path: root/compiler/GHC/JS/Syntax.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/JS/Syntax.hs')
1 files changed, 392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/JS/Syntax.hs b/compiler/GHC/JS/Syntax.hs
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index 0000000000..66067ced9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/JS/Syntax.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : GHC.JS.Syntax
+-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001
+-- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : Jeffrey Young <>
+-- Luite Stegeman <>
+-- Sylvain Henry <>
+-- Josh Meredith <>
+-- Stability : experimental
+-- * Domain and Purpose
+-- GHC.JS.Syntax defines the Syntax for the JS backend in GHC. It comports
+-- with the [ECMA-262]( although not every
+-- production rule of the standard is represented. Code in this module is a
+-- fork of [JMacro]( (BSD 3
+-- Clause) by Gershom Bazerman, heavily modified to accomodate GHC's
+-- constraints.
+-- * Strategy
+-- Nothing fancy in this module, this is a classic deeply embeded AST for
+-- JS. We define numerous ADTs and pattern synonyms to make pattern matching
+-- and constructing ASTs easier.
+-- * Consumers
+-- The entire JS backend consumes this module, e.g., the modules in
+-- GHC.StgToJS.\*. Please see 'GHC.JS.Make' for a module which provides
+-- helper functions that use the deeply embedded DSL defined in this module
+-- to provide some of the benefits of a shallow embedding.
+module GHC.JS.Syntax
+ ( -- * Deeply embedded JS datatypes
+ JStat(..)
+ , JExpr(..)
+ , JVal(..)
+ , JOp(..)
+ , JUOp(..)
+ , Ident(..)
+ , identFS
+ , JsLabel
+ -- * pattern synonyms over JS operators
+ , pattern New
+ , pattern Not
+ , pattern Negate
+ , pattern Add
+ , pattern Sub
+ , pattern Mul
+ , pattern Div
+ , pattern Mod
+ , pattern BOr
+ , pattern BAnd
+ , pattern BXor
+ , pattern BNot
+ , pattern LOr
+ , pattern LAnd
+ , pattern Int
+ , pattern String
+ , pattern PreInc
+ , pattern PostInc
+ , pattern PreDec
+ , pattern PostDec
+ -- * Ident supply
+ , IdentSupply(..)
+ , newIdentSupply
+ , pseudoSaturate
+ -- * Utility
+ , SaneDouble(..)
+ ) where
+import GHC.Prelude
+import Control.DeepSeq
+import Data.Function
+import Data.Data
+import Data.Word
+import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
+import GHC.Generics
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Utils.Monad.State.Strict
+import GHC.Types.Unique
+import GHC.Types.Unique.Map
+-- | A supply of identifiers, possibly empty
+newtype IdentSupply a
+ = IS {runIdentSupply :: State [Ident] a}
+ deriving Typeable
+instance NFData (IdentSupply a) where rnf IS{} = ()
+inIdentSupply :: (State [Ident] a -> State [Ident] b) -> IdentSupply a -> IdentSupply b
+inIdentSupply f x = IS $ f (runIdentSupply x)
+instance Functor IdentSupply where
+ fmap f x = inIdentSupply (fmap f) x
+newIdentSupply :: Maybe FastString -> [Ident]
+newIdentSupply Nothing = newIdentSupply (Just "jmId")
+newIdentSupply (Just pfx) = [ TxtI (mconcat [pfx,"_",mkFastString (show x)])
+ | x <- [(0::Word64)..]
+ ]
+-- | Given a Pseudo-saturate a value with garbage @<<unsatId>>@ identifiers.
+pseudoSaturate :: IdentSupply a -> a
+pseudoSaturate x = evalState (runIdentSupply x) $ newIdentSupply (Just "<<unsatId>>")
+instance Eq a => Eq (IdentSupply a) where
+ (==) = (==) `on` pseudoSaturate
+instance Ord a => Ord (IdentSupply a) where
+ compare = compare `on` pseudoSaturate
+instance Show a => Show (IdentSupply a) where
+ show x = "(" ++ show (pseudoSaturate x) ++ ")"
+-- Statements
+-- | JavaScript statements, see the [ECMA262
+-- Reference](
+-- for details
+data JStat
+ = DeclStat !Ident !(Maybe JExpr) -- ^ Variable declarations: var foo [= e]
+ | ReturnStat JExpr -- ^ Return
+ | IfStat JExpr JStat JStat -- ^ If
+ | WhileStat Bool JExpr JStat -- ^ While, bool is "do" when True
+ | ForInStat Bool Ident JExpr JStat -- ^ For-in, bool is "each' when True
+ | SwitchStat JExpr [(JExpr, JStat)] JStat -- ^ Switch
+ | TryStat JStat Ident JStat JStat -- ^ Try
+ | BlockStat [JStat] -- ^ Blocks
+ | ApplStat JExpr [JExpr] -- ^ Application
+ | UOpStat JUOp JExpr -- ^ Unary operators
+ | AssignStat JExpr JExpr -- ^ Binding form: @foo = bar@
+ | UnsatBlock (IdentSupply JStat) -- ^ /Unsaturated/ blocks see 'pseudoSaturate'
+ | LabelStat JsLabel JStat -- ^ Statement Labels, makes me nostalgic for qbasic
+ | BreakStat (Maybe JsLabel) -- ^ Break
+ | ContinueStat (Maybe JsLabel) -- ^ Continue
+ deriving (Eq, Typeable, Generic)
+-- | A Label used for 'JStat', specifically 'BreakStat', 'ContinueStat' and of
+-- course 'LabelStat'
+type JsLabel = LexicalFastString
+instance Semigroup JStat where
+ (<>) = appendJStat
+instance Monoid JStat where
+ mempty = BlockStat []
+-- | Append a statement to another statement. 'appendJStat' only returns a
+-- 'JStat' that is /not/ a 'BlockStat' when either @mx@ or @my is an empty
+-- 'BlockStat'. That is:
+-- > (BlockStat [] , y ) = y
+-- > (x , BlockStat []) = x
+appendJStat :: JStat -> JStat -> JStat
+appendJStat mx my = case (mx,my) of
+ (BlockStat [] , y ) -> y
+ (x , BlockStat []) -> x
+ (BlockStat xs , BlockStat ys) -> BlockStat $ xs ++ ys
+ (BlockStat xs , ys ) -> BlockStat $ xs ++ [ys]
+ (xs , BlockStat ys) -> BlockStat $ xs : ys
+ (xs , ys ) -> BlockStat [xs,ys]
+-- Expressions
+-- | JavaScript Expressions
+data JExpr
+ = ValExpr JVal -- ^ All values are trivially expressions
+ | SelExpr JExpr Ident -- ^ Selection:, see 'GHC.JS.Make..^'
+ | IdxExpr JExpr JExpr -- ^ Indexing: Obj[foo], see 'GHC.JS.Make..!'
+ | InfixExpr JOp JExpr JExpr -- ^ Infix Expressions, see 'JExpr'
+ -- pattern synonyms
+ | UOpExpr JUOp JExpr -- ^ Unary Expressions
+ | IfExpr JExpr JExpr JExpr -- ^ If-expression
+ | ApplExpr JExpr [JExpr] -- ^ Application
+ | UnsatExpr (IdentSupply JExpr) -- ^ An /Unsaturated/ expression.
+ -- See 'pseudoSaturate'
+ deriving (Eq, Typeable, Generic)
+-- * Useful pattern synonyms to ease programming with the deeply embedded JS
+-- AST. Each pattern wraps @JUOp@ and @JOp@ into a @JExpr@s to save typing and
+-- for convienience. In addition we include a string wrapper for JS string
+-- and Integer literals.
+-- | pattern synonym for a unary operator new
+pattern New :: JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern New x = UOpExpr NewOp x
+-- | pattern synonym for prefix increment @++x@
+pattern PreInc :: JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern PreInc x = UOpExpr PreIncOp x
+-- | pattern synonym for postfix increment @x++@
+pattern PostInc :: JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern PostInc x = UOpExpr PostIncOp x
+-- | pattern synonym for prefix decrement @--x@
+pattern PreDec :: JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern PreDec x = UOpExpr PreDecOp x
+-- | pattern synonym for postfix decrement @--x@
+pattern PostDec :: JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern PostDec x = UOpExpr PostDecOp x
+-- | pattern synonym for logical not @!@
+pattern Not :: JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern Not x = UOpExpr NotOp x
+-- | pattern synonym for unary negation @-@
+pattern Negate :: JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern Negate x = UOpExpr NegOp x
+-- | pattern synonym for addition @+@
+pattern Add :: JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern Add x y = InfixExpr AddOp x y
+-- | pattern synonym for subtraction @-@
+pattern Sub :: JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern Sub x y = InfixExpr SubOp x y
+-- | pattern synonym for multiplication @*@
+pattern Mul :: JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern Mul x y = InfixExpr MulOp x y
+-- | pattern synonym for division @*@
+pattern Div :: JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern Div x y = InfixExpr DivOp x y
+-- | pattern synonym for remainder @%@
+pattern Mod :: JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern Mod x y = InfixExpr ModOp x y
+-- | pattern synonym for Bitwise Or @|@
+pattern BOr :: JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern BOr x y = InfixExpr BOrOp x y
+-- | pattern synonym for Bitwise And @&@
+pattern BAnd :: JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern BAnd x y = InfixExpr BAndOp x y
+-- | pattern synonym for Bitwise XOr @^@
+pattern BXor :: JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern BXor x y = InfixExpr BXorOp x y
+-- | pattern synonym for Bitwise Not @~@
+pattern BNot :: JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern BNot x = UOpExpr BNotOp x
+-- | pattern synonym for logical Or @||@
+pattern LOr :: JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern LOr x y = InfixExpr LOrOp x y
+-- | pattern synonym for logical And @&&@
+pattern LAnd :: JExpr -> JExpr -> JExpr
+pattern LAnd x y = InfixExpr LAndOp x y
+-- | pattern synonym to create integer values
+pattern Int :: Integer -> JExpr
+pattern Int x = ValExpr (JInt x)
+-- | pattern synonym to create string values
+pattern String :: FastString -> JExpr
+pattern String x = ValExpr (JStr x)
+-- Values
+-- | JavaScript values
+data JVal
+ = JVar Ident -- ^ A variable reference
+ | JList [JExpr] -- ^ A JavaScript list, or what JS
+ -- calls an Array
+ | JDouble SaneDouble -- ^ A Double
+ | JInt Integer -- ^ A BigInt
+ | JStr FastString -- ^ A String
+ | JRegEx FastString -- ^ A Regex
+ | JHash (UniqMap FastString JExpr) -- ^ A JS HashMap: @{"foo": 0}@
+ | JFunc [Ident] JStat -- ^ A function
+ | UnsatVal (IdentSupply JVal) -- ^ An /Unsaturated/ value, see 'pseudoSaturate'
+ deriving (Eq, Typeable, Generic)
+-- Operators
+-- | JS Binary Operators. We do not deeply embed the comma operator and the
+-- assignment operators
+data JOp
+ = EqOp -- ^ Equality: `==`
+ | StrictEqOp -- ^ Strict Equality: `===`
+ | NeqOp -- ^ InEquality: `!=`
+ | StrictNeqOp -- ^ Strict InEquality `!==`
+ | GtOp -- ^ Greater Than: `>`
+ | GeOp -- ^ Greater Than or Equal: `>=`
+ | LtOp -- ^ Less Than: <
+ | LeOp -- ^ Less Than or Equal: <=
+ | AddOp -- ^ Addition: +
+ | SubOp -- ^ Subtraction: -
+ | MulOp -- ^ Multiplication \*
+ | DivOp -- ^ Division: \/
+ | ModOp -- ^ Remainder: %
+ | LeftShiftOp -- ^ Left Shift: \<\<
+ | RightShiftOp -- ^ Right Shift: \>\>
+ | ZRightShiftOp -- ^ Unsigned RightShift: \>\>\>
+ | BAndOp -- ^ Bitwise And: &
+ | BOrOp -- ^ Bitwise Or: |
+ | BXorOp -- ^ Bitwise XOr: ^
+ | LAndOp -- ^ Logical And: &&
+ | LOrOp -- ^ Logical Or: ||
+ | InstanceofOp -- ^ @instanceof@
+ | InOp -- ^ @in@
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Data, Typeable, Generic)
+instance NFData JOp
+-- | JS Unary Operators
+data JUOp
+ = NotOp -- ^ Logical Not: @!@
+ | BNotOp -- ^ Bitwise Not: @~@
+ | NegOp -- ^ Negation: @-@
+ | PlusOp -- ^ Unary Plus: @+x@
+ | NewOp -- ^ new x
+ | TypeofOp -- ^ typeof x
+ | DeleteOp -- ^ delete x
+ | YieldOp -- ^ yield x
+ | VoidOp -- ^ void x
+ | PreIncOp -- ^ Prefix Increment: @++x@
+ | PostIncOp -- ^ Postfix Increment: @x++@
+ | PreDecOp -- ^ Prefix Decrement: @--x@
+ | PostDecOp -- ^ Postfix Decrement: @x--@
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Data, Typeable, Generic)
+instance NFData JUOp
+-- | A newtype wrapper around 'Double' to ensure we never generate a 'Double'
+-- that becomes a 'NaN', see 'Eq SaneDouble', 'Ord SaneDouble' for details on
+-- Sane-ness
+newtype SaneDouble = SaneDouble
+ { unSaneDouble :: Double
+ }
+ deriving (Data, Typeable, Fractional, Num, Generic, NFData)
+instance Eq SaneDouble where
+ (SaneDouble x) == (SaneDouble y) = x == y || (isNaN x && isNaN y)
+instance Ord SaneDouble where
+ compare (SaneDouble x) (SaneDouble y) = compare (fromNaN x) (fromNaN y)
+ where fromNaN z | isNaN z = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just z
+instance Show SaneDouble where
+ show (SaneDouble x) = show x
+-- Identifiers
+-- We use FastString for identifiers in JS backend
+-- | A newtype wrapper around 'FastString' for JS identifiers.
+newtype Ident = TxtI { itxt :: FastString }
+ deriving stock (Show, Eq)
+ deriving newtype (Uniquable)
+identFS :: Ident -> FastString
+identFS = \case
+ TxtI fs -> fs