path: root/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
index 6023d3a914..45c94e1c5d 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ import qualified GHC.Linker.Loader as Linker
import GHC.Linker.Types
import GHC.Runtime.Context
+import GHC.Platform.Ways
import GHC.Driver.Config.Finder (initFinderOpts)
import GHC.Driver.Config.Parser (initParserOpts)
@@ -1445,9 +1447,7 @@ downsweep hsc_env old_summaries excl_mods allow_dup_roots
-- for dependencies of modules that have -XTemplateHaskell,
-- otherwise those modules will fail to compile.
-- See Note [-fno-code mode] #8025
- th_enabled_nodes <- case backend dflags of
- NoBackend -> enableCodeGenForTH logger tmpfs unit_env all_nodes
- _ -> return all_nodes
+ th_enabled_nodes <- enableCodeGenForTH logger tmpfs unit_env all_nodes
if null all_root_errs
then return (all_errs, th_enabled_nodes)
else pure $ (all_root_errs, [])
@@ -1461,7 +1461,6 @@ downsweep hsc_env old_summaries excl_mods allow_dup_roots
calcDeps ms = [(ms_unitid ms, b, c) | (b, c) <- msDeps ms ]
- dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
roots = hsc_targets hsc_env
@@ -1648,14 +1647,8 @@ enableCodeGenForTH
-> [ModuleGraphNode]
-> IO [ModuleGraphNode]
enableCodeGenForTH logger tmpfs unit_env =
- enableCodeGenWhen logger tmpfs condition should_modify TFL_CurrentModule TFL_GhcSession unit_env
+ enableCodeGenWhen logger tmpfs TFL_CurrentModule TFL_GhcSession unit_env
- condition = isTemplateHaskellOrQQNonBoot
- should_modify ms@(ModSummary { ms_hspp_opts = dflags }) =
- backend dflags == NoBackend &&
- -- Don't enable codegen for TH on indefinite packages; we
- -- can't compile anything anyway! See #16219.
- isHomeUnitDefinite (ue_unitHomeUnit (ms_unitid ms) unit_env)
-- | Helper used to implement 'enableCodeGenForTH'.
-- In particular, this enables
@@ -1666,14 +1659,12 @@ enableCodeGenForTH logger tmpfs unit_env =
:: Logger
-> TmpFs
- -> (ModSummary -> Bool)
- -> (ModSummary -> Bool)
-> TempFileLifetime
-> TempFileLifetime
-> UnitEnv
-> [ModuleGraphNode]
-> IO [ModuleGraphNode]
-enableCodeGenWhen logger tmpfs condition should_modify staticLife dynLife unit_env mod_graph =
+enableCodeGenWhen logger tmpfs staticLife dynLife unit_env mod_graph =
mapM enable_code_gen mod_graph
defaultBackendOf ms = platformDefaultBackend (targetPlatform $ ue_unitFlags (ms_unitid ms) unit_env)
@@ -1684,37 +1675,86 @@ enableCodeGenWhen logger tmpfs condition should_modify staticLife dynLife unit_e
, ms_hsc_src = HsSrcFile
, ms_hspp_opts = dflags
} <- ms
- , should_modify ms
- , mkNodeKey n `Set.member` needs_codegen_set
- = do
- let new_temp_file suf dynsuf = do
- tn <- newTempName logger tmpfs (tmpDir dflags) staticLife suf
- let dyn_tn = tn -<.> dynsuf
- addFilesToClean tmpfs dynLife [dyn_tn]
- return (tn, dyn_tn)
- -- We don't want to create .o or .hi files unless we have been asked
- -- to by the user. But we need them, so we patch their locations in
- -- the ModSummary with temporary files.
- --
- ((hi_file, dyn_hi_file), (o_file, dyn_o_file)) <-
- -- If ``-fwrite-interface` is specified, then the .o and .hi files
- -- are written into `-odir` and `-hidir` respectively. #16670
- if gopt Opt_WriteInterface dflags
- then return ((ml_hi_file ms_location, ml_dyn_hi_file ms_location)
- , (ml_obj_file ms_location, ml_dyn_obj_file ms_location))
- else (,) <$> (new_temp_file (hiSuf_ dflags) (dynHiSuf_ dflags))
- <*> (new_temp_file (objectSuf_ dflags) (dynObjectSuf_ dflags))
- let ms' = ms
- { ms_location =
- ms_location { ml_hi_file = hi_file
- , ml_obj_file = o_file
- , ml_dyn_hi_file = dyn_hi_file
- , ml_dyn_obj_file = dyn_o_file }
- , ms_hspp_opts = updOptLevel 0 $ dflags {backend = defaultBackendOf ms}
- }
- pure (ModuleNode deps ms')
+ , mkNodeKey n `Set.member` needs_codegen_set =
+ if | nocode_enable ms -> do
+ let new_temp_file suf dynsuf = do
+ tn <- newTempName logger tmpfs (tmpDir dflags) staticLife suf
+ let dyn_tn = tn -<.> dynsuf
+ addFilesToClean tmpfs dynLife [dyn_tn]
+ return (tn, dyn_tn)
+ -- We don't want to create .o or .hi files unless we have been asked
+ -- to by the user. But we need them, so we patch their locations in
+ -- the ModSummary with temporary files.
+ --
+ ((hi_file, dyn_hi_file), (o_file, dyn_o_file)) <-
+ -- If ``-fwrite-interface` is specified, then the .o and .hi files
+ -- are written into `-odir` and `-hidir` respectively. #16670
+ if gopt Opt_WriteInterface dflags
+ then return ((ml_hi_file ms_location, ml_dyn_hi_file ms_location)
+ , (ml_obj_file ms_location, ml_dyn_obj_file ms_location))
+ else (,) <$> (new_temp_file (hiSuf_ dflags) (dynHiSuf_ dflags))
+ <*> (new_temp_file (objectSuf_ dflags) (dynObjectSuf_ dflags))
+ let ms' = ms
+ { ms_location =
+ ms_location { ml_hi_file = hi_file
+ , ml_obj_file = o_file
+ , ml_dyn_hi_file = dyn_hi_file
+ , ml_dyn_obj_file = dyn_o_file }
+ , ms_hspp_opts = updOptLevel 0 $ dflags {backend = defaultBackendOf ms}
+ }
+ -- Recursive call to catch the other cases
+ enable_code_gen (ModuleNode deps ms')
+ | dynamic_too_enable ms -> do
+ let ms' = ms
+ { ms_hspp_opts = gopt_set (ms_hspp_opts ms) Opt_BuildDynamicToo
+ }
+ -- Recursive call to catch the other cases
+ enable_code_gen (ModuleNode deps ms')
+ | ext_interp_enable ms -> do
+ let ms' = ms
+ { ms_hspp_opts = gopt_set (ms_hspp_opts ms) Opt_ExternalInterpreter
+ }
+ -- Recursive call to catch the other cases
+ enable_code_gen (ModuleNode deps ms')
+ | otherwise -> return n
enable_code_gen ms = return ms
+ nocode_enable ms@(ModSummary { ms_hspp_opts = dflags }) =
+ backend dflags == NoBackend &&
+ -- Don't enable codegen for TH on indefinite packages; we
+ -- can't compile anything anyway! See #16219.
+ isHomeUnitDefinite (ue_unitHomeUnit (ms_unitid ms) unit_env)
+ -- #8180 - when using TemplateHaskell, switch on -dynamic-too so
+ -- the linker can correctly load the object files. This isn't necessary
+ -- when using -fexternal-interpreter.
+ dynamic_too_enable ms
+ = hostIsDynamic && internalInterpreter &&
+ not isDynWay && not isProfWay && not dyn_too_enabled
+ where
+ lcl_dflags = ms_hspp_opts ms
+ internalInterpreter = not (gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter lcl_dflags)
+ dyn_too_enabled = (gopt Opt_BuildDynamicToo lcl_dflags)
+ isDynWay = hasWay (ways lcl_dflags) WayDyn
+ isProfWay = hasWay (ways lcl_dflags) WayProf
+ -- #16331 - when no "internal interpreter" is available but we
+ -- need to process some TemplateHaskell or QuasiQuotes, we automatically
+ -- turn on -fexternal-interpreter.
+ ext_interp_enable ms = not host_internalInterpreter && internalInterpreter
+ where
+ lcl_dflags = ms_hspp_opts ms
+ host_internalInterpreter = True
+ host_internalInterpreter = False
+ internalInterpreter = not (gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter lcl_dflags)
(mg, lookup_node) = moduleGraphNodes False mod_graph
needs_codegen_set = Set.fromList $ map (mkNodeKey . node_payload) $ reachablesG mg (map (expectJust "needs_th" . lookup_node) has_th_set)
@@ -1723,7 +1763,7 @@ enableCodeGenWhen logger tmpfs condition should_modify staticLife dynLife unit_e
has_th_set =
[ mkNodeKey mn
| mn@(ModuleNode _ ms) <- mod_graph
- , condition ms
+ , isTemplateHaskellOrQQNonBoot ms
-- | Populate the Downsweep cache with the root modules.