path: root/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack/Syntax.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack/Syntax.hs')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack/Syntax.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack/Syntax.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..709427ebd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack/Syntax.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+-- | This is the syntax for bkp files which are parsed in 'ghc --backpack'
+-- mode. This syntax is used purely for testing purposes.
+module GHC.Driver.Backpack.Syntax (
+ -- * Backpack abstract syntax
+ HsUnitId(..),
+ LHsUnitId,
+ HsModuleSubst,
+ LHsModuleSubst,
+ HsModuleId(..),
+ LHsModuleId,
+ HsComponentId(..),
+ LHsUnit, HsUnit(..),
+ LHsUnitDecl, HsUnitDecl(..),
+ IncludeDecl(..),
+ LRenaming, Renaming(..),
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Driver.Phases
+import GHC.Hs
+import SrcLoc
+import Outputable
+import Module
+import UnitInfo
+* *
+ User syntax
+* *
+data HsComponentId = HsComponentId {
+ hsPackageName :: PackageName,
+ hsComponentId :: ComponentId
+ }
+instance Outputable HsComponentId where
+ ppr (HsComponentId _pn cid) = ppr cid -- todo debug with pn
+data HsUnitId n = HsUnitId (Located n) [LHsModuleSubst n]
+type LHsUnitId n = Located (HsUnitId n)
+type HsModuleSubst n = (Located ModuleName, LHsModuleId n)
+type LHsModuleSubst n = Located (HsModuleSubst n)
+data HsModuleId n = HsModuleVar (Located ModuleName)
+ | HsModuleId (LHsUnitId n) (Located ModuleName)
+type LHsModuleId n = Located (HsModuleId n)
+-- | Top level @unit@ declaration in a Backpack file.
+data HsUnit n = HsUnit {
+ hsunitName :: Located n,
+ hsunitBody :: [LHsUnitDecl n]
+ }
+type LHsUnit n = Located (HsUnit n)
+-- | A declaration in a package, e.g. a module or signature definition,
+-- or an include.
+data HsUnitDecl n
+ = DeclD HscSource (Located ModuleName) (Maybe (Located HsModule))
+ | IncludeD (IncludeDecl n)
+type LHsUnitDecl n = Located (HsUnitDecl n)
+-- | An include of another unit
+data IncludeDecl n = IncludeDecl {
+ idUnitId :: LHsUnitId n,
+ idModRenaming :: Maybe [ LRenaming ],
+ -- | Is this a @dependency signature@ include? If so,
+ -- we don't compile this include when we instantiate this
+ -- unit (as there should not be any modules brought into
+ -- scope.)
+ idSignatureInclude :: Bool
+ }
+-- | Rename a module from one name to another. The identity renaming
+-- means that the module should be brought into scope.
+data Renaming = Renaming { renameFrom :: Located ModuleName
+ , renameTo :: Maybe (Located ModuleName) }
+type LRenaming = Located Renaming