path: root/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/Ppr.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/Ppr.hs')
1 files changed, 994 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/Ppr.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/Ppr.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..550bd618ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/Ppr.hs
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+-- Pretty-printing assembly language
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 1993-2005
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+module GHC.CmmToAsm.PPC.Ppr (pprNatCmmDecl) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.PPC.Regs
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.PPC.Instr
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.PPC.Cond
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Ppr
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Instr
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Format
+import GHC.Platform.Reg
+import GHC.Platform.Reg.Class
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Target
+import GHC.Cmm hiding (topInfoTable)
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
+import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
+import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
+import GHC.Cmm.Ppr.Expr () -- For Outputable instances
+import Unique ( pprUniqueAlways, getUnique )
+import GHC.Platform
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Data.Word
+import Data.Int
+import Data.Bits
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Printing this stuff out
+pprNatCmmDecl :: NatCmmDecl RawCmmStatics Instr -> SDoc
+pprNatCmmDecl (CmmData section dats) =
+ pprSectionAlign section $$ pprDatas dats
+pprNatCmmDecl proc@(CmmProc top_info lbl _ (ListGraph blocks)) =
+ case topInfoTable proc of
+ Nothing ->
+ sdocWithPlatform $ \platform ->
+ -- special case for code without info table:
+ pprSectionAlign (Section Text lbl) $$
+ (case platformArch platform of
+ ArchPPC_64 ELF_V1 -> pprFunctionDescriptor lbl
+ ArchPPC_64 ELF_V2 -> pprFunctionPrologue lbl
+ _ -> pprLabel lbl) $$ -- blocks guaranteed not null,
+ -- so label needed
+ vcat (map (pprBasicBlock top_info) blocks)
+ Just (RawCmmStatics info_lbl _) ->
+ sdocWithPlatform $ \platform ->
+ pprSectionAlign (Section Text info_lbl) $$
+ (if platformHasSubsectionsViaSymbols platform
+ then ppr (mkDeadStripPreventer info_lbl) <> char ':'
+ else empty) $$
+ vcat (map (pprBasicBlock top_info) blocks) $$
+ -- above: Even the first block gets a label, because with branch-chain
+ -- elimination, it might be the target of a goto.
+ (if platformHasSubsectionsViaSymbols platform
+ then
+ -- See Note [Subsections Via Symbols] in X86/Ppr.hs
+ text "\t.long "
+ <+> ppr info_lbl
+ <+> char '-'
+ <+> ppr (mkDeadStripPreventer info_lbl)
+ else empty)
+pprFunctionDescriptor :: CLabel -> SDoc
+pprFunctionDescriptor lab = pprGloblDecl lab
+ $$ text "\t.section \".opd\", \"aw\""
+ $$ text "\t.align 3"
+ $$ ppr lab <> char ':'
+ $$ text "\t.quad ."
+ <> ppr lab
+ <> text ",.TOC.@tocbase,0"
+ $$ text "\t.previous"
+ $$ text "\t.type"
+ <+> ppr lab
+ <> text ", @function"
+ $$ char '.' <> ppr lab <> char ':'
+pprFunctionPrologue :: CLabel ->SDoc
+pprFunctionPrologue lab = pprGloblDecl lab
+ $$ text ".type "
+ <> ppr lab
+ <> text ", @function"
+ $$ ppr lab <> char ':'
+ $$ text "0:\taddis\t" <> pprReg toc
+ <> text ",12,.TOC.-0b@ha"
+ $$ text "\taddi\t" <> pprReg toc
+ <> char ',' <> pprReg toc <> text ",.TOC.-0b@l"
+ $$ text "\t.localentry\t" <> ppr lab
+ <> text ",.-" <> ppr lab
+pprBasicBlock :: LabelMap RawCmmStatics -> NatBasicBlock Instr -> SDoc
+pprBasicBlock info_env (BasicBlock blockid instrs)
+ = maybe_infotable $$
+ pprLabel (blockLbl blockid) $$
+ vcat (map pprInstr instrs)
+ where
+ maybe_infotable = case mapLookup blockid info_env of
+ Nothing -> empty
+ Just (RawCmmStatics info_lbl info) ->
+ pprAlignForSection Text $$
+ vcat (map pprData info) $$
+ pprLabel info_lbl
+pprDatas :: RawCmmStatics -> SDoc
+-- See note [emit-time elimination of static indirections] in CLabel.
+pprDatas (RawCmmStatics alias [CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel lbl), CmmStaticLit ind, _, _])
+ | lbl == mkIndStaticInfoLabel
+ , let labelInd (CmmLabelOff l _) = Just l
+ labelInd (CmmLabel l) = Just l
+ labelInd _ = Nothing
+ , Just ind' <- labelInd ind
+ , alias `mayRedirectTo` ind'
+ = pprGloblDecl alias
+ $$ text ".equiv" <+> ppr alias <> comma <> ppr (CmmLabel ind')
+pprDatas (RawCmmStatics lbl dats) = vcat (pprLabel lbl : map pprData dats)
+pprData :: CmmStatic -> SDoc
+pprData (CmmString str) = pprBytes str
+pprData (CmmUninitialised bytes) = text ".space " <> int bytes
+pprData (CmmStaticLit lit) = pprDataItem lit
+pprGloblDecl :: CLabel -> SDoc
+pprGloblDecl lbl
+ | not (externallyVisibleCLabel lbl) = empty
+ | otherwise = text ".globl " <> ppr lbl
+pprTypeAndSizeDecl :: CLabel -> SDoc
+pprTypeAndSizeDecl lbl
+ = sdocWithPlatform $ \platform ->
+ if platformOS platform == OSLinux && externallyVisibleCLabel lbl
+ then text ".type " <>
+ ppr lbl <> text ", @object"
+ else empty
+pprLabel :: CLabel -> SDoc
+pprLabel lbl = pprGloblDecl lbl
+ $$ pprTypeAndSizeDecl lbl
+ $$ (ppr lbl <> char ':')
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- pprInstr: print an 'Instr'
+instance Outputable Instr where
+ ppr instr = pprInstr instr
+pprReg :: Reg -> SDoc
+pprReg r
+ = case r of
+ RegReal (RealRegSingle i) -> ppr_reg_no i
+ RegReal (RealRegPair{}) -> panic "PPC.pprReg: no reg pairs on this arch"
+ RegVirtual (VirtualRegI u) -> text "%vI_" <> pprUniqueAlways u
+ RegVirtual (VirtualRegHi u) -> text "%vHi_" <> pprUniqueAlways u
+ RegVirtual (VirtualRegF u) -> text "%vF_" <> pprUniqueAlways u
+ RegVirtual (VirtualRegD u) -> text "%vD_" <> pprUniqueAlways u
+ where
+ ppr_reg_no :: Int -> SDoc
+ ppr_reg_no i
+ | i <= 31 = int i -- GPRs
+ | i <= 63 = int (i-32) -- FPRs
+ | otherwise = text "very naughty powerpc register"
+pprFormat :: Format -> SDoc
+pprFormat x
+ = ptext (case x of
+ II8 -> sLit "b"
+ II16 -> sLit "h"
+ II32 -> sLit "w"
+ II64 -> sLit "d"
+ FF32 -> sLit "fs"
+ FF64 -> sLit "fd")
+pprCond :: Cond -> SDoc
+pprCond c
+ = ptext (case c of {
+ ALWAYS -> sLit "";
+ EQQ -> sLit "eq"; NE -> sLit "ne";
+ LTT -> sLit "lt"; GE -> sLit "ge";
+ GTT -> sLit "gt"; LE -> sLit "le";
+ LU -> sLit "lt"; GEU -> sLit "ge";
+ GU -> sLit "gt"; LEU -> sLit "le"; })
+pprImm :: Imm -> SDoc
+pprImm (ImmInt i) = int i
+pprImm (ImmInteger i) = integer i
+pprImm (ImmCLbl l) = ppr l
+pprImm (ImmIndex l i) = ppr l <> char '+' <> int i
+pprImm (ImmLit s) = s
+pprImm (ImmFloat _) = text "naughty float immediate"
+pprImm (ImmDouble _) = text "naughty double immediate"
+pprImm (ImmConstantSum a b) = pprImm a <> char '+' <> pprImm b
+pprImm (ImmConstantDiff a b) = pprImm a <> char '-'
+ <> lparen <> pprImm b <> rparen
+pprImm (LO (ImmInt i)) = pprImm (LO (ImmInteger (toInteger i)))
+pprImm (LO (ImmInteger i)) = pprImm (ImmInteger (toInteger lo16))
+ where
+ lo16 = fromInteger (i .&. 0xffff) :: Int16
+pprImm (LO i)
+ = pprImm i <> text "@l"
+pprImm (HI i)
+ = pprImm i <> text "@h"
+pprImm (HA (ImmInt i)) = pprImm (HA (ImmInteger (toInteger i)))
+pprImm (HA (ImmInteger i)) = pprImm (ImmInteger ha16)
+ where
+ ha16 = if lo16 >= 0x8000 then hi16+1 else hi16
+ hi16 = (i `shiftR` 16)
+ lo16 = i .&. 0xffff
+pprImm (HA i)
+ = pprImm i <> text "@ha"
+pprImm (HIGHERA i)
+ = pprImm i <> text "@highera"
+pprImm (HIGHESTA i)
+ = pprImm i <> text "@highesta"
+pprAddr :: AddrMode -> SDoc
+pprAddr (AddrRegReg r1 r2)
+ = pprReg r1 <> char ',' <+> pprReg r2
+pprAddr (AddrRegImm r1 (ImmInt i))
+ = hcat [ int i, char '(', pprReg r1, char ')' ]
+pprAddr (AddrRegImm r1 (ImmInteger i))
+ = hcat [ integer i, char '(', pprReg r1, char ')' ]
+pprAddr (AddrRegImm r1 imm)
+ = hcat [ pprImm imm, char '(', pprReg r1, char ')' ]
+pprSectionAlign :: Section -> SDoc
+pprSectionAlign sec@(Section seg _) =
+ sdocWithPlatform $ \platform ->
+ pprSectionHeader platform sec $$
+ pprAlignForSection seg
+-- | Print appropriate alignment for the given section type.
+pprAlignForSection :: SectionType -> SDoc
+pprAlignForSection seg =
+ sdocWithPlatform $ \platform ->
+ let ppc64 = not $ target32Bit platform
+ in ptext $ case seg of
+ Text -> sLit ".align 2"
+ Data
+ | ppc64 -> sLit ".align 3"
+ | otherwise -> sLit ".align 2"
+ ReadOnlyData
+ | ppc64 -> sLit ".align 3"
+ | otherwise -> sLit ".align 2"
+ RelocatableReadOnlyData
+ | ppc64 -> sLit ".align 3"
+ | otherwise -> sLit ".align 2"
+ UninitialisedData
+ | ppc64 -> sLit ".align 3"
+ | otherwise -> sLit ".align 2"
+ ReadOnlyData16 -> sLit ".align 4"
+ -- TODO: This is copied from the ReadOnlyData case, but it can likely be
+ -- made more efficient.
+ CString
+ | ppc64 -> sLit ".align 3"
+ | otherwise -> sLit ".align 2"
+ OtherSection _ -> panic "PprMach.pprSectionAlign: unknown section"
+pprDataItem :: CmmLit -> SDoc
+pprDataItem lit
+ = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
+ vcat (ppr_item (cmmTypeFormat $ cmmLitType dflags lit) lit dflags)
+ where
+ imm = litToImm lit
+ archPPC_64 dflags = not $ target32Bit $ targetPlatform dflags
+ ppr_item II8 _ _ = [text "\t.byte\t" <> pprImm imm]
+ ppr_item II32 _ _ = [text "\t.long\t" <> pprImm imm]
+ ppr_item II64 _ dflags
+ | archPPC_64 dflags = [text "\t.quad\t" <> pprImm imm]
+ ppr_item FF32 (CmmFloat r _) _
+ = let bs = floatToBytes (fromRational r)
+ in map (\b -> text "\t.byte\t" <> pprImm (ImmInt b)) bs
+ ppr_item FF64 (CmmFloat r _) _
+ = let bs = doubleToBytes (fromRational r)
+ in map (\b -> text "\t.byte\t" <> pprImm (ImmInt b)) bs
+ ppr_item II16 _ _ = [text "\t.short\t" <> pprImm imm]
+ ppr_item II64 (CmmInt x _) dflags
+ | not(archPPC_64 dflags) =
+ [text "\t.long\t"
+ <> int (fromIntegral
+ (fromIntegral (x `shiftR` 32) :: Word32)),
+ text "\t.long\t"
+ <> int (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word32))]
+ ppr_item _ _ _
+ = panic "PPC.Ppr.pprDataItem: no match"
+pprInstr :: Instr -> SDoc
+pprInstr (COMMENT _) = empty -- nuke 'em
+pprInstr (COMMENT s) =
+ if platformOS platform == OSLinux
+ then text "# " <> ftext s
+ else text "; " <> ftext s
+pprInstr (DELTA d)
+ = pprInstr (COMMENT (mkFastString ("\tdelta = " ++ show d)))
+pprInstr (NEWBLOCK _)
+ = panic "PprMach.pprInstr: NEWBLOCK"
+pprInstr (LDATA _ _)
+ = panic "PprMach.pprInstr: LDATA"
+pprInstr (SPILL reg slot)
+ = hcat [
+ text "\tSPILL",
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg,
+ comma,
+ text "SLOT" <> parens (int slot)]
+pprInstr (RELOAD slot reg)
+ = hcat [
+ text "\tRELOAD",
+ char '\t',
+ text "SLOT" <> parens (int slot),
+ comma,
+ pprReg reg]
+pprInstr (LD fmt reg addr) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "l",
+ ptext (case fmt of
+ II8 -> sLit "bz"
+ II16 -> sLit "hz"
+ II32 -> sLit "wz"
+ II64 -> sLit "d"
+ FF32 -> sLit "fs"
+ FF64 -> sLit "fd"
+ ),
+ case addr of AddrRegImm _ _ -> empty
+ AddrRegReg _ _ -> char 'x',
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg,
+ text ", ",
+ pprAddr addr
+ ]
+pprInstr (LDFAR fmt reg (AddrRegImm source off)) =
+ sdocWithPlatform $ \platform -> vcat [
+ pprInstr (ADDIS (tmpReg platform) source (HA off)),
+ pprInstr (LD fmt reg (AddrRegImm (tmpReg platform) (LO off)))
+ ]
+pprInstr (LDFAR _ _ _) =
+ panic "PPC.Ppr.pprInstr LDFAR: no match"
+pprInstr (LDR fmt reg1 addr) = hcat [
+ text "\tl",
+ case fmt of
+ II32 -> char 'w'
+ II64 -> char 'd'
+ _ -> panic "PPC.Ppr.Instr LDR: no match",
+ text "arx\t",
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprAddr addr
+ ]
+pprInstr (LA fmt reg addr) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "l",
+ ptext (case fmt of
+ II8 -> sLit "ba"
+ II16 -> sLit "ha"
+ II32 -> sLit "wa"
+ II64 -> sLit "d"
+ FF32 -> sLit "fs"
+ FF64 -> sLit "fd"
+ ),
+ case addr of AddrRegImm _ _ -> empty
+ AddrRegReg _ _ -> char 'x',
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg,
+ text ", ",
+ pprAddr addr
+ ]
+pprInstr (ST fmt reg addr) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "st",
+ pprFormat fmt,
+ case addr of AddrRegImm _ _ -> empty
+ AddrRegReg _ _ -> char 'x',
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg,
+ text ", ",
+ pprAddr addr
+ ]
+pprInstr (STFAR fmt reg (AddrRegImm source off)) =
+ sdocWithPlatform $ \platform -> vcat [
+ pprInstr (ADDIS (tmpReg platform) source (HA off)),
+ pprInstr (ST fmt reg (AddrRegImm (tmpReg platform) (LO off)))
+ ]
+pprInstr (STFAR _ _ _) =
+ panic "PPC.Ppr.pprInstr STFAR: no match"
+pprInstr (STU fmt reg addr) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "st",
+ pprFormat fmt,
+ char 'u',
+ case addr of AddrRegImm _ _ -> empty
+ AddrRegReg _ _ -> char 'x',
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg,
+ text ", ",
+ pprAddr addr
+ ]
+pprInstr (STC fmt reg1 addr) = hcat [
+ text "\tst",
+ case fmt of
+ II32 -> char 'w'
+ II64 -> char 'd'
+ _ -> panic "PPC.Ppr.Instr STC: no match",
+ text "cx.\t",
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprAddr addr
+ ]
+pprInstr (LIS reg imm) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "lis",
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg,
+ text ", ",
+ pprImm imm
+ ]
+pprInstr (LI reg imm) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "li",
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg,
+ text ", ",
+ pprImm imm
+ ]
+pprInstr (MR reg1 reg2)
+ | reg1 == reg2 = empty
+ | otherwise = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ sdocWithPlatform $ \platform ->
+ case targetClassOfReg platform reg1 of
+ RcInteger -> text "mr"
+ _ -> text "fmr",
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2
+ ]
+pprInstr (CMP fmt reg ri) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ op,
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg,
+ text ", ",
+ pprRI ri
+ ]
+ where
+ op = hcat [
+ text "cmp",
+ pprFormat fmt,
+ case ri of
+ RIReg _ -> empty
+ RIImm _ -> char 'i'
+ ]
+pprInstr (CMPL fmt reg ri) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ op,
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg,
+ text ", ",
+ pprRI ri
+ ]
+ where
+ op = hcat [
+ text "cmpl",
+ pprFormat fmt,
+ case ri of
+ RIReg _ -> empty
+ RIImm _ -> char 'i'
+ ]
+pprInstr (BCC cond blockid prediction) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "b",
+ pprCond cond,
+ pprPrediction prediction,
+ char '\t',
+ ppr lbl
+ ]
+ where lbl = mkLocalBlockLabel (getUnique blockid)
+ pprPrediction p = case p of
+ Nothing -> empty
+ Just True -> char '+'
+ Just False -> char '-'
+pprInstr (BCCFAR cond blockid prediction) = vcat [
+ hcat [
+ text "\tb",
+ pprCond (condNegate cond),
+ neg_prediction,
+ text "\t$+8"
+ ],
+ hcat [
+ text "\tb\t",
+ ppr lbl
+ ]
+ ]
+ where lbl = mkLocalBlockLabel (getUnique blockid)
+ neg_prediction = case prediction of
+ Nothing -> empty
+ Just True -> char '-'
+ Just False -> char '+'
+pprInstr (JMP lbl _)
+ -- We never jump to ForeignLabels; if we ever do, c.f. handling for "BL"
+ | isForeignLabel lbl = panic "PPC.Ppr.pprInstr: JMP to ForeignLabel"
+ | otherwise =
+ hcat [ -- an alias for b that takes a CLabel
+ char '\t',
+ text "b",
+ char '\t',
+ ppr lbl
+ ]
+pprInstr (MTCTR reg) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "mtctr",
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg
+ ]
+pprInstr (BCTR _ _ _) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "bctr"
+ ]
+pprInstr (BL lbl _) = do
+ sdocWithPlatform $ \platform -> case platformOS platform of
+ OSAIX ->
+ -- On AIX, "printf" denotes a function-descriptor (for use
+ -- by function pointers), whereas the actual entry-code
+ -- address is denoted by the dot-prefixed ".printf" label.
+ -- Moreover, the PPC NCG only ever emits a BL instruction
+ -- for calling C ABI functions. Most of the time these calls
+ -- originate from FFI imports and have a 'ForeignLabel',
+ -- but when profiling the codegen inserts calls via
+ -- 'emitRtsCallGen' which are 'CmmLabel's even though
+ -- they'd technically be more like 'ForeignLabel's.
+ hcat [
+ text "\tbl\t.",
+ ppr lbl
+ ]
+ _ ->
+ hcat [
+ text "\tbl\t",
+ ppr lbl
+ ]
+pprInstr (BCTRL _) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "bctrl"
+ ]
+pprInstr (ADD reg1 reg2 ri) = pprLogic (sLit "add") reg1 reg2 ri
+pprInstr (ADDIS reg1 reg2 imm) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "addis",
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2,
+ text ", ",
+ pprImm imm
+ ]
+pprInstr (ADDO reg1 reg2 reg3) = pprLogic (sLit "addo") reg1 reg2 (RIReg reg3)
+pprInstr (ADDC reg1 reg2 reg3) = pprLogic (sLit "addc") reg1 reg2 (RIReg reg3)
+pprInstr (ADDE reg1 reg2 reg3) = pprLogic (sLit "adde") reg1 reg2 (RIReg reg3)
+pprInstr (ADDZE reg1 reg2) = pprUnary (sLit "addze") reg1 reg2
+pprInstr (SUBF reg1 reg2 reg3) = pprLogic (sLit "subf") reg1 reg2 (RIReg reg3)
+pprInstr (SUBFO reg1 reg2 reg3) = pprLogic (sLit "subfo") reg1 reg2 (RIReg reg3)
+pprInstr (SUBFC reg1 reg2 ri) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "subf",
+ case ri of
+ RIReg _ -> empty
+ RIImm _ -> char 'i',
+ text "c\t",
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2,
+ text ", ",
+ pprRI ri
+ ]
+pprInstr (SUBFE reg1 reg2 reg3) = pprLogic (sLit "subfe") reg1 reg2 (RIReg reg3)
+pprInstr (MULL fmt reg1 reg2 ri) = pprMul fmt reg1 reg2 ri
+pprInstr (MULLO fmt reg1 reg2 reg3) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "mull",
+ case fmt of
+ II32 -> char 'w'
+ II64 -> char 'd'
+ _ -> panic "PPC: illegal format",
+ text "o\t",
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg3
+ ]
+pprInstr (MFOV fmt reg) = vcat [
+ hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "mfxer",
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg
+ ],
+ hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "extr",
+ case fmt of
+ II32 -> char 'w'
+ II64 -> char 'd'
+ _ -> panic "PPC: illegal format",
+ text "i\t",
+ pprReg reg,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg,
+ text ", 1, ",
+ case fmt of
+ II32 -> text "1"
+ II64 -> text "33"
+ _ -> panic "PPC: illegal format"
+ ]
+ ]
+pprInstr (MULHU fmt reg1 reg2 reg3) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "mulh",
+ case fmt of
+ II32 -> char 'w'
+ II64 -> char 'd'
+ _ -> panic "PPC: illegal format",
+ text "u\t",
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg3
+ ]
+pprInstr (DIV fmt sgn reg1 reg2 reg3) = pprDiv fmt sgn reg1 reg2 reg3
+ -- for some reason, "andi" doesn't exist.
+ -- we'll use "andi." instead.
+pprInstr (AND reg1 reg2 (RIImm imm)) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "andi.",
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2,
+ text ", ",
+ pprImm imm
+ ]
+pprInstr (AND reg1 reg2 ri) = pprLogic (sLit "and") reg1 reg2 ri
+pprInstr (ANDC reg1 reg2 reg3) = pprLogic (sLit "andc") reg1 reg2 (RIReg reg3)
+pprInstr (NAND reg1 reg2 reg3) = pprLogic (sLit "nand") reg1 reg2 (RIReg reg3)
+pprInstr (OR reg1 reg2 ri) = pprLogic (sLit "or") reg1 reg2 ri
+pprInstr (XOR reg1 reg2 ri) = pprLogic (sLit "xor") reg1 reg2 ri
+pprInstr (ORIS reg1 reg2 imm) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "oris",
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2,
+ text ", ",
+ pprImm imm
+ ]
+pprInstr (XORIS reg1 reg2 imm) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "xoris",
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2,
+ text ", ",
+ pprImm imm
+ ]
+pprInstr (EXTS fmt reg1 reg2) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "exts",
+ pprFormat fmt,
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2
+ ]
+pprInstr (CNTLZ fmt reg1 reg2) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "cntlz",
+ case fmt of
+ II32 -> char 'w'
+ II64 -> char 'd'
+ _ -> panic "PPC: illegal format",
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2
+ ]
+pprInstr (NEG reg1 reg2) = pprUnary (sLit "neg") reg1 reg2
+pprInstr (NOT reg1 reg2) = pprUnary (sLit "not") reg1 reg2
+pprInstr (SR II32 reg1 reg2 (RIImm (ImmInt i))) | i < 0 || i > 31 =
+ -- Handle the case where we are asked to shift a 32 bit register by
+ -- less than zero or more than 31 bits. We convert this into a clear
+ -- of the destination register.
+ -- Fixes ticket
+ pprInstr (XOR reg1 reg2 (RIReg reg2))
+pprInstr (SL II32 reg1 reg2 (RIImm (ImmInt i))) | i < 0 || i > 31 =
+ -- As above for SR, but for left shifts.
+ -- Fixes ticket
+ pprInstr (XOR reg1 reg2 (RIReg reg2))
+pprInstr (SRA II32 reg1 reg2 (RIImm (ImmInt i))) | i > 31 =
+ -- PT: I don't know what to do for negative shift amounts:
+ -- For now just panic.
+ --
+ -- For shift amounts greater than 31 set all bit to the
+ -- value of the sign bit, this also what sraw does.
+ pprInstr (SRA II32 reg1 reg2 (RIImm (ImmInt 31)))
+pprInstr (SL fmt reg1 reg2 ri) =
+ let op = case fmt of
+ II32 -> "slw"
+ II64 -> "sld"
+ _ -> panic "PPC.Ppr.pprInstr: shift illegal size"
+ in pprLogic (sLit op) reg1 reg2 (limitShiftRI fmt ri)
+pprInstr (SR fmt reg1 reg2 ri) =
+ let op = case fmt of
+ II32 -> "srw"
+ II64 -> "srd"
+ _ -> panic "PPC.Ppr.pprInstr: shift illegal size"
+ in pprLogic (sLit op) reg1 reg2 (limitShiftRI fmt ri)
+pprInstr (SRA fmt reg1 reg2 ri) =
+ let op = case fmt of
+ II32 -> "sraw"
+ II64 -> "srad"
+ _ -> panic "PPC.Ppr.pprInstr: shift illegal size"
+ in pprLogic (sLit op) reg1 reg2 (limitShiftRI fmt ri)
+pprInstr (RLWINM reg1 reg2 sh mb me) = hcat [
+ text "\trlwinm\t",
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2,
+ text ", ",
+ int sh,
+ text ", ",
+ int mb,
+ text ", ",
+ int me
+ ]
+pprInstr (CLRLI fmt reg1 reg2 n) = hcat [
+ text "\tclrl",
+ pprFormat fmt,
+ text "i ",
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2,
+ text ", ",
+ int n
+ ]
+pprInstr (CLRRI fmt reg1 reg2 n) = hcat [
+ text "\tclrr",
+ pprFormat fmt,
+ text "i ",
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2,
+ text ", ",
+ int n
+ ]
+pprInstr (FADD fmt reg1 reg2 reg3) = pprBinaryF (sLit "fadd") fmt reg1 reg2 reg3
+pprInstr (FSUB fmt reg1 reg2 reg3) = pprBinaryF (sLit "fsub") fmt reg1 reg2 reg3
+pprInstr (FMUL fmt reg1 reg2 reg3) = pprBinaryF (sLit "fmul") fmt reg1 reg2 reg3
+pprInstr (FDIV fmt reg1 reg2 reg3) = pprBinaryF (sLit "fdiv") fmt reg1 reg2 reg3
+pprInstr (FABS reg1 reg2) = pprUnary (sLit "fabs") reg1 reg2
+pprInstr (FNEG reg1 reg2) = pprUnary (sLit "fneg") reg1 reg2
+pprInstr (FCMP reg1 reg2) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "fcmpu\t0, ",
+ -- Note: we're using fcmpu, not fcmpo
+ -- The difference is with fcmpo, compare with NaN is an invalid operation.
+ -- We don't handle invalid fp ops, so we don't care.
+ -- Moreover, we use `fcmpu 0, ...` rather than `fcmpu cr0, ...` for
+ -- better portability since some non-GNU assembler (such as
+ -- IBM's `as`) tend not to support the symbolic register name cr0.
+ -- This matches the syntax that GCC seems to emit for PPC targets.
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2
+ ]
+pprInstr (FCTIWZ reg1 reg2) = pprUnary (sLit "fctiwz") reg1 reg2
+pprInstr (FCTIDZ reg1 reg2) = pprUnary (sLit "fctidz") reg1 reg2
+pprInstr (FCFID reg1 reg2) = pprUnary (sLit "fcfid") reg1 reg2
+pprInstr (FRSP reg1 reg2) = pprUnary (sLit "frsp") reg1 reg2
+pprInstr (CRNOR dst src1 src2) = hcat [
+ text "\tcrnor\t",
+ int dst,
+ text ", ",
+ int src1,
+ text ", ",
+ int src2
+ ]
+pprInstr (MFCR reg) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "mfcr",
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg
+ ]
+pprInstr (MFLR reg) = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "mflr",
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg
+ ]
+pprInstr (FETCHPC reg) = vcat [
+ text "\tbcl\t20,31,1f",
+ hcat [ text "1:\tmflr\t", pprReg reg ]
+ ]
+pprInstr HWSYNC = text "\tsync"
+pprInstr ISYNC = text "\tisync"
+pprInstr LWSYNC = text "\tlwsync"
+pprInstr NOP = text "\tnop"
+pprLogic :: PtrString -> Reg -> Reg -> RI -> SDoc
+pprLogic op reg1 reg2 ri = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ ptext op,
+ case ri of
+ RIReg _ -> empty
+ RIImm _ -> char 'i',
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2,
+ text ", ",
+ pprRI ri
+ ]
+pprMul :: Format -> Reg -> Reg -> RI -> SDoc
+pprMul fmt reg1 reg2 ri = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "mull",
+ case ri of
+ RIReg _ -> case fmt of
+ II32 -> char 'w'
+ II64 -> char 'd'
+ _ -> panic "PPC: illegal format"
+ RIImm _ -> char 'i',
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2,
+ text ", ",
+ pprRI ri
+ ]
+pprDiv :: Format -> Bool -> Reg -> Reg -> Reg -> SDoc
+pprDiv fmt sgn reg1 reg2 reg3 = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ text "div",
+ case fmt of
+ II32 -> char 'w'
+ II64 -> char 'd'
+ _ -> panic "PPC: illegal format",
+ if sgn then empty else char 'u',
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg3
+ ]
+pprUnary :: PtrString -> Reg -> Reg -> SDoc
+pprUnary op reg1 reg2 = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ ptext op,
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2
+ ]
+pprBinaryF :: PtrString -> Format -> Reg -> Reg -> Reg -> SDoc
+pprBinaryF op fmt reg1 reg2 reg3 = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ ptext op,
+ pprFFormat fmt,
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg1,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg2,
+ text ", ",
+ pprReg reg3
+ ]
+pprRI :: RI -> SDoc
+pprRI (RIReg r) = pprReg r
+pprRI (RIImm r) = pprImm r
+pprFFormat :: Format -> SDoc
+pprFFormat FF64 = empty
+pprFFormat FF32 = char 's'
+pprFFormat _ = panic "PPC.Ppr.pprFFormat: no match"
+ -- limit immediate argument for shift instruction to range 0..63
+ -- for 64 bit size and 0..32 otherwise
+limitShiftRI :: Format -> RI -> RI
+limitShiftRI II64 (RIImm (ImmInt i)) | i > 63 || i < 0 =
+ panic $ "PPC.Ppr: Shift by " ++ show i ++ " bits is not allowed."
+limitShiftRI II32 (RIImm (ImmInt i)) | i > 31 || i < 0 =
+ panic $ "PPC.Ppr: 32 bit: Shift by " ++ show i ++ " bits is not allowed."
+limitShiftRI _ x = x