path: root/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs')
1 files changed, 830 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5364e3d3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+-- | This is the driver for the 'ghc --backpack' mode, which
+-- is a reimplementation of the "package manager" bits of
+-- Backpack directly in GHC. The basic method of operation
+-- is to compile packages and then directly insert them into
+-- GHC's in memory database.
+-- The compilation products of this mode aren't really suitable
+-- for Cabal, because GHC makes up component IDs for the things
+-- it builds and doesn't serialize out the database contents.
+-- But it's still handy for constructing tests.
+module GHC.Driver.Backpack (doBackpack) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+-- In a separate module because it hooks into the parser.
+import GHC.Driver.Backpack.Syntax
+import ApiAnnotation
+import GHC hiding (Failed, Succeeded)
+import GHC.Driver.Packages
+import Parser
+import Lexer
+import GHC.Driver.Monad
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import TcRnMonad
+import TcRnDriver
+import Module
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import StringBuffer
+import FastString
+import ErrUtils
+import SrcLoc
+import GHC.Driver.Main
+import UniqFM
+import UniqDFM
+import Outputable
+import Maybes
+import HeaderInfo
+import GHC.Iface.Utils
+import GHC.Driver.Make
+import UniqDSet
+import PrelNames
+import BasicTypes hiding (SuccessFlag(..))
+import GHC.Driver.Finder
+import Util
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import Panic
+import Data.List ( partition )
+import System.Exit
+import Control.Monad
+import System.FilePath
+import Data.Version
+-- for the unification
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+-- | Entry point to compile a Backpack file.
+doBackpack :: [FilePath] -> Ghc ()
+doBackpack [src_filename] = do
+ -- Apply options from file to dflags
+ dflags0 <- getDynFlags
+ let dflags1 = dflags0
+ src_opts <- liftIO $ getOptionsFromFile dflags1 src_filename
+ (dflags, unhandled_flags, warns) <- liftIO $ parseDynamicFilePragma dflags1 src_opts
+ modifySession (\hsc_env -> hsc_env {hsc_dflags = dflags})
+ -- Cribbed from: preprocessFile / GHC.Driver.Pipeline
+ liftIO $ checkProcessArgsResult dflags unhandled_flags
+ liftIO $ handleFlagWarnings dflags warns
+ -- TODO: Preprocessing not implemented
+ buf <- liftIO $ hGetStringBuffer src_filename
+ let loc = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString src_filename) 1 1 -- TODO: not great
+ case unP parseBackpack (mkPState dflags buf loc) of
+ PFailed pst -> throwErrors (getErrorMessages pst dflags)
+ POk _ pkgname_bkp -> do
+ -- OK, so we have an LHsUnit PackageName, but we want an
+ -- LHsUnit HsComponentId. So let's rename it.
+ let bkp = renameHsUnits dflags (packageNameMap pkgname_bkp) pkgname_bkp
+ initBkpM src_filename bkp $
+ forM_ (zip [1..] bkp) $ \(i, lunit) -> do
+ let comp_name = unLoc (hsunitName (unLoc lunit))
+ msgTopPackage (i,length bkp) comp_name
+ innerBkpM $ do
+ let (cid, insts) = computeUnitId lunit
+ if null insts
+ then if cid == ComponentId (fsLit "main")
+ then compileExe lunit
+ else compileUnit cid []
+ else typecheckUnit cid insts
+doBackpack _ =
+ throwGhcException (CmdLineError "--backpack can only process a single file")
+computeUnitId :: LHsUnit HsComponentId -> (ComponentId, [(ModuleName, Module)])
+computeUnitId (L _ unit) = (cid, [ (r, mkHoleModule r) | r <- reqs ])
+ where
+ cid = hsComponentId (unLoc (hsunitName unit))
+ reqs = uniqDSetToList (unionManyUniqDSets (map (get_reqs . unLoc) (hsunitBody unit)))
+ get_reqs (DeclD HsigFile (L _ modname) _) = unitUniqDSet modname
+ get_reqs (DeclD HsSrcFile _ _) = emptyUniqDSet
+ get_reqs (DeclD HsBootFile _ _) = emptyUniqDSet
+ get_reqs (IncludeD (IncludeDecl (L _ hsuid) _ _)) =
+ unitIdFreeHoles (convertHsUnitId hsuid)
+-- | Tiny enum for all types of Backpack operations we may do.
+data SessionType
+ -- | A compilation operation which will result in a
+ -- runnable executable being produced.
+ = ExeSession
+ -- | A type-checking operation which produces only
+ -- interface files, no object files.
+ | TcSession
+ -- | A compilation operation which produces both
+ -- interface files and object files.
+ | CompSession
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | Create a temporary Session to do some sort of type checking or
+-- compilation.
+withBkpSession :: ComponentId
+ -> [(ModuleName, Module)]
+ -> [(UnitId, ModRenaming)]
+ -> SessionType -- what kind of session are we doing
+ -> BkpM a -- actual action to run
+ -> BkpM a
+withBkpSession cid insts deps session_type do_this = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let (ComponentId cid_fs) = cid
+ is_primary = False
+ uid_str = unpackFS (hashUnitId cid insts)
+ cid_str = unpackFS cid_fs
+ -- There are multiple units in a single Backpack file, so we
+ -- need to separate out the results in those cases. Right now,
+ -- we follow this hierarchy:
+ -- $outputdir/$compid --> typecheck results
+ -- $outputdir/$compid/$unitid --> compile results
+ key_base p | Just f <- p dflags = f
+ | otherwise = "."
+ sub_comp p | is_primary = p
+ | otherwise = p </> cid_str
+ outdir p | CompSession <- session_type
+ -- Special case when package is definite
+ , not (null insts) = sub_comp (key_base p) </> uid_str
+ | otherwise = sub_comp (key_base p)
+ withTempSession (overHscDynFlags (\dflags ->
+ -- If we're type-checking an indefinite package, we want to
+ -- turn on interface writing. However, if the user also
+ -- explicitly passed in `-fno-code`, we DON'T want to write
+ -- interfaces unless the user also asked for `-fwrite-interface`.
+ -- See Note [-fno-code mode]
+ (case session_type of
+ -- Make sure to write interfaces when we are type-checking
+ -- indefinite packages.
+ TcSession | hscTarget dflags /= HscNothing
+ -> flip gopt_set Opt_WriteInterface
+ | otherwise -> id
+ CompSession -> id
+ ExeSession -> id) $
+ dflags {
+ hscTarget = case session_type of
+ TcSession -> HscNothing
+ _ -> hscTarget dflags,
+ thisUnitIdInsts_ = Just insts,
+ thisComponentId_ = Just cid,
+ thisInstalledUnitId =
+ case session_type of
+ TcSession -> newInstalledUnitId cid Nothing
+ -- No hash passed if no instances
+ _ | null insts -> newInstalledUnitId cid Nothing
+ | otherwise -> newInstalledUnitId cid (Just (hashUnitId cid insts)),
+ -- Setup all of the output directories according to our hierarchy
+ objectDir = Just (outdir objectDir),
+ hiDir = Just (outdir hiDir),
+ stubDir = Just (outdir stubDir),
+ -- Unset output-file for non exe builds
+ outputFile = if session_type == ExeSession
+ then outputFile dflags
+ else Nothing,
+ -- Clear the import path so we don't accidentally grab anything
+ importPaths = [],
+ -- Synthesized the flags
+ packageFlags = packageFlags dflags ++ map (\(uid0, rn) ->
+ let uid = unwireUnitId dflags (improveUnitId (getUnitInfoMap dflags) $ renameHoleUnitId dflags (listToUFM insts) uid0)
+ in ExposePackage
+ (showSDoc dflags
+ (text "-unit-id" <+> ppr uid <+> ppr rn))
+ (UnitIdArg uid) rn) deps
+ } )) $ do
+ dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
+ -- pprTrace "flags" (ppr insts <> ppr deps) $ return ()
+ -- Calls initPackages
+ _ <- setSessionDynFlags dflags
+ do_this
+withBkpExeSession :: [(UnitId, ModRenaming)] -> BkpM a -> BkpM a
+withBkpExeSession deps do_this = do
+ withBkpSession (ComponentId (fsLit "main")) [] deps ExeSession do_this
+getSource :: ComponentId -> BkpM (LHsUnit HsComponentId)
+getSource cid = do
+ bkp_env <- getBkpEnv
+ case Map.lookup cid (bkp_table bkp_env) of
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "missing needed dependency" (ppr cid)
+ Just lunit -> return lunit
+typecheckUnit :: ComponentId -> [(ModuleName, Module)] -> BkpM ()
+typecheckUnit cid insts = do
+ lunit <- getSource cid
+ buildUnit TcSession cid insts lunit
+compileUnit :: ComponentId -> [(ModuleName, Module)] -> BkpM ()
+compileUnit cid insts = do
+ -- Let everyone know we're building this unit ID
+ msgUnitId (newUnitId cid insts)
+ lunit <- getSource cid
+ buildUnit CompSession cid insts lunit
+-- | Compute the dependencies with instantiations of a syntactic
+-- HsUnit; e.g., wherever you see @dependency p[A=<A>]@ in a
+-- unit file, return the 'UnitId' corresponding to @p[A=<A>]@.
+-- The @include_sigs@ parameter controls whether or not we also
+-- include @dependency signature@ declarations in this calculation.
+-- Invariant: this NEVER returns InstalledUnitId.
+hsunitDeps :: Bool {- include sigs -} -> HsUnit HsComponentId -> [(UnitId, ModRenaming)]
+hsunitDeps include_sigs unit = concatMap get_dep (hsunitBody unit)
+ where
+ get_dep (L _ (IncludeD (IncludeDecl (L _ hsuid) mb_lrn is_sig)))
+ | include_sigs || not is_sig = [(convertHsUnitId hsuid, go mb_lrn)]
+ | otherwise = []
+ where
+ go Nothing = ModRenaming True []
+ go (Just lrns) = ModRenaming False (map convRn lrns)
+ where
+ convRn (L _ (Renaming (L _ from) Nothing)) = (from, from)
+ convRn (L _ (Renaming (L _ from) (Just (L _ to)))) = (from, to)
+ get_dep _ = []
+buildUnit :: SessionType -> ComponentId -> [(ModuleName, Module)] -> LHsUnit HsComponentId -> BkpM ()
+buildUnit session cid insts lunit = do
+ -- NB: include signature dependencies ONLY when typechecking.
+ -- If we're compiling, it's not necessary to recursively
+ -- compile a signature since it isn't going to produce
+ -- any object files.
+ let deps_w_rns = hsunitDeps (session == TcSession) (unLoc lunit)
+ raw_deps = map fst deps_w_rns
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- The compilation dependencies are just the appropriately filled
+ -- in unit IDs which must be compiled before we can compile.
+ let hsubst = listToUFM insts
+ deps0 = map (renameHoleUnitId dflags hsubst) raw_deps
+ -- Build dependencies OR make sure they make sense. BUT NOTE,
+ -- we can only check the ones that are fully filled; the rest
+ -- we have to defer until we've typechecked our local signature.
+ -- TODO: work this into GHC.Driver.Make!!
+ forM_ (zip [1..] deps0) $ \(i, dep) ->
+ case session of
+ TcSession -> return ()
+ _ -> compileInclude (length deps0) (i, dep)
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let deps = map (improveUnitId (getUnitInfoMap dflags)) deps0
+ mb_old_eps <- case session of
+ TcSession -> fmap Just getEpsGhc
+ _ -> return Nothing
+ conf <- withBkpSession cid insts deps_w_rns session $ do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mod_graph <- hsunitModuleGraph dflags (unLoc lunit)
+ -- pprTrace "mod_graph" (ppr mod_graph) $ return ()
+ msg <- mkBackpackMsg
+ ok <- load' LoadAllTargets (Just msg) mod_graph
+ when (failed ok) (liftIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
+ let hi_dir = expectJust (panic "hiDir Backpack") $ hiDir dflags
+ export_mod ms = (ms_mod_name ms, ms_mod ms)
+ -- Export everything!
+ mods = [ export_mod ms | ms <- mgModSummaries mod_graph
+ , ms_hsc_src ms == HsSrcFile ]
+ -- Compile relevant only
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ let home_mod_infos = eltsUDFM (hsc_HPT hsc_env)
+ linkables = map (expectJust "bkp link" . hm_linkable)
+ . filter ((==HsSrcFile) . mi_hsc_src . hm_iface)
+ $ home_mod_infos
+ getOfiles (LM _ _ us) = map nameOfObject (filter isObject us)
+ obj_files = concatMap getOfiles linkables
+ let compat_fs = (case cid of ComponentId fs -> fs)
+ compat_pn = PackageName compat_fs
+ return InstalledPackageInfo {
+ -- Stub data
+ abiHash = "",
+ sourcePackageId = SourcePackageId compat_fs,
+ packageName = compat_pn,
+ packageVersion = makeVersion [0],
+ unitId = toInstalledUnitId (thisPackage dflags),
+ sourceLibName = Nothing,
+ componentId = cid,
+ instantiatedWith = insts,
+ -- Slight inefficiency here haha
+ exposedModules = map (\(m,n) -> (m,Just n)) mods,
+ hiddenModules = [], -- TODO: doc only
+ depends = case session of
+ -- Technically, we should state that we depend
+ -- on all the indefinite libraries we used to
+ -- typecheck this. However, this field isn't
+ -- really used for anything, so we leave it
+ -- blank for now.
+ TcSession -> []
+ _ -> map (toInstalledUnitId . unwireUnitId dflags)
+ $ deps ++ [ moduleUnitId mod
+ | (_, mod) <- insts
+ , not (isHoleModule mod) ],
+ abiDepends = [],
+ ldOptions = case session of
+ TcSession -> []
+ _ -> obj_files,
+ importDirs = [ hi_dir ],
+ exposed = False,
+ indefinite = case session of
+ TcSession -> True
+ _ -> False,
+ -- nope
+ hsLibraries = [],
+ extraLibraries = [],
+ extraGHCiLibraries = [],
+ libraryDynDirs = [],
+ libraryDirs = [],
+ frameworks = [],
+ frameworkDirs = [],
+ ccOptions = [],
+ includes = [],
+ includeDirs = [],
+ haddockInterfaces = [],
+ haddockHTMLs = [],
+ trusted = False
+ }
+ addPackage conf
+ case mb_old_eps of
+ Just old_eps -> updateEpsGhc_ (const old_eps)
+ _ -> return ()
+compileExe :: LHsUnit HsComponentId -> BkpM ()
+compileExe lunit = do
+ msgUnitId mainUnitId
+ let deps_w_rns = hsunitDeps False (unLoc lunit)
+ deps = map fst deps_w_rns
+ -- no renaming necessary
+ forM_ (zip [1..] deps) $ \(i, dep) ->
+ compileInclude (length deps) (i, dep)
+ withBkpExeSession deps_w_rns $ do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mod_graph <- hsunitModuleGraph dflags (unLoc lunit)
+ msg <- mkBackpackMsg
+ ok <- load' LoadAllTargets (Just msg) mod_graph
+ when (failed ok) (liftIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
+-- | Register a new virtual package database containing a single unit
+addPackage :: GhcMonad m => UnitInfo -> m ()
+addPackage pkg = do
+ dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
+ case pkgDatabase dflags of
+ Nothing -> panic "addPackage: called too early"
+ Just dbs -> do
+ let newdb = PackageDatabase
+ { packageDatabasePath = "(in memory " ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr (unitId pkg)) ++ ")"
+ , packageDatabaseUnits = [pkg]
+ }
+ _ <- GHC.setSessionDynFlags (dflags { pkgDatabase = Just (dbs ++ [newdb]) })
+ return ()
+-- Precondition: UnitId is NOT InstalledUnitId
+compileInclude :: Int -> (Int, UnitId) -> BkpM ()
+compileInclude n (i, uid) = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ msgInclude (i, n) uid
+ -- Check if we've compiled it already
+ case lookupUnit dflags uid of
+ Nothing -> do
+ case splitUnitIdInsts uid of
+ (_, Just indef) ->
+ innerBkpM $ compileUnit (indefUnitIdComponentId indef)
+ (indefUnitIdInsts indef)
+ _ -> return ()
+ Just _ -> return ()
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Backpack monad
+-- | Backpack monad is a 'GhcMonad' which also maintains a little extra state
+-- beyond the 'Session', c.f. 'BkpEnv'.
+type BkpM = IOEnv BkpEnv
+-- | Backpack environment. NB: this has a 'Session' and not an 'HscEnv',
+-- because we are going to update the 'HscEnv' as we go.
+data BkpEnv
+ = BkpEnv {
+ -- | The session
+ bkp_session :: Session,
+ -- | The filename of the bkp file we're compiling
+ bkp_filename :: FilePath,
+ -- | Table of source units which we know how to compile
+ bkp_table :: Map ComponentId (LHsUnit HsComponentId),
+ -- | When a package we are compiling includes another package
+ -- which has not been compiled, we bump the level and compile
+ -- that.
+ bkp_level :: Int
+ }
+-- Blah, to get rid of the default instance for IOEnv
+-- TODO: just make a proper new monad for BkpM, rather than use IOEnv
+instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} HasDynFlags BkpM where
+ getDynFlags = fmap hsc_dflags getSession
+instance GhcMonad BkpM where
+ getSession = do
+ Session s <- fmap bkp_session getEnv
+ readMutVar s
+ setSession hsc_env = do
+ Session s <- fmap bkp_session getEnv
+ writeMutVar s hsc_env
+-- | Get the current 'BkpEnv'.
+getBkpEnv :: BkpM BkpEnv
+getBkpEnv = getEnv
+-- | Get the nesting level, when recursively compiling modules.
+getBkpLevel :: BkpM Int
+getBkpLevel = bkp_level `fmap` getBkpEnv
+-- | Apply a function on 'DynFlags' on an 'HscEnv'
+overHscDynFlags :: (DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> HscEnv -> HscEnv
+overHscDynFlags f hsc_env = hsc_env { hsc_dflags = f (hsc_dflags hsc_env) }
+-- | Run a 'BkpM' computation, with the nesting level bumped one.
+innerBkpM :: BkpM a -> BkpM a
+innerBkpM do_this = do
+ -- NB: withTempSession mutates, so we don't have to worry
+ -- about bkp_session being stale.
+ updEnv (\env -> env { bkp_level = bkp_level env + 1 }) do_this
+-- | Update the EPS from a 'GhcMonad'. TODO move to appropriate library spot.
+updateEpsGhc_ :: GhcMonad m => (ExternalPackageState -> ExternalPackageState) -> m ()
+updateEpsGhc_ f = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' (hsc_EPS hsc_env) (\x -> (f x, ()))
+-- | Get the EPS from a 'GhcMonad'.
+getEpsGhc :: GhcMonad m => m ExternalPackageState
+getEpsGhc = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ liftIO $ readIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
+-- | Run 'BkpM' in 'Ghc'.
+initBkpM :: FilePath -> [LHsUnit HsComponentId] -> BkpM a -> Ghc a
+initBkpM file bkp m = do
+ reifyGhc $ \session -> do
+ let env = BkpEnv {
+ bkp_session = session,
+ bkp_table = Map.fromList [(hsComponentId (unLoc (hsunitName (unLoc u))), u) | u <- bkp],
+ bkp_filename = file,
+ bkp_level = 0
+ }
+ runIOEnv env m
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Messaging
+-- | Print a compilation progress message, but with indentation according
+-- to @level@ (for nested compilation).
+backpackProgressMsg :: Int -> DynFlags -> String -> IO ()
+backpackProgressMsg level dflags msg =
+ compilationProgressMsg dflags $ replicate (level * 2) ' ' ++ msg
+-- | Creates a 'Messager' for Backpack compilation; this is basically
+-- a carbon copy of 'batchMsg' but calling 'backpackProgressMsg', which
+-- handles indentation.
+mkBackpackMsg :: BkpM Messager
+mkBackpackMsg = do
+ level <- getBkpLevel
+ return $ \hsc_env mod_index recomp mod_summary ->
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ showMsg msg reason =
+ backpackProgressMsg level dflags $
+ showModuleIndex mod_index ++
+ msg ++ showModMsg dflags (hscTarget dflags)
+ (recompileRequired recomp) mod_summary
+ ++ reason
+ in case recomp of
+ MustCompile -> showMsg "Compiling " ""
+ UpToDate
+ | verbosity (hsc_dflags hsc_env) >= 2 -> showMsg "Skipping " ""
+ | otherwise -> return ()
+ RecompBecause reason -> showMsg "Compiling " (" [" ++ reason ++ "]")
+-- | 'PprStyle' for Backpack messages; here we usually want the module to
+-- be qualified (so we can tell how it was instantiated.) But we try not
+-- to qualify packages so we can use simple names for them.
+backpackStyle :: DynFlags -> PprStyle
+backpackStyle dflags =
+ mkUserStyle dflags
+ (QueryQualify neverQualifyNames
+ alwaysQualifyModules
+ neverQualifyPackages) AllTheWay
+-- | Message when we initially process a Backpack unit.
+msgTopPackage :: (Int,Int) -> HsComponentId -> BkpM ()
+msgTopPackage (i,n) (HsComponentId (PackageName fs_pn) _) = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ level <- getBkpLevel
+ liftIO . backpackProgressMsg level dflags
+ $ showModuleIndex (i, n) ++ "Processing " ++ unpackFS fs_pn
+-- | Message when we instantiate a Backpack unit.
+msgUnitId :: UnitId -> BkpM ()
+msgUnitId pk = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ level <- getBkpLevel
+ liftIO . backpackProgressMsg level dflags
+ $ "Instantiating " ++ renderWithStyle
+ (initSDocContext dflags (backpackStyle dflags))
+ (ppr pk)
+-- | Message when we include a Backpack unit.
+msgInclude :: (Int,Int) -> UnitId -> BkpM ()
+msgInclude (i,n) uid = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ level <- getBkpLevel
+ liftIO . backpackProgressMsg level dflags
+ $ showModuleIndex (i, n) ++ "Including " ++
+ renderWithStyle (initSDocContext dflags (backpackStyle dflags))
+ (ppr uid)
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Conversion from PackageName to HsComponentId
+type PackageNameMap a = Map PackageName a
+-- For now, something really simple, since we're not actually going
+-- to use this for anything
+unitDefines :: LHsUnit PackageName -> (PackageName, HsComponentId)
+unitDefines (L _ HsUnit{ hsunitName = L _ pn@(PackageName fs) })
+ = (pn, HsComponentId pn (ComponentId fs))
+packageNameMap :: [LHsUnit PackageName] -> PackageNameMap HsComponentId
+packageNameMap units = Map.fromList (map unitDefines units)
+renameHsUnits :: DynFlags -> PackageNameMap HsComponentId -> [LHsUnit PackageName] -> [LHsUnit HsComponentId]
+renameHsUnits dflags m units = map (fmap renameHsUnit) units
+ where
+ renamePackageName :: PackageName -> HsComponentId
+ renamePackageName pn =
+ case Map.lookup pn m of
+ Nothing ->
+ case lookupPackageName dflags pn of
+ Nothing -> error "no package name"
+ Just cid -> HsComponentId pn cid
+ Just hscid -> hscid
+ renameHsUnit :: HsUnit PackageName -> HsUnit HsComponentId
+ renameHsUnit u =
+ HsUnit {
+ hsunitName = fmap renamePackageName (hsunitName u),
+ hsunitBody = map (fmap renameHsUnitDecl) (hsunitBody u)
+ }
+ renameHsUnitDecl :: HsUnitDecl PackageName -> HsUnitDecl HsComponentId
+ renameHsUnitDecl (DeclD a b c) = DeclD a b c
+ renameHsUnitDecl (IncludeD idecl) =
+ IncludeD IncludeDecl {
+ idUnitId = fmap renameHsUnitId (idUnitId idecl),
+ idModRenaming = idModRenaming idecl,
+ idSignatureInclude = idSignatureInclude idecl
+ }
+ renameHsUnitId :: HsUnitId PackageName -> HsUnitId HsComponentId
+ renameHsUnitId (HsUnitId ln subst)
+ = HsUnitId (fmap renamePackageName ln) (map (fmap renameHsModuleSubst) subst)
+ renameHsModuleSubst :: HsModuleSubst PackageName -> HsModuleSubst HsComponentId
+ renameHsModuleSubst (lk, lm)
+ = (lk, fmap renameHsModuleId lm)
+ renameHsModuleId :: HsModuleId PackageName -> HsModuleId HsComponentId
+ renameHsModuleId (HsModuleVar lm) = HsModuleVar lm
+ renameHsModuleId (HsModuleId luid lm) = HsModuleId (fmap renameHsUnitId luid) lm
+convertHsUnitId :: HsUnitId HsComponentId -> UnitId
+convertHsUnitId (HsUnitId (L _ hscid) subst)
+ = newUnitId (hsComponentId hscid) (map (convertHsModuleSubst . unLoc) subst)
+convertHsModuleSubst :: HsModuleSubst HsComponentId -> (ModuleName, Module)
+convertHsModuleSubst (L _ modname, L _ m) = (modname, convertHsModuleId m)
+convertHsModuleId :: HsModuleId HsComponentId -> Module
+convertHsModuleId (HsModuleVar (L _ modname)) = mkHoleModule modname
+convertHsModuleId (HsModuleId (L _ hsuid) (L _ modname)) = mkModule (convertHsUnitId hsuid) modname
+* *
+ Module graph construction
+* *
+-- | This is our version of GHC.Driver.Make.downsweep, but with a few modifications:
+-- 1. Every module is required to be mentioned, so we don't do any funny
+-- business with targets or recursively grabbing dependencies. (We
+-- could support this in principle).
+-- 2. We support inline modules, whose summary we have to synthesize ourself.
+-- We don't bother trying to support GHC.Driver.Make for now, it's more trouble
+-- than it's worth for inline modules.
+hsunitModuleGraph :: DynFlags -> HsUnit HsComponentId -> BkpM ModuleGraph
+hsunitModuleGraph dflags unit = do
+ let decls = hsunitBody unit
+ pn = hsPackageName (unLoc (hsunitName unit))
+ -- 1. Create a HsSrcFile/HsigFile summary for every
+ -- explicitly mentioned module/signature.
+ let get_decl (L _ (DeclD hsc_src lmodname mb_hsmod)) = do
+ Just `fmap` summariseDecl pn hsc_src lmodname mb_hsmod
+ get_decl _ = return Nothing
+ nodes <- catMaybes `fmap` mapM get_decl decls
+ -- 2. For each hole which does not already have an hsig file,
+ -- create an "empty" hsig file to induce compilation for the
+ -- requirement.
+ let node_map = Map.fromList [ ((ms_mod_name n, ms_hsc_src n == HsigFile), n)
+ | n <- nodes ]
+ req_nodes <- fmap catMaybes . forM (thisUnitIdInsts dflags) $ \(mod_name, _) ->
+ let has_local = Map.member (mod_name, True) node_map
+ in if has_local
+ then return Nothing
+ else fmap Just $ summariseRequirement pn mod_name
+ -- 3. Return the kaboodle
+ return $ mkModuleGraph $ nodes ++ req_nodes
+summariseRequirement :: PackageName -> ModuleName -> BkpM ModSummary
+summariseRequirement pn mod_name = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ let PackageName pn_fs = pn
+ location <- liftIO $ mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod_name
+ (unpackFS pn_fs </> moduleNameSlashes mod_name) "hsig"
+ env <- getBkpEnv
+ time <- liftIO $ getModificationUTCTime (bkp_filename env)
+ hi_timestamp <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hi_file location)
+ hie_timestamp <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file location)
+ let loc = srcLocSpan (mkSrcLoc (mkFastString (bkp_filename env)) 1 1)
+ mod <- liftIO $ addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env mod_name location
+ extra_sig_imports <- liftIO $ findExtraSigImports hsc_env HsigFile mod_name
+ return ModSummary {
+ ms_mod = mod,
+ ms_hsc_src = HsigFile,
+ ms_location = location,
+ ms_hs_date = time,
+ ms_obj_date = Nothing,
+ ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp,
+ ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp,
+ ms_srcimps = [],
+ ms_textual_imps = extra_sig_imports,
+ ms_parsed_mod = Just (HsParsedModule {
+ hpm_module = L loc (HsModule {
+ hsmodName = Just (L loc mod_name),
+ hsmodExports = Nothing,
+ hsmodImports = [],
+ hsmodDecls = [],
+ hsmodDeprecMessage = Nothing,
+ hsmodHaddockModHeader = Nothing
+ }),
+ hpm_src_files = [],
+ hpm_annotations = ApiAnns Map.empty Nothing Map.empty []
+ }),
+ ms_hspp_file = "", -- none, it came inline
+ ms_hspp_opts = dflags,
+ ms_hspp_buf = Nothing
+ }
+summariseDecl :: PackageName
+ -> HscSource
+ -> Located ModuleName
+ -> Maybe (Located HsModule)
+ -> BkpM ModSummary
+summariseDecl pn hsc_src (L _ modname) (Just hsmod) = hsModuleToModSummary pn hsc_src modname hsmod
+summariseDecl _pn hsc_src lmodname@(L loc modname) Nothing
+ = do hsc_env <- getSession
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ -- TODO: this looks for modules in the wrong place
+ r <- liftIO $ summariseModule hsc_env
+ Map.empty -- GHC API recomp not supported
+ (hscSourceToIsBoot hsc_src)
+ lmodname
+ True -- Target lets you disallow, but not here
+ Nothing -- GHC API buffer support not supported
+ [] -- No exclusions
+ case r of
+ Nothing -> throwOneError (mkPlainErrMsg dflags loc (text "module" <+> ppr modname <+> text "was not found"))
+ Just (Left err) -> throwErrors err
+ Just (Right summary) -> return summary
+-- | Up until now, GHC has assumed a single compilation target per source file.
+-- Backpack files with inline modules break this model, since a single file
+-- may generate multiple output files. How do we decide to name these files?
+-- Should there only be one output file? This function our current heuristic,
+-- which is we make a "fake" module and use that.
+hsModuleToModSummary :: PackageName
+ -> HscSource
+ -> ModuleName
+ -> Located HsModule
+ -> BkpM ModSummary
+hsModuleToModSummary pn hsc_src modname
+ hsmod = do
+ let imps = hsmodImports (unLoc hsmod)
+ loc = getLoc hsmod
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ -- Sort of the same deal as in GHC.Driver.Pipeline's getLocation
+ -- Use the PACKAGE NAME to find the location
+ let PackageName unit_fs = pn
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ -- Unfortunately, we have to define a "fake" location in
+ -- order to appease the various code which uses the file
+ -- name to figure out where to put, e.g. object files.
+ -- To add insult to injury, we don't even actually use
+ -- these filenames to figure out where the hi files go.
+ -- A travesty!
+ location0 <- liftIO $ mkHomeModLocation2 dflags modname
+ (unpackFS unit_fs </>
+ moduleNameSlashes modname)
+ (case hsc_src of
+ HsigFile -> "hsig"
+ HsBootFile -> "hs-boot"
+ HsSrcFile -> "hs")
+ -- DANGEROUS: bootifying can POISON the module finder cache
+ let location = case hsc_src of
+ HsBootFile -> addBootSuffixLocnOut location0
+ _ -> location0
+ -- This duplicates a pile of logic in GHC.Driver.Make
+ env <- getBkpEnv
+ time <- liftIO $ getModificationUTCTime (bkp_filename env)
+ hi_timestamp <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hi_file location)
+ hie_timestamp <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file location)
+ -- Also copied from 'getImports'
+ let (src_idecls, ord_idecls) = partition (ideclSource.unLoc) imps
+ -- GHC.Prim doesn't exist physically, so don't go looking for it.
+ ordinary_imps = filter ((/= moduleName gHC_PRIM) . unLoc . ideclName . unLoc)
+ ord_idecls
+ implicit_prelude = xopt LangExt.ImplicitPrelude dflags
+ implicit_imports = mkPrelImports modname loc
+ implicit_prelude imps
+ convImport (L _ i) = (fmap sl_fs (ideclPkgQual i), ideclName i)
+ extra_sig_imports <- liftIO $ findExtraSigImports hsc_env hsc_src modname
+ let normal_imports = map convImport (implicit_imports ++ ordinary_imps)
+ required_by_imports <- liftIO $ implicitRequirements hsc_env normal_imports
+ -- So that Finder can find it, even though it doesn't exist...
+ this_mod <- liftIO $ addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env modname location
+ return ModSummary {
+ ms_mod = this_mod,
+ ms_hsc_src = hsc_src,
+ ms_location = location,
+ ms_hspp_file = (case hiDir dflags of
+ Nothing -> ""
+ Just d -> d) </> ".." </> moduleNameSlashes modname <.> "hi",
+ ms_hspp_opts = dflags,
+ ms_hspp_buf = Nothing,
+ ms_srcimps = map convImport src_idecls,
+ ms_textual_imps = normal_imports
+ -- We have to do something special here:
+ -- due to merging, requirements may end up with
+ -- extra imports
+ ++ extra_sig_imports
+ ++ required_by_imports,
+ -- This is our hack to get the parse tree to the right spot
+ ms_parsed_mod = Just (HsParsedModule {
+ hpm_module = hsmod,
+ hpm_src_files = [], -- TODO if we preprocessed it
+ hpm_annotations = ApiAnns Map.empty Nothing Map.empty [] -- BOGUS
+ }),
+ ms_hs_date = time,
+ ms_obj_date = Nothing, -- TODO do this, but problem: hi_timestamp is BOGUS
+ ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp,
+ ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp
+ }
+-- | Create a new, externally provided hashed unit id from
+-- a hash.
+newInstalledUnitId :: ComponentId -> Maybe FastString -> InstalledUnitId
+newInstalledUnitId (ComponentId cid_fs) (Just fs)
+ = InstalledUnitId (cid_fs `appendFS` mkFastString "+" `appendFS` fs)
+newInstalledUnitId (ComponentId cid_fs) Nothing
+ = InstalledUnitId cid_fs