path: root/compiler/GHC/Driver/CodeOutput.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Driver/CodeOutput.hs')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/CodeOutput.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/CodeOutput.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e52d3216d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/CodeOutput.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section{Code output phase}
+module GHC.Driver.CodeOutput ( codeOutput, outputForeignStubs ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import AsmCodeGen ( nativeCodeGen )
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm ( llvmCodeGen )
+import UniqSupply ( mkSplitUniqSupply )
+import GHC.Driver.Finder ( mkStubPaths )
+import GHC.CmmToC ( writeC )
+import GHC.Cmm.Lint ( cmmLint )
+import GHC.Driver.Packages
+import GHC.Cmm ( RawCmmGroup )
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Stream ( Stream )
+import qualified Stream
+import FileCleanup
+import ErrUtils
+import Outputable
+import Module
+import SrcLoc
+import Control.Exception
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
+import System.IO
+* *
+* *
+codeOutput :: DynFlags
+ -> Module
+ -> FilePath
+ -> ModLocation
+ -> ForeignStubs
+ -> [(ForeignSrcLang, FilePath)]
+ -- ^ additional files to be compiled with with the C compiler
+ -> [InstalledUnitId]
+ -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a -- Compiled C--
+ -> IO (FilePath,
+ (Bool{-stub_h_exists-}, Maybe FilePath{-stub_c_exists-}),
+ [(ForeignSrcLang, FilePath)]{-foreign_fps-},
+ a)
+codeOutput dflags this_mod filenm location foreign_stubs foreign_fps pkg_deps
+ cmm_stream
+ =
+ do {
+ -- Lint each CmmGroup as it goes past
+ ; let linted_cmm_stream =
+ if gopt Opt_DoCmmLinting dflags
+ then Stream.mapM do_lint cmm_stream
+ else cmm_stream
+ do_lint cmm = withTimingSilent
+ dflags
+ (text "CmmLint"<+>brackets (ppr this_mod))
+ (const ()) $ do
+ { case cmmLint dflags cmm of
+ Just err -> do { log_action dflags
+ dflags
+ NoReason
+ SevDump
+ noSrcSpan
+ (defaultDumpStyle dflags)
+ err
+ ; ghcExit dflags 1
+ }
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ ; return cmm
+ }
+ ; stubs_exist <- outputForeignStubs dflags this_mod location foreign_stubs
+ ; a <- case hscTarget dflags of
+ HscAsm -> outputAsm dflags this_mod location filenm
+ linted_cmm_stream
+ HscC -> outputC dflags filenm linted_cmm_stream pkg_deps
+ HscLlvm -> outputLlvm dflags filenm linted_cmm_stream
+ HscInterpreted -> panic "codeOutput: HscInterpreted"
+ HscNothing -> panic "codeOutput: HscNothing"
+ ; return (filenm, stubs_exist, foreign_fps, a)
+ }
+doOutput :: String -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
+doOutput filenm io_action = bracket (openFile filenm WriteMode) hClose io_action
+* *
+* *
+outputC :: DynFlags
+ -> FilePath
+ -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a
+ -> [InstalledUnitId]
+ -> IO a
+outputC dflags filenm cmm_stream packages
+ = do
+ withTiming dflags (text "C codegen") (\a -> seq a () {- FIXME -}) $ do
+ -- figure out which header files to #include in the generated .hc file:
+ --
+ -- * extra_includes from packages
+ -- * -#include options from the cmdline and OPTIONS pragmas
+ -- * the _stub.h file, if there is one.
+ --
+ let rts = getPackageDetails dflags rtsUnitId
+ let cc_injects = unlines (map mk_include (includes rts))
+ mk_include h_file =
+ case h_file of
+ '"':_{-"-} -> "#include "++h_file
+ '<':_ -> "#include "++h_file
+ _ -> "#include \""++h_file++"\""
+ let pkg_names = map installedUnitIdString packages
+ doOutput filenm $ \ h -> do
+ hPutStr h ("/* GHC_PACKAGES " ++ unwords pkg_names ++ "\n*/\n")
+ hPutStr h cc_injects
+ Stream.consume cmm_stream (writeC dflags h)
+* *
+* *
+outputAsm :: DynFlags -> Module -> ModLocation -> FilePath
+ -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a
+ -> IO a
+outputAsm dflags this_mod location filenm cmm_stream
+ | platformMisc_ghcWithNativeCodeGen $ platformMisc dflags
+ = do ncg_uniqs <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'n'
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 4 (text "Outputing asm to" <+> text filenm)
+ {-# SCC "OutputAsm" #-} doOutput filenm $
+ \h -> {-# SCC "NativeCodeGen" #-}
+ nativeCodeGen dflags this_mod location h ncg_uniqs cmm_stream
+ | otherwise
+ = panic "This compiler was built without a native code generator"
+* *
+* *
+outputLlvm :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a -> IO a
+outputLlvm dflags filenm cmm_stream
+ = do {-# SCC "llvm_output" #-} doOutput filenm $
+ \f -> {-# SCC "llvm_CodeGen" #-}
+ llvmCodeGen dflags f cmm_stream
+* *
+\subsection{Foreign import/export}
+* *
+outputForeignStubs :: DynFlags -> Module -> ModLocation -> ForeignStubs
+ -> IO (Bool, -- Header file created
+ Maybe FilePath) -- C file created
+outputForeignStubs dflags mod location stubs
+ = do
+ let stub_h = mkStubPaths dflags (moduleName mod) location
+ stub_c <- newTempName dflags TFL_CurrentModule "c"
+ case stubs of
+ NoStubs ->
+ return (False, Nothing)
+ ForeignStubs h_code c_code -> do
+ let
+ stub_c_output_d = pprCode CStyle c_code
+ stub_c_output_w = showSDoc dflags stub_c_output_d
+ -- Header file protos for "foreign export"ed functions.
+ stub_h_output_d = pprCode CStyle h_code
+ stub_h_output_w = showSDoc dflags stub_h_output_d
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory stub_h)
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_foreign
+ "Foreign export header file"
+ FormatC
+ stub_h_output_d
+ -- we need the #includes from the rts package for the stub files
+ let rts_includes =
+ let rts_pkg = getPackageDetails dflags rtsUnitId in
+ concatMap mk_include (includes rts_pkg)
+ mk_include i = "#include \"" ++ i ++ "\"\n"
+ -- wrapper code mentions the ffi_arg type, which comes from ffi.h
+ ffi_includes
+ | platformMisc_libFFI $ platformMisc dflags = "#include <ffi.h>\n"
+ | otherwise = ""
+ stub_h_file_exists
+ <- outputForeignStubs_help stub_h stub_h_output_w
+ ("#include <HsFFI.h>\n" ++ cplusplus_hdr) cplusplus_ftr
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_foreign
+ "Foreign export stubs" FormatC stub_c_output_d
+ stub_c_file_exists
+ <- outputForeignStubs_help stub_c stub_c_output_w
+ ("#define IN_STG_CODE 0\n" ++
+ "#include <Rts.h>\n" ++
+ rts_includes ++
+ ffi_includes ++
+ cplusplus_hdr)
+ cplusplus_ftr
+ -- We're adding the default hc_header to the stub file, but this
+ -- isn't really HC code, so we need to define IN_STG_CODE==0 to
+ -- avoid the register variables etc. being enabled.
+ return (stub_h_file_exists, if stub_c_file_exists
+ then Just stub_c
+ else Nothing )
+ where
+ cplusplus_hdr = "#if defined(__cplusplus)\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n"
+ cplusplus_ftr = "#if defined(__cplusplus)\n}\n#endif\n"
+-- Don't use doOutput for dumping the f. export stubs
+-- since it is more than likely that the stubs file will
+-- turn out to be empty, in which case no file should be created.
+outputForeignStubs_help :: FilePath -> String -> String -> String -> IO Bool
+outputForeignStubs_help _fname "" _header _footer = return False
+outputForeignStubs_help fname doc_str header footer
+ = do writeFile fname (header ++ doc_str ++ '\n':footer ++ "\n")
+ return True