path: root/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/Ppr.hs
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1 files changed, 587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/Ppr.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/Ppr.hs
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index 0000000000..3f413339c2
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+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/AArch64/Ppr.hs
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+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+module GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Ppr (pprNatCmmDecl, pprInstr) where
+import GHC.Prelude hiding (EQ)
+import Data.Word
+import qualified Data.Array.Unsafe as U ( castSTUArray )
+import Data.Array.ST
+import Control.Monad.ST
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Instr
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Regs
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.AArch64.Cond
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Ppr
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Format
+import GHC.Platform.Reg
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Config
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Types
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Utils
+import GHC.Cmm hiding (topInfoTable)
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
+import GHC.Types.Basic (Alignment, mkAlignment, alignmentBytes)
+import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
+import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
+import GHC.Cmm.Ppr.Expr () -- For Outputable instances
+import GHC.Types.Unique ( pprUniqueAlways, getUnique )
+import GHC.Platform
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+pprProcAlignment :: NCGConfig -> SDoc
+pprProcAlignment config = maybe empty (pprAlign platform . mkAlignment) (ncgProcAlignment config)
+ where
+ platform = ncgPlatform config
+pprNatCmmDecl :: NCGConfig -> NatCmmDecl RawCmmStatics Instr -> SDoc
+pprNatCmmDecl config (CmmData section dats) =
+ pprSectionAlign config section $$ pprDatas config dats
+pprNatCmmDecl config proc@(CmmProc top_info lbl _ (ListGraph blocks)) =
+ let platform = ncgPlatform config in
+ pprProcAlignment config $$
+ case topInfoTable proc of
+ Nothing ->
+ -- special case for code without info table:
+ pprSectionAlign config (Section Text lbl) $$
+ -- do not
+ -- pprProcAlignment config $$
+ pprLabel platform lbl $$ -- blocks guaranteed not null, so label needed
+ vcat (map (pprBasicBlock config top_info) blocks) $$
+ (if ncgDwarfEnabled config
+ then ppr (mkAsmTempEndLabel lbl) <> char ':' else empty) $$
+ pprSizeDecl platform lbl
+ Just (CmmStaticsRaw info_lbl _) ->
+ pprSectionAlign config (Section Text info_lbl) $$
+ -- pprProcAlignment config $$
+ (if platformHasSubsectionsViaSymbols platform
+ then ppr (mkDeadStripPreventer info_lbl) <> char ':'
+ else empty) $$
+ vcat (map (pprBasicBlock config top_info) blocks) $$
+ -- above: Even the first block gets a label, because with branch-chain
+ -- elimination, it might be the target of a goto.
+ (if platformHasSubsectionsViaSymbols platform
+ then -- See Note [Subsections Via Symbols]
+ text "\t.long "
+ <+> ppr info_lbl
+ <+> char '-'
+ <+> ppr (mkDeadStripPreventer info_lbl)
+ else empty) $$
+ pprSizeDecl platform info_lbl
+pprLabel :: Platform -> CLabel -> SDoc
+pprLabel platform lbl =
+ pprGloblDecl platform lbl
+ $$ pprTypeDecl platform lbl
+ $$ (pdoc platform lbl <> char ':')
+pprAlign :: Platform -> Alignment -> SDoc
+pprAlign _platform alignment
+ = text "\t.balign " <> int (alignmentBytes alignment)
+-- | Print appropriate alignment for the given section type.
+pprAlignForSection :: Platform -> SectionType -> SDoc
+pprAlignForSection _platform _seg
+ -- .balign is stable, whereas .align is platform dependent.
+ = text "\t.balign 8" -- always 8
+instance Outputable Instr where
+ ppr = pprInstr genericPlatform
+-- | Print section header and appropriate alignment for that section.
+-- This one will emit the header:
+-- .section .text
+-- .balign 8
+pprSectionAlign :: NCGConfig -> Section -> SDoc
+pprSectionAlign _config (Section (OtherSection _) _) =
+ panic "AArch64.Ppr.pprSectionAlign: unknown section"
+pprSectionAlign config sec@(Section seg _) =
+ pprSectionHeader config sec
+ $$ pprAlignForSection (ncgPlatform config) seg
+-- | Output the ELF .size directive.
+pprSizeDecl :: Platform -> CLabel -> SDoc
+pprSizeDecl platform lbl
+ = if osElfTarget (platformOS platform)
+ then text "\t.size" <+> pdoc platform lbl <> text ", .-" <> pdoc platform lbl
+ else empty
+pprBasicBlock :: NCGConfig -> LabelMap RawCmmStatics -> NatBasicBlock Instr
+ -> SDoc
+pprBasicBlock config info_env (BasicBlock blockid instrs)
+ = maybe_infotable $
+ pprLabel platform asmLbl $$
+ vcat (map (pprInstr platform) (id {-detectTrivialDeadlock-} optInstrs)) $$
+ (if ncgDwarfEnabled config
+ then ppr (mkAsmTempEndLabel asmLbl) <> char ':'
+ else empty
+ )
+ where
+ -- Filter out identity moves. E.g. mov x18, x18 will be dropped.
+ optInstrs = filter f instrs
+ where f (MOV o1 o2) | o1 == o2 = False
+ f _ = True
+ asmLbl = blockLbl blockid
+ platform = ncgPlatform config
+ maybe_infotable c = case mapLookup blockid info_env of
+ Nothing -> c
+ Just (CmmStaticsRaw info_lbl info) ->
+ -- pprAlignForSection platform Text $$
+ infoTableLoc $$
+ vcat (map (pprData config) info) $$
+ pprLabel platform info_lbl $$
+ c $$
+ (if ncgDwarfEnabled config
+ then ppr (mkAsmTempEndLabel info_lbl) <> char ':'
+ else empty)
+ -- Make sure the info table has the right .loc for the block
+ -- coming right after it. See [Note: Info Offset]
+ infoTableLoc = case instrs of
+ (l@LOCATION{} : _) -> pprInstr platform l
+ _other -> empty
+pprDatas :: NCGConfig -> RawCmmStatics -> SDoc
+-- See Note [emit-time elimination of static indirections] in "GHC.Cmm.CLabel".
+pprDatas config (CmmStaticsRaw alias [CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel lbl), CmmStaticLit ind, _, _])
+ | lbl == mkIndStaticInfoLabel
+ , let labelInd (CmmLabelOff l _) = Just l
+ labelInd (CmmLabel l) = Just l
+ labelInd _ = Nothing
+ , Just ind' <- labelInd ind
+ , alias `mayRedirectTo` ind'
+ = pprGloblDecl (ncgPlatform config) alias
+ $$ text ".equiv" <+> pdoc (ncgPlatform config) alias <> comma <> pdoc (ncgPlatform config) (CmmLabel ind')
+pprDatas config (CmmStaticsRaw lbl dats)
+ = vcat (pprLabel platform lbl : map (pprData config) dats)
+ where
+ platform = ncgPlatform config
+pprData :: NCGConfig -> CmmStatic -> SDoc
+pprData _config (CmmString str) = pprString str
+pprData _config (CmmFileEmbed path) = pprFileEmbed path
+pprData config (CmmUninitialised bytes)
+ = let platform = ncgPlatform config
+ in if platformOS platform == OSDarwin
+ then text ".space " <> int bytes
+ else text ".skip " <> int bytes
+pprData config (CmmStaticLit lit) = pprDataItem config lit
+pprGloblDecl :: Platform -> CLabel -> SDoc
+pprGloblDecl platform lbl
+ | not (externallyVisibleCLabel lbl) = empty
+ | otherwise = text "\t.globl " <> pdoc platform lbl
+-- Note [Always use objects for info tables]
+-- See discussion in X86.Ppr
+-- for why this is necessary. Essentially we need to ensure that we never
+-- pass function symbols when we migth want to lookup the info table. If we
+-- did, we could end up with procedure linking tables (PLT)s, and thus the
+-- lookup wouldn't point to the function, but into the jump table.
+-- Fun fact: The LLVMMangler exists to patch this issue su on the LLVM side as
+-- well.
+pprLabelType' :: Platform -> CLabel -> SDoc
+pprLabelType' platform lbl =
+ if isCFunctionLabel lbl || functionOkInfoTable then
+ text "@function"
+ else
+ text "@object"
+ where
+ functionOkInfoTable = platformTablesNextToCode platform &&
+ isInfoTableLabel lbl && not (isConInfoTableLabel lbl)
+-- this is called pprTypeAndSizeDecl in PPC.Ppr
+pprTypeDecl :: Platform -> CLabel -> SDoc
+pprTypeDecl platform lbl
+ = if osElfTarget (platformOS platform) && externallyVisibleCLabel lbl
+ then text ".type " <> pdoc platform lbl <> text ", " <> pprLabelType' platform lbl
+ else empty
+pprDataItem :: NCGConfig -> CmmLit -> SDoc
+pprDataItem config lit
+ = vcat (ppr_item (cmmTypeFormat $ cmmLitType platform lit) lit)
+ where
+ platform = ncgPlatform config
+ imm = litToImm lit
+ ppr_item II8 _ = [text "\t.byte\t" <> pprImm platform imm]
+ ppr_item II16 _ = [text "\t.short\t" <> pprImm platform imm]
+ ppr_item II32 _ = [text "\t.long\t" <> pprImm platform imm]
+ ppr_item II64 _ = [text "\t.quad\t" <> pprImm platform imm]
+ ppr_item FF32 (CmmFloat r _)
+ = let bs = floatToBytes (fromRational r)
+ in map (\b -> text "\t.byte\t" <> pprImm platform (ImmInt b)) bs
+ ppr_item FF64 (CmmFloat r _)
+ = let bs = doubleToBytes (fromRational r)
+ in map (\b -> text "\t.byte\t" <> pprImm platform (ImmInt b)) bs
+ ppr_item _ _ = pprPanic "pprDataItem:ppr_item" (text $ show lit)
+floatToBytes :: Float -> [Int]
+floatToBytes f
+ = runST (do
+ arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),3)
+ writeArray arr 0 f
+ arr <- castFloatToWord8Array arr
+ i0 <- readArray arr 0
+ i1 <- readArray arr 1
+ i2 <- readArray arr 2
+ i3 <- readArray arr 3
+ return (map fromIntegral [i0,i1,i2,i3])
+ )
+castFloatToWord8Array :: STUArray s Int Float -> ST s (STUArray s Int Word8)
+castFloatToWord8Array = U.castSTUArray
+pprImm :: Platform -> Imm -> SDoc
+pprImm _ (ImmInt i) = int i
+pprImm _ (ImmInteger i) = integer i
+pprImm p (ImmCLbl l) = pdoc p l
+pprImm p (ImmIndex l i) = pdoc p l <> char '+' <> int i
+pprImm _ (ImmLit s) = s
+-- TODO: See pprIm below for why this is a bad idea!
+pprImm _ (ImmFloat f)
+ | f == 0 = text "wzr"
+ | otherwise = float (fromRational f)
+pprImm _ (ImmDouble d)
+ | d == 0 = text "xzr"
+ | otherwise = double (fromRational d)
+pprImm p (ImmConstantSum a b) = pprImm p a <> char '+' <> pprImm p b
+pprImm p (ImmConstantDiff a b) = pprImm p a <> char '-'
+ <> lparen <> pprImm p b <> rparen
+-- aarch64 GNU as uses // for comments.
+asmComment :: SDoc -> SDoc
+asmComment c = whenPprDebug $ text "#" <+> c
+asmDoubleslashComment :: SDoc -> SDoc
+asmDoubleslashComment c = whenPprDebug $ text "//" <+> c
+asmMultilineComment :: SDoc -> SDoc
+asmMultilineComment c = whenPprDebug $ text "/*" $+$ c $+$ text "*/"
+pprIm :: Platform -> Imm -> SDoc
+pprIm platform im = case im of
+ ImmInt i -> char '#' <> int i
+ ImmInteger i -> char '#' <> integer i
+ -- TODO: This will only work for
+ -- The floating point value must be expressable as ±n ÷ 16 × 2^r,
+ -- where n and r are integers such that 16 ≤ n ≤ 31 and -3 ≤ r ≤ 4.
+ -- and 0 needs to be encoded as wzr/xzr.
+ --
+ -- Except for 0, we might want to either split it up into enough
+ -- ADD operations into an Integer register and then just bit copy it into
+ -- the double register? See the toBytes + fromRational above for data items.
+ -- This is something the x86 backend does.
+ --
+ -- We could also just turn them into statics :-/ Which is what the
+ -- PowerPC backend odes.
+ ImmFloat f | f == 0 -> text "wzr"
+ ImmFloat f -> char '#' <> float (fromRational f)
+ ImmDouble d | d == 0 -> text "xzr"
+ ImmDouble d -> char '#' <> double (fromRational d)
+ -- =<lbl> pseudo instruction!
+ ImmCLbl l -> char '=' <> pdoc platform l
+ ImmIndex l o -> text "[=" <> pdoc platform l <> comma <+> char '#' <> int o <> char ']'
+ _ -> panic "AArch64.pprIm"
+pprExt :: ExtMode -> SDoc
+pprExt EUXTB = text "uxtb"
+pprExt EUXTH = text "uxth"
+pprExt EUXTW = text "uxtw"
+pprExt EUXTX = text "uxtx"
+pprExt ESXTB = text "sxtb"
+pprExt ESXTH = text "sxth"
+pprExt ESXTW = text "sxtw"
+pprExt ESXTX = text "sxtx"
+pprShift :: ShiftMode -> SDoc
+pprShift SLSL = text "lsl"
+pprShift SLSR = text "lsr"
+pprShift SASR = text "asr"
+pprShift SROR = text "ror"
+pprOp :: Platform -> Operand -> SDoc
+pprOp plat op = case op of
+ OpReg w r -> pprReg w r
+ OpRegExt w r x 0 -> pprReg w r <> comma <+> pprExt x
+ OpRegExt w r x i -> pprReg w r <> comma <+> pprExt x <> comma <+> char '#' <> int i
+ OpRegShift w r s i -> pprReg w r <> comma <+> pprShift s <> comma <+> char '#' <> int i
+ OpImm im -> pprIm plat im
+ OpImmShift im s i -> pprIm plat im <> comma <+> pprShift s <+> char '#' <> int i
+ -- TODO: Address compuation always use registers as 64bit -- is this correct?
+ OpAddr (AddrRegReg r1 r2) -> char '[' <+> pprReg W64 r1 <> comma <+> pprReg W64 r2 <+> char ']'
+ OpAddr (AddrRegImm r1 im) -> char '[' <+> pprReg W64 r1 <> comma <+> pprImm plat im <+> char ']'
+ OpAddr (AddrReg r1) -> char '[' <+> pprReg W64 r1 <+> char ']'
+pprReg :: Width -> Reg -> SDoc
+pprReg w r = case r of
+ RegReal (RealRegSingle i) -> ppr_reg_no w i
+ RegReal (RealRegPair{}) -> panic "AArch64.pprReg: no reg pairs on this arch!"
+ -- virtual regs should not show up, but this is helpful for debugging.
+ RegVirtual (VirtualRegI u) -> text "%vI_" <> pprUniqueAlways u
+ RegVirtual (VirtualRegF u) -> text "%vF_" <> pprUniqueAlways u
+ RegVirtual (VirtualRegD u) -> text "%vD_" <> pprUniqueAlways u
+ _ -> pprPanic "AArch64.pprReg" (text $ show r)
+ where
+ ppr_reg_no :: Width -> Int -> SDoc
+ ppr_reg_no w 31
+ | w == W64 = text "sp"
+ | w == W32 = text "wsp"
+ ppr_reg_no w i
+ | i < 0, w == W32 = text "wzr"
+ | i < 0, w == W64 = text "xzr"
+ | i < 0 = pprPanic "Invalid Zero Reg" (ppr w <+> int i)
+ -- General Purpose Registers
+ | i <= 31, w == W8 = text "w" <> int i -- there are no byte or half
+ | i <= 31, w == W16 = text "w" <> int i -- words... word will do.
+ | i <= 31, w == W32 = text "w" <> int i
+ | i <= 31, w == W64 = text "x" <> int i
+ | i <= 31 = pprPanic "Invalid Reg" (ppr w <+> int i)
+ -- Floating Point Registers
+ | i <= 63, w == W8 = text "b" <> int (i-32)
+ | i <= 63, w == W16 = text "h" <> int (i-32)
+ | i <= 63, w == W32 = text "s" <> int (i-32)
+ | i <= 63, w == W64 = text "d" <> int (i-32)
+ -- no support for 'q'uad in GHC's NCG yet.
+ | otherwise = text "very naughty powerpc register"
+isFloatOp :: Operand -> Bool
+isFloatOp (OpReg _ (RegReal (RealRegSingle i))) | i > 31 = True
+isFloatOp (OpReg _ (RegVirtual (VirtualRegF _))) = True
+isFloatOp (OpReg _ (RegVirtual (VirtualRegD _))) = True
+isFloatOp _ = False
+pprInstr :: Platform -> Instr -> SDoc
+pprInstr platform instr = case instr of
+ -- Meta Instructions ---------------------------------------------------------
+ COMMENT s -> asmComment s
+ MULTILINE_COMMENT s -> asmMultilineComment s
+ ANN d i -> pprInstr platform i <+> asmDoubleslashComment d
+ LOCATION file line col _name
+ -> text "\t.loc" <+> ppr file <+> ppr line <+> ppr col
+ DELTA d -> asmComment $ text ("\tdelta = " ++ show d)
+ NEWBLOCK _ -> panic "PprInstr: NEWBLOCK"
+ LDATA _ _ -> panic "pprInstr: LDATA"
+ -- Pseudo Instructions -------------------------------------------------------
+ PUSH_STACK_FRAME -> text "\tstp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!"
+ $$ text "\tmov x29, sp"
+ POP_STACK_FRAME -> text "\tldp x29, x30, [sp], #16"
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- AArch64 Instruction Set
+ -- 1. Arithmetic Instructions ------------------------------------------------
+ ADD o1 o2 o3
+ | isFloatOp o1 && isFloatOp o2 && isFloatOp o3 -> text "\tfadd" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ | otherwise -> text "\tadd" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ CMN o1 o2 -> text "\tcmn" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ CMP o1 o2
+ | isFloatOp o1 && isFloatOp o2 -> text "\tfcmp" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ | otherwise -> text "\tcmp" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ MSUB o1 o2 o3 o4 -> text "\tmsub" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o4
+ MUL o1 o2 o3
+ | isFloatOp o1 && isFloatOp o2 && isFloatOp o3 -> text "\tfmul" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ | otherwise -> text "\tmul" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ NEG o1 o2
+ | isFloatOp o1 && isFloatOp o2 -> text "\tfneg" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ | otherwise -> text "\tneg" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ SDIV o1 o2 o3 | isFloatOp o1 && isFloatOp o2 && isFloatOp o3
+ -> text "\tfdiv" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ SDIV o1 o2 o3 -> text "\tsdiv" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ SUB o1 o2 o3
+ | isFloatOp o1 && isFloatOp o2 && isFloatOp o3 -> text "\tfsub" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ | otherwise -> text "\tsub" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ UDIV o1 o2 o3 -> text "\tudiv" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ -- 2. Bit Manipulation Instructions ------------------------------------------
+ SBFM o1 o2 o3 o4 -> text "\tsbfm" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o4
+ UBFM o1 o2 o3 o4 -> text "\tubfm" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o4
+ -- 3. Logical and Move Instructions ------------------------------------------
+ AND o1 o2 o3 -> text "\tand" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ ANDS o1 o2 o3 -> text "\tands" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ ASR o1 o2 o3 -> text "\tasr" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ BIC o1 o2 o3 -> text "\tbic" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ BICS o1 o2 o3 -> text "\tbics" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ EON o1 o2 o3 -> text "\teon" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ EOR o1 o2 o3 -> text "\teor" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ LSL o1 o2 o3 -> text "\tlsl" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ LSR o1 o2 o3 -> text "\tlsr" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ MOV o1 o2
+ | isFloatOp o1 || isFloatOp o2 -> text "\tfmov" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ | otherwise -> text "\tmov" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ MOVK o1 o2 -> text "\tmovk" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ MVN o1 o2 -> text "\tmvn" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ ORN o1 o2 o3 -> text "\torn" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ ORR o1 o2 o3 -> text "\torr" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ ROR o1 o2 o3 -> text "\tror" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ TST o1 o2 -> text "\ttst" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ -- 4. Branch Instructions ----------------------------------------------------
+ J t -> pprInstr platform (B t)
+ B (TBlock bid) -> text "\tb" <+> pdoc platform (mkLocalBlockLabel (getUnique bid))
+ B (TLabel lbl) -> text "\tb" <+> pdoc platform lbl
+ B (TReg r) -> text "\tbr" <+> pprReg W64 r
+ BL (TBlock bid) _ _ -> text "\tbl" <+> pdoc platform (mkLocalBlockLabel (getUnique bid))
+ BL (TLabel lbl) _ _ -> text "\tbl" <+> pdoc platform lbl
+ BL (TReg r) _ _ -> text "\tblr" <+> pprReg W64 r
+ BCOND c (TBlock bid) -> text "\t" <> pprBcond c <+> pdoc platform (mkLocalBlockLabel (getUnique bid))
+ BCOND c (TLabel lbl) -> text "\t" <> pprBcond c <+> pdoc platform lbl
+ BCOND _ (TReg _) -> panic "AArch64.ppr: No conditional branching to registers!"
+ -- 5. Atomic Instructions ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- 6. Conditional Instructions -----------------------------------------------
+ CSET o c -> text "\tcset" <+> pprOp platform o <> comma <+> pprCond c
+ CBZ o (TBlock bid) -> text "\tcbz" <+> pprOp platform o <> comma <+> pdoc platform (mkLocalBlockLabel (getUnique bid))
+ CBZ o (TLabel lbl) -> text "\tcbz" <+> pprOp platform o <> comma <+> pdoc platform lbl
+ CBZ _ (TReg _) -> panic "AArch64.ppr: No conditional (cbz) branching to registers!"
+ CBNZ o (TBlock bid) -> text "\tcbnz" <+> pprOp platform o <> comma <+> pdoc platform (mkLocalBlockLabel (getUnique bid))
+ CBNZ o (TLabel lbl) -> text "\tcbnz" <+> pprOp platform o <> comma <+> pdoc platform lbl
+ CBNZ _ (TReg _) -> panic "AArch64.ppr: No conditional (cbnz) branching to registers!"
+ -- 7. Load and Store Instructions --------------------------------------------
+ -- NOTE: GHC may do whacky things where it only load the lower part of an
+ -- address. Not observing the correct size when loading will lead
+ -- inevitably to crashes.
+ STR _f o1@(OpReg W8 (RegReal (RealRegSingle i))) o2 | i < 32 ->
+ text "\tstrb" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ STR _f o1@(OpReg W16 (RegReal (RealRegSingle i))) o2 | i < 32 ->
+ text "\tstrh" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ STR _f o1 o2 -> text "\tstr" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+#if defined(darwin_HOST_OS)
+ LDR _f o1 (OpImm (ImmIndex lbl' off)) | Just (_info, lbl) <- dynamicLinkerLabelInfo lbl' ->
+ text "\tadrp" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pdoc platform lbl <> text "@gotpage" $$
+ text "\tldr" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text "[" <> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pdoc platform lbl <> text "@gotpageoff" <> text "]" $$
+ text "\tadd" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> char '#' <> int off -- TODO: check that off is in 12bits.
+ LDR _f o1 (OpImm (ImmIndex lbl off)) | isForeignLabel lbl ->
+ text "\tadrp" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pdoc platform lbl <> text "@gotpage" $$
+ text "\tldr" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text "[" <> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pdoc platform lbl <> text "@gotpageoff" <> text "]" $$
+ text "\tadd" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> char '#' <> int off -- TODO: check that off is in 12bits.
+ LDR _f o1 (OpImm (ImmIndex lbl off)) ->
+ text "\tadrp" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pdoc platform lbl <> text "@page" $$
+ text "\tadd" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pdoc platform lbl <> text "@pageoff" $$
+ text "\tadd" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> char '#' <> int off -- TODO: check that off is in 12bits.
+ LDR _f o1 (OpImm (ImmCLbl lbl')) | Just (_info, lbl) <- dynamicLinkerLabelInfo lbl' ->
+ text "\tadrp" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pdoc platform lbl <> text "@gotpage" $$
+ text "\tldr" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text "[" <> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pdoc platform lbl <> text "@gotpageoff" <> text "]"
+ LDR _f o1 (OpImm (ImmCLbl lbl)) | isForeignLabel lbl ->
+ text "\tadrp" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pdoc platform lbl <> text "@gotpage" $$
+ text "\tldr" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text "[" <> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pdoc platform lbl <> text "@gotpageoff" <> text "]"
+ LDR _f o1 (OpImm (ImmCLbl lbl)) ->
+ text "\tadrp" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pdoc platform lbl <> text "@page" $$
+ text "\tadd" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pdoc platform lbl <> text "@pageoff"
+ LDR _f o1 (OpImm (ImmIndex lbl' off)) | Just (_info, lbl) <- dynamicLinkerLabelInfo lbl' ->
+ text "\tadrp" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text ":got:" <> pdoc platform lbl $$
+ text "\tldr" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text "[" <> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text ":got_lo12:" <> pdoc platform lbl <> text "]" $$
+ text "\tadd" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> char '#' <> int off -- TODO: check that off is in 12bits.
+ LDR _f o1 (OpImm (ImmIndex lbl off)) | isForeignLabel lbl ->
+ text "\tadrp" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text ":got:" <> pdoc platform lbl $$
+ text "\tldr" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text "[" <> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text ":got_lo12:" <> pdoc platform lbl <> text "]" $$
+ text "\tadd" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> char '#' <> int off -- TODO: check that off is in 12bits.
+ LDR _f o1 (OpImm (ImmIndex lbl off)) ->
+ text "\tadrp" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pdoc platform lbl $$
+ text "\tadd" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text ":lo12:" <> pdoc platform lbl $$
+ text "\tadd" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> char '#' <> int off -- TODO: check that off is in 12bits.
+ LDR _f o1 (OpImm (ImmCLbl lbl')) | Just (_info, lbl) <- dynamicLinkerLabelInfo lbl' ->
+ text "\tadrp" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text ":got:" <> pdoc platform lbl $$
+ text "\tldr" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text "[" <> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text ":got_lo12:" <> pdoc platform lbl <> text "]"
+ LDR _f o1 (OpImm (ImmCLbl lbl)) | isForeignLabel lbl ->
+ text "\tadrp" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text ":got:" <> pdoc platform lbl $$
+ text "\tldr" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text "[" <> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text ":got_lo12:" <> pdoc platform lbl <> text "]"
+ LDR _f o1 (OpImm (ImmCLbl lbl)) ->
+ text "\tadrp" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pdoc platform lbl $$
+ text "\tadd" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> text ":lo12:" <> pdoc platform lbl
+ LDR _f o1@(OpReg W8 (RegReal (RealRegSingle i))) o2 | i < 32 ->
+ text "\tldrsb" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ LDR _f o1@(OpReg W16 (RegReal (RealRegSingle i))) o2 | i < 32 ->
+ text "\tldrsh" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ LDR _f o1 o2 -> text "\tldr" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ STP _f o1 o2 o3 -> text "\tstp" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ LDP _f o1 o2 o3 -> text "\tldp" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o3
+ -- 8. Synchronization Instructions -------------------------------------------
+ DMBSY -> text "\tdmb sy"
+ -- 8. Synchronization Instructions -------------------------------------------
+ FCVT o1 o2 -> text "\tfcvt" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ SCVTF o1 o2 -> text "\tscvtf" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+ FCVTZS o1 o2 -> text "\tfcvtzs" <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
+pprBcond :: Cond -> SDoc
+pprBcond c = text "b." <> pprCond c
+pprCond :: Cond -> SDoc
+pprCond c = case c of
+ ALWAYS -> text "al" -- Always
+ EQ -> text "eq" -- Equal
+ NE -> text "ne" -- Not Equal
+ SLT -> text "lt" -- Signed less than ; Less than, or unordered
+ SLE -> text "le" -- Signed less than or equal ; Less than or equal, or unordered
+ SGE -> text "ge" -- Signed greater than or equal ; Greater than or equal
+ SGT -> text "gt" -- Signed greater than ; Greater than
+ ULT -> text "lo" -- Carry clear/ unsigned lower ; less than
+ ULE -> text "ls" -- Unsigned lower or same ; Less than or equal
+ UGE -> text "hs" -- Carry set/unsigned higher or same ; Greater than or equal, or unordered
+ UGT -> text "hi" -- Unsigned higher ; Greater than, or unordered
+ NEVER -> text "nv" -- Never
+ VS -> text "vs" -- Overflow ; Unordered (at least one NaN operand)
+ VC -> text "vc" -- No overflow ; Not unordered
+ -- Orderd variants. Respecting NaN.
+ OLT -> text "mi"
+ OLE -> text "ls"
+ OGE -> text "ge"
+ OGT -> text "gt"
+ -- Unordered
+ UOLT -> text "lt"
+ UOLE -> text "le"
+ UOGE -> text "pl"
+ UOGT -> text "hi"