path: root/compiler/GHC/Driver
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Driver')
21 files changed, 22364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5364e3d3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+-- | This is the driver for the 'ghc --backpack' mode, which
+-- is a reimplementation of the "package manager" bits of
+-- Backpack directly in GHC. The basic method of operation
+-- is to compile packages and then directly insert them into
+-- GHC's in memory database.
+-- The compilation products of this mode aren't really suitable
+-- for Cabal, because GHC makes up component IDs for the things
+-- it builds and doesn't serialize out the database contents.
+-- But it's still handy for constructing tests.
+module GHC.Driver.Backpack (doBackpack) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+-- In a separate module because it hooks into the parser.
+import GHC.Driver.Backpack.Syntax
+import ApiAnnotation
+import GHC hiding (Failed, Succeeded)
+import GHC.Driver.Packages
+import Parser
+import Lexer
+import GHC.Driver.Monad
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import TcRnMonad
+import TcRnDriver
+import Module
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import StringBuffer
+import FastString
+import ErrUtils
+import SrcLoc
+import GHC.Driver.Main
+import UniqFM
+import UniqDFM
+import Outputable
+import Maybes
+import HeaderInfo
+import GHC.Iface.Utils
+import GHC.Driver.Make
+import UniqDSet
+import PrelNames
+import BasicTypes hiding (SuccessFlag(..))
+import GHC.Driver.Finder
+import Util
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import Panic
+import Data.List ( partition )
+import System.Exit
+import Control.Monad
+import System.FilePath
+import Data.Version
+-- for the unification
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+-- | Entry point to compile a Backpack file.
+doBackpack :: [FilePath] -> Ghc ()
+doBackpack [src_filename] = do
+ -- Apply options from file to dflags
+ dflags0 <- getDynFlags
+ let dflags1 = dflags0
+ src_opts <- liftIO $ getOptionsFromFile dflags1 src_filename
+ (dflags, unhandled_flags, warns) <- liftIO $ parseDynamicFilePragma dflags1 src_opts
+ modifySession (\hsc_env -> hsc_env {hsc_dflags = dflags})
+ -- Cribbed from: preprocessFile / GHC.Driver.Pipeline
+ liftIO $ checkProcessArgsResult dflags unhandled_flags
+ liftIO $ handleFlagWarnings dflags warns
+ -- TODO: Preprocessing not implemented
+ buf <- liftIO $ hGetStringBuffer src_filename
+ let loc = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString src_filename) 1 1 -- TODO: not great
+ case unP parseBackpack (mkPState dflags buf loc) of
+ PFailed pst -> throwErrors (getErrorMessages pst dflags)
+ POk _ pkgname_bkp -> do
+ -- OK, so we have an LHsUnit PackageName, but we want an
+ -- LHsUnit HsComponentId. So let's rename it.
+ let bkp = renameHsUnits dflags (packageNameMap pkgname_bkp) pkgname_bkp
+ initBkpM src_filename bkp $
+ forM_ (zip [1..] bkp) $ \(i, lunit) -> do
+ let comp_name = unLoc (hsunitName (unLoc lunit))
+ msgTopPackage (i,length bkp) comp_name
+ innerBkpM $ do
+ let (cid, insts) = computeUnitId lunit
+ if null insts
+ then if cid == ComponentId (fsLit "main")
+ then compileExe lunit
+ else compileUnit cid []
+ else typecheckUnit cid insts
+doBackpack _ =
+ throwGhcException (CmdLineError "--backpack can only process a single file")
+computeUnitId :: LHsUnit HsComponentId -> (ComponentId, [(ModuleName, Module)])
+computeUnitId (L _ unit) = (cid, [ (r, mkHoleModule r) | r <- reqs ])
+ where
+ cid = hsComponentId (unLoc (hsunitName unit))
+ reqs = uniqDSetToList (unionManyUniqDSets (map (get_reqs . unLoc) (hsunitBody unit)))
+ get_reqs (DeclD HsigFile (L _ modname) _) = unitUniqDSet modname
+ get_reqs (DeclD HsSrcFile _ _) = emptyUniqDSet
+ get_reqs (DeclD HsBootFile _ _) = emptyUniqDSet
+ get_reqs (IncludeD (IncludeDecl (L _ hsuid) _ _)) =
+ unitIdFreeHoles (convertHsUnitId hsuid)
+-- | Tiny enum for all types of Backpack operations we may do.
+data SessionType
+ -- | A compilation operation which will result in a
+ -- runnable executable being produced.
+ = ExeSession
+ -- | A type-checking operation which produces only
+ -- interface files, no object files.
+ | TcSession
+ -- | A compilation operation which produces both
+ -- interface files and object files.
+ | CompSession
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | Create a temporary Session to do some sort of type checking or
+-- compilation.
+withBkpSession :: ComponentId
+ -> [(ModuleName, Module)]
+ -> [(UnitId, ModRenaming)]
+ -> SessionType -- what kind of session are we doing
+ -> BkpM a -- actual action to run
+ -> BkpM a
+withBkpSession cid insts deps session_type do_this = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let (ComponentId cid_fs) = cid
+ is_primary = False
+ uid_str = unpackFS (hashUnitId cid insts)
+ cid_str = unpackFS cid_fs
+ -- There are multiple units in a single Backpack file, so we
+ -- need to separate out the results in those cases. Right now,
+ -- we follow this hierarchy:
+ -- $outputdir/$compid --> typecheck results
+ -- $outputdir/$compid/$unitid --> compile results
+ key_base p | Just f <- p dflags = f
+ | otherwise = "."
+ sub_comp p | is_primary = p
+ | otherwise = p </> cid_str
+ outdir p | CompSession <- session_type
+ -- Special case when package is definite
+ , not (null insts) = sub_comp (key_base p) </> uid_str
+ | otherwise = sub_comp (key_base p)
+ withTempSession (overHscDynFlags (\dflags ->
+ -- If we're type-checking an indefinite package, we want to
+ -- turn on interface writing. However, if the user also
+ -- explicitly passed in `-fno-code`, we DON'T want to write
+ -- interfaces unless the user also asked for `-fwrite-interface`.
+ -- See Note [-fno-code mode]
+ (case session_type of
+ -- Make sure to write interfaces when we are type-checking
+ -- indefinite packages.
+ TcSession | hscTarget dflags /= HscNothing
+ -> flip gopt_set Opt_WriteInterface
+ | otherwise -> id
+ CompSession -> id
+ ExeSession -> id) $
+ dflags {
+ hscTarget = case session_type of
+ TcSession -> HscNothing
+ _ -> hscTarget dflags,
+ thisUnitIdInsts_ = Just insts,
+ thisComponentId_ = Just cid,
+ thisInstalledUnitId =
+ case session_type of
+ TcSession -> newInstalledUnitId cid Nothing
+ -- No hash passed if no instances
+ _ | null insts -> newInstalledUnitId cid Nothing
+ | otherwise -> newInstalledUnitId cid (Just (hashUnitId cid insts)),
+ -- Setup all of the output directories according to our hierarchy
+ objectDir = Just (outdir objectDir),
+ hiDir = Just (outdir hiDir),
+ stubDir = Just (outdir stubDir),
+ -- Unset output-file for non exe builds
+ outputFile = if session_type == ExeSession
+ then outputFile dflags
+ else Nothing,
+ -- Clear the import path so we don't accidentally grab anything
+ importPaths = [],
+ -- Synthesized the flags
+ packageFlags = packageFlags dflags ++ map (\(uid0, rn) ->
+ let uid = unwireUnitId dflags (improveUnitId (getUnitInfoMap dflags) $ renameHoleUnitId dflags (listToUFM insts) uid0)
+ in ExposePackage
+ (showSDoc dflags
+ (text "-unit-id" <+> ppr uid <+> ppr rn))
+ (UnitIdArg uid) rn) deps
+ } )) $ do
+ dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
+ -- pprTrace "flags" (ppr insts <> ppr deps) $ return ()
+ -- Calls initPackages
+ _ <- setSessionDynFlags dflags
+ do_this
+withBkpExeSession :: [(UnitId, ModRenaming)] -> BkpM a -> BkpM a
+withBkpExeSession deps do_this = do
+ withBkpSession (ComponentId (fsLit "main")) [] deps ExeSession do_this
+getSource :: ComponentId -> BkpM (LHsUnit HsComponentId)
+getSource cid = do
+ bkp_env <- getBkpEnv
+ case Map.lookup cid (bkp_table bkp_env) of
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "missing needed dependency" (ppr cid)
+ Just lunit -> return lunit
+typecheckUnit :: ComponentId -> [(ModuleName, Module)] -> BkpM ()
+typecheckUnit cid insts = do
+ lunit <- getSource cid
+ buildUnit TcSession cid insts lunit
+compileUnit :: ComponentId -> [(ModuleName, Module)] -> BkpM ()
+compileUnit cid insts = do
+ -- Let everyone know we're building this unit ID
+ msgUnitId (newUnitId cid insts)
+ lunit <- getSource cid
+ buildUnit CompSession cid insts lunit
+-- | Compute the dependencies with instantiations of a syntactic
+-- HsUnit; e.g., wherever you see @dependency p[A=<A>]@ in a
+-- unit file, return the 'UnitId' corresponding to @p[A=<A>]@.
+-- The @include_sigs@ parameter controls whether or not we also
+-- include @dependency signature@ declarations in this calculation.
+-- Invariant: this NEVER returns InstalledUnitId.
+hsunitDeps :: Bool {- include sigs -} -> HsUnit HsComponentId -> [(UnitId, ModRenaming)]
+hsunitDeps include_sigs unit = concatMap get_dep (hsunitBody unit)
+ where
+ get_dep (L _ (IncludeD (IncludeDecl (L _ hsuid) mb_lrn is_sig)))
+ | include_sigs || not is_sig = [(convertHsUnitId hsuid, go mb_lrn)]
+ | otherwise = []
+ where
+ go Nothing = ModRenaming True []
+ go (Just lrns) = ModRenaming False (map convRn lrns)
+ where
+ convRn (L _ (Renaming (L _ from) Nothing)) = (from, from)
+ convRn (L _ (Renaming (L _ from) (Just (L _ to)))) = (from, to)
+ get_dep _ = []
+buildUnit :: SessionType -> ComponentId -> [(ModuleName, Module)] -> LHsUnit HsComponentId -> BkpM ()
+buildUnit session cid insts lunit = do
+ -- NB: include signature dependencies ONLY when typechecking.
+ -- If we're compiling, it's not necessary to recursively
+ -- compile a signature since it isn't going to produce
+ -- any object files.
+ let deps_w_rns = hsunitDeps (session == TcSession) (unLoc lunit)
+ raw_deps = map fst deps_w_rns
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- The compilation dependencies are just the appropriately filled
+ -- in unit IDs which must be compiled before we can compile.
+ let hsubst = listToUFM insts
+ deps0 = map (renameHoleUnitId dflags hsubst) raw_deps
+ -- Build dependencies OR make sure they make sense. BUT NOTE,
+ -- we can only check the ones that are fully filled; the rest
+ -- we have to defer until we've typechecked our local signature.
+ -- TODO: work this into GHC.Driver.Make!!
+ forM_ (zip [1..] deps0) $ \(i, dep) ->
+ case session of
+ TcSession -> return ()
+ _ -> compileInclude (length deps0) (i, dep)
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let deps = map (improveUnitId (getUnitInfoMap dflags)) deps0
+ mb_old_eps <- case session of
+ TcSession -> fmap Just getEpsGhc
+ _ -> return Nothing
+ conf <- withBkpSession cid insts deps_w_rns session $ do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mod_graph <- hsunitModuleGraph dflags (unLoc lunit)
+ -- pprTrace "mod_graph" (ppr mod_graph) $ return ()
+ msg <- mkBackpackMsg
+ ok <- load' LoadAllTargets (Just msg) mod_graph
+ when (failed ok) (liftIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
+ let hi_dir = expectJust (panic "hiDir Backpack") $ hiDir dflags
+ export_mod ms = (ms_mod_name ms, ms_mod ms)
+ -- Export everything!
+ mods = [ export_mod ms | ms <- mgModSummaries mod_graph
+ , ms_hsc_src ms == HsSrcFile ]
+ -- Compile relevant only
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ let home_mod_infos = eltsUDFM (hsc_HPT hsc_env)
+ linkables = map (expectJust "bkp link" . hm_linkable)
+ . filter ((==HsSrcFile) . mi_hsc_src . hm_iface)
+ $ home_mod_infos
+ getOfiles (LM _ _ us) = map nameOfObject (filter isObject us)
+ obj_files = concatMap getOfiles linkables
+ let compat_fs = (case cid of ComponentId fs -> fs)
+ compat_pn = PackageName compat_fs
+ return InstalledPackageInfo {
+ -- Stub data
+ abiHash = "",
+ sourcePackageId = SourcePackageId compat_fs,
+ packageName = compat_pn,
+ packageVersion = makeVersion [0],
+ unitId = toInstalledUnitId (thisPackage dflags),
+ sourceLibName = Nothing,
+ componentId = cid,
+ instantiatedWith = insts,
+ -- Slight inefficiency here haha
+ exposedModules = map (\(m,n) -> (m,Just n)) mods,
+ hiddenModules = [], -- TODO: doc only
+ depends = case session of
+ -- Technically, we should state that we depend
+ -- on all the indefinite libraries we used to
+ -- typecheck this. However, this field isn't
+ -- really used for anything, so we leave it
+ -- blank for now.
+ TcSession -> []
+ _ -> map (toInstalledUnitId . unwireUnitId dflags)
+ $ deps ++ [ moduleUnitId mod
+ | (_, mod) <- insts
+ , not (isHoleModule mod) ],
+ abiDepends = [],
+ ldOptions = case session of
+ TcSession -> []
+ _ -> obj_files,
+ importDirs = [ hi_dir ],
+ exposed = False,
+ indefinite = case session of
+ TcSession -> True
+ _ -> False,
+ -- nope
+ hsLibraries = [],
+ extraLibraries = [],
+ extraGHCiLibraries = [],
+ libraryDynDirs = [],
+ libraryDirs = [],
+ frameworks = [],
+ frameworkDirs = [],
+ ccOptions = [],
+ includes = [],
+ includeDirs = [],
+ haddockInterfaces = [],
+ haddockHTMLs = [],
+ trusted = False
+ }
+ addPackage conf
+ case mb_old_eps of
+ Just old_eps -> updateEpsGhc_ (const old_eps)
+ _ -> return ()
+compileExe :: LHsUnit HsComponentId -> BkpM ()
+compileExe lunit = do
+ msgUnitId mainUnitId
+ let deps_w_rns = hsunitDeps False (unLoc lunit)
+ deps = map fst deps_w_rns
+ -- no renaming necessary
+ forM_ (zip [1..] deps) $ \(i, dep) ->
+ compileInclude (length deps) (i, dep)
+ withBkpExeSession deps_w_rns $ do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mod_graph <- hsunitModuleGraph dflags (unLoc lunit)
+ msg <- mkBackpackMsg
+ ok <- load' LoadAllTargets (Just msg) mod_graph
+ when (failed ok) (liftIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
+-- | Register a new virtual package database containing a single unit
+addPackage :: GhcMonad m => UnitInfo -> m ()
+addPackage pkg = do
+ dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
+ case pkgDatabase dflags of
+ Nothing -> panic "addPackage: called too early"
+ Just dbs -> do
+ let newdb = PackageDatabase
+ { packageDatabasePath = "(in memory " ++ showSDoc dflags (ppr (unitId pkg)) ++ ")"
+ , packageDatabaseUnits = [pkg]
+ }
+ _ <- GHC.setSessionDynFlags (dflags { pkgDatabase = Just (dbs ++ [newdb]) })
+ return ()
+-- Precondition: UnitId is NOT InstalledUnitId
+compileInclude :: Int -> (Int, UnitId) -> BkpM ()
+compileInclude n (i, uid) = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ msgInclude (i, n) uid
+ -- Check if we've compiled it already
+ case lookupUnit dflags uid of
+ Nothing -> do
+ case splitUnitIdInsts uid of
+ (_, Just indef) ->
+ innerBkpM $ compileUnit (indefUnitIdComponentId indef)
+ (indefUnitIdInsts indef)
+ _ -> return ()
+ Just _ -> return ()
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Backpack monad
+-- | Backpack monad is a 'GhcMonad' which also maintains a little extra state
+-- beyond the 'Session', c.f. 'BkpEnv'.
+type BkpM = IOEnv BkpEnv
+-- | Backpack environment. NB: this has a 'Session' and not an 'HscEnv',
+-- because we are going to update the 'HscEnv' as we go.
+data BkpEnv
+ = BkpEnv {
+ -- | The session
+ bkp_session :: Session,
+ -- | The filename of the bkp file we're compiling
+ bkp_filename :: FilePath,
+ -- | Table of source units which we know how to compile
+ bkp_table :: Map ComponentId (LHsUnit HsComponentId),
+ -- | When a package we are compiling includes another package
+ -- which has not been compiled, we bump the level and compile
+ -- that.
+ bkp_level :: Int
+ }
+-- Blah, to get rid of the default instance for IOEnv
+-- TODO: just make a proper new monad for BkpM, rather than use IOEnv
+instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} HasDynFlags BkpM where
+ getDynFlags = fmap hsc_dflags getSession
+instance GhcMonad BkpM where
+ getSession = do
+ Session s <- fmap bkp_session getEnv
+ readMutVar s
+ setSession hsc_env = do
+ Session s <- fmap bkp_session getEnv
+ writeMutVar s hsc_env
+-- | Get the current 'BkpEnv'.
+getBkpEnv :: BkpM BkpEnv
+getBkpEnv = getEnv
+-- | Get the nesting level, when recursively compiling modules.
+getBkpLevel :: BkpM Int
+getBkpLevel = bkp_level `fmap` getBkpEnv
+-- | Apply a function on 'DynFlags' on an 'HscEnv'
+overHscDynFlags :: (DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> HscEnv -> HscEnv
+overHscDynFlags f hsc_env = hsc_env { hsc_dflags = f (hsc_dflags hsc_env) }
+-- | Run a 'BkpM' computation, with the nesting level bumped one.
+innerBkpM :: BkpM a -> BkpM a
+innerBkpM do_this = do
+ -- NB: withTempSession mutates, so we don't have to worry
+ -- about bkp_session being stale.
+ updEnv (\env -> env { bkp_level = bkp_level env + 1 }) do_this
+-- | Update the EPS from a 'GhcMonad'. TODO move to appropriate library spot.
+updateEpsGhc_ :: GhcMonad m => (ExternalPackageState -> ExternalPackageState) -> m ()
+updateEpsGhc_ f = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ liftIO $ atomicModifyIORef' (hsc_EPS hsc_env) (\x -> (f x, ()))
+-- | Get the EPS from a 'GhcMonad'.
+getEpsGhc :: GhcMonad m => m ExternalPackageState
+getEpsGhc = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ liftIO $ readIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
+-- | Run 'BkpM' in 'Ghc'.
+initBkpM :: FilePath -> [LHsUnit HsComponentId] -> BkpM a -> Ghc a
+initBkpM file bkp m = do
+ reifyGhc $ \session -> do
+ let env = BkpEnv {
+ bkp_session = session,
+ bkp_table = Map.fromList [(hsComponentId (unLoc (hsunitName (unLoc u))), u) | u <- bkp],
+ bkp_filename = file,
+ bkp_level = 0
+ }
+ runIOEnv env m
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Messaging
+-- | Print a compilation progress message, but with indentation according
+-- to @level@ (for nested compilation).
+backpackProgressMsg :: Int -> DynFlags -> String -> IO ()
+backpackProgressMsg level dflags msg =
+ compilationProgressMsg dflags $ replicate (level * 2) ' ' ++ msg
+-- | Creates a 'Messager' for Backpack compilation; this is basically
+-- a carbon copy of 'batchMsg' but calling 'backpackProgressMsg', which
+-- handles indentation.
+mkBackpackMsg :: BkpM Messager
+mkBackpackMsg = do
+ level <- getBkpLevel
+ return $ \hsc_env mod_index recomp mod_summary ->
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ showMsg msg reason =
+ backpackProgressMsg level dflags $
+ showModuleIndex mod_index ++
+ msg ++ showModMsg dflags (hscTarget dflags)
+ (recompileRequired recomp) mod_summary
+ ++ reason
+ in case recomp of
+ MustCompile -> showMsg "Compiling " ""
+ UpToDate
+ | verbosity (hsc_dflags hsc_env) >= 2 -> showMsg "Skipping " ""
+ | otherwise -> return ()
+ RecompBecause reason -> showMsg "Compiling " (" [" ++ reason ++ "]")
+-- | 'PprStyle' for Backpack messages; here we usually want the module to
+-- be qualified (so we can tell how it was instantiated.) But we try not
+-- to qualify packages so we can use simple names for them.
+backpackStyle :: DynFlags -> PprStyle
+backpackStyle dflags =
+ mkUserStyle dflags
+ (QueryQualify neverQualifyNames
+ alwaysQualifyModules
+ neverQualifyPackages) AllTheWay
+-- | Message when we initially process a Backpack unit.
+msgTopPackage :: (Int,Int) -> HsComponentId -> BkpM ()
+msgTopPackage (i,n) (HsComponentId (PackageName fs_pn) _) = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ level <- getBkpLevel
+ liftIO . backpackProgressMsg level dflags
+ $ showModuleIndex (i, n) ++ "Processing " ++ unpackFS fs_pn
+-- | Message when we instantiate a Backpack unit.
+msgUnitId :: UnitId -> BkpM ()
+msgUnitId pk = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ level <- getBkpLevel
+ liftIO . backpackProgressMsg level dflags
+ $ "Instantiating " ++ renderWithStyle
+ (initSDocContext dflags (backpackStyle dflags))
+ (ppr pk)
+-- | Message when we include a Backpack unit.
+msgInclude :: (Int,Int) -> UnitId -> BkpM ()
+msgInclude (i,n) uid = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ level <- getBkpLevel
+ liftIO . backpackProgressMsg level dflags
+ $ showModuleIndex (i, n) ++ "Including " ++
+ renderWithStyle (initSDocContext dflags (backpackStyle dflags))
+ (ppr uid)
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Conversion from PackageName to HsComponentId
+type PackageNameMap a = Map PackageName a
+-- For now, something really simple, since we're not actually going
+-- to use this for anything
+unitDefines :: LHsUnit PackageName -> (PackageName, HsComponentId)
+unitDefines (L _ HsUnit{ hsunitName = L _ pn@(PackageName fs) })
+ = (pn, HsComponentId pn (ComponentId fs))
+packageNameMap :: [LHsUnit PackageName] -> PackageNameMap HsComponentId
+packageNameMap units = Map.fromList (map unitDefines units)
+renameHsUnits :: DynFlags -> PackageNameMap HsComponentId -> [LHsUnit PackageName] -> [LHsUnit HsComponentId]
+renameHsUnits dflags m units = map (fmap renameHsUnit) units
+ where
+ renamePackageName :: PackageName -> HsComponentId
+ renamePackageName pn =
+ case Map.lookup pn m of
+ Nothing ->
+ case lookupPackageName dflags pn of
+ Nothing -> error "no package name"
+ Just cid -> HsComponentId pn cid
+ Just hscid -> hscid
+ renameHsUnit :: HsUnit PackageName -> HsUnit HsComponentId
+ renameHsUnit u =
+ HsUnit {
+ hsunitName = fmap renamePackageName (hsunitName u),
+ hsunitBody = map (fmap renameHsUnitDecl) (hsunitBody u)
+ }
+ renameHsUnitDecl :: HsUnitDecl PackageName -> HsUnitDecl HsComponentId
+ renameHsUnitDecl (DeclD a b c) = DeclD a b c
+ renameHsUnitDecl (IncludeD idecl) =
+ IncludeD IncludeDecl {
+ idUnitId = fmap renameHsUnitId (idUnitId idecl),
+ idModRenaming = idModRenaming idecl,
+ idSignatureInclude = idSignatureInclude idecl
+ }
+ renameHsUnitId :: HsUnitId PackageName -> HsUnitId HsComponentId
+ renameHsUnitId (HsUnitId ln subst)
+ = HsUnitId (fmap renamePackageName ln) (map (fmap renameHsModuleSubst) subst)
+ renameHsModuleSubst :: HsModuleSubst PackageName -> HsModuleSubst HsComponentId
+ renameHsModuleSubst (lk, lm)
+ = (lk, fmap renameHsModuleId lm)
+ renameHsModuleId :: HsModuleId PackageName -> HsModuleId HsComponentId
+ renameHsModuleId (HsModuleVar lm) = HsModuleVar lm
+ renameHsModuleId (HsModuleId luid lm) = HsModuleId (fmap renameHsUnitId luid) lm
+convertHsUnitId :: HsUnitId HsComponentId -> UnitId
+convertHsUnitId (HsUnitId (L _ hscid) subst)
+ = newUnitId (hsComponentId hscid) (map (convertHsModuleSubst . unLoc) subst)
+convertHsModuleSubst :: HsModuleSubst HsComponentId -> (ModuleName, Module)
+convertHsModuleSubst (L _ modname, L _ m) = (modname, convertHsModuleId m)
+convertHsModuleId :: HsModuleId HsComponentId -> Module
+convertHsModuleId (HsModuleVar (L _ modname)) = mkHoleModule modname
+convertHsModuleId (HsModuleId (L _ hsuid) (L _ modname)) = mkModule (convertHsUnitId hsuid) modname
+* *
+ Module graph construction
+* *
+-- | This is our version of GHC.Driver.Make.downsweep, but with a few modifications:
+-- 1. Every module is required to be mentioned, so we don't do any funny
+-- business with targets or recursively grabbing dependencies. (We
+-- could support this in principle).
+-- 2. We support inline modules, whose summary we have to synthesize ourself.
+-- We don't bother trying to support GHC.Driver.Make for now, it's more trouble
+-- than it's worth for inline modules.
+hsunitModuleGraph :: DynFlags -> HsUnit HsComponentId -> BkpM ModuleGraph
+hsunitModuleGraph dflags unit = do
+ let decls = hsunitBody unit
+ pn = hsPackageName (unLoc (hsunitName unit))
+ -- 1. Create a HsSrcFile/HsigFile summary for every
+ -- explicitly mentioned module/signature.
+ let get_decl (L _ (DeclD hsc_src lmodname mb_hsmod)) = do
+ Just `fmap` summariseDecl pn hsc_src lmodname mb_hsmod
+ get_decl _ = return Nothing
+ nodes <- catMaybes `fmap` mapM get_decl decls
+ -- 2. For each hole which does not already have an hsig file,
+ -- create an "empty" hsig file to induce compilation for the
+ -- requirement.
+ let node_map = Map.fromList [ ((ms_mod_name n, ms_hsc_src n == HsigFile), n)
+ | n <- nodes ]
+ req_nodes <- fmap catMaybes . forM (thisUnitIdInsts dflags) $ \(mod_name, _) ->
+ let has_local = Map.member (mod_name, True) node_map
+ in if has_local
+ then return Nothing
+ else fmap Just $ summariseRequirement pn mod_name
+ -- 3. Return the kaboodle
+ return $ mkModuleGraph $ nodes ++ req_nodes
+summariseRequirement :: PackageName -> ModuleName -> BkpM ModSummary
+summariseRequirement pn mod_name = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ let PackageName pn_fs = pn
+ location <- liftIO $ mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod_name
+ (unpackFS pn_fs </> moduleNameSlashes mod_name) "hsig"
+ env <- getBkpEnv
+ time <- liftIO $ getModificationUTCTime (bkp_filename env)
+ hi_timestamp <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hi_file location)
+ hie_timestamp <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file location)
+ let loc = srcLocSpan (mkSrcLoc (mkFastString (bkp_filename env)) 1 1)
+ mod <- liftIO $ addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env mod_name location
+ extra_sig_imports <- liftIO $ findExtraSigImports hsc_env HsigFile mod_name
+ return ModSummary {
+ ms_mod = mod,
+ ms_hsc_src = HsigFile,
+ ms_location = location,
+ ms_hs_date = time,
+ ms_obj_date = Nothing,
+ ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp,
+ ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp,
+ ms_srcimps = [],
+ ms_textual_imps = extra_sig_imports,
+ ms_parsed_mod = Just (HsParsedModule {
+ hpm_module = L loc (HsModule {
+ hsmodName = Just (L loc mod_name),
+ hsmodExports = Nothing,
+ hsmodImports = [],
+ hsmodDecls = [],
+ hsmodDeprecMessage = Nothing,
+ hsmodHaddockModHeader = Nothing
+ }),
+ hpm_src_files = [],
+ hpm_annotations = ApiAnns Map.empty Nothing Map.empty []
+ }),
+ ms_hspp_file = "", -- none, it came inline
+ ms_hspp_opts = dflags,
+ ms_hspp_buf = Nothing
+ }
+summariseDecl :: PackageName
+ -> HscSource
+ -> Located ModuleName
+ -> Maybe (Located HsModule)
+ -> BkpM ModSummary
+summariseDecl pn hsc_src (L _ modname) (Just hsmod) = hsModuleToModSummary pn hsc_src modname hsmod
+summariseDecl _pn hsc_src lmodname@(L loc modname) Nothing
+ = do hsc_env <- getSession
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ -- TODO: this looks for modules in the wrong place
+ r <- liftIO $ summariseModule hsc_env
+ Map.empty -- GHC API recomp not supported
+ (hscSourceToIsBoot hsc_src)
+ lmodname
+ True -- Target lets you disallow, but not here
+ Nothing -- GHC API buffer support not supported
+ [] -- No exclusions
+ case r of
+ Nothing -> throwOneError (mkPlainErrMsg dflags loc (text "module" <+> ppr modname <+> text "was not found"))
+ Just (Left err) -> throwErrors err
+ Just (Right summary) -> return summary
+-- | Up until now, GHC has assumed a single compilation target per source file.
+-- Backpack files with inline modules break this model, since a single file
+-- may generate multiple output files. How do we decide to name these files?
+-- Should there only be one output file? This function our current heuristic,
+-- which is we make a "fake" module and use that.
+hsModuleToModSummary :: PackageName
+ -> HscSource
+ -> ModuleName
+ -> Located HsModule
+ -> BkpM ModSummary
+hsModuleToModSummary pn hsc_src modname
+ hsmod = do
+ let imps = hsmodImports (unLoc hsmod)
+ loc = getLoc hsmod
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ -- Sort of the same deal as in GHC.Driver.Pipeline's getLocation
+ -- Use the PACKAGE NAME to find the location
+ let PackageName unit_fs = pn
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ -- Unfortunately, we have to define a "fake" location in
+ -- order to appease the various code which uses the file
+ -- name to figure out where to put, e.g. object files.
+ -- To add insult to injury, we don't even actually use
+ -- these filenames to figure out where the hi files go.
+ -- A travesty!
+ location0 <- liftIO $ mkHomeModLocation2 dflags modname
+ (unpackFS unit_fs </>
+ moduleNameSlashes modname)
+ (case hsc_src of
+ HsigFile -> "hsig"
+ HsBootFile -> "hs-boot"
+ HsSrcFile -> "hs")
+ -- DANGEROUS: bootifying can POISON the module finder cache
+ let location = case hsc_src of
+ HsBootFile -> addBootSuffixLocnOut location0
+ _ -> location0
+ -- This duplicates a pile of logic in GHC.Driver.Make
+ env <- getBkpEnv
+ time <- liftIO $ getModificationUTCTime (bkp_filename env)
+ hi_timestamp <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hi_file location)
+ hie_timestamp <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file location)
+ -- Also copied from 'getImports'
+ let (src_idecls, ord_idecls) = partition (ideclSource.unLoc) imps
+ -- GHC.Prim doesn't exist physically, so don't go looking for it.
+ ordinary_imps = filter ((/= moduleName gHC_PRIM) . unLoc . ideclName . unLoc)
+ ord_idecls
+ implicit_prelude = xopt LangExt.ImplicitPrelude dflags
+ implicit_imports = mkPrelImports modname loc
+ implicit_prelude imps
+ convImport (L _ i) = (fmap sl_fs (ideclPkgQual i), ideclName i)
+ extra_sig_imports <- liftIO $ findExtraSigImports hsc_env hsc_src modname
+ let normal_imports = map convImport (implicit_imports ++ ordinary_imps)
+ required_by_imports <- liftIO $ implicitRequirements hsc_env normal_imports
+ -- So that Finder can find it, even though it doesn't exist...
+ this_mod <- liftIO $ addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env modname location
+ return ModSummary {
+ ms_mod = this_mod,
+ ms_hsc_src = hsc_src,
+ ms_location = location,
+ ms_hspp_file = (case hiDir dflags of
+ Nothing -> ""
+ Just d -> d) </> ".." </> moduleNameSlashes modname <.> "hi",
+ ms_hspp_opts = dflags,
+ ms_hspp_buf = Nothing,
+ ms_srcimps = map convImport src_idecls,
+ ms_textual_imps = normal_imports
+ -- We have to do something special here:
+ -- due to merging, requirements may end up with
+ -- extra imports
+ ++ extra_sig_imports
+ ++ required_by_imports,
+ -- This is our hack to get the parse tree to the right spot
+ ms_parsed_mod = Just (HsParsedModule {
+ hpm_module = hsmod,
+ hpm_src_files = [], -- TODO if we preprocessed it
+ hpm_annotations = ApiAnns Map.empty Nothing Map.empty [] -- BOGUS
+ }),
+ ms_hs_date = time,
+ ms_obj_date = Nothing, -- TODO do this, but problem: hi_timestamp is BOGUS
+ ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp,
+ ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp
+ }
+-- | Create a new, externally provided hashed unit id from
+-- a hash.
+newInstalledUnitId :: ComponentId -> Maybe FastString -> InstalledUnitId
+newInstalledUnitId (ComponentId cid_fs) (Just fs)
+ = InstalledUnitId (cid_fs `appendFS` mkFastString "+" `appendFS` fs)
+newInstalledUnitId (ComponentId cid_fs) Nothing
+ = InstalledUnitId cid_fs
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack/Syntax.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack/Syntax.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..709427ebd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack/Syntax.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+-- | This is the syntax for bkp files which are parsed in 'ghc --backpack'
+-- mode. This syntax is used purely for testing purposes.
+module GHC.Driver.Backpack.Syntax (
+ -- * Backpack abstract syntax
+ HsUnitId(..),
+ LHsUnitId,
+ HsModuleSubst,
+ LHsModuleSubst,
+ HsModuleId(..),
+ LHsModuleId,
+ HsComponentId(..),
+ LHsUnit, HsUnit(..),
+ LHsUnitDecl, HsUnitDecl(..),
+ IncludeDecl(..),
+ LRenaming, Renaming(..),
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Driver.Phases
+import GHC.Hs
+import SrcLoc
+import Outputable
+import Module
+import UnitInfo
+* *
+ User syntax
+* *
+data HsComponentId = HsComponentId {
+ hsPackageName :: PackageName,
+ hsComponentId :: ComponentId
+ }
+instance Outputable HsComponentId where
+ ppr (HsComponentId _pn cid) = ppr cid -- todo debug with pn
+data HsUnitId n = HsUnitId (Located n) [LHsModuleSubst n]
+type LHsUnitId n = Located (HsUnitId n)
+type HsModuleSubst n = (Located ModuleName, LHsModuleId n)
+type LHsModuleSubst n = Located (HsModuleSubst n)
+data HsModuleId n = HsModuleVar (Located ModuleName)
+ | HsModuleId (LHsUnitId n) (Located ModuleName)
+type LHsModuleId n = Located (HsModuleId n)
+-- | Top level @unit@ declaration in a Backpack file.
+data HsUnit n = HsUnit {
+ hsunitName :: Located n,
+ hsunitBody :: [LHsUnitDecl n]
+ }
+type LHsUnit n = Located (HsUnit n)
+-- | A declaration in a package, e.g. a module or signature definition,
+-- or an include.
+data HsUnitDecl n
+ = DeclD HscSource (Located ModuleName) (Maybe (Located HsModule))
+ | IncludeD (IncludeDecl n)
+type LHsUnitDecl n = Located (HsUnitDecl n)
+-- | An include of another unit
+data IncludeDecl n = IncludeDecl {
+ idUnitId :: LHsUnitId n,
+ idModRenaming :: Maybe [ LRenaming ],
+ -- | Is this a @dependency signature@ include? If so,
+ -- we don't compile this include when we instantiate this
+ -- unit (as there should not be any modules brought into
+ -- scope.)
+ idSignatureInclude :: Bool
+ }
+-- | Rename a module from one name to another. The identity renaming
+-- means that the module should be brought into scope.
+data Renaming = Renaming { renameFrom :: Located ModuleName
+ , renameTo :: Maybe (Located ModuleName) }
+type LRenaming = Located Renaming
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/CmdLine.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/CmdLine.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b71e3d3fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/CmdLine.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+-- | Command-line parser
+-- This is an abstract command-line parser used by DynFlags.
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2005
+module GHC.Driver.CmdLine
+ (
+ processArgs, OptKind(..), GhcFlagMode(..),
+ CmdLineP(..), getCmdLineState, putCmdLineState,
+ Flag(..), defFlag, defGhcFlag, defGhciFlag, defHiddenFlag,
+ errorsToGhcException,
+ Err(..), Warn(..), WarnReason(..),
+ EwM, runEwM, addErr, addWarn, addFlagWarn, getArg, getCurLoc, liftEwM,
+ deprecate
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import Util
+import Outputable
+import Panic
+import Bag
+import SrcLoc
+import Json
+import Data.Function
+import Data.List
+import Control.Monad (liftM, ap)
+-- The Flag and OptKind types
+data Flag m = Flag
+ { flagName :: String, -- Flag, without the leading "-"
+ flagOptKind :: OptKind m, -- What to do if we see it
+ flagGhcMode :: GhcFlagMode -- Which modes this flag affects
+ }
+defFlag :: String -> OptKind m -> Flag m
+defFlag name optKind = Flag name optKind AllModes
+defGhcFlag :: String -> OptKind m -> Flag m
+defGhcFlag name optKind = Flag name optKind OnlyGhc
+defGhciFlag :: String -> OptKind m -> Flag m
+defGhciFlag name optKind = Flag name optKind OnlyGhci
+defHiddenFlag :: String -> OptKind m -> Flag m
+defHiddenFlag name optKind = Flag name optKind HiddenFlag
+-- | GHC flag modes describing when a flag has an effect.
+data GhcFlagMode
+ = OnlyGhc -- ^ The flag only affects the non-interactive GHC
+ | OnlyGhci -- ^ The flag only affects the interactive GHC
+ | AllModes -- ^ The flag affects multiple ghc modes
+ | HiddenFlag -- ^ This flag should not be seen in cli completion
+data OptKind m -- Suppose the flag is -f
+ = NoArg (EwM m ()) -- -f all by itself
+ | HasArg (String -> EwM m ()) -- -farg or -f arg
+ | SepArg (String -> EwM m ()) -- -f arg
+ | Prefix (String -> EwM m ()) -- -farg
+ | OptPrefix (String -> EwM m ()) -- -f or -farg (i.e. the arg is optional)
+ | OptIntSuffix (Maybe Int -> EwM m ()) -- -f or -f=n; pass n to fn
+ | IntSuffix (Int -> EwM m ()) -- -f or -f=n; pass n to fn
+ | FloatSuffix (Float -> EwM m ()) -- -f or -f=n; pass n to fn
+ | PassFlag (String -> EwM m ()) -- -f; pass "-f" fn
+ | AnySuffix (String -> EwM m ()) -- -f or -farg; pass entire "-farg" to fn
+-- The EwM monad
+-- | Used when filtering warnings: if a reason is given
+-- it can be filtered out when displaying.
+data WarnReason
+ = NoReason
+ | ReasonDeprecatedFlag
+ | ReasonUnrecognisedFlag
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance Outputable WarnReason where
+ ppr = text . show
+instance ToJson WarnReason where
+ json NoReason = JSNull
+ json reason = JSString $ show reason
+-- | A command-line error message
+newtype Err = Err { errMsg :: Located String }
+-- | A command-line warning message and the reason it arose
+data Warn = Warn
+ { warnReason :: WarnReason,
+ warnMsg :: Located String
+ }
+type Errs = Bag Err
+type Warns = Bag Warn
+-- EwM ("errors and warnings monad") is a monad
+-- transformer for m that adds an (err, warn) state
+newtype EwM m a = EwM { unEwM :: Located String -- Current parse arg
+ -> Errs -> Warns
+ -> m (Errs, Warns, a) }
+instance Monad m => Functor (EwM m) where
+ fmap = liftM
+instance Monad m => Applicative (EwM m) where
+ pure v = EwM (\_ e w -> return (e, w, v))
+ (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad m => Monad (EwM m) where
+ (EwM f) >>= k = EwM (\l e w -> do (e', w', r) <- f l e w
+ unEwM (k r) l e' w')
+runEwM :: EwM m a -> m (Errs, Warns, a)
+runEwM action = unEwM action (panic "processArgs: no arg yet") emptyBag emptyBag
+setArg :: Located String -> EwM m () -> EwM m ()
+setArg l (EwM f) = EwM (\_ es ws -> f l es ws)
+addErr :: Monad m => String -> EwM m ()
+addErr e = EwM (\(L loc _) es ws -> return (es `snocBag` Err (L loc e), ws, ()))
+addWarn :: Monad m => String -> EwM m ()
+addWarn = addFlagWarn NoReason
+addFlagWarn :: Monad m => WarnReason -> String -> EwM m ()
+addFlagWarn reason msg = EwM $
+ (\(L loc _) es ws -> return (es, ws `snocBag` Warn reason (L loc msg), ()))
+deprecate :: Monad m => String -> EwM m ()
+deprecate s = do
+ arg <- getArg
+ addFlagWarn ReasonDeprecatedFlag (arg ++ " is deprecated: " ++ s)
+getArg :: Monad m => EwM m String
+getArg = EwM (\(L _ arg) es ws -> return (es, ws, arg))
+getCurLoc :: Monad m => EwM m SrcSpan
+getCurLoc = EwM (\(L loc _) es ws -> return (es, ws, loc))
+liftEwM :: Monad m => m a -> EwM m a
+liftEwM action = EwM (\_ es ws -> do { r <- action; return (es, ws, r) })
+-- A state monad for use in the command-line parser
+-- (CmdLineP s) typically instantiates the 'm' in (EwM m) and (OptKind m)
+newtype CmdLineP s a = CmdLineP { runCmdLine :: s -> (a, s) }
+ deriving (Functor)
+instance Applicative (CmdLineP s) where
+ pure a = CmdLineP $ \s -> (a, s)
+ (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad (CmdLineP s) where
+ m >>= k = CmdLineP $ \s ->
+ let (a, s') = runCmdLine m s
+ in runCmdLine (k a) s'
+getCmdLineState :: CmdLineP s s
+getCmdLineState = CmdLineP $ \s -> (s,s)
+putCmdLineState :: s -> CmdLineP s ()
+putCmdLineState s = CmdLineP $ \_ -> ((),s)
+-- Processing arguments
+processArgs :: Monad m
+ => [Flag m] -- cmdline parser spec
+ -> [Located String] -- args
+ -> m ( [Located String], -- spare args
+ [Err], -- errors
+ [Warn] ) -- warnings
+processArgs spec args = do
+ (errs, warns, spare) <- runEwM action
+ return (spare, bagToList errs, bagToList warns)
+ where
+ action = process args []
+ -- process :: [Located String] -> [Located String] -> EwM m [Located String]
+ process [] spare = return (reverse spare)
+ process (locArg@(L _ ('-' : arg)) : args) spare =
+ case findArg spec arg of
+ Just (rest, opt_kind) ->
+ case processOneArg opt_kind rest arg args of
+ Left err ->
+ let b = process args spare
+ in (setArg locArg $ addErr err) >> b
+ Right (action,rest) ->
+ let b = process rest spare
+ in (setArg locArg $ action) >> b
+ Nothing -> process args (locArg : spare)
+ process (arg : args) spare = process args (arg : spare)
+processOneArg :: OptKind m -> String -> String -> [Located String]
+ -> Either String (EwM m (), [Located String])
+processOneArg opt_kind rest arg args
+ = let dash_arg = '-' : arg
+ rest_no_eq = dropEq rest
+ in case opt_kind of
+ NoArg a -> ASSERT(null rest) Right (a, args)
+ HasArg f | notNull rest_no_eq -> Right (f rest_no_eq, args)
+ | otherwise -> case args of
+ [] -> missingArgErr dash_arg
+ (L _ arg1:args1) -> Right (f arg1, args1)
+ -- See #9776
+ SepArg f -> case args of
+ [] -> missingArgErr dash_arg
+ (L _ arg1:args1) -> Right (f arg1, args1)
+ -- See #12625
+ Prefix f | notNull rest_no_eq -> Right (f rest_no_eq, args)
+ | otherwise -> missingArgErr dash_arg
+ PassFlag f | notNull rest -> unknownFlagErr dash_arg
+ | otherwise -> Right (f dash_arg, args)
+ OptIntSuffix f | null rest -> Right (f Nothing, args)
+ | Just n <- parseInt rest_no_eq -> Right (f (Just n), args)
+ | otherwise -> Left ("malformed integer argument in " ++ dash_arg)
+ IntSuffix f | Just n <- parseInt rest_no_eq -> Right (f n, args)
+ | otherwise -> Left ("malformed integer argument in " ++ dash_arg)
+ FloatSuffix f | Just n <- parseFloat rest_no_eq -> Right (f n, args)
+ | otherwise -> Left ("malformed float argument in " ++ dash_arg)
+ OptPrefix f -> Right (f rest_no_eq, args)
+ AnySuffix f -> Right (f dash_arg, args)
+findArg :: [Flag m] -> String -> Maybe (String, OptKind m)
+findArg spec arg =
+ case sortBy (compare `on` (length . fst)) -- prefer longest matching flag
+ [ (removeSpaces rest, optKind)
+ | flag <- spec,
+ let optKind = flagOptKind flag,
+ Just rest <- [stripPrefix (flagName flag) arg],
+ arg_ok optKind rest arg ]
+ of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ (one:_) -> Just one
+arg_ok :: OptKind t -> [Char] -> String -> Bool
+arg_ok (NoArg _) rest _ = null rest
+arg_ok (HasArg _) _ _ = True
+arg_ok (SepArg _) rest _ = null rest
+arg_ok (Prefix _) _ _ = True -- Missing argument checked for in processOneArg t
+ -- to improve error message (#12625)
+arg_ok (OptIntSuffix _) _ _ = True
+arg_ok (IntSuffix _) _ _ = True
+arg_ok (FloatSuffix _) _ _ = True
+arg_ok (OptPrefix _) _ _ = True
+arg_ok (PassFlag _) rest _ = null rest
+arg_ok (AnySuffix _) _ _ = True
+-- | Parse an Int
+-- Looks for "433" or "=342", with no trailing gubbins
+-- * n or =n => Just n
+-- * gibberish => Nothing
+parseInt :: String -> Maybe Int
+parseInt s = case reads s of
+ ((n,""):_) -> Just n
+ _ -> Nothing
+parseFloat :: String -> Maybe Float
+parseFloat s = case reads s of
+ ((n,""):_) -> Just n
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- | Discards a leading equals sign
+dropEq :: String -> String
+dropEq ('=' : s) = s
+dropEq s = s
+unknownFlagErr :: String -> Either String a
+unknownFlagErr f = Left ("unrecognised flag: " ++ f)
+missingArgErr :: String -> Either String a
+missingArgErr f = Left ("missing argument for flag: " ++ f)
+-- Utils
+-- See Note [Handling errors when parsing flags]
+errorsToGhcException :: [(String, -- Location
+ String)] -- Error
+ -> GhcException
+errorsToGhcException errs =
+ UsageError $ intercalate "\n" $ [ l ++ ": " ++ e | (l, e) <- errs ]
+{- Note [Handling errors when parsing commandline flags]
+Parsing of static and mode flags happens before any session is started, i.e.,
+before the first call to 'GHC.withGhc'. Therefore, to report errors for
+invalid usage of these two types of flags, we can not call any function that
+needs DynFlags, as there are no DynFlags available yet (unsafeGlobalDynFlags
+is not set either). So we always print "on the commandline" as the location,
+which is true except for Api users, which is probably ok.
+When reporting errors for invalid usage of dynamic flags we /can/ make use of
+DynFlags, and we do so explicitly in DynFlags.parseDynamicFlagsFull.
+Before, we called unsafeGlobalDynFlags when an invalid (combination of)
+flag(s) was given on the commandline, resulting in panics (#9963).
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/CodeOutput.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/CodeOutput.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e52d3216d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/CodeOutput.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section{Code output phase}
+module GHC.Driver.CodeOutput ( codeOutput, outputForeignStubs ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import AsmCodeGen ( nativeCodeGen )
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm ( llvmCodeGen )
+import UniqSupply ( mkSplitUniqSupply )
+import GHC.Driver.Finder ( mkStubPaths )
+import GHC.CmmToC ( writeC )
+import GHC.Cmm.Lint ( cmmLint )
+import GHC.Driver.Packages
+import GHC.Cmm ( RawCmmGroup )
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Stream ( Stream )
+import qualified Stream
+import FileCleanup
+import ErrUtils
+import Outputable
+import Module
+import SrcLoc
+import Control.Exception
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
+import System.IO
+* *
+* *
+codeOutput :: DynFlags
+ -> Module
+ -> FilePath
+ -> ModLocation
+ -> ForeignStubs
+ -> [(ForeignSrcLang, FilePath)]
+ -- ^ additional files to be compiled with with the C compiler
+ -> [InstalledUnitId]
+ -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a -- Compiled C--
+ -> IO (FilePath,
+ (Bool{-stub_h_exists-}, Maybe FilePath{-stub_c_exists-}),
+ [(ForeignSrcLang, FilePath)]{-foreign_fps-},
+ a)
+codeOutput dflags this_mod filenm location foreign_stubs foreign_fps pkg_deps
+ cmm_stream
+ =
+ do {
+ -- Lint each CmmGroup as it goes past
+ ; let linted_cmm_stream =
+ if gopt Opt_DoCmmLinting dflags
+ then Stream.mapM do_lint cmm_stream
+ else cmm_stream
+ do_lint cmm = withTimingSilent
+ dflags
+ (text "CmmLint"<+>brackets (ppr this_mod))
+ (const ()) $ do
+ { case cmmLint dflags cmm of
+ Just err -> do { log_action dflags
+ dflags
+ NoReason
+ SevDump
+ noSrcSpan
+ (defaultDumpStyle dflags)
+ err
+ ; ghcExit dflags 1
+ }
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ ; return cmm
+ }
+ ; stubs_exist <- outputForeignStubs dflags this_mod location foreign_stubs
+ ; a <- case hscTarget dflags of
+ HscAsm -> outputAsm dflags this_mod location filenm
+ linted_cmm_stream
+ HscC -> outputC dflags filenm linted_cmm_stream pkg_deps
+ HscLlvm -> outputLlvm dflags filenm linted_cmm_stream
+ HscInterpreted -> panic "codeOutput: HscInterpreted"
+ HscNothing -> panic "codeOutput: HscNothing"
+ ; return (filenm, stubs_exist, foreign_fps, a)
+ }
+doOutput :: String -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
+doOutput filenm io_action = bracket (openFile filenm WriteMode) hClose io_action
+* *
+* *
+outputC :: DynFlags
+ -> FilePath
+ -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a
+ -> [InstalledUnitId]
+ -> IO a
+outputC dflags filenm cmm_stream packages
+ = do
+ withTiming dflags (text "C codegen") (\a -> seq a () {- FIXME -}) $ do
+ -- figure out which header files to #include in the generated .hc file:
+ --
+ -- * extra_includes from packages
+ -- * -#include options from the cmdline and OPTIONS pragmas
+ -- * the _stub.h file, if there is one.
+ --
+ let rts = getPackageDetails dflags rtsUnitId
+ let cc_injects = unlines (map mk_include (includes rts))
+ mk_include h_file =
+ case h_file of
+ '"':_{-"-} -> "#include "++h_file
+ '<':_ -> "#include "++h_file
+ _ -> "#include \""++h_file++"\""
+ let pkg_names = map installedUnitIdString packages
+ doOutput filenm $ \ h -> do
+ hPutStr h ("/* GHC_PACKAGES " ++ unwords pkg_names ++ "\n*/\n")
+ hPutStr h cc_injects
+ Stream.consume cmm_stream (writeC dflags h)
+* *
+* *
+outputAsm :: DynFlags -> Module -> ModLocation -> FilePath
+ -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a
+ -> IO a
+outputAsm dflags this_mod location filenm cmm_stream
+ | platformMisc_ghcWithNativeCodeGen $ platformMisc dflags
+ = do ncg_uniqs <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'n'
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 4 (text "Outputing asm to" <+> text filenm)
+ {-# SCC "OutputAsm" #-} doOutput filenm $
+ \h -> {-# SCC "NativeCodeGen" #-}
+ nativeCodeGen dflags this_mod location h ncg_uniqs cmm_stream
+ | otherwise
+ = panic "This compiler was built without a native code generator"
+* *
+* *
+outputLlvm :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a -> IO a
+outputLlvm dflags filenm cmm_stream
+ = do {-# SCC "llvm_output" #-} doOutput filenm $
+ \f -> {-# SCC "llvm_CodeGen" #-}
+ llvmCodeGen dflags f cmm_stream
+* *
+\subsection{Foreign import/export}
+* *
+outputForeignStubs :: DynFlags -> Module -> ModLocation -> ForeignStubs
+ -> IO (Bool, -- Header file created
+ Maybe FilePath) -- C file created
+outputForeignStubs dflags mod location stubs
+ = do
+ let stub_h = mkStubPaths dflags (moduleName mod) location
+ stub_c <- newTempName dflags TFL_CurrentModule "c"
+ case stubs of
+ NoStubs ->
+ return (False, Nothing)
+ ForeignStubs h_code c_code -> do
+ let
+ stub_c_output_d = pprCode CStyle c_code
+ stub_c_output_w = showSDoc dflags stub_c_output_d
+ -- Header file protos for "foreign export"ed functions.
+ stub_h_output_d = pprCode CStyle h_code
+ stub_h_output_w = showSDoc dflags stub_h_output_d
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory stub_h)
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_foreign
+ "Foreign export header file"
+ FormatC
+ stub_h_output_d
+ -- we need the #includes from the rts package for the stub files
+ let rts_includes =
+ let rts_pkg = getPackageDetails dflags rtsUnitId in
+ concatMap mk_include (includes rts_pkg)
+ mk_include i = "#include \"" ++ i ++ "\"\n"
+ -- wrapper code mentions the ffi_arg type, which comes from ffi.h
+ ffi_includes
+ | platformMisc_libFFI $ platformMisc dflags = "#include <ffi.h>\n"
+ | otherwise = ""
+ stub_h_file_exists
+ <- outputForeignStubs_help stub_h stub_h_output_w
+ ("#include <HsFFI.h>\n" ++ cplusplus_hdr) cplusplus_ftr
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_foreign
+ "Foreign export stubs" FormatC stub_c_output_d
+ stub_c_file_exists
+ <- outputForeignStubs_help stub_c stub_c_output_w
+ ("#define IN_STG_CODE 0\n" ++
+ "#include <Rts.h>\n" ++
+ rts_includes ++
+ ffi_includes ++
+ cplusplus_hdr)
+ cplusplus_ftr
+ -- We're adding the default hc_header to the stub file, but this
+ -- isn't really HC code, so we need to define IN_STG_CODE==0 to
+ -- avoid the register variables etc. being enabled.
+ return (stub_h_file_exists, if stub_c_file_exists
+ then Just stub_c
+ else Nothing )
+ where
+ cplusplus_hdr = "#if defined(__cplusplus)\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n"
+ cplusplus_ftr = "#if defined(__cplusplus)\n}\n#endif\n"
+-- Don't use doOutput for dumping the f. export stubs
+-- since it is more than likely that the stubs file will
+-- turn out to be empty, in which case no file should be created.
+outputForeignStubs_help :: FilePath -> String -> String -> String -> IO Bool
+outputForeignStubs_help _fname "" _header _footer = return False
+outputForeignStubs_help fname doc_str header footer
+ = do writeFile fname (header ++ doc_str ++ '\n':footer ++ "\n")
+ return True
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Finder.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Finder.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7c9c1af1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Finder.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow, 2000-2006
+\section[Finder]{Module Finder}
+module GHC.Driver.Finder (
+ flushFinderCaches,
+ FindResult(..),
+ findImportedModule,
+ findPluginModule,
+ findExactModule,
+ findHomeModule,
+ findExposedPackageModule,
+ mkHomeModLocation,
+ mkHomeModLocation2,
+ mkHiOnlyModLocation,
+ mkHiPath,
+ mkObjPath,
+ addHomeModuleToFinder,
+ uncacheModule,
+ mkStubPaths,
+ findObjectLinkableMaybe,
+ findObjectLinkable,
+ cannotFindModule,
+ cannotFindInterface,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import Module
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import GHC.Driver.Packages
+import FastString
+import Util
+import PrelNames ( gHC_PRIM )
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Outputable
+import Maybes ( expectJust )
+import Data.IORef ( IORef, readIORef, atomicModifyIORef' )
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Time
+type FileExt = String -- Filename extension
+type BaseName = String -- Basename of file
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The Finder
+-- The Finder provides a thin filesystem abstraction to the rest of
+-- the compiler. For a given module, it can tell you where the
+-- source, interface, and object files for that module live.
+-- It does *not* know which particular package a module lives in. Use
+-- Packages.lookupModuleInAllPackages for that.
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The finder's cache
+-- remove all the home modules from the cache; package modules are
+-- assumed to not move around during a session.
+flushFinderCaches :: HscEnv -> IO ()
+flushFinderCaches hsc_env =
+ atomicModifyIORef' fc_ref $ \fm -> (filterInstalledModuleEnv is_ext fm, ())
+ where
+ this_pkg = thisPackage (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ fc_ref = hsc_FC hsc_env
+ is_ext mod _ | not (installedModuleUnitId mod `installedUnitIdEq` this_pkg) = True
+ | otherwise = False
+addToFinderCache :: IORef FinderCache -> InstalledModule -> InstalledFindResult -> IO ()
+addToFinderCache ref key val =
+ atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \c -> (extendInstalledModuleEnv c key val, ())
+removeFromFinderCache :: IORef FinderCache -> InstalledModule -> IO ()
+removeFromFinderCache ref key =
+ atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \c -> (delInstalledModuleEnv c key, ())
+lookupFinderCache :: IORef FinderCache -> InstalledModule -> IO (Maybe InstalledFindResult)
+lookupFinderCache ref key = do
+ c <- readIORef ref
+ return $! lookupInstalledModuleEnv c key
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The three external entry points
+-- | Locate a module that was imported by the user. We have the
+-- module's name, and possibly a package name. Without a package
+-- name, this function will use the search path and the known exposed
+-- packages to find the module, if a package is specified then only
+-- that package is searched for the module.
+findImportedModule :: HscEnv -> ModuleName -> Maybe FastString -> IO FindResult
+findImportedModule hsc_env mod_name mb_pkg =
+ case mb_pkg of
+ Nothing -> unqual_import
+ Just pkg | pkg == fsLit "this" -> home_import -- "this" is special
+ | otherwise -> pkg_import
+ where
+ home_import = findHomeModule hsc_env mod_name
+ pkg_import = findExposedPackageModule hsc_env mod_name mb_pkg
+ unqual_import = home_import
+ `orIfNotFound`
+ findExposedPackageModule hsc_env mod_name Nothing
+-- | Locate a plugin module requested by the user, for a compiler
+-- plugin. This consults the same set of exposed packages as
+-- 'findImportedModule', unless @-hide-all-plugin-packages@ or
+-- @-plugin-package@ are specified.
+findPluginModule :: HscEnv -> ModuleName -> IO FindResult
+findPluginModule hsc_env mod_name =
+ findHomeModule hsc_env mod_name
+ `orIfNotFound`
+ findExposedPluginPackageModule hsc_env mod_name
+-- | Locate a specific 'Module'. The purpose of this function is to
+-- create a 'ModLocation' for a given 'Module', that is to find out
+-- where the files associated with this module live. It is used when
+-- reading the interface for a module mentioned by another interface,
+-- for example (a "system import").
+findExactModule :: HscEnv -> InstalledModule -> IO InstalledFindResult
+findExactModule hsc_env mod =
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ in if installedModuleUnitId mod `installedUnitIdEq` thisPackage dflags
+ then findInstalledHomeModule hsc_env (installedModuleName mod)
+ else findPackageModule hsc_env mod
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Helpers
+-- | Given a monadic actions @this@ and @or_this@, first execute
+-- @this@. If the returned 'FindResult' is successful, return
+-- it; otherwise, execute @or_this@. If both failed, this function
+-- also combines their failure messages in a reasonable way.
+orIfNotFound :: Monad m => m FindResult -> m FindResult -> m FindResult
+orIfNotFound this or_this = do
+ res <- this
+ case res of
+ NotFound { fr_paths = paths1, fr_mods_hidden = mh1
+ , fr_pkgs_hidden = ph1, fr_unusables = u1, fr_suggestions = s1 }
+ -> do res2 <- or_this
+ case res2 of
+ NotFound { fr_paths = paths2, fr_pkg = mb_pkg2, fr_mods_hidden = mh2
+ , fr_pkgs_hidden = ph2, fr_unusables = u2
+ , fr_suggestions = s2 }
+ -> return (NotFound { fr_paths = paths1 ++ paths2
+ , fr_pkg = mb_pkg2 -- snd arg is the package search
+ , fr_mods_hidden = mh1 ++ mh2
+ , fr_pkgs_hidden = ph1 ++ ph2
+ , fr_unusables = u1 ++ u2
+ , fr_suggestions = s1 ++ s2 })
+ _other -> return res2
+ _other -> return res
+-- | Helper function for 'findHomeModule': this function wraps an IO action
+-- which would look up @mod_name@ in the file system (the home package),
+-- and first consults the 'hsc_FC' cache to see if the lookup has already
+-- been done. Otherwise, do the lookup (with the IO action) and save
+-- the result in the finder cache and the module location cache (if it
+-- was successful.)
+homeSearchCache :: HscEnv -> ModuleName -> IO InstalledFindResult -> IO InstalledFindResult
+homeSearchCache hsc_env mod_name do_this = do
+ let mod = mkHomeInstalledModule (hsc_dflags hsc_env) mod_name
+ modLocationCache hsc_env mod do_this
+findExposedPackageModule :: HscEnv -> ModuleName -> Maybe FastString
+ -> IO FindResult
+findExposedPackageModule hsc_env mod_name mb_pkg
+ = findLookupResult hsc_env
+ $ lookupModuleWithSuggestions
+ (hsc_dflags hsc_env) mod_name mb_pkg
+findExposedPluginPackageModule :: HscEnv -> ModuleName
+ -> IO FindResult
+findExposedPluginPackageModule hsc_env mod_name
+ = findLookupResult hsc_env
+ $ lookupPluginModuleWithSuggestions
+ (hsc_dflags hsc_env) mod_name Nothing
+findLookupResult :: HscEnv -> LookupResult -> IO FindResult
+findLookupResult hsc_env r = case r of
+ LookupFound m pkg_conf -> do
+ let im = fst (splitModuleInsts m)
+ r' <- findPackageModule_ hsc_env im pkg_conf
+ case r' of
+ -- TODO: ghc -M is unlikely to do the right thing
+ -- with just the location of the thing that was
+ -- instantiated; you probably also need all of the
+ -- implicit locations from the instances
+ InstalledFound loc _ -> return (Found loc m)
+ InstalledNoPackage _ -> return (NoPackage (moduleUnitId m))
+ InstalledNotFound fp _ -> return (NotFound{ fr_paths = fp, fr_pkg = Just (moduleUnitId m)
+ , fr_pkgs_hidden = []
+ , fr_mods_hidden = []
+ , fr_unusables = []
+ , fr_suggestions = []})
+ LookupMultiple rs ->
+ return (FoundMultiple rs)
+ LookupHidden pkg_hiddens mod_hiddens ->
+ return (NotFound{ fr_paths = [], fr_pkg = Nothing
+ , fr_pkgs_hidden = map (moduleUnitId.fst) pkg_hiddens
+ , fr_mods_hidden = map (moduleUnitId.fst) mod_hiddens
+ , fr_unusables = []
+ , fr_suggestions = [] })
+ LookupUnusable unusable ->
+ let unusables' = map get_unusable unusable
+ get_unusable (m, ModUnusable r) = (moduleUnitId m, r)
+ get_unusable (_, r) =
+ pprPanic "findLookupResult: unexpected origin" (ppr r)
+ in return (NotFound{ fr_paths = [], fr_pkg = Nothing
+ , fr_pkgs_hidden = []
+ , fr_mods_hidden = []
+ , fr_unusables = unusables'
+ , fr_suggestions = [] })
+ LookupNotFound suggest ->
+ return (NotFound{ fr_paths = [], fr_pkg = Nothing
+ , fr_pkgs_hidden = []
+ , fr_mods_hidden = []
+ , fr_unusables = []
+ , fr_suggestions = suggest })
+modLocationCache :: HscEnv -> InstalledModule -> IO InstalledFindResult -> IO InstalledFindResult
+modLocationCache hsc_env mod do_this = do
+ m <- lookupFinderCache (hsc_FC hsc_env) mod
+ case m of
+ Just result -> return result
+ Nothing -> do
+ result <- do_this
+ addToFinderCache (hsc_FC hsc_env) mod result
+ return result
+mkHomeInstalledModule :: DynFlags -> ModuleName -> InstalledModule
+mkHomeInstalledModule dflags mod_name =
+ let iuid = thisInstalledUnitId dflags
+ in InstalledModule iuid mod_name
+-- This returns a module because it's more convenient for users
+addHomeModuleToFinder :: HscEnv -> ModuleName -> ModLocation -> IO Module
+addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env mod_name loc = do
+ let mod = mkHomeInstalledModule (hsc_dflags hsc_env) mod_name
+ addToFinderCache (hsc_FC hsc_env) mod (InstalledFound loc mod)
+ return (mkModule (thisPackage (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) mod_name)
+uncacheModule :: HscEnv -> ModuleName -> IO ()
+uncacheModule hsc_env mod_name = do
+ let mod = mkHomeInstalledModule (hsc_dflags hsc_env) mod_name
+ removeFromFinderCache (hsc_FC hsc_env) mod
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The internal workers
+findHomeModule :: HscEnv -> ModuleName -> IO FindResult
+findHomeModule hsc_env mod_name = do
+ r <- findInstalledHomeModule hsc_env mod_name
+ return $ case r of
+ InstalledFound loc _ -> Found loc (mkModule uid mod_name)
+ InstalledNoPackage _ -> NoPackage uid -- impossible
+ InstalledNotFound fps _ -> NotFound {
+ fr_paths = fps,
+ fr_pkg = Just uid,
+ fr_mods_hidden = [],
+ fr_pkgs_hidden = [],
+ fr_unusables = [],
+ fr_suggestions = []
+ }
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ uid = thisPackage dflags
+-- | Implements the search for a module name in the home package only. Calling
+-- this function directly is usually *not* what you want; currently, it's used
+-- as a building block for the following operations:
+-- 1. When you do a normal package lookup, we first check if the module
+-- is available in the home module, before looking it up in the package
+-- database.
+-- 2. When you have a package qualified import with package name "this",
+-- we shortcut to the home module.
+-- 3. When we look up an exact 'Module', if the unit id associated with
+-- the module is the current home module do a look up in the home module.
+-- 4. Some special-case code in GHCi (ToDo: Figure out why that needs to
+-- call this.)
+findInstalledHomeModule :: HscEnv -> ModuleName -> IO InstalledFindResult
+findInstalledHomeModule hsc_env mod_name =
+ homeSearchCache hsc_env mod_name $
+ let
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ home_path = importPaths dflags
+ hisuf = hiSuf dflags
+ mod = mkHomeInstalledModule dflags mod_name
+ source_exts =
+ [ ("hs", mkHomeModLocationSearched dflags mod_name "hs")
+ , ("lhs", mkHomeModLocationSearched dflags mod_name "lhs")
+ , ("hsig", mkHomeModLocationSearched dflags mod_name "hsig")
+ , ("lhsig", mkHomeModLocationSearched dflags mod_name "lhsig")
+ ]
+ -- we use mkHomeModHiOnlyLocation instead of mkHiOnlyModLocation so that
+ -- when hiDir field is set in dflags, we know to look there (see #16500)
+ hi_exts = [ (hisuf, mkHomeModHiOnlyLocation dflags mod_name)
+ , (addBootSuffix hisuf, mkHomeModHiOnlyLocation dflags mod_name)
+ ]
+ -- In compilation manager modes, we look for source files in the home
+ -- package because we can compile these automatically. In one-shot
+ -- compilation mode we look for .hi and .hi-boot files only.
+ exts | isOneShot (ghcMode dflags) = hi_exts
+ | otherwise = source_exts
+ in
+ -- special case for GHC.Prim; we won't find it in the filesystem.
+ -- This is important only when compiling the base package (where GHC.Prim
+ -- is a home module).
+ if mod `installedModuleEq` gHC_PRIM
+ then return (InstalledFound (error "GHC.Prim ModLocation") mod)
+ else searchPathExts home_path mod exts
+-- | Search for a module in external packages only.
+findPackageModule :: HscEnv -> InstalledModule -> IO InstalledFindResult
+findPackageModule hsc_env mod = do
+ let
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ pkg_id = installedModuleUnitId mod
+ --
+ case lookupInstalledPackage dflags pkg_id of
+ Nothing -> return (InstalledNoPackage pkg_id)
+ Just pkg_conf -> findPackageModule_ hsc_env mod pkg_conf
+-- | Look up the interface file associated with module @mod@. This function
+-- requires a few invariants to be upheld: (1) the 'Module' in question must
+-- be the module identifier of the *original* implementation of a module,
+-- not a reexport (this invariant is upheld by @Packages.hs@) and (2)
+-- the 'UnitInfo' must be consistent with the unit id in the 'Module'.
+-- The redundancy is to avoid an extra lookup in the package state
+-- for the appropriate config.
+findPackageModule_ :: HscEnv -> InstalledModule -> UnitInfo -> IO InstalledFindResult
+findPackageModule_ hsc_env mod pkg_conf =
+ ASSERT2( installedModuleUnitId mod == installedUnitInfoId pkg_conf, ppr (installedModuleUnitId mod) <+> ppr (installedUnitInfoId pkg_conf) )
+ modLocationCache hsc_env mod $
+ -- special case for GHC.Prim; we won't find it in the filesystem.
+ if mod `installedModuleEq` gHC_PRIM
+ then return (InstalledFound (error "GHC.Prim ModLocation") mod)
+ else
+ let
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ tag = buildTag dflags
+ -- hi-suffix for packages depends on the build tag.
+ package_hisuf | null tag = "hi"
+ | otherwise = tag ++ "_hi"
+ mk_hi_loc = mkHiOnlyModLocation dflags package_hisuf
+ import_dirs = importDirs pkg_conf
+ -- we never look for a .hi-boot file in an external package;
+ -- .hi-boot files only make sense for the home package.
+ in
+ case import_dirs of
+ [one] | MkDepend <- ghcMode dflags -> do
+ -- there's only one place that this .hi file can be, so
+ -- don't bother looking for it.
+ let basename = moduleNameSlashes (installedModuleName mod)
+ loc <- mk_hi_loc one basename
+ return (InstalledFound loc mod)
+ _otherwise ->
+ searchPathExts import_dirs mod [(package_hisuf, mk_hi_loc)]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- General path searching
+ :: [FilePath] -- paths to search
+ -> InstalledModule -- module name
+ -> [ (
+ FileExt, -- suffix
+ FilePath -> BaseName -> IO ModLocation -- action
+ )
+ ]
+ -> IO InstalledFindResult
+searchPathExts paths mod exts
+ = do result <- search to_search
+ hPutStrLn stderr (showSDoc $
+ vcat [text "Search" <+> ppr mod <+> sep (map (text. fst) exts)
+ , nest 2 (vcat (map text paths))
+ , case result of
+ Succeeded (loc, p) -> text "Found" <+> ppr loc
+ Failed fs -> text "not found"])
+ return result
+ where
+ basename = moduleNameSlashes (installedModuleName mod)
+ to_search :: [(FilePath, IO ModLocation)]
+ to_search = [ (file, fn path basename)
+ | path <- paths,
+ (ext,fn) <- exts,
+ let base | path == "." = basename
+ | otherwise = path </> basename
+ file = base <.> ext
+ ]
+ search [] = return (InstalledNotFound (map fst to_search) (Just (installedModuleUnitId mod)))
+ search ((file, mk_result) : rest) = do
+ b <- doesFileExist file
+ if b
+ then do { loc <- mk_result; return (InstalledFound loc mod) }
+ else search rest
+mkHomeModLocationSearched :: DynFlags -> ModuleName -> FileExt
+ -> FilePath -> BaseName -> IO ModLocation
+mkHomeModLocationSearched dflags mod suff path basename = do
+ mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod (path </> basename) suff
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Constructing a home module location
+-- This is where we construct the ModLocation for a module in the home
+-- package, for which we have a source file. It is called from three
+-- places:
+-- (a) Here in the finder, when we are searching for a module to import,
+-- using the search path (-i option).
+-- (b) The compilation manager, when constructing the ModLocation for
+-- a "root" module (a source file named explicitly on the command line
+-- or in a :load command in GHCi).
+-- (c) The driver in one-shot mode, when we need to construct a
+-- ModLocation for a source file named on the command-line.
+-- Parameters are:
+-- mod
+-- The name of the module
+-- path
+-- (a): The search path component where the source file was found.
+-- (b) and (c): "."
+-- src_basename
+-- (a): (moduleNameSlashes mod)
+-- (b) and (c): The filename of the source file, minus its extension
+-- ext
+-- The filename extension of the source file (usually "hs" or "lhs").
+mkHomeModLocation :: DynFlags -> ModuleName -> FilePath -> IO ModLocation
+mkHomeModLocation dflags mod src_filename = do
+ let (basename,extension) = splitExtension src_filename
+ mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod basename extension
+mkHomeModLocation2 :: DynFlags
+ -> ModuleName
+ -> FilePath -- Of source module, without suffix
+ -> String -- Suffix
+ -> IO ModLocation
+mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod src_basename ext = do
+ let mod_basename = moduleNameSlashes mod
+ obj_fn = mkObjPath dflags src_basename mod_basename
+ hi_fn = mkHiPath dflags src_basename mod_basename
+ hie_fn = mkHiePath dflags src_basename mod_basename
+ return (ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Just (src_basename <.> ext),
+ ml_hi_file = hi_fn,
+ ml_obj_file = obj_fn,
+ ml_hie_file = hie_fn })
+mkHomeModHiOnlyLocation :: DynFlags
+ -> ModuleName
+ -> FilePath
+ -> BaseName
+ -> IO ModLocation
+mkHomeModHiOnlyLocation dflags mod path basename = do
+ loc <- mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod (path </> basename) ""
+ return loc { ml_hs_file = Nothing }
+mkHiOnlyModLocation :: DynFlags -> Suffix -> FilePath -> String
+ -> IO ModLocation
+mkHiOnlyModLocation dflags hisuf path basename
+ = do let full_basename = path </> basename
+ obj_fn = mkObjPath dflags full_basename basename
+ hie_fn = mkHiePath dflags full_basename basename
+ return ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Nothing,
+ ml_hi_file = full_basename <.> hisuf,
+ -- Remove the .hi-boot suffix from
+ -- hi_file, if it had one. We always
+ -- want the name of the real .hi file
+ -- in the ml_hi_file field.
+ ml_obj_file = obj_fn,
+ ml_hie_file = hie_fn
+ }
+-- | Constructs the filename of a .o file for a given source file.
+-- Does /not/ check whether the .o file exists
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> FilePath -- the filename of the source file, minus the extension
+ -> String -- the module name with dots replaced by slashes
+ -> FilePath
+mkObjPath dflags basename mod_basename = obj_basename <.> osuf
+ where
+ odir = objectDir dflags
+ osuf = objectSuf dflags
+ obj_basename | Just dir <- odir = dir </> mod_basename
+ | otherwise = basename
+-- | Constructs the filename of a .hi file for a given source file.
+-- Does /not/ check whether the .hi file exists
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> FilePath -- the filename of the source file, minus the extension
+ -> String -- the module name with dots replaced by slashes
+ -> FilePath
+mkHiPath dflags basename mod_basename = hi_basename <.> hisuf
+ where
+ hidir = hiDir dflags
+ hisuf = hiSuf dflags
+ hi_basename | Just dir <- hidir = dir </> mod_basename
+ | otherwise = basename
+-- | Constructs the filename of a .hie file for a given source file.
+-- Does /not/ check whether the .hie file exists
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> FilePath -- the filename of the source file, minus the extension
+ -> String -- the module name with dots replaced by slashes
+ -> FilePath
+mkHiePath dflags basename mod_basename = hie_basename <.> hiesuf
+ where
+ hiedir = hieDir dflags
+ hiesuf = hieSuf dflags
+ hie_basename | Just dir <- hiedir = dir </> mod_basename
+ | otherwise = basename
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Filenames of the stub files
+-- We don't have to store these in ModLocations, because they can be derived
+-- from other available information, and they're only rarely needed.
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> ModuleName
+ -> ModLocation
+ -> FilePath
+mkStubPaths dflags mod location
+ = let
+ stubdir = stubDir dflags
+ mod_basename = moduleNameSlashes mod
+ src_basename = dropExtension $ expectJust "mkStubPaths"
+ (ml_hs_file location)
+ stub_basename0
+ | Just dir <- stubdir = dir </> mod_basename
+ | otherwise = src_basename
+ stub_basename = stub_basename0 ++ "_stub"
+ in
+ stub_basename <.> "h"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- findLinkable isn't related to the other stuff in here,
+-- but there's no other obvious place for it
+findObjectLinkableMaybe :: Module -> ModLocation -> IO (Maybe Linkable)
+findObjectLinkableMaybe mod locn
+ = do let obj_fn = ml_obj_file locn
+ maybe_obj_time <- modificationTimeIfExists obj_fn
+ case maybe_obj_time of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just obj_time -> liftM Just (findObjectLinkable mod obj_fn obj_time)
+-- Make an object linkable when we know the object file exists, and we know
+-- its modification time.
+findObjectLinkable :: Module -> FilePath -> UTCTime -> IO Linkable
+findObjectLinkable mod obj_fn obj_time = return (LM obj_time mod [DotO obj_fn])
+ -- We used to look for _stub.o files here, but that was a bug (#706)
+ -- Now GHC merges the stub.o into the main .o (#3687)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Error messages
+cannotFindModule :: DynFlags -> ModuleName -> FindResult -> SDoc
+cannotFindModule flags mod res =
+ cantFindErr (sLit cannotFindMsg)
+ (sLit "Ambiguous module name")
+ flags mod res
+ where
+ cannotFindMsg =
+ case res of
+ NotFound { fr_mods_hidden = hidden_mods
+ , fr_pkgs_hidden = hidden_pkgs
+ , fr_unusables = unusables }
+ | not (null hidden_mods && null hidden_pkgs && null unusables)
+ -> "Could not load module"
+ _ -> "Could not find module"
+cannotFindInterface :: DynFlags -> ModuleName -> InstalledFindResult -> SDoc
+cannotFindInterface = cantFindInstalledErr (sLit "Failed to load interface for")
+ (sLit "Ambiguous interface for")
+cantFindErr :: PtrString -> PtrString -> DynFlags -> ModuleName -> FindResult
+ -> SDoc
+cantFindErr _ multiple_found _ mod_name (FoundMultiple mods)
+ | Just pkgs <- unambiguousPackages
+ = hang (ptext multiple_found <+> quotes (ppr mod_name) <> colon) 2 (
+ sep [text "it was found in multiple packages:",
+ hsep (map ppr pkgs) ]
+ )
+ | otherwise
+ = hang (ptext multiple_found <+> quotes (ppr mod_name) <> colon) 2 (
+ vcat (map pprMod mods)
+ )
+ where
+ unambiguousPackages = foldl' unambiguousPackage (Just []) mods
+ unambiguousPackage (Just xs) (m, ModOrigin (Just _) _ _ _)
+ = Just (moduleUnitId m : xs)
+ unambiguousPackage _ _ = Nothing
+ pprMod (m, o) = text "it is bound as" <+> ppr m <+>
+ text "by" <+> pprOrigin m o
+ pprOrigin _ ModHidden = panic "cantFindErr: bound by mod hidden"
+ pprOrigin _ (ModUnusable _) = panic "cantFindErr: bound by mod unusable"
+ pprOrigin m (ModOrigin e res _ f) = sep $ punctuate comma (
+ if e == Just True
+ then [text "package" <+> ppr (moduleUnitId m)]
+ else [] ++
+ map ((text "a reexport in package" <+>)
+ .ppr.packageConfigId) res ++
+ if f then [text "a package flag"] else []
+ )
+cantFindErr cannot_find _ dflags mod_name find_result
+ = ptext cannot_find <+> quotes (ppr mod_name)
+ $$ more_info
+ where
+ more_info
+ = case find_result of
+ NoPackage pkg
+ -> text "no unit id matching" <+> quotes (ppr pkg) <+>
+ text "was found"
+ NotFound { fr_paths = files, fr_pkg = mb_pkg
+ , fr_mods_hidden = mod_hiddens, fr_pkgs_hidden = pkg_hiddens
+ , fr_unusables = unusables, fr_suggestions = suggest }
+ | Just pkg <- mb_pkg, pkg /= thisPackage dflags
+ -> not_found_in_package pkg files
+ | not (null suggest)
+ -> pp_suggestions suggest $$ tried_these files dflags
+ | null files && null mod_hiddens &&
+ null pkg_hiddens && null unusables
+ -> text "It is not a module in the current program, or in any known package."
+ | otherwise
+ -> vcat (map pkg_hidden pkg_hiddens) $$
+ vcat (map mod_hidden mod_hiddens) $$
+ vcat (map unusable unusables) $$
+ tried_these files dflags
+ _ -> panic "cantFindErr"
+ build_tag = buildTag dflags
+ not_found_in_package pkg files
+ | build_tag /= ""
+ = let
+ build = if build_tag == "p" then "profiling"
+ else "\"" ++ build_tag ++ "\""
+ in
+ text "Perhaps you haven't installed the " <> text build <>
+ text " libraries for package " <> quotes (ppr pkg) <> char '?' $$
+ tried_these files dflags
+ | otherwise
+ = text "There are files missing in the " <> quotes (ppr pkg) <>
+ text " package," $$
+ text "try running 'ghc-pkg check'." $$
+ tried_these files dflags
+ pkg_hidden :: UnitId -> SDoc
+ pkg_hidden uid =
+ text "It is a member of the hidden package"
+ <+> quotes (ppr uid)
+ --FIXME: we don't really want to show the unit id here we should
+ -- show the source package id or installed package id if it's ambiguous
+ <> dot $$ pkg_hidden_hint uid
+ pkg_hidden_hint uid
+ | gopt Opt_BuildingCabalPackage dflags
+ = let pkg = expectJust "pkg_hidden" (lookupUnit dflags uid)
+ in text "Perhaps you need to add" <+>
+ quotes (ppr (packageName pkg)) <+>
+ text "to the build-depends in your .cabal file."
+ | Just pkg <- lookupUnit dflags uid
+ = text "You can run" <+>
+ quotes (text ":set -package " <> ppr (packageName pkg)) <+>
+ text "to expose it." $$
+ text "(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)"
+ | otherwise = Outputable.empty
+ mod_hidden pkg =
+ text "it is a hidden module in the package" <+> quotes (ppr pkg)
+ unusable (pkg, reason)
+ = text "It is a member of the package"
+ <+> quotes (ppr pkg)
+ $$ pprReason (text "which is") reason
+ pp_suggestions :: [ModuleSuggestion] -> SDoc
+ pp_suggestions sugs
+ | null sugs = Outputable.empty
+ | otherwise = hang (text "Perhaps you meant")
+ 2 (vcat (map pp_sugg sugs))
+ -- NB: Prefer the *original* location, and then reexports, and then
+ -- package flags when making suggestions. ToDo: if the original package
+ -- also has a reexport, prefer that one
+ pp_sugg (SuggestVisible m mod o) = ppr m <+> provenance o
+ where provenance ModHidden = Outputable.empty
+ provenance (ModUnusable _) = Outputable.empty
+ provenance (ModOrigin{ fromOrigPackage = e,
+ fromExposedReexport = res,
+ fromPackageFlag = f })
+ | Just True <- e
+ = parens (text "from" <+> ppr (moduleUnitId mod))
+ | f && moduleName mod == m
+ = parens (text "from" <+> ppr (moduleUnitId mod))
+ | (pkg:_) <- res
+ = parens (text "from" <+> ppr (packageConfigId pkg)
+ <> comma <+> text "reexporting" <+> ppr mod)
+ | f
+ = parens (text "defined via package flags to be"
+ <+> ppr mod)
+ | otherwise = Outputable.empty
+ pp_sugg (SuggestHidden m mod o) = ppr m <+> provenance o
+ where provenance ModHidden = Outputable.empty
+ provenance (ModUnusable _) = Outputable.empty
+ provenance (ModOrigin{ fromOrigPackage = e,
+ fromHiddenReexport = rhs })
+ | Just False <- e
+ = parens (text "needs flag -package-key"
+ <+> ppr (moduleUnitId mod))
+ | (pkg:_) <- rhs
+ = parens (text "needs flag -package-id"
+ <+> ppr (packageConfigId pkg))
+ | otherwise = Outputable.empty
+cantFindInstalledErr :: PtrString -> PtrString -> DynFlags -> ModuleName
+ -> InstalledFindResult -> SDoc
+cantFindInstalledErr cannot_find _ dflags mod_name find_result
+ = ptext cannot_find <+> quotes (ppr mod_name)
+ $$ more_info
+ where
+ more_info
+ = case find_result of
+ InstalledNoPackage pkg
+ -> text "no unit id matching" <+> quotes (ppr pkg) <+>
+ text "was found" $$ looks_like_srcpkgid pkg
+ InstalledNotFound files mb_pkg
+ | Just pkg <- mb_pkg, not (pkg `installedUnitIdEq` thisPackage dflags)
+ -> not_found_in_package pkg files
+ | null files
+ -> text "It is not a module in the current program, or in any known package."
+ | otherwise
+ -> tried_these files dflags
+ _ -> panic "cantFindInstalledErr"
+ build_tag = buildTag dflags
+ looks_like_srcpkgid :: InstalledUnitId -> SDoc
+ looks_like_srcpkgid pk
+ -- Unsafely coerce a unit id FastString into a source package ID
+ -- FastString and see if it means anything.
+ | (pkg:pkgs) <- searchPackageId dflags (SourcePackageId (installedUnitIdFS pk))
+ = parens (text "This unit ID looks like the source package ID;" $$
+ text "the real unit ID is" <+> quotes (ftext (installedUnitIdFS (unitId pkg))) $$
+ (if null pkgs then Outputable.empty
+ else text "and" <+> int (length pkgs) <+> text "other candidates"))
+ -- Todo: also check if it looks like a package name!
+ | otherwise = Outputable.empty
+ not_found_in_package pkg files
+ | build_tag /= ""
+ = let
+ build = if build_tag == "p" then "profiling"
+ else "\"" ++ build_tag ++ "\""
+ in
+ text "Perhaps you haven't installed the " <> text build <>
+ text " libraries for package " <> quotes (ppr pkg) <> char '?' $$
+ tried_these files dflags
+ | otherwise
+ = text "There are files missing in the " <> quotes (ppr pkg) <>
+ text " package," $$
+ text "try running 'ghc-pkg check'." $$
+ tried_these files dflags
+tried_these :: [FilePath] -> DynFlags -> SDoc
+tried_these files dflags
+ | null files = Outputable.empty
+ | verbosity dflags < 3 =
+ text "Use -v (or `:set -v` in ghci) " <>
+ text "to see a list of the files searched for."
+ | otherwise =
+ hang (text "Locations searched:") 2 $ vcat (map text files)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Hooks.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Hooks.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..027d8831b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Hooks.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+-- \section[Hooks]{Low level API hooks}
+-- NB: this module is SOURCE-imported by DynFlags, and should primarily
+-- refer to *types*, rather than *code*
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RankNTypes #-}
+module GHC.Driver.Hooks
+ ( Hooks
+ , emptyHooks
+ , lookupHook
+ , getHooked
+ -- the hooks:
+ , dsForeignsHook
+ , tcForeignImportsHook
+ , tcForeignExportsHook
+ , hscFrontendHook
+ , hscCompileCoreExprHook
+ , ghcPrimIfaceHook
+ , runPhaseHook
+ , runMetaHook
+ , linkHook
+ , runRnSpliceHook
+ , getValueSafelyHook
+ , createIservProcessHook
+ , stgToCmmHook
+ , cmmToRawCmmHook
+ )
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Monad
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import GHC.Hs.Decls
+import GHC.Hs.Binds
+import GHC.Hs.Expr
+import OrdList
+import TcRnTypes
+import Bag
+import RdrName
+import Name
+import Id
+import CoreSyn
+import GHCi.RemoteTypes
+import SrcLoc
+import Type
+import System.Process
+import BasicTypes
+import Module
+import TyCon
+import CostCentre
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import Stream
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Hs.Extension
+import Data.Maybe
+* *
+* *
+-- | Hooks can be used by GHC API clients to replace parts of
+-- the compiler pipeline. If a hook is not installed, GHC
+-- uses the default built-in behaviour
+emptyHooks :: Hooks
+emptyHooks = Hooks
+ { dsForeignsHook = Nothing
+ , tcForeignImportsHook = Nothing
+ , tcForeignExportsHook = Nothing
+ , hscFrontendHook = Nothing
+ , hscCompileCoreExprHook = Nothing
+ , ghcPrimIfaceHook = Nothing
+ , runPhaseHook = Nothing
+ , runMetaHook = Nothing
+ , linkHook = Nothing
+ , runRnSpliceHook = Nothing
+ , getValueSafelyHook = Nothing
+ , createIservProcessHook = Nothing
+ , stgToCmmHook = Nothing
+ , cmmToRawCmmHook = Nothing
+ }
+data Hooks = Hooks
+ { dsForeignsHook :: Maybe ([LForeignDecl GhcTc]
+ -> DsM (ForeignStubs, OrdList (Id, CoreExpr)))
+ , tcForeignImportsHook :: Maybe ([LForeignDecl GhcRn]
+ -> TcM ([Id], [LForeignDecl GhcTc], Bag GlobalRdrElt))
+ , tcForeignExportsHook :: Maybe ([LForeignDecl GhcRn]
+ -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTcId, [LForeignDecl GhcTcId], Bag GlobalRdrElt))
+ , hscFrontendHook :: Maybe (ModSummary -> Hsc FrontendResult)
+ , hscCompileCoreExprHook ::
+ Maybe (HscEnv -> SrcSpan -> CoreExpr -> IO ForeignHValue)
+ , ghcPrimIfaceHook :: Maybe ModIface
+ , runPhaseHook :: Maybe (PhasePlus -> FilePath -> DynFlags
+ -> CompPipeline (PhasePlus, FilePath))
+ , runMetaHook :: Maybe (MetaHook TcM)
+ , linkHook :: Maybe (GhcLink -> DynFlags -> Bool
+ -> HomePackageTable -> IO SuccessFlag)
+ , runRnSpliceHook :: Maybe (HsSplice GhcRn -> RnM (HsSplice GhcRn))
+ , getValueSafelyHook :: Maybe (HscEnv -> Name -> Type
+ -> IO (Maybe HValue))
+ , createIservProcessHook :: Maybe (CreateProcess -> IO ProcessHandle)
+ , stgToCmmHook :: Maybe (DynFlags -> Module -> [TyCon] -> CollectedCCs
+ -> [CgStgTopBinding] -> HpcInfo -> Stream IO CmmGroup ())
+ , cmmToRawCmmHook :: forall a . Maybe (DynFlags -> Maybe Module -> Stream IO CmmGroupSRTs a
+ -> IO (Stream IO RawCmmGroup a))
+ }
+getHooked :: (Functor f, HasDynFlags f) => (Hooks -> Maybe a) -> a -> f a
+getHooked hook def = fmap (lookupHook hook def) getDynFlags
+lookupHook :: (Hooks -> Maybe a) -> a -> DynFlags -> a
+lookupHook hook def = fromMaybe def . hook . hooks
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Hooks.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Hooks.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40ee5560ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Hooks.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module GHC.Driver.Hooks where
+import GhcPrelude ()
+data Hooks
+emptyHooks :: Hooks
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5c030f741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1952 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, MagicHash, NondecreasingIndentation #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fprof-auto-top #-}
+-- | Main API for compiling plain Haskell source code.
+-- This module implements compilation of a Haskell source. It is
+-- /not/ concerned with preprocessing of source files; this is handled
+-- in GHC.Driver.Pipeline
+-- There are various entry points depending on what mode we're in:
+-- "batch" mode (@--make@), "one-shot" mode (@-c@, @-S@ etc.), and
+-- "interactive" mode (GHCi). There are also entry points for
+-- individual passes: parsing, typechecking/renaming, desugaring, and
+-- simplification.
+-- All the functions here take an 'HscEnv' as a parameter, but none of
+-- them return a new one: 'HscEnv' is treated as an immutable value
+-- from here on in (although it has mutable components, for the
+-- caches).
+-- We use the Hsc monad to deal with warning messages consistently:
+-- specifically, while executing within an Hsc monad, warnings are
+-- collected. When a Hsc monad returns to an IO monad, the
+-- warnings are printed, or compilation aborts if the @-Werror@
+-- flag is enabled.
+-- (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-2000
+module GHC.Driver.Main
+ (
+ -- * Making an HscEnv
+ newHscEnv
+ -- * Compiling complete source files
+ , Messager, batchMsg
+ , HscStatus (..)
+ , hscIncrementalCompile
+ , hscMaybeWriteIface
+ , hscCompileCmmFile
+ , hscGenHardCode
+ , hscInteractive
+ -- * Running passes separately
+ , hscParse
+ , hscTypecheckRename
+ , hscDesugar
+ , makeSimpleDetails
+ , hscSimplify -- ToDo, shouldn't really export this
+ -- * Safe Haskell
+ , hscCheckSafe
+ , hscGetSafe
+ -- * Support for interactive evaluation
+ , hscParseIdentifier
+ , hscTcRcLookupName
+ , hscTcRnGetInfo
+ , hscIsGHCiMonad
+ , hscGetModuleInterface
+ , hscRnImportDecls
+ , hscTcRnLookupRdrName
+ , hscStmt, hscParseStmtWithLocation, hscStmtWithLocation, hscParsedStmt
+ , hscDecls, hscParseDeclsWithLocation, hscDeclsWithLocation, hscParsedDecls
+ , hscTcExpr, TcRnExprMode(..), hscImport, hscKcType
+ , hscParseExpr
+ , hscParseType
+ , hscCompileCoreExpr
+ -- * Low-level exports for hooks
+ , hscCompileCoreExpr'
+ -- We want to make sure that we export enough to be able to redefine
+ -- hsc_typecheck in client code
+ , hscParse', hscSimplify', hscDesugar', tcRnModule', doCodeGen
+ , getHscEnv
+ , hscSimpleIface'
+ , oneShotMsg
+ , dumpIfaceStats
+ , ioMsgMaybe
+ , showModuleIndex
+ , hscAddSptEntries
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import Data.Data hiding (Fixity, TyCon)
+import Data.Maybe ( fromJust )
+import Id
+import GHC.Runtime.Interpreter ( addSptEntry )
+import GHCi.RemoteTypes ( ForeignHValue )
+import GHC.CoreToByteCode ( byteCodeGen, coreExprToBCOs )
+import GHC.Runtime.Linker
+import CoreTidy ( tidyExpr )
+import Type ( Type )
+import {- Kind parts of -} Type ( Kind )
+import CoreLint ( lintInteractiveExpr )
+import VarEnv ( emptyTidyEnv )
+import Panic
+import ConLike
+import Control.Concurrent
+import ApiAnnotation
+import Module
+import GHC.Driver.Packages
+import RdrName
+import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.Hs.Dump
+import CoreSyn
+import StringBuffer
+import Parser
+import Lexer
+import SrcLoc
+import TcRnDriver
+import GHC.IfaceToCore ( typecheckIface )
+import TcRnMonad
+import TcHsSyn ( ZonkFlexi (DefaultFlexi) )
+import NameCache ( initNameCache )
+import GHC.Iface.Load ( ifaceStats, initExternalPackageState )
+import PrelInfo
+import GHC.Iface.Utils
+import GHC.HsToCore
+import SimplCore
+import GHC.Iface.Tidy
+import GHC.CoreToStg.Prep
+import GHC.CoreToStg ( coreToStg )
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import GHC.Stg.FVs ( annTopBindingsFreeVars )
+import GHC.Stg.Pipeline ( stg2stg )
+import qualified GHC.StgToCmm as StgToCmm ( codeGen )
+import CostCentre
+import ProfInit
+import TyCon
+import Name
+import NameSet
+import GHC.Cmm
+import GHC.Cmm.Parser ( parseCmmFile )
+import GHC.Cmm.Info.Build
+import GHC.Cmm.Pipeline
+import GHC.Cmm.Info
+import GHC.Driver.CodeOutput
+import InstEnv
+import FamInstEnv
+import Fingerprint ( Fingerprint )
+import GHC.Driver.Hooks
+import TcEnv
+import PrelNames
+import GHC.Driver.Plugins
+import GHC.Runtime.Loader ( initializePlugins )
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import ErrUtils
+import Outputable
+import NameEnv
+import HscStats ( ppSourceStats )
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import FastString
+import UniqSupply
+import Bag
+import Exception
+import qualified Stream
+import Stream (Stream)
+import Util
+import Data.List ( nub, isPrefixOf, partition )
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.IORef
+import System.FilePath as FilePath
+import System.Directory
+import System.IO (fixIO)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import Data.Functor
+import Control.DeepSeq (force)
+import GHC.Iface.Ext.Ast ( mkHieFile )
+import GHC.Iface.Ext.Types ( getAsts, hie_asts, hie_module )
+import GHC.Iface.Ext.Binary ( readHieFile, writeHieFile , hie_file_result)
+import GHC.Iface.Ext.Debug ( diffFile, validateScopes )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+{- **********************************************************************
+%* *
+ Initialisation
+%* *
+%********************************************************************* -}
+newHscEnv :: DynFlags -> IO HscEnv
+newHscEnv dflags = do
+ eps_var <- newIORef initExternalPackageState
+ us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'r'
+ nc_var <- newIORef (initNameCache us knownKeyNames)
+ fc_var <- newIORef emptyInstalledModuleEnv
+ iserv_mvar <- newMVar Nothing
+ emptyDynLinker <- uninitializedLinker
+ return HscEnv { hsc_dflags = dflags
+ , hsc_targets = []
+ , hsc_mod_graph = emptyMG
+ , hsc_IC = emptyInteractiveContext dflags
+ , hsc_HPT = emptyHomePackageTable
+ , hsc_EPS = eps_var
+ , hsc_NC = nc_var
+ , hsc_FC = fc_var
+ , hsc_type_env_var = Nothing
+ , hsc_iserv = iserv_mvar
+ , hsc_dynLinker = emptyDynLinker
+ }
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+getWarnings :: Hsc WarningMessages
+getWarnings = Hsc $ \_ w -> return (w, w)
+clearWarnings :: Hsc ()
+clearWarnings = Hsc $ \_ _ -> return ((), emptyBag)
+logWarnings :: WarningMessages -> Hsc ()
+logWarnings w = Hsc $ \_ w0 -> return ((), w0 `unionBags` w)
+getHscEnv :: Hsc HscEnv
+getHscEnv = Hsc $ \e w -> return (e, w)
+handleWarnings :: Hsc ()
+handleWarnings = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ w <- getWarnings
+ liftIO $ printOrThrowWarnings dflags w
+ clearWarnings
+-- | log warning in the monad, and if there are errors then
+-- throw a SourceError exception.
+logWarningsReportErrors :: Messages -> Hsc ()
+logWarningsReportErrors (warns,errs) = do
+ logWarnings warns
+ when (not $ isEmptyBag errs) $ throwErrors errs
+-- | Log warnings and throw errors, assuming the messages
+-- contain at least one error (e.g. coming from PFailed)
+handleWarningsThrowErrors :: Messages -> Hsc a
+handleWarningsThrowErrors (warns, errs) = do
+ logWarnings warns
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ (wWarns, wErrs) <- warningsToMessages dflags <$> getWarnings
+ liftIO $ printBagOfErrors dflags wWarns
+ throwErrors (unionBags errs wErrs)
+-- | Deal with errors and warnings returned by a compilation step
+-- In order to reduce dependencies to other parts of the compiler, functions
+-- outside the "main" parts of GHC return warnings and errors as a parameter
+-- and signal success via by wrapping the result in a 'Maybe' type. This
+-- function logs the returned warnings and propagates errors as exceptions
+-- (of type 'SourceError').
+-- This function assumes the following invariants:
+-- 1. If the second result indicates success (is of the form 'Just x'),
+-- there must be no error messages in the first result.
+-- 2. If there are no error messages, but the second result indicates failure
+-- there should be warnings in the first result. That is, if the action
+-- failed, it must have been due to the warnings (i.e., @-Werror@).
+ioMsgMaybe :: IO (Messages, Maybe a) -> Hsc a
+ioMsgMaybe ioA = do
+ ((warns,errs), mb_r) <- liftIO ioA
+ logWarnings warns
+ case mb_r of
+ Nothing -> throwErrors errs
+ Just r -> ASSERT( isEmptyBag errs ) return r
+-- | like ioMsgMaybe, except that we ignore error messages and return
+-- 'Nothing' instead.
+ioMsgMaybe' :: IO (Messages, Maybe a) -> Hsc (Maybe a)
+ioMsgMaybe' ioA = do
+ ((warns,_errs), mb_r) <- liftIO $ ioA
+ logWarnings warns
+ return mb_r
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Lookup things in the compiler's environment
+hscTcRnLookupRdrName :: HscEnv -> Located RdrName -> IO [Name]
+hscTcRnLookupRdrName hsc_env0 rdr_name
+ = runInteractiveHsc hsc_env0 $
+ do { hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ ; ioMsgMaybe $ tcRnLookupRdrName hsc_env rdr_name }
+hscTcRcLookupName :: HscEnv -> Name -> IO (Maybe TyThing)
+hscTcRcLookupName hsc_env0 name = runInteractiveHsc hsc_env0 $ do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ ioMsgMaybe' $ tcRnLookupName hsc_env name
+ -- ignore errors: the only error we're likely to get is
+ -- "name not found", and the Maybe in the return type
+ -- is used to indicate that.
+hscTcRnGetInfo :: HscEnv -> Name
+ -> IO (Maybe (TyThing, Fixity, [ClsInst], [FamInst], SDoc))
+hscTcRnGetInfo hsc_env0 name
+ = runInteractiveHsc hsc_env0 $
+ do { hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ ; ioMsgMaybe' $ tcRnGetInfo hsc_env name }
+hscIsGHCiMonad :: HscEnv -> String -> IO Name
+hscIsGHCiMonad hsc_env name
+ = runHsc hsc_env $ ioMsgMaybe $ isGHCiMonad hsc_env name
+hscGetModuleInterface :: HscEnv -> Module -> IO ModIface
+hscGetModuleInterface hsc_env0 mod = runInteractiveHsc hsc_env0 $ do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ ioMsgMaybe $ getModuleInterface hsc_env mod
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Rename some import declarations
+hscRnImportDecls :: HscEnv -> [LImportDecl GhcPs] -> IO GlobalRdrEnv
+hscRnImportDecls hsc_env0 import_decls = runInteractiveHsc hsc_env0 $ do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ ioMsgMaybe $ tcRnImportDecls hsc_env import_decls
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | parse a file, returning the abstract syntax
+hscParse :: HscEnv -> ModSummary -> IO HsParsedModule
+hscParse hsc_env mod_summary = runHsc hsc_env $ hscParse' mod_summary
+-- internal version, that doesn't fail due to -Werror
+hscParse' :: ModSummary -> Hsc HsParsedModule
+hscParse' mod_summary
+ | Just r <- ms_parsed_mod mod_summary = return r
+ | otherwise = {-# SCC "Parser" #-}
+ withTimingD (text "Parser"<+>brackets (ppr $ ms_mod mod_summary))
+ (const ()) $ do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let src_filename = ms_hspp_file mod_summary
+ maybe_src_buf = ms_hspp_buf mod_summary
+ -------------------------- Parser ----------------
+ -- sometimes we already have the buffer in memory, perhaps
+ -- because we needed to parse the imports out of it, or get the
+ -- module name.
+ buf <- case maybe_src_buf of
+ Just b -> return b
+ Nothing -> liftIO $ hGetStringBuffer src_filename
+ let loc = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString src_filename) 1 1
+ let parseMod | HsigFile == ms_hsc_src mod_summary
+ = parseSignature
+ | otherwise = parseModule
+ case unP parseMod (mkPState dflags buf loc) of
+ PFailed pst ->
+ handleWarningsThrowErrors (getMessages pst dflags)
+ POk pst rdr_module -> do
+ let (warns, errs) = getMessages pst dflags
+ logWarnings warns
+ liftIO $ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_parsed "Parser"
+ FormatHaskell (ppr rdr_module)
+ liftIO $ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_parsed_ast "Parser AST"
+ FormatHaskell (showAstData NoBlankSrcSpan rdr_module)
+ liftIO $ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_source_stats "Source Statistics"
+ FormatText (ppSourceStats False rdr_module)
+ when (not $ isEmptyBag errs) $ throwErrors errs
+ -- To get the list of extra source files, we take the list
+ -- that the parser gave us,
+ -- - eliminate files beginning with '<'. gcc likes to use
+ -- pseudo-filenames like "<built-in>" and "<command-line>"
+ -- - normalise them (eliminate differences between ./f and f)
+ -- - filter out the preprocessed source file
+ -- - filter out anything beginning with tmpdir
+ -- - remove duplicates
+ -- - filter out the .hs/.lhs source filename if we have one
+ --
+ let n_hspp = FilePath.normalise src_filename
+ srcs0 = nub $ filter (not . (tmpDir dflags `isPrefixOf`))
+ $ filter (not . (== n_hspp))
+ $ map FilePath.normalise
+ $ filter (not . isPrefixOf "<")
+ $ map unpackFS
+ $ srcfiles pst
+ srcs1 = case ml_hs_file (ms_location mod_summary) of
+ Just f -> filter (/= FilePath.normalise f) srcs0
+ Nothing -> srcs0
+ -- sometimes we see source files from earlier
+ -- preprocessing stages that cannot be found, so just
+ -- filter them out:
+ srcs2 <- liftIO $ filterM doesFileExist srcs1
+ let api_anns = ApiAnns {
+ apiAnnItems = M.fromListWith (++) $ annotations pst,
+ apiAnnEofPos = eof_pos pst,
+ apiAnnComments = M.fromList (annotations_comments pst),
+ apiAnnRogueComments = comment_q pst
+ }
+ res = HsParsedModule {
+ hpm_module = rdr_module,
+ hpm_src_files = srcs2,
+ hpm_annotations = api_anns
+ }
+ -- apply parse transformation of plugins
+ let applyPluginAction p opts
+ = parsedResultAction p opts mod_summary
+ withPlugins dflags applyPluginAction res
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | If the renamed source has been kept, extract it. Dump it if requested.
+extract_renamed_stuff :: ModSummary -> TcGblEnv -> Hsc RenamedStuff
+extract_renamed_stuff mod_summary tc_result = do
+ let rn_info = getRenamedStuff tc_result
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ liftIO $ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_rn_ast "Renamer"
+ FormatHaskell (showAstData NoBlankSrcSpan rn_info)
+ -- Create HIE files
+ when (gopt Opt_WriteHie dflags) $ do
+ -- I assume this fromJust is safe because `-fwrite-hie-file`
+ -- enables the option which keeps the renamed source.
+ hieFile <- mkHieFile mod_summary tc_result (fromJust rn_info)
+ let out_file = ml_hie_file $ ms_location mod_summary
+ liftIO $ writeHieFile out_file hieFile
+ -- Validate HIE files
+ when (gopt Opt_ValidateHie dflags) $ do
+ hs_env <- Hsc $ \e w -> return (e, w)
+ liftIO $ do
+ -- Validate Scopes
+ let mdl = hie_module hieFile
+ case validateScopes mdl $ getAsts $ hie_asts hieFile of
+ [] -> putMsg dflags $ text "Got valid scopes"
+ xs -> do
+ putMsg dflags $ text "Got invalid scopes"
+ mapM_ (putMsg dflags) xs
+ -- Roundtrip testing
+ nc <- readIORef $ hsc_NC hs_env
+ (file', _) <- readHieFile nc out_file
+ case diffFile hieFile (hie_file_result file') of
+ [] ->
+ putMsg dflags $ text "Got no roundtrip errors"
+ xs -> do
+ putMsg dflags $ text "Got roundtrip errors"
+ mapM_ (putMsg dflags) xs
+ return rn_info
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Rename and typecheck a module, additionally returning the renamed syntax
+hscTypecheckRename :: HscEnv -> ModSummary -> HsParsedModule
+ -> IO (TcGblEnv, RenamedStuff)
+hscTypecheckRename hsc_env mod_summary rdr_module = runHsc hsc_env $
+ hsc_typecheck True mod_summary (Just rdr_module)
+-- | A bunch of logic piled around around @tcRnModule'@, concerning a) backpack
+-- b) concerning dumping rename info and hie files. It would be nice to further
+-- separate this stuff out, probably in conjunction better separating renaming
+-- and type checking (#17781).
+hsc_typecheck :: Bool -- ^ Keep renamed source?
+ -> ModSummary -> Maybe HsParsedModule
+ -> Hsc (TcGblEnv, RenamedStuff)
+hsc_typecheck keep_rn mod_summary mb_rdr_module = do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ let hsc_src = ms_hsc_src mod_summary
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ outer_mod = ms_mod mod_summary
+ mod_name = moduleName outer_mod
+ outer_mod' = mkModule (thisPackage dflags) mod_name
+ inner_mod = canonicalizeHomeModule dflags mod_name
+ src_filename = ms_hspp_file mod_summary
+ real_loc = realSrcLocSpan $ mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString src_filename) 1 1
+ keep_rn' = gopt Opt_WriteHie dflags || keep_rn
+ MASSERT( moduleUnitId outer_mod == thisPackage dflags )
+ tc_result <- if hsc_src == HsigFile && not (isHoleModule inner_mod)
+ then ioMsgMaybe $ tcRnInstantiateSignature hsc_env outer_mod' real_loc
+ else
+ do hpm <- case mb_rdr_module of
+ Just hpm -> return hpm
+ Nothing -> hscParse' mod_summary
+ tc_result0 <- tcRnModule' mod_summary keep_rn' hpm
+ if hsc_src == HsigFile
+ then do (iface, _, _) <- liftIO $ hscSimpleIface hsc_env tc_result0 Nothing
+ ioMsgMaybe $
+ tcRnMergeSignatures hsc_env hpm tc_result0 iface
+ else return tc_result0
+ -- TODO are we extracting anything when we merely instantiate a signature?
+ -- If not, try to move this into the "else" case above.
+ rn_info <- extract_renamed_stuff mod_summary tc_result
+ return (tc_result, rn_info)
+-- wrapper around tcRnModule to handle safe haskell extras
+tcRnModule' :: ModSummary -> Bool -> HsParsedModule
+ -> Hsc TcGblEnv
+tcRnModule' sum save_rn_syntax mod = do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- -Wmissing-safe-haskell-mode
+ when (not (safeHaskellModeEnabled dflags)
+ && wopt Opt_WarnMissingSafeHaskellMode dflags) $
+ logWarnings $ unitBag $
+ makeIntoWarning (Reason Opt_WarnMissingSafeHaskellMode) $
+ mkPlainWarnMsg dflags (getLoc (hpm_module mod)) $
+ warnMissingSafeHaskellMode
+ tcg_res <- {-# SCC "Typecheck-Rename" #-}
+ ioMsgMaybe $
+ tcRnModule hsc_env sum
+ save_rn_syntax mod
+ -- See Note [Safe Haskell Overlapping Instances Implementation]
+ -- although this is used for more than just that failure case.
+ (tcSafeOK, whyUnsafe) <- liftIO $ readIORef (tcg_safeInfer tcg_res)
+ let allSafeOK = safeInferred dflags && tcSafeOK
+ -- end of the safe haskell line, how to respond to user?
+ res <- if not (safeHaskellOn dflags)
+ || (safeInferOn dflags && not allSafeOK)
+ -- if safe Haskell off or safe infer failed, mark unsafe
+ then markUnsafeInfer tcg_res whyUnsafe
+ -- module (could be) safe, throw warning if needed
+ else do
+ tcg_res' <- hscCheckSafeImports tcg_res
+ safe <- liftIO $ fst <$> readIORef (tcg_safeInfer tcg_res')
+ when safe $ do
+ case wopt Opt_WarnSafe dflags of
+ True
+ | safeHaskell dflags == Sf_Safe -> return ()
+ | otherwise -> (logWarnings $ unitBag $
+ makeIntoWarning (Reason Opt_WarnSafe) $
+ mkPlainWarnMsg dflags (warnSafeOnLoc dflags) $
+ errSafe tcg_res')
+ False | safeHaskell dflags == Sf_Trustworthy &&
+ wopt Opt_WarnTrustworthySafe dflags ->
+ (logWarnings $ unitBag $
+ makeIntoWarning (Reason Opt_WarnTrustworthySafe) $
+ mkPlainWarnMsg dflags (trustworthyOnLoc dflags) $
+ errTwthySafe tcg_res')
+ False -> return ()
+ return tcg_res'
+ -- apply plugins to the type checking result
+ return res
+ where
+ pprMod t = ppr $ moduleName $ tcg_mod t
+ errSafe t = quotes (pprMod t) <+> text "has been inferred as safe!"
+ errTwthySafe t = quotes (pprMod t)
+ <+> text "is marked as Trustworthy but has been inferred as safe!"
+ warnMissingSafeHaskellMode = ppr (moduleName (ms_mod sum))
+ <+> text "is missing Safe Haskell mode"
+-- | Convert a typechecked module to Core
+hscDesugar :: HscEnv -> ModSummary -> TcGblEnv -> IO ModGuts
+hscDesugar hsc_env mod_summary tc_result =
+ runHsc hsc_env $ hscDesugar' (ms_location mod_summary) tc_result
+hscDesugar' :: ModLocation -> TcGblEnv -> Hsc ModGuts
+hscDesugar' mod_location tc_result = do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ r <- ioMsgMaybe $
+ {-# SCC "deSugar" #-}
+ deSugar hsc_env mod_location tc_result
+ -- always check -Werror after desugaring, this is the last opportunity for
+ -- warnings to arise before the backend.
+ handleWarnings
+ return r
+-- | Make a 'ModDetails' from the results of typechecking. Used when
+-- typechecking only, as opposed to full compilation.
+makeSimpleDetails :: HscEnv -> TcGblEnv -> IO ModDetails
+makeSimpleDetails hsc_env tc_result = mkBootModDetailsTc hsc_env tc_result
+{- **********************************************************************
+%* *
+ The main compiler pipeline
+%* *
+%********************************************************************* -}
+ --------------------------------
+ The compilation proper
+ --------------------------------
+It's the task of the compilation proper to compile Haskell, hs-boot and core
+files to either byte-code, hard-code (C, asm, LLVM, etc.) or to nothing at all
+(the module is still parsed and type-checked. This feature is mostly used by
+IDE's and the likes). Compilation can happen in either 'one-shot', 'batch',
+'nothing', or 'interactive' mode. 'One-shot' mode targets hard-code, 'batch'
+mode targets hard-code, 'nothing' mode targets nothing and 'interactive' mode
+targets byte-code.
+The modes are kept separate because of their different types and meanings:
+ * In 'one-shot' mode, we're only compiling a single file and can therefore
+ discard the new ModIface and ModDetails. This is also the reason it only
+ targets hard-code; compiling to byte-code or nothing doesn't make sense when
+ we discard the result.
+ * 'Batch' mode is like 'one-shot' except that we keep the resulting ModIface
+ and ModDetails. 'Batch' mode doesn't target byte-code since that require us to
+ return the newly compiled byte-code.
+ * 'Nothing' mode has exactly the same type as 'batch' mode but they're still
+ kept separate. This is because compiling to nothing is fairly special: We
+ don't output any interface files, we don't run the simplifier and we don't
+ generate any code.
+ * 'Interactive' mode is similar to 'batch' mode except that we return the
+ compiled byte-code together with the ModIface and ModDetails.
+Trying to compile a hs-boot file to byte-code will result in a run-time error.
+This is the only thing that isn't caught by the type-system.
+type Messager = HscEnv -> (Int,Int) -> RecompileRequired -> ModSummary -> IO ()
+-- | This function runs GHC's frontend with recompilation
+-- avoidance. Specifically, it checks if recompilation is needed,
+-- and if it is, it parses and typechecks the input module.
+-- It does not write out the results of typechecking (See
+-- compileOne and hscIncrementalCompile).
+hscIncrementalFrontend :: Bool -- always do basic recompilation check?
+ -> Maybe TcGblEnv
+ -> Maybe Messager
+ -> ModSummary
+ -> SourceModified
+ -> Maybe ModIface -- Old interface, if available
+ -> (Int,Int) -- (i,n) = module i of n (for msgs)
+ -> Hsc (Either ModIface (FrontendResult, Maybe Fingerprint))
+ always_do_basic_recompilation_check m_tc_result
+ mHscMessage mod_summary source_modified mb_old_iface mod_index
+ = do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ let msg what = case mHscMessage of
+ Just hscMessage -> hscMessage hsc_env mod_index what mod_summary
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ skip iface = do
+ liftIO $ msg UpToDate
+ return $ Left iface
+ compile mb_old_hash reason = do
+ liftIO $ msg reason
+ (tc_result, _) <- hsc_typecheck False mod_summary Nothing
+ return $ Right (FrontendTypecheck tc_result, mb_old_hash)
+ stable = case source_modified of
+ SourceUnmodifiedAndStable -> True
+ _ -> False
+ case m_tc_result of
+ Just tc_result
+ | not always_do_basic_recompilation_check ->
+ return $ Right (FrontendTypecheck tc_result, Nothing)
+ _ -> do
+ (recomp_reqd, mb_checked_iface)
+ <- {-# SCC "checkOldIface" #-}
+ liftIO $ checkOldIface hsc_env mod_summary
+ source_modified mb_old_iface
+ -- save the interface that comes back from checkOldIface.
+ -- In one-shot mode we don't have the old iface until this
+ -- point, when checkOldIface reads it from the disk.
+ let mb_old_hash = fmap (mi_iface_hash . mi_final_exts) mb_checked_iface
+ case mb_checked_iface of
+ Just iface | not (recompileRequired recomp_reqd) ->
+ -- If the module used TH splices when it was last
+ -- compiled, then the recompilation check is not
+ -- accurate enough (#481) and we must ignore
+ -- it. However, if the module is stable (none of
+ -- the modules it depends on, directly or
+ -- indirectly, changed), then we *can* skip
+ -- recompilation. This is why the SourceModified
+ -- type contains SourceUnmodifiedAndStable, and
+ -- it's pretty important: otherwise ghc --make
+ -- would always recompile TH modules, even if
+ -- nothing at all has changed. Stability is just
+ -- the same check that make is doing for us in
+ -- one-shot mode.
+ case m_tc_result of
+ Nothing
+ | mi_used_th iface && not stable ->
+ compile mb_old_hash (RecompBecause "TH")
+ _ ->
+ skip iface
+ _ ->
+ case m_tc_result of
+ Nothing -> compile mb_old_hash recomp_reqd
+ Just tc_result ->
+ return $ Right (FrontendTypecheck tc_result, mb_old_hash)
+-- Compilers
+-- | Used by both OneShot and batch mode. Runs the pipeline HsSyn and Core parts
+-- of the pipeline.
+-- We return a interface if we already had an old one around and recompilation
+-- was not needed. Otherwise it will be created during later passes when we
+-- run the compilation pipeline.
+hscIncrementalCompile :: Bool
+ -> Maybe TcGblEnv
+ -> Maybe Messager
+ -> HscEnv
+ -> ModSummary
+ -> SourceModified
+ -> Maybe ModIface
+ -> (Int,Int)
+ -> IO (HscStatus, DynFlags)
+hscIncrementalCompile always_do_basic_recompilation_check m_tc_result
+ mHscMessage hsc_env' mod_summary source_modified mb_old_iface mod_index
+ = do
+ dflags <- initializePlugins hsc_env' (hsc_dflags hsc_env')
+ let hsc_env'' = hsc_env' { hsc_dflags = dflags }
+ -- One-shot mode needs a knot-tying mutable variable for interface
+ -- files. See TcRnTypes.TcGblEnv.tcg_type_env_var.
+ -- See also Note [hsc_type_env_var hack]
+ type_env_var <- newIORef emptyNameEnv
+ let mod = ms_mod mod_summary
+ hsc_env | isOneShot (ghcMode (hsc_dflags hsc_env''))
+ = hsc_env'' { hsc_type_env_var = Just (mod, type_env_var) }
+ | otherwise
+ = hsc_env''
+ -- NB: enter Hsc monad here so that we don't bail out early with
+ -- -Werror on typechecker warnings; we also want to run the desugarer
+ -- to get those warnings too. (But we'll always exit at that point
+ -- because the desugarer runs ioMsgMaybe.)
+ runHsc hsc_env $ do
+ e <- hscIncrementalFrontend always_do_basic_recompilation_check m_tc_result mHscMessage
+ mod_summary source_modified mb_old_iface mod_index
+ case e of
+ -- We didn't need to do any typechecking; the old interface
+ -- file on disk was good enough.
+ Left iface -> do
+ -- Knot tying! See Note [Knot-tying typecheckIface]
+ details <- liftIO . fixIO $ \details' -> do
+ let hsc_env' =
+ hsc_env {
+ hsc_HPT = addToHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env)
+ (ms_mod_name mod_summary) (HomeModInfo iface details' Nothing)
+ }
+ -- NB: This result is actually not that useful
+ -- in one-shot mode, since we're not going to do
+ -- any further typechecking. It's much more useful
+ -- in make mode, since this HMI will go into the HPT.
+ details <- genModDetails hsc_env' iface
+ return details
+ return (HscUpToDate iface details, dflags)
+ -- We finished type checking. (mb_old_hash is the hash of
+ -- the interface that existed on disk; it's possible we had
+ -- to retypecheck but the resulting interface is exactly
+ -- the same.)
+ Right (FrontendTypecheck tc_result, mb_old_hash) -> do
+ status <- finish mod_summary tc_result mb_old_hash
+ return (status, dflags)
+-- Runs the post-typechecking frontend (desugar and simplify). We want to
+-- generate most of the interface as late as possible. This gets us up-to-date
+-- and good unfoldings and other info in the interface file.
+-- We might create a interface right away, in which case we also return the
+-- updated HomeModInfo. But we might also need to run the backend first. In the
+-- later case Status will be HscRecomp and we return a function from ModIface ->
+-- HomeModInfo.
+-- HscRecomp in turn will carry the information required to compute a interface
+-- when passed the result of the code generator. So all this can and is done at
+-- the call site of the backend code gen if it is run.
+finish :: ModSummary
+ -> TcGblEnv
+ -> Maybe Fingerprint
+ -> Hsc HscStatus
+finish summary tc_result mb_old_hash = do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ target = hscTarget dflags
+ hsc_src = ms_hsc_src summary
+ -- Desugar, if appropriate
+ --
+ -- We usually desugar even when we are not generating code, otherwise we
+ -- would miss errors thrown by the desugaring (see #10600). The only
+ -- exceptions are when the Module is Ghc.Prim or when it is not a
+ -- HsSrcFile Module.
+ mb_desugar <-
+ if ms_mod summary /= gHC_PRIM && hsc_src == HsSrcFile
+ then Just <$> hscDesugar' (ms_location summary) tc_result
+ else pure Nothing
+ -- Simplify, if appropriate, and (whether we simplified or not) generate an
+ -- interface file.
+ case mb_desugar of
+ -- Just cause we desugared doesn't mean we are generating code, see above.
+ Just desugared_guts | target /= HscNothing -> do
+ plugins <- liftIO $ readIORef (tcg_th_coreplugins tc_result)
+ simplified_guts <- hscSimplify' plugins desugared_guts
+ (cg_guts, details) <- {-# SCC "CoreTidy" #-}
+ liftIO $ tidyProgram hsc_env simplified_guts
+ let !partial_iface =
+ {-# SCC "GHC.Driver.Main.mkPartialIface" #-}
+ -- This `force` saves 2M residency in test T10370
+ -- See Note [Avoiding space leaks in toIface*] for details.
+ force (mkPartialIface hsc_env details simplified_guts)
+ return HscRecomp { hscs_guts = cg_guts,
+ hscs_mod_location = ms_location summary,
+ hscs_mod_details = details,
+ hscs_partial_iface = partial_iface,
+ hscs_old_iface_hash = mb_old_hash,
+ hscs_iface_dflags = dflags }
+ -- We are not generating code, so we can skip simplification
+ -- and generate a simple interface.
+ _ -> do
+ (iface, mb_old_iface_hash, details) <- liftIO $
+ hscSimpleIface hsc_env tc_result mb_old_hash
+ liftIO $ hscMaybeWriteIface dflags iface mb_old_iface_hash (ms_location summary)
+ return $ case (target, hsc_src) of
+ (HscNothing, _) -> HscNotGeneratingCode iface details
+ (_, HsBootFile) -> HscUpdateBoot iface details
+ (_, HsigFile) -> HscUpdateSig iface details
+ _ -> panic "finish"
+Note [Writing interface files]
+We write interface files in GHC.Driver.Main and GHC.Driver.Pipeline using
+hscMaybeWriteIface, but only once per compilation (twice with dynamic-too).
+* If a compilation does NOT require (re)compilation of the hard code we call
+ hscMaybeWriteIface inside GHC.Driver.Main:finish.
+* If we run in One Shot mode and target bytecode we write it in compileOne'
+* Otherwise we must be compiling to regular hard code and require recompilation.
+ In this case we create the interface file inside RunPhase using the interface
+ generator contained inside the HscRecomp status.
+hscMaybeWriteIface :: DynFlags -> ModIface -> Maybe Fingerprint -> ModLocation -> IO ()
+hscMaybeWriteIface dflags iface old_iface location = do
+ let force_write_interface = gopt Opt_WriteInterface dflags
+ write_interface = case hscTarget dflags of
+ HscNothing -> False
+ HscInterpreted -> False
+ _ -> True
+ no_change = old_iface == Just (mi_iface_hash (mi_final_exts iface))
+ when (write_interface || force_write_interface) $
+ hscWriteIface dflags iface no_change location
+-- NoRecomp handlers
+-- NB: this must be knot-tied appropriately, see hscIncrementalCompile
+genModDetails :: HscEnv -> ModIface -> IO ModDetails
+genModDetails hsc_env old_iface
+ = do
+ new_details <- {-# SCC "tcRnIface" #-}
+ initIfaceLoad hsc_env (typecheckIface old_iface)
+ dumpIfaceStats hsc_env
+ return new_details
+-- Progress displayers.
+oneShotMsg :: HscEnv -> RecompileRequired -> IO ()
+oneShotMsg hsc_env recomp =
+ case recomp of
+ UpToDate ->
+ compilationProgressMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) $
+ "compilation IS NOT required"
+ _ ->
+ return ()
+batchMsg :: Messager
+batchMsg hsc_env mod_index recomp mod_summary =
+ case recomp of
+ MustCompile -> showMsg "Compiling " ""
+ UpToDate
+ | verbosity (hsc_dflags hsc_env) >= 2 -> showMsg "Skipping " ""
+ | otherwise -> return ()
+ RecompBecause reason -> showMsg "Compiling " (" [" ++ reason ++ "]")
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ showMsg msg reason =
+ compilationProgressMsg dflags $
+ (showModuleIndex mod_index ++
+ msg ++ showModMsg dflags (hscTarget dflags)
+ (recompileRequired recomp) mod_summary)
+ ++ reason
+-- Safe Haskell
+-- Note [Safe Haskell Trust Check]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Safe Haskell checks that an import is trusted according to the following
+-- rules for an import of module M that resides in Package P:
+-- * If M is recorded as Safe and all its trust dependencies are OK
+-- then M is considered safe.
+-- * If M is recorded as Trustworthy and P is considered trusted and
+-- all M's trust dependencies are OK then M is considered safe.
+-- By trust dependencies we mean that the check is transitive. So if
+-- a module M that is Safe relies on a module N that is trustworthy,
+-- importing module M will first check (according to the second case)
+-- that N is trusted before checking M is trusted.
+-- This is a minimal description, so please refer to the user guide
+-- for more details. The user guide is also considered the authoritative
+-- source in this matter, not the comments or code.
+-- Note [Safe Haskell Inference]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Safe Haskell does Safe inference on modules that don't have any specific
+-- safe haskell mode flag. The basic approach to this is:
+-- * When deciding if we need to do a Safe language check, treat
+-- an unmarked module as having -XSafe mode specified.
+-- * For checks, don't throw errors but return them to the caller.
+-- * Caller checks if there are errors:
+-- * For modules explicitly marked -XSafe, we throw the errors.
+-- * For unmarked modules (inference mode), we drop the errors
+-- and mark the module as being Unsafe.
+-- It used to be that we only did safe inference on modules that had no Safe
+-- Haskell flags, but now we perform safe inference on all modules as we want
+-- to allow users to set the `-Wsafe`, `-Wunsafe` and
+-- `-Wtrustworthy-safe` flags on Trustworthy and Unsafe modules so that a
+-- user can ensure their assumptions are correct and see reasons for why a
+-- module is safe or unsafe.
+-- This is tricky as we must be careful when we should throw an error compared
+-- to just warnings. For checking safe imports we manage it as two steps. First
+-- we check any imports that are required to be safe, then we check all other
+-- imports to see if we can infer them to be safe.
+-- | Check that the safe imports of the module being compiled are valid.
+-- If not we either issue a compilation error if the module is explicitly
+-- using Safe Haskell, or mark the module as unsafe if we're in safe
+-- inference mode.
+hscCheckSafeImports :: TcGblEnv -> Hsc TcGblEnv
+hscCheckSafeImports tcg_env = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ tcg_env' <- checkSafeImports tcg_env
+ checkRULES dflags tcg_env'
+ where
+ checkRULES dflags tcg_env' = do
+ case safeLanguageOn dflags of
+ True -> do
+ -- XSafe: we nuke user written RULES
+ logWarnings $ warns dflags (tcg_rules tcg_env')
+ return tcg_env' { tcg_rules = [] }
+ False
+ -- SafeInferred: user defined RULES, so not safe
+ | safeInferOn dflags && not (null $ tcg_rules tcg_env')
+ -> markUnsafeInfer tcg_env' $ warns dflags (tcg_rules tcg_env')
+ -- Trustworthy OR SafeInferred: with no RULES
+ | otherwise
+ -> return tcg_env'
+ warns dflags rules = listToBag $ map (warnRules dflags) rules
+ warnRules :: DynFlags -> GenLocated SrcSpan (RuleDecl GhcTc) -> ErrMsg
+ warnRules dflags (L loc (HsRule { rd_name = n })) =
+ mkPlainWarnMsg dflags loc $
+ text "Rule \"" <> ftext (snd $ unLoc n) <> text "\" ignored" $+$
+ text "User defined rules are disabled under Safe Haskell"
+ warnRules _ (L _ (XRuleDecl nec)) = noExtCon nec
+-- | Validate that safe imported modules are actually safe. For modules in the
+-- HomePackage (the package the module we are compiling in resides) this just
+-- involves checking its trust type is 'Safe' or 'Trustworthy'. For modules
+-- that reside in another package we also must check that the external package
+-- is trusted. See the Note [Safe Haskell Trust Check] above for more
+-- information.
+-- The code for this is quite tricky as the whole algorithm is done in a few
+-- distinct phases in different parts of the code base. See
+-- GHC.Rename.Names.rnImportDecl for where package trust dependencies for a
+-- module are collected and unioned. Specifically see the Note [Tracking Trust
+-- Transitively] in GHC.Rename.Names and the Note [Trust Own Package] in
+-- GHC.Rename.Names.
+checkSafeImports :: TcGblEnv -> Hsc TcGblEnv
+checkSafeImports tcg_env
+ = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ imps <- mapM condense imports'
+ let (safeImps, regImps) = partition (\(_,_,s) -> s) imps
+ -- We want to use the warning state specifically for detecting if safe
+ -- inference has failed, so store and clear any existing warnings.
+ oldErrs <- getWarnings
+ clearWarnings
+ -- Check safe imports are correct
+ safePkgs <- S.fromList <$> mapMaybeM checkSafe safeImps
+ safeErrs <- getWarnings
+ clearWarnings
+ -- Check non-safe imports are correct if inferring safety
+ -- See the Note [Safe Haskell Inference]
+ (infErrs, infPkgs) <- case (safeInferOn dflags) of
+ False -> return (emptyBag, S.empty)
+ True -> do infPkgs <- S.fromList <$> mapMaybeM checkSafe regImps
+ infErrs <- getWarnings
+ clearWarnings
+ return (infErrs, infPkgs)
+ -- restore old errors
+ logWarnings oldErrs
+ case (isEmptyBag safeErrs) of
+ -- Failed safe check
+ False -> liftIO . throwIO . mkSrcErr $ safeErrs
+ -- Passed safe check
+ True -> do
+ let infPassed = isEmptyBag infErrs
+ tcg_env' <- case (not infPassed) of
+ True -> markUnsafeInfer tcg_env infErrs
+ False -> return tcg_env
+ when (packageTrustOn dflags) $ checkPkgTrust pkgReqs
+ let newTrust = pkgTrustReqs dflags safePkgs infPkgs infPassed
+ return tcg_env' { tcg_imports = impInfo `plusImportAvails` newTrust }
+ where
+ impInfo = tcg_imports tcg_env -- ImportAvails
+ imports = imp_mods impInfo -- ImportedMods
+ imports1 = moduleEnvToList imports -- (Module, [ImportedBy])
+ imports' = map (fmap importedByUser) imports1 -- (Module, [ImportedModsVal])
+ pkgReqs = imp_trust_pkgs impInfo -- [UnitId]
+ condense :: (Module, [ImportedModsVal]) -> Hsc (Module, SrcSpan, IsSafeImport)
+ condense (_, []) = panic "GHC.Driver.Main.condense: Pattern match failure!"
+ condense (m, x:xs) = do imv <- foldlM cond' x xs
+ return (m, imv_span imv, imv_is_safe imv)
+ -- ImportedModsVal = (ModuleName, Bool, SrcSpan, IsSafeImport)
+ cond' :: ImportedModsVal -> ImportedModsVal -> Hsc ImportedModsVal
+ cond' v1 v2
+ | imv_is_safe v1 /= imv_is_safe v2
+ = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ throwOneError $ mkPlainErrMsg dflags (imv_span v1)
+ (text "Module" <+> ppr (imv_name v1) <+>
+ (text $ "is imported both as a safe and unsafe import!"))
+ | otherwise
+ = return v1
+ -- easier interface to work with
+ checkSafe :: (Module, SrcSpan, a) -> Hsc (Maybe InstalledUnitId)
+ checkSafe (m, l, _) = fst `fmap` hscCheckSafe' m l
+ -- what pkg's to add to our trust requirements
+ pkgTrustReqs :: DynFlags -> Set InstalledUnitId -> Set InstalledUnitId ->
+ Bool -> ImportAvails
+ pkgTrustReqs dflags req inf infPassed | safeInferOn dflags
+ && not (safeHaskellModeEnabled dflags) && infPassed
+ = emptyImportAvails {
+ imp_trust_pkgs = req `S.union` inf
+ }
+ pkgTrustReqs dflags _ _ _ | safeHaskell dflags == Sf_Unsafe
+ = emptyImportAvails
+ pkgTrustReqs _ req _ _ = emptyImportAvails { imp_trust_pkgs = req }
+-- | Check that a module is safe to import.
+-- We return True to indicate the import is safe and False otherwise
+-- although in the False case an exception may be thrown first.
+hscCheckSafe :: HscEnv -> Module -> SrcSpan -> IO Bool
+hscCheckSafe hsc_env m l = runHsc hsc_env $ do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ pkgs <- snd `fmap` hscCheckSafe' m l
+ when (packageTrustOn dflags) $ checkPkgTrust pkgs
+ errs <- getWarnings
+ return $ isEmptyBag errs
+-- | Return if a module is trusted and the pkgs it depends on to be trusted.
+hscGetSafe :: HscEnv -> Module -> SrcSpan -> IO (Bool, Set InstalledUnitId)
+hscGetSafe hsc_env m l = runHsc hsc_env $ do
+ (self, pkgs) <- hscCheckSafe' m l
+ good <- isEmptyBag `fmap` getWarnings
+ clearWarnings -- don't want them printed...
+ let pkgs' | Just p <- self = S.insert p pkgs
+ | otherwise = pkgs
+ return (good, pkgs')
+-- | Is a module trusted? If not, throw or log errors depending on the type.
+-- Return (regardless of trusted or not) if the trust type requires the modules
+-- own package be trusted and a list of other packages required to be trusted
+-- (these later ones haven't been checked) but the own package trust has been.
+hscCheckSafe' :: Module -> SrcSpan
+ -> Hsc (Maybe InstalledUnitId, Set InstalledUnitId)
+hscCheckSafe' m l = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ (tw, pkgs) <- isModSafe m l
+ case tw of
+ False -> return (Nothing, pkgs)
+ True | isHomePkg dflags m -> return (Nothing, pkgs)
+ -- TODO: do we also have to check the trust of the instantiation?
+ -- Not necessary if that is reflected in dependencies
+ | otherwise -> return (Just $ toInstalledUnitId (moduleUnitId m), pkgs)
+ where
+ isModSafe :: Module -> SrcSpan -> Hsc (Bool, Set InstalledUnitId)
+ isModSafe m l = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ iface <- lookup' m
+ case iface of
+ -- can't load iface to check trust!
+ Nothing -> throwOneError $ mkPlainErrMsg dflags l
+ $ text "Can't load the interface file for" <+> ppr m
+ <> text ", to check that it can be safely imported"
+ -- got iface, check trust
+ Just iface' ->
+ let trust = getSafeMode $ mi_trust iface'
+ trust_own_pkg = mi_trust_pkg iface'
+ -- check module is trusted
+ safeM = trust `elem` [Sf_Safe, Sf_SafeInferred, Sf_Trustworthy]
+ -- check package is trusted
+ safeP = packageTrusted dflags trust trust_own_pkg m
+ -- pkg trust reqs
+ pkgRs = S.fromList . map fst $ filter snd $ dep_pkgs $ mi_deps iface'
+ -- warn if Safe module imports Safe-Inferred module.
+ warns = if wopt Opt_WarnInferredSafeImports dflags
+ && safeLanguageOn dflags
+ && trust == Sf_SafeInferred
+ then inferredImportWarn
+ else emptyBag
+ -- General errors we throw but Safe errors we log
+ errs = case (safeM, safeP) of
+ (True, True ) -> emptyBag
+ (True, False) -> pkgTrustErr
+ (False, _ ) -> modTrustErr
+ in do
+ logWarnings warns
+ logWarnings errs
+ return (trust == Sf_Trustworthy, pkgRs)
+ where
+ inferredImportWarn = unitBag
+ $ makeIntoWarning (Reason Opt_WarnInferredSafeImports)
+ $ mkErrMsg dflags l (pkgQual dflags)
+ $ sep
+ [ text "Importing Safe-Inferred module "
+ <> ppr (moduleName m)
+ <> text " from explicitly Safe module"
+ ]
+ pkgTrustErr = unitBag $ mkErrMsg dflags l (pkgQual dflags) $
+ sep [ ppr (moduleName m)
+ <> text ": Can't be safely imported!"
+ , text "The package (" <> ppr (moduleUnitId m)
+ <> text ") the module resides in isn't trusted."
+ ]
+ modTrustErr = unitBag $ mkErrMsg dflags l (pkgQual dflags) $
+ sep [ ppr (moduleName m)
+ <> text ": Can't be safely imported!"
+ , text "The module itself isn't safe." ]
+ -- | Check the package a module resides in is trusted. Safe compiled
+ -- modules are trusted without requiring that their package is trusted. For
+ -- trustworthy modules, modules in the home package are trusted but
+ -- otherwise we check the package trust flag.
+ packageTrusted :: DynFlags -> SafeHaskellMode -> Bool -> Module -> Bool
+ packageTrusted _ Sf_None _ _ = False -- shouldn't hit these cases
+ packageTrusted _ Sf_Ignore _ _ = False -- shouldn't hit these cases
+ packageTrusted _ Sf_Unsafe _ _ = False -- prefer for completeness.
+ packageTrusted dflags _ _ _
+ | not (packageTrustOn dflags) = True
+ packageTrusted _ Sf_Safe False _ = True
+ packageTrusted _ Sf_SafeInferred False _ = True
+ packageTrusted dflags _ _ m
+ | isHomePkg dflags m = True
+ | otherwise = trusted $ getPackageDetails dflags (moduleUnitId m)
+ lookup' :: Module -> Hsc (Maybe ModIface)
+ lookup' m = do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ hsc_eps <- liftIO $ hscEPS hsc_env
+ let pkgIfaceT = eps_PIT hsc_eps
+ homePkgT = hsc_HPT hsc_env
+ iface = lookupIfaceByModule homePkgT pkgIfaceT m
+ -- the 'lookupIfaceByModule' method will always fail when calling from GHCi
+ -- as the compiler hasn't filled in the various module tables
+ -- so we need to call 'getModuleInterface' to load from disk
+ iface' <- case iface of
+ Just _ -> return iface
+ Nothing -> snd `fmap` (liftIO $ getModuleInterface hsc_env m)
+ return iface'
+ isHomePkg :: DynFlags -> Module -> Bool
+ isHomePkg dflags m
+ | thisPackage dflags == moduleUnitId m = True
+ | otherwise = False
+-- | Check the list of packages are trusted.
+checkPkgTrust :: Set InstalledUnitId -> Hsc ()
+checkPkgTrust pkgs = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let errors = S.foldr go [] pkgs
+ go pkg acc
+ | trusted $ getInstalledPackageDetails dflags pkg
+ = acc
+ | otherwise
+ = (:acc) $ mkErrMsg dflags noSrcSpan (pkgQual dflags)
+ $ text "The package (" <> ppr pkg <> text ") is required" <>
+ text " to be trusted but it isn't!"
+ case errors of
+ [] -> return ()
+ _ -> (liftIO . throwIO . mkSrcErr . listToBag) errors
+-- | Set module to unsafe and (potentially) wipe trust information.
+-- Make sure to call this method to set a module to inferred unsafe, it should
+-- be a central and single failure method. We only wipe the trust information
+-- when we aren't in a specific Safe Haskell mode.
+-- While we only use this for recording that a module was inferred unsafe, we
+-- may call it on modules using Trustworthy or Unsafe flags so as to allow
+-- warning flags for safety to function correctly. See Note [Safe Haskell
+-- Inference].
+markUnsafeInfer :: TcGblEnv -> WarningMessages -> Hsc TcGblEnv
+markUnsafeInfer tcg_env whyUnsafe = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ when (wopt Opt_WarnUnsafe dflags)
+ (logWarnings $ unitBag $ makeIntoWarning (Reason Opt_WarnUnsafe) $
+ mkPlainWarnMsg dflags (warnUnsafeOnLoc dflags) (whyUnsafe' dflags))
+ liftIO $ writeIORef (tcg_safeInfer tcg_env) (False, whyUnsafe)
+ -- NOTE: Only wipe trust when not in an explicitly safe haskell mode. Other
+ -- times inference may be on but we are in Trustworthy mode -- so we want
+ -- to record safe-inference failed but not wipe the trust dependencies.
+ case not (safeHaskellModeEnabled dflags) of
+ True -> return $ tcg_env { tcg_imports = wiped_trust }
+ False -> return tcg_env
+ where
+ wiped_trust = (tcg_imports tcg_env) { imp_trust_pkgs = S.empty }
+ pprMod = ppr $ moduleName $ tcg_mod tcg_env
+ whyUnsafe' df = vcat [ quotes pprMod <+> text "has been inferred as unsafe!"
+ , text "Reason:"
+ , nest 4 $ (vcat $ badFlags df) $+$
+ (vcat $ pprErrMsgBagWithLoc whyUnsafe) $+$
+ (vcat $ badInsts $ tcg_insts tcg_env)
+ ]
+ badFlags df = concatMap (badFlag df) unsafeFlagsForInfer
+ badFlag df (str,loc,on,_)
+ | on df = [mkLocMessage SevOutput (loc df) $
+ text str <+> text "is not allowed in Safe Haskell"]
+ | otherwise = []
+ badInsts insts = concatMap badInst insts
+ checkOverlap (NoOverlap _) = False
+ checkOverlap _ = True
+ badInst ins | checkOverlap (overlapMode (is_flag ins))
+ = [mkLocMessage SevOutput (nameSrcSpan $ getName $ is_dfun ins) $
+ ppr (overlapMode $ is_flag ins) <+>
+ text "overlap mode isn't allowed in Safe Haskell"]
+ | otherwise = []
+-- | Figure out the final correct safe haskell mode
+hscGetSafeMode :: TcGblEnv -> Hsc SafeHaskellMode
+hscGetSafeMode tcg_env = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ liftIO $ finalSafeMode dflags tcg_env
+-- Simplifiers
+hscSimplify :: HscEnv -> [String] -> ModGuts -> IO ModGuts
+hscSimplify hsc_env plugins modguts =
+ runHsc hsc_env $ hscSimplify' plugins modguts
+hscSimplify' :: [String] -> ModGuts -> Hsc ModGuts
+hscSimplify' plugins ds_result = do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ let hsc_env_with_plugins = hsc_env
+ { hsc_dflags = foldr addPluginModuleName (hsc_dflags hsc_env) plugins
+ }
+ {-# SCC "Core2Core" #-}
+ liftIO $ core2core hsc_env_with_plugins ds_result
+-- Interface generators
+-- | Generate a striped down interface file, e.g. for boot files or when ghci
+-- generates interface files. See Note [simpleTidyPgm - mkBootModDetailsTc]
+hscSimpleIface :: HscEnv
+ -> TcGblEnv
+ -> Maybe Fingerprint
+ -> IO (ModIface, Maybe Fingerprint, ModDetails)
+hscSimpleIface hsc_env tc_result mb_old_iface
+ = runHsc hsc_env $ hscSimpleIface' tc_result mb_old_iface
+hscSimpleIface' :: TcGblEnv
+ -> Maybe Fingerprint
+ -> Hsc (ModIface, Maybe Fingerprint, ModDetails)
+hscSimpleIface' tc_result mb_old_iface = do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ details <- liftIO $ mkBootModDetailsTc hsc_env tc_result
+ safe_mode <- hscGetSafeMode tc_result
+ new_iface
+ <- {-# SCC "MkFinalIface" #-}
+ liftIO $
+ mkIfaceTc hsc_env safe_mode details tc_result
+ -- And the answer is ...
+ liftIO $ dumpIfaceStats hsc_env
+ return (new_iface, mb_old_iface, details)
+-- BackEnd combinators
+Note [Interface filename extensions]
+ModLocation only contains the base names, however when generating dynamic files
+the actual extension might differ from the default.
+So we only load the base name from ModLocation and replace the actual extension
+according to the information in DynFlags.
+If we generate a interface file right after running the core pipeline we will
+have set -dynamic-too and potentially generate both interface files at the same
+If we generate a interface file after running the backend then dynamic-too won't
+be set, however then the extension will be contained in the dynflags instead so
+things still work out fine.
+hscWriteIface :: DynFlags -> ModIface -> Bool -> ModLocation -> IO ()
+hscWriteIface dflags iface no_change mod_location = do
+ -- mod_location only contains the base name, so we rebuild the
+ -- correct file extension from the dynflags.
+ let ifaceBaseFile = ml_hi_file mod_location
+ unless no_change $
+ let ifaceFile = buildIfName ifaceBaseFile (hiSuf dflags)
+ in {-# SCC "writeIface" #-}
+ writeIfaceFile dflags ifaceFile iface
+ whenGeneratingDynamicToo dflags $ do
+ -- TODO: We should do a no_change check for the dynamic
+ -- interface file too
+ -- When we generate iface files after core
+ let dynDflags = dynamicTooMkDynamicDynFlags dflags
+ -- dynDflags will have set hiSuf correctly.
+ dynIfaceFile = buildIfName ifaceBaseFile (hiSuf dynDflags)
+ writeIfaceFile dynDflags dynIfaceFile iface
+ where
+ buildIfName :: String -> String -> String
+ buildIfName baseName suffix
+ | Just name <- outputHi dflags
+ = name
+ | otherwise
+ = let with_hi = replaceExtension baseName suffix
+ in addBootSuffix_maybe (mi_boot iface) with_hi
+-- | Compile to hard-code.
+hscGenHardCode :: HscEnv -> CgGuts -> ModLocation -> FilePath
+ -> IO (FilePath, Maybe FilePath, [(ForeignSrcLang, FilePath)], NameSet)
+ -- ^ @Just f@ <=> _stub.c is f
+hscGenHardCode hsc_env cgguts location output_filename = do
+ let CgGuts{ -- This is the last use of the ModGuts in a compilation.
+ -- From now on, we just use the bits we need.
+ cg_module = this_mod,
+ cg_binds = core_binds,
+ cg_tycons = tycons,
+ cg_foreign = foreign_stubs0,
+ cg_foreign_files = foreign_files,
+ cg_dep_pkgs = dependencies,
+ cg_hpc_info = hpc_info } = cgguts
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ data_tycons = filter isDataTyCon tycons
+ -- cg_tycons includes newtypes, for the benefit of External Core,
+ -- but we don't generate any code for newtypes
+ -------------------
+ -- Do saturation and convert to A-normal form
+ (prepd_binds, local_ccs) <- {-# SCC "CorePrep" #-}
+ corePrepPgm hsc_env this_mod location
+ core_binds data_tycons
+ ----------------- Convert to STG ------------------
+ (stg_binds, (caf_ccs, caf_cc_stacks))
+ <- {-# SCC "CoreToStg" #-}
+ myCoreToStg dflags this_mod prepd_binds
+ let cost_centre_info =
+ (S.toList local_ccs ++ caf_ccs, caf_cc_stacks)
+ prof_init = profilingInitCode this_mod cost_centre_info
+ foreign_stubs = foreign_stubs0 `appendStubC` prof_init
+ ------------------ Code generation ------------------
+ -- The back-end is streamed: each top-level function goes
+ -- from Stg all the way to asm before dealing with the next
+ -- top-level function, so showPass isn't very useful here.
+ -- Hence we have one showPass for the whole backend, the
+ -- next showPass after this will be "Assembler".
+ withTiming dflags
+ (text "CodeGen"<+>brackets (ppr this_mod))
+ (const ()) $ do
+ cmms <- {-# SCC "StgToCmm" #-}
+ doCodeGen hsc_env this_mod data_tycons
+ cost_centre_info
+ stg_binds hpc_info
+ ------------------ Code output -----------------------
+ rawcmms0 <- {-# SCC "cmmToRawCmm" #-}
+ lookupHook cmmToRawCmmHook
+ (\dflg _ -> cmmToRawCmm dflg) dflags dflags (Just this_mod) cmms
+ let dump a = do
+ unless (null a) $
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cmm_raw "Raw Cmm" FormatCMM (ppr a)
+ return a
+ rawcmms1 = Stream.mapM dump rawcmms0
+ (output_filename, (_stub_h_exists, stub_c_exists), foreign_fps, caf_infos)
+ <- {-# SCC "codeOutput" #-}
+ codeOutput dflags this_mod output_filename location
+ foreign_stubs foreign_files dependencies rawcmms1
+ return (output_filename, stub_c_exists, foreign_fps, caf_infos)
+hscInteractive :: HscEnv
+ -> CgGuts
+ -> ModLocation
+ -> IO (Maybe FilePath, CompiledByteCode, [SptEntry])
+hscInteractive hsc_env cgguts location = do
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ let CgGuts{ -- This is the last use of the ModGuts in a compilation.
+ -- From now on, we just use the bits we need.
+ cg_module = this_mod,
+ cg_binds = core_binds,
+ cg_tycons = tycons,
+ cg_foreign = foreign_stubs,
+ cg_modBreaks = mod_breaks,
+ cg_spt_entries = spt_entries } = cgguts
+ data_tycons = filter isDataTyCon tycons
+ -- cg_tycons includes newtypes, for the benefit of External Core,
+ -- but we don't generate any code for newtypes
+ -------------------
+ -- Do saturation and convert to A-normal form
+ (prepd_binds, _) <- {-# SCC "CorePrep" #-}
+ corePrepPgm hsc_env this_mod location core_binds data_tycons
+ ----------------- Generate byte code ------------------
+ comp_bc <- byteCodeGen hsc_env this_mod prepd_binds data_tycons mod_breaks
+ ------------------ Create f-x-dynamic C-side stuff -----
+ (_istub_h_exists, istub_c_exists)
+ <- outputForeignStubs dflags this_mod location foreign_stubs
+ return (istub_c_exists, comp_bc, spt_entries)
+hscCompileCmmFile :: HscEnv -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+hscCompileCmmFile hsc_env filename output_filename = runHsc hsc_env $ do
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ cmm <- ioMsgMaybe $ parseCmmFile dflags filename
+ liftIO $ do
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cmm_verbose_by_proc "Parsed Cmm" FormatCMM (ppr cmm)
+ let -- Make up a module name to give the NCG. We can't pass bottom here
+ -- lest we reproduce #11784.
+ mod_name = mkModuleName $ "Cmm$" ++ FilePath.takeFileName filename
+ cmm_mod = mkModule (thisPackage dflags) mod_name
+ -- Compile decls in Cmm files one decl at a time, to avoid re-ordering
+ -- them in SRT analysis.
+ --
+ -- Re-ordering here causes breakage when booting with C backend because
+ -- in C we must declare before use, but SRT algorithm is free to
+ -- re-order [A, B] (B refers to A) when A is not CAFFY and return [B, A]
+ cmmgroup <-
+ concatMapM (\cmm -> snd <$> cmmPipeline hsc_env (emptySRT cmm_mod) [cmm]) cmm
+ unless (null cmmgroup) $
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cmm "Output Cmm"
+ FormatCMM (ppr cmmgroup)
+ rawCmms <- lookupHook cmmToRawCmmHook
+ (\dflgs _ -> cmmToRawCmm dflgs) dflags dflags Nothing (Stream.yield cmmgroup)
+ _ <- codeOutput dflags cmm_mod output_filename no_loc NoStubs [] []
+ rawCmms
+ return ()
+ where
+ no_loc = ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Just filename,
+ ml_hi_file = panic "hscCompileCmmFile: no hi file",
+ ml_obj_file = panic "hscCompileCmmFile: no obj file",
+ ml_hie_file = panic "hscCompileCmmFile: no hie file"}
+-------------------- Stuff for new code gen ---------------------
+Note [Forcing of stg_binds]
+The two last steps in the STG pipeline are:
+* Sorting the bindings in dependency order.
+* Annotating them with free variables.
+We want to make sure we do not keep references to unannotated STG bindings
+alive, nor references to bindings which have already been compiled to Cmm.
+We explicitly force the bindings to avoid this.
+This reduces residency towards the end of the CodeGen phase significantly
+doCodeGen :: HscEnv -> Module -> [TyCon]
+ -> CollectedCCs
+ -> [StgTopBinding]
+ -> HpcInfo
+ -> IO (Stream IO CmmGroupSRTs NameSet)
+ -- Note we produce a 'Stream' of CmmGroups, so that the
+ -- backend can be run incrementally. Otherwise it generates all
+ -- the C-- up front, which has a significant space cost.
+doCodeGen hsc_env this_mod data_tycons
+ cost_centre_info stg_binds hpc_info = do
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ let stg_binds_w_fvs = annTopBindingsFreeVars stg_binds
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_stg_final "Final STG:" FormatSTG (pprGenStgTopBindings stg_binds_w_fvs)
+ let cmm_stream :: Stream IO CmmGroup ()
+ -- See Note [Forcing of stg_binds]
+ cmm_stream = stg_binds_w_fvs `seqList` {-# SCC "StgToCmm" #-}
+ lookupHook stgToCmmHook StgToCmm.codeGen dflags dflags this_mod data_tycons
+ cost_centre_info stg_binds_w_fvs hpc_info
+ -- codegen consumes a stream of CmmGroup, and produces a new
+ -- stream of CmmGroup (not necessarily synchronised: one
+ -- CmmGroup on input may produce many CmmGroups on output due
+ -- to proc-point splitting).
+ let dump1 a = do
+ unless (null a) $
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cmm_from_stg
+ "Cmm produced by codegen" FormatCMM (ppr a)
+ return a
+ ppr_stream1 = Stream.mapM dump1 cmm_stream
+ pipeline_stream =
+ {-# SCC "cmmPipeline" #-}
+ Stream.mapAccumL (cmmPipeline hsc_env) (emptySRT this_mod) ppr_stream1
+ <&> (srtMapNonCAFs . moduleSRTMap)
+ dump2 a = do
+ unless (null a) $
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cmm "Output Cmm" FormatCMM (ppr a)
+ return a
+ return (Stream.mapM dump2 pipeline_stream)
+myCoreToStg :: DynFlags -> Module -> CoreProgram
+ -> IO ( [StgTopBinding] -- output program
+ , CollectedCCs ) -- CAF cost centre info (declared and used)
+myCoreToStg dflags this_mod prepd_binds = do
+ let (stg_binds, cost_centre_info)
+ = {-# SCC "Core2Stg" #-}
+ coreToStg dflags this_mod prepd_binds
+ stg_binds2
+ <- {-# SCC "Stg2Stg" #-}
+ stg2stg dflags this_mod stg_binds
+ return (stg_binds2, cost_centre_info)
+{- **********************************************************************
+%* *
+\subsection{Compiling a do-statement}
+%* *
+%********************************************************************* -}
+When the UnlinkedBCOExpr is linked you get an HValue of type *IO [HValue]* When
+you run it you get a list of HValues that should be the same length as the list
+of names; add them to the ClosureEnv.
+A naked expression returns a singleton Name [it]. The stmt is lifted into the
+IO monad as explained in Note [Interactively-bound Ids in GHCi] in GHC.Driver.Types
+-- | Compile a stmt all the way to an HValue, but don't run it
+-- We return Nothing to indicate an empty statement (or comment only), not a
+-- parse error.
+hscStmt :: HscEnv -> String -> IO (Maybe ([Id], ForeignHValue, FixityEnv))
+hscStmt hsc_env stmt = hscStmtWithLocation hsc_env stmt "<interactive>" 1
+-- | Compile a stmt all the way to an HValue, but don't run it
+-- We return Nothing to indicate an empty statement (or comment only), not a
+-- parse error.
+hscStmtWithLocation :: HscEnv
+ -> String -- ^ The statement
+ -> String -- ^ The source
+ -> Int -- ^ Starting line
+ -> IO ( Maybe ([Id]
+ , ForeignHValue {- IO [HValue] -}
+ , FixityEnv))
+hscStmtWithLocation hsc_env0 stmt source linenumber =
+ runInteractiveHsc hsc_env0 $ do
+ maybe_stmt <- hscParseStmtWithLocation source linenumber stmt
+ case maybe_stmt of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just parsed_stmt -> do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ liftIO $ hscParsedStmt hsc_env parsed_stmt
+hscParsedStmt :: HscEnv
+ -> GhciLStmt GhcPs -- ^ The parsed statement
+ -> IO ( Maybe ([Id]
+ , ForeignHValue {- IO [HValue] -}
+ , FixityEnv))
+hscParsedStmt hsc_env stmt = runInteractiveHsc hsc_env $ do
+ -- Rename and typecheck it
+ (ids, tc_expr, fix_env) <- ioMsgMaybe $ tcRnStmt hsc_env stmt
+ -- Desugar it
+ ds_expr <- ioMsgMaybe $ deSugarExpr hsc_env tc_expr
+ liftIO (lintInteractiveExpr "desugar expression" hsc_env ds_expr)
+ handleWarnings
+ -- Then code-gen, and link it
+ -- It's important NOT to have package 'interactive' as thisUnitId
+ -- for linking, else we try to link 'main' and can't find it.
+ -- Whereas the linker already knows to ignore 'interactive'
+ let src_span = srcLocSpan interactiveSrcLoc
+ hval <- liftIO $ hscCompileCoreExpr hsc_env src_span ds_expr
+ return $ Just (ids, hval, fix_env)
+-- | Compile a decls
+hscDecls :: HscEnv
+ -> String -- ^ The statement
+ -> IO ([TyThing], InteractiveContext)
+hscDecls hsc_env str = hscDeclsWithLocation hsc_env str "<interactive>" 1
+hscParseDeclsWithLocation :: HscEnv -> String -> Int -> String -> IO [LHsDecl GhcPs]
+hscParseDeclsWithLocation hsc_env source line_num str = do
+ L _ (HsModule{ hsmodDecls = decls }) <-
+ runInteractiveHsc hsc_env $
+ hscParseThingWithLocation source line_num parseModule str
+ return decls
+-- | Compile a decls
+hscDeclsWithLocation :: HscEnv
+ -> String -- ^ The statement
+ -> String -- ^ The source
+ -> Int -- ^ Starting line
+ -> IO ([TyThing], InteractiveContext)
+hscDeclsWithLocation hsc_env str source linenumber = do
+ L _ (HsModule{ hsmodDecls = decls }) <-
+ runInteractiveHsc hsc_env $
+ hscParseThingWithLocation source linenumber parseModule str
+ hscParsedDecls hsc_env decls
+hscParsedDecls :: HscEnv -> [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> IO ([TyThing], InteractiveContext)
+hscParsedDecls hsc_env decls = runInteractiveHsc hsc_env $ do
+ {- Rename and typecheck it -}
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ tc_gblenv <- ioMsgMaybe $ tcRnDeclsi hsc_env decls
+ {- Grab the new instances -}
+ -- We grab the whole environment because of the overlapping that may have
+ -- been done. See the notes at the definition of InteractiveContext
+ -- (ic_instances) for more details.
+ let defaults = tcg_default tc_gblenv
+ {- Desugar it -}
+ -- We use a basically null location for iNTERACTIVE
+ let iNTERACTIVELoc = ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Nothing,
+ ml_hi_file = panic "hsDeclsWithLocation:ml_hi_file",
+ ml_obj_file = panic "hsDeclsWithLocation:ml_obj_file",
+ ml_hie_file = panic "hsDeclsWithLocation:ml_hie_file" }
+ ds_result <- hscDesugar' iNTERACTIVELoc tc_gblenv
+ {- Simplify -}
+ simpl_mg <- liftIO $ do
+ plugins <- readIORef (tcg_th_coreplugins tc_gblenv)
+ hscSimplify hsc_env plugins ds_result
+ {- Tidy -}
+ (tidy_cg, mod_details) <- liftIO $ tidyProgram hsc_env simpl_mg
+ let !CgGuts{ cg_module = this_mod,
+ cg_binds = core_binds,
+ cg_tycons = tycons,
+ cg_modBreaks = mod_breaks } = tidy_cg
+ !ModDetails { md_insts = cls_insts
+ , md_fam_insts = fam_insts } = mod_details
+ -- Get the *tidied* cls_insts and fam_insts
+ data_tycons = filter isDataTyCon tycons
+ {- Prepare For Code Generation -}
+ -- Do saturation and convert to A-normal form
+ (prepd_binds, _) <- {-# SCC "CorePrep" #-}
+ liftIO $ corePrepPgm hsc_env this_mod iNTERACTIVELoc core_binds data_tycons
+ {- Generate byte code -}
+ cbc <- liftIO $ byteCodeGen hsc_env this_mod
+ prepd_binds data_tycons mod_breaks
+ let src_span = srcLocSpan interactiveSrcLoc
+ liftIO $ linkDecls hsc_env src_span cbc
+ {- Load static pointer table entries -}
+ liftIO $ hscAddSptEntries hsc_env (cg_spt_entries tidy_cg)
+ let tcs = filterOut isImplicitTyCon (mg_tcs simpl_mg)
+ patsyns = mg_patsyns simpl_mg
+ ext_ids = [ id | id <- bindersOfBinds core_binds
+ , isExternalName (idName id)
+ , not (isDFunId id || isImplicitId id) ]
+ -- We only need to keep around the external bindings
+ -- (as decided by GHC.Iface.Tidy), since those are the only ones
+ -- that might later be looked up by name. But we can exclude
+ -- - DFunIds, which are in 'cls_insts' (see Note [ic_tythings] in GHC.Driver.Types
+ -- - Implicit Ids, which are implicit in tcs
+ -- c.f. TcRnDriver.runTcInteractive, which reconstructs the TypeEnv
+ new_tythings = map AnId ext_ids ++ map ATyCon tcs ++ map (AConLike . PatSynCon) patsyns
+ ictxt = hsc_IC hsc_env
+ -- See Note [Fixity declarations in GHCi]
+ fix_env = tcg_fix_env tc_gblenv
+ new_ictxt = extendInteractiveContext ictxt new_tythings cls_insts
+ fam_insts defaults fix_env
+ return (new_tythings, new_ictxt)
+-- | Load the given static-pointer table entries into the interpreter.
+-- See Note [Grand plan for static forms] in StaticPtrTable.
+hscAddSptEntries :: HscEnv -> [SptEntry] -> IO ()
+hscAddSptEntries hsc_env entries = do
+ let add_spt_entry :: SptEntry -> IO ()
+ add_spt_entry (SptEntry i fpr) = do
+ val <- getHValue hsc_env (idName i)
+ addSptEntry hsc_env fpr val
+ mapM_ add_spt_entry entries
+ Note [Fixity declarations in GHCi]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ To support fixity declarations on types defined within GHCi (as requested
+ in #10018) we record the fixity environment in InteractiveContext.
+ When we want to evaluate something TcRnDriver.runTcInteractive pulls out this
+ fixity environment and uses it to initialize the global typechecker environment.
+ After the typechecker has finished its business, an updated fixity environment
+ (reflecting whatever fixity declarations were present in the statements we
+ passed it) will be returned from hscParsedStmt. This is passed to
+ updateFixityEnv, which will stuff it back into InteractiveContext, to be
+ used in evaluating the next statement.
+hscImport :: HscEnv -> String -> IO (ImportDecl GhcPs)
+hscImport hsc_env str = runInteractiveHsc hsc_env $ do
+ (L _ (HsModule{hsmodImports=is})) <-
+ hscParseThing parseModule str
+ case is of
+ [L _ i] -> return i
+ _ -> liftIO $ throwOneError $
+ mkPlainErrMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) noSrcSpan $
+ text "parse error in import declaration"
+-- | Typecheck an expression (but don't run it)
+hscTcExpr :: HscEnv
+ -> TcRnExprMode
+ -> String -- ^ The expression
+ -> IO Type
+hscTcExpr hsc_env0 mode expr = runInteractiveHsc hsc_env0 $ do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ parsed_expr <- hscParseExpr expr
+ ioMsgMaybe $ tcRnExpr hsc_env mode parsed_expr
+-- | Find the kind of a type, after generalisation
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> Bool -- ^ Normalise the type
+ -> String -- ^ The type as a string
+ -> IO (Type, Kind) -- ^ Resulting type (possibly normalised) and kind
+hscKcType hsc_env0 normalise str = runInteractiveHsc hsc_env0 $ do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ ty <- hscParseType str
+ ioMsgMaybe $ tcRnType hsc_env DefaultFlexi normalise ty
+hscParseExpr :: String -> Hsc (LHsExpr GhcPs)
+hscParseExpr expr = do
+ hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ maybe_stmt <- hscParseStmt expr
+ case maybe_stmt of
+ Just (L _ (BodyStmt _ expr _ _)) -> return expr
+ _ -> throwOneError $ mkPlainErrMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) noSrcSpan
+ (text "not an expression:" <+> quotes (text expr))
+hscParseStmt :: String -> Hsc (Maybe (GhciLStmt GhcPs))
+hscParseStmt = hscParseThing parseStmt
+hscParseStmtWithLocation :: String -> Int -> String
+ -> Hsc (Maybe (GhciLStmt GhcPs))
+hscParseStmtWithLocation source linenumber stmt =
+ hscParseThingWithLocation source linenumber parseStmt stmt
+hscParseType :: String -> Hsc (LHsType GhcPs)
+hscParseType = hscParseThing parseType
+hscParseIdentifier :: HscEnv -> String -> IO (Located RdrName)
+hscParseIdentifier hsc_env str =
+ runInteractiveHsc hsc_env $ hscParseThing parseIdentifier str
+hscParseThing :: (Outputable thing, Data thing)
+ => Lexer.P thing -> String -> Hsc thing
+hscParseThing = hscParseThingWithLocation "<interactive>" 1
+hscParseThingWithLocation :: (Outputable thing, Data thing) => String -> Int
+ -> Lexer.P thing -> String -> Hsc thing
+hscParseThingWithLocation source linenumber parser str
+ = withTimingD
+ (text "Parser [source]")
+ (const ()) $ {-# SCC "Parser" #-} do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let buf = stringToStringBuffer str
+ loc = mkRealSrcLoc (fsLit source) linenumber 1
+ case unP parser (mkPState dflags buf loc) of
+ PFailed pst -> do
+ handleWarningsThrowErrors (getMessages pst dflags)
+ POk pst thing -> do
+ logWarningsReportErrors (getMessages pst dflags)
+ liftIO $ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_parsed "Parser"
+ FormatHaskell (ppr thing)
+ liftIO $ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_parsed_ast "Parser AST"
+ FormatHaskell (showAstData NoBlankSrcSpan thing)
+ return thing
+{- **********************************************************************
+%* *
+ Desugar, simplify, convert to bytecode, and link an expression
+%* *
+%********************************************************************* -}
+hscCompileCoreExpr :: HscEnv -> SrcSpan -> CoreExpr -> IO ForeignHValue
+hscCompileCoreExpr hsc_env =
+ lookupHook hscCompileCoreExprHook hscCompileCoreExpr' (hsc_dflags hsc_env) hsc_env
+hscCompileCoreExpr' :: HscEnv -> SrcSpan -> CoreExpr -> IO ForeignHValue
+hscCompileCoreExpr' hsc_env srcspan ds_expr
+ = do { let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ {- Simplify it -}
+ ; simpl_expr <- simplifyExpr hsc_env ds_expr
+ {- Tidy it (temporary, until coreSat does cloning) -}
+ ; let tidy_expr = tidyExpr emptyTidyEnv simpl_expr
+ {- Prepare for codegen -}
+ ; prepd_expr <- corePrepExpr dflags hsc_env tidy_expr
+ {- Lint if necessary -}
+ ; lintInteractiveExpr "hscCompileExpr" hsc_env prepd_expr
+ {- Convert to BCOs -}
+ ; bcos <- coreExprToBCOs hsc_env
+ (icInteractiveModule (hsc_IC hsc_env)) prepd_expr
+ {- link it -}
+ ; hval <- linkExpr hsc_env srcspan bcos
+ ; return hval }
+{- **********************************************************************
+%* *
+ Statistics on reading interfaces
+%* *
+%********************************************************************* -}
+dumpIfaceStats :: HscEnv -> IO ()
+dumpIfaceStats hsc_env = do
+ eps <- readIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
+ dumpIfSet dflags (dump_if_trace || dump_rn_stats)
+ "Interface statistics"
+ (ifaceStats eps)
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ dump_rn_stats = dopt Opt_D_dump_rn_stats dflags
+ dump_if_trace = dopt Opt_D_dump_if_trace dflags
+{- **********************************************************************
+%* *
+ Progress Messages: Module i of n
+%* *
+%********************************************************************* -}
+showModuleIndex :: (Int, Int) -> String
+showModuleIndex (i,n) = "[" ++ padded ++ " of " ++ n_str ++ "] "
+ where
+ n_str = show n
+ i_str = show i
+ padded = replicate (length n_str - length i_str) ' ' ++ i_str
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1aa392771
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2739 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, NondecreasingIndentation, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow, 2011
+-- This module implements multi-module compilation, and is used
+-- by --make and GHCi.
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+module GHC.Driver.Make (
+ depanal, depanalE, depanalPartial,
+ load, load', LoadHowMuch(..),
+ downsweep,
+ topSortModuleGraph,
+ ms_home_srcimps, ms_home_imps,
+ IsBoot(..),
+ summariseModule,
+ hscSourceToIsBoot,
+ findExtraSigImports,
+ implicitRequirements,
+ noModError, cyclicModuleErr,
+ moduleGraphNodes, SummaryNode
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import qualified GHC.Runtime.Linker as Linker
+import GHC.Driver.Phases
+import GHC.Driver.Pipeline
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import ErrUtils
+import GHC.Driver.Finder
+import GHC.Driver.Monad
+import HeaderInfo
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import Module
+import GHC.IfaceToCore ( typecheckIface )
+import TcRnMonad ( initIfaceCheck )
+import GHC.Driver.Main
+import Bag ( unitBag, listToBag, unionManyBags, isEmptyBag )
+import BasicTypes
+import Digraph
+import Exception ( tryIO, gbracket, gfinally )
+import FastString
+import Maybes ( expectJust )
+import Name
+import MonadUtils ( allM )
+import Outputable
+import Panic
+import SrcLoc
+import StringBuffer
+import UniqFM
+import UniqDSet
+import TcBackpack
+import GHC.Driver.Packages
+import UniqSet
+import Util
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import NameEnv
+import FileCleanup
+import Data.Either ( rights, partitionEithers )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified FiniteMap as Map ( insertListWith )
+import Control.Concurrent ( forkIOWithUnmask, killThread )
+import qualified GHC.Conc as CC
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Control.Concurrent.QSem
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Except ( ExceptT(..), runExceptT, throwE )
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.List
+import qualified Data.List as List
+import Data.Foldable (toList)
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Ord ( comparing )
+import Data.Time
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
+import System.IO ( fixIO )
+import System.IO.Error ( isDoesNotExistError )
+import GHC.Conc ( getNumProcessors, getNumCapabilities, setNumCapabilities )
+label_self :: String -> IO ()
+label_self thread_name = do
+ self_tid <- CC.myThreadId
+ CC.labelThread self_tid thread_name
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Loading the program
+-- | Perform a dependency analysis starting from the current targets
+-- and update the session with the new module graph.
+-- Dependency analysis entails parsing the @import@ directives and may
+-- therefore require running certain preprocessors.
+-- Note that each 'ModSummary' in the module graph caches its 'DynFlags'.
+-- These 'DynFlags' are determined by the /current/ session 'DynFlags' and the
+-- @OPTIONS@ and @LANGUAGE@ pragmas of the parsed module. Thus if you want
+-- changes to the 'DynFlags' to take effect you need to call this function
+-- again.
+-- In case of errors, just throw them.
+depanal :: GhcMonad m =>
+ [ModuleName] -- ^ excluded modules
+ -> Bool -- ^ allow duplicate roots
+ -> m ModuleGraph
+depanal excluded_mods allow_dup_roots = do
+ (errs, mod_graph) <- depanalE excluded_mods allow_dup_roots
+ if isEmptyBag errs
+ then pure mod_graph
+ else throwErrors errs
+-- | Perform dependency analysis like in 'depanal'.
+-- In case of errors, the errors and an empty module graph are returned.
+depanalE :: GhcMonad m => -- New for #17459
+ [ModuleName] -- ^ excluded modules
+ -> Bool -- ^ allow duplicate roots
+ -> m (ErrorMessages, ModuleGraph)
+depanalE excluded_mods allow_dup_roots = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ (errs, mod_graph) <- depanalPartial excluded_mods allow_dup_roots
+ if isEmptyBag errs
+ then do
+ warnMissingHomeModules hsc_env mod_graph
+ setSession hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = mod_graph }
+ pure (errs, mod_graph)
+ else do
+ -- We don't have a complete module dependency graph,
+ -- The graph may be disconnected and is unusable.
+ setSession hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = emptyMG }
+ pure (errs, emptyMG)
+-- | Perform dependency analysis like 'depanal' but return a partial module
+-- graph even in the face of problems with some modules.
+-- Modules which have parse errors in the module header, failing
+-- preprocessors or other issues preventing them from being summarised will
+-- simply be absent from the returned module graph.
+-- Unlike 'depanal' this function will not update 'hsc_mod_graph' with the
+-- new module graph.
+ :: GhcMonad m
+ => [ModuleName] -- ^ excluded modules
+ -> Bool -- ^ allow duplicate roots
+ -> m (ErrorMessages, ModuleGraph)
+ -- ^ possibly empty 'Bag' of errors and a module graph.
+depanalPartial excluded_mods allow_dup_roots = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ let
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ targets = hsc_targets hsc_env
+ old_graph = hsc_mod_graph hsc_env
+ withTiming dflags (text "Chasing dependencies") (const ()) $ do
+ liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (hcat [
+ text "Chasing modules from: ",
+ hcat (punctuate comma (map pprTarget targets))])
+ -- Home package modules may have been moved or deleted, and new
+ -- source files may have appeared in the home package that shadow
+ -- external package modules, so we have to discard the existing
+ -- cached finder data.
+ liftIO $ flushFinderCaches hsc_env
+ mod_summariesE <- liftIO $ downsweep hsc_env (mgModSummaries old_graph)
+ excluded_mods allow_dup_roots
+ let
+ (errs, mod_summaries) = partitionEithers mod_summariesE
+ mod_graph = mkModuleGraph mod_summaries
+ return (unionManyBags errs, mod_graph)
+-- Note [Missing home modules]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Sometimes user doesn't want GHC to pick up modules, not explicitly listed
+-- in a command line. For example, cabal may want to enable this warning
+-- when building a library, so that GHC warns user about modules, not listed
+-- neither in `exposed-modules`, nor in `other-modules`.
+-- Here "home module" means a module, that doesn't come from an other package.
+-- For example, if GHC is invoked with modules "A" and "B" as targets,
+-- but "A" imports some other module "C", then GHC will issue a warning
+-- about module "C" not being listed in a command line.
+-- The warning in enabled by `-Wmissing-home-modules`. See #13129
+warnMissingHomeModules :: GhcMonad m => HscEnv -> ModuleGraph -> m ()
+warnMissingHomeModules hsc_env mod_graph =
+ when (wopt Opt_WarnMissingHomeModules dflags && not (null missing)) $
+ logWarnings (listToBag [warn])
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ targets = map targetId (hsc_targets hsc_env)
+ is_known_module mod = any (is_my_target mod) targets
+ -- We need to be careful to handle the case where (possibly
+ -- path-qualified) filenames (aka 'TargetFile') rather than module
+ -- names are being passed on the GHC command-line.
+ --
+ -- For instance, `ghc --make src-exe/Main.hs` and
+ -- `ghc --make -isrc-exe Main` are supposed to be equivalent.
+ -- Note also that we can't always infer the associated module name
+ -- directly from the filename argument. See #13727.
+ is_my_target mod (TargetModule name)
+ = moduleName (ms_mod mod) == name
+ is_my_target mod (TargetFile target_file _)
+ | Just mod_file <- ml_hs_file (ms_location mod)
+ = target_file == mod_file ||
+ -- Don't warn on B.hs-boot if B.hs is specified (#16551)
+ addBootSuffix target_file == mod_file ||
+ -- We can get a file target even if a module name was
+ -- originally specified in a command line because it can
+ -- be converted in guessTarget (by appending .hs/.lhs).
+ -- So let's convert it back and compare with module name
+ mkModuleName (fst $ splitExtension target_file)
+ == moduleName (ms_mod mod)
+ is_my_target _ _ = False
+ missing = map (moduleName . ms_mod) $
+ filter (not . is_known_module) (mgModSummaries mod_graph)
+ msg
+ | gopt Opt_BuildingCabalPackage dflags
+ = hang
+ (text "These modules are needed for compilation but not listed in your .cabal file's other-modules: ")
+ 4
+ (sep (map ppr missing))
+ | otherwise
+ =
+ hang
+ (text "Modules are not listed in command line but needed for compilation: ")
+ 4
+ (sep (map ppr missing))
+ warn = makeIntoWarning
+ (Reason Opt_WarnMissingHomeModules)
+ (mkPlainErrMsg dflags noSrcSpan msg)
+-- | Describes which modules of the module graph need to be loaded.
+data LoadHowMuch
+ = LoadAllTargets
+ -- ^ Load all targets and its dependencies.
+ | LoadUpTo ModuleName
+ -- ^ Load only the given module and its dependencies.
+ | LoadDependenciesOf ModuleName
+ -- ^ Load only the dependencies of the given module, but not the module
+ -- itself.
+-- | Try to load the program. See 'LoadHowMuch' for the different modes.
+-- This function implements the core of GHC's @--make@ mode. It preprocesses,
+-- compiles and loads the specified modules, avoiding re-compilation wherever
+-- possible. Depending on the target (see 'DynFlags.hscTarget') compiling
+-- and loading may result in files being created on disk.
+-- Calls the 'defaultWarnErrLogger' after each compiling each module, whether
+-- successful or not.
+-- If errors are encountered during dependency analysis, the module `depanalE`
+-- returns together with the errors an empty ModuleGraph.
+-- After processing this empty ModuleGraph, the errors of depanalE are thrown.
+-- All other errors are reported using the 'defaultWarnErrLogger'.
+load :: GhcMonad m => LoadHowMuch -> m SuccessFlag
+load how_much = do
+ (errs, mod_graph) <- depanalE [] False -- #17459
+ success <- load' how_much (Just batchMsg) mod_graph
+ warnUnusedPackages
+ if isEmptyBag errs
+ then pure success
+ else throwErrors errs
+-- Note [Unused packages]
+-- Cabal passes `--package-id` flag for each direct dependency. But GHC
+-- loads them lazily, so when compilation is done, we have a list of all
+-- actually loaded packages. All the packages, specified on command line,
+-- but never loaded, are probably unused dependencies.
+warnUnusedPackages :: GhcMonad m => m ()
+warnUnusedPackages = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ eps <- liftIO $ hscEPS hsc_env
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ pit = eps_PIT eps
+ let loadedPackages
+ = map (getPackageDetails dflags)
+ . nub . sort
+ . map moduleUnitId
+ . moduleEnvKeys
+ $ pit
+ requestedArgs = mapMaybe packageArg (packageFlags dflags)
+ unusedArgs
+ = filter (\arg -> not $ any (matching dflags arg) loadedPackages)
+ requestedArgs
+ let warn = makeIntoWarning
+ (Reason Opt_WarnUnusedPackages)
+ (mkPlainErrMsg dflags noSrcSpan msg)
+ msg = vcat [ text "The following packages were specified" <+>
+ text "via -package or -package-id flags,"
+ , text "but were not needed for compilation:"
+ , nest 2 (vcat (map (withDash . pprUnusedArg) unusedArgs)) ]
+ when (wopt Opt_WarnUnusedPackages dflags && not (null unusedArgs)) $
+ logWarnings (listToBag [warn])
+ where
+ packageArg (ExposePackage _ arg _) = Just arg
+ packageArg _ = Nothing
+ pprUnusedArg (PackageArg str) = text str
+ pprUnusedArg (UnitIdArg uid) = ppr uid
+ withDash = (<+>) (text "-")
+ matchingStr :: String -> UnitInfo -> Bool
+ matchingStr str p
+ = str == sourcePackageIdString p
+ || str == packageNameString p
+ matching :: DynFlags -> PackageArg -> UnitInfo -> Bool
+ matching _ (PackageArg str) p = matchingStr str p
+ matching dflags (UnitIdArg uid) p = uid == realUnitId dflags p
+ -- For wired-in packages, we have to unwire their id,
+ -- otherwise they won't match package flags
+ realUnitId :: DynFlags -> UnitInfo -> UnitId
+ realUnitId dflags
+ = unwireUnitId dflags
+ . DefiniteUnitId
+ . DefUnitId
+ . installedUnitInfoId
+-- | Generalized version of 'load' which also supports a custom
+-- 'Messager' (for reporting progress) and 'ModuleGraph' (generally
+-- produced by calling 'depanal'.
+load' :: GhcMonad m => LoadHowMuch -> Maybe Messager -> ModuleGraph -> m SuccessFlag
+load' how_much mHscMessage mod_graph = do
+ modifySession $ \hsc_env -> hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = mod_graph }
+ guessOutputFile
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ let hpt1 = hsc_HPT hsc_env
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ -- The "bad" boot modules are the ones for which we have
+ -- B.hs-boot in the module graph, but no B.hs
+ -- The downsweep should have ensured this does not happen
+ -- (see msDeps)
+ let all_home_mods =
+ mkUniqSet [ ms_mod_name s
+ | s <- mgModSummaries mod_graph, not (isBootSummary s)]
+ -- TODO: Figure out what the correct form of this assert is. It's violated
+ -- when you have HsBootMerge nodes in the graph: then you'll have hs-boot
+ -- files without corresponding hs files.
+ -- bad_boot_mods = [s | s <- mod_graph, isBootSummary s,
+ -- not (ms_mod_name s `elem` all_home_mods)]
+ -- ASSERT( null bad_boot_mods ) return ()
+ -- check that the module given in HowMuch actually exists, otherwise
+ -- topSortModuleGraph will bomb later.
+ let checkHowMuch (LoadUpTo m) = checkMod m
+ checkHowMuch (LoadDependenciesOf m) = checkMod m
+ checkHowMuch _ = id
+ checkMod m and_then
+ | m `elementOfUniqSet` all_home_mods = and_then
+ | otherwise = do
+ liftIO $ errorMsg dflags (text "no such module:" <+>
+ quotes (ppr m))
+ return Failed
+ checkHowMuch how_much $ do
+ -- mg2_with_srcimps drops the hi-boot nodes, returning a
+ -- graph with cycles. Among other things, it is used for
+ -- backing out partially complete cycles following a failed
+ -- upsweep, and for removing from hpt all the modules
+ -- not in strict downwards closure, during calls to compile.
+ let mg2_with_srcimps :: [SCC ModSummary]
+ mg2_with_srcimps = topSortModuleGraph True mod_graph Nothing
+ -- If we can determine that any of the {-# SOURCE #-} imports
+ -- are definitely unnecessary, then emit a warning.
+ warnUnnecessarySourceImports mg2_with_srcimps
+ let
+ -- check the stability property for each module.
+ stable_mods@(stable_obj,stable_bco)
+ = checkStability hpt1 mg2_with_srcimps all_home_mods
+ -- prune bits of the HPT which are definitely redundant now,
+ -- to save space.
+ pruned_hpt = pruneHomePackageTable hpt1
+ (flattenSCCs mg2_with_srcimps)
+ stable_mods
+ _ <- liftIO $ evaluate pruned_hpt
+ -- before we unload anything, make sure we don't leave an old
+ -- interactive context around pointing to dead bindings. Also,
+ -- write the pruned HPT to allow the old HPT to be GC'd.
+ setSession $ discardIC $ hsc_env { hsc_HPT = pruned_hpt }
+ liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Stable obj:" <+> ppr stable_obj $$
+ text "Stable BCO:" <+> ppr stable_bco)
+ -- Unload any modules which are going to be re-linked this time around.
+ let stable_linkables = [ linkable
+ | m <- nonDetEltsUniqSet stable_obj ++
+ nonDetEltsUniqSet stable_bco,
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetEltsUniqSet here
+ -- because it only affects linking. Besides
+ -- this list only serves as a poor man's set.
+ Just hmi <- [lookupHpt pruned_hpt m],
+ Just linkable <- [hm_linkable hmi] ]
+ liftIO $ unload hsc_env stable_linkables
+ -- We could at this point detect cycles which aren't broken by
+ -- a source-import, and complain immediately, but it seems better
+ -- to let upsweep_mods do this, so at least some useful work gets
+ -- done before the upsweep is abandoned.
+ --hPutStrLn stderr "after tsort:\n"
+ --hPutStrLn stderr (showSDoc (vcat (map ppr mg2)))
+ -- Now do the upsweep, calling compile for each module in
+ -- turn. Final result is version 3 of everything.
+ -- Topologically sort the module graph, this time including hi-boot
+ -- nodes, and possibly just including the portion of the graph
+ -- reachable from the module specified in the 2nd argument to load.
+ -- This graph should be cycle-free.
+ -- If we're restricting the upsweep to a portion of the graph, we
+ -- also want to retain everything that is still stable.
+ let full_mg :: [SCC ModSummary]
+ full_mg = topSortModuleGraph False mod_graph Nothing
+ maybe_top_mod = case how_much of
+ LoadUpTo m -> Just m
+ LoadDependenciesOf m -> Just m
+ _ -> Nothing
+ partial_mg0 :: [SCC ModSummary]
+ partial_mg0 = topSortModuleGraph False mod_graph maybe_top_mod
+ -- LoadDependenciesOf m: we want the upsweep to stop just
+ -- short of the specified module (unless the specified module
+ -- is stable).
+ partial_mg
+ | LoadDependenciesOf _mod <- how_much
+ = ASSERT( case last partial_mg0 of
+ AcyclicSCC ms -> ms_mod_name ms == _mod; _ -> False )
+ List.init partial_mg0
+ | otherwise
+ = partial_mg0
+ stable_mg =
+ [ AcyclicSCC ms
+ | AcyclicSCC ms <- full_mg,
+ stable_mod_summary ms ]
+ stable_mod_summary ms =
+ ms_mod_name ms `elementOfUniqSet` stable_obj ||
+ ms_mod_name ms `elementOfUniqSet` stable_bco
+ -- the modules from partial_mg that are not also stable
+ -- NB. also keep cycles, we need to emit an error message later
+ unstable_mg = filter not_stable partial_mg
+ where not_stable (CyclicSCC _) = True
+ not_stable (AcyclicSCC ms)
+ = not $ stable_mod_summary ms
+ -- Load all the stable modules first, before attempting to load
+ -- an unstable module (#7231).
+ mg = stable_mg ++ unstable_mg
+ -- clean up between compilations
+ let cleanup = cleanCurrentModuleTempFiles . hsc_dflags
+ liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (hang (text "Ready for upsweep")
+ 2 (ppr mg))
+ n_jobs <- case parMakeCount dflags of
+ Nothing -> liftIO getNumProcessors
+ Just n -> return n
+ let upsweep_fn | n_jobs > 1 = parUpsweep n_jobs
+ | otherwise = upsweep
+ setSession hsc_env{ hsc_HPT = emptyHomePackageTable }
+ (upsweep_ok, modsUpswept) <- withDeferredDiagnostics $
+ upsweep_fn mHscMessage pruned_hpt stable_mods cleanup mg
+ -- Make modsDone be the summaries for each home module now
+ -- available; this should equal the domain of hpt3.
+ -- Get in in a roughly top .. bottom order (hence reverse).
+ let modsDone = reverse modsUpswept
+ -- Try and do linking in some form, depending on whether the
+ -- upsweep was completely or only partially successful.
+ if succeeded upsweep_ok
+ then
+ -- Easy; just relink it all.
+ do liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Upsweep completely successful.")
+ -- Clean up after ourselves
+ hsc_env1 <- getSession
+ liftIO $ cleanCurrentModuleTempFiles dflags
+ -- Issue a warning for the confusing case where the user
+ -- said '-o foo' but we're not going to do any linking.
+ -- We attempt linking if either (a) one of the modules is
+ -- called Main, or (b) the user said -no-hs-main, indicating
+ -- that main() is going to come from somewhere else.
+ --
+ let ofile = outputFile dflags
+ let no_hs_main = gopt Opt_NoHsMain dflags
+ let
+ main_mod = mainModIs dflags
+ a_root_is_Main = mgElemModule mod_graph main_mod
+ do_linking = a_root_is_Main || no_hs_main || ghcLink dflags == LinkDynLib || ghcLink dflags == LinkStaticLib
+ -- link everything together
+ linkresult <- liftIO $ link (ghcLink dflags) dflags do_linking (hsc_HPT hsc_env1)
+ if ghcLink dflags == LinkBinary && isJust ofile && not do_linking
+ then do
+ liftIO $ errorMsg dflags $ text
+ ("output was redirected with -o, " ++
+ "but no output will be generated\n" ++
+ "because there is no " ++
+ moduleNameString (moduleName main_mod) ++ " module.")
+ -- This should be an error, not a warning (#10895).
+ loadFinish Failed linkresult
+ else
+ loadFinish Succeeded linkresult
+ else
+ -- Tricky. We need to back out the effects of compiling any
+ -- half-done cycles, both so as to clean up the top level envs
+ -- and to avoid telling the interactive linker to link them.
+ do liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Upsweep partially successful.")
+ let modsDone_names
+ = map ms_mod modsDone
+ let mods_to_zap_names
+ = findPartiallyCompletedCycles modsDone_names
+ mg2_with_srcimps
+ let (mods_to_clean, mods_to_keep) =
+ partition ((`Set.member` mods_to_zap_names).ms_mod) modsDone
+ hsc_env1 <- getSession
+ let hpt4 = hsc_HPT hsc_env1
+ -- We must change the lifetime to TFL_CurrentModule for any temp
+ -- file created for an element of mod_to_clean during the upsweep.
+ -- These include preprocessed files and object files for loaded
+ -- modules.
+ unneeded_temps = concat
+ [ms_hspp_file : object_files
+ | ModSummary{ms_mod, ms_hspp_file} <- mods_to_clean
+ , let object_files = maybe [] linkableObjs $
+ lookupHpt hpt4 (moduleName ms_mod)
+ >>= hm_linkable
+ ]
+ liftIO $
+ changeTempFilesLifetime dflags TFL_CurrentModule unneeded_temps
+ liftIO $ cleanCurrentModuleTempFiles dflags
+ let hpt5 = retainInTopLevelEnvs (map ms_mod_name mods_to_keep)
+ hpt4
+ -- Clean up after ourselves
+ -- there should be no Nothings where linkables should be, now
+ let just_linkables =
+ isNoLink (ghcLink dflags)
+ || allHpt (isJust.hm_linkable)
+ (filterHpt ((== HsSrcFile).mi_hsc_src.hm_iface)
+ hpt5)
+ ASSERT( just_linkables ) do
+ -- Link everything together
+ linkresult <- liftIO $ link (ghcLink dflags) dflags False hpt5
+ modifySession $ \hsc_env -> hsc_env{ hsc_HPT = hpt5 }
+ loadFinish Failed linkresult
+-- | Finish up after a load.
+loadFinish :: GhcMonad m => SuccessFlag -> SuccessFlag -> m SuccessFlag
+-- If the link failed, unload everything and return.
+loadFinish _all_ok Failed
+ = do hsc_env <- getSession
+ liftIO $ unload hsc_env []
+ modifySession discardProg
+ return Failed
+-- Empty the interactive context and set the module context to the topmost
+-- newly loaded module, or the Prelude if none were loaded.
+loadFinish all_ok Succeeded
+ = do modifySession discardIC
+ return all_ok
+-- | Forget the current program, but retain the persistent info in HscEnv
+discardProg :: HscEnv -> HscEnv
+discardProg hsc_env
+ = discardIC $ hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = emptyMG
+ , hsc_HPT = emptyHomePackageTable }
+-- | Discard the contents of the InteractiveContext, but keep the DynFlags.
+-- It will also keep ic_int_print and ic_monad if their names are from
+-- external packages.
+discardIC :: HscEnv -> HscEnv
+discardIC hsc_env
+ = hsc_env { hsc_IC = empty_ic { ic_int_print = new_ic_int_print
+ , ic_monad = new_ic_monad } }
+ where
+ -- Force the new values for ic_int_print and ic_monad to avoid leaking old_ic
+ !new_ic_int_print = keep_external_name ic_int_print
+ !new_ic_monad = keep_external_name ic_monad
+ dflags = ic_dflags old_ic
+ old_ic = hsc_IC hsc_env
+ empty_ic = emptyInteractiveContext dflags
+ keep_external_name ic_name
+ | nameIsFromExternalPackage this_pkg old_name = old_name
+ | otherwise = ic_name empty_ic
+ where
+ this_pkg = thisPackage dflags
+ old_name = ic_name old_ic
+-- | If there is no -o option, guess the name of target executable
+-- by using top-level source file name as a base.
+guessOutputFile :: GhcMonad m => m ()
+guessOutputFile = modifySession $ \env ->
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags env
+ -- Force mod_graph to avoid leaking env
+ !mod_graph = hsc_mod_graph env
+ mainModuleSrcPath :: Maybe String
+ mainModuleSrcPath = do
+ ms <- mgLookupModule mod_graph (mainModIs dflags)
+ ml_hs_file (ms_location ms)
+ name = fmap dropExtension mainModuleSrcPath
+ name_exe = do
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+ -- we must add the .exe extension unconditionally here, otherwise
+ -- when name has an extension of its own, the .exe extension will
+ -- not be added by GHC.Driver.Pipeline.exeFileName. See #2248
+ name' <- fmap (<.> "exe") name
+ name' <- name
+ mainModuleSrcPath' <- mainModuleSrcPath
+ -- #9930: don't clobber input files (unless they ask for it)
+ if name' == mainModuleSrcPath'
+ then throwGhcException . UsageError $
+ "default output name would overwrite the input file; " ++
+ "must specify -o explicitly"
+ else Just name'
+ in
+ case outputFile dflags of
+ Just _ -> env
+ Nothing -> env { hsc_dflags = dflags { outputFile = name_exe } }
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Prune the HomePackageTable
+-- Before doing an upsweep, we can throw away:
+-- - For non-stable modules:
+-- - all ModDetails, all linked code
+-- - all unlinked code that is out of date with respect to
+-- the source file
+-- This is VERY IMPORTANT otherwise we'll end up requiring 2x the
+-- space at the end of the upsweep, because the topmost ModDetails of the
+-- old HPT holds on to the entire type environment from the previous
+-- compilation.
+pruneHomePackageTable :: HomePackageTable
+ -> [ModSummary]
+ -> StableModules
+ -> HomePackageTable
+pruneHomePackageTable hpt summ (stable_obj, stable_bco)
+ = mapHpt prune hpt
+ where prune hmi
+ | is_stable modl = hmi'
+ | otherwise = hmi'{ hm_details = emptyModDetails }
+ where
+ modl = moduleName (mi_module (hm_iface hmi))
+ hmi' | Just l <- hm_linkable hmi, linkableTime l < ms_hs_date ms
+ = hmi{ hm_linkable = Nothing }
+ | otherwise
+ = hmi
+ where ms = expectJust "prune" (lookupUFM ms_map modl)
+ ms_map = listToUFM [(ms_mod_name ms, ms) | ms <- summ]
+ is_stable m =
+ m `elementOfUniqSet` stable_obj ||
+ m `elementOfUniqSet` stable_bco
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Return (names of) all those in modsDone who are part of a cycle as defined
+-- by theGraph.
+findPartiallyCompletedCycles :: [Module] -> [SCC ModSummary] -> Set.Set Module
+findPartiallyCompletedCycles modsDone theGraph
+ = Set.unions
+ [mods_in_this_cycle
+ | CyclicSCC vs <- theGraph -- Acyclic? Not interesting.
+ , let names_in_this_cycle = Set.fromList (map ms_mod vs)
+ mods_in_this_cycle =
+ Set.intersection (Set.fromList modsDone) names_in_this_cycle
+ -- If size mods_in_this_cycle == size names_in_this_cycle,
+ -- then this cycle has already been completed and we're not
+ -- interested.
+ , Set.size mods_in_this_cycle < Set.size names_in_this_cycle]
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Unloading
+unload :: HscEnv -> [Linkable] -> IO ()
+unload hsc_env stable_linkables -- Unload everything *except* 'stable_linkables'
+ = case ghcLink (hsc_dflags hsc_env) of
+ LinkInMemory -> Linker.unload hsc_env stable_linkables
+ _other -> return ()
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+{- |
+ Stability tells us which modules definitely do not need to be recompiled.
+ There are two main reasons for having stability:
+ - avoid doing a complete upsweep of the module graph in GHCi when
+ modules near the bottom of the tree have not changed.
+ - to tell GHCi when it can load object code: we can only load object code
+ for a module when we also load object code fo all of the imports of the
+ module. So we need to know that we will definitely not be recompiling
+ any of these modules, and we can use the object code.
+ The stability check is as follows. Both stableObject and
+ stableBCO are used during the upsweep phase later.
+ stable m = stableObject m || stableBCO m
+ stableObject m =
+ all stableObject (imports m)
+ && old linkable does not exist, or is == on-disk .o
+ && date(on-disk .o) > date(.hs)
+ stableBCO m =
+ all stable (imports m)
+ && date(BCO) > date(.hs)
+ These properties embody the following ideas:
+ - if a module is stable, then:
+ - if it has been compiled in a previous pass (present in HPT)
+ then it does not need to be compiled or re-linked.
+ - if it has not been compiled in a previous pass,
+ then we only need to read its .hi file from disk and
+ link it to produce a 'ModDetails'.
+ - if a modules is not stable, we will definitely be at least
+ re-linking, and possibly re-compiling it during the 'upsweep'.
+ All non-stable modules can (and should) therefore be unlinked
+ before the 'upsweep'.
+ - Note that objects are only considered stable if they only depend
+ on other objects. We can't link object code against byte code.
+ - Note that even if an object is stable, we may end up recompiling
+ if the interface is out of date because an *external* interface
+ has changed. The current code in GHC.Driver.Make handles this case
+ fairly poorly, so be careful.
+type StableModules =
+ ( UniqSet ModuleName -- stableObject
+ , UniqSet ModuleName -- stableBCO
+ )
+ :: HomePackageTable -- HPT from last compilation
+ -> [SCC ModSummary] -- current module graph (cyclic)
+ -> UniqSet ModuleName -- all home modules
+ -> StableModules
+checkStability hpt sccs all_home_mods =
+ foldl' checkSCC (emptyUniqSet, emptyUniqSet) sccs
+ where
+ checkSCC :: StableModules -> SCC ModSummary -> StableModules
+ checkSCC (stable_obj, stable_bco) scc0
+ | stableObjects = (addListToUniqSet stable_obj scc_mods, stable_bco)
+ | stableBCOs = (stable_obj, addListToUniqSet stable_bco scc_mods)
+ | otherwise = (stable_obj, stable_bco)
+ where
+ scc = flattenSCC scc0
+ scc_mods = map ms_mod_name scc
+ home_module m =
+ m `elementOfUniqSet` all_home_mods && m `notElem` scc_mods
+ scc_allimps = nub (filter home_module (concatMap ms_home_allimps scc))
+ -- all imports outside the current SCC, but in the home pkg
+ stable_obj_imps = map (`elementOfUniqSet` stable_obj) scc_allimps
+ stable_bco_imps = map (`elementOfUniqSet` stable_bco) scc_allimps
+ stableObjects =
+ and stable_obj_imps
+ && all object_ok scc
+ stableBCOs =
+ and (zipWith (||) stable_obj_imps stable_bco_imps)
+ && all bco_ok scc
+ object_ok ms
+ | gopt Opt_ForceRecomp (ms_hspp_opts ms) = False
+ | Just t <- ms_obj_date ms = t >= ms_hs_date ms
+ && same_as_prev t
+ | otherwise = False
+ where
+ same_as_prev t = case lookupHpt hpt (ms_mod_name ms) of
+ Just hmi | Just l <- hm_linkable hmi
+ -> isObjectLinkable l && t == linkableTime l
+ _other -> True
+ -- why '>=' rather than '>' above? If the filesystem stores
+ -- times to the nearest second, we may occasionally find that
+ -- the object & source have the same modification time,
+ -- especially if the source was automatically generated
+ -- and compiled. Using >= is slightly unsafe, but it matches
+ -- make's behaviour.
+ --
+ -- But see #5527, where someone ran into this and it caused
+ -- a problem.
+ bco_ok ms
+ | gopt Opt_ForceRecomp (ms_hspp_opts ms) = False
+ | otherwise = case lookupHpt hpt (ms_mod_name ms) of
+ Just hmi | Just l <- hm_linkable hmi ->
+ not (isObjectLinkable l) &&
+ linkableTime l >= ms_hs_date ms
+ _other -> False
+{- Parallel Upsweep
+ -
+ - The parallel upsweep attempts to concurrently compile the modules in the
+ - compilation graph using multiple Haskell threads.
+ -
+ - The Algorithm
+ -
+ - A Haskell thread is spawned for each module in the module graph, waiting for
+ - its direct dependencies to finish building before it itself begins to build.
+ -
+ - Each module is associated with an initially empty MVar that stores the
+ - result of that particular module's compile. If the compile succeeded, then
+ - the HscEnv (synchronized by an MVar) is updated with the fresh HMI of that
+ - module, and the module's HMI is deleted from the old HPT (synchronized by an
+ - IORef) to save space.
+ -
+ - Instead of immediately outputting messages to the standard handles, all
+ - compilation output is deferred to a per-module TQueue. A QSem is used to
+ - limit the number of workers that are compiling simultaneously.
+ -
+ - Meanwhile, the main thread sequentially loops over all the modules in the
+ - module graph, outputting the messages stored in each module's TQueue.
+-- | Each module is given a unique 'LogQueue' to redirect compilation messages
+-- to. A 'Nothing' value contains the result of compilation, and denotes the
+-- end of the message queue.
+data LogQueue = LogQueue !(IORef [Maybe (WarnReason, Severity, SrcSpan, PprStyle, MsgDoc)])
+ !(MVar ())
+-- | The graph of modules to compile and their corresponding result 'MVar' and
+-- 'LogQueue'.
+type CompilationGraph = [(ModSummary, MVar SuccessFlag, LogQueue)]
+-- | Build a 'CompilationGraph' out of a list of strongly-connected modules,
+-- also returning the first, if any, encountered module cycle.
+buildCompGraph :: [SCC ModSummary] -> IO (CompilationGraph, Maybe [ModSummary])
+buildCompGraph [] = return ([], Nothing)
+buildCompGraph (scc:sccs) = case scc of
+ AcyclicSCC ms -> do
+ mvar <- newEmptyMVar
+ log_queue <- do
+ ref <- newIORef []
+ sem <- newEmptyMVar
+ return (LogQueue ref sem)
+ (rest,cycle) <- buildCompGraph sccs
+ return ((ms,mvar,log_queue):rest, cycle)
+ CyclicSCC mss -> return ([], Just mss)
+-- A Module and whether it is a boot module.
+type BuildModule = (Module, IsBoot)
+-- | 'Bool' indicating if a module is a boot module or not. We need to treat
+-- boot modules specially when building compilation graphs, since they break
+-- cycles. Regular source files and signature files are treated equivalently.
+data IsBoot = IsBoot | NotBoot
+ deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Read)
+-- | Tests if an 'HscSource' is a boot file, primarily for constructing
+-- elements of 'BuildModule'.
+hscSourceToIsBoot :: HscSource -> IsBoot
+hscSourceToIsBoot HsBootFile = IsBoot
+hscSourceToIsBoot _ = NotBoot
+mkBuildModule :: ModSummary -> BuildModule
+mkBuildModule ms = (ms_mod ms, if isBootSummary ms then IsBoot else NotBoot)
+-- | The entry point to the parallel upsweep.
+-- See also the simpler, sequential 'upsweep'.
+ :: GhcMonad m
+ => Int
+ -- ^ The number of workers we wish to run in parallel
+ -> Maybe Messager
+ -> HomePackageTable
+ -> StableModules
+ -> (HscEnv -> IO ())
+ -> [SCC ModSummary]
+ -> m (SuccessFlag,
+ [ModSummary])
+parUpsweep n_jobs mHscMessage old_hpt stable_mods cleanup sccs = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ when (not (null (unitIdsToCheck dflags))) $
+ throwGhcException (ProgramError "Backpack typechecking not supported with -j")
+ -- The bits of shared state we'll be using:
+ -- The global HscEnv is updated with the module's HMI when a module
+ -- successfully compiles.
+ hsc_env_var <- liftIO $ newMVar hsc_env
+ -- The old HPT is used for recompilation checking in upsweep_mod. When a
+ -- module successfully gets compiled, its HMI is pruned from the old HPT.
+ old_hpt_var <- liftIO $ newIORef old_hpt
+ -- What we use to limit parallelism with.
+ par_sem <- liftIO $ newQSem n_jobs
+ let updNumCapabilities = liftIO $ do
+ n_capabilities <- getNumCapabilities
+ n_cpus <- getNumProcessors
+ -- Setting number of capabilities more than
+ -- CPU count usually leads to high userspace
+ -- lock contention. #9221
+ let n_caps = min n_jobs n_cpus
+ unless (n_capabilities /= 1) $ setNumCapabilities n_caps
+ return n_capabilities
+ -- Reset the number of capabilities once the upsweep ends.
+ let resetNumCapabilities orig_n = liftIO $ setNumCapabilities orig_n
+ gbracket updNumCapabilities resetNumCapabilities $ \_ -> do
+ -- Sync the global session with the latest HscEnv once the upsweep ends.
+ let finallySyncSession io = io `gfinally` do
+ hsc_env <- liftIO $ readMVar hsc_env_var
+ setSession hsc_env
+ finallySyncSession $ do
+ -- Build the compilation graph out of the list of SCCs. Module cycles are
+ -- handled at the very end, after some useful work gets done. Note that
+ -- this list is topologically sorted (by virtue of 'sccs' being sorted so).
+ (comp_graph,cycle) <- liftIO $ buildCompGraph sccs
+ let comp_graph_w_idx = zip comp_graph [1..]
+ -- The list of all loops in the compilation graph.
+ -- NB: For convenience, the last module of each loop (aka the module that
+ -- finishes the loop) is prepended to the beginning of the loop.
+ let graph = map fstOf3 (reverse comp_graph)
+ boot_modules = mkModuleSet [ms_mod ms | ms <- graph, isBootSummary ms]
+ comp_graph_loops = go graph boot_modules
+ where
+ remove ms bm
+ | isBootSummary ms = delModuleSet bm (ms_mod ms)
+ | otherwise = bm
+ go [] _ = []
+ go mg@(ms:mss) boot_modules
+ | Just loop <- getModLoop ms mg (`elemModuleSet` boot_modules)
+ = map mkBuildModule (ms:loop) : go mss (remove ms boot_modules)
+ | otherwise
+ = go mss (remove ms boot_modules)
+ -- Build a Map out of the compilation graph with which we can efficiently
+ -- look up the result MVar associated with a particular home module.
+ let home_mod_map :: Map BuildModule (MVar SuccessFlag, Int)
+ home_mod_map =
+ Map.fromList [ (mkBuildModule ms, (mvar, idx))
+ | ((ms,mvar,_),idx) <- comp_graph_w_idx ]
+ liftIO $ label_self "main --make thread"
+ -- For each module in the module graph, spawn a worker thread that will
+ -- compile this module.
+ let { spawnWorkers = forM comp_graph_w_idx $ \((mod,!mvar,!log_queue),!mod_idx) ->
+ forkIOWithUnmask $ \unmask -> do
+ liftIO $ label_self $ unwords
+ [ "worker --make thread"
+ , "for module"
+ , show (moduleNameString (ms_mod_name mod))
+ , "number"
+ , show mod_idx
+ ]
+ -- Replace the default log_action with one that writes each
+ -- message to the module's log_queue. The main thread will
+ -- deal with synchronously printing these messages.
+ --
+ -- Use a local filesToClean var so that we can clean up
+ -- intermediate files in a timely fashion (as soon as
+ -- compilation for that module is finished) without having to
+ -- worry about accidentally deleting a simultaneous compile's
+ -- important files.
+ lcl_files_to_clean <- newIORef emptyFilesToClean
+ let lcl_dflags = dflags { log_action = parLogAction log_queue
+ , filesToClean = lcl_files_to_clean }
+ -- Unmask asynchronous exceptions and perform the thread-local
+ -- work to compile the module (see parUpsweep_one).
+ m_res <- try $ unmask $ prettyPrintGhcErrors lcl_dflags $
+ parUpsweep_one mod home_mod_map comp_graph_loops
+ lcl_dflags mHscMessage cleanup
+ par_sem hsc_env_var old_hpt_var
+ stable_mods mod_idx (length sccs)
+ res <- case m_res of
+ Right flag -> return flag
+ Left exc -> do
+ -- Don't print ThreadKilled exceptions: they are used
+ -- to kill the worker thread in the event of a user
+ -- interrupt, and the user doesn't have to be informed
+ -- about that.
+ when (fromException exc /= Just ThreadKilled)
+ (errorMsg lcl_dflags (text (show exc)))
+ return Failed
+ -- Populate the result MVar.
+ putMVar mvar res
+ -- Write the end marker to the message queue, telling the main
+ -- thread that it can stop waiting for messages from this
+ -- particular compile.
+ writeLogQueue log_queue Nothing
+ -- Add the remaining files that weren't cleaned up to the
+ -- global filesToClean ref, for cleanup later.
+ FilesToClean
+ { ftcCurrentModule = cm_files
+ , ftcGhcSession = gs_files
+ } <- readIORef (filesToClean lcl_dflags)
+ addFilesToClean dflags TFL_CurrentModule $ Set.toList cm_files
+ addFilesToClean dflags TFL_GhcSession $ Set.toList gs_files
+ -- Kill all the workers, masking interrupts (since killThread is
+ -- interruptible). XXX: This is not ideal.
+ ; killWorkers = uninterruptibleMask_ . mapM_ killThread }
+ -- Spawn the workers, making sure to kill them later. Collect the results
+ -- of each compile.
+ results <- liftIO $ bracket spawnWorkers killWorkers $ \_ ->
+ -- Loop over each module in the compilation graph in order, printing
+ -- each message from its log_queue.
+ forM comp_graph $ \(mod,mvar,log_queue) -> do
+ printLogs dflags log_queue
+ result <- readMVar mvar
+ if succeeded result then return (Just mod) else return Nothing
+ -- Collect and return the ModSummaries of all the successful compiles.
+ -- NB: Reverse this list to maintain output parity with the sequential upsweep.
+ let ok_results = reverse (catMaybes results)
+ -- Handle any cycle in the original compilation graph and return the result
+ -- of the upsweep.
+ case cycle of
+ Just mss -> do
+ liftIO $ fatalErrorMsg dflags (cyclicModuleErr mss)
+ return (Failed,ok_results)
+ Nothing -> do
+ let success_flag = successIf (all isJust results)
+ return (success_flag,ok_results)
+ where
+ writeLogQueue :: LogQueue -> Maybe (WarnReason,Severity,SrcSpan,PprStyle,MsgDoc) -> IO ()
+ writeLogQueue (LogQueue ref sem) msg = do
+ atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \msgs -> (msg:msgs,())
+ _ <- tryPutMVar sem ()
+ return ()
+ -- The log_action callback that is used to synchronize messages from a
+ -- worker thread.
+ parLogAction :: LogQueue -> LogAction
+ parLogAction log_queue _dflags !reason !severity !srcSpan !style !msg = do
+ writeLogQueue log_queue (Just (reason,severity,srcSpan,style,msg))
+ -- Print each message from the log_queue using the log_action from the
+ -- session's DynFlags.
+ printLogs :: DynFlags -> LogQueue -> IO ()
+ printLogs !dflags (LogQueue ref sem) = read_msgs
+ where read_msgs = do
+ takeMVar sem
+ msgs <- atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \xs -> ([], reverse xs)
+ print_loop msgs
+ print_loop [] = read_msgs
+ print_loop (x:xs) = case x of
+ Just (reason,severity,srcSpan,style,msg) -> do
+ putLogMsg dflags reason severity srcSpan style msg
+ print_loop xs
+ -- Exit the loop once we encounter the end marker.
+ Nothing -> return ()
+-- The interruptible subset of the worker threads' work.
+ :: ModSummary
+ -- ^ The module we wish to compile
+ -> Map BuildModule (MVar SuccessFlag, Int)
+ -- ^ The map of home modules and their result MVar
+ -> [[BuildModule]]
+ -- ^ The list of all module loops within the compilation graph.
+ -> DynFlags
+ -- ^ The thread-local DynFlags
+ -> Maybe Messager
+ -- ^ The messager
+ -> (HscEnv -> IO ())
+ -- ^ The callback for cleaning up intermediate files
+ -> QSem
+ -- ^ The semaphore for limiting the number of simultaneous compiles
+ -> MVar HscEnv
+ -- ^ The MVar that synchronizes updates to the global HscEnv
+ -> IORef HomePackageTable
+ -- ^ The old HPT
+ -> StableModules
+ -- ^ Sets of stable objects and BCOs
+ -> Int
+ -- ^ The index of this module
+ -> Int
+ -- ^ The total number of modules
+ -> IO SuccessFlag
+ -- ^ The result of this compile
+parUpsweep_one mod home_mod_map comp_graph_loops lcl_dflags mHscMessage cleanup par_sem
+ hsc_env_var old_hpt_var stable_mods mod_index num_mods = do
+ let this_build_mod = mkBuildModule mod
+ let home_imps = map unLoc $ ms_home_imps mod
+ let home_src_imps = map unLoc $ ms_home_srcimps mod
+ -- All the textual imports of this module.
+ let textual_deps = Set.fromList $ mapFst (mkModule (thisPackage lcl_dflags)) $
+ zip home_imps (repeat NotBoot) ++
+ zip home_src_imps (repeat IsBoot)
+ -- Dealing with module loops
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ --
+ -- Not only do we have to deal with explicit textual dependencies, we also
+ -- have to deal with implicit dependencies introduced by import cycles that
+ -- are broken by an hs-boot file. We have to ensure that:
+ --
+ -- 1. A module that breaks a loop must depend on all the modules in the
+ -- loop (transitively or otherwise). This is normally always fulfilled
+ -- by the module's textual dependencies except in degenerate loops,
+ -- e.g.:
+ --
+ -- A.hs imports B.hs-boot
+ -- B.hs doesn't import A.hs
+ -- C.hs imports A.hs, B.hs
+ --
+ -- In this scenario, getModLoop will detect the module loop [A,B] but
+ -- the loop finisher B doesn't depend on A. So we have to explicitly add
+ -- A in as a dependency of B when we are compiling B.
+ --
+ -- 2. A module that depends on a module in an external loop can't proceed
+ -- until the entire loop is re-typechecked.
+ --
+ -- These two invariants have to be maintained to correctly build a
+ -- compilation graph with one or more loops.
+ -- The loop that this module will finish. After this module successfully
+ -- compiles, this loop is going to get re-typechecked.
+ let finish_loop = listToMaybe
+ [ tail loop | loop <- comp_graph_loops
+ , head loop == this_build_mod ]
+ -- If this module finishes a loop then it must depend on all the other
+ -- modules in that loop because the entire module loop is going to be
+ -- re-typechecked once this module gets compiled. These extra dependencies
+ -- are this module's "internal" loop dependencies, because this module is
+ -- inside the loop in question.
+ let int_loop_deps = Set.fromList $
+ case finish_loop of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just loop -> filter (/= this_build_mod) loop
+ -- If this module depends on a module within a loop then it must wait for
+ -- that loop to get re-typechecked, i.e. it must wait on the module that
+ -- finishes that loop. These extra dependencies are this module's
+ -- "external" loop dependencies, because this module is outside of the
+ -- loop(s) in question.
+ let ext_loop_deps = Set.fromList
+ [ head loop | loop <- comp_graph_loops
+ , any (`Set.member` textual_deps) loop
+ , this_build_mod `notElem` loop ]
+ let all_deps = foldl1 Set.union [textual_deps, int_loop_deps, ext_loop_deps]
+ -- All of the module's home-module dependencies.
+ let home_deps_with_idx =
+ [ home_dep | dep <- Set.toList all_deps
+ , Just home_dep <- [Map.lookup dep home_mod_map] ]
+ -- Sort the list of dependencies in reverse-topological order. This way, by
+ -- the time we get woken up by the result of an earlier dependency,
+ -- subsequent dependencies are more likely to have finished. This step
+ -- effectively reduces the number of MVars that each thread blocks on.
+ let home_deps = map fst $ sortBy (flip (comparing snd)) home_deps_with_idx
+ -- Wait for the all the module's dependencies to finish building.
+ deps_ok <- allM (fmap succeeded . readMVar) home_deps
+ -- We can't build this module if any of its dependencies failed to build.
+ if not deps_ok
+ then return Failed
+ else do
+ -- Any hsc_env at this point is OK to use since we only really require
+ -- that the HPT contains the HMIs of our dependencies.
+ hsc_env <- readMVar hsc_env_var
+ old_hpt <- readIORef old_hpt_var
+ let logger err = printBagOfErrors lcl_dflags (srcErrorMessages err)
+ -- Limit the number of parallel compiles.
+ let withSem sem = bracket_ (waitQSem sem) (signalQSem sem)
+ mb_mod_info <- withSem par_sem $
+ handleSourceError (\err -> do logger err; return Nothing) $ do
+ -- Have the ModSummary and HscEnv point to our local log_action
+ -- and filesToClean var.
+ let lcl_mod = localize_mod mod
+ let lcl_hsc_env = localize_hsc_env hsc_env
+ -- Re-typecheck the loop
+ -- This is necessary to make sure the knot is tied when
+ -- we close a recursive module loop, see bug #12035.
+ type_env_var <- liftIO $ newIORef emptyNameEnv
+ let lcl_hsc_env' = lcl_hsc_env { hsc_type_env_var =
+ Just (ms_mod lcl_mod, type_env_var) }
+ lcl_hsc_env'' <- case finish_loop of
+ Nothing -> return lcl_hsc_env'
+ -- In the non-parallel case, the retypecheck prior to
+ -- typechecking the loop closer includes all modules
+ -- EXCEPT the loop closer. However, our precomputed
+ -- SCCs include the loop closer, so we have to filter
+ -- it out.
+ Just loop -> typecheckLoop lcl_dflags lcl_hsc_env' $
+ filter (/= moduleName (fst this_build_mod)) $
+ map (moduleName . fst) loop
+ -- Compile the module.
+ mod_info <- upsweep_mod lcl_hsc_env'' mHscMessage old_hpt stable_mods
+ lcl_mod mod_index num_mods
+ return (Just mod_info)
+ case mb_mod_info of
+ Nothing -> return Failed
+ Just mod_info -> do
+ let this_mod = ms_mod_name mod
+ -- Prune the old HPT unless this is an hs-boot module.
+ unless (isBootSummary mod) $
+ atomicModifyIORef' old_hpt_var $ \old_hpt ->
+ (delFromHpt old_hpt this_mod, ())
+ -- Update and fetch the global HscEnv.
+ lcl_hsc_env' <- modifyMVar hsc_env_var $ \hsc_env -> do
+ let hsc_env' = hsc_env
+ { hsc_HPT = addToHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env)
+ this_mod mod_info }
+ -- We've finished typechecking the module, now we must
+ -- retypecheck the loop AGAIN to ensure unfoldings are
+ -- updated. This time, however, we include the loop
+ -- closer!
+ hsc_env'' <- case finish_loop of
+ Nothing -> return hsc_env'
+ Just loop -> typecheckLoop lcl_dflags hsc_env' $
+ map (moduleName . fst) loop
+ return (hsc_env'', localize_hsc_env hsc_env'')
+ -- Clean up any intermediate files.
+ cleanup lcl_hsc_env'
+ return Succeeded
+ where
+ localize_mod mod
+ = mod { ms_hspp_opts = (ms_hspp_opts mod)
+ { log_action = log_action lcl_dflags
+ , filesToClean = filesToClean lcl_dflags } }
+ localize_hsc_env hsc_env
+ = hsc_env { hsc_dflags = (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ { log_action = log_action lcl_dflags
+ , filesToClean = filesToClean lcl_dflags } }
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | The upsweep
+-- This is where we compile each module in the module graph, in a pass
+-- from the bottom to the top of the graph.
+-- There better had not be any cyclic groups here -- we check for them.
+ :: GhcMonad m
+ => Maybe Messager
+ -> HomePackageTable -- ^ HPT from last time round (pruned)
+ -> StableModules -- ^ stable modules (see checkStability)
+ -> (HscEnv -> IO ()) -- ^ How to clean up unwanted tmp files
+ -> [SCC ModSummary] -- ^ Mods to do (the worklist)
+ -> m (SuccessFlag,
+ [ModSummary])
+ -- ^ Returns:
+ --
+ -- 1. A flag whether the complete upsweep was successful.
+ -- 2. The 'HscEnv' in the monad has an updated HPT
+ -- 3. A list of modules which succeeded loading.
+upsweep mHscMessage old_hpt stable_mods cleanup sccs = do
+ dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
+ (res, done) <- upsweep' old_hpt emptyMG sccs 1 (length sccs)
+ (unitIdsToCheck dflags) done_holes
+ return (res, reverse $ mgModSummaries done)
+ where
+ done_holes = emptyUniqSet
+ keep_going this_mods old_hpt done mods mod_index nmods uids_to_check done_holes = do
+ let sum_deps ms (AcyclicSCC mod) =
+ if any (flip elem . map (unLoc . snd) $ ms_imps mod) ms
+ then ms_mod_name mod:ms
+ else ms
+ sum_deps ms _ = ms
+ dep_closure = foldl' sum_deps this_mods mods
+ dropped_ms = drop (length this_mods) (reverse dep_closure)
+ prunable (AcyclicSCC mod) = elem (ms_mod_name mod) dep_closure
+ prunable _ = False
+ mods' = filter (not . prunable) mods
+ nmods' = nmods - length dropped_ms
+ when (not $ null dropped_ms) $ do
+ dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
+ liftIO $ fatalErrorMsg dflags (keepGoingPruneErr dropped_ms)
+ (_, done') <- upsweep' old_hpt done mods' (mod_index+1) nmods' uids_to_check done_holes
+ return (Failed, done')
+ upsweep'
+ :: GhcMonad m
+ => HomePackageTable
+ -> ModuleGraph
+ -> [SCC ModSummary]
+ -> Int
+ -> Int
+ -> [UnitId]
+ -> UniqSet ModuleName
+ -> m (SuccessFlag, ModuleGraph)
+ upsweep' _old_hpt done
+ [] _ _ uids_to_check _
+ = do hsc_env <- getSession
+ liftIO . runHsc hsc_env $ mapM_ (ioMsgMaybe . tcRnCheckUnitId hsc_env) uids_to_check
+ return (Succeeded, done)
+ upsweep' _old_hpt done
+ (CyclicSCC ms:mods) mod_index nmods uids_to_check done_holes
+ = do dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
+ liftIO $ fatalErrorMsg dflags (cyclicModuleErr ms)
+ if gopt Opt_KeepGoing dflags
+ then keep_going (map ms_mod_name ms) old_hpt done mods mod_index nmods
+ uids_to_check done_holes
+ else return (Failed, done)
+ upsweep' old_hpt done
+ (AcyclicSCC mod:mods) mod_index nmods uids_to_check done_holes
+ = do -- putStrLn ("UPSWEEP_MOD: hpt = " ++
+ -- show (map (moduleUserString.moduleName.mi_module.hm_iface)
+ -- (moduleEnvElts (hsc_HPT hsc_env)))
+ let logger _mod = defaultWarnErrLogger
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ -- TODO: Cache this, so that we don't repeatedly re-check
+ -- our imports when you run --make.
+ let (ready_uids, uids_to_check')
+ = partition (\uid -> isEmptyUniqDSet
+ (unitIdFreeHoles uid `uniqDSetMinusUniqSet` done_holes))
+ uids_to_check
+ done_holes'
+ | ms_hsc_src mod == HsigFile
+ = addOneToUniqSet done_holes (ms_mod_name mod)
+ | otherwise = done_holes
+ liftIO . runHsc hsc_env $ mapM_ (ioMsgMaybe . tcRnCheckUnitId hsc_env) ready_uids
+ -- Remove unwanted tmp files between compilations
+ liftIO (cleanup hsc_env)
+ -- Get ready to tie the knot
+ type_env_var <- liftIO $ newIORef emptyNameEnv
+ let hsc_env1 = hsc_env { hsc_type_env_var =
+ Just (ms_mod mod, type_env_var) }
+ setSession hsc_env1
+ -- Lazily reload the HPT modules participating in the loop.
+ -- See Note [Tying the knot]--if we don't throw out the old HPT
+ -- and reinitalize the knot-tying process, anything that was forced
+ -- while we were previously typechecking won't get updated, this
+ -- was bug #12035.
+ hsc_env2 <- liftIO $ reTypecheckLoop hsc_env1 mod done
+ setSession hsc_env2
+ mb_mod_info
+ <- handleSourceError
+ (\err -> do logger mod (Just err); return Nothing) $ do
+ mod_info <- liftIO $ upsweep_mod hsc_env2 mHscMessage old_hpt stable_mods
+ mod mod_index nmods
+ logger mod Nothing -- log warnings
+ return (Just mod_info)
+ case mb_mod_info of
+ Nothing -> do
+ dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
+ if gopt Opt_KeepGoing dflags
+ then keep_going [ms_mod_name mod] old_hpt done mods mod_index nmods
+ uids_to_check done_holes
+ else return (Failed, done)
+ Just mod_info -> do
+ let this_mod = ms_mod_name mod
+ -- Add new info to hsc_env
+ hpt1 = addToHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env2) this_mod mod_info
+ hsc_env3 = hsc_env2 { hsc_HPT = hpt1, hsc_type_env_var = Nothing }
+ -- Space-saving: delete the old HPT entry
+ -- for mod BUT if mod is a hs-boot
+ -- node, don't delete it. For the
+ -- interface, the HPT entry is probably for the
+ -- main Haskell source file. Deleting it
+ -- would force the real module to be recompiled
+ -- every time.
+ old_hpt1 | isBootSummary mod = old_hpt
+ | otherwise = delFromHpt old_hpt this_mod
+ done' = extendMG done mod
+ -- fixup our HomePackageTable after we've finished compiling
+ -- a mutually-recursive loop. We have to do this again
+ -- to make sure we have the final unfoldings, which may
+ -- not have been computed accurately in the previous
+ -- retypecheck.
+ hsc_env4 <- liftIO $ reTypecheckLoop hsc_env3 mod done'
+ setSession hsc_env4
+ -- Add any necessary entries to the static pointer
+ -- table. See Note [Grand plan for static forms] in
+ -- StaticPtrTable.
+ when (hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env4) == HscInterpreted) $
+ liftIO $ hscAddSptEntries hsc_env4
+ [ spt
+ | Just linkable <- pure $ hm_linkable mod_info
+ , unlinked <- linkableUnlinked linkable
+ , BCOs _ spts <- pure unlinked
+ , spt <- spts
+ ]
+ upsweep' old_hpt1 done' mods (mod_index+1) nmods uids_to_check' done_holes'
+unitIdsToCheck :: DynFlags -> [UnitId]
+unitIdsToCheck dflags =
+ nubSort $ concatMap goUnitId (explicitPackages (pkgState dflags))
+ where
+ goUnitId uid =
+ case splitUnitIdInsts uid of
+ (_, Just indef) ->
+ let insts = indefUnitIdInsts indef
+ in uid : concatMap (goUnitId . moduleUnitId . snd) insts
+ _ -> []
+maybeGetIfaceDate :: DynFlags -> ModLocation -> IO (Maybe UTCTime)
+maybeGetIfaceDate dflags location
+ | writeInterfaceOnlyMode dflags
+ -- Minor optimization: it should be harmless to check the hi file location
+ -- always, but it's better to avoid hitting the filesystem if possible.
+ = modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hi_file location)
+ | otherwise
+ = return Nothing
+-- | Compile a single module. Always produce a Linkable for it if
+-- successful. If no compilation happened, return the old Linkable.
+upsweep_mod :: HscEnv
+ -> Maybe Messager
+ -> HomePackageTable
+ -> StableModules
+ -> ModSummary
+ -> Int -- index of module
+ -> Int -- total number of modules
+ -> IO HomeModInfo
+upsweep_mod hsc_env mHscMessage old_hpt (stable_obj, stable_bco) summary mod_index nmods
+ = let
+ this_mod_name = ms_mod_name summary
+ this_mod = ms_mod summary
+ mb_obj_date = ms_obj_date summary
+ mb_if_date = ms_iface_date summary
+ obj_fn = ml_obj_file (ms_location summary)
+ hs_date = ms_hs_date summary
+ is_stable_obj = this_mod_name `elementOfUniqSet` stable_obj
+ is_stable_bco = this_mod_name `elementOfUniqSet` stable_bco
+ old_hmi = lookupHpt old_hpt this_mod_name
+ -- We're using the dflags for this module now, obtained by
+ -- applying any options in its LANGUAGE & OPTIONS_GHC pragmas.
+ dflags = ms_hspp_opts summary
+ prevailing_target = hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ local_target = hscTarget dflags
+ -- If OPTIONS_GHC contains -fasm or -fllvm, be careful that
+ -- we don't do anything dodgy: these should only work to change
+ -- from -fllvm to -fasm and vice-versa, or away from -fno-code,
+ -- otherwise we could end up trying to link object code to byte
+ -- code.
+ target = if prevailing_target /= local_target
+ && (not (isObjectTarget prevailing_target)
+ || not (isObjectTarget local_target))
+ && not (prevailing_target == HscNothing)
+ && not (prevailing_target == HscInterpreted)
+ then prevailing_target
+ else local_target
+ -- store the corrected hscTarget into the summary
+ summary' = summary{ ms_hspp_opts = dflags { hscTarget = target } }
+ -- The old interface is ok if
+ -- a) we're compiling a source file, and the old HPT
+ -- entry is for a source file
+ -- b) we're compiling a hs-boot file
+ -- Case (b) allows an hs-boot file to get the interface of its
+ -- real source file on the second iteration of the compilation
+ -- manager, but that does no harm. Otherwise the hs-boot file
+ -- will always be recompiled
+ mb_old_iface
+ = case old_hmi of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just hm_info | isBootSummary summary -> Just iface
+ | not (mi_boot iface) -> Just iface
+ | otherwise -> Nothing
+ where
+ iface = hm_iface hm_info
+ compile_it :: Maybe Linkable -> SourceModified -> IO HomeModInfo
+ compile_it mb_linkable src_modified =
+ compileOne' Nothing mHscMessage hsc_env summary' mod_index nmods
+ mb_old_iface mb_linkable src_modified
+ compile_it_discard_iface :: Maybe Linkable -> SourceModified
+ -> IO HomeModInfo
+ compile_it_discard_iface mb_linkable src_modified =
+ compileOne' Nothing mHscMessage hsc_env summary' mod_index nmods
+ Nothing mb_linkable src_modified
+ -- With the HscNothing target we create empty linkables to avoid
+ -- recompilation. We have to detect these to recompile anyway if
+ -- the target changed since the last compile.
+ is_fake_linkable
+ | Just hmi <- old_hmi, Just l <- hm_linkable hmi =
+ null (linkableUnlinked l)
+ | otherwise =
+ -- we have no linkable, so it cannot be fake
+ False
+ implies False _ = True
+ implies True x = x
+ in
+ case () of
+ _
+ -- Regardless of whether we're generating object code or
+ -- byte code, we can always use an existing object file
+ -- if it is *stable* (see checkStability).
+ | is_stable_obj, Just hmi <- old_hmi -> do
+ liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
+ (text "skipping stable obj mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
+ return hmi
+ -- object is stable, and we have an entry in the
+ -- old HPT: nothing to do
+ | is_stable_obj, isNothing old_hmi -> do
+ liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
+ (text "compiling stable on-disk mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
+ linkable <- liftIO $ findObjectLinkable this_mod obj_fn
+ (expectJust "upsweep1" mb_obj_date)
+ compile_it (Just linkable) SourceUnmodifiedAndStable
+ -- object is stable, but we need to load the interface
+ -- off disk to make a HMI.
+ | not (isObjectTarget target), is_stable_bco,
+ (target /= HscNothing) `implies` not is_fake_linkable ->
+ ASSERT(isJust old_hmi) -- must be in the old_hpt
+ let Just hmi = old_hmi in do
+ liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
+ (text "skipping stable BCO mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
+ return hmi
+ -- BCO is stable: nothing to do
+ | not (isObjectTarget target),
+ Just hmi <- old_hmi,
+ Just l <- hm_linkable hmi,
+ not (isObjectLinkable l),
+ (target /= HscNothing) `implies` not is_fake_linkable,
+ linkableTime l >= ms_hs_date summary -> do
+ liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
+ (text "compiling non-stable BCO mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
+ compile_it (Just l) SourceUnmodified
+ -- we have an old BCO that is up to date with respect
+ -- to the source: do a recompilation check as normal.
+ -- When generating object code, if there's an up-to-date
+ -- object file on the disk, then we can use it.
+ -- However, if the object file is new (compared to any
+ -- linkable we had from a previous compilation), then we
+ -- must discard any in-memory interface, because this
+ -- means the user has compiled the source file
+ -- separately and generated a new interface, that we must
+ -- read from the disk.
+ --
+ | isObjectTarget target,
+ Just obj_date <- mb_obj_date,
+ obj_date >= hs_date -> do
+ case old_hmi of
+ Just hmi
+ | Just l <- hm_linkable hmi,
+ isObjectLinkable l && linkableTime l == obj_date -> do
+ liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
+ (text "compiling mod with new on-disk obj:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
+ compile_it (Just l) SourceUnmodified
+ _otherwise -> do
+ liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
+ (text "compiling mod with new on-disk obj2:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
+ linkable <- liftIO $ findObjectLinkable this_mod obj_fn obj_date
+ compile_it_discard_iface (Just linkable) SourceUnmodified
+ -- See Note [Recompilation checking in -fno-code mode]
+ | writeInterfaceOnlyMode dflags,
+ Just if_date <- mb_if_date,
+ if_date >= hs_date -> do
+ liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
+ (text "skipping tc'd mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
+ compile_it Nothing SourceUnmodified
+ _otherwise -> do
+ liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
+ (text "compiling mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
+ compile_it Nothing SourceModified
+{- Note [-fno-code mode]
+GHC offers the flag -fno-code for the purpose of parsing and typechecking a
+program without generating object files. This is intended to be used by tooling
+and IDEs to provide quick feedback on any parser or type errors as cheaply as
+When GHC is invoked with -fno-code no object files or linked output will be
+generated. As many errors and warnings as possible will be generated, as if
+-fno-code had not been passed. The session DynFlags will have
+hscTarget == HscNothing.
+Whether interface files are generated in -fno-code mode is controlled by the
+-fwrite-interface flag. The -fwrite-interface flag is a no-op if -fno-code is
+not also passed. Recompilation avoidance requires interface files, so passing
+-fno-code without -fwrite-interface should be avoided. If -fno-code were
+re-implemented today, -fwrite-interface would be discarded and it would be
+considered always on; this behaviour is as it is for backwards compatibility.
+IN SUMMARY: ALWAYS PASS -fno-code AND -fwrite-interface TOGETHER
+Template Haskell
+A module using template haskell may invoke an imported function from inside a
+splice. This will cause the type-checker to attempt to execute that code, which
+would fail if no object files had been generated. See #8025. To rectify this,
+during the downsweep we patch the DynFlags in the ModSummary of any home module
+that is imported by a module that uses template haskell, to generate object
+The flavour of generated object code is chosen by defaultObjectTarget for the
+target platform. It would likely be faster to generate bytecode, but this is not
+supported on all platforms(?Please Confirm?), and does not support the entirety
+of GHC haskell. See #1257.
+The object files (and interface files if -fwrite-interface is disabled) produced
+for template haskell are written to temporary files.
+Note that since template haskell can run arbitrary IO actions, -fno-code mode
+is no more secure than running without it.
+Potential TODOS:
+* Remove -fwrite-interface and have interface files always written in -fno-code
+ mode
+* Both .o and .dyn_o files are generated for template haskell, but we only need
+ .dyn_o. Fix it.
+* In make mode, a message like
+ Compiling A (A.hs, /tmp/ghc_123.o)
+ is shown if downsweep enabled object code generation for A. Perhaps we should
+ show "nothing" or "temporary object file" instead. Note that one
+ can currently use -keep-tmp-files and inspect the generated file with the
+ current behaviour.
+* Offer a -no-codedir command line option, and write what were temporary
+ object files there. This would speed up recompilation.
+* Use existing object files (if they are up to date) instead of always
+ generating temporary ones.
+-- Note [Recompilation checking in -fno-code mode]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- If we are compiling with -fno-code -fwrite-interface, there won't
+-- be any object code that we can compare against, nor should there
+-- be: we're *just* generating interface files. In this case, we
+-- want to check if the interface file is new, in lieu of the object
+-- file. See also #9243.
+-- Filter modules in the HPT
+retainInTopLevelEnvs :: [ModuleName] -> HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable
+retainInTopLevelEnvs keep_these hpt
+ = listToHpt [ (mod, expectJust "retain" mb_mod_info)
+ | mod <- keep_these
+ , let mb_mod_info = lookupHpt hpt mod
+ , isJust mb_mod_info ]
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Typecheck module loops
+See bug #930. This code fixes a long-standing bug in --make. The
+problem is that when compiling the modules *inside* a loop, a data
+type that is only defined at the top of the loop looks opaque; but
+after the loop is done, the structure of the data type becomes
+The difficulty is then that two different bits of code have
+different notions of what the data type looks like.
+The idea is that after we compile a module which also has an .hs-boot
+file, we re-generate the ModDetails for each of the modules that
+depends on the .hs-boot file, so that everyone points to the proper
+TyCons, Ids etc. defined by the real module, not the boot module.
+Fortunately re-generating a ModDetails from a ModIface is easy: the
+function GHC.IfaceToCore.typecheckIface does exactly that.
+Picking the modules to re-typecheck is slightly tricky. Starting from
+the module graph consisting of the modules that have already been
+compiled, we reverse the edges (so they point from the imported module
+to the importing module), and depth-first-search from the .hs-boot
+node. This gives us all the modules that depend transitively on the
+.hs-boot module, and those are exactly the modules that we need to
+Following this fix, GHC can compile itself with --make -O2.
+reTypecheckLoop :: HscEnv -> ModSummary -> ModuleGraph -> IO HscEnv
+reTypecheckLoop hsc_env ms graph
+ | Just loop <- getModLoop ms mss appearsAsBoot
+ -- SOME hs-boot files should still
+ -- get used, just not the loop-closer.
+ , let non_boot = filter (\l -> not (isBootSummary l &&
+ ms_mod l == ms_mod ms)) loop
+ = typecheckLoop (hsc_dflags hsc_env) hsc_env (map ms_mod_name non_boot)
+ | otherwise
+ = return hsc_env
+ where
+ mss = mgModSummaries graph
+ appearsAsBoot = (`elemModuleSet` mgBootModules graph)
+-- | Given a non-boot ModSummary @ms@ of a module, for which there exists a
+-- corresponding boot file in @graph@, return the set of modules which
+-- transitively depend on this boot file. This function is slightly misnamed,
+-- but its name "getModLoop" alludes to the fact that, when getModLoop is called
+-- with a graph that does not contain @ms@ (non-parallel case) or is an
+-- SCC with hs-boot nodes dropped (parallel-case), the modules which
+-- depend on the hs-boot file are typically (but not always) the
+-- modules participating in the recursive module loop. The returned
+-- list includes the hs-boot file.
+-- Example:
+-- let g represent the module graph:
+-- C.hs
+-- A.hs-boot imports C.hs
+-- B.hs imports A.hs-boot
+-- A.hs imports B.hs
+-- genModLoop A.hs g == Just [A.hs-boot, B.hs, A.hs]
+-- It would also be permissible to omit A.hs from the graph,
+-- in which case the result is [A.hs-boot, B.hs]
+-- Example:
+-- A counter-example to the claim that modules returned
+-- by this function participate in the loop occurs here:
+-- let g represent the module graph:
+-- C.hs
+-- A.hs-boot imports C.hs
+-- B.hs imports A.hs-boot
+-- A.hs imports B.hs
+-- D.hs imports A.hs-boot
+-- genModLoop A.hs g == Just [A.hs-boot, B.hs, A.hs, D.hs]
+-- Arguably, D.hs should import A.hs, not A.hs-boot, but
+-- a dependency on the boot file is not illegal.
+ :: ModSummary
+ -> [ModSummary]
+ -> (Module -> Bool) -- check if a module appears as a boot module in 'graph'
+ -> Maybe [ModSummary]
+getModLoop ms graph appearsAsBoot
+ | not (isBootSummary ms)
+ , appearsAsBoot this_mod
+ , let mss = reachableBackwards (ms_mod_name ms) graph
+ = Just mss
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+ where
+ this_mod = ms_mod ms
+-- NB: sometimes mods has duplicates; this is harmless because
+-- any duplicates get clobbered in addListToHpt and never get forced.
+typecheckLoop :: DynFlags -> HscEnv -> [ModuleName] -> IO HscEnv
+typecheckLoop dflags hsc_env mods = do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
+ text "Re-typechecking loop: " <> ppr mods
+ new_hpt <-
+ fixIO $ \new_hpt -> do
+ let new_hsc_env = hsc_env{ hsc_HPT = new_hpt }
+ mds <- initIfaceCheck (text "typecheckLoop") new_hsc_env $
+ mapM (typecheckIface . hm_iface) hmis
+ let new_hpt = addListToHpt old_hpt
+ (zip mods [ hmi{ hm_details = details }
+ | (hmi,details) <- zip hmis mds ])
+ return new_hpt
+ return hsc_env{ hsc_HPT = new_hpt }
+ where
+ old_hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
+ hmis = map (expectJust "typecheckLoop" . lookupHpt old_hpt) mods
+reachableBackwards :: ModuleName -> [ModSummary] -> [ModSummary]
+reachableBackwards mod summaries
+ = [ node_payload node | node <- reachableG (transposeG graph) root ]
+ where -- the rest just sets up the graph:
+ (graph, lookup_node) = moduleGraphNodes False summaries
+ root = expectJust "reachableBackwards" (lookup_node HsBootFile mod)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Topological sort of the module graph
+ :: Bool
+ -- ^ Drop hi-boot nodes? (see below)
+ -> ModuleGraph
+ -> Maybe ModuleName
+ -- ^ Root module name. If @Nothing@, use the full graph.
+ -> [SCC ModSummary]
+-- ^ Calculate SCCs of the module graph, possibly dropping the hi-boot nodes
+-- The resulting list of strongly-connected-components is in topologically
+-- sorted order, starting with the module(s) at the bottom of the
+-- dependency graph (ie compile them first) and ending with the ones at
+-- the top.
+-- Drop hi-boot nodes (first boolean arg)?
+-- - @False@: treat the hi-boot summaries as nodes of the graph,
+-- so the graph must be acyclic
+-- - @True@: eliminate the hi-boot nodes, and instead pretend
+-- the a source-import of Foo is an import of Foo
+-- The resulting graph has no hi-boot nodes, but can be cyclic
+topSortModuleGraph drop_hs_boot_nodes module_graph mb_root_mod
+ = map (fmap summaryNodeSummary) $ stronglyConnCompG initial_graph
+ where
+ summaries = mgModSummaries module_graph
+ -- stronglyConnCompG flips the original order, so if we reverse
+ -- the summaries we get a stable topological sort.
+ (graph, lookup_node) =
+ moduleGraphNodes drop_hs_boot_nodes (reverse summaries)
+ initial_graph = case mb_root_mod of
+ Nothing -> graph
+ Just root_mod ->
+ -- restrict the graph to just those modules reachable from
+ -- the specified module. We do this by building a graph with
+ -- the full set of nodes, and determining the reachable set from
+ -- the specified node.
+ let root | Just node <- lookup_node HsSrcFile root_mod
+ , graph `hasVertexG` node
+ = node
+ | otherwise
+ = throwGhcException (ProgramError "module does not exist")
+ in graphFromEdgedVerticesUniq (seq root (reachableG graph root))
+type SummaryNode = Node Int ModSummary
+summaryNodeKey :: SummaryNode -> Int
+summaryNodeKey = node_key
+summaryNodeSummary :: SummaryNode -> ModSummary
+summaryNodeSummary = node_payload
+moduleGraphNodes :: Bool -> [ModSummary]
+ -> (Graph SummaryNode, HscSource -> ModuleName -> Maybe SummaryNode)
+moduleGraphNodes drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries =
+ (graphFromEdgedVerticesUniq nodes, lookup_node)
+ where
+ numbered_summaries = zip summaries [1..]
+ lookup_node :: HscSource -> ModuleName -> Maybe SummaryNode
+ lookup_node hs_src mod = Map.lookup (mod, hscSourceToIsBoot hs_src) node_map
+ lookup_key :: HscSource -> ModuleName -> Maybe Int
+ lookup_key hs_src mod = fmap summaryNodeKey (lookup_node hs_src mod)
+ node_map :: NodeMap SummaryNode
+ node_map = Map.fromList [ ((moduleName (ms_mod s),
+ hscSourceToIsBoot (ms_hsc_src s)), node)
+ | node <- nodes
+ , let s = summaryNodeSummary node ]
+ -- We use integers as the keys for the SCC algorithm
+ nodes :: [SummaryNode]
+ nodes = [ DigraphNode s key out_keys
+ | (s, key) <- numbered_summaries
+ -- Drop the hi-boot ones if told to do so
+ , not (isBootSummary s && drop_hs_boot_nodes)
+ , let out_keys = out_edge_keys hs_boot_key (map unLoc (ms_home_srcimps s)) ++
+ out_edge_keys HsSrcFile (map unLoc (ms_home_imps s)) ++
+ (-- see [boot-edges] below
+ if drop_hs_boot_nodes || ms_hsc_src s == HsBootFile
+ then []
+ else case lookup_key HsBootFile (ms_mod_name s) of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just k -> [k]) ]
+ -- [boot-edges] if this is a .hs and there is an equivalent
+ -- .hs-boot, add a link from the former to the latter. This
+ -- has the effect of detecting bogus cases where the .hs-boot
+ -- depends on the .hs, by introducing a cycle. Additionally,
+ -- it ensures that we will always process the .hs-boot before
+ -- the .hs, and so the HomePackageTable will always have the
+ -- most up to date information.
+ -- Drop hs-boot nodes by using HsSrcFile as the key
+ hs_boot_key | drop_hs_boot_nodes = HsSrcFile
+ | otherwise = HsBootFile
+ out_edge_keys :: HscSource -> [ModuleName] -> [Int]
+ out_edge_keys hi_boot ms = mapMaybe (lookup_key hi_boot) ms
+ -- If we want keep_hi_boot_nodes, then we do lookup_key with
+ -- IsBoot; else NotBoot
+-- The nodes of the graph are keyed by (mod, is boot?) pairs
+-- NB: hsig files show up as *normal* nodes (not boot!), since they don't
+-- participate in cycles (for now)
+type NodeKey = (ModuleName, IsBoot)
+type NodeMap a = Map.Map NodeKey a
+msKey :: ModSummary -> NodeKey
+msKey (ModSummary { ms_mod = mod, ms_hsc_src = boot })
+ = (moduleName mod, hscSourceToIsBoot boot)
+mkNodeMap :: [ModSummary] -> NodeMap ModSummary
+mkNodeMap summaries = Map.fromList [ (msKey s, s) | s <- summaries]
+nodeMapElts :: NodeMap a -> [a]
+nodeMapElts = Map.elems
+-- | If there are {-# SOURCE #-} imports between strongly connected
+-- components in the topological sort, then those imports can
+-- definitely be replaced by ordinary non-SOURCE imports: if SOURCE
+-- were necessary, then the edge would be part of a cycle.
+warnUnnecessarySourceImports :: GhcMonad m => [SCC ModSummary] -> m ()
+warnUnnecessarySourceImports sccs = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ when (wopt Opt_WarnUnusedImports dflags)
+ (logWarnings (listToBag (concatMap (check dflags . flattenSCC) sccs)))
+ where check dflags ms =
+ let mods_in_this_cycle = map ms_mod_name ms in
+ [ warn dflags i | m <- ms, i <- ms_home_srcimps m,
+ unLoc i `notElem` mods_in_this_cycle ]
+ warn :: DynFlags -> Located ModuleName -> WarnMsg
+ warn dflags (L loc mod) =
+ mkPlainErrMsg dflags loc
+ (text "Warning: {-# SOURCE #-} unnecessary in import of "
+ <+> quotes (ppr mod))
+-- | Downsweep (dependency analysis)
+-- Chase downwards from the specified root set, returning summaries
+-- for all home modules encountered. Only follow source-import
+-- links.
+-- We pass in the previous collection of summaries, which is used as a
+-- cache to avoid recalculating a module summary if the source is
+-- unchanged.
+-- The returned list of [ModSummary] nodes has one node for each home-package
+-- module, plus one for any hs-boot files. The imports of these nodes
+-- are all there, including the imports of non-home-package modules.
+downsweep :: HscEnv
+ -> [ModSummary] -- Old summaries
+ -> [ModuleName] -- Ignore dependencies on these; treat
+ -- them as if they were package modules
+ -> Bool -- True <=> allow multiple targets to have
+ -- the same module name; this is
+ -- very useful for ghc -M
+ -> IO [Either ErrorMessages ModSummary]
+ -- The elts of [ModSummary] all have distinct
+ -- (Modules, IsBoot) identifiers, unless the Bool is true
+ -- in which case there can be repeats
+downsweep hsc_env old_summaries excl_mods allow_dup_roots
+ = do
+ rootSummaries <- mapM getRootSummary roots
+ let (errs, rootSummariesOk) = partitionEithers rootSummaries -- #17549
+ root_map = mkRootMap rootSummariesOk
+ checkDuplicates root_map
+ map0 <- loop (concatMap calcDeps rootSummariesOk) root_map
+ -- if we have been passed -fno-code, we enable code generation
+ -- for dependencies of modules that have -XTemplateHaskell,
+ -- otherwise those modules will fail to compile.
+ -- See Note [-fno-code mode] #8025
+ map1 <- if hscTarget dflags == HscNothing
+ then enableCodeGenForTH
+ (defaultObjectTarget dflags)
+ map0
+ else if hscTarget dflags == HscInterpreted
+ then enableCodeGenForUnboxedTuplesOrSums
+ (defaultObjectTarget dflags)
+ map0
+ else return map0
+ if null errs
+ then pure $ concat $ nodeMapElts map1
+ else pure $ map Left errs
+ where
+ calcDeps = msDeps
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ roots = hsc_targets hsc_env
+ old_summary_map :: NodeMap ModSummary
+ old_summary_map = mkNodeMap old_summaries
+ getRootSummary :: Target -> IO (Either ErrorMessages ModSummary)
+ getRootSummary (Target (TargetFile file mb_phase) obj_allowed maybe_buf)
+ = do exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist file
+ if exists || isJust maybe_buf
+ then summariseFile hsc_env old_summaries file mb_phase
+ obj_allowed maybe_buf
+ else return $ Left $ unitBag $ mkPlainErrMsg dflags noSrcSpan $
+ text "can't find file:" <+> text file
+ getRootSummary (Target (TargetModule modl) obj_allowed maybe_buf)
+ = do maybe_summary <- summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map NotBoot
+ (L rootLoc modl) obj_allowed
+ maybe_buf excl_mods
+ case maybe_summary of
+ Nothing -> return $ Left $ moduleNotFoundErr dflags modl
+ Just s -> return s
+ rootLoc = mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "<command line>")
+ -- In a root module, the filename is allowed to diverge from the module
+ -- name, so we have to check that there aren't multiple root files
+ -- defining the same module (otherwise the duplicates will be silently
+ -- ignored, leading to confusing behaviour).
+ checkDuplicates :: NodeMap [Either ErrorMessages ModSummary] -> IO ()
+ checkDuplicates root_map
+ | allow_dup_roots = return ()
+ | null dup_roots = return ()
+ | otherwise = liftIO $ multiRootsErr dflags (head dup_roots)
+ where
+ dup_roots :: [[ModSummary]] -- Each at least of length 2
+ dup_roots = filterOut isSingleton $ map rights $ nodeMapElts root_map
+ loop :: [(Located ModuleName,IsBoot)]
+ -- Work list: process these modules
+ -> NodeMap [Either ErrorMessages ModSummary]
+ -- Visited set; the range is a list because
+ -- the roots can have the same module names
+ -- if allow_dup_roots is True
+ -> IO (NodeMap [Either ErrorMessages ModSummary])
+ -- The result is the completed NodeMap
+ loop [] done = return done
+ loop ((wanted_mod, is_boot) : ss) done
+ | Just summs <- Map.lookup key done
+ = if isSingleton summs then
+ loop ss done
+ else
+ do { multiRootsErr dflags (rights summs); return Map.empty }
+ | otherwise
+ = do mb_s <- summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map
+ is_boot wanted_mod True
+ Nothing excl_mods
+ case mb_s of
+ Nothing -> loop ss done
+ Just (Left e) -> loop ss (Map.insert key [Left e] done)
+ Just (Right s)-> do
+ new_map <-
+ loop (calcDeps s) (Map.insert key [Right s] done)
+ loop ss new_map
+ where
+ key = (unLoc wanted_mod, is_boot)
+-- | Update the every ModSummary that is depended on
+-- by a module that needs template haskell. We enable codegen to
+-- the specified target, disable optimization and change the .hi
+-- and .o file locations to be temporary files.
+-- See Note [-fno-code mode]
+enableCodeGenForTH :: HscTarget
+ -> NodeMap [Either ErrorMessages ModSummary]
+ -> IO (NodeMap [Either ErrorMessages ModSummary])
+enableCodeGenForTH =
+ enableCodeGenWhen condition should_modify TFL_CurrentModule TFL_GhcSession
+ where
+ condition = isTemplateHaskellOrQQNonBoot
+ should_modify (ModSummary { ms_hspp_opts = dflags }) =
+ hscTarget dflags == HscNothing &&
+ -- Don't enable codegen for TH on indefinite packages; we
+ -- can't compile anything anyway! See #16219.
+ not (isIndefinite dflags)
+-- | Update the every ModSummary that is depended on
+-- by a module that needs unboxed tuples. We enable codegen to
+-- the specified target, disable optimization and change the .hi
+-- and .o file locations to be temporary files.
+-- This is used used in order to load code that uses unboxed tuples
+-- or sums into GHCi while still allowing some code to be interpreted.
+enableCodeGenForUnboxedTuplesOrSums :: HscTarget
+ -> NodeMap [Either ErrorMessages ModSummary]
+ -> IO (NodeMap [Either ErrorMessages ModSummary])
+enableCodeGenForUnboxedTuplesOrSums =
+ enableCodeGenWhen condition should_modify TFL_GhcSession TFL_CurrentModule
+ where
+ condition ms =
+ unboxed_tuples_or_sums (ms_hspp_opts ms) &&
+ not (gopt Opt_ByteCode (ms_hspp_opts ms)) &&
+ not (isBootSummary ms)
+ unboxed_tuples_or_sums d =
+ xopt LangExt.UnboxedTuples d || xopt LangExt.UnboxedSums d
+ should_modify (ModSummary { ms_hspp_opts = dflags }) =
+ hscTarget dflags == HscInterpreted
+-- | Helper used to implement 'enableCodeGenForTH' and
+-- 'enableCodeGenForUnboxedTuples'. In particular, this enables
+-- unoptimized code generation for all modules that meet some
+-- condition (first parameter), or are dependencies of those
+-- modules. The second parameter is a condition to check before
+-- marking modules for code generation.
+ :: (ModSummary -> Bool)
+ -> (ModSummary -> Bool)
+ -> TempFileLifetime
+ -> TempFileLifetime
+ -> HscTarget
+ -> NodeMap [Either ErrorMessages ModSummary]
+ -> IO (NodeMap [Either ErrorMessages ModSummary])
+enableCodeGenWhen condition should_modify staticLife dynLife target nodemap =
+ traverse (traverse (traverse enable_code_gen)) nodemap
+ where
+ enable_code_gen ms
+ | ModSummary
+ { ms_mod = ms_mod
+ , ms_location = ms_location
+ , ms_hsc_src = HsSrcFile
+ , ms_hspp_opts = dflags
+ } <- ms
+ , should_modify ms
+ , ms_mod `Set.member` needs_codegen_set
+ = do
+ let new_temp_file suf dynsuf = do
+ tn <- newTempName dflags staticLife suf
+ let dyn_tn = tn -<.> dynsuf
+ addFilesToClean dflags dynLife [dyn_tn]
+ return tn
+ -- We don't want to create .o or .hi files unless we have been asked
+ -- to by the user. But we need them, so we patch their locations in
+ -- the ModSummary with temporary files.
+ --
+ (hi_file, o_file) <-
+ -- If ``-fwrite-interface` is specified, then the .o and .hi files
+ -- are written into `-odir` and `-hidir` respectively. #16670
+ if gopt Opt_WriteInterface dflags
+ then return (ml_hi_file ms_location, ml_obj_file ms_location)
+ else (,) <$> (new_temp_file (hiSuf dflags) (dynHiSuf dflags))
+ <*> (new_temp_file (objectSuf dflags) (dynObjectSuf dflags))
+ return $
+ ms
+ { ms_location =
+ ms_location {ml_hi_file = hi_file, ml_obj_file = o_file}
+ , ms_hspp_opts = updOptLevel 0 $ dflags {hscTarget = target}
+ }
+ | otherwise = return ms
+ needs_codegen_set = transitive_deps_set
+ [ ms
+ | mss <- Map.elems nodemap
+ , Right ms <- mss
+ , condition ms
+ ]
+ -- find the set of all transitive dependencies of a list of modules.
+ transitive_deps_set modSums = foldl' go Set.empty modSums
+ where
+ go marked_mods ms@ModSummary{ms_mod}
+ | ms_mod `Set.member` marked_mods = marked_mods
+ | otherwise =
+ let deps =
+ [ dep_ms
+ -- If a module imports a boot module, msDeps helpfully adds a
+ -- dependency to that non-boot module in it's result. This
+ -- means we don't have to think about boot modules here.
+ | (L _ mn, NotBoot) <- msDeps ms
+ , dep_ms <-
+ toList (Map.lookup (mn, NotBoot) nodemap) >>= toList >>=
+ toList
+ ]
+ new_marked_mods = Set.insert ms_mod marked_mods
+ in foldl' go new_marked_mods deps
+mkRootMap :: [ModSummary] -> NodeMap [Either ErrorMessages ModSummary]
+mkRootMap summaries = Map.insertListWith (flip (++))
+ [ (msKey s, [Right s]) | s <- summaries ]
+ Map.empty
+-- | Returns the dependencies of the ModSummary s.
+-- A wrinkle is that for a {-# SOURCE #-} import we return
+-- *both* the hs-boot file
+-- *and* the source file
+-- as "dependencies". That ensures that the list of all relevant
+-- modules always contains B.hs if it contains B.hs-boot.
+-- Remember, this pass isn't doing the topological sort. It's
+-- just gathering the list of all relevant ModSummaries
+msDeps :: ModSummary -> [(Located ModuleName, IsBoot)]
+msDeps s =
+ concat [ [(m,IsBoot), (m,NotBoot)] | m <- ms_home_srcimps s ]
+ ++ [ (m,NotBoot) | m <- ms_home_imps s ]
+-- Summarising modules
+-- We have two types of summarisation:
+-- * Summarise a file. This is used for the root module(s) passed to
+-- cmLoadModules. The file is read, and used to determine the root
+-- module name. The module name may differ from the filename.
+-- * Summarise a module. We are given a module name, and must provide
+-- a summary. The finder is used to locate the file in which the module
+-- resides.
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> [ModSummary] -- old summaries
+ -> FilePath -- source file name
+ -> Maybe Phase -- start phase
+ -> Bool -- object code allowed?
+ -> Maybe (StringBuffer,UTCTime)
+ -> IO (Either ErrorMessages ModSummary)
+summariseFile hsc_env old_summaries src_fn mb_phase obj_allowed maybe_buf
+ -- we can use a cached summary if one is available and the
+ -- source file hasn't changed, But we have to look up the summary
+ -- by source file, rather than module name as we do in summarise.
+ | Just old_summary <- findSummaryBySourceFile old_summaries src_fn
+ = do
+ let location = ms_location old_summary
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ src_timestamp <- get_src_timestamp
+ -- The file exists; we checked in getRootSummary above.
+ -- If it gets removed subsequently, then this
+ -- getModificationUTCTime may fail, but that's the right
+ -- behaviour.
+ -- return the cached summary if the source didn't change
+ checkSummaryTimestamp
+ hsc_env dflags obj_allowed NotBoot (new_summary src_fn)
+ old_summary location src_timestamp
+ | otherwise
+ = do src_timestamp <- get_src_timestamp
+ new_summary src_fn src_timestamp
+ where
+ get_src_timestamp = case maybe_buf of
+ Just (_,t) -> return t
+ Nothing -> liftIO $ getModificationUTCTime src_fn
+ -- getModificationUTCTime may fail
+ new_summary src_fn src_timestamp = runExceptT $ do
+ preimps@PreprocessedImports {..}
+ <- getPreprocessedImports hsc_env src_fn mb_phase maybe_buf
+ -- Make a ModLocation for this file
+ location <- liftIO $ mkHomeModLocation (hsc_dflags hsc_env) pi_mod_name src_fn
+ -- Tell the Finder cache where it is, so that subsequent calls
+ -- to findModule will find it, even if it's not on any search path
+ mod <- liftIO $ addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env pi_mod_name location
+ liftIO $ makeNewModSummary hsc_env $ MakeNewModSummary
+ { nms_src_fn = src_fn
+ , nms_src_timestamp = src_timestamp
+ , nms_is_boot = NotBoot
+ , nms_hsc_src =
+ if isHaskellSigFilename src_fn
+ then HsigFile
+ else HsSrcFile
+ , nms_location = location
+ , nms_mod = mod
+ , nms_obj_allowed = obj_allowed
+ , nms_preimps = preimps
+ }
+findSummaryBySourceFile :: [ModSummary] -> FilePath -> Maybe ModSummary
+findSummaryBySourceFile summaries file
+ = case [ ms | ms <- summaries, HsSrcFile <- [ms_hsc_src ms],
+ expectJust "findSummaryBySourceFile" (ml_hs_file (ms_location ms)) == file ] of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ (x:_) -> Just x
+ :: HscEnv -> DynFlags -> Bool -> IsBoot
+ -> (UTCTime -> IO (Either e ModSummary))
+ -> ModSummary -> ModLocation -> UTCTime
+ -> IO (Either e ModSummary)
+ hsc_env dflags obj_allowed is_boot new_summary
+ old_summary location src_timestamp
+ | ms_hs_date old_summary == src_timestamp &&
+ not (gopt Opt_ForceRecomp (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) = do
+ -- update the object-file timestamp
+ obj_timestamp <-
+ if isObjectTarget (hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env))
+ || obj_allowed -- bug #1205
+ then liftIO $ getObjTimestamp location is_boot
+ else return Nothing
+ -- We have to repopulate the Finder's cache for file targets
+ -- because the file might not even be on the regular search path
+ -- and it was likely flushed in depanal. This is not technically
+ -- needed when we're called from sumariseModule but it shouldn't
+ -- hurt.
+ _ <- addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env
+ (moduleName (ms_mod old_summary)) location
+ hi_timestamp <- maybeGetIfaceDate dflags location
+ hie_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file location)
+ return $ Right old_summary
+ { ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp
+ , ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp
+ , ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp
+ }
+ | otherwise =
+ -- source changed: re-summarise.
+ new_summary src_timestamp
+-- Summarise a module, and pick up source and timestamp.
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> NodeMap ModSummary -- Map of old summaries
+ -> IsBoot -- IsBoot <=> a {-# SOURCE #-} import
+ -> Located ModuleName -- Imported module to be summarised
+ -> Bool -- object code allowed?
+ -> Maybe (StringBuffer, UTCTime)
+ -> [ModuleName] -- Modules to exclude
+ -> IO (Maybe (Either ErrorMessages ModSummary)) -- Its new summary
+summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map is_boot (L loc wanted_mod)
+ obj_allowed maybe_buf excl_mods
+ | wanted_mod `elem` excl_mods
+ = return Nothing
+ | Just old_summary <- Map.lookup (wanted_mod, is_boot) old_summary_map
+ = do -- Find its new timestamp; all the
+ -- ModSummaries in the old map have valid ml_hs_files
+ let location = ms_location old_summary
+ src_fn = expectJust "summariseModule" (ml_hs_file location)
+ -- check the modification time on the source file, and
+ -- return the cached summary if it hasn't changed. If the
+ -- file has disappeared, we need to call the Finder again.
+ case maybe_buf of
+ Just (_,t) ->
+ Just <$> check_timestamp old_summary location src_fn t
+ Nothing -> do
+ m <- tryIO (getModificationUTCTime src_fn)
+ case m of
+ Right t ->
+ Just <$> check_timestamp old_summary location src_fn t
+ Left e | isDoesNotExistError e -> find_it
+ | otherwise -> ioError e
+ | otherwise = find_it
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ check_timestamp old_summary location src_fn =
+ checkSummaryTimestamp
+ hsc_env dflags obj_allowed is_boot
+ (new_summary location (ms_mod old_summary) src_fn)
+ old_summary location
+ find_it = do
+ found <- findImportedModule hsc_env wanted_mod Nothing
+ case found of
+ Found location mod
+ | isJust (ml_hs_file location) ->
+ -- Home package
+ Just <$> just_found location mod
+ _ -> return Nothing
+ -- Not found
+ -- (If it is TRULY not found at all, we'll
+ -- error when we actually try to compile)
+ just_found location mod = do
+ -- Adjust location to point to the hs-boot source file,
+ -- hi file, object file, when is_boot says so
+ let location' | IsBoot <- is_boot = addBootSuffixLocn location
+ | otherwise = location
+ src_fn = expectJust "summarise2" (ml_hs_file location')
+ -- Check that it exists
+ -- It might have been deleted since the Finder last found it
+ maybe_t <- modificationTimeIfExists src_fn
+ case maybe_t of
+ Nothing -> return $ Left $ noHsFileErr dflags loc src_fn
+ Just t -> new_summary location' mod src_fn t
+ new_summary location mod src_fn src_timestamp
+ = runExceptT $ do
+ preimps@PreprocessedImports {..}
+ <- getPreprocessedImports hsc_env src_fn Nothing maybe_buf
+ -- NB: Despite the fact that is_boot is a top-level parameter, we
+ -- don't actually know coming into this function what the HscSource
+ -- of the module in question is. This is because we may be processing
+ -- this module because another module in the graph imported it: in this
+ -- case, we know if it's a boot or not because of the {-# SOURCE #-}
+ -- annotation, but we don't know if it's a signature or a regular
+ -- module until we actually look it up on the filesystem.
+ let hsc_src = case is_boot of
+ IsBoot -> HsBootFile
+ _ | isHaskellSigFilename src_fn -> HsigFile
+ | otherwise -> HsSrcFile
+ when (pi_mod_name /= wanted_mod) $
+ throwE $ unitBag $ mkPlainErrMsg pi_local_dflags pi_mod_name_loc $
+ text "File name does not match module name:"
+ $$ text "Saw:" <+> quotes (ppr pi_mod_name)
+ $$ text "Expected:" <+> quotes (ppr wanted_mod)
+ when (hsc_src == HsigFile && isNothing (lookup pi_mod_name (thisUnitIdInsts dflags))) $
+ let suggested_instantiated_with =
+ hcat (punctuate comma $
+ [ ppr k <> text "=" <> ppr v
+ | (k,v) <- ((pi_mod_name, mkHoleModule pi_mod_name)
+ : thisUnitIdInsts dflags)
+ ])
+ in throwE $ unitBag $ mkPlainErrMsg pi_local_dflags pi_mod_name_loc $
+ text "Unexpected signature:" <+> quotes (ppr pi_mod_name)
+ $$ if gopt Opt_BuildingCabalPackage dflags
+ then parens (text "Try adding" <+> quotes (ppr pi_mod_name)
+ <+> text "to the"
+ <+> quotes (text "signatures")
+ <+> text "field in your Cabal file.")
+ else parens (text "Try passing -instantiated-with=\"" <>
+ suggested_instantiated_with <> text "\"" $$
+ text "replacing <" <> ppr pi_mod_name <> text "> as necessary.")
+ liftIO $ makeNewModSummary hsc_env $ MakeNewModSummary
+ { nms_src_fn = src_fn
+ , nms_src_timestamp = src_timestamp
+ , nms_is_boot = is_boot
+ , nms_hsc_src = hsc_src
+ , nms_location = location
+ , nms_mod = mod
+ , nms_obj_allowed = obj_allowed
+ , nms_preimps = preimps
+ }
+-- | Convenience named arguments for 'makeNewModSummary' only used to make
+-- code more readable, not exported.
+data MakeNewModSummary
+ = MakeNewModSummary
+ { nms_src_fn :: FilePath
+ , nms_src_timestamp :: UTCTime
+ , nms_is_boot :: IsBoot
+ , nms_hsc_src :: HscSource
+ , nms_location :: ModLocation
+ , nms_mod :: Module
+ , nms_obj_allowed :: Bool
+ , nms_preimps :: PreprocessedImports
+ }
+makeNewModSummary :: HscEnv -> MakeNewModSummary -> IO ModSummary
+makeNewModSummary hsc_env MakeNewModSummary{..} = do
+ let PreprocessedImports{..} = nms_preimps
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ -- when the user asks to load a source file by name, we only
+ -- use an object file if -fobject-code is on. See #1205.
+ obj_timestamp <- liftIO $
+ if isObjectTarget (hscTarget dflags)
+ || nms_obj_allowed -- bug #1205
+ then getObjTimestamp nms_location nms_is_boot
+ else return Nothing
+ hi_timestamp <- maybeGetIfaceDate dflags nms_location
+ hie_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file nms_location)
+ extra_sig_imports <- findExtraSigImports hsc_env nms_hsc_src pi_mod_name
+ required_by_imports <- implicitRequirements hsc_env pi_theimps
+ return $ ModSummary
+ { ms_mod = nms_mod
+ , ms_hsc_src = nms_hsc_src
+ , ms_location = nms_location
+ , ms_hspp_file = pi_hspp_fn
+ , ms_hspp_opts = pi_local_dflags
+ , ms_hspp_buf = Just pi_hspp_buf
+ , ms_parsed_mod = Nothing
+ , ms_srcimps = pi_srcimps
+ , ms_textual_imps =
+ pi_theimps ++ extra_sig_imports ++ required_by_imports
+ , ms_hs_date = nms_src_timestamp
+ , ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp
+ , ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp
+ , ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp
+ }
+getObjTimestamp :: ModLocation -> IsBoot -> IO (Maybe UTCTime)
+getObjTimestamp location is_boot
+ = if is_boot == IsBoot then return Nothing
+ else modificationTimeIfExists (ml_obj_file location)
+data PreprocessedImports
+ = PreprocessedImports
+ { pi_local_dflags :: DynFlags
+ , pi_srcimps :: [(Maybe FastString, Located ModuleName)]
+ , pi_theimps :: [(Maybe FastString, Located ModuleName)]
+ , pi_hspp_fn :: FilePath
+ , pi_hspp_buf :: StringBuffer
+ , pi_mod_name_loc :: SrcSpan
+ , pi_mod_name :: ModuleName
+ }
+-- Preprocess the source file and get its imports
+-- The pi_local_dflags contains the OPTIONS pragmas
+ :: HscEnv
+ -> FilePath
+ -> Maybe Phase
+ -> Maybe (StringBuffer, UTCTime)
+ -- ^ optional source code buffer and modification time
+ -> ExceptT ErrorMessages IO PreprocessedImports
+getPreprocessedImports hsc_env src_fn mb_phase maybe_buf = do
+ (pi_local_dflags, pi_hspp_fn)
+ <- ExceptT $ preprocess hsc_env src_fn (fst <$> maybe_buf) mb_phase
+ pi_hspp_buf <- liftIO $ hGetStringBuffer pi_hspp_fn
+ (pi_srcimps, pi_theimps, L pi_mod_name_loc pi_mod_name)
+ <- ExceptT $ getImports pi_local_dflags pi_hspp_buf pi_hspp_fn src_fn
+ return PreprocessedImports {..}
+-- Error messages
+-- Defer and group warning, error and fatal messages so they will not get lost
+-- in the regular output.
+withDeferredDiagnostics :: GhcMonad m => m a -> m a
+withDeferredDiagnostics f = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ if not $ gopt Opt_DeferDiagnostics dflags
+ then f
+ else do
+ warnings <- liftIO $ newIORef []
+ errors <- liftIO $ newIORef []
+ fatals <- liftIO $ newIORef []
+ let deferDiagnostics _dflags !reason !severity !srcSpan !style !msg = do
+ let action = putLogMsg dflags reason severity srcSpan style msg
+ case severity of
+ SevWarning -> atomicModifyIORef' warnings $ \i -> (action: i, ())
+ SevError -> atomicModifyIORef' errors $ \i -> (action: i, ())
+ SevFatal -> atomicModifyIORef' fatals $ \i -> (action: i, ())
+ _ -> action
+ printDeferredDiagnostics = liftIO $
+ forM_ [warnings, errors, fatals] $ \ref -> do
+ -- This IORef can leak when the dflags leaks, so let us always
+ -- reset the content.
+ actions <- atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \i -> ([], i)
+ sequence_ $ reverse actions
+ setLogAction action = modifySession $ \hsc_env ->
+ hsc_env{ hsc_dflags = (hsc_dflags hsc_env){ log_action = action } }
+ gbracket
+ (setLogAction deferDiagnostics)
+ (\_ -> setLogAction (log_action dflags) >> printDeferredDiagnostics)
+ (\_ -> f)
+noModError :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> ModuleName -> FindResult -> ErrMsg
+-- ToDo: we don't have a proper line number for this error
+noModError dflags loc wanted_mod err
+ = mkPlainErrMsg dflags loc $ cannotFindModule dflags wanted_mod err
+noHsFileErr :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> String -> ErrorMessages
+noHsFileErr dflags loc path
+ = unitBag $ mkPlainErrMsg dflags loc $ text "Can't find" <+> text path
+moduleNotFoundErr :: DynFlags -> ModuleName -> ErrorMessages
+moduleNotFoundErr dflags mod
+ = unitBag $ mkPlainErrMsg dflags noSrcSpan $
+ text "module" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+> text "cannot be found locally"
+multiRootsErr :: DynFlags -> [ModSummary] -> IO ()
+multiRootsErr _ [] = panic "multiRootsErr"
+multiRootsErr dflags summs@(summ1:_)
+ = throwOneError $ mkPlainErrMsg dflags noSrcSpan $
+ text "module" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+>
+ text "is defined in multiple files:" <+>
+ sep (map text files)
+ where
+ mod = ms_mod summ1
+ files = map (expectJust "checkDup" . ml_hs_file . ms_location) summs
+keepGoingPruneErr :: [ModuleName] -> SDoc
+keepGoingPruneErr ms
+ = vcat (( text "-fkeep-going in use, removing the following" <+>
+ text "dependencies and continuing:"):
+ map (nest 6 . ppr) ms )
+cyclicModuleErr :: [ModSummary] -> SDoc
+-- From a strongly connected component we find
+-- a single cycle to report
+cyclicModuleErr mss
+ = ASSERT( not (null mss) )
+ case findCycle graph of
+ Nothing -> text "Unexpected non-cycle" <+> ppr mss
+ Just path -> vcat [ text "Module imports form a cycle:"
+ , nest 2 (show_path path) ]
+ where
+ graph :: [Node NodeKey ModSummary]
+ graph = [ DigraphNode ms (msKey ms) (get_deps ms) | ms <- mss]
+ get_deps :: ModSummary -> [NodeKey]
+ get_deps ms = ([ (unLoc m, IsBoot) | m <- ms_home_srcimps ms ] ++
+ [ (unLoc m, NotBoot) | m <- ms_home_imps ms ])
+ show_path [] = panic "show_path"
+ show_path [m] = text "module" <+> ppr_ms m
+ <+> text "imports itself"
+ show_path (m1:m2:ms) = vcat ( nest 7 (text "module" <+> ppr_ms m1)
+ : nest 6 (text "imports" <+> ppr_ms m2)
+ : go ms )
+ where
+ go [] = [text "which imports" <+> ppr_ms m1]
+ go (m:ms) = (text "which imports" <+> ppr_ms m) : go ms
+ ppr_ms :: ModSummary -> SDoc
+ ppr_ms ms = quotes (ppr (moduleName (ms_mod ms))) <+>
+ (parens (text (msHsFilePath ms)))
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/MakeFile.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/MakeFile.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1d3b00394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/MakeFile.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+-- Makefile Dependency Generation
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2005
+module GHC.Driver.MakeFile
+ ( doMkDependHS
+ )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import qualified GHC
+import GHC.Driver.Monad
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Util
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import qualified SysTools
+import Module
+import Digraph ( SCC(..) )
+import GHC.Driver.Finder
+import Outputable
+import Panic
+import SrcLoc
+import Data.List
+import FastString
+import FileCleanup
+import Exception
+import ErrUtils
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
+import System.IO
+import System.IO.Error ( isEOFError )
+import Control.Monad ( when )
+import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
+import Data.IORef
+-- The main function
+doMkDependHS :: GhcMonad m => [FilePath] -> m ()
+doMkDependHS srcs = do
+ -- Initialisation
+ dflags0 <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
+ -- We kludge things a bit for dependency generation. Rather than
+ -- generating dependencies for each way separately, we generate
+ -- them once and then duplicate them for each way's osuf/hisuf.
+ -- We therefore do the initial dependency generation with an empty
+ -- way and .o/.hi extensions, regardless of any flags that might
+ -- be specified.
+ let dflags = dflags0 {
+ ways = [],
+ buildTag = mkBuildTag [],
+ hiSuf = "hi",
+ objectSuf = "o"
+ }
+ _ <- GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags
+ when (null (depSuffixes dflags)) $ liftIO $
+ throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "You must specify at least one -dep-suffix")
+ files <- liftIO $ beginMkDependHS dflags
+ -- Do the downsweep to find all the modules
+ targets <- mapM (\s -> GHC.guessTarget s Nothing) srcs
+ GHC.setTargets targets
+ let excl_mods = depExcludeMods dflags
+ module_graph <- GHC.depanal excl_mods True {- Allow dup roots -}
+ -- Sort into dependency order
+ -- There should be no cycles
+ let sorted = GHC.topSortModuleGraph False module_graph Nothing
+ -- Print out the dependencies if wanted
+ liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Module dependencies" $$ ppr sorted)
+ -- Process them one by one, dumping results into makefile
+ -- and complaining about cycles
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ root <- liftIO getCurrentDirectory
+ mapM_ (liftIO . processDeps dflags hsc_env excl_mods root (mkd_tmp_hdl files)) sorted
+ -- If -ddump-mod-cycles, show cycles in the module graph
+ liftIO $ dumpModCycles dflags module_graph
+ -- Tidy up
+ liftIO $ endMkDependHS dflags files
+ -- Unconditional exiting is a bad idea. If an error occurs we'll get an
+ --exception; if that is not caught it's fine, but at least we have a
+ --chance to find out exactly what went wrong. Uncomment the following
+ --line if you disagree.
+ --`GHC.ghcCatch` \_ -> io $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+-- beginMkDependHs
+-- Create a temporary file,
+-- find the Makefile,
+-- slurp through it, etc
+data MkDepFiles
+ = MkDep { mkd_make_file :: FilePath, -- Name of the makefile
+ mkd_make_hdl :: Maybe Handle, -- Handle for the open makefile
+ mkd_tmp_file :: FilePath, -- Name of the temporary file
+ mkd_tmp_hdl :: Handle } -- Handle of the open temporary file
+beginMkDependHS :: DynFlags -> IO MkDepFiles
+beginMkDependHS dflags = do
+ -- open a new temp file in which to stuff the dependency info
+ -- as we go along.
+ tmp_file <- newTempName dflags TFL_CurrentModule "dep"
+ tmp_hdl <- openFile tmp_file WriteMode
+ -- open the makefile
+ let makefile = depMakefile dflags
+ exists <- doesFileExist makefile
+ mb_make_hdl <-
+ if not exists
+ then return Nothing
+ else do
+ makefile_hdl <- openFile makefile ReadMode
+ -- slurp through until we get the magic start string,
+ -- copying the contents into dep_makefile
+ let slurp = do
+ l <- hGetLine makefile_hdl
+ if (l == depStartMarker)
+ then return ()
+ else do hPutStrLn tmp_hdl l; slurp
+ -- slurp through until we get the magic end marker,
+ -- throwing away the contents
+ let chuck = do
+ l <- hGetLine makefile_hdl
+ if (l == depEndMarker)
+ then return ()
+ else chuck
+ catchIO slurp
+ (\e -> if isEOFError e then return () else ioError e)
+ catchIO chuck
+ (\e -> if isEOFError e then return () else ioError e)
+ return (Just makefile_hdl)
+ -- write the magic marker into the tmp file
+ hPutStrLn tmp_hdl depStartMarker
+ return (MkDep { mkd_make_file = makefile, mkd_make_hdl = mb_make_hdl,
+ mkd_tmp_file = tmp_file, mkd_tmp_hdl = tmp_hdl})
+-- processDeps
+processDeps :: DynFlags
+ -> HscEnv
+ -> [ModuleName]
+ -> FilePath
+ -> Handle -- Write dependencies to here
+ -> SCC ModSummary
+ -> IO ()
+-- Write suitable dependencies to handle
+-- Always:
+-- this.o : this.hs
+-- If the dependency is on something other than a .hi file:
+-- this.o this.p_o ... : dep
+-- otherwise
+-- this.o ... : dep.hi
+-- this.p_o ... : dep.p_hi
+-- ...
+-- (where .o is $osuf, and the other suffixes come from
+-- the cmdline -s options).
+-- For {-# SOURCE #-} imports the "hi" will be "hi-boot".
+processDeps dflags _ _ _ _ (CyclicSCC nodes)
+ = -- There shouldn't be any cycles; report them
+ throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError (showSDoc dflags $ GHC.cyclicModuleErr nodes))
+processDeps dflags hsc_env excl_mods root hdl (AcyclicSCC node)
+ = do { let extra_suffixes = depSuffixes dflags
+ include_pkg_deps = depIncludePkgDeps dflags
+ src_file = msHsFilePath node
+ obj_file = msObjFilePath node
+ obj_files = insertSuffixes obj_file extra_suffixes
+ do_imp loc is_boot pkg_qual imp_mod
+ = do { mb_hi <- findDependency hsc_env loc pkg_qual imp_mod
+ is_boot include_pkg_deps
+ ; case mb_hi of {
+ Nothing -> return () ;
+ Just hi_file -> do
+ { let hi_files = insertSuffixes hi_file extra_suffixes
+ write_dep (obj,hi) = writeDependency root hdl [obj] hi
+ -- Add one dependency for each suffix;
+ -- e.g. A.o : B.hi
+ -- A.x_o : B.x_hi
+ ; mapM_ write_dep (obj_files `zip` hi_files) }}}
+ -- Emit std dependency of the object(s) on the source file
+ -- Something like A.o : A.hs
+ ; writeDependency root hdl obj_files src_file
+ -- Emit a dependency for each CPP import
+ ; when (depIncludeCppDeps dflags) $ do
+ -- CPP deps are descovered in the module parsing phase by parsing
+ -- comment lines left by the preprocessor.
+ -- Note that GHC.parseModule may throw an exception if the module
+ -- fails to parse, which may not be desirable (see #16616).
+ { session <- Session <$> newIORef hsc_env
+ ; parsedMod <- reflectGhc (GHC.parseModule node) session
+ ; mapM_ (writeDependency root hdl obj_files)
+ (GHC.pm_extra_src_files parsedMod)
+ }
+ -- Emit a dependency for each import
+ ; let do_imps is_boot idecls = sequence_
+ [ do_imp loc is_boot mb_pkg mod
+ | (mb_pkg, L loc mod) <- idecls,
+ mod `notElem` excl_mods ]
+ ; do_imps True (ms_srcimps node)
+ ; do_imps False (ms_imps node)
+ }
+findDependency :: HscEnv
+ -> SrcSpan
+ -> Maybe FastString -- package qualifier, if any
+ -> ModuleName -- Imported module
+ -> IsBootInterface -- Source import
+ -> Bool -- Record dependency on package modules
+ -> IO (Maybe FilePath) -- Interface file file
+findDependency hsc_env srcloc pkg imp is_boot include_pkg_deps
+ = do { -- Find the module; this will be fast because
+ -- we've done it once during downsweep
+ r <- findImportedModule hsc_env imp pkg
+ ; case r of
+ Found loc _
+ -- Home package: just depend on the .hi or hi-boot file
+ | isJust (ml_hs_file loc) || include_pkg_deps
+ -> return (Just (addBootSuffix_maybe is_boot (ml_hi_file loc)))
+ -- Not in this package: we don't need a dependency
+ | otherwise
+ -> return Nothing
+ fail ->
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ in throwOneError $ mkPlainErrMsg dflags srcloc $
+ cannotFindModule dflags imp fail
+ }
+writeDependency :: FilePath -> Handle -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO ()
+-- (writeDependency r h [t1,t2] dep) writes to handle h the dependency
+-- t1 t2 : dep
+writeDependency root hdl targets dep
+ = do let -- We need to avoid making deps on
+ -- c:/foo/...
+ -- on cygwin as make gets confused by the :
+ -- Making relative deps avoids some instances of this.
+ dep' = makeRelative root dep
+ forOutput = escapeSpaces . reslash Forwards . normalise
+ output = unwords (map forOutput targets) ++ " : " ++ forOutput dep'
+ hPutStrLn hdl output
+ :: FilePath -- Original filename; e.g. "foo.o"
+ -> [String] -- Suffix prefixes e.g. ["x_", "y_"]
+ -> [FilePath] -- Zapped filenames e.g. ["foo.x_o", "foo.y_o"]
+ -- Note that that the extra bit gets inserted *before* the old suffix
+ -- We assume the old suffix contains no dots, so we know where to
+ -- split it
+insertSuffixes file_name extras
+ = [ basename <.> (extra ++ suffix) | extra <- extras ]
+ where
+ (basename, suffix) = case splitExtension file_name of
+ -- Drop the "." from the extension
+ (b, s) -> (b, drop 1 s)
+-- endMkDependHs
+-- Complete the makefile, close the tmp file etc
+endMkDependHS :: DynFlags -> MkDepFiles -> IO ()
+endMkDependHS dflags
+ (MkDep { mkd_make_file = makefile, mkd_make_hdl = makefile_hdl,
+ mkd_tmp_file = tmp_file, mkd_tmp_hdl = tmp_hdl })
+ = do
+ -- write the magic marker into the tmp file
+ hPutStrLn tmp_hdl depEndMarker
+ case makefile_hdl of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just hdl -> do
+ -- slurp the rest of the original makefile and copy it into the output
+ let slurp = do
+ l <- hGetLine hdl
+ hPutStrLn tmp_hdl l
+ slurp
+ catchIO slurp
+ (\e -> if isEOFError e then return () else ioError e)
+ hClose hdl
+ hClose tmp_hdl -- make sure it's flushed
+ -- Create a backup of the original makefile
+ when (isJust makefile_hdl)
+ (SysTools.copy dflags ("Backing up " ++ makefile)
+ makefile (makefile++".bak"))
+ -- Copy the new makefile in place
+ SysTools.copy dflags "Installing new makefile" tmp_file makefile
+-- Module cycles
+dumpModCycles :: DynFlags -> ModuleGraph -> IO ()
+dumpModCycles dflags module_graph
+ | not (dopt Opt_D_dump_mod_cycles dflags)
+ = return ()
+ | null cycles
+ = putMsg dflags (text "No module cycles")
+ | otherwise
+ = putMsg dflags (hang (text "Module cycles found:") 2 pp_cycles)
+ where
+ cycles :: [[ModSummary]]
+ cycles =
+ [ c | CyclicSCC c <- GHC.topSortModuleGraph True module_graph Nothing ]
+ pp_cycles = vcat [ (text "---------- Cycle" <+> int n <+> ptext (sLit "----------"))
+ $$ pprCycle c $$ blankLine
+ | (n,c) <- [1..] `zip` cycles ]
+pprCycle :: [ModSummary] -> SDoc
+-- Print a cycle, but show only the imports within the cycle
+pprCycle summaries = pp_group (CyclicSCC summaries)
+ where
+ cycle_mods :: [ModuleName] -- The modules in this cycle
+ cycle_mods = map (moduleName . ms_mod) summaries
+ pp_group (AcyclicSCC ms) = pp_ms ms
+ pp_group (CyclicSCC mss)
+ = ASSERT( not (null boot_only) )
+ -- The boot-only list must be non-empty, else there would
+ -- be an infinite chain of non-boot imports, and we've
+ -- already checked for that in processModDeps
+ pp_ms loop_breaker $$ vcat (map pp_group groups)
+ where
+ (boot_only, others) = partition is_boot_only mss
+ is_boot_only ms = not (any in_group (map snd (ms_imps ms)))
+ in_group (L _ m) = m `elem` group_mods
+ group_mods = map (moduleName . ms_mod) mss
+ loop_breaker = head boot_only
+ all_others = tail boot_only ++ others
+ groups =
+ GHC.topSortModuleGraph True (mkModuleGraph all_others) Nothing
+ pp_ms summary = text mod_str <> text (take (20 - length mod_str) (repeat ' '))
+ <+> (pp_imps empty (map snd (ms_imps summary)) $$
+ pp_imps (text "{-# SOURCE #-}") (map snd (ms_srcimps summary)))
+ where
+ mod_str = moduleNameString (moduleName (ms_mod summary))
+ pp_imps :: SDoc -> [Located ModuleName] -> SDoc
+ pp_imps _ [] = empty
+ pp_imps what lms
+ = case [m | L _ m <- lms, m `elem` cycle_mods] of
+ [] -> empty
+ ms -> what <+> text "imports" <+>
+ pprWithCommas ppr ms
+-- Flags
+depStartMarker, depEndMarker :: String
+depStartMarker = "# DO NOT DELETE: Beginning of Haskell dependencies"
+depEndMarker = "# DO NOT DELETE: End of Haskell dependencies"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Monad.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Monad.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3825757ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Monad.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveFunctor, RankNTypes #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow, 2010
+-- The Session type and related functionality
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+module GHC.Driver.Monad (
+ -- * 'Ghc' monad stuff
+ GhcMonad(..),
+ Ghc(..),
+ GhcT(..), liftGhcT,
+ reflectGhc, reifyGhc,
+ getSessionDynFlags,
+ liftIO,
+ Session(..), withSession, modifySession, withTempSession,
+ -- ** Warnings
+ logWarnings, printException,
+ WarnErrLogger, defaultWarnErrLogger
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import MonadUtils
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Exception
+import ErrUtils
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.IORef
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | A monad that has all the features needed by GHC API calls.
+-- In short, a GHC monad
+-- - allows embedding of IO actions,
+-- - can log warnings,
+-- - allows handling of (extensible) exceptions, and
+-- - maintains a current session.
+-- If you do not use 'Ghc' or 'GhcT', make sure to call 'GHC.initGhcMonad'
+-- before any call to the GHC API functions can occur.
+class (Functor m, MonadIO m, ExceptionMonad m, HasDynFlags m) => GhcMonad m where
+ getSession :: m HscEnv
+ setSession :: HscEnv -> m ()
+-- | Call the argument with the current session.
+withSession :: GhcMonad m => (HscEnv -> m a) -> m a
+withSession f = getSession >>= f
+-- | Grabs the DynFlags from the Session
+getSessionDynFlags :: GhcMonad m => m DynFlags
+getSessionDynFlags = withSession (return . hsc_dflags)
+-- | Set the current session to the result of applying the current session to
+-- the argument.
+modifySession :: GhcMonad m => (HscEnv -> HscEnv) -> m ()
+modifySession f = do h <- getSession
+ setSession $! f h
+withSavedSession :: GhcMonad m => m a -> m a
+withSavedSession m = do
+ saved_session <- getSession
+ m `gfinally` setSession saved_session
+-- | Call an action with a temporarily modified Session.
+withTempSession :: GhcMonad m => (HscEnv -> HscEnv) -> m a -> m a
+withTempSession f m =
+ withSavedSession $ modifySession f >> m
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | A monad that allows logging of warnings.
+logWarnings :: GhcMonad m => WarningMessages -> m ()
+logWarnings warns = do
+ dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
+ liftIO $ printOrThrowWarnings dflags warns
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | A minimal implementation of a 'GhcMonad'. If you need a custom monad,
+-- e.g., to maintain additional state consider wrapping this monad or using
+-- 'GhcT'.
+newtype Ghc a = Ghc { unGhc :: Session -> IO a } deriving (Functor)
+-- | The Session is a handle to the complete state of a compilation
+-- session. A compilation session consists of a set of modules
+-- constituting the current program or library, the context for
+-- interactive evaluation, and various caches.
+data Session = Session !(IORef HscEnv)
+instance Applicative Ghc where
+ pure a = Ghc $ \_ -> return a
+ g <*> m = do f <- g; a <- m; return (f a)
+instance Monad Ghc where
+ m >>= g = Ghc $ \s -> do a <- unGhc m s; unGhc (g a) s
+instance MonadIO Ghc where
+ liftIO ioA = Ghc $ \_ -> ioA
+instance MonadFix Ghc where
+ mfix f = Ghc $ \s -> mfix (\x -> unGhc (f x) s)
+instance ExceptionMonad Ghc where
+ gcatch act handle =
+ Ghc $ \s -> unGhc act s `gcatch` \e -> unGhc (handle e) s
+ gmask f =
+ Ghc $ \s -> gmask $ \io_restore ->
+ let
+ g_restore (Ghc m) = Ghc $ \s -> io_restore (m s)
+ in
+ unGhc (f g_restore) s
+instance HasDynFlags Ghc where
+ getDynFlags = getSessionDynFlags
+instance GhcMonad Ghc where
+ getSession = Ghc $ \(Session r) -> readIORef r
+ setSession s' = Ghc $ \(Session r) -> writeIORef r s'
+-- | Reflect a computation in the 'Ghc' monad into the 'IO' monad.
+-- You can use this to call functions returning an action in the 'Ghc' monad
+-- inside an 'IO' action. This is needed for some (too restrictive) callback
+-- arguments of some library functions:
+-- > libFunc :: String -> (Int -> IO a) -> IO a
+-- > ghcFunc :: Int -> Ghc a
+-- >
+-- > ghcFuncUsingLibFunc :: String -> Ghc a -> Ghc a
+-- > ghcFuncUsingLibFunc str =
+-- > reifyGhc $ \s ->
+-- > libFunc $ \i -> do
+-- > reflectGhc (ghcFunc i) s
+reflectGhc :: Ghc a -> Session -> IO a
+reflectGhc m = unGhc m
+-- > Dual to 'reflectGhc'. See its documentation.
+reifyGhc :: (Session -> IO a) -> Ghc a
+reifyGhc act = Ghc $ act
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | A monad transformer to add GHC specific features to another monad.
+-- Note that the wrapped monad must support IO and handling of exceptions.
+newtype GhcT m a = GhcT { unGhcT :: Session -> m a }
+ deriving (Functor)
+liftGhcT :: m a -> GhcT m a
+liftGhcT m = GhcT $ \_ -> m
+instance Applicative m => Applicative (GhcT m) where
+ pure x = GhcT $ \_ -> pure x
+ g <*> m = GhcT $ \s -> unGhcT g s <*> unGhcT m s
+instance Monad m => Monad (GhcT m) where
+ m >>= k = GhcT $ \s -> do a <- unGhcT m s; unGhcT (k a) s
+instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (GhcT m) where
+ liftIO ioA = GhcT $ \_ -> liftIO ioA
+instance ExceptionMonad m => ExceptionMonad (GhcT m) where
+ gcatch act handle =
+ GhcT $ \s -> unGhcT act s `gcatch` \e -> unGhcT (handle e) s
+ gmask f =
+ GhcT $ \s -> gmask $ \io_restore ->
+ let
+ g_restore (GhcT m) = GhcT $ \s -> io_restore (m s)
+ in
+ unGhcT (f g_restore) s
+instance MonadIO m => HasDynFlags (GhcT m) where
+ getDynFlags = GhcT $ \(Session r) -> liftM hsc_dflags (liftIO $ readIORef r)
+instance ExceptionMonad m => GhcMonad (GhcT m) where
+ getSession = GhcT $ \(Session r) -> liftIO $ readIORef r
+ setSession s' = GhcT $ \(Session r) -> liftIO $ writeIORef r s'
+-- | Print the error message and all warnings. Useful inside exception
+-- handlers. Clears warnings after printing.
+printException :: GhcMonad m => SourceError -> m ()
+printException err = do
+ dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
+ liftIO $ printBagOfErrors dflags (srcErrorMessages err)
+-- | A function called to log warnings and errors.
+type WarnErrLogger = forall m. GhcMonad m => Maybe SourceError -> m ()
+defaultWarnErrLogger :: WarnErrLogger
+defaultWarnErrLogger Nothing = return ()
+defaultWarnErrLogger (Just e) = printException e
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Packages.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Packages.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..572da5f3d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Packages.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2215 @@
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow, 2006
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables, BangPatterns, FlexibleContexts #-}
+-- | Package manipulation
+module GHC.Driver.Packages (
+ module UnitInfo,
+ -- * Reading the package config, and processing cmdline args
+ PackageState(preloadPackages, explicitPackages, moduleNameProvidersMap, requirementContext),
+ PackageDatabase (..),
+ UnitInfoMap,
+ emptyPackageState,
+ initPackages,
+ readPackageDatabases,
+ readPackageDatabase,
+ getPackageConfRefs,
+ resolvePackageDatabase,
+ listUnitInfoMap,
+ -- * Querying the package config
+ lookupUnit,
+ lookupUnit',
+ lookupInstalledPackage,
+ lookupPackageName,
+ improveUnitId,
+ searchPackageId,
+ getPackageDetails,
+ getInstalledPackageDetails,
+ componentIdString,
+ displayInstalledUnitId,
+ listVisibleModuleNames,
+ lookupModuleInAllPackages,
+ lookupModuleWithSuggestions,
+ lookupPluginModuleWithSuggestions,
+ LookupResult(..),
+ ModuleSuggestion(..),
+ ModuleOrigin(..),
+ UnusablePackageReason(..),
+ pprReason,
+ -- * Inspecting the set of packages in scope
+ getPackageIncludePath,
+ getPackageLibraryPath,
+ getPackageLinkOpts,
+ getPackageExtraCcOpts,
+ getPackageFrameworkPath,
+ getPackageFrameworks,
+ getUnitInfoMap,
+ getPreloadPackagesAnd,
+ collectArchives,
+ collectIncludeDirs, collectLibraryPaths, collectLinkOpts,
+ packageHsLibs, getLibs,
+ -- * Utils
+ unwireUnitId,
+ pprFlag,
+ pprPackages,
+ pprPackagesSimple,
+ pprModuleMap,
+ isIndefinite,
+ isDllName
+ )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.PackageDb
+import UnitInfo
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Name ( Name, nameModule_maybe )
+import UniqFM
+import UniqDFM
+import UniqSet
+import Module
+import Util
+import Panic
+import GHC.Platform
+import Outputable
+import Maybes
+import System.Environment ( getEnv )
+import FastString
+import ErrUtils ( debugTraceMsg, MsgDoc, dumpIfSet_dyn,
+ withTiming, DumpFormat (..) )
+import Exception
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath as FilePath
+import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath.Posix
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Graph (stronglyConnComp, SCC(..))
+import Data.Char ( toUpper )
+import Data.List as List
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import Data.Monoid (First(..))
+import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as MapStrict
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.Version
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The Package state
+-- | Package state is all stored in 'DynFlags', including the details of
+-- all packages, which packages are exposed, and which modules they
+-- provide.
+-- The package state is computed by 'initPackages', and kept in DynFlags.
+-- It is influenced by various package flags:
+-- * @-package <pkg>@ and @-package-id <pkg>@ cause @<pkg>@ to become exposed.
+-- If @-hide-all-packages@ was not specified, these commands also cause
+-- all other packages with the same name to become hidden.
+-- * @-hide-package <pkg>@ causes @<pkg>@ to become hidden.
+-- * (there are a few more flags, check below for their semantics)
+-- The package state has the following properties.
+-- * Let @exposedPackages@ be the set of packages thus exposed.
+-- Let @depExposedPackages@ be the transitive closure from @exposedPackages@ of
+-- their dependencies.
+-- * When searching for a module from a preload import declaration,
+-- only the exposed modules in @exposedPackages@ are valid.
+-- * When searching for a module from an implicit import, all modules
+-- from @depExposedPackages@ are valid.
+-- * When linking in a compilation manager mode, we link in packages the
+-- program depends on (the compiler knows this list by the
+-- time it gets to the link step). Also, we link in all packages
+-- which were mentioned with preload @-package@ flags on the command-line,
+-- or are a transitive dependency of same, or are \"base\"\/\"rts\".
+-- The reason for this is that we might need packages which don't
+-- contain any Haskell modules, and therefore won't be discovered
+-- by the normal mechanism of dependency tracking.
+-- Notes on DLLs
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- When compiling module A, which imports module B, we need to
+-- know whether B will be in the same DLL as A.
+-- If it's in the same DLL, we refer to B_f_closure
+-- If it isn't, we refer to _imp__B_f_closure
+-- When compiling A, we record in B's Module value whether it's
+-- in a different DLL, by setting the DLL flag.
+-- | Given a module name, there may be multiple ways it came into scope,
+-- possibly simultaneously. This data type tracks all the possible ways
+-- it could have come into scope. Warning: don't use the record functions,
+-- they're partial!
+data ModuleOrigin =
+ -- | Module is hidden, and thus never will be available for import.
+ -- (But maybe the user didn't realize), so we'll still keep track
+ -- of these modules.)
+ ModHidden
+ -- | Module is unavailable because the package is unusable.
+ | ModUnusable UnusablePackageReason
+ -- | Module is public, and could have come from some places.
+ | ModOrigin {
+ -- | @Just False@ means that this module is in
+ -- someone's @exported-modules@ list, but that package is hidden;
+ -- @Just True@ means that it is available; @Nothing@ means neither
+ -- applies.
+ fromOrigPackage :: Maybe Bool
+ -- | Is the module available from a reexport of an exposed package?
+ -- There could be multiple.
+ , fromExposedReexport :: [UnitInfo]
+ -- | Is the module available from a reexport of a hidden package?
+ , fromHiddenReexport :: [UnitInfo]
+ -- | Did the module export come from a package flag? (ToDo: track
+ -- more information.
+ , fromPackageFlag :: Bool
+ }
+instance Outputable ModuleOrigin where
+ ppr ModHidden = text "hidden module"
+ ppr (ModUnusable _) = text "unusable module"
+ ppr (ModOrigin e res rhs f) = sep (punctuate comma (
+ (case e of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just False -> [text "hidden package"]
+ Just True -> [text "exposed package"]) ++
+ (if null res
+ then []
+ else [text "reexport by" <+>
+ sep (map (ppr . packageConfigId) res)]) ++
+ (if null rhs
+ then []
+ else [text "hidden reexport by" <+>
+ sep (map (ppr . packageConfigId) res)]) ++
+ (if f then [text "package flag"] else [])
+ ))
+-- | Smart constructor for a module which is in @exposed-modules@. Takes
+-- as an argument whether or not the defining package is exposed.
+fromExposedModules :: Bool -> ModuleOrigin
+fromExposedModules e = ModOrigin (Just e) [] [] False
+-- | Smart constructor for a module which is in @reexported-modules@. Takes
+-- as an argument whether or not the reexporting package is exposed, and
+-- also its 'UnitInfo'.
+fromReexportedModules :: Bool -> UnitInfo -> ModuleOrigin
+fromReexportedModules True pkg = ModOrigin Nothing [pkg] [] False
+fromReexportedModules False pkg = ModOrigin Nothing [] [pkg] False
+-- | Smart constructor for a module which was bound by a package flag.
+fromFlag :: ModuleOrigin
+fromFlag = ModOrigin Nothing [] [] True
+instance Semigroup ModuleOrigin where
+ ModOrigin e res rhs f <> ModOrigin e' res' rhs' f' =
+ ModOrigin (g e e') (res ++ res') (rhs ++ rhs') (f || f')
+ where g (Just b) (Just b')
+ | b == b' = Just b
+ | otherwise = panic "ModOrigin: package both exposed/hidden"
+ g Nothing x = x
+ g x Nothing = x
+ _x <> _y = panic "ModOrigin: hidden module redefined"
+instance Monoid ModuleOrigin where
+ mempty = ModOrigin Nothing [] [] False
+ mappend = (Semigroup.<>)
+-- | Is the name from the import actually visible? (i.e. does it cause
+-- ambiguity, or is it only relevant when we're making suggestions?)
+originVisible :: ModuleOrigin -> Bool
+originVisible ModHidden = False
+originVisible (ModUnusable _) = False
+originVisible (ModOrigin b res _ f) = b == Just True || not (null res) || f
+-- | Are there actually no providers for this module? This will never occur
+-- except when we're filtering based on package imports.
+originEmpty :: ModuleOrigin -> Bool
+originEmpty (ModOrigin Nothing [] [] False) = True
+originEmpty _ = False
+-- | 'UniqFM' map from 'InstalledUnitId'
+type InstalledUnitIdMap = UniqDFM
+-- | 'UniqFM' map from 'UnitId' to 'UnitInfo', plus
+-- the transitive closure of preload packages.
+data UnitInfoMap = UnitInfoMap {
+ unUnitInfoMap :: InstalledUnitIdMap UnitInfo,
+ -- | The set of transitively reachable packages according
+ -- to the explicitly provided command line arguments.
+ -- See Note [UnitId to InstalledUnitId improvement]
+ preloadClosure :: UniqSet InstalledUnitId
+ }
+-- | 'UniqFM' map from 'UnitId' to a 'UnitVisibility'.
+type VisibilityMap = Map UnitId UnitVisibility
+-- | 'UnitVisibility' records the various aspects of visibility of a particular
+-- 'UnitId'.
+data UnitVisibility = UnitVisibility
+ { uv_expose_all :: Bool
+ -- ^ Should all modules in exposed-modules should be dumped into scope?
+ , uv_renamings :: [(ModuleName, ModuleName)]
+ -- ^ Any custom renamings that should bring extra 'ModuleName's into
+ -- scope.
+ , uv_package_name :: First FastString
+ -- ^ The package name is associated with the 'UnitId'. This is used
+ -- to implement legacy behavior where @-package foo-0.1@ implicitly
+ -- hides any packages named @foo@
+ , uv_requirements :: Map ModuleName (Set IndefModule)
+ -- ^ The signatures which are contributed to the requirements context
+ -- from this unit ID.
+ , uv_explicit :: Bool
+ -- ^ Whether or not this unit was explicitly brought into scope,
+ -- as opposed to implicitly via the 'exposed' fields in the
+ -- package database (when @-hide-all-packages@ is not passed.)
+ }
+instance Outputable UnitVisibility where
+ ppr (UnitVisibility {
+ uv_expose_all = b,
+ uv_renamings = rns,
+ uv_package_name = First mb_pn,
+ uv_requirements = reqs,
+ uv_explicit = explicit
+ }) = ppr (b, rns, mb_pn, reqs, explicit)
+instance Semigroup UnitVisibility where
+ uv1 <> uv2
+ = UnitVisibility
+ { uv_expose_all = uv_expose_all uv1 || uv_expose_all uv2
+ , uv_renamings = uv_renamings uv1 ++ uv_renamings uv2
+ , uv_package_name = mappend (uv_package_name uv1) (uv_package_name uv2)
+ , uv_requirements = Map.unionWith Set.union (uv_requirements uv1) (uv_requirements uv2)
+ , uv_explicit = uv_explicit uv1 || uv_explicit uv2
+ }
+instance Monoid UnitVisibility where
+ mempty = UnitVisibility
+ { uv_expose_all = False
+ , uv_renamings = []
+ , uv_package_name = First Nothing
+ , uv_requirements = Map.empty
+ , uv_explicit = False
+ }
+ mappend = (Semigroup.<>)
+type WiredUnitId = DefUnitId
+type PreloadUnitId = InstalledUnitId
+-- | Map from 'ModuleName' to a set of of module providers (i.e. a 'Module' and
+-- its 'ModuleOrigin').
+-- NB: the set is in fact a 'Map Module ModuleOrigin', probably to keep only one
+-- origin for a given 'Module'
+type ModuleNameProvidersMap =
+ Map ModuleName (Map Module ModuleOrigin)
+data PackageState = PackageState {
+ -- | A mapping of 'UnitId' to 'UnitInfo'. This list is adjusted
+ -- so that only valid packages are here. 'UnitInfo' reflects
+ -- what was stored *on disk*, except for the 'trusted' flag, which
+ -- is adjusted at runtime. (In particular, some packages in this map
+ -- may have the 'exposed' flag be 'False'.)
+ unitInfoMap :: UnitInfoMap,
+ -- | A mapping of 'PackageName' to 'ComponentId'. This is used when
+ -- users refer to packages in Backpack includes.
+ packageNameMap :: Map PackageName ComponentId,
+ -- | A mapping from wired in names to the original names from the
+ -- package database.
+ unwireMap :: Map WiredUnitId WiredUnitId,
+ -- | The packages we're going to link in eagerly. This list
+ -- should be in reverse dependency order; that is, a package
+ -- is always mentioned before the packages it depends on.
+ preloadPackages :: [PreloadUnitId],
+ -- | Packages which we explicitly depend on (from a command line flag).
+ -- We'll use this to generate version macros.
+ explicitPackages :: [UnitId],
+ -- | This is a full map from 'ModuleName' to all modules which may possibly
+ -- be providing it. These providers may be hidden (but we'll still want
+ -- to report them in error messages), or it may be an ambiguous import.
+ moduleNameProvidersMap :: !ModuleNameProvidersMap,
+ -- | A map, like 'moduleNameProvidersMap', but controlling plugin visibility.
+ pluginModuleNameProvidersMap :: !ModuleNameProvidersMap,
+ -- | A map saying, for each requirement, what interfaces must be merged
+ -- together when we use them. For example, if our dependencies
+ -- are @p[A=<A>]@ and @q[A=<A>,B=r[C=<A>]:B]@, then the interfaces
+ -- to merge for A are @p[A=<A>]:A@, @q[A=<A>,B=r[C=<A>]:B]:A@
+ -- and @r[C=<A>]:C@.
+ --
+ -- There's an entry in this map for each hole in our home library.
+ requirementContext :: Map ModuleName [IndefModule]
+ }
+emptyPackageState :: PackageState
+emptyPackageState = PackageState {
+ unitInfoMap = emptyUnitInfoMap,
+ packageNameMap = Map.empty,
+ unwireMap = Map.empty,
+ preloadPackages = [],
+ explicitPackages = [],
+ moduleNameProvidersMap = Map.empty,
+ pluginModuleNameProvidersMap = Map.empty,
+ requirementContext = Map.empty
+ }
+-- | Package database
+data PackageDatabase = PackageDatabase
+ { packageDatabasePath :: FilePath
+ , packageDatabaseUnits :: [UnitInfo]
+ }
+type InstalledPackageIndex = Map InstalledUnitId UnitInfo
+-- | Empty package configuration map
+emptyUnitInfoMap :: UnitInfoMap
+emptyUnitInfoMap = UnitInfoMap emptyUDFM emptyUniqSet
+-- | Find the unit we know about with the given unit id, if any
+lookupUnit :: DynFlags -> UnitId -> Maybe UnitInfo
+lookupUnit dflags = lookupUnit' (isIndefinite dflags) (unitInfoMap (pkgState dflags))
+-- | A more specialized interface, which takes a boolean specifying
+-- whether or not to look for on-the-fly renamed interfaces, and
+-- just a 'UnitInfoMap' rather than a 'DynFlags' (so it can
+-- be used while we're initializing 'DynFlags'
+lookupUnit' :: Bool -> UnitInfoMap -> UnitId -> Maybe UnitInfo
+lookupUnit' False (UnitInfoMap pkg_map _) uid = lookupUDFM pkg_map uid
+lookupUnit' True m@(UnitInfoMap pkg_map _) uid =
+ case splitUnitIdInsts uid of
+ (iuid, Just indef) ->
+ fmap (renamePackage m (indefUnitIdInsts indef))
+ (lookupUDFM pkg_map iuid)
+ (_, Nothing) -> lookupUDFM pkg_map uid
+-- | Find the indefinite package for a given 'ComponentId'.
+-- The way this works is just by fiat'ing that every indefinite package's
+-- unit key is precisely its component ID; and that they share uniques.
+lookupComponentId :: DynFlags -> ComponentId -> Maybe UnitInfo
+lookupComponentId dflags (ComponentId cid_fs) = lookupUDFM pkg_map cid_fs
+ where
+ UnitInfoMap pkg_map = unitInfoMap (pkgState dflags)
+-- | Find the package we know about with the given package name (e.g. @foo@), if any
+-- (NB: there might be a locally defined unit name which overrides this)
+lookupPackageName :: DynFlags -> PackageName -> Maybe ComponentId
+lookupPackageName dflags n = Map.lookup n (packageNameMap (pkgState dflags))
+-- | Search for packages with a given package ID (e.g. \"foo-0.1\")
+searchPackageId :: DynFlags -> SourcePackageId -> [UnitInfo]
+searchPackageId dflags pid = filter ((pid ==) . sourcePackageId)
+ (listUnitInfoMap dflags)
+-- | Extends the package configuration map with a list of package configs.
+ :: UnitInfoMap -> [UnitInfo] -> UnitInfoMap
+extendUnitInfoMap (UnitInfoMap pkg_map closure) new_pkgs
+ = UnitInfoMap (foldl' add pkg_map new_pkgs) closure
+ -- We also add the expanded version of the packageConfigId, so that
+ -- 'improveUnitId' can find it.
+ where add pkg_map p = addToUDFM (addToUDFM pkg_map (expandedUnitInfoId p) p)
+ (installedUnitInfoId p) p
+-- | Looks up the package with the given id in the package state, panicing if it is
+-- not found
+getPackageDetails :: HasDebugCallStack => DynFlags -> UnitId -> UnitInfo
+getPackageDetails dflags pid =
+ case lookupUnit dflags pid of
+ Just config -> config
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "getPackageDetails" (ppr pid)
+lookupInstalledPackage :: DynFlags -> InstalledUnitId -> Maybe UnitInfo
+lookupInstalledPackage dflags uid = lookupInstalledPackage' (unitInfoMap (pkgState dflags)) uid
+lookupInstalledPackage' :: UnitInfoMap -> InstalledUnitId -> Maybe UnitInfo
+lookupInstalledPackage' (UnitInfoMap db _) uid = lookupUDFM db uid
+getInstalledPackageDetails :: HasDebugCallStack => DynFlags -> InstalledUnitId -> UnitInfo
+getInstalledPackageDetails dflags uid =
+ case lookupInstalledPackage dflags uid of
+ Just config -> config
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "getInstalledPackageDetails" (ppr uid)
+-- | Get a list of entries from the package database. NB: be careful with
+-- this function, although all packages in this map are "visible", this
+-- does not imply that the exposed-modules of the package are available
+-- (they may have been thinned or renamed).
+listUnitInfoMap :: DynFlags -> [UnitInfo]
+listUnitInfoMap dflags = eltsUDFM pkg_map
+ where
+ UnitInfoMap pkg_map _ = unitInfoMap (pkgState dflags)
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Loading the package db files and building up the package state
+-- | Read the package database files, and sets up various internal tables of
+-- package information, according to the package-related flags on the
+-- command-line (@-package@, @-hide-package@ etc.)
+-- Returns a list of packages to link in if we're doing dynamic linking.
+-- This list contains the packages that the user explicitly mentioned with
+-- @-package@ flags.
+-- 'initPackages' can be called again subsequently after updating the
+-- 'packageFlags' field of the 'DynFlags', and it will update the
+-- 'pkgState' in 'DynFlags' and return a list of packages to
+-- link in.
+initPackages :: DynFlags -> IO (DynFlags, [PreloadUnitId])
+initPackages dflags = withTiming dflags
+ (text "initializing package database")
+ forcePkgDb $ do
+ read_pkg_dbs <-
+ case pkgDatabase dflags of
+ Nothing -> readPackageDatabases dflags
+ Just dbs -> return dbs
+ let
+ distrust_all db = db { packageDatabaseUnits = distrustAllUnits (packageDatabaseUnits db) }
+ pkg_dbs
+ | gopt Opt_DistrustAllPackages dflags = map distrust_all read_pkg_dbs
+ | otherwise = read_pkg_dbs
+ (pkg_state, preload, insts)
+ <- mkPackageState dflags pkg_dbs []
+ return (dflags{ pkgDatabase = Just read_pkg_dbs,
+ pkgState = pkg_state,
+ thisUnitIdInsts_ = insts },
+ preload)
+ where
+ forcePkgDb (dflags, _) = unitInfoMap (pkgState dflags) `seq` ()
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Reading the package database(s)
+readPackageDatabases :: DynFlags -> IO [PackageDatabase]
+readPackageDatabases dflags = do
+ conf_refs <- getPackageConfRefs dflags
+ confs <- liftM catMaybes $ mapM (resolvePackageDatabase dflags) conf_refs
+ mapM (readPackageDatabase dflags) confs
+getPackageConfRefs :: DynFlags -> IO [PkgDbRef]
+getPackageConfRefs dflags = do
+ let system_conf_refs = [UserPkgDb, GlobalPkgDb]
+ e_pkg_path <- tryIO (getEnv $ map toUpper (programName dflags) ++ "_PACKAGE_PATH")
+ let base_conf_refs = case e_pkg_path of
+ Left _ -> system_conf_refs
+ Right path
+ | not (null path) && isSearchPathSeparator (last path)
+ -> map PkgDbPath (splitSearchPath (init path)) ++ system_conf_refs
+ | otherwise
+ -> map PkgDbPath (splitSearchPath path)
+ -- Apply the package DB-related flags from the command line to get the
+ -- final list of package DBs.
+ --
+ -- Notes on ordering:
+ -- * The list of flags is reversed (later ones first)
+ -- * We work with the package DB list in "left shadows right" order
+ -- * and finally reverse it at the end, to get "right shadows left"
+ --
+ return $ reverse (foldr doFlag base_conf_refs (packageDBFlags dflags))
+ where
+ doFlag (PackageDB p) dbs = p : dbs
+ doFlag NoUserPackageDB dbs = filter isNotUser dbs
+ doFlag NoGlobalPackageDB dbs = filter isNotGlobal dbs
+ doFlag ClearPackageDBs _ = []
+ isNotUser UserPkgDb = False
+ isNotUser _ = True
+ isNotGlobal GlobalPkgDb = False
+ isNotGlobal _ = True
+-- | Return the path of a package database from a 'PkgDbRef'. Return 'Nothing'
+-- when the user database filepath is expected but the latter doesn't exist.
+-- NB: This logic is reimplemented in Cabal, so if you change it,
+-- make sure you update Cabal. (Or, better yet, dump it in the
+-- compiler info so Cabal can use the info.)
+resolvePackageDatabase :: DynFlags -> PkgDbRef -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
+resolvePackageDatabase dflags GlobalPkgDb = return $ Just (globalPackageDatabasePath dflags)
+resolvePackageDatabase dflags UserPkgDb = runMaybeT $ do
+ dir <- versionedAppDir dflags
+ let pkgconf = dir </> "package.conf.d"
+ exist <- tryMaybeT $ doesDirectoryExist pkgconf
+ if exist then return pkgconf else mzero
+resolvePackageDatabase _ (PkgDbPath name) = return $ Just name
+readPackageDatabase :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> IO PackageDatabase
+readPackageDatabase dflags conf_file = do
+ isdir <- doesDirectoryExist conf_file
+ proto_pkg_configs <-
+ if isdir
+ then readDirStyleUnitInfo conf_file
+ else do
+ isfile <- doesFileExist conf_file
+ if isfile
+ then do
+ mpkgs <- tryReadOldFileStyleUnitInfo
+ case mpkgs of
+ Just pkgs -> return pkgs
+ Nothing -> throwGhcExceptionIO $ InstallationError $
+ "ghc no longer supports single-file style package " ++
+ "databases (" ++ conf_file ++
+ ") use 'ghc-pkg init' to create the database with " ++
+ "the correct format."
+ else throwGhcExceptionIO $ InstallationError $
+ "can't find a package database at " ++ conf_file
+ let
+ -- Fix #16360: remove trailing slash from conf_file before calculating pkgroot
+ conf_file' = dropTrailingPathSeparator conf_file
+ top_dir = topDir dflags
+ pkgroot = takeDirectory conf_file'
+ pkg_configs1 = map (mungeUnitInfo top_dir pkgroot)
+ proto_pkg_configs
+ --
+ return $ PackageDatabase conf_file' pkg_configs1
+ where
+ readDirStyleUnitInfo conf_dir = do
+ let filename = conf_dir </> "package.cache"
+ cache_exists <- doesFileExist filename
+ if cache_exists
+ then do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $ text "Using binary package database:"
+ <+> text filename
+ readPackageDbForGhc filename
+ else do
+ -- If there is no package.cache file, we check if the database is not
+ -- empty by inspecting if the directory contains any .conf file. If it
+ -- does, something is wrong and we fail. Otherwise we assume that the
+ -- database is empty.
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $ text "There is no package.cache in"
+ <+> text conf_dir
+ <> text ", checking if the database is empty"
+ db_empty <- all (not . isSuffixOf ".conf")
+ <$> getDirectoryContents conf_dir
+ if db_empty
+ then do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 3 $ text "There are no .conf files in"
+ <+> text conf_dir <> text ", treating"
+ <+> text "package database as empty"
+ return []
+ else do
+ throwGhcExceptionIO $ InstallationError $
+ "there is no package.cache in " ++ conf_dir ++
+ " even though package database is not empty"
+ -- Single-file style package dbs have been deprecated for some time, but
+ -- it turns out that Cabal was using them in one place. So this is a
+ -- workaround to allow older Cabal versions to use this newer ghc.
+ -- We check if the file db contains just "[]" and if so, we look for a new
+ -- dir-style db in conf_file.d/, ie in a dir next to the given file.
+ -- We cannot just replace the file with a new dir style since Cabal still
+ -- assumes it's a file and tries to overwrite with 'writeFile'.
+ -- ghc-pkg also cooperates with this workaround.
+ tryReadOldFileStyleUnitInfo = do
+ content <- readFile conf_file `catchIO` \_ -> return ""
+ if take 2 content == "[]"
+ then do
+ let conf_dir = conf_file <.> "d"
+ direxists <- doesDirectoryExist conf_dir
+ if direxists
+ then do debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Ignoring old file-style db and trying:" <+> text conf_dir)
+ liftM Just (readDirStyleUnitInfo conf_dir)
+ else return (Just []) -- ghc-pkg will create it when it's updated
+ else return Nothing
+distrustAllUnits :: [UnitInfo] -> [UnitInfo]
+distrustAllUnits pkgs = map distrust pkgs
+ where
+ distrust pkg = pkg{ trusted = False }
+mungeUnitInfo :: FilePath -> FilePath
+ -> UnitInfo -> UnitInfo
+mungeUnitInfo top_dir pkgroot =
+ mungeDynLibFields
+ . mungePackagePaths top_dir pkgroot
+mungeDynLibFields :: UnitInfo -> UnitInfo
+mungeDynLibFields pkg =
+ pkg {
+ libraryDynDirs = libraryDynDirs pkg
+ `orIfNull` libraryDirs pkg
+ }
+ where
+ orIfNull [] flags = flags
+ orIfNull flags _ = flags
+-- TODO: This code is duplicated in utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
+mungePackagePaths :: FilePath -> FilePath -> UnitInfo -> UnitInfo
+-- Perform path/URL variable substitution as per the Cabal ${pkgroot} spec
+-- (
+-- Paths/URLs can be relative to ${pkgroot} or ${pkgrooturl}.
+-- The "pkgroot" is the directory containing the package database.
+-- Also perform a similar substitution for the older GHC-specific
+-- "$topdir" variable. The "topdir" is the location of the ghc
+-- installation (obtained from the -B option).
+mungePackagePaths top_dir pkgroot pkg =
+ pkg {
+ importDirs = munge_paths (importDirs pkg),
+ includeDirs = munge_paths (includeDirs pkg),
+ libraryDirs = munge_paths (libraryDirs pkg),
+ libraryDynDirs = munge_paths (libraryDynDirs pkg),
+ frameworkDirs = munge_paths (frameworkDirs pkg),
+ haddockInterfaces = munge_paths (haddockInterfaces pkg),
+ haddockHTMLs = munge_urls (haddockHTMLs pkg)
+ }
+ where
+ munge_paths = map munge_path
+ munge_urls = map munge_url
+ munge_path p
+ | Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "${pkgroot}" p = pkgroot ++ p'
+ | Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "$topdir" p = top_dir ++ p'
+ | otherwise = p
+ munge_url p
+ | Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "${pkgrooturl}" p = toUrlPath pkgroot p'
+ | Just p' <- stripVarPrefix "$httptopdir" p = toUrlPath top_dir p'
+ | otherwise = p
+ toUrlPath r p = "file:///"
+ -- URLs always use posix style '/' separators:
+ ++ FilePath.Posix.joinPath
+ (r : -- We need to drop a leading "/" or "\\"
+ -- if there is one:
+ dropWhile (all isPathSeparator)
+ (FilePath.splitDirectories p))
+ -- We could drop the separator here, and then use </> above. However,
+ -- by leaving it in and using ++ we keep the same path separator
+ -- rather than letting FilePath change it to use \ as the separator
+ stripVarPrefix var path = case stripPrefix var path of
+ Just [] -> Just []
+ Just cs@(c : _) | isPathSeparator c -> Just cs
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Modify our copy of the package database based on trust flags,
+-- -trust and -distrust.
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> PackagePrecedenceIndex
+ -> UnusablePackages
+ -> [UnitInfo]
+ -> TrustFlag
+ -> IO [UnitInfo]
+applyTrustFlag dflags prec_map unusable pkgs flag =
+ case flag of
+ -- we trust all matching packages. Maybe should only trust first one?
+ -- and leave others the same or set them untrusted
+ TrustPackage str ->
+ case selectPackages prec_map (PackageArg str) pkgs unusable of
+ Left ps -> trustFlagErr dflags flag ps
+ Right (ps,qs) -> return (map trust ps ++ qs)
+ where trust p = p {trusted=True}
+ DistrustPackage str ->
+ case selectPackages prec_map (PackageArg str) pkgs unusable of
+ Left ps -> trustFlagErr dflags flag ps
+ Right (ps,qs) -> return (distrustAllUnits ps ++ qs)
+-- | A little utility to tell if the 'thisPackage' is indefinite
+-- (if it is not, we should never use on-the-fly renaming.)
+isIndefinite :: DynFlags -> Bool
+isIndefinite dflags = not (unitIdIsDefinite (thisPackage dflags))
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> PackagePrecedenceIndex
+ -> UnitInfoMap
+ -> UnusablePackages
+ -> Bool -- if False, if you expose a package, it implicitly hides
+ -- any previously exposed packages with the same name
+ -> [UnitInfo]
+ -> VisibilityMap -- Initially exposed
+ -> PackageFlag -- flag to apply
+ -> IO VisibilityMap -- Now exposed
+applyPackageFlag dflags prec_map pkg_db unusable no_hide_others pkgs vm flag =
+ case flag of
+ ExposePackage _ arg (ModRenaming b rns) ->
+ case findPackages prec_map pkg_db arg pkgs unusable of
+ Left ps -> packageFlagErr dflags flag ps
+ Right (p:_) -> return vm'
+ where
+ n = fsPackageName p
+ -- If a user says @-unit-id p[A=<A>]@, this imposes
+ -- a requirement on us: whatever our signature A is,
+ -- it must fulfill all of p[A=<A>]:A's requirements.
+ -- This method is responsible for computing what our
+ -- inherited requirements are.
+ reqs | UnitIdArg orig_uid <- arg = collectHoles orig_uid
+ | otherwise = Map.empty
+ collectHoles uid = case splitUnitIdInsts uid of
+ (_, Just indef) ->
+ let local = [ Map.singleton
+ (moduleName mod)
+ (Set.singleton $ IndefModule indef mod_name)
+ | (mod_name, mod) <- indefUnitIdInsts indef
+ , isHoleModule mod ]
+ recurse = [ collectHoles (moduleUnitId mod)
+ | (_, mod) <- indefUnitIdInsts indef ]
+ in Map.unionsWith Set.union $ local ++ recurse
+ -- Other types of unit identities don't have holes
+ (_, Nothing) -> Map.empty
+ uv = UnitVisibility
+ { uv_expose_all = b
+ , uv_renamings = rns
+ , uv_package_name = First (Just n)
+ , uv_requirements = reqs
+ , uv_explicit = True
+ }
+ vm' = Map.insertWith mappend (packageConfigId p) uv vm_cleared
+ -- In the old days, if you said `ghc -package p-0.1 -package p-0.2`
+ -- (or if p-0.1 was registered in the pkgdb as exposed: True),
+ -- the second package flag would override the first one and you
+ -- would only see p-0.2 in exposed modules. This is good for
+ -- usability.
+ --
+ -- However, with thinning and renaming (or Backpack), there might be
+ -- situations where you legitimately want to see two versions of a
+ -- package at the same time, and this behavior would make it
+ -- impossible to do so. So we decided that if you pass
+ -- -hide-all-packages, this should turn OFF the overriding behavior
+ -- where an exposed package hides all other packages with the same
+ -- name. This should not affect Cabal at all, which only ever
+ -- exposes one package at a time.
+ --
+ -- NB: Why a variable no_hide_others? We have to apply this logic to
+ -- -plugin-package too, and it's more consistent if the switch in
+ -- behavior is based off of
+ -- -hide-all-packages/-hide-all-plugin-packages depending on what
+ -- flag is in question.
+ vm_cleared | no_hide_others = vm
+ -- NB: renamings never clear
+ | (_:_) <- rns = vm
+ | otherwise = Map.filterWithKey
+ (\k uv -> k == packageConfigId p
+ || First (Just n) /= uv_package_name uv) vm
+ _ -> panic "applyPackageFlag"
+ HidePackage str ->
+ case findPackages prec_map pkg_db (PackageArg str) pkgs unusable of
+ Left ps -> packageFlagErr dflags flag ps
+ Right ps -> return vm'
+ where vm' = foldl' (flip Map.delete) vm (map packageConfigId ps)
+-- | Like 'selectPackages', but doesn't return a list of unmatched
+-- packages. Furthermore, any packages it returns are *renamed*
+-- if the 'UnitArg' has a renaming associated with it.
+findPackages :: PackagePrecedenceIndex
+ -> UnitInfoMap -> PackageArg -> [UnitInfo]
+ -> UnusablePackages
+ -> Either [(UnitInfo, UnusablePackageReason)]
+ [UnitInfo]
+findPackages prec_map pkg_db arg pkgs unusable
+ = let ps = mapMaybe (finder arg) pkgs
+ in if null ps
+ then Left (mapMaybe (\(x,y) -> finder arg x >>= \x' -> return (x',y))
+ (Map.elems unusable))
+ else Right (sortByPreference prec_map ps)
+ where
+ finder (PackageArg str) p
+ = if str == sourcePackageIdString p || str == packageNameString p
+ then Just p
+ else Nothing
+ finder (UnitIdArg uid) p
+ = let (iuid, mb_indef) = splitUnitIdInsts uid
+ in if iuid == installedUnitInfoId p
+ then Just (case mb_indef of
+ Nothing -> p
+ Just indef -> renamePackage pkg_db (indefUnitIdInsts indef) p)
+ else Nothing
+selectPackages :: PackagePrecedenceIndex -> PackageArg -> [UnitInfo]
+ -> UnusablePackages
+ -> Either [(UnitInfo, UnusablePackageReason)]
+ ([UnitInfo], [UnitInfo])
+selectPackages prec_map arg pkgs unusable
+ = let matches = matching arg
+ (ps,rest) = partition matches pkgs
+ in if null ps
+ then Left (filter (matches.fst) (Map.elems unusable))
+ else Right (sortByPreference prec_map ps, rest)
+-- | Rename a 'UnitInfo' according to some module instantiation.
+renamePackage :: UnitInfoMap -> [(ModuleName, Module)]
+ -> UnitInfo -> UnitInfo
+renamePackage pkg_map insts conf =
+ let hsubst = listToUFM insts
+ smod = renameHoleModule' pkg_map hsubst
+ new_insts = map (\(k,v) -> (k,smod v)) (instantiatedWith conf)
+ in conf {
+ instantiatedWith = new_insts,
+ exposedModules = map (\(mod_name, mb_mod) -> (mod_name, fmap smod mb_mod))
+ (exposedModules conf)
+ }
+-- A package named on the command line can either include the
+-- version, or just the name if it is unambiguous.
+matchingStr :: String -> UnitInfo -> Bool
+matchingStr str p
+ = str == sourcePackageIdString p
+ || str == packageNameString p
+matchingId :: InstalledUnitId -> UnitInfo -> Bool
+matchingId uid p = uid == installedUnitInfoId p
+matching :: PackageArg -> UnitInfo -> Bool
+matching (PackageArg str) = matchingStr str
+matching (UnitIdArg (DefiniteUnitId (DefUnitId uid))) = matchingId uid
+matching (UnitIdArg _) = \_ -> False -- TODO: warn in this case
+-- | This sorts a list of packages, putting "preferred" packages first.
+-- See 'compareByPreference' for the semantics of "preference".
+sortByPreference :: PackagePrecedenceIndex -> [UnitInfo] -> [UnitInfo]
+sortByPreference prec_map = sortBy (flip (compareByPreference prec_map))
+-- | Returns 'GT' if @pkg@ should be preferred over @pkg'@ when picking
+-- which should be "active". Here is the order of preference:
+-- 1. First, prefer the latest version
+-- 2. If the versions are the same, prefer the package that
+-- came in the latest package database.
+-- Pursuant to #12518, we could change this policy to, for example, remove
+-- the version preference, meaning that we would always prefer the packages
+-- in later package database.
+-- Instead, we use that preference based policy only when one of the packages
+-- is integer-gmp and the other is integer-simple.
+-- This currently only happens when we're looking up which concrete
+-- package to use in place of @integer-wired-in@ and that two different
+-- package databases supply a different integer library. For more about
+-- the fake @integer-wired-in@ package, see Note [The integer library]
+-- in the @PrelNames@ module.
+ :: PackagePrecedenceIndex
+ -> UnitInfo
+ -> UnitInfo
+ -> Ordering
+compareByPreference prec_map pkg pkg'
+ | Just prec <- Map.lookup (unitId pkg) prec_map
+ , Just prec' <- Map.lookup (unitId pkg') prec_map
+ , differentIntegerPkgs pkg pkg'
+ = compare prec prec'
+ | otherwise
+ = case comparing packageVersion pkg pkg' of
+ GT -> GT
+ EQ | Just prec <- Map.lookup (unitId pkg) prec_map
+ , Just prec' <- Map.lookup (unitId pkg') prec_map
+ -- Prefer the package from the later DB flag (i.e., higher
+ -- precedence)
+ -> compare prec prec'
+ | otherwise
+ -> EQ
+ LT -> LT
+ where isIntegerPkg p = packageNameString p `elem`
+ ["integer-simple", "integer-gmp"]
+ differentIntegerPkgs p p' =
+ isIntegerPkg p && isIntegerPkg p' &&
+ (packageName p /= packageName p')
+comparing :: Ord a => (t -> a) -> t -> t -> Ordering
+comparing f a b = f a `compare` f b
+packageFlagErr :: DynFlags
+ -> PackageFlag
+ -> [(UnitInfo, UnusablePackageReason)]
+ -> IO a
+packageFlagErr dflags flag reasons
+ = packageFlagErr' dflags (pprFlag flag) reasons
+trustFlagErr :: DynFlags
+ -> TrustFlag
+ -> [(UnitInfo, UnusablePackageReason)]
+ -> IO a
+trustFlagErr dflags flag reasons
+ = packageFlagErr' dflags (pprTrustFlag flag) reasons
+packageFlagErr' :: DynFlags
+ -> SDoc
+ -> [(UnitInfo, UnusablePackageReason)]
+ -> IO a
+packageFlagErr' dflags flag_doc reasons
+ = throwGhcExceptionIO (CmdLineError (showSDoc dflags $ err))
+ where err = text "cannot satisfy " <> flag_doc <>
+ (if null reasons then Outputable.empty else text ": ") $$
+ nest 4 (ppr_reasons $$
+ text "(use -v for more information)")
+ ppr_reasons = vcat (map ppr_reason reasons)
+ ppr_reason (p, reason) =
+ pprReason (ppr (unitId p) <+> text "is") reason
+pprFlag :: PackageFlag -> SDoc
+pprFlag flag = case flag of
+ HidePackage p -> text "-hide-package " <> text p
+ ExposePackage doc _ _ -> text doc
+pprTrustFlag :: TrustFlag -> SDoc
+pprTrustFlag flag = case flag of
+ TrustPackage p -> text "-trust " <> text p
+ DistrustPackage p -> text "-distrust " <> text p
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Wired-in packages
+-- See Note [Wired-in packages] in Module
+type WiredInUnitId = String
+type WiredPackagesMap = Map WiredUnitId WiredUnitId
+wired_in_unitids :: [WiredInUnitId]
+wired_in_unitids = map unitIdString wiredInUnitIds
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> PackagePrecedenceIndex
+ -> [UnitInfo] -- database
+ -> VisibilityMap -- info on what packages are visible
+ -- for wired in selection
+ -> IO ([UnitInfo], -- package database updated for wired in
+ WiredPackagesMap) -- map from unit id to wired identity
+findWiredInPackages dflags prec_map pkgs vis_map = do
+ -- Now we must find our wired-in packages, and rename them to
+ -- their canonical names (eg. base-1.0 ==> base), as described
+ -- in Note [Wired-in packages] in Module
+ let
+ matches :: UnitInfo -> WiredInUnitId -> Bool
+ pc `matches` pid
+ -- See Note [The integer library] in PrelNames
+ | pid == unitIdString integerUnitId
+ = packageNameString pc `elem` ["integer-gmp", "integer-simple"]
+ pc `matches` pid = packageNameString pc == pid
+ -- find which package corresponds to each wired-in package
+ -- delete any other packages with the same name
+ -- update the package and any dependencies to point to the new
+ -- one.
+ --
+ -- When choosing which package to map to a wired-in package
+ -- name, we try to pick the latest version of exposed packages.
+ -- However, if there are no exposed wired in packages available
+ -- (e.g. -hide-all-packages was used), we can't bail: we *have*
+ -- to assign a package for the wired-in package: so we try again
+ -- with hidden packages included to (and pick the latest
+ -- version).
+ --
+ -- You can also override the default choice by using -ignore-package:
+ -- this works even when there is no exposed wired in package
+ -- available.
+ --
+ findWiredInPackage :: [UnitInfo] -> WiredInUnitId
+ -> IO (Maybe (WiredInUnitId, UnitInfo))
+ findWiredInPackage pkgs wired_pkg =
+ let all_ps = [ p | p <- pkgs, p `matches` wired_pkg ]
+ all_exposed_ps =
+ [ p | p <- all_ps
+ , Map.member (packageConfigId p) vis_map ] in
+ case all_exposed_ps of
+ [] -> case all_ps of
+ [] -> notfound
+ many -> pick (head (sortByPreference prec_map many))
+ many -> pick (head (sortByPreference prec_map many))
+ where
+ notfound = do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
+ text "wired-in package "
+ <> text wired_pkg
+ <> text " not found."
+ return Nothing
+ pick :: UnitInfo
+ -> IO (Maybe (WiredInUnitId, UnitInfo))
+ pick pkg = do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
+ text "wired-in package "
+ <> text wired_pkg
+ <> text " mapped to "
+ <> ppr (unitId pkg)
+ return (Just (wired_pkg, pkg))
+ mb_wired_in_pkgs <- mapM (findWiredInPackage pkgs) wired_in_unitids
+ let
+ wired_in_pkgs = catMaybes mb_wired_in_pkgs
+ -- this is old: we used to assume that if there were
+ -- multiple versions of wired-in packages installed that
+ -- they were mutually exclusive. Now we're assuming that
+ -- you have one "main" version of each wired-in package
+ -- (the latest version), and the others are backward-compat
+ -- wrappers that depend on this one. e.g. base-4.0 is the
+ -- latest, base-3.0 is a compat wrapper depending on base-4.0.
+ {-
+ deleteOtherWiredInPackages pkgs = filterOut bad pkgs
+ where bad p = any (p `matches`) wired_in_unitids
+ && package p `notElem` map fst wired_in_ids
+ -}
+ wiredInMap :: Map WiredUnitId WiredUnitId
+ wiredInMap = Map.fromList
+ [ (key, DefUnitId (stringToInstalledUnitId wiredInUnitId))
+ | (wiredInUnitId, pkg) <- wired_in_pkgs
+ , Just key <- pure $ definiteUnitInfoId pkg
+ ]
+ updateWiredInDependencies pkgs = map (upd_deps . upd_pkg) pkgs
+ where upd_pkg pkg
+ | Just def_uid <- definiteUnitInfoId pkg
+ , Just wiredInUnitId <- Map.lookup def_uid wiredInMap
+ = let fs = installedUnitIdFS (unDefUnitId wiredInUnitId)
+ in pkg {
+ unitId = fsToInstalledUnitId fs,
+ componentId = ComponentId fs
+ }
+ | otherwise
+ = pkg
+ upd_deps pkg = pkg {
+ -- temporary harmless DefUnitId invariant violation
+ depends = map (unDefUnitId . upd_wired_in wiredInMap . DefUnitId) (depends pkg),
+ exposedModules
+ = map (\(k,v) -> (k, fmap (upd_wired_in_mod wiredInMap) v))
+ (exposedModules pkg)
+ }
+ return (updateWiredInDependencies pkgs, wiredInMap)
+-- Helper functions for rewiring Module and UnitId. These
+-- rewrite UnitIds of modules in wired-in packages to the form known to the
+-- compiler, as described in Note [Wired-in packages] in Module.
+-- For instance, base- will be rewritten to just base, to match
+-- what appears in PrelNames.
+upd_wired_in_mod :: WiredPackagesMap -> Module -> Module
+upd_wired_in_mod wiredInMap (Module uid m) = Module (upd_wired_in_uid wiredInMap uid) m
+upd_wired_in_uid :: WiredPackagesMap -> UnitId -> UnitId
+upd_wired_in_uid wiredInMap (DefiniteUnitId def_uid) =
+ DefiniteUnitId (upd_wired_in wiredInMap def_uid)
+upd_wired_in_uid wiredInMap (IndefiniteUnitId indef_uid) =
+ IndefiniteUnitId $ newIndefUnitId
+ (indefUnitIdComponentId indef_uid)
+ (map (\(x,y) -> (x,upd_wired_in_mod wiredInMap y)) (indefUnitIdInsts indef_uid))
+upd_wired_in :: WiredPackagesMap -> DefUnitId -> DefUnitId
+upd_wired_in wiredInMap key
+ | Just key' <- Map.lookup key wiredInMap = key'
+ | otherwise = key
+updateVisibilityMap :: WiredPackagesMap -> VisibilityMap -> VisibilityMap
+updateVisibilityMap wiredInMap vis_map = foldl' f vis_map (Map.toList wiredInMap)
+ where f vm (from, to) = case Map.lookup (DefiniteUnitId from) vis_map of
+ Nothing -> vm
+ Just r -> Map.insert (DefiniteUnitId to) r
+ (Map.delete (DefiniteUnitId from) vm)
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | The reason why a package is unusable.
+data UnusablePackageReason
+ = -- | We ignored it explicitly using @-ignore-package@.
+ IgnoredWithFlag
+ -- | This package transitively depends on a package that was never present
+ -- in any of the provided databases.
+ | BrokenDependencies [InstalledUnitId]
+ -- | This package transitively depends on a package involved in a cycle.
+ -- Note that the list of 'InstalledUnitId' reports the direct dependencies
+ -- of this package that (transitively) depended on the cycle, and not
+ -- the actual cycle itself (which we report separately at high verbosity.)
+ | CyclicDependencies [InstalledUnitId]
+ -- | This package transitively depends on a package which was ignored.
+ | IgnoredDependencies [InstalledUnitId]
+ -- | This package transitively depends on a package which was
+ -- shadowed by an ABI-incompatible package.
+ | ShadowedDependencies [InstalledUnitId]
+instance Outputable UnusablePackageReason where
+ ppr IgnoredWithFlag = text "[ignored with flag]"
+ ppr (BrokenDependencies uids) = brackets (text "broken" <+> ppr uids)
+ ppr (CyclicDependencies uids) = brackets (text "cyclic" <+> ppr uids)
+ ppr (IgnoredDependencies uids) = brackets (text "ignored" <+> ppr uids)
+ ppr (ShadowedDependencies uids) = brackets (text "shadowed" <+> ppr uids)
+type UnusablePackages = Map InstalledUnitId
+ (UnitInfo, UnusablePackageReason)
+pprReason :: SDoc -> UnusablePackageReason -> SDoc
+pprReason pref reason = case reason of
+ IgnoredWithFlag ->
+ pref <+> text "ignored due to an -ignore-package flag"
+ BrokenDependencies deps ->
+ pref <+> text "unusable due to missing dependencies:" $$
+ nest 2 (hsep (map ppr deps))
+ CyclicDependencies deps ->
+ pref <+> text "unusable due to cyclic dependencies:" $$
+ nest 2 (hsep (map ppr deps))
+ IgnoredDependencies deps ->
+ pref <+> text ("unusable because the -ignore-package flag was used to " ++
+ "ignore at least one of its dependencies:") $$
+ nest 2 (hsep (map ppr deps))
+ ShadowedDependencies deps ->
+ pref <+> text "unusable due to shadowed dependencies:" $$
+ nest 2 (hsep (map ppr deps))
+reportCycles :: DynFlags -> [SCC UnitInfo] -> IO ()
+reportCycles dflags sccs = mapM_ report sccs
+ where
+ report (AcyclicSCC _) = return ()
+ report (CyclicSCC vs) =
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
+ text "these packages are involved in a cycle:" $$
+ nest 2 (hsep (map (ppr . unitId) vs))
+reportUnusable :: DynFlags -> UnusablePackages -> IO ()
+reportUnusable dflags pkgs = mapM_ report (Map.toList pkgs)
+ where
+ report (ipid, (_, reason)) =
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
+ pprReason
+ (text "package" <+> ppr ipid <+> text "is") reason
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Utilities on the database
+-- | A reverse dependency index, mapping an 'InstalledUnitId' to
+-- the 'InstalledUnitId's which have a dependency on it.
+type RevIndex = Map InstalledUnitId [InstalledUnitId]
+-- | Compute the reverse dependency index of a package database.
+reverseDeps :: InstalledPackageIndex -> RevIndex
+reverseDeps db = Map.foldl' go Map.empty db
+ where
+ go r pkg = foldl' (go' (unitId pkg)) r (depends pkg)
+ go' from r to = Map.insertWith (++) to [from] r
+-- | Given a list of 'InstalledUnitId's to remove, a database,
+-- and a reverse dependency index (as computed by 'reverseDeps'),
+-- remove those packages, plus any packages which depend on them.
+-- Returns the pruned database, as well as a list of 'UnitInfo's
+-- that was removed.
+removePackages :: [InstalledUnitId] -> RevIndex
+ -> InstalledPackageIndex
+ -> (InstalledPackageIndex, [UnitInfo])
+removePackages uids index m = go uids (m,[])
+ where
+ go [] (m,pkgs) = (m,pkgs)
+ go (uid:uids) (m,pkgs)
+ | Just pkg <- Map.lookup uid m
+ = case Map.lookup uid index of
+ Nothing -> go uids (Map.delete uid m, pkg:pkgs)
+ Just rdeps -> go (rdeps ++ uids) (Map.delete uid m, pkg:pkgs)
+ | otherwise
+ = go uids (m,pkgs)
+-- | Given a 'UnitInfo' from some 'InstalledPackageIndex',
+-- return all entries in 'depends' which correspond to packages
+-- that do not exist in the index.
+depsNotAvailable :: InstalledPackageIndex
+ -> UnitInfo
+ -> [InstalledUnitId]
+depsNotAvailable pkg_map pkg = filter (not . (`Map.member` pkg_map)) (depends pkg)
+-- | Given a 'UnitInfo' from some 'InstalledPackageIndex'
+-- return all entries in 'abiDepends' which correspond to packages
+-- that do not exist, OR have mismatching ABIs.
+depsAbiMismatch :: InstalledPackageIndex
+ -> UnitInfo
+ -> [InstalledUnitId]
+depsAbiMismatch pkg_map pkg = map fst . filter (not . abiMatch) $ abiDepends pkg
+ where
+ abiMatch (dep_uid, abi)
+ | Just dep_pkg <- Map.lookup dep_uid pkg_map
+ = abiHash dep_pkg == abi
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Ignore packages
+ignorePackages :: [IgnorePackageFlag] -> [UnitInfo] -> UnusablePackages
+ignorePackages flags pkgs = Map.fromList (concatMap doit flags)
+ where
+ doit (IgnorePackage str) =
+ case partition (matchingStr str) pkgs of
+ (ps, _) -> [ (unitId p, (p, IgnoredWithFlag))
+ | p <- ps ]
+ -- missing package is not an error for -ignore-package,
+ -- because a common usage is to -ignore-package P as
+ -- a preventative measure just in case P exists.
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Merging databases
+-- | For each package, a mapping from uid -> i indicates that this
+-- package was brought into GHC by the ith @-package-db@ flag on
+-- the command line. We use this mapping to make sure we prefer
+-- packages that were defined later on the command line, if there
+-- is an ambiguity.
+type PackagePrecedenceIndex = Map InstalledUnitId Int
+-- | Given a list of databases, merge them together, where
+-- packages with the same unit id in later databases override
+-- earlier ones. This does NOT check if the resulting database
+-- makes sense (that's done by 'validateDatabase').
+mergeDatabases :: DynFlags -> [PackageDatabase]
+ -> IO (InstalledPackageIndex, PackagePrecedenceIndex)
+mergeDatabases dflags = foldM merge (Map.empty, Map.empty) . zip [1..]
+ where
+ merge (pkg_map, prec_map) (i, PackageDatabase db_path db) = do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
+ text "loading package database" <+> text db_path
+ forM_ (Set.toList override_set) $ \pkg ->
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
+ text "package" <+> ppr pkg <+>
+ text "overrides a previously defined package"
+ return (pkg_map', prec_map')
+ where
+ db_map = mk_pkg_map db
+ mk_pkg_map = Map.fromList . map (\p -> (unitId p, p))
+ -- The set of UnitIds which appear in both db and pkgs. These are the
+ -- ones that get overridden. Compute this just to give some
+ -- helpful debug messages at -v2
+ override_set :: Set InstalledUnitId
+ override_set = Set.intersection (Map.keysSet db_map)
+ (Map.keysSet pkg_map)
+ -- Now merge the sets together (NB: in case of duplicate,
+ -- first argument preferred)
+ pkg_map' :: InstalledPackageIndex
+ pkg_map' = Map.union db_map pkg_map
+ prec_map' :: PackagePrecedenceIndex
+ prec_map' = Map.union ( (const i) db_map) prec_map
+-- | Validates a database, removing unusable packages from it
+-- (this includes removing packages that the user has explicitly
+-- ignored.) Our general strategy:
+-- 1. Remove all broken packages (dangling dependencies)
+-- 2. Remove all packages that are cyclic
+-- 3. Apply ignore flags
+-- 4. Remove all packages which have deps with mismatching ABIs
+validateDatabase :: DynFlags -> InstalledPackageIndex
+ -> (InstalledPackageIndex, UnusablePackages, [SCC UnitInfo])
+validateDatabase dflags pkg_map1 =
+ (pkg_map5, unusable, sccs)
+ where
+ ignore_flags = reverse (ignorePackageFlags dflags)
+ -- Compute the reverse dependency index
+ index = reverseDeps pkg_map1
+ -- Helper function
+ mk_unusable mk_err dep_matcher m uids =
+ Map.fromList [ (unitId pkg, (pkg, mk_err (dep_matcher m pkg)))
+ | pkg <- uids ]
+ -- Find broken packages
+ directly_broken = filter (not . null . depsNotAvailable pkg_map1)
+ (Map.elems pkg_map1)
+ (pkg_map2, broken) = removePackages (map unitId directly_broken) index pkg_map1
+ unusable_broken = mk_unusable BrokenDependencies depsNotAvailable pkg_map2 broken
+ -- Find recursive packages
+ sccs = stronglyConnComp [ (pkg, unitId pkg, depends pkg)
+ | pkg <- Map.elems pkg_map2 ]
+ getCyclicSCC (CyclicSCC vs) = map unitId vs
+ getCyclicSCC (AcyclicSCC _) = []
+ (pkg_map3, cyclic) = removePackages (concatMap getCyclicSCC sccs) index pkg_map2
+ unusable_cyclic = mk_unusable CyclicDependencies depsNotAvailable pkg_map3 cyclic
+ -- Apply ignore flags
+ directly_ignored = ignorePackages ignore_flags (Map.elems pkg_map3)
+ (pkg_map4, ignored) = removePackages (Map.keys directly_ignored) index pkg_map3
+ unusable_ignored = mk_unusable IgnoredDependencies depsNotAvailable pkg_map4 ignored
+ -- Knock out packages whose dependencies don't agree with ABI
+ -- (i.e., got invalidated due to shadowing)
+ directly_shadowed = filter (not . null . depsAbiMismatch pkg_map4)
+ (Map.elems pkg_map4)
+ (pkg_map5, shadowed) = removePackages (map unitId directly_shadowed) index pkg_map4
+ unusable_shadowed = mk_unusable ShadowedDependencies depsAbiMismatch pkg_map5 shadowed
+ unusable = directly_ignored `Map.union` unusable_ignored
+ `Map.union` unusable_broken
+ `Map.union` unusable_cyclic
+ `Map.union` unusable_shadowed
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- When all the command-line options are in, we can process our package
+-- settings and populate the package state.
+ :: DynFlags
+ -- initial databases, in the order they were specified on
+ -- the command line (later databases shadow earlier ones)
+ -> [PackageDatabase]
+ -> [PreloadUnitId] -- preloaded packages
+ -> IO (PackageState,
+ [PreloadUnitId], -- new packages to preload
+ Maybe [(ModuleName, Module)])
+mkPackageState dflags dbs preload0 = do
+ Plan.
+ There are two main steps for making the package state:
+ 1. We want to build a single, unified package database based
+ on all of the input databases, which upholds the invariant that
+ there is only one package per any UnitId and there are no
+ dangling dependencies. We'll do this by merging, and
+ then successively filtering out bad dependencies.
+ a) Merge all the databases together.
+ If an input database defines unit ID that is already in
+ the unified database, that package SHADOWS the existing
+ package in the current unified database. Note that
+ order is important: packages defined later in the list of
+ command line arguments shadow those defined earlier.
+ b) Remove all packages with missing dependencies, or
+ mutually recursive dependencies.
+ b) Remove packages selected by -ignore-package from input database
+ c) Remove all packages which depended on packages that are now
+ shadowed by an ABI-incompatible package
+ d) report (with -v) any packages that were removed by steps 1-3
+ 2. We want to look at the flags controlling package visibility,
+ and build a mapping of what module names are in scope and
+ where they live.
+ a) on the final, unified database, we apply -trust/-distrust
+ flags directly, modifying the database so that the 'trusted'
+ field has the correct value.
+ b) we use the -package/-hide-package flags to compute a
+ visibility map, stating what packages are "exposed" for
+ the purposes of computing the module map.
+ * if any flag refers to a package which was removed by 1-5, then
+ we can give an error message explaining why
+ * if -hide-all-packages was not specified, this step also
+ hides packages which are superseded by later exposed packages
+ * this step is done TWICE if -plugin-package/-hide-all-plugin-packages
+ are used
+ c) based on the visibility map, we pick wired packages and rewrite
+ them to have the expected unitId.
+ d) finally, using the visibility map and the package database,
+ we build a mapping saying what every in scope module name points to.
+ -- This, and the other reverse's that you will see, are due to the fact that
+ -- packageFlags, pluginPackageFlags, etc. are all specified in *reverse* order
+ -- than they are on the command line.
+ let other_flags = reverse (packageFlags dflags)
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
+ text "package flags" <+> ppr other_flags
+ -- Merge databases together, without checking validity
+ (pkg_map1, prec_map) <- mergeDatabases dflags dbs
+ -- Now that we've merged everything together, prune out unusable
+ -- packages.
+ let (pkg_map2, unusable, sccs) = validateDatabase dflags pkg_map1
+ reportCycles dflags sccs
+ reportUnusable dflags unusable
+ -- Apply trust flags (these flags apply regardless of whether
+ -- or not packages are visible or not)
+ pkgs1 <- foldM (applyTrustFlag dflags prec_map unusable)
+ (Map.elems pkg_map2) (reverse (trustFlags dflags))
+ let prelim_pkg_db = extendUnitInfoMap emptyUnitInfoMap pkgs1
+ --
+ -- Calculate the initial set of units from package databases, prior to any package flags.
+ --
+ -- Conceptually, we select the latest versions of all valid (not unusable) *packages*
+ -- (not units). This is empty if we have -hide-all-packages.
+ --
+ -- Then we create an initial visibility map with default visibilities for all
+ -- exposed, definite units which belong to the latest valid packages.
+ --
+ let preferLater unit unit' =
+ case compareByPreference prec_map unit unit' of
+ GT -> unit
+ _ -> unit'
+ addIfMorePreferable m unit = addToUDFM_C preferLater m (fsPackageName unit) unit
+ -- This is the set of maximally preferable packages. In fact, it is a set of
+ -- most preferable *units* keyed by package name, which act as stand-ins in
+ -- for "a package in a database". We use units here because we don't have
+ -- "a package in a database" as a type currently.
+ mostPreferablePackageReps = if gopt Opt_HideAllPackages dflags
+ then emptyUDFM
+ else foldl' addIfMorePreferable emptyUDFM pkgs1
+ -- When exposing units, we want to consider all of those in the most preferable
+ -- packages. We can implement that by looking for units that are equi-preferable
+ -- with the most preferable unit for package. Being equi-preferable means that
+ -- they must be in the same database, with the same version, and the same package name.
+ --
+ -- We must take care to consider all these units and not just the most
+ -- preferable one, otherwise we can end up with problems like #16228.
+ mostPreferable u =
+ case lookupUDFM mostPreferablePackageReps (fsPackageName u) of
+ Nothing -> False
+ Just u' -> compareByPreference prec_map u u' == EQ
+ vis_map1 = foldl' (\vm p ->
+ -- Note: we NEVER expose indefinite packages by
+ -- default, because it's almost assuredly not
+ -- what you want (no mix-in linking has occurred).
+ if exposed p && unitIdIsDefinite (packageConfigId p) && mostPreferable p
+ then Map.insert (packageConfigId p)
+ UnitVisibility {
+ uv_expose_all = True,
+ uv_renamings = [],
+ uv_package_name = First (Just (fsPackageName p)),
+ uv_requirements = Map.empty,
+ uv_explicit = False
+ }
+ vm
+ else vm)
+ Map.empty pkgs1
+ --
+ -- Compute a visibility map according to the command-line flags (-package,
+ -- -hide-package). This needs to know about the unusable packages, since if a
+ -- user tries to enable an unusable package, we should let them know.
+ --
+ vis_map2 <- foldM (applyPackageFlag dflags prec_map prelim_pkg_db unusable
+ (gopt Opt_HideAllPackages dflags) pkgs1)
+ vis_map1 other_flags
+ --
+ -- Sort out which packages are wired in. This has to be done last, since
+ -- it modifies the unit ids of wired in packages, but when we process
+ -- package arguments we need to key against the old versions.
+ --
+ (pkgs2, wired_map) <- findWiredInPackages dflags prec_map pkgs1 vis_map2
+ let pkg_db = extendUnitInfoMap emptyUnitInfoMap pkgs2
+ -- Update the visibility map, so we treat wired packages as visible.
+ let vis_map = updateVisibilityMap wired_map vis_map2
+ let hide_plugin_pkgs = gopt Opt_HideAllPluginPackages dflags
+ plugin_vis_map <-
+ case pluginPackageFlags dflags of
+ -- common case; try to share the old vis_map
+ [] | not hide_plugin_pkgs -> return vis_map
+ | otherwise -> return Map.empty
+ _ -> do let plugin_vis_map1
+ | hide_plugin_pkgs = Map.empty
+ -- Use the vis_map PRIOR to wired in,
+ -- because otherwise applyPackageFlag
+ -- won't work.
+ | otherwise = vis_map2
+ plugin_vis_map2
+ <- foldM (applyPackageFlag dflags prec_map prelim_pkg_db unusable
+ (gopt Opt_HideAllPluginPackages dflags) pkgs1)
+ plugin_vis_map1
+ (reverse (pluginPackageFlags dflags))
+ -- Updating based on wired in packages is mostly
+ -- good hygiene, because it won't matter: no wired in
+ -- package has a compiler plugin.
+ -- TODO: If a wired in package had a compiler plugin,
+ -- and you tried to pick different wired in packages
+ -- with the plugin flags and the normal flags... what
+ -- would happen? I don't know! But this doesn't seem
+ -- likely to actually happen.
+ return (updateVisibilityMap wired_map plugin_vis_map2)
+ --
+ -- Here we build up a set of the packages mentioned in -package
+ -- flags on the command line; these are called the "preload"
+ -- packages. we link these packages in eagerly. The preload set
+ -- should contain at least rts & base, which is why we pretend that
+ -- the command line contains -package rts & -package base.
+ --
+ -- NB: preload IS important even for type-checking, because we
+ -- need the correct include path to be set.
+ --
+ let preload1 = Map.keys (Map.filter uv_explicit vis_map)
+ let pkgname_map = foldl' add Map.empty pkgs2
+ where add pn_map p
+ = Map.insert (packageName p) (componentId p) pn_map
+ -- The explicitPackages accurately reflects the set of packages we have turned
+ -- on; as such, it also is the only way one can come up with requirements.
+ -- The requirement context is directly based off of this: we simply
+ -- look for nested unit IDs that are directly fed holes: the requirements
+ -- of those units are precisely the ones we need to track
+ let explicit_pkgs = Map.keys vis_map
+ req_ctx = (Set.toList)
+ $ Map.unionsWith Set.union (map uv_requirements (Map.elems vis_map))
+ let preload2 = preload1
+ let
+ -- add base & rts to the preload packages
+ basicLinkedPackages
+ | gopt Opt_AutoLinkPackages dflags
+ = filter (flip elemUDFM (unUnitInfoMap pkg_db))
+ [baseUnitId, rtsUnitId]
+ | otherwise = []
+ -- but in any case remove the current package from the set of
+ -- preloaded packages so that base/rts does not end up in the
+ -- set up preloaded package when we are just building it
+ -- (NB: since this is only relevant for base/rts it doesn't matter
+ -- that thisUnitIdInsts_ is not wired yet)
+ --
+ preload3 = ordNub $ filter (/= thisPackage dflags)
+ $ (basicLinkedPackages ++ preload2)
+ -- Close the preload packages with their dependencies
+ dep_preload <- closeDeps dflags pkg_db (zip (map toInstalledUnitId preload3) (repeat Nothing))
+ let new_dep_preload = filter (`notElem` preload0) dep_preload
+ let mod_map1 = mkModuleNameProvidersMap dflags pkg_db vis_map
+ mod_map2 = mkUnusableModuleNameProvidersMap unusable
+ mod_map = Map.union mod_map1 mod_map2
+ dumpIfSet_dyn (dflags { pprCols = 200 }) Opt_D_dump_mod_map "Mod Map"
+ FormatText
+ (pprModuleMap mod_map)
+ -- Force pstate to avoid leaking the dflags0 passed to mkPackageState
+ let !pstate = PackageState{
+ preloadPackages = dep_preload,
+ explicitPackages = explicit_pkgs,
+ unitInfoMap = pkg_db,
+ moduleNameProvidersMap = mod_map,
+ pluginModuleNameProvidersMap = mkModuleNameProvidersMap dflags pkg_db plugin_vis_map,
+ packageNameMap = pkgname_map,
+ unwireMap = Map.fromList [ (v,k) | (k,v) <- Map.toList wired_map ],
+ requirementContext = req_ctx
+ }
+ let new_insts = fmap (map (fmap (upd_wired_in_mod wired_map))) (thisUnitIdInsts_ dflags)
+ return (pstate, new_dep_preload, new_insts)
+-- | Given a wired-in 'UnitId', "unwire" it into the 'UnitId'
+-- that it was recorded as in the package database.
+unwireUnitId :: DynFlags -> UnitId -> UnitId
+unwireUnitId dflags uid@(DefiniteUnitId def_uid) =
+ maybe uid DefiniteUnitId (Map.lookup def_uid (unwireMap (pkgState dflags)))
+unwireUnitId _ uid = uid
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Makes the mapping from module to package info
+-- Slight irritation: we proceed by leafing through everything
+-- in the installed package database, which makes handling indefinite
+-- packages a bit bothersome.
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> UnitInfoMap
+ -> VisibilityMap
+ -> ModuleNameProvidersMap
+mkModuleNameProvidersMap dflags pkg_db vis_map =
+ -- What should we fold on? Both situations are awkward:
+ --
+ -- * Folding on the visibility map means that we won't create
+ -- entries for packages that aren't mentioned in vis_map
+ -- (e.g., hidden packages, causing #14717)
+ --
+ -- * Folding on pkg_db is awkward because if we have an
+ -- Backpack instantiation, we need to possibly add a
+ -- package from pkg_db multiple times to the actual
+ -- ModuleNameProvidersMap. Also, we don't really want
+ -- definite package instantiations to show up in the
+ -- list of possibilities.
+ --
+ -- So what will we do instead? We'll extend vis_map with
+ -- entries for every definite (for non-Backpack) and
+ -- indefinite (for Backpack) package, so that we get the
+ -- hidden entries we need.
+ Map.foldlWithKey extend_modmap emptyMap vis_map_extended
+ where
+ vis_map_extended = Map.union vis_map {- preferred -} default_vis
+ default_vis = Map.fromList
+ [ (packageConfigId pkg, mempty)
+ | pkg <- eltsUDFM (unUnitInfoMap pkg_db)
+ -- Exclude specific instantiations of an indefinite
+ -- package
+ , indefinite pkg || null (instantiatedWith pkg)
+ ]
+ emptyMap = Map.empty
+ setOrigins m os = fmap (const os) m
+ extend_modmap modmap uid
+ UnitVisibility { uv_expose_all = b, uv_renamings = rns }
+ = addListTo modmap theBindings
+ where
+ pkg = unit_lookup uid
+ theBindings :: [(ModuleName, Map Module ModuleOrigin)]
+ theBindings = newBindings b rns
+ newBindings :: Bool
+ -> [(ModuleName, ModuleName)]
+ -> [(ModuleName, Map Module ModuleOrigin)]
+ newBindings e rns = es e ++ hiddens ++ map rnBinding rns
+ rnBinding :: (ModuleName, ModuleName)
+ -> (ModuleName, Map Module ModuleOrigin)
+ rnBinding (orig, new) = (new, setOrigins origEntry fromFlag)
+ where origEntry = case lookupUFM esmap orig of
+ Just r -> r
+ Nothing -> throwGhcException (CmdLineError (showSDoc dflags
+ (text "package flag: could not find module name" <+>
+ ppr orig <+> text "in package" <+> ppr pk)))
+ es :: Bool -> [(ModuleName, Map Module ModuleOrigin)]
+ es e = do
+ (m, exposedReexport) <- exposed_mods
+ let (pk', m', origin') =
+ case exposedReexport of
+ Nothing -> (pk, m, fromExposedModules e)
+ Just (Module pk' m') ->
+ let pkg' = unit_lookup pk'
+ in (pk', m', fromReexportedModules e pkg')
+ return (m, mkModMap pk' m' origin')
+ esmap :: UniqFM (Map Module ModuleOrigin)
+ esmap = listToUFM (es False) -- parameter here doesn't matter, orig will
+ -- be overwritten
+ hiddens = [(m, mkModMap pk m ModHidden) | m <- hidden_mods]
+ pk = packageConfigId pkg
+ unit_lookup uid = lookupUnit' (isIndefinite dflags) pkg_db uid
+ `orElse` pprPanic "unit_lookup" (ppr uid)
+ exposed_mods = exposedModules pkg
+ hidden_mods = hiddenModules pkg
+-- | Make a 'ModuleNameProvidersMap' covering a set of unusable packages.
+mkUnusableModuleNameProvidersMap :: UnusablePackages -> ModuleNameProvidersMap
+mkUnusableModuleNameProvidersMap unusables =
+ Map.foldl' extend_modmap Map.empty unusables
+ where
+ extend_modmap modmap (pkg, reason) = addListTo modmap bindings
+ where bindings :: [(ModuleName, Map Module ModuleOrigin)]
+ bindings = exposed ++ hidden
+ origin = ModUnusable reason
+ pkg_id = packageConfigId pkg
+ exposed = map get_exposed exposed_mods
+ hidden = [(m, mkModMap pkg_id m origin) | m <- hidden_mods]
+ get_exposed (mod, Just mod') = (mod, Map.singleton mod' origin)
+ get_exposed (mod, _) = (mod, mkModMap pkg_id mod origin)
+ exposed_mods = exposedModules pkg
+ hidden_mods = hiddenModules pkg
+-- | Add a list of key/value pairs to a nested map.
+-- The outer map is processed with 'Data.Map.Strict' to prevent memory leaks
+-- when reloading modules in GHCi (see #4029). This ensures that each
+-- value is forced before installing into the map.
+addListTo :: (Monoid a, Ord k1, Ord k2)
+ => Map k1 (Map k2 a)
+ -> [(k1, Map k2 a)]
+ -> Map k1 (Map k2 a)
+addListTo = foldl' merge
+ where merge m (k, v) = MapStrict.insertWith (Map.unionWith mappend) k v m
+-- | Create a singleton module mapping
+mkModMap :: UnitId -> ModuleName -> ModuleOrigin -> Map Module ModuleOrigin
+mkModMap pkg mod = Map.singleton (mkModule pkg mod)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Extracting information from the packages in scope
+-- Many of these functions take a list of packages: in those cases,
+-- the list is expected to contain the "dependent packages",
+-- i.e. those packages that were found to be depended on by the
+-- current module/program. These can be auto or non-auto packages, it
+-- doesn't really matter. The list is always combined with the list
+-- of preload (command-line) packages to determine which packages to
+-- use.
+-- | Find all the include directories in these and the preload packages
+getPackageIncludePath :: DynFlags -> [PreloadUnitId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageIncludePath dflags pkgs =
+ collectIncludeDirs `fmap` getPreloadPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+collectIncludeDirs :: [UnitInfo] -> [FilePath]
+collectIncludeDirs ps = ordNub (filter notNull (concatMap includeDirs ps))
+-- | Find all the library paths in these and the preload packages
+getPackageLibraryPath :: DynFlags -> [PreloadUnitId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageLibraryPath dflags pkgs =
+ collectLibraryPaths dflags `fmap` getPreloadPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+collectLibraryPaths :: DynFlags -> [UnitInfo] -> [FilePath]
+collectLibraryPaths dflags = ordNub . filter notNull
+ . concatMap (libraryDirsForWay dflags)
+-- | Find all the link options in these and the preload packages,
+-- returning (package hs lib options, extra library options, other flags)
+getPackageLinkOpts :: DynFlags -> [PreloadUnitId] -> IO ([String], [String], [String])
+getPackageLinkOpts dflags pkgs =
+ collectLinkOpts dflags `fmap` getPreloadPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+collectLinkOpts :: DynFlags -> [UnitInfo] -> ([String], [String], [String])
+collectLinkOpts dflags ps =
+ (
+ concatMap (map ("-l" ++) . packageHsLibs dflags) ps,
+ concatMap (map ("-l" ++) . extraLibraries) ps,
+ concatMap ldOptions ps
+ )
+collectArchives :: DynFlags -> UnitInfo -> IO [FilePath]
+collectArchives dflags pc =
+ filterM doesFileExist [ searchPath </> ("lib" ++ lib ++ ".a")
+ | searchPath <- searchPaths
+ , lib <- libs ]
+ where searchPaths = ordNub . filter notNull . libraryDirsForWay dflags $ pc
+ libs = packageHsLibs dflags pc ++ extraLibraries pc
+getLibs :: DynFlags -> [PreloadUnitId] -> IO [(String,String)]
+getLibs dflags pkgs = do
+ ps <- getPreloadPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+ fmap concat . forM ps $ \p -> do
+ let candidates = [ (l </> f, f) | l <- collectLibraryPaths dflags [p]
+ , f <- (\n -> "lib" ++ n ++ ".a") <$> packageHsLibs dflags p ]
+ filterM (doesFileExist . fst) candidates
+packageHsLibs :: DynFlags -> UnitInfo -> [String]
+packageHsLibs dflags p = map (mkDynName . addSuffix) (hsLibraries p)
+ where
+ ways0 = ways dflags
+ ways1 = filter (/= WayDyn) ways0
+ -- the name of a shared library is libHSfoo-ghc<version>.so
+ -- we leave out the _dyn, because it is superfluous
+ -- debug and profiled RTSs include support for -eventlog
+ ways2 | WayDebug `elem` ways1 || WayProf `elem` ways1
+ = filter (/= WayEventLog) ways1
+ | otherwise
+ = ways1
+ tag = mkBuildTag (filter (not . wayRTSOnly) ways2)
+ rts_tag = mkBuildTag ways2
+ mkDynName x
+ | WayDyn `notElem` ways dflags = x
+ | "HS" `isPrefixOf` x =
+ x ++ '-':programName dflags ++ projectVersion dflags
+ -- For non-Haskell libraries, we use the name "Cfoo". The .a
+ -- file is libCfoo.a, and the .so is That way the
+ -- linker knows what we mean for the vanilla (-lCfoo) and dyn
+ -- (-lfoo) ways. We therefore need to strip the 'C' off here.
+ | Just x' <- stripPrefix "C" x = x'
+ | otherwise
+ = panic ("Don't understand library name " ++ x)
+ -- Add _thr and other rts suffixes to packages named
+ -- `rts` or `rts-1.0`. Why both? Traditionally the rts
+ -- package is called `rts` only. However the tooling
+ -- usually expects a package name to have a version.
+ -- As such we will gradually move towards the `rts-1.0`
+ -- package name, at which point the `rts` package name
+ -- will eventually be unused.
+ --
+ -- This change elevates the need to add custom hooks
+ -- and handling specifically for the `rts` package for
+ -- example in ghc-cabal.
+ addSuffix rts@"HSrts" = rts ++ (expandTag rts_tag)
+ addSuffix rts@"HSrts-1.0"= rts ++ (expandTag rts_tag)
+ addSuffix other_lib = other_lib ++ (expandTag tag)
+ expandTag t | null t = ""
+ | otherwise = '_':t
+-- | Either the 'libraryDirs' or 'libraryDynDirs' as appropriate for the way.
+libraryDirsForWay :: DynFlags -> UnitInfo -> [String]
+libraryDirsForWay dflags
+ | WayDyn `elem` ways dflags = libraryDynDirs
+ | otherwise = libraryDirs
+-- | Find all the C-compiler options in these and the preload packages
+getPackageExtraCcOpts :: DynFlags -> [PreloadUnitId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageExtraCcOpts dflags pkgs = do
+ ps <- getPreloadPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+ return (concatMap ccOptions ps)
+-- | Find all the package framework paths in these and the preload packages
+getPackageFrameworkPath :: DynFlags -> [PreloadUnitId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageFrameworkPath dflags pkgs = do
+ ps <- getPreloadPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+ return (ordNub (filter notNull (concatMap frameworkDirs ps)))
+-- | Find all the package frameworks in these and the preload packages
+getPackageFrameworks :: DynFlags -> [PreloadUnitId] -> IO [String]
+getPackageFrameworks dflags pkgs = do
+ ps <- getPreloadPackagesAnd dflags pkgs
+ return (concatMap frameworks ps)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Package Utils
+-- | Takes a 'ModuleName', and if the module is in any package returns
+-- list of modules which take that name.
+lookupModuleInAllPackages :: DynFlags
+ -> ModuleName
+ -> [(Module, UnitInfo)]
+lookupModuleInAllPackages dflags m
+ = case lookupModuleWithSuggestions dflags m Nothing of
+ LookupFound a b -> [(a,b)]
+ LookupMultiple rs -> map f rs
+ where f (m,_) = (m, expectJust "lookupModule" (lookupUnit dflags
+ (moduleUnitId m)))
+ _ -> []
+-- | The result of performing a lookup
+data LookupResult =
+ -- | Found the module uniquely, nothing else to do
+ LookupFound Module UnitInfo
+ -- | Multiple modules with the same name in scope
+ | LookupMultiple [(Module, ModuleOrigin)]
+ -- | No modules found, but there were some hidden ones with
+ -- an exact name match. First is due to package hidden, second
+ -- is due to module being hidden
+ | LookupHidden [(Module, ModuleOrigin)] [(Module, ModuleOrigin)]
+ -- | No modules found, but there were some unusable ones with
+ -- an exact name match
+ | LookupUnusable [(Module, ModuleOrigin)]
+ -- | Nothing found, here are some suggested different names
+ | LookupNotFound [ModuleSuggestion] -- suggestions
+data ModuleSuggestion = SuggestVisible ModuleName Module ModuleOrigin
+ | SuggestHidden ModuleName Module ModuleOrigin
+lookupModuleWithSuggestions :: DynFlags
+ -> ModuleName
+ -> Maybe FastString
+ -> LookupResult
+lookupModuleWithSuggestions dflags
+ = lookupModuleWithSuggestions' dflags
+ (moduleNameProvidersMap (pkgState dflags))
+lookupPluginModuleWithSuggestions :: DynFlags
+ -> ModuleName
+ -> Maybe FastString
+ -> LookupResult
+lookupPluginModuleWithSuggestions dflags
+ = lookupModuleWithSuggestions' dflags
+ (pluginModuleNameProvidersMap (pkgState dflags))
+lookupModuleWithSuggestions' :: DynFlags
+ -> ModuleNameProvidersMap
+ -> ModuleName
+ -> Maybe FastString
+ -> LookupResult
+lookupModuleWithSuggestions' dflags mod_map m mb_pn
+ = case Map.lookup m mod_map of
+ Nothing -> LookupNotFound suggestions
+ Just xs ->
+ case foldl' classify ([],[],[], []) (Map.toList xs) of
+ ([], [], [], []) -> LookupNotFound suggestions
+ (_, _, _, [(m, _)]) -> LookupFound m (mod_unit m)
+ (_, _, _, exposed@(_:_)) -> LookupMultiple exposed
+ ([], [], unusable@(_:_), []) -> LookupUnusable unusable
+ (hidden_pkg, hidden_mod, _, []) ->
+ LookupHidden hidden_pkg hidden_mod
+ where
+ classify (hidden_pkg, hidden_mod, unusable, exposed) (m, origin0) =
+ let origin = filterOrigin mb_pn (mod_unit m) origin0
+ x = (m, origin)
+ in case origin of
+ ModHidden
+ -> (hidden_pkg, x:hidden_mod, unusable, exposed)
+ ModUnusable _
+ -> (hidden_pkg, hidden_mod, x:unusable, exposed)
+ _ | originEmpty origin
+ -> (hidden_pkg, hidden_mod, unusable, exposed)
+ | originVisible origin
+ -> (hidden_pkg, hidden_mod, unusable, x:exposed)
+ | otherwise
+ -> (x:hidden_pkg, hidden_mod, unusable, exposed)
+ unit_lookup p = lookupUnit dflags p `orElse` pprPanic "lookupModuleWithSuggestions" (ppr p <+> ppr m)
+ mod_unit = unit_lookup . moduleUnitId
+ -- Filters out origins which are not associated with the given package
+ -- qualifier. No-op if there is no package qualifier. Test if this
+ -- excluded all origins with 'originEmpty'.
+ filterOrigin :: Maybe FastString
+ -> UnitInfo
+ -> ModuleOrigin
+ -> ModuleOrigin
+ filterOrigin Nothing _ o = o
+ filterOrigin (Just pn) pkg o =
+ case o of
+ ModHidden -> if go pkg then ModHidden else mempty
+ (ModUnusable _) -> if go pkg then o else mempty
+ ModOrigin { fromOrigPackage = e, fromExposedReexport = res,
+ fromHiddenReexport = rhs }
+ -> ModOrigin {
+ fromOrigPackage = if go pkg then e else Nothing
+ , fromExposedReexport = filter go res
+ , fromHiddenReexport = filter go rhs
+ , fromPackageFlag = False -- always excluded
+ }
+ where go pkg = pn == fsPackageName pkg
+ suggestions
+ | gopt Opt_HelpfulErrors dflags =
+ fuzzyLookup (moduleNameString m) all_mods
+ | otherwise = []
+ all_mods :: [(String, ModuleSuggestion)] -- All modules
+ all_mods = sortBy (comparing fst) $
+ [ (moduleNameString m, suggestion)
+ | (m, e) <- Map.toList (moduleNameProvidersMap (pkgState dflags))
+ , suggestion <- map (getSuggestion m) (Map.toList e)
+ ]
+ getSuggestion name (mod, origin) =
+ (if originVisible origin then SuggestVisible else SuggestHidden)
+ name mod origin
+listVisibleModuleNames :: DynFlags -> [ModuleName]
+listVisibleModuleNames dflags =
+ map fst (filter visible (Map.toList (moduleNameProvidersMap (pkgState dflags))))
+ where visible (_, ms) = any originVisible (Map.elems ms)
+-- | Find all the 'UnitInfo' in both the preload packages from 'DynFlags' and corresponding to the list of
+-- 'UnitInfo's
+getPreloadPackagesAnd :: DynFlags -> [PreloadUnitId] -> IO [UnitInfo]
+getPreloadPackagesAnd dflags pkgids0 =
+ let
+ pkgids = pkgids0 ++
+ -- An indefinite package will have insts to HOLE,
+ -- which is not a real package. Don't look it up.
+ -- Fixes #14525
+ if isIndefinite dflags
+ then []
+ else map (toInstalledUnitId . moduleUnitId . snd)
+ (thisUnitIdInsts dflags)
+ state = pkgState dflags
+ pkg_map = unitInfoMap state
+ preload = preloadPackages state
+ pairs = zip pkgids (repeat Nothing)
+ in do
+ all_pkgs <- throwErr dflags (foldM (add_package dflags pkg_map) preload pairs)
+ return (map (getInstalledPackageDetails dflags) all_pkgs)
+-- Takes a list of packages, and returns the list with dependencies included,
+-- in reverse dependency order (a package appears before those it depends on).
+closeDeps :: DynFlags
+ -> UnitInfoMap
+ -> [(InstalledUnitId, Maybe InstalledUnitId)]
+ -> IO [InstalledUnitId]
+closeDeps dflags pkg_map ps
+ = throwErr dflags (closeDepsErr dflags pkg_map ps)
+throwErr :: DynFlags -> MaybeErr MsgDoc a -> IO a
+throwErr dflags m
+ = case m of
+ Failed e -> throwGhcExceptionIO (CmdLineError (showSDoc dflags e))
+ Succeeded r -> return r
+closeDepsErr :: DynFlags
+ -> UnitInfoMap
+ -> [(InstalledUnitId,Maybe InstalledUnitId)]
+ -> MaybeErr MsgDoc [InstalledUnitId]
+closeDepsErr dflags pkg_map ps = foldM (add_package dflags pkg_map) [] ps
+-- internal helper
+add_package :: DynFlags
+ -> UnitInfoMap
+ -> [PreloadUnitId]
+ -> (PreloadUnitId,Maybe PreloadUnitId)
+ -> MaybeErr MsgDoc [PreloadUnitId]
+add_package dflags pkg_db ps (p, mb_parent)
+ | p `elem` ps = return ps -- Check if we've already added this package
+ | otherwise =
+ case lookupInstalledPackage' pkg_db p of
+ Nothing -> Failed (missingPackageMsg p <>
+ missingDependencyMsg mb_parent)
+ Just pkg -> do
+ -- Add the package's dependents also
+ ps' <- foldM add_unit_key ps (depends pkg)
+ return (p : ps')
+ where
+ add_unit_key ps key
+ = add_package dflags pkg_db ps (key, Just p)
+missingPackageMsg :: Outputable pkgid => pkgid -> SDoc
+missingPackageMsg p = text "unknown package:" <+> ppr p
+missingDependencyMsg :: Maybe InstalledUnitId -> SDoc
+missingDependencyMsg Nothing = Outputable.empty
+missingDependencyMsg (Just parent)
+ = space <> parens (text "dependency of" <+> ftext (installedUnitIdFS parent))
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+componentIdString :: DynFlags -> ComponentId -> Maybe String
+componentIdString dflags cid = do
+ conf <- lookupInstalledPackage dflags (componentIdToInstalledUnitId cid)
+ return $
+ case sourceLibName conf of
+ Nothing -> sourcePackageIdString conf
+ Just (PackageName libname) ->
+ packageNameString conf
+ ++ "-" ++ showVersion (packageVersion conf)
+ ++ ":" ++ unpackFS libname
+displayInstalledUnitId :: DynFlags -> InstalledUnitId -> Maybe String
+displayInstalledUnitId dflags uid =
+ fmap sourcePackageIdString (lookupInstalledPackage dflags uid)
+-- | Will the 'Name' come from a dynamically linked library?
+isDllName :: DynFlags -> Module -> Name -> Bool
+-- Despite the "dll", I think this function just means that
+-- the symbol comes from another dynamically-linked package,
+-- and applies on all platforms, not just Windows
+isDllName dflags this_mod name
+ | not (gopt Opt_ExternalDynamicRefs dflags) = False
+ | Just mod <- nameModule_maybe name
+ -- Issue #8696 - when GHC is dynamically linked, it will attempt
+ -- to load the dynamic dependencies of object files at compile
+ -- time for things like QuasiQuotes or
+ -- TemplateHaskell. Unfortunately, this interacts badly with
+ -- intra-package linking, because we don't generate indirect
+ -- (dynamic) symbols for intra-package calls. This means that if a
+ -- module with an intra-package call is loaded without its
+ -- dependencies, then GHC fails to link. This is the cause of #
+ --
+ -- In the mean time, always force dynamic indirections to be
+ -- generated: when the module name isn't the module being
+ -- compiled, references are dynamic.
+ = case platformOS $ targetPlatform dflags of
+ -- On Windows the hack for #8696 makes it unlinkable.
+ -- As the entire setup of the code from Cmm down to the RTS expects
+ -- the use of trampolines for the imported functions only when
+ -- doing intra-package linking, e.g. referring to a symbol defined in the same
+ -- package should not use a trampoline.
+ -- I much rather have dynamic TH not supported than the entire Dynamic linking
+ -- not due to a hack.
+ -- Also not sure this would break on Windows anyway.
+ OSMinGW32 -> moduleUnitId mod /= moduleUnitId this_mod
+ -- For the other platforms, still perform the hack
+ _ -> mod /= this_mod
+ | otherwise = False -- no, it is not even an external name
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Displaying packages
+-- | Show (very verbose) package info
+pprPackages :: DynFlags -> SDoc
+pprPackages = pprPackagesWith pprUnitInfo
+pprPackagesWith :: (UnitInfo -> SDoc) -> DynFlags -> SDoc
+pprPackagesWith pprIPI dflags =
+ vcat (intersperse (text "---") (map pprIPI (listUnitInfoMap dflags)))
+-- | Show simplified package info.
+-- The idea is to only print package id, and any information that might
+-- be different from the package databases (exposure, trust)
+pprPackagesSimple :: DynFlags -> SDoc
+pprPackagesSimple = pprPackagesWith pprIPI
+ where pprIPI ipi = let i = installedUnitIdFS (unitId ipi)
+ e = if exposed ipi then text "E" else text " "
+ t = if trusted ipi then text "T" else text " "
+ in e <> t <> text " " <> ftext i
+-- | Show the mapping of modules to where they come from.
+pprModuleMap :: ModuleNameProvidersMap -> SDoc
+pprModuleMap mod_map =
+ vcat (map pprLine (Map.toList mod_map))
+ where
+ pprLine (m,e) = ppr m $$ nest 50 (vcat (map (pprEntry m) (Map.toList e)))
+ pprEntry :: Outputable a => ModuleName -> (Module, a) -> SDoc
+ pprEntry m (m',o)
+ | m == moduleName m' = ppr (moduleUnitId m') <+> parens (ppr o)
+ | otherwise = ppr m' <+> parens (ppr o)
+fsPackageName :: UnitInfo -> FastString
+fsPackageName = mkFastString . packageNameString
+-- | Given a fully instantiated 'UnitId', improve it into a
+-- 'InstalledUnitId' if we can find it in the package database.
+improveUnitId :: UnitInfoMap -> UnitId -> UnitId
+improveUnitId _ uid@(DefiniteUnitId _) = uid -- short circuit
+improveUnitId pkg_map uid =
+ -- Do NOT lookup indefinite ones, they won't be useful!
+ case lookupUnit' False pkg_map uid of
+ Nothing -> uid
+ Just pkg ->
+ -- Do NOT improve if the indefinite unit id is not
+ -- part of the closure unique set. See
+ -- Note [UnitId to InstalledUnitId improvement]
+ if installedUnitInfoId pkg `elementOfUniqSet` preloadClosure pkg_map
+ then packageConfigId pkg
+ else uid
+-- | Retrieve the 'UnitInfoMap' from 'DynFlags'; used
+-- in the @hs-boot@ loop-breaker.
+getUnitInfoMap :: DynFlags -> UnitInfoMap
+getUnitInfoMap = unitInfoMap . pkgState
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Packages.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Packages.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89fb2a1c18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Packages.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module GHC.Driver.Packages where
+import GhcPrelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Driver.Session (DynFlags)
+import {-# SOURCE #-} Module(ComponentId, UnitId, InstalledUnitId)
+data PackageState
+data UnitInfoMap
+data PackageDatabase
+emptyPackageState :: PackageState
+componentIdString :: DynFlags -> ComponentId -> Maybe String
+displayInstalledUnitId :: DynFlags -> InstalledUnitId -> Maybe String
+improveUnitId :: UnitInfoMap -> UnitId -> UnitId
+getUnitInfoMap :: DynFlags -> UnitInfoMap
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Phases.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Phases.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45cb4656ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Phases.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+-- GHC Driver
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2002
+module GHC.Driver.Phases (
+ HscSource(..), isHsBootOrSig, isHsigFile, hscSourceString,
+ Phase(..),
+ happensBefore, eqPhase, anyHsc, isStopLn,
+ startPhase,
+ phaseInputExt,
+ isHaskellishSuffix,
+ isHaskellSrcSuffix,
+ isBackpackishSuffix,
+ isObjectSuffix,
+ isCishSuffix,
+ isDynLibSuffix,
+ isHaskellUserSrcSuffix,
+ isHaskellSigSuffix,
+ isSourceSuffix,
+ isHaskellishTarget,
+ isHaskellishFilename,
+ isHaskellSrcFilename,
+ isHaskellSigFilename,
+ isObjectFilename,
+ isCishFilename,
+ isDynLibFilename,
+ isHaskellUserSrcFilename,
+ isSourceFilename
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Driver.Session
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Platform
+import System.FilePath
+import Binary
+import Util
+-- Phases
+ Phase of the | Suffix saying | Flag saying | (suffix of)
+ compilation system | ``start here''| ``stop after''| output file
+ literate pre-processor | .lhs | - | -
+ C pre-processor (opt.) | - | -E | -
+ Haskell compiler | .hs | -C, -S | .hc, .s
+ C compiler (opt.) | .hc or .c | -S | .s
+ assembler | .s or .S | -c | .o
+ linker | other | - | a.out
+-- Note [HscSource types]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- There are three types of source file for Haskell code:
+-- * HsSrcFile is an ordinary hs file which contains code,
+-- * HsBootFile is an hs-boot file, which is used to break
+-- recursive module imports (there will always be an
+-- HsSrcFile associated with it), and
+-- * HsigFile is an hsig file, which contains only type
+-- signatures and is used to specify signatures for
+-- modules.
+-- Syntactically, hs-boot files and hsig files are quite similar: they
+-- only include type signatures and must be associated with an
+-- actual HsSrcFile. isHsBootOrSig allows us to abstract over code
+-- which is indifferent to which. However, there are some important
+-- differences, mostly owing to the fact that hsigs are proper
+-- modules (you `import Sig` directly) whereas HsBootFiles are
+-- temporary placeholders (you `import {-# SOURCE #-} Mod).
+-- When we finish compiling the true implementation of an hs-boot,
+-- we replace the HomeModInfo with the real HsSrcFile. An HsigFile, on the
+-- other hand, is never replaced (in particular, we *cannot* use the
+-- HomeModInfo of the original HsSrcFile backing the signature, since it
+-- will export too many symbols.)
+-- Additionally, while HsSrcFile is the only Haskell file
+-- which has *code*, we do generate .o files for HsigFile, because
+-- this is how the recompilation checker figures out if a file
+-- needs to be recompiled. These are fake object files which
+-- should NOT be linked against.
+data HscSource
+ = HsSrcFile | HsBootFile | HsigFile
+ deriving( Eq, Ord, Show )
+ -- Ord needed for the finite maps we build in CompManager
+instance Binary HscSource where
+ put_ bh HsSrcFile = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh HsBootFile = putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh HsigFile = putByte bh 2
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> return HsSrcFile
+ 1 -> return HsBootFile
+ _ -> return HsigFile
+hscSourceString :: HscSource -> String
+hscSourceString HsSrcFile = ""
+hscSourceString HsBootFile = "[boot]"
+hscSourceString HsigFile = "[sig]"
+-- See Note [isHsBootOrSig]
+isHsBootOrSig :: HscSource -> Bool
+isHsBootOrSig HsBootFile = True
+isHsBootOrSig HsigFile = True
+isHsBootOrSig _ = False
+isHsigFile :: HscSource -> Bool
+isHsigFile HsigFile = True
+isHsigFile _ = False
+data Phase
+ = Unlit HscSource
+ | Cpp HscSource
+ | HsPp HscSource
+ | Hsc HscSource
+ | Ccxx -- Compile C++
+ | Cc -- Compile C
+ | Cobjc -- Compile Objective-C
+ | Cobjcxx -- Compile Objective-C++
+ | HCc -- Haskellised C (as opposed to vanilla C) compilation
+ | As Bool -- Assembler for regular assembly files (Bool: with-cpp)
+ | LlvmOpt -- Run LLVM opt tool over llvm assembly
+ | LlvmLlc -- LLVM bitcode to native assembly
+ | LlvmMangle -- Fix up TNTC by processing assembly produced by LLVM
+ | CmmCpp -- pre-process Cmm source
+ | Cmm -- parse & compile Cmm code
+ | MergeForeign -- merge in the foreign object files
+ -- The final phase is a pseudo-phase that tells the pipeline to stop.
+ -- There is no runPhase case for it.
+ | StopLn -- Stop, but linking will follow, so generate .o file
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance Outputable Phase where
+ ppr p = text (show p)
+anyHsc :: Phase
+anyHsc = Hsc (panic "anyHsc")
+isStopLn :: Phase -> Bool
+isStopLn StopLn = True
+isStopLn _ = False
+eqPhase :: Phase -> Phase -> Bool
+-- Equality of constructors, ignoring the HscSource field
+-- NB: the HscSource field can be 'bot'; see anyHsc above
+eqPhase (Unlit _) (Unlit _) = True
+eqPhase (Cpp _) (Cpp _) = True
+eqPhase (HsPp _) (HsPp _) = True
+eqPhase (Hsc _) (Hsc _) = True
+eqPhase Cc Cc = True
+eqPhase Cobjc Cobjc = True
+eqPhase HCc HCc = True
+eqPhase (As x) (As y) = x == y
+eqPhase LlvmOpt LlvmOpt = True
+eqPhase LlvmLlc LlvmLlc = True
+eqPhase LlvmMangle LlvmMangle = True
+eqPhase CmmCpp CmmCpp = True
+eqPhase Cmm Cmm = True
+eqPhase MergeForeign MergeForeign = True
+eqPhase StopLn StopLn = True
+eqPhase Ccxx Ccxx = True
+eqPhase Cobjcxx Cobjcxx = True
+eqPhase _ _ = False
+{- Note [Partial ordering on phases]
+We want to know which phases will occur before which others. This is used for
+sanity checking, to ensure that the pipeline will stop at some point (see
+A < B iff A occurs before B in a normal compilation pipeline.
+There is explicitly not a total ordering on phases, because in registerised
+builds, the phase `HsC` doesn't happen before nor after any other phase.
+Although we check that a normal user doesn't set the stop_phase to HsC through
+use of -C with registerised builds (in Main.checkOptions), it is still
+possible for a ghc-api user to do so. So be careful when using the function
+happensBefore, and don't think that `not (a <= b)` implies `b < a`.
+happensBefore :: DynFlags -> Phase -> Phase -> Bool
+happensBefore dflags p1 p2 = p1 `happensBefore'` p2
+ where StopLn `happensBefore'` _ = False
+ x `happensBefore'` y = after_x `eqPhase` y
+ || after_x `happensBefore'` y
+ where after_x = nextPhase dflags x
+nextPhase :: DynFlags -> Phase -> Phase
+nextPhase dflags p
+ -- A conservative approximation to the next phase, used in happensBefore
+ = case p of
+ Unlit sf -> Cpp sf
+ Cpp sf -> HsPp sf
+ HsPp sf -> Hsc sf
+ Hsc _ -> maybeHCc
+ LlvmOpt -> LlvmLlc
+ LlvmLlc -> LlvmMangle
+ LlvmMangle -> As False
+ As _ -> MergeForeign
+ Ccxx -> As False
+ Cc -> As False
+ Cobjc -> As False
+ Cobjcxx -> As False
+ CmmCpp -> Cmm
+ Cmm -> maybeHCc
+ HCc -> As False
+ MergeForeign -> StopLn
+ StopLn -> panic "nextPhase: nothing after StopLn"
+ where maybeHCc = if platformUnregisterised (targetPlatform dflags)
+ then HCc
+ else As False
+-- the first compilation phase for a given file is determined
+-- by its suffix.
+startPhase :: String -> Phase
+startPhase "lhs" = Unlit HsSrcFile
+startPhase "lhs-boot" = Unlit HsBootFile
+startPhase "lhsig" = Unlit HsigFile
+startPhase "hs" = Cpp HsSrcFile
+startPhase "hs-boot" = Cpp HsBootFile
+startPhase "hsig" = Cpp HsigFile
+startPhase "hscpp" = HsPp HsSrcFile
+startPhase "hspp" = Hsc HsSrcFile
+startPhase "hc" = HCc
+startPhase "c" = Cc
+startPhase "cpp" = Ccxx
+startPhase "C" = Cc
+startPhase "m" = Cobjc
+startPhase "M" = Cobjcxx
+startPhase "mm" = Cobjcxx
+startPhase "cc" = Ccxx
+startPhase "cxx" = Ccxx
+startPhase "s" = As False
+startPhase "S" = As True
+startPhase "ll" = LlvmOpt
+startPhase "bc" = LlvmLlc
+startPhase "lm_s" = LlvmMangle
+startPhase "o" = StopLn
+startPhase "cmm" = CmmCpp
+startPhase "cmmcpp" = Cmm
+startPhase _ = StopLn -- all unknown file types
+-- This is used to determine the extension for the output from the
+-- current phase (if it generates a new file). The extension depends
+-- on the next phase in the pipeline.
+phaseInputExt :: Phase -> String
+phaseInputExt (Unlit HsSrcFile) = "lhs"
+phaseInputExt (Unlit HsBootFile) = "lhs-boot"
+phaseInputExt (Unlit HsigFile) = "lhsig"
+phaseInputExt (Cpp _) = "lpp" -- intermediate only
+phaseInputExt (HsPp _) = "hscpp" -- intermediate only
+phaseInputExt (Hsc _) = "hspp" -- intermediate only
+ -- NB: as things stand, phaseInputExt (Hsc x) must not evaluate x
+ -- because runPipeline uses the StopBefore phase to pick the
+ -- output filename. That could be fixed, but watch out.
+phaseInputExt HCc = "hc"
+phaseInputExt Ccxx = "cpp"
+phaseInputExt Cobjc = "m"
+phaseInputExt Cobjcxx = "mm"
+phaseInputExt Cc = "c"
+phaseInputExt (As True) = "S"
+phaseInputExt (As False) = "s"
+phaseInputExt LlvmOpt = "ll"
+phaseInputExt LlvmLlc = "bc"
+phaseInputExt LlvmMangle = "lm_s"
+phaseInputExt CmmCpp = "cmmcpp"
+phaseInputExt Cmm = "cmm"
+phaseInputExt MergeForeign = "o"
+phaseInputExt StopLn = "o"
+haskellish_src_suffixes, backpackish_suffixes, haskellish_suffixes, cish_suffixes,
+ haskellish_user_src_suffixes, haskellish_sig_suffixes
+ :: [String]
+-- When a file with an extension in the haskellish_src_suffixes group is
+-- loaded in --make mode, its imports will be loaded too.
+haskellish_src_suffixes = haskellish_user_src_suffixes ++
+ [ "hspp", "hscpp" ]
+haskellish_suffixes = haskellish_src_suffixes ++
+ [ "hc", "cmm", "cmmcpp" ]
+cish_suffixes = [ "c", "cpp", "C", "cc", "cxx", "s", "S", "ll", "bc", "lm_s", "m", "M", "mm" ]
+-- Will not be deleted as temp files:
+haskellish_user_src_suffixes =
+ haskellish_sig_suffixes ++ [ "hs", "lhs", "hs-boot", "lhs-boot" ]
+haskellish_sig_suffixes = [ "hsig", "lhsig" ]
+backpackish_suffixes = [ "bkp" ]
+objish_suffixes :: Platform -> [String]
+-- Use the appropriate suffix for the system on which
+-- the GHC-compiled code will run
+objish_suffixes platform = case platformOS platform of
+ OSMinGW32 -> [ "o", "O", "obj", "OBJ" ]
+ _ -> [ "o" ]
+dynlib_suffixes :: Platform -> [String]
+dynlib_suffixes platform = case platformOS platform of
+ OSMinGW32 -> ["dll", "DLL"]
+ OSDarwin -> ["dylib", "so"]
+ _ -> ["so"]
+isHaskellishSuffix, isBackpackishSuffix, isHaskellSrcSuffix, isCishSuffix,
+ isHaskellUserSrcSuffix, isHaskellSigSuffix
+ :: String -> Bool
+isHaskellishSuffix s = s `elem` haskellish_suffixes
+isBackpackishSuffix s = s `elem` backpackish_suffixes
+isHaskellSigSuffix s = s `elem` haskellish_sig_suffixes
+isHaskellSrcSuffix s = s `elem` haskellish_src_suffixes
+isCishSuffix s = s `elem` cish_suffixes
+isHaskellUserSrcSuffix s = s `elem` haskellish_user_src_suffixes
+isObjectSuffix, isDynLibSuffix :: Platform -> String -> Bool
+isObjectSuffix platform s = s `elem` objish_suffixes platform
+isDynLibSuffix platform s = s `elem` dynlib_suffixes platform
+isSourceSuffix :: String -> Bool
+isSourceSuffix suff = isHaskellishSuffix suff
+ || isCishSuffix suff
+ || isBackpackishSuffix suff
+-- | When we are given files (modified by -x arguments) we need
+-- to determine if they are Haskellish or not to figure out
+-- how we should try to compile it. The rules are:
+-- 1. If no -x flag was specified, we check to see if
+-- the file looks like a module name, has no extension,
+-- or has a Haskell source extension.
+-- 2. If an -x flag was specified, we just make sure the
+-- specified suffix is a Haskell one.
+isHaskellishTarget :: (String, Maybe Phase) -> Bool
+isHaskellishTarget (f,Nothing) =
+ looksLikeModuleName f || isHaskellSrcFilename f || not (hasExtension f)
+isHaskellishTarget (_,Just phase) =
+ phase `notElem` [ As True, As False, Cc, Cobjc, Cobjcxx, CmmCpp, Cmm
+ , StopLn]
+isHaskellishFilename, isHaskellSrcFilename, isCishFilename,
+ isHaskellUserSrcFilename, isSourceFilename, isHaskellSigFilename
+ :: FilePath -> Bool
+-- takeExtension return .foo, so we drop 1 to get rid of the .
+isHaskellishFilename f = isHaskellishSuffix (drop 1 $ takeExtension f)
+isHaskellSrcFilename f = isHaskellSrcSuffix (drop 1 $ takeExtension f)
+isCishFilename f = isCishSuffix (drop 1 $ takeExtension f)
+isHaskellUserSrcFilename f = isHaskellUserSrcSuffix (drop 1 $ takeExtension f)
+isSourceFilename f = isSourceSuffix (drop 1 $ takeExtension f)
+isHaskellSigFilename f = isHaskellSigSuffix (drop 1 $ takeExtension f)
+isObjectFilename, isDynLibFilename :: Platform -> FilePath -> Bool
+isObjectFilename platform f = isObjectSuffix platform (drop 1 $ takeExtension f)
+isDynLibFilename platform f = isDynLibSuffix platform (drop 1 $ takeExtension f)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c31e34eb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2340 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, NamedFieldPuns, NondecreasingIndentation, BangPatterns, MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+-- GHC Driver
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2005
+module GHC.Driver.Pipeline (
+ -- Run a series of compilation steps in a pipeline, for a
+ -- collection of source files.
+ oneShot, compileFile,
+ -- Interfaces for the batch-mode driver
+ linkBinary,
+ -- Interfaces for the compilation manager (interpreted/batch-mode)
+ preprocess,
+ compileOne, compileOne',
+ link,
+ -- Exports for hooks to override runPhase and link
+ PhasePlus(..), CompPipeline(..), PipeEnv(..), PipeState(..),
+ phaseOutputFilename, getOutputFilename, getPipeState, getPipeEnv,
+ hscPostBackendPhase, getLocation, setModLocation, setDynFlags,
+ runPhase, exeFileName,
+ maybeCreateManifest,
+ doCpp,
+ linkingNeeded, checkLinkInfo, writeInterfaceOnlyMode
+ ) where
+#include <ghcplatform.h>
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Monad
+import GHC.Driver.Packages
+import HeaderInfo
+import GHC.Driver.Phases
+import SysTools
+import SysTools.ExtraObj
+import GHC.Driver.Main
+import GHC.Driver.Finder
+import GHC.Driver.Types hiding ( Hsc )
+import Outputable
+import Module
+import ErrUtils
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import Panic
+import Util
+import StringBuffer ( hGetStringBuffer, hPutStringBuffer )
+import BasicTypes ( SuccessFlag(..) )
+import Maybes ( expectJust )
+import SrcLoc
+import GHC.CmmToLlvm ( llvmFixupAsm, llvmVersionList )
+import MonadUtils
+import GHC.Platform
+import TcRnTypes
+import ToolSettings
+import GHC.Driver.Hooks
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import FileCleanup
+import Ar
+import Bag ( unitBag )
+import FastString ( mkFastString )
+import GHC.Iface.Utils ( mkFullIface )
+import UpdateCafInfos ( updateModDetailsCafInfos )
+import Exception
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
+import System.IO
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.List ( isInfixOf, intercalate )
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Version
+import Data.Either ( partitionEithers )
+import Data.Time ( UTCTime )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Pre-process
+-- | Just preprocess a file, put the result in a temp. file (used by the
+-- compilation manager during the summary phase).
+-- We return the augmented DynFlags, because they contain the result
+-- of slurping in the OPTIONS pragmas
+preprocess :: HscEnv
+ -> FilePath -- ^ input filename
+ -> Maybe InputFileBuffer
+ -- ^ optional buffer to use instead of reading the input file
+ -> Maybe Phase -- ^ starting phase
+ -> IO (Either ErrorMessages (DynFlags, FilePath))
+preprocess hsc_env input_fn mb_input_buf mb_phase =
+ handleSourceError (\err -> return (Left (srcErrorMessages err))) $
+ ghandle handler $
+ fmap Right $ do
+ MASSERT2(isJust mb_phase || isHaskellSrcFilename input_fn, text input_fn)
+ (dflags, fp, mb_iface) <- runPipeline anyHsc hsc_env (input_fn, mb_input_buf, fmap RealPhase mb_phase)
+ Nothing
+ -- We keep the processed file for the whole session to save on
+ -- duplicated work in ghci.
+ (Temporary TFL_GhcSession)
+ Nothing{-no ModLocation-}
+ []{-no foreign objects-}
+ -- We stop before Hsc phase so we shouldn't generate an interface
+ MASSERT(isNothing mb_iface)
+ return (dflags, fp)
+ where
+ srcspan = srcLocSpan $ mkSrcLoc (mkFastString input_fn) 1 1
+ handler (ProgramError msg) = return $ Left $ unitBag $
+ mkPlainErrMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) srcspan $ text msg
+ handler ex = throwGhcExceptionIO ex
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Compile
+-- Compile a single module, under the control of the compilation manager.
+-- This is the interface between the compilation manager and the
+-- compiler proper (hsc), where we deal with tedious details like
+-- reading the OPTIONS pragma from the source file, converting the
+-- C or assembly that GHC produces into an object file, and compiling
+-- FFI stub files.
+-- NB. No old interface can also mean that the source has changed.
+compileOne :: HscEnv
+ -> ModSummary -- ^ summary for module being compiled
+ -> Int -- ^ module N ...
+ -> Int -- ^ ... of M
+ -> Maybe ModIface -- ^ old interface, if we have one
+ -> Maybe Linkable -- ^ old linkable, if we have one
+ -> SourceModified
+ -> IO HomeModInfo -- ^ the complete HomeModInfo, if successful
+compileOne = compileOne' Nothing (Just batchMsg)
+compileOne' :: Maybe TcGblEnv
+ -> Maybe Messager
+ -> HscEnv
+ -> ModSummary -- ^ summary for module being compiled
+ -> Int -- ^ module N ...
+ -> Int -- ^ ... of M
+ -> Maybe ModIface -- ^ old interface, if we have one
+ -> Maybe Linkable -- ^ old linkable, if we have one
+ -> SourceModified
+ -> IO HomeModInfo -- ^ the complete HomeModInfo, if successful
+compileOne' m_tc_result mHscMessage
+ hsc_env0 summary mod_index nmods mb_old_iface mb_old_linkable
+ source_modified0
+ = do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags1 2 (text "compile: input file" <+> text input_fnpp)
+ -- Run the pipeline up to codeGen (so everything up to, but not including, STG)
+ (status, plugin_dflags) <- hscIncrementalCompile
+ always_do_basic_recompilation_check
+ m_tc_result mHscMessage
+ hsc_env summary source_modified mb_old_iface (mod_index, nmods)
+ let flags = hsc_dflags hsc_env0
+ in do unless (gopt Opt_KeepHiFiles flags) $
+ addFilesToClean flags TFL_CurrentModule $
+ [ml_hi_file $ ms_location summary]
+ unless (gopt Opt_KeepOFiles flags) $
+ addFilesToClean flags TFL_GhcSession $
+ [ml_obj_file $ ms_location summary]
+ -- Use an HscEnv with DynFlags updated with the plugin info (returned from
+ -- hscIncrementalCompile)
+ let hsc_env' = hsc_env{ hsc_dflags = plugin_dflags }
+ case (status, hsc_lang) of
+ (HscUpToDate iface hmi_details, _) ->
+ -- TODO recomp014 triggers this assert. What's going on?!
+ -- ASSERT( isJust mb_old_linkable || isNoLink (ghcLink dflags) )
+ return $! HomeModInfo iface hmi_details mb_old_linkable
+ (HscNotGeneratingCode iface hmi_details, HscNothing) ->
+ let mb_linkable = if isHsBootOrSig src_flavour
+ then Nothing
+ -- TODO: Questionable.
+ else Just (LM (ms_hs_date summary) this_mod [])
+ in return $! HomeModInfo iface hmi_details mb_linkable
+ (HscNotGeneratingCode _ _, _) -> panic "compileOne HscNotGeneratingCode"
+ (_, HscNothing) -> panic "compileOne HscNothing"
+ (HscUpdateBoot iface hmi_details, HscInterpreted) -> do
+ return $! HomeModInfo iface hmi_details Nothing
+ (HscUpdateBoot iface hmi_details, _) -> do
+ touchObjectFile dflags object_filename
+ return $! HomeModInfo iface hmi_details Nothing
+ (HscUpdateSig iface hmi_details, HscInterpreted) -> do
+ let !linkable = LM (ms_hs_date summary) this_mod []
+ return $! HomeModInfo iface hmi_details (Just linkable)
+ (HscUpdateSig iface hmi_details, _) -> do
+ output_fn <- getOutputFilename next_phase
+ (Temporary TFL_CurrentModule) basename dflags
+ next_phase (Just location)
+ -- #10660: Use the pipeline instead of calling
+ -- compileEmptyStub directly, so -dynamic-too gets
+ -- handled properly
+ _ <- runPipeline StopLn hsc_env'
+ (output_fn,
+ Nothing,
+ Just (HscOut src_flavour
+ mod_name (HscUpdateSig iface hmi_details)))
+ (Just basename)
+ Persistent
+ (Just location)
+ []
+ o_time <- getModificationUTCTime object_filename
+ let !linkable = LM o_time this_mod [DotO object_filename]
+ return $! HomeModInfo iface hmi_details (Just linkable)
+ (HscRecomp { hscs_guts = cgguts,
+ hscs_mod_location = mod_location,
+ hscs_mod_details = hmi_details,
+ hscs_partial_iface = partial_iface,
+ hscs_old_iface_hash = mb_old_iface_hash,
+ hscs_iface_dflags = iface_dflags }, HscInterpreted) -> do
+ -- In interpreted mode the regular codeGen backend is not run so we
+ -- generate a interface without codeGen info.
+ final_iface <- mkFullIface hsc_env'{hsc_dflags=iface_dflags} partial_iface Nothing
+ liftIO $ hscMaybeWriteIface dflags final_iface mb_old_iface_hash (ms_location summary)
+ (hasStub, comp_bc, spt_entries) <- hscInteractive hsc_env' cgguts mod_location
+ stub_o <- case hasStub of
+ Nothing -> return []
+ Just stub_c -> do
+ stub_o <- compileStub hsc_env' stub_c
+ return [DotO stub_o]
+ let hs_unlinked = [BCOs comp_bc spt_entries]
+ unlinked_time = ms_hs_date summary
+ -- Why do we use the timestamp of the source file here,
+ -- rather than the current time? This works better in
+ -- the case where the local clock is out of sync
+ -- with the filesystem's clock. It's just as accurate:
+ -- if the source is modified, then the linkable will
+ -- be out of date.
+ let !linkable = LM unlinked_time (ms_mod summary)
+ (hs_unlinked ++ stub_o)
+ return $! HomeModInfo final_iface hmi_details (Just linkable)
+ (HscRecomp{}, _) -> do
+ output_fn <- getOutputFilename next_phase
+ (Temporary TFL_CurrentModule)
+ basename dflags next_phase (Just location)
+ -- We're in --make mode: finish the compilation pipeline.
+ (_, _, Just (iface, details)) <- runPipeline StopLn hsc_env'
+ (output_fn,
+ Nothing,
+ Just (HscOut src_flavour mod_name status))
+ (Just basename)
+ Persistent
+ (Just location)
+ []
+ -- The object filename comes from the ModLocation
+ o_time <- getModificationUTCTime object_filename
+ let !linkable = LM o_time this_mod [DotO object_filename]
+ return $! HomeModInfo iface details (Just linkable)
+ where dflags0 = ms_hspp_opts summary
+ this_mod = ms_mod summary
+ location = ms_location summary
+ input_fn = expectJust "compile:hs" (ml_hs_file location)
+ input_fnpp = ms_hspp_file summary
+ mod_graph = hsc_mod_graph hsc_env0
+ needsLinker = needsTemplateHaskellOrQQ mod_graph
+ isDynWay = any (== WayDyn) (ways dflags0)
+ isProfWay = any (== WayProf) (ways dflags0)
+ internalInterpreter = not (gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter dflags0)
+ src_flavour = ms_hsc_src summary
+ mod_name = ms_mod_name summary
+ next_phase = hscPostBackendPhase src_flavour hsc_lang
+ object_filename = ml_obj_file location
+ -- #8180 - when using TemplateHaskell, switch on -dynamic-too so
+ -- the linker can correctly load the object files. This isn't necessary
+ -- when using -fexternal-interpreter.
+ dflags1 = if dynamicGhc && internalInterpreter &&
+ not isDynWay && not isProfWay && needsLinker
+ then gopt_set dflags0 Opt_BuildDynamicToo
+ else dflags0
+ -- #16331 - when no "internal interpreter" is available but we
+ -- need to process some TemplateHaskell or QuasiQuotes, we automatically
+ -- turn on -fexternal-interpreter.
+ dflags2 = if not internalInterpreter && needsLinker
+ then gopt_set dflags1 Opt_ExternalInterpreter
+ else dflags1
+ basename = dropExtension input_fn
+ -- We add the directory in which the .hs files resides) to the import
+ -- path. This is needed when we try to compile the .hc file later, if it
+ -- imports a _stub.h file that we created here.
+ current_dir = takeDirectory basename
+ old_paths = includePaths dflags2
+ !prevailing_dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env0
+ dflags =
+ dflags2 { includePaths = addQuoteInclude old_paths [current_dir]
+ , log_action = log_action prevailing_dflags }
+ -- use the prevailing log_action / log_finaliser,
+ -- not the one cached in the summary. This is so
+ -- that we can change the log_action without having
+ -- to re-summarize all the source files.
+ hsc_env = hsc_env0 {hsc_dflags = dflags}
+ -- Figure out what lang we're generating
+ hsc_lang = hscTarget dflags
+ -- -fforce-recomp should also work with --make
+ force_recomp = gopt Opt_ForceRecomp dflags
+ source_modified
+ | force_recomp = SourceModified
+ | otherwise = source_modified0
+ always_do_basic_recompilation_check = case hsc_lang of
+ HscInterpreted -> True
+ _ -> False
+-- stub .h and .c files (for foreign export support), and cc files.
+-- The _stub.c file is derived from the haskell source file, possibly taking
+-- into account the -stubdir option.
+-- The object file created by compiling the _stub.c file is put into a
+-- temporary file, which will be later combined with the main .o file
+-- (see the MergeForeigns phase).
+-- Moreover, we also let the user emit arbitrary C/C++/ObjC/ObjC++ files
+-- from TH, that are then compiled and linked to the module. This is
+-- useful to implement facilities such as inline-c.
+compileForeign :: HscEnv -> ForeignSrcLang -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
+compileForeign _ RawObject object_file = return object_file
+compileForeign hsc_env lang stub_c = do
+ let phase = case lang of
+ LangC -> Cc
+ LangCxx -> Ccxx
+ LangObjc -> Cobjc
+ LangObjcxx -> Cobjcxx
+ LangAsm -> As True -- allow CPP
+ RawObject -> panic "compileForeign: should be unreachable"
+ (_, stub_o, _) <- runPipeline StopLn hsc_env
+ (stub_c, Nothing, Just (RealPhase phase))
+ Nothing (Temporary TFL_GhcSession)
+ Nothing{-no ModLocation-}
+ []
+ return stub_o
+compileStub :: HscEnv -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
+compileStub hsc_env stub_c = compileForeign hsc_env LangC stub_c
+compileEmptyStub :: DynFlags -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> ModLocation -> ModuleName -> IO ()
+compileEmptyStub dflags hsc_env basename location mod_name = do
+ -- To maintain the invariant that every Haskell file
+ -- compiles to object code, we make an empty (but
+ -- valid) stub object file for signatures. However,
+ -- we make sure this object file has a unique symbol,
+ -- so that ranlib on OS X doesn't complain, see
+ --
+ -- and
+ empty_stub <- newTempName dflags TFL_CurrentModule "c"
+ let src = text "int" <+> ppr (mkModule (thisPackage dflags) mod_name) <+> text "= 0;"
+ writeFile empty_stub (showSDoc dflags (pprCode CStyle src))
+ _ <- runPipeline StopLn hsc_env
+ (empty_stub, Nothing, Nothing)
+ (Just basename)
+ Persistent
+ (Just location)
+ []
+ return ()
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Link
+link :: GhcLink -- interactive or batch
+ -> DynFlags -- dynamic flags
+ -> Bool -- attempt linking in batch mode?
+ -> HomePackageTable -- what to link
+ -> IO SuccessFlag
+-- For the moment, in the batch linker, we don't bother to tell doLink
+-- which packages to link -- it just tries all that are available.
+-- batch_attempt_linking should only be *looked at* in batch mode. It
+-- should only be True if the upsweep was successful and someone
+-- exports main, i.e., we have good reason to believe that linking
+-- will succeed.
+link ghcLink dflags
+ = lookupHook linkHook l dflags ghcLink dflags
+ where
+ l LinkInMemory _ _ _
+ = if platformMisc_ghcWithInterpreter $ platformMisc dflags
+ then -- Not Linking...(demand linker will do the job)
+ return Succeeded
+ else panicBadLink LinkInMemory
+ l NoLink _ _ _
+ = return Succeeded
+ l LinkBinary dflags batch_attempt_linking hpt
+ = link' dflags batch_attempt_linking hpt
+ l LinkStaticLib dflags batch_attempt_linking hpt
+ = link' dflags batch_attempt_linking hpt
+ l LinkDynLib dflags batch_attempt_linking hpt
+ = link' dflags batch_attempt_linking hpt
+panicBadLink :: GhcLink -> a
+panicBadLink other = panic ("link: GHC not built to link this way: " ++
+ show other)
+link' :: DynFlags -- dynamic flags
+ -> Bool -- attempt linking in batch mode?
+ -> HomePackageTable -- what to link
+ -> IO SuccessFlag
+link' dflags batch_attempt_linking hpt
+ | batch_attempt_linking
+ = do
+ let
+ staticLink = case ghcLink dflags of
+ LinkStaticLib -> True
+ _ -> False
+ home_mod_infos = eltsHpt hpt
+ -- the packages we depend on
+ pkg_deps = concatMap (map fst . dep_pkgs . mi_deps . hm_iface) home_mod_infos
+ -- the linkables to link
+ linkables = map (expectJust "link".hm_linkable) home_mod_infos
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 3 (text "link: linkables are ..." $$ vcat (map ppr linkables))
+ -- check for the -no-link flag
+ if isNoLink (ghcLink dflags)
+ then do debugTraceMsg dflags 3 (text "link(batch): linking omitted (-c flag given).")
+ return Succeeded
+ else do
+ let getOfiles (LM _ _ us) = map nameOfObject (filter isObject us)
+ obj_files = concatMap getOfiles linkables
+ exe_file = exeFileName staticLink dflags
+ linking_needed <- linkingNeeded dflags staticLink linkables pkg_deps
+ if not (gopt Opt_ForceRecomp dflags) && not linking_needed
+ then do debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text exe_file <+> text "is up to date, linking not required.")
+ return Succeeded
+ else do
+ compilationProgressMsg dflags ("Linking " ++ exe_file ++ " ...")
+ -- Don't showPass in Batch mode; doLink will do that for us.
+ let link = case ghcLink dflags of
+ LinkBinary -> linkBinary
+ LinkStaticLib -> linkStaticLib
+ LinkDynLib -> linkDynLibCheck
+ other -> panicBadLink other
+ link dflags obj_files pkg_deps
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 3 (text "link: done")
+ -- linkBinary only returns if it succeeds
+ return Succeeded
+ | otherwise
+ = do debugTraceMsg dflags 3 (text "link(batch): upsweep (partially) failed OR" $$
+ text " Main.main not exported; not linking.")
+ return Succeeded
+linkingNeeded :: DynFlags -> Bool -> [Linkable] -> [InstalledUnitId] -> IO Bool
+linkingNeeded dflags staticLink linkables pkg_deps = do
+ -- if the modification time on the executable is later than the
+ -- modification times on all of the objects and libraries, then omit
+ -- linking (unless the -fforce-recomp flag was given).
+ let exe_file = exeFileName staticLink dflags
+ e_exe_time <- tryIO $ getModificationUTCTime exe_file
+ case e_exe_time of
+ Left _ -> return True
+ Right t -> do
+ -- first check object files and extra_ld_inputs
+ let extra_ld_inputs = [ f | FileOption _ f <- ldInputs dflags ]
+ e_extra_times <- mapM (tryIO . getModificationUTCTime) extra_ld_inputs
+ let (errs,extra_times) = partitionEithers e_extra_times
+ let obj_times = map linkableTime linkables ++ extra_times
+ if not (null errs) || any (t <) obj_times
+ then return True
+ else do
+ -- next, check libraries. XXX this only checks Haskell libraries,
+ -- not extra_libraries or -l things from the command line.
+ let pkg_hslibs = [ (collectLibraryPaths dflags [c], lib)
+ | Just c <- map (lookupInstalledPackage dflags) pkg_deps,
+ lib <- packageHsLibs dflags c ]
+ pkg_libfiles <- mapM (uncurry (findHSLib dflags)) pkg_hslibs
+ if any isNothing pkg_libfiles then return True else do
+ e_lib_times <- mapM (tryIO . getModificationUTCTime)
+ (catMaybes pkg_libfiles)
+ let (lib_errs,lib_times) = partitionEithers e_lib_times
+ if not (null lib_errs) || any (t <) lib_times
+ then return True
+ else checkLinkInfo dflags pkg_deps exe_file
+findHSLib :: DynFlags -> [String] -> String -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
+findHSLib dflags dirs lib = do
+ let batch_lib_file = if WayDyn `notElem` ways dflags
+ then "lib" ++ lib <.> "a"
+ else mkSOName (targetPlatform dflags) lib
+ found <- filterM doesFileExist (map (</> batch_lib_file) dirs)
+ case found of
+ [] -> return Nothing
+ (x:_) -> return (Just x)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Compile files in one-shot mode.
+oneShot :: HscEnv -> Phase -> [(String, Maybe Phase)] -> IO ()
+oneShot hsc_env stop_phase srcs = do
+ o_files <- mapM (compileFile hsc_env stop_phase) srcs
+ doLink (hsc_dflags hsc_env) stop_phase o_files
+compileFile :: HscEnv -> Phase -> (FilePath, Maybe Phase) -> IO FilePath
+compileFile hsc_env stop_phase (src, mb_phase) = do
+ exists <- doesFileExist src
+ when (not exists) $
+ throwGhcExceptionIO (CmdLineError ("does not exist: " ++ src))
+ let
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ mb_o_file = outputFile dflags
+ ghc_link = ghcLink dflags -- Set by -c or -no-link
+ -- When linking, the -o argument refers to the linker's output.
+ -- otherwise, we use it as the name for the pipeline's output.
+ output
+ -- If we are doing -fno-code, then act as if the output is
+ -- 'Temporary'. This stops GHC trying to copy files to their
+ -- final location.
+ | HscNothing <- hscTarget dflags = Temporary TFL_CurrentModule
+ | StopLn <- stop_phase, not (isNoLink ghc_link) = Persistent
+ -- -o foo applies to linker
+ | isJust mb_o_file = SpecificFile
+ -- -o foo applies to the file we are compiling now
+ | otherwise = Persistent
+ ( _, out_file, _) <- runPipeline stop_phase hsc_env
+ (src, Nothing, fmap RealPhase mb_phase)
+ Nothing
+ output
+ Nothing{-no ModLocation-} []
+ return out_file
+doLink :: DynFlags -> Phase -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
+doLink dflags stop_phase o_files
+ | not (isStopLn stop_phase)
+ = return () -- We stopped before the linking phase
+ | otherwise
+ = case ghcLink dflags of
+ NoLink -> return ()
+ LinkBinary -> linkBinary dflags o_files []
+ LinkStaticLib -> linkStaticLib dflags o_files []
+ LinkDynLib -> linkDynLibCheck dflags o_files []
+ other -> panicBadLink other
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Run a compilation pipeline, consisting of multiple phases.
+-- This is the interface to the compilation pipeline, which runs
+-- a series of compilation steps on a single source file, specifying
+-- at which stage to stop.
+-- The DynFlags can be modified by phases in the pipeline (eg. by
+-- OPTIONS_GHC pragmas), and the changes affect later phases in the
+-- pipeline.
+ :: Phase -- ^ When to stop
+ -> HscEnv -- ^ Compilation environment
+ -> (FilePath, Maybe InputFileBuffer, Maybe PhasePlus)
+ -- ^ Pipeline input file name, optional
+ -- buffer and maybe -x suffix
+ -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ original basename (if different from ^^^)
+ -> PipelineOutput -- ^ Output filename
+ -> Maybe ModLocation -- ^ A ModLocation, if this is a Haskell module
+ -> [FilePath] -- ^ foreign objects
+ -> IO (DynFlags, FilePath, Maybe (ModIface, ModDetails))
+ -- ^ (final flags, output filename, interface)
+runPipeline stop_phase hsc_env0 (input_fn, mb_input_buf, mb_phase)
+ mb_basename output maybe_loc foreign_os
+ = do let
+ dflags0 = hsc_dflags hsc_env0
+ -- Decide where dump files should go based on the pipeline output
+ dflags = dflags0 { dumpPrefix = Just (basename ++ ".") }
+ hsc_env = hsc_env0 {hsc_dflags = dflags}
+ (input_basename, suffix) = splitExtension input_fn
+ suffix' = drop 1 suffix -- strip off the .
+ basename | Just b <- mb_basename = b
+ | otherwise = input_basename
+ -- If we were given a -x flag, then use that phase to start from
+ start_phase = fromMaybe (RealPhase (startPhase suffix')) mb_phase
+ isHaskell (RealPhase (Unlit _)) = True
+ isHaskell (RealPhase (Cpp _)) = True
+ isHaskell (RealPhase (HsPp _)) = True
+ isHaskell (RealPhase (Hsc _)) = True
+ isHaskell (HscOut {}) = True
+ isHaskell _ = False
+ isHaskellishFile = isHaskell start_phase
+ env = PipeEnv{ stop_phase,
+ src_filename = input_fn,
+ src_basename = basename,
+ src_suffix = suffix',
+ output_spec = output }
+ when (isBackpackishSuffix suffix') $
+ throwGhcExceptionIO (UsageError
+ ("use --backpack to process " ++ input_fn))
+ -- We want to catch cases of "you can't get there from here" before
+ -- we start the pipeline, because otherwise it will just run off the
+ -- end.
+ let happensBefore' = happensBefore dflags
+ case start_phase of
+ RealPhase start_phase' ->
+ -- See Note [Partial ordering on phases]
+ -- Not the same as: (stop_phase `happensBefore` start_phase')
+ when (not (start_phase' `happensBefore'` stop_phase ||
+ start_phase' `eqPhase` stop_phase)) $
+ throwGhcExceptionIO (UsageError
+ ("cannot compile this file to desired target: "
+ ++ input_fn))
+ HscOut {} -> return ()
+ -- Write input buffer to temp file if requested
+ input_fn' <- case (start_phase, mb_input_buf) of
+ (RealPhase real_start_phase, Just input_buf) -> do
+ let suffix = phaseInputExt real_start_phase
+ fn <- newTempName dflags TFL_CurrentModule suffix
+ hdl <- openBinaryFile fn WriteMode
+ -- Add a LINE pragma so reported source locations will
+ -- mention the real input file, not this temp file.
+ hPutStrLn hdl $ "{-# LINE 1 \""++ input_fn ++ "\"#-}"
+ hPutStringBuffer hdl input_buf
+ hClose hdl
+ return fn
+ (_, _) -> return input_fn
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 4 (text "Running the pipeline")
+ r <- runPipeline' start_phase hsc_env env input_fn'
+ maybe_loc foreign_os
+ -- If we are compiling a Haskell module, and doing
+ -- -dynamic-too, but couldn't do the -dynamic-too fast
+ -- path, then rerun the pipeline for the dyn way
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ -- NB: Currently disabled on Windows (ref #7134, #8228, and #5987)
+ when (not $ platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) == OSMinGW32) $ do
+ when isHaskellishFile $ whenCannotGenerateDynamicToo dflags $ do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 4
+ (text "Running the pipeline again for -dynamic-too")
+ let dflags' = dynamicTooMkDynamicDynFlags dflags
+ hsc_env' <- newHscEnv dflags'
+ _ <- runPipeline' start_phase hsc_env' env input_fn'
+ maybe_loc foreign_os
+ return ()
+ return r
+ :: PhasePlus -- ^ When to start
+ -> HscEnv -- ^ Compilation environment
+ -> PipeEnv
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Input filename
+ -> Maybe ModLocation -- ^ A ModLocation, if this is a Haskell module
+ -> [FilePath] -- ^ foreign objects, if we have one
+ -> IO (DynFlags, FilePath, Maybe (ModIface, ModDetails))
+ -- ^ (final flags, output filename, interface)
+runPipeline' start_phase hsc_env env input_fn
+ maybe_loc foreign_os
+ = do
+ -- Execute the pipeline...
+ let state = PipeState{ hsc_env, maybe_loc, foreign_os = foreign_os, iface = Nothing }
+ (pipe_state, fp) <- evalP (pipeLoop start_phase input_fn) env state
+ return (pipeStateDynFlags pipe_state, fp, pipeStateModIface pipe_state)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- outer pipeline loop
+-- | pipeLoop runs phases until we reach the stop phase
+pipeLoop :: PhasePlus -> FilePath -> CompPipeline FilePath
+pipeLoop phase input_fn = do
+ env <- getPipeEnv
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- See Note [Partial ordering on phases]
+ let happensBefore' = happensBefore dflags
+ stopPhase = stop_phase env
+ case phase of
+ RealPhase realPhase | realPhase `eqPhase` stopPhase -- All done
+ -> -- Sometimes, a compilation phase doesn't actually generate any output
+ -- (eg. the CPP phase when -fcpp is not turned on). If we end on this
+ -- stage, but we wanted to keep the output, then we have to explicitly
+ -- copy the file, remembering to prepend a {-# LINE #-} pragma so that
+ -- further compilation stages can tell what the original filename was.
+ case output_spec env of
+ Temporary _ ->
+ return input_fn
+ output ->
+ do pst <- getPipeState
+ final_fn <- liftIO $ getOutputFilename
+ stopPhase output (src_basename env)
+ dflags stopPhase (maybe_loc pst)
+ when (final_fn /= input_fn) $ do
+ let msg = ("Copying `" ++ input_fn ++"' to `" ++ final_fn ++ "'")
+ line_prag = Just ("{-# LINE 1 \"" ++ src_filename env ++ "\" #-}\n")
+ liftIO $ copyWithHeader dflags msg line_prag input_fn final_fn
+ return final_fn
+ | not (realPhase `happensBefore'` stopPhase)
+ -- Something has gone wrong. We'll try to cover all the cases when
+ -- this could happen, so if we reach here it is a panic.
+ -- eg. it might happen if the -C flag is used on a source file that
+ -- has {-# OPTIONS -fasm #-}.
+ -> panic ("pipeLoop: at phase " ++ show realPhase ++
+ " but I wanted to stop at phase " ++ show stopPhase)
+ _
+ -> do liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 4
+ (text "Running phase" <+> ppr phase)
+ (next_phase, output_fn) <- runHookedPhase phase input_fn dflags
+ case phase of
+ HscOut {} -> do
+ -- We don't pass Opt_BuildDynamicToo to the backend
+ -- in DynFlags.
+ -- Instead it's run twice with flags accordingly set
+ -- per run.
+ let noDynToo = pipeLoop next_phase output_fn
+ let dynToo = do
+ setDynFlags $ gopt_unset dflags Opt_BuildDynamicToo
+ r <- pipeLoop next_phase output_fn
+ setDynFlags $ dynamicTooMkDynamicDynFlags dflags
+ -- TODO shouldn't ignore result:
+ _ <- pipeLoop phase input_fn
+ return r
+ ifGeneratingDynamicToo dflags dynToo noDynToo
+ _ -> pipeLoop next_phase output_fn
+runHookedPhase :: PhasePlus -> FilePath -> DynFlags
+ -> CompPipeline (PhasePlus, FilePath)
+runHookedPhase pp input dflags =
+ lookupHook runPhaseHook runPhase dflags pp input dflags
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- In each phase, we need to know into what filename to generate the
+-- output. All the logic about which filenames we generate output
+-- into is embodied in the following function.
+-- | Computes the next output filename after we run @next_phase@.
+-- Like 'getOutputFilename', but it operates in the 'CompPipeline' monad
+-- (which specifies all of the ambient information.)
+phaseOutputFilename :: Phase{-next phase-} -> CompPipeline FilePath
+phaseOutputFilename next_phase = do
+ PipeEnv{stop_phase, src_basename, output_spec} <- getPipeEnv
+ PipeState{maybe_loc, hsc_env} <- getPipeState
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ liftIO $ getOutputFilename stop_phase output_spec
+ src_basename dflags next_phase maybe_loc
+-- | Computes the next output filename for something in the compilation
+-- pipeline. This is controlled by several variables:
+-- 1. 'Phase': the last phase to be run (e.g. 'stopPhase'). This
+-- is used to tell if we're in the last phase or not, because
+-- in that case flags like @-o@ may be important.
+-- 2. 'PipelineOutput': is this intended to be a 'Temporary' or
+-- 'Persistent' build output? Temporary files just go in
+-- a fresh temporary name.
+-- 3. 'String': what was the basename of the original input file?
+-- 4. 'DynFlags': the obvious thing
+-- 5. 'Phase': the phase we want to determine the output filename of.
+-- 6. @Maybe ModLocation@: the 'ModLocation' of the module we're
+-- compiling; this can be used to override the default output
+-- of an object file. (TODO: do we actually need this?)
+ :: Phase -> PipelineOutput -> String
+ -> DynFlags -> Phase{-next phase-} -> Maybe ModLocation -> IO FilePath
+getOutputFilename stop_phase output basename dflags next_phase maybe_location
+ | is_last_phase, Persistent <- output = persistent_fn
+ | is_last_phase, SpecificFile <- output = case outputFile dflags of
+ Just f -> return f
+ Nothing ->
+ panic "SpecificFile: No filename"
+ | keep_this_output = persistent_fn
+ | Temporary lifetime <- output = newTempName dflags lifetime suffix
+ | otherwise = newTempName dflags TFL_CurrentModule
+ suffix
+ where
+ hcsuf = hcSuf dflags
+ odir = objectDir dflags
+ osuf = objectSuf dflags
+ keep_hc = gopt Opt_KeepHcFiles dflags
+ keep_hscpp = gopt Opt_KeepHscppFiles dflags
+ keep_s = gopt Opt_KeepSFiles dflags
+ keep_bc = gopt Opt_KeepLlvmFiles dflags
+ myPhaseInputExt HCc = hcsuf
+ myPhaseInputExt MergeForeign = osuf
+ myPhaseInputExt StopLn = osuf
+ myPhaseInputExt other = phaseInputExt other
+ is_last_phase = next_phase `eqPhase` stop_phase
+ -- sometimes, we keep output from intermediate stages
+ keep_this_output =
+ case next_phase of
+ As _ | keep_s -> True
+ LlvmOpt | keep_bc -> True
+ HCc | keep_hc -> True
+ HsPp _ | keep_hscpp -> True -- See #10869
+ _other -> False
+ suffix = myPhaseInputExt next_phase
+ -- persistent object files get put in odir
+ persistent_fn
+ | StopLn <- next_phase = return odir_persistent
+ | otherwise = return persistent
+ persistent = basename <.> suffix
+ odir_persistent
+ | Just loc <- maybe_location = ml_obj_file loc
+ | Just d <- odir = d </> persistent
+ | otherwise = persistent
+-- | The fast LLVM Pipeline skips the mangler and assembler,
+-- emitting object code directly from llc.
+-- slow: opt -> llc -> .s -> mangler -> as -> .o
+-- fast: opt -> llc -> .o
+-- hidden flag: -ffast-llvm
+-- if keep-s-files is specified, we need to go through
+-- the slow pipeline (Kavon Farvardin requested this).
+fastLlvmPipeline :: DynFlags -> Bool
+fastLlvmPipeline dflags
+ = not (gopt Opt_KeepSFiles dflags) && gopt Opt_FastLlvm dflags
+-- | LLVM Options. These are flags to be passed to opt and llc, to ensure
+-- consistency we list them in pairs, so that they form groups.
+llvmOptions :: DynFlags
+ -> [(String, String)] -- ^ pairs of (opt, llc) arguments
+llvmOptions dflags =
+ [("-enable-tbaa -tbaa", "-enable-tbaa") | gopt Opt_LlvmTBAA dflags ]
+ ++ [("-relocation-model=" ++ rmodel
+ ,"-relocation-model=" ++ rmodel) | not (null rmodel)]
+ ++ [("-stack-alignment=" ++ (show align)
+ ,"-stack-alignment=" ++ (show align)) | align > 0 ]
+ ++ [("", "-filetype=obj") | fastLlvmPipeline dflags ]
+ -- Additional llc flags
+ ++ [("", "-mcpu=" ++ mcpu) | not (null mcpu)
+ , not (any (isInfixOf "-mcpu") (getOpts dflags opt_lc)) ]
+ ++ [("", "-mattr=" ++ attrs) | not (null attrs) ]
+ where target = platformMisc_llvmTarget $ platformMisc dflags
+ Just (LlvmTarget _ mcpu mattr) = lookup target (llvmTargets $ llvmConfig dflags)
+ -- Relocation models
+ rmodel | gopt Opt_PIC dflags = "pic"
+ | positionIndependent dflags = "pic"
+ | WayDyn `elem` ways dflags = "dynamic-no-pic"
+ | otherwise = "static"
+ align :: Int
+ align = case platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ ArchX86_64 | isAvxEnabled dflags -> 32
+ _ -> 0
+ attrs :: String
+ attrs = intercalate "," $ mattr
+ ++ ["+sse42" | isSse4_2Enabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+sse2" | isSse2Enabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+sse" | isSseEnabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+avx512f" | isAvx512fEnabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+avx2" | isAvx2Enabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+avx" | isAvxEnabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+avx512cd"| isAvx512cdEnabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+avx512er"| isAvx512erEnabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+avx512pf"| isAvx512pfEnabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+bmi" | isBmiEnabled dflags ]
+ ++ ["+bmi2" | isBmi2Enabled dflags ]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Each phase in the pipeline returns the next phase to execute, and the
+-- name of the file in which the output was placed.
+-- We must do things dynamically this way, because we often don't know
+-- what the rest of the phases will be until part-way through the
+-- compilation: for example, an {-# OPTIONS -fasm #-} at the beginning
+-- of a source file can change the latter stages of the pipeline from
+-- taking the LLVM route to using the native code generator.
+runPhase :: PhasePlus -- ^ Run this phase
+ -> FilePath -- ^ name of the input file
+ -> DynFlags -- ^ for convenience, we pass the current dflags in
+ -> CompPipeline (PhasePlus, -- next phase to run
+ FilePath) -- output filename
+ -- Invariant: the output filename always contains the output
+ -- Interesting case: Hsc when there is no recompilation to do
+ -- Then the output filename is still a .o file
+-- Unlit phase
+runPhase (RealPhase (Unlit sf)) input_fn dflags
+ = do
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename (Cpp sf)
+ let flags = [ -- The -h option passes the file name for unlit to
+ -- put in a #line directive
+ SysTools.Option "-h"
+ -- See Note [Don't normalise input filenames].
+ , SysTools.Option $ escape input_fn
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ]
+ liftIO $ SysTools.runUnlit dflags flags
+ return (RealPhase (Cpp sf), output_fn)
+ where
+ -- escape the characters \, ", and ', but don't try to escape
+ -- Unicode or anything else (so we don't use Util.charToC
+ -- here). If we get this wrong, then in
+ -- GHC.HsToCore.Coverage.isGoodTickSrcSpan where we check that the filename in
+ -- a SrcLoc is the same as the source filenaame, the two will
+ -- look bogusly different. See test:
+ -- libraries/hpc/tests/function/subdir/tough2.hs
+ escape ('\\':cs) = '\\':'\\': escape cs
+ escape ('\"':cs) = '\\':'\"': escape cs
+ escape ('\'':cs) = '\\':'\'': escape cs
+ escape (c:cs) = c : escape cs
+ escape [] = []
+-- Cpp phase : (a) gets OPTIONS out of file
+-- (b) runs cpp if necessary
+runPhase (RealPhase (Cpp sf)) input_fn dflags0
+ = do
+ src_opts <- liftIO $ getOptionsFromFile dflags0 input_fn
+ (dflags1, unhandled_flags, warns)
+ <- liftIO $ parseDynamicFilePragma dflags0 src_opts
+ setDynFlags dflags1
+ liftIO $ checkProcessArgsResult dflags1 unhandled_flags
+ if not (xopt LangExt.Cpp dflags1) then do
+ -- we have to be careful to emit warnings only once.
+ unless (gopt Opt_Pp dflags1) $
+ liftIO $ handleFlagWarnings dflags1 warns
+ -- no need to preprocess CPP, just pass input file along
+ -- to the next phase of the pipeline.
+ return (RealPhase (HsPp sf), input_fn)
+ else do
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename (HsPp sf)
+ liftIO $ doCpp dflags1 True{-raw-}
+ input_fn output_fn
+ -- re-read the pragmas now that we've preprocessed the file
+ -- See #2464,#3457
+ src_opts <- liftIO $ getOptionsFromFile dflags0 output_fn
+ (dflags2, unhandled_flags, warns)
+ <- liftIO $ parseDynamicFilePragma dflags0 src_opts
+ liftIO $ checkProcessArgsResult dflags2 unhandled_flags
+ unless (gopt Opt_Pp dflags2) $
+ liftIO $ handleFlagWarnings dflags2 warns
+ -- the HsPp pass below will emit warnings
+ setDynFlags dflags2
+ return (RealPhase (HsPp sf), output_fn)
+-- HsPp phase
+runPhase (RealPhase (HsPp sf)) input_fn dflags
+ = do
+ if not (gopt Opt_Pp dflags) then
+ -- no need to preprocess, just pass input file along
+ -- to the next phase of the pipeline.
+ return (RealPhase (Hsc sf), input_fn)
+ else do
+ PipeEnv{src_basename, src_suffix} <- getPipeEnv
+ let orig_fn = src_basename <.> src_suffix
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename (Hsc sf)
+ liftIO $ SysTools.runPp dflags
+ ( [ SysTools.Option orig_fn
+ , SysTools.Option input_fn
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ]
+ )
+ -- re-read pragmas now that we've parsed the file (see #3674)
+ src_opts <- liftIO $ getOptionsFromFile dflags output_fn
+ (dflags1, unhandled_flags, warns)
+ <- liftIO $ parseDynamicFilePragma dflags src_opts
+ setDynFlags dflags1
+ liftIO $ checkProcessArgsResult dflags1 unhandled_flags
+ liftIO $ handleFlagWarnings dflags1 warns
+ return (RealPhase (Hsc sf), output_fn)
+-- Hsc phase
+-- Compilation of a single module, in "legacy" mode (_not_ under
+-- the direction of the compilation manager).
+runPhase (RealPhase (Hsc src_flavour)) input_fn dflags0
+ = do -- normal Hsc mode, not mkdependHS
+ PipeEnv{ stop_phase=stop,
+ src_basename=basename,
+ src_suffix=suff } <- getPipeEnv
+ -- we add the current directory (i.e. the directory in which
+ -- the .hs files resides) to the include path, since this is
+ -- what gcc does, and it's probably what you want.
+ let current_dir = takeDirectory basename
+ new_includes = addQuoteInclude paths [current_dir]
+ paths = includePaths dflags0
+ dflags = dflags0 { includePaths = new_includes }
+ setDynFlags dflags
+ -- gather the imports and module name
+ (hspp_buf,mod_name,imps,src_imps) <- liftIO $ do
+ do
+ buf <- hGetStringBuffer input_fn
+ eimps <- getImports dflags buf input_fn (basename <.> suff)
+ case eimps of
+ Left errs -> throwErrors errs
+ Right (src_imps,imps,L _ mod_name) -> return
+ (Just buf, mod_name, imps, src_imps)
+ -- Take -o into account if present
+ -- Very like -ohi, but we must *only* do this if we aren't linking
+ -- (If we're linking then the -o applies to the linked thing, not to
+ -- the object file for one module.)
+ -- Note the nasty duplication with the same computation in compileFile above
+ location <- getLocation src_flavour mod_name
+ let o_file = ml_obj_file location -- The real object file
+ hi_file = ml_hi_file location
+ hie_file = ml_hie_file location
+ dest_file | writeInterfaceOnlyMode dflags
+ = hi_file
+ | otherwise
+ = o_file
+ -- Figure out if the source has changed, for recompilation avoidance.
+ --
+ -- Setting source_unchanged to True means that M.o (or M.hie) seems
+ -- to be up to date wrt M.hs; so no need to recompile unless imports have
+ -- changed (which the compiler itself figures out).
+ -- Setting source_unchanged to False tells the compiler that M.o is out of
+ -- date wrt M.hs (or M.o doesn't exist) so we must recompile regardless.
+ src_timestamp <- liftIO $ getModificationUTCTime (basename <.> suff)
+ source_unchanged <- liftIO $
+ if not (isStopLn stop)
+ -- SourceModified unconditionally if
+ -- (a) recompilation checker is off, or
+ -- (b) we aren't going all the way to .o file (e.g. ghc -S)
+ then return SourceModified
+ -- Otherwise look at file modification dates
+ else do dest_file_mod <- sourceModified dest_file src_timestamp
+ hie_file_mod <- if gopt Opt_WriteHie dflags
+ then sourceModified hie_file
+ src_timestamp
+ else pure False
+ if dest_file_mod || hie_file_mod
+ then return SourceModified
+ else return SourceUnmodified
+ PipeState{hsc_env=hsc_env'} <- getPipeState
+ -- Tell the finder cache about this module
+ mod <- liftIO $ addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env' mod_name location
+ -- Make the ModSummary to hand to hscMain
+ let
+ mod_summary = ModSummary { ms_mod = mod,
+ ms_hsc_src = src_flavour,
+ ms_hspp_file = input_fn,
+ ms_hspp_opts = dflags,
+ ms_hspp_buf = hspp_buf,
+ ms_location = location,
+ ms_hs_date = src_timestamp,
+ ms_obj_date = Nothing,
+ ms_parsed_mod = Nothing,
+ ms_iface_date = Nothing,
+ ms_hie_date = Nothing,
+ ms_textual_imps = imps,
+ ms_srcimps = src_imps }
+ -- run the compiler!
+ let msg hsc_env _ what _ = oneShotMsg hsc_env what
+ (result, plugin_dflags) <-
+ liftIO $ hscIncrementalCompile True Nothing (Just msg) hsc_env'
+ mod_summary source_unchanged Nothing (1,1)
+ -- In the rest of the pipeline use the dflags with plugin info
+ setDynFlags plugin_dflags
+ return (HscOut src_flavour mod_name result,
+ panic "HscOut doesn't have an input filename")
+runPhase (HscOut src_flavour mod_name result) _ dflags = do
+ location <- getLocation src_flavour mod_name
+ setModLocation location
+ let o_file = ml_obj_file location -- The real object file
+ hsc_lang = hscTarget dflags
+ next_phase = hscPostBackendPhase src_flavour hsc_lang
+ case result of
+ HscNotGeneratingCode _ _ ->
+ return (RealPhase StopLn,
+ panic "No output filename from Hsc when no-code")
+ HscUpToDate _ _ ->
+ do liftIO $ touchObjectFile dflags o_file
+ -- The .o file must have a later modification date
+ -- than the source file (else we wouldn't get Nothing)
+ -- but we touch it anyway, to keep 'make' happy (we think).
+ return (RealPhase StopLn, o_file)
+ HscUpdateBoot _ _ ->
+ do -- In the case of hs-boot files, generate a dummy .o-boot
+ -- stamp file for the benefit of Make
+ liftIO $ touchObjectFile dflags o_file
+ return (RealPhase StopLn, o_file)
+ HscUpdateSig _ _ ->
+ do -- We need to create a REAL but empty .o file
+ -- because we are going to attempt to put it in a library
+ PipeState{hsc_env=hsc_env'} <- getPipeState
+ let input_fn = expectJust "runPhase" (ml_hs_file location)
+ basename = dropExtension input_fn
+ liftIO $ compileEmptyStub dflags hsc_env' basename location mod_name
+ return (RealPhase StopLn, o_file)
+ HscRecomp { hscs_guts = cgguts,
+ hscs_mod_location = mod_location,
+ hscs_mod_details = mod_details,
+ hscs_partial_iface = partial_iface,
+ hscs_old_iface_hash = mb_old_iface_hash,
+ hscs_iface_dflags = iface_dflags }
+ -> do output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename next_phase
+ PipeState{hsc_env=hsc_env'} <- getPipeState
+ (outputFilename, mStub, foreign_files, caf_infos) <- liftIO $
+ hscGenHardCode hsc_env' cgguts mod_location output_fn
+ final_iface <- liftIO (mkFullIface hsc_env'{hsc_dflags=iface_dflags} partial_iface (Just caf_infos))
+ let final_mod_details = {-# SCC updateModDetailsCafInfos #-}
+ updateModDetailsCafInfos caf_infos mod_details
+ setIface final_iface final_mod_details
+ -- See Note [Writing interface files]
+ let if_dflags = dflags `gopt_unset` Opt_BuildDynamicToo
+ liftIO $ hscMaybeWriteIface if_dflags final_iface mb_old_iface_hash mod_location
+ stub_o <- liftIO (mapM (compileStub hsc_env') mStub)
+ foreign_os <- liftIO $
+ mapM (uncurry (compileForeign hsc_env')) foreign_files
+ setForeignOs (maybe [] return stub_o ++ foreign_os)
+ return (RealPhase next_phase, outputFilename)
+-- Cmm phase
+runPhase (RealPhase CmmCpp) input_fn dflags
+ = do output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename Cmm
+ liftIO $ doCpp dflags False{-not raw-}
+ input_fn output_fn
+ return (RealPhase Cmm, output_fn)
+runPhase (RealPhase Cmm) input_fn dflags
+ = do let hsc_lang = hscTarget dflags
+ let next_phase = hscPostBackendPhase HsSrcFile hsc_lang
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename next_phase
+ PipeState{hsc_env} <- getPipeState
+ liftIO $ hscCompileCmmFile hsc_env input_fn output_fn
+ return (RealPhase next_phase, output_fn)
+-- Cc phase
+runPhase (RealPhase cc_phase) input_fn dflags
+ | any (cc_phase `eqPhase`) [Cc, Ccxx, HCc, Cobjc, Cobjcxx]
+ = do
+ let platform = targetPlatform dflags
+ hcc = cc_phase `eqPhase` HCc
+ let cmdline_include_paths = includePaths dflags
+ -- HC files have the dependent packages stamped into them
+ pkgs <- if hcc then liftIO $ getHCFilePackages input_fn else return []
+ -- add package include paths even if we're just compiling .c
+ -- files; this is the Value Add(TM) that using ghc instead of
+ -- gcc gives you :)
+ pkg_include_dirs <- liftIO $ getPackageIncludePath dflags pkgs
+ let include_paths_global = foldr (\ x xs -> ("-I" ++ x) : xs) []
+ (includePathsGlobal cmdline_include_paths ++ pkg_include_dirs)
+ let include_paths_quote = foldr (\ x xs -> ("-iquote" ++ x) : xs) []
+ (includePathsQuote cmdline_include_paths)
+ let include_paths = include_paths_quote ++ include_paths_global
+ -- pass -D or -optP to preprocessor when compiling foreign C files
+ -- (#16737). Doing it in this way is simpler and also enable the C
+ -- compiler to perform preprocessing and parsing in a single pass,
+ -- but it may introduce inconsistency if a different pgm_P is specified.
+ let more_preprocessor_opts = concat
+ [ ["-Xpreprocessor", i]
+ | not hcc
+ , i <- getOpts dflags opt_P
+ ]
+ let gcc_extra_viac_flags = extraGccViaCFlags dflags
+ let pic_c_flags = picCCOpts dflags
+ let verbFlags = getVerbFlags dflags
+ -- cc-options are not passed when compiling .hc files. Our
+ -- hc code doesn't not #include any header files anyway, so these
+ -- options aren't necessary.
+ pkg_extra_cc_opts <- liftIO $
+ if hcc
+ then return []
+ else getPackageExtraCcOpts dflags pkgs
+ framework_paths <-
+ if platformUsesFrameworks platform
+ then do pkgFrameworkPaths <- liftIO $ getPackageFrameworkPath dflags pkgs
+ let cmdlineFrameworkPaths = frameworkPaths dflags
+ return $ map ("-F"++)
+ (cmdlineFrameworkPaths ++ pkgFrameworkPaths)
+ else return []
+ let cc_opt | optLevel dflags >= 2 = [ "-O2" ]
+ | optLevel dflags >= 1 = [ "-O" ]
+ | otherwise = []
+ -- Decide next phase
+ let next_phase = As False
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename next_phase
+ let
+ more_hcc_opts =
+ -- on x86 the floating point regs have greater precision
+ -- than a double, which leads to unpredictable results.
+ -- By default, we turn this off with -ffloat-store unless
+ -- the user specified -fexcess-precision.
+ (if platformArch platform == ArchX86 &&
+ not (gopt Opt_ExcessPrecision dflags)
+ then [ "-ffloat-store" ]
+ else []) ++
+ -- gcc's -fstrict-aliasing allows two accesses to memory
+ -- to be considered non-aliasing if they have different types.
+ -- This interacts badly with the C code we generate, which is
+ -- very weakly typed, being derived from C--.
+ ["-fno-strict-aliasing"]
+ ghcVersionH <- liftIO $ getGhcVersionPathName dflags
+ liftIO $ SysTools.runCc (phaseForeignLanguage cc_phase) dflags (
+ [ SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
+ , SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ]
+ ++ map SysTools.Option (
+ pic_c_flags
+ -- Stub files generated for foreign exports references the runIO_closure
+ -- and runNonIO_closure symbols, which are defined in the base package.
+ -- These symbols are imported into the stub.c file via RtsAPI.h, and the
+ -- way we do the import depends on whether we're currently compiling
+ -- the base package or not.
+ ++ (if platformOS platform == OSMinGW32 &&
+ thisPackage dflags == baseUnitId
+ else [])
+ -- We only support SparcV9 and better because V8 lacks an atomic CAS
+ -- instruction. Note that the user can still override this
+ -- (e.g., -mcpu=ultrasparc) as GCC picks the "best" -mcpu flag
+ -- regardless of the ordering.
+ --
+ -- This is a temporary hack. See #2872, commit
+ -- 5bd3072ac30216a505151601884ac88bf404c9f2
+ ++ (if platformArch platform == ArchSPARC
+ then ["-mcpu=v9"]
+ else [])
+ -- GCC 4.6+ doesn't like -Wimplicit when compiling C++.
+ ++ (if (cc_phase /= Ccxx && cc_phase /= Cobjcxx)
+ then ["-Wimplicit"]
+ else [])
+ ++ (if hcc
+ then gcc_extra_viac_flags ++ more_hcc_opts
+ else [])
+ ++ verbFlags
+ ++ [ "-S" ]
+ ++ cc_opt
+ ++ [ "-include", ghcVersionH ]
+ ++ framework_paths
+ ++ include_paths
+ ++ more_preprocessor_opts
+ ++ pkg_extra_cc_opts
+ ))
+ return (RealPhase next_phase, output_fn)
+-- As, SpitAs phase : Assembler
+-- This is for calling the assembler on a regular assembly file
+runPhase (RealPhase (As with_cpp)) input_fn dflags
+ = do
+ -- LLVM from version 3.0 onwards doesn't support the OS X system
+ -- assembler, so we use clang as the assembler instead. (#5636)
+ let as_prog | hscTarget dflags == HscLlvm &&
+ platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) == OSDarwin
+ = SysTools.runClang
+ | otherwise = SysTools.runAs
+ let cmdline_include_paths = includePaths dflags
+ let pic_c_flags = picCCOpts dflags
+ next_phase <- maybeMergeForeign
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename next_phase
+ -- we create directories for the object file, because it
+ -- might be a hierarchical module.
+ liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory output_fn)
+ ccInfo <- liftIO $ getCompilerInfo dflags
+ let global_includes = [ SysTools.Option ("-I" ++ p)
+ | p <- includePathsGlobal cmdline_include_paths ]
+ let local_includes = [ SysTools.Option ("-iquote" ++ p)
+ | p <- includePathsQuote cmdline_include_paths ]
+ let runAssembler inputFilename outputFilename
+ = liftIO $ do
+ withAtomicRename outputFilename $ \temp_outputFilename -> do
+ as_prog
+ dflags
+ (local_includes ++ global_includes
+ -- See Note [-fPIC for assembler]
+ ++ map SysTools.Option pic_c_flags
+ -- See Note [Produce big objects on Windows]
+ ++ [ SysTools.Option "-Wa,-mbig-obj"
+ | platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) == OSMinGW32
+ , not $ target32Bit (targetPlatform dflags)
+ ]
+ -- We only support SparcV9 and better because V8 lacks an atomic CAS
+ -- instruction so we have to make sure that the assembler accepts the
+ -- instruction set. Note that the user can still override this
+ -- (e.g., -mcpu=ultrasparc). GCC picks the "best" -mcpu flag
+ -- regardless of the ordering.
+ --
+ -- This is a temporary hack.
+ ++ (if platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) == ArchSPARC
+ then [SysTools.Option "-mcpu=v9"]
+ else [])
+ ++ (if any (ccInfo ==) [Clang, AppleClang, AppleClang51]
+ then [SysTools.Option "-Qunused-arguments"]
+ else [])
+ ++ [ SysTools.Option "-x"
+ , if with_cpp
+ then SysTools.Option "assembler-with-cpp"
+ else SysTools.Option "assembler"
+ , SysTools.Option "-c"
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" inputFilename
+ , SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" temp_outputFilename
+ ])
+ liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 4 (text "Running the assembler")
+ runAssembler input_fn output_fn
+ return (RealPhase next_phase, output_fn)
+-- LlvmOpt phase
+runPhase (RealPhase LlvmOpt) input_fn dflags
+ = do
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename LlvmLlc
+ liftIO $ SysTools.runLlvmOpt dflags
+ ( optFlag
+ ++ defaultOptions ++
+ [ SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
+ , SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn]
+ )
+ return (RealPhase LlvmLlc, output_fn)
+ where
+ -- we always (unless -optlo specified) run Opt since we rely on it to
+ -- fix up some pretty big deficiencies in the code we generate
+ optIdx = max 0 $ min 2 $ optLevel dflags -- ensure we're in [0,2]
+ llvmOpts = case lookup optIdx $ llvmPasses $ llvmConfig dflags of
+ Just passes -> passes
+ Nothing -> panic ("runPhase LlvmOpt: llvm-passes file "
+ ++ "is missing passes for level "
+ ++ show optIdx)
+ -- don't specify anything if user has specified commands. We do this
+ -- for opt but not llc since opt is very specifically for optimisation
+ -- passes only, so if the user is passing us extra options we assume
+ -- they know what they are doing and don't get in the way.
+ optFlag = if null (getOpts dflags opt_lo)
+ then map SysTools.Option $ words llvmOpts
+ else []
+ defaultOptions = map SysTools.Option . concat . fmap words . fst
+ $ unzip (llvmOptions dflags)
+-- LlvmLlc phase
+runPhase (RealPhase LlvmLlc) input_fn dflags
+ = do
+ next_phase <- if | fastLlvmPipeline dflags -> maybeMergeForeign
+ -- hidden debugging flag '-dno-llvm-mangler' to skip mangling
+ | gopt Opt_NoLlvmMangler dflags -> return (As False)
+ | otherwise -> return LlvmMangle
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename next_phase
+ liftIO $ SysTools.runLlvmLlc dflags
+ ( optFlag
+ ++ defaultOptions
+ ++ [ SysTools.FileOption "" input_fn
+ , SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ]
+ )
+ return (RealPhase next_phase, output_fn)
+ where
+ -- Note [Clamping of llc optimizations]
+ --
+ -- See #13724
+ --
+ -- we clamp the llc optimization between [1,2]. This is because passing -O0
+ -- to llc 3.9 or llc 4.0, the naive register allocator can fail with
+ --
+ -- Error while trying to spill R1 from class GPR: Cannot scavenge register
+ -- without an emergency spill slot!
+ --
+ -- Observed at least with target 'arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf'.
+ --
+ --
+ -- With LLVM4, llc -O3 crashes when ghc-stage1 tries to compile
+ -- rts/HeapStackCheck.cmm
+ --
+ -- llc -O3 '-mtriple=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf' -enable-tbaa /var/folders/fv/xqjrpfj516n5xq_m_ljpsjx00000gn/T/ghc33674_0/ghc_6.bc -o /var/folders/fv/xqjrpfj516n5xq_m_ljpsjx00000gn/T/ghc33674_0/ghc_7.lm_s
+ -- 0 llc 0x0000000102ae63e8 llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(llvm::raw_ostream&) + 40
+ -- 1 llc 0x0000000102ae69a6 SignalHandler(int) + 358
+ -- 2 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fffc23f4b3a _sigtramp + 26
+ -- 3 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fffc226498b __vfprintf + 17876
+ -- 4 llc 0x00000001029d5123 llvm::SelectionDAGISel::LowerArguments(llvm::Function const&) + 5699
+ -- 5 llc 0x0000000102a21a35 llvm::SelectionDAGISel::SelectAllBasicBlocks(llvm::Function const&) + 3381
+ -- 6 llc 0x0000000102a202b1 llvm::SelectionDAGISel::runOnMachineFunction(llvm::MachineFunction&) + 1457
+ -- 7 llc 0x0000000101bdc474 (anonymous namespace)::ARMDAGToDAGISel::runOnMachineFunction(llvm::MachineFunction&) + 20
+ -- 8 llc 0x00000001025573a6 llvm::MachineFunctionPass::runOnFunction(llvm::Function&) + 134
+ -- 9 llc 0x000000010274fb12 llvm::FPPassManager::runOnFunction(llvm::Function&) + 498
+ -- 10 llc 0x000000010274fd23 llvm::FPPassManager::runOnModule(llvm::Module&) + 67
+ -- 11 llc 0x00000001027501b8 llvm::legacy::PassManagerImpl::run(llvm::Module&) + 920
+ -- 12 llc 0x000000010195f075 compileModule(char**, llvm::LLVMContext&) + 12133
+ -- 13 llc 0x000000010195bf0b main + 491
+ -- 14 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fffc21e5235 start + 1
+ -- Stack dump:
+ -- 0. Program arguments: llc -O3 -mtriple=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf -enable-tbaa /var/folders/fv/xqjrpfj516n5xq_m_ljpsjx00000gn/T/ghc33674_0/ghc_6.bc -o /var/folders/fv/xqjrpfj516n5xq_m_ljpsjx00000gn/T/ghc33674_0/ghc_7.lm_s
+ -- 1. Running pass 'Function Pass Manager' on module '/var/folders/fv/xqjrpfj516n5xq_m_ljpsjx00000gn/T/ghc33674_0/ghc_6.bc'.
+ -- 2. Running pass 'ARM Instruction Selection' on function '@"stg_gc_f1$def"'
+ --
+ -- Observed at least with -mtriple=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf -enable-tbaa
+ --
+ llvmOpts = case optLevel dflags of
+ 0 -> "-O1" -- required to get the non-naive reg allocator. Passing -regalloc=greedy is not sufficient.
+ 1 -> "-O1"
+ _ -> "-O2"
+ optFlag = if null (getOpts dflags opt_lc)
+ then map SysTools.Option $ words llvmOpts
+ else []
+ defaultOptions = map SysTools.Option . concatMap words . snd
+ $ unzip (llvmOptions dflags)
+-- LlvmMangle phase
+runPhase (RealPhase LlvmMangle) input_fn dflags
+ = do
+ let next_phase = As False
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename next_phase
+ liftIO $ llvmFixupAsm dflags input_fn output_fn
+ return (RealPhase next_phase, output_fn)
+-- merge in stub objects
+runPhase (RealPhase MergeForeign) input_fn dflags
+ = do
+ PipeState{foreign_os} <- getPipeState
+ output_fn <- phaseOutputFilename StopLn
+ liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory output_fn)
+ if null foreign_os
+ then panic "runPhase(MergeForeign): no foreign objects"
+ else do
+ liftIO $ joinObjectFiles dflags (input_fn : foreign_os) output_fn
+ return (RealPhase StopLn, output_fn)
+-- warning suppression
+runPhase (RealPhase other) _input_fn _dflags =
+ panic ("runPhase: don't know how to run phase " ++ show other)
+maybeMergeForeign :: CompPipeline Phase
+ = do
+ PipeState{foreign_os} <- getPipeState
+ if null foreign_os then return StopLn else return MergeForeign
+getLocation :: HscSource -> ModuleName -> CompPipeline ModLocation
+getLocation src_flavour mod_name = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ PipeEnv{ src_basename=basename,
+ src_suffix=suff } <- getPipeEnv
+ PipeState { maybe_loc=maybe_loc} <- getPipeState
+ case maybe_loc of
+ -- Build a ModLocation to pass to hscMain.
+ -- The source filename is rather irrelevant by now, but it's used
+ -- by hscMain for messages. hscMain also needs
+ -- the .hi and .o filenames. If we already have a ModLocation
+ -- then simply update the extensions of the interface and object
+ -- files to match the DynFlags, otherwise use the logic in Finder.
+ Just l -> return $ l
+ { ml_hs_file = Just $ basename <.> suff
+ , ml_hi_file = ml_hi_file l -<.> hiSuf dflags
+ , ml_obj_file = ml_obj_file l -<.> objectSuf dflags
+ }
+ _ -> do
+ location1 <- liftIO $ mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod_name basename suff
+ -- Boot-ify it if necessary
+ let location2
+ | HsBootFile <- src_flavour = addBootSuffixLocnOut location1
+ | otherwise = location1
+ -- Take -ohi into account if present
+ -- This can't be done in mkHomeModuleLocation because
+ -- it only applies to the module being compiles
+ let ohi = outputHi dflags
+ location3 | Just fn <- ohi = location2{ ml_hi_file = fn }
+ | otherwise = location2
+ -- Take -o into account if present
+ -- Very like -ohi, but we must *only* do this if we aren't linking
+ -- (If we're linking then the -o applies to the linked thing, not to
+ -- the object file for one module.)
+ -- Note the nasty duplication with the same computation in compileFile
+ -- above
+ let expl_o_file = outputFile dflags
+ location4 | Just ofile <- expl_o_file
+ , isNoLink (ghcLink dflags)
+ = location3 { ml_obj_file = ofile }
+ | otherwise = location3
+ return location4
+-- Look for the /* GHC_PACKAGES ... */ comment at the top of a .hc file
+getHCFilePackages :: FilePath -> IO [InstalledUnitId]
+getHCFilePackages filename =
+ Exception.bracket (openFile filename ReadMode) hClose $ \h -> do
+ l <- hGetLine h
+ case l of
+ '/':'*':' ':'G':'H':'C':'_':'P':'A':'C':'K':'A':'G':'E':'S':rest ->
+ return (map stringToInstalledUnitId (words rest))
+ _other ->
+ return []
+-- Static linking, of .o files
+-- The list of packages passed to link is the list of packages on
+-- which this program depends, as discovered by the compilation
+-- manager. It is combined with the list of packages that the user
+-- specifies on the command line with -package flags.
+-- In one-shot linking mode, we can't discover the package
+-- dependencies (because we haven't actually done any compilation or
+-- read any interface files), so the user must explicitly specify all
+-- the packages.
+Note [-Xlinker -rpath vs -Wl,-rpath]
+-Wl takes a comma-separated list of options which in the case of
+-Wl,-rpath -Wl,some,path,with,commas parses the path with commas
+as separate options.
+Buck, the build system, produces paths with commas in them.
+-Xlinker doesn't have this disadvantage and as far as I can tell
+it is supported by both gcc and clang. Anecdotally nvcc supports
+-Xlinker, but not -Wl.
+linkBinary :: DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> [InstalledUnitId] -> IO ()
+linkBinary = linkBinary' False
+linkBinary' :: Bool -> DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> [InstalledUnitId] -> IO ()
+linkBinary' staticLink dflags o_files dep_packages = do
+ let platform = targetPlatform dflags
+ toolSettings' = toolSettings dflags
+ verbFlags = getVerbFlags dflags
+ output_fn = exeFileName staticLink dflags
+ -- get the full list of packages to link with, by combining the
+ -- explicit packages with the auto packages and all of their
+ -- dependencies, and eliminating duplicates.
+ full_output_fn <- if isAbsolute output_fn
+ then return output_fn
+ else do d <- getCurrentDirectory
+ return $ normalise (d </> output_fn)
+ pkg_lib_paths <- getPackageLibraryPath dflags dep_packages
+ let pkg_lib_path_opts = concatMap get_pkg_lib_path_opts pkg_lib_paths
+ get_pkg_lib_path_opts l
+ | osElfTarget (platformOS platform) &&
+ dynLibLoader dflags == SystemDependent &&
+ WayDyn `elem` ways dflags
+ = let libpath = if gopt Opt_RelativeDynlibPaths dflags
+ then "$ORIGIN" </>
+ (l `makeRelativeTo` full_output_fn)
+ else l
+ -- See Note [-Xlinker -rpath vs -Wl,-rpath]
+ rpath = if gopt Opt_RPath dflags
+ then ["-Xlinker", "-rpath", "-Xlinker", libpath]
+ else []
+ -- Solaris 11's linker does not support -rpath-link option. It silently
+ -- ignores it and then complains about next option which is -l<some
+ -- dir> as being a directory and not expected object file, E.g
+ -- ld: elf error: file
+ -- /tmp/ghc-src/libraries/base/dist-install/build:
+ -- elf_begin: I/O error: region read: Is a directory
+ rpathlink = if (platformOS platform) == OSSolaris2
+ then []
+ else ["-Xlinker", "-rpath-link", "-Xlinker", l]
+ in ["-L" ++ l] ++ rpathlink ++ rpath
+ | osMachOTarget (platformOS platform) &&
+ dynLibLoader dflags == SystemDependent &&
+ WayDyn `elem` ways dflags &&
+ gopt Opt_RPath dflags
+ = let libpath = if gopt Opt_RelativeDynlibPaths dflags
+ then "@loader_path" </>
+ (l `makeRelativeTo` full_output_fn)
+ else l
+ in ["-L" ++ l] ++ ["-Xlinker", "-rpath", "-Xlinker", libpath]
+ | otherwise = ["-L" ++ l]
+ pkg_lib_path_opts <-
+ if gopt Opt_SingleLibFolder dflags
+ then do
+ libs <- getLibs dflags dep_packages
+ tmpDir <- newTempDir dflags
+ sequence_ [ copyFile lib (tmpDir </> basename)
+ | (lib, basename) <- libs]
+ return [ "-L" ++ tmpDir ]
+ else pure pkg_lib_path_opts
+ let
+ dead_strip
+ | gopt Opt_WholeArchiveHsLibs dflags = []
+ | otherwise = if osSubsectionsViaSymbols (platformOS platform)
+ then ["-Wl,-dead_strip"]
+ else []
+ let lib_paths = libraryPaths dflags
+ let lib_path_opts = map ("-L"++) lib_paths
+ extraLinkObj <- mkExtraObjToLinkIntoBinary dflags
+ noteLinkObjs <- mkNoteObjsToLinkIntoBinary dflags dep_packages
+ let
+ (pre_hs_libs, post_hs_libs)
+ | gopt Opt_WholeArchiveHsLibs dflags
+ = if platformOS platform == OSDarwin
+ then (["-Wl,-all_load"], [])
+ -- OS X does not have a flag to turn off -all_load
+ else (["-Wl,--whole-archive"], ["-Wl,--no-whole-archive"])
+ | otherwise
+ = ([],[])
+ pkg_link_opts <- do
+ (package_hs_libs, extra_libs, other_flags) <- getPackageLinkOpts dflags dep_packages
+ return $ if staticLink
+ then package_hs_libs -- If building an executable really means making a static
+ -- library (e.g. iOS), then we only keep the -l options for
+ -- HS packages, because libtool doesn't accept other options.
+ -- In the case of iOS these need to be added by hand to the
+ -- final link in Xcode.
+ else other_flags ++ dead_strip
+ ++ pre_hs_libs ++ package_hs_libs ++ post_hs_libs
+ ++ extra_libs
+ -- -Wl,-u,<sym> contained in other_flags
+ -- needs to be put before -l<package>,
+ -- otherwise Solaris linker fails linking
+ -- a binary with unresolved symbols in RTS
+ -- which are defined in base package
+ -- the reason for this is a note in ld(1) about
+ -- '-u' option: "The placement of this option
+ -- on the command line is significant.
+ -- This option must be placed before the library
+ -- that defines the symbol."
+ -- frameworks
+ pkg_framework_opts <- getPkgFrameworkOpts dflags platform dep_packages
+ let framework_opts = getFrameworkOpts dflags platform
+ -- probably _stub.o files
+ let extra_ld_inputs = ldInputs dflags
+ rc_objs <- maybeCreateManifest dflags output_fn
+ let link = if staticLink
+ then SysTools.runLibtool
+ else SysTools.runLink
+ link dflags (
+ map SysTools.Option verbFlags
+ ++ [ SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ]
+ ++ libmLinkOpts
+ ++ map SysTools.Option (
+ []
+ -- See Note [No PIE when linking]
+ ++ picCCOpts dflags
+ -- Permit the linker to auto link _symbol to _imp_symbol.
+ -- This lets us link against DLLs without needing an "import library".
+ ++ (if platformOS platform == OSMinGW32
+ then ["-Wl,--enable-auto-import"]
+ else [])
+ -- '-no_compact_unwind'
+ -- C++/Objective-C exceptions cannot use optimised
+ -- stack unwinding code. The optimised form is the
+ -- default in Xcode 4 on at least x86_64, and
+ -- without this flag we're also seeing warnings
+ -- like
+ -- ld: warning: could not create compact unwind for .LFB3: non-standard register 5 being saved in prolog
+ -- on x86.
+ ++ (if toolSettings_ldSupportsCompactUnwind toolSettings' &&
+ not staticLink &&
+ (platformOS platform == OSDarwin) &&
+ case platformArch platform of
+ ArchX86 -> True
+ ArchX86_64 -> True
+ ArchARM {} -> True
+ ArchARM64 -> True
+ _ -> False
+ then ["-Wl,-no_compact_unwind"]
+ else [])
+ -- '-Wl,-read_only_relocs,suppress'
+ -- ld gives loads of warnings like:
+ -- ld: warning: text reloc in _base_GHCziArr_unsafeArray_info to _base_GHCziArr_unsafeArray_closure
+ -- when linking any program. We're not sure
+ -- whether this is something we ought to fix, but
+ -- for now this flags silences them.
+ ++ (if platformOS platform == OSDarwin &&
+ platformArch platform == ArchX86 &&
+ not staticLink
+ then ["-Wl,-read_only_relocs,suppress"]
+ else [])
+ ++ (if toolSettings_ldIsGnuLd toolSettings' &&
+ not (gopt Opt_WholeArchiveHsLibs dflags)
+ then ["-Wl,--gc-sections"]
+ else [])
+ ++ o_files
+ ++ lib_path_opts)
+ ++ extra_ld_inputs
+ ++ map SysTools.Option (
+ rc_objs
+ ++ framework_opts
+ ++ pkg_lib_path_opts
+ ++ extraLinkObj:noteLinkObjs
+ ++ pkg_link_opts
+ ++ pkg_framework_opts
+ ++ (if platformOS platform == OSDarwin
+ then [ "-Wl,-dead_strip_dylibs" ]
+ else [])
+ ))
+exeFileName :: Bool -> DynFlags -> FilePath
+exeFileName staticLink dflags
+ | Just s <- outputFile dflags =
+ case platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ OSMinGW32 -> s <?.> "exe"
+ _ -> if staticLink
+ then s <?.> "a"
+ else s
+ | otherwise =
+ if platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) == OSMinGW32
+ then "main.exe"
+ else if staticLink
+ then "liba.a"
+ else "a.out"
+ where s <?.> ext | null (takeExtension s) = s <.> ext
+ | otherwise = s
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> FilePath -- filename of executable
+ -> IO [FilePath] -- extra objects to embed, maybe
+maybeCreateManifest dflags exe_filename
+ | platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) == OSMinGW32 &&
+ gopt Opt_GenManifest dflags
+ = do let manifest_filename = exe_filename <.> "manifest"
+ writeFile manifest_filename $
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n"++
+ " <assembly xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1\" manifestVersion=\"1.0\">\n"++
+ " <assemblyIdentity version=\"\"\n"++
+ " processorArchitecture=\"X86\"\n"++
+ " name=\"" ++ dropExtension exe_filename ++ "\"\n"++
+ " type=\"win32\"/>\n\n"++
+ " <trustInfo xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3\">\n"++
+ " <security>\n"++
+ " <requestedPrivileges>\n"++
+ " <requestedExecutionLevel level=\"asInvoker\" uiAccess=\"false\"/>\n"++
+ " </requestedPrivileges>\n"++
+ " </security>\n"++
+ " </trustInfo>\n"++
+ "</assembly>\n"
+ -- Windows will find the manifest file if it is named
+ -- foo.exe.manifest. However, for extra robustness, and so that
+ -- we can move the binary around, we can embed the manifest in
+ -- the binary itself using windres:
+ if not (gopt Opt_EmbedManifest dflags) then return [] else do
+ rc_filename <- newTempName dflags TFL_CurrentModule "rc"
+ rc_obj_filename <-
+ newTempName dflags TFL_GhcSession (objectSuf dflags)
+ writeFile rc_filename $
+ "1 24 MOVEABLE PURE " ++ show manifest_filename ++ "\n"
+ -- magic numbers :-)
+ -- show is a bit hackish above, but we need to escape the
+ -- backslashes in the path.
+ runWindres dflags $ map SysTools.Option $
+ ["--input="++rc_filename,
+ "--output="++rc_obj_filename,
+ "--output-format=coff"]
+ -- no FileOptions here: windres doesn't like seeing
+ -- backslashes, apparently
+ removeFile manifest_filename
+ return [rc_obj_filename]
+ | otherwise = return []
+linkDynLibCheck :: DynFlags -> [String] -> [InstalledUnitId] -> IO ()
+linkDynLibCheck dflags o_files dep_packages
+ = do
+ when (haveRtsOptsFlags dflags) $ do
+ putLogMsg dflags NoReason SevInfo noSrcSpan
+ (defaultUserStyle dflags)
+ (text "Warning: -rtsopts and -with-rtsopts have no effect with -shared." $$
+ text " Call hs_init_ghc() from your main() function to set these options.")
+ linkDynLib dflags o_files dep_packages
+-- | Linking a static lib will not really link anything. It will merely produce
+-- a static archive of all dependent static libraries. The resulting library
+-- will still need to be linked with any remaining link flags.
+linkStaticLib :: DynFlags -> [String] -> [InstalledUnitId] -> IO ()
+linkStaticLib dflags o_files dep_packages = do
+ let extra_ld_inputs = [ f | FileOption _ f <- ldInputs dflags ]
+ modules = o_files ++ extra_ld_inputs
+ output_fn = exeFileName True dflags
+ full_output_fn <- if isAbsolute output_fn
+ then return output_fn
+ else do d <- getCurrentDirectory
+ return $ normalise (d </> output_fn)
+ output_exists <- doesFileExist full_output_fn
+ (when output_exists) $ removeFile full_output_fn
+ pkg_cfgs <- getPreloadPackagesAnd dflags dep_packages
+ archives <- concatMapM (collectArchives dflags) pkg_cfgs
+ ar <- foldl mappend
+ <$> (Archive <$> mapM loadObj modules)
+ <*> mapM loadAr archives
+ if toolSettings_ldIsGnuLd (toolSettings dflags)
+ then writeGNUAr output_fn $ afilter (not . isGNUSymdef) ar
+ else writeBSDAr output_fn $ afilter (not . isBSDSymdef) ar
+ -- run ranlib over the archive. write*Ar does *not* create the symbol index.
+ runRanlib dflags [SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Running CPP
+doCpp :: DynFlags -> Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+doCpp dflags raw input_fn output_fn = do
+ let hscpp_opts = picPOpts dflags
+ let cmdline_include_paths = includePaths dflags
+ pkg_include_dirs <- getPackageIncludePath dflags []
+ let include_paths_global = foldr (\ x xs -> ("-I" ++ x) : xs) []
+ (includePathsGlobal cmdline_include_paths ++ pkg_include_dirs)
+ let include_paths_quote = foldr (\ x xs -> ("-iquote" ++ x) : xs) []
+ (includePathsQuote cmdline_include_paths)
+ let include_paths = include_paths_quote ++ include_paths_global
+ let verbFlags = getVerbFlags dflags
+ let cpp_prog args | raw = SysTools.runCpp dflags args
+ | otherwise = SysTools.runCc Nothing dflags (SysTools.Option "-E" : args)
+ let targetArch = stringEncodeArch $ platformArch $ targetPlatform dflags
+ targetOS = stringEncodeOS $ platformOS $ targetPlatform dflags
+ let target_defs =
+ [ "-D" ++ HOST_OS ++ "_BUILD_OS",
+ "-D" ++ HOST_ARCH ++ "_BUILD_ARCH",
+ "-D" ++ targetOS ++ "_HOST_OS",
+ "-D" ++ targetArch ++ "_HOST_ARCH" ]
+ -- remember, in code we *compile*, the HOST is the same our TARGET,
+ -- and BUILD is the same as our HOST.
+ let sse_defs =
+ [ "-D__SSE__" | isSseEnabled dflags ] ++
+ [ "-D__SSE2__" | isSse2Enabled dflags ] ++
+ [ "-D__SSE4_2__" | isSse4_2Enabled dflags ]
+ let avx_defs =
+ [ "-D__AVX__" | isAvxEnabled dflags ] ++
+ [ "-D__AVX2__" | isAvx2Enabled dflags ] ++
+ [ "-D__AVX512CD__" | isAvx512cdEnabled dflags ] ++
+ [ "-D__AVX512ER__" | isAvx512erEnabled dflags ] ++
+ [ "-D__AVX512F__" | isAvx512fEnabled dflags ] ++
+ [ "-D__AVX512PF__" | isAvx512pfEnabled dflags ]
+ backend_defs <- getBackendDefs dflags
+ let th_defs = [ "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL_TH__" ]
+ -- Default CPP defines in Haskell source
+ ghcVersionH <- getGhcVersionPathName dflags
+ let hsSourceCppOpts = [ "-include", ghcVersionH ]
+ -- MIN_VERSION macros
+ let uids = explicitPackages (pkgState dflags)
+ pkgs = catMaybes (map (lookupUnit dflags) uids)
+ mb_macro_include <-
+ if not (null pkgs) && gopt Opt_VersionMacros dflags
+ then do macro_stub <- newTempName dflags TFL_CurrentModule "h"
+ writeFile macro_stub (generatePackageVersionMacros pkgs)
+ -- Include version macros for every *exposed* package.
+ -- Without -hide-all-packages and with a package database
+ -- size of 1000 packages, it takes cpp an estimated 2
+ -- milliseconds to process this file. See #10970
+ -- comment 8.
+ return [SysTools.FileOption "-include" macro_stub]
+ else return []
+ cpp_prog ( map SysTools.Option verbFlags
+ ++ map SysTools.Option include_paths
+ ++ map SysTools.Option hsSourceCppOpts
+ ++ map SysTools.Option target_defs
+ ++ map SysTools.Option backend_defs
+ ++ map SysTools.Option th_defs
+ ++ map SysTools.Option hscpp_opts
+ ++ map SysTools.Option sse_defs
+ ++ map SysTools.Option avx_defs
+ ++ mb_macro_include
+ -- Set the language mode to assembler-with-cpp when preprocessing. This
+ -- alleviates some of the C99 macro rules relating to whitespace and the hash
+ -- operator, which we tend to abuse. Clang in particular is not very happy
+ -- about this.
+ ++ [ SysTools.Option "-x"
+ , SysTools.Option "assembler-with-cpp"
+ , SysTools.Option input_fn
+ -- We hackily use Option instead of FileOption here, so that the file
+ -- name is not back-slashed on Windows. cpp is capable of
+ -- dealing with / in filenames, so it works fine. Furthermore
+ -- if we put in backslashes, cpp outputs #line directives
+ -- with *double* backslashes. And that in turn means that
+ -- our error messages get double backslashes in them.
+ -- In due course we should arrange that the lexer deals
+ -- with these \\ escapes properly.
+ , SysTools.Option "-o"
+ , SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
+ ])
+getBackendDefs :: DynFlags -> IO [String]
+getBackendDefs dflags | hscTarget dflags == HscLlvm = do
+ llvmVer <- figureLlvmVersion dflags
+ return $ case fmap llvmVersionList llvmVer of
+ Just [m] -> [ "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL_LLVM__=" ++ format (m,0) ]
+ Just (m:n:_) -> [ "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL_LLVM__=" ++ format (m,n) ]
+ _ -> []
+ where
+ format (major, minor)
+ | minor >= 100 = error "getBackendDefs: Unsupported minor version"
+ | otherwise = show $ (100 * major + minor :: Int) -- Contract is Int
+getBackendDefs _ =
+ return []
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Macros (cribbed from Cabal)
+generatePackageVersionMacros :: [UnitInfo] -> String
+generatePackageVersionMacros pkgs = concat
+ -- Do not add any C-style comments. See #3389.
+ [ generateMacros "" pkgname version
+ | pkg <- pkgs
+ , let version = packageVersion pkg
+ pkgname = map fixchar (packageNameString pkg)
+ ]
+fixchar :: Char -> Char
+fixchar '-' = '_'
+fixchar c = c
+generateMacros :: String -> String -> Version -> String
+generateMacros prefix name version =
+ concat
+ ["#define ", prefix, "VERSION_",name," ",show (showVersion version),"\n"
+ ,"#define MIN_", prefix, "VERSION_",name,"(major1,major2,minor) (\\\n"
+ ," (major1) < ",major1," || \\\n"
+ ," (major1) == ",major1," && (major2) < ",major2," || \\\n"
+ ," (major1) == ",major1," && (major2) == ",major2," && (minor) <= ",minor,")"
+ ,"\n\n"
+ ]
+ where
+ (major1:major2:minor:_) = map show (versionBranch version ++ repeat 0)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- join object files into a single relocatable object file, using ld -r
+Note [Produce big objects on Windows]
+The Windows Portable Executable object format has a limit of 32k sections, which
+we tend to blow through pretty easily. Thankfully, there is a "big object"
+extension, which raises this limit to 2^32. However, it must be explicitly
+enabled in the toolchain:
+ * the assembler accepts the -mbig-obj flag, which causes it to produce a
+ bigobj-enabled COFF object.
+ * the linker accepts the --oformat pe-bigobj-x86-64 flag. Despite what the name
+ suggests, this tells the linker to produce a bigobj-enabled COFF object, no a
+ PE executable.
+We must enable bigobj output in a few places:
+ * When merging object files (GHC.Driver.Pipeline.joinObjectFiles)
+ * When assembling (GHC.Driver.Pipeline.runPhase (RealPhase As ...))
+Unfortunately the big object format is not supported on 32-bit targets so
+none of this can be used in that case.
+joinObjectFiles :: DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO ()
+joinObjectFiles dflags o_files output_fn = do
+ let toolSettings' = toolSettings dflags
+ ldIsGnuLd = toolSettings_ldIsGnuLd toolSettings'
+ osInfo = platformOS (targetPlatform dflags)
+ ld_r args cc = SysTools.runLink dflags ([
+ SysTools.Option "-nostdlib",
+ SysTools.Option "-Wl,-r"
+ ]
+ -- See Note [No PIE while linking] in DynFlags
+ ++ (if toolSettings_ccSupportsNoPie toolSettings'
+ then [SysTools.Option "-no-pie"]
+ else [])
+ ++ (if any (cc ==) [Clang, AppleClang, AppleClang51]
+ then []
+ else [SysTools.Option "-nodefaultlibs"])
+ ++ (if osInfo == OSFreeBSD
+ then [SysTools.Option "-L/usr/lib"]
+ else [])
+ -- gcc on sparc sets -Wl,--relax implicitly, but
+ -- -r and --relax are incompatible for ld, so
+ -- disable --relax explicitly.
+ ++ (if platformArch (targetPlatform dflags)
+ `elem` [ArchSPARC, ArchSPARC64]
+ && ldIsGnuLd
+ then [SysTools.Option "-Wl,-no-relax"]
+ else [])
+ -- See Note [Produce big objects on Windows]
+ ++ [ SysTools.Option "-Wl,--oformat,pe-bigobj-x86-64"
+ | OSMinGW32 == osInfo
+ , not $ target32Bit (targetPlatform dflags)
+ ]
+ ++ map SysTools.Option ld_build_id
+ ++ [ SysTools.Option "-o",
+ SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn ]
+ ++ args)
+ -- suppress the generation of the section,
+ -- which we don't need and sometimes causes ld to emit a
+ -- warning:
+ ld_build_id | toolSettings_ldSupportsBuildId toolSettings' = ["-Wl,--build-id=none"]
+ | otherwise = []
+ ccInfo <- getCompilerInfo dflags
+ if ldIsGnuLd
+ then do
+ script <- newTempName dflags TFL_CurrentModule "ldscript"
+ cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
+ let o_files_abs = map (\x -> "\"" ++ (cwd </> x) ++ "\"") o_files
+ writeFile script $ "INPUT(" ++ unwords o_files_abs ++ ")"
+ ld_r [SysTools.FileOption "" script] ccInfo
+ else if toolSettings_ldSupportsFilelist toolSettings'
+ then do
+ filelist <- newTempName dflags TFL_CurrentModule "filelist"
+ writeFile filelist $ unlines o_files
+ ld_r [SysTools.Option "-Wl,-filelist",
+ SysTools.FileOption "-Wl," filelist] ccInfo
+ else do
+ ld_r (map (SysTools.FileOption "") o_files) ccInfo
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Misc.
+writeInterfaceOnlyMode :: DynFlags -> Bool
+writeInterfaceOnlyMode dflags =
+ gopt Opt_WriteInterface dflags &&
+ HscNothing == hscTarget dflags
+-- | Figure out if a source file was modified after an output file (or if we
+-- anyways need to consider the source file modified since the output is gone).
+sourceModified :: FilePath -- ^ destination file we are looking for
+ -> UTCTime -- ^ last time of modification of source file
+ -> IO Bool -- ^ do we need to regenerate the output?
+sourceModified dest_file src_timestamp = do
+ dest_file_exists <- doesFileExist dest_file
+ if not dest_file_exists
+ then return True -- Need to recompile
+ else do t2 <- getModificationUTCTime dest_file
+ return (t2 <= src_timestamp)
+-- | What phase to run after one of the backend code generators has run
+hscPostBackendPhase :: HscSource -> HscTarget -> Phase
+hscPostBackendPhase HsBootFile _ = StopLn
+hscPostBackendPhase HsigFile _ = StopLn
+hscPostBackendPhase _ hsc_lang =
+ case hsc_lang of
+ HscC -> HCc
+ HscAsm -> As False
+ HscLlvm -> LlvmOpt
+ HscNothing -> StopLn
+ HscInterpreted -> StopLn
+touchObjectFile :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> IO ()
+touchObjectFile dflags path = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory path
+ SysTools.touch dflags "Touching object file" path
+-- | Find out path to @ghcversion.h@ file
+getGhcVersionPathName :: DynFlags -> IO FilePath
+getGhcVersionPathName dflags = do
+ candidates <- case ghcVersionFile dflags of
+ Just path -> return [path]
+ Nothing -> (map (</> "ghcversion.h")) <$>
+ (getPackageIncludePath dflags [toInstalledUnitId rtsUnitId])
+ found <- filterM doesFileExist candidates
+ case found of
+ [] -> throwGhcExceptionIO (InstallationError
+ ("ghcversion.h missing; tried: "
+ ++ intercalate ", " candidates))
+ (x:_) -> return x
+-- Note [-fPIC for assembler]
+-- When compiling .c source file GHC's driver pipeline basically
+-- does the following two things:
+-- 1. ${CC} -S 'PIC_CFLAGS' source.c
+-- 2. ${CC} -x assembler -c 'PIC_CFLAGS' source.S
+-- Why do we need to pass 'PIC_CFLAGS' both to C compiler and assembler?
+-- Because on some architectures (at least sparc32) assembler also chooses
+-- the relocation type!
+-- Consider the following C module:
+-- /* pic-sample.c */
+-- int v;
+-- void set_v (int n) { v = n; }
+-- int get_v (void) { return v; }
+-- $ gcc -S -fPIC pic-sample.c
+-- $ gcc -c pic-sample.s -o # incorrect binary
+-- $ gcc -c -fPIC pic-sample.s -o pic-sample.pic.o # correct binary
+-- $ objdump -r -d pic-sample.pic.o > pic-sample.pic.o.od
+-- $ objdump -r -d >
+-- $ diff -u pic-sample.pic.o.od
+-- Most of architectures won't show any difference in this test, but on sparc32
+-- the following assembly snippet:
+-- sethi %hi(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_-8), %l7
+-- generates two kinds or relocations, only 'R_SPARC_PC22' is correct:
+-- 3c: 2f 00 00 00 sethi %hi(0), %l7
+{- Note [Don't normalise input filenames]
+ We used to normalise input filenames when starting the unlit phase. This
+ broke hpc in `--make` mode with imported literate modules (#2991).
+ 1) --main
+ When compiling a module with --main, GHC scans its imports to find out which
+ other modules it needs to compile too. It turns out that there is a small
+ difference between saying `ghc --make A.hs`, when `A` imports `B`, and
+ specifying both modules on the command line with `ghc --make A.hs B.hs`. In
+ the former case, the filename for B is inferred to be './B.hs' instead of
+ 'B.hs'.
+ 2) unlit
+ When GHC compiles a literate haskell file, the source code first needs to go
+ through unlit, which turns it into normal Haskell source code. At the start
+ of the unlit phase, in `Driver.Pipeline.runPhase`, we call unlit with the
+ option `-h` and the name of the original file. We used to normalise this
+ filename using System.FilePath.normalise, which among other things removes
+ an initial './'. unlit then uses that filename in #line directives that it
+ inserts in the transformed source code.
+ 3) SrcSpan
+ A SrcSpan represents a portion of a source code file. It has fields
+ linenumber, start column, end column, and also a reference to the file it
+ originated from. The SrcSpans for a literate haskell file refer to the
+ filename that was passed to unlit -h.
+ 4) -fhpc
+ At some point during compilation with -fhpc, in the function
+ `GHC.HsToCore.Coverage.isGoodTickSrcSpan`, we compare the filename that a
+ `SrcSpan` refers to with the name of the file we are currently compiling.
+ For some reason I don't yet understand, they can sometimes legitimally be
+ different, and then hpc ignores that SrcSpan.
+ When running `ghc --make -fhpc A.hs`, where `A.hs` imports the literate
+ module `B.lhs`, `B` is inferred to be in the file `./B.lhs` (1). At the
+ start of the unlit phase, the name `./B.lhs` is normalised to `B.lhs` (2).
+ Therefore the SrcSpans of `B` refer to the file `B.lhs` (3), but we are
+ still compiling `./B.lhs`. Hpc thinks these two filenames are different (4),
+ doesn't include ticks for B, and we have unhappy customers (#2991).
+ Do not normalise `input_fn` when starting the unlit phase.
+Alternative solution
+ Another option would be to not compare the two filenames on equality, but to
+ use System.FilePath.equalFilePath. That function first normalises its
+ arguments. The problem is that by the time we need to do the comparison, the
+ filenames have been turned into FastStrings, probably for performance
+ reasons, so System.FilePath.equalFilePath can not be used directly.
+ The call to `normalise` was added in a commit called "Fix slash
+ direction on Windows with the new filePath code" (c9b6b5e8). The problem
+ that commit was addressing has since been solved in a different manner, in a
+ commit called "Fix the filename passed to unlit" (1eedbc6b). So the
+ `normalise` is no longer necessary.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Monad.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Monad.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5831f923ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Monad.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+-- | The CompPipeline monad and associated ops
+-- Defined in separate module so that it can safely be imported from Hooks
+module GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Monad (
+ CompPipeline(..), evalP
+ , PhasePlus(..)
+ , PipeEnv(..), PipeState(..), PipelineOutput(..)
+ , getPipeEnv, getPipeState, setDynFlags, setModLocation, setForeignOs, setIface
+ , pipeStateDynFlags, pipeStateModIface
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import MonadUtils
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Driver.Phases
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import Module
+import FileCleanup (TempFileLifetime)
+import Control.Monad
+newtype CompPipeline a = P { unP :: PipeEnv -> PipeState -> IO (PipeState, a) }
+ deriving (Functor)
+evalP :: CompPipeline a -> PipeEnv -> PipeState -> IO (PipeState, a)
+evalP (P f) env st = f env st
+instance Applicative CompPipeline where
+ pure a = P $ \_env state -> return (state, a)
+ (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad CompPipeline where
+ P m >>= k = P $ \env state -> do (state',a) <- m env state
+ unP (k a) env state'
+instance MonadIO CompPipeline where
+ liftIO m = P $ \_env state -> do a <- m; return (state, a)
+data PhasePlus = RealPhase Phase
+ | HscOut HscSource ModuleName HscStatus
+instance Outputable PhasePlus where
+ ppr (RealPhase p) = ppr p
+ ppr (HscOut {}) = text "HscOut"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The pipeline uses a monad to carry around various bits of information
+-- PipeEnv: invariant information passed down
+data PipeEnv = PipeEnv {
+ stop_phase :: Phase, -- ^ Stop just before this phase
+ src_filename :: String, -- ^ basename of original input source
+ src_basename :: String, -- ^ basename of original input source
+ src_suffix :: String, -- ^ its extension
+ output_spec :: PipelineOutput -- ^ says where to put the pipeline output
+ }
+-- PipeState: information that might change during a pipeline run
+data PipeState = PipeState {
+ hsc_env :: HscEnv,
+ -- ^ only the DynFlags change in the HscEnv. The DynFlags change
+ -- at various points, for example when we read the OPTIONS_GHC
+ -- pragmas in the Cpp phase.
+ maybe_loc :: Maybe ModLocation,
+ -- ^ the ModLocation. This is discovered during compilation,
+ -- in the Hsc phase where we read the module header.
+ foreign_os :: [FilePath],
+ -- ^ additional object files resulting from compiling foreign
+ -- code. They come from two sources: foreign stubs, and
+ -- add{C,Cxx,Objc,Objcxx}File from template haskell
+ iface :: Maybe (ModIface, ModDetails)
+ -- ^ Interface generated by HscOut phase. Only available after the
+ -- phase runs.
+ }
+pipeStateDynFlags :: PipeState -> DynFlags
+pipeStateDynFlags = hsc_dflags . hsc_env
+pipeStateModIface :: PipeState -> Maybe (ModIface, ModDetails)
+pipeStateModIface = iface
+data PipelineOutput
+ = Temporary TempFileLifetime
+ -- ^ Output should be to a temporary file: we're going to
+ -- run more compilation steps on this output later.
+ | Persistent
+ -- ^ We want a persistent file, i.e. a file in the current directory
+ -- derived from the input filename, but with the appropriate extension.
+ -- eg. in "ghc -c Foo.hs" the output goes into ./Foo.o.
+ | SpecificFile
+ -- ^ The output must go into the specific outputFile in DynFlags.
+ -- We don't store the filename in the constructor as it changes
+ -- when doing -dynamic-too.
+ deriving Show
+getPipeEnv :: CompPipeline PipeEnv
+getPipeEnv = P $ \env state -> return (state, env)
+getPipeState :: CompPipeline PipeState
+getPipeState = P $ \_env state -> return (state, state)
+instance HasDynFlags CompPipeline where
+ getDynFlags = P $ \_env state -> return (state, hsc_dflags (hsc_env state))
+setDynFlags :: DynFlags -> CompPipeline ()
+setDynFlags dflags = P $ \_env state ->
+ return (state{hsc_env= (hsc_env state){ hsc_dflags = dflags }}, ())
+setModLocation :: ModLocation -> CompPipeline ()
+setModLocation loc = P $ \_env state ->
+ return (state{ maybe_loc = Just loc }, ())
+setForeignOs :: [FilePath] -> CompPipeline ()
+setForeignOs os = P $ \_env state ->
+ return (state{ foreign_os = os }, ())
+setIface :: ModIface -> ModDetails -> CompPipeline ()
+setIface iface details = P $ \_env state -> return (state{ iface = Just (iface, details) }, ())
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Plugins.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Plugins.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..baa27a0b36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Plugins.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+-- | Definitions for writing /plugins/ for GHC. Plugins can hook into
+-- several areas of the compiler. See the 'Plugin' type. These plugins
+-- include type-checker plugins, source plugins, and core-to-core plugins.
+module GHC.Driver.Plugins (
+ -- * Plugins
+ Plugin(..)
+ , defaultPlugin
+ , CommandLineOption
+ -- ** Recompilation checking
+ , purePlugin, impurePlugin, flagRecompile
+ , PluginRecompile(..)
+ -- * Plugin types
+ -- ** Frontend plugins
+ , FrontendPlugin(..), defaultFrontendPlugin, FrontendPluginAction
+ -- ** Core plugins
+ -- | Core plugins allow plugins to register as a Core-to-Core pass.
+ , CorePlugin
+ -- ** Typechecker plugins
+ -- | Typechecker plugins allow plugins to provide evidence to the
+ -- typechecker.
+ , TcPlugin
+ -- ** Source plugins
+ -- | GHC offers a number of points where plugins can access and modify its
+ -- front-end (\"source\") representation. These include:
+ --
+ -- - access to the parser result with 'parsedResultAction'
+ -- - access to the renamed AST with 'renamedResultAction'
+ -- - access to the typechecked AST with 'typeCheckResultAction'
+ -- - access to the Template Haskell splices with 'spliceRunAction'
+ -- - access to loaded interface files with 'interfaceLoadAction'
+ --
+ , keepRenamedSource
+ -- ** Hole fit plugins
+ -- | hole fit plugins allow plugins to change the behavior of valid hole
+ -- fit suggestions
+ , HoleFitPluginR
+ -- * Internal
+ , PluginWithArgs(..), plugins, pluginRecompile'
+ , LoadedPlugin(..), lpModuleName
+ , StaticPlugin(..)
+ , mapPlugins, withPlugins, withPlugins_
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} CoreMonad ( CoreToDo, CoreM )
+import qualified TcRnTypes
+import TcRnTypes ( TcGblEnv, IfM, TcM, tcg_rn_decls, tcg_rn_exports )
+import TcHoleFitTypes ( HoleFitPluginR )
+import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import GHC.Driver.Monad
+import GHC.Driver.Phases
+import Module ( ModuleName, Module(moduleName))
+import Fingerprint
+import Data.List (sort)
+import Outputable (Outputable(..), text, (<+>))
+--Qualified import so we can define a Semigroup instance
+-- but it doesn't clash with Outputable.<>
+import qualified Data.Semigroup
+import Control.Monad
+-- | Command line options gathered from the -PModule.Name:stuff syntax
+-- are given to you as this type
+type CommandLineOption = String
+-- | 'Plugin' is the compiler plugin data type. Try to avoid
+-- constructing one of these directly, and just modify some fields of
+-- 'defaultPlugin' instead: this is to try and preserve source-code
+-- compatibility when we add fields to this.
+-- Nonetheless, this API is preliminary and highly likely to change in
+-- the future.
+data Plugin = Plugin {
+ installCoreToDos :: CorePlugin
+ -- ^ Modify the Core pipeline that will be used for compilation.
+ -- This is called as the Core pipeline is built for every module
+ -- being compiled, and plugins get the opportunity to modify the
+ -- pipeline in a nondeterministic order.
+ , tcPlugin :: TcPlugin
+ -- ^ An optional typechecker plugin, which may modify the
+ -- behaviour of the constraint solver.
+ , holeFitPlugin :: HoleFitPlugin
+ -- ^ An optional plugin to handle hole fits, which may re-order
+ -- or change the list of valid hole fits and refinement hole fits.
+ , dynflagsPlugin :: [CommandLineOption] -> DynFlags -> IO DynFlags
+ -- ^ An optional plugin to update 'DynFlags', right after
+ -- plugin loading. This can be used to register hooks
+ -- or tweak any field of 'DynFlags' before doing
+ -- actual work on a module.
+ --
+ -- @since 8.10.1
+ , pluginRecompile :: [CommandLineOption] -> IO PluginRecompile
+ -- ^ Specify how the plugin should affect recompilation.
+ , parsedResultAction :: [CommandLineOption] -> ModSummary -> HsParsedModule
+ -> Hsc HsParsedModule
+ -- ^ Modify the module when it is parsed. This is called by
+ -- GHC.Driver.Main when the parsing is successful.
+ , renamedResultAction :: [CommandLineOption] -> TcGblEnv
+ -> HsGroup GhcRn -> TcM (TcGblEnv, HsGroup GhcRn)
+ -- ^ Modify each group after it is renamed. This is called after each
+ -- `HsGroup` has been renamed.
+ , typeCheckResultAction :: [CommandLineOption] -> ModSummary -> TcGblEnv
+ -> TcM TcGblEnv
+ -- ^ Modify the module when it is type checked. This is called at the
+ -- very end of typechecking.
+ , spliceRunAction :: [CommandLineOption] -> LHsExpr GhcTc
+ -> TcM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
+ -- ^ Modify the TH splice or quasiqoute before it is run.
+ , interfaceLoadAction :: forall lcl . [CommandLineOption] -> ModIface
+ -> IfM lcl ModIface
+ -- ^ Modify an interface that have been loaded. This is called by
+ -- GHC.Iface.Load when an interface is successfully loaded. Not applied to
+ -- the loading of the plugin interface. Tools that rely on information from
+ -- modules other than the currently compiled one should implement this
+ -- function.
+ }
+-- Note [Source plugins]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- The `Plugin` datatype have been extended by fields that allow access to the
+-- different inner representations that are generated during the compilation
+-- process. These fields are `parsedResultAction`, `renamedResultAction`,
+-- `typeCheckResultAction`, `spliceRunAction` and `interfaceLoadAction`.
+-- The main purpose of these plugins is to help tool developers. They allow
+-- development tools to extract the information about the source code of a big
+-- Haskell project during the normal build procedure. In this case the plugin
+-- acts as the tools access point to the compiler that can be controlled by
+-- compiler flags. This is important because the manipulation of compiler flags
+-- is supported by most build environment.
+-- For the full discussion, check the full proposal at:
+data PluginWithArgs = PluginWithArgs
+ { paPlugin :: Plugin
+ -- ^ the actual callable plugin
+ , paArguments :: [CommandLineOption]
+ -- ^ command line arguments for the plugin
+ }
+-- | A plugin with its arguments. The result of loading the plugin.
+data LoadedPlugin = LoadedPlugin
+ { lpPlugin :: PluginWithArgs
+ -- ^ the actual plugin together with its commandline arguments
+ , lpModule :: ModIface
+ -- ^ the module containing the plugin
+ }
+-- | A static plugin with its arguments. For registering compiled-in plugins
+-- through the GHC API.
+data StaticPlugin = StaticPlugin
+ { spPlugin :: PluginWithArgs
+ -- ^ the actual plugin together with its commandline arguments
+ }
+lpModuleName :: LoadedPlugin -> ModuleName
+lpModuleName = moduleName . mi_module . lpModule
+pluginRecompile' :: PluginWithArgs -> IO PluginRecompile
+pluginRecompile' (PluginWithArgs plugin args) = pluginRecompile plugin args
+data PluginRecompile = ForceRecompile | NoForceRecompile | MaybeRecompile Fingerprint
+instance Outputable PluginRecompile where
+ ppr ForceRecompile = text "ForceRecompile"
+ ppr NoForceRecompile = text "NoForceRecompile"
+ ppr (MaybeRecompile fp) = text "MaybeRecompile" <+> ppr fp
+instance Semigroup PluginRecompile where
+ ForceRecompile <> _ = ForceRecompile
+ NoForceRecompile <> r = r
+ MaybeRecompile fp <> NoForceRecompile = MaybeRecompile fp
+ MaybeRecompile fp <> MaybeRecompile fp' = MaybeRecompile (fingerprintFingerprints [fp, fp'])
+ MaybeRecompile _fp <> ForceRecompile = ForceRecompile
+instance Monoid PluginRecompile where
+ mempty = NoForceRecompile
+type CorePlugin = [CommandLineOption] -> [CoreToDo] -> CoreM [CoreToDo]
+type TcPlugin = [CommandLineOption] -> Maybe TcRnTypes.TcPlugin
+type HoleFitPlugin = [CommandLineOption] -> Maybe HoleFitPluginR
+purePlugin, impurePlugin, flagRecompile :: [CommandLineOption] -> IO PluginRecompile
+purePlugin _args = return NoForceRecompile
+impurePlugin _args = return ForceRecompile
+flagRecompile =
+ return . MaybeRecompile . fingerprintFingerprints . map fingerprintString . sort
+-- | Default plugin: does nothing at all, except for marking that safe
+-- inference has failed unless @-fplugin-trustworthy@ is passed. For
+-- compatibility reason you should base all your plugin definitions on this
+-- default value.
+defaultPlugin :: Plugin
+defaultPlugin = Plugin {
+ installCoreToDos = const return
+ , tcPlugin = const Nothing
+ , holeFitPlugin = const Nothing
+ , dynflagsPlugin = const return
+ , pluginRecompile = impurePlugin
+ , renamedResultAction = \_ env grp -> return (env, grp)
+ , parsedResultAction = \_ _ -> return
+ , typeCheckResultAction = \_ _ -> return
+ , spliceRunAction = \_ -> return
+ , interfaceLoadAction = \_ -> return
+ }
+-- | A renamer plugin which mades the renamed source available in
+-- a typechecker plugin.
+keepRenamedSource :: [CommandLineOption] -> TcGblEnv
+ -> HsGroup GhcRn -> TcM (TcGblEnv, HsGroup GhcRn)
+keepRenamedSource _ gbl_env group =
+ return (gbl_env { tcg_rn_decls = update (tcg_rn_decls gbl_env)
+ , tcg_rn_exports = update_exports (tcg_rn_exports gbl_env) }, group)
+ where
+ update_exports Nothing = Just []
+ update_exports m = m
+ update Nothing = Just emptyRnGroup
+ update m = m
+type PluginOperation m a = Plugin -> [CommandLineOption] -> a -> m a
+type ConstPluginOperation m a = Plugin -> [CommandLineOption] -> a -> m ()
+plugins :: DynFlags -> [PluginWithArgs]
+plugins df =
+ map lpPlugin (cachedPlugins df) ++
+ map spPlugin (staticPlugins df)
+-- | Perform an operation by using all of the plugins in turn.
+withPlugins :: Monad m => DynFlags -> PluginOperation m a -> a -> m a
+withPlugins df transformation input = foldM go input (plugins df)
+ where
+ go arg (PluginWithArgs p opts) = transformation p opts arg
+mapPlugins :: DynFlags -> (Plugin -> [CommandLineOption] -> a) -> [a]
+mapPlugins df f = map (\(PluginWithArgs p opts) -> f p opts) (plugins df)
+-- | Perform a constant operation by using all of the plugins in turn.
+withPlugins_ :: Monad m => DynFlags -> ConstPluginOperation m a -> a -> m ()
+withPlugins_ df transformation input
+ = mapM_ (\(PluginWithArgs p opts) -> transformation p opts input)
+ (plugins df)
+type FrontendPluginAction = [String] -> [(String, Maybe Phase)] -> Ghc ()
+data FrontendPlugin = FrontendPlugin {
+ frontend :: FrontendPluginAction
+ }
+defaultFrontendPlugin :: FrontendPlugin
+defaultFrontendPlugin = FrontendPlugin { frontend = \_ _ -> return () }
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Plugins.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Plugins.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41a0c115d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Plugins.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+-- The plugins datatype is stored in DynFlags, so it needs to be
+-- exposed without importing all of its implementation.
+module GHC.Driver.Plugins where
+import GhcPrelude ()
+data Plugin
+data LoadedPlugin
+data StaticPlugin
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4eb9ab2597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,5939 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+-- | Dynamic flags
+-- Most flags are dynamic flags, which means they can change from compilation
+-- to compilation using @OPTIONS_GHC@ pragmas, and in a multi-session GHC each
+-- session can be using different dynamic flags. Dynamic flags can also be set
+-- at the prompt in GHCi.
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2005
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse #-}
+-- -fno-cse is needed for GLOBAL_VAR's to behave properly
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Driver.Session (
+ -- * Dynamic flags and associated configuration types
+ DumpFlag(..),
+ GeneralFlag(..),
+ WarningFlag(..), WarnReason(..),
+ Language(..),
+ PlatformConstants(..),
+ FatalMessager, LogAction, FlushOut(..), FlushErr(..),
+ ProfAuto(..),
+ glasgowExtsFlags,
+ warningGroups, warningHierarchies,
+ hasPprDebug, hasNoDebugOutput, hasNoStateHack, hasNoOptCoercion,
+ dopt, dopt_set, dopt_unset,
+ gopt, gopt_set, gopt_unset, setGeneralFlag', unSetGeneralFlag',
+ wopt, wopt_set, wopt_unset,
+ wopt_fatal, wopt_set_fatal, wopt_unset_fatal,
+ xopt, xopt_set, xopt_unset,
+ xopt_set_unlessExplSpec,
+ lang_set,
+ whenGeneratingDynamicToo, ifGeneratingDynamicToo,
+ whenCannotGenerateDynamicToo,
+ dynamicTooMkDynamicDynFlags,
+ dynamicOutputFile,
+ DynFlags(..),
+ FlagSpec(..),
+ HasDynFlags(..), ContainsDynFlags(..),
+ RtsOptsEnabled(..),
+ HscTarget(..), isObjectTarget, defaultObjectTarget,
+ targetRetainsAllBindings,
+ GhcMode(..), isOneShot,
+ GhcLink(..), isNoLink,
+ PackageFlag(..), PackageArg(..), ModRenaming(..),
+ packageFlagsChanged,
+ IgnorePackageFlag(..), TrustFlag(..),
+ PackageDBFlag(..), PkgDbRef(..),
+ Option(..), showOpt,
+ DynLibLoader(..),
+ fFlags, fLangFlags, xFlags,
+ wWarningFlags,
+ dynFlagDependencies,
+ makeDynFlagsConsistent,
+ positionIndependent,
+ optimisationFlags,
+ setFlagsFromEnvFile,
+ Way(..), mkBuildTag, wayRTSOnly, addWay', updateWays,
+ wayGeneralFlags, wayUnsetGeneralFlags,
+ thisPackage, thisComponentId, thisUnitIdInsts,
+ -- ** Log output
+ putLogMsg,
+ -- ** Safe Haskell
+ SafeHaskellMode(..),
+ safeHaskellOn, safeHaskellModeEnabled,
+ safeImportsOn, safeLanguageOn, safeInferOn,
+ packageTrustOn,
+ safeDirectImpsReq, safeImplicitImpsReq,
+ unsafeFlags, unsafeFlagsForInfer,
+ -- ** LLVM Targets
+ LlvmTarget(..), LlvmConfig(..),
+ -- ** System tool settings and locations
+ Settings(..),
+ sProgramName,
+ sProjectVersion,
+ sGhcUsagePath,
+ sGhciUsagePath,
+ sToolDir,
+ sTopDir,
+ sTmpDir,
+ sGlobalPackageDatabasePath,
+ sLdSupportsCompactUnwind,
+ sLdSupportsBuildId,
+ sLdSupportsFilelist,
+ sLdIsGnuLd,
+ sGccSupportsNoPie,
+ sPgm_L,
+ sPgm_P,
+ sPgm_F,
+ sPgm_c,
+ sPgm_a,
+ sPgm_l,
+ sPgm_dll,
+ sPgm_T,
+ sPgm_windres,
+ sPgm_libtool,
+ sPgm_ar,
+ sPgm_ranlib,
+ sPgm_lo,
+ sPgm_lc,
+ sPgm_lcc,
+ sPgm_i,
+ sOpt_L,
+ sOpt_P,
+ sOpt_P_fingerprint,
+ sOpt_F,
+ sOpt_c,
+ sOpt_cxx,
+ sOpt_a,
+ sOpt_l,
+ sOpt_windres,
+ sOpt_lo,
+ sOpt_lc,
+ sOpt_lcc,
+ sOpt_i,
+ sExtraGccViaCFlags,
+ sTargetPlatformString,
+ sIntegerLibrary,
+ sIntegerLibraryType,
+ sGhcWithInterpreter,
+ sGhcWithNativeCodeGen,
+ sGhcWithSMP,
+ sGhcRTSWays,
+ sTablesNextToCode,
+ sLeadingUnderscore,
+ sLibFFI,
+ sGhcThreaded,
+ sGhcDebugged,
+ sGhcRtsWithLibdw,
+ IntegerLibrary(..),
+ GhcNameVersion(..),
+ FileSettings(..),
+ PlatformMisc(..),
+ settings,
+ programName, projectVersion,
+ ghcUsagePath, ghciUsagePath, topDir, tmpDir,
+ versionedAppDir, versionedFilePath,
+ extraGccViaCFlags, globalPackageDatabasePath,
+ pgm_L, pgm_P, pgm_F, pgm_c, pgm_a, pgm_l, pgm_dll, pgm_T,
+ pgm_windres, pgm_libtool, pgm_ar, pgm_ranlib, pgm_lo, pgm_lc,
+ pgm_lcc, pgm_i,
+ opt_L, opt_P, opt_F, opt_c, opt_cxx, opt_a, opt_l, opt_i,
+ opt_P_signature,
+ opt_windres, opt_lo, opt_lc, opt_lcc,
+ tablesNextToCode,
+ -- ** Manipulating DynFlags
+ addPluginModuleName,
+ defaultDynFlags, -- Settings -> DynFlags
+ defaultWays,
+ interpWays,
+ interpreterProfiled, interpreterDynamic,
+ initDynFlags, -- DynFlags -> IO DynFlags
+ defaultFatalMessager,
+ defaultLogAction,
+ defaultLogActionHPrintDoc,
+ defaultLogActionHPutStrDoc,
+ defaultFlushOut,
+ defaultFlushErr,
+ getOpts, -- DynFlags -> (DynFlags -> [a]) -> [a]
+ getVerbFlags,
+ updOptLevel,
+ setTmpDir,
+ setUnitId,
+ canonicalizeHomeModule,
+ canonicalizeModuleIfHome,
+ -- ** Parsing DynFlags
+ parseDynamicFlagsCmdLine,
+ parseDynamicFilePragma,
+ parseDynamicFlagsFull,
+ -- ** Available DynFlags
+ allNonDeprecatedFlags,
+ flagsAll,
+ flagsDynamic,
+ flagsPackage,
+ flagsForCompletion,
+ supportedLanguagesAndExtensions,
+ languageExtensions,
+ -- ** DynFlags C compiler options
+ picCCOpts, picPOpts,
+ -- * Compiler configuration suitable for display to the user
+ compilerInfo,
+ rtsIsProfiled,
+ dynamicGhc,
+#include "GHCConstantsHaskellExports.hs"
+ wordAlignment,
+ unsafeGlobalDynFlags, setUnsafeGlobalDynFlags,
+ -- * SSE and AVX
+ isSseEnabled,
+ isSse2Enabled,
+ isSse4_2Enabled,
+ isBmiEnabled,
+ isBmi2Enabled,
+ isAvxEnabled,
+ isAvx2Enabled,
+ isAvx512cdEnabled,
+ isAvx512erEnabled,
+ isAvx512fEnabled,
+ isAvx512pfEnabled,
+ -- * Linker/compiler information
+ LinkerInfo(..),
+ CompilerInfo(..),
+ -- * File cleanup
+ FilesToClean(..), emptyFilesToClean,
+ -- * Include specifications
+ IncludeSpecs(..), addGlobalInclude, addQuoteInclude, flattenIncludes,
+ -- * SDoc
+ initSDocContext,
+ -- * Make use of the Cmm CFG
+ CfgWeights(..), backendMaintainsCfg
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Platform
+import GHC.UniqueSubdir (uniqueSubdir)
+import PlatformConstants
+import Module
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Driver.Plugins
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Driver.Hooks
+import {-# SOURCE #-} PrelNames ( mAIN )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Driver.Packages (PackageState, emptyPackageState, PackageDatabase)
+import GHC.Driver.Phases ( Phase(..), phaseInputExt )
+import Config
+import CliOption
+import GHC.Driver.CmdLine hiding (WarnReason(..))
+import qualified GHC.Driver.CmdLine as Cmd
+import Constants
+import GhcNameVersion
+import Panic
+import qualified PprColour as Col
+import Util
+import Maybes
+import MonadUtils
+import qualified Pretty
+import SrcLoc
+import BasicTypes ( Alignment, alignmentOf, IntWithInf, treatZeroAsInf )
+import FastString
+import Fingerprint
+import FileSettings
+import Outputable
+import Settings
+import ToolSettings
+import Foreign.C ( CInt(..) )
+import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafeDupablePerformIO )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} ErrUtils ( Severity(..), MsgDoc, mkLocMessageAnn
+ , getCaretDiagnostic, DumpAction, TraceAction
+ , defaultDumpAction, defaultTraceAction )
+import Json
+import SysTools.Terminal ( stderrSupportsAnsiColors )
+import SysTools.BaseDir ( expandToolDir, expandTopDir )
+import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
+import Data.IORef
+import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
+import Data.Ord
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Int
+import Data.List
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import Data.Word
+import System.FilePath
+import System.Directory
+import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
+import System.IO
+import System.IO.Error
+import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP hiding (char)
+import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as R
+import EnumSet (EnumSet)
+import qualified EnumSet
+import GHC.Foreign (withCString, peekCString)
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+#if GHC_STAGE >= 2
+import Foreign (Ptr)
+-- Note [Updating flag description in the User's Guide]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- If you modify anything in this file please make sure that your changes are
+-- described in the User's Guide. Please update the flag description in the
+-- users guide (docs/users_guide) whenever you add or change a flag.
+-- Note [Supporting CLI completion]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- The command line interface completion (in for example bash) is an easy way
+-- for the developer to learn what flags are available from GHC.
+-- GHC helps by separating which flags are available when compiling with GHC,
+-- and which flags are available when using GHCi.
+-- A flag is assumed to either work in both these modes, or only in one of them.
+-- When adding or changing a flag, please consider for which mode the flag will
+-- have effect, and annotate it accordingly. For Flags use defFlag, defGhcFlag,
+-- defGhciFlag, and for FlagSpec use flagSpec or flagGhciSpec.
+-- Note [Adding a language extension]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- There are a few steps to adding (or removing) a language extension,
+-- * Adding the extension to GHC.LanguageExtensions
+-- The Extension type in libraries/ghc-boot-th/GHC/LanguageExtensions/Type.hs
+-- is the canonical list of language extensions known by GHC.
+-- * Adding a flag to DynFlags.xFlags
+-- This is fairly self-explanatory. The name should be concise, memorable,
+-- and consistent with any previous implementations of the similar idea in
+-- other Haskell compilers.
+-- * Adding the flag to the documentation
+-- This is the same as any other flag. See
+-- Note [Updating flag description in the User's Guide]
+-- * Adding the flag to Cabal
+-- The Cabal library has its own list of all language extensions supported
+-- by all major compilers. This is the list that user code being uploaded
+-- to Hackage is checked against to ensure language extension validity.
+-- Consequently, it is very important that this list remains up-to-date.
+-- To this end, there is a testsuite test (testsuite/tests/driver/T4437.hs)
+-- whose job it is to ensure these GHC's extensions are consistent with
+-- Cabal.
+-- The recommended workflow is,
+-- 1. Temporarily add your new language extension to the
+-- expectedGhcOnlyExtensions list in T4437 to ensure the test doesn't
+-- break while Cabal is updated.
+-- 2. After your GHC change is accepted, submit a Cabal pull request adding
+-- your new extension to Cabal's list (found in
+-- Cabal/Language/Haskell/Extension.hs).
+-- 3. After your Cabal change is accepted, let the GHC developers know so
+-- they can update the Cabal submodule and remove the extensions from
+-- expectedGhcOnlyExtensions.
+-- * Adding the flag to the GHC Wiki
+-- There is a change log tracking language extension additions and removals
+-- on the GHC wiki:
+-- See #4437 and #8176.
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- DynFlags
+data DumpFlag
+-- See Note [Updating flag description in the User's Guide]
+ -- debugging flags
+ = Opt_D_dump_cmm
+ | Opt_D_dump_cmm_from_stg
+ | Opt_D_dump_cmm_raw
+ | Opt_D_dump_cmm_verbose_by_proc
+ -- All of the cmm subflags (there are a lot!) automatically
+ -- enabled if you run -ddump-cmm-verbose-by-proc
+ -- Each flag corresponds to exact stage of Cmm pipeline.
+ | Opt_D_dump_cmm_verbose
+ -- same as -ddump-cmm-verbose-by-proc but writes each stage
+ -- to a separate file (if used with -ddump-to-file)
+ | Opt_D_dump_cmm_cfg
+ | Opt_D_dump_cmm_cbe
+ | Opt_D_dump_cmm_switch
+ | Opt_D_dump_cmm_proc
+ | Opt_D_dump_cmm_sp
+ | Opt_D_dump_cmm_sink
+ | Opt_D_dump_cmm_caf
+ | Opt_D_dump_cmm_procmap
+ | Opt_D_dump_cmm_split
+ | Opt_D_dump_cmm_info
+ | Opt_D_dump_cmm_cps
+ -- end cmm subflags
+ | Opt_D_dump_cfg_weights -- ^ Dump the cfg used for block layout.
+ | Opt_D_dump_asm
+ | Opt_D_dump_asm_native
+ | Opt_D_dump_asm_liveness
+ | Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc
+ | Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc_stages
+ | Opt_D_dump_asm_conflicts
+ | Opt_D_dump_asm_stats
+ | Opt_D_dump_asm_expanded
+ | Opt_D_dump_llvm
+ | Opt_D_dump_core_stats
+ | Opt_D_dump_deriv
+ | Opt_D_dump_ds
+ | Opt_D_dump_ds_preopt
+ | Opt_D_dump_foreign
+ | Opt_D_dump_inlinings
+ | Opt_D_dump_rule_firings
+ | Opt_D_dump_rule_rewrites
+ | Opt_D_dump_simpl_trace
+ | Opt_D_dump_occur_anal
+ | Opt_D_dump_parsed
+ | Opt_D_dump_parsed_ast
+ | Opt_D_dump_rn
+ | Opt_D_dump_rn_ast
+ | Opt_D_dump_simpl
+ | Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations
+ | Opt_D_dump_spec
+ | Opt_D_dump_prep
+ | Opt_D_dump_stg -- CoreToStg output
+ | Opt_D_dump_stg_unarised -- STG after unarise
+ | Opt_D_dump_stg_final -- STG after stg2stg
+ | Opt_D_dump_call_arity
+ | Opt_D_dump_exitify
+ | Opt_D_dump_stranal
+ | Opt_D_dump_str_signatures
+ | Opt_D_dump_cpranal
+ | Opt_D_dump_cpr_signatures
+ | Opt_D_dump_tc
+ | Opt_D_dump_tc_ast
+ | Opt_D_dump_types
+ | Opt_D_dump_rules
+ | Opt_D_dump_cse
+ | Opt_D_dump_worker_wrapper
+ | Opt_D_dump_rn_trace
+ | Opt_D_dump_rn_stats
+ | Opt_D_dump_opt_cmm
+ | Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats
+ | Opt_D_dump_cs_trace -- Constraint solver in type checker
+ | Opt_D_dump_tc_trace
+ | Opt_D_dump_ec_trace -- Pattern match exhaustiveness checker
+ | Opt_D_dump_if_trace
+ | Opt_D_dump_vt_trace
+ | Opt_D_dump_splices
+ | Opt_D_th_dec_file
+ | Opt_D_dump_BCOs
+ | Opt_D_dump_ticked
+ | Opt_D_dump_rtti
+ | Opt_D_source_stats
+ | Opt_D_verbose_stg2stg
+ | Opt_D_dump_hi
+ | Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs
+ | Opt_D_dump_mod_cycles
+ | Opt_D_dump_mod_map
+ | Opt_D_dump_timings
+ | Opt_D_dump_view_pattern_commoning
+ | Opt_D_verbose_core2core
+ | Opt_D_dump_debug
+ | Opt_D_dump_json
+ | Opt_D_ppr_debug
+ | Opt_D_no_debug_output
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Enum)
+-- | Enumerates the simple on-or-off dynamic flags
+data GeneralFlag
+-- See Note [Updating flag description in the User's Guide]
+ = Opt_DumpToFile -- ^ Append dump output to files instead of stdout.
+ | Opt_D_faststring_stats
+ | Opt_D_dump_minimal_imports
+ | Opt_DoCoreLinting
+ | Opt_DoStgLinting
+ | Opt_DoCmmLinting
+ | Opt_DoAsmLinting
+ | Opt_DoAnnotationLinting
+ | Opt_NoLlvmMangler -- hidden flag
+ | Opt_FastLlvm -- hidden flag
+ | Opt_NoTypeableBinds
+ | Opt_WarnIsError -- -Werror; makes warnings fatal
+ | Opt_ShowWarnGroups -- Show the group a warning belongs to
+ | Opt_HideSourcePaths -- Hide module source/object paths
+ | Opt_PrintExplicitForalls
+ | Opt_PrintExplicitKinds
+ | Opt_PrintExplicitCoercions
+ | Opt_PrintExplicitRuntimeReps
+ | Opt_PrintEqualityRelations
+ | Opt_PrintAxiomIncomps
+ | Opt_PrintUnicodeSyntax
+ | Opt_PrintExpandedSynonyms
+ | Opt_PrintPotentialInstances
+ | Opt_PrintTypecheckerElaboration
+ -- optimisation opts
+ | Opt_CallArity
+ | Opt_Exitification
+ | Opt_Strictness
+ | Opt_LateDmdAnal -- #6087
+ | Opt_KillAbsence
+ | Opt_KillOneShot
+ | Opt_FullLaziness
+ | Opt_FloatIn
+ | Opt_LateSpecialise
+ | Opt_Specialise
+ | Opt_SpecialiseAggressively
+ | Opt_CrossModuleSpecialise
+ | Opt_StaticArgumentTransformation
+ | Opt_CSE
+ | Opt_StgCSE
+ | Opt_StgLiftLams
+ | Opt_LiberateCase
+ | Opt_SpecConstr
+ | Opt_SpecConstrKeen
+ | Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion
+ | Opt_IgnoreAsserts
+ | Opt_DoEtaReduction
+ | Opt_CaseMerge
+ | Opt_CaseFolding -- Constant folding through case-expressions
+ | Opt_UnboxStrictFields
+ | Opt_UnboxSmallStrictFields
+ | Opt_DictsCheap
+ | Opt_EnableRewriteRules -- Apply rewrite rules during simplification
+ | Opt_EnableThSpliceWarnings -- Enable warnings for TH splices
+ | Opt_RegsGraph -- do graph coloring register allocation
+ | Opt_RegsIterative -- do iterative coalescing graph coloring register allocation
+ | Opt_PedanticBottoms -- Be picky about how we treat bottom
+ | Opt_LlvmTBAA -- Use LLVM TBAA infrastructure for improving AA (hidden flag)
+ | Opt_LlvmFillUndefWithGarbage -- Testing for undef bugs (hidden flag)
+ | Opt_IrrefutableTuples
+ | Opt_CmmSink
+ | Opt_CmmElimCommonBlocks
+ | Opt_AsmShortcutting
+ | Opt_OmitYields
+ | Opt_FunToThunk -- allow WwLib.mkWorkerArgs to remove all value lambdas
+ | Opt_DictsStrict -- be strict in argument dictionaries
+ | Opt_DmdTxDictSel -- use a special demand transformer for dictionary selectors
+ | Opt_Loopification -- See Note [Self-recursive tail calls]
+ | Opt_CfgBlocklayout -- ^ Use the cfg based block layout algorithm.
+ | Opt_WeightlessBlocklayout -- ^ Layout based on last instruction per block.
+ | Opt_CprAnal
+ | Opt_WorkerWrapper
+ | Opt_SolveConstantDicts
+ | Opt_AlignmentSanitisation
+ | Opt_CatchBottoms
+ | Opt_NumConstantFolding
+ -- PreInlining is on by default. The option is there just to see how
+ -- bad things get if you turn it off!
+ | Opt_SimplPreInlining
+ -- Interface files
+ | Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas
+ | Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas
+ | Opt_ExposeAllUnfoldings
+ | Opt_WriteInterface -- forces .hi files to be written even with -fno-code
+ | Opt_WriteHie -- generate .hie files
+ -- profiling opts
+ | Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs
+ | Opt_ProfCountEntries
+ -- misc opts
+ | Opt_Pp
+ | Opt_ForceRecomp
+ | Opt_IgnoreOptimChanges
+ | Opt_IgnoreHpcChanges
+ | Opt_ExcessPrecision
+ | Opt_EagerBlackHoling
+ | Opt_NoHsMain
+ | Opt_SplitSections
+ | Opt_StgStats
+ | Opt_HideAllPackages
+ | Opt_HideAllPluginPackages
+ | Opt_PrintBindResult
+ | Opt_Haddock
+ | Opt_HaddockOptions
+ | Opt_BreakOnException
+ | Opt_BreakOnError
+ | Opt_PrintEvldWithShow
+ | Opt_PrintBindContents
+ | Opt_GenManifest
+ | Opt_EmbedManifest
+ | Opt_SharedImplib
+ | Opt_BuildingCabalPackage
+ | Opt_IgnoreDotGhci
+ | Opt_GhciSandbox
+ | Opt_GhciHistory
+ | Opt_GhciLeakCheck
+ | Opt_ValidateHie
+ | Opt_LocalGhciHistory
+ | Opt_NoIt
+ | Opt_HelpfulErrors
+ | Opt_DeferTypeErrors
+ | Opt_DeferTypedHoles
+ | Opt_DeferOutOfScopeVariables
+ | Opt_PIC -- ^ @-fPIC@
+ | Opt_PIE -- ^ @-fPIE@
+ | Opt_PICExecutable -- ^ @-pie@
+ | Opt_ExternalDynamicRefs
+ | Opt_SccProfilingOn
+ | Opt_Ticky
+ | Opt_Ticky_Allocd
+ | Opt_Ticky_LNE
+ | Opt_Ticky_Dyn_Thunk
+ | Opt_RPath
+ | Opt_RelativeDynlibPaths
+ | Opt_Hpc
+ | Opt_FlatCache
+ | Opt_ExternalInterpreter
+ | Opt_OptimalApplicativeDo
+ | Opt_VersionMacros
+ | Opt_WholeArchiveHsLibs
+ -- copy all libs into a single folder prior to linking binaries
+ -- this should elivate the excessive command line limit restrictions
+ -- on windows, by only requiring a single -L argument instead of
+ -- one for each dependency. At the time of this writing, gcc
+ -- forwards all -L flags to the collect2 command without using a
+ -- response file and as such breaking apart.
+ | Opt_SingleLibFolder
+ | Opt_KeepCAFs
+ | Opt_KeepGoing
+ | Opt_ByteCode
+ -- output style opts
+ | Opt_ErrorSpans -- Include full span info in error messages,
+ -- instead of just the start position.
+ | Opt_DeferDiagnostics
+ | Opt_DiagnosticsShowCaret -- Show snippets of offending code
+ | Opt_PprCaseAsLet
+ | Opt_PprShowTicks
+ | Opt_ShowHoleConstraints
+ -- Options relating to the display of valid hole fits
+ -- when generating an error message for a typed hole
+ -- See Note [Valid hole fits include] in TcHoleErrors.hs
+ | Opt_ShowValidHoleFits
+ | Opt_SortValidHoleFits
+ | Opt_SortBySizeHoleFits
+ | Opt_SortBySubsumHoleFits
+ | Opt_AbstractRefHoleFits
+ | Opt_UnclutterValidHoleFits
+ | Opt_ShowTypeAppOfHoleFits
+ | Opt_ShowTypeAppVarsOfHoleFits
+ | Opt_ShowDocsOfHoleFits
+ | Opt_ShowTypeOfHoleFits
+ | Opt_ShowProvOfHoleFits
+ | Opt_ShowMatchesOfHoleFits
+ | Opt_ShowLoadedModules
+ | Opt_HexWordLiterals -- See Note [Print Hexadecimal Literals]
+ -- Suppress all coercions, them replacing with '...'
+ | Opt_SuppressCoercions
+ | Opt_SuppressVarKinds
+ -- Suppress module id prefixes on variables.
+ | Opt_SuppressModulePrefixes
+ -- Suppress type applications.
+ | Opt_SuppressTypeApplications
+ -- Suppress info such as arity and unfoldings on identifiers.
+ | Opt_SuppressIdInfo
+ -- Suppress separate type signatures in core, but leave types on
+ -- lambda bound vars
+ | Opt_SuppressUnfoldings
+ -- Suppress the details of even stable unfoldings
+ | Opt_SuppressTypeSignatures
+ -- Suppress unique ids on variables.
+ -- Except for uniques, as some simplifier phases introduce new
+ -- variables that have otherwise identical names.
+ | Opt_SuppressUniques
+ | Opt_SuppressStgExts
+ | Opt_SuppressTicks -- Replaces Opt_PprShowTicks
+ | Opt_SuppressTimestamps -- ^ Suppress timestamps in dumps
+ -- temporary flags
+ | Opt_AutoLinkPackages
+ | Opt_ImplicitImportQualified
+ -- keeping stuff
+ | Opt_KeepHscppFiles
+ | Opt_KeepHiDiffs
+ | Opt_KeepHcFiles
+ | Opt_KeepSFiles
+ | Opt_KeepTmpFiles
+ | Opt_KeepRawTokenStream
+ | Opt_KeepLlvmFiles
+ | Opt_KeepHiFiles
+ | Opt_KeepOFiles
+ | Opt_BuildDynamicToo
+ -- safe haskell flags
+ | Opt_DistrustAllPackages
+ | Opt_PackageTrust
+ | Opt_PluginTrustworthy
+ | Opt_G_NoStateHack
+ | Opt_G_NoOptCoercion
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Enum)
+-- Check whether a flag should be considered an "optimisation flag"
+-- for purposes of recompilation avoidance (see
+-- Note [Ignoring some flag changes] in FlagChecker). Being listed here is
+-- not a guarantee that the flag has no other effect. We could, and
+-- perhaps should, separate out the flags that have some minor impact on
+-- program semantics and/or error behavior (e.g., assertions), but
+-- then we'd need to go to extra trouble (and an additional flag)
+-- to allow users to ignore the optimisation level even though that
+-- means ignoring some change.
+optimisationFlags :: EnumSet GeneralFlag
+optimisationFlags = EnumSet.fromList
+ [ Opt_CallArity
+ , Opt_Strictness
+ , Opt_LateDmdAnal
+ , Opt_KillAbsence
+ , Opt_KillOneShot
+ , Opt_FullLaziness
+ , Opt_FloatIn
+ , Opt_LateSpecialise
+ , Opt_Specialise
+ , Opt_SpecialiseAggressively
+ , Opt_CrossModuleSpecialise
+ , Opt_StaticArgumentTransformation
+ , Opt_CSE
+ , Opt_StgCSE
+ , Opt_StgLiftLams
+ , Opt_LiberateCase
+ , Opt_SpecConstr
+ , Opt_SpecConstrKeen
+ , Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion
+ , Opt_IgnoreAsserts
+ , Opt_DoEtaReduction
+ , Opt_CaseMerge
+ , Opt_CaseFolding
+ , Opt_UnboxStrictFields
+ , Opt_UnboxSmallStrictFields
+ , Opt_DictsCheap
+ , Opt_EnableRewriteRules
+ , Opt_RegsGraph
+ , Opt_RegsIterative
+ , Opt_PedanticBottoms
+ , Opt_LlvmTBAA
+ , Opt_LlvmFillUndefWithGarbage
+ , Opt_IrrefutableTuples
+ , Opt_CmmSink
+ , Opt_CmmElimCommonBlocks
+ , Opt_AsmShortcutting
+ , Opt_OmitYields
+ , Opt_FunToThunk
+ , Opt_DictsStrict
+ , Opt_DmdTxDictSel
+ , Opt_Loopification
+ , Opt_CfgBlocklayout
+ , Opt_WeightlessBlocklayout
+ , Opt_CprAnal
+ , Opt_WorkerWrapper
+ , Opt_SolveConstantDicts
+ , Opt_CatchBottoms
+ , Opt_IgnoreAsserts
+ ]
+-- | Used when outputting warnings: if a reason is given, it is
+-- displayed. If a warning isn't controlled by a flag, this is made
+-- explicit at the point of use.
+data WarnReason
+ = NoReason
+ -- | Warning was enabled with the flag
+ | Reason !WarningFlag
+ -- | Warning was made an error because of -Werror or -Werror=WarningFlag
+ | ErrReason !(Maybe WarningFlag)
+ deriving Show
+-- | Used to differentiate the scope an include needs to apply to.
+-- We have to split the include paths to avoid accidentally forcing recursive
+-- includes since -I overrides the system search paths. See #14312.
+data IncludeSpecs
+ = IncludeSpecs { includePathsQuote :: [String]
+ , includePathsGlobal :: [String]
+ }
+ deriving Show
+-- | Append to the list of includes a path that shall be included using `-I`
+-- when the C compiler is called. These paths override system search paths.
+addGlobalInclude :: IncludeSpecs -> [String] -> IncludeSpecs
+addGlobalInclude spec paths = let f = includePathsGlobal spec
+ in spec { includePathsGlobal = f ++ paths }
+-- | Append to the list of includes a path that shall be included using
+-- `-iquote` when the C compiler is called. These paths only apply when quoted
+-- includes are used. e.g. #include "foo.h"
+addQuoteInclude :: IncludeSpecs -> [String] -> IncludeSpecs
+addQuoteInclude spec paths = let f = includePathsQuote spec
+ in spec { includePathsQuote = f ++ paths }
+-- | Concatenate and flatten the list of global and quoted includes returning
+-- just a flat list of paths.
+flattenIncludes :: IncludeSpecs -> [String]
+flattenIncludes specs = includePathsQuote specs ++ includePathsGlobal specs
+instance Outputable WarnReason where
+ ppr = text . show
+instance ToJson WarnReason where
+ json NoReason = JSNull
+ json (Reason wf) = JSString (show wf)
+ json (ErrReason Nothing) = JSString "Opt_WarnIsError"
+ json (ErrReason (Just wf)) = JSString (show wf)
+data WarningFlag =
+-- See Note [Updating flag description in the User's Guide]
+ Opt_WarnDuplicateExports
+ | Opt_WarnDuplicateConstraints
+ | Opt_WarnRedundantConstraints
+ | Opt_WarnHiShadows
+ | Opt_WarnImplicitPrelude
+ | Opt_WarnIncompletePatterns
+ | Opt_WarnIncompleteUniPatterns
+ | Opt_WarnIncompletePatternsRecUpd
+ | Opt_WarnOverflowedLiterals
+ | Opt_WarnEmptyEnumerations
+ | Opt_WarnMissingFields
+ | Opt_WarnMissingImportList
+ | Opt_WarnMissingMethods
+ | Opt_WarnMissingSignatures
+ | Opt_WarnMissingLocalSignatures
+ | Opt_WarnNameShadowing
+ | Opt_WarnOverlappingPatterns
+ | Opt_WarnTypeDefaults
+ | Opt_WarnMonomorphism
+ | Opt_WarnUnusedTopBinds
+ | Opt_WarnUnusedLocalBinds
+ | Opt_WarnUnusedPatternBinds
+ | Opt_WarnUnusedImports
+ | Opt_WarnUnusedMatches
+ | Opt_WarnUnusedTypePatterns
+ | Opt_WarnUnusedForalls
+ | Opt_WarnUnusedRecordWildcards
+ | Opt_WarnRedundantRecordWildcards
+ | Opt_WarnWarningsDeprecations
+ | Opt_WarnDeprecatedFlags
+ | Opt_WarnMissingMonadFailInstances -- since 8.0
+ | Opt_WarnSemigroup -- since 8.0
+ | Opt_WarnDodgyExports
+ | Opt_WarnDodgyImports
+ | Opt_WarnOrphans
+ | Opt_WarnAutoOrphans
+ | Opt_WarnIdentities
+ | Opt_WarnTabs
+ | Opt_WarnUnrecognisedPragmas
+ | Opt_WarnDodgyForeignImports
+ | Opt_WarnUnusedDoBind
+ | Opt_WarnWrongDoBind
+ | Opt_WarnAlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional
+ | Opt_WarnUnsafe
+ | Opt_WarnSafe
+ | Opt_WarnTrustworthySafe
+ | Opt_WarnMissedSpecs
+ | Opt_WarnAllMissedSpecs
+ | Opt_WarnUnsupportedCallingConventions
+ | Opt_WarnUnsupportedLlvmVersion
+ | Opt_WarnMissedExtraSharedLib
+ | Opt_WarnInlineRuleShadowing
+ | Opt_WarnTypedHoles
+ | Opt_WarnPartialTypeSignatures
+ | Opt_WarnMissingExportedSignatures
+ | Opt_WarnUntickedPromotedConstructors
+ | Opt_WarnDerivingTypeable
+ | Opt_WarnDeferredTypeErrors
+ | Opt_WarnDeferredOutOfScopeVariables
+ | Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances -- since 8.0
+ | Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadFailInstances -- since 8.0, removed 8.8
+ | Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonoidInstances -- since 8.0
+ | Opt_WarnMissingPatternSynonymSignatures -- since 8.0
+ | Opt_WarnUnrecognisedWarningFlags -- since 8.0
+ | Opt_WarnSimplifiableClassConstraints -- Since 8.2
+ | Opt_WarnCPPUndef -- Since 8.2
+ | Opt_WarnUnbangedStrictPatterns -- Since 8.2
+ | Opt_WarnMissingHomeModules -- Since 8.2
+ | Opt_WarnPartialFields -- Since 8.4
+ | Opt_WarnMissingExportList
+ | Opt_WarnInaccessibleCode
+ | Opt_WarnStarIsType -- Since 8.6
+ | Opt_WarnStarBinder -- Since 8.6
+ | Opt_WarnImplicitKindVars -- Since 8.6
+ | Opt_WarnSpaceAfterBang
+ | Opt_WarnMissingDerivingStrategies -- Since 8.8
+ | Opt_WarnPrepositiveQualifiedModule -- Since TBD
+ | Opt_WarnUnusedPackages -- Since 8.10
+ | Opt_WarnInferredSafeImports -- Since 8.10
+ | Opt_WarnMissingSafeHaskellMode -- Since 8.10
+ | Opt_WarnCompatUnqualifiedImports -- Since 8.10
+ | Opt_WarnDerivingDefaults
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Enum)
+data Language = Haskell98 | Haskell2010
+ deriving (Eq, Enum, Show)
+instance Outputable Language where
+ ppr = text . show
+-- | The various Safe Haskell modes
+data SafeHaskellMode
+ = Sf_None -- ^ inferred unsafe
+ | Sf_Unsafe -- ^ declared and checked
+ | Sf_Trustworthy -- ^ declared and checked
+ | Sf_Safe -- ^ declared and checked
+ | Sf_SafeInferred -- ^ inferred as safe
+ | Sf_Ignore -- ^ @-fno-safe-haskell@ state
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Show SafeHaskellMode where
+ show Sf_None = "None"
+ show Sf_Unsafe = "Unsafe"
+ show Sf_Trustworthy = "Trustworthy"
+ show Sf_Safe = "Safe"
+ show Sf_SafeInferred = "Safe-Inferred"
+ show Sf_Ignore = "Ignore"
+instance Outputable SafeHaskellMode where
+ ppr = text . show
+-- | Contains not only a collection of 'GeneralFlag's but also a plethora of
+-- information relating to the compilation of a single file or GHC session
+data DynFlags = DynFlags {
+ ghcMode :: GhcMode,
+ ghcLink :: GhcLink,
+ hscTarget :: HscTarget,
+ -- formerly Settings
+ ghcNameVersion :: {-# UNPACK #-} !GhcNameVersion,
+ fileSettings :: {-# UNPACK #-} !FileSettings,
+ targetPlatform :: Platform, -- Filled in by SysTools
+ toolSettings :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ToolSettings,
+ platformMisc :: {-# UNPACK #-} !PlatformMisc,
+ platformConstants :: PlatformConstants,
+ rawSettings :: [(String, String)],
+ integerLibrary :: IntegerLibrary,
+ -- ^ IntegerGMP or IntegerSimple. Set at configure time, but may be overridden
+ -- by GHC-API users. See Note [The integer library] in PrelNames
+ llvmConfig :: LlvmConfig,
+ -- ^ N.B. It's important that this field is lazy since we load the LLVM
+ -- configuration lazily. See Note [LLVM Configuration] in SysTools.
+ verbosity :: Int, -- ^ Verbosity level: see Note [Verbosity levels]
+ optLevel :: Int, -- ^ Optimisation level
+ debugLevel :: Int, -- ^ How much debug information to produce
+ simplPhases :: Int, -- ^ Number of simplifier phases
+ maxSimplIterations :: Int, -- ^ Max simplifier iterations
+ ruleCheck :: Maybe String,
+ inlineCheck :: Maybe String, -- ^ A prefix to report inlining decisions about
+ strictnessBefore :: [Int], -- ^ Additional demand analysis
+ parMakeCount :: Maybe Int, -- ^ The number of modules to compile in parallel
+ -- in --make mode, where Nothing ==> compile as
+ -- many in parallel as there are CPUs.
+ enableTimeStats :: Bool, -- ^ Enable RTS timing statistics?
+ ghcHeapSize :: Maybe Int, -- ^ The heap size to set.
+ maxRelevantBinds :: Maybe Int, -- ^ Maximum number of bindings from the type envt
+ -- to show in type error messages
+ maxValidHoleFits :: Maybe Int, -- ^ Maximum number of hole fits to show
+ -- in typed hole error messages
+ maxRefHoleFits :: Maybe Int, -- ^ Maximum number of refinement hole
+ -- fits to show in typed hole error
+ -- messages
+ refLevelHoleFits :: Maybe Int, -- ^ Maximum level of refinement for
+ -- refinement hole fits in typed hole
+ -- error messages
+ maxUncoveredPatterns :: Int, -- ^ Maximum number of unmatched patterns to show
+ -- in non-exhaustiveness warnings
+ maxPmCheckModels :: Int, -- ^ Soft limit on the number of models
+ -- the pattern match checker checks
+ -- a pattern against. A safe guard
+ -- against exponential blow-up.
+ simplTickFactor :: Int, -- ^ Multiplier for simplifier ticks
+ specConstrThreshold :: Maybe Int, -- ^ Threshold for SpecConstr
+ specConstrCount :: Maybe Int, -- ^ Max number of specialisations for any one function
+ specConstrRecursive :: Int, -- ^ Max number of specialisations for recursive types
+ -- Not optional; otherwise ForceSpecConstr can diverge.
+ binBlobThreshold :: Word, -- ^ Binary literals (e.g. strings) whose size is above
+ -- this threshold will be dumped in a binary file
+ -- by the assembler code generator (0 to disable)
+ liberateCaseThreshold :: Maybe Int, -- ^ Threshold for LiberateCase
+ floatLamArgs :: Maybe Int, -- ^ Arg count for lambda floating
+ -- See CoreMonad.FloatOutSwitches
+ liftLamsRecArgs :: Maybe Int, -- ^ Maximum number of arguments after lambda lifting a
+ -- recursive function.
+ liftLamsNonRecArgs :: Maybe Int, -- ^ Maximum number of arguments after lambda lifting a
+ -- non-recursive function.
+ liftLamsKnown :: Bool, -- ^ Lambda lift even when this turns a known call
+ -- into an unknown call.
+ cmmProcAlignment :: Maybe Int, -- ^ Align Cmm functions at this boundary or use default.
+ historySize :: Int, -- ^ Simplification history size
+ importPaths :: [FilePath],
+ mainModIs :: Module,
+ mainFunIs :: Maybe String,
+ reductionDepth :: IntWithInf, -- ^ Typechecker maximum stack depth
+ solverIterations :: IntWithInf, -- ^ Number of iterations in the constraints solver
+ -- Typically only 1 is needed
+ thisInstalledUnitId :: InstalledUnitId,
+ thisComponentId_ :: Maybe ComponentId,
+ thisUnitIdInsts_ :: Maybe [(ModuleName, Module)],
+ -- ways
+ ways :: [Way], -- ^ Way flags from the command line
+ buildTag :: String, -- ^ The global \"way\" (e.g. \"p\" for prof)
+ -- For object splitting
+ splitInfo :: Maybe (String,Int),
+ -- paths etc.
+ objectDir :: Maybe String,
+ dylibInstallName :: Maybe String,
+ hiDir :: Maybe String,
+ hieDir :: Maybe String,
+ stubDir :: Maybe String,
+ dumpDir :: Maybe String,
+ objectSuf :: String,
+ hcSuf :: String,
+ hiSuf :: String,
+ hieSuf :: String,
+ canGenerateDynamicToo :: IORef Bool,
+ dynObjectSuf :: String,
+ dynHiSuf :: String,
+ outputFile :: Maybe String,
+ dynOutputFile :: Maybe String,
+ outputHi :: Maybe String,
+ dynLibLoader :: DynLibLoader,
+ -- | This is set by 'GHC.Driver.Pipeline.runPipeline' based on where
+ -- its output is going.
+ dumpPrefix :: Maybe FilePath,
+ -- | Override the 'dumpPrefix' set by 'GHC.Driver.Pipeline.runPipeline'.
+ -- Set by @-ddump-file-prefix@
+ dumpPrefixForce :: Maybe FilePath,
+ ldInputs :: [Option],
+ includePaths :: IncludeSpecs,
+ libraryPaths :: [String],
+ frameworkPaths :: [String], -- used on darwin only
+ cmdlineFrameworks :: [String], -- ditto
+ rtsOpts :: Maybe String,
+ rtsOptsEnabled :: RtsOptsEnabled,
+ rtsOptsSuggestions :: Bool,
+ hpcDir :: String, -- ^ Path to store the .mix files
+ -- Plugins
+ pluginModNames :: [ModuleName],
+ pluginModNameOpts :: [(ModuleName,String)],
+ frontendPluginOpts :: [String],
+ -- ^ the @-ffrontend-opt@ flags given on the command line, in *reverse*
+ -- order that they're specified on the command line.
+ cachedPlugins :: [LoadedPlugin],
+ -- ^ plugins dynamically loaded after processing arguments. What will be
+ -- loaded here is directed by pluginModNames. Arguments are loaded from
+ -- pluginModNameOpts. The purpose of this field is to cache the plugins so
+ -- they don't have to be loaded each time they are needed. See
+ -- 'GHC.Runtime.Loader.initializePlugins'.
+ staticPlugins :: [StaticPlugin],
+ -- ^ static plugins which do not need dynamic loading. These plugins are
+ -- intended to be added by GHC API users directly to this list.
+ --
+ -- To add dynamically loaded plugins through the GHC API see
+ -- 'addPluginModuleName' instead.
+ -- GHC API hooks
+ hooks :: Hooks,
+ -- For ghc -M
+ depMakefile :: FilePath,
+ depIncludePkgDeps :: Bool,
+ depIncludeCppDeps :: Bool,
+ depExcludeMods :: [ModuleName],
+ depSuffixes :: [String],
+ -- Package flags
+ packageDBFlags :: [PackageDBFlag],
+ -- ^ The @-package-db@ flags given on the command line, In
+ -- *reverse* order that they're specified on the command line.
+ -- This is intended to be applied with the list of "initial"
+ -- package databases derived from @GHC_PACKAGE_PATH@; see
+ -- 'getPackageConfRefs'.
+ ignorePackageFlags :: [IgnorePackageFlag],
+ -- ^ The @-ignore-package@ flags from the command line.
+ -- In *reverse* order that they're specified on the command line.
+ packageFlags :: [PackageFlag],
+ -- ^ The @-package@ and @-hide-package@ flags from the command-line.
+ -- In *reverse* order that they're specified on the command line.
+ pluginPackageFlags :: [PackageFlag],
+ -- ^ The @-plugin-package-id@ flags from command line.
+ -- In *reverse* order that they're specified on the command line.
+ trustFlags :: [TrustFlag],
+ -- ^ The @-trust@ and @-distrust@ flags.
+ -- In *reverse* order that they're specified on the command line.
+ packageEnv :: Maybe FilePath,
+ -- ^ Filepath to the package environment file (if overriding default)
+ pkgDatabase :: Maybe [PackageDatabase],
+ -- ^ Stack of package databases for the target platform.
+ --
+ -- A "package database" is a misleading name as it is really a Unit
+ -- database (cf Note [The identifier lexicon]).
+ --
+ -- This field is populated by `initPackages`.
+ --
+ -- 'Nothing' means the databases have never been read from disk. If
+ -- `initPackages` is called again, it doesn't reload the databases from
+ -- disk.
+ pkgState :: PackageState,
+ -- ^ Consolidated unit database built by 'initPackages' from the package
+ -- databases in 'pkgDatabase' and flags ('-ignore-package', etc.).
+ --
+ -- It also contains mapping from module names to actual Modules.
+ -- Temporary files
+ -- These have to be IORefs, because the defaultCleanupHandler needs to
+ -- know what to clean when an exception happens
+ filesToClean :: IORef FilesToClean,
+ dirsToClean :: IORef (Map FilePath FilePath),
+ -- The next available suffix to uniquely name a temp file, updated atomically
+ nextTempSuffix :: IORef Int,
+ -- Names of files which were generated from -ddump-to-file; used to
+ -- track which ones we need to truncate because it's our first run
+ -- through
+ generatedDumps :: IORef (Set FilePath),
+ -- hsc dynamic flags
+ dumpFlags :: EnumSet DumpFlag,
+ generalFlags :: EnumSet GeneralFlag,
+ warningFlags :: EnumSet WarningFlag,
+ fatalWarningFlags :: EnumSet WarningFlag,
+ -- Don't change this without updating extensionFlags:
+ language :: Maybe Language,
+ -- | Safe Haskell mode
+ safeHaskell :: SafeHaskellMode,
+ safeInfer :: Bool,
+ safeInferred :: Bool,
+ -- We store the location of where some extension and flags were turned on so
+ -- we can produce accurate error messages when Safe Haskell fails due to
+ -- them.
+ thOnLoc :: SrcSpan,
+ newDerivOnLoc :: SrcSpan,
+ overlapInstLoc :: SrcSpan,
+ incoherentOnLoc :: SrcSpan,
+ pkgTrustOnLoc :: SrcSpan,
+ warnSafeOnLoc :: SrcSpan,
+ warnUnsafeOnLoc :: SrcSpan,
+ trustworthyOnLoc :: SrcSpan,
+ -- Don't change this without updating extensionFlags:
+ -- Here we collect the settings of the language extensions
+ -- from the command line, the ghci config file and
+ -- from interactive :set / :seti commands.
+ extensions :: [OnOff LangExt.Extension],
+ -- extensionFlags should always be equal to
+ -- flattenExtensionFlags language extensions
+ -- LangExt.Extension is defined in libraries/ghc-boot so that it can be used
+ -- by template-haskell
+ extensionFlags :: EnumSet LangExt.Extension,
+ -- Unfolding control
+ -- See Note [Discounts and thresholds] in CoreUnfold
+ ufCreationThreshold :: Int,
+ ufUseThreshold :: Int,
+ ufFunAppDiscount :: Int,
+ ufDictDiscount :: Int,
+ ufKeenessFactor :: Float,
+ ufDearOp :: Int,
+ ufVeryAggressive :: Bool,
+ maxWorkerArgs :: Int,
+ ghciHistSize :: Int,
+ -- | MsgDoc output action: use "ErrUtils" instead of this if you can
+ log_action :: LogAction,
+ dump_action :: DumpAction,
+ trace_action :: TraceAction,
+ flushOut :: FlushOut,
+ flushErr :: FlushErr,
+ ghcVersionFile :: Maybe FilePath,
+ haddockOptions :: Maybe String,
+ -- | GHCi scripts specified by -ghci-script, in reverse order
+ ghciScripts :: [String],
+ -- Output style options
+ pprUserLength :: Int,
+ pprCols :: Int,
+ useUnicode :: Bool,
+ useColor :: OverridingBool,
+ canUseColor :: Bool,
+ colScheme :: Col.Scheme,
+ -- | what kind of {-# SCC #-} to add automatically
+ profAuto :: ProfAuto,
+ interactivePrint :: Maybe String,
+ nextWrapperNum :: IORef (ModuleEnv Int),
+ -- | Machine dependent flags (-m<blah> stuff)
+ sseVersion :: Maybe SseVersion,
+ bmiVersion :: Maybe BmiVersion,
+ avx :: Bool,
+ avx2 :: Bool,
+ avx512cd :: Bool, -- Enable AVX-512 Conflict Detection Instructions.
+ avx512er :: Bool, -- Enable AVX-512 Exponential and Reciprocal Instructions.
+ avx512f :: Bool, -- Enable AVX-512 instructions.
+ avx512pf :: Bool, -- Enable AVX-512 PreFetch Instructions.
+ -- | Run-time linker information (what options we need, etc.)
+ rtldInfo :: IORef (Maybe LinkerInfo),
+ -- | Run-time compiler information
+ rtccInfo :: IORef (Maybe CompilerInfo),
+ -- Constants used to control the amount of optimization done.
+ -- | Max size, in bytes, of inline array allocations.
+ maxInlineAllocSize :: Int,
+ -- | Only inline memcpy if it generates no more than this many
+ -- pseudo (roughly: Cmm) instructions.
+ maxInlineMemcpyInsns :: Int,
+ -- | Only inline memset if it generates no more than this many
+ -- pseudo (roughly: Cmm) instructions.
+ maxInlineMemsetInsns :: Int,
+ -- | Reverse the order of error messages in GHC/GHCi
+ reverseErrors :: Bool,
+ -- | Limit the maximum number of errors to show
+ maxErrors :: Maybe Int,
+ -- | Unique supply configuration for testing build determinism
+ initialUnique :: Int,
+ uniqueIncrement :: Int,
+ -- | Temporary: CFG Edge weights for fast iterations
+ cfgWeightInfo :: CfgWeights
+-- | Edge weights to use when generating a CFG from CMM
+data CfgWeights
+ = CFGWeights
+ { uncondWeight :: Int
+ , condBranchWeight :: Int
+ , switchWeight :: Int
+ , callWeight :: Int
+ , likelyCondWeight :: Int
+ , unlikelyCondWeight :: Int
+ , infoTablePenalty :: Int
+ , backEdgeBonus :: Int
+ }
+defaultCfgWeights :: CfgWeights
+ = CFGWeights
+ { uncondWeight = 1000
+ , condBranchWeight = 800
+ , switchWeight = 1
+ , callWeight = -10
+ , likelyCondWeight = 900
+ , unlikelyCondWeight = 300
+ , infoTablePenalty = 300
+ , backEdgeBonus = 400
+ }
+parseCfgWeights :: String -> CfgWeights -> CfgWeights
+parseCfgWeights s oldWeights =
+ foldl' (\cfg (n,v) -> update n v cfg) oldWeights assignments
+ where
+ assignments = map assignment $ settings s
+ update "uncondWeight" n w =
+ w {uncondWeight = n}
+ update "condBranchWeight" n w =
+ w {condBranchWeight = n}
+ update "switchWeight" n w =
+ w {switchWeight = n}
+ update "callWeight" n w =
+ w {callWeight = n}
+ update "likelyCondWeight" n w =
+ w {likelyCondWeight = n}
+ update "unlikelyCondWeight" n w =
+ w {unlikelyCondWeight = n}
+ update "infoTablePenalty" n w =
+ w {infoTablePenalty = n}
+ update "backEdgeBonus" n w =
+ w {backEdgeBonus = n}
+ update other _ _
+ = panic $ other ++
+ " is not a cfg weight parameter. " ++
+ exampleString
+ settings s
+ | (s1,rest) <- break (== ',') s
+ , null rest
+ = [s1]
+ | (s1,rest) <- break (== ',') s
+ = s1 : settings (drop 1 rest)
+ assignment as
+ | (name, _:val) <- break (== '=') as
+ = (name,read val)
+ | otherwise
+ = panic $ "Invalid cfg parameters." ++ exampleString
+ exampleString = "Example parameters: uncondWeight=1000," ++
+ "condBranchWeight=800,switchWeight=0,callWeight=300" ++
+ ",likelyCondWeight=900,unlikelyCondWeight=300" ++
+ ",infoTablePenalty=300,backEdgeBonus=400"
+backendMaintainsCfg :: DynFlags -> Bool
+backendMaintainsCfg dflags = case (platformArch $ targetPlatform dflags) of
+ -- ArchX86 -- Should work but not tested so disabled currently.
+ ArchX86_64 -> True
+ _otherwise -> False
+class HasDynFlags m where
+ getDynFlags :: m DynFlags
+{- It would be desirable to have the more generalised
+ instance (MonadTrans t, Monad m, HasDynFlags m) => HasDynFlags (t m) where
+ getDynFlags = lift getDynFlags
+instance definition. However, that definition would overlap with the
+`HasDynFlags (GhcT m)` instance. Instead we define instances for a
+couple of common Monad transformers explicitly. -}
+instance (Monoid a, Monad m, HasDynFlags m) => HasDynFlags (WriterT a m) where
+ getDynFlags = lift getDynFlags
+instance (Monad m, HasDynFlags m) => HasDynFlags (ReaderT a m) where
+ getDynFlags = lift getDynFlags
+instance (Monad m, HasDynFlags m) => HasDynFlags (MaybeT m) where
+ getDynFlags = lift getDynFlags
+instance (Monad m, HasDynFlags m) => HasDynFlags (ExceptT e m) where
+ getDynFlags = lift getDynFlags
+class ContainsDynFlags t where
+ extractDynFlags :: t -> DynFlags
+data ProfAuto
+ = NoProfAuto -- ^ no SCC annotations added
+ | ProfAutoAll -- ^ top-level and nested functions are annotated
+ | ProfAutoTop -- ^ top-level functions annotated only
+ | ProfAutoExports -- ^ exported functions annotated only
+ | ProfAutoCalls -- ^ annotate call-sites
+ deriving (Eq,Enum)
+data LlvmTarget = LlvmTarget
+ { lDataLayout :: String
+ , lCPU :: String
+ , lAttributes :: [String]
+ }
+-- | See Note [LLVM Configuration] in SysTools.
+data LlvmConfig = LlvmConfig { llvmTargets :: [(String, LlvmTarget)]
+ , llvmPasses :: [(Int, String)]
+ }
+-- Accessessors from 'DynFlags'
+-- | "unbuild" a 'Settings' from a 'DynFlags'. This shouldn't be needed in the
+-- vast majority of code. But GHCi questionably uses this to produce a default
+-- 'DynFlags' from which to compute a flags diff for printing.
+settings :: DynFlags -> Settings
+settings dflags = Settings
+ { sGhcNameVersion = ghcNameVersion dflags
+ , sFileSettings = fileSettings dflags
+ , sTargetPlatform = targetPlatform dflags
+ , sToolSettings = toolSettings dflags
+ , sPlatformMisc = platformMisc dflags
+ , sPlatformConstants = platformConstants dflags
+ , sRawSettings = rawSettings dflags
+ }
+programName :: DynFlags -> String
+programName dflags = ghcNameVersion_programName $ ghcNameVersion dflags
+projectVersion :: DynFlags -> String
+projectVersion dflags = ghcNameVersion_projectVersion (ghcNameVersion dflags)
+ghcUsagePath :: DynFlags -> FilePath
+ghcUsagePath dflags = fileSettings_ghcUsagePath $ fileSettings dflags
+ghciUsagePath :: DynFlags -> FilePath
+ghciUsagePath dflags = fileSettings_ghciUsagePath $ fileSettings dflags
+toolDir :: DynFlags -> Maybe FilePath
+toolDir dflags = fileSettings_toolDir $ fileSettings dflags
+topDir :: DynFlags -> FilePath
+topDir dflags = fileSettings_topDir $ fileSettings dflags
+tmpDir :: DynFlags -> String
+tmpDir dflags = fileSettings_tmpDir $ fileSettings dflags
+extraGccViaCFlags :: DynFlags -> [String]
+extraGccViaCFlags dflags = toolSettings_extraGccViaCFlags $ toolSettings dflags
+globalPackageDatabasePath :: DynFlags -> FilePath
+globalPackageDatabasePath dflags = fileSettings_globalPackageDatabase $ fileSettings dflags
+pgm_L :: DynFlags -> String
+pgm_L dflags = toolSettings_pgm_L $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_P :: DynFlags -> (String,[Option])
+pgm_P dflags = toolSettings_pgm_P $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_F :: DynFlags -> String
+pgm_F dflags = toolSettings_pgm_F $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_c :: DynFlags -> String
+pgm_c dflags = toolSettings_pgm_c $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_a :: DynFlags -> (String,[Option])
+pgm_a dflags = toolSettings_pgm_a $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_l :: DynFlags -> (String,[Option])
+pgm_l dflags = toolSettings_pgm_l $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_dll :: DynFlags -> (String,[Option])
+pgm_dll dflags = toolSettings_pgm_dll $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_T :: DynFlags -> String
+pgm_T dflags = toolSettings_pgm_T $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_windres :: DynFlags -> String
+pgm_windres dflags = toolSettings_pgm_windres $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_libtool :: DynFlags -> String
+pgm_libtool dflags = toolSettings_pgm_libtool $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_lcc :: DynFlags -> (String,[Option])
+pgm_lcc dflags = toolSettings_pgm_lcc $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_ar :: DynFlags -> String
+pgm_ar dflags = toolSettings_pgm_ar $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_ranlib :: DynFlags -> String
+pgm_ranlib dflags = toolSettings_pgm_ranlib $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_lo :: DynFlags -> (String,[Option])
+pgm_lo dflags = toolSettings_pgm_lo $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_lc :: DynFlags -> (String,[Option])
+pgm_lc dflags = toolSettings_pgm_lc $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_i :: DynFlags -> String
+pgm_i dflags = toolSettings_pgm_i $ toolSettings dflags
+opt_L :: DynFlags -> [String]
+opt_L dflags = toolSettings_opt_L $ toolSettings dflags
+opt_P :: DynFlags -> [String]
+opt_P dflags = concatMap (wayOptP (targetPlatform dflags)) (ways dflags)
+ ++ toolSettings_opt_P (toolSettings dflags)
+-- This function packages everything that's needed to fingerprint opt_P
+-- flags. See Note [Repeated -optP hashing].
+opt_P_signature :: DynFlags -> ([String], Fingerprint)
+opt_P_signature dflags =
+ ( concatMap (wayOptP (targetPlatform dflags)) (ways dflags)
+ , toolSettings_opt_P_fingerprint $ toolSettings dflags
+ )
+opt_F :: DynFlags -> [String]
+opt_F dflags= toolSettings_opt_F $ toolSettings dflags
+opt_c :: DynFlags -> [String]
+opt_c dflags = concatMap (wayOptc (targetPlatform dflags)) (ways dflags)
+ ++ toolSettings_opt_c (toolSettings dflags)
+opt_cxx :: DynFlags -> [String]
+opt_cxx dflags= toolSettings_opt_cxx $ toolSettings dflags
+opt_a :: DynFlags -> [String]
+opt_a dflags= toolSettings_opt_a $ toolSettings dflags
+opt_l :: DynFlags -> [String]
+opt_l dflags = concatMap (wayOptl (targetPlatform dflags)) (ways dflags)
+ ++ toolSettings_opt_l (toolSettings dflags)
+opt_windres :: DynFlags -> [String]
+opt_windres dflags= toolSettings_opt_windres $ toolSettings dflags
+opt_lcc :: DynFlags -> [String]
+opt_lcc dflags= toolSettings_opt_lcc $ toolSettings dflags
+opt_lo :: DynFlags -> [String]
+opt_lo dflags= toolSettings_opt_lo $ toolSettings dflags
+opt_lc :: DynFlags -> [String]
+opt_lc dflags= toolSettings_opt_lc $ toolSettings dflags
+opt_i :: DynFlags -> [String]
+opt_i dflags= toolSettings_opt_i $ toolSettings dflags
+tablesNextToCode :: DynFlags -> Bool
+tablesNextToCode = platformMisc_tablesNextToCode . platformMisc
+-- | The directory for this version of ghc in the user's app directory
+-- (typically something like @~/.ghc/x86_64-linux-7.6.3@)
+versionedAppDir :: DynFlags -> MaybeT IO FilePath
+versionedAppDir dflags = do
+ -- Make sure we handle the case the HOME isn't set (see #11678)
+ appdir <- tryMaybeT $ getAppUserDataDirectory (programName dflags)
+ return $ appdir </> versionedFilePath dflags
+versionedFilePath :: DynFlags -> FilePath
+versionedFilePath dflags = uniqueSubdir $ platformMini $ targetPlatform dflags
+-- | The target code type of the compilation (if any).
+-- Whenever you change the target, also make sure to set 'ghcLink' to
+-- something sensible.
+-- 'HscNothing' can be used to avoid generating any output, however, note
+-- that:
+-- * If a program uses Template Haskell the typechecker may need to run code
+-- from an imported module. To facilitate this, code generation is enabled
+-- for modules imported by modules that use template haskell.
+-- See Note [-fno-code mode].
+data HscTarget
+ = HscC -- ^ Generate C code.
+ | HscAsm -- ^ Generate assembly using the native code generator.
+ | HscLlvm -- ^ Generate assembly using the llvm code generator.
+ | HscInterpreted -- ^ Generate bytecode. (Requires 'LinkInMemory')
+ | HscNothing -- ^ Don't generate any code. See notes above.
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | Will this target result in an object file on the disk?
+isObjectTarget :: HscTarget -> Bool
+isObjectTarget HscC = True
+isObjectTarget HscAsm = True
+isObjectTarget HscLlvm = True
+isObjectTarget _ = False
+-- | Does this target retain *all* top-level bindings for a module,
+-- rather than just the exported bindings, in the TypeEnv and compiled
+-- code (if any)? In interpreted mode we do this, so that GHCi can
+-- call functions inside a module. In HscNothing mode we also do it,
+-- so that Haddock can get access to the GlobalRdrEnv for a module
+-- after typechecking it.
+targetRetainsAllBindings :: HscTarget -> Bool
+targetRetainsAllBindings HscInterpreted = True
+targetRetainsAllBindings HscNothing = True
+targetRetainsAllBindings _ = False
+-- | The 'GhcMode' tells us whether we're doing multi-module
+-- compilation (controlled via the "GHC" API) or one-shot
+-- (single-module) compilation. This makes a difference primarily to
+-- the "Finder": in one-shot mode we look for interface files for
+-- imported modules, but in multi-module mode we look for source files
+-- in order to check whether they need to be recompiled.
+data GhcMode
+ = CompManager -- ^ @\-\-make@, GHCi, etc.
+ | OneShot -- ^ @ghc -c Foo.hs@
+ | MkDepend -- ^ @ghc -M@, see "Finder" for why we need this
+ deriving Eq
+instance Outputable GhcMode where
+ ppr CompManager = text "CompManager"
+ ppr OneShot = text "OneShot"
+ ppr MkDepend = text "MkDepend"
+isOneShot :: GhcMode -> Bool
+isOneShot OneShot = True
+isOneShot _other = False
+-- | What to do in the link step, if there is one.
+data GhcLink
+ = NoLink -- ^ Don't link at all
+ | LinkBinary -- ^ Link object code into a binary
+ | LinkInMemory -- ^ Use the in-memory dynamic linker (works for both
+ -- bytecode and object code).
+ | LinkDynLib -- ^ Link objects into a dynamic lib (DLL on Windows, DSO on ELF platforms)
+ | LinkStaticLib -- ^ Link objects into a static lib
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+isNoLink :: GhcLink -> Bool
+isNoLink NoLink = True
+isNoLink _ = False
+-- | We accept flags which make packages visible, but how they select
+-- the package varies; this data type reflects what selection criterion
+-- is used.
+data PackageArg =
+ PackageArg String -- ^ @-package@, by 'PackageName'
+ | UnitIdArg UnitId -- ^ @-package-id@, by 'UnitId'
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance Outputable PackageArg where
+ ppr (PackageArg pn) = text "package" <+> text pn
+ ppr (UnitIdArg uid) = text "unit" <+> ppr uid
+-- | Represents the renaming that may be associated with an exposed
+-- package, e.g. the @rns@ part of @-package "foo (rns)"@.
+-- Here are some example parsings of the package flags (where
+-- a string literal is punned to be a 'ModuleName':
+-- * @-package foo@ is @ModRenaming True []@
+-- * @-package foo ()@ is @ModRenaming False []@
+-- * @-package foo (A)@ is @ModRenaming False [("A", "A")]@
+-- * @-package foo (A as B)@ is @ModRenaming False [("A", "B")]@
+-- * @-package foo with (A as B)@ is @ModRenaming True [("A", "B")]@
+data ModRenaming = ModRenaming {
+ modRenamingWithImplicit :: Bool, -- ^ Bring all exposed modules into scope?
+ modRenamings :: [(ModuleName, ModuleName)] -- ^ Bring module @m@ into scope
+ -- under name @n@.
+ } deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable ModRenaming where
+ ppr (ModRenaming b rns) = ppr b <+> parens (ppr rns)
+-- | Flags for manipulating the set of non-broken packages.
+newtype IgnorePackageFlag = IgnorePackage String -- ^ @-ignore-package@
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | Flags for manipulating package trust.
+data TrustFlag
+ = TrustPackage String -- ^ @-trust@
+ | DistrustPackage String -- ^ @-distrust@
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | Flags for manipulating packages visibility.
+data PackageFlag
+ = ExposePackage String PackageArg ModRenaming -- ^ @-package@, @-package-id@
+ | HidePackage String -- ^ @-hide-package@
+ deriving (Eq) -- NB: equality instance is used by packageFlagsChanged
+data PackageDBFlag
+ = PackageDB PkgDbRef
+ | NoUserPackageDB
+ | NoGlobalPackageDB
+ | ClearPackageDBs
+ deriving (Eq)
+packageFlagsChanged :: DynFlags -> DynFlags -> Bool
+packageFlagsChanged idflags1 idflags0 =
+ packageFlags idflags1 /= packageFlags idflags0 ||
+ ignorePackageFlags idflags1 /= ignorePackageFlags idflags0 ||
+ pluginPackageFlags idflags1 /= pluginPackageFlags idflags0 ||
+ trustFlags idflags1 /= trustFlags idflags0 ||
+ packageDBFlags idflags1 /= packageDBFlags idflags0 ||
+ packageGFlags idflags1 /= packageGFlags idflags0
+ where
+ packageGFlags dflags = map (`gopt` dflags)
+ [ Opt_HideAllPackages
+ , Opt_HideAllPluginPackages
+ , Opt_AutoLinkPackages ]
+instance Outputable PackageFlag where
+ ppr (ExposePackage n arg rn) = text n <> braces (ppr arg <+> ppr rn)
+ ppr (HidePackage str) = text "-hide-package" <+> text str
+-- | The 'HscTarget' value corresponding to the default way to create
+-- object files on the current platform.
+defaultHscTarget :: Platform -> PlatformMisc -> HscTarget
+defaultHscTarget platform pMisc
+ | platformUnregisterised platform = HscC
+ | platformMisc_ghcWithNativeCodeGen pMisc = HscAsm
+ | otherwise = HscLlvm
+defaultObjectTarget :: DynFlags -> HscTarget
+defaultObjectTarget dflags = defaultHscTarget
+ (targetPlatform dflags)
+ (platformMisc dflags)
+data DynLibLoader
+ = Deployable
+ | SystemDependent
+ deriving Eq
+data RtsOptsEnabled
+ = RtsOptsNone | RtsOptsIgnore | RtsOptsIgnoreAll | RtsOptsSafeOnly
+ | RtsOptsAll
+ deriving (Show)
+-- | Are we building with @-fPIE@ or @-fPIC@ enabled?
+positionIndependent :: DynFlags -> Bool
+positionIndependent dflags = gopt Opt_PIC dflags || gopt Opt_PIE dflags
+-- Ways
+-- The central concept of a "way" is that all objects in a given
+-- program must be compiled in the same "way". Certain options change
+-- parameters of the virtual machine, eg. profiling adds an extra word
+-- to the object header, so profiling objects cannot be linked with
+-- non-profiling objects.
+-- After parsing the command-line options, we determine which "way" we
+-- are building - this might be a combination way, eg. profiling+threaded.
+-- We then find the "build-tag" associated with this way, and this
+-- becomes the suffix used to find .hi files and libraries used in
+-- this compilation.
+data Way
+ = WayCustom String -- for GHC API clients building custom variants
+ | WayThreaded
+ | WayDebug
+ | WayProf
+ | WayEventLog
+ | WayDyn
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+allowed_combination :: [Way] -> Bool
+allowed_combination way = and [ x `allowedWith` y
+ | x <- way, y <- way, x < y ]
+ where
+ -- Note ordering in these tests: the left argument is
+ -- <= the right argument, according to the Ord instance
+ -- on Way above.
+ -- dyn is allowed with everything
+ _ `allowedWith` WayDyn = True
+ WayDyn `allowedWith` _ = True
+ -- debug is allowed with everything
+ _ `allowedWith` WayDebug = True
+ WayDebug `allowedWith` _ = True
+ (WayCustom {}) `allowedWith` _ = True
+ WayThreaded `allowedWith` WayProf = True
+ WayThreaded `allowedWith` WayEventLog = True
+ WayProf `allowedWith` WayEventLog = True
+ _ `allowedWith` _ = False
+mkBuildTag :: [Way] -> String
+mkBuildTag ways = concat (intersperse "_" (map wayTag ways))
+wayTag :: Way -> String
+wayTag (WayCustom xs) = xs
+wayTag WayThreaded = "thr"
+wayTag WayDebug = "debug"
+wayTag WayDyn = "dyn"
+wayTag WayProf = "p"
+wayTag WayEventLog = "l"
+wayRTSOnly :: Way -> Bool
+wayRTSOnly (WayCustom {}) = False
+wayRTSOnly WayThreaded = True
+wayRTSOnly WayDebug = True
+wayRTSOnly WayDyn = False
+wayRTSOnly WayProf = False
+wayRTSOnly WayEventLog = True
+wayDesc :: Way -> String
+wayDesc (WayCustom xs) = xs
+wayDesc WayThreaded = "Threaded"
+wayDesc WayDebug = "Debug"
+wayDesc WayDyn = "Dynamic"
+wayDesc WayProf = "Profiling"
+wayDesc WayEventLog = "RTS Event Logging"
+-- Turn these flags on when enabling this way
+wayGeneralFlags :: Platform -> Way -> [GeneralFlag]
+wayGeneralFlags _ (WayCustom {}) = []
+wayGeneralFlags _ WayThreaded = []
+wayGeneralFlags _ WayDebug = []
+wayGeneralFlags _ WayDyn = [Opt_PIC, Opt_ExternalDynamicRefs]
+ -- We could get away without adding -fPIC when compiling the
+ -- modules of a program that is to be linked with -dynamic; the
+ -- program itself does not need to be position-independent, only
+ -- the libraries need to be. HOWEVER, GHCi links objects into a
+ -- .so before loading the .so using the system linker. Since only
+ -- PIC objects can be linked into a .so, we have to compile even
+ -- modules of the main program with -fPIC when using -dynamic.
+wayGeneralFlags _ WayProf = [Opt_SccProfilingOn]
+wayGeneralFlags _ WayEventLog = []
+-- Turn these flags off when enabling this way
+wayUnsetGeneralFlags :: Platform -> Way -> [GeneralFlag]
+wayUnsetGeneralFlags _ (WayCustom {}) = []
+wayUnsetGeneralFlags _ WayThreaded = []
+wayUnsetGeneralFlags _ WayDebug = []
+wayUnsetGeneralFlags _ WayDyn = [-- There's no point splitting
+ -- when we're going to be dynamically
+ -- linking. Plus it breaks compilation
+ -- on OSX x86.
+ Opt_SplitSections]
+wayUnsetGeneralFlags _ WayProf = []
+wayUnsetGeneralFlags _ WayEventLog = []
+wayOptc :: Platform -> Way -> [String]
+wayOptc _ (WayCustom {}) = []
+wayOptc platform WayThreaded = case platformOS platform of
+ OSOpenBSD -> ["-pthread"]
+ OSNetBSD -> ["-pthread"]
+ _ -> []
+wayOptc _ WayDebug = []
+wayOptc _ WayDyn = []
+wayOptc _ WayProf = ["-DPROFILING"]
+wayOptc _ WayEventLog = ["-DTRACING"]
+wayOptl :: Platform -> Way -> [String]
+wayOptl _ (WayCustom {}) = []
+wayOptl platform WayThreaded =
+ case platformOS platform of
+ -- N.B. FreeBSD cc throws a warning if we pass -pthread without
+ -- actually using any pthread symbols.
+ OSFreeBSD -> ["-pthread", "-Wno-unused-command-line-argument"]
+ OSOpenBSD -> ["-pthread"]
+ OSNetBSD -> ["-pthread"]
+ _ -> []
+wayOptl _ WayDebug = []
+wayOptl _ WayDyn = []
+wayOptl _ WayProf = []
+wayOptl _ WayEventLog = []
+wayOptP :: Platform -> Way -> [String]
+wayOptP _ (WayCustom {}) = []
+wayOptP _ WayThreaded = []
+wayOptP _ WayDebug = []
+wayOptP _ WayDyn = []
+wayOptP _ WayProf = ["-DPROFILING"]
+wayOptP _ WayEventLog = ["-DTRACING"]
+whenGeneratingDynamicToo :: MonadIO m => DynFlags -> m () -> m ()
+whenGeneratingDynamicToo dflags f = ifGeneratingDynamicToo dflags f (return ())
+ifGeneratingDynamicToo :: MonadIO m => DynFlags -> m a -> m a -> m a
+ifGeneratingDynamicToo dflags f g = generateDynamicTooConditional dflags f g g
+whenCannotGenerateDynamicToo :: MonadIO m => DynFlags -> m () -> m ()
+whenCannotGenerateDynamicToo dflags f
+ = ifCannotGenerateDynamicToo dflags f (return ())
+ifCannotGenerateDynamicToo :: MonadIO m => DynFlags -> m a -> m a -> m a
+ifCannotGenerateDynamicToo dflags f g
+ = generateDynamicTooConditional dflags g f g
+generateDynamicTooConditional :: MonadIO m
+ => DynFlags -> m a -> m a -> m a -> m a
+generateDynamicTooConditional dflags canGen cannotGen notTryingToGen
+ = if gopt Opt_BuildDynamicToo dflags
+ then do let ref = canGenerateDynamicToo dflags
+ b <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
+ if b then canGen else cannotGen
+ else notTryingToGen
+dynamicTooMkDynamicDynFlags :: DynFlags -> DynFlags
+dynamicTooMkDynamicDynFlags dflags0
+ = let dflags1 = addWay' WayDyn dflags0
+ dflags2 = dflags1 {
+ outputFile = dynOutputFile dflags1,
+ hiSuf = dynHiSuf dflags1,
+ objectSuf = dynObjectSuf dflags1
+ }
+ dflags3 = updateWays dflags2
+ dflags4 = gopt_unset dflags3 Opt_BuildDynamicToo
+ in dflags4
+-- | Compute the path of the dynamic object corresponding to an object file.
+dynamicOutputFile :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> FilePath
+dynamicOutputFile dflags outputFile = dynOut outputFile
+ where
+ dynOut = flip addExtension (dynObjectSuf dflags) . dropExtension
+-- | Used by 'GHC.runGhc' to partially initialize a new 'DynFlags' value
+initDynFlags :: DynFlags -> IO DynFlags
+initDynFlags dflags = do
+ let -- We can't build with dynamic-too on Windows, as labels before
+ -- the fork point are different depending on whether we are
+ -- building dynamically or not.
+ platformCanGenerateDynamicToo
+ = platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) /= OSMinGW32
+ refCanGenerateDynamicToo <- newIORef platformCanGenerateDynamicToo
+ refNextTempSuffix <- newIORef 0
+ refFilesToClean <- newIORef emptyFilesToClean
+ refDirsToClean <- newIORef Map.empty
+ refGeneratedDumps <- newIORef Set.empty
+ refRtldInfo <- newIORef Nothing
+ refRtccInfo <- newIORef Nothing
+ wrapperNum <- newIORef emptyModuleEnv
+ canUseUnicode <- do let enc = localeEncoding
+ str = "‘’"
+ (withCString enc str $ \cstr ->
+ do str' <- peekCString enc cstr
+ return (str == str'))
+ `catchIOError` \_ -> return False
+ ghcNoUnicodeEnv <- lookupEnv "GHC_NO_UNICODE"
+ let useUnicode' = isNothing ghcNoUnicodeEnv && canUseUnicode
+ canUseColor <- stderrSupportsAnsiColors
+ maybeGhcColorsEnv <- lookupEnv "GHC_COLORS"
+ maybeGhcColoursEnv <- lookupEnv "GHC_COLOURS"
+ let adjustCols (Just env) = Col.parseScheme env
+ adjustCols Nothing = id
+ let (useColor', colScheme') =
+ (adjustCols maybeGhcColoursEnv . adjustCols maybeGhcColorsEnv)
+ (useColor dflags, colScheme dflags)
+ return dflags{
+ canGenerateDynamicToo = refCanGenerateDynamicToo,
+ nextTempSuffix = refNextTempSuffix,
+ filesToClean = refFilesToClean,
+ dirsToClean = refDirsToClean,
+ generatedDumps = refGeneratedDumps,
+ nextWrapperNum = wrapperNum,
+ useUnicode = useUnicode',
+ useColor = useColor',
+ canUseColor = canUseColor,
+ colScheme = colScheme',
+ rtldInfo = refRtldInfo,
+ rtccInfo = refRtccInfo
+ }
+-- | The normal 'DynFlags'. Note that they are not suitable for use in this form
+-- and must be fully initialized by 'GHC.runGhc' first.
+defaultDynFlags :: Settings -> LlvmConfig -> DynFlags
+defaultDynFlags mySettings llvmConfig =
+-- See Note [Updating flag description in the User's Guide]
+ DynFlags {
+ ghcMode = CompManager,
+ ghcLink = LinkBinary,
+ hscTarget = defaultHscTarget (sTargetPlatform mySettings) (sPlatformMisc mySettings),
+ integerLibrary = sIntegerLibraryType mySettings,
+ verbosity = 0,
+ optLevel = 0,
+ debugLevel = 0,
+ simplPhases = 2,
+ maxSimplIterations = 4,
+ ruleCheck = Nothing,
+ inlineCheck = Nothing,
+ binBlobThreshold = 500000, -- 500K is a good default (see #16190)
+ maxRelevantBinds = Just 6,
+ maxValidHoleFits = Just 6,
+ maxRefHoleFits = Just 6,
+ refLevelHoleFits = Nothing,
+ maxUncoveredPatterns = 4,
+ maxPmCheckModels = 30,
+ simplTickFactor = 100,
+ specConstrThreshold = Just 2000,
+ specConstrCount = Just 3,
+ specConstrRecursive = 3,
+ liberateCaseThreshold = Just 2000,
+ floatLamArgs = Just 0, -- Default: float only if no fvs
+ liftLamsRecArgs = Just 5, -- Default: the number of available argument hardware registers on x86_64
+ liftLamsNonRecArgs = Just 5, -- Default: the number of available argument hardware registers on x86_64
+ liftLamsKnown = False, -- Default: don't turn known calls into unknown ones
+ cmmProcAlignment = Nothing,
+ historySize = 20,
+ strictnessBefore = [],
+ parMakeCount = Just 1,
+ enableTimeStats = False,
+ ghcHeapSize = Nothing,
+ importPaths = ["."],
+ mainModIs = mAIN,
+ mainFunIs = Nothing,
+ reductionDepth = treatZeroAsInf mAX_REDUCTION_DEPTH,
+ solverIterations = treatZeroAsInf mAX_SOLVER_ITERATIONS,
+ thisInstalledUnitId = toInstalledUnitId mainUnitId,
+ thisUnitIdInsts_ = Nothing,
+ thisComponentId_ = Nothing,
+ objectDir = Nothing,
+ dylibInstallName = Nothing,
+ hiDir = Nothing,
+ hieDir = Nothing,
+ stubDir = Nothing,
+ dumpDir = Nothing,
+ objectSuf = phaseInputExt StopLn,
+ hcSuf = phaseInputExt HCc,
+ hiSuf = "hi",
+ hieSuf = "hie",
+ canGenerateDynamicToo = panic "defaultDynFlags: No canGenerateDynamicToo",
+ dynObjectSuf = "dyn_" ++ phaseInputExt StopLn,
+ dynHiSuf = "dyn_hi",
+ pluginModNames = [],
+ pluginModNameOpts = [],
+ frontendPluginOpts = [],
+ cachedPlugins = [],
+ staticPlugins = [],
+ hooks = emptyHooks,
+ outputFile = Nothing,
+ dynOutputFile = Nothing,
+ outputHi = Nothing,
+ dynLibLoader = SystemDependent,
+ dumpPrefix = Nothing,
+ dumpPrefixForce = Nothing,
+ ldInputs = [],
+ includePaths = IncludeSpecs [] [],
+ libraryPaths = [],
+ frameworkPaths = [],
+ cmdlineFrameworks = [],
+ rtsOpts = Nothing,
+ rtsOptsEnabled = RtsOptsSafeOnly,
+ rtsOptsSuggestions = True,
+ hpcDir = ".hpc",
+ packageDBFlags = [],
+ packageFlags = [],
+ pluginPackageFlags = [],
+ ignorePackageFlags = [],
+ trustFlags = [],
+ packageEnv = Nothing,
+ pkgDatabase = Nothing,
+ pkgState = emptyPackageState,
+ ways = defaultWays mySettings,
+ buildTag = mkBuildTag (defaultWays mySettings),
+ splitInfo = Nothing,
+ ghcNameVersion = sGhcNameVersion mySettings,
+ fileSettings = sFileSettings mySettings,
+ toolSettings = sToolSettings mySettings,
+ targetPlatform = sTargetPlatform mySettings,
+ platformMisc = sPlatformMisc mySettings,
+ platformConstants = sPlatformConstants mySettings,
+ rawSettings = sRawSettings mySettings,
+ -- See Note [LLVM configuration].
+ llvmConfig = llvmConfig,
+ -- ghc -M values
+ depMakefile = "Makefile",
+ depIncludePkgDeps = False,
+ depIncludeCppDeps = False,
+ depExcludeMods = [],
+ depSuffixes = [],
+ -- end of ghc -M values
+ nextTempSuffix = panic "defaultDynFlags: No nextTempSuffix",
+ filesToClean = panic "defaultDynFlags: No filesToClean",
+ dirsToClean = panic "defaultDynFlags: No dirsToClean",
+ generatedDumps = panic "defaultDynFlags: No generatedDumps",
+ ghcVersionFile = Nothing,
+ haddockOptions = Nothing,
+ dumpFlags = EnumSet.empty,
+ generalFlags = EnumSet.fromList (defaultFlags mySettings),
+ warningFlags = EnumSet.fromList standardWarnings,
+ fatalWarningFlags = EnumSet.empty,
+ ghciScripts = [],
+ language = Nothing,
+ safeHaskell = Sf_None,
+ safeInfer = True,
+ safeInferred = True,
+ thOnLoc = noSrcSpan,
+ newDerivOnLoc = noSrcSpan,
+ overlapInstLoc = noSrcSpan,
+ incoherentOnLoc = noSrcSpan,
+ pkgTrustOnLoc = noSrcSpan,
+ warnSafeOnLoc = noSrcSpan,
+ warnUnsafeOnLoc = noSrcSpan,
+ trustworthyOnLoc = noSrcSpan,
+ extensions = [],
+ extensionFlags = flattenExtensionFlags Nothing [],
+ -- The ufCreationThreshold threshold must be reasonably high to
+ -- take account of possible discounts.
+ -- E.g. 450 is not enough in 'fulsom' for Interval.sqr to inline
+ -- into Csg.calc (The unfolding for sqr never makes it into the
+ -- interface file.)
+ ufCreationThreshold = 750,
+ ufUseThreshold = 60,
+ ufFunAppDiscount = 60,
+ -- Be fairly keen to inline a function if that means
+ -- we'll be able to pick the right method from a dictionary
+ ufDictDiscount = 30,
+ ufKeenessFactor = 1.5,
+ ufDearOp = 40,
+ ufVeryAggressive = False,
+ maxWorkerArgs = 10,
+ ghciHistSize = 50, -- keep a log of length 50 by default
+ -- Logging
+ log_action = defaultLogAction,
+ dump_action = defaultDumpAction,
+ trace_action = defaultTraceAction,
+ flushOut = defaultFlushOut,
+ flushErr = defaultFlushErr,
+ pprUserLength = 5,
+ pprCols = 100,
+ useUnicode = False,
+ useColor = Auto,
+ canUseColor = False,
+ colScheme = Col.defaultScheme,
+ profAuto = NoProfAuto,
+ interactivePrint = Nothing,
+ nextWrapperNum = panic "defaultDynFlags: No nextWrapperNum",
+ sseVersion = Nothing,
+ bmiVersion = Nothing,
+ avx = False,
+ avx2 = False,
+ avx512cd = False,
+ avx512er = False,
+ avx512f = False,
+ avx512pf = False,
+ rtldInfo = panic "defaultDynFlags: no rtldInfo",
+ rtccInfo = panic "defaultDynFlags: no rtccInfo",
+ maxInlineAllocSize = 128,
+ maxInlineMemcpyInsns = 32,
+ maxInlineMemsetInsns = 32,
+ initialUnique = 0,
+ uniqueIncrement = 1,
+ reverseErrors = False,
+ maxErrors = Nothing,
+ cfgWeightInfo = defaultCfgWeights
+ }
+defaultWays :: Settings -> [Way]
+defaultWays settings = if pc_DYNAMIC_BY_DEFAULT (sPlatformConstants settings)
+ then [WayDyn]
+ else []
+interpWays :: [Way]
+ | dynamicGhc = [WayDyn]
+ | rtsIsProfiled = [WayProf]
+ | otherwise = []
+interpreterProfiled :: DynFlags -> Bool
+interpreterProfiled dflags
+ | gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter dflags = gopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags
+ | otherwise = rtsIsProfiled
+interpreterDynamic :: DynFlags -> Bool
+interpreterDynamic dflags
+ | gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter dflags = WayDyn `elem` ways dflags
+ | otherwise = dynamicGhc
+-- Note [JSON Error Messages]
+-- When the user requests the compiler output to be dumped as json
+-- we used to collect them all in an IORef and then print them at the end.
+-- This doesn't work very well with GHCi. (See #14078) So instead we now
+-- use the simpler method of just outputting a JSON document inplace to
+-- stdout.
+-- Before the compiler calls log_action, it has already turned the `ErrMsg`
+-- into a formatted message. This means that we lose some possible
+-- information to provide to the user but refactoring log_action is quite
+-- invasive as it is called in many places. So, for now I left it alone
+-- and we can refine its behaviour as users request different output.
+type FatalMessager = String -> IO ()
+type LogAction = DynFlags
+ -> WarnReason
+ -> Severity
+ -> SrcSpan
+ -> PprStyle
+ -> MsgDoc
+ -> IO ()
+defaultFatalMessager :: FatalMessager
+defaultFatalMessager = hPutStrLn stderr
+-- See Note [JSON Error Messages]
+jsonLogAction :: LogAction
+jsonLogAction dflags reason severity srcSpan _style msg
+ = do
+ defaultLogActionHPutStrDoc dflags stdout (doc $$ text "")
+ (mkCodeStyle CStyle)
+ where
+ doc = renderJSON $
+ JSObject [ ( "span", json srcSpan )
+ , ( "doc" , JSString (showSDoc dflags msg) )
+ , ( "severity", json severity )
+ , ( "reason" , json reason )
+ ]
+defaultLogAction :: LogAction
+defaultLogAction dflags reason severity srcSpan style msg
+ = case severity of
+ SevOutput -> printOut msg style
+ SevDump -> printOut (msg $$ blankLine) style
+ SevInteractive -> putStrSDoc msg style
+ SevInfo -> printErrs msg style
+ SevFatal -> printErrs msg style
+ SevWarning -> printWarns
+ SevError -> printWarns
+ where
+ printOut = defaultLogActionHPrintDoc dflags stdout
+ printErrs = defaultLogActionHPrintDoc dflags stderr
+ putStrSDoc = defaultLogActionHPutStrDoc dflags stdout
+ -- Pretty print the warning flag, if any (#10752)
+ message = mkLocMessageAnn flagMsg severity srcSpan msg
+ printWarns = do
+ hPutChar stderr '\n'
+ caretDiagnostic <-
+ if gopt Opt_DiagnosticsShowCaret dflags
+ then getCaretDiagnostic severity srcSpan
+ else pure empty
+ printErrs (message $+$ caretDiagnostic)
+ (setStyleColoured True style)
+ -- careful (#2302): printErrs prints in UTF-8,
+ -- whereas converting to string first and using
+ -- hPutStr would just emit the low 8 bits of
+ -- each unicode char.
+ flagMsg =
+ case reason of
+ NoReason -> Nothing
+ Reason wflag -> do
+ spec <- flagSpecOf wflag
+ return ("-W" ++ flagSpecName spec ++ warnFlagGrp wflag)
+ ErrReason Nothing ->
+ return "-Werror"
+ ErrReason (Just wflag) -> do
+ spec <- flagSpecOf wflag
+ return $
+ "-W" ++ flagSpecName spec ++ warnFlagGrp wflag ++
+ ", -Werror=" ++ flagSpecName spec
+ warnFlagGrp flag
+ | gopt Opt_ShowWarnGroups dflags =
+ case smallestGroups flag of
+ [] -> ""
+ groups -> " (in " ++ intercalate ", " (map ("-W"++) groups) ++ ")"
+ | otherwise = ""
+-- | Like 'defaultLogActionHPutStrDoc' but appends an extra newline.
+defaultLogActionHPrintDoc :: DynFlags -> Handle -> SDoc -> PprStyle -> IO ()
+defaultLogActionHPrintDoc dflags h d sty
+ = defaultLogActionHPutStrDoc dflags h (d $$ text "") sty
+defaultLogActionHPutStrDoc :: DynFlags -> Handle -> SDoc -> PprStyle -> IO ()
+defaultLogActionHPutStrDoc dflags h d sty
+ -- Don't add a newline at the end, so that successive
+ -- calls to this log-action can output all on the same line
+ = printSDoc Pretty.PageMode dflags h sty d
+newtype FlushOut = FlushOut (IO ())
+defaultFlushOut :: FlushOut
+defaultFlushOut = FlushOut $ hFlush stdout
+newtype FlushErr = FlushErr (IO ())
+defaultFlushErr :: FlushErr
+defaultFlushErr = FlushErr $ hFlush stderr
+Note [Verbosity levels]
+ 0 | print errors & warnings only
+ 1 | minimal verbosity: print "compiling M ... done." for each module.
+ 2 | equivalent to -dshow-passes
+ 3 | equivalent to existing "ghc -v"
+ 4 | "ghc -v -ddump-most"
+ 5 | "ghc -v -ddump-all"
+data OnOff a = On a
+ | Off a
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance Outputable a => Outputable (OnOff a) where
+ ppr (On x) = text "On" <+> ppr x
+ ppr (Off x) = text "Off" <+> ppr x
+-- OnOffs accumulate in reverse order, so we use foldr in order to
+-- process them in the right order
+flattenExtensionFlags :: Maybe Language -> [OnOff LangExt.Extension] -> EnumSet LangExt.Extension
+flattenExtensionFlags ml = foldr f defaultExtensionFlags
+ where f (On f) flags = EnumSet.insert f flags
+ f (Off f) flags = EnumSet.delete f flags
+ defaultExtensionFlags = EnumSet.fromList (languageExtensions ml)
+-- | The language extensions implied by the various language variants.
+-- When updating this be sure to update the flag documentation in
+-- @docs/users-guide/glasgow_exts.rst@.
+languageExtensions :: Maybe Language -> [LangExt.Extension]
+languageExtensions Nothing
+ -- Nothing => the default case
+ = LangExt.NondecreasingIndentation -- This has been on by default for some time
+ : delete LangExt.DatatypeContexts -- The Haskell' committee decided to
+ -- remove datatype contexts from the
+ -- language:
+ --
+ (languageExtensions (Just Haskell2010))
+ -- NB: MonoPatBinds is no longer the default
+languageExtensions (Just Haskell98)
+ = [LangExt.ImplicitPrelude,
+ -- See Note [When is StarIsType enabled]
+ LangExt.StarIsType,
+ LangExt.CUSKs,
+ LangExt.MonomorphismRestriction,
+ LangExt.NPlusKPatterns,
+ LangExt.DatatypeContexts,
+ LangExt.TraditionalRecordSyntax,
+ LangExt.NondecreasingIndentation
+ -- strictly speaking non-standard, but we always had this
+ -- on implicitly before the option was added in 7.1, and
+ -- turning it off breaks code, so we're keeping it on for
+ -- backwards compatibility. Cabal uses -XHaskell98 by
+ -- default unless you specify another language.
+ ]
+languageExtensions (Just Haskell2010)
+ = [LangExt.ImplicitPrelude,
+ -- See Note [When is StarIsType enabled]
+ LangExt.StarIsType,
+ LangExt.CUSKs,
+ LangExt.MonomorphismRestriction,
+ LangExt.DatatypeContexts,
+ LangExt.TraditionalRecordSyntax,
+ LangExt.EmptyDataDecls,
+ LangExt.ForeignFunctionInterface,
+ LangExt.PatternGuards,
+ LangExt.DoAndIfThenElse,
+ LangExt.RelaxedPolyRec]
+hasPprDebug :: DynFlags -> Bool
+hasPprDebug = dopt Opt_D_ppr_debug
+hasNoDebugOutput :: DynFlags -> Bool
+hasNoDebugOutput = dopt Opt_D_no_debug_output
+hasNoStateHack :: DynFlags -> Bool
+hasNoStateHack = gopt Opt_G_NoStateHack
+hasNoOptCoercion :: DynFlags -> Bool
+hasNoOptCoercion = gopt Opt_G_NoOptCoercion
+-- | Test whether a 'DumpFlag' is set
+dopt :: DumpFlag -> DynFlags -> Bool
+dopt f dflags = (f `EnumSet.member` dumpFlags dflags)
+ || (verbosity dflags >= 4 && enableIfVerbose f)
+ where enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_tc_trace = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_rn_trace = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_cs_trace = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_if_trace = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_vt_trace = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_tc = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_rn = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_rn_stats = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_verbose_core2core = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_verbose_stg2stg = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_splices = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_th_dec_file = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_rule_firings = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_rule_rewrites = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_simpl_trace = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_rtti = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_inlinings = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_core_stats = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_asm_stats = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_types = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_ticked = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_view_pattern_commoning = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_mod_cycles = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_mod_map = False
+ enableIfVerbose Opt_D_dump_ec_trace = False
+ enableIfVerbose _ = True
+-- | Set a 'DumpFlag'
+dopt_set :: DynFlags -> DumpFlag -> DynFlags
+dopt_set dfs f = dfs{ dumpFlags = EnumSet.insert f (dumpFlags dfs) }
+-- | Unset a 'DumpFlag'
+dopt_unset :: DynFlags -> DumpFlag -> DynFlags
+dopt_unset dfs f = dfs{ dumpFlags = EnumSet.delete f (dumpFlags dfs) }
+-- | Test whether a 'GeneralFlag' is set
+gopt :: GeneralFlag -> DynFlags -> Bool
+gopt f dflags = f `EnumSet.member` generalFlags dflags
+-- | Set a 'GeneralFlag'
+gopt_set :: DynFlags -> GeneralFlag -> DynFlags
+gopt_set dfs f = dfs{ generalFlags = EnumSet.insert f (generalFlags dfs) }
+-- | Unset a 'GeneralFlag'
+gopt_unset :: DynFlags -> GeneralFlag -> DynFlags
+gopt_unset dfs f = dfs{ generalFlags = EnumSet.delete f (generalFlags dfs) }
+-- | Test whether a 'WarningFlag' is set
+wopt :: WarningFlag -> DynFlags -> Bool
+wopt f dflags = f `EnumSet.member` warningFlags dflags
+-- | Set a 'WarningFlag'
+wopt_set :: DynFlags -> WarningFlag -> DynFlags
+wopt_set dfs f = dfs{ warningFlags = EnumSet.insert f (warningFlags dfs) }
+-- | Unset a 'WarningFlag'
+wopt_unset :: DynFlags -> WarningFlag -> DynFlags
+wopt_unset dfs f = dfs{ warningFlags = EnumSet.delete f (warningFlags dfs) }
+-- | Test whether a 'WarningFlag' is set as fatal
+wopt_fatal :: WarningFlag -> DynFlags -> Bool
+wopt_fatal f dflags = f `EnumSet.member` fatalWarningFlags dflags
+-- | Mark a 'WarningFlag' as fatal (do not set the flag)
+wopt_set_fatal :: DynFlags -> WarningFlag -> DynFlags
+wopt_set_fatal dfs f
+ = dfs { fatalWarningFlags = EnumSet.insert f (fatalWarningFlags dfs) }
+-- | Mark a 'WarningFlag' as not fatal
+wopt_unset_fatal :: DynFlags -> WarningFlag -> DynFlags
+wopt_unset_fatal dfs f
+ = dfs { fatalWarningFlags = EnumSet.delete f (fatalWarningFlags dfs) }
+-- | Test whether a 'LangExt.Extension' is set
+xopt :: LangExt.Extension -> DynFlags -> Bool
+xopt f dflags = f `EnumSet.member` extensionFlags dflags
+-- | Set a 'LangExt.Extension'
+xopt_set :: DynFlags -> LangExt.Extension -> DynFlags
+xopt_set dfs f
+ = let onoffs = On f : extensions dfs
+ in dfs { extensions = onoffs,
+ extensionFlags = flattenExtensionFlags (language dfs) onoffs }
+-- | Unset a 'LangExt.Extension'
+xopt_unset :: DynFlags -> LangExt.Extension -> DynFlags
+xopt_unset dfs f
+ = let onoffs = Off f : extensions dfs
+ in dfs { extensions = onoffs,
+ extensionFlags = flattenExtensionFlags (language dfs) onoffs }
+-- | Set or unset a 'LangExt.Extension', unless it has been explicitly
+-- set or unset before.
+ :: LangExt.Extension
+ -> (DynFlags -> LangExt.Extension -> DynFlags)
+ -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+xopt_set_unlessExplSpec ext setUnset dflags =
+ let referedExts = stripOnOff <$> extensions dflags
+ stripOnOff (On x) = x
+ stripOnOff (Off x) = x
+ in
+ if ext `elem` referedExts then dflags else setUnset dflags ext
+lang_set :: DynFlags -> Maybe Language -> DynFlags
+lang_set dflags lang =
+ dflags {
+ language = lang,
+ extensionFlags = flattenExtensionFlags lang (extensions dflags)
+ }
+-- | Set the Haskell language standard to use
+setLanguage :: Language -> DynP ()
+setLanguage l = upd (`lang_set` Just l)
+-- | Some modules have dependencies on others through the DynFlags rather than textual imports
+dynFlagDependencies :: DynFlags -> [ModuleName]
+dynFlagDependencies = pluginModNames
+-- | Is the -fpackage-trust mode on
+packageTrustOn :: DynFlags -> Bool
+packageTrustOn = gopt Opt_PackageTrust
+-- | Is Safe Haskell on in some way (including inference mode)
+safeHaskellOn :: DynFlags -> Bool
+safeHaskellOn dflags = safeHaskellModeEnabled dflags || safeInferOn dflags
+safeHaskellModeEnabled :: DynFlags -> Bool
+safeHaskellModeEnabled dflags = safeHaskell dflags `elem` [Sf_Unsafe, Sf_Trustworthy
+ , Sf_Safe ]
+-- | Is the Safe Haskell safe language in use
+safeLanguageOn :: DynFlags -> Bool
+safeLanguageOn dflags = safeHaskell dflags == Sf_Safe
+-- | Is the Safe Haskell safe inference mode active
+safeInferOn :: DynFlags -> Bool
+safeInferOn = safeInfer
+-- | Test if Safe Imports are on in some form
+safeImportsOn :: DynFlags -> Bool
+safeImportsOn dflags = safeHaskell dflags == Sf_Unsafe ||
+ safeHaskell dflags == Sf_Trustworthy ||
+ safeHaskell dflags == Sf_Safe
+-- | Set a 'Safe Haskell' flag
+setSafeHaskell :: SafeHaskellMode -> DynP ()
+setSafeHaskell s = updM f
+ where f dfs = do
+ let sf = safeHaskell dfs
+ safeM <- combineSafeFlags sf s
+ case s of
+ Sf_Safe -> return $ dfs { safeHaskell = safeM, safeInfer = False }
+ -- leave safe inferrence on in Trustworthy mode so we can warn
+ -- if it could have been inferred safe.
+ Sf_Trustworthy -> do
+ l <- getCurLoc
+ return $ dfs { safeHaskell = safeM, trustworthyOnLoc = l }
+ -- leave safe inference on in Unsafe mode as well.
+ _ -> return $ dfs { safeHaskell = safeM }
+-- | Are all direct imports required to be safe for this Safe Haskell mode?
+-- Direct imports are when the code explicitly imports a module
+safeDirectImpsReq :: DynFlags -> Bool
+safeDirectImpsReq d = safeLanguageOn d
+-- | Are all implicit imports required to be safe for this Safe Haskell mode?
+-- Implicit imports are things in the prelude. e.g System.IO when print is used.
+safeImplicitImpsReq :: DynFlags -> Bool
+safeImplicitImpsReq d = safeLanguageOn d
+-- | Combine two Safe Haskell modes correctly. Used for dealing with multiple flags.
+-- This makes Safe Haskell very much a monoid but for now I prefer this as I don't
+-- want to export this functionality from the module but do want to export the
+-- type constructors.
+combineSafeFlags :: SafeHaskellMode -> SafeHaskellMode -> DynP SafeHaskellMode
+combineSafeFlags a b | a == Sf_None = return b
+ | b == Sf_None = return a
+ | a == Sf_Ignore || b == Sf_Ignore = return Sf_Ignore
+ | a == b = return a
+ | otherwise = addErr errm >> pure a
+ where errm = "Incompatible Safe Haskell flags! ("
+ ++ show a ++ ", " ++ show b ++ ")"
+-- | A list of unsafe flags under Safe Haskell. Tuple elements are:
+-- * name of the flag
+-- * function to get srcspan that enabled the flag
+-- * function to test if the flag is on
+-- * function to turn the flag off
+unsafeFlags, unsafeFlagsForInfer
+ :: [(String, DynFlags -> SrcSpan, DynFlags -> Bool, DynFlags -> DynFlags)]
+unsafeFlags = [ ("-XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving", newDerivOnLoc,
+ xopt LangExt.GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
+ flip xopt_unset LangExt.GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving)
+ , ("-XTemplateHaskell", thOnLoc,
+ xopt LangExt.TemplateHaskell,
+ flip xopt_unset LangExt.TemplateHaskell)
+ ]
+unsafeFlagsForInfer = unsafeFlags
+-- | Retrieve the options corresponding to a particular @opt_*@ field in the correct order
+getOpts :: DynFlags -- ^ 'DynFlags' to retrieve the options from
+ -> (DynFlags -> [a]) -- ^ Relevant record accessor: one of the @opt_*@ accessors
+ -> [a] -- ^ Correctly ordered extracted options
+getOpts dflags opts = reverse (opts dflags)
+ -- We add to the options from the front, so we need to reverse the list
+-- | Gets the verbosity flag for the current verbosity level. This is fed to
+-- other tools, so GHC-specific verbosity flags like @-ddump-most@ are not included
+getVerbFlags :: DynFlags -> [String]
+getVerbFlags dflags
+ | verbosity dflags >= 4 = ["-v"]
+ | otherwise = []
+setObjectDir, setHiDir, setHieDir, setStubDir, setDumpDir, setOutputDir,
+ setDynObjectSuf, setDynHiSuf,
+ setDylibInstallName,
+ setObjectSuf, setHiSuf, setHieSuf, setHcSuf, parseDynLibLoaderMode,
+ setPgmP, addOptl, addOptc, addOptcxx, addOptP,
+ addCmdlineFramework, addHaddockOpts, addGhciScript,
+ setInteractivePrint
+ :: String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+setOutputFile, setDynOutputFile, setOutputHi, setDumpPrefixForce
+ :: Maybe String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+setObjectDir f d = d { objectDir = Just f}
+setHiDir f d = d { hiDir = Just f}
+setHieDir f d = d { hieDir = Just f}
+setStubDir f d = d { stubDir = Just f
+ , includePaths = addGlobalInclude (includePaths d) [f] }
+ -- -stubdir D adds an implicit -I D, so that gcc can find the _stub.h file
+ -- \#included from the .hc file when compiling via C (i.e. unregisterised
+ -- builds).
+setDumpDir f d = d { dumpDir = Just f}
+setOutputDir f = setObjectDir f
+ . setHieDir f
+ . setHiDir f
+ . setStubDir f
+ . setDumpDir f
+setDylibInstallName f d = d { dylibInstallName = Just f}
+setObjectSuf f d = d { objectSuf = f}
+setDynObjectSuf f d = d { dynObjectSuf = f}
+setHiSuf f d = d { hiSuf = f}
+setHieSuf f d = d { hieSuf = f}
+setDynHiSuf f d = d { dynHiSuf = f}
+setHcSuf f d = d { hcSuf = f}
+setOutputFile f d = d { outputFile = f}
+setDynOutputFile f d = d { dynOutputFile = f}
+setOutputHi f d = d { outputHi = f}
+setJsonLogAction :: DynFlags -> DynFlags
+setJsonLogAction d = d { log_action = jsonLogAction }
+thisComponentId :: DynFlags -> ComponentId
+thisComponentId dflags =
+ case thisComponentId_ dflags of
+ Just cid -> cid
+ Nothing ->
+ case thisUnitIdInsts_ dflags of
+ Just _ ->
+ throwGhcException $ CmdLineError ("Use of -instantiated-with requires -this-component-id")
+ Nothing -> ComponentId (unitIdFS (thisPackage dflags))
+thisUnitIdInsts :: DynFlags -> [(ModuleName, Module)]
+thisUnitIdInsts dflags =
+ case thisUnitIdInsts_ dflags of
+ Just insts -> insts
+ Nothing -> []
+thisPackage :: DynFlags -> UnitId
+thisPackage dflags =
+ case thisUnitIdInsts_ dflags of
+ Nothing -> default_uid
+ Just insts
+ | all (\(x,y) -> mkHoleModule x == y) insts
+ -> newUnitId (thisComponentId dflags) insts
+ | otherwise
+ -> default_uid
+ where
+ default_uid = DefiniteUnitId (DefUnitId (thisInstalledUnitId dflags))
+parseUnitIdInsts :: String -> [(ModuleName, Module)]
+parseUnitIdInsts str = case filter ((=="").snd) (readP_to_S parse str) of
+ [(r, "")] -> r
+ _ -> throwGhcException $ CmdLineError ("Can't parse -instantiated-with: " ++ str)
+ where parse = sepBy parseEntry (R.char ',')
+ parseEntry = do
+ n <- parseModuleName
+ _ <- R.char '='
+ m <- parseModuleId
+ return (n, m)
+setUnitIdInsts :: String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+setUnitIdInsts s d =
+ d { thisUnitIdInsts_ = Just (parseUnitIdInsts s) }
+setComponentId :: String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+setComponentId s d =
+ d { thisComponentId_ = Just (ComponentId (fsLit s)) }
+addPluginModuleName :: String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+addPluginModuleName name d = d { pluginModNames = (mkModuleName name) : (pluginModNames d) }
+clearPluginModuleNames :: DynFlags -> DynFlags
+clearPluginModuleNames d =
+ d { pluginModNames = []
+ , pluginModNameOpts = []
+ , cachedPlugins = [] }
+addPluginModuleNameOption :: String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+addPluginModuleNameOption optflag d = d { pluginModNameOpts = (mkModuleName m, option) : (pluginModNameOpts d) }
+ where (m, rest) = break (== ':') optflag
+ option = case rest of
+ [] -> "" -- should probably signal an error
+ (_:plug_opt) -> plug_opt -- ignore the ':' from break
+addFrontendPluginOption :: String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+addFrontendPluginOption s d = d { frontendPluginOpts = s : frontendPluginOpts d }
+parseDynLibLoaderMode f d =
+ case splitAt 8 f of
+ ("deploy", "") -> d { dynLibLoader = Deployable }
+ ("sysdep", "") -> d { dynLibLoader = SystemDependent }
+ _ -> throwGhcException (CmdLineError ("Unknown dynlib loader: " ++ f))
+setDumpPrefixForce f d = d { dumpPrefixForce = f}
+-- XXX HACK: Prelude> words "'does not' work" ===> ["'does","not'","work"]
+-- Config.hs should really use Option.
+setPgmP f = alterToolSettings (\s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_P = (pgm, map Option args)})
+ where (pgm:args) = words f
+addOptl f = alterToolSettings (\s -> s { toolSettings_opt_l = f : toolSettings_opt_l s})
+addOptc f = alterToolSettings (\s -> s { toolSettings_opt_c = f : toolSettings_opt_c s})
+addOptcxx f = alterToolSettings (\s -> s { toolSettings_opt_cxx = f : toolSettings_opt_cxx s})
+addOptP f = alterToolSettings $ \s -> s
+ { toolSettings_opt_P = f : toolSettings_opt_P s
+ , toolSettings_opt_P_fingerprint = fingerprintStrings (f : toolSettings_opt_P s)
+ }
+ -- See Note [Repeated -optP hashing]
+ where
+ fingerprintStrings ss = fingerprintFingerprints $ map fingerprintString ss
+setDepMakefile :: FilePath -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+setDepMakefile f d = d { depMakefile = f }
+setDepIncludeCppDeps :: Bool -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+setDepIncludeCppDeps b d = d { depIncludeCppDeps = b }
+setDepIncludePkgDeps :: Bool -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+setDepIncludePkgDeps b d = d { depIncludePkgDeps = b }
+addDepExcludeMod :: String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+addDepExcludeMod m d
+ = d { depExcludeMods = mkModuleName m : depExcludeMods d }
+addDepSuffix :: FilePath -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+addDepSuffix s d = d { depSuffixes = s : depSuffixes d }
+addCmdlineFramework f d = d { cmdlineFrameworks = f : cmdlineFrameworks d}
+addGhcVersionFile :: FilePath -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+addGhcVersionFile f d = d { ghcVersionFile = Just f }
+addHaddockOpts f d = d { haddockOptions = Just f}
+addGhciScript f d = d { ghciScripts = f : ghciScripts d}
+setInteractivePrint f d = d { interactivePrint = Just f}
+-- Setting the optimisation level
+updOptLevel :: Int -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+-- ^ Sets the 'DynFlags' to be appropriate to the optimisation level
+updOptLevel n dfs
+ = dfs2{ optLevel = final_n }
+ where
+ final_n = max 0 (min 2 n) -- Clamp to 0 <= n <= 2
+ dfs1 = foldr (flip gopt_unset) dfs remove_gopts
+ dfs2 = foldr (flip gopt_set) dfs1 extra_gopts
+ extra_gopts = [ f | (ns,f) <- optLevelFlags, final_n `elem` ns ]
+ remove_gopts = [ f | (ns,f) <- optLevelFlags, final_n `notElem` ns ]
+{- **********************************************************************
+%* *
+ DynFlags parser
+%* *
+%********************************************************************* -}
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Parsing the dynamic flags.
+-- | Parse dynamic flags from a list of command line arguments. Returns
+-- the parsed 'DynFlags', the left-over arguments, and a list of warnings.
+-- Throws a 'UsageError' if errors occurred during parsing (such as unknown
+-- flags or missing arguments).
+parseDynamicFlagsCmdLine :: MonadIO m => DynFlags -> [Located String]
+ -> m (DynFlags, [Located String], [Warn])
+ -- ^ Updated 'DynFlags', left-over arguments, and
+ -- list of warnings.
+parseDynamicFlagsCmdLine = parseDynamicFlagsFull flagsAll True
+-- | Like 'parseDynamicFlagsCmdLine' but does not allow the package flags
+-- (-package, -hide-package, -ignore-package, -hide-all-packages, -package-db).
+-- Used to parse flags set in a modules pragma.
+parseDynamicFilePragma :: MonadIO m => DynFlags -> [Located String]
+ -> m (DynFlags, [Located String], [Warn])
+ -- ^ Updated 'DynFlags', left-over arguments, and
+ -- list of warnings.
+parseDynamicFilePragma = parseDynamicFlagsFull flagsDynamic False
+-- | Parses the dynamically set flags for GHC. This is the most general form of
+-- the dynamic flag parser that the other methods simply wrap. It allows
+-- saying which flags are valid flags and indicating if we are parsing
+-- arguments from the command line or from a file pragma.
+parseDynamicFlagsFull :: MonadIO m
+ => [Flag (CmdLineP DynFlags)] -- ^ valid flags to match against
+ -> Bool -- ^ are the arguments from the command line?
+ -> DynFlags -- ^ current dynamic flags
+ -> [Located String] -- ^ arguments to parse
+ -> m (DynFlags, [Located String], [Warn])
+parseDynamicFlagsFull activeFlags cmdline dflags0 args = do
+ let ((leftover, errs, warns), dflags1)
+ = runCmdLine (processArgs activeFlags args) dflags0
+ -- See Note [Handling errors when parsing commandline flags]
+ unless (null errs) $ liftIO $ throwGhcExceptionIO $ errorsToGhcException $
+ map ((showPpr dflags0 . getLoc &&& unLoc) . errMsg) $ errs
+ -- check for disabled flags in safe haskell
+ let (dflags2, sh_warns) = safeFlagCheck cmdline dflags1
+ dflags3 = updateWays dflags2
+ theWays = ways dflags3
+ unless (allowed_combination theWays) $ liftIO $
+ throwGhcExceptionIO (CmdLineError ("combination not supported: " ++
+ intercalate "/" (map wayDesc theWays)))
+ let chooseOutput
+ | isJust (outputFile dflags3) -- Only iff user specified -o ...
+ , not (isJust (dynOutputFile dflags3)) -- but not -dyno
+ = return $ dflags3 { dynOutputFile = Just $ dynamicOutputFile dflags3 outFile }
+ | otherwise
+ = return dflags3
+ where
+ outFile = fromJust $ outputFile dflags3
+ dflags4 <- ifGeneratingDynamicToo dflags3 chooseOutput (return dflags3)
+ let (dflags5, consistency_warnings) = makeDynFlagsConsistent dflags4
+ -- Set timer stats & heap size
+ when (enableTimeStats dflags5) $ liftIO enableTimingStats
+ case (ghcHeapSize dflags5) of
+ Just x -> liftIO (setHeapSize x)
+ _ -> return ()
+ liftIO $ setUnsafeGlobalDynFlags dflags5
+ let warns' = map (Warn Cmd.NoReason) (consistency_warnings ++ sh_warns)
+ return (dflags5, leftover, warns' ++ warns)
+-- | Write an error or warning to the 'LogOutput'.
+putLogMsg :: DynFlags -> WarnReason -> Severity -> SrcSpan -> PprStyle
+ -> MsgDoc -> IO ()
+putLogMsg dflags = log_action dflags dflags
+updateWays :: DynFlags -> DynFlags
+updateWays dflags
+ = let theWays = sort $ nub $ ways dflags
+ in dflags {
+ ways = theWays,
+ buildTag = mkBuildTag (filter (not . wayRTSOnly) theWays)
+ }
+-- | Check (and potentially disable) any extensions that aren't allowed
+-- in safe mode.
+-- The bool is to indicate if we are parsing command line flags (false means
+-- file pragma). This allows us to generate better warnings.
+safeFlagCheck :: Bool -> DynFlags -> (DynFlags, [Located String])
+safeFlagCheck _ dflags | safeLanguageOn dflags = (dflagsUnset, warns)
+ where
+ -- Handle illegal flags under safe language.
+ (dflagsUnset, warns) = foldl' check_method (dflags, []) unsafeFlags
+ check_method (df, warns) (str,loc,test,fix)
+ | test df = (fix df, warns ++ safeFailure (loc df) str)
+ | otherwise = (df, warns)
+ safeFailure loc str
+ = [L loc $ str ++ " is not allowed in Safe Haskell; ignoring "
+ ++ str]
+safeFlagCheck cmdl dflags =
+ case (safeInferOn dflags) of
+ True | safeFlags -> (dflags', warn)
+ True -> (dflags' { safeInferred = False }, warn)
+ False -> (dflags', warn)
+ where
+ -- dynflags and warn for when -fpackage-trust by itself with no safe
+ -- haskell flag
+ (dflags', warn)
+ | not (safeHaskellModeEnabled dflags) && not cmdl && packageTrustOn dflags
+ = (gopt_unset dflags Opt_PackageTrust, pkgWarnMsg)
+ | otherwise = (dflags, [])
+ pkgWarnMsg = [L (pkgTrustOnLoc dflags') $
+ "-fpackage-trust ignored;" ++
+ " must be specified with a Safe Haskell flag"]
+ -- Have we inferred Unsafe? See Note [GHC.Driver.Main . Safe Haskell Inference]
+ safeFlags = all (\(_,_,t,_) -> not $ t dflags) unsafeFlagsForInfer
+{- **********************************************************************
+%* *
+ DynFlags specifications
+%* *
+%********************************************************************* -}
+-- | All dynamic flags option strings without the deprecated ones.
+-- These are the user facing strings for enabling and disabling options.
+allNonDeprecatedFlags :: [String]
+allNonDeprecatedFlags = allFlagsDeps False
+-- | All flags with possibility to filter deprecated ones
+allFlagsDeps :: Bool -> [String]
+allFlagsDeps keepDeprecated = [ '-':flagName flag
+ | (deprecated, flag) <- flagsAllDeps
+ , keepDeprecated || not (isDeprecated deprecated)]
+ where isDeprecated Deprecated = True
+ isDeprecated _ = False
+ - Below we export user facing symbols for GHC dynamic flags for use with the
+ - GHC API.
+ -}
+-- All dynamic flags present in GHC.
+flagsAll :: [Flag (CmdLineP DynFlags)]
+flagsAll = map snd flagsAllDeps
+-- All dynamic flags present in GHC with deprecation information.
+flagsAllDeps :: [(Deprecation, Flag (CmdLineP DynFlags))]
+flagsAllDeps = package_flags_deps ++ dynamic_flags_deps
+-- All dynamic flags, minus package flags, present in GHC.
+flagsDynamic :: [Flag (CmdLineP DynFlags)]
+flagsDynamic = map snd dynamic_flags_deps
+-- ALl package flags present in GHC.
+flagsPackage :: [Flag (CmdLineP DynFlags)]
+flagsPackage = map snd package_flags_deps
+----------------Helpers to make flags and keep deprecation information----------
+type FlagMaker m = String -> OptKind m -> Flag m
+type DynFlagMaker = FlagMaker (CmdLineP DynFlags)
+data Deprecation = NotDeprecated | Deprecated deriving (Eq, Ord)
+-- Make a non-deprecated flag
+make_ord_flag :: DynFlagMaker -> String -> OptKind (CmdLineP DynFlags)
+ -> (Deprecation, Flag (CmdLineP DynFlags))
+make_ord_flag fm name kind = (NotDeprecated, fm name kind)
+-- Make a deprecated flag
+make_dep_flag :: DynFlagMaker -> String -> OptKind (CmdLineP DynFlags) -> String
+ -> (Deprecation, Flag (CmdLineP DynFlags))
+make_dep_flag fm name kind message = (Deprecated,
+ fm name $ add_dep_message kind message)
+add_dep_message :: OptKind (CmdLineP DynFlags) -> String
+ -> OptKind (CmdLineP DynFlags)
+add_dep_message (NoArg f) message = NoArg $ f >> deprecate message
+add_dep_message (HasArg f) message = HasArg $ \s -> f s >> deprecate message
+add_dep_message (SepArg f) message = SepArg $ \s -> f s >> deprecate message
+add_dep_message (Prefix f) message = Prefix $ \s -> f s >> deprecate message
+add_dep_message (OptPrefix f) message =
+ OptPrefix $ \s -> f s >> deprecate message
+add_dep_message (OptIntSuffix f) message =
+ OptIntSuffix $ \oi -> f oi >> deprecate message
+add_dep_message (IntSuffix f) message =
+ IntSuffix $ \i -> f i >> deprecate message
+add_dep_message (FloatSuffix f) message =
+ FloatSuffix $ \fl -> f fl >> deprecate message
+add_dep_message (PassFlag f) message =
+ PassFlag $ \s -> f s >> deprecate message
+add_dep_message (AnySuffix f) message =
+ AnySuffix $ \s -> f s >> deprecate message
+----------------------- The main flags themselves ------------------------------
+-- See Note [Updating flag description in the User's Guide]
+-- See Note [Supporting CLI completion]
+dynamic_flags_deps :: [(Deprecation, Flag (CmdLineP DynFlags))]
+dynamic_flags_deps = [
+ make_dep_flag defFlag "n" (NoArg $ return ())
+ "The -n flag is deprecated and no longer has any effect"
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "cpp" (NoArg (setExtensionFlag LangExt.Cpp))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "F" (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_Pp))
+ , (Deprecated, defFlag "#include"
+ (HasArg (\_s ->
+ deprecate ("-#include and INCLUDE pragmas are " ++
+ "deprecated: They no longer have any effect"))))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "v" (OptIntSuffix setVerbosity)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "j" (OptIntSuffix
+ (\n -> case n of
+ Just n
+ | n > 0 -> upd (\d -> d { parMakeCount = Just n })
+ | otherwise -> addErr "Syntax: -j[n] where n > 0"
+ Nothing -> upd (\d -> d { parMakeCount = Nothing })))
+ -- When the number of parallel builds
+ -- is omitted, it is the same
+ -- as specifying that the number of
+ -- parallel builds is equal to the
+ -- result of getNumProcessors
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "instantiated-with" (sepArg setUnitIdInsts)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "this-component-id" (sepArg setComponentId)
+ -- RTS options -------------------------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "H" (HasArg (\s -> upd (\d ->
+ d { ghcHeapSize = Just $ fromIntegral (decodeSize s)})))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Rghc-timing" (NoArg (upd (\d ->
+ d { enableTimeStats = True })))
+ ------- ways ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "prof" (NoArg (addWay WayProf))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "eventlog" (NoArg (addWay WayEventLog))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "debug" (NoArg (addWay WayDebug))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "threaded" (NoArg (addWay WayThreaded))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ticky"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_Ticky >> addWay WayDebug))
+ -- -ticky enables ticky-ticky code generation, and also implies -debug which
+ -- is required to get the RTS ticky support.
+ ----- Linker --------------------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "static" (NoArg removeWayDyn)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dynamic" (NoArg (addWay WayDyn))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "rdynamic" $ noArg $
+#if defined(linux_HOST_OS)
+ addOptl "-rdynamic"
+#elif defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+ addOptl "-Wl,--export-all-symbols"
+ -- ignored for compat w/ gcc:
+ id
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "relative-dynlib-paths"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_RelativeDynlibPaths))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "copy-libs-when-linking"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_SingleLibFolder))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "pie" (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_PICExecutable))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "no-pie" (NoArg (unSetGeneralFlag Opt_PICExecutable))
+ ------- Specific phases --------------------------------------------
+ -- need to appear before -pgmL to be parsed as LLVM flags.
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgmlo"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_lo = (f,[]) }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgmlc"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_lc = (f,[]) }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgmi"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_i = f }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgmL"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_L = f }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgmP"
+ (hasArg setPgmP)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgmF"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_F = f }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgmc"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s
+ { toolSettings_pgm_c = f
+ , -- Don't pass -no-pie with -pgmc
+ -- (see #15319)
+ toolSettings_ccSupportsNoPie = False
+ }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgms"
+ (HasArg (\_ -> addWarn "Object splitting was removed in GHC 8.8"))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgma"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_a = (f,[]) }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgml"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_l = (f,[]) }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgmdll"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_dll = (f,[]) }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgmwindres"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_windres = f }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgmlibtool"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_libtool = f }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgmar"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_ar = f }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgmranlib"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_ranlib = f }
+ -- need to appear before -optl/-opta to be parsed as LLVM flags.
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "optlo"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_opt_lo = f : toolSettings_opt_lo s }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "optlc"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_opt_lc = f : toolSettings_opt_lc s }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "opti"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_opt_i = f : toolSettings_opt_i s }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "optL"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_opt_L = f : toolSettings_opt_L s }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "optP"
+ (hasArg addOptP)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "optF"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_opt_F = f : toolSettings_opt_F s }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "optc"
+ (hasArg addOptc)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "optcxx"
+ (hasArg addOptcxx)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "opta"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_opt_a = f : toolSettings_opt_a s }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "optl"
+ (hasArg addOptl)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "optwindres"
+ $ hasArg $ \f ->
+ alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_opt_windres = f : toolSettings_opt_windres s }
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "split-objs"
+ (NoArg $ addWarn "ignoring -split-objs")
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "split-sections"
+ (noArgM (\dflags -> do
+ if platformHasSubsectionsViaSymbols (targetPlatform dflags)
+ then do addWarn $
+ "-split-sections is not useful on this platform " ++
+ "since it always uses subsections via symbols. Ignoring."
+ return dflags
+ else return (gopt_set dflags Opt_SplitSections)))
+ -------- ghc -M -----------------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dep-suffix" (hasArg addDepSuffix)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dep-makefile" (hasArg setDepMakefile)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "include-cpp-deps"
+ (noArg (setDepIncludeCppDeps True))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "include-pkg-deps"
+ (noArg (setDepIncludePkgDeps True))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "exclude-module" (hasArg addDepExcludeMod)
+ -------- Linking ----------------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "no-link"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { ghcLink=NoLink }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "shared"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { ghcLink=LinkDynLib }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "staticlib"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { ghcLink=LinkStaticLib }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dynload" (hasArg parseDynLibLoaderMode)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dylib-install-name" (hasArg setDylibInstallName)
+ ------- Libraries ---------------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "L" (Prefix addLibraryPath)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "l" (hasArg (addLdInputs . Option . ("-l" ++)))
+ ------- Frameworks --------------------------------------------------
+ -- -framework-path should really be -F ...
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "framework-path" (HasArg addFrameworkPath)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "framework" (hasArg addCmdlineFramework)
+ ------- Output Redirection ------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "odir" (hasArg setObjectDir)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "o" (sepArg (setOutputFile . Just))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dyno"
+ (sepArg (setDynOutputFile . Just))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ohi"
+ (hasArg (setOutputHi . Just ))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "osuf" (hasArg setObjectSuf)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dynosuf" (hasArg setDynObjectSuf)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "hcsuf" (hasArg setHcSuf)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "hisuf" (hasArg setHiSuf)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "hiesuf" (hasArg setHieSuf)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dynhisuf" (hasArg setDynHiSuf)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "hidir" (hasArg setHiDir)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "hiedir" (hasArg setHieDir)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "tmpdir" (hasArg setTmpDir)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "stubdir" (hasArg setStubDir)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dumpdir" (hasArg setDumpDir)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "outputdir" (hasArg setOutputDir)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-file-prefix"
+ (hasArg (setDumpPrefixForce . Just))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dynamic-too"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_BuildDynamicToo))
+ ------- Keeping temporary files -------------------------------------
+ -- These can be singular (think ghc -c) or plural (think ghc --make)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-hc-file"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepHcFiles))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-hc-files"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepHcFiles))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-hscpp-file"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepHscppFiles))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-hscpp-files"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepHscppFiles))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-s-file"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepSFiles))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-s-files"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepSFiles))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-llvm-file"
+ (NoArg $ setObjTarget HscLlvm >> setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepLlvmFiles)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-llvm-files"
+ (NoArg $ setObjTarget HscLlvm >> setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepLlvmFiles)
+ -- This only makes sense as plural
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-tmp-files"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepTmpFiles))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-hi-file"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepHiFiles))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "no-keep-hi-file"
+ (NoArg (unSetGeneralFlag Opt_KeepHiFiles))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-hi-files"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepHiFiles))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "no-keep-hi-files"
+ (NoArg (unSetGeneralFlag Opt_KeepHiFiles))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-o-file"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepOFiles))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "no-keep-o-file"
+ (NoArg (unSetGeneralFlag Opt_KeepOFiles))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-o-files"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepOFiles))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "no-keep-o-files"
+ (NoArg (unSetGeneralFlag Opt_KeepOFiles))
+ ------- Miscellaneous ----------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "no-auto-link-packages"
+ (NoArg (unSetGeneralFlag Opt_AutoLinkPackages))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "no-hs-main"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_NoHsMain))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fno-state-hack"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_G_NoStateHack))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fno-opt-coercion"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_G_NoOptCoercion))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "with-rtsopts"
+ (HasArg setRtsOpts)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "rtsopts"
+ (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsAll))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "rtsopts=all"
+ (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsAll))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "rtsopts=some"
+ (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsSafeOnly))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "rtsopts=none"
+ (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsNone))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "rtsopts=ignore"
+ (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsIgnore))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "rtsopts=ignoreAll"
+ (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsIgnoreAll))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "no-rtsopts"
+ (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsNone))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "no-rtsopts-suggestions"
+ (noArg (\d -> d {rtsOptsSuggestions = False}))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dhex-word-literals"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_HexWordLiterals))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ghcversion-file" (hasArg addGhcVersionFile)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "main-is" (SepArg setMainIs)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "haddock" (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_Haddock))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "haddock-opts" (hasArg addHaddockOpts)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "hpcdir" (SepArg setOptHpcDir)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhciFlag "ghci-script" (hasArg addGhciScript)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhciFlag "interactive-print" (hasArg setInteractivePrint)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ticky-allocd"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_Ticky_Allocd))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ticky-LNE"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_Ticky_LNE))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ticky-dyn-thunk"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_Ticky_Dyn_Thunk))
+ ------- recompilation checker --------------------------------------
+ , make_dep_flag defGhcFlag "recomp"
+ (NoArg $ unSetGeneralFlag Opt_ForceRecomp)
+ "Use -fno-force-recomp instead"
+ , make_dep_flag defGhcFlag "no-recomp"
+ (NoArg $ setGeneralFlag Opt_ForceRecomp) "Use -fforce-recomp instead"
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fmax-errors"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { maxErrors = Just (max 1 n) }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fno-max-errors"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { maxErrors = Nothing }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "freverse-errors"
+ (noArg (\d -> d {reverseErrors = True} ))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fno-reverse-errors"
+ (noArg (\d -> d {reverseErrors = False} ))
+ ------ HsCpp opts ---------------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "D" (AnySuffix (upd . addOptP))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "U" (AnySuffix (upd . addOptP))
+ ------- Include/Import Paths ----------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "I" (Prefix addIncludePath)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "i" (OptPrefix addImportPath)
+ ------ Output style options -----------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "dppr-user-length" (intSuffix (\n d ->
+ d { pprUserLength = n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "dppr-cols" (intSuffix (\n d ->
+ d { pprCols = n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fdiagnostics-color=auto"
+ (NoArg (upd (\d -> d { useColor = Auto })))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fdiagnostics-color=always"
+ (NoArg (upd (\d -> d { useColor = Always })))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fdiagnostics-color=never"
+ (NoArg (upd (\d -> d { useColor = Never })))
+ -- Suppress all that is suppressable in core dumps.
+ -- Except for uniques, as some simplifier phases introduce new variables that
+ -- have otherwise identical names.
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dsuppress-all"
+ (NoArg $ do setGeneralFlag Opt_SuppressCoercions
+ setGeneralFlag Opt_SuppressVarKinds
+ setGeneralFlag Opt_SuppressModulePrefixes
+ setGeneralFlag Opt_SuppressTypeApplications
+ setGeneralFlag Opt_SuppressIdInfo
+ setGeneralFlag Opt_SuppressTicks
+ setGeneralFlag Opt_SuppressStgExts
+ setGeneralFlag Opt_SuppressTypeSignatures
+ setGeneralFlag Opt_SuppressTimestamps)
+ ------ Debugging ----------------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dstg-stats"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_StgStats))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cmm"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cmm-from-stg"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm_from_stg)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cmm-raw"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm_raw)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cmm-verbose"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm_verbose)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cmm-verbose-by-proc"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm_verbose_by_proc)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cmm-cfg"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm_cfg)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cmm-cbe"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm_cbe)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cmm-switch"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm_switch)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cmm-proc"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm_proc)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cmm-sp"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm_sp)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cmm-sink"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm_sink)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cmm-caf"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm_caf)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cmm-procmap"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm_procmap)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cmm-split"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm_split)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cmm-info"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm_info)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cmm-cps"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm_cps)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cfg-weights"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cfg_weights)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-core-stats"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_core_stats)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-asm"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-asm-native"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_native)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-asm-liveness"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_liveness)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-asm-regalloc"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-asm-conflicts"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_conflicts)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-asm-regalloc-stages"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc_stages)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-asm-stats"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_stats)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-asm-expanded"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_expanded)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-llvm"
+ (NoArg $ setObjTarget HscLlvm >> setDumpFlag' Opt_D_dump_llvm)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-deriv"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_deriv)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-ds"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_ds)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-ds-preopt"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_ds_preopt)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-foreign"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_foreign)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-inlinings"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_inlinings)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-rule-firings"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rule_firings)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-rule-rewrites"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rule_rewrites)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-simpl-trace"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_simpl_trace)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-occur-anal"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_occur_anal)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-parsed"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_parsed)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-parsed-ast"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_parsed_ast)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-rn"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rn)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-rn-ast"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rn_ast)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-simpl"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_simpl)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-simpl-iterations"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-spec"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_spec)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-prep"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_prep)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-stg"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_stg)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-stg-unarised"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_stg_unarised)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-stg-final"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_stg_final)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-call-arity"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_call_arity)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-exitify"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_exitify)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-stranal"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_stranal)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-str-signatures"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_str_signatures)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cpranal"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cpranal)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cpr-signatures"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cpr_signatures)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-tc"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_tc)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-tc-ast"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_tc_ast)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-types"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_types)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-rules"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rules)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cse"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cse)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-worker-wrapper"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_worker_wrapper)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-rn-trace"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rn_trace)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-if-trace"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_if_trace)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-cs-trace"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cs_trace)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-tc-trace"
+ (NoArg (do setDumpFlag' Opt_D_dump_tc_trace
+ setDumpFlag' Opt_D_dump_cs_trace))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-ec-trace"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_ec_trace)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-vt-trace"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_vt_trace)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-splices"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_splices)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dth-dec-file"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_th_dec_file)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-rn-stats"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rn_stats)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-opt-cmm"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_opt_cmm)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-simpl-stats"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-bcos"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_BCOs)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dsource-stats"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_source_stats)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dverbose-core2core"
+ (NoArg $ setVerbosity (Just 2) >> setVerboseCore2Core)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dverbose-stg2stg"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_verbose_stg2stg)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-hi"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_hi)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-minimal-imports"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_D_dump_minimal_imports))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-hpc"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_ticked) -- back compat
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-ticked"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_ticked)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-mod-cycles"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_mod_cycles)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-mod-map"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_mod_map)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-timings"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_timings)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-view-pattern-commoning"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_view_pattern_commoning)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-to-file"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_DumpToFile))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-hi-diffs"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-rtti"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rtti)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dcore-lint"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_DoCoreLinting))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dstg-lint"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_DoStgLinting))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dcmm-lint"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_DoCmmLinting))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dasm-lint"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_DoAsmLinting))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dannot-lint"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_DoAnnotationLinting))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dshow-passes"
+ (NoArg $ forceRecompile >> (setVerbosity $ Just 2))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dfaststring-stats"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_D_faststring_stats))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dno-llvm-mangler"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_NoLlvmMangler)) -- hidden flag
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fast-llvm"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_FastLlvm)) -- hidden flag
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dno-typeable-binds"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_NoTypeableBinds))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-debug"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_debug)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-json"
+ (noArg (flip dopt_set Opt_D_dump_json . setJsonLogAction ) )
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dppr-debug"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_ppr_debug)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddebug-output"
+ (noArg (flip dopt_unset Opt_D_no_debug_output))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dno-debug-output"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_no_debug_output)
+ ------ Machine dependent (-m<blah>) stuff ---------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "msse" (noArg (\d ->
+ d { sseVersion = Just SSE1 }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "msse2" (noArg (\d ->
+ d { sseVersion = Just SSE2 }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "msse3" (noArg (\d ->
+ d { sseVersion = Just SSE3 }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "msse4" (noArg (\d ->
+ d { sseVersion = Just SSE4 }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "msse4.2" (noArg (\d ->
+ d { sseVersion = Just SSE42 }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "mbmi" (noArg (\d ->
+ d { bmiVersion = Just BMI1 }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "mbmi2" (noArg (\d ->
+ d { bmiVersion = Just BMI2 }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "mavx" (noArg (\d -> d { avx = True }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "mavx2" (noArg (\d -> d { avx2 = True }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "mavx512cd" (noArg (\d ->
+ d { avx512cd = True }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "mavx512er" (noArg (\d ->
+ d { avx512er = True }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "mavx512f" (noArg (\d -> d { avx512f = True }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "mavx512pf" (noArg (\d ->
+ d { avx512pf = True }))
+ ------ Warning opts -------------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "W" (NoArg (mapM_ setWarningFlag minusWOpts))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Werror"
+ (NoArg (do { setGeneralFlag Opt_WarnIsError
+ ; mapM_ setFatalWarningFlag minusWeverythingOpts }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Wwarn"
+ (NoArg (do { unSetGeneralFlag Opt_WarnIsError
+ ; mapM_ unSetFatalWarningFlag minusWeverythingOpts }))
+ -- Opt_WarnIsError is still needed to pass -Werror
+ -- to CPP; see runCpp in SysTools
+ , make_dep_flag defFlag "Wnot" (NoArg (upd (\d ->
+ d {warningFlags = EnumSet.empty})))
+ "Use -w or -Wno-everything instead"
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "w" (NoArg (upd (\d ->
+ d {warningFlags = EnumSet.empty})))
+ -- New-style uniform warning sets
+ --
+ -- Note that -Weverything > -Wall > -Wextra > -Wdefault > -Wno-everything
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Weverything" (NoArg (mapM_
+ setWarningFlag minusWeverythingOpts))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Wno-everything"
+ (NoArg (upd (\d -> d {warningFlags = EnumSet.empty})))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Wall" (NoArg (mapM_
+ setWarningFlag minusWallOpts))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Wno-all" (NoArg (mapM_
+ unSetWarningFlag minusWallOpts))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Wextra" (NoArg (mapM_
+ setWarningFlag minusWOpts))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Wno-extra" (NoArg (mapM_
+ unSetWarningFlag minusWOpts))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Wdefault" (NoArg (mapM_
+ setWarningFlag standardWarnings))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Wno-default" (NoArg (mapM_
+ unSetWarningFlag standardWarnings))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Wcompat" (NoArg (mapM_
+ setWarningFlag minusWcompatOpts))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Wno-compat" (NoArg (mapM_
+ unSetWarningFlag minusWcompatOpts))
+ ------ Plugin flags ------------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fplugin-opt" (hasArg addPluginModuleNameOption)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fplugin-trustworthy"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_PluginTrustworthy))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fplugin" (hasArg addPluginModuleName)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fclear-plugins" (noArg clearPluginModuleNames)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ffrontend-opt" (hasArg addFrontendPluginOption)
+ ------ Optimisation flags ------------------------------------------
+ , make_dep_flag defGhcFlag "Onot" (noArgM $ setOptLevel 0 )
+ "Use -O0 instead"
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "O" (optIntSuffixM (\mb_n ->
+ setOptLevel (mb_n `orElse` 1)))
+ -- If the number is missing, use 1
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fbinary-blob-threshold"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { binBlobThreshold = fromIntegral n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fmax-relevant-binds"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { maxRelevantBinds = Just n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fno-max-relevant-binds"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { maxRelevantBinds = Nothing }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fmax-valid-hole-fits"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { maxValidHoleFits = Just n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fno-max-valid-hole-fits"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { maxValidHoleFits = Nothing }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fmax-refinement-hole-fits"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { maxRefHoleFits = Just n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fno-max-refinement-hole-fits"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { maxRefHoleFits = Nothing }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "frefinement-level-hole-fits"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { refLevelHoleFits = Just n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fno-refinement-level-hole-fits"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { refLevelHoleFits = Nothing }))
+ , make_dep_flag defGhcFlag "fllvm-pass-vectors-in-regs"
+ (noArg id)
+ "vectors registers are now passed in registers by default."
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fmax-uncovered-patterns"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { maxUncoveredPatterns = n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fmax-pmcheck-models"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { maxPmCheckModels = n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fsimplifier-phases"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { simplPhases = n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fmax-simplifier-iterations"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { maxSimplIterations = n }))
+ , (Deprecated, defFlag "fmax-pmcheck-iterations"
+ (intSuffixM (\_ d ->
+ do { deprecate $ "use -fmax-pmcheck-models instead"
+ ; return d })))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fsimpl-tick-factor"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { simplTickFactor = n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fspec-constr-threshold"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { specConstrThreshold = Just n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fno-spec-constr-threshold"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { specConstrThreshold = Nothing }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fspec-constr-count"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { specConstrCount = Just n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fno-spec-constr-count"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { specConstrCount = Nothing }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fspec-constr-recursive"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { specConstrRecursive = n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fliberate-case-threshold"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { liberateCaseThreshold = Just n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fno-liberate-case-threshold"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { liberateCaseThreshold = Nothing }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "drule-check"
+ (sepArg (\s d -> d { ruleCheck = Just s }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "dinline-check"
+ (sepArg (\s d -> d { inlineCheck = Just s }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "freduction-depth"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { reductionDepth = treatZeroAsInf n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fconstraint-solver-iterations"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { solverIterations = treatZeroAsInf n }))
+ , (Deprecated, defFlag "fcontext-stack"
+ (intSuffixM (\n d ->
+ do { deprecate $ "use -freduction-depth=" ++ show n ++ " instead"
+ ; return $ d { reductionDepth = treatZeroAsInf n } })))
+ , (Deprecated, defFlag "ftype-function-depth"
+ (intSuffixM (\n d ->
+ do { deprecate $ "use -freduction-depth=" ++ show n ++ " instead"
+ ; return $ d { reductionDepth = treatZeroAsInf n } })))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fstrictness-before"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { strictnessBefore = n : strictnessBefore d }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "ffloat-lam-args"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { floatLamArgs = Just n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "ffloat-all-lams"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { floatLamArgs = Nothing }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fstg-lift-lams-rec-args"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { liftLamsRecArgs = Just n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fstg-lift-lams-rec-args-any"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { liftLamsRecArgs = Nothing }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fstg-lift-lams-non-rec-args"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { liftLamsRecArgs = Just n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fstg-lift-lams-non-rec-args-any"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { liftLamsRecArgs = Nothing }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fstg-lift-lams-known"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { liftLamsKnown = True }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fno-stg-lift-lams-known"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { liftLamsKnown = False }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fproc-alignment"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { cmmProcAlignment = Just n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fblock-layout-weights"
+ (HasArg (\s ->
+ upd (\d -> d { cfgWeightInfo =
+ parseCfgWeights s (cfgWeightInfo d)})))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fhistory-size"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { historySize = n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "funfolding-creation-threshold"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d {ufCreationThreshold = n}))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "funfolding-use-threshold"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d {ufUseThreshold = n}))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "funfolding-fun-discount"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d {ufFunAppDiscount = n}))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "funfolding-dict-discount"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d {ufDictDiscount = n}))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "funfolding-keeness-factor"
+ (floatSuffix (\n d -> d {ufKeenessFactor = n}))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fmax-worker-args"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d {maxWorkerArgs = n}))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhciFlag "fghci-hist-size"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d {ghciHistSize = n}))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fmax-inline-alloc-size"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { maxInlineAllocSize = n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fmax-inline-memcpy-insns"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { maxInlineMemcpyInsns = n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fmax-inline-memset-insns"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { maxInlineMemsetInsns = n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dinitial-unique"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { initialUnique = n }))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dunique-increment"
+ (intSuffix (\n d -> d { uniqueIncrement = n }))
+ ------ Profiling ----------------------------------------------------
+ -- OLD profiling flags
+ , make_dep_flag defGhcFlag "auto-all"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { profAuto = ProfAutoAll } ))
+ "Use -fprof-auto instead"
+ , make_dep_flag defGhcFlag "no-auto-all"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { profAuto = NoProfAuto } ))
+ "Use -fno-prof-auto instead"
+ , make_dep_flag defGhcFlag "auto"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { profAuto = ProfAutoExports } ))
+ "Use -fprof-auto-exported instead"
+ , make_dep_flag defGhcFlag "no-auto"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { profAuto = NoProfAuto } ))
+ "Use -fno-prof-auto instead"
+ , make_dep_flag defGhcFlag "caf-all"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs))
+ "Use -fprof-cafs instead"
+ , make_dep_flag defGhcFlag "no-caf-all"
+ (NoArg (unSetGeneralFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs))
+ "Use -fno-prof-cafs instead"
+ -- NEW profiling flags
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fprof-auto"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { profAuto = ProfAutoAll } ))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fprof-auto-top"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { profAuto = ProfAutoTop } ))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fprof-auto-exported"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { profAuto = ProfAutoExports } ))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fprof-auto-calls"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { profAuto = ProfAutoCalls } ))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fno-prof-auto"
+ (noArg (\d -> d { profAuto = NoProfAuto } ))
+ ------ Compiler flags -----------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fasm" (NoArg (setObjTarget HscAsm))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fvia-c" (NoArg
+ (deprecate $ "The -fvia-c flag does nothing; " ++
+ "it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fvia-C" (NoArg
+ (deprecate $ "The -fvia-C flag does nothing; " ++
+ "it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fllvm" (NoArg (setObjTarget HscLlvm))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fno-code" (NoArg ((upd $ \d ->
+ d { ghcLink=NoLink }) >> setTarget HscNothing))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fbyte-code"
+ (noArgM $ \dflags -> do
+ setTarget HscInterpreted
+ pure $ gopt_set dflags Opt_ByteCode)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fobject-code" $ NoArg $ do
+ dflags <- liftEwM getCmdLineState
+ setTarget $ defaultObjectTarget dflags
+ , make_dep_flag defFlag "fglasgow-exts"
+ (NoArg enableGlasgowExts) "Use individual extensions instead"
+ , make_dep_flag defFlag "fno-glasgow-exts"
+ (NoArg disableGlasgowExts) "Use individual extensions instead"
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Wunused-binds" (NoArg enableUnusedBinds)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Wno-unused-binds" (NoArg disableUnusedBinds)
+ , make_ord_flag defHiddenFlag "fwarn-unused-binds" (NoArg enableUnusedBinds)
+ , make_ord_flag defHiddenFlag "fno-warn-unused-binds" (NoArg
+ disableUnusedBinds)
+ ------ Safe Haskell flags -------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fpackage-trust" (NoArg setPackageTrust)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fno-safe-infer" (noArg (\d ->
+ d { safeInfer = False }))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "fno-safe-haskell" (NoArg (setSafeHaskell Sf_Ignore))
+ ------ position independent flags ----------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fPIC" (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_PIC))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fno-PIC" (NoArg (unSetGeneralFlag Opt_PIC))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fPIE" (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_PIC))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fno-PIE" (NoArg (unSetGeneralFlag Opt_PIC))
+ ------ Debugging flags ----------------------------------------------
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "g" (OptIntSuffix setDebugLevel)
+ ]
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOn "" setGeneralFlag ) negatableFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOff "no-" unSetGeneralFlag ) negatableFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOn "d" setGeneralFlag ) dFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOff "dno-" unSetGeneralFlag ) dFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOn "f" setGeneralFlag ) fFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOff "fno-" unSetGeneralFlag ) fFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOn "W" setWarningFlag ) wWarningFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOff "Wno-" unSetWarningFlag ) wWarningFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOn "Werror=" setWErrorFlag ) wWarningFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOn "Wwarn=" unSetFatalWarningFlag )
+ wWarningFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOn "Wno-error=" unSetFatalWarningFlag )
+ wWarningFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOn "fwarn-" setWarningFlag . hideFlag)
+ wWarningFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOff "fno-warn-" unSetWarningFlag . hideFlag)
+ wWarningFlagsDeps
+ ++ [ (NotDeprecated, unrecognisedWarning "W"),
+ (Deprecated, unrecognisedWarning "fwarn-"),
+ (Deprecated, unrecognisedWarning "fno-warn-") ]
+ ++ [ make_ord_flag defFlag "Werror=compat"
+ (NoArg (mapM_ setWErrorFlag minusWcompatOpts))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Wno-error=compat"
+ (NoArg (mapM_ unSetFatalWarningFlag minusWcompatOpts))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "Wwarn=compat"
+ (NoArg (mapM_ unSetFatalWarningFlag minusWcompatOpts)) ]
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOn "f" setExtensionFlag ) fLangFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOff "fno-" unSetExtensionFlag) fLangFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOn "X" setExtensionFlag ) xFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOff "XNo" unSetExtensionFlag) xFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOn "X" setLanguage ) languageFlagsDeps
+ ++ map (mkFlag turnOn "X" setSafeHaskell ) safeHaskellFlagsDeps
+ ++ [ make_dep_flag defFlag "XGenerics"
+ (NoArg $ return ())
+ ("it does nothing; look into -XDefaultSignatures " ++
+ "and -XDeriveGeneric for generic programming support.")
+ , make_dep_flag defFlag "XNoGenerics"
+ (NoArg $ return ())
+ ("it does nothing; look into -XDefaultSignatures and " ++
+ "-XDeriveGeneric for generic programming support.") ]
+-- | This is where we handle unrecognised warning flags. We only issue a warning
+-- if -Wunrecognised-warning-flags is set. See #11429 for context.
+unrecognisedWarning :: String -> Flag (CmdLineP DynFlags)
+unrecognisedWarning prefix = defHiddenFlag prefix (Prefix action)
+ where
+ action :: String -> EwM (CmdLineP DynFlags) ()
+ action flag = do
+ f <- wopt Opt_WarnUnrecognisedWarningFlags <$> liftEwM getCmdLineState
+ when f $ addFlagWarn Cmd.ReasonUnrecognisedFlag $
+ "unrecognised warning flag: -" ++ prefix ++ flag
+-- See Note [Supporting CLI completion]
+package_flags_deps :: [(Deprecation, Flag (CmdLineP DynFlags))]
+package_flags_deps = [
+ ------- Packages ----------------------------------------------------
+ make_ord_flag defFlag "package-db"
+ (HasArg (addPkgDbRef . PkgDbPath))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "clear-package-db" (NoArg clearPkgDb)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "no-global-package-db" (NoArg removeGlobalPkgDb)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "no-user-package-db" (NoArg removeUserPkgDb)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "global-package-db"
+ (NoArg (addPkgDbRef GlobalPkgDb))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "user-package-db"
+ (NoArg (addPkgDbRef UserPkgDb))
+ -- backwards compat with GHC<=7.4 :
+ , make_dep_flag defFlag "package-conf"
+ (HasArg $ addPkgDbRef . PkgDbPath) "Use -package-db instead"
+ , make_dep_flag defFlag "no-user-package-conf"
+ (NoArg removeUserPkgDb) "Use -no-user-package-db instead"
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "package-name" (HasArg $ \name -> do
+ upd (setUnitId name))
+ -- TODO: Since we JUST deprecated
+ -- -this-package-key, let's keep this
+ -- undeprecated for another cycle.
+ -- Deprecate this eventually.
+ -- deprecate "Use -this-unit-id instead")
+ , make_dep_flag defGhcFlag "this-package-key" (HasArg $ upd . setUnitId)
+ "Use -this-unit-id instead"
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "this-unit-id" (hasArg setUnitId)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "package" (HasArg exposePackage)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "plugin-package-id" (HasArg exposePluginPackageId)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "plugin-package" (HasArg exposePluginPackage)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "package-id" (HasArg exposePackageId)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "hide-package" (HasArg hidePackage)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "hide-all-packages"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_HideAllPackages))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "hide-all-plugin-packages"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_HideAllPluginPackages))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "package-env" (HasArg setPackageEnv)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "ignore-package" (HasArg ignorePackage)
+ , make_dep_flag defFlag "syslib" (HasArg exposePackage) "Use -package instead"
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "distrust-all-packages"
+ (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_DistrustAllPackages))
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "trust" (HasArg trustPackage)
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "distrust" (HasArg distrustPackage)
+ ]
+ where
+ setPackageEnv env = upd $ \s -> s { packageEnv = Just env }
+-- | Make a list of flags for shell completion.
+-- Filter all available flags into two groups, for interactive GHC vs all other.
+flagsForCompletion :: Bool -> [String]
+flagsForCompletion isInteractive
+ = [ '-':flagName flag
+ | flag <- flagsAll
+ , modeFilter (flagGhcMode flag)
+ ]
+ where
+ modeFilter AllModes = True
+ modeFilter OnlyGhci = isInteractive
+ modeFilter OnlyGhc = not isInteractive
+ modeFilter HiddenFlag = False
+type TurnOnFlag = Bool -- True <=> we are turning the flag on
+ -- False <=> we are turning the flag off
+turnOn :: TurnOnFlag; turnOn = True
+turnOff :: TurnOnFlag; turnOff = False
+data FlagSpec flag
+ = FlagSpec
+ { flagSpecName :: String -- ^ Flag in string form
+ , flagSpecFlag :: flag -- ^ Flag in internal form
+ , flagSpecAction :: (TurnOnFlag -> DynP ())
+ -- ^ Extra action to run when the flag is found
+ -- Typically, emit a warning or error
+ , flagSpecGhcMode :: GhcFlagMode
+ -- ^ In which ghc mode the flag has effect
+ }
+-- | Define a new flag.
+flagSpec :: String -> flag -> (Deprecation, FlagSpec flag)
+flagSpec name flag = flagSpec' name flag nop
+-- | Define a new flag with an effect.
+flagSpec' :: String -> flag -> (TurnOnFlag -> DynP ())
+ -> (Deprecation, FlagSpec flag)
+flagSpec' name flag act = (NotDeprecated, FlagSpec name flag act AllModes)
+-- | Define a new deprecated flag with an effect.
+depFlagSpecOp :: String -> flag -> (TurnOnFlag -> DynP ()) -> String
+ -> (Deprecation, FlagSpec flag)
+depFlagSpecOp name flag act dep =
+ (Deprecated, snd (flagSpec' name flag (\f -> act f >> deprecate dep)))
+-- | Define a new deprecated flag.
+depFlagSpec :: String -> flag -> String
+ -> (Deprecation, FlagSpec flag)
+depFlagSpec name flag dep = depFlagSpecOp name flag nop dep
+-- | Define a new deprecated flag with an effect where the deprecation message
+-- depends on the flag value
+depFlagSpecOp' :: String
+ -> flag
+ -> (TurnOnFlag -> DynP ())
+ -> (TurnOnFlag -> String)
+ -> (Deprecation, FlagSpec flag)
+depFlagSpecOp' name flag act dep =
+ (Deprecated, FlagSpec name flag (\f -> act f >> (deprecate $ dep f))
+ AllModes)
+-- | Define a new deprecated flag where the deprecation message
+-- depends on the flag value
+depFlagSpec' :: String
+ -> flag
+ -> (TurnOnFlag -> String)
+ -> (Deprecation, FlagSpec flag)
+depFlagSpec' name flag dep = depFlagSpecOp' name flag nop dep
+-- | Define a new deprecated flag where the deprecation message
+-- is shown depending on the flag value
+depFlagSpecCond :: String
+ -> flag
+ -> (TurnOnFlag -> Bool)
+ -> String
+ -> (Deprecation, FlagSpec flag)
+depFlagSpecCond name flag cond dep =
+ (Deprecated, FlagSpec name flag (\f -> when (cond f) $ deprecate dep)
+ AllModes)
+-- | Define a new flag for GHCi.
+flagGhciSpec :: String -> flag -> (Deprecation, FlagSpec flag)
+flagGhciSpec name flag = flagGhciSpec' name flag nop
+-- | Define a new flag for GHCi with an effect.
+flagGhciSpec' :: String -> flag -> (TurnOnFlag -> DynP ())
+ -> (Deprecation, FlagSpec flag)
+flagGhciSpec' name flag act = (NotDeprecated, FlagSpec name flag act OnlyGhci)
+-- | Define a new flag invisible to CLI completion.
+flagHiddenSpec :: String -> flag -> (Deprecation, FlagSpec flag)
+flagHiddenSpec name flag = flagHiddenSpec' name flag nop
+-- | Define a new flag invisible to CLI completion with an effect.
+flagHiddenSpec' :: String -> flag -> (TurnOnFlag -> DynP ())
+ -> (Deprecation, FlagSpec flag)
+flagHiddenSpec' name flag act = (NotDeprecated, FlagSpec name flag act
+ HiddenFlag)
+-- | Hide a 'FlagSpec' from being displayed in @--show-options@.
+-- This is for example useful for flags that are obsolete, but should not
+-- (yet) be deprecated for compatibility reasons.
+hideFlag :: (Deprecation, FlagSpec a) -> (Deprecation, FlagSpec a)
+hideFlag (dep, fs) = (dep, fs { flagSpecGhcMode = HiddenFlag })
+mkFlag :: TurnOnFlag -- ^ True <=> it should be turned on
+ -> String -- ^ The flag prefix
+ -> (flag -> DynP ()) -- ^ What to do when the flag is found
+ -> (Deprecation, FlagSpec flag) -- ^ Specification of
+ -- this particular flag
+ -> (Deprecation, Flag (CmdLineP DynFlags))
+mkFlag turn_on flagPrefix f (dep, (FlagSpec name flag extra_action mode))
+ = (dep,
+ Flag (flagPrefix ++ name) (NoArg (f flag >> extra_action turn_on)) mode)
+deprecatedForExtension :: String -> TurnOnFlag -> String
+deprecatedForExtension lang turn_on
+ = "use -X" ++ flag ++
+ " or pragma {-# LANGUAGE " ++ flag ++ " #-} instead"
+ where
+ flag | turn_on = lang
+ | otherwise = "No" ++ lang
+useInstead :: String -> String -> TurnOnFlag -> String
+useInstead prefix flag turn_on
+ = "Use " ++ prefix ++ no ++ flag ++ " instead"
+ where
+ no = if turn_on then "" else "no-"
+nop :: TurnOnFlag -> DynP ()
+nop _ = return ()
+-- | Find the 'FlagSpec' for a 'WarningFlag'.
+flagSpecOf :: WarningFlag -> Maybe (FlagSpec WarningFlag)
+flagSpecOf flag = listToMaybe $ filter check wWarningFlags
+ where
+ check fs = flagSpecFlag fs == flag
+-- | These @-W\<blah\>@ flags can all be reversed with @-Wno-\<blah\>@
+wWarningFlags :: [FlagSpec WarningFlag]
+wWarningFlags = map snd (sortBy (comparing fst) wWarningFlagsDeps)
+wWarningFlagsDeps :: [(Deprecation, FlagSpec WarningFlag)]
+wWarningFlagsDeps = [
+-- See Note [Updating flag description in the User's Guide]
+-- See Note [Supporting CLI completion]
+-- Please keep the list of flags below sorted alphabetically
+ flagSpec "alternative-layout-rule-transitional"
+ Opt_WarnAlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional,
+ depFlagSpec "auto-orphans" Opt_WarnAutoOrphans
+ "it has no effect",
+ flagSpec "cpp-undef" Opt_WarnCPPUndef,
+ flagSpec "unbanged-strict-patterns" Opt_WarnUnbangedStrictPatterns,
+ flagSpec "deferred-type-errors" Opt_WarnDeferredTypeErrors,
+ flagSpec "deferred-out-of-scope-variables"
+ Opt_WarnDeferredOutOfScopeVariables,
+ flagSpec "deprecations" Opt_WarnWarningsDeprecations,
+ flagSpec "deprecated-flags" Opt_WarnDeprecatedFlags,
+ flagSpec "deriving-defaults" Opt_WarnDerivingDefaults,
+ flagSpec "deriving-typeable" Opt_WarnDerivingTypeable,
+ flagSpec "dodgy-exports" Opt_WarnDodgyExports,
+ flagSpec "dodgy-foreign-imports" Opt_WarnDodgyForeignImports,
+ flagSpec "dodgy-imports" Opt_WarnDodgyImports,
+ flagSpec "empty-enumerations" Opt_WarnEmptyEnumerations,
+ depFlagSpec "duplicate-constraints" Opt_WarnDuplicateConstraints
+ "it is subsumed by -Wredundant-constraints",
+ flagSpec "redundant-constraints" Opt_WarnRedundantConstraints,
+ flagSpec "duplicate-exports" Opt_WarnDuplicateExports,
+ depFlagSpec "hi-shadowing" Opt_WarnHiShadows
+ "it is not used, and was never implemented",
+ flagSpec "inaccessible-code" Opt_WarnInaccessibleCode,
+ flagSpec "implicit-prelude" Opt_WarnImplicitPrelude,
+ depFlagSpec "implicit-kind-vars" Opt_WarnImplicitKindVars
+ "it is now an error",
+ flagSpec "incomplete-patterns" Opt_WarnIncompletePatterns,
+ flagSpec "incomplete-record-updates" Opt_WarnIncompletePatternsRecUpd,
+ flagSpec "incomplete-uni-patterns" Opt_WarnIncompleteUniPatterns,
+ flagSpec "inline-rule-shadowing" Opt_WarnInlineRuleShadowing,
+ flagSpec "identities" Opt_WarnIdentities,
+ flagSpec "missing-fields" Opt_WarnMissingFields,
+ flagSpec "missing-import-lists" Opt_WarnMissingImportList,
+ flagSpec "missing-export-lists" Opt_WarnMissingExportList,
+ depFlagSpec "missing-local-sigs" Opt_WarnMissingLocalSignatures
+ "it is replaced by -Wmissing-local-signatures",
+ flagSpec "missing-local-signatures" Opt_WarnMissingLocalSignatures,
+ flagSpec "missing-methods" Opt_WarnMissingMethods,
+ flagSpec "missing-monadfail-instances" Opt_WarnMissingMonadFailInstances,
+ flagSpec "semigroup" Opt_WarnSemigroup,
+ flagSpec "missing-signatures" Opt_WarnMissingSignatures,
+ depFlagSpec "missing-exported-sigs" Opt_WarnMissingExportedSignatures
+ "it is replaced by -Wmissing-exported-signatures",
+ flagSpec "missing-exported-signatures" Opt_WarnMissingExportedSignatures,
+ flagSpec "monomorphism-restriction" Opt_WarnMonomorphism,
+ flagSpec "name-shadowing" Opt_WarnNameShadowing,
+ flagSpec "noncanonical-monad-instances"
+ Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances,
+ depFlagSpec "noncanonical-monadfail-instances"
+ Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances
+ "fail is no longer a method of Monad",
+ flagSpec "noncanonical-monoid-instances"
+ Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonoidInstances,
+ flagSpec "orphans" Opt_WarnOrphans,
+ flagSpec "overflowed-literals" Opt_WarnOverflowedLiterals,
+ flagSpec "overlapping-patterns" Opt_WarnOverlappingPatterns,
+ flagSpec "missed-specialisations" Opt_WarnMissedSpecs,
+ flagSpec "missed-specializations" Opt_WarnMissedSpecs,
+ flagSpec "all-missed-specialisations" Opt_WarnAllMissedSpecs,
+ flagSpec "all-missed-specializations" Opt_WarnAllMissedSpecs,
+ flagSpec' "safe" Opt_WarnSafe setWarnSafe,
+ flagSpec "trustworthy-safe" Opt_WarnTrustworthySafe,
+ flagSpec "inferred-safe-imports" Opt_WarnInferredSafeImports,
+ flagSpec "missing-safe-haskell-mode" Opt_WarnMissingSafeHaskellMode,
+ flagSpec "tabs" Opt_WarnTabs,
+ flagSpec "type-defaults" Opt_WarnTypeDefaults,
+ flagSpec "typed-holes" Opt_WarnTypedHoles,
+ flagSpec "partial-type-signatures" Opt_WarnPartialTypeSignatures,
+ flagSpec "unrecognised-pragmas" Opt_WarnUnrecognisedPragmas,
+ flagSpec' "unsafe" Opt_WarnUnsafe setWarnUnsafe,
+ flagSpec "unsupported-calling-conventions"
+ Opt_WarnUnsupportedCallingConventions,
+ flagSpec "unsupported-llvm-version" Opt_WarnUnsupportedLlvmVersion,
+ flagSpec "missed-extra-shared-lib" Opt_WarnMissedExtraSharedLib,
+ flagSpec "unticked-promoted-constructors"
+ Opt_WarnUntickedPromotedConstructors,
+ flagSpec "unused-do-bind" Opt_WarnUnusedDoBind,
+ flagSpec "unused-foralls" Opt_WarnUnusedForalls,
+ flagSpec "unused-imports" Opt_WarnUnusedImports,
+ flagSpec "unused-local-binds" Opt_WarnUnusedLocalBinds,
+ flagSpec "unused-matches" Opt_WarnUnusedMatches,
+ flagSpec "unused-pattern-binds" Opt_WarnUnusedPatternBinds,
+ flagSpec "unused-top-binds" Opt_WarnUnusedTopBinds,
+ flagSpec "unused-type-patterns" Opt_WarnUnusedTypePatterns,
+ flagSpec "unused-record-wildcards" Opt_WarnUnusedRecordWildcards,
+ flagSpec "redundant-record-wildcards" Opt_WarnRedundantRecordWildcards,
+ flagSpec "warnings-deprecations" Opt_WarnWarningsDeprecations,
+ flagSpec "wrong-do-bind" Opt_WarnWrongDoBind,
+ flagSpec "missing-pattern-synonym-signatures"
+ Opt_WarnMissingPatternSynonymSignatures,
+ flagSpec "missing-deriving-strategies" Opt_WarnMissingDerivingStrategies,
+ flagSpec "simplifiable-class-constraints" Opt_WarnSimplifiableClassConstraints,
+ flagSpec "missing-home-modules" Opt_WarnMissingHomeModules,
+ flagSpec "unrecognised-warning-flags" Opt_WarnUnrecognisedWarningFlags,
+ flagSpec "star-binder" Opt_WarnStarBinder,
+ flagSpec "star-is-type" Opt_WarnStarIsType,
+ depFlagSpec "missing-space-after-bang" Opt_WarnSpaceAfterBang
+ "bang patterns can no longer be written with a space",
+ flagSpec "partial-fields" Opt_WarnPartialFields,
+ flagSpec "prepositive-qualified-module"
+ Opt_WarnPrepositiveQualifiedModule,
+ flagSpec "unused-packages" Opt_WarnUnusedPackages,
+ flagSpec "compat-unqualified-imports" Opt_WarnCompatUnqualifiedImports
+ ]
+-- | These @-\<blah\>@ flags can all be reversed with @-no-\<blah\>@
+negatableFlagsDeps :: [(Deprecation, FlagSpec GeneralFlag)]
+negatableFlagsDeps = [
+ flagGhciSpec "ignore-dot-ghci" Opt_IgnoreDotGhci ]
+-- | These @-d\<blah\>@ flags can all be reversed with @-dno-\<blah\>@
+dFlagsDeps :: [(Deprecation, FlagSpec GeneralFlag)]
+dFlagsDeps = [
+-- See Note [Updating flag description in the User's Guide]
+-- See Note [Supporting CLI completion]
+-- Please keep the list of flags below sorted alphabetically
+ flagSpec "ppr-case-as-let" Opt_PprCaseAsLet,
+ depFlagSpec' "ppr-ticks" Opt_PprShowTicks
+ (\turn_on -> useInstead "-d" "suppress-ticks" (not turn_on)),
+ flagSpec "suppress-ticks" Opt_SuppressTicks,
+ depFlagSpec' "suppress-stg-free-vars" Opt_SuppressStgExts
+ (useInstead "-d" "suppress-stg-exts"),
+ flagSpec "suppress-stg-exts" Opt_SuppressStgExts,
+ flagSpec "suppress-coercions" Opt_SuppressCoercions,
+ flagSpec "suppress-idinfo" Opt_SuppressIdInfo,
+ flagSpec "suppress-unfoldings" Opt_SuppressUnfoldings,
+ flagSpec "suppress-module-prefixes" Opt_SuppressModulePrefixes,
+ flagSpec "suppress-timestamps" Opt_SuppressTimestamps,
+ flagSpec "suppress-type-applications" Opt_SuppressTypeApplications,
+ flagSpec "suppress-type-signatures" Opt_SuppressTypeSignatures,
+ flagSpec "suppress-uniques" Opt_SuppressUniques,
+ flagSpec "suppress-var-kinds" Opt_SuppressVarKinds
+ ]
+-- | These @-f\<blah\>@ flags can all be reversed with @-fno-\<blah\>@
+fFlags :: [FlagSpec GeneralFlag]
+fFlags = map snd fFlagsDeps
+fFlagsDeps :: [(Deprecation, FlagSpec GeneralFlag)]
+fFlagsDeps = [
+-- See Note [Updating flag description in the User's Guide]
+-- See Note [Supporting CLI completion]
+-- Please keep the list of flags below sorted alphabetically
+ flagSpec "asm-shortcutting" Opt_AsmShortcutting,
+ flagGhciSpec "break-on-error" Opt_BreakOnError,
+ flagGhciSpec "break-on-exception" Opt_BreakOnException,
+ flagSpec "building-cabal-package" Opt_BuildingCabalPackage,
+ flagSpec "call-arity" Opt_CallArity,
+ flagSpec "exitification" Opt_Exitification,
+ flagSpec "case-merge" Opt_CaseMerge,
+ flagSpec "case-folding" Opt_CaseFolding,
+ flagSpec "cmm-elim-common-blocks" Opt_CmmElimCommonBlocks,
+ flagSpec "cmm-sink" Opt_CmmSink,
+ flagSpec "cse" Opt_CSE,
+ flagSpec "stg-cse" Opt_StgCSE,
+ flagSpec "stg-lift-lams" Opt_StgLiftLams,
+ flagSpec "cpr-anal" Opt_CprAnal,
+ flagSpec "defer-diagnostics" Opt_DeferDiagnostics,
+ flagSpec "defer-type-errors" Opt_DeferTypeErrors,
+ flagSpec "defer-typed-holes" Opt_DeferTypedHoles,
+ flagSpec "defer-out-of-scope-variables" Opt_DeferOutOfScopeVariables,
+ flagSpec "diagnostics-show-caret" Opt_DiagnosticsShowCaret,
+ flagSpec "dicts-cheap" Opt_DictsCheap,
+ flagSpec "dicts-strict" Opt_DictsStrict,
+ flagSpec "dmd-tx-dict-sel" Opt_DmdTxDictSel,
+ flagSpec "do-eta-reduction" Opt_DoEtaReduction,
+ flagSpec "do-lambda-eta-expansion" Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion,
+ flagSpec "eager-blackholing" Opt_EagerBlackHoling,
+ flagSpec "embed-manifest" Opt_EmbedManifest,
+ flagSpec "enable-rewrite-rules" Opt_EnableRewriteRules,
+ flagSpec "enable-th-splice-warnings" Opt_EnableThSpliceWarnings,
+ flagSpec "error-spans" Opt_ErrorSpans,
+ flagSpec "excess-precision" Opt_ExcessPrecision,
+ flagSpec "expose-all-unfoldings" Opt_ExposeAllUnfoldings,
+ flagSpec "external-dynamic-refs" Opt_ExternalDynamicRefs,
+ flagSpec "external-interpreter" Opt_ExternalInterpreter,
+ flagSpec "flat-cache" Opt_FlatCache,
+ flagSpec "float-in" Opt_FloatIn,
+ flagSpec "force-recomp" Opt_ForceRecomp,
+ flagSpec "ignore-optim-changes" Opt_IgnoreOptimChanges,
+ flagSpec "ignore-hpc-changes" Opt_IgnoreHpcChanges,
+ flagSpec "full-laziness" Opt_FullLaziness,
+ flagSpec "fun-to-thunk" Opt_FunToThunk,
+ flagSpec "gen-manifest" Opt_GenManifest,
+ flagSpec "ghci-history" Opt_GhciHistory,
+ flagSpec "ghci-leak-check" Opt_GhciLeakCheck,
+ flagSpec "validate-ide-info" Opt_ValidateHie,
+ flagGhciSpec "local-ghci-history" Opt_LocalGhciHistory,
+ flagGhciSpec "no-it" Opt_NoIt,
+ flagSpec "ghci-sandbox" Opt_GhciSandbox,
+ flagSpec "helpful-errors" Opt_HelpfulErrors,
+ flagSpec "hpc" Opt_Hpc,
+ flagSpec "ignore-asserts" Opt_IgnoreAsserts,
+ flagSpec "ignore-interface-pragmas" Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas,
+ flagGhciSpec "implicit-import-qualified" Opt_ImplicitImportQualified,
+ flagSpec "irrefutable-tuples" Opt_IrrefutableTuples,
+ flagSpec "keep-going" Opt_KeepGoing,
+ flagSpec "kill-absence" Opt_KillAbsence,
+ flagSpec "kill-one-shot" Opt_KillOneShot,
+ flagSpec "late-dmd-anal" Opt_LateDmdAnal,
+ flagSpec "late-specialise" Opt_LateSpecialise,
+ flagSpec "liberate-case" Opt_LiberateCase,
+ flagHiddenSpec "llvm-tbaa" Opt_LlvmTBAA,
+ flagHiddenSpec "llvm-fill-undef-with-garbage" Opt_LlvmFillUndefWithGarbage,
+ flagSpec "loopification" Opt_Loopification,
+ flagSpec "block-layout-cfg" Opt_CfgBlocklayout,
+ flagSpec "block-layout-weightless" Opt_WeightlessBlocklayout,
+ flagSpec "omit-interface-pragmas" Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas,
+ flagSpec "omit-yields" Opt_OmitYields,
+ flagSpec "optimal-applicative-do" Opt_OptimalApplicativeDo,
+ flagSpec "pedantic-bottoms" Opt_PedanticBottoms,
+ flagSpec "pre-inlining" Opt_SimplPreInlining,
+ flagGhciSpec "print-bind-contents" Opt_PrintBindContents,
+ flagGhciSpec "print-bind-result" Opt_PrintBindResult,
+ flagGhciSpec "print-evld-with-show" Opt_PrintEvldWithShow,
+ flagSpec "print-explicit-foralls" Opt_PrintExplicitForalls,
+ flagSpec "print-explicit-kinds" Opt_PrintExplicitKinds,
+ flagSpec "print-explicit-coercions" Opt_PrintExplicitCoercions,
+ flagSpec "print-explicit-runtime-reps" Opt_PrintExplicitRuntimeReps,
+ flagSpec "print-equality-relations" Opt_PrintEqualityRelations,
+ flagSpec "print-axiom-incomps" Opt_PrintAxiomIncomps,
+ flagSpec "print-unicode-syntax" Opt_PrintUnicodeSyntax,
+ flagSpec "print-expanded-synonyms" Opt_PrintExpandedSynonyms,
+ flagSpec "print-potential-instances" Opt_PrintPotentialInstances,
+ flagSpec "print-typechecker-elaboration" Opt_PrintTypecheckerElaboration,
+ flagSpec "prof-cafs" Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs,
+ flagSpec "prof-count-entries" Opt_ProfCountEntries,
+ flagSpec "regs-graph" Opt_RegsGraph,
+ flagSpec "regs-iterative" Opt_RegsIterative,
+ depFlagSpec' "rewrite-rules" Opt_EnableRewriteRules
+ (useInstead "-f" "enable-rewrite-rules"),
+ flagSpec "shared-implib" Opt_SharedImplib,
+ flagSpec "spec-constr" Opt_SpecConstr,
+ flagSpec "spec-constr-keen" Opt_SpecConstrKeen,
+ flagSpec "specialise" Opt_Specialise,
+ flagSpec "specialize" Opt_Specialise,
+ flagSpec "specialise-aggressively" Opt_SpecialiseAggressively,
+ flagSpec "specialize-aggressively" Opt_SpecialiseAggressively,
+ flagSpec "cross-module-specialise" Opt_CrossModuleSpecialise,
+ flagSpec "cross-module-specialize" Opt_CrossModuleSpecialise,
+ flagSpec "static-argument-transformation" Opt_StaticArgumentTransformation,
+ flagSpec "strictness" Opt_Strictness,
+ flagSpec "use-rpaths" Opt_RPath,
+ flagSpec "write-interface" Opt_WriteInterface,
+ flagSpec "write-ide-info" Opt_WriteHie,
+ flagSpec "unbox-small-strict-fields" Opt_UnboxSmallStrictFields,
+ flagSpec "unbox-strict-fields" Opt_UnboxStrictFields,
+ flagSpec "version-macros" Opt_VersionMacros,
+ flagSpec "worker-wrapper" Opt_WorkerWrapper,
+ flagSpec "solve-constant-dicts" Opt_SolveConstantDicts,
+ flagSpec "catch-bottoms" Opt_CatchBottoms,
+ flagSpec "alignment-sanitisation" Opt_AlignmentSanitisation,
+ flagSpec "num-constant-folding" Opt_NumConstantFolding,
+ flagSpec "show-warning-groups" Opt_ShowWarnGroups,
+ flagSpec "hide-source-paths" Opt_HideSourcePaths,
+ flagSpec "show-loaded-modules" Opt_ShowLoadedModules,
+ flagSpec "whole-archive-hs-libs" Opt_WholeArchiveHsLibs,
+ flagSpec "keep-cafs" Opt_KeepCAFs
+ ]
+ ++ fHoleFlags
+-- | These @-f\<blah\>@ flags have to do with the typed-hole error message or
+-- the valid hole fits in that message. See Note [Valid hole fits include ...]
+-- in the TcHoleErrors module. These flags can all be reversed with
+-- @-fno-\<blah\>@
+fHoleFlags :: [(Deprecation, FlagSpec GeneralFlag)]
+fHoleFlags = [
+ flagSpec "show-hole-constraints" Opt_ShowHoleConstraints,
+ depFlagSpec' "show-valid-substitutions" Opt_ShowValidHoleFits
+ (useInstead "-f" "show-valid-hole-fits"),
+ flagSpec "show-valid-hole-fits" Opt_ShowValidHoleFits,
+ -- Sorting settings
+ flagSpec "sort-valid-hole-fits" Opt_SortValidHoleFits,
+ flagSpec "sort-by-size-hole-fits" Opt_SortBySizeHoleFits,
+ flagSpec "sort-by-subsumption-hole-fits" Opt_SortBySubsumHoleFits,
+ flagSpec "abstract-refinement-hole-fits" Opt_AbstractRefHoleFits,
+ -- Output format settings
+ flagSpec "show-hole-matches-of-hole-fits" Opt_ShowMatchesOfHoleFits,
+ flagSpec "show-provenance-of-hole-fits" Opt_ShowProvOfHoleFits,
+ flagSpec "show-type-of-hole-fits" Opt_ShowTypeOfHoleFits,
+ flagSpec "show-type-app-of-hole-fits" Opt_ShowTypeAppOfHoleFits,
+ flagSpec "show-type-app-vars-of-hole-fits" Opt_ShowTypeAppVarsOfHoleFits,
+ flagSpec "show-docs-of-hole-fits" Opt_ShowDocsOfHoleFits,
+ flagSpec "unclutter-valid-hole-fits" Opt_UnclutterValidHoleFits
+ ]
+-- | These @-f\<blah\>@ flags can all be reversed with @-fno-\<blah\>@
+fLangFlags :: [FlagSpec LangExt.Extension]
+fLangFlags = map snd fLangFlagsDeps
+fLangFlagsDeps :: [(Deprecation, FlagSpec LangExt.Extension)]
+fLangFlagsDeps = [
+-- See Note [Updating flag description in the User's Guide]
+-- See Note [Supporting CLI completion]
+ depFlagSpecOp' "th" LangExt.TemplateHaskell
+ checkTemplateHaskellOk
+ (deprecatedForExtension "TemplateHaskell"),
+ depFlagSpec' "fi" LangExt.ForeignFunctionInterface
+ (deprecatedForExtension "ForeignFunctionInterface"),
+ depFlagSpec' "ffi" LangExt.ForeignFunctionInterface
+ (deprecatedForExtension "ForeignFunctionInterface"),
+ depFlagSpec' "arrows" LangExt.Arrows
+ (deprecatedForExtension "Arrows"),
+ depFlagSpec' "implicit-prelude" LangExt.ImplicitPrelude
+ (deprecatedForExtension "ImplicitPrelude"),
+ depFlagSpec' "bang-patterns" LangExt.BangPatterns
+ (deprecatedForExtension "BangPatterns"),
+ depFlagSpec' "monomorphism-restriction" LangExt.MonomorphismRestriction
+ (deprecatedForExtension "MonomorphismRestriction"),
+ depFlagSpec' "mono-pat-binds" LangExt.MonoPatBinds
+ (deprecatedForExtension "MonoPatBinds"),
+ depFlagSpec' "extended-default-rules" LangExt.ExtendedDefaultRules
+ (deprecatedForExtension "ExtendedDefaultRules"),
+ depFlagSpec' "implicit-params" LangExt.ImplicitParams
+ (deprecatedForExtension "ImplicitParams"),
+ depFlagSpec' "scoped-type-variables" LangExt.ScopedTypeVariables
+ (deprecatedForExtension "ScopedTypeVariables"),
+ depFlagSpec' "allow-overlapping-instances" LangExt.OverlappingInstances
+ (deprecatedForExtension "OverlappingInstances"),
+ depFlagSpec' "allow-undecidable-instances" LangExt.UndecidableInstances
+ (deprecatedForExtension "UndecidableInstances"),
+ depFlagSpec' "allow-incoherent-instances" LangExt.IncoherentInstances
+ (deprecatedForExtension "IncoherentInstances")
+ ]
+supportedLanguages :: [String]
+supportedLanguages = map (flagSpecName . snd) languageFlagsDeps
+supportedLanguageOverlays :: [String]
+supportedLanguageOverlays = map (flagSpecName . snd) safeHaskellFlagsDeps
+supportedExtensions :: PlatformMini -> [String]
+supportedExtensions targetPlatformMini = concatMap toFlagSpecNamePair xFlags
+ where
+ toFlagSpecNamePair flg
+ -- IMPORTANT! Make sure that `ghc --supported-extensions` omits
+ -- "TemplateHaskell"/"QuasiQuotes" when it's known not to work out of the
+ -- box. See also GHC #11102 and #16331 for more details about
+ -- the rationale
+ | isAIX, flagSpecFlag flg == LangExt.TemplateHaskell = [noName]
+ | isAIX, flagSpecFlag flg == LangExt.QuasiQuotes = [noName]
+ | otherwise = [name, noName]
+ where
+ isAIX = platformMini_os targetPlatformMini == OSAIX
+ noName = "No" ++ name
+ name = flagSpecName flg
+supportedLanguagesAndExtensions :: PlatformMini -> [String]
+supportedLanguagesAndExtensions targetPlatformMini =
+ supportedLanguages ++ supportedLanguageOverlays ++ supportedExtensions targetPlatformMini
+-- | These -X<blah> flags cannot be reversed with -XNo<blah>
+languageFlagsDeps :: [(Deprecation, FlagSpec Language)]
+languageFlagsDeps = [
+ flagSpec "Haskell98" Haskell98,
+ flagSpec "Haskell2010" Haskell2010
+ ]
+-- | These -X<blah> flags cannot be reversed with -XNo<blah>
+-- They are used to place hard requirements on what GHC Haskell language
+-- features can be used.
+safeHaskellFlagsDeps :: [(Deprecation, FlagSpec SafeHaskellMode)]
+safeHaskellFlagsDeps = [mkF Sf_Unsafe, mkF Sf_Trustworthy, mkF Sf_Safe]
+ where mkF flag = flagSpec (show flag) flag
+-- | These -X<blah> flags can all be reversed with -XNo<blah>
+xFlags :: [FlagSpec LangExt.Extension]
+xFlags = map snd xFlagsDeps
+xFlagsDeps :: [(Deprecation, FlagSpec LangExt.Extension)]
+xFlagsDeps = [
+-- See Note [Updating flag description in the User's Guide]
+-- See Note [Supporting CLI completion]
+-- See Note [Adding a language extension]
+-- Please keep the list of flags below sorted alphabetically
+ flagSpec "AllowAmbiguousTypes" LangExt.AllowAmbiguousTypes,
+ flagSpec "AlternativeLayoutRule" LangExt.AlternativeLayoutRule,
+ flagSpec "AlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional"
+ LangExt.AlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional,
+ flagSpec "Arrows" LangExt.Arrows,
+ depFlagSpecCond "AutoDeriveTypeable" LangExt.AutoDeriveTypeable
+ id
+ ("Typeable instances are created automatically " ++
+ "for all types since GHC 8.2."),
+ flagSpec "BangPatterns" LangExt.BangPatterns,
+ flagSpec "BinaryLiterals" LangExt.BinaryLiterals,
+ flagSpec "CApiFFI" LangExt.CApiFFI,
+ flagSpec "CPP" LangExt.Cpp,
+ flagSpec "CUSKs" LangExt.CUSKs,
+ flagSpec "ConstrainedClassMethods" LangExt.ConstrainedClassMethods,
+ flagSpec "ConstraintKinds" LangExt.ConstraintKinds,
+ flagSpec "DataKinds" LangExt.DataKinds,
+ depFlagSpecCond "DatatypeContexts" LangExt.DatatypeContexts
+ id
+ ("It was widely considered a misfeature, " ++
+ "and has been removed from the Haskell language."),
+ flagSpec "DefaultSignatures" LangExt.DefaultSignatures,
+ flagSpec "DeriveAnyClass" LangExt.DeriveAnyClass,
+ flagSpec "DeriveDataTypeable" LangExt.DeriveDataTypeable,
+ flagSpec "DeriveFoldable" LangExt.DeriveFoldable,
+ flagSpec "DeriveFunctor" LangExt.DeriveFunctor,
+ flagSpec "DeriveGeneric" LangExt.DeriveGeneric,
+ flagSpec "DeriveLift" LangExt.DeriveLift,
+ flagSpec "DeriveTraversable" LangExt.DeriveTraversable,
+ flagSpec "DerivingStrategies" LangExt.DerivingStrategies,
+ flagSpec "DerivingVia" LangExt.DerivingVia,
+ flagSpec "DisambiguateRecordFields" LangExt.DisambiguateRecordFields,
+ flagSpec "DoAndIfThenElse" LangExt.DoAndIfThenElse,
+ flagSpec "BlockArguments" LangExt.BlockArguments,
+ depFlagSpec' "DoRec" LangExt.RecursiveDo
+ (deprecatedForExtension "RecursiveDo"),
+ flagSpec "DuplicateRecordFields" LangExt.DuplicateRecordFields,
+ flagSpec "EmptyCase" LangExt.EmptyCase,
+ flagSpec "EmptyDataDecls" LangExt.EmptyDataDecls,
+ flagSpec "EmptyDataDeriving" LangExt.EmptyDataDeriving,
+ flagSpec "ExistentialQuantification" LangExt.ExistentialQuantification,
+ flagSpec "ExplicitForAll" LangExt.ExplicitForAll,
+ flagSpec "ExplicitNamespaces" LangExt.ExplicitNamespaces,
+ flagSpec "ExtendedDefaultRules" LangExt.ExtendedDefaultRules,
+ flagSpec "FlexibleContexts" LangExt.FlexibleContexts,
+ flagSpec "FlexibleInstances" LangExt.FlexibleInstances,
+ flagSpec "ForeignFunctionInterface" LangExt.ForeignFunctionInterface,
+ flagSpec "FunctionalDependencies" LangExt.FunctionalDependencies,
+ flagSpec "GADTSyntax" LangExt.GADTSyntax,
+ flagSpec "GADTs" LangExt.GADTs,
+ flagSpec "GHCForeignImportPrim" LangExt.GHCForeignImportPrim,
+ flagSpec' "GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving" LangExt.GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
+ setGenDeriving,
+ flagSpec' "GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving" LangExt.GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
+ setGenDeriving,
+ flagSpec "ImplicitParams" LangExt.ImplicitParams,
+ flagSpec "ImplicitPrelude" LangExt.ImplicitPrelude,
+ flagSpec "ImportQualifiedPost" LangExt.ImportQualifiedPost,
+ flagSpec "ImpredicativeTypes" LangExt.ImpredicativeTypes,
+ flagSpec' "IncoherentInstances" LangExt.IncoherentInstances
+ setIncoherentInsts,
+ flagSpec "TypeFamilyDependencies" LangExt.TypeFamilyDependencies,
+ flagSpec "InstanceSigs" LangExt.InstanceSigs,
+ flagSpec "ApplicativeDo" LangExt.ApplicativeDo,
+ flagSpec "InterruptibleFFI" LangExt.InterruptibleFFI,
+ flagSpec "JavaScriptFFI" LangExt.JavaScriptFFI,
+ flagSpec "KindSignatures" LangExt.KindSignatures,
+ flagSpec "LambdaCase" LangExt.LambdaCase,
+ flagSpec "LiberalTypeSynonyms" LangExt.LiberalTypeSynonyms,
+ flagSpec "MagicHash" LangExt.MagicHash,
+ flagSpec "MonadComprehensions" LangExt.MonadComprehensions,
+ depFlagSpec "MonadFailDesugaring" LangExt.MonadFailDesugaring
+ "MonadFailDesugaring is now the default behavior",
+ flagSpec "MonoLocalBinds" LangExt.MonoLocalBinds,
+ depFlagSpecCond "MonoPatBinds" LangExt.MonoPatBinds
+ id
+ "Experimental feature now removed; has no effect",
+ flagSpec "MonomorphismRestriction" LangExt.MonomorphismRestriction,
+ flagSpec "MultiParamTypeClasses" LangExt.MultiParamTypeClasses,
+ flagSpec "MultiWayIf" LangExt.MultiWayIf,
+ flagSpec "NumericUnderscores" LangExt.NumericUnderscores,
+ flagSpec "NPlusKPatterns" LangExt.NPlusKPatterns,
+ flagSpec "NamedFieldPuns" LangExt.RecordPuns,
+ flagSpec "NamedWildCards" LangExt.NamedWildCards,
+ flagSpec "NegativeLiterals" LangExt.NegativeLiterals,
+ flagSpec "HexFloatLiterals" LangExt.HexFloatLiterals,
+ flagSpec "NondecreasingIndentation" LangExt.NondecreasingIndentation,
+ depFlagSpec' "NullaryTypeClasses" LangExt.NullaryTypeClasses
+ (deprecatedForExtension "MultiParamTypeClasses"),
+ flagSpec "NumDecimals" LangExt.NumDecimals,
+ depFlagSpecOp "OverlappingInstances" LangExt.OverlappingInstances
+ setOverlappingInsts
+ "instead use per-instance pragmas OVERLAPPING/OVERLAPPABLE/OVERLAPS",
+ flagSpec "OverloadedLabels" LangExt.OverloadedLabels,
+ flagSpec "OverloadedLists" LangExt.OverloadedLists,
+ flagSpec "OverloadedStrings" LangExt.OverloadedStrings,
+ flagSpec "PackageImports" LangExt.PackageImports,
+ flagSpec "ParallelArrays" LangExt.ParallelArrays,
+ flagSpec "ParallelListComp" LangExt.ParallelListComp,
+ flagSpec "PartialTypeSignatures" LangExt.PartialTypeSignatures,
+ flagSpec "PatternGuards" LangExt.PatternGuards,
+ depFlagSpec' "PatternSignatures" LangExt.ScopedTypeVariables
+ (deprecatedForExtension "ScopedTypeVariables"),
+ flagSpec "PatternSynonyms" LangExt.PatternSynonyms,
+ flagSpec "PolyKinds" LangExt.PolyKinds,
+ flagSpec "PolymorphicComponents" LangExt.RankNTypes,
+ flagSpec "QuantifiedConstraints" LangExt.QuantifiedConstraints,
+ flagSpec "PostfixOperators" LangExt.PostfixOperators,
+ flagSpec "QuasiQuotes" LangExt.QuasiQuotes,
+ flagSpec "Rank2Types" LangExt.RankNTypes,
+ flagSpec "RankNTypes" LangExt.RankNTypes,
+ flagSpec "RebindableSyntax" LangExt.RebindableSyntax,
+ depFlagSpec' "RecordPuns" LangExt.RecordPuns
+ (deprecatedForExtension "NamedFieldPuns"),
+ flagSpec "RecordWildCards" LangExt.RecordWildCards,
+ flagSpec "RecursiveDo" LangExt.RecursiveDo,
+ flagSpec "RelaxedLayout" LangExt.RelaxedLayout,
+ depFlagSpecCond "RelaxedPolyRec" LangExt.RelaxedPolyRec
+ not
+ "You can't turn off RelaxedPolyRec any more",
+ flagSpec "RoleAnnotations" LangExt.RoleAnnotations,
+ flagSpec "ScopedTypeVariables" LangExt.ScopedTypeVariables,
+ flagSpec "StandaloneDeriving" LangExt.StandaloneDeriving,
+ flagSpec "StarIsType" LangExt.StarIsType,
+ flagSpec "StaticPointers" LangExt.StaticPointers,
+ flagSpec "Strict" LangExt.Strict,
+ flagSpec "StrictData" LangExt.StrictData,
+ flagSpec' "TemplateHaskell" LangExt.TemplateHaskell
+ checkTemplateHaskellOk,
+ flagSpec "TemplateHaskellQuotes" LangExt.TemplateHaskellQuotes,
+ flagSpec "StandaloneKindSignatures" LangExt.StandaloneKindSignatures,
+ flagSpec "TraditionalRecordSyntax" LangExt.TraditionalRecordSyntax,
+ flagSpec "TransformListComp" LangExt.TransformListComp,
+ flagSpec "TupleSections" LangExt.TupleSections,
+ flagSpec "TypeApplications" LangExt.TypeApplications,
+ flagSpec "TypeInType" LangExt.TypeInType,
+ flagSpec "TypeFamilies" LangExt.TypeFamilies,
+ flagSpec "TypeOperators" LangExt.TypeOperators,
+ flagSpec "TypeSynonymInstances" LangExt.TypeSynonymInstances,
+ flagSpec "UnboxedTuples" LangExt.UnboxedTuples,
+ flagSpec "UnboxedSums" LangExt.UnboxedSums,
+ flagSpec "UndecidableInstances" LangExt.UndecidableInstances,
+ flagSpec "UndecidableSuperClasses" LangExt.UndecidableSuperClasses,
+ flagSpec "UnicodeSyntax" LangExt.UnicodeSyntax,
+ flagSpec "UnliftedFFITypes" LangExt.UnliftedFFITypes,
+ flagSpec "UnliftedNewtypes" LangExt.UnliftedNewtypes,
+ flagSpec "ViewPatterns" LangExt.ViewPatterns
+ ]
+defaultFlags :: Settings -> [GeneralFlag]
+defaultFlags settings
+-- See Note [Updating flag description in the User's Guide]
+ = [ Opt_AutoLinkPackages,
+ Opt_DiagnosticsShowCaret,
+ Opt_EmbedManifest,
+ Opt_FlatCache,
+ Opt_GenManifest,
+ Opt_GhciHistory,
+ Opt_GhciSandbox,
+ Opt_HelpfulErrors,
+ Opt_KeepHiFiles,
+ Opt_KeepOFiles,
+ Opt_OmitYields,
+ Opt_PrintBindContents,
+ Opt_ProfCountEntries,
+ Opt_RPath,
+ Opt_SharedImplib,
+ Opt_SimplPreInlining,
+ Opt_VersionMacros
+ ]
+ ++ [f | (ns,f) <- optLevelFlags, 0 `elem` ns]
+ -- The default -O0 options
+ ++ default_PIC platform
+ ++ concatMap (wayGeneralFlags platform) (defaultWays settings)
+ ++ validHoleFitDefaults
+ where platform = sTargetPlatform settings
+-- | These are the default settings for the display and sorting of valid hole
+-- fits in typed-hole error messages. See Note [Valid hole fits include ...]
+ -- in the TcHoleErrors module.
+validHoleFitDefaults :: [GeneralFlag]
+ = [ Opt_ShowTypeAppOfHoleFits
+ , Opt_ShowTypeOfHoleFits
+ , Opt_ShowProvOfHoleFits
+ , Opt_ShowMatchesOfHoleFits
+ , Opt_ShowValidHoleFits
+ , Opt_SortValidHoleFits
+ , Opt_SortBySizeHoleFits
+ , Opt_ShowHoleConstraints ]
+validHoleFitsImpliedGFlags :: [(GeneralFlag, TurnOnFlag, GeneralFlag)]
+ = [ (Opt_UnclutterValidHoleFits, turnOff, Opt_ShowTypeAppOfHoleFits)
+ , (Opt_UnclutterValidHoleFits, turnOff, Opt_ShowTypeAppVarsOfHoleFits)
+ , (Opt_UnclutterValidHoleFits, turnOff, Opt_ShowDocsOfHoleFits)
+ , (Opt_ShowTypeAppVarsOfHoleFits, turnOff, Opt_ShowTypeAppOfHoleFits)
+ , (Opt_UnclutterValidHoleFits, turnOff, Opt_ShowProvOfHoleFits) ]
+default_PIC :: Platform -> [GeneralFlag]
+default_PIC platform =
+ case (platformOS platform, platformArch platform) of
+ (OSDarwin, ArchX86_64) -> [Opt_PIC]
+ (OSOpenBSD, ArchX86_64) -> [Opt_PIC] -- Due to PIE support in
+ -- OpenBSD since 5.3 release
+ -- (1 May 2013) we need to
+ -- always generate PIC. See
+ -- #10597 for more
+ -- information.
+ _ -> []
+-- General flags that are switched on/off when other general flags are switched
+-- on
+impliedGFlags :: [(GeneralFlag, TurnOnFlag, GeneralFlag)]
+impliedGFlags = [(Opt_DeferTypeErrors, turnOn, Opt_DeferTypedHoles)
+ ,(Opt_DeferTypeErrors, turnOn, Opt_DeferOutOfScopeVariables)
+ ,(Opt_Strictness, turnOn, Opt_WorkerWrapper)
+ ] ++ validHoleFitsImpliedGFlags
+-- General flags that are switched on/off when other general flags are switched
+-- off
+impliedOffGFlags :: [(GeneralFlag, TurnOnFlag, GeneralFlag)]
+impliedOffGFlags = [(Opt_Strictness, turnOff, Opt_WorkerWrapper)]
+impliedXFlags :: [(LangExt.Extension, TurnOnFlag, LangExt.Extension)]
+-- See Note [Updating flag description in the User's Guide]
+ = [ (LangExt.RankNTypes, turnOn, LangExt.ExplicitForAll)
+ , (LangExt.QuantifiedConstraints, turnOn, LangExt.ExplicitForAll)
+ , (LangExt.ScopedTypeVariables, turnOn, LangExt.ExplicitForAll)
+ , (LangExt.LiberalTypeSynonyms, turnOn, LangExt.ExplicitForAll)
+ , (LangExt.ExistentialQuantification, turnOn, LangExt.ExplicitForAll)
+ , (LangExt.FlexibleInstances, turnOn, LangExt.TypeSynonymInstances)
+ , (LangExt.FunctionalDependencies, turnOn, LangExt.MultiParamTypeClasses)
+ , (LangExt.MultiParamTypeClasses, turnOn, LangExt.ConstrainedClassMethods) -- c.f. #7854
+ , (LangExt.TypeFamilyDependencies, turnOn, LangExt.TypeFamilies)
+ , (LangExt.RebindableSyntax, turnOff, LangExt.ImplicitPrelude) -- NB: turn off!
+ , (LangExt.DerivingVia, turnOn, LangExt.DerivingStrategies)
+ , (LangExt.GADTs, turnOn, LangExt.GADTSyntax)
+ , (LangExt.GADTs, turnOn, LangExt.MonoLocalBinds)
+ , (LangExt.TypeFamilies, turnOn, LangExt.MonoLocalBinds)
+ , (LangExt.TypeFamilies, turnOn, LangExt.KindSignatures) -- Type families use kind signatures
+ , (LangExt.PolyKinds, turnOn, LangExt.KindSignatures) -- Ditto polymorphic kinds
+ -- TypeInType is now just a synonym for a couple of other extensions.
+ , (LangExt.TypeInType, turnOn, LangExt.DataKinds)
+ , (LangExt.TypeInType, turnOn, LangExt.PolyKinds)
+ , (LangExt.TypeInType, turnOn, LangExt.KindSignatures)
+ -- Standalone kind signatures are a replacement for CUSKs.
+ , (LangExt.StandaloneKindSignatures, turnOff, LangExt.CUSKs)
+ -- AutoDeriveTypeable is not very useful without DeriveDataTypeable
+ , (LangExt.AutoDeriveTypeable, turnOn, LangExt.DeriveDataTypeable)
+ -- We turn this on so that we can export associated type
+ -- type synonyms in subordinates (e.g. MyClass(type AssocType))
+ , (LangExt.TypeFamilies, turnOn, LangExt.ExplicitNamespaces)
+ , (LangExt.TypeOperators, turnOn, LangExt.ExplicitNamespaces)
+ , (LangExt.ImpredicativeTypes, turnOn, LangExt.RankNTypes)
+ -- Record wild-cards implies field disambiguation
+ -- Otherwise if you write (C {..}) you may well get
+ -- stuff like " 'a' not in scope ", which is a bit silly
+ -- if the compiler has just filled in field 'a' of constructor 'C'
+ , (LangExt.RecordWildCards, turnOn, LangExt.DisambiguateRecordFields)
+ , (LangExt.ParallelArrays, turnOn, LangExt.ParallelListComp)
+ , (LangExt.JavaScriptFFI, turnOn, LangExt.InterruptibleFFI)
+ , (LangExt.DeriveTraversable, turnOn, LangExt.DeriveFunctor)
+ , (LangExt.DeriveTraversable, turnOn, LangExt.DeriveFoldable)
+ -- Duplicate record fields require field disambiguation
+ , (LangExt.DuplicateRecordFields, turnOn, LangExt.DisambiguateRecordFields)
+ , (LangExt.TemplateHaskell, turnOn, LangExt.TemplateHaskellQuotes)
+ , (LangExt.Strict, turnOn, LangExt.StrictData)
+ ]
+-- Note [When is StarIsType enabled]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- The StarIsType extension determines whether to treat '*' as a regular type
+-- operator or as a synonym for 'Data.Kind.Type'. Many existing pre-TypeInType
+-- programs expect '*' to be synonymous with 'Type', so by default StarIsType is
+-- enabled.
+-- Programs that use TypeOperators might expect to repurpose '*' for
+-- multiplication or another binary operation, but making TypeOperators imply
+-- NoStarIsType caused too much breakage on Hackage.
+-- Note [Documenting optimisation flags]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- If you change the list of flags enabled for particular optimisation levels
+-- please remember to update the User's Guide. The relevant file is:
+-- docs/users_guide/using-optimisation.rst
+-- Make sure to note whether a flag is implied by -O0, -O or -O2.
+optLevelFlags :: [([Int], GeneralFlag)]
+-- Default settings of flags, before any command-line overrides
+optLevelFlags -- see Note [Documenting optimisation flags]
+ = [ ([0,1,2], Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion)
+ , ([0,1,2], Opt_DoEtaReduction) -- See Note [Eta-reduction in -O0]
+ , ([0,1,2], Opt_DmdTxDictSel)
+ , ([0,1,2], Opt_LlvmTBAA)
+ , ([0], Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas)
+ , ([0], Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_CallArity)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_Exitification)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_CaseMerge)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_CaseFolding)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_CmmElimCommonBlocks)
+ , ([2], Opt_AsmShortcutting)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_CmmSink)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_CSE)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_StgCSE)
+ , ([2], Opt_StgLiftLams)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_EnableRewriteRules)
+ -- Off for -O0. Otherwise we desugar list literals
+ -- to 'build' but don't run the simplifier passes that
+ -- would rewrite them back to cons cells! This seems
+ -- silly, and matters for the GHCi debugger.
+ , ([1,2], Opt_FloatIn)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_FullLaziness)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_IgnoreAsserts)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_Loopification)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_CfgBlocklayout) -- Experimental
+ , ([1,2], Opt_Specialise)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_CrossModuleSpecialise)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_Strictness)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_UnboxSmallStrictFields)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_CprAnal)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_WorkerWrapper)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_SolveConstantDicts)
+ , ([1,2], Opt_NumConstantFolding)
+ , ([2], Opt_LiberateCase)
+ , ([2], Opt_SpecConstr)
+-- , ([2], Opt_RegsGraph)
+-- RegsGraph suffers performance regression. See #7679
+-- , ([2], Opt_StaticArgumentTransformation)
+-- Static Argument Transformation needs investigation. See #9374
+ ]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Standard sets of warning options
+-- Note [Documenting warning flags]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- If you change the list of warning enabled by default
+-- please remember to update the User's Guide. The relevant file is:
+-- docs/users_guide/using-warnings.rst
+-- | Warning groups.
+-- As all warnings are in the Weverything set, it is ignored when
+-- displaying to the user which group a warning is in.
+warningGroups :: [(String, [WarningFlag])]
+warningGroups =
+ [ ("compat", minusWcompatOpts)
+ , ("unused-binds", unusedBindsFlags)
+ , ("default", standardWarnings)
+ , ("extra", minusWOpts)
+ , ("all", minusWallOpts)
+ , ("everything", minusWeverythingOpts)
+ ]
+-- | Warning group hierarchies, where there is an explicit inclusion
+-- relation.
+-- Each inner list is a hierarchy of warning groups, ordered from
+-- smallest to largest, where each group is a superset of the one
+-- before it.
+-- Separating this from 'warningGroups' allows for multiple
+-- hierarchies with no inherent relation to be defined.
+-- The special-case Weverything group is not included.
+warningHierarchies :: [[String]]
+warningHierarchies = hierarchies ++ map (:[]) rest
+ where
+ hierarchies = [["default", "extra", "all"]]
+ rest = filter (`notElem` "everything" : concat hierarchies) $
+ map fst warningGroups
+-- | Find the smallest group in every hierarchy which a warning
+-- belongs to, excluding Weverything.
+smallestGroups :: WarningFlag -> [String]
+smallestGroups flag = mapMaybe go warningHierarchies where
+ -- Because each hierarchy is arranged from smallest to largest,
+ -- the first group we find in a hierarchy which contains the flag
+ -- is the smallest.
+ go (group:rest) = fromMaybe (go rest) $ do
+ flags <- lookup group warningGroups
+ guard (flag `elem` flags)
+ pure (Just group)
+ go [] = Nothing
+-- | Warnings enabled unless specified otherwise
+standardWarnings :: [WarningFlag]
+standardWarnings -- see Note [Documenting warning flags]
+ = [ Opt_WarnOverlappingPatterns,
+ Opt_WarnWarningsDeprecations,
+ Opt_WarnDeprecatedFlags,
+ Opt_WarnDeferredTypeErrors,
+ Opt_WarnTypedHoles,
+ Opt_WarnDeferredOutOfScopeVariables,
+ Opt_WarnPartialTypeSignatures,
+ Opt_WarnUnrecognisedPragmas,
+ Opt_WarnDuplicateExports,
+ Opt_WarnDerivingDefaults,
+ Opt_WarnOverflowedLiterals,
+ Opt_WarnEmptyEnumerations,
+ Opt_WarnMissingFields,
+ Opt_WarnMissingMethods,
+ Opt_WarnWrongDoBind,
+ Opt_WarnUnsupportedCallingConventions,
+ Opt_WarnDodgyForeignImports,
+ Opt_WarnInlineRuleShadowing,
+ Opt_WarnAlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional,
+ Opt_WarnUnsupportedLlvmVersion,
+ Opt_WarnMissedExtraSharedLib,
+ Opt_WarnTabs,
+ Opt_WarnUnrecognisedWarningFlags,
+ Opt_WarnSimplifiableClassConstraints,
+ Opt_WarnStarBinder,
+ Opt_WarnInaccessibleCode,
+ Opt_WarnSpaceAfterBang
+ ]
+-- | Things you get with -W
+minusWOpts :: [WarningFlag]
+ = standardWarnings ++
+ [ Opt_WarnUnusedTopBinds,
+ Opt_WarnUnusedLocalBinds,
+ Opt_WarnUnusedPatternBinds,
+ Opt_WarnUnusedMatches,
+ Opt_WarnUnusedForalls,
+ Opt_WarnUnusedImports,
+ Opt_WarnIncompletePatterns,
+ Opt_WarnDodgyExports,
+ Opt_WarnDodgyImports,
+ Opt_WarnUnbangedStrictPatterns
+ ]
+-- | Things you get with -Wall
+minusWallOpts :: [WarningFlag]
+ = minusWOpts ++
+ [ Opt_WarnTypeDefaults,
+ Opt_WarnNameShadowing,
+ Opt_WarnMissingSignatures,
+ Opt_WarnHiShadows,
+ Opt_WarnOrphans,
+ Opt_WarnUnusedDoBind,
+ Opt_WarnTrustworthySafe,
+ Opt_WarnUntickedPromotedConstructors,
+ Opt_WarnMissingPatternSynonymSignatures,
+ Opt_WarnUnusedRecordWildcards,
+ Opt_WarnRedundantRecordWildcards,
+ Opt_WarnStarIsType
+ ]
+-- | Things you get with -Weverything, i.e. *all* known warnings flags
+minusWeverythingOpts :: [WarningFlag]
+minusWeverythingOpts = [ toEnum 0 .. ]
+-- | Things you get with -Wcompat.
+-- This is intended to group together warnings that will be enabled by default
+-- at some point in the future, so that library authors eager to make their
+-- code future compatible to fix issues before they even generate warnings.
+minusWcompatOpts :: [WarningFlag]
+ = [ Opt_WarnMissingMonadFailInstances
+ , Opt_WarnSemigroup
+ , Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonoidInstances
+ , Opt_WarnStarIsType
+ , Opt_WarnCompatUnqualifiedImports
+ ]
+enableUnusedBinds :: DynP ()
+enableUnusedBinds = mapM_ setWarningFlag unusedBindsFlags
+disableUnusedBinds :: DynP ()
+disableUnusedBinds = mapM_ unSetWarningFlag unusedBindsFlags
+-- Things you get with -Wunused-binds
+unusedBindsFlags :: [WarningFlag]
+unusedBindsFlags = [ Opt_WarnUnusedTopBinds
+ , Opt_WarnUnusedLocalBinds
+ , Opt_WarnUnusedPatternBinds
+ ]
+enableGlasgowExts :: DynP ()
+enableGlasgowExts = do setGeneralFlag Opt_PrintExplicitForalls
+ mapM_ setExtensionFlag glasgowExtsFlags
+disableGlasgowExts :: DynP ()
+disableGlasgowExts = do unSetGeneralFlag Opt_PrintExplicitForalls
+ mapM_ unSetExtensionFlag glasgowExtsFlags
+-- Please keep what_glasgow_exts_does.rst up to date with this list
+glasgowExtsFlags :: [LangExt.Extension]
+glasgowExtsFlags = [
+ LangExt.ConstrainedClassMethods
+ , LangExt.DeriveDataTypeable
+ , LangExt.DeriveFoldable
+ , LangExt.DeriveFunctor
+ , LangExt.DeriveGeneric
+ , LangExt.DeriveTraversable
+ , LangExt.EmptyDataDecls
+ , LangExt.ExistentialQuantification
+ , LangExt.ExplicitNamespaces
+ , LangExt.FlexibleContexts
+ , LangExt.FlexibleInstances
+ , LangExt.ForeignFunctionInterface
+ , LangExt.FunctionalDependencies
+ , LangExt.GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
+ , LangExt.ImplicitParams
+ , LangExt.KindSignatures
+ , LangExt.LiberalTypeSynonyms
+ , LangExt.MagicHash
+ , LangExt.MultiParamTypeClasses
+ , LangExt.ParallelListComp
+ , LangExt.PatternGuards
+ , LangExt.PostfixOperators
+ , LangExt.RankNTypes
+ , LangExt.RecursiveDo
+ , LangExt.ScopedTypeVariables
+ , LangExt.StandaloneDeriving
+ , LangExt.TypeOperators
+ , LangExt.TypeSynonymInstances
+ , LangExt.UnboxedTuples
+ , LangExt.UnicodeSyntax
+ , LangExt.UnliftedFFITypes ]
+foreign import ccall unsafe "rts_isProfiled" rtsIsProfiledIO :: IO CInt
+-- | Was the runtime system built with profiling enabled?
+rtsIsProfiled :: Bool
+rtsIsProfiled = unsafeDupablePerformIO rtsIsProfiledIO /= 0
+-- Consult the RTS to find whether GHC itself has been built with
+-- dynamic linking. This can't be statically known at compile-time,
+-- because we build both the static and dynamic versions together with
+-- -dynamic-too.
+foreign import ccall unsafe "rts_isDynamic" rtsIsDynamicIO :: IO CInt
+dynamicGhc :: Bool
+dynamicGhc = unsafeDupablePerformIO rtsIsDynamicIO /= 0
+setWarnSafe :: Bool -> DynP ()
+setWarnSafe True = getCurLoc >>= \l -> upd (\d -> d { warnSafeOnLoc = l })
+setWarnSafe False = return ()
+setWarnUnsafe :: Bool -> DynP ()
+setWarnUnsafe True = getCurLoc >>= \l -> upd (\d -> d { warnUnsafeOnLoc = l })
+setWarnUnsafe False = return ()
+setPackageTrust :: DynP ()
+setPackageTrust = do
+ setGeneralFlag Opt_PackageTrust
+ l <- getCurLoc
+ upd $ \d -> d { pkgTrustOnLoc = l }
+setGenDeriving :: TurnOnFlag -> DynP ()
+setGenDeriving True = getCurLoc >>= \l -> upd (\d -> d { newDerivOnLoc = l })
+setGenDeriving False = return ()
+setOverlappingInsts :: TurnOnFlag -> DynP ()
+setOverlappingInsts False = return ()
+setOverlappingInsts True = do
+ l <- getCurLoc
+ upd (\d -> d { overlapInstLoc = l })
+setIncoherentInsts :: TurnOnFlag -> DynP ()
+setIncoherentInsts False = return ()
+setIncoherentInsts True = do
+ l <- getCurLoc
+ upd (\d -> d { incoherentOnLoc = l })
+checkTemplateHaskellOk :: TurnOnFlag -> DynP ()
+checkTemplateHaskellOk _turn_on
+ = getCurLoc >>= \l -> upd (\d -> d { thOnLoc = l })
+{- **********************************************************************
+%* *
+ DynFlags constructors
+%* *
+%********************************************************************* -}
+type DynP = EwM (CmdLineP DynFlags)
+upd :: (DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> DynP ()
+upd f = liftEwM (do dflags <- getCmdLineState
+ putCmdLineState $! f dflags)
+updM :: (DynFlags -> DynP DynFlags) -> DynP ()
+updM f = do dflags <- liftEwM getCmdLineState
+ dflags' <- f dflags
+ liftEwM $ putCmdLineState $! dflags'
+--------------- Constructor functions for OptKind -----------------
+noArg :: (DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> OptKind (CmdLineP DynFlags)
+noArg fn = NoArg (upd fn)
+noArgM :: (DynFlags -> DynP DynFlags) -> OptKind (CmdLineP DynFlags)
+noArgM fn = NoArg (updM fn)
+hasArg :: (String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> OptKind (CmdLineP DynFlags)
+hasArg fn = HasArg (upd . fn)
+sepArg :: (String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> OptKind (CmdLineP DynFlags)
+sepArg fn = SepArg (upd . fn)
+intSuffix :: (Int -> DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> OptKind (CmdLineP DynFlags)
+intSuffix fn = IntSuffix (\n -> upd (fn n))
+intSuffixM :: (Int -> DynFlags -> DynP DynFlags) -> OptKind (CmdLineP DynFlags)
+intSuffixM fn = IntSuffix (\n -> updM (fn n))
+floatSuffix :: (Float -> DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> OptKind (CmdLineP DynFlags)
+floatSuffix fn = FloatSuffix (\n -> upd (fn n))
+optIntSuffixM :: (Maybe Int -> DynFlags -> DynP DynFlags)
+ -> OptKind (CmdLineP DynFlags)
+optIntSuffixM fn = OptIntSuffix (\mi -> updM (fn mi))
+setDumpFlag :: DumpFlag -> OptKind (CmdLineP DynFlags)
+setDumpFlag dump_flag = NoArg (setDumpFlag' dump_flag)
+addWay :: Way -> DynP ()
+addWay w = upd (addWay' w)
+addWay' :: Way -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+addWay' w dflags0 = let platform = targetPlatform dflags0
+ dflags1 = dflags0 { ways = w : ways dflags0 }
+ dflags2 = foldr setGeneralFlag' dflags1
+ (wayGeneralFlags platform w)
+ dflags3 = foldr unSetGeneralFlag' dflags2
+ (wayUnsetGeneralFlags platform w)
+ in dflags3
+removeWayDyn :: DynP ()
+removeWayDyn = upd (\dfs -> dfs { ways = filter (WayDyn /=) (ways dfs) })
+setGeneralFlag, unSetGeneralFlag :: GeneralFlag -> DynP ()
+setGeneralFlag f = upd (setGeneralFlag' f)
+unSetGeneralFlag f = upd (unSetGeneralFlag' f)
+setGeneralFlag' :: GeneralFlag -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+setGeneralFlag' f dflags = foldr ($) (gopt_set dflags f) deps
+ where
+ deps = [ if turn_on then setGeneralFlag' d
+ else unSetGeneralFlag' d
+ | (f', turn_on, d) <- impliedGFlags, f' == f ]
+ -- When you set f, set the ones it implies
+ -- NB: use setGeneralFlag recursively, in case the implied flags
+ -- implies further flags
+unSetGeneralFlag' :: GeneralFlag -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+unSetGeneralFlag' f dflags = foldr ($) (gopt_unset dflags f) deps
+ where
+ deps = [ if turn_on then setGeneralFlag' d
+ else unSetGeneralFlag' d
+ | (f', turn_on, d) <- impliedOffGFlags, f' == f ]
+ -- In general, when you un-set f, we don't un-set the things it implies.
+ -- There are however some exceptions, e.g., -fno-strictness implies
+ -- -fno-worker-wrapper.
+ --
+ -- NB: use unSetGeneralFlag' recursively, in case the implied off flags
+ -- imply further flags.
+setWarningFlag, unSetWarningFlag :: WarningFlag -> DynP ()
+setWarningFlag f = upd (\dfs -> wopt_set dfs f)
+unSetWarningFlag f = upd (\dfs -> wopt_unset dfs f)
+setFatalWarningFlag, unSetFatalWarningFlag :: WarningFlag -> DynP ()
+setFatalWarningFlag f = upd (\dfs -> wopt_set_fatal dfs f)
+unSetFatalWarningFlag f = upd (\dfs -> wopt_unset_fatal dfs f)
+setWErrorFlag :: WarningFlag -> DynP ()
+setWErrorFlag flag =
+ do { setWarningFlag flag
+ ; setFatalWarningFlag flag }
+setExtensionFlag, unSetExtensionFlag :: LangExt.Extension -> DynP ()
+setExtensionFlag f = upd (setExtensionFlag' f)
+unSetExtensionFlag f = upd (unSetExtensionFlag' f)
+setExtensionFlag', unSetExtensionFlag' :: LangExt.Extension -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+setExtensionFlag' f dflags = foldr ($) (xopt_set dflags f) deps
+ where
+ deps = [ if turn_on then setExtensionFlag' d
+ else unSetExtensionFlag' d
+ | (f', turn_on, d) <- impliedXFlags, f' == f ]
+ -- When you set f, set the ones it implies
+ -- NB: use setExtensionFlag recursively, in case the implied flags
+ -- implies further flags
+unSetExtensionFlag' f dflags = xopt_unset dflags f
+ -- When you un-set f, however, we don't un-set the things it implies
+ -- (except for -fno-glasgow-exts, which is treated specially)
+alterFileSettings :: (FileSettings -> FileSettings) -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+alterFileSettings f dynFlags = dynFlags { fileSettings = f (fileSettings dynFlags) }
+alterToolSettings :: (ToolSettings -> ToolSettings) -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+alterToolSettings f dynFlags = dynFlags { toolSettings = f (toolSettings dynFlags) }
+setDumpFlag' :: DumpFlag -> DynP ()
+setDumpFlag' dump_flag
+ = do upd (\dfs -> dopt_set dfs dump_flag)
+ when want_recomp forceRecompile
+ where -- Certain dumpy-things are really interested in what's going
+ -- on during recompilation checking, so in those cases we
+ -- don't want to turn it off.
+ want_recomp = dump_flag `notElem` [Opt_D_dump_if_trace,
+ Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs,
+ Opt_D_no_debug_output]
+forceRecompile :: DynP ()
+-- Whenever we -ddump, force recompilation (by switching off the
+-- recompilation checker), else you don't see the dump! However,
+-- don't switch it off in --make mode, else *everything* gets
+-- recompiled which probably isn't what you want
+forceRecompile = do dfs <- liftEwM getCmdLineState
+ when (force_recomp dfs) (setGeneralFlag Opt_ForceRecomp)
+ where
+ force_recomp dfs = isOneShot (ghcMode dfs)
+setVerboseCore2Core :: DynP ()
+setVerboseCore2Core = setDumpFlag' Opt_D_verbose_core2core
+setVerbosity :: Maybe Int -> DynP ()
+setVerbosity mb_n = upd (\dfs -> dfs{ verbosity = mb_n `orElse` 3 })
+setDebugLevel :: Maybe Int -> DynP ()
+setDebugLevel mb_n = upd (\dfs -> dfs{ debugLevel = mb_n `orElse` 2 })
+data PkgDbRef
+ = GlobalPkgDb
+ | UserPkgDb
+ | PkgDbPath FilePath
+ deriving Eq
+addPkgDbRef :: PkgDbRef -> DynP ()
+addPkgDbRef p = upd $ \s ->
+ s { packageDBFlags = PackageDB p : packageDBFlags s }
+removeUserPkgDb :: DynP ()
+removeUserPkgDb = upd $ \s ->
+ s { packageDBFlags = NoUserPackageDB : packageDBFlags s }
+removeGlobalPkgDb :: DynP ()
+removeGlobalPkgDb = upd $ \s ->
+ s { packageDBFlags = NoGlobalPackageDB : packageDBFlags s }
+clearPkgDb :: DynP ()
+clearPkgDb = upd $ \s ->
+ s { packageDBFlags = ClearPackageDBs : packageDBFlags s }
+parsePackageFlag :: String -- the flag
+ -> ReadP PackageArg -- type of argument
+ -> String -- string to parse
+ -> PackageFlag
+parsePackageFlag flag arg_parse str
+ = case filter ((=="").snd) (readP_to_S parse str) of
+ [(r, "")] -> r
+ _ -> throwGhcException $ CmdLineError ("Can't parse package flag: " ++ str)
+ where doc = flag ++ " " ++ str
+ parse = do
+ pkg_arg <- tok arg_parse
+ let mk_expose = ExposePackage doc pkg_arg
+ ( do _ <- tok $ string "with"
+ fmap (mk_expose . ModRenaming True) parseRns
+ <++ fmap (mk_expose . ModRenaming False) parseRns
+ <++ return (mk_expose (ModRenaming True [])))
+ parseRns = do _ <- tok $ R.char '('
+ rns <- tok $ sepBy parseItem (tok $ R.char ',')
+ _ <- tok $ R.char ')'
+ return rns
+ parseItem = do
+ orig <- tok $ parseModuleName
+ (do _ <- tok $ string "as"
+ new <- tok $ parseModuleName
+ return (orig, new)
+ +++
+ return (orig, orig))
+ tok m = m >>= \x -> skipSpaces >> return x
+exposePackage, exposePackageId, hidePackage,
+ exposePluginPackage, exposePluginPackageId,
+ ignorePackage,
+ trustPackage, distrustPackage :: String -> DynP ()
+exposePackage p = upd (exposePackage' p)
+exposePackageId p =
+ upd (\s -> s{ packageFlags =
+ parsePackageFlag "-package-id" parseUnitIdArg p : packageFlags s })
+exposePluginPackage p =
+ upd (\s -> s{ pluginPackageFlags =
+ parsePackageFlag "-plugin-package" parsePackageArg p : pluginPackageFlags s })
+exposePluginPackageId p =
+ upd (\s -> s{ pluginPackageFlags =
+ parsePackageFlag "-plugin-package-id" parseUnitIdArg p : pluginPackageFlags s })
+hidePackage p =
+ upd (\s -> s{ packageFlags = HidePackage p : packageFlags s })
+ignorePackage p =
+ upd (\s -> s{ ignorePackageFlags = IgnorePackage p : ignorePackageFlags s })
+trustPackage p = exposePackage p >> -- both trust and distrust also expose a package
+ upd (\s -> s{ trustFlags = TrustPackage p : trustFlags s })
+distrustPackage p = exposePackage p >>
+ upd (\s -> s{ trustFlags = DistrustPackage p : trustFlags s })
+exposePackage' :: String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+exposePackage' p dflags
+ = dflags { packageFlags =
+ parsePackageFlag "-package" parsePackageArg p : packageFlags dflags }
+parsePackageArg :: ReadP PackageArg
+parsePackageArg =
+ fmap PackageArg (munch1 (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c `elem` ":-_."))
+parseUnitIdArg :: ReadP PackageArg
+parseUnitIdArg =
+ fmap UnitIdArg parseUnitId
+setUnitId :: String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+setUnitId p d = d { thisInstalledUnitId = stringToInstalledUnitId p }
+-- | Given a 'ModuleName' of a signature in the home library, find
+-- out how it is instantiated. E.g., the canonical form of
+-- A in @p[A=q[]:A]@ is @q[]:A@.
+canonicalizeHomeModule :: DynFlags -> ModuleName -> Module
+canonicalizeHomeModule dflags mod_name =
+ case lookup mod_name (thisUnitIdInsts dflags) of
+ Nothing -> mkModule (thisPackage dflags) mod_name
+ Just mod -> mod
+canonicalizeModuleIfHome :: DynFlags -> Module -> Module
+canonicalizeModuleIfHome dflags mod
+ = if thisPackage dflags == moduleUnitId mod
+ then canonicalizeHomeModule dflags (moduleName mod)
+ else mod
+-- If we're linking a binary, then only targets that produce object
+-- code are allowed (requests for other target types are ignored).
+setTarget :: HscTarget -> DynP ()
+setTarget l = upd $ \ dfs ->
+ if ghcLink dfs /= LinkBinary || isObjectTarget l
+ then dfs{ hscTarget = l }
+ else dfs
+-- Changes the target only if we're compiling object code. This is
+-- used by -fasm and -fllvm, which switch from one to the other, but
+-- not from bytecode to object-code. The idea is that -fasm/-fllvm
+-- can be safely used in an OPTIONS_GHC pragma.
+setObjTarget :: HscTarget -> DynP ()
+setObjTarget l = updM set
+ where
+ set dflags
+ | isObjectTarget (hscTarget dflags)
+ = return $ dflags { hscTarget = l }
+ | otherwise = return dflags
+setOptLevel :: Int -> DynFlags -> DynP DynFlags
+setOptLevel n dflags = return (updOptLevel n dflags)
+checkOptLevel :: Int -> DynFlags -> Either String DynFlags
+checkOptLevel n dflags
+ | hscTarget dflags == HscInterpreted && n > 0
+ = Left "-O conflicts with --interactive; -O ignored."
+ | otherwise
+ = Right dflags
+setMainIs :: String -> DynP ()
+setMainIs arg
+ | not (null main_fn) && isLower (head main_fn)
+ -- The arg looked like "Foo.Bar.baz"
+ = upd $ \d -> d { mainFunIs = Just main_fn,
+ mainModIs = mkModule mainUnitId (mkModuleName main_mod) }
+ | isUpper (head arg) -- The arg looked like "Foo" or "Foo.Bar"
+ = upd $ \d -> d { mainModIs = mkModule mainUnitId (mkModuleName arg) }
+ | otherwise -- The arg looked like "baz"
+ = upd $ \d -> d { mainFunIs = Just arg }
+ where
+ (main_mod, main_fn) = splitLongestPrefix arg (== '.')
+addLdInputs :: Option -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+addLdInputs p dflags = dflags{ldInputs = ldInputs dflags ++ [p]}
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Load dynflags from environment files.
+setFlagsFromEnvFile :: FilePath -> String -> DynP ()
+setFlagsFromEnvFile envfile content = do
+ setGeneralFlag Opt_HideAllPackages
+ parseEnvFile envfile content
+parseEnvFile :: FilePath -> String -> DynP ()
+parseEnvFile envfile = mapM_ parseEntry . lines
+ where
+ parseEntry str = case words str of
+ ("package-db": _) -> addPkgDbRef (PkgDbPath (envdir </> db))
+ -- relative package dbs are interpreted relative to the env file
+ where envdir = takeDirectory envfile
+ db = drop 11 str
+ ["clear-package-db"] -> clearPkgDb
+ ["global-package-db"] -> addPkgDbRef GlobalPkgDb
+ ["user-package-db"] -> addPkgDbRef UserPkgDb
+ ["package-id", pkgid] -> exposePackageId pkgid
+ (('-':'-':_):_) -> return () -- comments
+ -- and the original syntax introduced in 7.10:
+ [pkgid] -> exposePackageId pkgid
+ [] -> return ()
+ _ -> throwGhcException $ CmdLineError $
+ "Can't parse environment file entry: "
+ ++ envfile ++ ": " ++ str
+-- Paths & Libraries
+addImportPath, addLibraryPath, addIncludePath, addFrameworkPath :: FilePath -> DynP ()
+-- -i on its own deletes the import paths
+addImportPath "" = upd (\s -> s{importPaths = []})
+addImportPath p = upd (\s -> s{importPaths = importPaths s ++ splitPathList p})
+addLibraryPath p =
+ upd (\s -> s{libraryPaths = libraryPaths s ++ splitPathList p})
+addIncludePath p =
+ upd (\s -> s{includePaths =
+ addGlobalInclude (includePaths s) (splitPathList p)})
+addFrameworkPath p =
+ upd (\s -> s{frameworkPaths = frameworkPaths s ++ splitPathList p})
+#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+split_marker :: Char
+split_marker = ':' -- not configurable (ToDo)
+splitPathList :: String -> [String]
+splitPathList s = filter notNull (splitUp s)
+ -- empty paths are ignored: there might be a trailing
+ -- ':' in the initial list, for example. Empty paths can
+ -- cause confusion when they are translated into -I options
+ -- for passing to gcc.
+ where
+#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+ splitUp xs = split split_marker xs
+ -- Windows: 'hybrid' support for DOS-style paths in directory lists.
+ --
+ -- That is, if "foo:bar:baz" is used, this interpreted as
+ -- consisting of three entries, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'.
+ -- However, with "c:/foo:c:\\foo;x:/bar", this is interpreted
+ -- as 3 elts, "c:/foo", "c:\\foo", "x:/bar"
+ --
+ -- Notice that no attempt is made to fully replace the 'standard'
+ -- split marker ':' with the Windows / DOS one, ';'. The reason being
+ -- that this will cause too much breakage for users & ':' will
+ -- work fine even with DOS paths, if you're not insisting on being silly.
+ -- So, use either.
+ splitUp [] = []
+ splitUp (x:':':div:xs) | div `elem` dir_markers
+ = ((x:':':div:p): splitUp rs)
+ where
+ (p,rs) = findNextPath xs
+ -- we used to check for existence of the path here, but that
+ -- required the IO monad to be threaded through the command-line
+ -- parser which is quite inconvenient. The
+ splitUp xs = cons p (splitUp rs)
+ where
+ (p,rs) = findNextPath xs
+ cons "" xs = xs
+ cons x xs = x:xs
+ -- will be called either when we've consumed nought or the
+ -- "<Drive>:/" part of a DOS path, so splitting is just a Q of
+ -- finding the next split marker.
+ findNextPath xs =
+ case break (`elem` split_markers) xs of
+ (p, _:ds) -> (p, ds)
+ (p, xs) -> (p, xs)
+ split_markers :: [Char]
+ split_markers = [':', ';']
+ dir_markers :: [Char]
+ dir_markers = ['/', '\\']
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- tmpDir, where we store temporary files.
+setTmpDir :: FilePath -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
+setTmpDir dir = alterFileSettings $ \s -> s { fileSettings_tmpDir = normalise dir }
+ -- we used to fix /cygdrive/c/.. on Windows, but this doesn't
+ -- seem necessary now --SDM 7/2/2008
+-- RTS opts
+setRtsOpts :: String -> DynP ()
+setRtsOpts arg = upd $ \ d -> d {rtsOpts = Just arg}
+setRtsOptsEnabled :: RtsOptsEnabled -> DynP ()
+setRtsOptsEnabled arg = upd $ \ d -> d {rtsOptsEnabled = arg}
+-- Hpc stuff
+setOptHpcDir :: String -> DynP ()
+setOptHpcDir arg = upd $ \ d -> d {hpcDir = arg}
+-- Via-C compilation stuff
+-- There are some options that we need to pass to gcc when compiling
+-- Haskell code via C, but are only supported by recent versions of
+-- gcc. The configure script decides which of these options we need,
+-- and puts them in the "settings" file in $topdir. The advantage of
+-- having these in a separate file is that the file can be created at
+-- install-time depending on the available gcc version, and even
+-- re-generated later if gcc is upgraded.
+-- The options below are not dependent on the version of gcc, only the
+-- platform.
+picCCOpts :: DynFlags -> [String]
+picCCOpts dflags = pieOpts ++ picOpts
+ where
+ picOpts =
+ case platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ OSDarwin
+ -- Apple prefers to do things the other way round.
+ -- PIC is on by default.
+ -- -mdynamic-no-pic:
+ -- Turn off PIC code generation.
+ -- -fno-common:
+ -- Don't generate "common" symbols - these are unwanted
+ -- in dynamic libraries.
+ | gopt Opt_PIC dflags -> ["-fno-common", "-U__PIC__", "-D__PIC__"]
+ | otherwise -> ["-mdynamic-no-pic"]
+ OSMinGW32 -- no -fPIC for Windows
+ | gopt Opt_PIC dflags -> ["-U__PIC__", "-D__PIC__"]
+ | otherwise -> []
+ _
+ -- we need -fPIC for C files when we are compiling with -dynamic,
+ -- otherwise things like stub.c files don't get compiled
+ -- correctly. They need to reference data in the Haskell
+ -- objects, but can't without -fPIC. See
+ --
+ | gopt Opt_PIC dflags || WayDyn `elem` ways dflags ->
+ ["-fPIC", "-U__PIC__", "-D__PIC__"]
+ -- gcc may be configured to have PIC on by default, let's be
+ -- explicit here, see #15847
+ | otherwise -> ["-fno-PIC"]
+ pieOpts
+ | gopt Opt_PICExecutable dflags = ["-pie"]
+ -- See Note [No PIE when linking]
+ | toolSettings_ccSupportsNoPie (toolSettings dflags) = ["-no-pie"]
+ | otherwise = []
+Note [No PIE while linking]
+As of 2016 some Linux distributions (e.g. Debian) have started enabling -pie by
+default in their gcc builds. This is incompatible with -r as it implies that we
+are producing an executable. Consequently, we must manually pass -no-pie to gcc
+when joining object files or linking dynamic libraries. Unless, of course, the
+user has explicitly requested a PIE executable with -pie. See #12759.
+picPOpts :: DynFlags -> [String]
+picPOpts dflags
+ | gopt Opt_PIC dflags = ["-U__PIC__", "-D__PIC__"]
+ | otherwise = []
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Compiler Info
+compilerInfo :: DynFlags -> [(String, String)]
+compilerInfo dflags
+ = -- We always make "Project name" be first to keep parsing in
+ -- other languages simple, i.e. when looking for other fields,
+ -- you don't have to worry whether there is a leading '[' or not
+ ("Project name", cProjectName)
+ -- Next come the settings, so anything else can be overridden
+ -- in the settings file (as "lookup" uses the first match for the
+ -- key)
+ : map (fmap $ expandDirectories (topDir dflags) (toolDir dflags))
+ (rawSettings dflags)
+ ++ [("Project version", projectVersion dflags),
+ ("Project Git commit id", cProjectGitCommitId),
+ ("Booter version", cBooterVersion),
+ ("Stage", cStage),
+ ("Build platform", cBuildPlatformString),
+ ("Host platform", cHostPlatformString),
+ ("Target platform", platformMisc_targetPlatformString $ platformMisc dflags),
+ ("Have interpreter", showBool $ platformMisc_ghcWithInterpreter $ platformMisc dflags),
+ ("Object splitting supported", showBool False),
+ ("Have native code generator", showBool $ platformMisc_ghcWithNativeCodeGen $ platformMisc dflags),
+ -- Whether or not we support @-dynamic-too@
+ ("Support dynamic-too", showBool $ not isWindows),
+ -- Whether or not we support the @-j@ flag with @--make@.
+ ("Support parallel --make", "YES"),
+ -- Whether or not we support "Foo from foo-0.1-XXX:Foo" syntax in
+ -- installed package info.
+ ("Support reexported-modules", "YES"),
+ -- Whether or not we support extended @-package foo (Foo)@ syntax.
+ ("Support thinning and renaming package flags", "YES"),
+ -- Whether or not we support Backpack.
+ ("Support Backpack", "YES"),
+ -- If true, we require that the 'id' field in installed package info
+ -- match what is passed to the @-this-unit-id@ flag for modules
+ -- built in it
+ ("Requires unified installed package IDs", "YES"),
+ -- Whether or not we support the @-this-package-key@ flag. Prefer
+ -- "Uses unit IDs" over it.
+ ("Uses package keys", "YES"),
+ -- Whether or not we support the @-this-unit-id@ flag
+ ("Uses unit IDs", "YES"),
+ -- Whether or not GHC compiles libraries as dynamic by default
+ ("Dynamic by default", showBool $ dYNAMIC_BY_DEFAULT dflags),
+ -- Whether or not GHC was compiled using -dynamic
+ ("GHC Dynamic", showBool dynamicGhc),
+ -- Whether or not GHC was compiled using -prof
+ ("GHC Profiled", showBool rtsIsProfiled),
+ ("Debug on", showBool debugIsOn),
+ ("LibDir", topDir dflags),
+ -- The path of the global package database used by GHC
+ ("Global Package DB", globalPackageDatabasePath dflags)
+ ]
+ where
+ showBool True = "YES"
+ showBool False = "NO"
+ isWindows = platformOS (targetPlatform dflags) == OSMinGW32
+ expandDirectories :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> String -> String
+ expandDirectories topd mtoold = expandToolDir mtoold . expandTopDir topd
+-- Produced by deriveConstants
+#include "GHCConstantsHaskellWrappers.hs"
+bLOCK_SIZE_W :: DynFlags -> Int
+bLOCK_SIZE_W dflags = bLOCK_SIZE dflags `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags
+wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS :: DynFlags -> Int
+wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS dflags = wORD_SIZE dflags * 8
+wordAlignment :: DynFlags -> Alignment
+wordAlignment dflags = alignmentOf (wORD_SIZE dflags)
+tAG_MASK :: DynFlags -> Int
+tAG_MASK dflags = (1 `shiftL` tAG_BITS dflags) - 1
+mAX_PTR_TAG :: DynFlags -> Int
+-- Might be worth caching these in targetPlatform?
+tARGET_MIN_INT dflags
+ = case platformWordSize (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ PW4 -> toInteger (minBound :: Int32)
+ PW8 -> toInteger (minBound :: Int64)
+tARGET_MAX_INT dflags
+ = case platformWordSize (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ PW4 -> toInteger (maxBound :: Int32)
+ PW8 -> toInteger (maxBound :: Int64)
+ = case platformWordSize (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ PW4 -> toInteger (maxBound :: Word32)
+ PW8 -> toInteger (maxBound :: Word64)
+{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Note [DynFlags consistency]
+There are a number of number of DynFlags configurations which either
+do not make sense or lead to unimplemented or buggy codepaths in the
+compiler. makeDynFlagsConsistent is responsible for verifying the validity
+of a set of DynFlags, fixing any issues, and reporting them back to the
+GHCi and -O
+When using optimization, the compiler can introduce several things
+(such as unboxed tuples) into the intermediate code, which GHCi later
+chokes on since the bytecode interpreter can't handle this (and while
+this is arguably a bug these aren't handled, there are no plans to fix
+While the driver pipeline always checks for this particular erroneous
+combination when parsing flags, we also need to check when we update
+the flags; this is because API clients may parse flags but update the
+DynFlags afterwords, before finally running code inside a session (see
+T10052 and #10052).
+-- | Resolve any internal inconsistencies in a set of 'DynFlags'.
+-- Returns the consistent 'DynFlags' as well as a list of warnings
+-- to report to the user.
+makeDynFlagsConsistent :: DynFlags -> (DynFlags, [Located String])
+-- Whenever makeDynFlagsConsistent does anything, it starts over, to
+-- ensure that a later change doesn't invalidate an earlier check.
+-- Be careful not to introduce potential loops!
+makeDynFlagsConsistent dflags
+ -- Disable -dynamic-too on Windows (#8228, #7134, #5987)
+ | os == OSMinGW32 && gopt Opt_BuildDynamicToo dflags
+ = let dflags' = gopt_unset dflags Opt_BuildDynamicToo
+ warn = "-dynamic-too is not supported on Windows"
+ in loop dflags' warn
+ | hscTarget dflags == HscC &&
+ not (platformUnregisterised (targetPlatform dflags))
+ = if platformMisc_ghcWithNativeCodeGen $ platformMisc dflags
+ then let dflags' = dflags { hscTarget = HscAsm }
+ warn = "Compiler not unregisterised, so using native code generator rather than compiling via C"
+ in loop dflags' warn
+ else let dflags' = dflags { hscTarget = HscLlvm }
+ warn = "Compiler not unregisterised, so using LLVM rather than compiling via C"
+ in loop dflags' warn
+ | gopt Opt_Hpc dflags && hscTarget dflags == HscInterpreted
+ = let dflags' = gopt_unset dflags Opt_Hpc
+ warn = "Hpc can't be used with byte-code interpreter. Ignoring -fhpc."
+ in loop dflags' warn
+ | hscTarget dflags `elem` [HscAsm, HscLlvm] &&
+ platformUnregisterised (targetPlatform dflags)
+ = loop (dflags { hscTarget = HscC })
+ "Compiler unregisterised, so compiling via C"
+ | hscTarget dflags == HscAsm &&
+ not (platformMisc_ghcWithNativeCodeGen $ platformMisc dflags)
+ = let dflags' = dflags { hscTarget = HscLlvm }
+ warn = "No native code generator, so using LLVM"
+ in loop dflags' warn
+ | not (osElfTarget os) && gopt Opt_PIE dflags
+ = loop (gopt_unset dflags Opt_PIE)
+ "Position-independent only supported on ELF platforms"
+ | os == OSDarwin &&
+ arch == ArchX86_64 &&
+ not (gopt Opt_PIC dflags)
+ = loop (gopt_set dflags Opt_PIC)
+ "Enabling -fPIC as it is always on for this platform"
+ | Left err <- checkOptLevel (optLevel dflags) dflags
+ = loop (updOptLevel 0 dflags) err
+ | LinkInMemory <- ghcLink dflags
+ , not (gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter dflags)
+ , rtsIsProfiled
+ , isObjectTarget (hscTarget dflags)
+ , WayProf `notElem` ways dflags
+ = loop dflags{ways = WayProf : ways dflags}
+ "Enabling -prof, because -fobject-code is enabled and GHCi is profiled"
+ | otherwise = (dflags, [])
+ where loc = mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "when making flags consistent")
+ loop updated_dflags warning
+ = case makeDynFlagsConsistent updated_dflags of
+ (dflags', ws) -> (dflags', L loc warning : ws)
+ platform = targetPlatform dflags
+ arch = platformArch platform
+ os = platformOS platform
+-- Do not use unsafeGlobalDynFlags!
+-- unsafeGlobalDynFlags is a hack, necessary because we need to be able
+-- to show SDocs when tracing, but we don't always have DynFlags
+-- available.
+-- Do not use it if you can help it. You may get the wrong value, or this
+-- panic!
+-- | This is the value that 'unsafeGlobalDynFlags' takes before it is
+-- initialized.
+defaultGlobalDynFlags :: DynFlags
+defaultGlobalDynFlags =
+ (defaultDynFlags settings llvmConfig) { verbosity = 2 }
+ where
+ settings = panic "v_unsafeGlobalDynFlags: settings not initialised"
+ llvmConfig = panic "v_unsafeGlobalDynFlags: llvmConfig not initialised"
+#if GHC_STAGE < 2
+GLOBAL_VAR(v_unsafeGlobalDynFlags, defaultGlobalDynFlags, DynFlags)
+SHARED_GLOBAL_VAR( v_unsafeGlobalDynFlags
+ , getOrSetLibHSghcGlobalDynFlags
+ , "getOrSetLibHSghcGlobalDynFlags"
+ , defaultGlobalDynFlags
+ , DynFlags )
+unsafeGlobalDynFlags :: DynFlags
+unsafeGlobalDynFlags = unsafePerformIO $ readIORef v_unsafeGlobalDynFlags
+setUnsafeGlobalDynFlags :: DynFlags -> IO ()
+setUnsafeGlobalDynFlags = writeIORef v_unsafeGlobalDynFlags
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- SSE and AVX
+-- TODO: Instead of using a separate predicate (i.e. isSse2Enabled) to
+-- check if SSE is enabled, we might have x86-64 imply the -msse2
+-- flag.
+data SseVersion = SSE1
+ | SSE2
+ | SSE3
+ | SSE4
+ | SSE42
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+isSseEnabled :: DynFlags -> Bool
+isSseEnabled dflags = case platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ ArchX86_64 -> True
+ ArchX86 -> True
+ _ -> False
+isSse2Enabled :: DynFlags -> Bool
+isSse2Enabled dflags = case platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ -- We Assume SSE1 and SSE2 operations are available on both
+ -- x86 and x86_64. Historically we didn't default to SSE2 and
+ -- SSE1 on x86, which results in defacto nondeterminism for how
+ -- rounding behaves in the associated x87 floating point instructions
+ -- because variations in the spill/fpu stack placement of arguments for
+ -- operations would change the precision and final result of what
+ -- would otherwise be the same expressions with respect to single or
+ -- double precision IEEE floating point computations.
+ ArchX86_64 -> True
+ ArchX86 -> True
+ _ -> False
+isSse4_2Enabled :: DynFlags -> Bool
+isSse4_2Enabled dflags = sseVersion dflags >= Just SSE42
+isAvxEnabled :: DynFlags -> Bool
+isAvxEnabled dflags = avx dflags || avx2 dflags || avx512f dflags
+isAvx2Enabled :: DynFlags -> Bool
+isAvx2Enabled dflags = avx2 dflags || avx512f dflags
+isAvx512cdEnabled :: DynFlags -> Bool
+isAvx512cdEnabled dflags = avx512cd dflags
+isAvx512erEnabled :: DynFlags -> Bool
+isAvx512erEnabled dflags = avx512er dflags
+isAvx512fEnabled :: DynFlags -> Bool
+isAvx512fEnabled dflags = avx512f dflags
+isAvx512pfEnabled :: DynFlags -> Bool
+isAvx512pfEnabled dflags = avx512pf dflags
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- BMI2
+data BmiVersion = BMI1
+ | BMI2
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+isBmiEnabled :: DynFlags -> Bool
+isBmiEnabled dflags = case platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ ArchX86_64 -> bmiVersion dflags >= Just BMI1
+ ArchX86 -> bmiVersion dflags >= Just BMI1
+ _ -> False
+isBmi2Enabled :: DynFlags -> Bool
+isBmi2Enabled dflags = case platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ ArchX86_64 -> bmiVersion dflags >= Just BMI2
+ ArchX86 -> bmiVersion dflags >= Just BMI2
+ _ -> False
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Linker/compiler information
+-- LinkerInfo contains any extra options needed by the system linker.
+data LinkerInfo
+ = GnuLD [Option]
+ | GnuGold [Option]
+ | LlvmLLD [Option]
+ | DarwinLD [Option]
+ | SolarisLD [Option]
+ | AixLD [Option]
+ | UnknownLD
+ deriving Eq
+-- CompilerInfo tells us which C compiler we're using
+data CompilerInfo
+ = GCC
+ | Clang
+ | AppleClang
+ | AppleClang51
+ | UnknownCC
+ deriving Eq
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- RTS hooks
+-- Convert sizes like "3.5M" into integers
+decodeSize :: String -> Integer
+decodeSize str
+ | c == "" = truncate n
+ | c == "K" || c == "k" = truncate (n * 1000)
+ | c == "M" || c == "m" = truncate (n * 1000 * 1000)
+ | c == "G" || c == "g" = truncate (n * 1000 * 1000 * 1000)
+ | otherwise = throwGhcException (CmdLineError ("can't decode size: " ++ str))
+ where (m, c) = span pred str
+ n = readRational m
+ pred c = isDigit c || c == '.'
+foreign import ccall unsafe "setHeapSize" setHeapSize :: Int -> IO ()
+foreign import ccall unsafe "enableTimingStats" enableTimingStats :: IO ()
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Types for managing temporary files.
+-- these are here because FilesToClean is used in DynFlags
+-- | A collection of files that must be deleted before ghc exits.
+-- The current collection
+-- is stored in an IORef in DynFlags, 'filesToClean'.
+data FilesToClean = FilesToClean {
+ ftcGhcSession :: !(Set FilePath),
+ -- ^ Files that will be deleted at the end of runGhc(T)
+ ftcCurrentModule :: !(Set FilePath)
+ -- ^ Files that will be deleted the next time
+ -- 'FileCleanup.cleanCurrentModuleTempFiles' is called, or otherwise at the
+ -- end of the session.
+ }
+-- | An empty FilesToClean
+emptyFilesToClean :: FilesToClean
+emptyFilesToClean = FilesToClean Set.empty Set.empty
+initSDocContext :: DynFlags -> PprStyle -> SDocContext
+initSDocContext dflags style = SDC
+ { sdocStyle = style
+ , sdocColScheme = colScheme dflags
+ , sdocLastColour = Col.colReset
+ , sdocShouldUseColor = overrideWith (canUseColor dflags) (useColor dflags)
+ , sdocLineLength = pprCols dflags
+ , sdocCanUseUnicode = useUnicode dflags
+ , sdocHexWordLiterals = gopt Opt_HexWordLiterals dflags
+ , sdocDebugLevel = debugLevel dflags
+ , sdocPprDebug = dopt Opt_D_ppr_debug dflags
+ , sdocPrintUnicodeSyntax = gopt Opt_PrintUnicodeSyntax dflags
+ , sdocPrintCaseAsLet = gopt Opt_PprCaseAsLet dflags
+ , sdocPrintTypecheckerElaboration = gopt Opt_PrintTypecheckerElaboration dflags
+ , sdocPrintAxiomIncomps = gopt Opt_PrintAxiomIncomps dflags
+ , sdocPrintExplicitKinds = gopt Opt_PrintExplicitKinds dflags
+ , sdocPrintExplicitCoercions = gopt Opt_PrintExplicitCoercions dflags
+ , sdocPrintExplicitRuntimeReps = gopt Opt_PrintExplicitRuntimeReps dflags
+ , sdocPrintExplicitForalls = gopt Opt_PrintExplicitForalls dflags
+ , sdocPrintPotentialInstances = gopt Opt_PrintPotentialInstances dflags
+ , sdocPrintEqualityRelations = gopt Opt_PrintEqualityRelations dflags
+ , sdocSuppressTicks = gopt Opt_SuppressTicks dflags
+ , sdocSuppressTypeSignatures = gopt Opt_SuppressTypeSignatures dflags
+ , sdocSuppressTypeApplications = gopt Opt_SuppressTypeApplications dflags
+ , sdocSuppressIdInfo = gopt Opt_SuppressIdInfo dflags
+ , sdocSuppressCoercions = gopt Opt_SuppressCoercions dflags
+ , sdocSuppressUnfoldings = gopt Opt_SuppressUnfoldings dflags
+ , sdocSuppressVarKinds = gopt Opt_SuppressVarKinds dflags
+ , sdocSuppressUniques = gopt Opt_SuppressUniques dflags
+ , sdocSuppressModulePrefixes = gopt Opt_SuppressModulePrefixes dflags
+ , sdocSuppressStgExts = gopt Opt_SuppressStgExts dflags
+ , sdocErrorSpans = gopt Opt_ErrorSpans dflags
+ , sdocStarIsType = xopt LangExt.StarIsType dflags
+ , sdocImpredicativeTypes = xopt LangExt.ImpredicativeTypes dflags
+ , sdocDynFlags = dflags
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c61d6b5297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+module GHC.Driver.Session where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Platform
+import {-# SOURCE #-} Outputable
+data DynFlags
+data DumpFlag
+data GeneralFlag
+targetPlatform :: DynFlags -> Platform
+pprUserLength :: DynFlags -> Int
+pprCols :: DynFlags -> Int
+unsafeGlobalDynFlags :: DynFlags
+hasPprDebug :: DynFlags -> Bool
+hasNoDebugOutput :: DynFlags -> Bool
+initSDocContext :: DynFlags -> PprStyle -> SDocContext
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Types.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Types.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7fd8fe73c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Types.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,3268 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow, 2006
+\section[GHC.Driver.Types]{Types for the per-module compiler}
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+-- | Types for the per-module compiler
+module GHC.Driver.Types (
+ -- * compilation state
+ HscEnv(..), hscEPS,
+ FinderCache, FindResult(..), InstalledFindResult(..),
+ Target(..), TargetId(..), InputFileBuffer, pprTarget, pprTargetId,
+ HscStatus(..),
+ IServ(..),
+ -- * ModuleGraph
+ ModuleGraph, emptyMG, mkModuleGraph, extendMG, mapMG,
+ mgModSummaries, mgElemModule, mgLookupModule,
+ needsTemplateHaskellOrQQ, mgBootModules,
+ -- * Hsc monad
+ Hsc(..), runHsc, mkInteractiveHscEnv, runInteractiveHsc,
+ -- * Information about modules
+ ModDetails(..), emptyModDetails,
+ ModGuts(..), CgGuts(..), ForeignStubs(..), appendStubC,
+ ImportedMods, ImportedBy(..), importedByUser, ImportedModsVal(..), SptEntry(..),
+ ForeignSrcLang(..),
+ phaseForeignLanguage,
+ ModSummary(..), ms_imps, ms_installed_mod, ms_mod_name, ms_home_imps,
+ home_imps, ms_home_allimps, ms_home_srcimps, showModMsg, isBootSummary,
+ msHsFilePath, msHiFilePath, msObjFilePath,
+ SourceModified(..), isTemplateHaskellOrQQNonBoot,
+ -- * Information about the module being compiled
+ -- (re-exported from GHC.Driver.Phases)
+ HscSource(..), isHsBootOrSig, isHsigFile, hscSourceString,
+ -- * State relating to modules in this package
+ HomePackageTable, HomeModInfo(..), emptyHomePackageTable,
+ lookupHpt, eltsHpt, filterHpt, allHpt, mapHpt, delFromHpt,
+ addToHpt, addListToHpt, lookupHptDirectly, listToHpt,
+ hptCompleteSigs,
+ hptInstances, hptRules, pprHPT,
+ -- * State relating to known packages
+ ExternalPackageState(..), EpsStats(..), addEpsInStats,
+ PackageTypeEnv, PackageIfaceTable, emptyPackageIfaceTable,
+ lookupIfaceByModule, emptyPartialModIface, emptyFullModIface, lookupHptByModule,
+ PackageInstEnv, PackageFamInstEnv, PackageRuleBase,
+ PackageCompleteMatchMap,
+ mkSOName, mkHsSOName, soExt,
+ -- * Metaprogramming
+ MetaRequest(..),
+ MetaResult, -- data constructors not exported to ensure correct response type
+ metaRequestE, metaRequestP, metaRequestT, metaRequestD, metaRequestAW,
+ MetaHook,
+ -- * Annotations
+ prepareAnnotations,
+ -- * Interactive context
+ InteractiveContext(..), emptyInteractiveContext,
+ icPrintUnqual, icInScopeTTs, icExtendGblRdrEnv,
+ extendInteractiveContext, extendInteractiveContextWithIds,
+ substInteractiveContext,
+ setInteractivePrintName, icInteractiveModule,
+ InteractiveImport(..), setInteractivePackage,
+ mkPrintUnqualified, pprModulePrefix,
+ mkQualPackage, mkQualModule, pkgQual,
+ -- * Interfaces
+ ModIface, PartialModIface, ModIface_(..), ModIfaceBackend(..),
+ mkIfaceWarnCache, mkIfaceHashCache, mkIfaceFixCache,
+ emptyIfaceWarnCache, mi_boot, mi_fix,
+ mi_semantic_module,
+ mi_free_holes,
+ renameFreeHoles,
+ -- * Fixity
+ FixityEnv, FixItem(..), lookupFixity, emptyFixityEnv,
+ -- * TyThings and type environments
+ TyThing(..), tyThingAvailInfo,
+ tyThingTyCon, tyThingDataCon, tyThingConLike,
+ tyThingId, tyThingCoAxiom, tyThingParent_maybe, tyThingsTyCoVars,
+ implicitTyThings, implicitTyConThings, implicitClassThings,
+ isImplicitTyThing,
+ TypeEnv, lookupType, lookupTypeHscEnv, mkTypeEnv, emptyTypeEnv,
+ typeEnvFromEntities, mkTypeEnvWithImplicits,
+ extendTypeEnv, extendTypeEnvList,
+ extendTypeEnvWithIds, plusTypeEnv,
+ lookupTypeEnv,
+ typeEnvElts, typeEnvTyCons, typeEnvIds, typeEnvPatSyns,
+ typeEnvDataCons, typeEnvCoAxioms, typeEnvClasses,
+ -- * MonadThings
+ MonadThings(..),
+ -- * Information on imports and exports
+ WhetherHasOrphans, IsBootInterface, Usage(..),
+ Dependencies(..), noDependencies,
+ updNameCache,
+ IfaceExport,
+ -- * Warnings
+ Warnings(..), WarningTxt(..), plusWarns,
+ -- * Linker stuff
+ Linkable(..), isObjectLinkable, linkableObjs,
+ Unlinked(..), CompiledByteCode,
+ isObject, nameOfObject, isInterpretable, byteCodeOfObject,
+ -- * Program coverage
+ HpcInfo(..), emptyHpcInfo, isHpcUsed, AnyHpcUsage,
+ -- * Breakpoints
+ ModBreaks (..), emptyModBreaks,
+ -- * Safe Haskell information
+ IfaceTrustInfo, getSafeMode, setSafeMode, noIfaceTrustInfo,
+ trustInfoToNum, numToTrustInfo, IsSafeImport,
+ -- * result of the parser
+ HsParsedModule(..),
+ -- * Compilation errors and warnings
+ SourceError, GhcApiError, mkSrcErr, srcErrorMessages, mkApiErr,
+ throwOneError, throwErrors, handleSourceError,
+ handleFlagWarnings, printOrThrowWarnings,
+ -- * COMPLETE signature
+ CompleteMatch(..), CompleteMatchMap,
+ mkCompleteMatchMap, extendCompleteMatchMap
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.ByteCode.Types
+import GHC.Runtime.Eval.Types ( Resume )
+import GHCi.Message ( Pipe )
+import GHCi.RemoteTypes
+import GHC.ForeignSrcLang
+import UniqFM
+import GHC.Hs
+import RdrName
+import Avail
+import Module
+import InstEnv ( InstEnv, ClsInst, identicalClsInstHead )
+import FamInstEnv
+import CoreSyn ( CoreProgram, RuleBase, CoreRule )
+import Name
+import NameEnv
+import VarSet
+import Var
+import Id
+import IdInfo ( IdDetails(..), RecSelParent(..))
+import Type
+import ApiAnnotation ( ApiAnns )
+import Annotations ( Annotation, AnnEnv, mkAnnEnv, plusAnnEnv )
+import Class
+import TyCon
+import CoAxiom
+import ConLike
+import DataCon
+import PatSyn
+import PrelNames ( gHC_PRIM, ioTyConName, printName, mkInteractiveModule )
+import TysWiredIn
+import GHC.Driver.Packages hiding ( Version(..) )
+import GHC.Driver.CmdLine
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Runtime.Linker.Types ( DynLinker, Linkable(..), Unlinked(..), SptEntry(..) )
+import GHC.Driver.Phases ( Phase, HscSource(..), hscSourceString
+ , isHsBootOrSig, isHsigFile )
+import qualified GHC.Driver.Phases as Phase
+import BasicTypes
+import GHC.Iface.Syntax
+import Maybes
+import Outputable
+import SrcLoc
+import Unique
+import UniqDFM
+import FastString
+import StringBuffer ( StringBuffer )
+import Fingerprint
+import MonadUtils
+import Bag
+import Binary
+import ErrUtils
+import NameCache
+import GHC.Platform
+import Util
+import UniqDSet
+import GHC.Serialized ( Serialized )
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import Foreign
+import Control.Monad ( guard, liftM, ap )
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.Time
+import Exception
+import System.FilePath
+import Control.Concurrent
+import System.Process ( ProcessHandle )
+import Control.DeepSeq
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Compilation state
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Status of a compilation to hard-code
+data HscStatus
+ -- | Nothing to do.
+ = HscNotGeneratingCode ModIface ModDetails
+ -- | Nothing to do because code already exists.
+ | HscUpToDate ModIface ModDetails
+ -- | Update boot file result.
+ | HscUpdateBoot ModIface ModDetails
+ -- | Generate signature file (backpack)
+ | HscUpdateSig ModIface ModDetails
+ -- | Recompile this module.
+ | HscRecomp
+ { hscs_guts :: CgGuts
+ -- ^ Information for the code generator.
+ , hscs_mod_location :: !ModLocation
+ -- ^ Module info
+ , hscs_mod_details :: !ModDetails
+ , hscs_partial_iface :: !PartialModIface
+ -- ^ Partial interface
+ , hscs_old_iface_hash :: !(Maybe Fingerprint)
+ -- ^ Old interface hash for this compilation, if an old interface file
+ -- exists. Pass to `hscMaybeWriteIface` when writing the interface to
+ -- avoid updating the existing interface when the interface isn't
+ -- changed.
+ , hscs_iface_dflags :: !DynFlags
+ -- ^ Generate final iface using this DynFlags.
+ -- FIXME (osa): I don't understand why this is necessary, but I spent
+ -- almost two days trying to figure this out and I couldn't .. perhaps
+ -- someone who understands this code better will remove this later.
+ }
+-- Should HscStatus contain the HomeModInfo?
+-- All places where we return a status we also return a HomeModInfo.
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The Hsc monad: Passing an environment and warning state
+newtype Hsc a = Hsc (HscEnv -> WarningMessages -> IO (a, WarningMessages))
+ deriving (Functor)
+instance Applicative Hsc where
+ pure a = Hsc $ \_ w -> return (a, w)
+ (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad Hsc where
+ Hsc m >>= k = Hsc $ \e w -> do (a, w1) <- m e w
+ case k a of
+ Hsc k' -> k' e w1
+instance MonadIO Hsc where
+ liftIO io = Hsc $ \_ w -> do a <- io; return (a, w)
+instance HasDynFlags Hsc where
+ getDynFlags = Hsc $ \e w -> return (hsc_dflags e, w)
+runHsc :: HscEnv -> Hsc a -> IO a
+runHsc hsc_env (Hsc hsc) = do
+ (a, w) <- hsc hsc_env emptyBag
+ printOrThrowWarnings (hsc_dflags hsc_env) w
+ return a
+mkInteractiveHscEnv :: HscEnv -> HscEnv
+mkInteractiveHscEnv hsc_env = hsc_env{ hsc_dflags = interactive_dflags }
+ where
+ interactive_dflags = ic_dflags (hsc_IC hsc_env)
+runInteractiveHsc :: HscEnv -> Hsc a -> IO a
+-- A variant of runHsc that switches in the DynFlags from the
+-- InteractiveContext before running the Hsc computation.
+runInteractiveHsc hsc_env = runHsc (mkInteractiveHscEnv hsc_env)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Source Errors
+-- When the compiler (GHC.Driver.Main) discovers errors, it throws an
+-- exception in the IO monad.
+mkSrcErr :: ErrorMessages -> SourceError
+mkSrcErr = SourceError
+srcErrorMessages :: SourceError -> ErrorMessages
+srcErrorMessages (SourceError msgs) = msgs
+mkApiErr :: DynFlags -> SDoc -> GhcApiError
+mkApiErr dflags msg = GhcApiError (showSDoc dflags msg)
+throwErrors :: MonadIO io => ErrorMessages -> io a
+throwErrors = liftIO . throwIO . mkSrcErr
+throwOneError :: MonadIO io => ErrMsg -> io a
+throwOneError = throwErrors . unitBag
+-- | A source error is an error that is caused by one or more errors in the
+-- source code. A 'SourceError' is thrown by many functions in the
+-- compilation pipeline. Inside GHC these errors are merely printed via
+-- 'log_action', but API clients may treat them differently, for example,
+-- insert them into a list box. If you want the default behaviour, use the
+-- idiom:
+-- > handleSourceError printExceptionAndWarnings $ do
+-- > ... api calls that may fail ...
+-- The 'SourceError's error messages can be accessed via 'srcErrorMessages'.
+-- This list may be empty if the compiler failed due to @-Werror@
+-- ('Opt_WarnIsError').
+-- See 'printExceptionAndWarnings' for more information on what to take care
+-- of when writing a custom error handler.
+newtype SourceError = SourceError ErrorMessages
+instance Show SourceError where
+ show (SourceError msgs) = unlines . map show . bagToList $ msgs
+instance Exception SourceError
+-- | Perform the given action and call the exception handler if the action
+-- throws a 'SourceError'. See 'SourceError' for more information.
+handleSourceError :: (ExceptionMonad m) =>
+ (SourceError -> m a) -- ^ exception handler
+ -> m a -- ^ action to perform
+ -> m a
+handleSourceError handler act =
+ gcatch act (\(e :: SourceError) -> handler e)
+-- | An error thrown if the GHC API is used in an incorrect fashion.
+newtype GhcApiError = GhcApiError String
+instance Show GhcApiError where
+ show (GhcApiError msg) = msg
+instance Exception GhcApiError
+-- | Given a bag of warnings, turn them into an exception if
+-- -Werror is enabled, or print them out otherwise.
+printOrThrowWarnings :: DynFlags -> Bag WarnMsg -> IO ()
+printOrThrowWarnings dflags warns = do
+ let (make_error, warns') =
+ mapAccumBagL
+ (\make_err warn ->
+ case isWarnMsgFatal dflags warn of
+ Nothing ->
+ (make_err, warn)
+ Just err_reason ->
+ (True, warn{ errMsgSeverity = SevError
+ , errMsgReason = ErrReason err_reason
+ }))
+ False warns
+ if make_error
+ then throwIO (mkSrcErr warns')
+ else printBagOfErrors dflags warns
+handleFlagWarnings :: DynFlags -> [Warn] -> IO ()
+handleFlagWarnings dflags warns = do
+ let warns' = filter (shouldPrintWarning dflags . warnReason) warns
+ -- It would be nicer if warns :: [Located MsgDoc], but that
+ -- has circular import problems.
+ bag = listToBag [ mkPlainWarnMsg dflags loc (text warn)
+ | Warn _ (L loc warn) <- warns' ]
+ printOrThrowWarnings dflags bag
+-- Given a warn reason, check to see if it's associated -W opt is enabled
+shouldPrintWarning :: DynFlags -> GHC.Driver.CmdLine.WarnReason -> Bool
+shouldPrintWarning dflags ReasonDeprecatedFlag
+ = wopt Opt_WarnDeprecatedFlags dflags
+shouldPrintWarning dflags ReasonUnrecognisedFlag
+ = wopt Opt_WarnUnrecognisedWarningFlags dflags
+shouldPrintWarning _ _
+ = True
+* *
+* *
+-- | HscEnv is like 'Session', except that some of the fields are immutable.
+-- An HscEnv is used to compile a single module from plain Haskell source
+-- code (after preprocessing) to either C, assembly or C--. It's also used
+-- to store the dynamic linker state to allow for multiple linkers in the
+-- same address space.
+-- Things like the module graph don't change during a single compilation.
+-- Historical note: \"hsc\" used to be the name of the compiler binary,
+-- when there was a separate driver and compiler. To compile a single
+-- module, the driver would invoke hsc on the source code... so nowadays
+-- we think of hsc as the layer of the compiler that deals with compiling
+-- a single module.
+data HscEnv
+ = HscEnv {
+ hsc_dflags :: DynFlags,
+ -- ^ The dynamic flag settings
+ hsc_targets :: [Target],
+ -- ^ The targets (or roots) of the current session
+ hsc_mod_graph :: ModuleGraph,
+ -- ^ The module graph of the current session
+ hsc_IC :: InteractiveContext,
+ -- ^ The context for evaluating interactive statements
+ hsc_HPT :: HomePackageTable,
+ -- ^ The home package table describes already-compiled
+ -- home-package modules, /excluding/ the module we
+ -- are compiling right now.
+ -- (In one-shot mode the current module is the only
+ -- home-package module, so hsc_HPT is empty. All other
+ -- modules count as \"external-package\" modules.
+ -- However, even in GHCi mode, hi-boot interfaces are
+ -- demand-loaded into the external-package table.)
+ --
+ -- 'hsc_HPT' is not mutable because we only demand-load
+ -- external packages; the home package is eagerly
+ -- loaded, module by module, by the compilation manager.
+ --
+ -- The HPT may contain modules compiled earlier by @--make@
+ -- but not actually below the current module in the dependency
+ -- graph.
+ --
+ -- (This changes a previous invariant: changed Jan 05.)
+ hsc_EPS :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef ExternalPackageState),
+ -- ^ Information about the currently loaded external packages.
+ -- This is mutable because packages will be demand-loaded during
+ -- a compilation run as required.
+ hsc_NC :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef NameCache),
+ -- ^ As with 'hsc_EPS', this is side-effected by compiling to
+ -- reflect sucking in interface files. They cache the state of
+ -- external interface files, in effect.
+ hsc_FC :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef FinderCache),
+ -- ^ The cached result of performing finding in the file system
+ hsc_type_env_var :: Maybe (Module, IORef TypeEnv)
+ -- ^ Used for one-shot compilation only, to initialise
+ -- the 'IfGblEnv'. See 'TcRnTypes.tcg_type_env_var' for
+ -- 'TcRnTypes.TcGblEnv'. See also Note [hsc_type_env_var hack]
+ , hsc_iserv :: MVar (Maybe IServ)
+ -- ^ interactive server process. Created the first
+ -- time it is needed.
+ , hsc_dynLinker :: DynLinker
+ -- ^ dynamic linker.
+ }
+-- Note [hsc_type_env_var hack]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- hsc_type_env_var is used to initialize tcg_type_env_var, and
+-- eventually it is the mutable variable that is queried from
+-- if_rec_types to get a TypeEnv. So, clearly, it's something
+-- related to knot-tying (see Note [Tying the knot]).
+-- hsc_type_env_var is used in two places: initTcRn (where
+-- it initializes tcg_type_env_var) and initIfaceCheck
+-- (where it initializes if_rec_types).
+-- But why do we need a way to feed a mutable variable in? Why
+-- can't we just initialize tcg_type_env_var when we start
+-- typechecking? The problem is we need to knot-tie the
+-- EPS, and we may start adding things to the EPS before type
+-- checking starts.
+-- Here is a concrete example. Suppose we are running
+-- "ghc -c A.hs", and we have this file system state:
+-- A.hs-boot A.hi-boot **up to date**
+-- B.hs B.hi **up to date**
+-- A.hs A.hi **stale**
+-- The first thing we do is run checkOldIface on A.hi.
+-- checkOldIface will call loadInterface on B.hi so it can
+-- get its hands on the fingerprints, to find out if A.hi
+-- needs recompilation. But loadInterface also populates
+-- the EPS! And so if compilation turns out to be necessary,
+-- as it is in this case, the thunks we put into the EPS for
+-- B.hi need to have the correct if_rec_types mutable variable
+-- to query.
+-- If the mutable variable is only allocated WHEN we start
+-- typechecking, then that's too late: we can't get the
+-- information to the thunks. So we need to pre-commit
+-- to a type variable in 'hscIncrementalCompile' BEFORE we
+-- check the old interface.
+-- This is all a massive hack because arguably checkOldIface
+-- should not populate the EPS. But that's a refactor for
+-- another day.
+data IServ = IServ
+ { iservPipe :: Pipe
+ , iservProcess :: ProcessHandle
+ , iservLookupSymbolCache :: IORef (UniqFM (Ptr ()))
+ , iservPendingFrees :: [HValueRef]
+ }
+-- | Retrieve the ExternalPackageState cache.
+hscEPS :: HscEnv -> IO ExternalPackageState
+hscEPS hsc_env = readIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
+-- | A compilation target.
+-- A target may be supplied with the actual text of the
+-- module. If so, use this instead of the file contents (this
+-- is for use in an IDE where the file hasn't been saved by
+-- the user yet).
+data Target
+ = Target {
+ targetId :: TargetId, -- ^ module or filename
+ targetAllowObjCode :: Bool, -- ^ object code allowed?
+ targetContents :: Maybe (InputFileBuffer, UTCTime)
+ -- ^ Optional in-memory buffer containing the source code GHC should
+ -- use for this target instead of reading it from disk.
+ --
+ -- Since GHC version 8.10 modules which require preprocessors such as
+ -- Literate Haskell or CPP to run are also supported.
+ --
+ -- If a corresponding source file does not exist on disk this will
+ -- result in a 'SourceError' exception if @targetId = TargetModule _@
+ -- is used. However together with @targetId = TargetFile _@ GHC will
+ -- not complain about the file missing.
+ }
+data TargetId
+ = TargetModule ModuleName
+ -- ^ A module name: search for the file
+ | TargetFile FilePath (Maybe Phase)
+ -- ^ A filename: preprocess & parse it to find the module name.
+ -- If specified, the Phase indicates how to compile this file
+ -- (which phase to start from). Nothing indicates the starting phase
+ -- should be determined from the suffix of the filename.
+ deriving Eq
+type InputFileBuffer = StringBuffer
+pprTarget :: Target -> SDoc
+pprTarget (Target id obj _) =
+ (if obj then char '*' else empty) <> pprTargetId id
+instance Outputable Target where
+ ppr = pprTarget
+pprTargetId :: TargetId -> SDoc
+pprTargetId (TargetModule m) = ppr m
+pprTargetId (TargetFile f _) = text f
+instance Outputable TargetId where
+ ppr = pprTargetId
+* *
+\subsection{Package and Module Tables}
+* *
+-- | Helps us find information about modules in the home package
+type HomePackageTable = DModuleNameEnv HomeModInfo
+ -- Domain = modules in the home package that have been fully compiled
+ -- "home" unit id cached here for convenience
+-- | Helps us find information about modules in the imported packages
+type PackageIfaceTable = ModuleEnv ModIface
+ -- Domain = modules in the imported packages
+-- | Constructs an empty HomePackageTable
+emptyHomePackageTable :: HomePackageTable
+emptyHomePackageTable = emptyUDFM
+-- | Constructs an empty PackageIfaceTable
+emptyPackageIfaceTable :: PackageIfaceTable
+emptyPackageIfaceTable = emptyModuleEnv
+pprHPT :: HomePackageTable -> SDoc
+-- A bit arbitrary for now
+pprHPT hpt = pprUDFM hpt $ \hms ->
+ vcat [ hang (ppr (mi_module (hm_iface hm)))
+ 2 (ppr (md_types (hm_details hm)))
+ | hm <- hms ]
+lookupHpt :: HomePackageTable -> ModuleName -> Maybe HomeModInfo
+lookupHpt = lookupUDFM
+lookupHptDirectly :: HomePackageTable -> Unique -> Maybe HomeModInfo
+lookupHptDirectly = lookupUDFM_Directly
+eltsHpt :: HomePackageTable -> [HomeModInfo]
+eltsHpt = eltsUDFM
+filterHpt :: (HomeModInfo -> Bool) -> HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable
+filterHpt = filterUDFM
+allHpt :: (HomeModInfo -> Bool) -> HomePackageTable -> Bool
+allHpt = allUDFM
+mapHpt :: (HomeModInfo -> HomeModInfo) -> HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable
+mapHpt = mapUDFM
+delFromHpt :: HomePackageTable -> ModuleName -> HomePackageTable
+delFromHpt = delFromUDFM
+addToHpt :: HomePackageTable -> ModuleName -> HomeModInfo -> HomePackageTable
+addToHpt = addToUDFM
+ :: HomePackageTable -> [(ModuleName, HomeModInfo)] -> HomePackageTable
+addListToHpt = addListToUDFM
+listToHpt :: [(ModuleName, HomeModInfo)] -> HomePackageTable
+listToHpt = listToUDFM
+lookupHptByModule :: HomePackageTable -> Module -> Maybe HomeModInfo
+-- The HPT is indexed by ModuleName, not Module,
+-- we must check for a hit on the right Module
+lookupHptByModule hpt mod
+ = case lookupHpt hpt (moduleName mod) of
+ Just hm | mi_module (hm_iface hm) == mod -> Just hm
+ _otherwise -> Nothing
+-- | Information about modules in the package being compiled
+data HomeModInfo
+ = HomeModInfo {
+ hm_iface :: !ModIface,
+ -- ^ The basic loaded interface file: every loaded module has one of
+ -- these, even if it is imported from another package
+ hm_details :: !ModDetails,
+ -- ^ Extra information that has been created from the 'ModIface' for
+ -- the module, typically during typechecking
+ hm_linkable :: !(Maybe Linkable)
+ -- ^ The actual artifact we would like to link to access things in
+ -- this module.
+ --
+ -- 'hm_linkable' might be Nothing:
+ --
+ -- 1. If this is an .hs-boot module
+ --
+ -- 2. Temporarily during compilation if we pruned away
+ -- the old linkable because it was out of date.
+ --
+ -- After a complete compilation ('GHC.load'), all 'hm_linkable' fields
+ -- in the 'HomePackageTable' will be @Just@.
+ --
+ -- When re-linking a module ('GHC.Driver.Main.HscNoRecomp'), we construct the
+ -- 'HomeModInfo' by building a new 'ModDetails' from the old
+ -- 'ModIface' (only).
+ }
+-- | Find the 'ModIface' for a 'Module', searching in both the loaded home
+-- and external package module information
+ :: HomePackageTable
+ -> PackageIfaceTable
+ -> Module
+ -> Maybe ModIface
+lookupIfaceByModule hpt pit mod
+ = case lookupHptByModule hpt mod of
+ Just hm -> Just (hm_iface hm)
+ Nothing -> lookupModuleEnv pit mod
+-- If the module does come from the home package, why do we look in the PIT as well?
+-- (a) In OneShot mode, even home-package modules accumulate in the PIT
+-- (b) Even in Batch (--make) mode, there is *one* case where a home-package
+-- module is in the PIT, namely GHC.Prim when compiling the base package.
+-- We could eliminate (b) if we wanted, by making GHC.Prim belong to a package
+-- of its own, but it doesn't seem worth the bother.
+hptCompleteSigs :: HscEnv -> [CompleteMatch]
+hptCompleteSigs = hptAllThings (md_complete_sigs . hm_details)
+-- | Find all the instance declarations (of classes and families) from
+-- the Home Package Table filtered by the provided predicate function.
+-- Used in @tcRnImports@, to select the instances that are in the
+-- transitive closure of imports from the currently compiled module.
+hptInstances :: HscEnv -> (ModuleName -> Bool) -> ([ClsInst], [FamInst])
+hptInstances hsc_env want_this_module
+ = let (insts, famInsts) = unzip $ flip hptAllThings hsc_env $ \mod_info -> do
+ guard (want_this_module (moduleName (mi_module (hm_iface mod_info))))
+ let details = hm_details mod_info
+ return (md_insts details, md_fam_insts details)
+ in (concat insts, concat famInsts)
+-- | Get rules from modules "below" this one (in the dependency sense)
+hptRules :: HscEnv -> [(ModuleName, IsBootInterface)] -> [CoreRule]
+hptRules = hptSomeThingsBelowUs (md_rules . hm_details) False
+-- | Get annotations from modules "below" this one (in the dependency sense)
+hptAnns :: HscEnv -> Maybe [(ModuleName, IsBootInterface)] -> [Annotation]
+hptAnns hsc_env (Just deps) = hptSomeThingsBelowUs (md_anns . hm_details) False hsc_env deps
+hptAnns hsc_env Nothing = hptAllThings (md_anns . hm_details) hsc_env
+hptAllThings :: (HomeModInfo -> [a]) -> HscEnv -> [a]
+hptAllThings extract hsc_env = concatMap extract (eltsHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env))
+-- | Get things from modules "below" this one (in the dependency sense)
+-- C.f Inst.hptInstances
+hptSomeThingsBelowUs :: (HomeModInfo -> [a]) -> Bool -> HscEnv -> [(ModuleName, IsBootInterface)] -> [a]
+hptSomeThingsBelowUs extract include_hi_boot hsc_env deps
+ | isOneShot (ghcMode (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) = []
+ | otherwise
+ = let hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
+ in
+ [ thing
+ | -- Find each non-hi-boot module below me
+ (mod, is_boot_mod) <- deps
+ , include_hi_boot || not is_boot_mod
+ -- unsavoury: when compiling the base package with --make, we
+ -- sometimes try to look up RULES etc for GHC.Prim. GHC.Prim won't
+ -- be in the HPT, because we never compile it; it's in the EPT
+ -- instead. ToDo: clean up, and remove this slightly bogus filter:
+ , mod /= moduleName gHC_PRIM
+ -- Look it up in the HPT
+ , let things = case lookupHpt hpt mod of
+ Just info -> extract info
+ Nothing -> pprTrace "WARNING in hptSomeThingsBelowUs" msg []
+ msg = vcat [text "missing module" <+> ppr mod,
+ text "Probable cause: out-of-date interface files"]
+ -- This really shouldn't happen, but see #962
+ -- And get its dfuns
+ , thing <- things ]
+* *
+* *
+-- | The supported metaprogramming result types
+data MetaRequest
+ = MetaE (LHsExpr GhcPs -> MetaResult)
+ | MetaP (LPat GhcPs -> MetaResult)
+ | MetaT (LHsType GhcPs -> MetaResult)
+ | MetaD ([LHsDecl GhcPs] -> MetaResult)
+ | MetaAW (Serialized -> MetaResult)
+-- | data constructors not exported to ensure correct result type
+data MetaResult
+ = MetaResE { unMetaResE :: LHsExpr GhcPs }
+ | MetaResP { unMetaResP :: LPat GhcPs }
+ | MetaResT { unMetaResT :: LHsType GhcPs }
+ | MetaResD { unMetaResD :: [LHsDecl GhcPs] }
+ | MetaResAW { unMetaResAW :: Serialized }
+type MetaHook f = MetaRequest -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> f MetaResult
+metaRequestE :: Functor f => MetaHook f -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> f (LHsExpr GhcPs)
+metaRequestE h = fmap unMetaResE . h (MetaE MetaResE)
+metaRequestP :: Functor f => MetaHook f -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> f (LPat GhcPs)
+metaRequestP h = fmap unMetaResP . h (MetaP MetaResP)
+metaRequestT :: Functor f => MetaHook f -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> f (LHsType GhcPs)
+metaRequestT h = fmap unMetaResT . h (MetaT MetaResT)
+metaRequestD :: Functor f => MetaHook f -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> f [LHsDecl GhcPs]
+metaRequestD h = fmap unMetaResD . h (MetaD MetaResD)
+metaRequestAW :: Functor f => MetaHook f -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> f Serialized
+metaRequestAW h = fmap unMetaResAW . h (MetaAW MetaResAW)
+* *
+\subsection{Dealing with Annotations}
+* *
+-- | Deal with gathering annotations in from all possible places
+-- and combining them into a single 'AnnEnv'
+prepareAnnotations :: HscEnv -> Maybe ModGuts -> IO AnnEnv
+prepareAnnotations hsc_env mb_guts = do
+ eps <- hscEPS hsc_env
+ let -- Extract annotations from the module being compiled if supplied one
+ mb_this_module_anns = fmap (mkAnnEnv . mg_anns) mb_guts
+ -- Extract dependencies of the module if we are supplied one,
+ -- otherwise load annotations from all home package table
+ -- entries regardless of dependency ordering.
+ home_pkg_anns = (mkAnnEnv . hptAnns hsc_env) $ fmap (dep_mods . mg_deps) mb_guts
+ other_pkg_anns = eps_ann_env eps
+ ann_env = foldl1' plusAnnEnv $ catMaybes [mb_this_module_anns,
+ Just home_pkg_anns,
+ Just other_pkg_anns]
+ return ann_env
+* *
+\subsection{The Finder cache}
+* *
+-- | The 'FinderCache' maps modules to the result of
+-- searching for that module. It records the results of searching for
+-- modules along the search path. On @:load@, we flush the entire
+-- contents of this cache.
+type FinderCache = InstalledModuleEnv InstalledFindResult
+data InstalledFindResult
+ = InstalledFound ModLocation InstalledModule
+ | InstalledNoPackage InstalledUnitId
+ | InstalledNotFound [FilePath] (Maybe InstalledUnitId)
+-- | The result of searching for an imported module.
+-- NB: FindResult manages both user source-import lookups
+-- (which can result in 'Module') as well as direct imports
+-- for interfaces (which always result in 'InstalledModule').
+data FindResult
+ = Found ModLocation Module
+ -- ^ The module was found
+ | NoPackage UnitId
+ -- ^ The requested package was not found
+ | FoundMultiple [(Module, ModuleOrigin)]
+ -- ^ _Error_: both in multiple packages
+ -- | Not found
+ | NotFound
+ { fr_paths :: [FilePath] -- Places where I looked
+ , fr_pkg :: Maybe UnitId -- Just p => module is in this package's
+ -- manifest, but couldn't find
+ -- the .hi file
+ , fr_mods_hidden :: [UnitId] -- Module is in these packages,
+ -- but the *module* is hidden
+ , fr_pkgs_hidden :: [UnitId] -- Module is in these packages,
+ -- but the *package* is hidden
+ -- Modules are in these packages, but it is unusable
+ , fr_unusables :: [(UnitId, UnusablePackageReason)]
+ , fr_suggestions :: [ModuleSuggestion] -- Possible mis-spelled modules
+ }
+* *
+\subsection{Symbol tables and Module details}
+* *
+{- Note [Interface file stages]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+Interface files have two possible stages.
+* A partial stage built from the result of the core pipeline.
+* A fully instantiated form. Which also includes fingerprints and
+ potentially information provided by backends.
+We can build a full interface file two ways:
+* Directly from a partial one:
+ Then we omit backend information and mostly compute fingerprints.
+* From a partial one + information produced by a backend.
+ Then we store the provided information and fingerprint both.
+type PartialModIface = ModIface_ 'ModIfaceCore
+type ModIface = ModIface_ 'ModIfaceFinal
+-- | Extends a PartialModIface with information which is either:
+-- * Computed after codegen
+-- * Or computed just before writing the iface to disk. (Hashes)
+-- In order to fully instantiate it.
+data ModIfaceBackend = ModIfaceBackend
+ { mi_iface_hash :: !Fingerprint
+ -- ^ Hash of the whole interface
+ , mi_mod_hash :: !Fingerprint
+ -- ^ Hash of the ABI only
+ , mi_flag_hash :: !Fingerprint
+ -- ^ Hash of the important flags used when compiling the module, excluding
+ -- optimisation flags
+ , mi_opt_hash :: !Fingerprint
+ -- ^ Hash of optimisation flags
+ , mi_hpc_hash :: !Fingerprint
+ -- ^ Hash of hpc flags
+ , mi_plugin_hash :: !Fingerprint
+ -- ^ Hash of plugins
+ , mi_orphan :: !WhetherHasOrphans
+ -- ^ Whether this module has orphans
+ , mi_finsts :: !WhetherHasFamInst
+ -- ^ Whether this module has family instances. See Note [The type family
+ -- instance consistency story].
+ , mi_exp_hash :: !Fingerprint
+ -- ^ Hash of export list
+ , mi_orphan_hash :: !Fingerprint
+ -- ^ Hash for orphan rules, class and family instances combined
+ -- Cached environments for easy lookup. These are computed (lazily) from
+ -- other fields and are not put into the interface file.
+ -- Not really produced by the backend but there is no need to create them
+ -- any earlier.
+ , mi_warn_fn :: !(OccName -> Maybe WarningTxt)
+ -- ^ Cached lookup for 'mi_warns'
+ , mi_fix_fn :: !(OccName -> Maybe Fixity)
+ -- ^ Cached lookup for 'mi_fixities'
+ , mi_hash_fn :: !(OccName -> Maybe (OccName, Fingerprint))
+ -- ^ Cached lookup for 'mi_decls'. The @Nothing@ in 'mi_hash_fn' means that
+ -- the thing isn't in decls. It's useful to know that when seeing if we are
+ -- up to date wrt. the old interface. The 'OccName' is the parent of the
+ -- name, if it has one.
+ }
+data ModIfacePhase
+ = ModIfaceCore
+ -- ^ Partial interface built based on output of core pipeline.
+ | ModIfaceFinal
+-- | Selects a IfaceDecl representation.
+-- For fully instantiated interfaces we also maintain
+-- a fingerprint, which is used for recompilation checks.
+type family IfaceDeclExts (phase :: ModIfacePhase) where
+ IfaceDeclExts 'ModIfaceCore = IfaceDecl
+ IfaceDeclExts 'ModIfaceFinal = (Fingerprint, IfaceDecl)
+type family IfaceBackendExts (phase :: ModIfacePhase) where
+ IfaceBackendExts 'ModIfaceCore = ()
+ IfaceBackendExts 'ModIfaceFinal = ModIfaceBackend
+-- | A 'ModIface' plus a 'ModDetails' summarises everything we know
+-- about a compiled module. The 'ModIface' is the stuff *before* linking,
+-- and can be written out to an interface file. The 'ModDetails is after
+-- linking and can be completely recovered from just the 'ModIface'.
+-- When we read an interface file, we also construct a 'ModIface' from it,
+-- except that we explicitly make the 'mi_decls' and a few other fields empty;
+-- as when reading we consolidate the declarations etc. into a number of indexed
+-- maps and environments in the 'ExternalPackageState'.
+data ModIface_ (phase :: ModIfacePhase)
+ = ModIface {
+ mi_module :: !Module, -- ^ Name of the module we are for
+ mi_sig_of :: !(Maybe Module), -- ^ Are we a sig of another mod?
+ mi_hsc_src :: !HscSource, -- ^ Boot? Signature?
+ mi_deps :: Dependencies,
+ -- ^ The dependencies of the module. This is
+ -- consulted for directly-imported modules, but not
+ -- for anything else (hence lazy)
+ mi_usages :: [Usage],
+ -- ^ Usages; kept sorted so that it's easy to decide
+ -- whether to write a new iface file (changing usages
+ -- doesn't affect the hash of this module)
+ -- NOT STRICT! we read this field lazily from the interface file
+ -- It is *only* consulted by the recompilation checker
+ mi_exports :: ![IfaceExport],
+ -- ^ Exports
+ -- Kept sorted by (mod,occ), to make version comparisons easier
+ -- Records the modules that are the declaration points for things
+ -- exported by this module, and the 'OccName's of those things
+ mi_used_th :: !Bool,
+ -- ^ Module required TH splices when it was compiled.
+ -- This disables recompilation avoidance (see #481).
+ mi_fixities :: [(OccName,Fixity)],
+ -- ^ Fixities
+ -- NOT STRICT! we read this field lazily from the interface file
+ mi_warns :: Warnings,
+ -- ^ Warnings
+ -- NOT STRICT! we read this field lazily from the interface file
+ mi_anns :: [IfaceAnnotation],
+ -- ^ Annotations
+ -- NOT STRICT! we read this field lazily from the interface file
+ mi_decls :: [IfaceDeclExts phase],
+ -- ^ Type, class and variable declarations
+ -- The hash of an Id changes if its fixity or deprecations change
+ -- (as well as its type of course)
+ -- Ditto data constructors, class operations, except that
+ -- the hash of the parent class/tycon changes
+ mi_globals :: !(Maybe GlobalRdrEnv),
+ -- ^ Binds all the things defined at the top level in
+ -- the /original source/ code for this module. which
+ -- is NOT the same as mi_exports, nor mi_decls (which
+ -- may contains declarations for things not actually
+ -- defined by the user). Used for GHCi and for inspecting
+ -- the contents of modules via the GHC API only.
+ --
+ -- (We need the source file to figure out the
+ -- top-level environment, if we didn't compile this module
+ -- from source then this field contains @Nothing@).
+ --
+ -- Strictly speaking this field should live in the
+ -- 'HomeModInfo', but that leads to more plumbing.
+ -- Instance declarations and rules
+ mi_insts :: [IfaceClsInst], -- ^ Sorted class instance
+ mi_fam_insts :: [IfaceFamInst], -- ^ Sorted family instances
+ mi_rules :: [IfaceRule], -- ^ Sorted rules
+ mi_hpc :: !AnyHpcUsage,
+ -- ^ True if this program uses Hpc at any point in the program.
+ mi_trust :: !IfaceTrustInfo,
+ -- ^ Safe Haskell Trust information for this module.
+ mi_trust_pkg :: !Bool,
+ -- ^ Do we require the package this module resides in be trusted
+ -- to trust this module? This is used for the situation where a
+ -- module is Safe (so doesn't require the package be trusted
+ -- itself) but imports some trustworthy modules from its own
+ -- package (which does require its own package be trusted).
+ -- See Note [Trust Own Package] in GHC.Rename.Names
+ mi_complete_sigs :: [IfaceCompleteMatch],
+ mi_doc_hdr :: Maybe HsDocString,
+ -- ^ Module header.
+ mi_decl_docs :: DeclDocMap,
+ -- ^ Docs on declarations.
+ mi_arg_docs :: ArgDocMap,
+ -- ^ Docs on arguments.
+ mi_final_exts :: !(IfaceBackendExts phase)
+ -- ^ Either `()` or `ModIfaceBackend` for
+ -- a fully instantiated interface.
+ }
+-- | Old-style accessor for whether or not the ModIface came from an hs-boot
+-- file.
+mi_boot :: ModIface -> Bool
+mi_boot iface = mi_hsc_src iface == HsBootFile
+-- | Lookups up a (possibly cached) fixity from a 'ModIface'. If one cannot be
+-- found, 'defaultFixity' is returned instead.
+mi_fix :: ModIface -> OccName -> Fixity
+mi_fix iface name = mi_fix_fn (mi_final_exts iface) name `orElse` defaultFixity
+-- | The semantic module for this interface; e.g., if it's a interface
+-- for a signature, if 'mi_module' is @p[A=<A>]:A@, 'mi_semantic_module'
+-- will be @<A>@.
+mi_semantic_module :: ModIface_ a -> Module
+mi_semantic_module iface = case mi_sig_of iface of
+ Nothing -> mi_module iface
+ Just mod -> mod
+-- | The "precise" free holes, e.g., the signatures that this
+-- 'ModIface' depends on.
+mi_free_holes :: ModIface -> UniqDSet ModuleName
+mi_free_holes iface =
+ case splitModuleInsts (mi_module iface) of
+ (_, Just indef)
+ -- A mini-hack: we rely on the fact that 'renameFreeHoles'
+ -- drops things that aren't holes.
+ -> renameFreeHoles (mkUniqDSet cands) (indefUnitIdInsts (indefModuleUnitId indef))
+ _ -> emptyUniqDSet
+ where
+ cands = map fst (dep_mods (mi_deps iface))
+-- | Given a set of free holes, and a unit identifier, rename
+-- the free holes according to the instantiation of the unit
+-- identifier. For example, if we have A and B free, and
+-- our unit identity is @p[A=<C>,B=impl:B]@, the renamed free
+-- holes are just C.
+renameFreeHoles :: UniqDSet ModuleName -> [(ModuleName, Module)] -> UniqDSet ModuleName
+renameFreeHoles fhs insts =
+ unionManyUniqDSets (map lookup_impl (uniqDSetToList fhs))
+ where
+ hmap = listToUFM insts
+ lookup_impl mod_name
+ | Just mod <- lookupUFM hmap mod_name = moduleFreeHoles mod
+ -- It wasn't actually a hole
+ | otherwise = emptyUniqDSet
+instance Binary ModIface where
+ put_ bh (ModIface {
+ mi_module = mod,
+ mi_sig_of = sig_of,
+ mi_hsc_src = hsc_src,
+ mi_deps = deps,
+ mi_usages = usages,
+ mi_exports = exports,
+ mi_used_th = used_th,
+ mi_fixities = fixities,
+ mi_warns = warns,
+ mi_anns = anns,
+ mi_decls = decls,
+ mi_insts = insts,
+ mi_fam_insts = fam_insts,
+ mi_rules = rules,
+ mi_hpc = hpc_info,
+ mi_trust = trust,
+ mi_trust_pkg = trust_pkg,
+ mi_complete_sigs = complete_sigs,
+ mi_doc_hdr = doc_hdr,
+ mi_decl_docs = decl_docs,
+ mi_arg_docs = arg_docs,
+ mi_final_exts = ModIfaceBackend {
+ mi_iface_hash = iface_hash,
+ mi_mod_hash = mod_hash,
+ mi_flag_hash = flag_hash,
+ mi_opt_hash = opt_hash,
+ mi_hpc_hash = hpc_hash,
+ mi_plugin_hash = plugin_hash,
+ mi_orphan = orphan,
+ mi_finsts = hasFamInsts,
+ mi_exp_hash = exp_hash,
+ mi_orphan_hash = orphan_hash
+ }}) = do
+ put_ bh mod
+ put_ bh sig_of
+ put_ bh hsc_src
+ put_ bh iface_hash
+ put_ bh mod_hash
+ put_ bh flag_hash
+ put_ bh opt_hash
+ put_ bh hpc_hash
+ put_ bh plugin_hash
+ put_ bh orphan
+ put_ bh hasFamInsts
+ lazyPut bh deps
+ lazyPut bh usages
+ put_ bh exports
+ put_ bh exp_hash
+ put_ bh used_th
+ put_ bh fixities
+ lazyPut bh warns
+ lazyPut bh anns
+ put_ bh decls
+ put_ bh insts
+ put_ bh fam_insts
+ lazyPut bh rules
+ put_ bh orphan_hash
+ put_ bh hpc_info
+ put_ bh trust
+ put_ bh trust_pkg
+ put_ bh complete_sigs
+ lazyPut bh doc_hdr
+ lazyPut bh decl_docs
+ lazyPut bh arg_docs
+ get bh = do
+ mod <- get bh
+ sig_of <- get bh
+ hsc_src <- get bh
+ iface_hash <- get bh
+ mod_hash <- get bh
+ flag_hash <- get bh
+ opt_hash <- get bh
+ hpc_hash <- get bh
+ plugin_hash <- get bh
+ orphan <- get bh
+ hasFamInsts <- get bh
+ deps <- lazyGet bh
+ usages <- {-# SCC "bin_usages" #-} lazyGet bh
+ exports <- {-# SCC "bin_exports" #-} get bh
+ exp_hash <- get bh
+ used_th <- get bh
+ fixities <- {-# SCC "bin_fixities" #-} get bh
+ warns <- {-# SCC "bin_warns" #-} lazyGet bh
+ anns <- {-# SCC "bin_anns" #-} lazyGet bh
+ decls <- {-# SCC "bin_tycldecls" #-} get bh
+ insts <- {-# SCC "bin_insts" #-} get bh
+ fam_insts <- {-# SCC "bin_fam_insts" #-} get bh
+ rules <- {-# SCC "bin_rules" #-} lazyGet bh
+ orphan_hash <- get bh
+ hpc_info <- get bh
+ trust <- get bh
+ trust_pkg <- get bh
+ complete_sigs <- get bh
+ doc_hdr <- lazyGet bh
+ decl_docs <- lazyGet bh
+ arg_docs <- lazyGet bh
+ return (ModIface {
+ mi_module = mod,
+ mi_sig_of = sig_of,
+ mi_hsc_src = hsc_src,
+ mi_deps = deps,
+ mi_usages = usages,
+ mi_exports = exports,
+ mi_used_th = used_th,
+ mi_anns = anns,
+ mi_fixities = fixities,
+ mi_warns = warns,
+ mi_decls = decls,
+ mi_globals = Nothing,
+ mi_insts = insts,
+ mi_fam_insts = fam_insts,
+ mi_rules = rules,
+ mi_hpc = hpc_info,
+ mi_trust = trust,
+ mi_trust_pkg = trust_pkg,
+ -- And build the cached values
+ mi_complete_sigs = complete_sigs,
+ mi_doc_hdr = doc_hdr,
+ mi_decl_docs = decl_docs,
+ mi_arg_docs = arg_docs,
+ mi_final_exts = ModIfaceBackend {
+ mi_iface_hash = iface_hash,
+ mi_mod_hash = mod_hash,
+ mi_flag_hash = flag_hash,
+ mi_opt_hash = opt_hash,
+ mi_hpc_hash = hpc_hash,
+ mi_plugin_hash = plugin_hash,
+ mi_orphan = orphan,
+ mi_finsts = hasFamInsts,
+ mi_exp_hash = exp_hash,
+ mi_orphan_hash = orphan_hash,
+ mi_warn_fn = mkIfaceWarnCache warns,
+ mi_fix_fn = mkIfaceFixCache fixities,
+ mi_hash_fn = mkIfaceHashCache decls
+ }})
+-- | The original names declared of a certain module that are exported
+type IfaceExport = AvailInfo
+emptyPartialModIface :: Module -> PartialModIface
+emptyPartialModIface mod
+ = ModIface { mi_module = mod,
+ mi_sig_of = Nothing,
+ mi_hsc_src = HsSrcFile,
+ mi_deps = noDependencies,
+ mi_usages = [],
+ mi_exports = [],
+ mi_used_th = False,
+ mi_fixities = [],
+ mi_warns = NoWarnings,
+ mi_anns = [],
+ mi_insts = [],
+ mi_fam_insts = [],
+ mi_rules = [],
+ mi_decls = [],
+ mi_globals = Nothing,
+ mi_hpc = False,
+ mi_trust = noIfaceTrustInfo,
+ mi_trust_pkg = False,
+ mi_complete_sigs = [],
+ mi_doc_hdr = Nothing,
+ mi_decl_docs = emptyDeclDocMap,
+ mi_arg_docs = emptyArgDocMap,
+ mi_final_exts = () }
+emptyFullModIface :: Module -> ModIface
+emptyFullModIface mod =
+ (emptyPartialModIface mod)
+ { mi_decls = []
+ , mi_final_exts = ModIfaceBackend
+ { mi_iface_hash = fingerprint0,
+ mi_mod_hash = fingerprint0,
+ mi_flag_hash = fingerprint0,
+ mi_opt_hash = fingerprint0,
+ mi_hpc_hash = fingerprint0,
+ mi_plugin_hash = fingerprint0,
+ mi_orphan = False,
+ mi_finsts = False,
+ mi_exp_hash = fingerprint0,
+ mi_orphan_hash = fingerprint0,
+ mi_warn_fn = emptyIfaceWarnCache,
+ mi_fix_fn = emptyIfaceFixCache,
+ mi_hash_fn = emptyIfaceHashCache } }
+-- | Constructs cache for the 'mi_hash_fn' field of a 'ModIface'
+mkIfaceHashCache :: [(Fingerprint,IfaceDecl)]
+ -> (OccName -> Maybe (OccName, Fingerprint))
+mkIfaceHashCache pairs
+ = \occ -> lookupOccEnv env occ
+ where
+ env = foldl' add_decl emptyOccEnv pairs
+ add_decl env0 (v,d) = foldl' add env0 (ifaceDeclFingerprints v d)
+ where
+ add env0 (occ,hash) = extendOccEnv env0 occ (occ,hash)
+emptyIfaceHashCache :: OccName -> Maybe (OccName, Fingerprint)
+emptyIfaceHashCache _occ = Nothing
+-- | The 'ModDetails' is essentially a cache for information in the 'ModIface'
+-- for home modules only. Information relating to packages will be loaded into
+-- global environments in 'ExternalPackageState'.
+data ModDetails
+ = ModDetails {
+ -- The next two fields are created by the typechecker
+ md_exports :: [AvailInfo],
+ md_types :: !TypeEnv, -- ^ Local type environment for this particular module
+ -- Includes Ids, TyCons, PatSyns
+ md_insts :: ![ClsInst], -- ^ 'DFunId's for the instances in this module
+ md_fam_insts :: ![FamInst],
+ md_rules :: ![CoreRule], -- ^ Domain may include 'Id's from other modules
+ md_anns :: ![Annotation], -- ^ Annotations present in this module: currently
+ -- they only annotate things also declared in this module
+ md_complete_sigs :: [CompleteMatch]
+ -- ^ Complete match pragmas for this module
+ }
+-- | Constructs an empty ModDetails
+emptyModDetails :: ModDetails
+ = ModDetails { md_types = emptyTypeEnv,
+ md_exports = [],
+ md_insts = [],
+ md_rules = [],
+ md_fam_insts = [],
+ md_anns = [],
+ md_complete_sigs = [] }
+-- | Records the modules directly imported by a module for extracting e.g.
+-- usage information, and also to give better error message
+type ImportedMods = ModuleEnv [ImportedBy]
+-- | If a module was "imported" by the user, we associate it with
+-- more detailed usage information 'ImportedModsVal'; a module
+-- imported by the system only gets used for usage information.
+data ImportedBy
+ = ImportedByUser ImportedModsVal
+ | ImportedBySystem
+importedByUser :: [ImportedBy] -> [ImportedModsVal]
+importedByUser (ImportedByUser imv : bys) = imv : importedByUser bys
+importedByUser (ImportedBySystem : bys) = importedByUser bys
+importedByUser [] = []
+data ImportedModsVal
+ = ImportedModsVal {
+ imv_name :: ModuleName, -- ^ The name the module is imported with
+ imv_span :: SrcSpan, -- ^ the source span of the whole import
+ imv_is_safe :: IsSafeImport, -- ^ whether this is a safe import
+ imv_is_hiding :: Bool, -- ^ whether this is an "hiding" import
+ imv_all_exports :: !GlobalRdrEnv, -- ^ all the things the module could provide
+ -- NB. BangPattern here: otherwise this leaks. (#15111)
+ imv_qualified :: Bool -- ^ whether this is a qualified import
+ }
+-- | A ModGuts is carried through the compiler, accumulating stuff as it goes
+-- There is only one ModGuts at any time, the one for the module
+-- being compiled right now. Once it is compiled, a 'ModIface' and
+-- 'ModDetails' are extracted and the ModGuts is discarded.
+data ModGuts
+ = ModGuts {
+ mg_module :: !Module, -- ^ Module being compiled
+ mg_hsc_src :: HscSource, -- ^ Whether it's an hs-boot module
+ mg_loc :: SrcSpan, -- ^ For error messages from inner passes
+ mg_exports :: ![AvailInfo], -- ^ What it exports
+ mg_deps :: !Dependencies, -- ^ What it depends on, directly or
+ -- otherwise
+ mg_usages :: ![Usage], -- ^ What was used? Used for interfaces.
+ mg_used_th :: !Bool, -- ^ Did we run a TH splice?
+ mg_rdr_env :: !GlobalRdrEnv, -- ^ Top-level lexical environment
+ -- These fields all describe the things **declared in this module**
+ mg_fix_env :: !FixityEnv, -- ^ Fixities declared in this module.
+ -- Used for creating interface files.
+ mg_tcs :: ![TyCon], -- ^ TyCons declared in this module
+ -- (includes TyCons for classes)
+ mg_insts :: ![ClsInst], -- ^ Class instances declared in this module
+ mg_fam_insts :: ![FamInst],
+ -- ^ Family instances declared in this module
+ mg_patsyns :: ![PatSyn], -- ^ Pattern synonyms declared in this module
+ mg_rules :: ![CoreRule], -- ^ Before the core pipeline starts, contains
+ -- See Note [Overall plumbing for rules] in Rules.hs
+ mg_binds :: !CoreProgram, -- ^ Bindings for this module
+ mg_foreign :: !ForeignStubs, -- ^ Foreign exports declared in this module
+ mg_foreign_files :: ![(ForeignSrcLang, FilePath)],
+ -- ^ Files to be compiled with the C compiler
+ mg_warns :: !Warnings, -- ^ Warnings declared in the module
+ mg_anns :: [Annotation], -- ^ Annotations declared in this module
+ mg_complete_sigs :: [CompleteMatch], -- ^ Complete Matches
+ mg_hpc_info :: !HpcInfo, -- ^ Coverage tick boxes in the module
+ mg_modBreaks :: !(Maybe ModBreaks), -- ^ Breakpoints for the module
+ -- The next two fields are unusual, because they give instance
+ -- environments for *all* modules in the home package, including
+ -- this module, rather than for *just* this module.
+ -- Reason: when looking up an instance we don't want to have to
+ -- look at each module in the home package in turn
+ mg_inst_env :: InstEnv, -- ^ Class instance environment for
+ -- /home-package/ modules (including this
+ -- one); c.f. 'tcg_inst_env'
+ mg_fam_inst_env :: FamInstEnv, -- ^ Type-family instance environment for
+ -- /home-package/ modules (including this
+ -- one); c.f. 'tcg_fam_inst_env'
+ mg_safe_haskell :: SafeHaskellMode, -- ^ Safe Haskell mode
+ mg_trust_pkg :: Bool, -- ^ Do we need to trust our
+ -- own package for Safe Haskell?
+ -- See Note [Trust Own Package]
+ -- in GHC.Rename.Names
+ mg_doc_hdr :: !(Maybe HsDocString), -- ^ Module header.
+ mg_decl_docs :: !DeclDocMap, -- ^ Docs on declarations.
+ mg_arg_docs :: !ArgDocMap -- ^ Docs on arguments.
+ }
+-- The ModGuts takes on several slightly different forms:
+-- After simplification, the following fields change slightly:
+-- mg_rules Orphan rules only (local ones now attached to binds)
+-- mg_binds With rules attached
+-- The Tidy pass forks the information about this module:
+-- * one lot goes to interface file generation (ModIface)
+-- and later compilations (ModDetails)
+-- * the other lot goes to code generation (CgGuts)
+-- | A restricted form of 'ModGuts' for code generation purposes
+data CgGuts
+ = CgGuts {
+ cg_module :: !Module,
+ -- ^ Module being compiled
+ cg_tycons :: [TyCon],
+ -- ^ Algebraic data types (including ones that started
+ -- life as classes); generate constructors and info
+ -- tables. Includes newtypes, just for the benefit of
+ -- External Core
+ cg_binds :: CoreProgram,
+ -- ^ The tidied main bindings, including
+ -- previously-implicit bindings for record and class
+ -- selectors, and data constructor wrappers. But *not*
+ -- data constructor workers; reason: we regard them
+ -- as part of the code-gen of tycons
+ cg_foreign :: !ForeignStubs, -- ^ Foreign export stubs
+ cg_foreign_files :: ![(ForeignSrcLang, FilePath)],
+ cg_dep_pkgs :: ![InstalledUnitId], -- ^ Dependent packages, used to
+ -- generate #includes for C code gen
+ cg_hpc_info :: !HpcInfo, -- ^ Program coverage tick box information
+ cg_modBreaks :: !(Maybe ModBreaks), -- ^ Module breakpoints
+ cg_spt_entries :: [SptEntry]
+ -- ^ Static pointer table entries for static forms defined in
+ -- the module.
+ -- See Note [Grand plan for static forms] in StaticPtrTable
+ }
+-- | Foreign export stubs
+data ForeignStubs
+ = NoStubs
+ -- ^ We don't have any stubs
+ | ForeignStubs SDoc SDoc
+ -- ^ There are some stubs. Parameters:
+ --
+ -- 1) Header file prototypes for
+ -- "foreign exported" functions
+ --
+ -- 2) C stubs to use when calling
+ -- "foreign exported" functions
+appendStubC :: ForeignStubs -> SDoc -> ForeignStubs
+appendStubC NoStubs c_code = ForeignStubs empty c_code
+appendStubC (ForeignStubs h c) c_code = ForeignStubs h (c $$ c_code)
+* *
+ The interactive context
+* *
+Note [The interactive package]
+Type, class, and value declarations at the command prompt are treated
+as if they were defined in modules
+ interactive:Ghci1
+ interactive:Ghci2
+ ...etc...
+with each bunch of declarations using a new module, all sharing a
+common package 'interactive' (see Module.interactiveUnitId, and
+This scheme deals well with shadowing. For example:
+ ghci> data T = A
+ ghci> data T = B
+ ghci> :i A
+ data Ghci1.T = A -- Defined at <interactive>:2:10
+Here we must display info about constructor A, but its type T has been
+shadowed by the second declaration. But it has a respectable
+qualified name (Ghci1.T), and its source location says where it was
+So the main invariant continues to hold, that in any session an
+original name M.T only refers to one unique thing. (In a previous
+iteration both the T's above were called :Interactive.T, albeit with
+different uniques, which gave rise to all sorts of trouble.)
+The details are a bit tricky though:
+ * The field ic_mod_index counts which Ghci module we've got up to.
+ It is incremented when extending ic_tythings
+ * ic_tythings contains only things from the 'interactive' package.
+ * Module from the 'interactive' package (Ghci1, Ghci2 etc) never go
+ in the Home Package Table (HPT). When you say :load, that's when we
+ extend the HPT.
+ * The 'thisPackage' field of DynFlags is *not* set to 'interactive'.
+ It stays as 'main' (or whatever -this-unit-id says), and is the
+ package to which :load'ed modules are added to.
+ * So how do we arrange that declarations at the command prompt get to
+ be in the 'interactive' package? Simply by setting the tcg_mod
+ field of the TcGblEnv to "interactive:Ghci1". This is done by the
+ call to initTc in initTcInteractive, which in turn get the module
+ from it 'icInteractiveModule' field of the interactive context.
+ The 'thisPackage' field stays as 'main' (or whatever -this-unit-id says.
+ * The main trickiness is that the type environment (tcg_type_env) and
+ fixity envt (tcg_fix_env), now contain entities from all the
+ interactive-package modules (Ghci1, Ghci2, ...) together, rather
+ than just a single module as is usually the case. So you can't use
+ "nameIsLocalOrFrom" to decide whether to look in the TcGblEnv vs
+ the HPT/PTE. This is a change, but not a problem provided you
+ know.
+* However, the tcg_binds, tcg_sigs, tcg_insts, tcg_fam_insts, etc fields
+ of the TcGblEnv, which collect "things defined in this module", all
+ refer to stuff define in a single GHCi command, *not* all the commands
+ so far.
+ In contrast, tcg_inst_env, tcg_fam_inst_env, have instances from
+ all GhciN modules, which makes sense -- they are all "home package"
+ modules.
+Note [Interactively-bound Ids in GHCi]
+The Ids bound by previous Stmts in GHCi are currently
+ a) GlobalIds, with
+ b) An External Name, like
+ See Note [The interactive package] above
+ c) A tidied type
+ (a) They must be GlobalIds (not LocalIds) otherwise when we come to
+ compile an expression using these ids later, the byte code
+ generator will consider the occurrences to be free rather than
+ global.
+ (b) Having an External Name is important because of Note
+ [GlobalRdrEnv shadowing] in RdrName
+ (c) Their types are tidied. This is important, because :info may ask
+ to look at them, and :info expects the things it looks up to have
+ tidy types
+Where do interactively-bound Ids come from?
+ - GHCi REPL Stmts e.g.
+ ghci> let foo x = x+1
+ These start with an Internal Name because a Stmt is a local
+ construct, so the renamer naturally builds an Internal name for
+ each of its binders. Then in tcRnStmt they are externalised via
+ TcRnDriver.externaliseAndTidyId, so they get Names like
+ - Ids bound by the debugger etc have Names constructed by
+ GHC.Iface.Env.newInteractiveBinder; at the call sites it is followed by
+ mkVanillaGlobal or mkVanillaGlobalWithInfo. So again, they are
+ all Global, External.
+ - TyCons, Classes, and Ids bound by other top-level declarations in
+ GHCi (eg foreign import, record selectors) also get External
+ Names, with Ghci9 (or 8, or 7, etc) as the module name.
+Note [ic_tythings]
+The ic_tythings field contains
+ * The TyThings declared by the user at the command prompt
+ (eg Ids, TyCons, Classes)
+ * The user-visible Ids that arise from such things, which
+ *don't* come from 'implicitTyThings', notably:
+ - record selectors
+ - class ops
+ The implicitTyThings are readily obtained from the TyThings
+ but record selectors etc are not
+It does *not* contain
+ * DFunIds (they can be gotten from ic_instances)
+ * CoAxioms (ditto)
+See also Note [Interactively-bound Ids in GHCi]
+Note [Override identical instances in GHCi]
+If you declare a new instance in GHCi that is identical to a previous one,
+we simply override the previous one; we don't regard it as overlapping.
+e.g. Prelude> data T = A | B
+ Prelude> instance Eq T where ...
+ Prelude> instance Eq T where ... -- This one overrides
+It's exactly the same for type-family instances. See #7102
+-- | Interactive context, recording information about the state of the
+-- context in which statements are executed in a GHCi session.
+data InteractiveContext
+ = InteractiveContext {
+ ic_dflags :: DynFlags,
+ -- ^ The 'DynFlags' used to evaluate interactive expressions
+ -- and statements.
+ ic_mod_index :: Int,
+ -- ^ Each GHCi stmt or declaration brings some new things into
+ -- scope. We give them names like interactive:Ghci9.T,
+ -- where the ic_index is the '9'. The ic_mod_index is
+ -- incremented whenever we add something to ic_tythings
+ -- See Note [The interactive package]
+ ic_imports :: [InteractiveImport],
+ -- ^ The GHCi top-level scope (ic_rn_gbl_env) is extended with
+ -- these imports
+ --
+ -- This field is only stored here so that the client
+ -- can retrieve it with GHC.getContext. GHC itself doesn't
+ -- use it, but does reset it to empty sometimes (such
+ -- as before a GHC.load). The context is set with GHC.setContext.
+ ic_tythings :: [TyThing],
+ -- ^ TyThings defined by the user, in reverse order of
+ -- definition (ie most recent at the front)
+ -- See Note [ic_tythings]
+ ic_rn_gbl_env :: GlobalRdrEnv,
+ -- ^ The cached 'GlobalRdrEnv', built by
+ -- 'GHC.Runtime.Eval.setContext' and updated regularly
+ -- It contains everything in scope at the command line,
+ -- including everything in ic_tythings
+ ic_instances :: ([ClsInst], [FamInst]),
+ -- ^ All instances and family instances created during
+ -- this session. These are grabbed en masse after each
+ -- update to be sure that proper overlapping is retained.
+ -- That is, rather than re-check the overlapping each
+ -- time we update the context, we just take the results
+ -- from the instance code that already does that.
+ ic_fix_env :: FixityEnv,
+ -- ^ Fixities declared in let statements
+ ic_default :: Maybe [Type],
+ -- ^ The current default types, set by a 'default' declaration
+ ic_resume :: [Resume],
+ -- ^ The stack of breakpoint contexts
+ ic_monad :: Name,
+ -- ^ The monad that GHCi is executing in
+ ic_int_print :: Name,
+ -- ^ The function that is used for printing results
+ -- of expressions in ghci and -e mode.
+ ic_cwd :: Maybe FilePath
+ -- virtual CWD of the program
+ }
+data InteractiveImport
+ = IIDecl (ImportDecl GhcPs)
+ -- ^ Bring the exports of a particular module
+ -- (filtered by an import decl) into scope
+ | IIModule ModuleName
+ -- ^ Bring into scope the entire top-level envt of
+ -- of this module, including the things imported
+ -- into it.
+-- | Constructs an empty InteractiveContext.
+emptyInteractiveContext :: DynFlags -> InteractiveContext
+emptyInteractiveContext dflags
+ = InteractiveContext {
+ ic_dflags = dflags,
+ ic_imports = [],
+ ic_rn_gbl_env = emptyGlobalRdrEnv,
+ ic_mod_index = 1,
+ ic_tythings = [],
+ ic_instances = ([],[]),
+ ic_fix_env = emptyNameEnv,
+ ic_monad = ioTyConName, -- IO monad by default
+ ic_int_print = printName, -- System.IO.print by default
+ ic_default = Nothing,
+ ic_resume = [],
+ ic_cwd = Nothing }
+icInteractiveModule :: InteractiveContext -> Module
+icInteractiveModule (InteractiveContext { ic_mod_index = index })
+ = mkInteractiveModule index
+-- | This function returns the list of visible TyThings (useful for
+-- e.g. showBindings)
+icInScopeTTs :: InteractiveContext -> [TyThing]
+icInScopeTTs = ic_tythings
+-- | Get the PrintUnqualified function based on the flags and this InteractiveContext
+icPrintUnqual :: DynFlags -> InteractiveContext -> PrintUnqualified
+icPrintUnqual dflags InteractiveContext{ ic_rn_gbl_env = grenv } =
+ mkPrintUnqualified dflags grenv
+-- | extendInteractiveContext is called with new TyThings recently defined to update the
+-- InteractiveContext to include them. Ids are easily removed when shadowed,
+-- but Classes and TyCons are not. Some work could be done to determine
+-- whether they are entirely shadowed, but as you could still have references
+-- to them (e.g. instances for classes or values of the type for TyCons), it's
+-- not clear whether removing them is even the appropriate behavior.
+extendInteractiveContext :: InteractiveContext
+ -> [TyThing]
+ -> [ClsInst] -> [FamInst]
+ -> Maybe [Type]
+ -> FixityEnv
+ -> InteractiveContext
+extendInteractiveContext ictxt new_tythings new_cls_insts new_fam_insts defaults fix_env
+ = ictxt { ic_mod_index = ic_mod_index ictxt + 1
+ -- Always bump this; even instances should create
+ -- a new mod_index (#9426)
+ , ic_tythings = new_tythings ++ old_tythings
+ , ic_rn_gbl_env = ic_rn_gbl_env ictxt `icExtendGblRdrEnv` new_tythings
+ , ic_instances = ( new_cls_insts ++ old_cls_insts
+ , new_fam_insts ++ fam_insts )
+ -- we don't shadow old family instances (#7102),
+ -- so don't need to remove them here
+ , ic_default = defaults
+ , ic_fix_env = fix_env -- See Note [Fixity declarations in GHCi]
+ }
+ where
+ new_ids = [id | AnId id <- new_tythings]
+ old_tythings = filterOut (shadowed_by new_ids) (ic_tythings ictxt)
+ -- Discard old instances that have been fully overridden
+ -- See Note [Override identical instances in GHCi]
+ (cls_insts, fam_insts) = ic_instances ictxt
+ old_cls_insts = filterOut (\i -> any (identicalClsInstHead i) new_cls_insts) cls_insts
+extendInteractiveContextWithIds :: InteractiveContext -> [Id] -> InteractiveContext
+-- Just a specialised version
+extendInteractiveContextWithIds ictxt new_ids
+ | null new_ids = ictxt
+ | otherwise = ictxt { ic_mod_index = ic_mod_index ictxt + 1
+ , ic_tythings = new_tythings ++ old_tythings
+ , ic_rn_gbl_env = ic_rn_gbl_env ictxt `icExtendGblRdrEnv` new_tythings }
+ where
+ new_tythings = map AnId new_ids
+ old_tythings = filterOut (shadowed_by new_ids) (ic_tythings ictxt)
+shadowed_by :: [Id] -> TyThing -> Bool
+shadowed_by ids = shadowed
+ where
+ shadowed id = getOccName id `elemOccSet` new_occs
+ new_occs = mkOccSet (map getOccName ids)
+setInteractivePackage :: HscEnv -> HscEnv
+-- Set the 'thisPackage' DynFlag to 'interactive'
+setInteractivePackage hsc_env
+ = hsc_env { hsc_dflags = (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ { thisInstalledUnitId = toInstalledUnitId interactiveUnitId } }
+setInteractivePrintName :: InteractiveContext -> Name -> InteractiveContext
+setInteractivePrintName ic n = ic{ic_int_print = n}
+ -- ToDo: should not add Ids to the gbl env here
+-- | Add TyThings to the GlobalRdrEnv, earlier ones in the list shadowing
+-- later ones, and shadowing existing entries in the GlobalRdrEnv.
+icExtendGblRdrEnv :: GlobalRdrEnv -> [TyThing] -> GlobalRdrEnv
+icExtendGblRdrEnv env tythings
+ = foldr add env tythings -- Foldr makes things in the front of
+ -- the list shadow things at the back
+ where
+ -- One at a time, to ensure each shadows the previous ones
+ add thing env
+ | is_sub_bndr thing
+ = env
+ | otherwise
+ = foldl' extendGlobalRdrEnv env1 (concatMap localGREsFromAvail avail)
+ where
+ env1 = shadowNames env (concatMap availNames avail)
+ avail = tyThingAvailInfo thing
+ -- Ugh! The new_tythings may include record selectors, since they
+ -- are not implicit-ids, and must appear in the TypeEnv. But they
+ -- will also be brought into scope by the corresponding (ATyCon
+ -- tc). And we want the latter, because that has the correct
+ -- parent (#10520)
+ is_sub_bndr (AnId f) = case idDetails f of
+ RecSelId {} -> True
+ ClassOpId {} -> True
+ _ -> False
+ is_sub_bndr _ = False
+substInteractiveContext :: InteractiveContext -> TCvSubst -> InteractiveContext
+substInteractiveContext ictxt@InteractiveContext{ ic_tythings = tts } subst
+ | isEmptyTCvSubst subst = ictxt
+ | otherwise = ictxt { ic_tythings = map subst_ty tts }
+ where
+ subst_ty (AnId id)
+ = AnId $ id `setIdType` substTyAddInScope subst (idType id)
+ -- Variables in the interactive context *can* mention free type variables
+ -- because of the runtime debugger. Otherwise you'd expect all
+ -- variables bound in the interactive context to be closed.
+ subst_ty tt
+ = tt
+instance Outputable InteractiveImport where
+ ppr (IIModule m) = char '*' <> ppr m
+ ppr (IIDecl d) = ppr d
+* *
+ Building a PrintUnqualified
+* *
+Note [Printing original names]
+Deciding how to print names is pretty tricky. We are given a name
+P:M.T, where P is the package name, M is the defining module, and T is
+the occurrence name, and we have to decide in which form to display
+the name given a GlobalRdrEnv describing the current scope.
+Ideally we want to display the name in the form in which it is in
+scope. However, the name might not be in scope at all, and that's
+where it gets tricky. Here are the cases:
+ 1. T uniquely maps to P:M.T ---> "T" NameUnqual
+ 2. There is an X for which X.T
+ uniquely maps to P:M.T ---> "X.T" NameQual X
+ 3. There is no binding for "M.T" ---> "M.T" NameNotInScope1
+ 4. Otherwise ---> "P:M.T" NameNotInScope2
+(3) and (4) apply when the entity P:M.T is not in the GlobalRdrEnv at
+all. In these cases we still want to refer to the name as "M.T", *but*
+"M.T" might mean something else in the current scope (e.g. if there's
+an "import X as M"), so to avoid confusion we avoid using "M.T" if
+there's already a binding for it. Instead we write P:M.T.
+There's one further subtlety: in case (3), what if there are two
+things around, P1:M.T and P2:M.T? Then we don't want to print both of
+them as M.T! However only one of the modules P1:M and P2:M can be
+exposed (say P2), so we use M.T for that, and P1:M.T for the other one.
+This is handled by the qual_mod component of PrintUnqualified, inside
+the (ppr mod) of case (3), in Name.pprModulePrefix
+Note [Printing unit ids]
+In the old days, original names were tied to PackageIds, which directly
+corresponded to the entities that users wrote in Cabal files, and were perfectly
+suitable for printing when we need to disambiguate packages. However, with
+UnitId, the situation can be different: if the key is instantiated with
+some holes, we should try to give the user some more useful information.
+-- | Creates some functions that work out the best ways to format
+-- names for the user according to a set of heuristics.
+mkPrintUnqualified :: DynFlags -> GlobalRdrEnv -> PrintUnqualified
+mkPrintUnqualified dflags env = QueryQualify qual_name
+ (mkQualModule dflags)
+ (mkQualPackage dflags)
+ where
+ qual_name mod occ
+ | [gre] <- unqual_gres
+ , right_name gre
+ = NameUnqual -- If there's a unique entity that's in scope
+ -- unqualified with 'occ' AND that entity is
+ -- the right one, then we can use the unqualified name
+ | [] <- unqual_gres
+ , any is_name forceUnqualNames
+ , not (isDerivedOccName occ)
+ = NameUnqual -- Don't qualify names that come from modules
+ -- that come with GHC, often appear in error messages,
+ -- but aren't typically in scope. Doing this does not
+ -- cause ambiguity, and it reduces the amount of
+ -- qualification in error messages thus improving
+ -- readability.
+ --
+ -- A motivating example is 'Constraint'. It's often not
+ -- in scope, but printing GHC.Prim.Constraint seems
+ -- overkill.
+ | [gre] <- qual_gres
+ = NameQual (greQualModName gre)
+ | null qual_gres
+ = if null (lookupGRE_RdrName (mkRdrQual (moduleName mod) occ) env)
+ then NameNotInScope1
+ else NameNotInScope2
+ | otherwise
+ = NameNotInScope1 -- Can happen if 'f' is bound twice in the module
+ -- Eg f = True; g = 0; f = False
+ where
+ is_name :: Name -> Bool
+ is_name name = ASSERT2( isExternalName name, ppr name )
+ nameModule name == mod && nameOccName name == occ
+ forceUnqualNames :: [Name]
+ forceUnqualNames =
+ map tyConName [ constraintKindTyCon, heqTyCon, coercibleTyCon ]
+ ++ [ eqTyConName ]
+ right_name gre = nameModule_maybe (gre_name gre) == Just mod
+ unqual_gres = lookupGRE_RdrName (mkRdrUnqual occ) env
+ qual_gres = filter right_name (lookupGlobalRdrEnv env occ)
+ -- we can mention a module P:M without the P: qualifier iff
+ -- "import M" would resolve unambiguously to P:M. (if P is the
+ -- current package we can just assume it is unqualified).
+-- | Creates a function for formatting modules based on two heuristics:
+-- (1) if the module is the current module, don't qualify, and (2) if there
+-- is only one exposed package which exports this module, don't qualify.
+mkQualModule :: DynFlags -> QueryQualifyModule
+mkQualModule dflags mod
+ | moduleUnitId mod == thisPackage dflags = False
+ | [(_, pkgconfig)] <- lookup,
+ packageConfigId pkgconfig == moduleUnitId mod
+ -- this says: we are given a module P:M, is there just one exposed package
+ -- that exposes a module M, and is it package P?
+ = False
+ | otherwise = True
+ where lookup = lookupModuleInAllPackages dflags (moduleName mod)
+-- | Creates a function for formatting packages based on two heuristics:
+-- (1) don't qualify if the package in question is "main", and (2) only qualify
+-- with a unit id if the package ID would be ambiguous.
+mkQualPackage :: DynFlags -> QueryQualifyPackage
+mkQualPackage dflags uid
+ | uid == mainUnitId || uid == interactiveUnitId
+ -- Skip the lookup if it's main, since it won't be in the package
+ -- database!
+ = False
+ | Just pkgid <- mb_pkgid
+ , searchPackageId dflags pkgid `lengthIs` 1
+ -- this says: we are given a package pkg-0.1@MMM, are there only one
+ -- exposed packages whose package ID is pkg-0.1?
+ = False
+ | otherwise
+ = True
+ where mb_pkgid = fmap sourcePackageId (lookupUnit dflags uid)
+-- | A function which only qualifies package names if necessary; but
+-- qualifies all other identifiers.
+pkgQual :: DynFlags -> PrintUnqualified
+pkgQual dflags = alwaysQualify {
+ queryQualifyPackage = mkQualPackage dflags
+ }
+* *
+ Implicit TyThings
+* *
+Note [Implicit TyThings]
+ DEFINITION: An "implicit" TyThing is one that does not have its own
+ IfaceDecl in an interface file. Instead, its binding in the type
+ environment is created as part of typechecking the IfaceDecl for
+ some other thing.
+ * All DataCons are implicit, because they are generated from the
+ IfaceDecl for the data/newtype. Ditto class methods.
+ * Record selectors are *not* implicit, because they get their own
+ free-standing IfaceDecl.
+ * Associated data/type families are implicit because they are
+ included in the IfaceDecl of the parent class. (NB: the
+ IfaceClass decl happens to use IfaceDecl recursively for the
+ associated types, but that's irrelevant here.)
+ * Dictionary function Ids are not implicit.
+ * Axioms for newtypes are implicit (same as above), but axioms
+ for data/type family instances are *not* implicit (like DFunIds).
+-- | Determine the 'TyThing's brought into scope by another 'TyThing'
+-- /other/ than itself. For example, Id's don't have any implicit TyThings
+-- as they just bring themselves into scope, but classes bring their
+-- dictionary datatype, type constructor and some selector functions into
+-- scope, just for a start!
+-- N.B. the set of TyThings returned here *must* match the set of
+-- names returned by GHC.Iface.Load.ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs, in the sense that
+-- TyThing.getOccName should define a bijection between the two lists.
+-- This invariant is used in GHC.Iface.Load.loadDecl (see note [Tricky iface loop])
+-- The order of the list does not matter.
+implicitTyThings :: TyThing -> [TyThing]
+implicitTyThings (AnId _) = []
+implicitTyThings (ACoAxiom _cc) = []
+implicitTyThings (ATyCon tc) = implicitTyConThings tc
+implicitTyThings (AConLike cl) = implicitConLikeThings cl
+implicitConLikeThings :: ConLike -> [TyThing]
+implicitConLikeThings (RealDataCon dc)
+ = dataConImplicitTyThings dc
+implicitConLikeThings (PatSynCon {})
+ = [] -- Pattern synonyms have no implicit Ids; the wrapper and matcher
+ -- are not "implicit"; they are simply new top-level bindings,
+ -- and they have their own declaration in an interface file
+ -- Unless a record pat syn when there are implicit selectors
+ -- They are still not included here as `implicitConLikeThings` is
+ -- used by `tcTyClsDecls` whilst pattern synonyms are typed checked
+ -- by `tcTopValBinds`.
+implicitClassThings :: Class -> [TyThing]
+implicitClassThings cl
+ = -- Does not include default methods, because those Ids may have
+ -- their own pragmas, unfoldings etc, not derived from the Class object
+ -- associated types
+ -- No recursive call for the classATs, because they
+ -- are only the family decls; they have no implicit things
+ map ATyCon (classATs cl) ++
+ -- superclass and operation selectors
+ map AnId (classAllSelIds cl)
+implicitTyConThings :: TyCon -> [TyThing]
+implicitTyConThings tc
+ = class_stuff ++
+ -- fields (names of selectors)
+ -- (possibly) implicit newtype axioms
+ -- or type family axioms
+ implicitCoTyCon tc ++
+ -- for each data constructor in order,
+ -- the constructor, worker, and (possibly) wrapper
+ [ thing | dc <- tyConDataCons tc
+ , thing <- AConLike (RealDataCon dc) : dataConImplicitTyThings dc ]
+ -- NB. record selectors are *not* implicit, they have fully-fledged
+ -- bindings that pass through the compilation pipeline as normal.
+ where
+ class_stuff = case tyConClass_maybe tc of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just cl -> implicitClassThings cl
+-- For newtypes and closed type families (only) add the implicit coercion tycon
+implicitCoTyCon :: TyCon -> [TyThing]
+implicitCoTyCon tc
+ | Just co <- newTyConCo_maybe tc = [ACoAxiom $ toBranchedAxiom co]
+ | Just co <- isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe tc
+ = [ACoAxiom co]
+ | otherwise = []
+-- | Returns @True@ if there should be no interface-file declaration
+-- for this thing on its own: either it is built-in, or it is part
+-- of some other declaration, or it is generated implicitly by some
+-- other declaration.
+isImplicitTyThing :: TyThing -> Bool
+isImplicitTyThing (AConLike cl) = case cl of
+ RealDataCon {} -> True
+ PatSynCon {} -> False
+isImplicitTyThing (AnId id) = isImplicitId id
+isImplicitTyThing (ATyCon tc) = isImplicitTyCon tc
+isImplicitTyThing (ACoAxiom ax) = isImplicitCoAxiom ax
+-- | tyThingParent_maybe x returns (Just p)
+-- when pprTyThingInContext should print a declaration for p
+-- (albeit with some "..." in it) when asked to show x
+-- It returns the *immediate* parent. So a datacon returns its tycon
+-- but the tycon could be the associated type of a class, so it in turn
+-- might have a parent.
+tyThingParent_maybe :: TyThing -> Maybe TyThing
+tyThingParent_maybe (AConLike cl) = case cl of
+ RealDataCon dc -> Just (ATyCon (dataConTyCon dc))
+ PatSynCon{} -> Nothing
+tyThingParent_maybe (ATyCon tc) = case tyConAssoc_maybe tc of
+ Just tc -> Just (ATyCon tc)
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+tyThingParent_maybe (AnId id) = case idDetails id of
+ RecSelId { sel_tycon = RecSelData tc } ->
+ Just (ATyCon tc)
+ ClassOpId cls ->
+ Just (ATyCon (classTyCon cls))
+ _other -> Nothing
+tyThingParent_maybe _other = Nothing
+tyThingsTyCoVars :: [TyThing] -> TyCoVarSet
+tyThingsTyCoVars tts =
+ unionVarSets $ map ttToVarSet tts
+ where
+ ttToVarSet (AnId id) = tyCoVarsOfType $ idType id
+ ttToVarSet (AConLike cl) = case cl of
+ RealDataCon dc -> tyCoVarsOfType $ dataConRepType dc
+ PatSynCon{} -> emptyVarSet
+ ttToVarSet (ATyCon tc)
+ = case tyConClass_maybe tc of
+ Just cls -> (mkVarSet . fst . classTvsFds) cls
+ Nothing -> tyCoVarsOfType $ tyConKind tc
+ ttToVarSet (ACoAxiom _) = emptyVarSet
+-- | The Names that a TyThing should bring into scope. Used to build
+-- the GlobalRdrEnv for the InteractiveContext.
+tyThingAvailInfo :: TyThing -> [AvailInfo]
+tyThingAvailInfo (ATyCon t)
+ = case tyConClass_maybe t of
+ Just c -> [AvailTC n (n : map getName (classMethods c)
+ ++ map getName (classATs c))
+ [] ]
+ where n = getName c
+ Nothing -> [AvailTC n (n : map getName dcs) flds]
+ where n = getName t
+ dcs = tyConDataCons t
+ flds = tyConFieldLabels t
+tyThingAvailInfo (AConLike (PatSynCon p))
+ = map avail ((getName p) : map flSelector (patSynFieldLabels p))
+tyThingAvailInfo t
+ = [avail (getName t)]
+* *
+ TypeEnv
+* *
+-- | A map from 'Name's to 'TyThing's, constructed by typechecking
+-- local declarations or interface files
+type TypeEnv = NameEnv TyThing
+emptyTypeEnv :: TypeEnv
+typeEnvElts :: TypeEnv -> [TyThing]
+typeEnvTyCons :: TypeEnv -> [TyCon]
+typeEnvCoAxioms :: TypeEnv -> [CoAxiom Branched]
+typeEnvIds :: TypeEnv -> [Id]
+typeEnvPatSyns :: TypeEnv -> [PatSyn]
+typeEnvDataCons :: TypeEnv -> [DataCon]
+typeEnvClasses :: TypeEnv -> [Class]
+lookupTypeEnv :: TypeEnv -> Name -> Maybe TyThing
+emptyTypeEnv = emptyNameEnv
+typeEnvElts env = nameEnvElts env
+typeEnvTyCons env = [tc | ATyCon tc <- typeEnvElts env]
+typeEnvCoAxioms env = [ax | ACoAxiom ax <- typeEnvElts env]
+typeEnvIds env = [id | AnId id <- typeEnvElts env]
+typeEnvPatSyns env = [ps | AConLike (PatSynCon ps) <- typeEnvElts env]
+typeEnvDataCons env = [dc | AConLike (RealDataCon dc) <- typeEnvElts env]
+typeEnvClasses env = [cl | tc <- typeEnvTyCons env,
+ Just cl <- [tyConClass_maybe tc]]
+mkTypeEnv :: [TyThing] -> TypeEnv
+mkTypeEnv things = extendTypeEnvList emptyTypeEnv things
+mkTypeEnvWithImplicits :: [TyThing] -> TypeEnv
+mkTypeEnvWithImplicits things =
+ mkTypeEnv things
+ `plusNameEnv`
+ mkTypeEnv (concatMap implicitTyThings things)
+typeEnvFromEntities :: [Id] -> [TyCon] -> [FamInst] -> TypeEnv
+typeEnvFromEntities ids tcs famInsts =
+ mkTypeEnv ( map AnId ids
+ ++ map ATyCon all_tcs
+ ++ concatMap implicitTyConThings all_tcs
+ ++ map (ACoAxiom . toBranchedAxiom . famInstAxiom) famInsts
+ )
+ where
+ all_tcs = tcs ++ famInstsRepTyCons famInsts
+lookupTypeEnv = lookupNameEnv
+-- Extend the type environment
+extendTypeEnv :: TypeEnv -> TyThing -> TypeEnv
+extendTypeEnv env thing = extendNameEnv env (getName thing) thing
+extendTypeEnvList :: TypeEnv -> [TyThing] -> TypeEnv
+extendTypeEnvList env things = foldl' extendTypeEnv env things
+extendTypeEnvWithIds :: TypeEnv -> [Id] -> TypeEnv
+extendTypeEnvWithIds env ids
+ = extendNameEnvList env [(getName id, AnId id) | id <- ids]
+plusTypeEnv :: TypeEnv -> TypeEnv -> TypeEnv
+plusTypeEnv env1 env2 = plusNameEnv env1 env2
+-- | Find the 'TyThing' for the given 'Name' by using all the resources
+-- at our disposal: the compiled modules in the 'HomePackageTable' and the
+-- compiled modules in other packages that live in 'PackageTypeEnv'. Note
+-- that this does NOT look up the 'TyThing' in the module being compiled: you
+-- have to do that yourself, if desired
+lookupType :: DynFlags
+ -> HomePackageTable
+ -> PackageTypeEnv
+ -> Name
+ -> Maybe TyThing
+lookupType dflags hpt pte name
+ | isOneShot (ghcMode dflags) -- in one-shot, we don't use the HPT
+ = lookupNameEnv pte name
+ | otherwise
+ = case lookupHptByModule hpt mod of
+ Just hm -> lookupNameEnv (md_types (hm_details hm)) name
+ Nothing -> lookupNameEnv pte name
+ where
+ mod = ASSERT2( isExternalName name, ppr name )
+ if isHoleName name
+ then mkModule (thisPackage dflags) (moduleName (nameModule name))
+ else nameModule name
+-- | As 'lookupType', but with a marginally easier-to-use interface
+-- if you have a 'HscEnv'
+lookupTypeHscEnv :: HscEnv -> Name -> IO (Maybe TyThing)
+lookupTypeHscEnv hsc_env name = do
+ eps <- readIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
+ return $! lookupType dflags hpt (eps_PTE eps) name
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
+-- | Get the 'TyCon' from a 'TyThing' if it is a type constructor thing. Panics otherwise
+tyThingTyCon :: HasDebugCallStack => TyThing -> TyCon
+tyThingTyCon (ATyCon tc) = tc
+tyThingTyCon other = pprPanic "tyThingTyCon" (ppr other)
+-- | Get the 'CoAxiom' from a 'TyThing' if it is a coercion axiom thing. Panics otherwise
+tyThingCoAxiom :: HasDebugCallStack => TyThing -> CoAxiom Branched
+tyThingCoAxiom (ACoAxiom ax) = ax
+tyThingCoAxiom other = pprPanic "tyThingCoAxiom" (ppr other)
+-- | Get the 'DataCon' from a 'TyThing' if it is a data constructor thing. Panics otherwise
+tyThingDataCon :: HasDebugCallStack => TyThing -> DataCon
+tyThingDataCon (AConLike (RealDataCon dc)) = dc
+tyThingDataCon other = pprPanic "tyThingDataCon" (ppr other)
+-- | Get the 'ConLike' from a 'TyThing' if it is a data constructor thing.
+-- Panics otherwise
+tyThingConLike :: HasDebugCallStack => TyThing -> ConLike
+tyThingConLike (AConLike dc) = dc
+tyThingConLike other = pprPanic "tyThingConLike" (ppr other)
+-- | Get the 'Id' from a 'TyThing' if it is a id *or* data constructor thing. Panics otherwise
+tyThingId :: HasDebugCallStack => TyThing -> Id
+tyThingId (AnId id) = id
+tyThingId (AConLike (RealDataCon dc)) = dataConWrapId dc
+tyThingId other = pprPanic "tyThingId" (ppr other)
+* *
+\subsection{MonadThings and friends}
+* *
+-- | Class that abstracts out the common ability of the monads in GHC
+-- to lookup a 'TyThing' in the monadic environment by 'Name'. Provides
+-- a number of related convenience functions for accessing particular
+-- kinds of 'TyThing'
+class Monad m => MonadThings m where
+ lookupThing :: Name -> m TyThing
+ lookupId :: Name -> m Id
+ lookupId = liftM tyThingId . lookupThing
+ lookupDataCon :: Name -> m DataCon
+ lookupDataCon = liftM tyThingDataCon . lookupThing
+ lookupTyCon :: Name -> m TyCon
+ lookupTyCon = liftM tyThingTyCon . lookupThing
+-- Instance used in GHC.HsToCore.Quote
+instance MonadThings m => MonadThings (ReaderT s m) where
+ lookupThing = lift . lookupThing
+* *
+\subsection{Auxiliary types}
+* *
+These types are defined here because they are mentioned in ModDetails,
+but they are mostly elaborated elsewhere
+------------------ Warnings -------------------------
+-- | Warning information for a module
+data Warnings
+ = NoWarnings -- ^ Nothing deprecated
+ | WarnAll WarningTxt -- ^ Whole module deprecated
+ | WarnSome [(OccName,WarningTxt)] -- ^ Some specific things deprecated
+ -- Only an OccName is needed because
+ -- (1) a deprecation always applies to a binding
+ -- defined in the module in which the deprecation appears.
+ -- (2) deprecations are only reported outside the defining module.
+ -- this is important because, otherwise, if we saw something like
+ --
+ -- {-# DEPRECATED f "" #-}
+ -- f = ...
+ -- h = f
+ -- g = let f = undefined in f
+ --
+ -- we'd need more information than an OccName to know to say something
+ -- about the use of f in h but not the use of the locally bound f in g
+ --
+ -- however, because we only report about deprecations from the outside,
+ -- and a module can only export one value called f,
+ -- an OccName suffices.
+ --
+ -- this is in contrast with fixity declarations, where we need to map
+ -- a Name to its fixity declaration.
+ deriving( Eq )
+instance Binary Warnings where
+ put_ bh NoWarnings = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh (WarnAll t) = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh t
+ put_ bh (WarnSome ts) = do
+ putByte bh 2
+ put_ bh ts
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> return NoWarnings
+ 1 -> do aa <- get bh
+ return (WarnAll aa)
+ _ -> do aa <- get bh
+ return (WarnSome aa)
+-- | Constructs the cache for the 'mi_warn_fn' field of a 'ModIface'
+mkIfaceWarnCache :: Warnings -> OccName -> Maybe WarningTxt
+mkIfaceWarnCache NoWarnings = \_ -> Nothing
+mkIfaceWarnCache (WarnAll t) = \_ -> Just t
+mkIfaceWarnCache (WarnSome pairs) = lookupOccEnv (mkOccEnv pairs)
+emptyIfaceWarnCache :: OccName -> Maybe WarningTxt
+emptyIfaceWarnCache _ = Nothing
+plusWarns :: Warnings -> Warnings -> Warnings
+plusWarns d NoWarnings = d
+plusWarns NoWarnings d = d
+plusWarns _ (WarnAll t) = WarnAll t
+plusWarns (WarnAll t) _ = WarnAll t
+plusWarns (WarnSome v1) (WarnSome v2) = WarnSome (v1 ++ v2)
+-- | Creates cached lookup for the 'mi_fix_fn' field of 'ModIface'
+mkIfaceFixCache :: [(OccName, Fixity)] -> OccName -> Maybe Fixity
+mkIfaceFixCache pairs
+ = \n -> lookupOccEnv env n
+ where
+ env = mkOccEnv pairs
+emptyIfaceFixCache :: OccName -> Maybe Fixity
+emptyIfaceFixCache _ = Nothing
+-- | Fixity environment mapping names to their fixities
+type FixityEnv = NameEnv FixItem
+-- | Fixity information for an 'Name'. We keep the OccName in the range
+-- so that we can generate an interface from it
+data FixItem = FixItem OccName Fixity
+instance Outputable FixItem where
+ ppr (FixItem occ fix) = ppr fix <+> ppr occ
+emptyFixityEnv :: FixityEnv
+emptyFixityEnv = emptyNameEnv
+lookupFixity :: FixityEnv -> Name -> Fixity
+lookupFixity env n = case lookupNameEnv env n of
+ Just (FixItem _ fix) -> fix
+ Nothing -> defaultFixity
+* *
+* *
+-- | Records whether a module has orphans. An \"orphan\" is one of:
+-- * An instance declaration in a module other than the definition
+-- module for one of the type constructors or classes in the instance head
+-- * A transformation rule in a module other than the one defining
+-- the function in the head of the rule
+type WhetherHasOrphans = Bool
+-- | Does this module define family instances?
+type WhetherHasFamInst = Bool
+-- | Did this module originate from a *-boot file?
+type IsBootInterface = Bool
+-- | Dependency information about ALL modules and packages below this one
+-- in the import hierarchy.
+-- Invariant: the dependencies of a module @M@ never includes @M@.
+-- Invariant: none of the lists contain duplicates.
+data Dependencies
+ = Deps { dep_mods :: [(ModuleName, IsBootInterface)]
+ -- ^ All home-package modules transitively below this one
+ -- I.e. modules that this one imports, or that are in the
+ -- dep_mods of those directly-imported modules
+ , dep_pkgs :: [(InstalledUnitId, Bool)]
+ -- ^ All packages transitively below this module
+ -- I.e. packages to which this module's direct imports belong,
+ -- or that are in the dep_pkgs of those modules
+ -- The bool indicates if the package is required to be
+ -- trusted when the module is imported as a safe import
+ -- (Safe Haskell). See Note [Tracking Trust Transitively] in GHC.Rename.Names
+ , dep_orphs :: [Module]
+ -- ^ Transitive closure of orphan modules (whether
+ -- home or external pkg).
+ --
+ -- (Possible optimization: don't include family
+ -- instance orphans as they are anyway included in
+ -- 'dep_finsts'. But then be careful about code
+ -- which relies on dep_orphs having the complete list!)
+ -- This does NOT include us, unlike 'imp_orphs'.
+ , dep_finsts :: [Module]
+ -- ^ Transitive closure of depended upon modules which
+ -- contain family instances (whether home or external).
+ -- This is used by 'checkFamInstConsistency'. This
+ -- does NOT include us, unlike 'imp_finsts'. See Note
+ -- [The type family instance consistency story].
+ , dep_plgins :: [ModuleName]
+ -- ^ All the plugins used while compiling this module.
+ }
+ deriving( Eq )
+ -- Equality used only for old/new comparison in GHC.Iface.Utils.addFingerprints
+ -- See 'TcRnTypes.ImportAvails' for details on dependencies.
+instance Binary Dependencies where
+ put_ bh deps = do put_ bh (dep_mods deps)
+ put_ bh (dep_pkgs deps)
+ put_ bh (dep_orphs deps)
+ put_ bh (dep_finsts deps)
+ put_ bh (dep_plgins deps)
+ get bh = do ms <- get bh
+ ps <- get bh
+ os <- get bh
+ fis <- get bh
+ pl <- get bh
+ return (Deps { dep_mods = ms, dep_pkgs = ps, dep_orphs = os,
+ dep_finsts = fis, dep_plgins = pl })
+noDependencies :: Dependencies
+noDependencies = Deps [] [] [] [] []
+-- | Records modules for which changes may force recompilation of this module
+-- See wiki:
+-- This differs from Dependencies. A module X may be in the dep_mods of this
+-- module (via an import chain) but if we don't use anything from X it won't
+-- appear in our Usage
+data Usage
+ -- | Module from another package
+ = UsagePackageModule {
+ usg_mod :: Module,
+ -- ^ External package module depended on
+ usg_mod_hash :: Fingerprint,
+ -- ^ Cached module fingerprint
+ usg_safe :: IsSafeImport
+ -- ^ Was this module imported as a safe import
+ }
+ -- | Module from the current package
+ | UsageHomeModule {
+ usg_mod_name :: ModuleName,
+ -- ^ Name of the module
+ usg_mod_hash :: Fingerprint,
+ -- ^ Cached module fingerprint
+ usg_entities :: [(OccName,Fingerprint)],
+ -- ^ Entities we depend on, sorted by occurrence name and fingerprinted.
+ -- NB: usages are for parent names only, e.g. type constructors
+ -- but not the associated data constructors.
+ usg_exports :: Maybe Fingerprint,
+ -- ^ Fingerprint for the export list of this module,
+ -- if we directly imported it (and hence we depend on its export list)
+ usg_safe :: IsSafeImport
+ -- ^ Was this module imported as a safe import
+ } -- ^ Module from the current package
+ -- | A file upon which the module depends, e.g. a CPP #include, or using TH's
+ -- 'addDependentFile'
+ | UsageFile {
+ usg_file_path :: FilePath,
+ -- ^ External file dependency. From a CPP #include or TH
+ -- addDependentFile. Should be absolute.
+ usg_file_hash :: Fingerprint
+ -- ^ 'Fingerprint' of the file contents.
+ -- Note: We don't consider things like modification timestamps
+ -- here, because there's no reason to recompile if the actual
+ -- contents don't change. This previously lead to odd
+ -- recompilation behaviors; see #8114
+ }
+ -- | A requirement which was merged into this one.
+ | UsageMergedRequirement {
+ usg_mod :: Module,
+ usg_mod_hash :: Fingerprint
+ }
+ deriving( Eq )
+ -- The export list field is (Just v) if we depend on the export list:
+ -- i.e. we imported the module directly, whether or not we
+ -- enumerated the things we imported, or just imported
+ -- everything
+ -- We need to recompile if M's exports change, because
+ -- if the import was import M, we might now have a name clash
+ -- in the importing module.
+ -- if the import was import M(x) M might no longer export x
+ -- The only way we don't depend on the export list is if we have
+ -- import M()
+ -- And of course, for modules that aren't imported directly we don't
+ -- depend on their export lists
+instance Binary Usage where
+ put_ bh usg@UsagePackageModule{} = do
+ putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh (usg_mod usg)
+ put_ bh (usg_mod_hash usg)
+ put_ bh (usg_safe usg)
+ put_ bh usg@UsageHomeModule{} = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh (usg_mod_name usg)
+ put_ bh (usg_mod_hash usg)
+ put_ bh (usg_exports usg)
+ put_ bh (usg_entities usg)
+ put_ bh (usg_safe usg)
+ put_ bh usg@UsageFile{} = do
+ putByte bh 2
+ put_ bh (usg_file_path usg)
+ put_ bh (usg_file_hash usg)
+ put_ bh usg@UsageMergedRequirement{} = do
+ putByte bh 3
+ put_ bh (usg_mod usg)
+ put_ bh (usg_mod_hash usg)
+ get bh = do
+ h <- getByte bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> do
+ nm <- get bh
+ mod <- get bh
+ safe <- get bh
+ return UsagePackageModule { usg_mod = nm, usg_mod_hash = mod, usg_safe = safe }
+ 1 -> do
+ nm <- get bh
+ mod <- get bh
+ exps <- get bh
+ ents <- get bh
+ safe <- get bh
+ return UsageHomeModule { usg_mod_name = nm, usg_mod_hash = mod,
+ usg_exports = exps, usg_entities = ents, usg_safe = safe }
+ 2 -> do
+ fp <- get bh
+ hash <- get bh
+ return UsageFile { usg_file_path = fp, usg_file_hash = hash }
+ 3 -> do
+ mod <- get bh
+ hash <- get bh
+ return UsageMergedRequirement { usg_mod = mod, usg_mod_hash = hash }
+ i -> error ("Binary.get(Usage): " ++ show i)
+* *
+ The External Package State
+* *
+type PackageTypeEnv = TypeEnv
+type PackageRuleBase = RuleBase
+type PackageInstEnv = InstEnv
+type PackageFamInstEnv = FamInstEnv
+type PackageAnnEnv = AnnEnv
+type PackageCompleteMatchMap = CompleteMatchMap
+-- | Information about other packages that we have slurped in by reading
+-- their interface files
+data ExternalPackageState
+ = EPS {
+ eps_is_boot :: !(ModuleNameEnv (ModuleName, IsBootInterface)),
+ -- ^ In OneShot mode (only), home-package modules
+ -- accumulate in the external package state, and are
+ -- sucked in lazily. For these home-pkg modules
+ -- (only) we need to record which are boot modules.
+ -- We set this field after loading all the
+ -- explicitly-imported interfaces, but before doing
+ -- anything else
+ --
+ -- The 'ModuleName' part is not necessary, but it's useful for
+ -- debug prints, and it's convenient because this field comes
+ -- direct from 'TcRnTypes.imp_dep_mods'
+ eps_PIT :: !PackageIfaceTable,
+ -- ^ The 'ModIface's for modules in external packages
+ -- whose interfaces we have opened.
+ -- The declarations in these interface files are held in the
+ -- 'eps_decls', 'eps_inst_env', 'eps_fam_inst_env' and 'eps_rules'
+ -- fields of this record, not in the 'mi_decls' fields of the
+ -- interface we have sucked in.
+ --
+ -- What /is/ in the PIT is:
+ --
+ -- * The Module
+ --
+ -- * Fingerprint info
+ --
+ -- * Its exports
+ --
+ -- * Fixities
+ --
+ -- * Deprecations and warnings
+ eps_free_holes :: InstalledModuleEnv (UniqDSet ModuleName),
+ -- ^ Cache for 'mi_free_holes'. Ordinarily, we can rely on
+ -- the 'eps_PIT' for this information, EXCEPT that when
+ -- we do dependency analysis, we need to look at the
+ -- 'Dependencies' of our imports to determine what their
+ -- precise free holes are ('moduleFreeHolesPrecise'). We
+ -- don't want to repeatedly reread in the interface
+ -- for every import, so cache it here. When the PIT
+ -- gets filled in we can drop these entries.
+ eps_PTE :: !PackageTypeEnv,
+ -- ^ Result of typechecking all the external package
+ -- interface files we have sucked in. The domain of
+ -- the mapping is external-package modules
+ eps_inst_env :: !PackageInstEnv, -- ^ The total 'InstEnv' accumulated
+ -- from all the external-package modules
+ eps_fam_inst_env :: !PackageFamInstEnv,-- ^ The total 'FamInstEnv' accumulated
+ -- from all the external-package modules
+ eps_rule_base :: !PackageRuleBase, -- ^ The total 'RuleEnv' accumulated
+ -- from all the external-package modules
+ eps_ann_env :: !PackageAnnEnv, -- ^ The total 'AnnEnv' accumulated
+ -- from all the external-package modules
+ eps_complete_matches :: !PackageCompleteMatchMap,
+ -- ^ The total 'CompleteMatchMap' accumulated
+ -- from all the external-package modules
+ eps_mod_fam_inst_env :: !(ModuleEnv FamInstEnv), -- ^ The family instances accumulated from external
+ -- packages, keyed off the module that declared them
+ eps_stats :: !EpsStats -- ^ Stastics about what was loaded from external packages
+ }
+-- | Accumulated statistics about what we are putting into the 'ExternalPackageState'.
+-- \"In\" means stuff that is just /read/ from interface files,
+-- \"Out\" means actually sucked in and type-checked
+data EpsStats = EpsStats { n_ifaces_in
+ , n_decls_in, n_decls_out
+ , n_rules_in, n_rules_out
+ , n_insts_in, n_insts_out :: !Int }
+addEpsInStats :: EpsStats -> Int -> Int -> Int -> EpsStats
+-- ^ Add stats for one newly-read interface
+addEpsInStats stats n_decls n_insts n_rules
+ = stats { n_ifaces_in = n_ifaces_in stats + 1
+ , n_decls_in = n_decls_in stats + n_decls
+ , n_insts_in = n_insts_in stats + n_insts
+ , n_rules_in = n_rules_in stats + n_rules }
+Names in a NameCache are always stored as a Global, and have the SrcLoc
+of their binding locations.
+Actually that's not quite right. When we first encounter the original
+name, we might not be at its binding site (e.g. we are reading an
+interface file); so we give it 'noSrcLoc' then. Later, when we find
+its binding site, we fix it up.
+updNameCache :: IORef NameCache
+ -> (NameCache -> (NameCache, c)) -- The updating function
+ -> IO c
+updNameCache ncRef upd_fn
+ = atomicModifyIORef' ncRef upd_fn
+mkSOName :: Platform -> FilePath -> FilePath
+mkSOName platform root
+ = case platformOS platform of
+ OSMinGW32 -> root <.> soExt platform
+ _ -> ("lib" ++ root) <.> soExt platform
+mkHsSOName :: Platform -> FilePath -> FilePath
+mkHsSOName platform root = ("lib" ++ root) <.> soExt platform
+soExt :: Platform -> FilePath
+soExt platform
+ = case platformOS platform of
+ OSDarwin -> "dylib"
+ OSMinGW32 -> "dll"
+ _ -> "so"
+* *
+ The module graph and ModSummary type
+ A ModSummary is a node in the compilation manager's
+ dependency graph, and it's also passed to hscMain
+* *
+-- | A ModuleGraph contains all the nodes from the home package (only).
+-- There will be a node for each source module, plus a node for each hi-boot
+-- module.
+-- The graph is not necessarily stored in topologically-sorted order. Use
+-- 'GHC.topSortModuleGraph' and 'Digraph.flattenSCC' to achieve this.
+data ModuleGraph = ModuleGraph
+ { mg_mss :: [ModSummary]
+ , mg_non_boot :: ModuleEnv ModSummary
+ -- a map of all non-boot ModSummaries keyed by Modules
+ , mg_boot :: ModuleSet
+ -- a set of boot Modules
+ , mg_needs_th_or_qq :: !Bool
+ -- does any of the modules in mg_mss require TemplateHaskell or
+ -- QuasiQuotes?
+ }
+-- | Determines whether a set of modules requires Template Haskell or
+-- Quasi Quotes
+-- Note that if the session's 'DynFlags' enabled Template Haskell when
+-- 'depanal' was called, then each module in the returned module graph will
+-- have Template Haskell enabled whether it is actually needed or not.
+needsTemplateHaskellOrQQ :: ModuleGraph -> Bool
+needsTemplateHaskellOrQQ mg = mg_needs_th_or_qq mg
+-- | Map a function 'f' over all the 'ModSummaries'.
+-- To preserve invariants 'f' can't change the isBoot status.
+mapMG :: (ModSummary -> ModSummary) -> ModuleGraph -> ModuleGraph
+mapMG f mg@ModuleGraph{..} = mg
+ { mg_mss = map f mg_mss
+ , mg_non_boot = mapModuleEnv f mg_non_boot
+ }
+mgBootModules :: ModuleGraph -> ModuleSet
+mgBootModules ModuleGraph{..} = mg_boot
+mgModSummaries :: ModuleGraph -> [ModSummary]
+mgModSummaries = mg_mss
+mgElemModule :: ModuleGraph -> Module -> Bool
+mgElemModule ModuleGraph{..} m = elemModuleEnv m mg_non_boot
+-- | Look up a ModSummary in the ModuleGraph
+mgLookupModule :: ModuleGraph -> Module -> Maybe ModSummary
+mgLookupModule ModuleGraph{..} m = lookupModuleEnv mg_non_boot m
+emptyMG :: ModuleGraph
+emptyMG = ModuleGraph [] emptyModuleEnv emptyModuleSet False
+isTemplateHaskellOrQQNonBoot :: ModSummary -> Bool
+isTemplateHaskellOrQQNonBoot ms =
+ (xopt LangExt.TemplateHaskell (ms_hspp_opts ms)
+ || xopt LangExt.QuasiQuotes (ms_hspp_opts ms)) &&
+ not (isBootSummary ms)
+-- | Add a ModSummary to ModuleGraph. Assumes that the new ModSummary is
+-- not an element of the ModuleGraph.
+extendMG :: ModuleGraph -> ModSummary -> ModuleGraph
+extendMG ModuleGraph{..} ms = ModuleGraph
+ { mg_mss = ms:mg_mss
+ , mg_non_boot = if isBootSummary ms
+ then mg_non_boot
+ else extendModuleEnv mg_non_boot (ms_mod ms) ms
+ , mg_boot = if isBootSummary ms
+ then extendModuleSet mg_boot (ms_mod ms)
+ else mg_boot
+ , mg_needs_th_or_qq = mg_needs_th_or_qq || isTemplateHaskellOrQQNonBoot ms
+ }
+mkModuleGraph :: [ModSummary] -> ModuleGraph
+mkModuleGraph = foldr (flip extendMG) emptyMG
+-- | A single node in a 'ModuleGraph'. The nodes of the module graph
+-- are one of:
+-- * A regular Haskell source module
+-- * A hi-boot source module
+data ModSummary
+ = ModSummary {
+ ms_mod :: Module,
+ -- ^ Identity of the module
+ ms_hsc_src :: HscSource,
+ -- ^ The module source either plain Haskell or hs-boot
+ ms_location :: ModLocation,
+ -- ^ Location of the various files belonging to the module
+ ms_hs_date :: UTCTime,
+ -- ^ Timestamp of source file
+ ms_obj_date :: Maybe UTCTime,
+ -- ^ Timestamp of object, if we have one
+ ms_iface_date :: Maybe UTCTime,
+ -- ^ Timestamp of hi file, if we *only* are typechecking (it is
+ -- 'Nothing' otherwise.
+ -- See Note [Recompilation checking in -fno-code mode] and #9243
+ ms_hie_date :: Maybe UTCTime,
+ -- ^ Timestamp of hie file, if we have one
+ ms_srcimps :: [(Maybe FastString, Located ModuleName)],
+ -- ^ Source imports of the module
+ ms_textual_imps :: [(Maybe FastString, Located ModuleName)],
+ -- ^ Non-source imports of the module from the module *text*
+ ms_parsed_mod :: Maybe HsParsedModule,
+ -- ^ The parsed, nonrenamed source, if we have it. This is also
+ -- used to support "inline module syntax" in Backpack files.
+ ms_hspp_file :: FilePath,
+ -- ^ Filename of preprocessed source file
+ ms_hspp_opts :: DynFlags,
+ -- ^ Cached flags from @OPTIONS@, @INCLUDE@ and @LANGUAGE@
+ -- pragmas in the modules source code
+ ms_hspp_buf :: Maybe StringBuffer
+ -- ^ The actual preprocessed source, if we have it
+ }
+ms_installed_mod :: ModSummary -> InstalledModule
+ms_installed_mod = fst . splitModuleInsts . ms_mod
+ms_mod_name :: ModSummary -> ModuleName
+ms_mod_name = moduleName . ms_mod
+ms_imps :: ModSummary -> [(Maybe FastString, Located ModuleName)]
+ms_imps ms =
+ ms_textual_imps ms ++
+ map mk_additional_import (dynFlagDependencies (ms_hspp_opts ms))
+ where
+ mk_additional_import mod_nm = (Nothing, noLoc mod_nm)
+home_imps :: [(Maybe FastString, Located ModuleName)] -> [Located ModuleName]
+home_imps imps = [ lmodname | (mb_pkg, lmodname) <- imps,
+ isLocal mb_pkg ]
+ where isLocal Nothing = True
+ isLocal (Just pkg) | pkg == fsLit "this" = True -- "this" is special
+ isLocal _ = False
+ms_home_allimps :: ModSummary -> [ModuleName]
+ms_home_allimps ms = map unLoc (ms_home_srcimps ms ++ ms_home_imps ms)
+-- | Like 'ms_home_imps', but for SOURCE imports.
+ms_home_srcimps :: ModSummary -> [Located ModuleName]
+ms_home_srcimps = home_imps . ms_srcimps
+-- | All of the (possibly) home module imports from a
+-- 'ModSummary'; that is to say, each of these module names
+-- could be a home import if an appropriately named file
+-- existed. (This is in contrast to package qualified
+-- imports, which are guaranteed not to be home imports.)
+ms_home_imps :: ModSummary -> [Located ModuleName]
+ms_home_imps = home_imps . ms_imps
+-- The ModLocation contains both the original source filename and the
+-- filename of the cleaned-up source file after all preprocessing has been
+-- done. The point is that the summariser will have to cpp/unlit/whatever
+-- all files anyway, and there's no point in doing this twice -- just
+-- park the result in a temp file, put the name of it in the location,
+-- and let @compile@ read from that file on the way back up.
+-- The ModLocation is stable over successive up-sweeps in GHCi, wheres
+-- the ms_hs_date and imports can, of course, change
+msHsFilePath, msHiFilePath, msObjFilePath :: ModSummary -> FilePath
+msHsFilePath ms = expectJust "msHsFilePath" (ml_hs_file (ms_location ms))
+msHiFilePath ms = ml_hi_file (ms_location ms)
+msObjFilePath ms = ml_obj_file (ms_location ms)
+msDynObjFilePath :: ModSummary -> DynFlags -> FilePath
+msDynObjFilePath ms dflags = dynamicOutputFile dflags (msObjFilePath ms)
+-- | Did this 'ModSummary' originate from a hs-boot file?
+isBootSummary :: ModSummary -> Bool
+isBootSummary ms = ms_hsc_src ms == HsBootFile
+instance Outputable ModSummary where
+ ppr ms
+ = sep [text "ModSummary {",
+ nest 3 (sep [text "ms_hs_date = " <> text (show (ms_hs_date ms)),
+ text "ms_mod =" <+> ppr (ms_mod ms)
+ <> text (hscSourceString (ms_hsc_src ms)) <> comma,
+ text "ms_textual_imps =" <+> ppr (ms_textual_imps ms),
+ text "ms_srcimps =" <+> ppr (ms_srcimps ms)]),
+ char '}'
+ ]
+showModMsg :: DynFlags -> HscTarget -> Bool -> ModSummary -> String
+showModMsg dflags target recomp mod_summary = showSDoc dflags $
+ if gopt Opt_HideSourcePaths dflags
+ then text mod_str
+ else hsep $
+ [ text (mod_str ++ replicate (max 0 (16 - length mod_str)) ' ')
+ , char '('
+ , text (op $ msHsFilePath mod_summary) <> char ','
+ ] ++
+ if gopt Opt_BuildDynamicToo dflags
+ then [ text obj_file <> char ','
+ , text dyn_file
+ , char ')'
+ ]
+ else [ text obj_file, char ')' ]
+ where
+ op = normalise
+ mod = moduleName (ms_mod mod_summary)
+ mod_str = showPpr dflags mod ++ hscSourceString (ms_hsc_src mod_summary)
+ dyn_file = op $ msDynObjFilePath mod_summary dflags
+ obj_file = case target of
+ HscInterpreted | recomp -> "interpreted"
+ HscNothing -> "nothing"
+ _ -> (op $ msObjFilePath mod_summary)
+* *
+* *
+-- | Indicates whether a given module's source has been modified since it
+-- was last compiled.
+data SourceModified
+ = SourceModified
+ -- ^ the source has been modified
+ | SourceUnmodified
+ -- ^ the source has not been modified. Compilation may or may
+ -- not be necessary, depending on whether any dependencies have
+ -- changed since we last compiled.
+ | SourceUnmodifiedAndStable
+ -- ^ the source has not been modified, and furthermore all of
+ -- its (transitive) dependencies are up to date; it definitely
+ -- does not need to be recompiled. This is important for two
+ -- reasons: (a) we can omit the version check in checkOldIface,
+ -- and (b) if the module used TH splices we don't need to force
+ -- recompilation.
+* *
+\subsection{Hpc Support}
+* *
+-- | Information about a modules use of Haskell Program Coverage
+data HpcInfo
+ = HpcInfo
+ { hpcInfoTickCount :: Int
+ , hpcInfoHash :: Int
+ }
+ | NoHpcInfo
+ { hpcUsed :: AnyHpcUsage -- ^ Is hpc used anywhere on the module \*tree\*?
+ }
+-- | This is used to signal if one of my imports used HPC instrumentation
+-- even if there is no module-local HPC usage
+type AnyHpcUsage = Bool
+emptyHpcInfo :: AnyHpcUsage -> HpcInfo
+emptyHpcInfo = NoHpcInfo
+-- | Find out if HPC is used by this module or any of the modules
+-- it depends upon
+isHpcUsed :: HpcInfo -> AnyHpcUsage
+isHpcUsed (HpcInfo {}) = True
+isHpcUsed (NoHpcInfo { hpcUsed = used }) = used
+* *
+\subsection{Safe Haskell Support}
+* *
+This stuff here is related to supporting the Safe Haskell extension,
+primarily about storing under what trust type a module has been compiled.
+-- | Is an import a safe import?
+type IsSafeImport = Bool
+-- | Safe Haskell information for 'ModIface'
+-- Simply a wrapper around SafeHaskellMode to sepperate iface and flags
+newtype IfaceTrustInfo = TrustInfo SafeHaskellMode
+getSafeMode :: IfaceTrustInfo -> SafeHaskellMode
+getSafeMode (TrustInfo x) = x
+setSafeMode :: SafeHaskellMode -> IfaceTrustInfo
+setSafeMode = TrustInfo
+noIfaceTrustInfo :: IfaceTrustInfo
+noIfaceTrustInfo = setSafeMode Sf_None
+trustInfoToNum :: IfaceTrustInfo -> Word8
+trustInfoToNum it
+ = case getSafeMode it of
+ Sf_None -> 0
+ Sf_Unsafe -> 1
+ Sf_Trustworthy -> 2
+ Sf_Safe -> 3
+ Sf_SafeInferred -> 4
+ Sf_Ignore -> 0
+numToTrustInfo :: Word8 -> IfaceTrustInfo
+numToTrustInfo 0 = setSafeMode Sf_None
+numToTrustInfo 1 = setSafeMode Sf_Unsafe
+numToTrustInfo 2 = setSafeMode Sf_Trustworthy
+numToTrustInfo 3 = setSafeMode Sf_Safe
+numToTrustInfo 4 = setSafeMode Sf_SafeInferred
+numToTrustInfo n = error $ "numToTrustInfo: bad input number! (" ++ show n ++ ")"
+instance Outputable IfaceTrustInfo where
+ ppr (TrustInfo Sf_None) = text "none"
+ ppr (TrustInfo Sf_Ignore) = text "none"
+ ppr (TrustInfo Sf_Unsafe) = text "unsafe"
+ ppr (TrustInfo Sf_Trustworthy) = text "trustworthy"
+ ppr (TrustInfo Sf_Safe) = text "safe"
+ ppr (TrustInfo Sf_SafeInferred) = text "safe-inferred"
+instance Binary IfaceTrustInfo where
+ put_ bh iftrust = putByte bh $ trustInfoToNum iftrust
+ get bh = getByte bh >>= (return . numToTrustInfo)
+* *
+\subsection{Parser result}
+* *
+data HsParsedModule = HsParsedModule {
+ hpm_module :: Located HsModule,
+ hpm_src_files :: [FilePath],
+ -- ^ extra source files (e.g. from #includes). The lexer collects
+ -- these from '# <file> <line>' pragmas, which the C preprocessor
+ -- leaves behind. These files and their timestamps are stored in
+ -- the .hi file, so that we can force recompilation if any of
+ -- them change (#3589)
+ hpm_annotations :: ApiAnns
+ -- See note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation.hs
+ }
+* *
+\subsection{Linkable stuff}
+* *
+This stuff is in here, rather than (say) in Linker.hs, because the Linker.hs
+stuff is the *dynamic* linker, and isn't present in a stage-1 compiler
+isObjectLinkable :: Linkable -> Bool
+isObjectLinkable l = not (null unlinked) && all isObject unlinked
+ where unlinked = linkableUnlinked l
+ -- A linkable with no Unlinked's is treated as a BCO. We can
+ -- generate a linkable with no Unlinked's as a result of
+ -- compiling a module in HscNothing mode, and this choice
+ -- happens to work well with checkStability in module GHC.
+linkableObjs :: Linkable -> [FilePath]
+linkableObjs l = [ f | DotO f <- linkableUnlinked l ]
+-- | Is this an actual file on disk we can link in somehow?
+isObject :: Unlinked -> Bool
+isObject (DotO _) = True
+isObject (DotA _) = True
+isObject (DotDLL _) = True
+isObject _ = False
+-- | Is this a bytecode linkable with no file on disk?
+isInterpretable :: Unlinked -> Bool
+isInterpretable = not . isObject
+-- | Retrieve the filename of the linkable if possible. Panic if it is a byte-code object
+nameOfObject :: Unlinked -> FilePath
+nameOfObject (DotO fn) = fn
+nameOfObject (DotA fn) = fn
+nameOfObject (DotDLL fn) = fn
+nameOfObject other = pprPanic "nameOfObject" (ppr other)
+-- | Retrieve the compiled byte-code if possible. Panic if it is a file-based linkable
+byteCodeOfObject :: Unlinked -> CompiledByteCode
+byteCodeOfObject (BCOs bc _) = bc
+byteCodeOfObject other = pprPanic "byteCodeOfObject" (ppr other)
+-- | A list of conlikes which represents a complete pattern match.
+-- These arise from @COMPLETE@ signatures.
+-- See Note [Implementation of COMPLETE signatures]
+data CompleteMatch = CompleteMatch {
+ completeMatchConLikes :: [Name]
+ -- ^ The ConLikes that form a covering family
+ -- (e.g. Nothing, Just)
+ , completeMatchTyCon :: Name
+ -- ^ The TyCon that they cover (e.g. Maybe)
+ }
+instance Outputable CompleteMatch where
+ ppr (CompleteMatch cl ty) = text "CompleteMatch:" <+> ppr cl
+ <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty
+-- | A map keyed by the 'completeMatchTyCon'.
+-- See Note [Implementation of COMPLETE signatures]
+type CompleteMatchMap = UniqFM [CompleteMatch]
+mkCompleteMatchMap :: [CompleteMatch] -> CompleteMatchMap
+mkCompleteMatchMap = extendCompleteMatchMap emptyUFM
+extendCompleteMatchMap :: CompleteMatchMap -> [CompleteMatch]
+ -> CompleteMatchMap
+extendCompleteMatchMap = foldl' insertMatch
+ where
+ insertMatch :: CompleteMatchMap -> CompleteMatch -> CompleteMatchMap
+ insertMatch ufm c@(CompleteMatch _ t) = addToUFM_C (++) ufm t [c]
+Note [Implementation of COMPLETE signatures]
+A COMPLETE signature represents a set of conlikes (i.e., constructors or
+pattern synonyms) such that if they are all pattern-matched against in a
+function, it gives rise to a total function. An example is:
+ newtype Boolean = Boolean Int
+ pattern F, T :: Boolean
+ pattern F = Boolean 0
+ pattern T = Boolean 1
+ {-# COMPLETE F, T #-}
+ -- This is a total function
+ booleanToInt :: Boolean -> Int
+ booleanToInt F = 0
+ booleanToInt T = 1
+COMPLETE sets are represented internally in GHC with the CompleteMatch data
+type. For example, {-# COMPLETE F, T #-} would be represented as:
+ CompleteMatch { complateMatchConLikes = [F, T]
+ , completeMatchTyCon = Boolean }
+Note that GHC was able to infer the completeMatchTyCon (Boolean), but for the
+cases in which it's ambiguous, you can also explicitly specify it in the source
+language by writing this:
+ {-# COMPLETE F, T :: Boolean #-}
+For efficiency purposes, GHC collects all of the CompleteMatches that it knows
+about into a CompleteMatchMap, which is a map that is keyed by the
+completeMatchTyCon. In other words, you could have a multiple COMPLETE sets
+for the same TyCon:
+ {-# COMPLETE F, T1 :: Boolean #-}
+ {-# COMPLETE F, T2 :: Boolean #-}
+And looking up the values in the CompleteMatchMap associated with Boolean
+would give you [CompleteMatch [F, T1] Boolean, CompleteMatch [F, T2] Boolean].
+dsGetCompleteMatches in GHC.HsToCore.Quote accomplishes this lookup.
+Also see Note [Typechecking Complete Matches] in TcBinds for a more detailed
+explanation for how GHC ensures that all the conlikes in a COMPLETE set are
+-- | Foreign language of the phase if the phase deals with a foreign code
+phaseForeignLanguage :: Phase -> Maybe ForeignSrcLang
+phaseForeignLanguage phase = case phase of
+ Phase.Cc -> Just LangC
+ Phase.Ccxx -> Just LangCxx
+ Phase.Cobjc -> Just LangObjc
+ Phase.Cobjcxx -> Just LangObjcxx
+ Phase.HCc -> Just LangC
+ Phase.As _ -> Just LangAsm
+ Phase.MergeForeign -> Just RawObject
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- Take care, this instance only forces to the degree necessary to
+-- avoid major space leaks.
+instance (NFData (IfaceBackendExts (phase :: ModIfacePhase)), NFData (IfaceDeclExts (phase :: ModIfacePhase))) => NFData (ModIface_ phase) where
+ rnf (ModIface f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12
+ f13 f14 f15 f16 f17 f18 f19 f20 f21 f22 f23) =
+ rnf f1 `seq` rnf f2 `seq` f3 `seq` f4 `seq` f5 `seq` f6 `seq` rnf f7 `seq` f8 `seq`
+ f9 `seq` rnf f10 `seq` rnf f11 `seq` f12 `seq` rnf f13 `seq` rnf f14 `seq` rnf f15 `seq`
+ rnf f16 `seq` f17 `seq` rnf f18 `seq` rnf f19 `seq` f20 `seq` f21 `seq` f22 `seq` rnf f23