path: root/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Expr.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Cmm/Expr.hs')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 270 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Expr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Expr.hs
index f910e65f04..ccc94a8b92 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Expr.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Expr.hs
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module GHC.Cmm.Expr
, CmmReg(..), cmmRegType, cmmRegWidth
, CmmLit(..), cmmLitType
, AlignmentSpec(..)
+ -- TODO: Remove:
, LocalReg(..), localRegType
, GlobalReg(..), isArgReg, globalRegType
, spReg, hpReg, spLimReg, hpLimReg, nodeReg
@@ -26,6 +27,11 @@ module GHC.Cmm.Expr
, plusRegSet, minusRegSet, timesRegSet, sizeRegSet, nullRegSet
, regSetToList
+ , isTrivialCmmExpr
+ , hasNoGlobalRegs
+ , isLit
+ , isComparisonExpr
, Area(..)
, module GHC.Cmm.MachOp
, module GHC.Cmm.Type
@@ -39,12 +45,16 @@ import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
import GHC.Cmm.MachOp
import GHC.Cmm.Type
+import GHC.Cmm.Reg
+import GHC.Utils.Trace (pprTrace)
import GHC.Utils.Panic (panic)
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Types.Unique
+import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Numeric ( fromRat )
import GHC.Types.Basic (Alignment, mkAlignment, alignmentOf)
@@ -78,14 +88,12 @@ instance Eq CmmExpr where -- Equality ignores the types
CmmStackSlot a1 i1 == CmmStackSlot a2 i2 = a1==a2 && i1==i2
_e1 == _e2 = False
+instance OutputableP Platform CmmExpr where
+ pdoc = pprExpr
data AlignmentSpec = NaturallyAligned | Unaligned
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-data CmmReg
- = CmmLocal {-# UNPACK #-} !LocalReg
- | CmmGlobal GlobalReg
- deriving( Eq, Ord, Show )
-- | A stack area is either the stack slot where a variable is spilled
-- or the stack space where function arguments and results are passed.
data Area
@@ -94,6 +102,14 @@ data Area
-- See Note [Continuation BlockIds] in GHC.Cmm.Node.
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+instance Outputable Area where
+ ppr e = pprArea e
+pprArea :: Area -> SDoc
+pprArea Old = text "old"
+pprArea (Young id) = hcat [ text "young<", ppr id, text ">" ]
{- Note [Old Area]
There is a single call area 'Old', allocated at the extreme old
@@ -217,6 +233,9 @@ data CmmLit
-- of bytes used
deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance OutputableP Platform CmmLit where
+ pdoc = pprLit
instance Outputable CmmLit where
ppr (CmmInt n w) = text "CmmInt" <+> ppr n <+> ppr w
ppr (CmmFloat n w) = text "CmmFloat" <+> text (show n) <+> ppr w
@@ -276,38 +295,34 @@ maybeInvertCmmExpr (CmmMachOp op args) = do op' <- maybeInvertComparison op
return (CmmMachOp op' args)
maybeInvertCmmExpr _ = Nothing
--- Local registers
-data LocalReg
- = LocalReg {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique !CmmType
- -- ^ Parameters:
- -- 1. Identifier
- -- 2. Type
- deriving Show
-instance Eq LocalReg where
- (LocalReg u1 _) == (LocalReg u2 _) = u1 == u2
+-- CmmExpr predicates
--- This is non-deterministic but we do not currently support deterministic
--- code-generation. See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
--- See Note [No Ord for Unique]
-instance Ord LocalReg where
- compare (LocalReg u1 _) (LocalReg u2 _) = nonDetCmpUnique u1 u2
+isTrivialCmmExpr :: CmmExpr -> Bool
+isTrivialCmmExpr (CmmLoad _ _ _) = False
+isTrivialCmmExpr (CmmMachOp _ _) = False
+isTrivialCmmExpr (CmmLit _) = True
+isTrivialCmmExpr (CmmReg _) = True
+isTrivialCmmExpr (CmmRegOff _ _) = True
+isTrivialCmmExpr (CmmStackSlot _ _) = panic "isTrivialCmmExpr CmmStackSlot"
-instance Uniquable LocalReg where
- getUnique (LocalReg uniq _) = uniq
+hasNoGlobalRegs :: CmmExpr -> Bool
+hasNoGlobalRegs (CmmLoad e _ _) = hasNoGlobalRegs e
+hasNoGlobalRegs (CmmMachOp _ es) = all hasNoGlobalRegs es
+hasNoGlobalRegs (CmmLit _) = True
+hasNoGlobalRegs (CmmReg (CmmLocal _)) = True
+hasNoGlobalRegs (CmmRegOff (CmmLocal _) _) = True
+hasNoGlobalRegs _ = False
-cmmRegType :: Platform -> CmmReg -> CmmType
-cmmRegType _ (CmmLocal reg) = localRegType reg
-cmmRegType platform (CmmGlobal reg) = globalRegType platform reg
+isLit :: CmmExpr -> Bool
+isLit (CmmLit _) = True
+isLit _ = False
-cmmRegWidth :: Platform -> CmmReg -> Width
-cmmRegWidth platform = typeWidth . cmmRegType platform
+isComparisonExpr :: CmmExpr -> Bool
+isComparisonExpr (CmmMachOp op _) = isComparisonMachOp op
+isComparisonExpr _ = False
-localRegType :: LocalReg -> CmmType
-localRegType (LocalReg _ rep) = rep
-- Register-use information for expressions and other types
@@ -404,241 +419,159 @@ instance DefinerOfRegs r a => DefinerOfRegs r [a] where
foldRegsDefd platform f set as = foldl' (foldRegsDefd platform f) set as
{-# INLINABLE foldRegsDefd #-}
--- Global STG registers
-data VGcPtr = VGcPtr | VNonGcPtr deriving( Eq, Show )
--- Global STG registers
-Note [Overlapping global registers]
-The backend might not faithfully implement the abstraction of the STG
-machine with independent registers for different values of type
-GlobalReg. Specifically, certain pairs of registers (r1, r2) may
-overlap in the sense that a store to r1 invalidates the value in r2,
-and vice versa.
-Currently this occurs only on the x86_64 architecture where FloatReg n
-and DoubleReg n are assigned the same microarchitectural register, in
-order to allow functions to receive more Float# or Double# arguments
-in registers (as opposed to on the stack).
-There are no specific rules about which registers might overlap with
-which other registers, but presumably it's safe to assume that nothing
-will overlap with special registers like Sp or BaseReg.
-Use GHC.Cmm.Utils.regsOverlap to determine whether two GlobalRegs overlap
-on a particular platform. The instance Eq GlobalReg is syntactic
-equality of STG registers and does not take overlap into
-account. However it is still used in UserOfRegs/DefinerOfRegs and
-there are likely still bugs there, beware!
-data GlobalReg
- -- Argument and return registers
- = VanillaReg -- pointers, unboxed ints and chars
- {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- its number
- VGcPtr
- | FloatReg -- single-precision floating-point registers
- {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- its number
- | DoubleReg -- double-precision floating-point registers
- {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- its number
- | LongReg -- long int registers (64-bit, really)
- {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- its number
- | XmmReg -- 128-bit SIMD vector register
- {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- its number
- | YmmReg -- 256-bit SIMD vector register
- {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- its number
- | ZmmReg -- 512-bit SIMD vector register
- {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- its number
- -- STG registers
- | Sp -- Stack ptr; points to last occupied stack location.
- | SpLim -- Stack limit
- | Hp -- Heap ptr; points to last occupied heap location.
- | HpLim -- Heap limit register
- | CCCS -- Current cost-centre stack
- | CurrentTSO -- pointer to current thread's TSO
- | CurrentNursery -- pointer to allocation area
- | HpAlloc -- allocation count for heap check failure
- -- We keep the address of some commonly-called
- -- functions in the register table, to keep code
- -- size down:
- | EagerBlackholeInfo -- stg_EAGER_BLACKHOLE_info
- | GCEnter1 -- stg_gc_enter_1
- | GCFun -- stg_gc_fun
- -- Base offset for the register table, used for accessing registers
- -- which do not have real registers assigned to them. This register
- -- will only appear after we have expanded GlobalReg into memory accesses
- -- (where necessary) in the native code generator.
- | BaseReg
- -- The register used by the platform for the C stack pointer. This is
- -- a break in the STG abstraction used exclusively to setup stack unwinding
- -- information.
- | MachSp
- -- The is a dummy register used to indicate to the stack unwinder where
- -- a routine would return to.
- | UnwindReturnReg
- -- Base Register for PIC (position-independent code) calculations
- -- Only used inside the native code generator. It's exact meaning differs
- -- from platform to platform (see module PositionIndependentCode).
- | PicBaseReg
- deriving( Show )
-instance Eq GlobalReg where
- VanillaReg i _ == VanillaReg j _ = i==j -- Ignore type when seeking clashes
- FloatReg i == FloatReg j = i==j
- DoubleReg i == DoubleReg j = i==j
- LongReg i == LongReg j = i==j
- -- NOTE: XMM, YMM, ZMM registers actually are the same registers
- -- at least with respect to store at YMM i and then read from XMM i
- -- and similarly for ZMM etc.
- XmmReg i == XmmReg j = i==j
- YmmReg i == YmmReg j = i==j
- ZmmReg i == ZmmReg j = i==j
- Sp == Sp = True
- SpLim == SpLim = True
- Hp == Hp = True
- HpLim == HpLim = True
- CCCS == CCCS = True
- CurrentTSO == CurrentTSO = True
- CurrentNursery == CurrentNursery = True
- HpAlloc == HpAlloc = True
- EagerBlackholeInfo == EagerBlackholeInfo = True
- GCEnter1 == GCEnter1 = True
- GCFun == GCFun = True
- BaseReg == BaseReg = True
- MachSp == MachSp = True
- UnwindReturnReg == UnwindReturnReg = True
- PicBaseReg == PicBaseReg = True
- _r1 == _r2 = False
--- NOTE: this Ord instance affects the tuple layout in GHCi, see
--- Note [GHCi tuple layout]
-instance Ord GlobalReg where
- compare (VanillaReg i _) (VanillaReg j _) = compare i j
- -- Ignore type when seeking clashes
- compare (FloatReg i) (FloatReg j) = compare i j
- compare (DoubleReg i) (DoubleReg j) = compare i j
- compare (LongReg i) (LongReg j) = compare i j
- compare (XmmReg i) (XmmReg j) = compare i j
- compare (YmmReg i) (YmmReg j) = compare i j
- compare (ZmmReg i) (ZmmReg j) = compare i j
- compare Sp Sp = EQ
- compare SpLim SpLim = EQ
- compare Hp Hp = EQ
- compare HpLim HpLim = EQ
- compare CCCS CCCS = EQ
- compare CurrentTSO CurrentTSO = EQ
- compare CurrentNursery CurrentNursery = EQ
- compare HpAlloc HpAlloc = EQ
- compare EagerBlackholeInfo EagerBlackholeInfo = EQ
- compare GCEnter1 GCEnter1 = EQ
- compare GCFun GCFun = EQ
- compare BaseReg BaseReg = EQ
- compare MachSp MachSp = EQ
- compare UnwindReturnReg UnwindReturnReg = EQ
- compare PicBaseReg PicBaseReg = EQ
- compare (VanillaReg _ _) _ = LT
- compare _ (VanillaReg _ _) = GT
- compare (FloatReg _) _ = LT
- compare _ (FloatReg _) = GT
- compare (DoubleReg _) _ = LT
- compare _ (DoubleReg _) = GT
- compare (LongReg _) _ = LT
- compare _ (LongReg _) = GT
- compare (XmmReg _) _ = LT
- compare _ (XmmReg _) = GT
- compare (YmmReg _) _ = LT
- compare _ (YmmReg _) = GT
- compare (ZmmReg _) _ = LT
- compare _ (ZmmReg _) = GT
- compare Sp _ = LT
- compare _ Sp = GT
- compare SpLim _ = LT
- compare _ SpLim = GT
- compare Hp _ = LT
- compare _ Hp = GT
- compare HpLim _ = LT
- compare _ HpLim = GT
- compare CCCS _ = LT
- compare _ CCCS = GT
- compare CurrentTSO _ = LT
- compare _ CurrentTSO = GT
- compare CurrentNursery _ = LT
- compare _ CurrentNursery = GT
- compare HpAlloc _ = LT
- compare _ HpAlloc = GT
- compare GCEnter1 _ = LT
- compare _ GCEnter1 = GT
- compare GCFun _ = LT
- compare _ GCFun = GT
- compare BaseReg _ = LT
- compare _ BaseReg = GT
- compare MachSp _ = LT
- compare _ MachSp = GT
- compare UnwindReturnReg _ = LT
- compare _ UnwindReturnReg = GT
- compare EagerBlackholeInfo _ = LT
- compare _ EagerBlackholeInfo = GT
--- convenient aliases
-baseReg, spReg, hpReg, spLimReg, hpLimReg, nodeReg,
- currentTSOReg, currentNurseryReg, hpAllocReg, cccsReg :: CmmReg
-baseReg = CmmGlobal BaseReg
-spReg = CmmGlobal Sp
-hpReg = CmmGlobal Hp
-hpLimReg = CmmGlobal HpLim
-spLimReg = CmmGlobal SpLim
-nodeReg = CmmGlobal node
-currentTSOReg = CmmGlobal CurrentTSO
-currentNurseryReg = CmmGlobal CurrentNursery
-hpAllocReg = CmmGlobal HpAlloc
-cccsReg = CmmGlobal CCCS
-node :: GlobalReg
-node = VanillaReg 1 VGcPtr
-globalRegType :: Platform -> GlobalReg -> CmmType
-globalRegType platform = \case
- (VanillaReg _ VGcPtr) -> gcWord platform
- (VanillaReg _ VNonGcPtr) -> bWord platform
- (FloatReg _) -> cmmFloat W32
- (DoubleReg _) -> cmmFloat W64
- (LongReg _) -> cmmBits W64
- -- TODO: improve the internal model of SIMD/vectorized registers
- -- the right design SHOULd improve handling of float and double code too.
- -- see remarks in "NOTE [SIMD Design for the future]"" in GHC.StgToCmm.Prim
- (XmmReg _) -> cmmVec 4 (cmmBits W32)
- (YmmReg _) -> cmmVec 8 (cmmBits W32)
- (ZmmReg _) -> cmmVec 16 (cmmBits W32)
- Hp -> gcWord platform -- The initialiser for all
- -- dynamically allocated closures
- _ -> bWord platform
-isArgReg :: GlobalReg -> Bool
-isArgReg (VanillaReg {}) = True
-isArgReg (FloatReg {}) = True
-isArgReg (DoubleReg {}) = True
-isArgReg (LongReg {}) = True
-isArgReg (XmmReg {}) = True
-isArgReg (YmmReg {}) = True
-isArgReg (ZmmReg {}) = True
-isArgReg _ = False
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Pretty-printing expressions
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+pprExpr :: Platform -> CmmExpr -> SDoc
+pprExpr platform e
+ = case e of
+ CmmRegOff reg i ->
+ pprExpr platform (CmmMachOp (MO_Add rep)
+ [CmmReg reg, CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral i) rep)])
+ where rep = typeWidth (cmmRegType platform reg)
+ CmmLit lit -> pprLit platform lit
+ _other -> pprExpr1 platform e
+-- Here's the precedence table from GHC.Cmm.Parser:
+-- %nonassoc '>=' '>' '<=' '<' '!=' '=='
+-- %left '|'
+-- %left '^'
+-- %left '&'
+-- %left '>>' '<<'
+-- %left '-' '+'
+-- %left '/' '*' '%'
+-- %right '~'
+-- We just cope with the common operators for now, the rest will get
+-- a default conservative behaviour.
+-- %nonassoc '>=' '>' '<=' '<' '!=' '=='
+pprExpr1, pprExpr7, pprExpr8 :: Platform -> CmmExpr -> SDoc
+pprExpr1 platform (CmmMachOp op [x,y])
+ | Just doc <- infixMachOp1 op
+ = pprExpr7 platform x <+> doc <+> pprExpr7 platform y
+pprExpr1 platform e = pprExpr7 platform e
+infixMachOp1, infixMachOp7, infixMachOp8 :: MachOp -> Maybe SDoc
+infixMachOp1 (MO_Eq _) = Just (text "==")
+infixMachOp1 (MO_Ne _) = Just (text "!=")
+infixMachOp1 (MO_Shl _) = Just (text "<<")
+infixMachOp1 (MO_U_Shr _) = Just (text ">>")
+infixMachOp1 (MO_U_Ge _) = Just (text ">=")
+infixMachOp1 (MO_U_Le _) = Just (text "<=")
+infixMachOp1 (MO_U_Gt _) = Just (char '>')
+infixMachOp1 (MO_U_Lt _) = Just (char '<')
+infixMachOp1 _ = Nothing
+-- %left '-' '+'
+pprExpr7 platform (CmmMachOp (MO_Add rep1) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt i rep2)]) | i < 0
+ = pprExpr7 platform (CmmMachOp (MO_Sub rep1) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt (negate i) rep2)])
+pprExpr7 platform (CmmMachOp op [x,y])
+ | Just doc <- infixMachOp7 op
+ = pprExpr7 platform x <+> doc <+> pprExpr8 platform y
+pprExpr7 platform e = pprExpr8 platform e
+infixMachOp7 (MO_Add _) = Just (char '+')
+infixMachOp7 (MO_Sub _) = Just (char '-')
+infixMachOp7 _ = Nothing
+-- %left '/' '*' '%'
+pprExpr8 platform (CmmMachOp op [x,y])
+ | Just doc <- infixMachOp8 op
+ = pprExpr8 platform x <+> doc <+> pprExpr9 platform y
+pprExpr8 platform e = pprExpr9 platform e
+infixMachOp8 (MO_U_Quot _) = Just (char '/')
+infixMachOp8 (MO_Mul _) = Just (char '*')
+infixMachOp8 (MO_U_Rem _) = Just (char '%')
+infixMachOp8 _ = Nothing
+pprExpr9 :: Platform -> CmmExpr -> SDoc
+pprExpr9 platform e =
+ case e of
+ CmmLit lit -> pprLit1 platform lit
+ CmmLoad expr rep align
+ -> let align_mark =
+ case align of
+ NaturallyAligned -> empty
+ Unaligned -> text "^"
+ in ppr rep <> align_mark <> brackets (pdoc platform expr)
+ CmmReg reg -> ppr reg
+ CmmRegOff reg off -> parens (ppr reg <+> char '+' <+> int off)
+ CmmStackSlot a off -> parens (ppr a <+> char '+' <+> int off)
+ CmmMachOp mop args -> genMachOp platform mop args
+genMachOp :: Platform -> MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> SDoc
+genMachOp platform mop args
+ | Just doc <- infixMachOp mop = case args of
+ -- dyadic
+ [x,y] -> pprExpr9 platform x <+> doc <+> pprExpr9 platform y
+ -- unary
+ [x] -> doc <> pprExpr9 platform x
+ _ -> pprTrace "GHC.Cmm.Expr.genMachOp: machop with strange number of args"
+ (pprMachOp mop <+>
+ parens (hcat $ punctuate comma (map (pprExpr platform) args)))
+ empty
+ | isJust (infixMachOp1 mop)
+ || isJust (infixMachOp7 mop)
+ || isJust (infixMachOp8 mop) = parens (pprExpr platform (CmmMachOp mop args))
+ | otherwise = char '%' <> ppr_op <> parens (commafy (map (pprExpr platform) args))
+ where ppr_op = text (map (\c -> if c == ' ' then '_' else c)
+ (show mop))
+ -- replace spaces in (show mop) with underscores,
+-- Unsigned ops on the word size of the machine get nice symbols.
+-- All else get dumped in their ugly format.
+infixMachOp :: MachOp -> Maybe SDoc
+infixMachOp mop
+ = case mop of
+ MO_And _ -> Just $ char '&'
+ MO_Or _ -> Just $ char '|'
+ MO_Xor _ -> Just $ char '^'
+ MO_Not _ -> Just $ char '~'
+ MO_S_Neg _ -> Just $ char '-' -- there is no unsigned neg :)
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Pretty-printing literals
+-- To minimise line noise we adopt the convention that if the literal
+-- has the natural machine word size, we do not append the type
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+pprLit :: Platform -> CmmLit -> SDoc
+pprLit platform lit = case lit of
+ CmmInt i rep ->
+ hcat [ (if i < 0 then parens else id)(integer i)
+ , ppUnless (rep == wordWidth platform) $
+ space <> dcolon <+> ppr rep ]
+ CmmFloat f rep -> hsep [ double (fromRat f), dcolon, ppr rep ]
+ CmmVec lits -> char '<' <> commafy (map (pprLit platform) lits) <> char '>'
+ CmmLabel clbl -> pdoc platform clbl
+ CmmLabelOff clbl i -> pdoc platform clbl <> ppr_offset i
+ CmmLabelDiffOff clbl1 clbl2 i _ -> pdoc platform clbl1 <> char '-'
+ <> pdoc platform clbl2 <> ppr_offset i
+ CmmBlock id -> ppr id
+ CmmHighStackMark -> text "<highSp>"
+pprLit1 :: Platform -> CmmLit -> SDoc
+pprLit1 platform lit@(CmmLabelOff {}) = parens (pprLit platform lit)
+pprLit1 platform lit = pprLit platform lit
+ppr_offset :: Int -> SDoc
+ppr_offset i
+ | i==0 = empty
+ | i>=0 = char '+' <> int i
+ | otherwise = char '-' <> int (-i)
+commafy :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
+commafy xs = fsep $ punctuate comma xs