path: root/compiler/GHC/Parser/Annotation.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Parser/Annotation.hs')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Parser/Annotation.hs b/compiler/GHC/Parser/Annotation.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbd1f79e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Parser/Annotation.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+module GHC.Parser.Annotation (
+ getAnnotation, getAndRemoveAnnotation,
+ getAnnotationComments,getAndRemoveAnnotationComments,
+ ApiAnns(..),
+ ApiAnnKey,
+ AnnKeywordId(..),
+ AnnotationComment(..),
+ IsUnicodeSyntax(..),
+ unicodeAnn,
+ HasE(..),
+ LRdrName -- Exists for haddocks only
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Data
+Note [Api annotations]
+Given a parse tree of a Haskell module, how can we reconstruct
+the original Haskell source code, retaining all whitespace and
+source code comments? We need to track the locations of all
+elements from the original source: this includes keywords such as
+'let' / 'in' / 'do' etc as well as punctuation such as commas and
+braces, and also comments. We collectively refer to this
+metadata as the "API annotations".
+Rather than annotate the resulting parse tree with these locations
+directly (this would be a major change to some fairly core data
+structures in GHC), we instead capture locations for these elements in a
+structure separate from the parse tree, and returned in the
+pm_annotations field of the ParsedModule type.
+The full ApiAnns type is
+> data ApiAnns =
+> ApiAnns
+> { apiAnnItems :: Map.Map ApiAnnKey [RealSrcSpan],
+> apiAnnEofPos :: Maybe RealSrcSpan,
+> apiAnnComments :: Map.Map RealSrcSpan [RealLocated AnnotationComment],
+> apiAnnRogueComments :: [RealLocated AnnotationComment]
+> }
+Intuitively, every AST element directly contains a bag of keywords
+(keywords can show up more than once in a node: a semicolon i.e. newline
+can show up multiple times before the next AST element), each of which
+needs to be associated with its location in the original source code.
+Consequently, the structure that records non-comment elements is logically
+a two level map, from the RealSrcSpan of the AST element containing it, to
+a map from keywords ('AnnKeyWord') to all locations of the keyword directly
+in the AST element:
+> type ApiAnnKey = (RealSrcSpan,AnnKeywordId)
+> Map.Map ApiAnnKey [RealSrcSpan]
+> let x = 1 in 2 *x
+would result in the AST element
+ L span (HsLet (binds for x = 1) (2 * x))
+and the annotations
+ (span,AnnLet) having the location of the 'let' keyword
+ (span,AnnEqual) having the location of the '=' sign
+ (span,AnnIn) having the location of the 'in' keyword
+For any given element in the AST, there is only a set number of
+keywords that are applicable for it (e.g., you'll never see an
+'import' keyword associated with a let-binding.) The set of allowed
+keywords is documented in a comment associated with the constructor
+of a given AST element, although the ground truth is in GHC.Parser
+and GHC.Parser.PostProcess (which actually add the annotations; see #13012).
+Every comment is associated with a *located* AnnotationComment.
+We associate comments with the lowest (most specific) AST element
+enclosing them:
+> Map.Map RealSrcSpan [RealLocated AnnotationComment]
+There are three fields in PState (the parser state) which play a role
+with annotations.
+> annotations :: [(ApiAnnKey,[RealSrcSpan])],
+> comment_q :: [RealLocated AnnotationComment],
+> annotations_comments :: [(RealSrcSpan,[RealLocated AnnotationComment])]
+The 'annotations' and 'annotations_comments' fields are simple: they simply
+accumulate annotations that will end up in 'ApiAnns' at the end
+(after they are passed to Map.fromList).
+The 'comment_q' field captures comments as they are seen in the token stream,
+so that when they are ready to be allocated via the parser they are
+available (at the time we lex a comment, we don't know what the enclosing
+AST node of it is, so we can't associate it with a RealSrcSpan in
+The parser interacts with the lexer using the function
+> addAnnotation :: RealSrcSpan -> AnnKeywordId -> RealSrcSpan -> P ()
+which takes the AST element RealSrcSpan, the annotation keyword and the
+target RealSrcSpan.
+This adds the annotation to the `annotations` field of `PState` and
+transfers any comments in `comment_q` WHICH ARE ENCLOSED by
+the RealSrcSpan of this element to the `annotations_comments`
+field. (Comments which are outside of this annotation are deferred
+until later. 'allocateComments' in 'Lexer' is responsible for
+making sure we only attach comments that actually fit in the 'SrcSpan'.)
+The wiki page describing this feature is
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- If you update this, update the Note [Api annotations] above
+data ApiAnns =
+ ApiAnns
+ { apiAnnItems :: Map.Map ApiAnnKey [RealSrcSpan],
+ apiAnnEofPos :: Maybe RealSrcSpan,
+ apiAnnComments :: Map.Map RealSrcSpan [RealLocated AnnotationComment],
+ apiAnnRogueComments :: [RealLocated AnnotationComment]
+ }
+-- If you update this, update the Note [Api annotations] above
+type ApiAnnKey = (RealSrcSpan,AnnKeywordId)
+-- | Retrieve a list of annotation 'SrcSpan's based on the 'SrcSpan'
+-- of the annotated AST element, and the known type of the annotation.
+getAnnotation :: ApiAnns -> RealSrcSpan -> AnnKeywordId -> [RealSrcSpan]
+getAnnotation anns span ann =
+ case Map.lookup ann_key ann_items of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just ss -> ss
+ where ann_items = apiAnnItems anns
+ ann_key = (span,ann)
+-- | Retrieve a list of annotation 'SrcSpan's based on the 'SrcSpan'
+-- of the annotated AST element, and the known type of the annotation.
+-- The list is removed from the annotations.
+getAndRemoveAnnotation :: ApiAnns -> RealSrcSpan -> AnnKeywordId
+ -> ([RealSrcSpan],ApiAnns)
+getAndRemoveAnnotation anns span ann =
+ case Map.lookup ann_key ann_items of
+ Nothing -> ([],anns)
+ Just ss -> (ss,anns{ apiAnnItems = Map.delete ann_key ann_items })
+ where ann_items = apiAnnItems anns
+ ann_key = (span,ann)
+-- |Retrieve the comments allocated to the current 'SrcSpan'
+-- Note: A given 'SrcSpan' may appear in multiple AST elements,
+-- beware of duplicates
+getAnnotationComments :: ApiAnns -> RealSrcSpan -> [RealLocated AnnotationComment]
+getAnnotationComments anns span =
+ case Map.lookup span (apiAnnComments anns) of
+ Just cs -> cs
+ Nothing -> []
+-- |Retrieve the comments allocated to the current 'SrcSpan', and
+-- remove them from the annotations
+getAndRemoveAnnotationComments :: ApiAnns -> RealSrcSpan
+ -> ([RealLocated AnnotationComment],ApiAnns)
+getAndRemoveAnnotationComments anns span =
+ case Map.lookup span ann_comments of
+ Just cs -> (cs, anns{ apiAnnComments = Map.delete span ann_comments })
+ Nothing -> ([], anns)
+ where ann_comments = apiAnnComments anns
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | API Annotations exist so that tools can perform source to source
+-- conversions of Haskell code. They are used to keep track of the
+-- various syntactic keywords that are not captured in the existing
+-- AST.
+-- The annotations, together with original source comments are made
+-- available in the @'pm_annotations'@ field of @'GHC.ParsedModule'@.
+-- Comments are only retained if @'Opt_KeepRawTokenStream'@ is set in
+-- @'DynFlags.DynFlags'@ before parsing.
+-- The wiki page describing this feature is
+-- Note: in general the names of these are taken from the
+-- corresponding token, unless otherwise noted
+-- See note [Api annotations] above for details of the usage
+data AnnKeywordId
+ = AnnAnyclass
+ | AnnAs
+ | AnnAt
+ | AnnBang -- ^ '!'
+ | AnnBackquote -- ^ '`'
+ | AnnBy
+ | AnnCase -- ^ case or lambda case
+ | AnnClass
+ | AnnClose -- ^ '\#)' or '\#-}' etc
+ | AnnCloseB -- ^ '|)'
+ | AnnCloseBU -- ^ '|)', unicode variant
+ | AnnCloseC -- ^ '}'
+ | AnnCloseQ -- ^ '|]'
+ | AnnCloseQU -- ^ '|]', unicode variant
+ | AnnCloseP -- ^ ')'
+ | AnnCloseS -- ^ ']'
+ | AnnColon
+ | AnnComma -- ^ as a list separator
+ | AnnCommaTuple -- ^ in a RdrName for a tuple
+ | AnnDarrow -- ^ '=>'
+ | AnnDarrowU -- ^ '=>', unicode variant
+ | AnnData
+ | AnnDcolon -- ^ '::'
+ | AnnDcolonU -- ^ '::', unicode variant
+ | AnnDefault
+ | AnnDeriving
+ | AnnDo
+ | AnnDot -- ^ '.'
+ | AnnDotdot -- ^ '..'
+ | AnnElse
+ | AnnEqual
+ | AnnExport
+ | AnnFamily
+ | AnnForall
+ | AnnForallU -- ^ Unicode variant
+ | AnnForeign
+ | AnnFunId -- ^ for function name in matches where there are
+ -- multiple equations for the function.
+ | AnnGroup
+ | AnnHeader -- ^ for CType
+ | AnnHiding
+ | AnnIf
+ | AnnImport
+ | AnnIn
+ | AnnInfix -- ^ 'infix' or 'infixl' or 'infixr'
+ | AnnInstance
+ | AnnLam
+ | AnnLarrow -- ^ '<-'
+ | AnnLarrowU -- ^ '<-', unicode variant
+ | AnnLet
+ | AnnMdo
+ | AnnMinus -- ^ '-'
+ | AnnModule
+ | AnnNewtype
+ | AnnName -- ^ where a name loses its location in the AST, this carries it
+ | AnnOf
+ | AnnOpen -- ^ '(\#' or '{-\# LANGUAGE' etc
+ | AnnOpenB -- ^ '(|'
+ | AnnOpenBU -- ^ '(|', unicode variant
+ | AnnOpenC -- ^ '{'
+ | AnnOpenE -- ^ '[e|' or '[e||'
+ | AnnOpenEQ -- ^ '[|'
+ | AnnOpenEQU -- ^ '[|', unicode variant
+ | AnnOpenP -- ^ '('
+ | AnnOpenS -- ^ '['
+ | AnnDollar -- ^ prefix '$' -- TemplateHaskell
+ | AnnDollarDollar -- ^ prefix '$$' -- TemplateHaskell
+ | AnnPackageName
+ | AnnPattern
+ | AnnProc
+ | AnnQualified
+ | AnnRarrow -- ^ '->'
+ | AnnRarrowU -- ^ '->', unicode variant
+ | AnnRec
+ | AnnRole
+ | AnnSafe
+ | AnnSemi -- ^ ';'
+ | AnnSimpleQuote -- ^ '''
+ | AnnSignature
+ | AnnStatic -- ^ 'static'
+ | AnnStock
+ | AnnThen
+ | AnnThIdSplice -- ^ '$'
+ | AnnThIdTySplice -- ^ '$$'
+ | AnnThTyQuote -- ^ double '''
+ | AnnTilde -- ^ '~'
+ | AnnType
+ | AnnUnit -- ^ '()' for types
+ | AnnUsing
+ | AnnVal -- ^ e.g. INTEGER
+ | AnnValStr -- ^ String value, will need quotes when output
+ | AnnVbar -- ^ '|'
+ | AnnVia -- ^ 'via'
+ | AnnWhere
+ | Annlarrowtail -- ^ '-<'
+ | AnnlarrowtailU -- ^ '-<', unicode variant
+ | Annrarrowtail -- ^ '->'
+ | AnnrarrowtailU -- ^ '->', unicode variant
+ | AnnLarrowtail -- ^ '-<<'
+ | AnnLarrowtailU -- ^ '-<<', unicode variant
+ | AnnRarrowtail -- ^ '>>-'
+ | AnnRarrowtailU -- ^ '>>-', unicode variant
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Show)
+instance Outputable AnnKeywordId where
+ ppr x = text (show x)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+data AnnotationComment =
+ -- Documentation annotations
+ AnnDocCommentNext String -- ^ something beginning '-- |'
+ | AnnDocCommentPrev String -- ^ something beginning '-- ^'
+ | AnnDocCommentNamed String -- ^ something beginning '-- $'
+ | AnnDocSection Int String -- ^ a section heading
+ | AnnDocOptions String -- ^ doc options (prune, ignore-exports, etc)
+ | AnnLineComment String -- ^ comment starting by "--"
+ | AnnBlockComment String -- ^ comment in {- -}
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Show)
+-- Note: these are based on the Token versions, but the Token type is
+-- defined in GHC.Parser.Lexer and bringing it in here would create a loop
+instance Outputable AnnotationComment where
+ ppr x = text (show x)
+-- | - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnOpen',
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnClose','ApiAnnotation.AnnComma',
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnRarrow'
+-- 'ApiAnnotation.AnnTilde'
+-- - May have 'ApiAnnotation.AnnComma' when in a list
+type LRdrName = Located RdrName
+-- | Certain tokens can have alternate representations when unicode syntax is
+-- enabled. This flag is attached to those tokens in the lexer so that the
+-- original source representation can be reproduced in the corresponding
+-- 'ApiAnnotation'
+data IsUnicodeSyntax = UnicodeSyntax | NormalSyntax
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Show)
+-- | Convert a normal annotation into its unicode equivalent one
+unicodeAnn :: AnnKeywordId -> AnnKeywordId
+unicodeAnn AnnForall = AnnForallU
+unicodeAnn AnnDcolon = AnnDcolonU
+unicodeAnn AnnLarrow = AnnLarrowU
+unicodeAnn AnnRarrow = AnnRarrowU
+unicodeAnn AnnDarrow = AnnDarrowU
+unicodeAnn Annlarrowtail = AnnlarrowtailU
+unicodeAnn Annrarrowtail = AnnrarrowtailU
+unicodeAnn AnnLarrowtail = AnnLarrowtailU
+unicodeAnn AnnRarrowtail = AnnRarrowtailU
+unicodeAnn AnnOpenB = AnnOpenBU
+unicodeAnn AnnCloseB = AnnCloseBU
+unicodeAnn AnnOpenEQ = AnnOpenEQU
+unicodeAnn AnnCloseQ = AnnCloseQU
+unicodeAnn ann = ann
+-- | Some template haskell tokens have two variants, one with an `e` the other
+-- not:
+-- > [| or [e|
+-- > [|| or [e||
+-- This type indicates whether the 'e' is present or not.
+data HasE = HasE | NoE
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Show)