path: root/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Binds.hs
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diff --git a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Binds.hs b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Binds.hs
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+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+Pattern-matching bindings (HsBinds and MonoBinds)
+Handles @HsBinds@; those at the top level require different handling,
+in that the @Rec@/@NonRec@/etc structure is thrown away (whereas at
+lower levels it is preserved with @let@/@letrec@s).
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.HsToCore.Binds
+ ( dsTopLHsBinds, dsLHsBinds, decomposeRuleLhs, dsSpec
+ , dsHsWrapper, dsTcEvBinds, dsTcEvBinds_s, dsEvBinds, dsMkUserRule
+ )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.HsToCore.Expr ( dsLExpr )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.HsToCore.Match ( matchWrapper )
+import GHC.HsToCore.Monad
+import GHC.HsToCore.GuardedRHSs
+import GHC.HsToCore.Utils
+import GHC.HsToCore.PmCheck ( needToRunPmCheck, addTyCsDs, checkGuardMatches )
+import GHC.Hs -- lots of things
+import CoreSyn -- lots of things
+import CoreOpt ( simpleOptExpr )
+import OccurAnal ( occurAnalyseExpr )
+import MkCore
+import CoreUtils
+import CoreArity ( etaExpand )
+import CoreUnfold
+import CoreFVs
+import Digraph
+import Predicate
+import PrelNames
+import TyCon
+import TcEvidence
+import TcType
+import Type
+import Coercion
+import TysWiredIn ( typeNatKind, typeSymbolKind )
+import Id
+import MkId(proxyHashId)
+import Name
+import VarSet
+import Rules
+import VarEnv
+import Var( EvVar )
+import Outputable
+import Module
+import SrcLoc
+import Maybes
+import OrdList
+import Bag
+import BasicTypes
+import DynFlags
+import FastString
+import Util
+import UniqSet( nonDetEltsUniqSet )
+import MonadUtils
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+import Control.Monad
+* *
+ Desugaring a MonoBinds
+* *
+-- | Desugar top level binds, strict binds are treated like normal
+-- binds since there is no good time to force before first usage.
+dsTopLHsBinds :: LHsBinds GhcTc -> DsM (OrdList (Id,CoreExpr))
+dsTopLHsBinds binds
+ -- see Note [Strict binds checks]
+ | not (isEmptyBag unlifted_binds) || not (isEmptyBag bang_binds)
+ = do { mapBagM_ (top_level_err "bindings for unlifted types") unlifted_binds
+ ; mapBagM_ (top_level_err "strict bindings") bang_binds
+ ; return nilOL }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { (force_vars, prs) <- dsLHsBinds binds
+ ; when debugIsOn $
+ do { xstrict <- xoptM LangExt.Strict
+ ; MASSERT2( null force_vars || xstrict, ppr binds $$ ppr force_vars ) }
+ -- with -XStrict, even top-level vars are listed as force vars.
+ ; return (toOL prs) }
+ where
+ unlifted_binds = filterBag (isUnliftedHsBind . unLoc) binds
+ bang_binds = filterBag (isBangedHsBind . unLoc) binds
+ top_level_err desc (L loc bind)
+ = putSrcSpanDs loc $
+ errDs (hang (text "Top-level" <+> text desc <+> text "aren't allowed:")
+ 2 (ppr bind))
+-- | Desugar all other kind of bindings, Ids of strict binds are returned to
+-- later be forced in the binding group body, see Note [Desugar Strict binds]
+dsLHsBinds :: LHsBinds GhcTc -> DsM ([Id], [(Id,CoreExpr)])
+dsLHsBinds binds
+ = do { ds_bs <- mapBagM dsLHsBind binds
+ ; return (foldBag (\(a, a') (b, b') -> (a ++ b, a' ++ b'))
+ id ([], []) ds_bs) }
+dsLHsBind :: LHsBind GhcTc
+ -> DsM ([Id], [(Id,CoreExpr)])
+dsLHsBind (L loc bind) = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ putSrcSpanDs loc $ dsHsBind dflags bind
+-- | Desugar a single binding (or group of recursive binds).
+dsHsBind :: DynFlags
+ -> HsBind GhcTc
+ -> DsM ([Id], [(Id,CoreExpr)])
+ -- ^ The Ids of strict binds, to be forced in the body of the
+ -- binding group see Note [Desugar Strict binds] and all
+ -- bindings and their desugared right hand sides.
+dsHsBind dflags (VarBind { var_id = var
+ , var_rhs = expr
+ , var_inline = inline_regardless })
+ = do { core_expr <- dsLExpr expr
+ -- Dictionary bindings are always VarBinds,
+ -- so we only need do this here
+ ; let var' | inline_regardless = var `setIdUnfolding` mkCompulsoryUnfolding core_expr
+ | otherwise = var
+ ; let core_bind@(id,_) = makeCorePair dflags var' False 0 core_expr
+ force_var = if xopt LangExt.Strict dflags
+ then [id]
+ else []
+ ; return (force_var, [core_bind]) }
+dsHsBind dflags b@(FunBind { fun_id = L _ fun
+ , fun_matches = matches
+ , fun_ext = co_fn
+ , fun_tick = tick })
+ = do { (args, body) <- matchWrapper
+ (mkPrefixFunRhs (noLoc $ idName fun))
+ Nothing matches
+ ; core_wrap <- dsHsWrapper co_fn
+ ; let body' = mkOptTickBox tick body
+ rhs = core_wrap (mkLams args body')
+ core_binds@(id,_) = makeCorePair dflags fun False 0 rhs
+ force_var
+ -- Bindings are strict when -XStrict is enabled
+ | xopt LangExt.Strict dflags
+ , matchGroupArity matches == 0 -- no need to force lambdas
+ = [id]
+ | isBangedHsBind b
+ = [id]
+ | otherwise
+ = []
+ ; --pprTrace "dsHsBind" (vcat [ ppr fun <+> ppr (idInlinePragma fun)
+ -- , ppr (mg_alts matches)
+ -- , ppr args, ppr core_binds]) $
+ return (force_var, [core_binds]) }
+dsHsBind dflags (PatBind { pat_lhs = pat, pat_rhs = grhss
+ , pat_ext = NPatBindTc _ ty
+ , pat_ticks = (rhs_tick, var_ticks) })
+ = do { body_expr <- dsGuarded grhss ty
+ ; checkGuardMatches PatBindGuards grhss
+ ; let body' = mkOptTickBox rhs_tick body_expr
+ pat' = decideBangHood dflags pat
+ ; (force_var,sel_binds) <- mkSelectorBinds var_ticks pat body'
+ -- We silently ignore inline pragmas; no makeCorePair
+ -- Not so cool, but really doesn't matter
+ ; let force_var' = if isBangedLPat pat'
+ then [force_var]
+ else []
+ ; return (force_var', sel_binds) }
+dsHsBind dflags (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = tyvars, abs_ev_vars = dicts
+ , abs_exports = exports
+ , abs_ev_binds = ev_binds
+ , abs_binds = binds, abs_sig = has_sig })
+ = do { ds_binds <- applyWhen (needToRunPmCheck dflags FromSource)
+ -- FromSource might not be accurate, but at worst
+ -- we do superfluous calls to the pattern match
+ -- oracle.
+ -- addTyCsDs: push type constraints deeper
+ -- for inner pattern match check
+ -- See Check, Note [Type and Term Equality Propagation]
+ (addTyCsDs (listToBag dicts))
+ (dsLHsBinds binds)
+ ; ds_ev_binds <- dsTcEvBinds_s ev_binds
+ -- dsAbsBinds does the hard work
+ ; dsAbsBinds dflags tyvars dicts exports ds_ev_binds ds_binds has_sig }
+dsHsBind _ (PatSynBind{}) = panic "dsHsBind: PatSynBind"
+dsHsBind _ (XHsBindsLR nec) = noExtCon nec
+dsAbsBinds :: DynFlags
+ -> [TyVar] -> [EvVar] -> [ABExport GhcTc]
+ -> [CoreBind] -- Desugared evidence bindings
+ -> ([Id], [(Id,CoreExpr)]) -- Desugared value bindings
+ -> Bool -- Single binding with signature
+ -> DsM ([Id], [(Id,CoreExpr)])
+dsAbsBinds dflags tyvars dicts exports
+ ds_ev_binds (force_vars, bind_prs) has_sig
+ -- A very important common case: one exported variable
+ -- Non-recursive bindings come through this way
+ -- So do self-recursive bindings
+ | [export] <- exports
+ , ABE { abe_poly = global_id, abe_mono = local_id
+ , abe_wrap = wrap, abe_prags = prags } <- export
+ , Just force_vars' <- case force_vars of
+ [] -> Just []
+ [v] | v == local_id -> Just [global_id]
+ _ -> Nothing
+ -- If there is a variable to force, it's just the
+ -- single variable we are binding here
+ = do { core_wrap <- dsHsWrapper wrap -- Usually the identity
+ ; let rhs = core_wrap $
+ mkLams tyvars $ mkLams dicts $
+ mkCoreLets ds_ev_binds $
+ body
+ body | has_sig
+ , [(_, lrhs)] <- bind_prs
+ = lrhs
+ | otherwise
+ = mkLetRec bind_prs (Var local_id)
+ ; (spec_binds, rules) <- dsSpecs rhs prags
+ ; let global_id' = addIdSpecialisations global_id rules
+ main_bind = makeCorePair dflags global_id'
+ (isDefaultMethod prags)
+ (dictArity dicts) rhs
+ ; return (force_vars', main_bind : fromOL spec_binds) }
+ -- Another common case: no tyvars, no dicts
+ -- In this case we can have a much simpler desugaring
+ | null tyvars, null dicts
+ = do { let mk_bind (ABE { abe_wrap = wrap
+ , abe_poly = global
+ , abe_mono = local
+ , abe_prags = prags })
+ = do { core_wrap <- dsHsWrapper wrap
+ ; return (makeCorePair dflags global
+ (isDefaultMethod prags)
+ 0 (core_wrap (Var local))) }
+ mk_bind (XABExport nec) = noExtCon nec
+ ; main_binds <- mapM mk_bind exports
+ ; return (force_vars, flattenBinds ds_ev_binds ++ bind_prs ++ main_binds) }
+ -- The general case
+ -- See Note [Desugaring AbsBinds]
+ | otherwise
+ = do { let core_bind = Rec [ makeCorePair dflags (add_inline lcl_id) False 0 rhs
+ | (lcl_id, rhs) <- bind_prs ]
+ -- Monomorphic recursion possible, hence Rec
+ new_force_vars = get_new_force_vars force_vars
+ locals = map abe_mono exports
+ all_locals = locals ++ new_force_vars
+ tup_expr = mkBigCoreVarTup all_locals
+ tup_ty = exprType tup_expr
+ ; let poly_tup_rhs = mkLams tyvars $ mkLams dicts $
+ mkCoreLets ds_ev_binds $
+ mkLet core_bind $
+ tup_expr
+ ; poly_tup_id <- newSysLocalDs (exprType poly_tup_rhs)
+ -- Find corresponding global or make up a new one: sometimes
+ -- we need to make new export to desugar strict binds, see
+ -- Note [Desugar Strict binds]
+ ; (exported_force_vars, extra_exports) <- get_exports force_vars
+ ; let mk_bind (ABE { abe_wrap = wrap
+ , abe_poly = global
+ , abe_mono = local, abe_prags = spec_prags })
+ -- See Note [AbsBinds wrappers] in HsBinds
+ = do { tup_id <- newSysLocalDs tup_ty
+ ; core_wrap <- dsHsWrapper wrap
+ ; let rhs = core_wrap $ mkLams tyvars $ mkLams dicts $
+ mkTupleSelector all_locals local tup_id $
+ mkVarApps (Var poly_tup_id) (tyvars ++ dicts)
+ rhs_for_spec = Let (NonRec poly_tup_id poly_tup_rhs) rhs
+ ; (spec_binds, rules) <- dsSpecs rhs_for_spec spec_prags
+ ; let global' = (global `setInlinePragma` defaultInlinePragma)
+ `addIdSpecialisations` rules
+ -- Kill the INLINE pragma because it applies to
+ -- the user written (local) function. The global
+ -- Id is just the selector. Hmm.
+ ; return ((global', rhs) : fromOL spec_binds) }
+ mk_bind (XABExport nec) = noExtCon nec
+ ; export_binds_s <- mapM mk_bind (exports ++ extra_exports)
+ ; return ( exported_force_vars
+ , (poly_tup_id, poly_tup_rhs) :
+ concat export_binds_s) }
+ where
+ inline_env :: IdEnv Id -- Maps a monomorphic local Id to one with
+ -- the inline pragma from the source
+ -- The type checker put the inline pragma
+ -- on the *global* Id, so we need to transfer it
+ inline_env
+ = mkVarEnv [ (lcl_id, setInlinePragma lcl_id prag)
+ | ABE { abe_mono = lcl_id, abe_poly = gbl_id } <- exports
+ , let prag = idInlinePragma gbl_id ]
+ add_inline :: Id -> Id -- tran
+ add_inline lcl_id = lookupVarEnv inline_env lcl_id
+ `orElse` lcl_id
+ global_env :: IdEnv Id -- Maps local Id to its global exported Id
+ global_env =
+ mkVarEnv [ (local, global)
+ | ABE { abe_mono = local, abe_poly = global } <- exports
+ ]
+ -- find variables that are not exported
+ get_new_force_vars lcls =
+ foldr (\lcl acc -> case lookupVarEnv global_env lcl of
+ Just _ -> acc
+ Nothing -> lcl:acc)
+ [] lcls
+ -- find exports or make up new exports for force variables
+ get_exports :: [Id] -> DsM ([Id], [ABExport GhcTc])
+ get_exports lcls =
+ foldM (\(glbls, exports) lcl ->
+ case lookupVarEnv global_env lcl of
+ Just glbl -> return (glbl:glbls, exports)
+ Nothing -> do export <- mk_export lcl
+ let glbl = abe_poly export
+ return (glbl:glbls, export:exports))
+ ([],[]) lcls
+ mk_export local =
+ do global <- newSysLocalDs
+ (exprType (mkLams tyvars (mkLams dicts (Var local))))
+ return (ABE { abe_ext = noExtField
+ , abe_poly = global
+ , abe_mono = local
+ , abe_wrap = WpHole
+ , abe_prags = SpecPrags [] })
+-- | This is where we apply INLINE and INLINABLE pragmas. All we need to
+-- do is to attach the unfolding information to the Id.
+-- Other decisions about whether to inline are made in
+-- `calcUnfoldingGuidance` but the decision about whether to then expose
+-- the unfolding in the interface file is made in `GHC.Iface.Tidy.addExternal`
+-- using this information.
+makeCorePair :: DynFlags -> Id -> Bool -> Arity -> CoreExpr
+ -> (Id, CoreExpr)
+makeCorePair dflags gbl_id is_default_method dict_arity rhs
+ | is_default_method -- Default methods are *always* inlined
+ -- See Note [INLINE and default methods] in TcInstDcls
+ = (gbl_id `setIdUnfolding` mkCompulsoryUnfolding rhs, rhs)
+ | otherwise
+ = case inlinePragmaSpec inline_prag of
+ NoUserInline -> (gbl_id, rhs)
+ NoInline -> (gbl_id, rhs)
+ Inlinable -> (gbl_id `setIdUnfolding` inlinable_unf, rhs)
+ Inline -> inline_pair
+ where
+ inline_prag = idInlinePragma gbl_id
+ inlinable_unf = mkInlinableUnfolding dflags rhs
+ inline_pair
+ | Just arity <- inlinePragmaSat inline_prag
+ -- Add an Unfolding for an INLINE (but not for NOINLINE)
+ -- And eta-expand the RHS; see Note [Eta-expanding INLINE things]
+ , let real_arity = dict_arity + arity
+ -- NB: The arity in the InlineRule takes account of the dictionaries
+ = ( gbl_id `setIdUnfolding` mkInlineUnfoldingWithArity real_arity rhs
+ , etaExpand real_arity rhs)
+ | otherwise
+ = pprTrace "makeCorePair: arity missing" (ppr gbl_id) $
+ (gbl_id `setIdUnfolding` mkInlineUnfolding rhs, rhs)
+dictArity :: [Var] -> Arity
+-- Don't count coercion variables in arity
+dictArity dicts = count isId dicts
+Note [Desugaring AbsBinds]
+In the general AbsBinds case we desugar the binding to this:
+ tup a (d:Num a) = let fm =
+ gm =
+ in (fm,gm)
+ f a d = case tup a d of { (fm,gm) -> fm }
+ g a d = case tup a d of { (fm,gm) -> fm }
+Note [Rules and inlining]
+Common special case: no type or dictionary abstraction
+This is a bit less trivial than you might suppose
+The naive way would be to desugar to something like
+ f_lcl = ...f_lcl... -- The "binds" from AbsBinds
+ M.f = f_lcl -- Generated from "exports"
+But we don't want that, because if M.f isn't exported,
+it'll be inlined unconditionally at every call site (its rhs is
+trivial). That would be ok unless it has RULES, which would
+thereby be completely lost. Bad, bad, bad.
+Instead we want to generate
+ M.f = ...f_lcl...
+ f_lcl = M.f
+Now all is cool. The RULES are attached to M.f (by SimplCore),
+and f_lcl is rapidly inlined away.
+This does not happen in the same way to polymorphic binds,
+because they desugar to
+ M.f = /\a. let f_lcl = ...f_lcl... in f_lcl
+Although I'm a bit worried about whether full laziness might
+float the f_lcl binding out and then inline M.f at its call site
+Note [Specialising in no-dict case]
+Even if there are no tyvars or dicts, we may have specialisation pragmas.
+Class methods can generate
+ AbsBinds [] [] [( ... spec-prag]
+ { AbsBinds [tvs] [dicts] ...blah }
+So the overloading is in the nested AbsBinds. A good example is in GHC.Float:
+ class (Real a, Fractional a) => RealFrac a where
+ round :: (Integral b) => a -> b
+ instance RealFrac Float where
+ {-# SPECIALIZE round :: Float -> Int #-}
+The top-level AbsBinds for $cround has no tyvars or dicts (because the
+instance does not). But the method is locally overloaded!
+Note [Abstracting over tyvars only]
+When abstracting over type variable only (not dictionaries), we don't really need to
+built a tuple and select from it, as we do in the general case. Instead we can take
+ AbsBinds [a,b] [ ([a,b], fg, fl, _),
+ ([b], gg, gl, _) ]
+ { fl = e1
+ gl = e2
+ h = e3 }
+and desugar it to
+ fg = /\ab. let B in e1
+ gg = /\b. let a = () in let B in S(e2)
+ h = /\ab. let B in e3
+where B is the *non-recursive* binding
+ fl = fg a b
+ gl = gg b
+ h = h a b -- See (b); note shadowing!
+Notice (a) g has a different number of type variables to f, so we must
+ use the mkArbitraryType thing to fill in the gaps.
+ We use a type-let to do that.
+ (b) The local variable h isn't in the exports, and rather than
+ clone a fresh copy we simply replace h by (h a b), where
+ the two h's have different types! Shadowing happens here,
+ which looks confusing but works fine.
+ (c) The result is *still* quadratic-sized if there are a lot of
+ small bindings. So if there are more than some small
+ number (10), we filter the binding set B by the free
+ variables of the particular RHS. Tiresome.
+Why got to this trouble? It's a common case, and it removes the
+quadratic-sized tuple desugaring. Less clutter, hopefully faster
+compilation, especially in a case where there are a *lot* of
+Note [Eta-expanding INLINE things]
+ foo :: Eq a => a -> a
+ {-# INLINE foo #-}
+ foo x = ...
+If (foo d) ever gets floated out as a common sub-expression (which can
+happen as a result of method sharing), there's a danger that we never
+get to do the inlining, which is a Terribly Bad thing given that the
+user said "inline"!
+To avoid this we pre-emptively eta-expand the definition, so that foo
+has the arity with which it is declared in the source code. In this
+example it has arity 2 (one for the Eq and one for x). Doing this
+should mean that (foo d) is a PAP and we don't share it.
+Note [Nested arities]
+For reasons that are not entirely clear, method bindings come out looking like
+ AbsBinds [] [] [$cfromT <= [] fromT]
+ $cfromT [InlPrag=INLINE] :: T Bool -> Bool
+ { AbsBinds [] [] [fromT <= [] fromT_1]
+ fromT :: T Bool -> Bool
+ { fromT_1 ((TBool b)) = not b } } }
+Note the nested AbsBind. The arity for the InlineRule on $cfromT should be
+gotten from the binding for fromT_1.
+It might be better to have just one level of AbsBinds, but that requires more
+Note [Desugar Strict binds]
+Desugaring strict variable bindings looks as follows (core below ==>)
+ let !x = rhs
+ in body
+ let x = rhs
+ in x `seq` body -- seq the variable
+and if it is a pattern binding the desugaring looks like
+ let !pat = rhs
+ in body
+ let x = rhs -- bind the rhs to a new variable
+ pat = x
+ in x `seq` body -- seq the new variable
+if there is no variable in the pattern desugaring looks like
+ let False = rhs
+ in body
+ let x = case rhs of {False -> (); _ -> error "Match failed"}
+ in x `seq` body
+In order to force the Ids in the binding group they are passed around
+in the dsHsBind family of functions, and later seq'ed in GHC.HsToCore.Expr.ds_val_bind.
+Consider a recursive group like this
+ letrec
+ f : g = rhs[f,g]
+ in <body>
+Without `Strict`, we get a translation like this:
+ let t = /\a. letrec tm = rhs[fm,gm]
+ fm = case t of fm:_ -> fm
+ gm = case t of _:gm -> gm
+ in
+ (fm,gm)
+ in let f = /\a. case t a of (fm,_) -> fm
+ in let g = /\a. case t a of (_,gm) -> gm
+ in <body>
+Here `tm` is the monomorphic binding for `rhs`.
+With `Strict`, we want to force `tm`, but NOT `fm` or `gm`.
+Alas, `tm` isn't in scope in the `in <body>` part.
+The simplest thing is to return it in the polymorphic
+tuple `t`, thus:
+ let t = /\a. letrec tm = rhs[fm,gm]
+ fm = case t of fm:_ -> fm
+ gm = case t of _:gm -> gm
+ in
+ (tm, fm, gm)
+ in let f = /\a. case t a of (_,fm,_) -> fm
+ in let g = /\a. case t a of (_,_,gm) -> gm
+ in let tm = /\a. case t a of (tm,_,_) -> tm
+ in tm `seq` <body>
+See for a more
+detailed explanation of the desugaring of strict bindings.
+Note [Strict binds checks]
+There are several checks around properly formed strict bindings. They
+all link to this Note. These checks must be here in the desugarer because
+we cannot know whether or not a type is unlifted until after zonking, due
+to levity polymorphism. These checks all used to be handled in the typechecker
+in checkStrictBinds (before Jan '17).
+We define an "unlifted bind" to be any bind that binds an unlifted id. Note that
+ x :: Char
+ (# True, x #) = blah
+is *not* an unlifted bind. Unlifted binds are detected by GHC.Hs.Utils.isUnliftedHsBind.
+Define a "banged bind" to have a top-level bang. Detected by GHC.Hs.Pat.isBangedHsBind.
+Define a "strict bind" to be either an unlifted bind or a banged bind.
+The restrictions are:
+ 1. Strict binds may not be top-level. Checked in dsTopLHsBinds.
+ 2. Unlifted binds must also be banged. (There is no trouble to compile an unbanged
+ unlifted bind, but an unbanged bind looks lazy, and we don't want users to be
+ surprised by the strictness of an unlifted bind.) Checked in first clause
+ of GHC.HsToCore.Expr.ds_val_bind.
+ 3. Unlifted binds may not have polymorphism (#6078). (That is, no quantified type
+ variables or constraints.) Checked in first clause
+ of GHC.HsToCore.Expr.ds_val_bind.
+ 4. Unlifted binds may not be recursive. Checked in second clause of ds_val_bind.
+dsSpecs :: CoreExpr -- Its rhs
+ -> TcSpecPrags
+ -> DsM ( OrdList (Id,CoreExpr) -- Binding for specialised Ids
+ , [CoreRule] ) -- Rules for the Global Ids
+-- See Note [Handling SPECIALISE pragmas] in TcBinds
+dsSpecs _ IsDefaultMethod = return (nilOL, [])
+dsSpecs poly_rhs (SpecPrags sps)
+ = do { pairs <- mapMaybeM (dsSpec (Just poly_rhs)) sps
+ ; let (spec_binds_s, rules) = unzip pairs
+ ; return (concatOL spec_binds_s, rules) }
+dsSpec :: Maybe CoreExpr -- Just rhs => RULE is for a local binding
+ -- Nothing => RULE is for an imported Id
+ -- rhs is in the Id's unfolding
+ -> Located TcSpecPrag
+ -> DsM (Maybe (OrdList (Id,CoreExpr), CoreRule))
+dsSpec mb_poly_rhs (L loc (SpecPrag poly_id spec_co spec_inl))
+ | isJust (isClassOpId_maybe poly_id)
+ = putSrcSpanDs loc $
+ do { warnDs NoReason (text "Ignoring useless SPECIALISE pragma for class method selector"
+ <+> quotes (ppr poly_id))
+ ; return Nothing } -- There is no point in trying to specialise a class op
+ -- Moreover, classops don't (currently) have an inl_sat arity set
+ -- (it would be Just 0) and that in turn makes makeCorePair bleat
+ | no_act_spec && isNeverActive rule_act
+ = putSrcSpanDs loc $
+ do { warnDs NoReason (text "Ignoring useless SPECIALISE pragma for NOINLINE function:"
+ <+> quotes (ppr poly_id))
+ ; return Nothing } -- Function is NOINLINE, and the specialisation inherits that
+ -- See Note [Activation pragmas for SPECIALISE]
+ | otherwise
+ = putSrcSpanDs loc $
+ do { uniq <- newUnique
+ ; let poly_name = idName poly_id
+ spec_occ = mkSpecOcc (getOccName poly_name)
+ spec_name = mkInternalName uniq spec_occ (getSrcSpan poly_name)
+ (spec_bndrs, spec_app) = collectHsWrapBinders spec_co
+ -- spec_co looks like
+ -- \spec_bndrs. [] spec_args
+ -- perhaps with the body of the lambda wrapped in some WpLets
+ -- E.g. /\a \(d:Eq a). let d2 = $df d in [] (Maybe a) d2
+ ; core_app <- dsHsWrapper spec_app
+ ; let ds_lhs = core_app (Var poly_id)
+ spec_ty = mkLamTypes spec_bndrs (exprType ds_lhs)
+ ; -- pprTrace "dsRule" (vcat [ text "Id:" <+> ppr poly_id
+ -- , text "spec_co:" <+> ppr spec_co
+ -- , text "ds_rhs:" <+> ppr ds_lhs ]) $
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; case decomposeRuleLhs dflags spec_bndrs ds_lhs of {
+ Left msg -> do { warnDs NoReason msg; return Nothing } ;
+ Right (rule_bndrs, _fn, args) -> do
+ { this_mod <- getModule
+ ; let fn_unf = realIdUnfolding poly_id
+ spec_unf = specUnfolding dflags spec_bndrs core_app arity_decrease fn_unf
+ spec_id = mkLocalId spec_name spec_ty
+ `setInlinePragma` inl_prag
+ `setIdUnfolding` spec_unf
+ arity_decrease = count isValArg args - count isId spec_bndrs
+ ; rule <- dsMkUserRule this_mod is_local_id
+ (mkFastString ("SPEC " ++ showPpr dflags poly_name))
+ rule_act poly_name
+ rule_bndrs args
+ (mkVarApps (Var spec_id) spec_bndrs)
+ ; let spec_rhs = mkLams spec_bndrs (core_app poly_rhs)
+-- Commented out: see Note [SPECIALISE on INLINE functions]
+-- ; when (isInlinePragma id_inl)
+-- (warnDs $ text "SPECIALISE pragma on INLINE function probably won't fire:"
+-- <+> quotes (ppr poly_name))
+ ; return (Just (unitOL (spec_id, spec_rhs), rule))
+ -- NB: do *not* use makeCorePair on (spec_id,spec_rhs), because
+ -- makeCorePair overwrites the unfolding, which we have
+ -- just created using specUnfolding
+ } } }
+ where
+ is_local_id = isJust mb_poly_rhs
+ poly_rhs | Just rhs <- mb_poly_rhs
+ = rhs -- Local Id; this is its rhs
+ | Just unfolding <- maybeUnfoldingTemplate (realIdUnfolding poly_id)
+ = unfolding -- Imported Id; this is its unfolding
+ -- Use realIdUnfolding so we get the unfolding
+ -- even when it is a loop breaker.
+ -- We want to specialise recursive functions!
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "dsImpSpecs" (ppr poly_id)
+ -- The type checker has checked that it *has* an unfolding
+ id_inl = idInlinePragma poly_id
+ -- See Note [Activation pragmas for SPECIALISE]
+ inl_prag | not (isDefaultInlinePragma spec_inl) = spec_inl
+ | not is_local_id -- See Note [Specialising imported functions]
+ -- in OccurAnal
+ , isStrongLoopBreaker (idOccInfo poly_id) = neverInlinePragma
+ | otherwise = id_inl
+ -- Get the INLINE pragma from SPECIALISE declaration, or,
+ -- failing that, from the original Id
+ spec_prag_act = inlinePragmaActivation spec_inl
+ -- See Note [Activation pragmas for SPECIALISE]
+ -- no_act_spec is True if the user didn't write an explicit
+ -- phase specification in the SPECIALISE pragma
+ no_act_spec = case inlinePragmaSpec spec_inl of
+ NoInline -> isNeverActive spec_prag_act
+ _ -> isAlwaysActive spec_prag_act
+ rule_act | no_act_spec = inlinePragmaActivation id_inl -- Inherit
+ | otherwise = spec_prag_act -- Specified by user
+dsMkUserRule :: Module -> Bool -> RuleName -> Activation
+ -> Name -> [CoreBndr] -> [CoreExpr] -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreRule
+dsMkUserRule this_mod is_local name act fn bndrs args rhs = do
+ let rule = mkRule this_mod False is_local name act fn bndrs args rhs
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ when (isOrphan (ru_orphan rule) && wopt Opt_WarnOrphans dflags) $
+ warnDs (Reason Opt_WarnOrphans) (ruleOrphWarn rule)
+ return rule
+ruleOrphWarn :: CoreRule -> SDoc
+ruleOrphWarn rule = text "Orphan rule:" <+> ppr rule
+{- Note [SPECIALISE on INLINE functions]
+We used to warn that using SPECIALISE for a function marked INLINE
+would be a no-op; but it isn't! Especially with worker/wrapper split
+we might have
+ {-# INLINE f #-}
+ f :: Ord a => Int -> a -> ...
+ f d x y = case x of I# x' -> $wf d x' y
+We might want to specialise 'f' so that we in turn specialise '$wf'.
+We can't even /name/ '$wf' in the source code, so we can't specialise
+it even if we wanted to. #10721 is a case in point.
+Note [Activation pragmas for SPECIALISE]
+From a user SPECIALISE pragma for f, we generate
+ a) A top-level binding spec_fn = rhs
+ b) A RULE f dOrd = spec_fn
+We need two pragma-like things:
+* spec_fn's inline pragma: inherited from f's inline pragma (ignoring
+ activation on SPEC), unless overridden by SPEC INLINE
+* Activation of RULE: from SPECIALISE pragma (if activation given)
+ otherwise from f's inline pragma
+This is not obvious (see #5237)!
+Examples Rule activation Inline prag on spec'd fn
+SPEC [n] f :: ty [n] Always, or NOINLINE [n]
+ copy f's prag
+SPEC [n] f :: ty [n] NOINLINE
+ copy f's prag
+SPEC [n] f :: ty [n] NOINLINE [k]
+ copy f's prag
+INLINE [k] f
+SPEC [n] f :: ty [n] INLINE [k]
+ copy f's prag
+SPEC INLINE [n] f :: ty [n] INLINE [n]
+ (ignore INLINE prag on f,
+ same activation for rule and spec'd fn)
+SPEC f :: ty [n] INLINE [k]
+* *
+\subsection{Adding inline pragmas}
+* *
+decomposeRuleLhs :: DynFlags -> [Var] -> CoreExpr
+ -> Either SDoc ([Var], Id, [CoreExpr])
+-- (decomposeRuleLhs bndrs lhs) takes apart the LHS of a RULE,
+-- The 'bndrs' are the quantified binders of the rules, but decomposeRuleLhs
+-- may add some extra dictionary binders (see Note [Free dictionaries])
+-- Returns an error message if the LHS isn't of the expected shape
+-- Note [Decomposing the left-hand side of a RULE]
+decomposeRuleLhs dflags orig_bndrs orig_lhs
+ | not (null unbound) -- Check for things unbound on LHS
+ -- See Note [Unused spec binders]
+ = Left (vcat (map dead_msg unbound))
+ | Var funId <- fun2
+ , Just con <- isDataConId_maybe funId
+ = Left (constructor_msg con) -- See Note [No RULES on datacons]
+ | Just (fn_id, args) <- decompose fun2 args2
+ , let extra_bndrs = mk_extra_bndrs fn_id args
+ = -- pprTrace "decmposeRuleLhs" (vcat [ text "orig_bndrs:" <+> ppr orig_bndrs
+ -- , text "orig_lhs:" <+> ppr orig_lhs
+ -- , text "lhs1:" <+> ppr lhs1
+ -- , text "extra_dict_bndrs:" <+> ppr extra_dict_bndrs
+ -- , text "fn_id:" <+> ppr fn_id
+ -- , text "args:" <+> ppr args]) $
+ Right (orig_bndrs ++ extra_bndrs, fn_id, args)
+ | otherwise
+ = Left bad_shape_msg
+ where
+ lhs1 = drop_dicts orig_lhs
+ lhs2 = simpleOptExpr dflags lhs1 -- See Note [Simplify rule LHS]
+ (fun2,args2) = collectArgs lhs2
+ lhs_fvs = exprFreeVars lhs2
+ unbound = filterOut (`elemVarSet` lhs_fvs) orig_bndrs
+ orig_bndr_set = mkVarSet orig_bndrs
+ -- Add extra tyvar binders: Note [Free tyvars in rule LHS]
+ -- and extra dict binders: Note [Free dictionaries in rule LHS]
+ mk_extra_bndrs fn_id args
+ = scopedSort unbound_tvs ++ unbound_dicts
+ where
+ unbound_tvs = [ v | v <- unbound_vars, isTyVar v ]
+ unbound_dicts = [ mkLocalId (localiseName (idName d)) (idType d)
+ | d <- unbound_vars, isDictId d ]
+ unbound_vars = [ v | v <- exprsFreeVarsList args
+ , not (v `elemVarSet` orig_bndr_set)
+ , not (v == fn_id) ]
+ -- fn_id: do not quantify over the function itself, which may
+ -- itself be a dictionary (in pathological cases, #10251)
+ decompose (Var fn_id) args
+ | not (fn_id `elemVarSet` orig_bndr_set)
+ = Just (fn_id, args)
+ decompose _ _ = Nothing
+ bad_shape_msg = hang (text "RULE left-hand side too complicated to desugar")
+ 2 (vcat [ text "Optimised lhs:" <+> ppr lhs2
+ , text "Orig lhs:" <+> ppr orig_lhs])
+ dead_msg bndr = hang (sep [ text "Forall'd" <+> pp_bndr bndr
+ , text "is not bound in RULE lhs"])
+ 2 (vcat [ text "Orig bndrs:" <+> ppr orig_bndrs
+ , text "Orig lhs:" <+> ppr orig_lhs
+ , text "optimised lhs:" <+> ppr lhs2 ])
+ pp_bndr bndr
+ | isTyVar bndr = text "type variable" <+> quotes (ppr bndr)
+ | isEvVar bndr = text "constraint" <+> quotes (ppr (varType bndr))
+ | otherwise = text "variable" <+> quotes (ppr bndr)
+ constructor_msg con = vcat
+ [ text "A constructor," <+> ppr con <>
+ text ", appears as outermost match in RULE lhs."
+ , text "This rule will be ignored." ]
+ drop_dicts :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+ drop_dicts e
+ = wrap_lets needed bnds body
+ where
+ needed = orig_bndr_set `minusVarSet` exprFreeVars body
+ (bnds, body) = split_lets (occurAnalyseExpr e)
+ -- The occurAnalyseExpr drops dead bindings which is
+ -- crucial to ensure that every binding is used later;
+ -- which in turn makes wrap_lets work right
+ split_lets :: CoreExpr -> ([(DictId,CoreExpr)], CoreExpr)
+ split_lets (Let (NonRec d r) body)
+ | isDictId d
+ = ((d,r):bs, body')
+ where (bs, body') = split_lets body
+ -- handle "unlifted lets" too, needed for "map/coerce"
+ split_lets (Case r d _ [(DEFAULT, _, body)])
+ | isCoVar d
+ = ((d,r):bs, body')
+ where (bs, body') = split_lets body
+ split_lets e = ([], e)
+ wrap_lets :: VarSet -> [(DictId,CoreExpr)] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+ wrap_lets _ [] body = body
+ wrap_lets needed ((d, r) : bs) body
+ | rhs_fvs `intersectsVarSet` needed = mkCoreLet (NonRec d r) (wrap_lets needed' bs body)
+ | otherwise = wrap_lets needed bs body
+ where
+ rhs_fvs = exprFreeVars r
+ needed' = (needed `minusVarSet` rhs_fvs) `extendVarSet` d
+Note [Decomposing the left-hand side of a RULE]
+There are several things going on here.
+* drop_dicts: see Note [Drop dictionary bindings on rule LHS]
+* simpleOptExpr: see Note [Simplify rule LHS]
+* extra_dict_bndrs: see Note [Free dictionaries]
+Note [Free tyvars on rule LHS]
+ data T a = C
+ foo :: T a -> Int
+ foo C = 1
+ {-# RULES "myrule" foo C = 1 #-}
+After type checking the LHS becomes (foo alpha (C alpha)), where alpha
+is an unbound meta-tyvar. The zonker in TcHsSyn is careful not to
+turn the free alpha into Any (as it usually does). Instead it turns it
+into a TyVar 'a'. See TcHsSyn Note [Zonking the LHS of a RULE].
+Now we must quantify over that 'a'. It's /really/ inconvenient to do that
+in the zonker, because the HsExpr data type is very large. But it's /easy/
+to do it here in the desugarer.
+Moreover, we have to do something rather similar for dictionaries;
+see Note [Free dictionaries on rule LHS]. So that's why we look for
+type variables free on the LHS, and quantify over them.
+Note [Free dictionaries on rule LHS]
+When the LHS of a specialisation rule, (/\as\ds. f es) has a free dict,
+which is presumably in scope at the function definition site, we can quantify
+over it too. *Any* dict with that type will do.
+So for example when you have
+ f :: Eq a => a -> a
+ f = <rhs>
+ ... SPECIALISE f :: Int -> Int ...
+Then we get the SpecPrag
+ SpecPrag (f Int dInt)
+And from that we want the rule
+ RULE forall dInt. f Int dInt = f_spec
+ f_spec = let f = <rhs> in f Int dInt
+But be careful! That dInt might be GHC.Base.$fOrdInt, which is an External
+Name, and you can't bind them in a lambda or forall without getting things
+confused. Likewise it might have an InlineRule or something, which would be
+utterly bogus. So we really make a fresh Id, with the same unique and type
+as the old one, but with an Internal name and no IdInfo.
+Note [Drop dictionary bindings on rule LHS]
+drop_dicts drops dictionary bindings on the LHS where possible.
+ E.g. let d:Eq [Int] = $fEqList $fEqInt in f d
+ --> f d
+ Reasoning here is that there is only one d:Eq [Int], and so we can
+ quantify over it. That makes 'd' free in the LHS, but that is later
+ picked up by extra_dict_bndrs (Note [Dead spec binders]).
+ NB 1: We can only drop the binding if the RHS doesn't bind
+ one of the orig_bndrs, which we assume occur on RHS.
+ Example
+ f :: (Eq a) => b -> a -> a
+ {-# SPECIALISE f :: Eq a => b -> [a] -> [a] #-}
+ Here we want to end up with
+ RULE forall d:Eq a. f ($dfEqList d) = f_spec d
+ Of course, the ($dfEqlist d) in the pattern makes it less likely
+ to match, but there is no other way to get d:Eq a
+ NB 2: We do drop_dicts *before* simplOptEpxr, so that we expect all
+ the evidence bindings to be wrapped around the outside of the
+ LHS. (After simplOptExpr they'll usually have been inlined.)
+ dsHsWrapper does dependency analysis, so that civilised ones
+ will be simple NonRec bindings. We don't handle recursive
+ dictionaries!
+ NB3: In the common case of a non-overloaded, but perhaps-polymorphic
+ specialisation, we don't need to bind *any* dictionaries for use
+ in the RHS. For example (#8331)
+ {-# SPECIALIZE INLINE useAbstractMonad :: ReaderST s Int #-}
+ useAbstractMonad :: MonadAbstractIOST m => m Int
+ Here, deriving (MonadAbstractIOST (ReaderST s)) is a lot of code
+ but the RHS uses no dictionaries, so we want to end up with
+ RULE forall s (d :: MonadAbstractIOST (ReaderT s)).
+ useAbstractMonad (ReaderT s) d = $suseAbstractMonad s
+ #8848 is a good example of where there are some interesting
+ dictionary bindings to discard.
+The drop_dicts algorithm is based on these observations:
+ * Given (let d = rhs in e) where d is a DictId,
+ matching 'e' will bind e's free variables.
+ * So we want to keep the binding if one of the needed variables (for
+ which we need a binding) is in fv(rhs) but not already in fv(e).
+ * The "needed variables" are simply the orig_bndrs. Consider
+ f :: (Eq a, Show b) => a -> b -> String
+ ... SPECIALISE f :: (Show b) => Int -> b -> String ...
+ Then orig_bndrs includes the *quantified* dictionaries of the type
+ namely (dsb::Show b), but not the one for Eq Int
+So we work inside out, applying the above criterion at each step.
+Note [Simplify rule LHS]
+simplOptExpr occurrence-analyses and simplifies the LHS:
+ (a) Inline any remaining dictionary bindings (which hopefully
+ occur just once)
+ (b) Substitute trivial lets, so that they don't get in the way.
+ Note that we substitute the function too; we might
+ have this as a LHS: let f71 = M.f Int in f71
+ (c) Do eta reduction. To see why, consider the fold/build rule,
+ which without simplification looked like:
+ fold k z (build (/\a. g a)) ==> ...
+ This doesn't match unless you do eta reduction on the build argument.
+ Similarly for a LHS like
+ augment g (build h)
+ we do not want to get
+ augment (\a. g a) (build h)
+ otherwise we don't match when given an argument like
+ augment (\a. h a a) (build h)
+Note [Unused spec binders]
+ f :: a -> a
+ ... SPECIALISE f :: Eq a => a -> a ...
+It's true that this *is* a more specialised type, but the rule
+we get is something like this:
+ f_spec d = f
+ RULE: f = f_spec d
+Note that the rule is bogus, because it mentions a 'd' that is
+not bound on the LHS! But it's a silly specialisation anyway, because
+the constraint is unused. We could bind 'd' to (error "unused")
+but it seems better to reject the program because it's almost certainly
+a mistake. That's what the isDeadBinder call detects.
+Note [No RULES on datacons]
+Previously, `RULES` like
+ "JustNothing" forall x . Just x = Nothing
+were allowed. Simon Peyton Jones says this seems to have been a
+mistake, that such rules have never been supported intentionally,
+and that he doesn't know if they can break in horrible ways.
+Furthermore, Ben Gamari and Reid Barton are considering trying to
+detect the presence of "static data" that the simplifier doesn't
+need to traverse at all. Such rules do not play well with that.
+So for now, we ban them altogether as requested by #13290. See also #7398.
+* *
+ Desugaring evidence
+* *
+dsHsWrapper :: HsWrapper -> DsM (CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
+dsHsWrapper WpHole = return $ \e -> e
+dsHsWrapper (WpTyApp ty) = return $ \e -> App e (Type ty)
+dsHsWrapper (WpEvLam ev) = return $ Lam ev
+dsHsWrapper (WpTyLam tv) = return $ Lam tv
+dsHsWrapper (WpLet ev_binds) = do { bs <- dsTcEvBinds ev_binds
+ ; return (mkCoreLets bs) }
+dsHsWrapper (WpCompose c1 c2) = do { w1 <- dsHsWrapper c1
+ ; w2 <- dsHsWrapper c2
+ ; return (w1 . w2) }
+ -- See comments on WpFun in TcEvidence for an explanation of what
+ -- the specification of this clause is
+dsHsWrapper (WpFun c1 c2 t1 doc)
+ = do { x <- newSysLocalDsNoLP t1
+ ; w1 <- dsHsWrapper c1
+ ; w2 <- dsHsWrapper c2
+ ; let app f a = mkCoreAppDs (text "dsHsWrapper") f a
+ arg = w1 (Var x)
+ ; (_, ok) <- askNoErrsDs $ dsNoLevPolyExpr arg doc
+ ; if ok
+ then return (\e -> (Lam x (w2 (app e arg))))
+ else return id } -- this return is irrelevant
+dsHsWrapper (WpCast co) = ASSERT(coercionRole co == Representational)
+ return $ \e -> mkCastDs e co
+dsHsWrapper (WpEvApp tm) = do { core_tm <- dsEvTerm tm
+ ; return (\e -> App e core_tm) }
+dsTcEvBinds_s :: [TcEvBinds] -> DsM [CoreBind]
+dsTcEvBinds_s [] = return []
+dsTcEvBinds_s (b:rest) = ASSERT( null rest ) -- Zonker ensures null
+ dsTcEvBinds b
+dsTcEvBinds :: TcEvBinds -> DsM [CoreBind]
+dsTcEvBinds (TcEvBinds {}) = panic "dsEvBinds" -- Zonker has got rid of this
+dsTcEvBinds (EvBinds bs) = dsEvBinds bs
+dsEvBinds :: Bag EvBind -> DsM [CoreBind]
+dsEvBinds bs
+ = do { ds_bs <- mapBagM dsEvBind bs
+ ; return (mk_ev_binds ds_bs) }
+mk_ev_binds :: Bag (Id,CoreExpr) -> [CoreBind]
+-- We do SCC analysis of the evidence bindings, /after/ desugaring
+-- them. This is convenient: it means we can use the CoreSyn
+-- free-variable functions rather than having to do accurate free vars
+-- for EvTerm.
+mk_ev_binds ds_binds
+ = map ds_scc (stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniq edges)
+ where
+ edges :: [ Node EvVar (EvVar,CoreExpr) ]
+ edges = foldr ((:) . mk_node) [] ds_binds
+ mk_node :: (Id, CoreExpr) -> Node EvVar (EvVar,CoreExpr)
+ mk_node b@(var, rhs)
+ = DigraphNode { node_payload = b
+ , node_key = var
+ , node_dependencies = nonDetEltsUniqSet $
+ exprFreeVars rhs `unionVarSet`
+ coVarsOfType (varType var) }
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetEltsUniqSet here as stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVertices
+ -- is still deterministic even if the edges are in nondeterministic order
+ -- as explained in Note [Deterministic SCC] in Digraph.
+ ds_scc (AcyclicSCC (v,r)) = NonRec v r
+ ds_scc (CyclicSCC prs) = Rec prs
+dsEvBind :: EvBind -> DsM (Id, CoreExpr)
+dsEvBind (EvBind { eb_lhs = v, eb_rhs = r}) = liftM ((,) v) (dsEvTerm r)
+* *
+ Desugaring EvTerms
+* *
+dsEvTerm :: EvTerm -> DsM CoreExpr
+dsEvTerm (EvExpr e) = return e
+dsEvTerm (EvTypeable ty ev) = dsEvTypeable ty ev
+dsEvTerm (EvFun { et_tvs = tvs, et_given = given
+ , et_binds = ev_binds, et_body = wanted_id })
+ = do { ds_ev_binds <- dsTcEvBinds ev_binds
+ ; return $ (mkLams (tvs ++ given) $
+ mkCoreLets ds_ev_binds $
+ Var wanted_id) }
+* *
+ Desugaring Typeable dictionaries
+* *
+dsEvTypeable :: Type -> EvTypeable -> DsM CoreExpr
+-- Return a CoreExpr :: Typeable ty
+-- This code is tightly coupled to the representation
+-- of TypeRep, in base library Data.Typeable.Internals
+dsEvTypeable ty ev
+ = do { tyCl <- dsLookupTyCon typeableClassName -- Typeable
+ ; let kind = typeKind ty
+ Just typeable_data_con
+ = tyConSingleDataCon_maybe tyCl -- "Data constructor"
+ -- for Typeable
+ ; rep_expr <- ds_ev_typeable ty ev -- :: TypeRep a
+ -- Package up the method as `Typeable` dictionary
+ ; return $ mkConApp typeable_data_con [Type kind, Type ty, rep_expr] }
+type TypeRepExpr = CoreExpr
+-- | Returns a @CoreExpr :: TypeRep ty@
+ds_ev_typeable :: Type -> EvTypeable -> DsM CoreExpr
+ds_ev_typeable ty (EvTypeableTyCon tc kind_ev)
+ = do { mkTrCon <- dsLookupGlobalId mkTrConName
+ -- mkTrCon :: forall k (a :: k). TyCon -> TypeRep k -> TypeRep a
+ ; someTypeRepTyCon <- dsLookupTyCon someTypeRepTyConName
+ ; someTypeRepDataCon <- dsLookupDataCon someTypeRepDataConName
+ -- SomeTypeRep :: forall k (a :: k). TypeRep a -> SomeTypeRep
+ ; tc_rep <- tyConRep tc -- :: TyCon
+ ; let ks = tyConAppArgs ty
+ -- Construct a SomeTypeRep
+ toSomeTypeRep :: Type -> EvTerm -> DsM CoreExpr
+ toSomeTypeRep t ev = do
+ rep <- getRep ev t
+ return $ mkCoreConApps someTypeRepDataCon [Type (typeKind t), Type t, rep]
+ ; kind_arg_reps <- sequence $ zipWith toSomeTypeRep ks kind_ev -- :: TypeRep t
+ ; let -- :: [SomeTypeRep]
+ kind_args = mkListExpr (mkTyConTy someTypeRepTyCon) kind_arg_reps
+ -- Note that we use the kind of the type, not the TyCon from which it
+ -- is constructed since the latter may be kind polymorphic whereas the
+ -- former we know is not (we checked in the solver).
+ ; let expr = mkApps (Var mkTrCon) [ Type (typeKind ty)
+ , Type ty
+ , tc_rep
+ , kind_args ]
+ -- ; pprRuntimeTrace "Trace mkTrTyCon" (ppr expr) expr
+ ; return expr
+ }
+ds_ev_typeable ty (EvTypeableTyApp ev1 ev2)
+ | Just (t1,t2) <- splitAppTy_maybe ty
+ = do { e1 <- getRep ev1 t1
+ ; e2 <- getRep ev2 t2
+ ; mkTrApp <- dsLookupGlobalId mkTrAppName
+ -- mkTrApp :: forall k1 k2 (a :: k1 -> k2) (b :: k1).
+ -- TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> TypeRep (a b)
+ ; let (k1, k2) = splitFunTy (typeKind t1)
+ ; let expr = mkApps (mkTyApps (Var mkTrApp) [ k1, k2, t1, t2 ])
+ [ e1, e2 ]
+ -- ; pprRuntimeTrace "Trace mkTrApp" (ppr expr) expr
+ ; return expr
+ }
+ds_ev_typeable ty (EvTypeableTrFun ev1 ev2)
+ | Just (t1,t2) <- splitFunTy_maybe ty
+ = do { e1 <- getRep ev1 t1
+ ; e2 <- getRep ev2 t2
+ ; mkTrFun <- dsLookupGlobalId mkTrFunName
+ -- mkTrFun :: forall r1 r2 (a :: TYPE r1) (b :: TYPE r2).
+ -- TypeRep a -> TypeRep b -> TypeRep (a -> b)
+ ; let r1 = getRuntimeRep t1
+ r2 = getRuntimeRep t2
+ ; return $ mkApps (mkTyApps (Var mkTrFun) [r1, r2, t1, t2])
+ [ e1, e2 ]
+ }
+ds_ev_typeable ty (EvTypeableTyLit ev)
+ = -- See Note [Typeable for Nat and Symbol] in TcInteract
+ do { fun <- dsLookupGlobalId tr_fun
+ ; dict <- dsEvTerm ev -- Of type KnownNat/KnownSymbol
+ ; let proxy = mkTyApps (Var proxyHashId) [ty_kind, ty]
+ ; return (mkApps (mkTyApps (Var fun) [ty]) [ dict, proxy ]) }
+ where
+ ty_kind = typeKind ty
+ -- tr_fun is the Name of
+ -- typeNatTypeRep :: KnownNat a => Proxy# a -> TypeRep a
+ -- of typeSymbolTypeRep :: KnownSymbol a => Proxy# a -> TypeRep a
+ tr_fun | ty_kind `eqType` typeNatKind = typeNatTypeRepName
+ | ty_kind `eqType` typeSymbolKind = typeSymbolTypeRepName
+ | otherwise = panic "dsEvTypeable: unknown type lit kind"
+ds_ev_typeable ty ev
+ = pprPanic "dsEvTypeable" (ppr ty $$ ppr ev)
+getRep :: EvTerm -- ^ EvTerm for @Typeable ty@
+ -> Type -- ^ The type @ty@
+ -> DsM TypeRepExpr -- ^ Return @CoreExpr :: TypeRep ty@
+ -- namely @typeRep# dict@
+-- Remember that
+-- typeRep# :: forall k (a::k). Typeable k a -> TypeRep a
+getRep ev ty
+ = do { typeable_expr <- dsEvTerm ev
+ ; typeRepId <- dsLookupGlobalId typeRepIdName
+ ; let ty_args = [typeKind ty, ty]
+ ; return (mkApps (mkTyApps (Var typeRepId) ty_args) [ typeable_expr ]) }
+tyConRep :: TyCon -> DsM CoreExpr
+-- Returns CoreExpr :: TyCon
+tyConRep tc
+ | Just tc_rep_nm <- tyConRepName_maybe tc
+ = do { tc_rep_id <- dsLookupGlobalId tc_rep_nm
+ ; return (Var tc_rep_id) }
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "tyConRep" (ppr tc)