path: root/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
index a83597deb1..4036208954 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ load' how_much mHscMessage mod_graph = do
-- before we unload anything, make sure we don't leave an old
-- interactive context around pointing to dead bindings. Also,
-- write the pruned HPT to allow the old HPT to be GC'd.
- setSession $ discardIC $ hsc_env { hsc_HPT = pruned_hpt }
+ setSession $ discardIC $ hscUpdateHPT (const pruned_hpt) hsc_env
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg logger dflags 2 (text "Stable obj:" <+> ppr stable_obj $$
text "Stable BCO:" <+> ppr stable_bco)
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ load' how_much mHscMessage mod_graph = do
let upsweep_fn | n_jobs > 1 = parUpsweep n_jobs
| otherwise = upsweep
- setSession hsc_env{ hsc_HPT = emptyHomePackageTable }
+ setSession $ hscUpdateHPT (const emptyHomePackageTable) hsc_env
(upsweep_ok, modsUpswept) <- withDeferredDiagnostics $
upsweep_fn mHscMessage pruned_hpt stable_mods mg
@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ load' how_much mHscMessage mod_graph = do
- modifySession $ \hsc_env -> hsc_env{ hsc_HPT = hpt5 }
+ modifySession $ hscUpdateHPT (const hpt5)
loadFinish Failed linkresult
@@ -726,8 +726,9 @@ loadFinish all_ok Succeeded
-- | Forget the current program, but retain the persistent info in HscEnv
discardProg :: HscEnv -> HscEnv
discardProg hsc_env
- = discardIC $ hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = emptyMG
- , hsc_HPT = emptyHomePackageTable }
+ = discardIC
+ $ hscUpdateHPT (const emptyHomePackageTable)
+ $ hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = emptyMG }
-- | Discard the contents of the InteractiveContext, but keep the DynFlags.
-- It will also keep ic_int_print and ic_monad if their names are from
@@ -1461,9 +1462,9 @@ parUpsweep_one mod home_mod_map comp_graph_loops lcl_logger lcl_tmpfs lcl_dflags
-- Update and fetch the global HscEnv.
lcl_hsc_env' <- modifyMVar hsc_env_var $ \hsc_env -> do
- let hsc_env' = hsc_env
- { hsc_HPT = addToHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env)
- this_mod mod_info }
+ let hsc_env' = hscUpdateHPT (\hpt -> addToHpt hpt this_mod mod_info)
+ hsc_env
-- We've finished typechecking the module, now we must
-- retypecheck the loop AGAIN to ensure unfoldings are
-- updated. This time, however, we include the loop
@@ -1613,8 +1614,8 @@ upsweep mHscMessage old_hpt stable_mods sccs = do
let this_mod = ms_mod_name mod
-- Add new info to hsc_env
- hpt1 = addToHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env2) this_mod mod_info
- hsc_env3 = hsc_env2 { hsc_HPT = hpt1, hsc_type_env_var = Nothing }
+ hsc_env3 = (hscUpdateHPT (\hpt -> addToHpt hpt this_mod mod_info) hsc_env2)
+ { hsc_type_env_var = Nothing }
-- Space-saving: delete the old HPT entry
-- for mod BUT if mod is a hs-boot
@@ -2024,14 +2025,14 @@ typecheckLoop dflags hsc_env mods = do
text "Re-typechecking loop: " <> ppr mods
new_hpt <-
fixIO $ \new_hpt -> do
- let new_hsc_env = hsc_env{ hsc_HPT = new_hpt }
+ let new_hsc_env = hscUpdateHPT (const new_hpt) hsc_env
mds <- initIfaceCheck (text "typecheckLoop") new_hsc_env $
mapM (typecheckIface . hm_iface) hmis
let new_hpt = addListToHpt old_hpt
(zip mods [ hmi{ hm_details = details }
| (hmi,details) <- zip hmis mds ])
return new_hpt
- return hsc_env{ hsc_HPT = new_hpt }
+ return (hscUpdateHPT (const new_hpt) hsc_env)
logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
old_hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env