**##" Dyadic
+ Double# -> Double# -> Double#
+ {Exponentiation.}
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop DoubleDecode_2IntOp "decodeDouble_2Int#" GenPrimOp
+ Double# -> (# Int#, Word#, Word#, Int# #)
+ {Convert to integer.
+ First component of the result is -1 or 1, indicating the sign of the
+ mantissa. The next two are the high and low 32 bits of the mantissa
+ respectively, and the last is the exponent.}
+ with out_of_line = True
+primop DoubleDecode_Int64Op "decodeDouble_Int64#" GenPrimOp
+ Double# -> (# INT64, Int# #)
+ {Decode {\tt Double\#} into mantissa and base-2 exponent.}
+ with out_of_line = True
+section "Float#"
+ {Operations on single-precision (32-bit) floating-point numbers.}
+primtype Float#
+primop FloatGtOp "gtFloat#" Compare Float# -> Float# -> Int#
+primop FloatGeOp "geFloat#" Compare Float# -> Float# -> Int#
+primop FloatEqOp "eqFloat#" Compare
+ Float# -> Float# -> Int#
+ with commutable = True
+primop FloatNeOp "neFloat#" Compare
+ Float# -> Float# -> Int#
+ with commutable = True
+primop FloatLtOp "ltFloat#" Compare Float# -> Float# -> Int#
+primop FloatLeOp "leFloat#" Compare Float# -> Float# -> Int#
+primop FloatAddOp "plusFloat#" Dyadic
+ Float# -> Float# -> Float#
+ with commutable = True
+primop FloatSubOp "minusFloat#" Dyadic Float# -> Float# -> Float#
+primop FloatMulOp "timesFloat#" Dyadic
+ Float# -> Float# -> Float#
+ with commutable = True
+primop FloatDivOp "divideFloat#" Dyadic
+ Float# -> Float# -> Float#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop FloatNegOp "negateFloat#" Monadic Float# -> Float#
+primop FloatFabsOp "fabsFloat#" Monadic Float# -> Float#
+primop Float2IntOp "float2Int#" GenPrimOp Float# -> Int#
+ {Truncates a {\tt Float#} value to the nearest {\tt Int#}.
+ Results are undefined if the truncation if truncation yields
+ a value outside the range of {\tt Int#}.}
+primop FloatExpOp "expFloat#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop FloatExpM1Op "expm1Float#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop FloatLogOp "logFloat#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+ can_fail = True
+primop FloatLog1POp "log1pFloat#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+ can_fail = True
+primop FloatSqrtOp "sqrtFloat#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop FloatSinOp "sinFloat#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop FloatCosOp "cosFloat#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop FloatTanOp "tanFloat#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop FloatAsinOp "asinFloat#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+ can_fail = True
+primop FloatAcosOp "acosFloat#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+ can_fail = True
+primop FloatAtanOp "atanFloat#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop FloatSinhOp "sinhFloat#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop FloatCoshOp "coshFloat#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop FloatTanhOp "tanhFloat#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop FloatAsinhOp "asinhFloat#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop FloatAcoshOp "acoshFloat#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop FloatAtanhOp "atanhFloat#" Monadic
+ Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop FloatPowerOp "powerFloat#" Dyadic
+ Float# -> Float# -> Float#
+ with
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop Float2DoubleOp "float2Double#" GenPrimOp Float# -> Double#
+primop FloatDecode_IntOp "decodeFloat_Int#" GenPrimOp
+ Float# -> (# Int#, Int# #)
+ {Convert to integers.
+ First {\tt Int\#} in result is the mantissa; second is the exponent.}
+ with out_of_line = True
+section "Arrays"
+ {Operations on {\tt Array\#}.}
+primtype Array# a
+primtype MutableArray# s a
+primop NewArrayOp "newArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> a -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableArray# s a #)
+ {Create a new mutable array with the specified number of elements,
+ in the specified state thread,
+ with each element containing the specified initial value.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop SameMutableArrayOp "sameMutableArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArray# s a -> MutableArray# s a -> Int#
+primop ReadArrayOp "readArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArray# s a -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
+ {Read from specified index of mutable array. Result is not yet evaluated.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteArrayOp "writeArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArray# s a -> Int# -> a -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Write to specified index of mutable array.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+ code_size = 2 -- card update too
+primop SizeofArrayOp "sizeofArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Array# a -> Int#
+ {Return the number of elements in the array.}
+primop SizeofMutableArrayOp "sizeofMutableArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArray# s a -> Int#
+ {Return the number of elements in the array.}
+primop IndexArrayOp "indexArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Array# a -> Int# -> (# a #)
+ {Read from the specified index of an immutable array. The result is packaged
+ into an unboxed unary tuple; the result itself is not yet
+ evaluated. Pattern matching on the tuple forces the indexing of the
+ array to happen but does not evaluate the element itself. Evaluating
+ the thunk prevents additional thunks from building up on the
+ heap. Avoiding these thunks, in turn, reduces references to the
+ argument array, allowing it to be garbage collected more promptly.}
+ with
+ can_fail = True
+primop UnsafeFreezeArrayOp "unsafeFreezeArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArray# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Array# a #)
+ {Make a mutable array immutable, without copying.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop UnsafeThawArrayOp "unsafeThawArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Array# a -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableArray# s a #)
+ {Make an immutable array mutable, without copying.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop CopyArrayOp "copyArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Array# a -> Int# -> MutableArray# s a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Given a source array, an offset into the source array, a
+ destination array, an offset into the destination array, and a
+ number of elements to copy, copy the elements from the source array
+ to the destination array. Both arrays must fully contain the
+ specified ranges, but this is not checked. The two arrays must not
+ be the same array in different states, but this is not checked
+ either.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop CopyMutableArrayOp "copyMutableArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArray# s a -> Int# -> MutableArray# s a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Given a source array, an offset into the source array, a
+ destination array, an offset into the destination array, and a
+ number of elements to copy, copy the elements from the source array
+ to the destination array. Both arrays must fully contain the
+ specified ranges, but this is not checked. In the case where
+ the source and destination are the same array the source and
+ destination regions may overlap.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop CloneArrayOp "cloneArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Array# a -> Int# -> Int# -> Array# a
+ {Given a source array, an offset into the source array, and a number
+ of elements to copy, create a new array with the elements from the
+ source array. The provided array must fully contain the specified
+ range, but this is not checked.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop CloneMutableArrayOp "cloneMutableArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArray# s a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableArray# s a #)
+ {Given a source array, an offset into the source array, and a number
+ of elements to copy, create a new array with the elements from the
+ source array. The provided array must fully contain the specified
+ range, but this is not checked.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop FreezeArrayOp "freezeArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArray# s a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Array# a #)
+ {Given a source array, an offset into the source array, and a number
+ of elements to copy, create a new array with the elements from the
+ source array. The provided array must fully contain the specified
+ range, but this is not checked.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ThawArrayOp "thawArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Array# a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableArray# s a #)
+ {Given a source array, an offset into the source array, and a number
+ of elements to copy, create a new array with the elements from the
+ source array. The provided array must fully contain the specified
+ range, but this is not checked.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop CasArrayOp "casArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArray# s a -> Int# -> a -> a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int#, a #)
+ {Given an array, an offset, the expected old value, and
+ the new value, perform an atomic compare and swap (i.e. write the new
+ value if the current value and the old value are the same pointer).
+ Returns 0 if the swap succeeds and 1 if it fails. Additionally, returns
+ the element at the offset after the operation completes. This means that
+ on a success the new value is returned, and on a failure the actual old
+ value (not the expected one) is returned. Implies a full memory barrier.
+ The use of a pointer equality on a lifted value makes this function harder
+ to use correctly than {\tt casIntArray\#}. All of the difficulties
+ of using {\tt reallyUnsafePtrEquality\#} correctly apply to
+ {\tt casArray\#} as well.
+ }
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+section "Small Arrays"
+ {Operations on {\tt SmallArray\#}. A {\tt SmallArray\#} works
+ just like an {\tt Array\#}, but with different space use and
+ performance characteristics (that are often useful with small
+ arrays). The {\tt SmallArray\#} and {\tt SmallMutableArray#}
+ lack a `card table'. The purpose of a card table is to avoid
+ having to scan every element of the array on each GC by
+ keeping track of which elements have changed since the last GC
+ and only scanning those that have changed. So the consequence
+ of there being no card table is that the representation is
+ somewhat smaller and the writes are somewhat faster (because
+ the card table does not need to be updated). The disadvantage
+ of course is that for a {\tt SmallMutableArray#} the whole
+ array has to be scanned on each GC. Thus it is best suited for
+ use cases where the mutable array is not long lived, e.g.
+ where a mutable array is initialised quickly and then frozen
+ to become an immutable {\tt SmallArray\#}.
+ }
+primtype SmallArray# a
+primtype SmallMutableArray# s a
+primop NewSmallArrayOp "newSmallArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> a -> State# s -> (# State# s, SmallMutableArray# s a #)
+ {Create a new mutable array with the specified number of elements,
+ in the specified state thread,
+ with each element containing the specified initial value.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop SameSmallMutableArrayOp "sameSmallMutableArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallMutableArray# s a -> SmallMutableArray# s a -> Int#
+primop ShrinkSmallMutableArrayOp_Char "shrinkSmallMutableArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallMutableArray# s a -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Shrink mutable array to new specified size, in
+ the specified state thread. The new size argument must be less than or
+ equal to the current size as reported by {\tt sizeofSmallMutableArray\#}.}
+ with out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop ReadSmallArrayOp "readSmallArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallMutableArray# s a -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
+ {Read from specified index of mutable array. Result is not yet evaluated.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteSmallArrayOp "writeSmallArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallMutableArray# s a -> Int# -> a -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Write to specified index of mutable array.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop SizeofSmallArrayOp "sizeofSmallArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallArray# a -> Int#
+ {Return the number of elements in the array.}
+primop SizeofSmallMutableArrayOp "sizeofSmallMutableArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallMutableArray# s a -> Int#
+ {Return the number of elements in the array. Note that this is deprecated
+ as it is unsafe in the presence of resize operations on the
+ same byte array.}
+ with deprecated_msg = { Use 'getSizeofSmallMutableArray#' instead }
+primop GetSizeofSmallMutableArrayOp "getSizeofSmallMutableArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallMutableArray# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ {Return the number of elements in the array.}
+primop IndexSmallArrayOp "indexSmallArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallArray# a -> Int# -> (# a #)
+ {Read from specified index of immutable array. Result is packaged into
+ an unboxed singleton; the result itself is not yet evaluated.}
+ with
+ can_fail = True
+primop UnsafeFreezeSmallArrayOp "unsafeFreezeSmallArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallMutableArray# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, SmallArray# a #)
+ {Make a mutable array immutable, without copying.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop UnsafeThawSmallArrayOp "unsafeThawSmallArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallArray# a -> State# s -> (# State# s, SmallMutableArray# s a #)
+ {Make an immutable array mutable, without copying.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+-- The code_size is only correct for the case when the copy family of
+-- primops aren't inlined. It would be nice to keep track of both.
+primop CopySmallArrayOp "copySmallArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallArray# a -> Int# -> SmallMutableArray# s a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Given a source array, an offset into the source array, a
+ destination array, an offset into the destination array, and a
+ number of elements to copy, copy the elements from the source array
+ to the destination array. Both arrays must fully contain the
+ specified ranges, but this is not checked. The two arrays must not
+ be the same array in different states, but this is not checked
+ either.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop CopySmallMutableArrayOp "copySmallMutableArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallMutableArray# s a -> Int# -> SmallMutableArray# s a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Given a source array, an offset into the source array, a
+ destination array, an offset into the destination array, and a
+ number of elements to copy, copy the elements from the source array
+ to the destination array. The source and destination arrays can
+ refer to the same array. Both arrays must fully contain the
+ specified ranges, but this is not checked.
+ The regions are allowed to overlap, although this is only possible when the same
+ array is provided as both the source and the destination. }
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop CloneSmallArrayOp "cloneSmallArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallArray# a -> Int# -> Int# -> SmallArray# a
+ {Given a source array, an offset into the source array, and a number
+ of elements to copy, create a new array with the elements from the
+ source array. The provided array must fully contain the specified
+ range, but this is not checked.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop CloneSmallMutableArrayOp "cloneSmallMutableArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallMutableArray# s a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, SmallMutableArray# s a #)
+ {Given a source array, an offset into the source array, and a number
+ of elements to copy, create a new array with the elements from the
+ source array. The provided array must fully contain the specified
+ range, but this is not checked.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop FreezeSmallArrayOp "freezeSmallArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallMutableArray# s a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, SmallArray# a #)
+ {Given a source array, an offset into the source array, and a number
+ of elements to copy, create a new array with the elements from the
+ source array. The provided array must fully contain the specified
+ range, but this is not checked.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ThawSmallArrayOp "thawSmallArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallArray# a -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, SmallMutableArray# s a #)
+ {Given a source array, an offset into the source array, and a number
+ of elements to copy, create a new array with the elements from the
+ source array. The provided array must fully contain the specified
+ range, but this is not checked.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop CasSmallArrayOp "casSmallArray#" GenPrimOp
+ SmallMutableArray# s a -> Int# -> a -> a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int#, a #)
+ {Unsafe, machine-level atomic compare and swap on an element within an array.
+ See the documentation of {\tt casArray\#}.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+section "Byte Arrays"
+ {Operations on {\tt ByteArray\#}. A {\tt ByteArray\#} is a just a region of
+ raw memory in the garbage-collected heap, which is not
+ scanned for pointers. It carries its own size (in bytes).
+ There are
+ three sets of operations for accessing byte array contents:
+ index for reading from immutable byte arrays, and read/write
+ for mutable byte arrays. Each set contains operations for a
+ range of useful primitive data types. Each operation takes
+ an offset measured in terms of the size of the primitive type
+ being read or written.}
+primtype ByteArray#
+primtype MutableByteArray# s
+primop NewByteArrayOp_Char "newByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableByteArray# s #)
+ {Create a new mutable byte array of specified size (in bytes), in
+ the specified state thread.}
+ with out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop NewPinnedByteArrayOp_Char "newPinnedByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableByteArray# s #)
+ {Create a mutable byte array that the GC guarantees not to move.}
+ with out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop NewAlignedPinnedByteArrayOp_Char "newAlignedPinnedByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableByteArray# s #)
+ {Create a mutable byte array, aligned by the specified amount, that the GC guarantees not to move.}
+ with out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop MutableByteArrayIsPinnedOp "isMutableByteArrayPinned#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int#
+ {Determine whether a {\tt MutableByteArray\#} is guaranteed not to move
+ during GC.}
+ with out_of_line = True
+primop ByteArrayIsPinnedOp "isByteArrayPinned#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int#
+ {Determine whether a {\tt ByteArray\#} is guaranteed not to move during GC.}
+ with out_of_line = True
+primop ByteArrayContents_Char "byteArrayContents#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Addr#
+ {Intended for use with pinned arrays; otherwise very unsafe!}
+primop SameMutableByteArrayOp "sameMutableByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> MutableByteArray# s -> Int#
+primop ShrinkMutableByteArrayOp_Char "shrinkMutableByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Shrink mutable byte array to new specified size (in bytes), in
+ the specified state thread. The new size argument must be less than or
+ equal to the current size as reported by {\tt sizeofMutableByteArray\#}.}
+ with out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop ResizeMutableByteArrayOp_Char "resizeMutableByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s,MutableByteArray# s #)
+ {Resize (unpinned) mutable byte array to new specified size (in bytes).
+ The returned {\tt MutableByteArray\#} is either the original
+ {\tt MutableByteArray\#} resized in-place or, if not possible, a newly
+ allocated (unpinned) {\tt MutableByteArray\#} (with the original content
+ copied over).
+ To avoid undefined behaviour, the original {\tt MutableByteArray\#} shall
+ not be accessed anymore after a {\tt resizeMutableByteArray\#} has been
+ performed. Moreover, no reference to the old one should be kept in order
+ to allow garbage collection of the original {\tt MutableByteArray\#} in
+ case a new {\tt MutableByteArray\#} had to be allocated.}
+ with out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop UnsafeFreezeByteArrayOp "unsafeFreezeByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> State# s -> (# State# s, ByteArray# #)
+ {Make a mutable byte array immutable, without copying.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop SizeofByteArrayOp "sizeofByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int#
+ {Return the size of the array in bytes.}
+primop SizeofMutableByteArrayOp "sizeofMutableByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int#
+ {Return the size of the array in bytes. Note that this is deprecated as it is
+ unsafe in the presence of resize operations on the same byte
+ array.}
+ with deprecated_msg = { Use 'getSizeofMutableByteArray#' instead }
+primop GetSizeofMutableByteArrayOp "getSizeofMutableByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ {Return the number of elements in the array.}
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Char "indexCharArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Char#
+ {Read 8-bit character; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_WideChar "indexWideCharArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Char#
+ {Read 31-bit character; offset in 4-byte words.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Int "indexIntArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word "indexWordArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Addr "indexAddrArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Addr#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Float "indexFloatArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Float#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Double "indexDoubleArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Double#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_StablePtr "indexStablePtrArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> StablePtr# a
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Int8 "indexInt8Array#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int#
+ {Read 8-bit integer; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Int16 "indexInt16Array#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int#
+ {Read 16-bit integer; offset in 16-bit words.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Int32 "indexInt32Array#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> INT32
+ {Read 32-bit integer; offset in 32-bit words.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Int64 "indexInt64Array#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> INT64
+ {Read 64-bit integer; offset in 64-bit words.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word8 "indexWord8Array#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word#
+ {Read 8-bit word; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word16 "indexWord16Array#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word#
+ {Read 16-bit word; offset in 16-bit words.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word32 "indexWord32Array#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> WORD32
+ {Read 32-bit word; offset in 32-bit words.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word64 "indexWord64Array#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> WORD64
+ {Read 64-bit word; offset in 64-bit words.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsChar "indexWord8ArrayAsChar#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Char#
+ {Read 8-bit character; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsWideChar "indexWord8ArrayAsWideChar#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Char#
+ {Read 31-bit character; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsAddr "indexWord8ArrayAsAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Addr#
+ {Read address; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsFloat "indexWord8ArrayAsFloat#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Float#
+ {Read float; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsDouble "indexWord8ArrayAsDouble#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Double#
+ {Read double; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsStablePtr "indexWord8ArrayAsStablePtr#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> StablePtr# a
+ {Read stable pointer; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt16 "indexWord8ArrayAsInt16#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int#
+ {Read 16-bit int; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt32 "indexWord8ArrayAsInt32#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> INT32
+ {Read 32-bit int; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt64 "indexWord8ArrayAsInt64#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> INT64
+ {Read 64-bit int; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt "indexWord8ArrayAsInt#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int#
+ {Read int; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord16 "indexWord8ArrayAsWord16#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word#
+ {Read 16-bit word; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord32 "indexWord8ArrayAsWord32#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> WORD32
+ {Read 32-bit word; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord64 "indexWord8ArrayAsWord64#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> WORD64
+ {Read 64-bit word; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord "indexWord8ArrayAsWord#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Word#
+ {Read word; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Char "readCharArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Char# #)
+ {Read 8-bit character; offset in bytes.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_WideChar "readWideCharArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Char# #)
+ {Read 31-bit character; offset in 4-byte words.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Int "readIntArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ {Read integer; offset in machine words.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word "readWordArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word# #)
+ {Read word; offset in machine words.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Addr "readAddrArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Addr# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Float "readFloatArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Float# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Double "readDoubleArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Double# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_StablePtr "readStablePtrArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, StablePtr# a #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Int8 "readInt8Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Int16 "readInt16Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Int32 "readInt32Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, INT32 #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Int64 "readInt64Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, INT64 #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word8 "readWord8Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word16 "readWord16Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word32 "readWord32Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, WORD32 #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word64 "readWord64Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, WORD64 #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsChar "readWord8ArrayAsChar#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Char# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsWideChar "readWord8ArrayAsWideChar#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Char# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsAddr "readWord8ArrayAsAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Addr# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsFloat "readWord8ArrayAsFloat#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Float# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsDouble "readWord8ArrayAsDouble#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Double# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsStablePtr "readWord8ArrayAsStablePtr#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, StablePtr# a #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt16 "readWord8ArrayAsInt16#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt32 "readWord8ArrayAsInt32#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, INT32 #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt64 "readWord8ArrayAsInt64#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, INT64 #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt "readWord8ArrayAsInt#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord16 "readWord8ArrayAsWord16#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord32 "readWord8ArrayAsWord32#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, WORD32 #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord64 "readWord8ArrayAsWord64#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, WORD64 #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord "readWord8ArrayAsWord#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Char "writeCharArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Char# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Write 8-bit character; offset in bytes.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_WideChar "writeWideCharArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Char# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Write 31-bit character; offset in 4-byte words.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Int "writeIntArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word "writeWordArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Word# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Addr "writeAddrArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Addr# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Float "writeFloatArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Float# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Double "writeDoubleArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Double# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_StablePtr "writeStablePtrArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> StablePtr# a -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Int8 "writeInt8Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Int16 "writeInt16Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Int32 "writeInt32Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> INT32 -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Int64 "writeInt64Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> INT64 -> State# s -> State# s
+ with can_fail = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word8 "writeWord8Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Word# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word16 "writeWord16Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Word# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word32 "writeWord32Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> WORD32 -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word64 "writeWord64Array#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> WORD64 -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsChar "writeWord8ArrayAsChar#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Char# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsWideChar "writeWord8ArrayAsWideChar#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Char# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsAddr "writeWord8ArrayAsAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Addr# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsFloat "writeWord8ArrayAsFloat#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Float# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsDouble "writeWord8ArrayAsDouble#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Double# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsStablePtr "writeWord8ArrayAsStablePtr#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> StablePtr# a -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt16 "writeWord8ArrayAsInt16#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt32 "writeWord8ArrayAsInt32#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> INT32 -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt64 "writeWord8ArrayAsInt64#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> INT64 -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsInt "writeWord8ArrayAsInt#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord16 "writeWord8ArrayAsWord16#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Word# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord32 "writeWord8ArrayAsWord32#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> WORD32 -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord64 "writeWord8ArrayAsWord64#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> WORD64 -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteByteArrayOp_Word8AsWord "writeWord8ArrayAsWord#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Word# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop CompareByteArraysOp "compareByteArrays#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+ {{\tt compareByteArrays# src1 src1_ofs src2 src2_ofs n} compares
+ {\tt n} bytes starting at offset {\tt src1_ofs} in the first
+ {\tt ByteArray#} {\tt src1} to the range of {\tt n} bytes
+ (i.e. same length) starting at offset {\tt src2_ofs} of the second
+ {\tt ByteArray#} {\tt src2}. Both arrays must fully contain the
+ specified ranges, but this is not checked. Returns an {\tt Int#}
+ less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the range is found,
+ respectively, to be byte-wise lexicographically less than, to
+ match, or be greater than the second range.}
+ with
+ can_fail = True
+primop CopyByteArrayOp "copyByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {{\tt copyByteArray# src src_ofs dst dst_ofs n} copies the range
+ starting at offset {\tt src_ofs} of length {\tt n} from the
+ {\tt ByteArray#} {\tt src} to the {\tt MutableByteArray#} {\tt dst}
+ starting at offset {\tt dst_ofs}. Both arrays must fully contain
+ the specified ranges, but this is not checked. The two arrays must
+ not be the same array in different states, but this is not checked
+ either.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall + 4}
+ can_fail = True
+primop CopyMutableByteArrayOp "copyMutableByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Copy a range of the first MutableByteArray\# to the specified region in the second MutableByteArray\#.
+ Both arrays must fully contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked. The regions are
+ allowed to overlap, although this is only possible when the same array is provided
+ as both the source and the destination.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall + 4 }
+ can_fail = True
+primop CopyByteArrayToAddrOp "copyByteArrayToAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Copy a range of the ByteArray\# to the memory range starting at the Addr\#.
+ The ByteArray\# and the memory region at Addr\# must fully contain the
+ specified ranges, but this is not checked. The Addr\# must not point into the
+ ByteArray\# (e.g. if the ByteArray\# were pinned), but this is not checked
+ either.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall + 4}
+ can_fail = True
+primop CopyMutableByteArrayToAddrOp "copyMutableByteArrayToAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Copy a range of the MutableByteArray\# to the memory range starting at the
+ Addr\#. The MutableByteArray\# and the memory region at Addr\# must fully
+ contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked. The Addr\# must not
+ point into the MutableByteArray\# (e.g. if the MutableByteArray\# were
+ pinned), but this is not checked either.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall + 4}
+ can_fail = True
+primop CopyAddrToByteArrayOp "copyAddrToByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Copy a memory range starting at the Addr\# to the specified range in the
+ MutableByteArray\#. The memory region at Addr\# and the ByteArray\# must fully
+ contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked. The Addr\# must not
+ point into the MutableByteArray\# (e.g. if the MutableByteArray\# were pinned),
+ but this is not checked either.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall + 4}
+ can_fail = True
+primop SetByteArrayOp "setByteArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {{\tt setByteArray# ba off len c} sets the byte range {\tt [off, off+len]} of
+ the {\tt MutableByteArray#} to the byte {\tt c}.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall + 4 }
+ can_fail = True
+-- Atomic operations
+primop AtomicReadByteArrayOp_Int "atomicReadIntArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ {Given an array and an offset in machine words, read an element. The
+ index is assumed to be in bounds. Implies a full memory barrier.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop AtomicWriteByteArrayOp_Int "atomicWriteIntArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Given an array and an offset in machine words, write an element. The
+ index is assumed to be in bounds. Implies a full memory barrier.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop CasByteArrayOp_Int "casIntArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ {Given an array, an offset in machine words, the expected old value, and
+ the new value, perform an atomic compare and swap i.e. write the new
+ value if the current value matches the provided old value. Returns
+ the value of the element before the operation. Implies a full memory
+ barrier.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop FetchAddByteArrayOp_Int "fetchAddIntArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ {Given an array, and offset in machine words, and a value to add,
+ atomically add the value to the element. Returns the value of the
+ element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop FetchSubByteArrayOp_Int "fetchSubIntArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ {Given an array, and offset in machine words, and a value to subtract,
+ atomically subtract the value to the element. Returns the value of
+ the element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop FetchAndByteArrayOp_Int "fetchAndIntArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ {Given an array, and offset in machine words, and a value to AND,
+ atomically AND the value to the element. Returns the value of the
+ element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop FetchNandByteArrayOp_Int "fetchNandIntArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ {Given an array, and offset in machine words, and a value to NAND,
+ atomically NAND the value to the element. Returns the value of the
+ element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop FetchOrByteArrayOp_Int "fetchOrIntArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ {Given an array, and offset in machine words, and a value to OR,
+ atomically OR the value to the element. Returns the value of the
+ element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop FetchXorByteArrayOp_Int "fetchXorIntArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ {Given an array, and offset in machine words, and a value to XOR,
+ atomically XOR the value to the element. Returns the value of the
+ element before the operation. Implies a full memory barrier.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+section "Arrays of arrays"
+ {Operations on {\tt ArrayArray\#}. An {\tt ArrayArray\#} contains references to {\em unpointed}
+ arrays, such as {\tt ByteArray\#s}. Hence, it is not parameterised by the element types,
+ just like a {\tt ByteArray\#}, but it needs to be scanned during GC, just like an {\tt Array\#}.
+ We represent an {\tt ArrayArray\#} exactly as a {\tt Array\#}, but provide element-type-specific
+ indexing, reading, and writing.}
+primtype ArrayArray#
+primtype MutableArrayArray# s
+primop NewArrayArrayOp "newArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableArrayArray# s #)
+ {Create a new mutable array of arrays with the specified number of elements,
+ in the specified state thread, with each element recursively referring to the
+ newly created array.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop SameMutableArrayArrayOp "sameMutableArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArrayArray# s -> MutableArrayArray# s -> Int#
+primop UnsafeFreezeArrayArrayOp "unsafeFreezeArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArrayArray# s -> State# s -> (# State# s, ArrayArray# #)
+ {Make a mutable array of arrays immutable, without copying.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop SizeofArrayArrayOp "sizeofArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ArrayArray# -> Int#
+ {Return the number of elements in the array.}
+primop SizeofMutableArrayArrayOp "sizeofMutableArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArrayArray# s -> Int#
+ {Return the number of elements in the array.}
+primop IndexArrayArrayOp_ByteArray "indexByteArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ArrayArray# -> Int# -> ByteArray#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexArrayArrayOp_ArrayArray "indexArrayArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ArrayArray# -> Int# -> ArrayArray#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop ReadArrayArrayOp_ByteArray "readByteArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArrayArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, ByteArray# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadArrayArrayOp_MutableByteArray "readMutableByteArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArrayArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableByteArray# s #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadArrayArrayOp_ArrayArray "readArrayArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArrayArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, ArrayArray# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadArrayArrayOp_MutableArrayArray "readMutableArrayArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArrayArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableArrayArray# s #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteArrayArrayOp_ByteArray "writeByteArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArrayArray# s -> Int# -> ByteArray# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteArrayArrayOp_MutableByteArray "writeMutableByteArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArrayArray# s -> Int# -> MutableByteArray# s -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteArrayArrayOp_ArrayArray "writeArrayArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArrayArray# s -> Int# -> ArrayArray# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteArrayArrayOp_MutableArrayArray "writeMutableArrayArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArrayArray# s -> Int# -> MutableArrayArray# s -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop CopyArrayArrayOp "copyArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ArrayArray# -> Int# -> MutableArrayArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Copy a range of the ArrayArray\# to the specified region in the MutableArrayArray\#.
+ Both arrays must fully contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked.
+ The two arrays must not be the same array in different states, but this is not checked either.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop CopyMutableArrayArrayOp "copyMutableArrayArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableArrayArray# s -> Int# -> MutableArrayArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Copy a range of the first MutableArrayArray# to the specified region in the second
+ MutableArrayArray#.
+ Both arrays must fully contain the specified ranges, but this is not checked.
+ The regions are allowed to overlap, although this is only possible when the same
+ array is provided as both the source and the destination.
+ }
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+section "Addr#"
+primtype Addr#
+ { An arbitrary machine address assumed to point outside
+ the garbage-collected heap. }
+pseudoop "nullAddr#" Addr#
+ { The null address. }
+primop AddrAddOp "plusAddr#" GenPrimOp Addr# -> Int# -> Addr#
+primop AddrSubOp "minusAddr#" GenPrimOp Addr# -> Addr# -> Int#
+ {Result is meaningless if two {\tt Addr\#}s are so far apart that their
+ difference doesn't fit in an {\tt Int\#}.}
+primop AddrRemOp "remAddr#" GenPrimOp Addr# -> Int# -> Int#
+ {Return the remainder when the {\tt Addr\#} arg, treated like an {\tt Int\#},
+ is divided by the {\tt Int\#} arg.}
+primop Addr2IntOp "addr2Int#" GenPrimOp Addr# -> Int#
+ {Coerce directly from address to int.}
+ with code_size = 0
+ deprecated_msg = { This operation is strongly deprecated. }
+primop Int2AddrOp "int2Addr#" GenPrimOp Int# -> Addr#
+ {Coerce directly from int to address.}
+ with code_size = 0
+ deprecated_msg = { This operation is strongly deprecated. }
+primop AddrGtOp "gtAddr#" Compare Addr# -> Addr# -> Int#
+primop AddrGeOp "geAddr#" Compare Addr# -> Addr# -> Int#
+primop AddrEqOp "eqAddr#" Compare Addr# -> Addr# -> Int#
+primop AddrNeOp "neAddr#" Compare Addr# -> Addr# -> Int#
+primop AddrLtOp "ltAddr#" Compare Addr# -> Addr# -> Int#
+primop AddrLeOp "leAddr#" Compare Addr# -> Addr# -> Int#
+primop IndexOffAddrOp_Char "indexCharOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Char#
+ {Reads 8-bit character; offset in bytes.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexOffAddrOp_WideChar "indexWideCharOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Char#
+ {Reads 31-bit character; offset in 4-byte words.}
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexOffAddrOp_Int "indexIntOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Int#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexOffAddrOp_Word "indexWordOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Word#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexOffAddrOp_Addr "indexAddrOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Addr#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexOffAddrOp_Float "indexFloatOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Float#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexOffAddrOp_Double "indexDoubleOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Double#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexOffAddrOp_StablePtr "indexStablePtrOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> StablePtr# a
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexOffAddrOp_Int8 "indexInt8OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Int#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexOffAddrOp_Int16 "indexInt16OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Int#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexOffAddrOp_Int32 "indexInt32OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> INT32
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexOffAddrOp_Int64 "indexInt64OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> INT64
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexOffAddrOp_Word8 "indexWord8OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Word#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexOffAddrOp_Word16 "indexWord16OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Word#
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexOffAddrOp_Word32 "indexWord32OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> WORD32
+ with can_fail = True
+primop IndexOffAddrOp_Word64 "indexWord64OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> WORD64
+ with can_fail = True
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Char "readCharOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Char# #)
+ {Reads 8-bit character; offset in bytes.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_WideChar "readWideCharOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Char# #)
+ {Reads 31-bit character; offset in 4-byte words.}
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Int "readIntOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Word "readWordOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Addr "readAddrOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Addr# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Float "readFloatOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Float# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Double "readDoubleOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Double# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_StablePtr "readStablePtrOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, StablePtr# a #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Int8 "readInt8OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Int16 "readInt16OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Int32 "readInt32OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, INT32 #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Int64 "readInt64OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, INT64 #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Word8 "readWord8OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Word16 "readWord16OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Word# #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Word32 "readWord32OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, WORD32 #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop ReadOffAddrOp_Word64 "readWord64OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, WORD64 #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Char "writeCharOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Char# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_WideChar "writeWideCharOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Char# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Int "writeIntOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Word "writeWordOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Word# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Addr "writeAddrOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Addr# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Float "writeFloatOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Float# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Double "writeDoubleOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Double# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_StablePtr "writeStablePtrOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> StablePtr# a -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Int8 "writeInt8OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Int16 "writeInt16OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Int32 "writeInt32OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> INT32 -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Int64 "writeInt64OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> INT64 -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Word8 "writeWord8OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Word# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Word16 "writeWord16OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> Word# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Word32 "writeWord32OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> WORD32 -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop WriteOffAddrOp_Word64 "writeWord64OffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> WORD64 -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+section "Mutable variables"
+ {Operations on MutVar\#s.}
+primtype MutVar# s a
+ {A {\tt MutVar\#} behaves like a single-element mutable array.}
+primop NewMutVarOp "newMutVar#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutVar# s a #)
+ {Create {\tt MutVar\#} with specified initial value in specified state thread.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+-- Note [Why MutVar# ops can't fail]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- We don't label readMutVar# or writeMutVar# as can_fail.
+-- This may seem a bit peculiar, because they surely *could*
+-- fail spectacularly if passed a pointer to unallocated memory.
+-- But MutVar#s are always correct by construction; we never
+-- test if a pointer is valid before using it with these operations.
+-- So we never have to worry about floating the pointer reference
+-- outside a validity test. At the moment, has_side_effects blocks
+-- up the relevant optimizations anyway, but we hope to draw finer
+-- distinctions soon, which should improve matters for readMutVar#
+-- at least.
+primop ReadMutVarOp "readMutVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MutVar# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
+ {Read contents of {\tt MutVar\#}. Result is not yet evaluated.}
+ with
+ -- See Note [Why MutVar# ops can't fail]
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteMutVarOp "writeMutVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MutVar# s a -> a -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Write contents of {\tt MutVar\#}.}
+ with
+ -- See Note [Why MutVar# ops can't fail]
+ has_side_effects = True
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall } -- for the write barrier
+primop SameMutVarOp "sameMutVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MutVar# s a -> MutVar# s a -> Int#
+-- Note [Why not an unboxed tuple in atomicModifyMutVar2#?]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Looking at the type of atomicModifyMutVar2#, one might wonder why
+-- it doesn't return an unboxed tuple. e.g.,
+-- MutVar# s a -> (a -> (# a, b #)) -> State# s -> (# State# s, a, (# a, b #) #)
+-- The reason is that atomicModifyMutVar2# relies on laziness for its atomicity.
+-- Given a MutVar# containing x, atomicModifyMutVar2# merely replaces
+-- its contents with a thunk of the form (fst (f x)). This can be done using an
+-- atomic compare-and-swap as it is merely replacing a pointer.
+primop AtomicModifyMutVar2Op "atomicModifyMutVar2#" GenPrimOp
+ MutVar# s a -> (a -> c) -> State# s -> (# State# s, a, c #)
+ { Modify the contents of a {\tt MutVar\#}, returning the previous
+ contents and the result of applying the given function to the
+ previous contents. Note that this isn't strictly
+ speaking the correct type for this function; it should really be
+ {\tt MutVar\# s a -> (a -> (a,b)) -> State\# s -> (\# State\# s, a, (a, b) \#)},
+ but we don't know about pairs here. }
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop AtomicModifyMutVar_Op "atomicModifyMutVar_#" GenPrimOp
+ MutVar# s a -> (a -> a) -> State# s -> (# State# s, a, a #)
+ { Modify the contents of a {\tt MutVar\#}, returning the previous
+ contents and the result of applying the given function to the
+ previous contents. }
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+primop CasMutVarOp "casMutVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MutVar# s a -> a -> a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int#, a #)
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+section "Exceptions"
+-- Note [Strictness for mask/unmask/catch]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Consider this example, which comes from GHC.IO.Handle.Internals:
+-- wantReadableHandle3 f ma b st
+-- = case ... of
+-- DEFAULT -> case ma of MVar a -> ...
+-- 0# -> maskAsynchExceptions# (\st -> case ma of MVar a -> ...)
+-- The outer case just decides whether to mask exceptions, but we don't want
+-- thereby to hide the strictness in 'ma'! Hence the use of strictApply1Dmd.
+primop CatchOp "catch#" GenPrimOp
+ (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) )
+ -> (b -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) )
+ -> State# RealWorld
+ -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
+ with
+ strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [ lazyApply1Dmd
+ , lazyApply2Dmd
+ , topDmd] topDiv }
+ -- See Note [Strictness for mask/unmask/catch]
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop RaiseOp "raise#" GenPrimOp
+ b -> o
+ -- NB: the type variable "o" is "a", but with OpenKind
+ with
+ strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [topDmd] botDiv }
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+ -- raise# certainly throws a Haskell exception and hence has_side_effects
+ -- It doesn't actually make much difference because the fact that it
+ -- returns bottom independently ensures that we are careful not to discard
+ -- it. But still, it's better to say the Right Thing.
+-- Note [Arithmetic exception primops]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- The RTS provides several primops to raise specific exceptions (raiseDivZero#,
+-- raiseUnderflow#, raiseOverflow#). These primops are meant to be used by the
+-- package implementing arbitrary precision numbers (Natural,Integer). It can't
+-- depend on `base` package to raise exceptions in a normal way because it would
+-- create a package dependency circle (base <-> bignum package).
+-- See #14664
+primtype Void#
+primop RaiseDivZeroOp "raiseDivZero#" GenPrimOp
+ Void# -> o
+ {Raise a 'DivideByZero' arithmetic exception.}
+ -- NB: the type variable "o" is "a", but with OpenKind
+ -- See Note [Arithmetic exception primops]
+ with
+ strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [topDmd] botDiv }
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop RaiseUnderflowOp "raiseUnderflow#" GenPrimOp
+ Void# -> o
+ {Raise an 'Underflow' arithmetic exception.}
+ -- NB: the type variable "o" is "a", but with OpenKind
+ -- See Note [Arithmetic exception primops]
+ with
+ strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [topDmd] botDiv }
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop RaiseOverflowOp "raiseOverflow#" GenPrimOp
+ Void# -> o
+ {Raise an 'Overflow' arithmetic exception.}
+ -- NB: the type variable "o" is "a", but with OpenKind
+ -- See Note [Arithmetic exception primops]
+ with
+ strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [topDmd] botDiv }
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop RaiseIOOp "raiseIO#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, b #)
+ with
+ -- See Note [Precise exceptions and strictness analysis] in Demand.hs
+ -- for why we give it topDiv
+ -- strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [topDmd, topDmd] topDiv }
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop MaskAsyncExceptionsOp "maskAsyncExceptions#" GenPrimOp
+ (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+ -> (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+ with
+ strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [strictApply1Dmd,topDmd] topDiv }
+ -- See Note [Strictness for mask/unmask/catch]
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop MaskUninterruptibleOp "maskUninterruptible#" GenPrimOp
+ (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+ -> (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+ with
+ strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [strictApply1Dmd,topDmd] topDiv }
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop UnmaskAsyncExceptionsOp "unmaskAsyncExceptions#" GenPrimOp
+ (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+ -> (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
+ with
+ strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [strictApply1Dmd,topDmd] topDiv }
+ -- See Note [Strictness for mask/unmask/catch]
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop MaskStatus "getMaskingState#" GenPrimOp
+ State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int# #)
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+section "STM-accessible Mutable Variables"
+primtype TVar# s a
+primop AtomicallyOp "atomically#" GenPrimOp
+ (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) )
+ -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
+ with
+ strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [strictApply1Dmd,topDmd] topDiv }
+ -- See Note [Strictness for mask/unmask/catch]
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+-- NB: retry#'s strictness information specifies it to diverge.
+-- This lets the compiler perform some extra simplifications, since retry#
+-- will technically never return.
+-- This allows the simplifier to replace things like:
+-- case retry# s1
+-- (# s2, a #) -> e
+-- with:
+-- retry# s1
+-- where 'e' would be unreachable anyway. See #8091.
+primop RetryOp "retry#" GenPrimOp
+ State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
+ with
+ strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [topDmd] botDiv }
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop CatchRetryOp "catchRetry#" GenPrimOp
+ (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) )
+ -> (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) )
+ -> (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) )
+ with
+ strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [ lazyApply1Dmd
+ , lazyApply1Dmd
+ , topDmd ] topDiv }
+ -- See Note [Strictness for mask/unmask/catch]
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop CatchSTMOp "catchSTM#" GenPrimOp
+ (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) )
+ -> (b -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) )
+ -> (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #) )
+ with
+ strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [ lazyApply1Dmd
+ , lazyApply2Dmd
+ , topDmd ] topDiv }
+ -- See Note [Strictness for mask/unmask/catch]
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop NewTVarOp "newTVar#" GenPrimOp
+ a
+ -> State# s -> (# State# s, TVar# s a #)
+ {Create a new {\tt TVar\#} holding a specified initial value.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop ReadTVarOp "readTVar#" GenPrimOp
+ TVar# s a
+ -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
+ {Read contents of {\tt TVar\#}. Result is not yet evaluated.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop ReadTVarIOOp "readTVarIO#" GenPrimOp
+ TVar# s a
+ -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
+ {Read contents of {\tt TVar\#} outside an STM transaction}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop WriteTVarOp "writeTVar#" GenPrimOp
+ TVar# s a
+ -> a
+ -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Write contents of {\tt TVar\#}.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop SameTVarOp "sameTVar#" GenPrimOp
+ TVar# s a -> TVar# s a -> Int#
+section "Synchronized Mutable Variables"
+ {Operations on {\tt MVar\#}s. }
+primtype MVar# s a
+ { A shared mutable variable ({\it not} the same as a {\tt MutVar\#}!).
+ (Note: in a non-concurrent implementation, {\tt (MVar\# a)} can be
+ represented by {\tt (MutVar\# (Maybe a))}.) }
+primop NewMVarOp "newMVar#" GenPrimOp
+ State# s -> (# State# s, MVar# s a #)
+ {Create new {\tt MVar\#}; initially empty.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop TakeMVarOp "takeMVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MVar# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
+ {If {\tt MVar\#} is empty, block until it becomes full.
+ Then remove and return its contents, and set it empty.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop TryTakeMVarOp "tryTakeMVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MVar# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int#, a #)
+ {If {\tt MVar\#} is empty, immediately return with integer 0 and value undefined.
+ Otherwise, return with integer 1 and contents of {\tt MVar\#}, and set {\tt MVar\#} empty.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop PutMVarOp "putMVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MVar# s a -> a -> State# s -> State# s
+ {If {\tt MVar\#} is full, block until it becomes empty.
+ Then store value arg as its new contents.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop TryPutMVarOp "tryPutMVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MVar# s a -> a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ {If {\tt MVar\#} is full, immediately return with integer 0.
+ Otherwise, store value arg as {\tt MVar\#}'s new contents, and return with integer 1.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop ReadMVarOp "readMVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MVar# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
+ {If {\tt MVar\#} is empty, block until it becomes full.
+ Then read its contents without modifying the MVar, without possibility
+ of intervention from other threads.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop TryReadMVarOp "tryReadMVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MVar# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int#, a #)
+ {If {\tt MVar\#} is empty, immediately return with integer 0 and value undefined.
+ Otherwise, return with integer 1 and contents of {\tt MVar\#}.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop SameMVarOp "sameMVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MVar# s a -> MVar# s a -> Int#
+primop IsEmptyMVarOp "isEmptyMVar#" GenPrimOp
+ MVar# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ {Return 1 if {\tt MVar\#} is empty; 0 otherwise.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+section "Delay/wait operations"
+primop DelayOp "delay#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Sleep specified number of microseconds.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop WaitReadOp "waitRead#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Block until input is available on specified file descriptor.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop WaitWriteOp "waitWrite#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ {Block until output is possible on specified file descriptor.}
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+section "Concurrency primitives"
+primtype State# s
+ { {\tt State\#} is the primitive, unlifted type of states. It has
+ one type parameter, thus {\tt State\# RealWorld}, or {\tt State\# s},
+ where s is a type variable. The only purpose of the type parameter
+ is to keep different state threads separate. It is represented by
+ nothing at all. }
+primtype RealWorld
+ { {\tt RealWorld} is deeply magical. It is {\it primitive}, but it is not
+ {\it unlifted} (hence {\tt ptrArg}). We never manipulate values of type
+ {\tt RealWorld}; it's only used in the type system, to parameterise {\tt State\#}. }
+primtype ThreadId#
+ {(In a non-concurrent implementation, this can be a singleton
+ type, whose (unique) value is returned by {\tt myThreadId\#}. The
+ other operations can be omitted.)}
+primop ForkOp "fork#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, ThreadId# #)
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop ForkOnOp "forkOn#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, ThreadId# #)
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop KillThreadOp "killThread#" GenPrimOp
+ ThreadId# -> a -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop YieldOp "yield#" GenPrimOp
+ State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop MyThreadIdOp "myThreadId#" GenPrimOp
+ State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, ThreadId# #)
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop LabelThreadOp "labelThread#" GenPrimOp
+ ThreadId# -> Addr# -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop IsCurrentThreadBoundOp "isCurrentThreadBound#" GenPrimOp
+ State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int# #)
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop NoDuplicateOp "noDuplicate#" GenPrimOp
+ State# s -> State# s
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop ThreadStatusOp "threadStatus#" GenPrimOp
+ ThreadId# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int#, Int#, Int# #)
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+ has_side_effects = True
+section "Weak pointers"
+primtype Weak# b
+-- note that tyvar "o" denotes openAlphaTyVar
+primop MkWeakOp "mkWeak#" GenPrimOp
+ o -> b -> (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, c #))
+ -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Weak# b #)
+ { {\tt mkWeak# k v finalizer s} creates a weak reference to value {\tt k},
+ with an associated reference to some value {\tt v}. If {\tt k} is still
+ alive then {\tt v} can be retrieved using {\tt deRefWeak#}. Note that
+ the type of {\tt k} must be represented by a pointer (i.e. of kind {\tt
+ TYPE 'LiftedRep} or {\tt TYPE 'UnliftedRep}). }
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop MkWeakNoFinalizerOp "mkWeakNoFinalizer#" GenPrimOp
+ o -> b -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Weak# b #)
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop AddCFinalizerToWeakOp "addCFinalizerToWeak#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Addr# -> Int# -> Addr# -> Weak# b
+ -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int# #)
+ { {\tt addCFinalizerToWeak# fptr ptr flag eptr w} attaches a C
+ function pointer {\tt fptr} to a weak pointer {\tt w} as a finalizer. If
+ {\tt flag} is zero, {\tt fptr} will be called with one argument,
+ {\tt ptr}. Otherwise, it will be called with two arguments,
+ {\tt eptr} and {\tt ptr}. {\tt addCFinalizerToWeak#} returns
+ 1 on success, or 0 if {\tt w} is already dead. }
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop DeRefWeakOp "deRefWeak#" GenPrimOp
+ Weak# a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int#, a #)
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop FinalizeWeakOp "finalizeWeak#" GenPrimOp
+ Weak# a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int#,
+ (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, b #) ) #)
+ { Finalize a weak pointer. The return value is an unboxed tuple
+ containing the new state of the world and an "unboxed Maybe",
+ represented by an {\tt Int#} and a (possibly invalid) finalization
+ action. An {\tt Int#} of {\tt 1} indicates that the finalizer is valid. The
+ return value {\tt b} from the finalizer should be ignored. }
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop TouchOp "touch#" GenPrimOp
+ o -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
+ with
+ code_size = { 0 }
+ has_side_effects = True
+section "Stable pointers and names"
+primtype StablePtr# a
+primtype StableName# a
+primop MakeStablePtrOp "makeStablePtr#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, StablePtr# a #)
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop DeRefStablePtrOp "deRefStablePtr#" GenPrimOp
+ StablePtr# a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop EqStablePtrOp "eqStablePtr#" GenPrimOp
+ StablePtr# a -> StablePtr# a -> Int#
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop MakeStableNameOp "makeStableName#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, StableName# a #)
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop EqStableNameOp "eqStableName#" GenPrimOp
+ StableName# a -> StableName# b -> Int#
+primop StableNameToIntOp "stableNameToInt#" GenPrimOp
+ StableName# a -> Int#
+section "Compact normal form"
+ {Primitives for working with compact regions. The {\tt ghc\-compact}
+ library and the {\tt compact} library demonstrate how to use these
+ primitives. The documentation below draws a distinction between
+ a CNF and a compact block. A CNF contains one or more compact
+ blocks. The source file {\tt rts\/sm\/CNF.c}
+ diagrams this relationship. When discussing a compact
+ block, an additional distinction is drawn between capacity and
+ utilized bytes. The capacity is the maximum number of bytes that
+ the compact block can hold. The utilized bytes is the number of
+ bytes that are actually used by the compact block.
+ }
+primtype Compact#
+primop CompactNewOp "compactNew#" GenPrimOp
+ Word# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Compact# #)
+ { Create a new CNF with a single compact block. The argument is
+ the capacity of the compact block (in bytes, not words).
+ The capacity is rounded up to a multiple of the allocator block size
+ and is capped to one mega block. }
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop CompactResizeOp "compactResize#" GenPrimOp
+ Compact# -> Word# -> State# RealWorld ->
+ State# RealWorld
+ { Set the new allocation size of the CNF. This value (in bytes)
+ determines the capacity of each compact block in the CNF. It
+ does not retroactively affect existing compact blocks in the CNF. }
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop CompactContainsOp "compactContains#" GenPrimOp
+ Compact# -> a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int# #)
+ { Returns 1\# if the object is contained in the CNF, 0\# otherwise. }
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+primop CompactContainsAnyOp "compactContainsAny#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Int# #)
+ { Returns 1\# if the object is in any CNF at all, 0\# otherwise. }
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+primop CompactGetFirstBlockOp "compactGetFirstBlock#" GenPrimOp
+ Compact# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Addr#, Word# #)
+ { Returns the address and the utilized size (in bytes) of the
+ first compact block of a CNF.}
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+primop CompactGetNextBlockOp "compactGetNextBlock#" GenPrimOp
+ Compact# -> Addr# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Addr#, Word# #)
+ { Given a CNF and the address of one its compact blocks, returns the
+ next compact block and its utilized size, or {\tt nullAddr\#} if the
+ argument was the last compact block in the CNF. }
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+primop CompactAllocateBlockOp "compactAllocateBlock#" GenPrimOp
+ Word# -> Addr# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Addr# #)
+ { Attempt to allocate a compact block with the capacity (in
+ bytes) given by the first argument. The {\texttt Addr\#} is a pointer
+ to previous compact block of the CNF or {\texttt nullAddr\#} to create a
+ new CNF with a single compact block.
+ The resulting block is not known to the GC until
+ {\texttt compactFixupPointers\#} is called on it, and care must be taken
+ so that the address does not escape or memory will be leaked.
+ }
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop CompactFixupPointersOp "compactFixupPointers#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Addr# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Compact#, Addr# #)
+ { Given the pointer to the first block of a CNF and the
+ address of the root object in the old address space, fix up
+ the internal pointers inside the CNF to account for
+ a different position in memory than when it was serialized.
+ This method must be called exactly once after importing
+ a serialized CNF. It returns the new CNF and the new adjusted
+ root address. }
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop CompactAdd "compactAdd#" GenPrimOp
+ Compact# -> a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
+ { Recursively add a closure and its transitive closure to a
+ {\texttt Compact\#} (a CNF), evaluating any unevaluated components
+ at the same time. Note: {\texttt compactAdd\#} is not thread-safe, so
+ only one thread may call {\texttt compactAdd\#} with a particular
+ {\texttt Compact\#} at any given time. The primop does not
+ enforce any mutual exclusion; the caller is expected to
+ arrange this. }
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop CompactAddWithSharing "compactAddWithSharing#" GenPrimOp
+ Compact# -> a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
+ { Like {\texttt compactAdd\#}, but retains sharing and cycles
+ during compaction. }
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop CompactSize "compactSize#" GenPrimOp
+ Compact# -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Word# #)
+ { Return the total capacity (in bytes) of all the compact blocks
+ in the CNF. }
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+section "Unsafe pointer equality"
+-- (#1 Bad Guy: Alastair Reid :)
+primop ReallyUnsafePtrEqualityOp "reallyUnsafePtrEquality#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> a -> Int#
+ { Returns {\texttt 1\#} if the given pointers are equal and {\texttt 0\#} otherwise. }
+ with
+ can_fail = True -- See Note [reallyUnsafePtrEquality#]
+-- Note [reallyUnsafePtrEquality#]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- reallyUnsafePtrEquality# can't actually fail, per se, but we mark it can_fail
+-- anyway. Until 5a9a1738023a, GHC considered primops okay for speculation only
+-- when their arguments were known to be forced. This was unnecessarily
+-- conservative, but it prevented reallyUnsafePtrEquality# from floating out of
+-- places where its arguments were known to be forced. Unfortunately, GHC could
+-- sometimes lose track of whether those arguments were forced, leading to let/app
+-- invariant failures (see #13027 and the discussion in #11444). Now that
+-- ok_for_speculation skips over lifted arguments, we need to explicitly prevent
+-- reallyUnsafePtrEquality# from floating out. Imagine if we had
+-- \x y . case x of x'
+-- DEFAULT ->
+-- case y of y'
+-- DEFAULT ->
+-- let eq = reallyUnsafePtrEquality# x' y'
+-- in ...
+-- If the let floats out, we'll get
+-- \x y . let eq = reallyUnsafePtrEquality# x y
+-- in case x of ...
+-- The trouble is that pointer equality between thunks is very different
+-- from pointer equality between the values those thunks reduce to, and the latter
+-- is typically much more precise.
+section "Parallelism"
+primop ParOp "par#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> Int#
+ with
+ -- Note that Par is lazy to avoid that the sparked thing
+ -- gets evaluated strictly, which it should *not* be
+ has_side_effects = True
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+ deprecated_msg = { Use 'spark#' instead }
+primop SparkOp "spark#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ code_size = { primOpCodeSizeForeignCall }
+primop SeqOp "seq#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
+ -- See Note [seq# magic] in GHC.Core.Op.ConstantFold
+primop GetSparkOp "getSpark#" GenPrimOp
+ State# s -> (# State# s, Int#, a #)
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop NumSparks "numSparks#" GenPrimOp
+ State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+ { Returns the number of sparks in the local spark pool. }
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+section "Tag to enum stuff"
+ {Convert back and forth between values of enumerated types
+ and small integers.}
+primop DataToTagOp "dataToTag#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> Int# -- Zero-indexed; the first constructor has tag zero
+ with
+ strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [evalDmd] topDiv }
+ -- See Note [dataToTag# magic] in GHC.Core.Op.ConstantFold
+primop TagToEnumOp "tagToEnum#" GenPrimOp
+ Int# -> a
+section "Bytecode operations"
+ {Support for manipulating bytecode objects used by the interpreter and
+ linker.
+ Bytecode objects are heap objects which represent top-level bindings and
+ contain a list of instructions and data needed by these instructions.}
+primtype BCO
+ { Primitive bytecode type. }
+primop AddrToAnyOp "addrToAny#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> (# a #)
+ { Convert an {\tt Addr\#} to a followable Any type. }
+ with
+ code_size = 0
+primop AnyToAddrOp "anyToAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, Addr# #)
+ { Retrieve the address of any Haskell value. This is
+ essentially an {\texttt unsafeCoerce\#}, but if implemented as such
+ the core lint pass complains and fails to compile.
+ As a primop, it is opaque to core/stg, and only appears
+ in cmm (where the copy propagation pass will get rid of it).
+ Note that "a" must be a value, not a thunk! It's too late
+ for strictness analysis to enforce this, so you're on your
+ own to guarantee this. Also note that {\texttt Addr\#} is not a GC
+ pointer - up to you to guarantee that it does not become
+ a dangling pointer immediately after you get it.}
+ with
+ code_size = 0
+primop MkApUpd0_Op "mkApUpd0#" GenPrimOp
+ BCO -> (# a #)
+ { Wrap a BCO in a {\tt AP_UPD} thunk which will be updated with the value of
+ the BCO when evaluated. }
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+primop NewBCOOp "newBCO#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> ByteArray# -> Array# a -> Int# -> ByteArray# -> State# s -> (# State# s, BCO #)
+ { {\tt newBCO\# instrs lits ptrs arity bitmap} creates a new bytecode object. The
+ resulting object encodes a function of the given arity with the instructions
+ encoded in {\tt instrs}, and a static reference table usage bitmap given by
+ {\tt bitmap}. }
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop UnpackClosureOp "unpackClosure#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> (# Addr#, ByteArray#, Array# b #)
+ { {\tt unpackClosure\# closure} copies the closure and pointers in the
+ payload of the given closure into two new arrays, and returns a pointer to
+ the first word of the closure's info table, a non-pointer array for the raw
+ bytes of the closure, and a pointer array for the pointers in the payload. }
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+primop ClosureSizeOp "closureSize#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> Int#
+ { {\tt closureSize\# closure} returns the size of the given closure in
+ machine words. }
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+primop GetApStackValOp "getApStackVal#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> Int# -> (# Int#, b #)
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+section "Misc"
+ {These aren't nearly as wired in as Etc...}
+primop GetCCSOfOp "getCCSOf#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Addr# #)
+primop GetCurrentCCSOp "getCurrentCCS#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Addr# #)
+ { Returns the current {\tt CostCentreStack} (value is {\tt NULL} if
+ not profiling). Takes a dummy argument which can be used to
+ avoid the call to {\tt getCurrentCCS\#} being floated out by the
+ simplifier, which would result in an uninformative stack
+ ("CAF"). }
+primop ClearCCSOp "clearCCS#" GenPrimOp
+ (State# s -> (# State# s, a #)) -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
+ { Run the supplied IO action with an empty CCS. For example, this
+ is used by the interpreter to run an interpreted computation
+ without the call stack showing that it was invoked from GHC. }
+ with
+ out_of_line = True
+section "Etc"
+ {Miscellaneous built-ins}
+primtype Proxy# a
+ { The type constructor {\tt Proxy#} is used to bear witness to some
+ type variable. It's used when you want to pass around proxy values
+ for doing things like modelling type applications. A {\tt Proxy#}
+ is not only unboxed, it also has a polymorphic kind, and has no
+ runtime representation, being totally free. }
+pseudoop "proxy#"
+ Proxy# a
+ { Witness for an unboxed {\tt Proxy#} value, which has no runtime
+ representation. }
+pseudoop "seq"
+ a -> b -> b
+ { The value of {\tt seq a b} is bottom if {\tt a} is bottom, and
+ otherwise equal to {\tt b}. In other words, it evaluates the first
+ argument {\tt a} to weak head normal form (WHNF). {\tt seq} is usually
+ introduced to improve performance by avoiding unneeded laziness.
+ A note on evaluation order: the expression {\tt seq a b} does
+ {\it not} guarantee that {\tt a} will be evaluated before {\tt b}.
+ The only guarantee given by {\tt seq} is that the both {\tt a}
+ and {\tt b} will be evaluated before {\tt seq} returns a value.
+ In particular, this means that {\tt b} may be evaluated before
+ {\tt a}. If you need to guarantee a specific order of evaluation,
+ you must use the function {\tt pseq} from the "parallel" package. }
+ with fixity = infixr 0
+ -- This fixity is only the one picked up by Haddock. If you
+ -- change this, do update 'ghcPrimIface' in 'GHC.Iface.Load'.
+pseudoop "unsafeCoerce#"
+ a -> b
+ { The function {\tt unsafeCoerce\#} allows you to side-step the typechecker entirely. That
+ is, it allows you to coerce any type into any other type. If you use this function,
+ you had better get it right, otherwise segmentation faults await. It is generally
+ used when you want to write a program that you know is well-typed, but where Haskell's
+ type system is not expressive enough to prove that it is well typed.
+ The following uses of {\tt unsafeCoerce\#} are supposed to work (i.e. not lead to
+ spurious compile-time or run-time crashes):
+ * Casting any lifted type to {\tt Any}
+ * Casting {\tt Any} back to the real type
+ * Casting an unboxed type to another unboxed type of the same size.
+ (Casting between floating-point and integral types does not work.
+ See the {\tt GHC.Float} module for functions to do work.)
+ * Casting between two types that have the same runtime representation. One case is when
+ the two types differ only in "phantom" type parameters, for example
+ {\tt Ptr Int} to {\tt Ptr Float}, or {\tt [Int]} to {\tt [Float]} when the list is
+ known to be empty. Also, a {\tt newtype} of a type {\tt T} has the same representation
+ at runtime as {\tt T}.
+ Other uses of {\tt unsafeCoerce\#} are undefined. In particular, you should not use
+ {\tt unsafeCoerce\#} to cast a T to an algebraic data type D, unless T is also
+ an algebraic data type. For example, do not cast {\tt Int->Int} to {\tt Bool}, even if
+ you later cast that {\tt Bool} back to {\tt Int->Int} before applying it. The reasons
+ have to do with GHC's internal representation details (for the cognoscenti, data values
+ can be entered but function closures cannot). If you want a safe type to cast things
+ to, use {\tt Any}, which is not an algebraic data type.
+ }
+ with can_fail = True
+-- NB. It is tempting to think that casting a value to a type that it doesn't have is safe
+-- as long as you don't "do anything" with the value in its cast form, such as seq on it. This
+-- isn't the case: the compiler can insert seqs itself, and if these happen at the wrong type,
+-- Bad Things Might Happen. See bug #1616: in this case we cast a function of type (a,b) -> (a,b)
+-- to () -> () and back again. The strictness analyser saw that the function was strict, but
+-- the wrapper had type () -> (), and hence the wrapper de-constructed the (), the worker re-constructed
+-- a new (), with the result that the code ended up with "case () of (a,b) -> ...".
+primop TraceEventOp "traceEvent#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> State# s -> State# s
+ { Emits an event via the RTS tracing framework. The contents
+ of the event is the zero-terminated byte string passed as the first
+ argument. The event will be emitted either to the {\tt .eventlog} file,
+ or to stderr, depending on the runtime RTS flags. }
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop TraceEventBinaryOp "traceBinaryEvent#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ { Emits an event via the RTS tracing framework. The contents
+ of the event is the binary object passed as the first argument with
+ the the given length passed as the second argument. The event will be
+ emitted to the {\tt .eventlog} file. }
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop TraceMarkerOp "traceMarker#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> State# s -> State# s
+ { Emits a marker event via the RTS tracing framework. The contents
+ of the event is the zero-terminated byte string passed as the first
+ argument. The event will be emitted either to the {\tt .eventlog} file,
+ or to stderr, depending on the runtime RTS flags. }
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+primop SetThreadAllocationCounter "setThreadAllocationCounter#" GenPrimOp
+ INT64 -> State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
+ { Sets the allocation counter for the current thread to the given value. }
+ with
+ has_side_effects = True
+ out_of_line = True
+section "Safe coercions"
+pseudoop "coerce"
+ Coercible a b => a -> b
+ { The function {\tt coerce} allows you to safely convert between values of
+ types that have the same representation with no run-time overhead. In the
+ simplest case you can use it instead of a newtype constructor, to go from
+ the newtype's concrete type to the abstract type. But it also works in
+ more complicated settings, e.g. converting a list of newtypes to a list of
+ concrete types.
+ This function is runtime-representation polymorphic, but the
+ {\tt RuntimeRep} type argument is marked as {\tt Inferred}, meaning
+ that it is not available for visible type application. This means
+ the typechecker will accept {\tt coerce @Int @Age 42}.
+ }
+section "SIMD Vectors"
+ {Operations on SIMD vectors.}
+ [<Int8,Int#,16>,<Int16,Int#,8>,<Int32,INT32,4>,<Int64,INT64,2> \
+ ,<Int8,Int#,32>,<Int16,Int#,16>,<Int32,INT32,8>,<Int64,INT64,4> \
+ ,<Int8,Int#,64>,<Int16,Int#,32>,<Int32,INT32,16>,<Int64,INT64,8> \
+ ,<Word8,Word#,16>,<Word16,Word#,8>,<Word32,WORD32,4>,<Word64,WORD64,2> \
+ ,<Word8,Word#,32>,<Word16,Word#,16>,<Word32,WORD32,8>,<Word64,WORD64,4> \
+ ,<Word8,Word#,64>,<Word16,Word#,32>,<Word32,WORD32,16>,<Word64,WORD64,8> \
+ ,<Float,Float#,4>,<Double,Double#,2> \
+ ,<Float,Float#,8>,<Double,Double#,4> \
+ ,<Float,Float#,16>,<Double,Double#,8>]
+ [<Int8,Int#,16>,<Int16,Int#,8>,<Int32,INT32,4>,<Int64,INT64,2> \
+ ,<Int8,Int#,32>,<Int16,Int#,16>,<Int32,INT32,8>,<Int64,INT64,4> \
+ ,<Int8,Int#,64>,<Int16,Int#,32>,<Int32,INT32,16>,<Int64,INT64,8> \
+ ,<Float,Float#,4>,<Double,Double#,2> \
+ ,<Float,Float#,8>,<Double,Double#,4> \
+ ,<Float,Float#,16>,<Double,Double#,8>]
+ [<Float,Float#,4>,<Double,Double#,2> \
+ ,<Float,Float#,8>,<Double,Double#,4> \
+ ,<Float,Float#,16>,<Double,Double#,8>]
+ [<Int8,Int#,16>,<Int16,Int#,8>,<Int32,INT32,4>,<Int64,INT64,2> \
+ ,<Int8,Int#,32>,<Int16,Int#,16>,<Int32,INT32,8>,<Int64,INT64,4> \
+ ,<Int8,Int#,64>,<Int16,Int#,32>,<Int32,INT32,16>,<Int64,INT64,8> \
+ ,<Word8,Word#,16>,<Word16,Word#,8>,<Word32,WORD32,4>,<Word64,WORD64,2> \
+ ,<Word8,Word#,32>,<Word16,Word#,16>,<Word32,WORD32,8>,<Word64,WORD64,4> \
+ ,<Word8,Word#,64>,<Word16,Word#,32>,<Word32,WORD32,16>,<Word64,WORD64,8>]
+primtype VECTOR
+ with llvm_only = True
+primop VecBroadcastOp "broadcast#" GenPrimOp
+ { Broadcast a scalar to all elements of a vector. }
+ with llvm_only = True
+primop VecPackOp "pack#" GenPrimOp
+ { Pack the elements of an unboxed tuple into a vector. }
+ with llvm_only = True
+primop VecUnpackOp "unpack#" GenPrimOp
+ { Unpack the elements of a vector into an unboxed tuple. #}
+ with llvm_only = True
+primop VecInsertOp "insert#" GenPrimOp
+ { Insert a scalar at the given position in a vector. }
+ with can_fail = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecAddOp "plus#" Dyadic
+ { Add two vectors element-wise. }
+ with commutable = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecSubOp "minus#" Dyadic
+ { Subtract two vectors element-wise. }
+ with llvm_only = True
+primop VecMulOp "times#" Dyadic
+ { Multiply two vectors element-wise. }
+ with commutable = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecDivOp "divide#" Dyadic
+ { Divide two vectors element-wise. }
+ with can_fail = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecQuotOp "quot#" Dyadic
+ { Rounds towards zero element-wise. }
+ with can_fail = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecRemOp "rem#" Dyadic
+ { Satisfies \texttt{(quot\# x y) times\# y plus\# (rem\# x y) == x}. }
+ with can_fail = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecNegOp "negate#" Monadic
+ { Negate element-wise. }
+ with llvm_only = True
+primop VecIndexByteArrayOp "indexArray#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> VECTOR
+ { Read a vector from specified index of immutable array. }
+ with can_fail = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecReadByteArrayOp "readArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, VECTOR #)
+ { Read a vector from specified index of mutable array. }
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecWriteByteArrayOp "writeArray#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> VECTOR -> State# s -> State# s
+ { Write a vector to specified index of mutable array. }
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecIndexOffAddrOp "indexOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> VECTOR
+ { Reads vector; offset in bytes. }
+ with can_fail = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecReadOffAddrOp "readOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, VECTOR #)
+ { Reads vector; offset in bytes. }
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecWriteOffAddrOp "writeOffAddr#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> VECTOR -> State# s -> State# s
+ { Write vector; offset in bytes. }
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecIndexScalarByteArrayOp "indexArrayAs#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> VECTOR
+ { Read a vector from specified index of immutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements. }
+ with can_fail = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecReadScalarByteArrayOp "readArrayAs#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, VECTOR #)
+ { Read a vector from specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements. }
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecWriteScalarByteArrayOp "writeArrayAs#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> VECTOR -> State# s -> State# s
+ { Write a vector to specified index of mutable array of scalars; offset is in scalar elements. }
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecIndexScalarOffAddrOp "indexOffAddrAs#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> VECTOR
+ { Reads vector; offset in scalar elements. }
+ with can_fail = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecReadScalarOffAddrOp "readOffAddrAs#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, VECTOR #)
+ { Reads vector; offset in scalar elements. }
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+ llvm_only = True
+primop VecWriteScalarOffAddrOp "writeOffAddrAs#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> VECTOR -> State# s -> State# s
+ { Write vector; offset in scalar elements. }
+ with has_side_effects = True
+ can_fail = True
+ llvm_only = True
+section "Prefetch"
+ {Prefetch operations: Note how every prefetch operation has a name
+ with the pattern prefetch*N#, where N is either 0,1,2, or 3.
+ This suffix number, N, is the "locality level" of the prefetch, following the
+ convention in GCC and other compilers.
+ Higher locality numbers correspond to the memory being loaded in more
+ levels of the cpu cache, and being retained after initial use. The naming
+ convention follows the naming convention of the prefetch intrinsic found
+ in the GCC and Clang C compilers.
+ On the LLVM backend, prefetch*N# uses the LLVM prefetch intrinsic
+ with locality level N. The code generated by LLVM is target architecture
+ dependent, but should agree with the GHC NCG on x86 systems.
+ On the Sparc and PPC native backends, prefetch*N is a No-Op.
+ On the x86 NCG, N=0 will generate prefetchNTA,
+ N=1 generates prefetcht2, N=2 generates prefetcht1, and
+ N=3 generates prefetcht0.
+ For streaming workloads, the prefetch*0 operations are recommended.
+ For workloads which do many reads or writes to a memory location in a short period of time,
+ prefetch*3 operations are recommended.
+ For further reading about prefetch and associated systems performance optimization,
+ the instruction set and optimization manuals by Intel and other CPU vendors are
+ excellent starting place.
+ The "Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual" is
+ especially a helpful read, even if your software is meant for other CPU
+ architectures or vendor hardware. The manual can be found at
+ .
+ The {\tt prefetch*} family of operations has the order of operations
+ determined by passing around the {\tt State#} token.
+ To get a "pure" version of these operations, use {\tt inlinePerformIO} which is quite safe in this context.
+ It is important to note that while the prefetch operations will never change the
+ answer to a pure computation, They CAN change the memory locations resident
+ in a CPU cache and that may change the performance and timing characteristics
+ of an application. The prefetch operations are marked has_side_effects=True
+ to reflect that these operations have side effects with respect to the runtime
+ performance characteristics of the resulting code. Additionally, if the prefetchValue
+ operations did not have this attribute, GHC does a float out transformation that
+ results in a let/app violation, at least with the current design.
+ }
+--- the Int# argument for prefetch is the byte offset on the byteArray or Addr#
+primop PrefetchByteArrayOp3 "prefetchByteArray3#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop PrefetchMutableByteArrayOp3 "prefetchMutableByteArray3#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop PrefetchAddrOp3 "prefetchAddr3#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop PrefetchValueOp3 "prefetchValue3#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# s -> State# s
+ with strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [botDmd, topDmd] topDiv }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop PrefetchByteArrayOp2 "prefetchByteArray2#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop PrefetchMutableByteArrayOp2 "prefetchMutableByteArray2#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop PrefetchAddrOp2 "prefetchAddr2#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop PrefetchValueOp2 "prefetchValue2#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# s -> State# s
+ with strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [botDmd, topDmd] topDiv }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop PrefetchByteArrayOp1 "prefetchByteArray1#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop PrefetchMutableByteArrayOp1 "prefetchMutableByteArray1#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop PrefetchAddrOp1 "prefetchAddr1#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop PrefetchValueOp1 "prefetchValue1#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# s -> State# s
+ with strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [botDmd, topDmd] topDiv }
+ has_side_effects = True
+primop PrefetchByteArrayOp0 "prefetchByteArray0#" GenPrimOp
+ ByteArray# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop PrefetchMutableByteArrayOp0 "prefetchMutableByteArray0#" GenPrimOp
+ MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop PrefetchAddrOp0 "prefetchAddr0#" GenPrimOp
+ Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+ with has_side_effects = True
+primop PrefetchValueOp0 "prefetchValue0#" GenPrimOp
+ a -> State# s -> State# s
+ with strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [botDmd, topDmd] topDiv }
+ has_side_effects = True
+--- ---