path: root/compiler/GHC/Core/PatSyn.hs
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+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1998
+\section[PatSyn]{@PatSyn@: Pattern synonyms}
+module GHC.Core.PatSyn (
+ -- * Main data types
+ PatSyn, mkPatSyn,
+ -- ** Type deconstruction
+ patSynName, patSynArity, patSynIsInfix,
+ patSynArgs,
+ patSynMatcher, patSynBuilder,
+ patSynUnivTyVarBinders, patSynExTyVars, patSynExTyVarBinders, patSynSig,
+ patSynInstArgTys, patSynInstResTy, patSynFieldLabels,
+ patSynFieldType,
+ updatePatSynIds, pprPatSynType
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr
+import Name
+import Outputable
+import Unique
+import Util
+import BasicTypes
+import Var
+import FieldLabel
+import qualified Data.Data as Data
+import Data.Function
+import Data.List (find)
+* *
+\subsection{Pattern synonyms}
+* *
+-- | Pattern Synonym
+-- See Note [Pattern synonym representation]
+-- See Note [Pattern synonym signature contexts]
+data PatSyn
+ = MkPatSyn {
+ psName :: Name,
+ psUnique :: Unique, -- Cached from Name
+ psArgs :: [Type],
+ psArity :: Arity, -- == length psArgs
+ psInfix :: Bool, -- True <=> declared infix
+ psFieldLabels :: [FieldLabel], -- List of fields for a
+ -- record pattern synonym
+ -- INVARIANT: either empty if no
+ -- record pat syn or same length as
+ -- psArgs
+ -- Universally-quantified type variables
+ psUnivTyVars :: [TyVarBinder],
+ -- Required dictionaries (may mention psUnivTyVars)
+ psReqTheta :: ThetaType,
+ -- Existentially-quantified type vars
+ psExTyVars :: [TyVarBinder],
+ -- Provided dictionaries (may mention psUnivTyVars or psExTyVars)
+ psProvTheta :: ThetaType,
+ -- Result type
+ psResultTy :: Type, -- Mentions only psUnivTyVars
+ -- See Note [Pattern synonym result type]
+ -- See Note [Matchers and builders for pattern synonyms]
+ psMatcher :: (Id, Bool),
+ -- Matcher function.
+ -- If Bool is True then prov_theta and arg_tys are empty
+ -- and type is
+ -- forall (p :: RuntimeRep) (r :: TYPE p) univ_tvs.
+ -- req_theta
+ -- => res_ty
+ -- -> (forall ex_tvs. Void# -> r)
+ -- -> (Void# -> r)
+ -- -> r
+ --
+ -- Otherwise type is
+ -- forall (p :: RuntimeRep) (r :: TYPE r) univ_tvs.
+ -- req_theta
+ -- => res_ty
+ -- -> (forall ex_tvs. prov_theta => arg_tys -> r)
+ -- -> (Void# -> r)
+ -- -> r
+ psBuilder :: Maybe (Id, Bool)
+ -- Nothing => uni-directional pattern synonym
+ -- Just (builder, is_unlifted) => bi-directional
+ -- Builder function, of type
+ -- forall univ_tvs, ex_tvs. (req_theta, prov_theta)
+ -- => arg_tys -> res_ty
+ -- See Note [Builder for pattern synonyms with unboxed type]
+ }
+{- Note [Pattern synonym signature contexts]
+In a pattern synonym signature we write
+ pattern P :: req => prov => t1 -> ... tn -> res_ty
+Note that the "required" context comes first, then the "provided"
+context. Moreover, the "required" context must not mention
+existentially-bound type variables; that is, ones not mentioned in
+res_ty. See lots of discussion in #10928.
+If there is no "provided" context, you can omit it; but you
+can't omit the "required" part (unless you omit both).
+Example 1:
+ pattern P1 :: (Num a, Eq a) => b -> Maybe (a,b)
+ pattern P1 x = Just (3,x)
+ We require (Num a, Eq a) to match the 3; there is no provided
+ context.
+Example 2:
+ data T2 where
+ MkT2 :: (Num a, Eq a) => a -> a -> T2
+ pattern P2 :: () => (Num a, Eq a) => a -> T2
+ pattern P2 x = MkT2 3 x
+ When we match against P2 we get a Num dictionary provided.
+ We can use that to check the match against 3.
+Example 3:
+ pattern P3 :: Eq a => a -> b -> T3 b
+ This signature is illegal because the (Eq a) is a required
+ constraint, but it mentions the existentially-bound variable 'a'.
+ You can see it's existential because it doesn't appear in the
+ result type (T3 b).
+Note [Pattern synonym result type]
+ data T a b = MkT b a
+ pattern P :: a -> T [a] Bool
+ pattern P x = MkT True [x]
+P's psResultTy is (T a Bool), and it really only matches values of
+type (T [a] Bool). For example, this is ill-typed
+ f :: T p q -> String
+ f (P x) = "urk"
+This is different to the situation with GADTs:
+ data S a where
+ MkS :: Int -> S Bool
+Now MkS (and pattern synonyms coming from MkS) can match a
+value of type (S a), not just (S Bool); we get type refinement.
+That in turn means that if you have a pattern
+ P x :: T [ty] Bool
+it's not entirely straightforward to work out the instantiation of
+P's universal tyvars. You have to /match/
+ the type of the pattern, (T [ty] Bool)
+ the psResultTy for the pattern synonym, T [a] Bool
+to get the instantiation a := ty.
+This is very unlike DataCons, where univ tyvars match 1-1 the
+arguments of the TyCon.
+Side note: I (SG) get the impression that instantiated return types should
+generate a *required* constraint for pattern synonyms, rather than a *provided*
+constraint like it's the case for GADTs. For example, I'd expect these
+declarations to have identical semantics:
+ pattern Just42 :: Maybe Int
+ pattern Just42 = Just 42
+ pattern Just'42 :: (a ~ Int) => Maybe a
+ pattern Just'42 = Just 42
+The latter generates the proper required constraint, the former does not.
+Also rather different to GADTs is the fact that Just42 doesn't have any
+universally quantified type variables, whereas Just'42 or MkS above has.
+Note [Pattern synonym representation]
+Consider the following pattern synonym declaration
+ pattern P x = MkT [x] (Just 42)
+ data T a where
+ MkT :: (Show a, Ord b) => [b] -> a -> T a
+so pattern P has type
+ b -> T (Maybe t)
+with the following typeclass constraints:
+ requires: (Eq t, Num t)
+ provides: (Show (Maybe t), Ord b)
+In this case, the fields of MkPatSyn will be set as follows:
+ psArgs = [b]
+ psArity = 1
+ psInfix = False
+ psUnivTyVars = [t]
+ psExTyVars = [b]
+ psProvTheta = (Show (Maybe t), Ord b)
+ psReqTheta = (Eq t, Num t)
+ psResultTy = T (Maybe t)
+Note [Matchers and builders for pattern synonyms]
+For each pattern synonym P, we generate
+ * a "matcher" function, used to desugar uses of P in patterns,
+ which implements pattern matching
+ * A "builder" function (for bidirectional pattern synonyms only),
+ used to desugar uses of P in expressions, which constructs P-values.
+For the above example, the matcher function has type:
+ $mP :: forall (r :: ?) t. (Eq t, Num t)
+ => T (Maybe t)
+ -> (forall b. (Show (Maybe t), Ord b) => b -> r)
+ -> (Void# -> r)
+ -> r
+with the following implementation:
+ $mP @r @t $dEq $dNum scrut cont fail
+ = case scrut of
+ MkT @b $dShow $dOrd [x] (Just 42) -> cont @b $dShow $dOrd x
+ _ -> fail Void#
+Notice that the return type 'r' has an open kind, so that it can
+be instantiated by an unboxed type; for example where we see
+ f (P x) = 3#
+The extra Void# argument for the failure continuation is needed so that
+it is lazy even when the result type is unboxed.
+For the same reason, if the pattern has no arguments, an extra Void#
+argument is added to the success continuation as well.
+For *bidirectional* pattern synonyms, we also generate a "builder"
+function which implements the pattern synonym in an expression
+context. For our running example, it will be:
+ $bP :: forall t b. (Eq t, Num t, Show (Maybe t), Ord b)
+ => b -> T (Maybe t)
+ $bP x = MkT [x] (Just 42)
+NB: the existential/universal and required/provided split does not
+apply to the builder since you are only putting stuff in, not getting
+stuff out.
+Injectivity of bidirectional pattern synonyms is checked in
+tcPatToExpr which walks the pattern and returns its corresponding
+expression when available.
+Note [Builder for pattern synonyms with unboxed type]
+For bidirectional pattern synonyms that have no arguments and have an
+unboxed type, we add an extra Void# argument to the builder, else it
+would be a top-level declaration with an unboxed type.
+ pattern P = 0#
+ $bP :: Void# -> Int#
+ $bP _ = 0#
+This means that when typechecking an occurrence of P in an expression,
+we must remember that the builder has this void argument. This is
+done by TcPatSyn.patSynBuilderOcc.
+Note [Pattern synonyms and the data type Type]
+The type of a pattern synonym is of the form (See Note
+[Pattern synonym signatures] in TcSigs):
+ forall univ_tvs. req => forall ex_tvs. prov => ...
+We cannot in general represent this by a value of type Type:
+ - if ex_tvs is empty, then req and prov cannot be distinguished from
+ each other
+ - if req is empty, then univ_tvs and ex_tvs cannot be distinguished
+ from each other, and moreover, prov is seen as the "required" context
+ (as it is the only context)
+* *
+* *
+instance Eq PatSyn where
+ (==) = (==) `on` getUnique
+ (/=) = (/=) `on` getUnique
+instance Uniquable PatSyn where
+ getUnique = psUnique
+instance NamedThing PatSyn where
+ getName = patSynName
+instance Outputable PatSyn where
+ ppr = ppr . getName
+instance OutputableBndr PatSyn where
+ pprInfixOcc = pprInfixName . getName
+ pprPrefixOcc = pprPrefixName . getName
+instance Data.Data PatSyn where
+ -- don't traverse?
+ toConstr _ = abstractConstr "PatSyn"
+ gunfold _ _ = error "gunfold"
+ dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "PatSyn"
+* *
+* *
+-- | Build a new pattern synonym
+mkPatSyn :: Name
+ -> Bool -- ^ Is the pattern synonym declared infix?
+ -> ([TyVarBinder], ThetaType) -- ^ Universially-quantified type
+ -- variables and required dicts
+ -> ([TyVarBinder], ThetaType) -- ^ Existentially-quantified type
+ -- variables and provided dicts
+ -> [Type] -- ^ Original arguments
+ -> Type -- ^ Original result type
+ -> (Id, Bool) -- ^ Name of matcher
+ -> Maybe (Id, Bool) -- ^ Name of builder
+ -> [FieldLabel] -- ^ Names of fields for
+ -- a record pattern synonym
+ -> PatSyn
+ -- NB: The univ and ex vars are both in TyBinder form and TyVar form for
+ -- convenience. All the TyBinders should be Named!
+mkPatSyn name declared_infix
+ (univ_tvs, req_theta)
+ (ex_tvs, prov_theta)
+ orig_args
+ orig_res_ty
+ matcher builder field_labels
+ = MkPatSyn {psName = name, psUnique = getUnique name,
+ psUnivTyVars = univ_tvs,
+ psExTyVars = ex_tvs,
+ psProvTheta = prov_theta, psReqTheta = req_theta,
+ psInfix = declared_infix,
+ psArgs = orig_args,
+ psArity = length orig_args,
+ psResultTy = orig_res_ty,
+ psMatcher = matcher,
+ psBuilder = builder,
+ psFieldLabels = field_labels
+ }
+-- | The 'Name' of the 'PatSyn', giving it a unique, rooted identification
+patSynName :: PatSyn -> Name
+patSynName = psName
+-- | Should the 'PatSyn' be presented infix?
+patSynIsInfix :: PatSyn -> Bool
+patSynIsInfix = psInfix
+-- | Arity of the pattern synonym
+patSynArity :: PatSyn -> Arity
+patSynArity = psArity
+patSynArgs :: PatSyn -> [Type]
+patSynArgs = psArgs
+patSynFieldLabels :: PatSyn -> [FieldLabel]
+patSynFieldLabels = psFieldLabels
+-- | Extract the type for any given labelled field of the 'DataCon'
+patSynFieldType :: PatSyn -> FieldLabelString -> Type
+patSynFieldType ps label
+ = case find ((== label) . flLabel . fst) (psFieldLabels ps `zip` psArgs ps) of
+ Just (_, ty) -> ty
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "dataConFieldType" (ppr ps <+> ppr label)
+patSynUnivTyVarBinders :: PatSyn -> [TyVarBinder]
+patSynUnivTyVarBinders = psUnivTyVars
+patSynExTyVars :: PatSyn -> [TyVar]
+patSynExTyVars ps = binderVars (psExTyVars ps)
+patSynExTyVarBinders :: PatSyn -> [TyVarBinder]
+patSynExTyVarBinders = psExTyVars
+patSynSig :: PatSyn -> ([TyVar], ThetaType, [TyVar], ThetaType, [Type], Type)
+patSynSig (MkPatSyn { psUnivTyVars = univ_tvs, psExTyVars = ex_tvs
+ , psProvTheta = prov, psReqTheta = req
+ , psArgs = arg_tys, psResultTy = res_ty })
+ = (binderVars univ_tvs, req, binderVars ex_tvs, prov, arg_tys, res_ty)
+patSynMatcher :: PatSyn -> (Id,Bool)
+patSynMatcher = psMatcher
+patSynBuilder :: PatSyn -> Maybe (Id, Bool)
+patSynBuilder = psBuilder
+updatePatSynIds :: (Id -> Id) -> PatSyn -> PatSyn
+updatePatSynIds tidy_fn ps@(MkPatSyn { psMatcher = matcher, psBuilder = builder })
+ = ps { psMatcher = tidy_pr matcher, psBuilder = fmap tidy_pr builder }
+ where
+ tidy_pr (id, dummy) = (tidy_fn id, dummy)
+patSynInstArgTys :: PatSyn -> [Type] -> [Type]
+-- Return the types of the argument patterns
+-- e.g. data D a = forall b. MkD a b (b->a)
+-- pattern P f x y = MkD (x,True) y f
+-- D :: forall a. forall b. a -> b -> (b->a) -> D a
+-- P :: forall c. forall b. (b->(c,Bool)) -> c -> b -> P c
+-- patSynInstArgTys P [Int,bb] = [bb->(Int,Bool), Int, bb]
+-- NB: the inst_tys should be both universal and existential
+patSynInstArgTys (MkPatSyn { psName = name, psUnivTyVars = univ_tvs
+ , psExTyVars = ex_tvs, psArgs = arg_tys })
+ inst_tys
+ = ASSERT2( tyvars `equalLength` inst_tys
+ , text "patSynInstArgTys" <+> ppr name $$ ppr tyvars $$ ppr inst_tys )
+ map (substTyWith tyvars inst_tys) arg_tys
+ where
+ tyvars = binderVars (univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs)
+patSynInstResTy :: PatSyn -> [Type] -> Type
+-- Return the type of whole pattern
+-- E.g. pattern P x y = Just (x,x,y)
+-- P :: a -> b -> Just (a,a,b)
+-- (patSynInstResTy P [Int,Bool] = Maybe (Int,Int,Bool)
+-- NB: unlike patSynInstArgTys, the inst_tys should be just the *universal* tyvars
+patSynInstResTy (MkPatSyn { psName = name, psUnivTyVars = univ_tvs
+ , psResultTy = res_ty })
+ inst_tys
+ = ASSERT2( univ_tvs `equalLength` inst_tys
+ , text "patSynInstResTy" <+> ppr name $$ ppr univ_tvs $$ ppr inst_tys )
+ substTyWith (binderVars univ_tvs) inst_tys res_ty
+-- | Print the type of a pattern synonym. The foralls are printed explicitly
+pprPatSynType :: PatSyn -> SDoc
+pprPatSynType (MkPatSyn { psUnivTyVars = univ_tvs, psReqTheta = req_theta
+ , psExTyVars = ex_tvs, psProvTheta = prov_theta
+ , psArgs = orig_args, psResultTy = orig_res_ty })
+ = sep [ pprForAll univ_tvs
+ , pprThetaArrowTy req_theta
+ , ppWhen insert_empty_ctxt $ parens empty <+> darrow
+ , pprType sigma_ty ]
+ where
+ sigma_ty = mkForAllTys ex_tvs $
+ mkInvisFunTys prov_theta $
+ mkVisFunTys orig_args orig_res_ty
+ insert_empty_ctxt = null req_theta && not (null prov_theta && null ex_tvs)