path: root/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Reg/Liveness.hs
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1 files changed, 1025 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Reg/Liveness.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Reg/Liveness.hs
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index 0000000000..03b8123f93
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+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Reg/Liveness.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+-- The register liveness determinator
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2013
+module GHC.CmmToAsm.Reg.Liveness (
+ RegSet,
+ RegMap, emptyRegMap,
+ BlockMap, mapEmpty,
+ LiveCmmDecl,
+ InstrSR (..),
+ LiveInstr (..),
+ Liveness (..),
+ LiveInfo (..),
+ LiveBasicBlock,
+ mapBlockTop, mapBlockTopM, mapSCCM,
+ mapGenBlockTop, mapGenBlockTopM,
+ stripLive,
+ stripLiveBlock,
+ slurpConflicts,
+ slurpReloadCoalesce,
+ eraseDeltasLive,
+ patchEraseLive,
+ patchRegsLiveInstr,
+ reverseBlocksInTops,
+ regLiveness,
+ cmmTopLiveness
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Platform.Reg
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Instr
+import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.CFG
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
+import GHC.Cmm hiding (RegSet, emptyRegSet)
+import Digraph
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import MonadUtils
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Platform
+import UniqSet
+import UniqFM
+import UniqSupply
+import Bag
+import State
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
+type RegSet = UniqSet Reg
+type RegMap a = UniqFM a
+emptyRegMap :: UniqFM a
+emptyRegMap = emptyUFM
+emptyRegSet :: RegSet
+emptyRegSet = emptyUniqSet
+type BlockMap a = LabelMap a
+-- | A top level thing which carries liveness information.
+type LiveCmmDecl statics instr
+ = GenCmmDecl
+ statics
+ LiveInfo
+ [SCC (LiveBasicBlock instr)]
+-- | The register allocator also wants to use SPILL/RELOAD meta instructions,
+-- so we'll keep those here.
+data InstrSR instr
+ -- | A real machine instruction
+ = Instr instr
+ -- | spill this reg to a stack slot
+ | SPILL Reg Int
+ -- | reload this reg from a stack slot
+ | RELOAD Int Reg
+instance Instruction instr => Instruction (InstrSR instr) where
+ regUsageOfInstr platform i
+ = case i of
+ Instr instr -> regUsageOfInstr platform instr
+ SPILL reg _ -> RU [reg] []
+ RELOAD _ reg -> RU [] [reg]
+ patchRegsOfInstr i f
+ = case i of
+ Instr instr -> Instr (patchRegsOfInstr instr f)
+ SPILL reg slot -> SPILL (f reg) slot
+ RELOAD slot reg -> RELOAD slot (f reg)
+ isJumpishInstr i
+ = case i of
+ Instr instr -> isJumpishInstr instr
+ _ -> False
+ jumpDestsOfInstr i
+ = case i of
+ Instr instr -> jumpDestsOfInstr instr
+ _ -> []
+ patchJumpInstr i f
+ = case i of
+ Instr instr -> Instr (patchJumpInstr instr f)
+ _ -> i
+ mkSpillInstr = error "mkSpillInstr[InstrSR]: Not making SPILL meta-instr"
+ mkLoadInstr = error "mkLoadInstr[InstrSR]: Not making LOAD meta-instr"
+ takeDeltaInstr i
+ = case i of
+ Instr instr -> takeDeltaInstr instr
+ _ -> Nothing
+ isMetaInstr i
+ = case i of
+ Instr instr -> isMetaInstr instr
+ _ -> False
+ mkRegRegMoveInstr platform r1 r2
+ = Instr (mkRegRegMoveInstr platform r1 r2)
+ takeRegRegMoveInstr i
+ = case i of
+ Instr instr -> takeRegRegMoveInstr instr
+ _ -> Nothing
+ mkJumpInstr target = map Instr (mkJumpInstr target)
+ mkStackAllocInstr platform amount =
+ Instr <$> mkStackAllocInstr platform amount
+ mkStackDeallocInstr platform amount =
+ Instr <$> mkStackDeallocInstr platform amount
+-- | An instruction with liveness information.
+data LiveInstr instr
+ = LiveInstr (InstrSR instr) (Maybe Liveness)
+-- | Liveness information.
+-- The regs which die are ones which are no longer live in the *next* instruction
+-- in this sequence.
+-- (NB. if the instruction is a jump, these registers might still be live
+-- at the jump target(s) - you have to check the liveness at the destination
+-- block to find out).
+data Liveness
+ = Liveness
+ { liveBorn :: RegSet -- ^ registers born in this instruction (written to for first time).
+ , liveDieRead :: RegSet -- ^ registers that died because they were read for the last time.
+ , liveDieWrite :: RegSet } -- ^ registers that died because they were clobbered by something.
+-- | Stash regs live on entry to each basic block in the info part of the cmm code.
+data LiveInfo
+ = LiveInfo
+ (LabelMap RawCmmStatics) -- cmm info table static stuff
+ [BlockId] -- entry points (first one is the
+ -- entry point for the proc).
+ (BlockMap RegSet) -- argument locals live on entry to this block
+ (BlockMap IntSet) -- stack slots live on entry to this block
+-- | A basic block with liveness information.
+type LiveBasicBlock instr
+ = GenBasicBlock (LiveInstr instr)
+instance Outputable instr
+ => Outputable (InstrSR instr) where
+ ppr (Instr realInstr)
+ = ppr realInstr
+ ppr (SPILL reg slot)
+ = hcat [
+ text "\tSPILL",
+ char ' ',
+ ppr reg,
+ comma,
+ text "SLOT" <> parens (int slot)]
+ ppr (RELOAD slot reg)
+ = hcat [
+ text "\tRELOAD",
+ char ' ',
+ text "SLOT" <> parens (int slot),
+ comma,
+ ppr reg]
+instance Outputable instr
+ => Outputable (LiveInstr instr) where
+ ppr (LiveInstr instr Nothing)
+ = ppr instr
+ ppr (LiveInstr instr (Just live))
+ = ppr instr
+ $$ (nest 8
+ $ vcat
+ [ pprRegs (text "# born: ") (liveBorn live)
+ , pprRegs (text "# r_dying: ") (liveDieRead live)
+ , pprRegs (text "# w_dying: ") (liveDieWrite live) ]
+ $+$ space)
+ where pprRegs :: SDoc -> RegSet -> SDoc
+ pprRegs name regs
+ | isEmptyUniqSet regs = empty
+ | otherwise = name <>
+ (pprUFM (getUniqSet regs) (hcat . punctuate space . map ppr))
+instance Outputable LiveInfo where
+ ppr (LiveInfo mb_static entryIds liveVRegsOnEntry liveSlotsOnEntry)
+ = (ppr mb_static)
+ $$ text "# entryIds = " <> ppr entryIds
+ $$ text "# liveVRegsOnEntry = " <> ppr liveVRegsOnEntry
+ $$ text "# liveSlotsOnEntry = " <> text (show liveSlotsOnEntry)
+-- | map a function across all the basic blocks in this code
+ :: (LiveBasicBlock instr -> LiveBasicBlock instr)
+ -> LiveCmmDecl statics instr -> LiveCmmDecl statics instr
+mapBlockTop f cmm
+ = evalState (mapBlockTopM (\x -> return $ f x) cmm) ()
+-- | map a function across all the basic blocks in this code (monadic version)
+ :: Monad m
+ => (LiveBasicBlock instr -> m (LiveBasicBlock instr))
+ -> LiveCmmDecl statics instr -> m (LiveCmmDecl statics instr)
+mapBlockTopM _ cmm@(CmmData{})
+ = return cmm
+mapBlockTopM f (CmmProc header label live sccs)
+ = do sccs' <- mapM (mapSCCM f) sccs
+ return $ CmmProc header label live sccs'
+mapSCCM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> SCC a -> m (SCC b)
+mapSCCM f (AcyclicSCC x)
+ = do x' <- f x
+ return $ AcyclicSCC x'
+mapSCCM f (CyclicSCC xs)
+ = do xs' <- mapM f xs
+ return $ CyclicSCC xs'
+-- map a function across all the basic blocks in this code
+ :: (GenBasicBlock i -> GenBasicBlock i)
+ -> (GenCmmDecl d h (ListGraph i) -> GenCmmDecl d h (ListGraph i))
+mapGenBlockTop f cmm
+ = evalState (mapGenBlockTopM (\x -> return $ f x) cmm) ()
+-- | map a function across all the basic blocks in this code (monadic version)
+ :: Monad m
+ => (GenBasicBlock i -> m (GenBasicBlock i))
+ -> (GenCmmDecl d h (ListGraph i) -> m (GenCmmDecl d h (ListGraph i)))
+mapGenBlockTopM _ cmm@(CmmData{})
+ = return cmm
+mapGenBlockTopM f (CmmProc header label live (ListGraph blocks))
+ = do blocks' <- mapM f blocks
+ return $ CmmProc header label live (ListGraph blocks')
+-- | Slurp out the list of register conflicts and reg-reg moves from this top level thing.
+-- Slurping of conflicts and moves is wrapped up together so we don't have
+-- to make two passes over the same code when we want to build the graph.
+ :: Instruction instr
+ => LiveCmmDecl statics instr
+ -> (Bag (UniqSet Reg), Bag (Reg, Reg))
+slurpConflicts live
+ = slurpCmm (emptyBag, emptyBag) live
+ where slurpCmm rs CmmData{} = rs
+ slurpCmm rs (CmmProc info _ _ sccs)
+ = foldl' (slurpSCC info) rs sccs
+ slurpSCC info rs (AcyclicSCC b)
+ = slurpBlock info rs b
+ slurpSCC info rs (CyclicSCC bs)
+ = foldl' (slurpBlock info) rs bs
+ slurpBlock info rs (BasicBlock blockId instrs)
+ | LiveInfo _ _ blockLive _ <- info
+ , Just rsLiveEntry <- mapLookup blockId blockLive
+ , (conflicts, moves) <- slurpLIs rsLiveEntry rs instrs
+ = (consBag rsLiveEntry conflicts, moves)
+ | otherwise
+ = panic "Liveness.slurpConflicts: bad block"
+ slurpLIs rsLive (conflicts, moves) []
+ = (consBag rsLive conflicts, moves)
+ slurpLIs rsLive rs (LiveInstr _ Nothing : lis)
+ = slurpLIs rsLive rs lis
+ slurpLIs rsLiveEntry (conflicts, moves) (LiveInstr instr (Just live) : lis)
+ = let
+ -- regs that die because they are read for the last time at the start of an instruction
+ -- are not live across it.
+ rsLiveAcross = rsLiveEntry `minusUniqSet` (liveDieRead live)
+ -- regs live on entry to the next instruction.
+ -- be careful of orphans, make sure to delete dying regs _after_ unioning
+ -- in the ones that are born here.
+ rsLiveNext = (rsLiveAcross `unionUniqSets` (liveBorn live))
+ `minusUniqSet` (liveDieWrite live)
+ -- orphan vregs are the ones that die in the same instruction they are born in.
+ -- these are likely to be results that are never used, but we still
+ -- need to assign a hreg to them..
+ rsOrphans = intersectUniqSets
+ (liveBorn live)
+ (unionUniqSets (liveDieWrite live) (liveDieRead live))
+ --
+ rsConflicts = unionUniqSets rsLiveNext rsOrphans
+ in case takeRegRegMoveInstr instr of
+ Just rr -> slurpLIs rsLiveNext
+ ( consBag rsConflicts conflicts
+ , consBag rr moves) lis
+ Nothing -> slurpLIs rsLiveNext
+ ( consBag rsConflicts conflicts
+ , moves) lis
+-- | For spill\/reloads
+-- SPILL v1, slot1
+-- ...
+-- RELOAD slot1, v2
+-- If we can arrange that v1 and v2 are allocated to the same hreg it's more likely
+-- the spill\/reload instrs can be cleaned and replaced by a nop reg-reg move.
+ :: forall statics instr. Instruction instr
+ => LiveCmmDecl statics instr
+ -> Bag (Reg, Reg)
+slurpReloadCoalesce live
+ = slurpCmm emptyBag live
+ where
+ slurpCmm :: Bag (Reg, Reg)
+ -> GenCmmDecl t t1 [SCC (LiveBasicBlock instr)]
+ -> Bag (Reg, Reg)
+ slurpCmm cs CmmData{} = cs
+ slurpCmm cs (CmmProc _ _ _ sccs)
+ = slurpComp cs (flattenSCCs sccs)
+ slurpComp :: Bag (Reg, Reg)
+ -> [LiveBasicBlock instr]
+ -> Bag (Reg, Reg)
+ slurpComp cs blocks
+ = let (moveBags, _) = runState (slurpCompM blocks) emptyUFM
+ in unionManyBags (cs : moveBags)
+ slurpCompM :: [LiveBasicBlock instr]
+ -> State (UniqFM [UniqFM Reg]) [Bag (Reg, Reg)]
+ slurpCompM blocks
+ = do -- run the analysis once to record the mapping across jumps.
+ mapM_ (slurpBlock False) blocks
+ -- run it a second time while using the information from the last pass.
+ -- We /could/ run this many more times to deal with graphical control
+ -- flow and propagating info across multiple jumps, but it's probably
+ -- not worth the trouble.
+ mapM (slurpBlock True) blocks
+ slurpBlock :: Bool -> LiveBasicBlock instr
+ -> State (UniqFM [UniqFM Reg]) (Bag (Reg, Reg))
+ slurpBlock propagate (BasicBlock blockId instrs)
+ = do -- grab the slot map for entry to this block
+ slotMap <- if propagate
+ then getSlotMap blockId
+ else return emptyUFM
+ (_, mMoves) <- mapAccumLM slurpLI slotMap instrs
+ return $ listToBag $ catMaybes mMoves
+ slurpLI :: UniqFM Reg -- current slotMap
+ -> LiveInstr instr
+ -> State (UniqFM [UniqFM Reg]) -- blockId -> [slot -> reg]
+ -- for tracking slotMaps across jumps
+ ( UniqFM Reg -- new slotMap
+ , Maybe (Reg, Reg)) -- maybe a new coalesce edge
+ slurpLI slotMap li
+ -- remember what reg was stored into the slot
+ | LiveInstr (SPILL reg slot) _ <- li
+ , slotMap' <- addToUFM slotMap slot reg
+ = return (slotMap', Nothing)
+ -- add an edge between the this reg and the last one stored into the slot
+ | LiveInstr (RELOAD slot reg) _ <- li
+ = case lookupUFM slotMap slot of
+ Just reg2
+ | reg /= reg2 -> return (slotMap, Just (reg, reg2))
+ | otherwise -> return (slotMap, Nothing)
+ Nothing -> return (slotMap, Nothing)
+ -- if we hit a jump, remember the current slotMap
+ | LiveInstr (Instr instr) _ <- li
+ , targets <- jumpDestsOfInstr instr
+ , not $ null targets
+ = do mapM_ (accSlotMap slotMap) targets
+ return (slotMap, Nothing)
+ | otherwise
+ = return (slotMap, Nothing)
+ -- record a slotmap for an in edge to this block
+ accSlotMap slotMap blockId
+ = modify (\s -> addToUFM_C (++) s blockId [slotMap])
+ -- work out the slot map on entry to this block
+ -- if we have slot maps for multiple in-edges then we need to merge them.
+ getSlotMap blockId
+ = do map <- get
+ let slotMaps = fromMaybe [] (lookupUFM map blockId)
+ return $ foldr mergeSlotMaps emptyUFM slotMaps
+ mergeSlotMaps :: UniqFM Reg -> UniqFM Reg -> UniqFM Reg
+ mergeSlotMaps map1 map2
+ = listToUFM
+ $ [ (k, r1)
+ | (k, r1) <- nonDetUFMToList map1
+ -- This is non-deterministic but we do not
+ -- currently support deterministic code-generation.
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ , case lookupUFM map2 k of
+ Nothing -> False
+ Just r2 -> r1 == r2 ]
+-- | Strip away liveness information, yielding NatCmmDecl
+ :: (Outputable statics, Outputable instr, Instruction instr)
+ => DynFlags
+ -> LiveCmmDecl statics instr
+ -> NatCmmDecl statics instr
+stripLive dflags live
+ = stripCmm live
+ where stripCmm :: (Outputable statics, Outputable instr, Instruction instr)
+ => LiveCmmDecl statics instr -> NatCmmDecl statics instr
+ stripCmm (CmmData sec ds) = CmmData sec ds
+ stripCmm (CmmProc (LiveInfo info (first_id:_) _ _) label live sccs)
+ = let final_blocks = flattenSCCs sccs
+ -- make sure the block that was first in the input list
+ -- stays at the front of the output. This is the entry point
+ -- of the proc, and it needs to come first.
+ ((first':_), rest')
+ = partition ((== first_id) . blockId) final_blocks
+ in CmmProc info label live
+ (ListGraph $ map (stripLiveBlock dflags) $ first' : rest')
+ -- If the proc has blocks but we don't know what the first one was, then we're dead.
+ stripCmm proc
+ = pprPanic "RegAlloc.Liveness.stripLive: no first_id on proc" (ppr proc)
+-- | Strip away liveness information from a basic block,
+-- and make real spill instructions out of SPILL, RELOAD pseudos along the way.
+ :: Instruction instr
+ => DynFlags
+ -> LiveBasicBlock instr
+ -> NatBasicBlock instr
+stripLiveBlock dflags (BasicBlock i lis)
+ = BasicBlock i instrs'
+ where (instrs', _)
+ = runState (spillNat [] lis) 0
+ spillNat acc []
+ = return (reverse acc)
+ spillNat acc (LiveInstr (SPILL reg slot) _ : instrs)
+ = do delta <- get
+ spillNat (mkSpillInstr dflags reg delta slot : acc) instrs
+ spillNat acc (LiveInstr (RELOAD slot reg) _ : instrs)
+ = do delta <- get
+ spillNat (mkLoadInstr dflags reg delta slot : acc) instrs
+ spillNat acc (LiveInstr (Instr instr) _ : instrs)
+ | Just i <- takeDeltaInstr instr
+ = do put i
+ spillNat acc instrs
+ spillNat acc (LiveInstr (Instr instr) _ : instrs)
+ = spillNat (instr : acc) instrs
+-- | Erase Delta instructions.
+ :: Instruction instr
+ => LiveCmmDecl statics instr
+ -> LiveCmmDecl statics instr
+eraseDeltasLive cmm
+ = mapBlockTop eraseBlock cmm
+ where
+ eraseBlock (BasicBlock id lis)
+ = BasicBlock id
+ $ filter (\(LiveInstr i _) -> not $ isJust $ takeDeltaInstr i)
+ $ lis
+-- | Patch the registers in this code according to this register mapping.
+-- also erase reg -> reg moves when the reg is the same.
+-- also erase reg -> reg moves when the destination dies in this instr.
+ :: Instruction instr
+ => (Reg -> Reg)
+ -> LiveCmmDecl statics instr -> LiveCmmDecl statics instr
+patchEraseLive patchF cmm
+ = patchCmm cmm
+ where
+ patchCmm cmm@CmmData{} = cmm
+ patchCmm (CmmProc info label live sccs)
+ | LiveInfo static id blockMap mLiveSlots <- info
+ = let
+ patchRegSet set = mkUniqSet $ map patchF $ nonDetEltsUFM set
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ blockMap' = mapMap (patchRegSet . getUniqSet) blockMap
+ info' = LiveInfo static id blockMap' mLiveSlots
+ in CmmProc info' label live $ map patchSCC sccs
+ patchSCC (AcyclicSCC b) = AcyclicSCC (patchBlock b)
+ patchSCC (CyclicSCC bs) = CyclicSCC (map patchBlock bs)
+ patchBlock (BasicBlock id lis)
+ = BasicBlock id $ patchInstrs lis
+ patchInstrs [] = []
+ patchInstrs (li : lis)
+ | LiveInstr i (Just live) <- li'
+ , Just (r1, r2) <- takeRegRegMoveInstr i
+ , eatMe r1 r2 live
+ = patchInstrs lis
+ | otherwise
+ = li' : patchInstrs lis
+ where li' = patchRegsLiveInstr patchF li
+ eatMe r1 r2 live
+ -- source and destination regs are the same
+ | r1 == r2 = True
+ -- destination reg is never used
+ | elementOfUniqSet r2 (liveBorn live)
+ , elementOfUniqSet r2 (liveDieRead live) || elementOfUniqSet r2 (liveDieWrite live)
+ = True
+ | otherwise = False
+-- | Patch registers in this LiveInstr, including the liveness information.
+ :: Instruction instr
+ => (Reg -> Reg)
+ -> LiveInstr instr -> LiveInstr instr
+patchRegsLiveInstr patchF li
+ = case li of
+ LiveInstr instr Nothing
+ -> LiveInstr (patchRegsOfInstr instr patchF) Nothing
+ LiveInstr instr (Just live)
+ -> LiveInstr
+ (patchRegsOfInstr instr patchF)
+ (Just live
+ { -- WARNING: have to go via lists here because patchF changes the uniq in the Reg
+ liveBorn = mapUniqSet patchF $ liveBorn live
+ , liveDieRead = mapUniqSet patchF $ liveDieRead live
+ , liveDieWrite = mapUniqSet patchF $ liveDieWrite live })
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+-- | Convert a NatCmmDecl to a LiveCmmDecl, with liveness information
+ :: (Outputable instr, Instruction instr)
+ => Maybe CFG -> Platform
+ -> NatCmmDecl statics instr
+ -> UniqSM (LiveCmmDecl statics instr)
+cmmTopLiveness cfg platform cmm
+ = regLiveness platform $ natCmmTopToLive cfg cmm
+ :: (Instruction instr, Outputable instr)
+ => Maybe CFG -> NatCmmDecl statics instr
+ -> LiveCmmDecl statics instr
+natCmmTopToLive _ (CmmData i d)
+ = CmmData i d
+natCmmTopToLive _ (CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph []))
+ = CmmProc (LiveInfo info [] mapEmpty mapEmpty) lbl live []
+natCmmTopToLive mCfg proc@(CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph blocks@(first : _)))
+ = CmmProc (LiveInfo info' (first_id : entry_ids) mapEmpty mapEmpty)
+ lbl live sccsLive
+ where
+ first_id = blockId first
+ all_entry_ids = entryBlocks proc
+ sccs = sccBlocks blocks all_entry_ids mCfg
+ sccsLive = map (fmap (\(BasicBlock l instrs) ->
+ BasicBlock l (map (\i -> LiveInstr (Instr i) Nothing) instrs)))
+ $ sccs
+ entry_ids = filter (reachable_node) .
+ filter (/= first_id) $ all_entry_ids
+ info' = mapFilterWithKey (\node _ -> reachable_node node) info
+ reachable_node
+ | Just cfg <- mCfg
+ = hasNode cfg
+ | otherwise
+ = const True
+-- Compute the liveness graph of the set of basic blocks. Important:
+-- we also discard any unreachable code here, starting from the entry
+-- points (the first block in the list, and any blocks with info
+-- tables). Unreachable code arises when code blocks are orphaned in
+-- earlier optimisation passes, and may confuse the register allocator
+-- by referring to registers that are not initialised. It's easy to
+-- discard the unreachable code as part of the SCC pass, so that's
+-- exactly what we do. (#7574)
+ :: forall instr . Instruction instr
+ => [NatBasicBlock instr]
+ -> [BlockId]
+ -> Maybe CFG
+ -> [SCC (NatBasicBlock instr)]
+sccBlocks blocks entries mcfg = map (fmap node_payload) sccs
+ where
+ nodes :: [ Node BlockId (NatBasicBlock instr) ]
+ nodes = [ DigraphNode block id (getOutEdges instrs)
+ | block@(BasicBlock id instrs) <- blocks ]
+ g1 = graphFromEdgedVerticesUniq nodes
+ reachable :: LabelSet
+ reachable
+ | Just cfg <- mcfg
+ -- Our CFG only contains reachable nodes by construction at this point.
+ = setFromList $ getCfgNodes cfg
+ | otherwise
+ = setFromList $ [ node_key node | node <- reachablesG g1 roots ]
+ g2 = graphFromEdgedVerticesUniq [ node | node <- nodes
+ , node_key node
+ `setMember` reachable ]
+ sccs = stronglyConnCompG g2
+ getOutEdges :: Instruction instr => [instr] -> [BlockId]
+ getOutEdges instrs = concatMap jumpDestsOfInstr instrs
+ -- This is truly ugly, but I don't see a good alternative.
+ -- Digraph just has the wrong API. We want to identify nodes
+ -- by their keys (BlockId), but Digraph requires the whole
+ -- node: (NatBasicBlock, BlockId, [BlockId]). This takes
+ -- advantage of the fact that Digraph only looks at the key,
+ -- even though it asks for the whole triple.
+ roots = [DigraphNode (panic "sccBlocks") b (panic "sccBlocks")
+ | b <- entries ]
+-- Annotate code with register liveness information
+ :: (Outputable instr, Instruction instr)
+ => Platform
+ -> LiveCmmDecl statics instr
+ -> UniqSM (LiveCmmDecl statics instr)
+regLiveness _ (CmmData i d)
+ = return $ CmmData i d
+regLiveness _ (CmmProc info lbl live [])
+ | LiveInfo static mFirst _ _ <- info
+ = return $ CmmProc
+ (LiveInfo static mFirst mapEmpty mapEmpty)
+ lbl live []
+regLiveness platform (CmmProc info lbl live sccs)
+ | LiveInfo static mFirst _ liveSlotsOnEntry <- info
+ = let (ann_sccs, block_live) = computeLiveness platform sccs
+ in return $ CmmProc (LiveInfo static mFirst block_live liveSlotsOnEntry)
+ lbl live ann_sccs
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Check ordering of Blocks
+-- The computeLiveness function requires SCCs to be in reverse
+-- dependent order. If they're not the liveness information will be
+-- wrong, and we'll get a bad allocation. Better to check for this
+-- precondition explicitly or some other poor sucker will waste a
+-- day staring at bad assembly code..
+ :: Instruction instr
+ => [SCC (LiveBasicBlock instr)] -- ^ SCCs of blocks that we're about to run the liveness determinator on.
+ -> Maybe BlockId -- ^ BlockIds that fail the test (if any)
+checkIsReverseDependent sccs'
+ = go emptyUniqSet sccs'
+ where go _ []
+ = Nothing
+ go blocksSeen (AcyclicSCC block : sccs)
+ = let dests = slurpJumpDestsOfBlock block
+ blocksSeen' = unionUniqSets blocksSeen $ mkUniqSet [blockId block]
+ badDests = dests `minusUniqSet` blocksSeen'
+ in case nonDetEltsUniqSet badDests of
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ [] -> go blocksSeen' sccs
+ bad : _ -> Just bad
+ go blocksSeen (CyclicSCC blocks : sccs)
+ = let dests = unionManyUniqSets $ map slurpJumpDestsOfBlock blocks
+ blocksSeen' = unionUniqSets blocksSeen $ mkUniqSet $ map blockId blocks
+ badDests = dests `minusUniqSet` blocksSeen'
+ in case nonDetEltsUniqSet badDests of
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+ [] -> go blocksSeen' sccs
+ bad : _ -> Just bad
+ slurpJumpDestsOfBlock (BasicBlock _ instrs)
+ = unionManyUniqSets
+ $ map (mkUniqSet . jumpDestsOfInstr)
+ [ i | LiveInstr i _ <- instrs]
+-- | If we've compute liveness info for this code already we have to reverse
+-- the SCCs in each top to get them back to the right order so we can do it again.
+reverseBlocksInTops :: LiveCmmDecl statics instr -> LiveCmmDecl statics instr
+reverseBlocksInTops top
+ = case top of
+ CmmData{} -> top
+ CmmProc info lbl live sccs -> CmmProc info lbl live (reverse sccs)
+-- | Computing liveness
+-- On entry, the SCCs must be in "reverse" order: later blocks may transfer
+-- control to earlier ones only, else `panic`.
+-- The SCCs returned are in the *opposite* order, which is exactly what we
+-- want for the next pass.
+ :: (Outputable instr, Instruction instr)
+ => Platform
+ -> [SCC (LiveBasicBlock instr)]
+ -> ([SCC (LiveBasicBlock instr)], -- instructions annotated with list of registers
+ -- which are "dead after this instruction".
+ BlockMap RegSet) -- blocks annotated with set of live registers
+ -- on entry to the block.
+computeLiveness platform sccs
+ = case checkIsReverseDependent sccs of
+ Nothing -> livenessSCCs platform mapEmpty [] sccs
+ Just bad -> pprPanic "RegAlloc.Liveness.computeLiveness"
+ (vcat [ text "SCCs aren't in reverse dependent order"
+ , text "bad blockId" <+> ppr bad
+ , ppr sccs])
+ :: Instruction instr
+ => Platform
+ -> BlockMap RegSet
+ -> [SCC (LiveBasicBlock instr)] -- accum
+ -> [SCC (LiveBasicBlock instr)]
+ -> ( [SCC (LiveBasicBlock instr)]
+ , BlockMap RegSet)
+livenessSCCs _ blockmap done []
+ = (done, blockmap)
+livenessSCCs platform blockmap done (AcyclicSCC block : sccs)
+ = let (blockmap', block') = livenessBlock platform blockmap block
+ in livenessSCCs platform blockmap' (AcyclicSCC block' : done) sccs
+livenessSCCs platform blockmap done
+ (CyclicSCC blocks : sccs) =
+ livenessSCCs platform blockmap' (CyclicSCC blocks':done) sccs
+ where (blockmap', blocks')
+ = iterateUntilUnchanged linearLiveness equalBlockMaps
+ blockmap blocks
+ iterateUntilUnchanged
+ :: (a -> b -> (a,c)) -> (a -> a -> Bool)
+ -> a -> b
+ -> (a,c)
+ iterateUntilUnchanged f eq a b
+ = head $
+ concatMap tail $
+ groupBy (\(a1, _) (a2, _) -> eq a1 a2) $
+ iterate (\(a, _) -> f a b) $
+ (a, panic "RegLiveness.livenessSCCs")
+ linearLiveness
+ :: Instruction instr
+ => BlockMap RegSet -> [LiveBasicBlock instr]
+ -> (BlockMap RegSet, [LiveBasicBlock instr])
+ linearLiveness = mapAccumL (livenessBlock platform)
+ -- probably the least efficient way to compare two
+ -- BlockMaps for equality.
+ equalBlockMaps a b
+ = a' == b'
+ where a' = map f $ mapToList a
+ b' = map f $ mapToList b
+ f (key,elt) = (key, nonDetEltsUniqSet elt)
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
+-- | Annotate a basic block with register liveness information.
+ :: Instruction instr
+ => Platform
+ -> BlockMap RegSet
+ -> LiveBasicBlock instr
+ -> (BlockMap RegSet, LiveBasicBlock instr)
+livenessBlock platform blockmap (BasicBlock block_id instrs)
+ = let
+ (regsLiveOnEntry, instrs1)
+ = livenessBack platform emptyUniqSet blockmap [] (reverse instrs)
+ blockmap' = mapInsert block_id regsLiveOnEntry blockmap
+ instrs2 = livenessForward platform regsLiveOnEntry instrs1
+ output = BasicBlock block_id instrs2
+ in ( blockmap', output)
+-- | Calculate liveness going forwards,
+-- filling in when regs are born
+ :: Instruction instr
+ => Platform
+ -> RegSet -- regs live on this instr
+ -> [LiveInstr instr] -> [LiveInstr instr]
+livenessForward _ _ [] = []
+livenessForward platform rsLiveEntry (li@(LiveInstr instr mLive) : lis)
+ | Just live <- mLive
+ = let
+ RU _ written = regUsageOfInstr platform instr
+ -- Regs that are written to but weren't live on entry to this instruction
+ -- are recorded as being born here.
+ rsBorn = mkUniqSet
+ $ filter (\r -> not $ elementOfUniqSet r rsLiveEntry) written
+ rsLiveNext = (rsLiveEntry `unionUniqSets` rsBorn)
+ `minusUniqSet` (liveDieRead live)
+ `minusUniqSet` (liveDieWrite live)
+ in LiveInstr instr (Just live { liveBorn = rsBorn })
+ : livenessForward platform rsLiveNext lis
+ | otherwise
+ = li : livenessForward platform rsLiveEntry lis
+-- | Calculate liveness going backwards,
+-- filling in when regs die, and what regs are live across each instruction
+ :: Instruction instr
+ => Platform
+ -> RegSet -- regs live on this instr
+ -> BlockMap RegSet -- regs live on entry to other BBs
+ -> [LiveInstr instr] -- instructions (accum)
+ -> [LiveInstr instr] -- instructions
+ -> (RegSet, [LiveInstr instr])
+livenessBack _ liveregs _ done [] = (liveregs, done)
+livenessBack platform liveregs blockmap acc (instr : instrs)
+ = let (liveregs', instr') = liveness1 platform liveregs blockmap instr
+ in livenessBack platform liveregs' blockmap (instr' : acc) instrs
+-- don't bother tagging comments or deltas with liveness
+ :: Instruction instr
+ => Platform
+ -> RegSet
+ -> BlockMap RegSet
+ -> LiveInstr instr
+ -> (RegSet, LiveInstr instr)
+liveness1 _ liveregs _ (LiveInstr instr _)
+ | isMetaInstr instr
+ = (liveregs, LiveInstr instr Nothing)
+liveness1 platform liveregs blockmap (LiveInstr instr _)
+ | not_a_branch
+ = (liveregs1, LiveInstr instr
+ (Just $ Liveness
+ { liveBorn = emptyUniqSet
+ , liveDieRead = mkUniqSet r_dying
+ , liveDieWrite = mkUniqSet w_dying }))
+ | otherwise
+ = (liveregs_br, LiveInstr instr
+ (Just $ Liveness
+ { liveBorn = emptyUniqSet
+ , liveDieRead = mkUniqSet r_dying_br
+ , liveDieWrite = mkUniqSet w_dying }))
+ where
+ !(RU read written) = regUsageOfInstr platform instr
+ -- registers that were written here are dead going backwards.
+ -- registers that were read here are live going backwards.
+ liveregs1 = (liveregs `delListFromUniqSet` written)
+ `addListToUniqSet` read
+ -- registers that are not live beyond this point, are recorded
+ -- as dying here.
+ r_dying = [ reg | reg <- read, reg `notElem` written,
+ not (elementOfUniqSet reg liveregs) ]
+ w_dying = [ reg | reg <- written,
+ not (elementOfUniqSet reg liveregs) ]
+ -- union in the live regs from all the jump destinations of this
+ -- instruction.
+ targets = jumpDestsOfInstr instr -- where we go from here
+ not_a_branch = null targets
+ targetLiveRegs target
+ = case mapLookup target blockmap of
+ Just ra -> ra
+ Nothing -> emptyRegSet
+ live_from_branch = unionManyUniqSets (map targetLiveRegs targets)
+ liveregs_br = liveregs1 `unionUniqSets` live_from_branch
+ -- registers that are live only in the branch targets should
+ -- be listed as dying here.
+ live_branch_only = live_from_branch `minusUniqSet` liveregs
+ r_dying_br = nonDetEltsUniqSet (mkUniqSet r_dying `unionUniqSets`
+ live_branch_only)
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]