path: root/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
index efaefd84f5..1968bfa954 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
@@ -591,11 +591,18 @@ createBuildPlan mod_graph maybe_top_mod =
(mg, lookup_node) = moduleGraphNodes False (mgModSummaries' mod_graph)
trans_deps_map = allReachable mg (mkNodeKey . node_payload)
+ -- Compute the intermediate modules between a file and its hs-boot file.
+ -- See Step 2a in Note [Upsweep]
boot_path mn uid =
map (summaryNodeSummary . expectJust "toNode" . lookup_node) $ Set.toList $
+ -- Don't include the boot module itself
Set.delete (NodeKey_Module (key IsBoot)) $
- expectJust "boot_path" (M.lookup (NodeKey_Module (key NotBoot)) trans_deps_map)
- `Set.difference` (expectJust "boot_path" (M.lookup (NodeKey_Module (key IsBoot)) trans_deps_map))
+ -- Keep intermediate dependencies: as per Step 2a in Note [Upsweep], these are
+ -- the transitive dependencies of the non-boot file which transitively depend
+ -- on the boot file.
+ Set.filter (\nk -> nodeKeyUnitId nk == uid -- Cheap test
+ && (NodeKey_Module (key IsBoot)) `Set.member` expectJust "dep_on_boot" (M.lookup nk trans_deps_map)) $
+ expectJust "not_boot_dep" (M.lookup (NodeKey_Module (key NotBoot)) trans_deps_map)
key ib = ModNodeKeyWithUid (GWIB mn ib) uid
@@ -894,8 +901,13 @@ Step 1: Topologically sort the module graph without hs-boot files. This returns
Step 2: For each cycle, topologically sort the modules in the cycle *with* the relevant hs-boot files. This should
result in an acyclic build plan if the hs-boot files are sufficient to resolve the cycle.
Step 2a: For each module in the cycle, if the module has a boot file then compute the
- modules on the path between it and the hs-boot file. This information is
- stored in ModuleGraphNodeWithBoot.
+ modules on the path between it and the hs-boot file.
+ These are the intermediate modules which:
+ (1) are (transitive) dependencies of the non-boot module, and
+ (2) have the boot module as a (transitive) dependency.
+ In particular, all such intermediate modules must appear in the same unit as
+ the module under consideration, as module cycles cannot cross unit boundaries.
+ This information is stored in ModuleGraphNodeWithBoot.
The `[BuildPlan]` is then interpreted by the `interpretBuildPlan` function.