path: root/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/SPARC/Ppr.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/SPARC/Ppr.hs')
1 files changed, 645 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/SPARC/Ppr.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/SPARC/Ppr.hs
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index 0000000000..2f3ea778f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/SPARC/Ppr.hs
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+-- Pretty-printing assembly language
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 1993-2005
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+module GHC.CmmToAsm.SPARC.Ppr (
+ pprNatCmmDecl,
+ pprBasicBlock,
+ pprData,
+ pprInstr,
+ pprFormat,
+ pprImm,
+ pprDataItem
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.SPARC.Regs
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.SPARC.Instr
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.SPARC.Cond
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.SPARC.Imm
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.SPARC.AddrMode
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.SPARC.Base
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Instr
+import GHC.Platform.Reg
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Format
+import GHC.CmmToAsm.Ppr
+import GHC.Cmm hiding (topInfoTable)
+import GHC.Cmm.Ppr() -- For Outputable instances
+import GHC.Cmm.BlockId
+import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections
+import Unique ( pprUniqueAlways )
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Platform
+import FastString
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Printing this stuff out
+pprNatCmmDecl :: NatCmmDecl RawCmmStatics Instr -> SDoc
+pprNatCmmDecl (CmmData section dats) =
+ pprSectionAlign section $$ pprDatas dats
+pprNatCmmDecl proc@(CmmProc top_info lbl _ (ListGraph blocks)) =
+ case topInfoTable proc of
+ Nothing ->
+ -- special case for code without info table:
+ pprSectionAlign (Section Text lbl) $$
+ pprLabel lbl $$ -- blocks guaranteed not null, so label needed
+ vcat (map (pprBasicBlock top_info) blocks)
+ Just (RawCmmStatics info_lbl _) ->
+ sdocWithPlatform $ \platform ->
+ (if platformHasSubsectionsViaSymbols platform
+ then pprSectionAlign dspSection $$
+ ppr (mkDeadStripPreventer info_lbl) <> char ':'
+ else empty) $$
+ vcat (map (pprBasicBlock top_info) blocks) $$
+ -- above: Even the first block gets a label, because with branch-chain
+ -- elimination, it might be the target of a goto.
+ (if platformHasSubsectionsViaSymbols platform
+ then
+ -- See Note [Subsections Via Symbols] in X86/Ppr.hs
+ text "\t.long "
+ <+> ppr info_lbl
+ <+> char '-'
+ <+> ppr (mkDeadStripPreventer info_lbl)
+ else empty)
+dspSection :: Section
+dspSection = Section Text $
+ panic "subsections-via-symbols doesn't combine with split-sections"
+pprBasicBlock :: LabelMap RawCmmStatics -> NatBasicBlock Instr -> SDoc
+pprBasicBlock info_env (BasicBlock blockid instrs)
+ = maybe_infotable $$
+ pprLabel (blockLbl blockid) $$
+ vcat (map pprInstr instrs)
+ where
+ maybe_infotable = case mapLookup blockid info_env of
+ Nothing -> empty
+ Just (RawCmmStatics info_lbl info) ->
+ pprAlignForSection Text $$
+ vcat (map pprData info) $$
+ pprLabel info_lbl
+pprDatas :: RawCmmStatics -> SDoc
+-- See note [emit-time elimination of static indirections] in CLabel.
+pprDatas (RawCmmStatics alias [CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel lbl), CmmStaticLit ind, _, _])
+ | lbl == mkIndStaticInfoLabel
+ , let labelInd (CmmLabelOff l _) = Just l
+ labelInd (CmmLabel l) = Just l
+ labelInd _ = Nothing
+ , Just ind' <- labelInd ind
+ , alias `mayRedirectTo` ind'
+ = pprGloblDecl alias
+ $$ text ".equiv" <+> ppr alias <> comma <> ppr (CmmLabel ind')
+pprDatas (RawCmmStatics lbl dats) = vcat (pprLabel lbl : map pprData dats)
+pprData :: CmmStatic -> SDoc
+pprData (CmmString str) = pprBytes str
+pprData (CmmUninitialised bytes) = text ".skip " <> int bytes
+pprData (CmmStaticLit lit) = pprDataItem lit
+pprGloblDecl :: CLabel -> SDoc
+pprGloblDecl lbl
+ | not (externallyVisibleCLabel lbl) = empty
+ | otherwise = text ".global " <> ppr lbl
+pprTypeAndSizeDecl :: CLabel -> SDoc
+pprTypeAndSizeDecl lbl
+ = sdocWithPlatform $ \platform ->
+ if platformOS platform == OSLinux && externallyVisibleCLabel lbl
+ then text ".type " <> ppr lbl <> ptext (sLit ", @object")
+ else empty
+pprLabel :: CLabel -> SDoc
+pprLabel lbl = pprGloblDecl lbl
+ $$ pprTypeAndSizeDecl lbl
+ $$ (ppr lbl <> char ':')
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- pprInstr: print an 'Instr'
+instance Outputable Instr where
+ ppr instr = pprInstr instr
+-- | Pretty print a register.
+pprReg :: Reg -> SDoc
+pprReg reg
+ = case reg of
+ RegVirtual vr
+ -> case vr of
+ VirtualRegI u -> text "%vI_" <> pprUniqueAlways u
+ VirtualRegHi u -> text "%vHi_" <> pprUniqueAlways u
+ VirtualRegF u -> text "%vF_" <> pprUniqueAlways u
+ VirtualRegD u -> text "%vD_" <> pprUniqueAlways u
+ RegReal rr
+ -> case rr of
+ RealRegSingle r1
+ -> pprReg_ofRegNo r1
+ RealRegPair r1 r2
+ -> text "(" <> pprReg_ofRegNo r1
+ <> vbar <> pprReg_ofRegNo r2
+ <> text ")"
+-- | Pretty print a register name, based on this register number.
+-- The definition has been unfolded so we get a jump-table in the
+-- object code. This function is called quite a lot when emitting
+-- the asm file..
+pprReg_ofRegNo :: Int -> SDoc
+pprReg_ofRegNo i
+ = ptext
+ (case i of {
+ 0 -> sLit "%g0"; 1 -> sLit "%g1";
+ 2 -> sLit "%g2"; 3 -> sLit "%g3";
+ 4 -> sLit "%g4"; 5 -> sLit "%g5";
+ 6 -> sLit "%g6"; 7 -> sLit "%g7";
+ 8 -> sLit "%o0"; 9 -> sLit "%o1";
+ 10 -> sLit "%o2"; 11 -> sLit "%o3";
+ 12 -> sLit "%o4"; 13 -> sLit "%o5";
+ 14 -> sLit "%o6"; 15 -> sLit "%o7";
+ 16 -> sLit "%l0"; 17 -> sLit "%l1";
+ 18 -> sLit "%l2"; 19 -> sLit "%l3";
+ 20 -> sLit "%l4"; 21 -> sLit "%l5";
+ 22 -> sLit "%l6"; 23 -> sLit "%l7";
+ 24 -> sLit "%i0"; 25 -> sLit "%i1";
+ 26 -> sLit "%i2"; 27 -> sLit "%i3";
+ 28 -> sLit "%i4"; 29 -> sLit "%i5";
+ 30 -> sLit "%i6"; 31 -> sLit "%i7";
+ 32 -> sLit "%f0"; 33 -> sLit "%f1";
+ 34 -> sLit "%f2"; 35 -> sLit "%f3";
+ 36 -> sLit "%f4"; 37 -> sLit "%f5";
+ 38 -> sLit "%f6"; 39 -> sLit "%f7";
+ 40 -> sLit "%f8"; 41 -> sLit "%f9";
+ 42 -> sLit "%f10"; 43 -> sLit "%f11";
+ 44 -> sLit "%f12"; 45 -> sLit "%f13";
+ 46 -> sLit "%f14"; 47 -> sLit "%f15";
+ 48 -> sLit "%f16"; 49 -> sLit "%f17";
+ 50 -> sLit "%f18"; 51 -> sLit "%f19";
+ 52 -> sLit "%f20"; 53 -> sLit "%f21";
+ 54 -> sLit "%f22"; 55 -> sLit "%f23";
+ 56 -> sLit "%f24"; 57 -> sLit "%f25";
+ 58 -> sLit "%f26"; 59 -> sLit "%f27";
+ 60 -> sLit "%f28"; 61 -> sLit "%f29";
+ 62 -> sLit "%f30"; 63 -> sLit "%f31";
+ _ -> sLit "very naughty sparc register" })
+-- | Pretty print a format for an instruction suffix.
+pprFormat :: Format -> SDoc
+pprFormat x
+ = ptext
+ (case x of
+ II8 -> sLit "ub"
+ II16 -> sLit "uh"
+ II32 -> sLit ""
+ II64 -> sLit "d"
+ FF32 -> sLit ""
+ FF64 -> sLit "d")
+-- | Pretty print a format for an instruction suffix.
+-- eg LD is 32bit on sparc, but LDD is 64 bit.
+pprStFormat :: Format -> SDoc
+pprStFormat x
+ = ptext
+ (case x of
+ II8 -> sLit "b"
+ II16 -> sLit "h"
+ II32 -> sLit ""
+ II64 -> sLit "x"
+ FF32 -> sLit ""
+ FF64 -> sLit "d")
+-- | Pretty print a condition code.
+pprCond :: Cond -> SDoc
+pprCond c
+ = ptext
+ (case c of
+ ALWAYS -> sLit ""
+ NEVER -> sLit "n"
+ GEU -> sLit "geu"
+ LU -> sLit "lu"
+ EQQ -> sLit "e"
+ GTT -> sLit "g"
+ GE -> sLit "ge"
+ GU -> sLit "gu"
+ LTT -> sLit "l"
+ LE -> sLit "le"
+ LEU -> sLit "leu"
+ NE -> sLit "ne"
+ NEG -> sLit "neg"
+ POS -> sLit "pos"
+ VC -> sLit "vc"
+ VS -> sLit "vs")
+-- | Pretty print an address mode.
+pprAddr :: AddrMode -> SDoc
+pprAddr am
+ = case am of
+ AddrRegReg r1 (RegReal (RealRegSingle 0))
+ -> pprReg r1
+ AddrRegReg r1 r2
+ -> hcat [ pprReg r1, char '+', pprReg r2 ]
+ AddrRegImm r1 (ImmInt i)
+ | i == 0 -> pprReg r1
+ | not (fits13Bits i) -> largeOffsetError i
+ | otherwise -> hcat [ pprReg r1, pp_sign, int i ]
+ where
+ pp_sign = if i > 0 then char '+' else empty
+ AddrRegImm r1 (ImmInteger i)
+ | i == 0 -> pprReg r1
+ | not (fits13Bits i) -> largeOffsetError i
+ | otherwise -> hcat [ pprReg r1, pp_sign, integer i ]
+ where
+ pp_sign = if i > 0 then char '+' else empty
+ AddrRegImm r1 imm
+ -> hcat [ pprReg r1, char '+', pprImm imm ]
+-- | Pretty print an immediate value.
+pprImm :: Imm -> SDoc
+pprImm imm
+ = case imm of
+ ImmInt i -> int i
+ ImmInteger i -> integer i
+ ImmCLbl l -> ppr l
+ ImmIndex l i -> ppr l <> char '+' <> int i
+ ImmLit s -> s
+ ImmConstantSum a b
+ -> pprImm a <> char '+' <> pprImm b
+ ImmConstantDiff a b
+ -> pprImm a <> char '-' <> lparen <> pprImm b <> rparen
+ LO i
+ -> hcat [ text "%lo(", pprImm i, rparen ]
+ HI i
+ -> hcat [ text "%hi(", pprImm i, rparen ]
+ -- these should have been converted to bytes and placed
+ -- in the data section.
+ ImmFloat _ -> text "naughty float immediate"
+ ImmDouble _ -> text "naughty double immediate"
+-- | Pretty print a section \/ segment header.
+-- On SPARC all the data sections must be at least 8 byte aligned
+-- incase we store doubles in them.
+pprSectionAlign :: Section -> SDoc
+pprSectionAlign sec@(Section seg _) =
+ sdocWithPlatform $ \platform ->
+ pprSectionHeader platform sec $$
+ pprAlignForSection seg
+-- | Print appropriate alignment for the given section type.
+pprAlignForSection :: SectionType -> SDoc
+pprAlignForSection seg =
+ ptext (case seg of
+ Text -> sLit ".align 4"
+ Data -> sLit ".align 8"
+ ReadOnlyData -> sLit ".align 8"
+ RelocatableReadOnlyData
+ -> sLit ".align 8"
+ UninitialisedData -> sLit ".align 8"
+ ReadOnlyData16 -> sLit ".align 16"
+ -- TODO: This is copied from the ReadOnlyData case, but it can likely be
+ -- made more efficient.
+ CString -> sLit ".align 8"
+ OtherSection _ -> panic "PprMach.pprSectionHeader: unknown section")
+-- | Pretty print a data item.
+pprDataItem :: CmmLit -> SDoc
+pprDataItem lit
+ = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
+ vcat (ppr_item (cmmTypeFormat $ cmmLitType dflags lit) lit)
+ where
+ imm = litToImm lit
+ ppr_item II8 _ = [text "\t.byte\t" <> pprImm imm]
+ ppr_item II32 _ = [text "\t.long\t" <> pprImm imm]
+ ppr_item FF32 (CmmFloat r _)
+ = let bs = floatToBytes (fromRational r)
+ in map (\b -> text "\t.byte\t" <> pprImm (ImmInt b)) bs
+ ppr_item FF64 (CmmFloat r _)
+ = let bs = doubleToBytes (fromRational r)
+ in map (\b -> text "\t.byte\t" <> pprImm (ImmInt b)) bs
+ ppr_item II16 _ = [text "\t.short\t" <> pprImm imm]
+ ppr_item II64 _ = [text "\t.quad\t" <> pprImm imm]
+ ppr_item _ _ = panic "SPARC.Ppr.pprDataItem: no match"
+-- | Pretty print an instruction.
+pprInstr :: Instr -> SDoc
+-- nuke comments.
+pprInstr (COMMENT _)
+ = empty
+pprInstr (DELTA d)
+ = pprInstr (COMMENT (mkFastString ("\tdelta = " ++ show d)))
+-- Newblocks and LData should have been slurped out before producing the .s file.
+pprInstr (NEWBLOCK _)
+ = panic "X86.Ppr.pprInstr: NEWBLOCK"
+pprInstr (LDATA _ _)
+ = panic "PprMach.pprInstr: LDATA"
+-- 64 bit FP loads are expanded into individual instructions in CodeGen.Expand
+pprInstr (LD FF64 _ reg)
+ | RegReal (RealRegSingle{}) <- reg
+ = panic "SPARC.Ppr: not emitting potentially misaligned LD FF64 instr"
+pprInstr (LD format addr reg)
+ = hcat [
+ text "\tld",
+ pprFormat format,
+ char '\t',
+ lbrack,
+ pprAddr addr,
+ pp_rbracket_comma,
+ pprReg reg
+ ]
+-- 64 bit FP stores are expanded into individual instructions in CodeGen.Expand
+pprInstr (ST FF64 reg _)
+ | RegReal (RealRegSingle{}) <- reg
+ = panic "SPARC.Ppr: not emitting potentially misaligned ST FF64 instr"
+-- no distinction is made between signed and unsigned bytes on stores for the
+-- Sparc opcodes (at least I cannot see any, and gas is nagging me --SOF),
+-- so we call a special-purpose pprFormat for ST..
+pprInstr (ST format reg addr)
+ = hcat [
+ text "\tst",
+ pprStFormat format,
+ char '\t',
+ pprReg reg,
+ pp_comma_lbracket,
+ pprAddr addr,
+ rbrack
+ ]
+pprInstr (ADD x cc reg1 ri reg2)
+ | not x && not cc && riZero ri
+ = hcat [ text "\tmov\t", pprReg reg1, comma, pprReg reg2 ]
+ | otherwise
+ = pprRegRIReg (if x then sLit "addx" else sLit "add") cc reg1 ri reg2
+pprInstr (SUB x cc reg1 ri reg2)
+ | not x && cc && reg2 == g0
+ = hcat [ text "\tcmp\t", pprReg reg1, comma, pprRI ri ]
+ | not x && not cc && riZero ri
+ = hcat [ text "\tmov\t", pprReg reg1, comma, pprReg reg2 ]
+ | otherwise
+ = pprRegRIReg (if x then sLit "subx" else sLit "sub") cc reg1 ri reg2
+pprInstr (AND b reg1 ri reg2) = pprRegRIReg (sLit "and") b reg1 ri reg2
+pprInstr (ANDN b reg1 ri reg2) = pprRegRIReg (sLit "andn") b reg1 ri reg2
+pprInstr (OR b reg1 ri reg2)
+ | not b && reg1 == g0
+ = let doit = hcat [ text "\tmov\t", pprRI ri, comma, pprReg reg2 ]
+ in case ri of
+ RIReg rrr | rrr == reg2 -> empty
+ _ -> doit
+ | otherwise
+ = pprRegRIReg (sLit "or") b reg1 ri reg2
+pprInstr (ORN b reg1 ri reg2) = pprRegRIReg (sLit "orn") b reg1 ri reg2
+pprInstr (XOR b reg1 ri reg2) = pprRegRIReg (sLit "xor") b reg1 ri reg2
+pprInstr (XNOR b reg1 ri reg2) = pprRegRIReg (sLit "xnor") b reg1 ri reg2
+pprInstr (SLL reg1 ri reg2) = pprRegRIReg (sLit "sll") False reg1 ri reg2
+pprInstr (SRL reg1 ri reg2) = pprRegRIReg (sLit "srl") False reg1 ri reg2
+pprInstr (SRA reg1 ri reg2) = pprRegRIReg (sLit "sra") False reg1 ri reg2
+pprInstr (RDY rd) = text "\trd\t%y," <> pprReg rd
+pprInstr (WRY reg1 reg2)
+ = text "\twr\t"
+ <> pprReg reg1
+ <> char ','
+ <> pprReg reg2
+ <> char ','
+ <> text "%y"
+pprInstr (SMUL b reg1 ri reg2) = pprRegRIReg (sLit "smul") b reg1 ri reg2
+pprInstr (UMUL b reg1 ri reg2) = pprRegRIReg (sLit "umul") b reg1 ri reg2
+pprInstr (SDIV b reg1 ri reg2) = pprRegRIReg (sLit "sdiv") b reg1 ri reg2
+pprInstr (UDIV b reg1 ri reg2) = pprRegRIReg (sLit "udiv") b reg1 ri reg2
+pprInstr (SETHI imm reg)
+ = hcat [
+ text "\tsethi\t",
+ pprImm imm,
+ comma,
+ pprReg reg
+ ]
+pprInstr NOP
+ = text "\tnop"
+pprInstr (FABS format reg1 reg2)
+ = pprFormatRegReg (sLit "fabs") format reg1 reg2
+pprInstr (FADD format reg1 reg2 reg3)
+ = pprFormatRegRegReg (sLit "fadd") format reg1 reg2 reg3
+pprInstr (FCMP e format reg1 reg2)
+ = pprFormatRegReg (if e then sLit "fcmpe" else sLit "fcmp")
+ format reg1 reg2
+pprInstr (FDIV format reg1 reg2 reg3)
+ = pprFormatRegRegReg (sLit "fdiv") format reg1 reg2 reg3
+pprInstr (FMOV format reg1 reg2)
+ = pprFormatRegReg (sLit "fmov") format reg1 reg2
+pprInstr (FMUL format reg1 reg2 reg3)
+ = pprFormatRegRegReg (sLit "fmul") format reg1 reg2 reg3
+pprInstr (FNEG format reg1 reg2)
+ = pprFormatRegReg (sLit "fneg") format reg1 reg2
+pprInstr (FSQRT format reg1 reg2)
+ = pprFormatRegReg (sLit "fsqrt") format reg1 reg2
+pprInstr (FSUB format reg1 reg2 reg3)
+ = pprFormatRegRegReg (sLit "fsub") format reg1 reg2 reg3
+pprInstr (FxTOy format1 format2 reg1 reg2)
+ = hcat [
+ text "\tf",
+ ptext
+ (case format1 of
+ II32 -> sLit "ito"
+ FF32 -> sLit "sto"
+ FF64 -> sLit "dto"
+ _ -> panic "SPARC.Ppr.pprInstr.FxToY: no match"),
+ ptext
+ (case format2 of
+ II32 -> sLit "i\t"
+ II64 -> sLit "x\t"
+ FF32 -> sLit "s\t"
+ FF64 -> sLit "d\t"
+ _ -> panic "SPARC.Ppr.pprInstr.FxToY: no match"),
+ pprReg reg1, comma, pprReg reg2
+ ]
+pprInstr (BI cond b blockid)
+ = hcat [
+ text "\tb", pprCond cond,
+ if b then pp_comma_a else empty,
+ char '\t',
+ ppr (blockLbl blockid)
+ ]
+pprInstr (BF cond b blockid)
+ = hcat [
+ text "\tfb", pprCond cond,
+ if b then pp_comma_a else empty,
+ char '\t',
+ ppr (blockLbl blockid)
+ ]
+pprInstr (JMP addr) = text "\tjmp\t" <> pprAddr addr
+pprInstr (JMP_TBL op _ _) = pprInstr (JMP op)
+pprInstr (CALL (Left imm) n _)
+ = hcat [ text "\tcall\t", pprImm imm, comma, int n ]
+pprInstr (CALL (Right reg) n _)
+ = hcat [ text "\tcall\t", pprReg reg, comma, int n ]
+-- | Pretty print a RI
+pprRI :: RI -> SDoc
+pprRI (RIReg r) = pprReg r
+pprRI (RIImm r) = pprImm r
+-- | Pretty print a two reg instruction.
+pprFormatRegReg :: PtrString -> Format -> Reg -> Reg -> SDoc
+pprFormatRegReg name format reg1 reg2
+ = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ ptext name,
+ (case format of
+ FF32 -> text "s\t"
+ FF64 -> text "d\t"
+ _ -> panic "SPARC.Ppr.pprFormatRegReg: no match"),
+ pprReg reg1,
+ comma,
+ pprReg reg2
+ ]
+-- | Pretty print a three reg instruction.
+pprFormatRegRegReg :: PtrString -> Format -> Reg -> Reg -> Reg -> SDoc
+pprFormatRegRegReg name format reg1 reg2 reg3
+ = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ ptext name,
+ (case format of
+ FF32 -> text "s\t"
+ FF64 -> text "d\t"
+ _ -> panic "SPARC.Ppr.pprFormatRegReg: no match"),
+ pprReg reg1,
+ comma,
+ pprReg reg2,
+ comma,
+ pprReg reg3
+ ]
+-- | Pretty print an instruction of two regs and a ri.
+pprRegRIReg :: PtrString -> Bool -> Reg -> RI -> Reg -> SDoc
+pprRegRIReg name b reg1 ri reg2
+ = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ ptext name,
+ if b then text "cc\t" else char '\t',
+ pprReg reg1,
+ comma,
+ pprRI ri,
+ comma,
+ pprReg reg2
+ ]
+pprRIReg :: PtrString -> Bool -> RI -> Reg -> SDoc
+pprRIReg name b ri reg1
+ = hcat [
+ char '\t',
+ ptext name,
+ if b then text "cc\t" else char '\t',
+ pprRI ri,
+ comma,
+ pprReg reg1
+ ]
+pp_ld_lbracket :: SDoc
+pp_ld_lbracket = text "\tld\t["
+pp_rbracket_comma :: SDoc
+pp_rbracket_comma = text "],"
+pp_comma_lbracket :: SDoc
+pp_comma_lbracket = text ",["
+pp_comma_a :: SDoc
+pp_comma_a = text ",a"