path: root/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Mangler.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Mangler.hs')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Mangler.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Mangler.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cdad2009f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Mangler.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | GHC LLVM Mangler
+-- This script processes the assembly produced by LLVM, rewriting all symbols
+-- of type @function to @object. This keeps them from going through the PLT,
+-- which would be bad due to tables-next-to-code. On x86_64,
+-- it also rewrites AVX instructions that require alignment to their
+-- unaligned counterparts, since the stack is only 16-byte aligned but these
+-- instructions require 32-byte alignment.
+module GHC.CmmToLlvm.Mangler ( llvmFixupAsm ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags, targetPlatform )
+import GHC.Platform ( platformArch, Arch(..) )
+import ErrUtils ( withTiming )
+import Outputable ( text )
+import Control.Exception
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
+import System.IO
+-- | Read in assembly file and process
+llvmFixupAsm :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+llvmFixupAsm dflags f1 f2 = {-# SCC "llvm_mangler" #-}
+ withTiming dflags (text "LLVM Mangler") id $
+ withBinaryFile f1 ReadMode $ \r -> withBinaryFile f2 WriteMode $ \w -> do
+ go r w
+ hClose r
+ hClose w
+ return ()
+ where
+ go :: Handle -> Handle -> IO ()
+ go r w = do
+ e_l <- try $ B.hGetLine r ::IO (Either IOError B.ByteString)
+ let writeline a = B.hPutStrLn w (rewriteLine dflags rewrites a) >> go r w
+ case e_l of
+ Right l -> writeline l
+ Left _ -> return ()
+-- | These are the rewrites that the mangler will perform
+rewrites :: [Rewrite]
+rewrites = [rewriteSymType, rewriteAVX]
+type Rewrite = DynFlags -> B.ByteString -> Maybe B.ByteString
+-- | Rewrite a line of assembly source with the given rewrites,
+-- taking the first rewrite that applies.
+rewriteLine :: DynFlags -> [Rewrite] -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
+rewriteLine dflags rewrites l
+ -- We disable .subsections_via_symbols on darwin and ios, as the llvm code
+ -- gen uses prefix data for the info table. This however does not prevent
+ -- llvm from generating .subsections_via_symbols, which in turn with
+ -- -dead_strip, strips the info tables, and therefore breaks ghc.
+ | isSubsectionsViaSymbols l =
+ (B.pack "## no .subsection_via_symbols for ghc. We need our info tables!")
+ | otherwise =
+ case firstJust $ map (\rewrite -> rewrite dflags rest) rewrites of
+ Nothing -> l
+ Just rewritten -> B.concat $ [symbol, B.pack "\t", rewritten]
+ where
+ isSubsectionsViaSymbols = B.isPrefixOf (B.pack ".subsections_via_symbols")
+ (symbol, rest) = splitLine l
+ firstJust :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
+ firstJust (Just x:_) = Just x
+ firstJust [] = Nothing
+ firstJust (_:rest) = firstJust rest
+-- | This rewrites @.type@ annotations of function symbols to @%object@.
+-- This is done as the linker can relocate @%functions@ through the
+-- Procedure Linking Table (PLT). This is bad since we expect that the
+-- info table will appear directly before the symbol's location. In the
+-- case that the PLT is used, this will be not an info table but instead
+-- some random PLT garbage.
+rewriteSymType :: Rewrite
+rewriteSymType _ l
+ | isType l = Just $ rewrite '@' $ rewrite '%' l
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ isType = B.isPrefixOf (B.pack ".type")
+ rewrite :: Char -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
+ rewrite prefix = replaceOnce funcType objType
+ where
+ funcType = prefix `B.cons` B.pack "function"
+ objType = prefix `B.cons` B.pack "object"
+-- | This rewrites aligned AVX instructions to their unaligned counterparts on
+-- x86-64. This is necessary because the stack is not adequately aligned for
+-- aligned AVX spills, so LLVM would emit code that adjusts the stack pointer
+-- and disable tail call optimization. Both would be catastrophic here so GHC
+-- tells LLVM that the stack is 32-byte aligned (even though it isn't) and then
+-- rewrites the instructions in the mangler.
+rewriteAVX :: Rewrite
+rewriteAVX dflags s
+ | not isX86_64 = Nothing
+ | isVmovdqa s = Just $ replaceOnce (B.pack "vmovdqa") (B.pack "vmovdqu") s
+ | isVmovap s = Just $ replaceOnce (B.pack "vmovap") (B.pack "vmovup") s
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ isX86_64 = platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) == ArchX86_64
+ isVmovdqa = B.isPrefixOf (B.pack "vmovdqa")
+ isVmovap = B.isPrefixOf (B.pack "vmovap")
+-- | @replaceOnce match replace bs@ replaces the first occurrence of the
+-- substring @match@ in @bs@ with @replace@.
+replaceOnce :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
+replaceOnce matchBS replaceOnceBS = loop
+ where
+ loop :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
+ loop cts =
+ case B.breakSubstring matchBS cts of
+ (hd,tl) | B.null tl -> hd
+ | otherwise -> hd `B.append` replaceOnceBS `B.append`
+ B.drop (B.length matchBS) tl
+-- | This function splits a line of assembly code into the label and the
+-- rest of the code.
+splitLine :: B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, B.ByteString)
+splitLine l = (symbol, B.dropWhile isSpace rest)
+ where
+ isSpace ' ' = True
+ isSpace '\t' = True
+ isSpace _ = False
+ (symbol, rest) = B.span (not . isSpace) l