path: root/compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs
index d1f722febd..0733369679 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToC.hs
@@ -159,8 +159,14 @@ pprWordArray platform is_ro lbl ds
-- See Note [StgWord alignment]
, pprAlignment (wordWidth platform)
, text "= {" ]
- $$ nest 8 (commafy (pprStatics platform ds))
+ $$ nest 8 (commafy (staticLitsToWords platform $ toLits ds))
$$ text "};"
+ where
+ toLits :: [CmmStatic] -> [CmmLit]
+ toLits = map f
+ where
+ f (CmmStaticLit lit) = lit
+ f static = pprPanic "pprWordArray: Unexpected literal" (pprStatic platform static)
pprAlignment :: Width -> SDoc
pprAlignment words =
@@ -501,59 +507,69 @@ pprLit1 platform lit = case lit of
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Static data
-pprStatics :: Platform -> [CmmStatic] -> [SDoc]
-pprStatics platform = pprStatics'
+-- | Produce a list of word sized literals encoding the given list of 'CmmLit's.
+staticLitsToWords :: Platform -> [CmmLit] -> [SDoc]
+staticLitsToWords platform = go . foldMap decomposeMultiWord
- pprStatics' = \case
- [] -> []
- (CmmStaticLit (CmmFloat f W32) : rest)
- -- odd numbers of floats are padded to a word by mkVirtHeapOffsetsWithPadding
- | wordWidth platform == W64, CmmStaticLit (CmmInt 0 W32) : rest' <- rest
- -> pprLit1 platform (floatToWord platform f) : pprStatics' rest'
- -- adjacent floats aren't padded but combined into a single word
- | wordWidth platform == W64, CmmStaticLit (CmmFloat g W32) : rest' <- rest
- -> pprLit1 platform (floatPairToWord platform f g) : pprStatics' rest'
- | wordWidth platform == W32
- -> pprLit1 platform (floatToWord platform f) : pprStatics' rest
- | otherwise
- -> pprPanic "pprStatics: float" (vcat (map ppr' rest))
- where ppr' (CmmStaticLit l) = ppr (cmmLitType platform l)
- ppr' _other = text "bad static!"
- (CmmStaticLit (CmmFloat f W64) : rest)
- -> map (pprLit1 platform) (doubleToWords platform f) ++ pprStatics' rest
- (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt i W64) : rest)
- | wordWidth platform == W32
- -> case platformByteOrder platform of
- BigEndian -> pprStatics' (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt q W32) :
- CmmStaticLit (CmmInt r W32) : rest)
- LittleEndian -> pprStatics' (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt r W32) :
- CmmStaticLit (CmmInt q W32) : rest)
- where r = i .&. 0xffffffff
- q = i `shiftR` 32
- (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt a W32) : CmmStaticLit (CmmInt b W32) : rest)
- | wordWidth platform == W64
- -> case platformByteOrder platform of
- BigEndian -> pprStatics' (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt ((shiftL a 32) .|. b) W64) : rest)
- LittleEndian -> pprStatics' (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt ((shiftL b 32) .|. a) W64) : rest)
- (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt a W16) : CmmStaticLit (CmmInt b W16) : rest)
- | wordWidth platform == W32
- -> case platformByteOrder platform of
- BigEndian -> pprStatics' (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt ((shiftL a 16) .|. b) W32) : rest)
- LittleEndian -> pprStatics' (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt ((shiftL b 16) .|. a) W32) : rest)
- (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt _ w) : _)
- | w /= wordWidth platform
- -> pprPanic "pprStatics: cannot emit a non-word-sized static literal" (ppr w)
- (CmmStaticLit lit : rest)
- -> pprLit1 platform lit : pprStatics' rest
- (other : _)
- -> pprPanic "pprStatics: other" (pprStatic platform other)
+ -- rem_bytes is how many bytes remain in the word we are currently filling.
+ -- accum is the word we are filling.
+ go :: [CmmLit] -> [SDoc]
+ go [] = []
+ go lits@(lit : _)
+ | Just _ <- isSubWordLit lit
+ = goSubWord wordWidthBytes 0 lits
+ go (lit : rest)
+ = pprLit1 platform lit : go rest
+ goSubWord :: Int -> Integer -> [CmmLit] -> [SDoc]
+ goSubWord rem_bytes accum (lit : rest)
+ | Just (bytes, w) <- isSubWordLit lit
+ , rem_bytes >= widthInBytes w
+ = let accum' =
+ case platformByteOrder platform of
+ BigEndian -> (accum `shiftL` widthInBits w) .|. bytes
+ LittleEndian -> (accum `shiftL` widthInBits w) .|. byteSwap w bytes
+ in goSubWord (rem_bytes - widthInBytes w) accum' rest
+ goSubWord rem_bytes accum rest
+ = pprWord (byteSwap (wordWidth platform) $ accum `shiftL` (8*rem_bytes)) : go rest
+ -- Decompose multi-word or floating-point literals into multiple
+ -- single-word (or smaller) literals.
+ decomposeMultiWord :: CmmLit -> [CmmLit]
+ decomposeMultiWord (CmmFloat n W64)
+ -- This will produce a W64 integer, which will then be broken up further
+ -- on the next iteration on 32-bit platforms.
+ = [doubleToWord64 n]
+ decomposeMultiWord (CmmFloat n W32)
+ = [floatToWord32 n]
+ decomposeMultiWord (CmmInt n W64)
+ | W32 <- wordWidth platform
+ = [CmmInt hi W32, CmmInt lo W32]
+ where
+ hi = n `shiftR` 32
+ lo = n .&. 0xffffffff
+ decomposeMultiWord lit = [lit]
+ -- Decompose a sub-word-sized literal into the integer value and its
+ -- (sub-word-sized) width.
+ isSubWordLit :: CmmLit -> Maybe (Integer, Width)
+ isSubWordLit lit =
+ case lit of
+ CmmInt n w
+ | w < wordWidth platform -> Just (n, w)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ wordWidthBytes = widthInBytes $ wordWidth platform
+ pprWord :: Integer -> SDoc
+ pprWord n = pprHexVal platform n (wordWidth platform)
+byteSwap :: Width -> Integer -> Integer
+byteSwap width n = foldl' f 0 bytes
+ where
+ f acc m = (acc `shiftL` 8) .|. m
+ bytes = [ byte i | i <- [0..widthInBytes width - 1] ]
+ byte i = (n `shiftR` (i*8)) .&. 0xff
pprStatic :: Platform -> CmmStatic -> SDoc
pprStatic platform s = case s of
@@ -1252,69 +1268,30 @@ pprStringInCStyle s = doubleQuotes (text (concatMap charToC (BS.unpack s)))
-- This is a hack to turn the floating point numbers into ints that we
-- can safely initialise to static locations.
-castFloatToWord32Array :: STUArray s Int Float -> ST s (STUArray s Int Word32)
-castFloatToWord32Array = U.castSTUArray
-castDoubleToWord64Array :: STUArray s Int Double -> ST s (STUArray s Int Word64)
-castDoubleToWord64Array = U.castSTUArray
-floatToWord :: Platform -> Rational -> CmmLit
-floatToWord platform r
- = runST (do
+floatToWord32 :: Rational -> CmmLit
+floatToWord32 r
+ = runST $ do
arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),0)
writeArray arr 0 (fromRational r)
arr' <- castFloatToWord32Array arr
w32 <- readArray arr' 0
- return (CmmInt (toInteger w32 `shiftL` wo) (wordWidth platform))
- )
- where wo | wordWidth platform == W64
- , BigEndian <- platformByteOrder platform
- = 32
- | otherwise
- = 0
-floatPairToWord :: Platform -> Rational -> Rational -> CmmLit
-floatPairToWord platform r1 r2
- = runST (do
- arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),1)
- writeArray arr 0 (fromRational r1)
- writeArray arr 1 (fromRational r2)
- arr' <- castFloatToWord32Array arr
- w32_1 <- readArray arr' 0
- w32_2 <- readArray arr' 1
- return (pprWord32Pair w32_1 w32_2)
- )
- where pprWord32Pair w32_1 w32_2
- | BigEndian <- platformByteOrder platform =
- CmmInt ((shiftL i1 32) .|. i2) W64
- | otherwise =
- CmmInt ((shiftL i2 32) .|. i1) W64
- where i1 = toInteger w32_1
- i2 = toInteger w32_2
-doubleToWords :: Platform -> Rational -> [CmmLit]
-doubleToWords platform r
- = runST (do
+ return (CmmInt (toInteger w32) W32)
+ where
+ castFloatToWord32Array :: STUArray s Int Float -> ST s (STUArray s Int Word32)
+ castFloatToWord32Array = U.castSTUArray
+doubleToWord64 :: Rational -> CmmLit
+doubleToWord64 r
+ = runST $ do
arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),1)
writeArray arr 0 (fromRational r)
arr' <- castDoubleToWord64Array arr
w64 <- readArray arr' 0
- return (pprWord64 w64)
- )
- where targetWidth = wordWidth platform
- pprWord64 w64
- | targetWidth == W64 =
- [ CmmInt (toInteger w64) targetWidth ]
- | targetWidth == W32 =
- [ CmmInt (toInteger targetW1) targetWidth
- , CmmInt (toInteger targetW2) targetWidth
- ]
- | otherwise = panic "doubleToWords.pprWord64"
- where (targetW1, targetW2) = case platformByteOrder platform of
- BigEndian -> (wHi, wLo)
- LittleEndian -> (wLo, wHi)
- wHi = w64 `shiftR` 32
- wLo = w64 .&. 0xFFFFffff
+ return $ CmmInt (toInteger w64) W64
+ where
+ castDoubleToWord64Array :: STUArray s Int Double -> ST s (STUArray s Int Word64)
+ castDoubleToWord64Array = U.castSTUArray
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Utils