path: root/compiler/GHC/Driver
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1 files changed, 13 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
index e58c2a435a..46ddd210c8 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
@@ -925,7 +925,6 @@ withAbstractSem sem = MC.bracket_ (acquireSem sem) (releaseSem sem)
-- | Environment used when compiling a module
data MakeEnv = MakeEnv { hsc_env :: !HscEnv -- The basic HscEnv which will be augmented for each module
- , old_hpt :: !(M.Map ModuleNameWithIsBoot HomeModInfo) -- A cache of old interface files
, compile_sem :: !AbstractSem
, lqq_var :: !(TVar LogQueueQueue)
, env_messager :: !(Maybe Messager)
@@ -937,12 +936,13 @@ type RunMakeM a = ReaderT MakeEnv (MaybeT IO) a
-- get its direct dependencies from. This might not be the corresponding build action
-- if the module participates in a loop. This step also labels each node with a number for the output.
-- See Note [Upsweep] for a high-level description.
-interpretBuildPlan :: (NodeKey -> [NodeKey])
+interpretBuildPlan :: (M.Map ModuleNameWithIsBoot HomeModInfo)
+ -> (NodeKey -> [NodeKey])
-> [BuildPlan]
-> IO ( Maybe [ModuleGraphNode] -- Is there an unresolved cycle
, [MakeAction] -- Actions we need to run in order to build everything
, IO [Maybe (Maybe HomeModInfo)]) -- An action to query to get all the built modules at the end.
-interpretBuildPlan deps_map plan = do
+interpretBuildPlan old_hpt deps_map plan = do
hpt_var <- newMVar emptyHomePackageTable
((mcycle, plans), build_map) <- runStateT (buildLoop plan) (BuildLoopState M.empty 1 hpt_var)
return (mcycle, plans, collect_results (buildDep build_map))
@@ -990,7 +990,8 @@ interpretBuildPlan deps_map plan = do
case mod of
InstantiationNode iu -> const Nothing <$> executeInstantiationNode mod_idx n_mods (wait_deps_hpt hpt_var build_deps) iu
ModuleNode ms -> do
- hmi <- executeCompileNode mod_idx n_mods (wait_deps_hpt hpt_var build_deps) knot_var (emsModSummary ms)
+ let !old_hmi = M.lookup (msKey $ emsModSummary ms) old_hpt
+ hmi <- executeCompileNode mod_idx n_mods old_hmi (wait_deps_hpt hpt_var build_deps) knot_var (emsModSummary ms)
-- This global MVar is incrementally modified in order to avoid having to
-- recreate the HPT before compiling each module which leads to a quadratic amount of work.
liftIO $ modifyMVar_ hpt_var (\hpt -> return $! addHomeModInfoToHpt hmi hpt)
@@ -1038,8 +1039,8 @@ upsweep
-> [BuildPlan]
-> IO (SuccessFlag, HscEnv, [HomeModInfo])
upsweep n_jobs hsc_env mHscMessage old_hpt direct_deps build_plan = do
- (cycle, pipelines, collect_result) <- interpretBuildPlan direct_deps build_plan
- runPipelines n_jobs hsc_env old_hpt mHscMessage pipelines
+ (cycle, pipelines, collect_result) <- interpretBuildPlan old_hpt direct_deps build_plan
+ runPipelines n_jobs hsc_env mHscMessage pipelines
res <- collect_result
let completed = [m | Just (Just m) <- res]
@@ -1076,14 +1077,12 @@ upsweep_inst hsc_env mHscMessage mod_index nmods iuid = do
-- successful. If no compilation happened, return the old Linkable.
upsweep_mod :: HscEnv
-> Maybe Messager
- -> M.Map ModuleNameWithIsBoot HomeModInfo
+ -> Maybe HomeModInfo
-> ModSummary
-> Int -- index of module
-> Int -- total number of modules
-> IO HomeModInfo
-upsweep_mod hsc_env mHscMessage old_hpt summary mod_index nmods = do
- let old_hmi = M.lookup (ms_mnwib summary) old_hpt
+upsweep_mod hsc_env mHscMessage old_hmi summary mod_index nmods = do
hmi <- compileOne' mHscMessage hsc_env summary
mod_index nmods (hm_iface <$> old_hmi) (old_hmi >>= hm_linkable)
@@ -2260,11 +2259,12 @@ executeInstantiationNode k n wait_deps iu = do
executeCompileNode :: Int
-> Int
+ -> Maybe HomeModInfo
-> RunMakeM HomePackageTable
-> Maybe (ModuleEnv (IORef TypeEnv))
-> ModSummary
-> RunMakeM HomeModInfo
-executeCompileNode k n wait_deps mknot_var mod = do
+executeCompileNode k n !old_hmi wait_deps mknot_var mod = do
MakeEnv{..} <- ask
let mk_mod = case ms_hsc_src mod of
HsigFile ->
@@ -2287,7 +2287,7 @@ executeCompileNode k n wait_deps mknot_var mod = do
-- Compile the module, locking with a semphore to avoid too many modules
-- being compiled at the same time leading to high memory usage.
lift $ MaybeT (withAbstractSem compile_sem $ wrapAction lcl_hsc_env $ do
- res <- upsweep_mod lcl_hsc_env env_messager old_hpt mod k n
+ res <- upsweep_mod lcl_hsc_env env_messager old_hmi mod k n
cleanCurrentModuleTempFilesMaybe (hsc_logger hsc_env) (hsc_tmpfs hsc_env) lcl_dynflags
return res)
@@ -2355,11 +2355,10 @@ label_self thread_name = do
-- | Build and run a pipeline
runPipelines :: Int -- ^ How many capabilities to use
-> HscEnv -- ^ The basic HscEnv which is augmented with specific info for each module
- -> M.Map ModuleNameWithIsBoot HomeModInfo -- ^ The old HPT which is used as a cache (TODO: The cache should be from the ActionMap)
-> Maybe Messager -- ^ Optional custom messager to use to report progress
-> [MakeAction] -- ^ The build plan for all the module nodes
-> IO ()
-runPipelines n_jobs orig_hsc_env old_hpt mHscMessager all_pipelines = do
+runPipelines n_jobs orig_hsc_env mHscMessager all_pipelines = do
liftIO $ label_self "main --make thread"
@@ -2401,7 +2400,6 @@ runPipelines n_jobs orig_hsc_env old_hpt mHscMessager all_pipelines = do
return $ AbstractSem (waitQSem compile_sem) (signalQSem compile_sem)
-- Reset the number of capabilities once the upsweep ends.
let env = MakeEnv { hsc_env = thread_safe_hsc_env
- , old_hpt = old_hpt
, lqq_var = log_queue_queue_var
, compile_sem = abstract_sem
, env_messager = mHscMessager