path: root/compiler/GHC/Iface/Tidy.hs
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+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section{Tidying up Core}
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveFunctor, ViewPatterns #-}
+module GHC.Iface.Tidy (
+ mkBootModDetailsTc, tidyProgram
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import TcRnTypes
+import DynFlags
+import CoreSyn
+import CoreUnfold
+import CoreFVs
+import CoreTidy
+import CoreMonad
+import GHC.CoreToStg.Prep
+import CoreUtils (rhsIsStatic)
+import CoreStats (coreBindsStats, CoreStats(..))
+import CoreSeq (seqBinds)
+import CoreLint
+import Literal
+import Rules
+import PatSyn
+import ConLike
+import CoreArity ( exprArity, exprBotStrictness_maybe )
+import StaticPtrTable
+import VarEnv
+import VarSet
+import Var
+import Id
+import MkId ( mkDictSelRhs )
+import IdInfo
+import InstEnv
+import Type ( tidyTopType )
+import Demand ( appIsBottom, isTopSig, isBottomingSig )
+import BasicTypes
+import Name hiding (varName)
+import NameSet
+import NameCache
+import Avail
+import GHC.Iface.Env
+import TcEnv
+import TcRnMonad
+import DataCon
+import TyCon
+import Class
+import Module
+import Packages( isDllName )
+import HscTypes
+import Maybes
+import UniqSupply
+import Outputable
+import Util( filterOut )
+import qualified ErrUtils as Err
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Function
+import Data.List ( sortBy, mapAccumL )
+import Data.IORef ( atomicModifyIORef' )
+Constructing the TypeEnv, Instances, Rules from which the
+ModIface is constructed, and which goes on to subsequent modules in
+--make mode.
+Most of the interface file is obtained simply by serialising the
+TypeEnv. One important consequence is that if the *interface file*
+has pragma info if and only if the final TypeEnv does. This is not so
+important for *this* module, but it's essential for ghc --make:
+subsequent compilations must not see (e.g.) the arity if the interface
+file does not contain arity If they do, they'll exploit the arity;
+then the arity might change, but the iface file doesn't change =>
+recompilation does not happen => disaster.
+For data types, the final TypeEnv will have a TyThing for the TyCon,
+plus one for each DataCon; the interface file will contain just one
+data type declaration, but it is de-serialised back into a collection
+of TyThings.
+* *
+ Plan A: simpleTidyPgm
+* *
+Plan A: mkBootModDetails: omit pragmas, make interfaces small
+* Ignore the bindings
+* Drop all WiredIn things from the TypeEnv
+ (we never want them in interface files)
+* Retain all TyCons and Classes in the TypeEnv, to avoid
+ having to find which ones are mentioned in the
+ types of exported Ids
+* Trim off the constructors of non-exported TyCons, both
+ from the TyCon and from the TypeEnv
+* Drop non-exported Ids from the TypeEnv
+* Tidy the types of the DFunIds of Instances,
+ make them into GlobalIds, (they already have External Names)
+ and add them to the TypeEnv
+* Tidy the types of the (exported) Ids in the TypeEnv,
+ make them into GlobalIds (they already have External Names)
+* Drop rules altogether
+* Tidy the bindings, to ensure that the Caf and Arity
+ information is correct for each top-level binder; the
+ code generator needs it. And to ensure that local names have
+ distinct OccNames in case of object-file splitting
+* If this an hsig file, drop the instances altogether too (they'll
+ get pulled in by the implicit module import.
+-- This is Plan A: make a small type env when typechecking only,
+-- or when compiling a hs-boot file, or simply when not using -O
+-- We don't look at the bindings at all -- there aren't any
+-- for hs-boot files
+mkBootModDetailsTc :: HscEnv -> TcGblEnv -> IO ModDetails
+mkBootModDetailsTc hsc_env
+ TcGblEnv{ tcg_exports = exports,
+ tcg_type_env = type_env, -- just for the Ids
+ tcg_tcs = tcs,
+ tcg_patsyns = pat_syns,
+ tcg_insts = insts,
+ tcg_fam_insts = fam_insts,
+ tcg_complete_matches = complete_sigs,
+ tcg_mod = this_mod
+ }
+ = -- This timing isn't terribly useful since the result isn't forced, but
+ -- the message is useful to locating oneself in the compilation process.
+ Err.withTiming dflags
+ (text "CoreTidy"<+>brackets (ppr this_mod))
+ (const ()) $
+ return (ModDetails { md_types = type_env'
+ , md_insts = insts'
+ , md_fam_insts = fam_insts
+ , md_rules = []
+ , md_anns = []
+ , md_exports = exports
+ , md_complete_sigs = complete_sigs
+ })
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ -- Find the LocalIds in the type env that are exported
+ -- Make them into GlobalIds, and tidy their types
+ --
+ -- It's very important to remove the non-exported ones
+ -- because we don't tidy the OccNames, and if we don't remove
+ -- the non-exported ones we'll get many things with the
+ -- same name in the interface file, giving chaos.
+ --
+ -- Do make sure that we keep Ids that are already Global.
+ -- When typechecking an .hs-boot file, the Ids come through as
+ -- GlobalIds.
+ final_ids = [ globaliseAndTidyBootId id
+ | id <- typeEnvIds type_env
+ , keep_it id ]
+ final_tcs = filterOut isWiredIn tcs
+ -- See Note [Drop wired-in things]
+ type_env1 = typeEnvFromEntities final_ids final_tcs fam_insts
+ insts' = mkFinalClsInsts type_env1 insts
+ pat_syns' = mkFinalPatSyns type_env1 pat_syns
+ type_env' = extendTypeEnvWithPatSyns pat_syns' type_env1
+ -- Default methods have their export flag set (isExportedId),
+ -- but everything else doesn't (yet), because this is
+ -- pre-desugaring, so we must test against the exports too.
+ keep_it id | isWiredInName id_name = False
+ -- See Note [Drop wired-in things]
+ | isExportedId id = True
+ | id_name `elemNameSet` exp_names = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ where
+ id_name = idName id
+ exp_names = availsToNameSet exports
+lookupFinalId :: TypeEnv -> Id -> Id
+lookupFinalId type_env id
+ = case lookupTypeEnv type_env (idName id) of
+ Just (AnId id') -> id'
+ _ -> pprPanic "lookup_final_id" (ppr id)
+mkFinalClsInsts :: TypeEnv -> [ClsInst] -> [ClsInst]
+mkFinalClsInsts env = map (updateClsInstDFun (lookupFinalId env))
+mkFinalPatSyns :: TypeEnv -> [PatSyn] -> [PatSyn]
+mkFinalPatSyns env = map (updatePatSynIds (lookupFinalId env))
+extendTypeEnvWithPatSyns :: [PatSyn] -> TypeEnv -> TypeEnv
+extendTypeEnvWithPatSyns tidy_patsyns type_env
+ = extendTypeEnvList type_env [AConLike (PatSynCon ps) | ps <- tidy_patsyns ]
+globaliseAndTidyBootId :: Id -> Id
+-- For a LocalId with an External Name,
+-- makes it into a GlobalId
+-- * unchanged Name (might be Internal or External)
+-- * unchanged details
+-- * VanillaIdInfo (makes a conservative assumption about Caf-hood and arity)
+-- * BootUnfolding (see Note [Inlining and hs-boot files] in GHC.CoreToIface)
+globaliseAndTidyBootId id
+ = globaliseId id `setIdType` tidyTopType (idType id)
+ `setIdUnfolding` BootUnfolding
+* *
+ Plan B: tidy bindings, make TypeEnv full of IdInfo
+* *
+Plan B: include pragmas, make interfaces
+* Step 1: Figure out which Ids are externally visible
+ See Note [Choosing external Ids]
+* Step 2: Gather the externally visible rules, separately from
+ the top-level bindings.
+ See Note [Finding external rules]
+* Step 3: Tidy the bindings, externalising appropriate Ids
+ See Note [Tidy the top-level bindings]
+* Drop all Ids from the TypeEnv, and add all the External Ids from
+ the bindings. (This adds their IdInfo to the TypeEnv; and adds
+ floated-out Ids that weren't even in the TypeEnv before.)
+Note [Choosing external Ids]
+See also the section "Interface stability" in the
+recompilation-avoidance commentary:
+First we figure out which Ids are "external" Ids. An
+"external" Id is one that is visible from outside the compilation
+unit. These are
+ a) the user exported ones
+ b) the ones bound to static forms
+ c) ones mentioned in the unfoldings, workers, or
+ rules of externally-visible ones
+While figuring out which Ids are external, we pick a "tidy" OccName
+for each one. That is, we make its OccName distinct from the other
+external OccNames in this module, so that in interface files and
+object code we can refer to it unambiguously by its OccName. The
+OccName for each binder is prefixed by the name of the exported Id
+that references it; e.g. if "f" references "x" in its unfolding, then
+"x" is renamed to "f_x". This helps distinguish the different "x"s
+from each other, and means that if "f" is later removed, things that
+depend on the other "x"s will not need to be recompiled. Of course,
+if there are multiple "f_x"s, then we have to disambiguate somehow; we
+use "f_x0", "f_x1" etc.
+As far as possible we should assign names in a deterministic fashion.
+Each time this module is compiled with the same options, we should end
+up with the same set of external names with the same types. That is,
+the ABI hash in the interface should not change. This turns out to be
+quite tricky, since the order of the bindings going into the tidy
+phase is already non-deterministic, as it is based on the ordering of
+Uniques, which are assigned unpredictably.
+To name things in a stable way, we do a depth-first-search of the
+bindings, starting from the exports sorted by name. This way, as long
+as the bindings themselves are deterministic (they sometimes aren't!),
+the order in which they are presented to the tidying phase does not
+affect the names we assign.
+Note [Tidy the top-level bindings]
+Next we traverse the bindings top to bottom. For each *top-level*
+ 1. Make it into a GlobalId; its IdDetails becomes VanillaGlobal,
+ reflecting the fact that from now on we regard it as a global,
+ not local, Id
+ 2. Give it a system-wide Unique.
+ [Even non-exported things need system-wide Uniques because the
+ byte-code generator builds a single Name->BCO symbol table.]
+ We use the NameCache kept in the HscEnv as the
+ source of such system-wide uniques.
+ For external Ids, use the original-name cache in the NameCache
+ to ensure that the unique assigned is the same as the Id had
+ in any previous compilation run.
+ 3. Rename top-level Ids according to the names we chose in step 1.
+ If it's an external Id, make it have a External Name, otherwise
+ make it have an Internal Name. This is used by the code generator
+ to decide whether to make the label externally visible
+ 4. Give it its UTTERLY FINAL IdInfo; in ptic,
+ * its unfolding, if it should have one
+ * its arity, computed from the number of visible lambdas
+ * its CAF info, computed from what is free in its RHS
+Finally, substitute these new top-level binders consistently
+throughout, including in unfoldings. We also tidy binders in
+RHSs, so that they print nicely in interfaces.
+tidyProgram :: HscEnv -> ModGuts -> IO (CgGuts, ModDetails)
+tidyProgram hsc_env (ModGuts { mg_module = mod
+ , mg_exports = exports
+ , mg_rdr_env = rdr_env
+ , mg_tcs = tcs
+ , mg_insts = cls_insts
+ , mg_fam_insts = fam_insts
+ , mg_binds = binds
+ , mg_patsyns = patsyns
+ , mg_rules = imp_rules
+ , mg_anns = anns
+ , mg_complete_sigs = complete_sigs
+ , mg_deps = deps
+ , mg_foreign = foreign_stubs
+ , mg_foreign_files = foreign_files
+ , mg_hpc_info = hpc_info
+ , mg_modBreaks = modBreaks
+ })
+ = Err.withTiming dflags
+ (text "CoreTidy"<+>brackets (ppr mod))
+ (const ()) $
+ do { let { omit_prags = gopt Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas dflags
+ ; expose_all = gopt Opt_ExposeAllUnfoldings dflags
+ ; print_unqual = mkPrintUnqualified dflags rdr_env
+ ; implicit_binds = concatMap getImplicitBinds tcs
+ }
+ ; (unfold_env, tidy_occ_env)
+ <- chooseExternalIds hsc_env mod omit_prags expose_all
+ binds implicit_binds imp_rules
+ ; let { (trimmed_binds, trimmed_rules)
+ = findExternalRules omit_prags binds imp_rules unfold_env }
+ ; (tidy_env, tidy_binds)
+ <- tidyTopBinds hsc_env mod unfold_env tidy_occ_env trimmed_binds
+ -- See Note [Grand plan for static forms] in StaticPtrTable.
+ ; (spt_entries, tidy_binds') <-
+ sptCreateStaticBinds hsc_env mod tidy_binds
+ ; let { spt_init_code = sptModuleInitCode mod spt_entries
+ ; add_spt_init_code =
+ case hscTarget dflags of
+ -- If we are compiling for the interpreter we will insert
+ -- any necessary SPT entries dynamically
+ HscInterpreted -> id
+ -- otherwise add a C stub to do so
+ _ -> (`appendStubC` spt_init_code)
+ -- The completed type environment is gotten from
+ -- a) the types and classes defined here (plus implicit things)
+ -- b) adding Ids with correct IdInfo, including unfoldings,
+ -- gotten from the bindings
+ -- From (b) we keep only those Ids with External names;
+ -- the CoreTidy pass makes sure these are all and only
+ -- the externally-accessible ones
+ -- This truncates the type environment to include only the
+ -- exported Ids and things needed from them, which saves space
+ --
+ -- See Note [Don't attempt to trim data types]
+ ; final_ids = [ if omit_prags then trimId id else id
+ | id <- bindersOfBinds tidy_binds
+ , isExternalName (idName id)
+ , not (isWiredIn id)
+ ] -- See Note [Drop wired-in things]
+ ; final_tcs = filterOut isWiredIn tcs
+ -- See Note [Drop wired-in things]
+ ; type_env = typeEnvFromEntities final_ids final_tcs fam_insts
+ ; tidy_cls_insts = mkFinalClsInsts type_env cls_insts
+ ; tidy_patsyns = mkFinalPatSyns type_env patsyns
+ ; tidy_type_env = extendTypeEnvWithPatSyns tidy_patsyns type_env
+ ; tidy_rules = tidyRules tidy_env trimmed_rules
+ ; -- See Note [Injecting implicit bindings]
+ all_tidy_binds = implicit_binds ++ tidy_binds'
+ -- Get the TyCons to generate code for. Careful! We must use
+ -- the untidied TyCons here, because we need
+ -- (a) implicit TyCons arising from types and classes defined
+ -- in this module
+ -- (b) wired-in TyCons, which are normally removed from the
+ -- TypeEnv we put in the ModDetails
+ -- (c) Constructors even if they are not exported (the
+ -- tidied TypeEnv has trimmed these away)
+ ; alg_tycons = filter isAlgTyCon tcs
+ }
+ ; endPassIO hsc_env print_unqual CoreTidy all_tidy_binds tidy_rules
+ -- If the endPass didn't print the rules, but ddump-rules is
+ -- on, print now
+ ; unless (dopt Opt_D_dump_simpl dflags) $
+ Err.dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_rules
+ (showSDoc dflags (ppr CoreTidy <+> text "rules"))
+ Err.FormatText
+ (pprRulesForUser dflags tidy_rules)
+ -- Print one-line size info
+ ; let cs = coreBindsStats tidy_binds
+ ; Err.dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_core_stats "Core Stats"
+ Err.FormatText
+ (text "Tidy size (terms,types,coercions)"
+ <+> ppr (moduleName mod) <> colon
+ <+> int (cs_tm cs)
+ <+> int (cs_ty cs)
+ <+> int (cs_co cs) )
+ ; return (CgGuts { cg_module = mod,
+ cg_tycons = alg_tycons,
+ cg_binds = all_tidy_binds,
+ cg_foreign = add_spt_init_code foreign_stubs,
+ cg_foreign_files = foreign_files,
+ cg_dep_pkgs = map fst $ dep_pkgs deps,
+ cg_hpc_info = hpc_info,
+ cg_modBreaks = modBreaks,
+ cg_spt_entries = spt_entries },
+ ModDetails { md_types = tidy_type_env,
+ md_rules = tidy_rules,
+ md_insts = tidy_cls_insts,
+ md_fam_insts = fam_insts,
+ md_exports = exports,
+ md_anns = anns, -- are already tidy
+ md_complete_sigs = complete_sigs
+ })
+ }
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+trimId :: Id -> Id
+trimId id
+ | not (isImplicitId id)
+ = id `setIdInfo` vanillaIdInfo
+ | otherwise
+ = id
+{- Note [Drop wired-in things]
+We never put wired-in TyCons or Ids in an interface file.
+They are wired-in, so the compiler knows about them already.
+Note [Don't attempt to trim data types]
+For some time GHC tried to avoid exporting the data constructors
+of a data type if it wasn't strictly necessary to do so; see #835.
+But "strictly necessary" accumulated a longer and longer list
+of exceptions, and finally I gave up the battle:
+ commit 9a20e540754fc2af74c2e7392f2786a81d8d5f11
+ Author: Simon Peyton Jones <>
+ Date: Thu Dec 6 16:03:16 2012 +0000
+ Stop attempting to "trim" data types in interface files
+ Without -O, we previously tried to make interface files smaller
+ by not including the data constructors of data types. But
+ there are a lot of exceptions, notably when Template Haskell is
+ involved or, more recently, DataKinds.
+ However #7445 shows that even without TemplateHaskell, using
+ the Data class and invoking Language.Haskell.TH.Quote.dataToExpQ
+ is enough to require us to expose the data constructors.
+ So I've given up on this "optimisation" -- it's probably not
+ important anyway. Now I'm simply not attempting to trim off
+ the data constructors. The gain in simplicity is worth the
+ modest cost in interface file growth, which is limited to the
+ bits reqd to describe those data constructors.
+* *
+ Implicit bindings
+* *
+Note [Injecting implicit bindings]
+We inject the implicit bindings right at the end, in CoreTidy.
+Some of these bindings, notably record selectors, are not
+constructed in an optimised form. E.g. record selector for
+ data T = MkT { x :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int }
+Then the unfolding looks like
+ x = \t. case t of MkT x1 -> let x = I# x1 in x
+This generates bad code unless it's first simplified a bit. That is
+why CoreUnfold.mkImplicitUnfolding uses simpleOptExpr to do a bit of
+optimisation first. (Only matters when the selector is used curried;
+eg map x ys.) See #2070.
+[Oct 09: in fact, record selectors are no longer implicit Ids at all,
+because we really do want to optimise them properly. They are treated
+much like any other Id. But doing "light" optimisation on an implicit
+Id still makes sense.]
+At one time I tried injecting the implicit bindings *early*, at the
+beginning of SimplCore. But that gave rise to real difficulty,
+because GlobalIds are supposed to have *fixed* IdInfo, but the
+simplifier and other core-to-core passes mess with IdInfo all the
+time. The straw that broke the camels back was when a class selector
+got the wrong arity -- ie the simplifier gave it arity 2, whereas
+importing modules were expecting it to have arity 1 (#2844).
+It's much safer just to inject them right at the end, after tidying.
+Oh: two other reasons for injecting them late:
+ - If implicit Ids are already in the bindings when we start tidying,
+ we'd have to be careful not to treat them as external Ids (in
+ the sense of chooseExternalIds); else the Ids mentioned in *their*
+ RHSs will be treated as external and you get an interface file
+ saying a18 = <blah>
+ but nothing referring to a18 (because the implicit Id is the
+ one that does, and implicit Ids don't appear in interface files).
+ - More seriously, the tidied type-envt will include the implicit
+ Id replete with a18 in its unfolding; but we won't take account
+ of a18 when computing a fingerprint for the class; result chaos.
+There is one sort of implicit binding that is injected still later,
+namely those for data constructor workers. Reason (I think): it's
+really just a code generation trick.... binding itself makes no sense.
+See Note [Data constructor workers] in CorePrep.
+getImplicitBinds :: TyCon -> [CoreBind]
+getImplicitBinds tc = cls_binds ++ getTyConImplicitBinds tc
+ where
+ cls_binds = maybe [] getClassImplicitBinds (tyConClass_maybe tc)
+getTyConImplicitBinds :: TyCon -> [CoreBind]
+getTyConImplicitBinds tc
+ | isNewTyCon tc = [] -- See Note [Compulsory newtype unfolding] in MkId
+ | otherwise = map get_defn (mapMaybe dataConWrapId_maybe (tyConDataCons tc))
+getClassImplicitBinds :: Class -> [CoreBind]
+getClassImplicitBinds cls
+ = [ NonRec op (mkDictSelRhs cls val_index)
+ | (op, val_index) <- classAllSelIds cls `zip` [0..] ]
+get_defn :: Id -> CoreBind
+get_defn id = NonRec id (unfoldingTemplate (realIdUnfolding id))
+* *
+\subsection{Step 1: finding externals}
+* *
+See Note [Choosing external Ids].
+type UnfoldEnv = IdEnv (Name{-new name-}, Bool {-show unfolding-})
+ -- Maps each top-level Id to its new Name (the Id is tidied in step 2)
+ -- The Unique is unchanged. If the new Name is external, it will be
+ -- visible in the interface file.
+ --
+ -- Bool => expose unfolding or not.
+chooseExternalIds :: HscEnv
+ -> Module
+ -> Bool -> Bool
+ -> [CoreBind]
+ -> [CoreBind]
+ -> [CoreRule]
+ -> IO (UnfoldEnv, TidyOccEnv)
+ -- Step 1 from the notes above
+chooseExternalIds hsc_env mod omit_prags expose_all binds implicit_binds imp_id_rules
+ = do { (unfold_env1,occ_env1) <- search init_work_list emptyVarEnv init_occ_env
+ ; let internal_ids = filter (not . (`elemVarEnv` unfold_env1)) binders
+ ; tidy_internal internal_ids unfold_env1 occ_env1 }
+ where
+ nc_var = hsc_NC hsc_env
+ -- init_ext_ids is the initial list of Ids that should be
+ -- externalised. It serves as the starting point for finding a
+ -- deterministic, tidy, renaming for all external Ids in this
+ -- module.
+ --
+ -- It is sorted, so that it has a deterministic order (i.e. it's the
+ -- same list every time this module is compiled), in contrast to the
+ -- bindings, which are ordered non-deterministically.
+ init_work_list = zip init_ext_ids init_ext_ids
+ init_ext_ids = sortBy (compare `on` getOccName) $ filter is_external binders
+ -- An Id should be external if either (a) it is exported,
+ -- (b) it appears in the RHS of a local rule for an imported Id, or
+ -- See Note [Which rules to expose]
+ is_external id = isExportedId id || id `elemVarSet` rule_rhs_vars
+ rule_rhs_vars = mapUnionVarSet ruleRhsFreeVars imp_id_rules
+ binders = map fst $ flattenBinds binds
+ implicit_binders = bindersOfBinds implicit_binds
+ binder_set = mkVarSet binders
+ avoids = [getOccName name | bndr <- binders ++ implicit_binders,
+ let name = idName bndr,
+ isExternalName name ]
+ -- In computing our "avoids" list, we must include
+ -- all implicit Ids
+ -- all things with global names (assigned once and for
+ -- all by the renamer)
+ -- since their names are "taken".
+ -- The type environment is a convenient source of such things.
+ -- In particular, the set of binders doesn't include
+ -- implicit Ids at this stage.
+ -- We also make sure to avoid any exported binders. Consider
+ -- f{-u1-} = 1 -- Local decl
+ -- ...
+ -- f{-u2-} = 2 -- Exported decl
+ --
+ -- The second exported decl must 'get' the name 'f', so we
+ -- have to put 'f' in the avoids list before we get to the first
+ -- decl. tidyTopId then does a no-op on exported binders.
+ init_occ_env = initTidyOccEnv avoids
+ search :: [(Id,Id)] -- The work-list: (external id, referring id)
+ -- Make a tidy, external Name for the external id,
+ -- add it to the UnfoldEnv, and do the same for the
+ -- transitive closure of Ids it refers to
+ -- The referring id is used to generate a tidy
+ --- name for the external id
+ -> UnfoldEnv -- id -> (new Name, show_unfold)
+ -> TidyOccEnv -- occ env for choosing new Names
+ -> IO (UnfoldEnv, TidyOccEnv)
+ search [] unfold_env occ_env = return (unfold_env, occ_env)
+ search ((idocc,referrer) : rest) unfold_env occ_env
+ | idocc `elemVarEnv` unfold_env = search rest unfold_env occ_env
+ | otherwise = do
+ (occ_env', name') <- tidyTopName mod nc_var (Just referrer) occ_env idocc
+ let
+ (new_ids, show_unfold)
+ | omit_prags = ([], False)
+ | otherwise = addExternal expose_all refined_id
+ -- 'idocc' is an *occurrence*, but we need to see the
+ -- unfolding in the *definition*; so look up in binder_set
+ refined_id = case lookupVarSet binder_set idocc of
+ Just id -> id
+ Nothing -> WARN( True, ppr idocc ) idocc
+ unfold_env' = extendVarEnv unfold_env idocc (name',show_unfold)
+ referrer' | isExportedId refined_id = refined_id
+ | otherwise = referrer
+ --
+ search (zip new_ids (repeat referrer') ++ rest) unfold_env' occ_env'
+ tidy_internal :: [Id] -> UnfoldEnv -> TidyOccEnv
+ -> IO (UnfoldEnv, TidyOccEnv)
+ tidy_internal [] unfold_env occ_env = return (unfold_env,occ_env)
+ tidy_internal (id:ids) unfold_env occ_env = do
+ (occ_env', name') <- tidyTopName mod nc_var Nothing occ_env id
+ let unfold_env' = extendVarEnv unfold_env id (name',False)
+ tidy_internal ids unfold_env' occ_env'
+addExternal :: Bool -> Id -> ([Id], Bool)
+addExternal expose_all id = (new_needed_ids, show_unfold)
+ where
+ new_needed_ids = bndrFvsInOrder show_unfold id
+ idinfo = idInfo id
+ show_unfold = show_unfolding (unfoldingInfo idinfo)
+ never_active = isNeverActive (inlinePragmaActivation (inlinePragInfo idinfo))
+ loop_breaker = isStrongLoopBreaker (occInfo idinfo)
+ bottoming_fn = isBottomingSig (strictnessInfo idinfo)
+ -- Stuff to do with the Id's unfolding
+ -- We leave the unfolding there even if there is a worker
+ -- In GHCi the unfolding is used by importers
+ show_unfolding (CoreUnfolding { uf_src = src, uf_guidance = guidance })
+ = expose_all -- 'expose_all' says to expose all
+ -- unfoldings willy-nilly
+ || isStableSource src -- Always expose things whose
+ -- source is an inline rule
+ || not (bottoming_fn -- No need to inline bottom functions
+ || never_active -- Or ones that say not to
+ || loop_breaker -- Or that are loop breakers
+ || neverUnfoldGuidance guidance)
+ show_unfolding (DFunUnfolding {}) = True
+ show_unfolding _ = False
+* *
+ Deterministic free variables
+* *
+We want a deterministic free-variable list. exprFreeVars gives us
+a VarSet, which is in a non-deterministic order when converted to a
+list. Hence, here we define a free-variable finder that returns
+the free variables in the order that they are encountered.
+See Note [Choosing external Ids]
+bndrFvsInOrder :: Bool -> Id -> [Id]
+bndrFvsInOrder show_unfold id
+ = run (dffvLetBndr show_unfold id)
+run :: DFFV () -> [Id]
+run (DFFV m) = case m emptyVarSet (emptyVarSet, []) of
+ ((_,ids),_) -> ids
+newtype DFFV a
+ = DFFV (VarSet -- Envt: non-top-level things that are in scope
+ -- we don't want to record these as free vars
+ -> (VarSet, [Var]) -- Input State: (set, list) of free vars so far
+ -> ((VarSet,[Var]),a)) -- Output state
+ deriving (Functor)
+instance Applicative DFFV where
+ pure a = DFFV $ \_ st -> (st, a)
+ (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad DFFV where
+ (DFFV m) >>= k = DFFV $ \env st ->
+ case m env st of
+ (st',a) -> case k a of
+ DFFV f -> f env st'
+extendScope :: Var -> DFFV a -> DFFV a
+extendScope v (DFFV f) = DFFV (\env st -> f (extendVarSet env v) st)
+extendScopeList :: [Var] -> DFFV a -> DFFV a
+extendScopeList vs (DFFV f) = DFFV (\env st -> f (extendVarSetList env vs) st)
+insert :: Var -> DFFV ()
+insert v = DFFV $ \ env (set, ids) ->
+ let keep_me = isLocalId v &&
+ not (v `elemVarSet` env) &&
+ not (v `elemVarSet` set)
+ in if keep_me
+ then ((extendVarSet set v, v:ids), ())
+ else ((set, ids), ())
+dffvExpr :: CoreExpr -> DFFV ()
+dffvExpr (Var v) = insert v
+dffvExpr (App e1 e2) = dffvExpr e1 >> dffvExpr e2
+dffvExpr (Lam v e) = extendScope v (dffvExpr e)
+dffvExpr (Tick (Breakpoint _ ids) e) = mapM_ insert ids >> dffvExpr e
+dffvExpr (Tick _other e) = dffvExpr e
+dffvExpr (Cast e _) = dffvExpr e
+dffvExpr (Let (NonRec x r) e) = dffvBind (x,r) >> extendScope x (dffvExpr e)
+dffvExpr (Let (Rec prs) e) = extendScopeList (map fst prs) $
+ (mapM_ dffvBind prs >> dffvExpr e)
+dffvExpr (Case e b _ as) = dffvExpr e >> extendScope b (mapM_ dffvAlt as)
+dffvExpr _other = return ()
+dffvAlt :: (t, [Var], CoreExpr) -> DFFV ()
+dffvAlt (_,xs,r) = extendScopeList xs (dffvExpr r)
+dffvBind :: (Id, CoreExpr) -> DFFV ()
+ | not (isId x) = dffvExpr r
+ | otherwise = dffvLetBndr False x >> dffvExpr r
+ -- Pass False because we are doing the RHS right here
+ -- If you say True you'll get *exponential* behaviour!
+dffvLetBndr :: Bool -> Id -> DFFV ()
+-- Gather the free vars of the RULES and unfolding of a binder
+-- We always get the free vars of a *stable* unfolding, but
+-- for a *vanilla* one (InlineRhs), the flag controls what happens:
+-- True <=> get fvs of even a *vanilla* unfolding
+-- False <=> ignore an InlineRhs
+-- For nested bindings (call from dffvBind) we always say "False" because
+-- we are taking the fvs of the RHS anyway
+-- For top-level bindings (call from addExternal, via bndrFvsInOrder)
+-- we say "True" if we are exposing that unfolding
+dffvLetBndr vanilla_unfold id
+ = do { go_unf (unfoldingInfo idinfo)
+ ; mapM_ go_rule (ruleInfoRules (ruleInfo idinfo)) }
+ where
+ idinfo = idInfo id
+ go_unf (CoreUnfolding { uf_tmpl = rhs, uf_src = src })
+ = case src of
+ InlineRhs | vanilla_unfold -> dffvExpr rhs
+ | otherwise -> return ()
+ _ -> dffvExpr rhs
+ go_unf (DFunUnfolding { df_bndrs = bndrs, df_args = args })
+ = extendScopeList bndrs $ mapM_ dffvExpr args
+ go_unf _ = return ()
+ go_rule (BuiltinRule {}) = return ()
+ go_rule (Rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs, ru_rhs = rhs })
+ = extendScopeList bndrs (dffvExpr rhs)
+* *
+ findExternalRules
+* *
+Note [Finding external rules]
+The complete rules are gotten by combining
+ a) local rules for imported Ids
+ b) rules embedded in the top-level Ids
+There are two complications:
+ * Note [Which rules to expose]
+ * Note [Trimming auto-rules]
+Note [Which rules to expose]
+The function 'expose_rule' filters out rules that mention, on the LHS,
+Ids that aren't externally visible; these rules can't fire in a client
+The externally-visible binders are computed (by chooseExternalIds)
+assuming that all orphan rules are externalised (see init_ext_ids in
+function 'search'). So in fact it's a bit conservative and we may
+export more than we need. (It's a sort of mutual recursion.)
+Note [Trimming auto-rules]
+Second, with auto-specialisation we may specialise local or imported
+dfuns or INLINE functions, and then later inline them. That may leave
+behind something like
+ RULE "foo" forall d. f @ Int d = f_spec
+where f is either local or imported, and there is no remaining
+reference to f_spec except from the RULE.
+Now that RULE *might* be useful to an importing module, but that is
+purely speculative, and meanwhile the code is taking up space and
+codegen time. I found that binary sizes jumped by 6-10% when I
+started to specialise INLINE functions (again, Note [Inline
+specialisations] in Specialise).
+So it seems better to drop the binding for f_spec, and the rule
+itself, if the auto-generated rule is the *only* reason that it is
+being kept alive.
+(The RULE still might have been useful in the past; that is, it was
+the right thing to have generated it in the first place. See Note
+[Inline specialisations] in Specialise. But now it has served its
+purpose, and can be discarded.)
+So findExternalRules does this:
+ * Remove all bindings that are kept alive *only* by isAutoRule rules
+ (this is done in trim_binds)
+ * Remove all auto rules that mention bindings that have been removed
+ (this is done by filtering by keep_rule)
+NB: if a binding is kept alive for some *other* reason (e.g. f_spec is
+called in the final code), we keep the rule too.
+This stuff is the only reason for the ru_auto field in a Rule.
+findExternalRules :: Bool -- Omit pragmas
+ -> [CoreBind]
+ -> [CoreRule] -- Local rules for imported fns
+ -> UnfoldEnv -- Ids that are exported, so we need their rules
+ -> ([CoreBind], [CoreRule])
+-- See Note [Finding external rules]
+findExternalRules omit_prags binds imp_id_rules unfold_env
+ = (trimmed_binds, filter keep_rule all_rules)
+ where
+ imp_rules = filter expose_rule imp_id_rules
+ imp_user_rule_fvs = mapUnionVarSet user_rule_rhs_fvs imp_rules
+ user_rule_rhs_fvs rule | isAutoRule rule = emptyVarSet
+ | otherwise = ruleRhsFreeVars rule
+ (trimmed_binds, local_bndrs, _, all_rules) = trim_binds binds
+ keep_rule rule = ruleFreeVars rule `subVarSet` local_bndrs
+ -- Remove rules that make no sense, because they mention a
+ -- local binder (on LHS or RHS) that we have now discarded.
+ -- (NB: ruleFreeVars only includes LocalIds)
+ --
+ -- LHS: we have already filtered out rules that mention internal Ids
+ -- on LHS but that isn't enough because we might have by now
+ -- discarded a binding with an external Id. (How?
+ -- chooseExternalIds is a bit conservative.)
+ --
+ -- RHS: the auto rules that might mention a binder that has
+ -- been discarded; see Note [Trimming auto-rules]
+ expose_rule rule
+ | omit_prags = False
+ | otherwise = all is_external_id (ruleLhsFreeIdsList rule)
+ -- Don't expose a rule whose LHS mentions a locally-defined
+ -- Id that is completely internal (i.e. not visible to an
+ -- importing module). NB: ruleLhsFreeIds only returns LocalIds.
+ -- See Note [Which rules to expose]
+ is_external_id id = case lookupVarEnv unfold_env id of
+ Just (name, _) -> isExternalName name
+ Nothing -> False
+ trim_binds :: [CoreBind]
+ -> ( [CoreBind] -- Trimmed bindings
+ , VarSet -- Binders of those bindings
+ , VarSet -- Free vars of those bindings + rhs of user rules
+ -- (we don't bother to delete the binders)
+ , [CoreRule]) -- All rules, imported + from the bindings
+ -- This function removes unnecessary bindings, and gathers up rules from
+ -- the bindings we keep. See Note [Trimming auto-rules]
+ trim_binds [] -- Base case, start with imp_user_rule_fvs
+ = ([], emptyVarSet, imp_user_rule_fvs, imp_rules)
+ trim_binds (bind:binds)
+ | any needed bndrs -- Keep binding
+ = ( bind : binds', bndr_set', needed_fvs', local_rules ++ rules )
+ | otherwise -- Discard binding altogether
+ = stuff
+ where
+ stuff@(binds', bndr_set, needed_fvs, rules)
+ = trim_binds binds
+ needed bndr = isExportedId bndr || bndr `elemVarSet` needed_fvs
+ bndrs = bindersOf bind
+ rhss = rhssOfBind bind
+ bndr_set' = bndr_set `extendVarSetList` bndrs
+ needed_fvs' = needed_fvs `unionVarSet`
+ mapUnionVarSet idUnfoldingVars bndrs `unionVarSet`
+ -- Ignore type variables in the type of bndrs
+ mapUnionVarSet exprFreeVars rhss `unionVarSet`
+ mapUnionVarSet user_rule_rhs_fvs local_rules
+ -- In needed_fvs', we don't bother to delete binders from the fv set
+ local_rules = [ rule
+ | id <- bndrs
+ , is_external_id id -- Only collect rules for external Ids
+ , rule <- idCoreRules id
+ , expose_rule rule ] -- and ones that can fire in a client
+* *
+ tidyTopName
+* *
+This is where we set names to local/global based on whether they really are
+externally visible (see comment at the top of this module). If the name
+was previously local, we have to give it a unique occurrence name if
+we intend to externalise it.
+tidyTopName :: Module -> IORef NameCache -> Maybe Id -> TidyOccEnv
+ -> Id -> IO (TidyOccEnv, Name)
+tidyTopName mod nc_var maybe_ref occ_env id
+ | global && internal = return (occ_env, localiseName name)
+ | global && external = return (occ_env, name)
+ -- Global names are assumed to have been allocated by the renamer,
+ -- so they already have the "right" unique
+ -- And it's a system-wide unique too
+ -- Now we get to the real reason that all this is in the IO Monad:
+ -- we have to update the name cache in a nice atomic fashion
+ | local && internal = do { new_local_name <- atomicModifyIORef' nc_var mk_new_local
+ ; return (occ_env', new_local_name) }
+ -- Even local, internal names must get a unique occurrence, because
+ -- if we do -split-objs we externalise the name later, in the code generator
+ --
+ -- Similarly, we must make sure it has a system-wide Unique, because
+ -- the byte-code generator builds a system-wide Name->BCO symbol table
+ | local && external = do { new_external_name <- atomicModifyIORef' nc_var mk_new_external
+ ; return (occ_env', new_external_name) }
+ | otherwise = panic "tidyTopName"
+ where
+ name = idName id
+ external = isJust maybe_ref
+ global = isExternalName name
+ local = not global
+ internal = not external
+ loc = nameSrcSpan name
+ old_occ = nameOccName name
+ new_occ | Just ref <- maybe_ref
+ , ref /= id
+ = mkOccName (occNameSpace old_occ) $
+ let
+ ref_str = occNameString (getOccName ref)
+ occ_str = occNameString old_occ
+ in
+ case occ_str of
+ '$':'w':_ -> occ_str
+ -- workers: the worker for a function already
+ -- includes the occname for its parent, so there's
+ -- no need to prepend the referrer.
+ _other | isSystemName name -> ref_str
+ | otherwise -> ref_str ++ '_' : occ_str
+ -- If this name was system-generated, then don't bother
+ -- to retain its OccName, just use the referrer. These
+ -- system-generated names will become "f1", "f2", etc. for
+ -- a referrer "f".
+ | otherwise = old_occ
+ (occ_env', occ') = tidyOccName occ_env new_occ
+ mk_new_local nc = (nc { nsUniqs = us }, mkInternalName uniq occ' loc)
+ where
+ (uniq, us) = takeUniqFromSupply (nsUniqs nc)
+ mk_new_external nc = allocateGlobalBinder nc mod occ' loc
+ -- If we want to externalise a currently-local name, check
+ -- whether we have already assigned a unique for it.
+ -- If so, use it; if not, extend the table.
+ -- All this is done by allcoateGlobalBinder.
+ -- This is needed when *re*-compiling a module in GHCi; we must
+ -- use the same name for externally-visible things as we did before.
+* *
+\subsection{Step 2: top-level tidying}
+* *
+-- TopTidyEnv: when tidying we need to know
+-- * nc_var: The NameCache, containing a unique supply and any pre-ordained Names.
+-- These may have arisen because the
+-- renamer read in an interface file mentioning M.$wf, say,
+-- and assigned it unique r77. If, on this compilation, we've
+-- invented an Id whose name is $wf (but with a different unique)
+-- we want to rename it to have unique r77, so that we can do easy
+-- comparisons with stuff from the interface file
+-- * occ_env: The TidyOccEnv, which tells us which local occurrences
+-- are 'used'
+-- * subst_env: A Var->Var mapping that substitutes the new Var for the old
+tidyTopBinds :: HscEnv
+ -> Module
+ -> UnfoldEnv
+ -> TidyOccEnv
+ -> CoreProgram
+ -> IO (TidyEnv, CoreProgram)
+tidyTopBinds hsc_env this_mod unfold_env init_occ_env binds
+ = do mkIntegerId <- lookupMkIntegerName dflags hsc_env
+ mkNaturalId <- lookupMkNaturalName dflags hsc_env
+ integerSDataCon <- lookupIntegerSDataConName dflags hsc_env
+ naturalSDataCon <- lookupNaturalSDataConName dflags hsc_env
+ let cvt_literal nt i = case nt of
+ LitNumInteger -> Just (cvtLitInteger dflags mkIntegerId integerSDataCon i)
+ LitNumNatural -> Just (cvtLitNatural dflags mkNaturalId naturalSDataCon i)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ result = tidy cvt_literal init_env binds
+ seqBinds (snd result) `seq` return result
+ -- This seqBinds avoids a spike in space usage (see #13564)
+ where
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ init_env = (init_occ_env, emptyVarEnv)
+ tidy cvt_literal = mapAccumL (tidyTopBind dflags this_mod cvt_literal unfold_env)
+tidyTopBind :: DynFlags
+ -> Module
+ -> (LitNumType -> Integer -> Maybe CoreExpr)
+ -> UnfoldEnv
+ -> TidyEnv
+ -> CoreBind
+ -> (TidyEnv, CoreBind)
+tidyTopBind dflags this_mod cvt_literal unfold_env
+ (occ_env,subst1) (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ = (tidy_env2, NonRec bndr' rhs')
+ where
+ Just (name',show_unfold) = lookupVarEnv unfold_env bndr
+ caf_info = hasCafRefs dflags this_mod
+ (subst1, cvt_literal)
+ (idArity bndr) rhs
+ (bndr', rhs') = tidyTopPair dflags show_unfold tidy_env2 caf_info name'
+ (bndr, rhs)
+ subst2 = extendVarEnv subst1 bndr bndr'
+ tidy_env2 = (occ_env, subst2)
+tidyTopBind dflags this_mod cvt_literal unfold_env
+ (occ_env, subst1) (Rec prs)
+ = (tidy_env2, Rec prs')
+ where
+ prs' = [ tidyTopPair dflags show_unfold tidy_env2 caf_info name' (id,rhs)
+ | (id,rhs) <- prs,
+ let (name',show_unfold) =
+ expectJust "tidyTopBind" $ lookupVarEnv unfold_env id
+ ]
+ subst2 = extendVarEnvList subst1 (bndrs `zip` map fst prs')
+ tidy_env2 = (occ_env, subst2)
+ bndrs = map fst prs
+ -- the CafInfo for a recursive group says whether *any* rhs in
+ -- the group may refer indirectly to a CAF (because then, they all do).
+ caf_info
+ | or [ mayHaveCafRefs (hasCafRefs dflags this_mod
+ (subst1, cvt_literal)
+ (idArity bndr) rhs)
+ | (bndr,rhs) <- prs ] = MayHaveCafRefs
+ | otherwise = NoCafRefs
+tidyTopPair :: DynFlags
+ -> Bool -- show unfolding
+ -> TidyEnv -- The TidyEnv is used to tidy the IdInfo
+ -- It is knot-tied: don't look at it!
+ -> CafInfo
+ -> Name -- New name
+ -> (Id, CoreExpr) -- Binder and RHS before tidying
+ -> (Id, CoreExpr)
+ -- This function is the heart of Step 2
+ -- The rec_tidy_env is the one to use for the IdInfo
+ -- It's necessary because when we are dealing with a recursive
+ -- group, a variable late in the group might be mentioned
+ -- in the IdInfo of one early in the group
+tidyTopPair dflags show_unfold rhs_tidy_env caf_info name' (bndr, rhs)
+ = (bndr1, rhs1)
+ where
+ bndr1 = mkGlobalId details name' ty' idinfo'
+ details = idDetails bndr -- Preserve the IdDetails
+ ty' = tidyTopType (idType bndr)
+ rhs1 = tidyExpr rhs_tidy_env rhs
+ idinfo' = tidyTopIdInfo dflags rhs_tidy_env name' rhs rhs1 (idInfo bndr)
+ show_unfold caf_info
+-- tidyTopIdInfo creates the final IdInfo for top-level
+-- binders. There are two delicate pieces:
+-- * Arity. After CoreTidy, this arity must not change any more.
+-- Indeed, CorePrep must eta expand where necessary to make
+-- the manifest arity equal to the claimed arity.
+-- * CAF info. This must also remain valid through to code generation.
+-- We add the info here so that it propagates to all
+-- occurrences of the binders in RHSs, and hence to occurrences in
+-- unfoldings, which are inside Ids imported by GHCi. Ditto RULES.
+-- CoreToStg makes use of this when constructing SRTs.
+tidyTopIdInfo :: DynFlags -> TidyEnv -> Name -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+ -> IdInfo -> Bool -> CafInfo -> IdInfo
+tidyTopIdInfo dflags rhs_tidy_env name orig_rhs tidy_rhs idinfo show_unfold caf_info
+ | not is_external -- For internal Ids (not externally visible)
+ = vanillaIdInfo -- we only need enough info for code generation
+ -- Arity and strictness info are enough;
+ -- c.f. CoreTidy.tidyLetBndr
+ `setCafInfo` caf_info
+ `setArityInfo` arity
+ `setStrictnessInfo` final_sig
+ `setUnfoldingInfo` minimal_unfold_info -- See note [Preserve evaluatedness]
+ -- in CoreTidy
+ | otherwise -- Externally-visible Ids get the whole lot
+ = vanillaIdInfo
+ `setCafInfo` caf_info
+ `setArityInfo` arity
+ `setStrictnessInfo` final_sig
+ `setOccInfo` robust_occ_info
+ `setInlinePragInfo` (inlinePragInfo idinfo)
+ `setUnfoldingInfo` unfold_info
+ -- NB: we throw away the Rules
+ -- They have already been extracted by findExternalRules
+ where
+ is_external = isExternalName name
+ --------- OccInfo ------------
+ robust_occ_info = zapFragileOcc (occInfo idinfo)
+ -- It's important to keep loop-breaker information
+ -- when we are doing -fexpose-all-unfoldings
+ --------- Strictness ------------
+ mb_bot_str = exprBotStrictness_maybe orig_rhs
+ sig = strictnessInfo idinfo
+ final_sig | not $ isTopSig sig
+ = WARN( _bottom_hidden sig , ppr name ) sig
+ -- try a cheap-and-cheerful bottom analyser
+ | Just (_, nsig) <- mb_bot_str = nsig
+ | otherwise = sig
+ _bottom_hidden id_sig = case mb_bot_str of
+ Nothing -> False
+ Just (arity, _) -> not (appIsBottom id_sig arity)
+ --------- Unfolding ------------
+ unf_info = unfoldingInfo idinfo
+ unfold_info | show_unfold = tidyUnfolding rhs_tidy_env unf_info unf_from_rhs
+ | otherwise = minimal_unfold_info
+ minimal_unfold_info = zapUnfolding unf_info
+ unf_from_rhs = mkTopUnfolding dflags is_bot tidy_rhs
+ is_bot = isBottomingSig final_sig
+ -- NB: do *not* expose the worker if show_unfold is off,
+ -- because that means this thing is a loop breaker or
+ -- marked NOINLINE or something like that
+ -- This is important: if you expose the worker for a loop-breaker
+ -- then you can make the simplifier go into an infinite loop, because
+ -- in effect the unfolding is exposed. See #1709
+ --
+ -- You might think that if show_unfold is False, then the thing should
+ -- not be w/w'd in the first place. But a legitimate reason is this:
+ -- the function returns bottom
+ -- In this case, show_unfold will be false (we don't expose unfoldings
+ -- for bottoming functions), but we might still have a worker/wrapper
+ -- split (see Note [Worker-wrapper for bottoming functions] in WorkWrap.hs
+ --------- Arity ------------
+ -- Usually the Id will have an accurate arity on it, because
+ -- the simplifier has just run, but not always.
+ -- One case I found was when the last thing the simplifier
+ -- did was to let-bind a non-atomic argument and then float
+ -- it to the top level. So it seems more robust just to
+ -- fix it here.
+ arity = exprArity orig_rhs
+* *
+ Figuring out CafInfo for an expression
+* *
+hasCafRefs decides whether a top-level closure can point into the dynamic heap.
+We mark such things as `MayHaveCafRefs' because this information is
+used to decide whether a particular closure needs to be referenced
+in an SRT or not.
+There are two reasons for setting MayHaveCafRefs:
+ a) The RHS is a CAF: a top-level updatable thunk.
+ b) The RHS refers to something that MayHaveCafRefs
+Possible improvement: In an effort to keep the number of CAFs (and
+hence the size of the SRTs) down, we could also look at the expression and
+decide whether it requires a small bounded amount of heap, so we can ignore
+it as a CAF. In these cases however, we would need to use an additional
+CAF list to keep track of non-collectable CAFs.
+Note [Disgusting computation of CafRefs]
+We compute hasCafRefs here, because IdInfo is supposed to be finalised
+after tidying. But CorePrep does some transformations that affect CAF-hood.
+So we have to *predict* the result here, which is revolting.
+In particular CorePrep expands Integer and Natural literals. So in the
+prediction code here we resort to applying the same expansion (cvt_literal).
+There are also numerous other ways in which we can introduce inconsistencies
+between CorePrep and GHC.Iface.Tidy. See Note [CAFfyness inconsistencies due to
+eta expansion in TidyPgm] for one such example.
+Ugh! What ugliness we hath wrought.
+Note [CAFfyness inconsistencies due to eta expansion in TidyPgm]
+Eta expansion during CorePrep can have non-obvious negative consequences on
+the CAFfyness computation done by tidying (see Note [Disgusting computation of
+CafRefs] in GHC.Iface.Tidy). This late expansion happens/happened for a few
+ * CorePrep previously eta expanded unsaturated primop applications, as
+ described in Note [Primop wrappers]).
+ * CorePrep still does eta expand unsaturated data constructor applications.
+In particular, consider the program:
+ data Ty = Ty (RealWorld# -> (# RealWorld#, Int #))
+ -- Is this CAFfy?
+ x :: STM Int
+ x = Ty (retry# @Int)
+Consider whether x is CAFfy. One might be tempted to answer "no".
+Afterall, f obviously has no CAF references and the application (retry#
+@Int) is essentially just a variable reference at runtime.
+However, when CorePrep expanded the unsaturated application of 'retry#'
+it would rewrite this to
+ x = \u []
+ let sat = retry# @Int
+ in Ty sat
+This is now a CAF. Failing to handle this properly was the cause of
+#16846. We fixed this by eliminating the need to eta expand primops, as
+described in Note [Primop wrappers]), However we have not yet done the same for
+data constructor applications.
+type CafRefEnv = (VarEnv Id, LitNumType -> Integer -> Maybe CoreExpr)
+ -- The env finds the Caf-ness of the Id
+ -- The LitNumType -> Integer -> CoreExpr is the desugaring functions for
+ -- Integer and Natural literals
+ -- See Note [Disgusting computation of CafRefs]
+hasCafRefs :: DynFlags -> Module
+ -> CafRefEnv -> Arity -> CoreExpr
+ -> CafInfo
+hasCafRefs dflags this_mod (subst, cvt_literal) arity expr
+ | is_caf || mentions_cafs = MayHaveCafRefs
+ | otherwise = NoCafRefs
+ where
+ mentions_cafs = cafRefsE expr
+ is_dynamic_name = isDllName dflags this_mod
+ is_caf = not (arity > 0 || rhsIsStatic (targetPlatform dflags) is_dynamic_name
+ cvt_literal expr)
+ -- NB. we pass in the arity of the expression, which is expected
+ -- to be calculated by exprArity. This is because exprArity
+ -- knows how much eta expansion is going to be done by
+ -- CorePrep later on, and we don't want to duplicate that
+ -- knowledge in rhsIsStatic below.
+ cafRefsE :: Expr a -> Bool
+ cafRefsE (Var id) = cafRefsV id
+ cafRefsE (Lit lit) = cafRefsL lit
+ cafRefsE (App f a) = cafRefsE f || cafRefsE a
+ cafRefsE (Lam _ e) = cafRefsE e
+ cafRefsE (Let b e) = cafRefsEs (rhssOfBind b) || cafRefsE e
+ cafRefsE (Case e _ _ alts) = cafRefsE e || cafRefsEs (rhssOfAlts alts)
+ cafRefsE (Tick _n e) = cafRefsE e
+ cafRefsE (Cast e _co) = cafRefsE e
+ cafRefsE (Type _) = False
+ cafRefsE (Coercion _) = False
+ cafRefsEs :: [Expr a] -> Bool
+ cafRefsEs [] = False
+ cafRefsEs (e:es) = cafRefsE e || cafRefsEs es
+ cafRefsL :: Literal -> Bool
+ -- Don't forget that mk_integer id might have Caf refs!
+ -- We first need to convert the Integer into its final form, to
+ -- see whether mkInteger is used. Same for LitNatural.
+ cafRefsL (LitNumber nt i _) = case cvt_literal nt i of
+ Just e -> cafRefsE e
+ Nothing -> False
+ cafRefsL _ = False
+ cafRefsV :: Id -> Bool
+ cafRefsV id
+ | not (isLocalId id) = mayHaveCafRefs (idCafInfo id)
+ | Just id' <- lookupVarEnv subst id = mayHaveCafRefs (idCafInfo id')
+ | otherwise = False
+* *
+ Old, dead, type-trimming code
+* *
+We used to try to "trim off" the constructors of data types that are
+not exported, to reduce the size of interface files, at least without
+-O. But that is not always possible: see the old Note [When we can't
+trim types] below for exceptions.
+Then (#7445) I realised that the TH problem arises for any data type
+that we have deriving( Data ), because we can invoke
+ Language.Haskell.TH.Quote.dataToExpQ
+to get a TH Exp representation of a value built from that data type.
+You don't even need {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}.
+At this point I give up. The pain of trimming constructors just
+doesn't seem worth the gain. So I've dumped all the code, and am just
+leaving it here at the end of the module in case something like this
+is ever resurrected.
+Note [When we can't trim types]
+The basic idea of type trimming is to export algebraic data types
+abstractly (without their data constructors) when compiling without
+-O, unless of course they are explicitly exported by the user.
+We always export synonyms, because they can be mentioned in the type
+of an exported Id. We could do a full dependency analysis starting
+from the explicit exports, but that's quite painful, and not done for
+But there are some times we can't do that, indicated by the 'no_trim_types' flag.
+First, Template Haskell. Consider (#2386) this
+ module M(T, makeOne) where
+ data T = Yay String
+ makeOne = [| Yay "Yep" |]
+Notice that T is exported abstractly, but makeOne effectively exports it too!
+A module that splices in $(makeOne) will then look for a declaration of Yay,
+so it'd better be there. Hence, brutally but simply, we switch off type
+constructor trimming if TH is enabled in this module.
+Second, data kinds. Consider (#5912)
+ {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+ module M() where
+ data UnaryTypeC a = UnaryDataC a
+ type Bug = 'UnaryDataC
+We always export synonyms, so Bug is exposed, and that means that
+UnaryTypeC must be too, even though it's not explicitly exported. In
+effect, DataKinds means that we'd need to do a full dependency analysis
+to see what data constructors are mentioned. But we don't do that yet.
+In these two cases we just switch off type trimming altogether.
+mustExposeTyCon :: Bool -- Type-trimming flag
+ -> NameSet -- Exports
+ -> TyCon -- The tycon
+ -> Bool -- Can its rep be hidden?
+-- We are compiling without -O, and thus trying to write as little as
+-- possible into the interface file. But we must expose the details of
+-- any data types whose constructors or fields are exported
+mustExposeTyCon no_trim_types exports tc
+ | no_trim_types -- See Note [When we can't trim types]
+ = True
+ | not (isAlgTyCon tc) -- Always expose synonyms (otherwise we'd have to
+ -- figure out whether it was mentioned in the type
+ -- of any other exported thing)
+ = True
+ | isEnumerationTyCon tc -- For an enumeration, exposing the constructors
+ = True -- won't lead to the need for further exposure
+ | isFamilyTyCon tc -- Open type family
+ = True
+ -- Below here we just have data/newtype decls or family instances
+ | null data_cons -- Ditto if there are no data constructors
+ = True -- (NB: empty data types do not count as enumerations
+ -- see Note [Enumeration types] in TyCon
+ | any exported_con data_cons -- Expose rep if any datacon or field is exported
+ = True
+ | isNewTyCon tc && isFFITy (snd (newTyConRhs tc))
+ = True -- Expose the rep for newtypes if the rep is an FFI type.
+ -- For a very annoying reason. 'Foreign import' is meant to
+ -- be able to look through newtypes transparently, but it
+ -- can only do that if it can "see" the newtype representation
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+ where
+ data_cons = tyConDataCons tc
+ exported_con con = any (`elemNameSet` exports)
+ (dataConName con : dataConFieldLabels con)