path: root/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/Regs.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/Regs.hs')
1 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/Regs.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/Regs.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a9a859665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/Regs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 1994-2004
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+module GHC.CmmToAsm.PPC.Regs (
+ -- squeeze functions
+ virtualRegSqueeze,
+ realRegSqueeze,
+ mkVirtualReg,
+ regDotColor,
+ -- immediates
+ Imm(..),
+ strImmLit,
+ litToImm,
+ -- addressing modes
+ AddrMode(..),
+ addrOffset,
+ -- registers
+ spRel,
+ argRegs,
+ allArgRegs,
+ callClobberedRegs,
+ allMachRegNos,
+ classOfRealReg,
+ showReg,
+ -- machine specific
+ allFPArgRegs,
+ fits16Bits,
+ makeImmediate,
+ fReg,
+ r0, sp, toc, r3, r4, r11, r12, r30,
+ tmpReg,
+ f1,
+ allocatableRegs
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Platform.Reg
+import GHC.Platform.Reg.Class
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Format
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Cmm.CLabel ( CLabel )
+import Unique
+import GHC.Platform.Regs
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Platform
+import Data.Word ( Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64 )
+import Data.Int ( Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64 )
+-- squeese functions for the graph allocator -----------------------------------
+-- | regSqueeze_class reg
+-- Calculate the maximum number of register colors that could be
+-- denied to a node of this class due to having this reg
+-- as a neighbour.
+{-# INLINE virtualRegSqueeze #-}
+virtualRegSqueeze :: RegClass -> VirtualReg -> Int
+virtualRegSqueeze cls vr
+ = case cls of
+ RcInteger
+ -> case vr of
+ VirtualRegI{} -> 1
+ VirtualRegHi{} -> 1
+ _other -> 0
+ RcDouble
+ -> case vr of
+ VirtualRegD{} -> 1
+ VirtualRegF{} -> 0
+ _other -> 0
+ _other -> 0
+{-# INLINE realRegSqueeze #-}
+realRegSqueeze :: RegClass -> RealReg -> Int
+realRegSqueeze cls rr
+ = case cls of
+ RcInteger
+ -> case rr of
+ RealRegSingle regNo
+ | regNo < 32 -> 1 -- first fp reg is 32
+ | otherwise -> 0
+ RealRegPair{} -> 0
+ RcDouble
+ -> case rr of
+ RealRegSingle regNo
+ | regNo < 32 -> 0
+ | otherwise -> 1
+ RealRegPair{} -> 0
+ _other -> 0
+mkVirtualReg :: Unique -> Format -> VirtualReg
+mkVirtualReg u format
+ | not (isFloatFormat format) = VirtualRegI u
+ | otherwise
+ = case format of
+ FF32 -> VirtualRegD u
+ FF64 -> VirtualRegD u
+ _ -> panic "mkVirtualReg"
+regDotColor :: RealReg -> SDoc
+regDotColor reg
+ = case classOfRealReg reg of
+ RcInteger -> text "blue"
+ RcFloat -> text "red"
+ RcDouble -> text "green"
+-- immediates ------------------------------------------------------------------
+data Imm
+ = ImmInt Int
+ | ImmInteger Integer -- Sigh.
+ | ImmCLbl CLabel -- AbstractC Label (with baggage)
+ | ImmLit SDoc -- Simple string
+ | ImmIndex CLabel Int
+ | ImmFloat Rational
+ | ImmDouble Rational
+ | ImmConstantSum Imm Imm
+ | ImmConstantDiff Imm Imm
+ | LO Imm
+ | HI Imm
+ | HA Imm {- high halfword adjusted -}
+strImmLit :: String -> Imm
+strImmLit s = ImmLit (text s)
+litToImm :: CmmLit -> Imm
+litToImm (CmmInt i w) = ImmInteger (narrowS w i)
+ -- narrow to the width: a CmmInt might be out of
+ -- range, but we assume that ImmInteger only contains
+ -- in-range values. A signed value should be fine here.
+litToImm (CmmFloat f W32) = ImmFloat f
+litToImm (CmmFloat f W64) = ImmDouble f
+litToImm (CmmLabel l) = ImmCLbl l
+litToImm (CmmLabelOff l off) = ImmIndex l off
+litToImm (CmmLabelDiffOff l1 l2 off _)
+ = ImmConstantSum
+ (ImmConstantDiff (ImmCLbl l1) (ImmCLbl l2))
+ (ImmInt off)
+litToImm _ = panic "PPC.Regs.litToImm: no match"
+-- addressing modes ------------------------------------------------------------
+data AddrMode
+ = AddrRegReg Reg Reg
+ | AddrRegImm Reg Imm
+addrOffset :: AddrMode -> Int -> Maybe AddrMode
+addrOffset addr off
+ = case addr of
+ AddrRegImm r (ImmInt n)
+ | fits16Bits n2 -> Just (AddrRegImm r (ImmInt n2))
+ | otherwise -> Nothing
+ where n2 = n + off
+ AddrRegImm r (ImmInteger n)
+ | fits16Bits n2 -> Just (AddrRegImm r (ImmInt (fromInteger n2)))
+ | otherwise -> Nothing
+ where n2 = n + toInteger off
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- registers -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- @spRel@ gives us a stack relative addressing mode for volatile
+-- temporaries and for excess call arguments. @fpRel@, where
+-- applicable, is the same but for the frame pointer.
+spRel :: DynFlags
+ -> Int -- desired stack offset in words, positive or negative
+ -> AddrMode
+spRel dflags n = AddrRegImm sp (ImmInt (n * wORD_SIZE dflags))
+-- argRegs is the set of regs which are read for an n-argument call to C.
+-- For archs which pass all args on the stack (x86), is empty.
+-- Sparc passes up to the first 6 args in regs.
+argRegs :: RegNo -> [Reg]
+argRegs 0 = []
+argRegs 1 = map regSingle [3]
+argRegs 2 = map regSingle [3,4]
+argRegs 3 = map regSingle [3..5]
+argRegs 4 = map regSingle [3..6]
+argRegs 5 = map regSingle [3..7]
+argRegs 6 = map regSingle [3..8]
+argRegs 7 = map regSingle [3..9]
+argRegs 8 = map regSingle [3..10]
+argRegs _ = panic "MachRegs.argRegs(powerpc): don't know about >8 arguments!"
+allArgRegs :: [Reg]
+allArgRegs = map regSingle [3..10]
+-- these are the regs which we cannot assume stay alive over a C call.
+callClobberedRegs :: Platform -> [Reg]
+callClobberedRegs _platform
+ = map regSingle (0:[2..12] ++ map fReg [0..13])
+allMachRegNos :: [RegNo]
+allMachRegNos = [0..63]
+{-# INLINE classOfRealReg #-}
+classOfRealReg :: RealReg -> RegClass
+classOfRealReg (RealRegSingle i)
+ | i < 32 = RcInteger
+ | otherwise = RcDouble
+classOfRealReg (RealRegPair{})
+ = panic "regClass(ppr): no reg pairs on this architecture"
+showReg :: RegNo -> String
+showReg n
+ | n >= 0 && n <= 31 = "%r" ++ show n
+ | n >= 32 && n <= 63 = "%f" ++ show (n - 32)
+ | otherwise = "%unknown_powerpc_real_reg_" ++ show n
+-- machine specific ------------------------------------------------------------
+allFPArgRegs :: Platform -> [Reg]
+allFPArgRegs platform
+ = case platformOS platform of
+ OSAIX -> map (regSingle . fReg) [1..13]
+ _ -> case platformArch platform of
+ ArchPPC -> map (regSingle . fReg) [1..8]
+ ArchPPC_64 _ -> map (regSingle . fReg) [1..13]
+ _ -> panic "PPC.Regs.allFPArgRegs: unknown PPC Linux"
+fits16Bits :: Integral a => a -> Bool
+fits16Bits x = x >= -32768 && x < 32768
+makeImmediate :: Integral a => Width -> Bool -> a -> Maybe Imm
+makeImmediate rep signed x = fmap ImmInt (toI16 rep signed)
+ where
+ narrow W64 False = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word64)
+ narrow W32 False = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word32)
+ narrow W16 False = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word16)
+ narrow W8 False = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word8)
+ narrow W64 True = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int64)
+ narrow W32 True = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int32)
+ narrow W16 True = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int16)
+ narrow W8 True = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int8)
+ narrow _ _ = panic "PPC.Regs.narrow: no match"
+ narrowed = narrow rep signed
+ toI16 W32 True
+ | narrowed >= -32768 && narrowed < 32768 = Just narrowed
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ toI16 W32 False
+ | narrowed >= 0 && narrowed < 65536 = Just narrowed
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ toI16 W64 True
+ | narrowed >= -32768 && narrowed < 32768 = Just narrowed
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ toI16 W64 False
+ | narrowed >= 0 && narrowed < 65536 = Just narrowed
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ toI16 _ _ = Just narrowed
+The PowerPC has 64 registers of interest; 32 integer registers and 32 floating
+point registers.
+fReg :: Int -> RegNo
+fReg x = (32 + x)
+r0, sp, toc, r3, r4, r11, r12, r30, f1 :: Reg
+r0 = regSingle 0
+sp = regSingle 1
+toc = regSingle 2
+r3 = regSingle 3
+r4 = regSingle 4
+r11 = regSingle 11
+r12 = regSingle 12
+r30 = regSingle 30
+f1 = regSingle $ fReg 1
+-- allocatableRegs is allMachRegNos with the fixed-use regs removed.
+-- i.e., these are the regs for which we are prepared to allow the
+-- register allocator to attempt to map VRegs to.
+allocatableRegs :: Platform -> [RealReg]
+allocatableRegs platform
+ = let isFree i = freeReg platform i
+ in map RealRegSingle $ filter isFree allMachRegNos
+-- temporary register for compiler use
+tmpReg :: Platform -> Reg
+tmpReg platform =
+ case platformArch platform of
+ ArchPPC -> regSingle 13
+ ArchPPC_64 _ -> regSingle 30
+ _ -> panic "PPC.Regs.tmpReg: unknown arch"