path: root/compiler/GHC/Iface/Tidy/StaticPtrTable.hs
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1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Tidy/StaticPtrTable.hs b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Tidy/StaticPtrTable.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09125a4b53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Tidy/StaticPtrTable.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+-- | Code generation for the Static Pointer Table
+-- (c) 2014 I/O Tweag
+-- Each module that uses 'static' keyword declares an initialization function of
+-- the form hs_spt_init_<module>() which is emitted into the _stub.c file and
+-- annotated with __attribute__((constructor)) so that it gets executed at
+-- startup time.
+-- The function's purpose is to call hs_spt_insert to insert the static
+-- pointers of this module in the hashtable of the RTS, and it looks something
+-- like this:
+-- > static void hs_hpc_init_Main(void) __attribute__((constructor));
+-- > static void hs_hpc_init_Main(void) {
+-- >
+-- > static StgWord64 k0[2] = {16252233372134256ULL,7370534374096082ULL};
+-- > extern StgPtr Main_r2wb_closure;
+-- > hs_spt_insert(k0, &Main_r2wb_closure);
+-- >
+-- > static StgWord64 k1[2] = {12545634534567898ULL,5409674567544151ULL};
+-- > extern StgPtr Main_r2wc_closure;
+-- > hs_spt_insert(k1, &Main_r2wc_closure);
+-- >
+-- > }
+-- where the constants are fingerprints produced from the static forms.
+-- The linker must find the definitions matching the @extern StgPtr <name>@
+-- declarations. For this to work, the identifiers of static pointers need to be
+-- exported. This is done in GHC.Core.Opt.SetLevels.newLvlVar.
+-- There is also a finalization function for the time when the module is
+-- unloaded.
+-- > static void hs_hpc_fini_Main(void) __attribute__((destructor));
+-- > static void hs_hpc_fini_Main(void) {
+-- >
+-- > static StgWord64 k0[2] = {16252233372134256ULL,7370534374096082ULL};
+-- > hs_spt_remove(k0);
+-- >
+-- > static StgWord64 k1[2] = {12545634534567898ULL,5409674567544151ULL};
+-- > hs_spt_remove(k1);
+-- >
+-- > }
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, TupleSections #-}
+module GHC.Iface.Tidy.StaticPtrTable
+ ( sptCreateStaticBinds
+ , sptModuleInitCode
+ ) where
+{- Note [Grand plan for static forms]
+Static forms go through the compilation phases as follows.
+Here is a running example:
+ f x = let k = map toUpper
+ in ...(static k)...
+* The renamer looks for out-of-scope names in the body of the static
+ form, as always. If all names are in scope, the free variables of the
+ body are stored in AST at the location of the static form.
+* The typechecker verifies that all free variables occurring in the
+ static form are floatable to top level (see Note [Meaning of
+ IdBindingInfo] in GHC.Tc.Types). In our example, 'k' is floatable.
+ Even though it is bound in a nested let, we are fine.
+* The desugarer replaces the static form with an application of the
+ function 'makeStatic' (defined in module GHC.StaticPtr.Internal of
+ base). So we get
+ f x = let k = map toUpper
+ in ...fromStaticPtr (makeStatic location k)...
+* The simplifier runs the FloatOut pass which moves the calls to 'makeStatic'
+ to the top level. Thus the FloatOut pass is always executed, even when
+ optimizations are disabled. So we get
+ k = map toUpper
+ static_ptr = makeStatic location k
+ f x = ...fromStaticPtr static_ptr...
+ The FloatOut pass is careful to produce an /exported/ Id for a floated
+ 'makeStatic' call, so the binding is not removed or inlined by the
+ simplifier.
+ E.g. the code for `f` above might look like
+ static_ptr = makeStatic location k
+ f x = ...(case static_ptr of ...)...
+ which might be simplified to
+ f x = ...(case makeStatic location k of ...)...
+ BUT the top-level binding for static_ptr must remain, so that it can be
+ collected to populate the Static Pointer Table.
+ Making the binding exported also has a necessary effect during the
+ CoreTidy pass.
+* The CoreTidy pass replaces all bindings of the form
+ b = /\ ... -> makeStatic location value
+ with
+ b = /\ ... -> StaticPtr key (StaticPtrInfo "pkg key" "module" location) value
+ where a distinct key is generated for each binding.
+* If we are compiling to object code we insert a C stub (generated by
+ sptModuleInitCode) into the final object which runs when the module is loaded,
+ inserting the static forms defined by the module into the RTS's static pointer
+ table.
+* If we are compiling for the byte-code interpreter, we instead explicitly add
+ the SPT entries (recorded in CgGuts' cg_spt_entries field) to the interpreter
+ process' SPT table using the addSptEntry interpreter message. This happens
+ in upsweep after we have compiled the module (see GHC.Driver.Make.upsweep').
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
+import GHC.Core
+import GHC.Core.Utils (collectMakeStaticArgs)
+import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Driver.Types
+import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Core.Make (mkStringExprFSWith)
+import GHC.Types.Module
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable as Outputable
+import GHC.Platform
+import GHC.Builtin.Names
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env (lookupGlobal)
+import GHC.Core.Type
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.State
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import GHC.Fingerprint
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+-- | Replaces all bindings of the form
+-- > b = /\ ... -> makeStatic location value
+-- with
+-- > b = /\ ... ->
+-- > StaticPtr key (StaticPtrInfo "pkg key" "module" location) value
+-- where a distinct key is generated for each binding.
+-- It also yields the C stub that inserts these bindings into the static
+-- pointer table.
+sptCreateStaticBinds :: HscEnv -> Module -> CoreProgram
+ -> IO ([SptEntry], CoreProgram)
+sptCreateStaticBinds hsc_env this_mod binds
+ | not (xopt LangExt.StaticPointers dflags) =
+ return ([], binds)
+ | otherwise = do
+ -- Make sure the required interface files are loaded.
+ _ <- lookupGlobal hsc_env unpackCStringName
+ (fps, binds') <- evalStateT (go [] [] binds) 0
+ return (fps, binds')
+ where
+ go fps bs xs = case xs of
+ [] -> return (reverse fps, reverse bs)
+ bnd : xs' -> do
+ (fps', bnd') <- replaceStaticBind bnd
+ go (reverse fps' ++ fps) (bnd' : bs) xs'
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ platform = targetPlatform dflags
+ -- Generates keys and replaces 'makeStatic' with 'StaticPtr'.
+ --
+ -- The 'Int' state is used to produce a different key for each binding.
+ replaceStaticBind :: CoreBind
+ -> StateT Int IO ([SptEntry], CoreBind)
+ replaceStaticBind (NonRec b e) = do (mfp, (b', e')) <- replaceStatic b e
+ return (maybeToList mfp, NonRec b' e')
+ replaceStaticBind (Rec rbs) = do
+ (mfps, rbs') <- unzip <$> mapM (uncurry replaceStatic) rbs
+ return (catMaybes mfps, Rec rbs')
+ replaceStatic :: Id -> CoreExpr
+ -> StateT Int IO (Maybe SptEntry, (Id, CoreExpr))
+ replaceStatic b e@(collectTyBinders -> (tvs, e0)) =
+ case collectMakeStaticArgs e0 of
+ Nothing -> return (Nothing, (b, e))
+ Just (_, t, info, arg) -> do
+ (fp, e') <- mkStaticBind t info arg
+ return (Just (SptEntry b fp), (b, foldr Lam e' tvs))
+ mkStaticBind :: Type -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+ -> StateT Int IO (Fingerprint, CoreExpr)
+ mkStaticBind t srcLoc e = do
+ i <- get
+ put (i + 1)
+ staticPtrInfoDataCon <-
+ lift $ lookupDataConHscEnv staticPtrInfoDataConName
+ let fp@(Fingerprint w0 w1) = mkStaticPtrFingerprint i
+ info <- mkConApp staticPtrInfoDataCon <$>
+ (++[srcLoc]) <$>
+ mapM (mkStringExprFSWith (lift . lookupIdHscEnv))
+ [ unitIdFS $ moduleUnitId this_mod
+ , moduleNameFS $ moduleName this_mod
+ ]
+ -- The module interface of GHC.StaticPtr should be loaded at least
+ -- when looking up 'fromStatic' during type-checking.
+ staticPtrDataCon <- lift $ lookupDataConHscEnv staticPtrDataConName
+ return (fp, mkConApp staticPtrDataCon
+ [ Type t
+ , mkWord64LitWordRep platform w0
+ , mkWord64LitWordRep platform w1
+ , info
+ , e ])
+ mkStaticPtrFingerprint :: Int -> Fingerprint
+ mkStaticPtrFingerprint n = fingerprintString $ intercalate ":"
+ [ unitIdString $ moduleUnitId this_mod
+ , moduleNameString $ moduleName this_mod
+ , show n
+ ]
+ -- Choose either 'Word64#' or 'Word#' to represent the arguments of the
+ -- 'Fingerprint' data constructor.
+ mkWord64LitWordRep platform =
+ case platformWordSize platform of
+ PW4 -> mkWord64LitWord64
+ PW8 -> mkWordLit platform . toInteger
+ lookupIdHscEnv :: Name -> IO Id
+ lookupIdHscEnv n = lookupTypeHscEnv hsc_env n >>=
+ maybe (getError n) (return . tyThingId)
+ lookupDataConHscEnv :: Name -> IO DataCon
+ lookupDataConHscEnv n = lookupTypeHscEnv hsc_env n >>=
+ maybe (getError n) (return . tyThingDataCon)
+ getError n = pprPanic "sptCreateStaticBinds.get: not found" $
+ text "Couldn't find" <+> ppr n
+-- | @sptModuleInitCode module fps@ is a C stub to insert the static entries
+-- of @module@ into the static pointer table.
+-- @fps@ is a list associating each binding corresponding to a static entry with
+-- its fingerprint.
+sptModuleInitCode :: Module -> [SptEntry] -> SDoc
+sptModuleInitCode _ [] = Outputable.empty
+sptModuleInitCode this_mod entries = vcat
+ [ text "static void hs_spt_init_" <> ppr this_mod
+ <> text "(void) __attribute__((constructor));"
+ , text "static void hs_spt_init_" <> ppr this_mod <> text "(void)"
+ , braces $ vcat $
+ [ text "static StgWord64 k" <> int i <> text "[2] = "
+ <> pprFingerprint fp <> semi
+ $$ text "extern StgPtr "
+ <> (ppr $ mkClosureLabel (idName n) (idCafInfo n)) <> semi
+ $$ text "hs_spt_insert" <> parens
+ (hcat $ punctuate comma
+ [ char 'k' <> int i
+ , char '&' <> ppr (mkClosureLabel (idName n) (idCafInfo n))
+ ]
+ )
+ <> semi
+ | (i, SptEntry n fp) <- zip [0..] entries
+ ]
+ , text "static void hs_spt_fini_" <> ppr this_mod
+ <> text "(void) __attribute__((destructor));"
+ , text "static void hs_spt_fini_" <> ppr this_mod <> text "(void)"
+ , braces $ vcat $
+ [ text "StgWord64 k" <> int i <> text "[2] = "
+ <> pprFingerprint fp <> semi
+ $$ text "hs_spt_remove" <> parens (char 'k' <> int i) <> semi
+ | (i, (SptEntry _ fp)) <- zip [0..] entries
+ ]
+ ]
+ where
+ pprFingerprint :: Fingerprint -> SDoc
+ pprFingerprint (Fingerprint w1 w2) =
+ braces $ hcat $ punctuate comma
+ [ integer (fromIntegral w1) <> text "ULL"
+ , integer (fromIntegral w2) <> text "ULL"
+ ]