path: root/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/BlockLayout.hs
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1 files changed, 895 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/BlockLayout.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/BlockLayout.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01a1388b5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/BlockLayout.hs
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+-- Copyright (c) 2018 Andreas Klebinger
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+module GHC.CmmToAsm.BlockLayout
+ ( sequenceTop )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Instr
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Monad
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG
+import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
+import GHC.Driver.Session (gopt, GeneralFlag(..), DynFlags, backendMaintainsCfg)
+import UniqFM
+import Util
+import Unique
+import Digraph
+import Outputable
+import Maybes
+--import GHC.Cmm.DebugBlock
+--import Debug.Trace
+import ListSetOps (removeDups)
+import OrdList
+import Data.List
+import Data.Foldable (toList)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.STRef
+import Control.Monad.ST.Strict
+import Control.Monad (foldM)
+ Note [CFG based code layout]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ The major steps in placing blocks are as follow:
+ * Compute a CFG based on the Cmm AST, see getCfgProc.
+ This CFG will have edge weights representing a guess
+ on how important they are.
+ * After we convert Cmm to Asm we run `optimizeCFG` which
+ adds a few more "educated guesses" to the equation.
+ * Then we run loop analysis on the CFG (`loopInfo`) which tells us
+ about loop headers, loop nesting levels and the sort.
+ * Based on the CFG and loop information refine the edge weights
+ in the CFG and normalize them relative to the most often visited
+ node. (See `mkGlobalWeights`)
+ * Feed this CFG into the block layout code (`sequenceTop`) in this
+ module. Which will then produce a code layout based on the input weights.
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ~~~ Note [Chain based CFG serialization]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ For additional information also look at
+ We have a CFG with edge weights based on which we try to place blocks next to
+ each other.
+ Edge weights not only represent likelihood of control transfer between blocks
+ but also how much a block would benefit from being placed sequentially after
+ it's predecessor.
+ For example blocks which are preceded by an info table are more likely to end
+ up in a different cache line than their predecessor and we can't eliminate the jump
+ so there is less benefit to placing them sequentially.
+ For example consider this example:
+ A: ...
+ jmp cond D (weak successor)
+ jmp B
+ B: ...
+ jmp C
+ C: ...
+ jmp X
+ D: ...
+ jmp B (weak successor)
+ We determine a block layout by building up chunks (calling them chains) of
+ possible control flows for which blocks will be placed sequentially.
+ Eg for our example we might end up with two chains like:
+ [A->B->C->X],[D]. Blocks inside chains will always be placed sequentially.
+ However there is no particular order in which chains are placed since
+ (hopefully) the blocks for which sequentiality is important have already
+ been placed in the same chain.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 1) First try to create a list of good chains.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Good chains are these which allow us to eliminate jump instructions.
+ Which further eliminate often executed jumps first.
+ We do so by:
+ *) Ignore edges which represent instructions which can not be replaced
+ by fall through control flow. Primarily calls and edges to blocks which
+ are prefixed by a info table we have to jump across.
+ *) Then process remaining edges in order of frequency taken and:
+ +) If source and target have not been placed build a new chain from them.
+ +) If source and target have been placed, and are ends of differing chains
+ try to merge the two chains.
+ +) If one side of the edge is a end/front of a chain, add the other block of
+ to edge to the same chain
+ Eg if we look at edge (B -> C) and already have the chain (A -> B)
+ then we extend the chain to (A -> B -> C).
+ +) If the edge was used to modify or build a new chain remove the edge from
+ our working list.
+ *) If there any blocks not being placed into a chain after these steps we place
+ them into a chain consisting of only this block.
+ Ranking edges by their taken frequency, if
+ two edges compete for fall through on the same target block, the one taken
+ more often will automatically win out. Resulting in fewer instructions being
+ executed.
+ Creating singleton chains is required for situations where we have code of the
+ form:
+ A: goto B:
+ <infoTable>
+ B: goto C:
+ <infoTable>
+ C: ...
+ As the code in block B is only connected to the rest of the program via edges
+ which will be ignored in this step we make sure that B still ends up in a chain
+ this way.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 2) We also try to fuse chains.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ As a result from the above step we still end up with multiple chains which
+ represent sequential control flow chunks. But they are not yet suitable for
+ code layout as we need to place *all* blocks into a single sequence.
+ In this step we combine chains result from the above step via these steps:
+ *) Look at the ranked list of *all* edges, including calls/jumps across info tables
+ and the like.
+ *) Look at each edge and
+ +) Given an edge (A -> B) try to find two chains for which
+ * Block A is at the end of one chain
+ * Block B is at the front of the other chain.
+ +) If we find such a chain we "fuse" them into a single chain, remove the
+ edge from working set and continue.
+ +) If we can't find such chains we skip the edge and continue.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 3) Place indirect successors (neighbours) after each other
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ We might have chains [A,B,C,X],[E] in a CFG of the sort:
+ A ---> B ---> C --------> X(exit)
+ \- ->E- -/
+ While E does not follow X it's still beneficial to place them near each other.
+ This can be advantageous if eg C,X,E will end up in the same cache line.
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ ~~~ Note [Triangle Control Flow]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Checking if an argument is already evaluated leads to a somewhat
+ special case which looks like this:
+ A:
+ if (R1 & 7 != 0) goto Leval; else goto Lwork;
+ Leval: // global
+ call (I64[R1])(R1) returns to Lwork, args: 8, res: 8, upd: 8;
+ Lwork: // global
+ ...
+ A
+ |\
+ | Leval
+ |/ - (This edge can be missing because of optimizations)
+ Lwork
+ Once we hit the metal the call instruction is just 2-3 bytes large
+ depending on the register used. So we lay out the assembly like this:
+ movq %rbx,%rax
+ andl $7,%eax
+ cmpq $1,%rax
+ jne Lwork
+ Leval:
+ jmp *(%rbx) # encoded in 2-3 bytes.
+ <info table>
+ Lwork:
+ ...
+ We could explicitly check for this control flow pattern.
+ This is advantageous because:
+ * It's optimal if the argument isn't evaluated.
+ * If it's evaluated we only have the extra cost of jumping over
+ the 2-3 bytes for the call.
+ * Guarantees the smaller encoding for the conditional jump.
+ However given that Lwork usually has an info table we
+ penalize this edge. So Leval should get placed first
+ either way and things work out for the best.
+ Optimizing for the evaluated case instead would penalize
+ the other code path. It adds an jump as we can't fall through
+ to Lwork because of the info table.
+ Assuming that Lwork is large the chance that the "call" ends up
+ in the same cache line is also fairly small.
+-- | Look at X number of blocks in two chains to determine
+-- if they are "neighbours".
+neighbourOverlapp :: Int
+neighbourOverlapp = 2
+-- | Maps blocks near the end of a chain to it's chain AND
+-- the other blocks near the end.
+-- [A,B,C,D,E] Gives entries like (B -> ([A,B], [A,B,C,D,E]))
+-- where [A,B] are blocks in the end region of a chain.
+-- This is cheaper then recomputing the ends multiple times.
+type FrontierMap = LabelMap ([BlockId],BlockChain)
+-- | A non empty ordered sequence of basic blocks.
+-- It is suitable for serialization in this order.
+-- We use OrdList instead of [] to allow fast append on both sides
+-- when combining chains.
+newtype BlockChain
+ = BlockChain { chainBlocks :: (OrdList BlockId) }
+-- All chains are constructed the same way so comparison
+-- including structure is faster.
+instance Eq BlockChain where
+ BlockChain b1 == BlockChain b2 = strictlyEqOL b1 b2
+-- Useful for things like sets and debugging purposes, sorts by blocks
+-- in the chain.
+instance Ord (BlockChain) where
+ (BlockChain lbls1) `compare` (BlockChain lbls2)
+ = ASSERT(toList lbls1 /= toList lbls2 || lbls1 `strictlyEqOL` lbls2)
+ strictlyOrdOL lbls1 lbls2
+instance Outputable (BlockChain) where
+ ppr (BlockChain blks) =
+ parens (text "Chain:" <+> ppr (fromOL $ blks) )
+chainFoldl :: (b -> BlockId -> b) -> b -> BlockChain -> b
+chainFoldl f z (BlockChain blocks) = foldl' f z blocks
+noDups :: [BlockChain] -> Bool
+noDups chains =
+ let chainBlocks = concatMap chainToBlocks chains :: [BlockId]
+ (_blocks, dups) = removeDups compare chainBlocks
+ in if null dups then True
+ else pprTrace "Duplicates:" (ppr (map toList dups) $$ text "chains" <+> ppr chains ) False
+inFront :: BlockId -> BlockChain -> Bool
+inFront bid (BlockChain seq)
+ = headOL seq == bid
+chainSingleton :: BlockId -> BlockChain
+chainSingleton lbl
+ = BlockChain (unitOL lbl)
+chainFromList :: [BlockId] -> BlockChain
+chainFromList = BlockChain . toOL
+chainSnoc :: BlockChain -> BlockId -> BlockChain
+chainSnoc (BlockChain blks) lbl
+ = BlockChain (blks `snocOL` lbl)
+chainCons :: BlockId -> BlockChain -> BlockChain
+chainCons lbl (BlockChain blks)
+ = BlockChain (lbl `consOL` blks)
+chainConcat :: BlockChain -> BlockChain -> BlockChain
+chainConcat (BlockChain blks1) (BlockChain blks2)
+ = BlockChain (blks1 `appOL` blks2)
+chainToBlocks :: BlockChain -> [BlockId]
+chainToBlocks (BlockChain blks) = fromOL blks
+-- | Given the Chain A -> B -> C -> D and we break at C
+-- we get the two Chains (A -> B, C -> D) as result.
+breakChainAt :: BlockId -> BlockChain
+ -> (BlockChain,BlockChain)
+breakChainAt bid (BlockChain blks)
+ | not (bid == head rblks)
+ = panic "Block not in chain"
+ | otherwise
+ = (BlockChain (toOL lblks),
+ BlockChain (toOL rblks))
+ where
+ (lblks, rblks) = break (\lbl -> lbl == bid) (fromOL blks)
+takeR :: Int -> BlockChain -> [BlockId]
+takeR n (BlockChain blks) =
+ take n . fromOLReverse $ blks
+takeL :: Int -> BlockChain -> [BlockId]
+takeL n (BlockChain blks) =
+ take n . fromOL $ blks
+-- Note [Combining neighborhood chains]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- See also Note [Chain based CFG serialization]
+-- We have the chains (A-B-C-D) and (E-F) and an Edge C->E.
+-- While placing the latter after the former doesn't result in sequential
+-- control flow it is still beneficial. As block C and E might end
+-- up in the same cache line.
+-- So we place these chains next to each other even if we can't fuse them.
+-- A -> B -> C -> D
+-- v
+-- - -> E -> F ...
+-- A simple heuristic to chose which chains we want to combine:
+-- * Process edges in descending priority.
+-- * Check if there is a edge near the end of one chain which goes
+-- to a block near the start of another edge.
+-- While we could take into account the space between the two blocks which
+-- share an edge this blows up compile times quite a bit. It requires
+-- us to find all edges between two chains, check the distance for all edges,
+-- rank them based on the distance and only then we can select two chains
+-- to combine. Which would add a lot of complexity for little gain.
+-- So instead we just rank by the strength of the edge and use the first pair we
+-- find.
+-- | For a given list of chains and edges try to combine chains with strong
+-- edges between them.
+combineNeighbourhood :: [CfgEdge] -- ^ Edges to consider
+ -> [BlockChain] -- ^ Current chains of blocks
+ -> ([BlockChain], Set.Set (BlockId,BlockId))
+ -- ^ Resulting list of block chains, and a set of edges which
+ -- were used to fuse chains and as such no longer need to be
+ -- considered.
+combineNeighbourhood edges chains
+ = -- pprTraceIt "Neighbours" $
+ -- pprTrace "combineNeighbours" (ppr edges) $
+ applyEdges edges endFrontier startFrontier (Set.empty)
+ where
+ --Build maps from chain ends to chains
+ endFrontier, startFrontier :: FrontierMap
+ endFrontier =
+ mapFromList $ concatMap (\chain ->
+ let ends = getEnds chain :: [BlockId]
+ entry = (ends,chain)
+ in map (\x -> (x,entry)) ends ) chains
+ startFrontier =
+ mapFromList $ concatMap (\chain ->
+ let front = getFronts chain
+ entry = (front,chain)
+ in map (\x -> (x,entry)) front) chains
+ applyEdges :: [CfgEdge] -> FrontierMap -> FrontierMap -> Set.Set (BlockId, BlockId)
+ -> ([BlockChain], Set.Set (BlockId,BlockId))
+ applyEdges [] chainEnds _chainFronts combined =
+ (ordNub $ map snd $ mapElems chainEnds, combined)
+ applyEdges ((CfgEdge from to _w):edges) chainEnds chainFronts combined
+ | Just (c1_e,c1) <- mapLookup from chainEnds
+ , Just (c2_f,c2) <- mapLookup to chainFronts
+ , c1 /= c2 -- Avoid trying to concat a chain with itself.
+ = let newChain = chainConcat c1 c2
+ newChainFrontier = getFronts newChain
+ newChainEnds = getEnds newChain
+ newFronts :: FrontierMap
+ newFronts =
+ let withoutOld =
+ foldl' (\m b -> mapDelete b m :: FrontierMap) chainFronts (c2_f ++ getFronts c1)
+ entry =
+ (newChainFrontier,newChain) --let bound to ensure sharing
+ in foldl' (\m x -> mapInsert x entry m)
+ withoutOld newChainFrontier
+ newEnds =
+ let withoutOld = foldl' (\m b -> mapDelete b m) chainEnds (c1_e ++ getEnds c2)
+ entry = (newChainEnds,newChain) --let bound to ensure sharing
+ in foldl' (\m x -> mapInsert x entry m)
+ withoutOld newChainEnds
+ in
+ -- pprTrace "ApplyEdges"
+ -- (text "before" $$
+ -- text "fronts" <+> ppr chainFronts $$
+ -- text "ends" <+> ppr chainEnds $$
+ -- text "various" $$
+ -- text "newChain" <+> ppr newChain $$
+ -- text "newChainFrontier" <+> ppr newChainFrontier $$
+ -- text "newChainEnds" <+> ppr newChainEnds $$
+ -- text "drop" <+> ppr ((c2_f ++ getFronts c1) ++ (c1_e ++ getEnds c2)) $$
+ -- text "after" $$
+ -- text "fronts" <+> ppr newFronts $$
+ -- text "ends" <+> ppr newEnds
+ -- )
+ applyEdges edges newEnds newFronts (Set.insert (from,to) combined)
+ | otherwise
+ = applyEdges edges chainEnds chainFronts combined
+ where
+ getFronts chain = takeL neighbourOverlapp chain
+ getEnds chain = takeR neighbourOverlapp chain
+-- In the last stop we combine all chains into a single one.
+-- Trying to place chains with strong edges next to each other.
+mergeChains :: [CfgEdge] -> [BlockChain]
+ -> (BlockChain)
+mergeChains edges chains
+ = -- pprTrace "combine" (ppr edges) $
+ runST $ do
+ let addChain m0 chain = do
+ ref <- newSTRef chain
+ return $ chainFoldl (\m' b -> mapInsert b ref m') m0 chain
+ chainMap' <- foldM (\m0 c -> addChain m0 c) mapEmpty chains
+ merge edges chainMap'
+ where
+ -- We keep a map from ALL blocks to their respective chain (sigh)
+ -- This is required since when looking at an edge we need to find
+ -- the associated chains quickly.
+ -- We use a map of STRefs, maintaining a invariant of one STRef per chain.
+ -- When merging chains we can update the
+ -- STRef of one chain once (instead of writing to the map for each block).
+ -- We then overwrite the STRefs for the other chain so there is again only
+ -- a single STRef for the combined chain.
+ -- The difference in terms of allocations saved is ~0.2% with -O so actually
+ -- significant compared to using a regular map.
+ merge :: forall s. [CfgEdge] -> LabelMap (STRef s BlockChain) -> ST s BlockChain
+ merge [] chains = do
+ chains' <- ordNub <$> (mapM readSTRef $ mapElems chains) :: ST s [BlockChain]
+ return $ foldl' chainConcat (head chains') (tail chains')
+ merge ((CfgEdge from to _):edges) chains
+ -- | pprTrace "merge" (ppr (from,to) <> ppr chains) False
+ -- = undefined
+ | cFrom == cTo
+ = merge edges chains
+ | otherwise
+ = do
+ chains' <- mergeComb cFrom cTo
+ merge edges chains'
+ where
+ mergeComb :: STRef s BlockChain -> STRef s BlockChain -> ST s (LabelMap (STRef s BlockChain))
+ mergeComb refFrom refTo = do
+ cRight <- readSTRef refTo
+ chain <- pure chainConcat <*> readSTRef refFrom <*> pure cRight
+ writeSTRef refFrom chain
+ return $ chainFoldl (\m b -> mapInsert b refFrom m) chains cRight
+ cFrom = expectJust "mergeChains:chainMap:from" $ mapLookup from chains
+ cTo = expectJust "mergeChains:chainMap:to" $ mapLookup to chains
+-- See Note [Chain based CFG serialization] for the general idea.
+-- This creates and fuses chains at the same time for performance reasons.
+-- Try to build chains from a list of edges.
+-- Edges must be sorted **descending** by their priority.
+-- Returns the constructed chains, along with all edges which
+-- are irrelevant past this point, this information doesn't need
+-- to be complete - it's only used to speed up the process.
+-- An Edge is irrelevant if the ends are part of the same chain.
+-- We say these edges are already linked
+buildChains :: [CfgEdge] -> [BlockId]
+ -> ( LabelMap BlockChain -- Resulting chains, indexd by end if chain.
+ , Set.Set (BlockId, BlockId)) --List of fused edges.
+buildChains edges blocks
+ = runST $ buildNext setEmpty mapEmpty mapEmpty edges Set.empty
+ where
+ -- buildNext builds up chains from edges one at a time.
+ -- We keep a map from the ends of chains to the chains.
+ -- This we we can easily check if an block should be appended to an
+ -- existing chain!
+ -- We store them using STRefs so we don't have to rebuild the spine of both
+ -- maps every time we update a chain.
+ buildNext :: forall s. LabelSet
+ -> LabelMap (STRef s BlockChain) -- Map from end of chain to chain.
+ -> LabelMap (STRef s BlockChain) -- Map from start of chain to chain.
+ -> [CfgEdge] -- Edges to check - ordered by decreasing weight
+ -> Set.Set (BlockId, BlockId) -- Used edges
+ -> ST s ( LabelMap BlockChain -- Chains by end
+ , Set.Set (BlockId, BlockId) --List of fused edges
+ )
+ buildNext placed _chainStarts chainEnds [] linked = do
+ ends' <- sequence $ mapMap readSTRef chainEnds :: ST s (LabelMap BlockChain)
+ -- Any remaining blocks have to be made to singleton chains.
+ -- They might be combined with other chains later on outside this function.
+ let unplaced = filter (\x -> not (setMember x placed)) blocks
+ singletons = map (\x -> (x,chainSingleton x)) unplaced :: [(BlockId,BlockChain)]
+ return (foldl' (\m (k,v) -> mapInsert k v m) ends' singletons , linked)
+ buildNext placed chainStarts chainEnds (edge:todo) linked
+ | from == to
+ -- We skip self edges
+ = buildNext placed chainStarts chainEnds todo (Set.insert (from,to) linked)
+ | not (alreadyPlaced from) &&
+ not (alreadyPlaced to)
+ = do
+ --pprTraceM "Edge-Chain:" (ppr edge)
+ chain' <- newSTRef $ chainFromList [from,to]
+ buildNext
+ (setInsert to (setInsert from placed))
+ (mapInsert from chain' chainStarts)
+ (mapInsert to chain' chainEnds)
+ todo
+ (Set.insert (from,to) linked)
+ | (alreadyPlaced from) &&
+ (alreadyPlaced to)
+ , Just predChain <- mapLookup from chainEnds
+ , Just succChain <- mapLookup to chainStarts
+ , predChain /= succChain -- Otherwise we try to create a cycle.
+ = do
+ -- pprTraceM "Fusing edge" (ppr edge)
+ fuseChain predChain succChain
+ | (alreadyPlaced from) &&
+ (alreadyPlaced to)
+ = --pprTraceM "Skipping:" (ppr edge) >>
+ buildNext placed chainStarts chainEnds todo linked
+ | otherwise
+ = do -- pprTraceM "Finding chain for:" (ppr edge $$
+ -- text "placed" <+> ppr placed)
+ findChain
+ where
+ from = edgeFrom edge
+ to = edgeTo edge
+ alreadyPlaced blkId = (setMember blkId placed)
+ -- Combine two chains into a single one.
+ fuseChain :: STRef s BlockChain -> STRef s BlockChain
+ -> ST s ( LabelMap BlockChain -- Chains by end
+ , Set.Set (BlockId, BlockId) --List of fused edges
+ )
+ fuseChain fromRef toRef = do
+ fromChain <- readSTRef fromRef
+ toChain <- readSTRef toRef
+ let newChain = chainConcat fromChain toChain
+ ref <- newSTRef newChain
+ let start = head $ takeL 1 newChain
+ let end = head $ takeR 1 newChain
+ -- chains <- sequence $ mapMap readSTRef chainStarts
+ -- pprTraceM "pre-fuse chains:" $ ppr chains
+ buildNext
+ placed
+ (mapInsert start ref $ mapDelete to $ chainStarts)
+ (mapInsert end ref $ mapDelete from $ chainEnds)
+ todo
+ (Set.insert (from,to) linked)
+ --Add the block to a existing chain or creates a new chain
+ findChain :: ST s ( LabelMap BlockChain -- Chains by end
+ , Set.Set (BlockId, BlockId) --List of fused edges
+ )
+ findChain
+ -- We can attach the block to the end of a chain
+ | alreadyPlaced from
+ , Just predChain <- mapLookup from chainEnds
+ = do
+ chain <- readSTRef predChain
+ let newChain = chainSnoc chain to
+ writeSTRef predChain newChain
+ let chainEnds' = mapInsert to predChain $ mapDelete from chainEnds
+ -- chains <- sequence $ mapMap readSTRef chainStarts
+ -- pprTraceM "from chains:" $ ppr chains
+ buildNext (setInsert to placed) chainStarts chainEnds' todo (Set.insert (from,to) linked)
+ -- We can attack it to the front of a chain
+ | alreadyPlaced to
+ , Just succChain <- mapLookup to chainStarts
+ = do
+ chain <- readSTRef succChain
+ let newChain = from `chainCons` chain
+ writeSTRef succChain newChain
+ let chainStarts' = mapInsert from succChain $ mapDelete to chainStarts
+ -- chains <- sequence $ mapMap readSTRef chainStarts'
+ -- pprTraceM "to chains:" $ ppr chains
+ buildNext (setInsert from placed) chainStarts' chainEnds todo (Set.insert (from,to) linked)
+ -- The placed end of the edge is part of a chain already and not an end.
+ | otherwise
+ = do
+ let block = if alreadyPlaced to then from else to
+ --pprTraceM "Singleton" $ ppr block
+ let newChain = chainSingleton block
+ ref <- newSTRef newChain
+ buildNext (setInsert block placed) (mapInsert block ref chainStarts)
+ (mapInsert block ref chainEnds) todo (linked)
+ where
+ alreadyPlaced blkId = (setMember blkId placed)
+-- | Place basic blocks based on the given CFG.
+-- See Note [Chain based CFG serialization]
+sequenceChain :: forall a i. (Instruction i, Outputable i)
+ => LabelMap a -- ^ Keys indicate an info table on the block.
+ -> CFG -- ^ Control flow graph and some meta data.
+ -> [GenBasicBlock i] -- ^ List of basic blocks to be placed.
+ -> [GenBasicBlock i] -- ^ Blocks placed in sequence.
+sequenceChain _info _weights [] = []
+sequenceChain _info _weights [x] = [x]
+sequenceChain info weights' blocks@((BasicBlock entry _):_) =
+ let weights :: CFG
+ weights = --pprTrace "cfg'" (pprEdgeWeights cfg')
+ cfg'
+ where
+ (_, globalEdgeWeights) = {-# SCC mkGlobalWeights #-} mkGlobalWeights entry weights'
+ cfg' = {-# SCC rewriteEdges #-}
+ mapFoldlWithKey
+ (\cfg from m ->
+ mapFoldlWithKey
+ (\cfg to w -> setEdgeWeight cfg (EdgeWeight w) from to )
+ cfg m )
+ weights'
+ globalEdgeWeights
+ directEdges :: [CfgEdge]
+ directEdges = sortBy (flip compare) $ catMaybes . map relevantWeight $ (infoEdgeList weights)
+ where
+ relevantWeight :: CfgEdge -> Maybe CfgEdge
+ relevantWeight edge@(CfgEdge from to edgeInfo)
+ | (EdgeInfo CmmSource { trans_cmmNode = CmmCall {} } _) <- edgeInfo
+ -- Ignore edges across calls
+ = Nothing
+ | mapMember to info
+ , w <- edgeWeight edgeInfo
+ -- The payoff is small if we jump over an info table
+ = Just (CfgEdge from to edgeInfo { edgeWeight = w/8 })
+ | otherwise
+ = Just edge
+ blockMap :: LabelMap (GenBasicBlock i)
+ blockMap
+ = foldl' (\m blk@(BasicBlock lbl _ins) ->
+ mapInsert lbl blk m)
+ mapEmpty blocks
+ (builtChains, builtEdges)
+ = {-# SCC "buildChains" #-}
+ --pprTraceIt "generatedChains" $
+ --pprTrace "blocks" (ppr (mapKeys blockMap)) $
+ buildChains directEdges (mapKeys blockMap)
+ rankedEdges :: [CfgEdge]
+ -- Sort descending by weight, remove fused edges
+ rankedEdges =
+ filter (\edge -> not (Set.member (edgeFrom edge,edgeTo edge) builtEdges)) $
+ directEdges
+ (neighbourChains, combined)
+ = ASSERT(noDups $ mapElems builtChains)
+ {-# SCC "groupNeighbourChains" #-}
+ -- pprTraceIt "NeighbourChains" $
+ combineNeighbourhood rankedEdges (mapElems builtChains)
+ allEdges :: [CfgEdge]
+ allEdges = {-# SCC allEdges #-}
+ sortOn (relevantWeight) $ filter (not . deadEdge) $ (infoEdgeList weights)
+ where
+ deadEdge :: CfgEdge -> Bool
+ deadEdge (CfgEdge from to _) = let e = (from,to) in Set.member e combined || Set.member e builtEdges
+ relevantWeight :: CfgEdge -> EdgeWeight
+ relevantWeight (CfgEdge _ _ edgeInfo)
+ | EdgeInfo (CmmSource { trans_cmmNode = CmmCall {}}) _ <- edgeInfo
+ -- Penalize edges across calls
+ = weight/(64.0)
+ | otherwise
+ = weight
+ where
+ -- negate to sort descending
+ weight = negate (edgeWeight edgeInfo)
+ masterChain =
+ {-# SCC "mergeChains" #-}
+ -- pprTraceIt "MergedChains" $
+ mergeChains allEdges neighbourChains
+ --Make sure the first block stays first
+ prepedChains
+ | inFront entry masterChain
+ = [masterChain]
+ | (rest,entry) <- breakChainAt entry masterChain
+ = [entry,rest]
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 810
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "Entry point eliminated" $
+ ppr masterChain
+ blockList
+ = ASSERT(noDups [masterChain])
+ (concatMap fromOL $ map chainBlocks prepedChains)
+ --chainPlaced = setFromList $ map blockId blockList :: LabelSet
+ chainPlaced = setFromList $ blockList :: LabelSet
+ unplaced =
+ let blocks = mapKeys blockMap
+ isPlaced b = setMember (b) chainPlaced
+ in filter (\block -> not (isPlaced block)) blocks
+ placedBlocks =
+ -- We want debug builds to catch this as it's a good indicator for
+ -- issues with CFG invariants. But we don't want to blow up production
+ -- builds if something slips through.
+ ASSERT(null unplaced)
+ --pprTraceIt "placedBlocks" $
+ -- ++ [] is stil kinda expensive
+ if null unplaced then blockList else blockList ++ unplaced
+ getBlock bid = expectJust "Block placement" $ mapLookup bid blockMap
+ in
+ --Assert we placed all blocks given as input
+ ASSERT(all (\bid -> mapMember bid blockMap) placedBlocks)
+ dropJumps info $ map getBlock placedBlocks
+{-# SCC dropJumps #-}
+-- | Remove redundant jumps between blocks when we can rely on
+-- fall through.
+dropJumps :: forall a i. Instruction i => LabelMap a -> [GenBasicBlock i]
+ -> [GenBasicBlock i]
+dropJumps _ [] = []
+dropJumps info ((BasicBlock lbl ins):todo)
+ | not . null $ ins --This can happen because of shortcutting
+ , [dest] <- jumpDestsOfInstr (last ins)
+ , ((BasicBlock nextLbl _) : _) <- todo
+ , not (mapMember dest info)
+ , nextLbl == dest
+ = BasicBlock lbl (init ins) : dropJumps info todo
+ | otherwise
+ = BasicBlock lbl ins : dropJumps info todo
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Sequencing the basic blocks
+-- Cmm BasicBlocks are self-contained entities: they always end in a
+-- jump, either non-local or to another basic block in the same proc.
+-- In this phase, we attempt to place the basic blocks in a sequence
+-- such that as many of the local jumps as possible turn into
+-- fallthroughs.
+ :: (Instruction instr, Outputable instr)
+ => DynFlags -- Determine which layout algo to use
+ -> NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
+ -> Maybe CFG -- ^ CFG if we have one.
+ -> NatCmmDecl statics instr -- ^ Function to serialize
+ -> NatCmmDecl statics instr
+sequenceTop _ _ _ top@(CmmData _ _) = top
+sequenceTop dflags ncgImpl edgeWeights
+ (CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph blocks))
+ | (gopt Opt_CfgBlocklayout dflags) && backendMaintainsCfg dflags
+ --Use chain based algorithm
+ , Just cfg <- edgeWeights
+ = CmmProc info lbl live ( ListGraph $ ncgMakeFarBranches ncgImpl info $
+ {-# SCC layoutBlocks #-}
+ sequenceChain info cfg blocks )
+ | otherwise
+ --Use old algorithm
+ = let cfg = if dontUseCfg then Nothing else edgeWeights
+ in CmmProc info lbl live ( ListGraph $ ncgMakeFarBranches ncgImpl info $
+ {-# SCC layoutBlocks #-}
+ sequenceBlocks cfg info blocks)
+ where
+ dontUseCfg = gopt Opt_WeightlessBlocklayout dflags ||
+ (not $ backendMaintainsCfg dflags)
+-- The old algorithm:
+-- It is very simple (and stupid): We make a graph out of
+-- the blocks where there is an edge from one block to another iff the
+-- first block ends by jumping to the second. Then we topologically
+-- sort this graph. Then traverse the list: for each block, we first
+-- output the block, then if it has an out edge, we move the
+-- destination of the out edge to the front of the list, and continue.
+-- FYI, the classic layout for basic blocks uses postorder DFS; this
+-- algorithm is implemented in Hoopl.
+sequenceBlocks :: Instruction inst => Maybe CFG -> LabelMap a
+ -> [GenBasicBlock inst] -> [GenBasicBlock inst]
+sequenceBlocks _edgeWeight _ [] = []
+sequenceBlocks edgeWeights infos (entry:blocks) =
+ let entryNode = mkNode edgeWeights entry
+ bodyNodes = reverse
+ (flattenSCCs (sccBlocks edgeWeights blocks))
+ in dropJumps infos . seqBlocks infos $ ( entryNode : bodyNodes)
+ -- the first block is the entry point ==> it must remain at the start.
+ :: Instruction instr
+ => Maybe CFG -> [NatBasicBlock instr]
+ -> [SCC (Node BlockId (NatBasicBlock instr))]
+sccBlocks edgeWeights blocks =
+ stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniqR
+ (map (mkNode edgeWeights) blocks)
+mkNode :: (Instruction t)
+ => Maybe CFG -> GenBasicBlock t
+ -> Node BlockId (GenBasicBlock t)
+mkNode edgeWeights block@(BasicBlock id instrs) =
+ DigraphNode block id outEdges
+ where
+ outEdges :: [BlockId]
+ outEdges
+ --Select the heaviest successor, ignore weights <= zero
+ = successor
+ where
+ successor
+ | Just successors <- fmap (`getSuccEdgesSorted` id)
+ edgeWeights -- :: Maybe [(Label, EdgeInfo)]
+ = case successors of
+ [] -> []
+ ((target,info):_)
+ | length successors > 2 || edgeWeight info <= 0 -> []
+ | otherwise -> [target]
+ | otherwise
+ = case jumpDestsOfInstr (last instrs) of
+ [one] -> [one]
+ _many -> []
+seqBlocks :: LabelMap i -> [Node BlockId (GenBasicBlock t1)]
+ -> [GenBasicBlock t1]
+seqBlocks infos blocks = placeNext pullable0 todo0
+ where
+ -- pullable: Blocks that are not yet placed
+ -- todo: Original order of blocks, to be followed if we have no good
+ -- reason not to;
+ -- may include blocks that have already been placed, but then
+ -- these are not in pullable
+ pullable0 = listToUFM [ (i,(b,n)) | DigraphNode b i n <- blocks ]
+ todo0 = map node_key blocks
+ placeNext _ [] = []
+ placeNext pullable (i:rest)
+ | Just (block, pullable') <- lookupDeleteUFM pullable i
+ = place pullable' rest block
+ | otherwise
+ -- We already placed this block, so ignore
+ = placeNext pullable rest
+ place pullable todo (block,[])
+ = block : placeNext pullable todo
+ place pullable todo (block@(BasicBlock id instrs),[next])
+ | mapMember next infos
+ = block : placeNext pullable todo
+ | Just (nextBlock, pullable') <- lookupDeleteUFM pullable next
+ = BasicBlock id instrs : place pullable' todo nextBlock
+ | otherwise
+ = block : placeNext pullable todo
+ place _ _ (_,tooManyNextNodes)
+ = pprPanic "seqBlocks" (ppr tooManyNextNodes)
+lookupDeleteUFM :: Uniquable key => UniqFM elt -> key
+ -> Maybe (elt, UniqFM elt)
+lookupDeleteUFM m k = do -- Maybe monad
+ v <- lookupUFM m k
+ return (v, delFromUFM m k)