path: root/compiler/GHC/Core/Op/SetLevels.hs
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+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+ ***************************
+ Overview
+ ***************************
+1. We attach binding levels to Core bindings, in preparation for floating
+ outwards (@FloatOut@).
+2. We also let-ify many expressions (notably case scrutinees), so they
+ will have a fighting chance of being floated sensible.
+3. Note [Need for cloning during float-out]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ We clone the binders of any floatable let-binding, so that when it is
+ floated out it will be unique. Example
+ (let x=2 in x) + (let x=3 in x)
+ we must clone before floating so we get
+ let x1=2 in
+ let x2=3 in
+ x1+x2
+ NOTE: this can't be done using the uniqAway idea, because the variable
+ must be unique in the whole program, not just its current scope,
+ because two variables in different scopes may float out to the
+ same top level place
+ NOTE: Very tiresomely, we must apply this substitution to
+ the rules stored inside a variable too.
+ We do *not* clone top-level bindings, because some of them must not change,
+ but we *do* clone bindings that are heading for the top level
+4. Note [Binder-swap during float-out]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ In the expression
+ case x of wild { p -> ...wild... }
+ we substitute x for wild in the RHS of the case alternatives:
+ case x of wild { p -> ...x... }
+ This means that a sub-expression involving x is not "trapped" inside the RHS.
+ And it's not inconvenient because we already have a substitution.
+ Note that this is EXACTLY BACKWARDS from the what the simplifier does.
+ The simplifier tries to get rid of occurrences of x, in favour of wild,
+ in the hope that there will only be one remaining occurrence of x, namely
+ the scrutinee of the case, and we can inline it.
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels (
+ setLevels,
+ Level(..), LevelType(..), tOP_LEVEL, isJoinCeilLvl, asJoinCeilLvl,
+ LevelledBind, LevelledExpr, LevelledBndr,
+ FloatSpec(..), floatSpecLevel,
+ incMinorLvl, ltMajLvl, ltLvl, isTopLvl
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Op.Monad ( FloatOutSwitches(..) )
+import GHC.Core.Utils ( exprType, exprIsHNF
+ , exprOkForSpeculation
+ , exprIsTopLevelBindable
+ , isExprLevPoly
+ , collectMakeStaticArgs
+ )
+import GHC.Core.Arity ( exprBotStrictness_maybe )
+import GHC.Core.FVs -- all of it
+import GHC.Core.Subst
+import GHC.Core.Make ( sortQuantVars )
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import Var
+import VarSet
+import UniqSet ( nonDetFoldUniqSet )
+import UniqDSet ( getUniqDSet )
+import VarEnv
+import Literal ( litIsTrivial )
+import Demand ( StrictSig, Demand, isStrictDmd, splitStrictSig, increaseStrictSigArity )
+import Cpr ( mkCprSig, botCpr )
+import Name ( getOccName, mkSystemVarName )
+import OccName ( occNameString )
+import GHC.Core.Type ( Type, mkLamTypes, splitTyConApp_maybe, tyCoVarsOfType
+ , mightBeUnliftedType, closeOverKindsDSet )
+import BasicTypes ( Arity, RecFlag(..), isRec )
+import GHC.Core.DataCon ( dataConOrigResTy )
+import TysWiredIn
+import UniqSupply
+import Util
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import UniqDFM
+import FV
+import Data.Maybe
+import MonadUtils ( mapAccumLM )
+* *
+\subsection{Level numbers}
+* *
+type LevelledExpr = TaggedExpr FloatSpec
+type LevelledBind = TaggedBind FloatSpec
+type LevelledBndr = TaggedBndr FloatSpec
+data Level = Level Int -- Level number of enclosing lambdas
+ Int -- Number of big-lambda and/or case expressions and/or
+ -- context boundaries between
+ -- here and the nearest enclosing lambda
+ LevelType -- Binder or join ceiling?
+data LevelType = BndrLvl | JoinCeilLvl deriving (Eq)
+data FloatSpec
+ = FloatMe Level -- Float to just inside the binding
+ -- tagged with this level
+ | StayPut Level -- Stay where it is; binding is
+ -- tagged with this level
+floatSpecLevel :: FloatSpec -> Level
+floatSpecLevel (FloatMe l) = l
+floatSpecLevel (StayPut l) = l
+The {\em level number} on a (type-)lambda-bound variable is the
+nesting depth of the (type-)lambda which binds it. The outermost lambda
+has level 1, so (Level 0 0) means that the variable is bound outside any lambda.
+On an expression, it's the maximum level number of its free
+(type-)variables. On a let(rec)-bound variable, it's the level of its
+RHS. On a case-bound variable, it's the number of enclosing lambdas.
+Top-level variables: level~0. Those bound on the RHS of a top-level
+definition but ``before'' a lambda; e.g., the \tr{x} in (levels shown
+as ``subscripts'')...
+a_0 = let b_? = ... in
+ x_1 = ... b ... in ...
+The main function @lvlExpr@ carries a ``context level'' (@le_ctxt_lvl@).
+That's meant to be the level number of the enclosing binder in the
+final (floated) program. If the level number of a sub-expression is
+less than that of the context, then it might be worth let-binding the
+sub-expression so that it will indeed float.
+If you can float to level @Level 0 0@ worth doing so because then your
+allocation becomes static instead of dynamic. We always start with
+context @Level 0 0@.
+Note [FloatOut inside INLINE]
+@InlineCtxt@ very similar to @Level 0 0@, but is used for one purpose:
+to say "don't float anything out of here". That's exactly what we
+want for the body of an INLINE, where we don't want to float anything
+out at all. See notes with lvlMFE below.
+But, check this out:
+-- At one time I tried the effect of not floating anything out of an InlineMe,
+-- but it sometimes works badly. For example, consider PrelArr.done. It
+-- has the form __inline (\d. e)
+-- where e doesn't mention d. If we float this to
+-- __inline (let x = e in \d. x)
+-- things are bad. The inliner doesn't even inline it because it doesn't look
+-- like a head-normal form. So it seems a lesser evil to let things float.
+-- In GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels we do set the context to (Level 0 0) when we get to an InlineMe
+-- which discourages floating out.
+So the conclusion is: don't do any floating at all inside an InlineMe.
+(In the above example, don't float the {x=e} out of the \d.)
+One particular case is that of workers: we don't want to float the
+call to the worker outside the wrapper, otherwise the worker might get
+inlined into the floated expression, and an importing module won't see
+the worker at all.
+Note [Join ceiling]
+Join points can't float very far; too far, and they can't remain join points
+So, suppose we have:
+ f x = (joinrec j y = ... x ... in jump j x) + 1
+One may be tempted to float j out to the top of f's RHS, but then the jump
+would not be a tail call. Thus we keep track of a level called the *join
+ceiling* past which join points are not allowed to float.
+The troublesome thing is that, unlike most levels to which something might
+float, there is not necessarily an identifier to which the join ceiling is
+attached. Fortunately, if something is to be floated to a join ceiling, it must
+be dropped at the *nearest* join ceiling. Thus each level is marked as to
+whether it is a join ceiling, so that FloatOut can tell which binders are being
+floated to the nearest join ceiling and which to a particular binder (or set of
+instance Outputable FloatSpec where
+ ppr (FloatMe l) = char 'F' <> ppr l
+ ppr (StayPut l) = ppr l
+tOP_LEVEL :: Level
+tOP_LEVEL = Level 0 0 BndrLvl
+incMajorLvl :: Level -> Level
+incMajorLvl (Level major _ _) = Level (major + 1) 0 BndrLvl
+incMinorLvl :: Level -> Level
+incMinorLvl (Level major minor _) = Level major (minor+1) BndrLvl
+asJoinCeilLvl :: Level -> Level
+asJoinCeilLvl (Level major minor _) = Level major minor JoinCeilLvl
+maxLvl :: Level -> Level -> Level
+maxLvl l1@(Level maj1 min1 _) l2@(Level maj2 min2 _)
+ | (maj1 > maj2) || (maj1 == maj2 && min1 > min2) = l1
+ | otherwise = l2
+ltLvl :: Level -> Level -> Bool
+ltLvl (Level maj1 min1 _) (Level maj2 min2 _)
+ = (maj1 < maj2) || (maj1 == maj2 && min1 < min2)
+ltMajLvl :: Level -> Level -> Bool
+ -- Tells if one level belongs to a difft *lambda* level to another
+ltMajLvl (Level maj1 _ _) (Level maj2 _ _) = maj1 < maj2
+isTopLvl :: Level -> Bool
+isTopLvl (Level 0 0 _) = True
+isTopLvl _ = False
+isJoinCeilLvl :: Level -> Bool
+isJoinCeilLvl (Level _ _ t) = t == JoinCeilLvl
+instance Outputable Level where
+ ppr (Level maj min typ)
+ = hcat [ char '<', int maj, char ',', int min, char '>'
+ , ppWhen (typ == JoinCeilLvl) (char 'C') ]
+instance Eq Level where
+ (Level maj1 min1 _) == (Level maj2 min2 _) = maj1 == maj2 && min1 == min2
+* *
+\subsection{Main level-setting code}
+* *
+setLevels :: FloatOutSwitches
+ -> CoreProgram
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> [LevelledBind]
+setLevels float_lams binds us
+ = initLvl us (do_them init_env binds)
+ where
+ init_env = initialEnv float_lams
+ do_them :: LevelEnv -> [CoreBind] -> LvlM [LevelledBind]
+ do_them _ [] = return []
+ do_them env (b:bs)
+ = do { (lvld_bind, env') <- lvlTopBind env b
+ ; lvld_binds <- do_them env' bs
+ ; return (lvld_bind : lvld_binds) }
+lvlTopBind :: LevelEnv -> Bind Id -> LvlM (LevelledBind, LevelEnv)
+lvlTopBind env (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ = do { rhs' <- lvl_top env NonRecursive bndr rhs
+ ; let (env', [bndr']) = substAndLvlBndrs NonRecursive env tOP_LEVEL [bndr]
+ ; return (NonRec bndr' rhs', env') }
+lvlTopBind env (Rec pairs)
+ = do { let (env', bndrs') = substAndLvlBndrs Recursive env tOP_LEVEL
+ (map fst pairs)
+ ; rhss' <- mapM (\(b,r) -> lvl_top env' Recursive b r) pairs
+ ; return (Rec (bndrs' `zip` rhss'), env') }
+lvl_top :: LevelEnv -> RecFlag -> Id -> CoreExpr -> LvlM LevelledExpr
+lvl_top env is_rec bndr rhs
+ = lvlRhs env is_rec
+ (isBottomingId bndr)
+ Nothing -- Not a join point
+ (freeVars rhs)
+* *
+\subsection{Setting expression levels}
+* *
+Note [Floating over-saturated applications]
+If we see (f x y), and (f x) is a redex (ie f's arity is 1),
+we call (f x) an "over-saturated application"
+Should we float out an over-sat app, if can escape a value lambda?
+It is sometimes very beneficial (-7% runtime -4% alloc over nofib -O2).
+But we don't want to do it for class selectors, because the work saved
+is minimal, and the extra local thunks allocated cost money.
+Arguably we could float even class-op applications if they were going to
+top level -- but then they must be applied to a constant dictionary and
+will almost certainly be optimised away anyway.
+lvlExpr :: LevelEnv -- Context
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs -- Input expression
+ -> LvlM LevelledExpr -- Result expression
+The @le_ctxt_lvl@ is, roughly, the level of the innermost enclosing
+binder. Here's an example
+ v = \x -> ...\y -> let r = case (..x..) of
+ ..x..
+ in ..
+When looking at the rhs of @r@, @le_ctxt_lvl@ will be 1 because that's
+the level of @r@, even though it's inside a level-2 @\y@. It's
+important that @le_ctxt_lvl@ is 1 and not 2 in @r@'s rhs, because we
+don't want @lvlExpr@ to turn the scrutinee of the @case@ into an MFE
+--- because it isn't a *maximal* free expression.
+If there were another lambda in @r@'s rhs, it would get level-2 as well.
+lvlExpr env (_, AnnType ty) = return (Type (GHC.Core.Subst.substTy (le_subst env) ty))
+lvlExpr env (_, AnnCoercion co) = return (Coercion (substCo (le_subst env) co))
+lvlExpr env (_, AnnVar v) = return (lookupVar env v)
+lvlExpr _ (_, AnnLit lit) = return (Lit lit)
+lvlExpr env (_, AnnCast expr (_, co)) = do
+ expr' <- lvlNonTailExpr env expr
+ return (Cast expr' (substCo (le_subst env) co))
+lvlExpr env (_, AnnTick tickish expr) = do
+ expr' <- lvlNonTailExpr env expr
+ let tickish' = substTickish (le_subst env) tickish
+ return (Tick tickish' expr')
+lvlExpr env expr@(_, AnnApp _ _) = lvlApp env expr (collectAnnArgs expr)
+-- We don't split adjacent lambdas. That is, given
+-- \x y -> (x+1,y)
+-- we don't float to give
+-- \x -> let v = x+1 in \y -> (v,y)
+-- Why not? Because partial applications are fairly rare, and splitting
+-- lambdas makes them more expensive.
+lvlExpr env expr@(_, AnnLam {})
+ = do { new_body <- lvlNonTailMFE new_env True body
+ ; return (mkLams new_bndrs new_body) }
+ where
+ (bndrs, body) = collectAnnBndrs expr
+ (env1, bndrs1) = substBndrsSL NonRecursive env bndrs
+ (new_env, new_bndrs) = lvlLamBndrs env1 (le_ctxt_lvl env) bndrs1
+ -- At one time we called a special version of collectBinders,
+ -- which ignored coercions, because we don't want to split
+ -- a lambda like this (\x -> coerce t (\s -> ...))
+ -- This used to happen quite a bit in state-transformer programs,
+ -- but not nearly so much now non-recursive newtypes are transparent.
+ -- [See GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels rev 1.50 for a version with this approach.]
+lvlExpr env (_, AnnLet bind body)
+ = do { (bind', new_env) <- lvlBind env bind
+ ; body' <- lvlExpr new_env body
+ -- No point in going via lvlMFE here. If the binding is alive
+ -- (mentioned in body), and the whole let-expression doesn't
+ -- float, then neither will the body
+ ; return (Let bind' body') }
+lvlExpr env (_, AnnCase scrut case_bndr ty alts)
+ = do { scrut' <- lvlNonTailMFE env True scrut
+ ; lvlCase env (freeVarsOf scrut) scrut' case_bndr ty alts }
+lvlNonTailExpr :: LevelEnv -- Context
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs -- Input expression
+ -> LvlM LevelledExpr -- Result expression
+lvlNonTailExpr env expr
+ = lvlExpr (placeJoinCeiling env) expr
+lvlApp :: LevelEnv
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs
+ -> (CoreExprWithFVs, [CoreExprWithFVs]) -- Input application
+ -> LvlM LevelledExpr -- Result expression
+lvlApp env orig_expr ((_,AnnVar fn), args)
+ | floatOverSat env -- See Note [Floating over-saturated applications]
+ , arity > 0
+ , arity < n_val_args
+ , Nothing <- isClassOpId_maybe fn
+ = do { rargs' <- mapM (lvlNonTailMFE env False) rargs
+ ; lapp' <- lvlNonTailMFE env False lapp
+ ; return (foldl' App lapp' rargs') }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { (_, args') <- mapAccumLM lvl_arg stricts args
+ -- Take account of argument strictness; see
+ -- Note [Floating to the top]
+ ; return (foldl' App (lookupVar env fn) args') }
+ where
+ n_val_args = count (isValArg . deAnnotate) args
+ arity = idArity fn
+ stricts :: [Demand] -- True for strict /value/ arguments
+ stricts = case splitStrictSig (idStrictness fn) of
+ (arg_ds, _) | arg_ds `lengthExceeds` n_val_args
+ -> []
+ | otherwise
+ -> arg_ds
+ -- Separate out the PAP that we are floating from the extra
+ -- arguments, by traversing the spine until we have collected
+ -- (n_val_args - arity) value arguments.
+ (lapp, rargs) = left (n_val_args - arity) orig_expr []
+ left 0 e rargs = (e, rargs)
+ left n (_, AnnApp f a) rargs
+ | isValArg (deAnnotate a) = left (n-1) f (a:rargs)
+ | otherwise = left n f (a:rargs)
+ left _ _ _ = panic "GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels.lvlExpr.left"
+ is_val_arg :: CoreExprWithFVs -> Bool
+ is_val_arg (_, AnnType {}) = False
+ is_val_arg _ = True
+ lvl_arg :: [Demand] -> CoreExprWithFVs -> LvlM ([Demand], LevelledExpr)
+ lvl_arg strs arg | (str1 : strs') <- strs
+ , is_val_arg arg
+ = do { arg' <- lvlMFE env (isStrictDmd str1) arg
+ ; return (strs', arg') }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { arg' <- lvlMFE env False arg
+ ; return (strs, arg') }
+lvlApp env _ (fun, args)
+ = -- No PAPs that we can float: just carry on with the
+ -- arguments and the function.
+ do { args' <- mapM (lvlNonTailMFE env False) args
+ ; fun' <- lvlNonTailExpr env fun
+ ; return (foldl' App fun' args') }
+lvlCase :: LevelEnv -- Level of in-scope names/tyvars
+ -> DVarSet -- Free vars of input scrutinee
+ -> LevelledExpr -- Processed scrutinee
+ -> Id -> Type -- Case binder and result type
+ -> [CoreAltWithFVs] -- Input alternatives
+ -> LvlM LevelledExpr -- Result expression
+lvlCase env scrut_fvs scrut' case_bndr ty alts
+ -- See Note [Floating single-alternative cases]
+ | [(con@(DataAlt {}), bs, body)] <- alts
+ , exprIsHNF (deTagExpr scrut') -- See Note [Check the output scrutinee for exprIsHNF]
+ , not (isTopLvl dest_lvl) -- Can't have top-level cases
+ , not (floatTopLvlOnly env) -- Can float anywhere
+ = -- Always float the case if possible
+ -- Unlike lets we don't insist that it escapes a value lambda
+ do { (env1, (case_bndr' : bs')) <- cloneCaseBndrs env dest_lvl (case_bndr : bs)
+ ; let rhs_env = extendCaseBndrEnv env1 case_bndr scrut'
+ ; body' <- lvlMFE rhs_env True body
+ ; let alt' = (con, map (stayPut dest_lvl) bs', body')
+ ; return (Case scrut' (TB case_bndr' (FloatMe dest_lvl)) ty' [alt']) }
+ | otherwise -- Stays put
+ = do { let (alts_env1, [case_bndr']) = substAndLvlBndrs NonRecursive env incd_lvl [case_bndr]
+ alts_env = extendCaseBndrEnv alts_env1 case_bndr scrut'
+ ; alts' <- mapM (lvl_alt alts_env) alts
+ ; return (Case scrut' case_bndr' ty' alts') }
+ where
+ ty' = substTy (le_subst env) ty
+ incd_lvl = incMinorLvl (le_ctxt_lvl env)
+ dest_lvl = maxFvLevel (const True) env scrut_fvs
+ -- Don't abstract over type variables, hence const True
+ lvl_alt alts_env (con, bs, rhs)
+ = do { rhs' <- lvlMFE new_env True rhs
+ ; return (con, bs', rhs') }
+ where
+ (new_env, bs') = substAndLvlBndrs NonRecursive alts_env incd_lvl bs
+{- Note [Floating single-alternative cases]
+Consider this:
+ data T a = MkT !a
+ f :: T Int -> blah
+ f x vs = case x of { MkT y ->
+ let f vs = ...(case y of I# w -> e)...f..
+ in f vs
+Here we can float the (case y ...) out, because y is sure
+to be evaluated, to give
+ f x vs = case x of { MkT y ->
+ case y of I# w ->
+ let f vs = ...(e)...f..
+ in f vs
+That saves unboxing it every time round the loop. It's important in
+some DPH stuff where we really want to avoid that repeated unboxing in
+the inner loop.
+Things to note:
+ * The test we perform is exprIsHNF, and /not/ exprOkForSpeculation.
+ - exrpIsHNF catches the key case of an evaluated variable
+ - exprOkForSpeculation is /false/ of an evaluated variable;
+ See Note [exprOkForSpeculation and evaluated variables] in GHC.Core.Utils
+ So we'd actually miss the key case!
+ - Nothing is gained from the extra generality of exprOkForSpeculation
+ since we only consider floating a case whose single alternative
+ is a DataAlt K a b -> rhs
+ * We can't float a case to top level
+ * It's worth doing this float even if we don't float
+ the case outside a value lambda. Example
+ case x of {
+ MkT y -> (case y of I# w2 -> ..., case y of I# w2 -> ...)
+ If we floated the cases out we could eliminate one of them.
+ * We only do this with a single-alternative case
+Note [Setting levels when floating single-alternative cases]
+Handling level-setting when floating a single-alternative case binding
+is a bit subtle, as evidenced by #16978. In particular, we must keep
+in mind that we are merely moving the case and its binders, not the
+body. For example, suppose 'a' is known to be evaluated and we have
+ \z -> case a of
+ (x,_) -> <body involving x and z>
+After floating we may have:
+ case a of
+ (x,_) -> \z -> <body involving x and z>
+ {- some expression involving x and z -}
+When analysing <body involving...> we want to use the /ambient/ level,
+and /not/ the destination level of the 'case a of (x,-) ->' binding.
+#16978 was caused by us setting the context level to the destination
+level of `x` when analysing <body>. This led us to conclude that we
+needed to quantify over some of its free variables (e.g. z), resulting
+in shadowing and very confusing Core Lint failures.
+Note [Check the output scrutinee for exprIsHNF]
+Consider this:
+ case x of y {
+ A -> ....(case y of alts)....
+ }
+Because of the binder-swap, the inner case will get substituted to
+(case x of ..). So when testing whether the scrutinee is in HNF we
+must be careful to test the *result* scrutinee ('x' in this case), not
+the *input* one 'y'. The latter *is* in HNF here (because y is
+evaluated), but the former is not -- and indeed we can't float the
+inner case out, at least not unless x is also evaluated at its binding
+site. See #5453.
+That's why we apply exprIsHNF to scrut' and not to scrut.
+See Note [Floating single-alternative cases] for why
+we use exprIsHNF in the first place.
+lvlNonTailMFE :: LevelEnv -- Level of in-scope names/tyvars
+ -> Bool -- True <=> strict context [body of case
+ -- or let]
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs -- input expression
+ -> LvlM LevelledExpr -- Result expression
+lvlNonTailMFE env strict_ctxt ann_expr
+ = lvlMFE (placeJoinCeiling env) strict_ctxt ann_expr
+lvlMFE :: LevelEnv -- Level of in-scope names/tyvars
+ -> Bool -- True <=> strict context [body of case or let]
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs -- input expression
+ -> LvlM LevelledExpr -- Result expression
+-- lvlMFE is just like lvlExpr, except that it might let-bind
+-- the expression, so that it can itself be floated.
+lvlMFE env _ (_, AnnType ty)
+ = return (Type (GHC.Core.Subst.substTy (le_subst env) ty))
+-- No point in floating out an expression wrapped in a coercion or note
+-- If we do we'll transform lvl = e |> co
+-- to lvl' = e; lvl = lvl' |> co
+-- and then inline lvl. Better just to float out the payload.
+lvlMFE env strict_ctxt (_, AnnTick t e)
+ = do { e' <- lvlMFE env strict_ctxt e
+ ; let t' = substTickish (le_subst env) t
+ ; return (Tick t' e') }
+lvlMFE env strict_ctxt (_, AnnCast e (_, co))
+ = do { e' <- lvlMFE env strict_ctxt e
+ ; return (Cast e' (substCo (le_subst env) co)) }
+lvlMFE env strict_ctxt e@(_, AnnCase {})
+ | strict_ctxt -- Don't share cases in a strict context
+ = lvlExpr env e -- See Note [Case MFEs]
+lvlMFE env strict_ctxt ann_expr
+ | floatTopLvlOnly env && not (isTopLvl dest_lvl)
+ -- Only floating to the top level is allowed.
+ || anyDVarSet isJoinId fvs -- If there is a free join, don't float
+ -- See Note [Free join points]
+ || isExprLevPoly expr
+ -- We can't let-bind levity polymorphic expressions
+ -- See Note [Levity polymorphism invariants] in GHC.Core
+ || notWorthFloating expr abs_vars
+ || not float_me
+ = -- Don't float it out
+ lvlExpr env ann_expr
+ | float_is_new_lam || exprIsTopLevelBindable expr expr_ty
+ -- No wrapping needed if the type is lifted, or is a literal string
+ -- or if we are wrapping it in one or more value lambdas
+ = do { expr1 <- lvlFloatRhs abs_vars dest_lvl rhs_env NonRecursive
+ (isJust mb_bot_str)
+ join_arity_maybe
+ ann_expr
+ -- Treat the expr just like a right-hand side
+ ; var <- newLvlVar expr1 join_arity_maybe is_mk_static
+ ; let var2 = annotateBotStr var float_n_lams mb_bot_str
+ ; return (Let (NonRec (TB var2 (FloatMe dest_lvl)) expr1)
+ (mkVarApps (Var var2) abs_vars)) }
+ -- OK, so the float has an unlifted type (not top-level bindable)
+ -- and no new value lambdas (float_is_new_lam is False)
+ -- Try for the boxing strategy
+ -- See Note [Floating MFEs of unlifted type]
+ | escapes_value_lam
+ , not expr_ok_for_spec -- Boxing/unboxing isn't worth it for cheap expressions
+ -- See Note [Test cheapness with exprOkForSpeculation]
+ , Just (tc, _) <- splitTyConApp_maybe expr_ty
+ , Just dc <- boxingDataCon_maybe tc
+ , let dc_res_ty = dataConOrigResTy dc -- No free type variables
+ [bx_bndr, ubx_bndr] = mkTemplateLocals [dc_res_ty, expr_ty]
+ = do { expr1 <- lvlExpr rhs_env ann_expr
+ ; let l1r = incMinorLvlFrom rhs_env
+ float_rhs = mkLams abs_vars_w_lvls $
+ Case expr1 (stayPut l1r ubx_bndr) dc_res_ty
+ [(DEFAULT, [], mkConApp dc [Var ubx_bndr])]
+ ; var <- newLvlVar float_rhs Nothing is_mk_static
+ ; let l1u = incMinorLvlFrom env
+ use_expr = Case (mkVarApps (Var var) abs_vars)
+ (stayPut l1u bx_bndr) expr_ty
+ [(DataAlt dc, [stayPut l1u ubx_bndr], Var ubx_bndr)]
+ ; return (Let (NonRec (TB var (FloatMe dest_lvl)) float_rhs)
+ use_expr) }
+ | otherwise -- e.g. do not float unboxed tuples
+ = lvlExpr env ann_expr
+ where
+ expr = deAnnotate ann_expr
+ expr_ty = exprType expr
+ fvs = freeVarsOf ann_expr
+ fvs_ty = tyCoVarsOfType expr_ty
+ is_bot = isBottomThunk mb_bot_str
+ is_function = isFunction ann_expr
+ mb_bot_str = exprBotStrictness_maybe expr
+ -- See Note [Bottoming floats]
+ -- esp Bottoming floats (2)
+ expr_ok_for_spec = exprOkForSpeculation expr
+ dest_lvl = destLevel env fvs fvs_ty is_function is_bot False
+ abs_vars = abstractVars dest_lvl env fvs
+ -- float_is_new_lam: the floated thing will be a new value lambda
+ -- replacing, say (g (x+4)) by (lvl x). No work is saved, nor is
+ -- allocation saved. The benefit is to get it to the top level
+ -- and hence out of the body of this function altogether, making
+ -- it smaller and more inlinable
+ float_is_new_lam = float_n_lams > 0
+ float_n_lams = count isId abs_vars
+ (rhs_env, abs_vars_w_lvls) = lvlLamBndrs env dest_lvl abs_vars
+ join_arity_maybe = Nothing
+ is_mk_static = isJust (collectMakeStaticArgs expr)
+ -- Yuk: See Note [Grand plan for static forms] in main/StaticPtrTable
+ -- A decision to float entails let-binding this thing, and we only do
+ -- that if we'll escape a value lambda, or will go to the top level.
+ float_me = saves_work || saves_alloc || is_mk_static
+ -- We can save work if we can move a redex outside a value lambda
+ -- But if float_is_new_lam is True, then the redex is wrapped in a
+ -- a new lambda, so no work is saved
+ saves_work = escapes_value_lam && not float_is_new_lam
+ escapes_value_lam = dest_lvl `ltMajLvl` (le_ctxt_lvl env)
+ -- See Note [Escaping a value lambda]
+ -- See Note [Floating to the top]
+ saves_alloc = isTopLvl dest_lvl
+ && floatConsts env
+ && (not strict_ctxt || is_bot || exprIsHNF expr)
+isBottomThunk :: Maybe (Arity, s) -> Bool
+-- See Note [Bottoming floats] (2)
+isBottomThunk (Just (0, _)) = True -- Zero arity
+isBottomThunk _ = False
+{- Note [Floating to the top]
+We are keen to float something to the top level, even if it does not
+escape a value lambda (and hence save work), for two reasons:
+ * Doing so makes the function smaller, by floating out
+ bottoming expressions, or integer or string literals. That in
+ turn makes it easier to inline, with less duplication.
+ * (Minor) Doing so may turn a dynamic allocation (done by machine
+ instructions) into a static one. Minor because we are assuming
+ we are not escaping a value lambda.
+But do not so if:
+ - the context is a strict, and
+ - the expression is not a HNF, and
+ - the expression is not bottoming
+* Bottoming
+ f x = case x of
+ 0 -> error <big thing>
+ _ -> x+1
+ Here we want to float (error <big thing>) to top level, abstracting
+ over 'x', so as to make f's RHS smaller.
+* HNF
+ f = case y of
+ True -> p:q
+ False -> blah
+ We may as well float the (p:q) so it becomes a static data structure.
+* Case scrutinee
+ f = case g True of ....
+ Don't float (g True) to top level; then we have the admin of a
+ top-level thunk to worry about, with zero gain.
+* Case alternative
+ h = case y of
+ True -> g True
+ False -> False
+ Don't float (g True) to the top level
+* Arguments
+ t = f (g True)
+ If f is lazy, we /do/ float (g True) because then we can allocate
+ the thunk statically rather than dynamically. But if f is strict
+ we don't (see the use of idStrictness in lvlApp). It's not clear
+ if this test is worth the bother: it's only about CAFs!
+It's controlled by a flag (floatConsts), because doing this too
+early loses opportunities for RULES which (needless to say) are
+important in some nofib programs (gcd is an example). [SPJ note:
+I think this is obsolete; the flag seems always on.]
+Note [Floating join point bindings]
+Mostly we only float a join point if it can /stay/ a join point. But
+there is one exception: if it can go to the top level (#13286).
+ f x = joinrec j y n = <...j y' n'...>
+ in jump j x 0
+Here we may just as well produce
+ j y n = <....j y' n'...>
+ f x = j x 0
+and now there is a chance that 'f' will be inlined at its call sites.
+It shouldn't make a lot of difference, but these tests
+ perf/should_run/MethSharing
+ simplCore/should_compile/spec-inline
+and one nofib program, all improve if you do float to top, because
+of the resulting inlining of f. So ok, let's do it.
+Note [Free join points]
+We never float a MFE that has a free join-point variable. You might think
+this can never occur. After all, consider
+ join j x = ...
+ in ....(jump j x)....
+How might we ever want to float that (jump j x)?
+ * If it would escape a value lambda, thus
+ join j x = ... in (\y. ...(jump j x)... )
+ then 'j' isn't a valid join point in the first place.
+But consider
+ join j x = .... in
+ joinrec j2 y = ...(jump j x)...(a+b)....
+Since j2 is recursive, it /is/ worth floating (a+b) out of the joinrec.
+But it is emphatically /not/ good to float the (jump j x) out:
+ (a) 'j' will stop being a join point
+ (b) In any case, jumping to 'j' must be an exit of the j2 loop, so no
+ work would be saved by floating it out of the \y.
+Even if we floated 'j' to top level, (b) would still hold.
+Bottom line: never float a MFE that has a free JoinId.
+Note [Floating MFEs of unlifted type]
+Suppose we have
+ case f x of (r::Int#) -> blah
+we'd like to float (f x). But it's not trivial because it has type
+Int#, and we don't want to evaluate it too early. But we can instead
+float a boxed version
+ y = case f x of r -> I# r
+and replace the original (f x) with
+ case (case y of I# r -> r) of r -> blah
+Being able to float unboxed expressions is sometimes important; see
+#12603. I'm not sure how /often/ it is important, but it's
+not hard to achieve.
+We only do it for a fixed collection of types for which we have a
+convenient boxing constructor (see boxingDataCon_maybe). In
+particular we /don't/ do it for unboxed tuples; it's better to float
+the components of the tuple individually.
+I did experiment with a form of boxing that works for any type, namely
+wrapping in a function. In our example
+ let y = case f x of r -> \v. f x
+ in case y void of r -> blah
+It works fine, but it's 50% slower (based on some crude benchmarking).
+I suppose we could do it for types not covered by boxingDataCon_maybe,
+but it's more code and I'll wait to see if anyone wants it.
+Note [Test cheapness with exprOkForSpeculation]
+We don't want to float very cheap expressions by boxing and unboxing.
+But we use exprOkForSpeculation for the test, not exprIsCheap.
+Why? Because it's important /not/ to transform
+ f (a /# 3)
+ f (case bx of I# a -> a /# 3)
+and float bx = I# (a /# 3), because the application of f no
+longer obeys the let/app invariant. But (a /# 3) is ok-for-spec
+due to a special hack that says division operators can't fail
+when the denominator is definitely non-zero. And yet that
+same expression says False to exprIsCheap. Simplest way to
+guarantee the let/app invariant is to use the same function!
+If an expression is okay for speculation, we could also float it out
+*without* boxing and unboxing, since evaluating it early is okay.
+However, it turned out to usually be better not to float such expressions,
+since they tend to be extremely cheap things like (x +# 1#). Even the
+cost of spilling the let-bound variable to the stack across a call may
+exceed the cost of recomputing such an expression. (And we can't float
+unlifted bindings to top-level.)
+We could try to do something smarter here, and float out expensive yet
+okay-for-speculation things, such as division by non-zero constants.
+But I suspect it's a narrow target.
+Note [Bottoming floats]
+If we see
+ f = \x. g (error "urk")
+we'd like to float the call to error, to get
+ lvl = error "urk"
+ f = \x. g lvl
+But, as ever, we need to be careful:
+(1) We want to float a bottoming
+ expression even if it has free variables:
+ f = \x. g (let v = h x in error ("urk" ++ v))
+ Then we'd like to abstract over 'x' can float the whole arg of g:
+ lvl = \x. let v = h x in error ("urk" ++ v)
+ f = \x. g (lvl x)
+ To achieve this we pass is_bot to destLevel
+(2) We do not do this for lambdas that return
+ bottom. Instead we treat the /body/ of such a function specially,
+ via point (1). For example:
+ f = \x. ....(\y z. if x then error y else error z)....
+ ===>
+ lvl = \x z y. if b then error y else error z
+ f = \x. ...(\y z. lvl x z y)...
+ (There is no guarantee that we'll choose the perfect argument order.)
+(3) If we have a /binding/ that returns bottom, we want to float it to top
+ level, even if it has free vars (point (1)), and even it has lambdas.
+ Example:
+ ... let { v = \y. error (show x ++ show y) } in ...
+ We want to abstract over x and float the whole thing to top:
+ lvl = \xy. errror (show x ++ show y)
+ ...let {v = lvl x} in ...
+ Then of course we don't want to separately float the body (error ...)
+ as /another/ MFE, so we tell lvlFloatRhs not to do that, via the is_bot
+ argument.
+See Maessen's paper 1999 "Bottom extraction: factoring error handling out
+of functional programs" (unpublished I think).
+When we do this, we set the strictness and arity of the new bottoming
+Id, *immediately*, for three reasons:
+ * To prevent the abstracted thing being immediately inlined back in again
+ via preInlineUnconditionally. The latter has a test for bottoming Ids
+ to stop inlining them, so we'd better make sure it *is* a bottoming Id!
+ * So that it's properly exposed as such in the interface file, even if
+ this is all happening after strictness analysis.
+ * In case we do CSE with the same expression that *is* marked bottom
+ lvl = error "urk"
+ x{str=bot) = error "urk"
+ Here we don't want to replace 'x' with 'lvl', else we may get Lint
+ errors, e.g. via a case with empty alternatives: (case x of {})
+ Lint complains unless the scrutinee of such a case is clearly bottom.
+ This was reported in #11290. But since the whole bottoming-float
+ thing is based on the cheap-and-cheerful exprIsBottom, I'm not sure
+ that it'll nail all such cases.
+Note [Bottoming floats: eta expansion] c.f Note [Bottoming floats]
+Tiresomely, though, the simplifier has an invariant that the manifest
+arity of the RHS should be the same as the arity; but we can't call
+etaExpand during GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels because it works over a decorated form of
+CoreExpr. So we do the eta expansion later, in GHC.Core.Op.FloatOut.
+Note [Case MFEs]
+We don't float a case expression as an MFE from a strict context. Why not?
+Because in doing so we share a tiny bit of computation (the switch) but
+in exchange we build a thunk, which is bad. This case reduces allocation
+by 7% in spectral/puzzle (a rather strange benchmark) and 1.2% in real/fem.
+Doesn't change any other allocation at all.
+We will make a separate decision for the scrutinee and alternatives.
+However this can have a knock-on effect for fusion: consider
+ \v -> foldr k z (case x of I# y -> build ..y..)
+Perhaps we can float the entire (case x of ...) out of the \v. Then
+fusion will not happen, but we will get more sharing. But if we don't
+float the case (as advocated here) we won't float the (build ...y..)
+either, so fusion will happen. It can be a big effect, esp in some
+artificial benchmarks (e.g. integer, queens), but there is no perfect
+annotateBotStr :: Id -> Arity -> Maybe (Arity, StrictSig) -> Id
+-- See Note [Bottoming floats] for why we want to add
+-- bottoming information right now
+-- n_extra are the number of extra value arguments added during floating
+annotateBotStr id n_extra mb_str
+ = case mb_str of
+ Nothing -> id
+ Just (arity, sig) -> id `setIdArity` (arity + n_extra)
+ `setIdStrictness` (increaseStrictSigArity n_extra sig)
+ `setIdCprInfo` mkCprSig (arity + n_extra) botCpr
+notWorthFloating :: CoreExpr -> [Var] -> Bool
+-- Returns True if the expression would be replaced by
+-- something bigger than it is now. For example:
+-- abs_vars = tvars only: return True if e is trivial,
+-- but False for anything bigger
+-- abs_vars = [x] (an Id): return True for trivial, or an application (f x)
+-- but False for (f x x)
+-- One big goal is that floating should be idempotent. Eg if
+-- we replace e with (lvl79 x y) and then run FloatOut again, don't want
+-- to replace (lvl79 x y) with (lvl83 x y)!
+notWorthFloating e abs_vars
+ = go e (count isId abs_vars)
+ where
+ go (Var {}) n = n >= 0
+ go (Lit lit) n = ASSERT( n==0 )
+ litIsTrivial lit -- Note [Floating literals]
+ go (Tick t e) n = not (tickishIsCode t) && go e n
+ go (Cast e _) n = go e n
+ go (App e arg) n
+ -- See Note [Floating applications to coercions]
+ | Type {} <- arg = go e n
+ | n==0 = False
+ | is_triv arg = go e (n-1)
+ | otherwise = False
+ go _ _ = False
+ is_triv (Lit {}) = True -- Treat all literals as trivial
+ is_triv (Var {}) = True -- (ie not worth floating)
+ is_triv (Cast e _) = is_triv e
+ is_triv (App e (Type {})) = is_triv e -- See Note [Floating applications to coercions]
+ is_triv (Tick t e) = not (tickishIsCode t) && is_triv e
+ is_triv _ = False
+Note [Floating literals]
+It's important to float Integer literals, so that they get shared,
+rather than being allocated every time round the loop.
+Hence the litIsTrivial.
+Ditto literal strings (LitString), which we'd like to float to top
+level, which is now possible.
+Note [Floating applications to coercions]
+We don’t float out variables applied only to type arguments, since the
+extra binding would be pointless: type arguments are completely erased.
+But *coercion* arguments aren’t (see Note [Coercion tokens] in
+CoreToStg.hs and Note [Count coercion arguments in boring contexts] in
+CoreUnfold.hs), so we still want to float out variables applied only to
+coercion arguments.
+Note [Escaping a value lambda]
+We want to float even cheap expressions out of value lambdas,
+because that saves allocation. Consider
+ f = \x. .. (\y.e) ...
+Then we'd like to avoid allocating the (\y.e) every time we call f,
+(assuming e does not mention x). An example where this really makes a
+difference is simplrun009.
+Another reason it's good is because it makes SpecContr fire on functions.
+ f = \x. ....(f (\y.e))....
+After floating we get
+ lvl = \y.e
+ f = \x. ....(f lvl)...
+and that is much easier for SpecConstr to generate a robust
+specialisation for.
+However, if we are wrapping the thing in extra value lambdas (in
+abs_vars), then nothing is saved. E.g.
+ f = \xyz. ...(e1[y],e2)....
+If we float
+ lvl = \y. (e1[y],e2)
+ f = \xyz. ...(lvl y)...
+we have saved nothing: one pair will still be allocated for each
+call of 'f'. Hence the (not float_is_lam) in float_me.
+* *
+* *
+The binding stuff works for top level too.
+lvlBind :: LevelEnv
+ -> CoreBindWithFVs
+ -> LvlM (LevelledBind, LevelEnv)
+lvlBind env (AnnNonRec bndr rhs)
+ | isTyVar bndr -- Don't do anything for TyVar binders
+ -- (simplifier gets rid of them pronto)
+ || isCoVar bndr -- Difficult to fix up CoVar occurrences (see extendPolyLvlEnv)
+ -- so we will ignore this case for now
+ || not (profitableFloat env dest_lvl)
+ || (isTopLvl dest_lvl && not (exprIsTopLevelBindable deann_rhs bndr_ty))
+ -- We can't float an unlifted binding to top level (except
+ -- literal strings), so we don't float it at all. It's a
+ -- bit brutal, but unlifted bindings aren't expensive either
+ = -- No float
+ do { rhs' <- lvlRhs env NonRecursive is_bot mb_join_arity rhs
+ ; let bind_lvl = incMinorLvl (le_ctxt_lvl env)
+ (env', [bndr']) = substAndLvlBndrs NonRecursive env bind_lvl [bndr]
+ ; return (NonRec bndr' rhs', env') }
+ -- Otherwise we are going to float
+ | null abs_vars
+ = do { -- No type abstraction; clone existing binder
+ rhs' <- lvlFloatRhs [] dest_lvl env NonRecursive
+ is_bot mb_join_arity rhs
+ ; (env', [bndr']) <- cloneLetVars NonRecursive env dest_lvl [bndr]
+ ; let bndr2 = annotateBotStr bndr' 0 mb_bot_str
+ ; return (NonRec (TB bndr2 (FloatMe dest_lvl)) rhs', env') }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { -- Yes, type abstraction; create a new binder, extend substitution, etc
+ rhs' <- lvlFloatRhs abs_vars dest_lvl env NonRecursive
+ is_bot mb_join_arity rhs
+ ; (env', [bndr']) <- newPolyBndrs dest_lvl env abs_vars [bndr]
+ ; let bndr2 = annotateBotStr bndr' n_extra mb_bot_str
+ ; return (NonRec (TB bndr2 (FloatMe dest_lvl)) rhs', env') }
+ where
+ bndr_ty = idType bndr
+ ty_fvs = tyCoVarsOfType bndr_ty
+ rhs_fvs = freeVarsOf rhs
+ bind_fvs = rhs_fvs `unionDVarSet` dIdFreeVars bndr
+ abs_vars = abstractVars dest_lvl env bind_fvs
+ dest_lvl = destLevel env bind_fvs ty_fvs (isFunction rhs) is_bot is_join
+ deann_rhs = deAnnotate rhs
+ mb_bot_str = exprBotStrictness_maybe deann_rhs
+ is_bot = isJust mb_bot_str
+ -- NB: not isBottomThunk! See Note [Bottoming floats] point (3)
+ n_extra = count isId abs_vars
+ mb_join_arity = isJoinId_maybe bndr
+ is_join = isJust mb_join_arity
+lvlBind env (AnnRec pairs)
+ | floatTopLvlOnly env && not (isTopLvl dest_lvl)
+ -- Only floating to the top level is allowed.
+ || not (profitableFloat env dest_lvl)
+ || (isTopLvl dest_lvl && any (mightBeUnliftedType . idType) bndrs)
+ -- This mightBeUnliftedType stuff is the same test as in the non-rec case
+ -- You might wonder whether we can have a recursive binding for
+ -- an unlifted value -- but we can if it's a /join binding/ (#16978)
+ -- (Ultimately I think we should not use GHC.Core.Op.SetLevels to
+ -- float join bindings at all, but that's another story.)
+ = -- No float
+ do { let bind_lvl = incMinorLvl (le_ctxt_lvl env)
+ (env', bndrs') = substAndLvlBndrs Recursive env bind_lvl bndrs
+ lvl_rhs (b,r) = lvlRhs env' Recursive is_bot (isJoinId_maybe b) r
+ ; rhss' <- mapM lvl_rhs pairs
+ ; return (Rec (bndrs' `zip` rhss'), env') }
+ -- Otherwise we are going to float
+ | null abs_vars
+ = do { (new_env, new_bndrs) <- cloneLetVars Recursive env dest_lvl bndrs
+ ; new_rhss <- mapM (do_rhs new_env) pairs
+ ; return ( Rec ([TB b (FloatMe dest_lvl) | b <- new_bndrs] `zip` new_rhss)
+ , new_env) }
+-- ToDo: when enabling the floatLambda stuff,
+-- I think we want to stop doing this
+ | [(bndr,rhs)] <- pairs
+ , count isId abs_vars > 1
+ = do -- Special case for self recursion where there are
+ -- several variables carried around: build a local loop:
+ -- poly_f = \abs_vars. \lam_vars . letrec f = \lam_vars. rhs in f lam_vars
+ -- This just makes the closures a bit smaller. If we don't do
+ -- this, allocation rises significantly on some programs
+ --
+ -- We could elaborate it for the case where there are several
+ -- mutually recursive functions, but it's quite a bit more complicated
+ --
+ -- This all seems a bit ad hoc -- sigh
+ let (rhs_env, abs_vars_w_lvls) = lvlLamBndrs env dest_lvl abs_vars
+ rhs_lvl = le_ctxt_lvl rhs_env
+ (rhs_env', [new_bndr]) <- cloneLetVars Recursive rhs_env rhs_lvl [bndr]
+ let
+ (lam_bndrs, rhs_body) = collectAnnBndrs rhs
+ (body_env1, lam_bndrs1) = substBndrsSL NonRecursive rhs_env' lam_bndrs
+ (body_env2, lam_bndrs2) = lvlLamBndrs body_env1 rhs_lvl lam_bndrs1
+ new_rhs_body <- lvlRhs body_env2 Recursive is_bot (get_join bndr) rhs_body
+ (poly_env, [poly_bndr]) <- newPolyBndrs dest_lvl env abs_vars [bndr]
+ return (Rec [(TB poly_bndr (FloatMe dest_lvl)
+ , mkLams abs_vars_w_lvls $
+ mkLams lam_bndrs2 $
+ Let (Rec [( TB new_bndr (StayPut rhs_lvl)
+ , mkLams lam_bndrs2 new_rhs_body)])
+ (mkVarApps (Var new_bndr) lam_bndrs1))]
+ , poly_env)
+ | otherwise -- Non-null abs_vars
+ = do { (new_env, new_bndrs) <- newPolyBndrs dest_lvl env abs_vars bndrs
+ ; new_rhss <- mapM (do_rhs new_env) pairs
+ ; return ( Rec ([TB b (FloatMe dest_lvl) | b <- new_bndrs] `zip` new_rhss)
+ , new_env) }
+ where
+ (bndrs,rhss) = unzip pairs
+ is_join = isJoinId (head bndrs)
+ -- bndrs is always non-empty and if one is a join they all are
+ -- Both are checked by Lint
+ is_fun = all isFunction rhss
+ is_bot = False -- It's odd to have an unconditionally divergent
+ -- function in a Rec, and we don't much care what
+ -- happens to it. False is simple!
+ do_rhs env (bndr,rhs) = lvlFloatRhs abs_vars dest_lvl env Recursive
+ is_bot (get_join bndr)
+ rhs
+ get_join bndr | need_zap = Nothing
+ | otherwise = isJoinId_maybe bndr
+ need_zap = dest_lvl `ltLvl` joinCeilingLevel env
+ -- Finding the free vars of the binding group is annoying
+ bind_fvs = ((unionDVarSets [ freeVarsOf rhs | (_, rhs) <- pairs])
+ `unionDVarSet`
+ (fvDVarSet $ unionsFV [ idFVs bndr
+ | (bndr, (_,_)) <- pairs]))
+ `delDVarSetList`
+ bndrs
+ ty_fvs = foldr (unionVarSet . tyCoVarsOfType . idType) emptyVarSet bndrs
+ dest_lvl = destLevel env bind_fvs ty_fvs is_fun is_bot is_join
+ abs_vars = abstractVars dest_lvl env bind_fvs
+profitableFloat :: LevelEnv -> Level -> Bool
+profitableFloat env dest_lvl
+ = (dest_lvl `ltMajLvl` le_ctxt_lvl env) -- Escapes a value lambda
+ || isTopLvl dest_lvl -- Going all the way to top level
+-- Three help functions for the type-abstraction case
+lvlRhs :: LevelEnv
+ -> RecFlag
+ -> Bool -- Is this a bottoming function
+ -> Maybe JoinArity
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs
+ -> LvlM LevelledExpr
+lvlRhs env rec_flag is_bot mb_join_arity expr
+ = lvlFloatRhs [] (le_ctxt_lvl env) env
+ rec_flag is_bot mb_join_arity expr
+lvlFloatRhs :: [OutVar] -> Level -> LevelEnv -> RecFlag
+ -> Bool -- Binding is for a bottoming function
+ -> Maybe JoinArity
+ -> CoreExprWithFVs
+ -> LvlM (Expr LevelledBndr)
+-- Ignores the le_ctxt_lvl in env; treats dest_lvl as the baseline
+lvlFloatRhs abs_vars dest_lvl env rec is_bot mb_join_arity rhs
+ = do { body' <- if not is_bot -- See Note [Floating from a RHS]
+ && any isId bndrs
+ then lvlMFE body_env True body
+ else lvlExpr body_env body
+ ; return (mkLams bndrs' body') }
+ where
+ (bndrs, body) | Just join_arity <- mb_join_arity
+ = collectNAnnBndrs join_arity rhs
+ | otherwise
+ = collectAnnBndrs rhs
+ (env1, bndrs1) = substBndrsSL NonRecursive env bndrs
+ all_bndrs = abs_vars ++ bndrs1
+ (body_env, bndrs') | Just _ <- mb_join_arity
+ = lvlJoinBndrs env1 dest_lvl rec all_bndrs
+ | otherwise
+ = case lvlLamBndrs env1 dest_lvl all_bndrs of
+ (env2, bndrs') -> (placeJoinCeiling env2, bndrs')
+ -- The important thing here is that we call lvlLamBndrs on
+ -- all these binders at once (abs_vars and bndrs), so they
+ -- all get the same major level. Otherwise we create stupid
+ -- let-bindings inside, joyfully thinking they can float; but
+ -- in the end they don't because we never float bindings in
+ -- between lambdas
+{- Note [Floating from a RHS]
+When floating the RHS of a let-binding, we don't always want to apply
+lvlMFE to the body of a lambda, as we usually do, because the entire
+binding body is already going to the right place (dest_lvl).
+A particular example is the top level. Consider
+ concat = /\ a -> foldr ..a.. (++) []
+We don't want to float the body of the lambda to get
+ lvl = /\ a -> foldr ..a.. (++) []
+ concat = /\ a -> lvl a
+That would be stupid.
+Previously this was avoided in a much nastier way, by testing strict_ctxt
+in float_me in lvlMFE. But that wasn't even right because it would fail
+to float out the error sub-expression in
+ f = \x. case x of
+ True -> error ("blah" ++ show x)
+ False -> ...
+But we must be careful:
+* If we had
+ f = \x -> factorial 20
+ we /would/ want to float that (factorial 20) out! Functions are treated
+ differently: see the use of isFunction in the calls to destLevel. If
+ there are only type lambdas, then destLevel will say "go to top, and
+ abstract over the free tyvars" and we don't want that here.
+* But if we had
+ f = \x -> error (...x....)
+ we would NOT want to float the bottoming expression out to give
+ lvl = \x -> error (...x...)
+ f = \x -> lvl x
+Conclusion: use lvlMFE if there are
+ * any value lambdas in the original function, and
+ * this is not a bottoming function (the is_bot argument)
+Use lvlExpr otherwise. A little subtle, and I got it wrong at least twice
+(e.g. #13369).
+* *
+\subsection{Deciding floatability}
+* *
+substAndLvlBndrs :: RecFlag -> LevelEnv -> Level -> [InVar] -> (LevelEnv, [LevelledBndr])
+substAndLvlBndrs is_rec env lvl bndrs
+ = lvlBndrs subst_env lvl subst_bndrs
+ where
+ (subst_env, subst_bndrs) = substBndrsSL is_rec env bndrs
+substBndrsSL :: RecFlag -> LevelEnv -> [InVar] -> (LevelEnv, [OutVar])
+-- So named only to avoid the name clash with GHC.Core.Subst.substBndrs
+substBndrsSL is_rec env@(LE { le_subst = subst, le_env = id_env }) bndrs
+ = ( env { le_subst = subst'
+ , le_env = foldl' add_id id_env (bndrs `zip` bndrs') }
+ , bndrs')
+ where
+ (subst', bndrs') = case is_rec of
+ NonRecursive -> substBndrs subst bndrs
+ Recursive -> substRecBndrs subst bndrs
+lvlLamBndrs :: LevelEnv -> Level -> [OutVar] -> (LevelEnv, [LevelledBndr])
+-- Compute the levels for the binders of a lambda group
+lvlLamBndrs env lvl bndrs
+ = lvlBndrs env new_lvl bndrs
+ where
+ new_lvl | any is_major bndrs = incMajorLvl lvl
+ | otherwise = incMinorLvl lvl
+ is_major bndr = isId bndr && not (isProbablyOneShotLambda bndr)
+ -- The "probably" part says "don't float things out of a
+ -- probable one-shot lambda"
+ -- See Note [Computing one-shot info] in Demand.hs
+lvlJoinBndrs :: LevelEnv -> Level -> RecFlag -> [OutVar]
+ -> (LevelEnv, [LevelledBndr])
+lvlJoinBndrs env lvl rec bndrs
+ = lvlBndrs env new_lvl bndrs
+ where
+ new_lvl | isRec rec = incMajorLvl lvl
+ | otherwise = incMinorLvl lvl
+ -- Non-recursive join points are one-shot; recursive ones are not
+lvlBndrs :: LevelEnv -> Level -> [CoreBndr] -> (LevelEnv, [LevelledBndr])
+-- The binders returned are exactly the same as the ones passed,
+-- apart from applying the substitution, but they are now paired
+-- with a (StayPut level)
+-- The returned envt has le_ctxt_lvl updated to the new_lvl
+-- All the new binders get the same level, because
+-- any floating binding is either going to float past
+-- all or none. We never separate binders.
+lvlBndrs env@(LE { le_lvl_env = lvl_env }) new_lvl bndrs
+ = ( env { le_ctxt_lvl = new_lvl
+ , le_join_ceil = new_lvl
+ , le_lvl_env = addLvls new_lvl lvl_env bndrs }
+ , map (stayPut new_lvl) bndrs)
+stayPut :: Level -> OutVar -> LevelledBndr
+stayPut new_lvl bndr = TB bndr (StayPut new_lvl)
+ -- Destination level is the max Id level of the expression
+ -- (We'll abstract the type variables, if any.)
+destLevel :: LevelEnv
+ -> DVarSet -- Free vars of the term
+ -> TyCoVarSet -- Free in the /type/ of the term
+ -- (a subset of the previous argument)
+ -> Bool -- True <=> is function
+ -> Bool -- True <=> is bottom
+ -> Bool -- True <=> is a join point
+ -> Level
+-- INVARIANT: if is_join=True then result >= join_ceiling
+destLevel env fvs fvs_ty is_function is_bot is_join
+ | isTopLvl max_fv_id_level -- Float even joins if they get to top level
+ -- See Note [Floating join point bindings]
+ | is_join -- Never float a join point past the join ceiling
+ -- See Note [Join points] in GHC.Core.Op.FloatOut
+ = if max_fv_id_level `ltLvl` join_ceiling
+ then join_ceiling
+ else max_fv_id_level
+ | is_bot -- Send bottoming bindings to the top
+ = as_far_as_poss -- regardless; see Note [Bottoming floats]
+ -- Esp Bottoming floats (1)
+ | Just n_args <- floatLams env
+ , n_args > 0 -- n=0 case handled uniformly by the 'otherwise' case
+ , is_function
+ , countFreeIds fvs <= n_args
+ = as_far_as_poss -- Send functions to top level; see
+ -- the comments with isFunction
+ | otherwise = max_fv_id_level
+ where
+ join_ceiling = joinCeilingLevel env
+ max_fv_id_level = maxFvLevel isId env fvs -- Max over Ids only; the
+ -- tyvars will be abstracted
+ as_far_as_poss = maxFvLevel' isId env fvs_ty
+ -- See Note [Floating and kind casts]
+{- Note [Floating and kind casts]
+Consider this
+ case x of
+ K (co :: * ~# k) -> let v :: Int |> co
+ v = e
+ in blah
+Then, even if we are abstracting over Ids, or if e is bottom, we can't
+float v outside the 'co' binding. Reason: if we did we'd get
+ v' :: forall k. (Int ~# Age) => Int |> co
+and now 'co' isn't in scope in that type. The underlying reason is
+that 'co' is a value-level thing and we can't abstract over that in a
+type (else we'd get a dependent type). So if v's /type/ mentions 'co'
+we can't float it out beyond the binding site of 'co'.
+That's why we have this as_far_as_poss stuff. Usually as_far_as_poss
+is just tOP_LEVEL; but occasionally a coercion variable (which is an
+Id) mentioned in type prevents this.
+Example #14270 comment:15.
+isFunction :: CoreExprWithFVs -> Bool
+-- The idea here is that we want to float *functions* to
+-- the top level. This saves no work, but
+-- (a) it can make the host function body a lot smaller,
+-- and hence inlinable.
+-- (b) it can also save allocation when the function is recursive:
+-- h = \x -> letrec f = \y -> ...f...y...x...
+-- in f x
+-- becomes
+-- f = \x y -> ...(f x)...y...x...
+-- h = \x -> f x x
+-- No allocation for f now.
+-- We may only want to do this if there are sufficiently few free
+-- variables. We certainly only want to do it for values, and not for
+-- constructors. So the simple thing is just to look for lambdas
+isFunction (_, AnnLam b e) | isId b = True
+ | otherwise = isFunction e
+-- isFunction (_, AnnTick _ e) = isFunction e -- dubious
+isFunction _ = False
+countFreeIds :: DVarSet -> Int
+countFreeIds = nonDetFoldUDFM add 0 . getUniqDSet
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetFoldUDFM here because we're just counting things.
+ where
+ add :: Var -> Int -> Int
+ add v n | isId v = n+1
+ | otherwise = n
+* *
+\subsection{Free-To-Level Monad}
+* *
+data LevelEnv
+ = LE { le_switches :: FloatOutSwitches
+ , le_ctxt_lvl :: Level -- The current level
+ , le_lvl_env :: VarEnv Level -- Domain is *post-cloned* TyVars and Ids
+ , le_join_ceil:: Level -- Highest level to which joins float
+ -- Invariant: always >= le_ctxt_lvl
+ -- See Note [le_subst and le_env]
+ , le_subst :: Subst -- Domain is pre-cloned TyVars and Ids
+ -- The Id -> CoreExpr in the Subst is ignored
+ -- (since we want to substitute a LevelledExpr for
+ -- an Id via le_env) but we do use the Co/TyVar substs
+ , le_env :: IdEnv ([OutVar], LevelledExpr) -- Domain is pre-cloned Ids
+ }
+{- Note [le_subst and le_env]
+We clone let- and case-bound variables so that they are still distinct
+when floated out; hence the le_subst/le_env. (see point 3 of the
+module overview comment). We also use these envs when making a
+variable polymorphic because we want to float it out past a big
+The le_subst and le_env always implement the same mapping,
+ in_x :-> out_x a b
+where out_x is an OutVar, and a,b are its arguments (when
+we perform abstraction at the same time as floating).
+ le_subst maps to CoreExpr
+ le_env maps to LevelledExpr
+Since the range is always a variable or application, there is never
+any difference between the two, but sadly the types differ. The
+le_subst is used when substituting in a variable's IdInfo; the le_env
+when we find a Var.
+In addition the le_env records a [OutVar] of variables free in the
+OutExpr/LevelledExpr, just so we don't have to call freeVars
+repeatedly. This list is always non-empty, and the first element is
+The domain of the both envs is *pre-cloned* Ids, though
+The domain of the le_lvl_env is the *post-cloned* Ids
+initialEnv :: FloatOutSwitches -> LevelEnv
+initialEnv float_lams
+ = LE { le_switches = float_lams
+ , le_ctxt_lvl = tOP_LEVEL
+ , le_join_ceil = panic "initialEnv"
+ , le_lvl_env = emptyVarEnv
+ , le_subst = emptySubst
+ , le_env = emptyVarEnv }
+addLvl :: Level -> VarEnv Level -> OutVar -> VarEnv Level
+addLvl dest_lvl env v' = extendVarEnv env v' dest_lvl
+addLvls :: Level -> VarEnv Level -> [OutVar] -> VarEnv Level
+addLvls dest_lvl env vs = foldl' (addLvl dest_lvl) env vs
+floatLams :: LevelEnv -> Maybe Int
+floatLams le = floatOutLambdas (le_switches le)
+floatConsts :: LevelEnv -> Bool
+floatConsts le = floatOutConstants (le_switches le)
+floatOverSat :: LevelEnv -> Bool
+floatOverSat le = floatOutOverSatApps (le_switches le)
+floatTopLvlOnly :: LevelEnv -> Bool
+floatTopLvlOnly le = floatToTopLevelOnly (le_switches le)
+incMinorLvlFrom :: LevelEnv -> Level
+incMinorLvlFrom env = incMinorLvl (le_ctxt_lvl env)
+-- extendCaseBndrEnv adds the mapping case-bndr->scrut-var if it can
+-- See Note [Binder-swap during float-out]
+extendCaseBndrEnv :: LevelEnv
+ -> Id -- Pre-cloned case binder
+ -> Expr LevelledBndr -- Post-cloned scrutinee
+ -> LevelEnv
+extendCaseBndrEnv le@(LE { le_subst = subst, le_env = id_env })
+ case_bndr (Var scrut_var)
+ = le { le_subst = extendSubstWithVar subst case_bndr scrut_var
+ , le_env = add_id id_env (case_bndr, scrut_var) }
+extendCaseBndrEnv env _ _ = env
+-- See Note [Join ceiling]
+placeJoinCeiling :: LevelEnv -> LevelEnv
+placeJoinCeiling le@(LE { le_ctxt_lvl = lvl })
+ = le { le_ctxt_lvl = lvl', le_join_ceil = lvl' }
+ where
+ lvl' = asJoinCeilLvl (incMinorLvl lvl)
+maxFvLevel :: (Var -> Bool) -> LevelEnv -> DVarSet -> Level
+maxFvLevel max_me env var_set
+ = foldDVarSet (maxIn max_me env) tOP_LEVEL var_set
+maxFvLevel' :: (Var -> Bool) -> LevelEnv -> TyCoVarSet -> Level
+-- Same but for TyCoVarSet
+maxFvLevel' max_me env var_set
+ = nonDetFoldUniqSet (maxIn max_me env) tOP_LEVEL var_set
+maxIn :: (Var -> Bool) -> LevelEnv -> InVar -> Level -> Level
+maxIn max_me (LE { le_lvl_env = lvl_env, le_env = id_env }) in_var lvl
+ = case lookupVarEnv id_env in_var of
+ Just (abs_vars, _) -> foldr max_out lvl abs_vars
+ Nothing -> max_out in_var lvl
+ where
+ max_out out_var lvl
+ | max_me out_var = case lookupVarEnv lvl_env out_var of
+ Just lvl' -> maxLvl lvl' lvl
+ Nothing -> lvl
+ | otherwise = lvl -- Ignore some vars depending on max_me
+lookupVar :: LevelEnv -> Id -> LevelledExpr
+lookupVar le v = case lookupVarEnv (le_env le) v of
+ Just (_, expr) -> expr
+ _ -> Var v
+-- Level to which join points are allowed to float (boundary of current tail
+-- context). See Note [Join ceiling]
+joinCeilingLevel :: LevelEnv -> Level
+joinCeilingLevel = le_join_ceil
+abstractVars :: Level -> LevelEnv -> DVarSet -> [OutVar]
+ -- Find the variables in fvs, free vars of the target expression,
+ -- whose level is greater than the destination level
+ -- These are the ones we are going to abstract out
+ --
+ -- Note that to get reproducible builds, the variables need to be
+ -- abstracted in deterministic order, not dependent on the values of
+ -- Uniques. This is achieved by using DVarSets, deterministic free
+ -- variable computation and deterministic sort.
+ -- See Note [Unique Determinism] in Unique for explanation of why
+ -- Uniques are not deterministic.
+abstractVars dest_lvl (LE { le_subst = subst, le_lvl_env = lvl_env }) in_fvs
+ = -- NB: sortQuantVars might not put duplicates next to each other
+ map zap $ sortQuantVars $
+ filter abstract_me $
+ dVarSetElems $
+ closeOverKindsDSet $
+ substDVarSet subst in_fvs
+ -- NB: it's important to call abstract_me only on the OutIds the
+ -- come from substDVarSet (not on fv, which is an InId)
+ where
+ abstract_me v = case lookupVarEnv lvl_env v of
+ Just lvl -> dest_lvl `ltLvl` lvl
+ Nothing -> False
+ -- We are going to lambda-abstract, so nuke any IdInfo,
+ -- and add the tyvars of the Id (if necessary)
+ zap v | isId v = WARN( isStableUnfolding (idUnfolding v) ||
+ not (isEmptyRuleInfo (idSpecialisation v)),
+ text "absVarsOf: discarding info on" <+> ppr v )
+ setIdInfo v vanillaIdInfo
+ | otherwise = v
+type LvlM result = UniqSM result
+initLvl :: UniqSupply -> UniqSM a -> a
+initLvl = initUs_
+newPolyBndrs :: Level -> LevelEnv -> [OutVar] -> [InId]
+ -> LvlM (LevelEnv, [OutId])
+-- The envt is extended to bind the new bndrs to dest_lvl, but
+-- the le_ctxt_lvl is unaffected
+newPolyBndrs dest_lvl
+ env@(LE { le_lvl_env = lvl_env, le_subst = subst, le_env = id_env })
+ abs_vars bndrs
+ = ASSERT( all (not . isCoVar) bndrs ) -- What would we add to the CoSubst in this case. No easy answer.
+ do { uniqs <- getUniquesM
+ ; let new_bndrs = zipWith mk_poly_bndr bndrs uniqs
+ bndr_prs = bndrs `zip` new_bndrs
+ env' = env { le_lvl_env = addLvls dest_lvl lvl_env new_bndrs
+ , le_subst = foldl' add_subst subst bndr_prs
+ , le_env = foldl' add_id id_env bndr_prs }
+ ; return (env', new_bndrs) }
+ where
+ add_subst env (v, v') = extendIdSubst env v (mkVarApps (Var v') abs_vars)
+ add_id env (v, v') = extendVarEnv env v ((v':abs_vars), mkVarApps (Var v') abs_vars)
+ mk_poly_bndr bndr uniq = transferPolyIdInfo bndr abs_vars $ -- Note [transferPolyIdInfo] in Id.hs
+ transfer_join_info bndr $
+ mkSysLocal (mkFastString str) uniq poly_ty
+ where
+ str = "poly_" ++ occNameString (getOccName bndr)
+ poly_ty = mkLamTypes abs_vars (GHC.Core.Subst.substTy subst (idType bndr))
+ -- If we are floating a join point to top level, it stops being
+ -- a join point. Otherwise it continues to be a join point,
+ -- but we may need to adjust its arity
+ dest_is_top = isTopLvl dest_lvl
+ transfer_join_info bndr new_bndr
+ | Just join_arity <- isJoinId_maybe bndr
+ , not dest_is_top
+ = new_bndr `asJoinId` join_arity + length abs_vars
+ | otherwise
+ = new_bndr
+newLvlVar :: LevelledExpr -- The RHS of the new binding
+ -> Maybe JoinArity -- Its join arity, if it is a join point
+ -> Bool -- True <=> the RHS looks like (makeStatic ...)
+ -> LvlM Id
+newLvlVar lvld_rhs join_arity_maybe is_mk_static
+ = do { uniq <- getUniqueM
+ ; return (add_join_info (mk_id uniq rhs_ty))
+ }
+ where
+ add_join_info var = var `asJoinId_maybe` join_arity_maybe
+ de_tagged_rhs = deTagExpr lvld_rhs
+ rhs_ty = exprType de_tagged_rhs
+ mk_id uniq rhs_ty
+ -- See Note [Grand plan for static forms] in StaticPtrTable.
+ | is_mk_static
+ = mkExportedVanillaId (mkSystemVarName uniq (mkFastString "static_ptr"))
+ rhs_ty
+ | otherwise
+ = mkSysLocal (mkFastString "lvl") uniq rhs_ty
+-- | Clone the binders bound by a single-alternative case.
+cloneCaseBndrs :: LevelEnv -> Level -> [Var] -> LvlM (LevelEnv, [Var])
+cloneCaseBndrs env@(LE { le_subst = subst, le_lvl_env = lvl_env, le_env = id_env })
+ new_lvl vs
+ = do { us <- getUniqueSupplyM
+ ; let (subst', vs') = cloneBndrs subst us vs
+ -- N.B. We are not moving the body of the case, merely its case
+ -- binders. Consequently we should *not* set le_ctxt_lvl and
+ -- le_join_ceil. See Note [Setting levels when floating
+ -- single-alternative cases].
+ env' = env { le_lvl_env = addLvls new_lvl lvl_env vs'
+ , le_subst = subst'
+ , le_env = foldl' add_id id_env (vs `zip` vs') }
+ ; return (env', vs') }
+cloneLetVars :: RecFlag -> LevelEnv -> Level -> [InVar]
+ -> LvlM (LevelEnv, [OutVar])
+-- See Note [Need for cloning during float-out]
+-- Works for Ids bound by let(rec)
+-- The dest_lvl is attributed to the binders in the new env,
+-- but cloneVars doesn't affect the le_ctxt_lvl of the incoming env
+cloneLetVars is_rec
+ env@(LE { le_subst = subst, le_lvl_env = lvl_env, le_env = id_env })
+ dest_lvl vs
+ = do { us <- getUniqueSupplyM
+ ; let vs1 = map zap vs
+ -- See Note [Zapping the demand info]
+ (subst', vs2) = case is_rec of
+ NonRecursive -> cloneBndrs subst us vs1
+ Recursive -> cloneRecIdBndrs subst us vs1
+ prs = vs `zip` vs2
+ env' = env { le_lvl_env = addLvls dest_lvl lvl_env vs2
+ , le_subst = subst'
+ , le_env = foldl' add_id id_env prs }
+ ; return (env', vs2) }
+ where
+ zap :: Var -> Var
+ zap v | isId v = zap_join (zapIdDemandInfo v)
+ | otherwise = v
+ zap_join | isTopLvl dest_lvl = zapJoinId
+ | otherwise = id
+add_id :: IdEnv ([Var], LevelledExpr) -> (Var, Var) -> IdEnv ([Var], LevelledExpr)
+add_id id_env (v, v1)
+ | isTyVar v = delVarEnv id_env v
+ | otherwise = extendVarEnv id_env v ([v1], ASSERT(not (isCoVar v1)) Var v1)
+Note [Zapping the demand info]
+VERY IMPORTANT: we must zap the demand info if the thing is going to
+float out, because it may be less demanded than at its original
+binding site. Eg
+ f :: Int -> Int
+ f x = let v = 3*4 in v+x
+Here v is strict; but if we float v to top level, it isn't any more.
+Similarly, if we're floating a join point, it won't be one anymore, so we zap
+join point information as well.