path: root/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/WorkWrap/Utils.hs
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1 files changed, 345 insertions, 317 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/WorkWrap/Utils.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/WorkWrap/Utils.hs
index 0a7ef0f3a5..5223e66817 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/WorkWrap/Utils.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/WorkWrap/Utils.hs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ A library for the ``worker\/wrapper'' back-end to the strictness analyser
module GHC.Core.Opt.WorkWrap.Utils
( mkWwBodies, mkWWstr, mkWorkerArgs
- , DataConPatContext(..), splitArgType_maybe, wantToUnbox
+ , DataConPatContext(..), UnboxingDecision(..), splitArgType_maybe, wantToUnbox
, findTypeShape
, isWorkerSmallEnough
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ mkWwBodies :: DynFlags
-- See Note [Freshen WW arguments]
-> Id -- The original function
-> [Demand] -- Strictness of original function
- -> CprResult -- Info about function result
+ -> Cpr -- Info about function result
-> UniqSM (Maybe WwResult)
-- wrap_fn_args E = \x y -> E
@@ -511,105 +511,100 @@ To avoid this:
Another tricky case was when f :: forall a. a -> forall a. a->a
(i.e. with shadowing), and then the worker used the same 'a' twice.
* *
-\subsection{Strictness stuff}
+\subsection{Unboxing Decision for Strictness and CPR}
* *
-mkWWstr :: DynFlags
- -> FamInstEnvs
- -> Bool -- True <=> INLINEABLE pragma on this function defn
- -- See Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries]
- -> [Var] -- Wrapper args; have their demand info on them
- -- *Includes type variables*
- -> UniqSM (Bool, -- Is this useful
- [Var], -- Worker args
- CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, -- Wrapper body, lacking the worker call
- -- and without its lambdas
- -- This fn adds the unboxing
- CoreExpr -> CoreExpr) -- Worker body, lacking the original body of the function,
- -- and lacking its lambdas.
- -- This fn does the reboxing
-mkWWstr dflags fam_envs has_inlineable_prag args
- = go args
- where
- go_one arg = mkWWstr_one dflags fam_envs has_inlineable_prag arg
- go [] = return (False, [], nop_fn, nop_fn)
- go (arg : args) = do { (useful1, args1, wrap_fn1, work_fn1) <- go_one arg
- ; (useful2, args2, wrap_fn2, work_fn2) <- go args
- ; return ( useful1 || useful2
- , args1 ++ args2
- , wrap_fn1 . wrap_fn2
- , work_fn1 . work_fn2) }
-Note [Unpacking arguments with product and polymorphic demands]
-The argument is unpacked in a case if it has a product type and has a
-strict *and* used demand put on it. I.e., arguments, with demands such
-as the following ones:
- <S,U(U, L)>
- <S(L,S),U>
-will be unpacked, but
- <S,U> or <B,U>
-will not, because the pieces aren't used. This is quite important otherwise
-we end up unpacking massive tuples passed to the bottoming function. Example:
- f :: ((Int,Int) -> String) -> (Int,Int) -> a
- f g pr = error (g pr)
- main = print (f fst (1, error "no"))
-Does 'main' print "error 1" or "error no"? We don't really want 'f'
-to unbox its second argument. This actually happened in GHC's onwn
-source code, in Packages.applyPackageFlag, which ended up un-boxing
-the enormous DynFlags tuple, and being strict in the
-as-yet-un-filled-in unitState files.
--- mkWWstr_one wrap_arg = (useful, work_args, wrap_fn, work_fn)
--- * wrap_fn assumes wrap_arg is in scope,
--- brings into scope work_args (via cases)
--- * work_fn assumes work_args are in scope, a
--- brings into scope wrap_arg (via lets)
--- See Note [How to do the worker/wrapper split]
-mkWWstr_one :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs
- -> Bool -- True <=> INLINEABLE pragma on this function defn
- -- See Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries]
- -> Var
- -> UniqSM (Bool, [Var], CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
-mkWWstr_one dflags fam_envs has_inlineable_prag arg
- | isTyVar arg
- = return (False, [arg], nop_fn, nop_fn)
- | isAbsDmd dmd
- , Just work_fn <- mk_absent_let dflags fam_envs arg dmd
- -- Absent case. We can't always handle absence for arbitrary
- -- unlifted types, so we need to choose just the cases we can
- -- (that's what mk_absent_let does)
- = return (True, [], nop_fn, work_fn)
+-- | The information needed to build a pattern for a DataCon to be unboxed.
+-- The pattern can be generated from 'dcpc_dc' and 'dcpc_tc_args' via
+-- 'GHC.Core.Utils.dataConRepInstPat'. The coercion 'dcpc_co' is for newtype
+-- wrappers.
+-- If we get @DataConPatContext dc tys co@ for some type @ty@
+-- and @dataConRepInstPat ... dc tys = (exs, flds)@, then
+-- * @dc @exs flds :: T tys@
+-- * @co :: T tys ~ ty@
+data DataConPatContext
+ = DataConPatContext
+ { dcpc_dc :: !DataCon
+ , dcpc_tc_args :: ![Type]
+ , dcpc_co :: !Coercion
+ }
- | Just (cs, acdc) <- wantToUnbox fam_envs has_inlineable_prag arg_ty dmd
- = unbox_one dflags fam_envs arg cs acdc
+-- | If @splitArgType_maybe ty = Just (dc, tys, co)@
+-- then @dc \@tys \@_ex_tys (_args::_arg_tys) :: tc tys@
+-- and @co :: ty ~ tc tys@
+-- where underscore prefixes are holes, e.g. yet unspecified.
+-- See Note [Which types are unboxed?].
+splitArgType_maybe :: FamInstEnvs -> Type -> Maybe DataConPatContext
+splitArgType_maybe fam_envs ty
+ | let (co, ty1) = topNormaliseType_maybe fam_envs ty
+ `orElse` (mkRepReflCo ty, ty)
+ , Just (tc, tc_args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty1
+ , Just con <- tyConSingleAlgDataCon_maybe tc
+ = Just DataConPatContext { dcpc_dc = con
+ , dcpc_tc_args = tc_args
+ , dcpc_co = co }
+splitArgType_maybe _ _ = Nothing
- | otherwise -- Other cases
- = return (False, [arg], nop_fn, nop_fn)
+-- | If @splitResultType_maybe n ty = Just (dc, tys, co)@
+-- then @dc \@tys \@_ex_tys (_args::_arg_tys) :: tc tys@
+-- and @co :: ty ~ tc tys@
+-- where underscore prefixes are holes, e.g. yet unspecified.
+-- @dc@ is the @n@th data constructor of @tc@.
+-- See Note [Which types are unboxed?].
+splitResultType_maybe :: FamInstEnvs -> ConTag -> Type -> Maybe DataConPatContext
+splitResultType_maybe fam_envs con_tag ty
+ | let (co, ty1) = topNormaliseType_maybe fam_envs ty
+ `orElse` (mkRepReflCo ty, ty)
+ , Just (tc, tc_args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty1
+ , isDataTyCon tc -- NB: rules out unboxed sums and pairs!
+ , let cons = tyConDataCons tc
+ , cons `lengthAtLeast` con_tag -- This might not be true if we import the
+ -- type constructor via a .hs-boot file (#8743)
+ , let con = cons `getNth` (con_tag - fIRST_TAG)
+ , null (dataConExTyCoVars con) -- no existentials;
+ -- See Note [Which types are unboxed?]
+ -- and GHC.Core.Opt.CprAnal.extendEnvForDataAlt
+ -- where we also check this.
+ , all isLinear (dataConInstArgTys con tc_args)
+ -- Deactivates CPR worker/wrapper splits on constructors with non-linear
+ -- arguments, for the moment, because they require unboxed tuple with variable
+ -- multiplicity fields.
+ = Just DataConPatContext { dcpc_dc = con
+ , dcpc_tc_args = tc_args
+ , dcpc_co = co }
+splitResultType_maybe _ _ _ = Nothing
- where
- arg_ty = idType arg
- dmd = idDemandInfo arg
+isLinear :: Scaled a -> Bool
+isLinear (Scaled w _ ) =
+ case w of
+ One -> True
+ _ -> False
-wantToUnbox :: FamInstEnvs -> Bool -> Type -> Demand -> Maybe ([Demand], DataConPatContext)
+-- | Describes the outer shape of an argument to be unboxed or left as-is
+-- Depending on how @s@ is instantiated (e.g., 'Demand').
+data UnboxingDecision s
+ = StopUnboxing
+ -- ^ We ran out of strictness info. Leave untouched.
+ | Unbox !DataConPatContext [s]
+ -- ^ The argument is used strictly or the returned product was constructed, so
+ -- unbox it.
+ -- The 'DataConPatContext' carries the bits necessary for
+ -- instantiation with 'dataConRepInstPat'.
+ -- The @[s]@ carries the bits of information with which we can continue
+ -- unboxing, e.g. @s@ will be 'Demand'.
+wantToUnbox :: FamInstEnvs -> Bool -> Type -> Demand -> UnboxingDecision Demand
-- See Note [Which types are unboxed?]
wantToUnbox fam_envs has_inlineable_prag ty dmd =
case splitArgType_maybe fam_envs ty of
@@ -622,8 +617,10 @@ wantToUnbox fam_envs has_inlineable_prag ty dmd =
, not (has_inlineable_prag && isClassPred ty)
-- See Note [mkWWstr and unsafeCoerce]
, cs `lengthIs` arity
- -> Just (cs, dcpc)
- _ -> Nothing
+ -- See Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
+ , let cs' = addDataConStrictness dc cs
+ -> Unbox dcpc cs'
+ _ -> StopUnboxing
split_prod_dmd_arity dmd arity
-- For seqDmd, it should behave like <S(AAAA)>, for some
@@ -632,110 +629,96 @@ wantToUnbox fam_envs has_inlineable_prag ty dmd =
| _ :* Prod ds <- dmd = Just ds
| otherwise = Nothing
-unbox_one :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs -> Var
- -> [Demand]
- -> DataConPatContext
- -> UniqSM (Bool, [Var], CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
-unbox_one dflags fam_envs arg cs
- DataConPatContext { dcpc_dc = dc, dcpc_tc_args = tc_args
- , dcpc_co = co }
- = do { (case_bndr_uniq:pat_bndrs_uniqs) <- getUniquesM
- ; let ex_name_fss = map getOccFS $ dataConExTyCoVars dc
- (ex_tvs', arg_ids) =
- dataConRepFSInstPat (ex_name_fss ++ repeat ww_prefix) pat_bndrs_uniqs (idMult arg) dc tc_args
- -- See Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
- cs' = addDataConStrictness dc cs
- arg_ids' = zipWithEqual "unbox_one" setIdDemandInfo arg_ids cs'
- unbox_fn = mkUnpackCase (Var arg) co (idMult arg) case_bndr_uniq
- dc (ex_tvs' ++ arg_ids')
- arg_no_unf = zapStableUnfolding arg
- -- See Note [Zap unfolding when beta-reducing]
- -- in GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify; and see #13890
- rebox_fn = Let (NonRec arg_no_unf con_app)
- con_app = mkConApp2 dc tc_args (ex_tvs' ++ arg_ids') `mkCast` mkSymCo co
- ; (_, worker_args, wrap_fn, work_fn) <- mkWWstr dflags fam_envs False (ex_tvs' ++ arg_ids')
- ; return (True, worker_args, unbox_fn . wrap_fn, work_fn . rebox_fn) }
- -- Don't pass the arg, rebox instead
+{- Note [Which types are unboxed?]
+Worker/wrapper will unbox
-nop_fn :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
-nop_fn body = body
+ 1. A strict data type argument, that
+ * is an algebraic data type (not a newtype)
+ * has a single constructor (thus is a "product")
+ * that may bind existentials
+ We can transform
+ > f (D @ex a b) = e
+ to
+ > $wf @ex a b = e
+ via 'mkWWstr'.
-addDataConStrictness :: DataCon -> [Demand] -> [Demand]
--- See Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
-addDataConStrictness con ds
- = zipWithEqual "addDataConStrictness" add ds strs
- where
- strs = dataConRepStrictness con
- add dmd str | isMarkedStrict str = strictifyDmd dmd
- | otherwise = dmd
+ 2. The constructed result of a function, if
+ * its type is an algebraic data type (not a newtype)
+ * (might have multiple constructors, in contrast to (1))
+ * the applied data constructor *does not* bind existentials
+ We can transform
+ > f x y = let ... in D a b
+ to
+ > $wf x y = let ... in (# a, b #)
+ via 'mkWWcpr'.
-{- Note [How to do the worker/wrapper split]
-The worker-wrapper transformation, mkWWstr_one, takes into account
-several possibilities to decide if the function is worthy for
+ NB: We don't allow existentials for CPR W/W, because we don't have unboxed
+ dependent tuples (yet?). Otherwise, we could transform
+ > f x y = let ... in D @ex (a :: ..ex..) (b :: ..ex..)
+ to
+ > $wf x y = let ... in (# @ex, (a :: ..ex..), (b :: ..ex..) #)
-1. If an argument is absent, it would be silly to pass it to
- the worker. Hence the isAbsDmd case. This case must come
- first because a demand like <S,A> or <B,A> is possible.
- E.g. <B,A> comes from a function like
- f x = error "urk"
- and <S,A> can come from Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
+The respective tests are in 'splitArgType_maybe' and
+'splitResultType_maybe', respectively.
-2. If the argument is evaluated strictly, and we can split the
- product demand (splitProdDmd_maybe), then unbox it and w/w its
- pieces. For example
+Note that the data constructor /can/ have evidence arguments: equality
+constraints, type classes etc. So it can be GADT. These evidence
+arguments are simply value arguments, and should not get in the way.
- f :: (Int, Int) -> Int
- f p = (case p of (a,b) -> a) + 1
- is split to
- f :: (Int, Int) -> Int
- f p = case p of (a,b) -> $wf a
+Note [Unpacking arguments with product and polymorphic demands]
+The argument is unpacked in a case if it has a product type and has a
+strict *and* used demand put on it. I.e., arguments, with demands such
+as the following ones:
- $wf :: Int -> Int
- $wf a = a + 1
+ <S,U(U, L)>
+ <S(L,S),U>
- and
- g :: Bool -> (Int, Int) -> Int
- g c p = case p of (a,b) ->
- if c then a else b
- is split to
- g c p = case p of (a,b) -> $gw c a b
- $gw c a b = if c then a else b
+will be unpacked, but
-2a But do /not/ split if the components are not used; that is, the
- usage is just 'Used' rather than 'UProd'. In this case
- splitProdDmd_maybe returns Nothing. Otherwise we risk decomposing
- a massive tuple which is barely used. Example:
+ <S,U> or <B,U>
+will not, because the pieces aren't used. This is quite important otherwise
+we end up unpacking massive tuples passed to the bottoming function. Example:
f :: ((Int,Int) -> String) -> (Int,Int) -> a
f g pr = error (g pr)
main = print (f fst (1, error "no"))
- Here, f does not take 'pr' apart, and it's stupid to do so.
- Imagine that it had millions of fields. This actually happened
- in GHC itself where the tuple was DynFlags
+Does 'main' print "error 1" or "error no"? We don't really want 'f'
+to unbox its second argument. This actually happened in GHC's onwn
+source code, in Packages.applyPackageFlag, which ended up un-boxing
+the enormous DynFlags tuple, and being strict in the
+as-yet-un-filled-in unitState files.
-3. A plain 'seqDmd', which is head-strict with usage UHead, can't
- be split by splitProdDmd_maybe. But we want it to behave just
- like U(AAAA) for suitable number of absent demands. So we have
- a special case for it, with arity coming from the data constructor.
+Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries]
+If we have
+ f :: Ord a => [a] -> Int -> a
+ {-# INLINABLE f #-}
+and we worker/wrapper f, we'll get a worker with an INLINABLE pragma
+(see Note [Worker-wrapper for INLINABLE functions] in GHC.Core.Opt.WorkWrap),
+which can still be specialised by the type-class specialiser, something like
+ fw :: Ord a => [a] -> Int# -> a
-Note [Worker-wrapper for bottoming functions]
-We used not to split if the result is bottom.
-[Justification: there's no efficiency to be gained.]
+BUT if f is strict in the Ord dictionary, we might unpack it, to get
+ fw :: (a->a->Bool) -> [a] -> Int# -> a
+and the type-class specialiser can't specialise that. An example is #6056.
-But it's sometimes bad not to make a wrapper. Consider
- fw = \x# -> let x = I# x# in case e of
- p1 -> error_fn x
- p2 -> error_fn x
- p3 -> the real stuff
-The re-boxing code won't go away unless error_fn gets a wrapper too.
-[We don't do reboxing now, but in general it's better to pass an
-unboxed thing to f, and have it reboxed in the error cases....]
+But in any other situation a dictionary is just an ordinary value,
+and can be unpacked. So we track the INLINABLE pragma, and switch
+off the unpacking in mkWWstr_one (see the isClassPred test).
+Historical note: #14955 describes how I got this fix wrong the first time.
+Note [mkWWstr and unsafeCoerce]
+By using unsafeCoerce, it is possible to make the number of demands fail to
+match the number of constructor arguments; this happened in #8037.
+If so, the worker/wrapper split doesn't work right and we get a Core Lint
+bug. The fix here is simply to decline to do w/w if that happens.
Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
@@ -857,14 +840,183 @@ Consequently, we now instead account for data-con strictness in mkWWstr_one,
applying the strictness demands to the final result of DmdAnal. The result is
that we get the strict demand signature we wanted even if we can't float
the case on `x` up through the case on `burble`.
+* *
+\subsection{Strictness stuff}
+* *
-Note [mkWWstr and unsafeCoerce]
-By using unsafeCoerce, it is possible to make the number of demands fail to
-match the number of constructor arguments; this happened in #8037.
-If so, the worker/wrapper split doesn't work right and we get a Core Lint
-bug. The fix here is simply to decline to do w/w if that happens.
+mkWWstr :: DynFlags
+ -> FamInstEnvs
+ -> Bool -- True <=> INLINEABLE pragma on this function defn
+ -- See Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries]
+ -> [Var] -- Wrapper args; have their demand info on them
+ -- *Includes type variables*
+ -> UniqSM (Bool, -- Is this useful
+ [Var], -- Worker args
+ CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, -- Wrapper body, lacking the worker call
+ -- and without its lambdas
+ -- This fn adds the unboxing
+ CoreExpr -> CoreExpr) -- Worker body, lacking the original body of the function,
+ -- and lacking its lambdas.
+ -- This fn does the reboxing
+mkWWstr dflags fam_envs has_inlineable_prag args
+ = go args
+ where
+ go_one arg = mkWWstr_one dflags fam_envs has_inlineable_prag arg
+ go [] = return (False, [], nop_fn, nop_fn)
+ go (arg : args) = do { (useful1, args1, wrap_fn1, work_fn1) <- go_one arg
+ ; (useful2, args2, wrap_fn2, work_fn2) <- go args
+ ; return ( useful1 || useful2
+ , args1 ++ args2
+ , wrap_fn1 . wrap_fn2
+ , work_fn1 . work_fn2) }
+-- mkWWstr_one wrap_arg = (useful, work_args, wrap_fn, work_fn)
+-- * wrap_fn assumes wrap_arg is in scope,
+-- brings into scope work_args (via cases)
+-- * work_fn assumes work_args are in scope, a
+-- brings into scope wrap_arg (via lets)
+-- See Note [How to do the worker/wrapper split]
+mkWWstr_one :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs
+ -> Bool -- True <=> INLINEABLE pragma on this function defn
+ -- See Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries]
+ -> Var
+ -> UniqSM (Bool, [Var], CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
+mkWWstr_one dflags fam_envs has_inlineable_prag arg
+ | isTyVar arg
+ = return (False, [arg], nop_fn, nop_fn)
+ | isAbsDmd dmd
+ , Just work_fn <- mk_absent_let dflags fam_envs arg dmd
+ -- Absent case. We can't always handle absence for arbitrary
+ -- unlifted types, so we need to choose just the cases we can
+ -- (that's what mk_absent_let does)
+ = return (True, [], nop_fn, work_fn)
+ | Unbox dcpc cs <- wantToUnbox fam_envs has_inlineable_prag arg_ty dmd
+ = unbox_one dflags fam_envs arg cs dcpc
+ | otherwise -- Other cases
+ = return (False, [arg], nop_fn, nop_fn)
+ where
+ arg_ty = idType arg
+ dmd = idDemandInfo arg
+unbox_one :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs -> Var
+ -> [Demand]
+ -> DataConPatContext
+ -> UniqSM (Bool, [Var], CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
+unbox_one dflags fam_envs arg cs
+ DataConPatContext { dcpc_dc = dc, dcpc_tc_args = tc_args
+ , dcpc_co = co }
+ = do { (case_bndr_uniq:pat_bndrs_uniqs) <- getUniquesM
+ ; let ex_name_fss = map getOccFS $ dataConExTyCoVars dc
+ (ex_tvs', arg_ids) =
+ dataConRepFSInstPat (ex_name_fss ++ repeat ww_prefix) pat_bndrs_uniqs (idMult arg) dc tc_args
+ arg_ids' = zipWithEqual "unbox_one" setIdDemandInfo arg_ids cs
+ unbox_fn = mkUnpackCase (Var arg) co (idMult arg) case_bndr_uniq
+ dc (ex_tvs' ++ arg_ids')
+ arg_no_unf = zapStableUnfolding arg
+ -- See Note [Zap unfolding when beta-reducing]
+ -- in GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify; and see #13890
+ rebox_fn = Let (NonRec arg_no_unf con_app)
+ con_app = mkConApp2 dc tc_args (ex_tvs' ++ arg_ids') `mkCast` mkSymCo co
+ ; (_, worker_args, wrap_fn, work_fn) <- mkWWstr dflags fam_envs False (ex_tvs' ++ arg_ids')
+ ; return (True, worker_args, unbox_fn . wrap_fn, work_fn . rebox_fn) }
+ -- Don't pass the arg, rebox instead
+nop_fn :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+nop_fn body = body
+addDataConStrictness :: DataCon -> [Demand] -> [Demand]
+-- See Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
+addDataConStrictness con ds
+ | Nothing <- dataConWrapId_maybe con
+ -- DataCon worker=wrapper. Implies no strict fields, so nothing to do
+ = ds
+addDataConStrictness con ds
+ = zipWithEqual "addDataConStrictness" add ds strs
+ where
+ strs = dataConRepStrictness con
+ add dmd str | isMarkedStrict str = strictifyDmd dmd
+ | otherwise = dmd
+{- Note [How to do the worker/wrapper split]
+The worker-wrapper transformation, mkWWstr_one, takes into account
+several possibilities to decide if the function is worthy for
+1. If an argument is absent, it would be silly to pass it to
+ the worker. Hence the isAbsDmd case. This case must come
+ first because a demand like <S,A> or <B,A> is possible.
+ E.g. <B,A> comes from a function like
+ f x = error "urk"
+ and <S,A> can come from Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
+2. If the argument is evaluated strictly, and we can split the
+ product demand (splitProdDmd_maybe), then unbox it and w/w its
+ pieces. For example
+ f :: (Int, Int) -> Int
+ f p = (case p of (a,b) -> a) + 1
+ is split to
+ f :: (Int, Int) -> Int
+ f p = case p of (a,b) -> $wf a
+ $wf :: Int -> Int
+ $wf a = a + 1
+ and
+ g :: Bool -> (Int, Int) -> Int
+ g c p = case p of (a,b) ->
+ if c then a else b
+ is split to
+ g c p = case p of (a,b) -> $gw c a b
+ $gw c a b = if c then a else b
+2a But do /not/ split if the components are not used; that is, the
+ usage is just 'Used' rather than 'UProd'. In this case
+ splitProdDmd_maybe returns Nothing. Otherwise we risk decomposing
+ a massive tuple which is barely used. Example:
+ f :: ((Int,Int) -> String) -> (Int,Int) -> a
+ f g pr = error (g pr)
+ main = print (f fst (1, error "no"))
+ Here, f does not take 'pr' apart, and it's stupid to do so.
+ Imagine that it had millions of fields. This actually happened
+ in GHC itself where the tuple was DynFlags
+3. A plain 'seqDmd', which is head-strict with usage UHead, can't
+ be split by splitProdDmd_maybe. But we want it to behave just
+ like U(AAAA) for suitable number of absent demands. So we have
+ a special case for it, with arity coming from the data constructor.
+Note [Worker-wrapper for bottoming functions]
+We used not to split if the result is bottom.
+[Justification: there's no efficiency to be gained.]
+But it's sometimes bad not to make a wrapper. Consider
+ fw = \x# -> let x = I# x# in case e of
+ p1 -> error_fn x
+ p2 -> error_fn x
+ p3 -> the real stuff
+The re-boxing code won't go away unless error_fn gets a wrapper too.
+[We don't do reboxing now, but in general it's better to pass an
+unboxed thing to f, and have it reboxed in the error cases....]
Note [Record evaluated-ness in worker/wrapper]
@@ -913,97 +1065,8 @@ to record that the relevant binder is evaluated.
Type scrutiny that is specific to demand analysis
* *
-Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries]
-If we have
- f :: Ord a => [a] -> Int -> a
- {-# INLINABLE f #-}
-and we worker/wrapper f, we'll get a worker with an INLINABLE pragma
-(see Note [Worker-wrapper for INLINABLE functions] in GHC.Core.Opt.WorkWrap),
-which can still be specialised by the type-class specialiser, something like
- fw :: Ord a => [a] -> Int# -> a
-BUT if f is strict in the Ord dictionary, we might unpack it, to get
- fw :: (a->a->Bool) -> [a] -> Int# -> a
-and the type-class specialiser can't specialise that. An example is #6056.
-But in any other situation a dictionary is just an ordinary value,
-and can be unpacked. So we track the INLINABLE pragma, and switch
-off the unpacking in mkWWstr_one (see the isClassPred test).
-Historical note: #14955 describes how I got this fix wrong the first time.
--- | The result of 'splitArgType_maybe' and 'splitResultType_maybe'.
--- Both splits
--- * Take a type `ty`
--- * Succeed with (DataConPatContext dc tys co)
--- iff co :: T tys ~ ty
--- and `dc` is the appropriate DataCon of `T`
--- and `T` is suitable for the kind of split
--- (differs for strictness and CPR, see Note [Which types are unboxed?])
-data DataConPatContext
- = DataConPatContext
- { dcpc_dc :: !DataCon
- , dcpc_tc_args :: ![Type]
- , dcpc_co :: !Coercion
- }
--- | If @splitArgType_maybe ty = Just (dc, tys, co)@
--- then @dc \@tys \@_ex_tys (_args::_arg_tys) :: tc tys@
--- and @co :: ty ~ tc tys@
--- where underscore prefixes are holes, e.g. yet unspecified.
--- See Note [Which types are unboxed?].
-splitArgType_maybe :: FamInstEnvs -> Type -> Maybe DataConPatContext
-splitArgType_maybe fam_envs ty
- | let (co, ty1) = topNormaliseType_maybe fam_envs ty
- `orElse` (mkRepReflCo ty, ty)
- , Just (tc, tc_args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty1
- , Just con <- tyConSingleAlgDataCon_maybe tc
- = Just DataConPatContext { dcpc_dc = con
- , dcpc_tc_args = tc_args
- , dcpc_co = co }
-splitArgType_maybe _ _ = Nothing
--- | If @splitResultType_maybe n ty = Just (dc, tys, co)@
--- then @dc \@tys \@_ex_tys (_args::_arg_tys) :: tc tys@
--- and @co :: ty ~ tc tys@
--- where underscore prefixes are holes, e.g. yet unspecified.
--- @dc@ is the @n@th data constructor of @tc@.
--- See Note [Which types are unboxed?].
-splitResultType_maybe :: FamInstEnvs -> ConTag -> Type -> Maybe DataConPatContext
-splitResultType_maybe fam_envs con_tag ty
- | let (co, ty1) = topNormaliseType_maybe fam_envs ty
- `orElse` (mkRepReflCo ty, ty)
- , Just (tc, tc_args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty1
- , isDataTyCon tc -- NB: rules out unboxed sums and pairs!
- , let cons = tyConDataCons tc
- , cons `lengthAtLeast` con_tag -- This might not be true if we import the
- -- type constructor via a .hs-boot file (#8743)
- , let con = cons `getNth` (con_tag - fIRST_TAG)
- , null (dataConExTyCoVars con) -- no existentials;
- -- See Note [Which types are unboxed?]
- -- and GHC.Core.Opt.CprAnal.extendEnvForDataAlt
- -- where we also check this.
- , all isLinear (dataConInstArgTys con tc_args)
- -- Deactivates CPR worker/wrapper splits on constructors with non-linear
- -- arguments, for the moment, because they require unboxed tuple with variable
- -- multiplicity fields.
- = Just DataConPatContext { dcpc_dc = con
- , dcpc_tc_args = tc_args
- , dcpc_co = co }
-splitResultType_maybe _ _ _ = Nothing
-isLinear :: Scaled a -> Bool
-isLinear (Scaled w _ ) =
- case w of
- One -> True
- _ -> False
findTypeShape :: FamInstEnvs -> Type -> TypeShape
-- Uncover the arrow and product shape of a type
-- The data type TypeShape is defined in GHC.Types.Demand
@@ -1062,43 +1125,7 @@ dubiousDataConInstArgTys dc tc_args = arg_tys
subst = extendTCvInScopeList (zipTvSubst univ_tvs tc_args) ex_tvs
arg_tys = map (substTy subst . scaledThing) (dataConRepArgTys dc)
-{- Note [Which types are unboxed?]
-Worker/wrapper will unbox
- 1. A strict data type argument, that
- * is an algebraic data type (not a newtype)
- * has a single constructor (thus is a "product")
- * that may bind existentials
- We can transform
- > f (D @ex a b) = e
- to
- > $wf @ex a b = e
- via 'mkWWstr'.
- 2. The constructed result of a function, if
- * its type is an algebraic data type (not a newtype)
- * (might have multiple constructors, in contrast to (1))
- * the applied data constructor *does not* bind existentials
- We can transform
- > f x y = let ... in D a b
- to
- > $wf x y = let ... in (# a, b #)
- via 'mkWWcpr'.
- NB: We don't allow existentials for CPR W/W, because we don't have unboxed
- dependent tuples (yet?). Otherwise, we could transform
- > f x y = let ... in D @ex (a :: ..ex..) (b :: ..ex..)
- to
- > $wf x y = let ... in (# @ex, (a :: ..ex..), (b :: ..ex..) #)
-The respective tests are in 'splitArgType_maybe' and
-'splitResultType_maybe', respectively.
-Note that the data constructor /can/ have evidence arguments: equality
-constraints, type classes etc. So it can be GADT. These evidence
-arguments are simply value arguments, and should not get in the way.
* *
\subsection{CPR stuff}
@@ -1118,7 +1145,7 @@ left-to-right traversal of the result structure.
mkWWcpr :: Bool
-> FamInstEnvs
-> Type -- function body type
- -> CprResult -- CPR analysis results
+ -> Cpr -- CPR analysis results
-> UniqSM (Bool, -- Is w/w'ing useful?
CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, -- New wrapper
CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, -- New worker
@@ -1131,12 +1158,13 @@ mkWWcpr opt_CprAnal fam_envs body_ty cpr
| otherwise
= case asConCpr cpr of
Nothing -> return (False, id, id, body_ty) -- No CPR info
- Just con_tag | Just dcpc <- splitResultType_maybe fam_envs con_tag body_ty
- -> mkWWcpr_help dcpc
- | otherwise
- -- See Note [non-algebraic or open body type warning]
- -> WARN( True, text "mkWWcpr: non-algebraic or open body type" <+> ppr body_ty )
- return (False, id, id, body_ty)
+ Just (con_tag, _cprs)
+ | Just dcpc <- splitResultType_maybe fam_envs con_tag body_ty
+ -> mkWWcpr_help dcpc
+ | otherwise
+ -- See Note [non-algebraic or open body type warning]
+ -> WARN( True, text "mkWWcpr: non-algebraic or open body type" <+> ppr body_ty )
+ return (False, id, id, body_ty)
mkWWcpr_help :: DataConPatContext
-> UniqSM (Bool, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, Type)