path: root/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Collapse.hs
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1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Collapse.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Collapse.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module GHC.Data.Graph.Collapse
+ ( PureSupernode(..)
+ , Supernode(..)
+ , collapseInductiveGraph
+ , VizCollapseMonad(..)
+ , NullCollapseViz(..)
+ , runNullCollapse
+ , MonadUniqSM(..)
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.List (delete, union, insert, intersect)
+import Data.Semigroup
+import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
+import GHC.Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+Module : GHC.Data.Graph.Collapse
+Description : Implement the "collapsing" algorithm Hecht and Ullman
+A control-flow graph is reducible if and only if it is collapsible
+according to the definition of Hecht and Ullman (1972). This module
+implements the collapsing algorithm of Hecht and Ullman, and if it
+encounters a graph that is not collapsible, it splits nodes until the
+graph is fully collapsed. It then reports what nodes (if any) had to
+be split in order to collapse the graph. The information is used
+upstream to node-split Cmm graphs.
+The module uses the inductive graph representation cloned from the
+Functional Graph Library (Hackage package `fgl`, modules
+-- Full reference to paper: Matthew S. Hecht and Jeffrey D. Ullman
+-- (1972). Flow Graph Reducibility. SIAM J. Comput., 1(2), 188–202.
+------------------ Graph-splitting monad -----------------------
+-- | If you want to visualize the graph-collapsing algorithm, create
+-- an instance of monad `VizCollapseMonad`. Each step in the
+-- algorithm is announced to the monad as a side effect. If you don't
+-- care about visualization, you would use the `NullCollapseViz`
+-- monad, in which these operations are no-ops.
+class (Monad m) => MonadUniqSM m where
+ liftUniqSM :: UniqSM a -> m a
+class (MonadUniqSM m, Graph gr, Supernode s m) => VizCollapseMonad m gr s where
+ consumeByInGraph :: Node -> Node -> gr s () -> m ()
+ splitGraphAt :: gr s () -> LNode s -> m ()
+ finalGraph :: gr s () -> m ()
+-- | The identity monad as a `VizCollapseMonad`. Use this monad when
+-- you want efficiency in graph collapse.
+newtype NullCollapseViz a = NullCollapseViz { unNCV :: UniqSM a }
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadUnique)
+instance MonadUniqSM NullCollapseViz where
+ liftUniqSM = NullCollapseViz
+instance (Graph gr, Supernode s NullCollapseViz) =>
+ VizCollapseMonad NullCollapseViz gr s where
+ consumeByInGraph _ _ _ = return ()
+ splitGraphAt _ _ = return ()
+ finalGraph _ = return ()
+runNullCollapse :: NullCollapseViz a -> UniqSM a
+runNullCollapse = unNCV
+------------------ Utility functions on graphs -----------------------
+-- | Tell if a `Node` has a single predecessor.
+singlePred :: Graph gr => gr a b -> Node -> Bool
+singlePred gr n
+ | ([_], _, _, _) <- context gr n = True
+ | otherwise = False
+-- | Use this function to extract information about a `Node` that you
+-- know is in a `Graph`. It's like `match` from `Graph`, but it must
+-- succeed.
+forceMatch :: (Graph gr)
+ => Node -> gr s b -> (Context s b, gr s b)
+forceMatch node g = case match node g of (Just c, g') -> (c, g')
+ _ -> panicDump node g
+ where panicDump :: Graph gr => Node -> gr s b -> any
+ panicDump k _g =
+ panic $ "GHC.Data.Graph.Collapse failed to match node " ++ show k
+-- | Rewrite the label of a given node.
+updateNode :: DynGraph gr => (s -> s) -> Node -> gr s b -> gr s b
+updateNode relabel node g = (preds, n, relabel this, succs) & g'
+ where ((preds, n, this, succs), g') = forceMatch node g
+-- | Test if a graph has but a single node.
+singletonGraph :: Graph gr => gr a b -> Bool
+singletonGraph g = case labNodes g of [_] -> True
+ _ -> False
+---------------- Supernodes ------------------------------------
+-- | A "supernode" stands for a collection of one or more nodes (basic
+-- blocks) that have been coalesced by the Hecht-Ullman algorithm.
+-- A collection in a supernode constitutes a /reducible/ subgraph of a
+-- control-flow graph. (When an entire control-flow graph is collapsed
+-- to a single supernode, the flow graph is reducible.)
+-- The idea of node splitting is to collapse a control-flow graph down
+-- to a single supernode, then materialize (``inflate'') the reducible
+-- equivalent graph from that supernode. The `Supernode` class
+-- defines only the methods needed to collapse; rematerialization is
+-- the responsiblity of the client.
+-- During the Hecht-Ullman algorithm, every supernode has a unique
+-- entry point, which is given by `superLabel`. But this invariant is
+-- not guaranteed by the class methods and is not a law of the class.
+-- The `mapLabels` function rewrites all labels that appear in a
+-- supernode (both definitions and uses). The `freshen` function
+-- replaces every appearance of a /defined/ label with a fresh label.
+-- (Appearances include both definitions and uses.)
+-- Laws:
+-- @
+-- superLabel (n <> n') == superLabel n
+-- blocks (n <> n') == blocks n `union` blocks n'
+-- mapLabels f (n <> n') = mapLabels f n <> mapLabels f n'
+-- mapLabels id == id
+-- mapLabels (f . g) == mapLabels f . mapLabels g
+-- @
+-- (We expect `freshen` to distribute over `<>`, but because of
+-- the fresh names involved, formulating a precise law is a bit
+-- challenging.)
+class (Semigroup node) => PureSupernode node where
+ superLabel :: node -> Label
+ mapLabels :: (Label -> Label) -> (node -> node)
+class (MonadUnique m, PureSupernode node) => Supernode node m where
+ freshen :: node -> m node
+ -- ghost method
+ -- blocks :: node -> Set Block
+------------------ Functions specific to the algorithm -----------------------
+-- | Merge two nodes, return new graph plus list of nodes that newly have a single
+-- predecessor. This function implements transformation $T_2$ from
+-- the Hecht and Ullman paper (merge the node into its unique
+-- predecessor). It then also removes self-edges (transformation $T_1$ from
+-- the Hecht and Ullman paper). There is no need for a separate
+-- implementation of $T_1$.
+-- `consumeBy v u g` returns the graph that results when node v is
+-- consumed by node u in graph g. Both v and u are replaced with a new node u'
+-- with these properties:
+-- LABELS(u') = LABELS(u) `union` LABELS(v)
+-- SUCC(u') = SUCC(u) `union` SUCC(v) - { u }
+-- every node that previously points to u now points to u'
+-- It also returns a list of nodes in the result graph that
+-- are *newly* single-predecessor nodes.
+consumeBy :: (DynGraph gr, PureSupernode s)
+ => Node -> Node -> gr s () -> (gr s (), [Node])
+consumeBy toNode fromNode g =
+ assert (toPreds == [((), fromNode)]) $
+ (newGraph, newCandidates)
+ where ((toPreds, _, to, toSuccs), g') = forceMatch toNode g
+ ((fromPreds, _, from, fromSuccs), g'') = forceMatch fromNode g'
+ context = ( fromPreds -- by construction, can't have `toNode`
+ , fromNode
+ , from <> to
+ , delete ((), fromNode) toSuccs `union` fromSuccs
+ )
+ newGraph = context & g''
+ newCandidates = filter (singlePred newGraph) changedNodes
+ changedNodes = fromNode `insert` map snd (toSuccs `intersect` fromSuccs)
+-- | Split a given node. The node is replaced with a collection of replicas,
+-- one for each predecessor. After the split, every predecessor
+-- points to a unique replica.
+split :: forall gr s b m . (DynGraph gr, Supernode s m)
+ => Node -> gr s b -> m (gr s b)
+split node g = assert (isMultiple preds) $ foldM addReplica g' newNodes
+ where ((preds, _, this, succs), g') = forceMatch node g
+ newNodes :: [((b, Node), Node)]
+ newNodes = zip preds [maxNode+1..]
+ (_, maxNode) = nodeRange g
+ thisLabel = superLabel this
+ addReplica :: gr s b -> ((b, Node), Node) -> m (gr s b)
+ addReplica g ((b, pred), newNode) = do
+ newSuper <- freshen this
+ return $ add newSuper
+ where add newSuper =
+ updateNode (thisLabel `replacedWith` superLabel newSuper) pred $
+ ([(b, pred)], newNode, newSuper, succs) & g
+replacedWith :: PureSupernode s => Label -> Label -> s -> s
+replacedWith old new = mapLabels (\l -> if l == old then new else l)
+-- | Does a list have more than one element? (in constant time).
+isMultiple :: [a] -> Bool
+isMultiple [] = False
+isMultiple [_] = False
+isMultiple (_:_:_) = True
+-- | Find a candidate for splitting by finding a node that has multiple predecessors.
+anySplittable :: forall gr a b . Graph gr => gr a b -> LNode a
+anySplittable g = case splittable of
+ n : _ -> n
+ [] -> panic "anySplittable found no splittable nodes"
+ where splittable = filter (isMultiple . pre g . fst) $ labNodes g
+ splittable :: [LNode a]
+------------------ The collapsing algorithm -----------------------
+-- | Using the algorithm of Hecht and Ullman (1972), collapse a graph
+-- into a single node, splitting nodes as needed. Record
+-- visualization events in monad `m`.
+collapseInductiveGraph :: (DynGraph gr, Supernode s m, VizCollapseMonad m gr s)
+ => gr s () -> m (gr s ())
+collapseInductiveGraph g = drain g worklist
+ where worklist :: [[Node]] -- nodes with exactly one predecessor
+ worklist = [filter (singlePred g) $ nodes g]
+ drain g [] = if singletonGraph g then finalGraph g >> return g
+ else let (n, super) = anySplittable g
+ in do splitGraphAt g (n, super)
+ collapseInductiveGraph =<< split n g
+ drain g ([]:nss) = drain g nss
+ drain g ((n:ns):nss) = let (g', ns') = consumeBy n (theUniquePred n) g
+ in do consumeByInGraph n (theUniquePred n) g
+ drain g' (ns':ns:nss)
+ where theUniquePred n
+ | ([(_, p)], _, _, _) <- context g n = p
+ | otherwise =
+ panic "node claimed to have a unique predecessor; it doesn't"