path: root/compiler/GHC/Cmm
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Cmm')
8 files changed, 470 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs
index e84278bf65..c83dba8f39 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/CLabel.hs
@@ -106,7 +106,8 @@ module GHC.Cmm.CLabel (
- isConInfoTableLabel
+ isConInfoTableLabel,
+ isIdLabel
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -262,6 +263,10 @@ data CLabel
deriving Eq
+isIdLabel :: CLabel -> Bool
+isIdLabel IdLabel{} = True
+isIdLabel _ = False
-- This is laborious, but necessary. We can't derive Ord because
-- Unique doesn't have an Ord instance. Note nonDetCmpUnique in the
-- implementation. See Note [No Ord for Unique]
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/DebugBlock.hs b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/DebugBlock.hs
index 6b940c9867..ae86788d9c 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/DebugBlock.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/DebugBlock.hs
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ cmmDebugGen modLoc decls = map (blocksForScope Nothing) topScopes
= DebugBlock { dblProcedure = g_entry graph
, dblLabel = label
, dblCLabel = case info of
- Just (Statics infoLbl _) -> infoLbl
+ Just (RawCmmStatics infoLbl _) -> infoLbl
| g_entry graph == label -> entryLbl
| otherwise -> blockLbl label
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info.hs b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info.hs
index a10db2b292..9e12fb170d 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info.hs
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
module GHC.Cmm.Info (
- mkInfoTable,
-- info table accessors
@@ -67,11 +66,11 @@ mkEmptyContInfoTable info_lbl
, cit_srt = Nothing
, cit_clo = Nothing }
-cmmToRawCmm :: DynFlags -> Stream IO CmmGroup a
+cmmToRawCmm :: DynFlags -> Stream IO CmmGroupSRTs a
-> IO (Stream IO RawCmmGroup a)
cmmToRawCmm dflags cmms
= do { uniqs <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'i'
- ; let do_one :: UniqSupply -> [CmmDecl] -> IO (UniqSupply, [RawCmmDecl])
+ ; let do_one :: UniqSupply -> [CmmDeclSRTs] -> IO (UniqSupply, [RawCmmDecl])
do_one uniqs cmm =
-- NB. strictness fixes a space leak. DO NOT REMOVE.
withTimingSilent dflags (text "Cmm -> Raw Cmm")
@@ -117,9 +116,8 @@ cmmToRawCmm dflags cmms
-- * The SRT slot is only there if there is SRT info to record
-mkInfoTable :: DynFlags -> CmmDecl -> UniqSM [RawCmmDecl]
-mkInfoTable _ (CmmData sec dat)
- = return [CmmData sec dat]
+mkInfoTable :: DynFlags -> CmmDeclSRTs -> UniqSM [RawCmmDecl]
+mkInfoTable _ (CmmData sec dat) = return [CmmData sec dat]
mkInfoTable dflags proc@(CmmProc infos entry_lbl live blocks)
@@ -169,7 +167,7 @@ mkInfoTable dflags proc@(CmmProc infos entry_lbl live blocks)
rel_std_info = map (makeRelativeRefTo dflags info_lbl) std_info
rel_extra_bits = map (makeRelativeRefTo dflags info_lbl) extra_bits
- return (top_decls, (lbl, Statics info_lbl $ map CmmStaticLit $
+ return (top_decls, (lbl, RawCmmStatics info_lbl $ map CmmStaticLit $
reverse rel_extra_bits ++ rel_std_info))
@@ -423,7 +421,7 @@ mkProfLits _ (ProfilingInfo td cd)
; (cd_lit, cd_decl) <- newStringLit cd
; return ((td_lit,cd_lit), [td_decl,cd_decl]) }
-newStringLit :: ByteString -> UniqSM (CmmLit, GenCmmDecl CmmStatics info stmt)
+newStringLit :: ByteString -> UniqSM (CmmLit, GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics info stmt)
newStringLit bytes
= do { uniq <- getUniqueM
; return (mkByteStringCLit (mkStringLitLabel uniq) bytes) }
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info/Build.hs b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info/Build.hs
index 1ba79befcd..8dbe13d937 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info/Build.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Info/Build.hs
@@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, BangPatterns, RecordWildCards,
- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, NondecreasingIndentation, TupleSections #-}
+ GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, NondecreasingIndentation, TupleSections,
+ ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings #-}
module GHC.Cmm.Info.Build
- ( CAFSet, CAFEnv, cafAnal
- , doSRTs, ModuleSRTInfo, emptySRT
+ ( CAFSet, CAFEnv, cafAnal, cafAnalData
+ , doSRTs, ModuleSRTInfo (..), emptySRT
+ , SRTMap, srtMapNonCAFs
) where
import GhcPrelude hiding (succ)
import Id
+import IdInfo
import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block
import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Graph
@@ -28,6 +31,7 @@ import GHC.Runtime.Layout
import UniqSupply
import CostCentre
import GHC.StgToCmm.Heap
+import ErrUtils
import Control.Monad
import Data.Map (Map)
@@ -37,7 +41,9 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Tuple
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
+import Data.List (unzip4)
+import NameSet
{- Note [SRTs]
@@ -183,6 +189,63 @@ and the only SRT closure we generate is
g_srt = SRT_2 [c2_closure, c1_closure]
+0. let srtMap :: Map CAFLabel (Maybe SRTEntry) = {}
+ Maps closures to their SRT entries (i.e. how they appear in a SRT payload)
+1. Start with decls :: [CmmDecl]. This corresponds to an SCC of bindings in STG
+ after code-generation.
+2. CPS-convert each CmmDecl (cpsTop), resulting in a list [CmmDecl]. There might
+ be multiple CmmDecls in the result, due to proc-point splitting.
+3. In cpsTop, *before* proc-point splitting, when we still have a single
+ CmmDecl, we do cafAnal for procs:
+ * cafAnal performs a backwards analysis on the code blocks
+ * For each labelled block, the analysis produces a CAFSet (= Set CAFLabel),
+ representing all the CAFLabels reachable from this label.
+ * A label is added to the set if it refers to a FUN, THUNK, or RET,
+ and its CafInfo /= NoCafRefs.
+ (NB. all CafInfo for Ids in the current module should be initialised to
+ MayHaveCafRefs)
+ * The result is CAFEnv = LabelMap CAFSet
+ (Why *before* proc-point splitting? Because the analysis needs to propagate
+ information across branches, and proc-point splitting turns branches into
+ CmmCalls to top-level CmmDecls. The analysis would fail to find all the
+ references to CAFFY labels if we did it after proc-point splitting.)
+ For static data, cafAnalData simply returns set of all labels that refer to a
+ FUN, THUNK, and RET whose CafInfos /= NoCafRefs.
+4. The result of cpsTop is (CAFEnv, [CmmDecl]) for procs and (CAFSet, CmmDecl)
+ for static data. So after `mapM cpsTop decls` we have
+ [Either (CAFEnv, [CmmDecl]) (CAFSet, CmmDecl)]
+5. For procs concat the decls and union the CAFEnvs to get (CAFEnv, [CmmDecl])
+6. For static data generate a Map CLabel CAFSet (maps static data to their CAFSets)
+7. Dependency-analyse the decls using CAFEnv and CAFSets, giving us SCC CAFLabel
+8. For each SCC in dependency order
+ - Let lbls :: [CAFLabel] be the non-recursive labels in this SCC
+ - Apply CAFEnv to each label and concat the result :: [CAFLabel]
+ - For each CAFLabel in the set apply srtMap (and ignore Nothing) to get
+ srt :: [SRTEntry]
+ - Make a label for this SRT, call it l
+ - If the SRT is not empty (i.e. the group is CAFFY) add FUN_STATICs in the
+ group to the SRT (see Note [Invalid optimisation: shortcutting])
+ - Add to srtMap: lbls -> if null srt then Nothing else Just l
+9. At the end, for every top-level binding x, if srtMap x == Nothing, then the
+ binding is non-CAFFY, otherwise it is CAFFY.
@@ -382,6 +445,35 @@ newtype SRTEntry = SRTEntry CLabel
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- CAF analysis
+addCafLabel :: CLabel -> CAFSet -> CAFSet
+addCafLabel l s
+ | Just _ <- hasHaskellName l
+ , let caf_label = mkCAFLabel l
+ -- For imported Ids hasCAF will have accurate CafInfo
+ -- Locals are initialized as CAFFY. We turn labels with empty SRTs into
+ -- non-CAFFYs in doSRTs
+ , hasCAF l
+ = Set.insert caf_label s
+ | otherwise
+ = s
+ :: CmmStatics
+ -> CAFSet
+cafAnalData (CmmStaticsRaw _lbl _data) =
+ Set.empty
+cafAnalData (CmmStatics _lbl _itbl _ccs payload) =
+ foldl' analyzeStatic Set.empty payload
+ where
+ analyzeStatic s lit =
+ case lit of
+ CmmLabel c -> addCafLabel c s
+ CmmLabelOff c _ -> addCafLabel c s
+ CmmLabelDiffOff c1 c2 _ _ -> addCafLabel c1 $! addCafLabel c2 s
+ _ -> s
-- |
-- For each code block:
-- - collect the references reachable from this code block to FUN,
@@ -412,17 +504,24 @@ cafLattice = DataflowLattice Set.empty add
cafTransfers :: LabelSet -> Label -> CLabel -> TransferFun CAFSet
cafTransfers contLbls entry topLbl
- (BlockCC eNode middle xNode) fBase =
- let joined = cafsInNode xNode $! live'
+ block@(BlockCC eNode middle xNode) fBase =
+ let joined :: CAFSet
+ joined = cafsInNode xNode $! live'
+ result :: CAFSet
!result = foldNodesBwdOO cafsInNode middle joined
+ facts :: [Set CAFLabel]
facts = mapMaybe successorFact (successors xNode)
+ live' :: CAFSet
live' = joinFacts cafLattice facts
+ successorFact :: Label -> Maybe (Set CAFLabel)
successorFact s
-- If this is a loop back to the entry, we can refer to the
-- entry label.
- | s == entry = Just (add topLbl Set.empty)
+ | s == entry = Just (addCafLabel topLbl Set.empty)
-- If this is a continuation, we want to refer to the
-- SRT for the continuation's info table
| s `setMember` contLbls
@@ -432,18 +531,27 @@ cafTransfers contLbls entry topLbl
= lookupFact s fBase
cafsInNode :: CmmNode e x -> CAFSet -> CAFSet
- cafsInNode node set = foldExpDeep addCaf node set
+ cafsInNode node set = foldExpDeep addCafExpr node set
- addCaf expr !set =
+ addCafExpr :: CmmExpr -> Set CAFLabel -> Set CAFLabel
+ addCafExpr expr !set =
case expr of
- CmmLit (CmmLabel c) -> add c set
- CmmLit (CmmLabelOff c _) -> add c set
- CmmLit (CmmLabelDiffOff c1 c2 _ _) -> add c1 $! add c2 set
- _ -> set
- add l s | hasCAF l = Set.insert (mkCAFLabel l) s
- | otherwise = s
- in mapSingleton (entryLabel eNode) result
+ CmmLit (CmmLabel c) ->
+ addCafLabel c set
+ CmmLit (CmmLabelOff c _) ->
+ addCafLabel c set
+ CmmLit (CmmLabelDiffOff c1 c2 _ _) ->
+ addCafLabel c1 $! addCafLabel c2 set
+ _ ->
+ set
+ in
+ srtTrace "cafTransfers" (text "block:" <+> ppr block $$
+ text "contLbls:" <+> ppr contLbls $$
+ text "entry:" <+> ppr entry $$
+ text "topLbl:" <+> ppr topLbl $$
+ text "cafs in exit:" <+> ppr joined $$
+ text "result:" <+> ppr result) $
+ mapSingleton (entryLabel eNode) result
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -460,17 +568,24 @@ data ModuleSRTInfo = ModuleSRTInfo
-- entries. e.g. if we have an SRT [a,b,c], and we know that b
-- points to [c,d], we can omit c and emit [a,b].
-- Used to implement the [Filter] optimisation.
+ , moduleSRTMap :: SRTMap
instance Outputable ModuleSRTInfo where
ppr ModuleSRTInfo{..} =
- text "ModuleSRTInfo:" <+> ppr dedupSRTs <+> ppr flatSRTs
+ text "ModuleSRTInfo {" $$
+ (nest 4 $ text "dedupSRTs =" <+> ppr dedupSRTs $$
+ text "flatSRTs =" <+> ppr flatSRTs $$
+ text "moduleSRTMap =" <+> ppr moduleSRTMap) $$ char '}'
emptySRT :: Module -> ModuleSRTInfo
emptySRT mod =
{ thisModule = mod
, dedupSRTs = Map.empty
- , flatSRTs = Map.empty }
+ , flatSRTs = Map.empty
+ , moduleSRTMap = Map.empty
+ }
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Constructing SRTs
@@ -489,14 +604,33 @@ emptySRT mod =
+data SomeLabel
+ = BlockLabel Label
+ | DeclLabel CLabel
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+instance Outputable SomeLabel where
+ ppr (BlockLabel l) = text "b:" <+> ppr l
+ ppr (DeclLabel l) = text "s:" <+> ppr l
+getBlockLabel :: SomeLabel -> Maybe Label
+getBlockLabel (BlockLabel l) = Just l
+getBlockLabel (DeclLabel _) = Nothing
+getBlockLabels :: [SomeLabel] -> [Label]
+getBlockLabels = mapMaybe getBlockLabel
-- | Return a (Label,CLabel) pair for each labelled block of a CmmDecl,
-- where the label is
-- - the info label for a continuation or dynamic closure
-- - the closure label for a top-level function (not a CAF)
-getLabelledBlocks :: CmmDecl -> [(Label, CAFLabel)]
-getLabelledBlocks (CmmData _ _) = []
+getLabelledBlocks :: CmmDecl -> [(SomeLabel, CAFLabel)]
+getLabelledBlocks (CmmData _ (CmmStaticsRaw _ _)) =
+ []
+getLabelledBlocks (CmmData _ (CmmStatics lbl _ _ _)) =
+ [ (DeclLabel lbl, mkCAFLabel lbl) ]
getLabelledBlocks (CmmProc top_info _ _ _) =
- [ (blockId, mkCAFLabel (cit_lbl info))
+ [ (BlockLabel blockId, mkCAFLabel (cit_lbl info))
| (blockId, info) <- mapToList (info_tbls top_info)
, let rep = cit_rep info
, not (isStaticRep rep) || not (isThunkRep rep)
@@ -509,20 +643,30 @@ getLabelledBlocks (CmmProc top_info _ _ _) =
-- SRTs. CAFs themselves are not included here; see getCAFs below.
:: CAFEnv
+ -> Map CLabel CAFSet -- CAFEnv for statics
-> [CmmDecl]
- -> [SCC (Label, CAFLabel, Set CAFLabel)]
-depAnalSRTs cafEnv decls =
- srtTrace "depAnalSRTs" (ppr graph) graph
+ -> [SCC (SomeLabel, CAFLabel, Set CAFLabel)]
+depAnalSRTs cafEnv cafEnv_static decls =
+ srtTrace "depAnalSRTs" (text "decls:" <+> ppr decls $$
+ text "nodes:" <+> ppr (map node_payload nodes) $$
+ text "graph:" <+> ppr graph) graph
labelledBlocks = concatMap getLabelledBlocks decls
labelToBlock = Map.fromList (map swap labelledBlocks)
- graph = stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrd
- [ let cafs' = Set.delete lbl cafs in
- DigraphNode (l,lbl,cafs') l
- (mapMaybe (flip Map.lookup labelToBlock) (Set.toList cafs'))
- | (l, lbl) <- labelledBlocks
- , Just cafs <- [mapLookup l cafEnv] ]
+ nodes :: [Node SomeLabel (SomeLabel, CAFLabel, Set CAFLabel)]
+ nodes = [ DigraphNode (l,lbl,cafs') l
+ (mapMaybe (flip Map.lookup labelToBlock) (Set.toList cafs'))
+ | (l, lbl) <- labelledBlocks
+ , Just (cafs :: Set CAFLabel) <-
+ [case l of
+ BlockLabel l -> mapLookup l cafEnv
+ DeclLabel cl -> Map.lookup cl cafEnv_static]
+ , let cafs' = Set.delete lbl cafs
+ ]
+ graph :: [SCC (SomeLabel, CAFLabel, Set CAFLabel)]
+ graph = stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrd nodes
-- | Get (Label, CAFLabel, Set CAFLabel) for each block that represents a CAF.
-- These are treated differently from other labelled blocks:
@@ -565,11 +709,21 @@ getStaticFuns decls =
-- is empty, so we don't need to refer to it from other SRTs.
type SRTMap = Map CAFLabel (Maybe SRTEntry)
+-- | Given SRTMap of a module returns the set of non-CAFFY names in the module.
+-- Any Names not in the set are CAFFY.
+srtMapNonCAFs :: SRTMap -> NameSet
+srtMapNonCAFs srtMap = mkNameSet (mapMaybe get_name (Map.toList srtMap))
+ where
+ get_name (CAFLabel l, Nothing) = hasHaskellName l
+ get_name (_l, Just _srt_entry) = Nothing
-- | resolve a CAFLabel to its SRTEntry using the SRTMap
resolveCAF :: SRTMap -> CAFLabel -> Maybe SRTEntry
resolveCAF srtMap lbl@(CAFLabel l) =
- Map.findWithDefault (Just (SRTEntry (toClosureLbl l))) lbl srtMap
+ srtTrace "resolveCAF" ("l:" <+> ppr l <+> "resolved:" <+> ppr ret) ret
+ where
+ ret = Map.findWithDefault (Just (SRTEntry (toClosureLbl l))) lbl srtMap
-- | Attach SRTs to all info tables in the CmmDecls, and add SRT
-- declarations to the ModuleSRTInfo.
@@ -578,16 +732,33 @@ doSRTs
:: DynFlags
-> ModuleSRTInfo
-> [(CAFEnv, [CmmDecl])]
- -> IO (ModuleSRTInfo, [CmmDecl])
+ -> [(CAFSet, CmmDecl)]
+ -> IO (ModuleSRTInfo, [CmmDeclSRTs])
-doSRTs dflags moduleSRTInfo tops = do
+doSRTs dflags moduleSRTInfo procs data_ = do
us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'u'
-- Ignore the original grouping of decls, and combine all the
-- CAFEnvs into a single CAFEnv.
- let (cafEnvs, declss) = unzip tops
- cafEnv = mapUnions cafEnvs
- decls = concat declss
+ let static_data_env :: Map CLabel CAFSet
+ static_data_env =
+ Map.fromList $
+ flip map data_ $
+ \(set, decl) ->
+ case decl of
+ CmmProc{} ->
+ pprPanic "doSRTs" (text "Proc in static data list:" <+> ppr decl)
+ CmmData _ static ->
+ case static of
+ CmmStatics lbl _ _ _ -> (lbl, set)
+ CmmStaticsRaw lbl _ -> (lbl, set)
+ static_data :: Set CLabel
+ static_data = Map.keysSet static_data_env
+ (proc_envs, procss) = unzip procs
+ cafEnv = mapUnions proc_envs
+ decls = map snd data_ ++ concat procss
staticFuns = mapFromList (getStaticFuns decls)
-- Put the decls in dependency order. Why? So that we can implement
@@ -597,56 +768,93 @@ doSRTs dflags moduleSRTInfo tops = do
-- to do this we need to process blocks before things that depend on
-- them.
- sccs = depAnalSRTs cafEnv decls
+ sccs :: [SCC (SomeLabel, CAFLabel, Set CAFLabel)]
+ sccs = depAnalSRTs cafEnv static_data_env decls
+ cafsWithSRTs :: [(Label, CAFLabel, Set CAFLabel)]
cafsWithSRTs = getCAFs cafEnv decls
+ srtTraceM "doSRTs" (text "data:" <+> ppr data_ $$
+ text "procs:" <+> ppr procs $$
+ text "static_data_env:" <+> ppr static_data_env $$
+ text "sccs:" <+> ppr sccs $$
+ text "cafsWithSRTs:" <+> ppr cafsWithSRTs)
-- On each strongly-connected group of decls, construct the SRT
-- closures and the SRT fields for info tables.
let result ::
- [ ( [CmmDecl] -- generated SRTs
+ [ ( [CmmDeclSRTs] -- generated SRTs
, [(Label, CLabel)] -- SRT fields for info tables
, [(Label, [SRTEntry])] -- SRTs to attach to static functions
+ , Bool -- Whether the group has CAF references
) ]
- ((result, _srtMap), moduleSRTInfo') =
+ (result, moduleSRTInfo') =
initUs_ us $
- flip runStateT moduleSRTInfo $
- flip runStateT Map.empty $ do
- nonCAFs <- mapM (doSCC dflags staticFuns) sccs
+ flip runStateT moduleSRTInfo $ do
+ nonCAFs <- mapM (doSCC dflags staticFuns static_data) sccs
cAFs <- forM cafsWithSRTs $ \(l, cafLbl, cafs) ->
- oneSRT dflags staticFuns [l] [cafLbl] True{-is a CAF-} cafs
+ oneSRT dflags staticFuns [BlockLabel l] [cafLbl]
+ True{-is a CAF-} cafs static_data
return (nonCAFs ++ cAFs)
- (declss, pairs, funSRTs) = unzip3 result
+ (srt_declss, pairs, funSRTs, has_caf_refs) = unzip4 result
+ srt_decls = concat srt_declss
+ unless (null srt_decls) $
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_srts "SRTs" FormatCMM (ppr srt_decls)
-- Next, update the info tables with the SRTs
srtFieldMap = mapFromList (concat pairs)
funSRTMap = mapFromList (concat funSRTs)
- decls' = concatMap (updInfoSRTs dflags srtFieldMap funSRTMap) decls
- return (moduleSRTInfo', concat declss ++ decls')
+ has_caf_refs' = or has_caf_refs
+ decls' =
+ concatMap (updInfoSRTs dflags srtFieldMap funSRTMap has_caf_refs') decls
+ -- Finally update CafInfos for raw static literals (CmmStaticsRaw). Those are
+ -- not analysed in oneSRT so we never add entries for them to the SRTMap.
+ let srtMap_w_raws =
+ foldl' (\(srtMap :: SRTMap) (_, decl) ->
+ case decl of
+ CmmData _ CmmStatics{} ->
+ -- already updated by oneSRT
+ srtMap
+ CmmData _ (CmmStaticsRaw lbl _)
+ | isIdLabel lbl ->
+ -- not analysed by oneSRT, declare it non-CAFFY here
+ Map.insert (mkCAFLabel lbl) Nothing srtMap
+ | otherwise ->
+ -- Not an IdLabel, ignore
+ srtMap
+ CmmProc{} ->
+ pprPanic "doSRTs" (text "Found Proc in static data list:" <+> ppr decl))
+ (moduleSRTMap moduleSRTInfo') data_
+ return (moduleSRTInfo'{ moduleSRTMap = srtMap_w_raws }, srt_decls ++ decls')
-- | Build the SRT for a strongly-connected component of blocks
:: DynFlags
- -> LabelMap CLabel -- which blocks are static function entry points
- -> SCC (Label, CAFLabel, Set CAFLabel)
- -> StateT SRTMap
- (StateT ModuleSRTInfo UniqSM)
- ( [CmmDecl] -- generated SRTs
+ -> LabelMap CLabel -- which blocks are static function entry points
+ -> Set CLabel -- static data
+ -> SCC (SomeLabel, CAFLabel, Set CAFLabel)
+ -> StateT ModuleSRTInfo UniqSM
+ ( [CmmDeclSRTs] -- generated SRTs
, [(Label, CLabel)] -- SRT fields for info tables
, [(Label, [SRTEntry])] -- SRTs to attach to static functions
+ , Bool -- Whether the group has CAF references
-doSCC dflags staticFuns (AcyclicSCC (l, cafLbl, cafs)) =
- oneSRT dflags staticFuns [l] [cafLbl] False cafs
+doSCC dflags staticFuns static_data (AcyclicSCC (l, cafLbl, cafs)) =
+ oneSRT dflags staticFuns [l] [cafLbl] False cafs static_data
-doSCC dflags staticFuns (CyclicSCC nodes) = do
+doSCC dflags staticFuns static_data (CyclicSCC nodes) = do
-- build a single SRT for the whole cycle, see Note [recursive SRTs]
- let (blockids, lbls, cafsets) = unzip3 nodes
+ let (lbls, caf_lbls, cafsets) = unzip3 nodes
cafs = Set.unions cafsets
- oneSRT dflags staticFuns blockids lbls False cafs
+ oneSRT dflags staticFuns lbls caf_lbls False cafs static_data
{- Note [recursive SRTs]
@@ -677,34 +885,40 @@ references to static function closures.
:: DynFlags
-> LabelMap CLabel -- which blocks are static function entry points
- -> [Label] -- blocks in this set
+ -> [SomeLabel] -- blocks in this set
-> [CAFLabel] -- labels for those blocks
-> Bool -- True <=> this SRT is for a CAF
-> Set CAFLabel -- SRT for this set
- -> StateT SRTMap
- (StateT ModuleSRTInfo UniqSM)
- ( [CmmDecl] -- SRT objects we built
+ -> Set CLabel -- Static data labels in this group
+ -> StateT ModuleSRTInfo UniqSM
+ ( [CmmDeclSRTs] -- SRT objects we built
, [(Label, CLabel)] -- SRT fields for these blocks' itbls
, [(Label, [SRTEntry])] -- SRTs to attach to static functions
+ , Bool -- Whether the group has CAF references
-oneSRT dflags staticFuns blockids lbls isCAF cafs = do
- srtMap <- get
- topSRT <- lift get
+oneSRT dflags staticFuns lbls caf_lbls isCAF cafs static_data = do
+ topSRT <- get
+ srtMap = moduleSRTMap topSRT
+ blockids = getBlockLabels lbls
-- Can we merge this SRT with a FUN_STATIC closure?
+ maybeFunClosure :: Maybe (CLabel, Label)
+ otherFunLabels :: [CLabel]
(maybeFunClosure, otherFunLabels) =
case [ (l,b) | b <- blockids, Just l <- [mapLookup b staticFuns] ] of
[] -> (Nothing, [])
- ((l,b):xs) -> (Just (l,b), map (mkCAFLabel . fst) xs)
+ ((l,b):xs) -> (Just (l,b), map fst xs)
- -- Remove recursive references from the SRT, except for (all but
- -- one of the) static functions. See Note [recursive SRTs].
- nonRec = cafs `Set.difference`
- (Set.fromList lbls `Set.difference` Set.fromList otherFunLabels)
+ -- Remove recursive references from the SRT
+ nonRec :: Set CAFLabel
+ nonRec = cafs `Set.difference` Set.fromList caf_lbls
- -- First resolve all the CAFLabels to SRTEntries
- -- Implements the [Inline] optimisation.
+ -- Resolve references to their SRT entries
+ resolved :: [SRTEntry]
resolved = mapMaybe (resolveCAF srtMap) (Set.toList nonRec)
-- The set of all SRTEntries in SRTs that we refer to from here.
@@ -714,10 +928,21 @@ oneSRT dflags staticFuns blockids lbls isCAF cafs = do
-- Remove SRTEntries that are also in an SRT that we refer to.
-- Implements the [Filter] optimisation.
- filtered = Set.difference (Set.fromList resolved) allBelow
- srtTrace "oneSRT:"
- (ppr cafs <+> ppr resolved <+> ppr allBelow <+> ppr filtered) $ return ()
+ filtered0 = Set.fromList resolved `Set.difference` allBelow
+ srtTraceM "oneSRT:"
+ (text "srtMap:" <+> ppr srtMap $$
+ text "nonRec:" <+> ppr nonRec $$
+ text "lbls:" <+> ppr lbls $$
+ text "caf_lbls:" <+> ppr caf_lbls $$
+ text "static_data:" <+> ppr static_data $$
+ text "cafs:" <+> ppr cafs $$
+ text "blockids:" <+> ppr blockids $$
+ text "maybeFunClosure:" <+> ppr maybeFunClosure $$
+ text "otherFunLabels:" <+> ppr otherFunLabels $$
+ text "resolved:" <+> ppr resolved $$
+ text "allBelow:" <+> ppr allBelow $$
+ text "filtered0:" <+> ppr filtered0)
isStaticFun = isJust maybeFunClosure
@@ -726,76 +951,114 @@ oneSRT dflags staticFuns blockids lbls isCAF cafs = do
-- update the SRTMap for the label to point to a closure. It's
-- important that we don't do this for static functions or CAFs,
-- see Note [Invalid optimisation: shortcutting].
+ updateSRTMap :: Maybe SRTEntry -> StateT ModuleSRTInfo UniqSM ()
updateSRTMap srtEntry =
- when (not isCAF && (not isStaticFun || isNothing srtEntry)) $ do
- let newSRTMap = Map.fromList [(cafLbl, srtEntry) | cafLbl <- lbls]
- put (Map.union newSRTMap srtMap)
+ srtTrace "updateSRTMap"
+ (ppr srtEntry <+> "isCAF:" <+> ppr isCAF <+>
+ "isStaticFun:" <+> ppr isStaticFun) $
+ when (not isCAF && (not isStaticFun || isNothing srtEntry)) $
+ modify' $ \state ->
+ let !srt_map =
+ foldl' (\srt_map cafLbl@(CAFLabel clbl) ->
+ -- Only map static data to Nothing (== not CAFFY). For CAFFY
+ -- statics we refer to the static itself instead of a SRT.
+ if not (Set.member clbl static_data) || isNothing srtEntry then
+ Map.insert cafLbl srtEntry srt_map
+ else
+ srt_map)
+ (moduleSRTMap state)
+ caf_lbls
+ in
+ state{ moduleSRTMap = srt_map }
this_mod = thisModule topSRT
- case Set.toList filtered of
- [] -> do
- srtTrace "oneSRT: empty" (ppr lbls) $ return ()
- updateSRTMap Nothing
- return ([], [], [])
- -- [Inline] - when we have only one entry there is no need to
- -- build an SRT object at all, instead we put the singleton SRT
- -- entry in the info table.
- [one@(SRTEntry lbl)]
- | -- Info tables refer to SRTs by offset (as noted in the section
- -- "Referring to an SRT from the info table" of Note [SRTs]). However,
- -- when dynamic linking is used we cannot guarantee that the offset
- -- between the SRT and the info table will fit in the offset field.
- -- Consequently we build a singleton SRT in in this case.
- not (labelDynamic dflags this_mod lbl)
- -- MachO relocations can't express offsets between compilation units at
- -- all, so we are always forced to build a singleton SRT in this case.
- && (not (osMachOTarget $ platformOS $ targetPlatform dflags)
- || isLocalCLabel this_mod lbl) -> do
- -- If we have a static function closure, then it becomes the
- -- SRT object, and everything else points to it. (the only way
- -- we could have multiple labels here is if this is a
- -- recursive group, see Note [recursive SRTs])
- case maybeFunClosure of
- Just (staticFunLbl,staticFunBlock) -> return ([], withLabels, [])
- where
- withLabels =
- [ (b, if b == staticFunBlock then lbl else staticFunLbl)
- | b <- blockids ]
+ allStaticData =
+ all (\(CAFLabel clbl) -> Set.member clbl static_data) caf_lbls
+ if Set.null filtered0 then do
+ srtTraceM "oneSRT: empty" (ppr caf_lbls)
+ updateSRTMap Nothing
+ return ([], [], [], False)
+ else do
+ -- We're going to build an SRT for this group, which should include function
+ -- references in the group. See Note [recursive SRTs].
+ let allBelow_funs =
+ Set.fromList (map (SRTEntry . toClosureLbl) otherFunLabels)
+ let filtered = filtered0 `Set.union` allBelow_funs
+ srtTraceM "oneSRT" (text "filtered:" <+> ppr filtered $$
+ text "allBelow_funs:" <+> ppr allBelow_funs)
+ case Set.toList filtered of
+ [] -> pprPanic "oneSRT" empty -- unreachable
+ -- [Inline] - when we have only one entry there is no need to
+ -- build an SRT object at all, instead we put the singleton SRT
+ -- entry in the info table.
+ [one@(SRTEntry lbl)]
+ | -- Info tables refer to SRTs by offset (as noted in the section
+ -- "Referring to an SRT from the info table" of Note [SRTs]). However,
+ -- when dynamic linking is used we cannot guarantee that the offset
+ -- between the SRT and the info table will fit in the offset field.
+ -- Consequently we build a singleton SRT in in this case.
+ not (labelDynamic dflags this_mod lbl)
+ -- MachO relocations can't express offsets between compilation units at
+ -- all, so we are always forced to build a singleton SRT in this case.
+ && (not (osMachOTarget $ platformOS $ targetPlatform dflags)
+ || isLocalCLabel this_mod lbl) -> do
+ -- If we have a static function closure, then it becomes the
+ -- SRT object, and everything else points to it. (the only way
+ -- we could have multiple labels here is if this is a
+ -- recursive group, see Note [recursive SRTs])
+ case maybeFunClosure of
+ Just (staticFunLbl,staticFunBlock) ->
+ return ([], withLabels, [], True)
+ where
+ withLabels =
+ [ (b, if b == staticFunBlock then lbl else staticFunLbl)
+ | b <- blockids ]
+ Nothing -> do
+ srtTraceM "oneSRT: one" (text "caf_lbls:" <+> ppr caf_lbls $$
+ text "one:" <+> ppr one)
+ updateSRTMap (Just one)
+ return ([], map (,lbl) blockids, [], True)
+ cafList | allStaticData ->
+ return ([], [], [], not (null cafList))
+ cafList ->
+ -- Check whether an SRT with the same entries has been emitted already.
+ -- Implements the [Common] optimisation.
+ case Map.lookup filtered (dedupSRTs topSRT) of
+ Just srtEntry@(SRTEntry srtLbl) -> do
+ srtTraceM "oneSRT [Common]" (ppr caf_lbls <+> ppr srtLbl)
+ updateSRTMap (Just srtEntry)
+ return ([], map (,srtLbl) blockids, [], True)
Nothing -> do
- updateSRTMap (Just one)
- return ([], map (,lbl) blockids, [])
- cafList ->
- -- Check whether an SRT with the same entries has been emitted already.
- -- Implements the [Common] optimisation.
- case Map.lookup filtered (dedupSRTs topSRT) of
- Just srtEntry@(SRTEntry srtLbl) -> do
- srtTrace "oneSRT [Common]" (ppr lbls <+> ppr srtLbl) $ return ()
- updateSRTMap (Just srtEntry)
- return ([], map (,srtLbl) blockids, [])
- Nothing -> do
- -- No duplicates: we have to build a new SRT object
- srtTrace "oneSRT: new" (ppr lbls <+> ppr filtered) $ return ()
- (decls, funSRTs, srtEntry) <-
- case maybeFunClosure of
- Just (fun,block) ->
- return ( [], [(block, cafList)], SRTEntry fun )
- Nothing -> do
- (decls, entry) <- lift . lift $ buildSRTChain dflags cafList
- return (decls, [], entry)
- updateSRTMap (Just srtEntry)
- let allBelowThis = Set.union allBelow filtered
- oldFlatSRTs = flatSRTs topSRT
- newFlatSRTs = Map.insert srtEntry allBelowThis oldFlatSRTs
- newDedupSRTs = Map.insert filtered srtEntry (dedupSRTs topSRT)
- lift (put (topSRT { dedupSRTs = newDedupSRTs
- , flatSRTs = newFlatSRTs }))
- let SRTEntry lbl = srtEntry
- return (decls, map (,lbl) blockids, funSRTs)
+ -- No duplicates: we have to build a new SRT object
+ (decls, funSRTs, srtEntry) <-
+ case maybeFunClosure of
+ Just (fun,block) ->
+ return ( [], [(block, cafList)], SRTEntry fun )
+ Nothing -> do
+ (decls, entry) <- lift $ buildSRTChain dflags cafList
+ return (decls, [], entry)
+ updateSRTMap (Just srtEntry)
+ let allBelowThis = Set.union allBelow filtered
+ newFlatSRTs = Map.insert srtEntry allBelowThis (flatSRTs topSRT)
+ -- When all definition in this group are static data we don't
+ -- generate any SRTs.
+ newDedupSRTs = Map.insert filtered srtEntry (dedupSRTs topSRT)
+ modify' (\state -> state{ dedupSRTs = newDedupSRTs,
+ flatSRTs = newFlatSRTs })
+ srtTraceM "oneSRT: new" (text "caf_lbls:" <+> ppr caf_lbls $$
+ text "filtered:" <+> ppr filtered $$
+ text "srtEntry:" <+> ppr srtEntry $$
+ text "newDedupSRTs:" <+> ppr newDedupSRTs $$
+ text "newFlatSRTs:" <+> ppr newFlatSRTs)
+ let SRTEntry lbl = srtEntry
+ return (decls, map (,lbl) blockids, funSRTs, True)
-- | build a static SRT object (or a chain of objects) from a list of
@@ -804,8 +1067,8 @@ buildSRTChain
:: DynFlags
-> [SRTEntry]
-> UniqSM
- ( [CmmDecl] -- The SRT object(s)
- , SRTEntry -- label to use in the info table
+ ( [CmmDeclSRTs] -- The SRT object(s)
+ , SRTEntry -- label to use in the info table
buildSRTChain _ [] = panic "buildSRT: empty"
buildSRTChain dflags cafSet =
@@ -821,7 +1084,7 @@ buildSRTChain dflags cafSet =
-buildSRT :: DynFlags -> [SRTEntry] -> UniqSM (CmmDecl, SRTEntry)
+buildSRT :: DynFlags -> [SRTEntry] -> UniqSM (CmmDeclSRTs, SRTEntry)
buildSRT dflags refs = do
id <- getUniqueM
@@ -835,20 +1098,30 @@ buildSRT dflags refs = do
[] -- no saved info
return (mkDataLits (Section Data lbl) lbl fields, SRTEntry lbl)
-- | Update info tables with references to their SRTs. Also generate
-- static closures, splicing in SRT fields as necessary.
:: DynFlags
-> LabelMap CLabel -- SRT labels for each block
-> LabelMap [SRTEntry] -- SRTs to merge into FUN_STATIC closures
+ -> Bool -- Whether the CmmDecl's group has CAF references
-> CmmDecl
- -> [CmmDecl]
+ -> [CmmDeclSRTs]
+updInfoSRTs _ _ _ _ (CmmData s (CmmStaticsRaw lbl statics))
+ = [CmmData s (RawCmmStatics lbl statics)]
+updInfoSRTs dflags _ _ caffy (CmmData s (CmmStatics lbl itbl ccs payload))
+ = [CmmData s (RawCmmStatics lbl (map CmmStaticLit field_lits))]
+ where
+ caf_info = if caffy then MayHaveCafRefs else NoCafRefs
+ field_lits = mkStaticClosureFields dflags itbl ccs caf_info payload
-updInfoSRTs dflags srt_env funSRTEnv (CmmProc top_info top_l live g)
+updInfoSRTs dflags srt_env funSRTEnv caffy (CmmProc top_info top_l live g)
| Just (_,closure) <- maybeStaticClosure = [ proc, closure ]
| otherwise = [ proc ]
+ caf_info = if caffy then MayHaveCafRefs else NoCafRefs
proc = CmmProc top_info { info_tbls = newTopInfo } top_l live g
newTopInfo = mapMapWithKey updInfoTbl (info_tbls top_info)
updInfoTbl l info_tbl
@@ -858,7 +1131,7 @@ updInfoSRTs dflags srt_env funSRTEnv (CmmProc top_info top_l live g)
-- Generate static closures [FUN]. Note that this also generates
-- static closures for thunks (CAFs), because it's easier to treat
-- them uniformly in the code generator.
- maybeStaticClosure :: Maybe (CmmInfoTable, CmmDecl)
+ maybeStaticClosure :: Maybe (CmmInfoTable, CmmDeclSRTs)
| Just info_tbl@CmmInfoTable{..} <-
mapLookup (g_entry g) (info_tbls top_info)
@@ -873,20 +1146,20 @@ updInfoSRTs dflags srt_env funSRTEnv (CmmProc top_info top_l live g)
Just srtEntries -> srtTrace "maybeStaticFun" (ppr res)
(info_tbl { cit_rep = new_rep }, res)
where res = [ CmmLabel lbl | SRTEntry lbl <- srtEntries ]
- fields = mkStaticClosureFields dflags info_tbl ccs (idCafInfo id)
- srtEntries
+ fields = mkStaticClosureFields dflags info_tbl ccs caf_info srtEntries
new_rep = case cit_rep of
HeapRep sta ptrs nptrs ty ->
HeapRep sta (ptrs + length srtEntries) nptrs ty
_other -> panic "maybeStaticFun"
- lbl = mkLocalClosureLabel (idName id) (idCafInfo id)
+ lbl = mkLocalClosureLabel (idName id) caf_info
Just (newInfo, mkDataLits (Section Data lbl) lbl fields)
| otherwise = Nothing
-updInfoSRTs _ _ _ t = [t]
srtTrace :: String -> SDoc -> b -> b
-- srtTrace = pprTrace
srtTrace _ _ b = b
+srtTraceM :: Applicative f => String -> SDoc -> f ()
+srtTraceM str doc = srtTrace str doc (pure ())
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Parser.y b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Parser.y
index d7235d0167..886f429611 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Parser.y
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Parser.y
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ cmmdata :: { CmmParse () }
: 'section' STRING '{' data_label statics '}'
{ do lbl <- $4;
ss <- sequence $5;
- code (emitDecl (CmmData (Section (section $2) lbl) (Statics lbl $ concat ss))) }
+ code (emitDecl (CmmData (Section (section $2) lbl) (CmmStaticsRaw lbl (concat ss)))) }
data_label :: { CmmParse CLabel }
: NAME ':'
@@ -1175,7 +1175,7 @@ staticClosure :: UnitId -> FastString -> FastString -> [CmmLit] -> CmmParse ()
staticClosure pkg cl_label info payload
= do dflags <- getDynFlags
let lits = mkStaticClosure dflags (mkCmmInfoLabel pkg info) dontCareCCS payload [] [] []
- code $ emitDataLits (mkCmmDataLabel pkg cl_label) lits
+ code $ emitRawDataLits (mkCmmDataLabel pkg cl_label) lits
:: String
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Pipeline.hs b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Pipeline.hs
index 6db9e23ee1..9fd484fdb2 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Pipeline.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Pipeline.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module GHC.Cmm.Pipeline (
-- | Converts C-- with an implicit stack and native C-- calls into
@@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ import HscTypes
import Control.Monad
import Outputable
import GHC.Platform
+import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
-- | Top level driver for C-- pipeline
@@ -37,14 +40,15 @@ cmmPipeline
-- dynamic flags: -dcmm-lint -ddump-cmm-cps
-> ModuleSRTInfo -- Info about SRTs generated so far
-> CmmGroup -- Input C-- with Procedures
- -> IO (ModuleSRTInfo, CmmGroup) -- Output CPS transformed C--
+ -> IO (ModuleSRTInfo, CmmGroupSRTs) -- Output CPS transformed C--
cmmPipeline hsc_env srtInfo prog = withTimingSilent dflags (text "Cmm pipeline") forceRes $
do let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
tops <- {-# SCC "tops" #-} mapM (cpsTop hsc_env) prog
- (srtInfo, cmms) <- {-# SCC "doSRTs" #-} doSRTs dflags srtInfo tops
+ let (procs, data_) = partitionEithers tops
+ (srtInfo, cmms) <- {-# SCC "doSRTs" #-} doSRTs dflags srtInfo procs data_
dumpWith dflags Opt_D_dump_cmm_cps "Post CPS Cmm" FormatCMM (ppr cmms)
return (srtInfo, cmms)
@@ -54,8 +58,8 @@ cmmPipeline hsc_env srtInfo prog = withTimingSilent dflags (text "Cmm pipeline")
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
-cpsTop :: HscEnv -> CmmDecl -> IO (CAFEnv, [CmmDecl])
-cpsTop _ p@(CmmData {}) = return (mapEmpty, [p])
+cpsTop :: HscEnv -> CmmDecl -> IO (Either (CAFEnv, [CmmDecl]) (CAFSet, CmmDecl))
+cpsTop _ p@(CmmData _ statics) = return (Right (cafAnalData statics, p))
cpsTop hsc_env proc =
----------- Control-flow optimisations ----------------------------------
@@ -85,7 +89,9 @@ cpsTop hsc_env proc =
dump Opt_D_dump_cmm_switch "Post switch plan" g
----------- Proc points -------------------------------------------------
- let call_pps = {-# SCC "callProcPoints" #-} callProcPoints g
+ let
+ call_pps :: ProcPointSet -- LabelMap
+ call_pps = {-# SCC "callProcPoints" #-} callProcPoints g
proc_points <-
if splitting_proc_points
then do
@@ -144,7 +150,7 @@ cpsTop hsc_env proc =
-- See Note [unreachable blocks]
dumps Opt_D_dump_cmm_cfg "Post control-flow optimisations" g
- return (cafEnv, g)
+ return (Left (cafEnv, g))
where dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
platform = targetPlatform dflags
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Ppr/Decl.hs b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Ppr/Decl.hs
index 2544e6a0d3..e91c4b6277 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Ppr/Decl.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Ppr/Decl.hs
@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
pprCmms :: (Outputable info, Outputable g)
- => [GenCmmGroup CmmStatics info g] -> SDoc
+ => [GenCmmGroup RawCmmStatics info g] -> SDoc
pprCmms cmms = pprCode CStyle (vcat (intersperse separator $ map ppr cmms))
separator = space $$ text "-------------------" $$ space
writeCmms :: (Outputable info, Outputable g)
- => DynFlags -> Handle -> [GenCmmGroup CmmStatics info g] -> IO ()
+ => DynFlags -> Handle -> [GenCmmGroup RawCmmStatics info g] -> IO ()
writeCmms dflags handle cmms = printForC dflags handle (pprCmms cmms)
@@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ instance (Outputable d, Outputable info, Outputable i)
instance Outputable CmmStatics where
ppr = pprStatics
+instance Outputable RawCmmStatics where
+ ppr = pprRawStatics
instance Outputable CmmStatic where
ppr = pprStatic
@@ -136,8 +139,14 @@ instance Outputable ForeignHint where
-- Strings are printed as C strings, and we print them as I8[],
-- following C--
pprStatics :: CmmStatics -> SDoc
-pprStatics (Statics lbl ds) = vcat ((ppr lbl <> colon) : map ppr ds)
+pprStatics (CmmStatics lbl itbl ccs payload) =
+ ppr lbl <> colon <+> ppr itbl <+> ppr ccs <+> ppr payload
+pprStatics (CmmStaticsRaw lbl ds) = pprRawStatics (RawCmmStatics lbl ds)
+pprRawStatics :: RawCmmStatics -> SDoc
+pprRawStatics (RawCmmStatics lbl ds) = vcat ((ppr lbl <> colon) : map ppr ds)
pprStatic :: CmmStatic -> SDoc
pprStatic s = case s of
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Utils.hs b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Utils.hs
index 02d64da936..eda440040d 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Utils.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Utils.hs
@@ -192,22 +192,22 @@ mkWordCLit :: DynFlags -> Integer -> CmmLit
mkWordCLit dflags wd = CmmInt wd (wordWidth dflags)
- :: CLabel -> ByteString -> (CmmLit, GenCmmDecl CmmStatics info stmt)
+ :: CLabel -> ByteString -> (CmmLit, GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics info stmt)
-- We have to make a top-level decl for the string,
-- and return a literal pointing to it
mkByteStringCLit lbl bytes
- = (CmmLabel lbl, CmmData (Section sec lbl) $ Statics lbl [CmmString bytes])
+ = (CmmLabel lbl, CmmData (Section sec lbl) $ RawCmmStatics lbl [CmmString bytes])
-- This can not happen for String literals (as there \NUL is replaced by
-- C0 80). However, it can happen with Addr# literals.
sec = if 0 `BS.elem` bytes then ReadOnlyData else CString
-mkDataLits :: Section -> CLabel -> [CmmLit] -> GenCmmDecl CmmStatics info stmt
+mkDataLits :: Section -> CLabel -> [CmmLit] -> GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics info stmt
-- Build a data-segment data block
mkDataLits section lbl lits
- = CmmData section (Statics lbl $ map CmmStaticLit lits)
+ = CmmData section (RawCmmStatics lbl $ map CmmStaticLit lits)
-mkRODataLits :: CLabel -> [CmmLit] -> GenCmmDecl CmmStatics info stmt
+mkRODataLits :: CLabel -> [CmmLit] -> GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics info stmt
-- Build a read-only data block
mkRODataLits lbl lits
= mkDataLits section lbl lits