path: root/compiler/GHC/Hs/Dump.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Hs/Dump.hs')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Hs/Dump.hs b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Dump.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bdfc8668e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Hs/Dump.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+-- | Contains a debug function to dump parts of the GHC.Hs AST. It uses a syb
+-- traversal which falls back to displaying based on the constructor name, so
+-- can be used to dump anything having a @Data.Data@ instance.
+module GHC.Hs.Dump (
+ -- * Dumping ASTs
+ showAstData,
+ BlankSrcSpan(..),
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import Data.Data hiding (Fixity)
+import Bag
+import BasicTypes
+import FastString
+import NameSet
+import Name
+import DataCon
+import SrcLoc
+import GHC.Hs
+import OccName hiding (occName)
+import Var
+import Module
+import Outputable
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+data BlankSrcSpan = BlankSrcSpan | NoBlankSrcSpan
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | Show a GHC syntax tree. This parameterised because it is also used for
+-- comparing ASTs in ppr roundtripping tests, where the SrcSpan's are blanked
+-- out, to avoid comparing locations, only structure
+showAstData :: Data a => BlankSrcSpan -> a -> SDoc
+showAstData b a0 = blankLine $$ showAstData' a0
+ where
+ showAstData' :: Data a => a -> SDoc
+ showAstData' =
+ generic
+ `ext1Q` list
+ `extQ` string `extQ` fastString `extQ` srcSpan
+ `extQ` lit `extQ` litr `extQ` litt
+ `extQ` bytestring
+ `extQ` name `extQ` occName `extQ` moduleName `extQ` var
+ `extQ` dataCon
+ `extQ` bagName `extQ` bagRdrName `extQ` bagVar `extQ` nameSet
+ `extQ` fixity
+ `ext2Q` located
+ where generic :: Data a => a -> SDoc
+ generic t = parens $ text (showConstr (toConstr t))
+ $$ vcat (gmapQ showAstData' t)
+ string :: String -> SDoc
+ string = text . normalize_newlines . show
+ fastString :: FastString -> SDoc
+ fastString s = braces $
+ text "FastString: "
+ <> text (normalize_newlines . show $ s)
+ bytestring :: B.ByteString -> SDoc
+ bytestring = text . normalize_newlines . show
+ list [] = brackets empty
+ list [x] = brackets (showAstData' x)
+ list (x1 : x2 : xs) = (text "[" <> showAstData' x1)
+ $$ go x2 xs
+ where
+ go y [] = text "," <> showAstData' y <> text "]"
+ go y1 (y2 : ys) = (text "," <> showAstData' y1) $$ go y2 ys
+ -- Eliminate word-size dependence
+ lit :: HsLit GhcPs -> SDoc
+ lit (HsWordPrim s x) = numericLit "HsWord{64}Prim" x s
+ lit (HsWord64Prim s x) = numericLit "HsWord{64}Prim" x s
+ lit (HsIntPrim s x) = numericLit "HsInt{64}Prim" x s
+ lit (HsInt64Prim s x) = numericLit "HsInt{64}Prim" x s
+ lit l = generic l
+ litr :: HsLit GhcRn -> SDoc
+ litr (HsWordPrim s x) = numericLit "HsWord{64}Prim" x s
+ litr (HsWord64Prim s x) = numericLit "HsWord{64}Prim" x s
+ litr (HsIntPrim s x) = numericLit "HsInt{64}Prim" x s
+ litr (HsInt64Prim s x) = numericLit "HsInt{64}Prim" x s
+ litr l = generic l
+ litt :: HsLit GhcTc -> SDoc
+ litt (HsWordPrim s x) = numericLit "HsWord{64}Prim" x s
+ litt (HsWord64Prim s x) = numericLit "HsWord{64}Prim" x s
+ litt (HsIntPrim s x) = numericLit "HsInt{64}Prim" x s
+ litt (HsInt64Prim s x) = numericLit "HsInt{64}Prim" x s
+ litt l = generic l
+ numericLit :: String -> Integer -> SourceText -> SDoc
+ numericLit tag x s = braces $ hsep [ text tag
+ , generic x
+ , generic s ]
+ name :: Name -> SDoc
+ name nm = braces $ text "Name: " <> ppr nm
+ occName n = braces $
+ text "OccName: "
+ <> text (OccName.occNameString n)
+ moduleName :: ModuleName -> SDoc
+ moduleName m = braces $ text "ModuleName: " <> ppr m
+ srcSpan :: SrcSpan -> SDoc
+ srcSpan ss = case b of
+ BlankSrcSpan -> text "{ ss }"
+ NoBlankSrcSpan -> braces $ char ' ' <>
+ (hang (ppr ss) 1
+ -- TODO: show annotations here
+ (text ""))
+ var :: Var -> SDoc
+ var v = braces $ text "Var: " <> ppr v
+ dataCon :: DataCon -> SDoc
+ dataCon c = braces $ text "DataCon: " <> ppr c
+ bagRdrName:: Bag (Located (HsBind GhcPs)) -> SDoc
+ bagRdrName bg = braces $
+ text "Bag(Located (HsBind GhcPs)):"
+ $$ (list . bagToList $ bg)
+ bagName :: Bag (Located (HsBind GhcRn)) -> SDoc
+ bagName bg = braces $
+ text "Bag(Located (HsBind Name)):"
+ $$ (list . bagToList $ bg)
+ bagVar :: Bag (Located (HsBind GhcTc)) -> SDoc
+ bagVar bg = braces $
+ text "Bag(Located (HsBind Var)):"
+ $$ (list . bagToList $ bg)
+ nameSet ns = braces $
+ text "NameSet:"
+ $$ (list . nameSetElemsStable $ ns)
+ fixity :: Fixity -> SDoc
+ fixity fx = braces $
+ text "Fixity: "
+ <> ppr fx
+ located :: (Data b,Data loc) => GenLocated loc b -> SDoc
+ located (L ss a) = parens $
+ case cast ss of
+ Just (s :: SrcSpan) ->
+ srcSpan s
+ Nothing -> text "nnnnnnnn"
+ $$ showAstData' a
+normalize_newlines :: String -> String
+normalize_newlines ('\\':'r':'\\':'n':xs) = '\\':'n':normalize_newlines xs
+normalize_newlines (x:xs) = x:normalize_newlines xs
+normalize_newlines [] = []
+* *
+* Copied from syb
+* *
+-- | The type constructor for queries
+newtype Q q x = Q { unQ :: x -> q }
+-- | Extend a generic query by a type-specific case
+extQ :: ( Typeable a
+ , Typeable b
+ )
+ => (a -> q)
+ -> (b -> q)
+ -> a
+ -> q
+extQ f g a = maybe (f a) g (cast a)
+-- | Type extension of queries for type constructors
+ext1Q :: (Data d, Typeable t)
+ => (d -> q)
+ -> (forall e. Data e => t e -> q)
+ -> d -> q
+ext1Q def ext = unQ ((Q def) `ext1` (Q ext))
+-- | Type extension of queries for type constructors
+ext2Q :: (Data d, Typeable t)
+ => (d -> q)
+ -> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => t d1 d2 -> q)
+ -> d -> q
+ext2Q def ext = unQ ((Q def) `ext2` (Q ext))
+-- | Flexible type extension
+ext1 :: (Data a, Typeable t)
+ => c a
+ -> (forall d. Data d => c (t d))
+ -> c a
+ext1 def ext = maybe def id (dataCast1 ext)
+-- | Flexible type extension
+ext2 :: (Data a, Typeable t)
+ => c a
+ -> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => c (t d1 d2))
+ -> c a
+ext2 def ext = maybe def id (dataCast2 ext)