path: root/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Lexer.x
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Cmm/Lexer.x')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Lexer.x b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Lexer.x
index d8f15b916c..be2f676608 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Lexer.x
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Lexer.x
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ data CmmToken
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Lexer actions
-type Action = RealSrcSpan -> StringBuffer -> Int -> PD (RealLocated CmmToken)
+type Action = PsSpan -> StringBuffer -> Int -> PD (PsLocated CmmToken)
begin :: Int -> Action
begin code _span _str _len = do liftP (pushLexState code); lexToken
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ tok_string str = CmmT_String (read str)
-- Line pragmas
setLine :: Int -> Action
-setLine code span buf len = do
+setLine code (PsSpan span _) buf len = do
let line = parseUnsignedInteger buf len 10 octDecDigit
liftP $ do
setSrcLoc (mkRealSrcLoc (srcSpanFile span) (fromIntegral line - 1) 1)
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ setLine code span buf len = do
setFile :: Int -> Action
-setFile code span buf len = do
+setFile code (PsSpan span _) buf len = do
let file = lexemeToFastString (stepOn buf) (len-2)
liftP $ do
setSrcLoc (mkRealSrcLoc file (srcSpanEndLine span) (srcSpanEndCol span))
@@ -315,23 +315,23 @@ cmmlex :: (Located CmmToken -> PD a) -> PD a
cmmlex cont = do
(L span tok) <- lexToken
--trace ("token: " ++ show tok) $ do
- cont (L (RealSrcSpan span) tok)
+ cont (L (mkSrcSpanPs span) tok)
-lexToken :: PD (RealLocated CmmToken)
+lexToken :: PD (PsLocated CmmToken)
lexToken = do
inp@(loc1,buf) <- getInput
sc <- liftP getLexState
case alexScan inp sc of
- AlexEOF -> do let span = mkRealSrcSpan loc1 loc1
+ AlexEOF -> do let span = mkPsSpan loc1 loc1
liftP (setLastToken span 0)
return (L span CmmT_EOF)
- AlexError (loc2,_) -> liftP $ failLocMsgP loc1 loc2 "lexical error"
+ AlexError (loc2,_) -> liftP $ failLocMsgP (psRealLoc loc1) (psRealLoc loc2) "lexical error"
AlexSkip inp2 _ -> do
setInput inp2
AlexToken inp2@(end,_buf2) len t -> do
setInput inp2
- let span = mkRealSrcSpan loc1 end
+ let span = mkPsSpan loc1 end
span `seq` liftP (setLastToken span len)
t span buf len
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ lexToken = do
-- Monad stuff
-- Stuff that Alex needs to know about our input type:
-type AlexInput = (RealSrcLoc,StringBuffer)
+type AlexInput = (PsLoc,StringBuffer)
alexInputPrevChar :: AlexInput -> Char
alexInputPrevChar (_,s) = prevChar s '\n'
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ alexGetByte (loc,s)
| otherwise = b `seq` loc' `seq` s' `seq` Just (b, (loc', s'))
where c = currentChar s
b = fromIntegral $ ord $ c
- loc' = advanceSrcLoc loc c
+ loc' = advancePsLoc loc c
s' = stepOn s
getInput :: PD AlexInput