path: root/compiler/GHC/Iface
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diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs
index 70bb33b7d0..3917998c3e 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
Main functions for .hie file generation
+#include "HsVersions.h"
module GHC.Iface.Ext.Ast ( mkHieFile, mkHieFileWithSource, getCompressedAsts, enrichHie) where
import GHC.Utils.Outputable(ppr)
@@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Var.Env
import GHC.Builtin.Uniques
import GHC.Iface.Make ( mkIfaceExports )
import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Data.Maybe
import GHC.Data.FastString
@@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Data ( Data, Typeable )
-import Data.List ( foldl1' )
+import Data.Void ( Void, absurd )
import Control.Monad ( forM_ )
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
@@ -484,6 +487,18 @@ patScopes rsp useScope patScope xs =
map (\(RS sc a) -> PS rsp useScope sc a) $
listScopes patScope xs
+-- | 'listScopes' specialised to 'HsPatSigType'
+ :: Scope
+ -> Scope
+ -> [HsPatSigType (GhcPass a)]
+ -> [TScoped (HsPatSigType (GhcPass a))]
+tScopes scope rhsScope xs =
+ map (\(RS sc a) -> TS (ResolvedScopes [scope, sc]) (unLoc a)) $
+ listScopes rhsScope (map (\hsps -> L (getLoc $ hsps_body hsps) hsps) xs)
+ -- We make the HsPatSigType into a Located one by using the location of the underlying LHsType.
+ -- We then strip off the redundant location information afterward, and take the union of the given scope and those to the right when forming the TS.
-- | 'listScopes' specialised to 'TVScoped' things
:: TyVarScope
@@ -567,6 +582,9 @@ class ToHie a where
class HasType a where
getTypeNode :: a -> HieM [HieAST Type]
+instance ToHie Void where
+ toHie v = absurd v
instance (ToHie a) => ToHie [a] where
toHie = concatMapM toHie
@@ -855,7 +873,7 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (Located (PatSynBind (GhcPass p) (GhcPass p))) where
varScope = mkLScope var
patScope = mkScope $ getLoc pat
detScope = case dets of
- (PrefixCon args) -> foldr combineScopes NoScope $ map mkLScope args
+ (PrefixCon _ args) -> foldr combineScopes NoScope $ map mkLScope args
(InfixCon a b) -> combineScopes (mkLScope a) (mkLScope b)
(RecCon r) -> foldr go NoScope r
go (RecordPatSynField a b) c = combineScopes c
@@ -863,7 +881,7 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (Located (PatSynBind (GhcPass p) (GhcPass p))) where
detSpan = case detScope of
LocalScope a -> Just a
_ -> Nothing
- toBind (PrefixCon args) = PrefixCon $ map (C Use) args
+ toBind (PrefixCon ts args) = ASSERT(null ts) PrefixCon ts $ map (C Use) args
toBind (InfixCon a b) = InfixCon (C Use a) (C Use b)
toBind (RecCon r) = RecCon $ map (PSC detSpan) r
@@ -945,7 +963,7 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (PScoped (Located (Pat (GhcPass p)))) where
, toHie $ L ospan wrap
, toHie $ map (C (EvidenceVarBind EvPatternBind evscope rsp)
. L ospan) ev_vars
- ]
+ ]
HieRn ->
[ toHie $ C Use con
@@ -985,9 +1003,10 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (PScoped (Located (Pat (GhcPass p)))) where
HieRn -> []
- contextify :: a ~ LPat (GhcPass p) => HsConDetails a (HsRecFields (GhcPass p) a)
- -> HsConDetails (PScoped a) (RContext (HsRecFields (GhcPass p) (PScoped a)))
- contextify (PrefixCon args) = PrefixCon $ patScopes rsp scope pscope args
+ contextify :: a ~ LPat (GhcPass p) => HsConDetails (HsPatSigType (NoGhcTc (GhcPass p))) a (HsRecFields (GhcPass p) a)
+ -> HsConDetails (TScoped (HsPatSigType (NoGhcTc (GhcPass p)))) (PScoped a) (RContext (HsRecFields (GhcPass p) (PScoped a)))
+ contextify (PrefixCon tyargs args) = PrefixCon (tScopes scope argscope tyargs) (patScopes rsp scope pscope args)
+ where argscope = foldr combineScopes NoScope $ map mkLScope args
contextify (InfixCon a b) = InfixCon a' b'
where [a', b'] = patScopes rsp scope pscope [a,b]
contextify (RecCon r) = RecCon $ RC RecFieldMatch $ contextify_rec r
@@ -1303,8 +1322,8 @@ instance HiePass p => ToHie (RScoped (ApplicativeArg (GhcPass p))) where
, toHie $ PS Nothing sc NoScope pat
-instance (ToHie arg, ToHie rec) => ToHie (HsConDetails arg rec) where
- toHie (PrefixCon args) = toHie args
+instance (ToHie tyarg, ToHie arg, ToHie rec) => ToHie (HsConDetails tyarg arg rec) where
+ toHie (PrefixCon tyargs args) = concatM [ toHie tyargs, toHie args ]
toHie (RecCon rec) = toHie rec
toHie (InfixCon a b) = concatM [ toHie a, toHie b]
@@ -1554,9 +1573,9 @@ instance ToHie (Located (ConDecl GhcRn)) where
rhsScope = combineScopes ctxScope argsScope
ctxScope = maybe NoScope mkLScope ctx
argsScope = case dets of
- PrefixCon xs -> scaled_args_scope xs
- InfixCon a b -> scaled_args_scope [a, b]
- RecCon x -> mkLScope x
+ PrefixCon _ xs -> scaled_args_scope xs
+ InfixCon a b -> scaled_args_scope [a, b]
+ RecCon x -> mkLScope x
where scaled_args_scope :: [HsScaled GhcRn (LHsType GhcRn)] -> Scope
scaled_args_scope = foldr combineScopes NoScope . map (mkLScope . hsScaledThing)