path: root/compiler/GHC/Data/BooleanFormula.hs
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diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/BooleanFormula.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/BooleanFormula.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable,
+ DeriveTraversable #-}
+-- | Boolean formulas without quantifiers and without negation.
+-- Such a formula consists of variables, conjunctions (and), and disjunctions (or).
+-- This module is used to represent minimal complete definitions for classes.
+module GHC.Data.BooleanFormula (
+ BooleanFormula(..), LBooleanFormula,
+ mkFalse, mkTrue, mkAnd, mkOr, mkVar,
+ isFalse, isTrue,
+ eval, simplify, isUnsatisfied,
+ implies, impliesAtom,
+ pprBooleanFormula, pprBooleanFormulaNice
+ ) where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import Data.List ( nub, intersperse )
+import Data.Data
+import GHC.Utils.Monad
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Binary
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
+-- Boolean formula type and smart constructors
+type LBooleanFormula a = Located (BooleanFormula a)
+data BooleanFormula a = Var a | And [LBooleanFormula a] | Or [LBooleanFormula a]
+ | Parens (LBooleanFormula a)
+ deriving (Eq, Data, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+mkVar :: a -> BooleanFormula a
+mkVar = Var
+mkFalse, mkTrue :: BooleanFormula a
+mkFalse = Or []
+mkTrue = And []
+-- Convert a Bool to a BooleanFormula
+mkBool :: Bool -> BooleanFormula a
+mkBool False = mkFalse
+mkBool True = mkTrue
+-- Make a conjunction, and try to simplify
+mkAnd :: Eq a => [LBooleanFormula a] -> BooleanFormula a
+mkAnd = maybe mkFalse (mkAnd' . nub) . concatMapM fromAnd
+ where
+ -- See Note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
+ fromAnd :: LBooleanFormula a -> Maybe [LBooleanFormula a]
+ fromAnd (L _ (And xs)) = Just xs
+ -- assume that xs are already simplified
+ -- otherwise we would need: fromAnd (And xs) = concat <$> traverse fromAnd xs
+ fromAnd (L _ (Or [])) = Nothing
+ -- in case of False we bail out, And [..,mkFalse,..] == mkFalse
+ fromAnd x = Just [x]
+ mkAnd' [x] = unLoc x
+ mkAnd' xs = And xs
+mkOr :: Eq a => [LBooleanFormula a] -> BooleanFormula a
+mkOr = maybe mkTrue (mkOr' . nub) . concatMapM fromOr
+ where
+ -- See Note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
+ fromOr (L _ (Or xs)) = Just xs
+ fromOr (L _ (And [])) = Nothing
+ fromOr x = Just [x]
+ mkOr' [x] = unLoc x
+ mkOr' xs = Or xs
+Note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
+The smart constructors (`mkAnd` and `mkOr`) do some attempt to simplify expressions. In particular,
+ 1. Collapsing nested ands and ors, so
+ `(mkAnd [x, And [y,z]]`
+ is represented as
+ `And [x,y,z]`
+ Implemented by `fromAnd`/`fromOr`
+ 2. Collapsing trivial ands and ors, so
+ `mkAnd [x]` becomes just `x`.
+ Implemented by mkAnd' / mkOr'
+ 3. Conjunction with false, disjunction with true is simplified, i.e.
+ `mkAnd [mkFalse,x]` becomes `mkFalse`.
+ 4. Common subexpression elimination:
+ `mkAnd [x,x,y]` is reduced to just `mkAnd [x,y]`.
+This simplification is not exhaustive, in the sense that it will not produce
+the smallest possible equivalent expression. For example,
+`Or [And [x,y], And [x]]` could be simplified to `And [x]`, but it currently
+is not. A general simplifier would need to use something like BDDs.
+The reason behind the (crude) simplifier is to make for more user friendly
+error messages. E.g. for the code
+ > class Foo a where
+ > {-# MINIMAL bar, (foo, baq | foo, quux) #-}
+ > instance Foo Int where
+ > bar = ...
+ > baz = ...
+ > quux = ...
+We don't show a ridiculous error message like
+ Implement () and (either (`foo' and ()) or (`foo' and ()))
+-- Evaluation and simplification
+isFalse :: BooleanFormula a -> Bool
+isFalse (Or []) = True
+isFalse _ = False
+isTrue :: BooleanFormula a -> Bool
+isTrue (And []) = True
+isTrue _ = False
+eval :: (a -> Bool) -> BooleanFormula a -> Bool
+eval f (Var x) = f x
+eval f (And xs) = all (eval f . unLoc) xs
+eval f (Or xs) = any (eval f . unLoc) xs
+eval f (Parens x) = eval f (unLoc x)
+-- Simplify a boolean formula.
+-- The argument function should give the truth of the atoms, or Nothing if undecided.
+simplify :: Eq a => (a -> Maybe Bool) -> BooleanFormula a -> BooleanFormula a
+simplify f (Var a) = case f a of
+ Nothing -> Var a
+ Just b -> mkBool b
+simplify f (And xs) = mkAnd (map (\(L l x) -> L l (simplify f x)) xs)
+simplify f (Or xs) = mkOr (map (\(L l x) -> L l (simplify f x)) xs)
+simplify f (Parens x) = simplify f (unLoc x)
+-- Test if a boolean formula is satisfied when the given values are assigned to the atoms
+-- if it is, returns Nothing
+-- if it is not, return (Just remainder)
+isUnsatisfied :: Eq a => (a -> Bool) -> BooleanFormula a -> Maybe (BooleanFormula a)
+isUnsatisfied f bf
+ | isTrue bf' = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just bf'
+ where
+ f' x = if f x then Just True else Nothing
+ bf' = simplify f' bf
+-- prop_simplify:
+-- eval f x == True <==> isTrue (simplify (Just . f) x)
+-- eval f x == False <==> isFalse (simplify (Just . f) x)
+-- If the boolean formula holds, does that mean that the given atom is always true?
+impliesAtom :: Eq a => BooleanFormula a -> a -> Bool
+Var x `impliesAtom` y = x == y
+And xs `impliesAtom` y = any (\x -> (unLoc x) `impliesAtom` y) xs
+ -- we have all of xs, so one of them implying y is enough
+Or xs `impliesAtom` y = all (\x -> (unLoc x) `impliesAtom` y) xs
+Parens x `impliesAtom` y = (unLoc x) `impliesAtom` y
+implies :: Uniquable a => BooleanFormula a -> BooleanFormula a -> Bool
+implies e1 e2 = go (Clause emptyUniqSet [e1]) (Clause emptyUniqSet [e2])
+ where
+ go :: Uniquable a => Clause a -> Clause a -> Bool
+ go l@Clause{ clauseExprs = hyp:hyps } r =
+ case hyp of
+ Var x | memberClauseAtoms x r -> True
+ | otherwise -> go (extendClauseAtoms l x) { clauseExprs = hyps } r
+ Parens hyp' -> go l { clauseExprs = unLoc hyp':hyps } r
+ And hyps' -> go l { clauseExprs = map unLoc hyps' ++ hyps } r
+ Or hyps' -> all (\hyp' -> go l { clauseExprs = unLoc hyp':hyps } r) hyps'
+ go l r@Clause{ clauseExprs = con:cons } =
+ case con of
+ Var x | memberClauseAtoms x l -> True
+ | otherwise -> go l (extendClauseAtoms r x) { clauseExprs = cons }
+ Parens con' -> go l r { clauseExprs = unLoc con':cons }
+ And cons' -> all (\con' -> go l r { clauseExprs = unLoc con':cons }) cons'
+ Or cons' -> go l r { clauseExprs = map unLoc cons' ++ cons }
+ go _ _ = False
+-- A small sequent calculus proof engine.
+data Clause a = Clause {
+ clauseAtoms :: UniqSet a,
+ clauseExprs :: [BooleanFormula a]
+ }
+extendClauseAtoms :: Uniquable a => Clause a -> a -> Clause a
+extendClauseAtoms c x = c { clauseAtoms = addOneToUniqSet (clauseAtoms c) x }
+memberClauseAtoms :: Uniquable a => a -> Clause a -> Bool
+memberClauseAtoms x c = x `elementOfUniqSet` clauseAtoms c
+-- Pretty printing
+-- Pretty print a BooleanFormula,
+-- using the arguments as pretty printers for Var, And and Or respectively
+pprBooleanFormula' :: (Rational -> a -> SDoc)
+ -> (Rational -> [SDoc] -> SDoc)
+ -> (Rational -> [SDoc] -> SDoc)
+ -> Rational -> BooleanFormula a -> SDoc
+pprBooleanFormula' pprVar pprAnd pprOr = go
+ where
+ go p (Var x) = pprVar p x
+ go p (And []) = cparen (p > 0) $ empty
+ go p (And xs) = pprAnd p (map (go 3 . unLoc) xs)
+ go _ (Or []) = keyword $ text "FALSE"
+ go p (Or xs) = pprOr p (map (go 2 . unLoc) xs)
+ go p (Parens x) = go p (unLoc x)
+-- Pretty print in source syntax, "a | b | c,d,e"
+pprBooleanFormula :: (Rational -> a -> SDoc) -> Rational -> BooleanFormula a -> SDoc
+pprBooleanFormula pprVar = pprBooleanFormula' pprVar pprAnd pprOr
+ where
+ pprAnd p = cparen (p > 3) . fsep . punctuate comma
+ pprOr p = cparen (p > 2) . fsep . intersperse vbar
+-- Pretty print human in readable format, "either `a' or `b' or (`c', `d' and `e')"?
+pprBooleanFormulaNice :: Outputable a => BooleanFormula a -> SDoc
+pprBooleanFormulaNice = pprBooleanFormula' pprVar pprAnd pprOr 0
+ where
+ pprVar _ = quotes . ppr
+ pprAnd p = cparen (p > 1) . pprAnd'
+ pprAnd' [] = empty
+ pprAnd' [x,y] = x <+> text "and" <+> y
+ pprAnd' xs@(_:_) = fsep (punctuate comma (init xs)) <> text ", and" <+> last xs
+ pprOr p xs = cparen (p > 1) $ text "either" <+> sep (intersperse (text "or") xs)
+instance (OutputableBndr a) => Outputable (BooleanFormula a) where
+ ppr = pprBooleanFormulaNormal
+pprBooleanFormulaNormal :: (OutputableBndr a)
+ => BooleanFormula a -> SDoc
+pprBooleanFormulaNormal = go
+ where
+ go (Var x) = pprPrefixOcc x
+ go (And xs) = fsep $ punctuate comma (map (go . unLoc) xs)
+ go (Or []) = keyword $ text "FALSE"
+ go (Or xs) = fsep $ intersperse vbar (map (go . unLoc) xs)
+ go (Parens x) = parens (go $ unLoc x)
+-- Binary
+instance Binary a => Binary (BooleanFormula a) where
+ put_ bh (Var x) = putByte bh 0 >> put_ bh x
+ put_ bh (And xs) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh xs
+ put_ bh (Or xs) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh xs
+ put_ bh (Parens x) = putByte bh 3 >> put_ bh x
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> Var <$> get bh
+ 1 -> And <$> get bh
+ 2 -> Or <$> get bh
+ _ -> Parens <$> get bh