path: root/compiler/GHC/Parser/Lexer.x
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1 files changed, 3294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Parser/Lexer.x b/compiler/GHC/Parser/Lexer.x
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17b6674c95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Parser/Lexer.x
@@ -0,0 +1,3294 @@
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow, 2006
+-- GHC's lexer for Haskell 2010 [1].
+-- This is a combination of an Alex-generated lexer [2] from a regex
+-- definition, with some hand-coded bits. [3]
+-- Completely accurate information about token-spans within the source
+-- file is maintained. Every token has a start and end RealSrcLoc
+-- attached to it.
+-- References:
+-- [1]
+-- [2]
+-- [3]
+-- ToDo / known bugs:
+-- - parsing integers is a bit slow
+-- - readRational is a bit slow
+-- Known bugs, that were also in the previous version:
+-- - M... should be 3 tokens, not 1.
+-- - pragma-end should be only valid in a pragma
+-- qualified operator NOTES.
+-- - If M.(+) is a single lexeme, then..
+-- - Probably (+) should be a single lexeme too, for consistency.
+-- Otherwise ( + ) would be a prefix operator, but M.( + ) would not be.
+-- - But we have to rule out reserved operators, otherwise (..) becomes
+-- a different lexeme.
+-- - Should we therefore also rule out reserved operators in the qualified
+-- form? This is quite difficult to achieve. We don't do it for
+-- qualified varids.
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Alex "Haskell code fragment top"
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+module GHC.Parser.Lexer (
+ Token(..), lexer, lexerDbg, pragState, mkPState, mkPStatePure, PState(..),
+ P(..), ParseResult(..), mkParserFlags, mkParserFlags', ParserFlags(..),
+ appendWarning,
+ appendError,
+ allocateComments,
+ MonadP(..),
+ getRealSrcLoc, getPState, withThisPackage,
+ failMsgP, failLocMsgP, srcParseFail,
+ getErrorMessages, getMessages,
+ popContext, pushModuleContext, setLastToken, setSrcLoc,
+ activeContext, nextIsEOF,
+ getLexState, popLexState, pushLexState,
+ ExtBits(..),
+ xtest,
+ lexTokenStream,
+ AddAnn(..),mkParensApiAnn,
+ addAnnsAt,
+ commentToAnnotation
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+-- base
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Word
+import EnumSet (EnumSet)
+import qualified EnumSet
+-- ghc-boot
+import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
+-- bytestring
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+-- containers
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+-- compiler/utils
+import Bag
+import Outputable
+import StringBuffer
+import FastString
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
+import Util ( readRational, readHexRational )
+-- compiler/main
+import ErrUtils
+import GHC.Driver.Session as DynFlags
+-- compiler/basicTypes
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import GHC.Types.Module
+import GHC.Types.Basic ( InlineSpec(..), RuleMatchInfo(..),
+ IntegralLit(..), FractionalLit(..),
+ SourceText(..) )
+-- compiler/parser
+import GHC.Parser.CharClass
+import GHC.Parser.Annotation
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Alex "Character set macros"
+-- NB: The logic behind these definitions is also reflected in basicTypes/Lexeme.hs
+-- Any changes here should likely be reflected there.
+$unispace = \x05 -- Trick Alex into handling Unicode. See [Unicode in Alex].
+$nl = [\n\r\f]
+$whitechar = [$nl\v\ $unispace]
+$white_no_nl = $whitechar # \n -- TODO #8424
+$tab = \t
+$ascdigit = 0-9
+$unidigit = \x03 -- Trick Alex into handling Unicode. See [Unicode in Alex].
+$decdigit = $ascdigit -- for now, should really be $digit (ToDo)
+$digit = [$ascdigit $unidigit]
+$special = [\(\)\,\;\[\]\`\{\}]
+$ascsymbol = [\!\#\$\%\&\*\+\.\/\<\=\>\?\@\\\^\|\-\~\:]
+$unisymbol = \x04 -- Trick Alex into handling Unicode. See [Unicode in Alex].
+$symbol = [$ascsymbol $unisymbol] # [$special \_\"\']
+$unilarge = \x01 -- Trick Alex into handling Unicode. See [Unicode in Alex].
+$asclarge = [A-Z]
+$large = [$asclarge $unilarge]
+$unismall = \x02 -- Trick Alex into handling Unicode. See [Unicode in Alex].
+$ascsmall = [a-z]
+$small = [$ascsmall $unismall \_]
+$unigraphic = \x06 -- Trick Alex into handling Unicode. See [Unicode in Alex].
+$graphic = [$small $large $symbol $digit $special $unigraphic \"\']
+$binit = 0-1
+$octit = 0-7
+$hexit = [$decdigit A-F a-f]
+$uniidchar = \x07 -- Trick Alex into handling Unicode. See [Unicode in Alex].
+$idchar = [$small $large $digit $uniidchar \']
+$pragmachar = [$small $large $digit]
+$docsym = [\| \^ \* \$]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Alex "Regular expression macros"
+@varid = $small $idchar* -- variable identifiers
+@conid = $large $idchar* -- constructor identifiers
+@varsym = ($symbol # \:) $symbol* -- variable (operator) symbol
+@consym = \: $symbol* -- constructor (operator) symbol
+-- See Note [Lexing NumericUnderscores extension] and #14473
+@numspc = _* -- numeric spacer (#14473)
+@decimal = $decdigit(@numspc $decdigit)*
+@binary = $binit(@numspc $binit)*
+@octal = $octit(@numspc $octit)*
+@hexadecimal = $hexit(@numspc $hexit)*
+@exponent = @numspc [eE] [\-\+]? @decimal
+@bin_exponent = @numspc [pP] [\-\+]? @decimal
+@qual = (@conid \.)+
+@qvarid = @qual @varid
+@qconid = @qual @conid
+@qvarsym = @qual @varsym
+@qconsym = @qual @consym
+@floating_point = @numspc @decimal \. @decimal @exponent? | @numspc @decimal @exponent
+@hex_floating_point = @numspc @hexadecimal \. @hexadecimal @bin_exponent? | @numspc @hexadecimal @bin_exponent
+-- normal signed numerical literals can only be explicitly negative,
+-- not explicitly positive (contrast @exponent)
+@negative = \-
+@signed = @negative ?
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Alex "Identifier"
+haskell :-
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Alex "Rules"
+-- everywhere: skip whitespace
+$white_no_nl+ ;
+$tab { warnTab }
+-- Everywhere: deal with nested comments. We explicitly rule out
+-- pragmas, "{-#", so that we don't accidentally treat them as comments.
+-- (this can happen even though pragmas will normally take precedence due to
+-- longest-match, because pragmas aren't valid in every state, but comments
+-- are). We also rule out nested Haddock comments, if the -haddock flag is
+-- set.
+"{-" / { isNormalComment } { nested_comment lexToken }
+-- Single-line comments are a bit tricky. Haskell 98 says that two or
+-- more dashes followed by a symbol should be parsed as a varsym, so we
+-- have to exclude those.
+-- Since Haddock comments aren't valid in every state, we need to rule them
+-- out here.
+-- The following two rules match comments that begin with two dashes, but
+-- continue with a different character. The rules test that this character
+-- is not a symbol (in which case we'd have a varsym), and that it's not a
+-- space followed by a Haddock comment symbol (docsym) (in which case we'd
+-- have a Haddock comment). The rules then munch the rest of the line.
+"-- " ~$docsym .* { lineCommentToken }
+"--" [^$symbol \ ] .* { lineCommentToken }
+-- Next, match Haddock comments if no -haddock flag
+"-- " $docsym .* / { alexNotPred (ifExtension HaddockBit) } { lineCommentToken }
+-- Now, when we've matched comments that begin with 2 dashes and continue
+-- with a different character, we need to match comments that begin with three
+-- or more dashes (which clearly can't be Haddock comments). We only need to
+-- make sure that the first non-dash character isn't a symbol, and munch the
+-- rest of the line.
+"---"\-* ~$symbol .* { lineCommentToken }
+-- Since the previous rules all match dashes followed by at least one
+-- character, we also need to match a whole line filled with just dashes.
+"--"\-* / { atEOL } { lineCommentToken }
+-- We need this rule since none of the other single line comment rules
+-- actually match this case.
+"-- " / { atEOL } { lineCommentToken }
+-- 'bol' state: beginning of a line. Slurp up all the whitespace (including
+-- blank lines) until we find a non-whitespace character, then do layout
+-- processing.
+-- One slight wibble here: what if the line begins with {-#? In
+-- theory, we have to lex the pragma to see if it's one we recognise,
+-- and if it is, then we backtrack and do_bol, otherwise we treat it
+-- as a nested comment. We don't bother with this: if the line begins
+-- with {-#, then we'll assume it's a pragma we know about and go for do_bol.
+<bol> {
+ \n ;
+ ^\# line { begin line_prag1 }
+ ^\# / { followedByDigit } { begin line_prag1 }
+ ^\# pragma .* \n ; -- GCC 3.3 CPP generated, apparently
+ ^\# \! .* \n ; -- #!, for scripts
+ () { do_bol }
+-- after a layout keyword (let, where, do, of), we begin a new layout
+-- context if the curly brace is missing.
+-- Careful! This stuff is quite delicate.
+<layout, layout_do, layout_if> {
+ \{ / { notFollowedBy '-' } { hopefully_open_brace }
+ -- we might encounter {-# here, but {- has been handled already
+ \n ;
+ ^\# (line)? { begin line_prag1 }
+-- after an 'if', a vertical bar starts a layout context for MultiWayIf
+<layout_if> {
+ \| / { notFollowedBySymbol } { new_layout_context True dontGenerateSemic ITvbar }
+ () { pop }
+-- do is treated in a subtly different way, see new_layout_context
+<layout> () { new_layout_context True generateSemic ITvocurly }
+<layout_do> () { new_layout_context False generateSemic ITvocurly }
+-- after a new layout context which was found to be to the left of the
+-- previous context, we have generated a '{' token, and we now need to
+-- generate a matching '}' token.
+<layout_left> () { do_layout_left }
+<0,option_prags> \n { begin bol }
+"{-#" $whitechar* $pragmachar+ / { known_pragma linePrags }
+ { dispatch_pragmas linePrags }
+-- single-line line pragmas, of the form
+-- # <line> "<file>" <extra-stuff> \n
+<line_prag1> {
+ @decimal $white_no_nl+ \" [$graphic \ ]* \" { setLineAndFile line_prag1a }
+ () { failLinePrag1 }
+<line_prag1a> .* { popLinePrag1 }
+-- Haskell-style line pragmas, of the form
+-- {-# LINE <line> "<file>" #-}
+<line_prag2> {
+ @decimal $white_no_nl+ \" [$graphic \ ]* \" { setLineAndFile line_prag2a }
+<line_prag2a> "#-}"|"-}" { pop }
+ -- NOTE: accept -} at the end of a LINE pragma, for compatibility
+ -- with older versions of GHC which generated these.
+-- Haskell-style column pragmas, of the form
+-- {-# COLUMN <column> #-}
+<column_prag> @decimal $whitechar* "#-}" { setColumn }
+<0,option_prags> {
+ "{-#" $whitechar* $pragmachar+
+ $whitechar+ $pragmachar+ / { known_pragma twoWordPrags }
+ { dispatch_pragmas twoWordPrags }
+ "{-#" $whitechar* $pragmachar+ / { known_pragma oneWordPrags }
+ { dispatch_pragmas oneWordPrags }
+ -- We ignore all these pragmas, but don't generate a warning for them
+ "{-#" $whitechar* $pragmachar+ / { known_pragma ignoredPrags }
+ { dispatch_pragmas ignoredPrags }
+ -- ToDo: should only be valid inside a pragma:
+ "#-}" { endPrag }
+<option_prags> {
+ "{-#" $whitechar* $pragmachar+ / { known_pragma fileHeaderPrags }
+ { dispatch_pragmas fileHeaderPrags }
+<0> {
+ -- In the "0" mode we ignore these pragmas
+ "{-#" $whitechar* $pragmachar+ / { known_pragma fileHeaderPrags }
+ { nested_comment lexToken }
+<0,option_prags> {
+ "{-#" { warnThen Opt_WarnUnrecognisedPragmas (text "Unrecognised pragma")
+ (nested_comment lexToken) }
+-- '0' state: ordinary lexemes
+-- Haddock comments
+<0,option_prags> {
+ "-- " $docsym / { ifExtension HaddockBit } { multiline_doc_comment }
+ "{-" \ ? $docsym / { ifExtension HaddockBit } { nested_doc_comment }
+-- "special" symbols
+<0> {
+ "[|" / { ifExtension ThQuotesBit } { token (ITopenExpQuote NoE NormalSyntax) }
+ "[||" / { ifExtension ThQuotesBit } { token (ITopenTExpQuote NoE) }
+ "[e|" / { ifExtension ThQuotesBit } { token (ITopenExpQuote HasE NormalSyntax) }
+ "[e||" / { ifExtension ThQuotesBit } { token (ITopenTExpQuote HasE) }
+ "[p|" / { ifExtension ThQuotesBit } { token ITopenPatQuote }
+ "[d|" / { ifExtension ThQuotesBit } { layout_token ITopenDecQuote }
+ "[t|" / { ifExtension ThQuotesBit } { token ITopenTypQuote }
+ "|]" / { ifExtension ThQuotesBit } { token (ITcloseQuote NormalSyntax) }
+ "||]" / { ifExtension ThQuotesBit } { token ITcloseTExpQuote }
+ "[" @varid "|" / { ifExtension QqBit } { lex_quasiquote_tok }
+ -- qualified quasi-quote (#5555)
+ "[" @qvarid "|" / { ifExtension QqBit } { lex_qquasiquote_tok }
+ $unigraphic -- ⟦
+ / { ifCurrentChar '⟦' `alexAndPred`
+ ifExtension UnicodeSyntaxBit `alexAndPred`
+ ifExtension ThQuotesBit }
+ { token (ITopenExpQuote NoE UnicodeSyntax) }
+ $unigraphic -- ⟧
+ / { ifCurrentChar '⟧' `alexAndPred`
+ ifExtension UnicodeSyntaxBit `alexAndPred`
+ ifExtension ThQuotesBit }
+ { token (ITcloseQuote UnicodeSyntax) }
+<0> {
+ "(|"
+ / { ifExtension ArrowsBit `alexAndPred`
+ notFollowedBySymbol }
+ { special (IToparenbar NormalSyntax) }
+ "|)"
+ / { ifExtension ArrowsBit }
+ { special (ITcparenbar NormalSyntax) }
+ $unigraphic -- ⦇
+ / { ifCurrentChar '⦇' `alexAndPred`
+ ifExtension UnicodeSyntaxBit `alexAndPred`
+ ifExtension ArrowsBit }
+ { special (IToparenbar UnicodeSyntax) }
+ $unigraphic -- ⦈
+ / { ifCurrentChar '⦈' `alexAndPred`
+ ifExtension UnicodeSyntaxBit `alexAndPred`
+ ifExtension ArrowsBit }
+ { special (ITcparenbar UnicodeSyntax) }
+<0> {
+ \? @varid / { ifExtension IpBit } { skip_one_varid ITdupipvarid }
+<0> {
+ "#" @varid / { ifExtension OverloadedLabelsBit } { skip_one_varid ITlabelvarid }
+<0> {
+ "(#" / { ifExtension UnboxedTuplesBit `alexOrPred`
+ ifExtension UnboxedSumsBit }
+ { token IToubxparen }
+ "#)" / { ifExtension UnboxedTuplesBit `alexOrPred`
+ ifExtension UnboxedSumsBit }
+ { token ITcubxparen }
+<0,option_prags> {
+ \( { special IToparen }
+ \) { special ITcparen }
+ \[ { special ITobrack }
+ \] { special ITcbrack }
+ \, { special ITcomma }
+ \; { special ITsemi }
+ \` { special ITbackquote }
+ \{ { open_brace }
+ \} { close_brace }
+<0,option_prags> {
+ @qvarid { idtoken qvarid }
+ @qconid { idtoken qconid }
+ @varid { varid }
+ @conid { idtoken conid }
+<0> {
+ @qvarid "#"+ / { ifExtension MagicHashBit } { idtoken qvarid }
+ @qconid "#"+ / { ifExtension MagicHashBit } { idtoken qconid }
+ @varid "#"+ / { ifExtension MagicHashBit } { varid }
+ @conid "#"+ / { ifExtension MagicHashBit } { idtoken conid }
+-- Operators classified into prefix, suffix, tight infix, and loose infix.
+-- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing]
+<0> {
+ @varsym / { precededByClosingToken `alexAndPred` followedByOpeningToken } { varsym_tight_infix }
+ @varsym / { followedByOpeningToken } { varsym_prefix }
+ @varsym / { precededByClosingToken } { varsym_suffix }
+ @varsym { varsym_loose_infix }
+-- ToDo: - move `var` and (sym) into lexical syntax?
+-- - remove backquote from $special?
+<0> {
+ @qvarsym { idtoken qvarsym }
+ @qconsym { idtoken qconsym }
+ @consym { consym }
+-- For the normal boxed literals we need to be careful
+-- when trying to be close to Haskell98
+-- Note [Lexing NumericUnderscores extension] (#14473)
+-- NumericUnderscores extension allows underscores in numeric literals.
+-- Multiple underscores are represented with @numspc macro.
+-- To be simpler, we have only the definitions with underscores.
+-- And then we have a separate function (tok_integral and tok_frac)
+-- that validates the literals.
+-- If extensions are not enabled, check that there are no underscores.
+<0> {
+ -- Normal integral literals (:: Num a => a, from Integer)
+ @decimal { tok_num positive 0 0 decimal }
+ 0[bB] @numspc @binary / { ifExtension BinaryLiteralsBit } { tok_num positive 2 2 binary }
+ 0[oO] @numspc @octal { tok_num positive 2 2 octal }
+ 0[xX] @numspc @hexadecimal { tok_num positive 2 2 hexadecimal }
+ @negative @decimal / { ifExtension NegativeLiteralsBit } { tok_num negative 1 1 decimal }
+ @negative 0[bB] @numspc @binary / { ifExtension NegativeLiteralsBit `alexAndPred`
+ ifExtension BinaryLiteralsBit } { tok_num negative 3 3 binary }
+ @negative 0[oO] @numspc @octal / { ifExtension NegativeLiteralsBit } { tok_num negative 3 3 octal }
+ @negative 0[xX] @numspc @hexadecimal / { ifExtension NegativeLiteralsBit } { tok_num negative 3 3 hexadecimal }
+ -- Normal rational literals (:: Fractional a => a, from Rational)
+ @floating_point { tok_frac 0 tok_float }
+ @negative @floating_point / { ifExtension NegativeLiteralsBit } { tok_frac 0 tok_float }
+ 0[xX] @numspc @hex_floating_point / { ifExtension HexFloatLiteralsBit } { tok_frac 0 tok_hex_float }
+ @negative 0[xX] @numspc @hex_floating_point
+ / { ifExtension HexFloatLiteralsBit `alexAndPred`
+ ifExtension NegativeLiteralsBit } { tok_frac 0 tok_hex_float }
+<0> {
+ -- Unboxed ints (:: Int#) and words (:: Word#)
+ -- It's simpler (and faster?) to give separate cases to the negatives,
+ -- especially considering octal/hexadecimal prefixes.
+ @decimal \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit } { tok_primint positive 0 1 decimal }
+ 0[bB] @numspc @binary \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit `alexAndPred`
+ ifExtension BinaryLiteralsBit } { tok_primint positive 2 3 binary }
+ 0[oO] @numspc @octal \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit } { tok_primint positive 2 3 octal }
+ 0[xX] @numspc @hexadecimal \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit } { tok_primint positive 2 3 hexadecimal }
+ @negative @decimal \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit } { tok_primint negative 1 2 decimal }
+ @negative 0[bB] @numspc @binary \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit `alexAndPred`
+ ifExtension BinaryLiteralsBit } { tok_primint negative 3 4 binary }
+ @negative 0[oO] @numspc @octal \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit } { tok_primint negative 3 4 octal }
+ @negative 0[xX] @numspc @hexadecimal \#
+ / { ifExtension MagicHashBit } { tok_primint negative 3 4 hexadecimal }
+ @decimal \# \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit } { tok_primword 0 2 decimal }
+ 0[bB] @numspc @binary \# \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit `alexAndPred`
+ ifExtension BinaryLiteralsBit } { tok_primword 2 4 binary }
+ 0[oO] @numspc @octal \# \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit } { tok_primword 2 4 octal }
+ 0[xX] @numspc @hexadecimal \# \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit } { tok_primword 2 4 hexadecimal }
+ -- Unboxed floats and doubles (:: Float#, :: Double#)
+ -- prim_{float,double} work with signed literals
+ @signed @floating_point \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit } { tok_frac 1 tok_primfloat }
+ @signed @floating_point \# \# / { ifExtension MagicHashBit } { tok_frac 2 tok_primdouble }
+-- Strings and chars are lexed by hand-written code. The reason is
+-- that even if we recognise the string or char here in the regex
+-- lexer, we would still have to parse the string afterward in order
+-- to convert it to a String.
+<0> {
+ \' { lex_char_tok }
+ \" { lex_string_tok }
+-- Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- In accord with GHC Proposal #229
+-- we classify operator occurrences into four categories:
+-- a ! b -- a loose infix occurrence
+-- a!b -- a tight infix occurrence
+-- a !b -- a prefix occurrence
+-- a! b -- a suffix occurrence
+-- The rules are a bit more elaborate than simply checking for whitespace, in
+-- order to accommodate the following use cases:
+-- f (!a) = ... -- prefix occurrence
+-- g (a !) -- loose infix occurrence
+-- g (! a) -- loose infix occurrence
+-- The precise rules are as follows:
+-- * Identifiers, literals, and opening brackets (, (#, [, [|, [||, [p|, [e|,
+-- [t|, {, are considered "opening tokens". The function followedByOpeningToken
+-- tests whether the next token is an opening token.
+-- * Identifiers, literals, and closing brackets ), #), ], |], },
+-- are considered "closing tokens". The function precededByClosingToken tests
+-- whether the previous token is a closing token.
+-- * Whitespace, comments, separators, and other tokens, are considered
+-- neither opening nor closing.
+-- * Any unqualified operator occurrence is classified as prefix, suffix, or
+-- tight/loose infix, based on preceding and following tokens:
+-- precededByClosingToken | followedByOpeningToken | Occurrence
+-- ------------------------+------------------------+------------
+-- False | True | prefix
+-- True | False | suffix
+-- True | True | tight infix
+-- False | False | loose infix
+-- ------------------------+------------------------+------------
+-- A loose infix occurrence is always considered an operator. Other types of
+-- occurrences may be assigned a special per-operator meaning override:
+-- Operator | Occurrence | Token returned
+-- ----------+---------------+------------------------------------------
+-- ! | prefix | ITbang
+-- | | strictness annotation or bang pattern,
+-- | | e.g. f !x = rhs, data T = MkT !a
+-- | not prefix | ITvarsym "!"
+-- | | ordinary operator or type operator,
+-- | | e.g. xs ! 3, (! x), Int ! Bool
+-- ----------+---------------+------------------------------------------
+-- ~ | prefix | ITtilde
+-- | | laziness annotation or lazy pattern,
+-- | | e.g. f ~x = rhs, data T = MkT ~a
+-- | not prefix | ITvarsym "~"
+-- | | ordinary operator or type operator,
+-- | | e.g. xs ~ 3, (~ x), Int ~ Bool
+-- ----------+---------------+------------------------------------------
+-- $ $$ | prefix | ITdollar, ITdollardollar
+-- | | untyped or typed Template Haskell splice,
+-- | | e.g. $(f x), $$(f x), $$"str"
+-- | not prefix | ITvarsym "$", ITvarsym "$$"
+-- | | ordinary operator or type operator,
+-- | | e.g. f $ g x, a $$ b
+-- ----------+---------------+------------------------------------------
+-- @ | prefix | ITtypeApp
+-- | | type application, e.g. fmap @Maybe
+-- | tight infix | ITat
+-- | | as-pattern, e.g. f p@(a,b) = rhs
+-- | suffix | parse error
+-- | | e.g. f p@ x = rhs
+-- | loose infix | ITvarsym "@"
+-- | | ordinary operator or type operator,
+-- | | e.g. f @ g, (f @)
+-- ----------+---------------+------------------------------------------
+-- Also, some of these overrides are guarded behind language extensions.
+-- According to the specification, we must determine the occurrence based on
+-- surrounding *tokens* (see the proposal for the exact rules). However, in
+-- the implementation we cheat a little and do the classification based on
+-- characters, for reasons of both simplicity and efficiency (see
+-- 'followedByOpeningToken' and 'precededByClosingToken')
+-- When an operator is subject to a meaning override, it is mapped to special
+-- token: ITbang, ITtilde, ITat, ITdollar, ITdollardollar. Otherwise, it is
+-- returned as ITvarsym.
+-- For example, this is how we process the (!):
+-- precededByClosingToken | followedByOpeningToken | Token
+-- ------------------------+------------------------+-------------
+-- False | True | ITbang
+-- True | False | ITvarsym "!"
+-- True | True | ITvarsym "!"
+-- False | False | ITvarsym "!"
+-- ------------------------+------------------------+-------------
+-- And this is how we process the (@):
+-- precededByClosingToken | followedByOpeningToken | Token
+-- ------------------------+------------------------+-------------
+-- False | True | ITtypeApp
+-- True | False | parse error
+-- True | True | ITat
+-- False | False | ITvarsym "@"
+-- ------------------------+------------------------+-------------
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Alex "Haskell code fragment bottom"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The token type
+data Token
+ = ITas -- Haskell keywords
+ | ITcase
+ | ITclass
+ | ITdata
+ | ITdefault
+ | ITderiving
+ | ITdo
+ | ITelse
+ | IThiding
+ | ITforeign
+ | ITif
+ | ITimport
+ | ITin
+ | ITinfix
+ | ITinfixl
+ | ITinfixr
+ | ITinstance
+ | ITlet
+ | ITmodule
+ | ITnewtype
+ | ITof
+ | ITqualified
+ | ITthen
+ | ITtype
+ | ITwhere
+ | ITforall IsUnicodeSyntax -- GHC extension keywords
+ | ITexport
+ | ITlabel
+ | ITdynamic
+ | ITsafe
+ | ITinterruptible
+ | ITunsafe
+ | ITstdcallconv
+ | ITccallconv
+ | ITcapiconv
+ | ITprimcallconv
+ | ITjavascriptcallconv
+ | ITmdo
+ | ITfamily
+ | ITrole
+ | ITgroup
+ | ITby
+ | ITusing
+ | ITpattern
+ | ITstatic
+ | ITstock
+ | ITanyclass
+ | ITvia
+ -- Backpack tokens
+ | ITunit
+ | ITsignature
+ | ITdependency
+ | ITrequires
+ -- Pragmas, see note [Pragma source text] in BasicTypes
+ | ITinline_prag SourceText InlineSpec RuleMatchInfo
+ | ITspec_prag SourceText -- SPECIALISE
+ | ITspec_inline_prag SourceText Bool -- SPECIALISE INLINE (or NOINLINE)
+ | ITsource_prag SourceText
+ | ITrules_prag SourceText
+ | ITwarning_prag SourceText
+ | ITdeprecated_prag SourceText
+ | ITline_prag SourceText -- not usually produced, see 'UsePosPragsBit'
+ | ITcolumn_prag SourceText -- not usually produced, see 'UsePosPragsBit'
+ | ITscc_prag SourceText
+ | ITgenerated_prag SourceText
+ | ITcore_prag SourceText -- hdaume: core annotations
+ | ITunpack_prag SourceText
+ | ITnounpack_prag SourceText
+ | ITann_prag SourceText
+ | ITcomplete_prag SourceText
+ | ITclose_prag
+ | IToptions_prag String
+ | ITinclude_prag String
+ | ITlanguage_prag
+ | ITminimal_prag SourceText
+ | IToverlappable_prag SourceText -- instance overlap mode
+ | IToverlapping_prag SourceText -- instance overlap mode
+ | IToverlaps_prag SourceText -- instance overlap mode
+ | ITincoherent_prag SourceText -- instance overlap mode
+ | ITctype SourceText
+ | ITcomment_line_prag -- See Note [Nested comment line pragmas]
+ | ITdotdot -- reserved symbols
+ | ITcolon
+ | ITdcolon IsUnicodeSyntax
+ | ITequal
+ | ITlam
+ | ITlcase
+ | ITvbar
+ | ITlarrow IsUnicodeSyntax
+ | ITrarrow IsUnicodeSyntax
+ | ITdarrow IsUnicodeSyntax
+ | ITminus
+ | ITbang -- Prefix (!) only, e.g. f !x = rhs
+ | ITtilde -- Prefix (~) only, e.g. f ~x = rhs
+ | ITat -- Tight infix (@) only, e.g. f x@pat = rhs
+ | ITtypeApp -- Prefix (@) only, e.g. f @t
+ | ITstar IsUnicodeSyntax
+ | ITdot
+ | ITbiglam -- GHC-extension symbols
+ | ITocurly -- special symbols
+ | ITccurly
+ | ITvocurly
+ | ITvccurly
+ | ITobrack
+ | ITopabrack -- [:, for parallel arrays with -XParallelArrays
+ | ITcpabrack -- :], for parallel arrays with -XParallelArrays
+ | ITcbrack
+ | IToparen
+ | ITcparen
+ | IToubxparen
+ | ITcubxparen
+ | ITsemi
+ | ITcomma
+ | ITunderscore
+ | ITbackquote
+ | ITsimpleQuote -- '
+ | ITvarid FastString -- identifiers
+ | ITconid FastString
+ | ITvarsym FastString
+ | ITconsym FastString
+ | ITqvarid (FastString,FastString)
+ | ITqconid (FastString,FastString)
+ | ITqvarsym (FastString,FastString)
+ | ITqconsym (FastString,FastString)
+ | ITdupipvarid FastString -- GHC extension: implicit param: ?x
+ | ITlabelvarid FastString -- Overloaded label: #x
+ | ITchar SourceText Char -- Note [Literal source text] in BasicTypes
+ | ITstring SourceText FastString -- Note [Literal source text] in BasicTypes
+ | ITinteger IntegralLit -- Note [Literal source text] in BasicTypes
+ | ITrational FractionalLit
+ | ITprimchar SourceText Char -- Note [Literal source text] in BasicTypes
+ | ITprimstring SourceText ByteString -- Note [Literal source text] @BasicTypes
+ | ITprimint SourceText Integer -- Note [Literal source text] in BasicTypes
+ | ITprimword SourceText Integer -- Note [Literal source text] in BasicTypes
+ | ITprimfloat FractionalLit
+ | ITprimdouble FractionalLit
+ -- Template Haskell extension tokens
+ | ITopenExpQuote HasE IsUnicodeSyntax -- [| or [e|
+ | ITopenPatQuote -- [p|
+ | ITopenDecQuote -- [d|
+ | ITopenTypQuote -- [t|
+ | ITcloseQuote IsUnicodeSyntax -- |]
+ | ITopenTExpQuote HasE -- [|| or [e||
+ | ITcloseTExpQuote -- ||]
+ | ITdollar -- prefix $
+ | ITdollardollar -- prefix $$
+ | ITtyQuote -- ''
+ | ITquasiQuote (FastString,FastString,PsSpan)
+ -- ITquasiQuote(quoter, quote, loc)
+ -- represents a quasi-quote of the form
+ -- [quoter| quote |]
+ | ITqQuasiQuote (FastString,FastString,FastString,PsSpan)
+ -- ITqQuasiQuote(Qual, quoter, quote, loc)
+ -- represents a qualified quasi-quote of the form
+ -- [Qual.quoter| quote |]
+ -- Arrow notation extension
+ | ITproc
+ | ITrec
+ | IToparenbar IsUnicodeSyntax -- ^ @(|@
+ | ITcparenbar IsUnicodeSyntax -- ^ @|)@
+ | ITlarrowtail IsUnicodeSyntax -- ^ @-<@
+ | ITrarrowtail IsUnicodeSyntax -- ^ @>-@
+ | ITLarrowtail IsUnicodeSyntax -- ^ @-<<@
+ | ITRarrowtail IsUnicodeSyntax -- ^ @>>-@
+ | ITunknown String -- ^ Used when the lexer can't make sense of it
+ | ITeof -- ^ end of file token
+ -- Documentation annotations
+ | ITdocCommentNext String -- ^ something beginning @-- |@
+ | ITdocCommentPrev String -- ^ something beginning @-- ^@
+ | ITdocCommentNamed String -- ^ something beginning @-- $@
+ | ITdocSection Int String -- ^ a section heading
+ | ITdocOptions String -- ^ doc options (prune, ignore-exports, etc)
+ | ITlineComment String -- ^ comment starting by "--"
+ | ITblockComment String -- ^ comment in {- -}
+ deriving Show
+instance Outputable Token where
+ ppr x = text (show x)
+-- the bitmap provided as the third component indicates whether the
+-- corresponding extension keyword is valid under the extension options
+-- provided to the compiler; if the extension corresponding to *any* of the
+-- bits set in the bitmap is enabled, the keyword is valid (this setup
+-- facilitates using a keyword in two different extensions that can be
+-- activated independently)
+reservedWordsFM :: UniqFM (Token, ExtsBitmap)
+reservedWordsFM = listToUFM $
+ map (\(x, y, z) -> (mkFastString x, (y, z)))
+ [( "_", ITunderscore, 0 ),
+ ( "as", ITas, 0 ),
+ ( "case", ITcase, 0 ),
+ ( "class", ITclass, 0 ),
+ ( "data", ITdata, 0 ),
+ ( "default", ITdefault, 0 ),
+ ( "deriving", ITderiving, 0 ),
+ ( "do", ITdo, 0 ),
+ ( "else", ITelse, 0 ),
+ ( "hiding", IThiding, 0 ),
+ ( "if", ITif, 0 ),
+ ( "import", ITimport, 0 ),
+ ( "in", ITin, 0 ),
+ ( "infix", ITinfix, 0 ),
+ ( "infixl", ITinfixl, 0 ),
+ ( "infixr", ITinfixr, 0 ),
+ ( "instance", ITinstance, 0 ),
+ ( "let", ITlet, 0 ),
+ ( "module", ITmodule, 0 ),
+ ( "newtype", ITnewtype, 0 ),
+ ( "of", ITof, 0 ),
+ ( "qualified", ITqualified, 0 ),
+ ( "then", ITthen, 0 ),
+ ( "type", ITtype, 0 ),
+ ( "where", ITwhere, 0 ),
+ ( "forall", ITforall NormalSyntax, 0),
+ ( "mdo", ITmdo, xbit RecursiveDoBit),
+ -- See Note [Lexing type pseudo-keywords]
+ ( "family", ITfamily, 0 ),
+ ( "role", ITrole, 0 ),
+ ( "pattern", ITpattern, xbit PatternSynonymsBit),
+ ( "static", ITstatic, xbit StaticPointersBit ),
+ ( "stock", ITstock, 0 ),
+ ( "anyclass", ITanyclass, 0 ),
+ ( "via", ITvia, 0 ),
+ ( "group", ITgroup, xbit TransformComprehensionsBit),
+ ( "by", ITby, xbit TransformComprehensionsBit),
+ ( "using", ITusing, xbit TransformComprehensionsBit),
+ ( "foreign", ITforeign, xbit FfiBit),
+ ( "export", ITexport, xbit FfiBit),
+ ( "label", ITlabel, xbit FfiBit),
+ ( "dynamic", ITdynamic, xbit FfiBit),
+ ( "safe", ITsafe, xbit FfiBit .|.
+ xbit SafeHaskellBit),
+ ( "interruptible", ITinterruptible, xbit InterruptibleFfiBit),
+ ( "unsafe", ITunsafe, xbit FfiBit),
+ ( "stdcall", ITstdcallconv, xbit FfiBit),
+ ( "ccall", ITccallconv, xbit FfiBit),
+ ( "capi", ITcapiconv, xbit CApiFfiBit),
+ ( "prim", ITprimcallconv, xbit FfiBit),
+ ( "javascript", ITjavascriptcallconv, xbit FfiBit),
+ ( "unit", ITunit, 0 ),
+ ( "dependency", ITdependency, 0 ),
+ ( "signature", ITsignature, 0 ),
+ ( "rec", ITrec, xbit ArrowsBit .|.
+ xbit RecursiveDoBit),
+ ( "proc", ITproc, xbit ArrowsBit)
+ ]
+Note [Lexing type pseudo-keywords]
+One might think that we wish to treat 'family' and 'role' as regular old
+varids whenever -XTypeFamilies and -XRoleAnnotations are off, respectively.
+But, there is no need to do so. These pseudo-keywords are not stolen syntax:
+they are only used after the keyword 'type' at the top-level, where varids are
+not allowed. Furthermore, checks further downstream (GHC.Tc.TyCl) ensure that
+type families and role annotations are never declared without their extensions
+on. In fact, by unconditionally lexing these pseudo-keywords as special, we
+can get better error messages.
+Also, note that these are included in the `varid` production in the parser --
+a key detail to make all this work.
+reservedSymsFM :: UniqFM (Token, IsUnicodeSyntax, ExtsBitmap)
+reservedSymsFM = listToUFM $
+ map (\ (x,w,y,z) -> (mkFastString x,(w,y,z)))
+ [ ("..", ITdotdot, NormalSyntax, 0 )
+ -- (:) is a reserved op, meaning only list cons
+ ,(":", ITcolon, NormalSyntax, 0 )
+ ,("::", ITdcolon NormalSyntax, NormalSyntax, 0 )
+ ,("=", ITequal, NormalSyntax, 0 )
+ ,("\\", ITlam, NormalSyntax, 0 )
+ ,("|", ITvbar, NormalSyntax, 0 )
+ ,("<-", ITlarrow NormalSyntax, NormalSyntax, 0 )
+ ,("->", ITrarrow NormalSyntax, NormalSyntax, 0 )
+ ,("=>", ITdarrow NormalSyntax, NormalSyntax, 0 )
+ ,("-", ITminus, NormalSyntax, 0 )
+ ,("*", ITstar NormalSyntax, NormalSyntax, xbit StarIsTypeBit)
+ -- For 'forall a . t'
+ ,(".", ITdot, NormalSyntax, 0 )
+ ,("-<", ITlarrowtail NormalSyntax, NormalSyntax, xbit ArrowsBit)
+ ,(">-", ITrarrowtail NormalSyntax, NormalSyntax, xbit ArrowsBit)
+ ,("-<<", ITLarrowtail NormalSyntax, NormalSyntax, xbit ArrowsBit)
+ ,(">>-", ITRarrowtail NormalSyntax, NormalSyntax, xbit ArrowsBit)
+ ,("∷", ITdcolon UnicodeSyntax, UnicodeSyntax, 0 )
+ ,("⇒", ITdarrow UnicodeSyntax, UnicodeSyntax, 0 )
+ ,("∀", ITforall UnicodeSyntax, UnicodeSyntax, 0 )
+ ,("→", ITrarrow UnicodeSyntax, UnicodeSyntax, 0 )
+ ,("←", ITlarrow UnicodeSyntax, UnicodeSyntax, 0 )
+ ,("⤙", ITlarrowtail UnicodeSyntax, UnicodeSyntax, xbit ArrowsBit)
+ ,("⤚", ITrarrowtail UnicodeSyntax, UnicodeSyntax, xbit ArrowsBit)
+ ,("⤛", ITLarrowtail UnicodeSyntax, UnicodeSyntax, xbit ArrowsBit)
+ ,("⤜", ITRarrowtail UnicodeSyntax, UnicodeSyntax, xbit ArrowsBit)
+ ,("★", ITstar UnicodeSyntax, UnicodeSyntax, xbit StarIsTypeBit)
+ -- ToDo: ideally, → and ∷ should be "specials", so that they cannot
+ -- form part of a large operator. This would let us have a better
+ -- syntax for kinds: ɑ∷*→* would be a legal kind signature. (maybe).
+ ]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Lexer actions
+type Action = PsSpan -> StringBuffer -> Int -> P (PsLocated Token)
+special :: Token -> Action
+special tok span _buf _len = return (L span tok)
+token, layout_token :: Token -> Action
+token t span _buf _len = return (L span t)
+layout_token t span _buf _len = pushLexState layout >> return (L span t)
+idtoken :: (StringBuffer -> Int -> Token) -> Action
+idtoken f span buf len = return (L span $! (f buf len))
+skip_one_varid :: (FastString -> Token) -> Action
+skip_one_varid f span buf len
+ = return (L span $! f (lexemeToFastString (stepOn buf) (len-1)))
+skip_two_varid :: (FastString -> Token) -> Action
+skip_two_varid f span buf len
+ = return (L span $! f (lexemeToFastString (stepOn (stepOn buf)) (len-2)))
+strtoken :: (String -> Token) -> Action
+strtoken f span buf len =
+ return (L span $! (f $! lexemeToString buf len))
+begin :: Int -> Action
+begin code _span _str _len = do pushLexState code; lexToken
+pop :: Action
+pop _span _buf _len = do _ <- popLexState
+ lexToken
+-- See Note [Nested comment line pragmas]
+failLinePrag1 :: Action
+failLinePrag1 span _buf _len = do
+ b <- getBit InNestedCommentBit
+ if b then return (L span ITcomment_line_prag)
+ else lexError "lexical error in pragma"
+-- See Note [Nested comment line pragmas]
+popLinePrag1 :: Action
+popLinePrag1 span _buf _len = do
+ b <- getBit InNestedCommentBit
+ if b then return (L span ITcomment_line_prag) else do
+ _ <- popLexState
+ lexToken
+hopefully_open_brace :: Action
+hopefully_open_brace span buf len
+ = do relaxed <- getBit RelaxedLayoutBit
+ ctx <- getContext
+ (AI l _) <- getInput
+ let offset = srcLocCol (psRealLoc l)
+ isOK = relaxed ||
+ case ctx of
+ Layout prev_off _ : _ -> prev_off < offset
+ _ -> True
+ if isOK then pop_and open_brace span buf len
+ else addFatalError (mkSrcSpanPs span) (text "Missing block")
+pop_and :: Action -> Action
+pop_and act span buf len = do _ <- popLexState
+ act span buf len
+-- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing]
+followedByOpeningToken :: AlexAccPred ExtsBitmap
+followedByOpeningToken _ _ _ (AI _ buf)
+ | atEnd buf = False
+ | otherwise =
+ case nextChar buf of
+ ('{', buf') -> nextCharIsNot buf' (== '-')
+ ('(', _) -> True
+ ('[', _) -> True
+ ('\"', _) -> True
+ ('\'', _) -> True
+ ('_', _) -> True
+ (c, _) -> isAlphaNum c
+-- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing]
+precededByClosingToken :: AlexAccPred ExtsBitmap
+precededByClosingToken _ (AI _ buf) _ _ =
+ case prevChar buf '\n' of
+ '}' -> decodePrevNChars 1 buf /= "-"
+ ')' -> True
+ ']' -> True
+ '\"' -> True
+ '\'' -> True
+ '_' -> True
+ c -> isAlphaNum c
+{-# INLINE nextCharIs #-}
+nextCharIs :: StringBuffer -> (Char -> Bool) -> Bool
+nextCharIs buf p = not (atEnd buf) && p (currentChar buf)
+{-# INLINE nextCharIsNot #-}
+nextCharIsNot :: StringBuffer -> (Char -> Bool) -> Bool
+nextCharIsNot buf p = not (nextCharIs buf p)
+notFollowedBy :: Char -> AlexAccPred ExtsBitmap
+notFollowedBy char _ _ _ (AI _ buf)
+ = nextCharIsNot buf (== char)
+notFollowedBySymbol :: AlexAccPred ExtsBitmap
+notFollowedBySymbol _ _ _ (AI _ buf)
+ = nextCharIsNot buf (`elem` "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~")
+followedByDigit :: AlexAccPred ExtsBitmap
+followedByDigit _ _ _ (AI _ buf)
+ = afterOptionalSpace buf (\b -> nextCharIs b (`elem` ['0'..'9']))
+ifCurrentChar :: Char -> AlexAccPred ExtsBitmap
+ifCurrentChar char _ (AI _ buf) _ _
+ = nextCharIs buf (== char)
+-- We must reject doc comments as being ordinary comments everywhere.
+-- In some cases the doc comment will be selected as the lexeme due to
+-- maximal munch, but not always, because the nested comment rule is
+-- valid in all states, but the doc-comment rules are only valid in
+-- the non-layout states.
+isNormalComment :: AlexAccPred ExtsBitmap
+isNormalComment bits _ _ (AI _ buf)
+ | HaddockBit `xtest` bits = notFollowedByDocOrPragma
+ | otherwise = nextCharIsNot buf (== '#')
+ where
+ notFollowedByDocOrPragma
+ = afterOptionalSpace buf (\b -> nextCharIsNot b (`elem` "|^*$#"))
+afterOptionalSpace :: StringBuffer -> (StringBuffer -> Bool) -> Bool
+afterOptionalSpace buf p
+ = if nextCharIs buf (== ' ')
+ then p (snd (nextChar buf))
+ else p buf
+atEOL :: AlexAccPred ExtsBitmap
+atEOL _ _ _ (AI _ buf) = atEnd buf || currentChar buf == '\n'
+ifExtension :: ExtBits -> AlexAccPred ExtsBitmap
+ifExtension extBits bits _ _ _ = extBits `xtest` bits
+alexNotPred p userState in1 len in2
+ = not (p userState in1 len in2)
+alexOrPred p1 p2 userState in1 len in2
+ = p1 userState in1 len in2 || p2 userState in1 len in2
+multiline_doc_comment :: Action
+multiline_doc_comment span buf _len = withLexedDocType (worker "")
+ where
+ worker commentAcc input docType checkNextLine = case alexGetChar' input of
+ Just ('\n', input')
+ | checkNextLine -> case checkIfCommentLine input' of
+ Just input -> worker ('\n':commentAcc) input docType checkNextLine
+ Nothing -> docCommentEnd input commentAcc docType buf span
+ | otherwise -> docCommentEnd input commentAcc docType buf span
+ Just (c, input) -> worker (c:commentAcc) input docType checkNextLine
+ Nothing -> docCommentEnd input commentAcc docType buf span
+ -- Check if the next line of input belongs to this doc comment as well.
+ -- A doc comment continues onto the next line when the following
+ -- conditions are met:
+ -- * The line starts with "--"
+ -- * The line doesn't start with "---".
+ -- * The line doesn't start with "-- $", because that would be the
+ -- start of a /new/ named haddock chunk (#10398).
+ checkIfCommentLine :: AlexInput -> Maybe AlexInput
+ checkIfCommentLine input = check (dropNonNewlineSpace input)
+ where
+ check input = do
+ ('-', input) <- alexGetChar' input
+ ('-', input) <- alexGetChar' input
+ (c, after_c) <- alexGetChar' input
+ case c of
+ '-' -> Nothing
+ ' ' -> case alexGetChar' after_c of
+ Just ('$', _) -> Nothing
+ _ -> Just input
+ _ -> Just input
+ dropNonNewlineSpace input = case alexGetChar' input of
+ Just (c, input')
+ | isSpace c && c /= '\n' -> dropNonNewlineSpace input'
+ | otherwise -> input
+ Nothing -> input
+lineCommentToken :: Action
+lineCommentToken span buf len = do
+ b <- getBit RawTokenStreamBit
+ if b then strtoken ITlineComment span buf len else lexToken
+ nested comments require traversing by hand, they can't be parsed
+ using regular expressions.
+nested_comment :: P (PsLocated Token) -> Action
+nested_comment cont span buf len = do
+ input <- getInput
+ go (reverse $ lexemeToString buf len) (1::Int) input
+ where
+ go commentAcc 0 input = do
+ setInput input
+ b <- getBit RawTokenStreamBit
+ if b
+ then docCommentEnd input commentAcc ITblockComment buf span
+ else cont
+ go commentAcc n input = case alexGetChar' input of
+ Nothing -> errBrace input (psRealSpan span)
+ Just ('-',input) -> case alexGetChar' input of
+ Nothing -> errBrace input (psRealSpan span)
+ Just ('\125',input) -> go ('\125':'-':commentAcc) (n-1) input -- '}'
+ Just (_,_) -> go ('-':commentAcc) n input
+ Just ('\123',input) -> case alexGetChar' input of -- '{' char
+ Nothing -> errBrace input (psRealSpan span)
+ Just ('-',input) -> go ('-':'\123':commentAcc) (n+1) input
+ Just (_,_) -> go ('\123':commentAcc) n input
+ -- See Note [Nested comment line pragmas]
+ Just ('\n',input) -> case alexGetChar' input of
+ Nothing -> errBrace input (psRealSpan span)
+ Just ('#',_) -> do (parsedAcc,input) <- parseNestedPragma input
+ go (parsedAcc ++ '\n':commentAcc) n input
+ Just (_,_) -> go ('\n':commentAcc) n input
+ Just (c,input) -> go (c:commentAcc) n input
+nested_doc_comment :: Action
+nested_doc_comment span buf _len = withLexedDocType (go "")
+ where
+ go commentAcc input docType _ = case alexGetChar' input of
+ Nothing -> errBrace input (psRealSpan span)
+ Just ('-',input) -> case alexGetChar' input of
+ Nothing -> errBrace input (psRealSpan span)
+ Just ('\125',input) ->
+ docCommentEnd input commentAcc docType buf span
+ Just (_,_) -> go ('-':commentAcc) input docType False
+ Just ('\123', input) -> case alexGetChar' input of
+ Nothing -> errBrace input (psRealSpan span)
+ Just ('-',input) -> do
+ setInput input
+ let cont = do input <- getInput; go commentAcc input docType False
+ nested_comment cont span buf _len
+ Just (_,_) -> go ('\123':commentAcc) input docType False
+ -- See Note [Nested comment line pragmas]
+ Just ('\n',input) -> case alexGetChar' input of
+ Nothing -> errBrace input (psRealSpan span)
+ Just ('#',_) -> do (parsedAcc,input) <- parseNestedPragma input
+ go (parsedAcc ++ '\n':commentAcc) input docType False
+ Just (_,_) -> go ('\n':commentAcc) input docType False
+ Just (c,input) -> go (c:commentAcc) input docType False
+-- See Note [Nested comment line pragmas]
+parseNestedPragma :: AlexInput -> P (String,AlexInput)
+parseNestedPragma input@(AI _ buf) = do
+ origInput <- getInput
+ setInput input
+ setExts (.|. xbit InNestedCommentBit)
+ pushLexState bol
+ lt <- lexToken
+ _ <- popLexState
+ setExts (.&. complement (xbit InNestedCommentBit))
+ postInput@(AI _ postBuf) <- getInput
+ setInput origInput
+ case unLoc lt of
+ ITcomment_line_prag -> do
+ let bytes = byteDiff buf postBuf
+ diff = lexemeToString buf bytes
+ return (reverse diff, postInput)
+ lt' -> panic ("parseNestedPragma: unexpected token" ++ (show lt'))
+Note [Nested comment line pragmas]
+We used to ignore cpp-preprocessor-generated #line pragmas if they were inside
+nested comments.
+Now, when parsing a nested comment, if we encounter a line starting with '#' we
+call parseNestedPragma, which executes the following:
+1. Save the current lexer input (loc, buf) for later
+2. Set the current lexer input to the beginning of the line starting with '#'
+3. Turn the 'InNestedComment' extension on
+4. Push the 'bol' lexer state
+5. Lex a token. Due to (2), (3), and (4), this should always lex a single line
+ or less and return the ITcomment_line_prag token. This may set source line
+ and file location if a #line pragma is successfully parsed
+6. Restore lexer input and state to what they were before we did all this
+7. Return control to the function parsing a nested comment, informing it of
+ what the lexer parsed
+Regarding (5) above:
+Every exit from the 'bol' lexer state (do_bol, popLinePrag1, failLinePrag1)
+checks if the 'InNestedComment' extension is set. If it is, that function will
+return control to parseNestedPragma by returning the ITcomment_line_prag token.
+See #314 for more background on the bug this fixes.
+withLexedDocType :: (AlexInput -> (String -> Token) -> Bool -> P (PsLocated Token))
+ -> P (PsLocated Token)
+withLexedDocType lexDocComment = do
+ input@(AI _ buf) <- getInput
+ case prevChar buf ' ' of
+ -- The `Bool` argument to lexDocComment signals whether or not the next
+ -- line of input might also belong to this doc comment.
+ '|' -> lexDocComment input ITdocCommentNext True
+ '^' -> lexDocComment input ITdocCommentPrev True
+ '$' -> lexDocComment input ITdocCommentNamed True
+ '*' -> lexDocSection 1 input
+ _ -> panic "withLexedDocType: Bad doc type"
+ where
+ lexDocSection n input = case alexGetChar' input of
+ Just ('*', input) -> lexDocSection (n+1) input
+ Just (_, _) -> lexDocComment input (ITdocSection n) False
+ Nothing -> do setInput input; lexToken -- eof reached, lex it normally
+-- RULES pragmas turn on the forall and '.' keywords, and we turn them
+-- off again at the end of the pragma.
+rulePrag :: Action
+rulePrag span buf len = do
+ setExts (.|. xbit InRulePragBit)
+ let !src = lexemeToString buf len
+ return (L span (ITrules_prag (SourceText src)))
+-- When 'UsePosPragsBit' is not set, it is expected that we emit a token instead
+-- of updating the position in 'PState'
+linePrag :: Action
+linePrag span buf len = do
+ usePosPrags <- getBit UsePosPragsBit
+ if usePosPrags
+ then begin line_prag2 span buf len
+ else let !src = lexemeToString buf len
+ in return (L span (ITline_prag (SourceText src)))
+-- When 'UsePosPragsBit' is not set, it is expected that we emit a token instead
+-- of updating the position in 'PState'
+columnPrag :: Action
+columnPrag span buf len = do
+ usePosPrags <- getBit UsePosPragsBit
+ let !src = lexemeToString buf len
+ if usePosPrags
+ then begin column_prag span buf len
+ else let !src = lexemeToString buf len
+ in return (L span (ITcolumn_prag (SourceText src)))
+endPrag :: Action
+endPrag span _buf _len = do
+ setExts (.&. complement (xbit InRulePragBit))
+ return (L span ITclose_prag)
+-- docCommentEnd
+-- This function is quite tricky. We can't just return a new token, we also
+-- need to update the state of the parser. Why? Because the token is longer
+-- than what was lexed by Alex, and the lexToken function doesn't know this, so
+-- it writes the wrong token length to the parser state. This function is
+-- called afterwards, so it can just update the state.
+docCommentEnd :: AlexInput -> String -> (String -> Token) -> StringBuffer ->
+ PsSpan -> P (PsLocated Token)
+docCommentEnd input commentAcc docType buf span = do
+ setInput input
+ let (AI loc nextBuf) = input
+ comment = reverse commentAcc
+ span' = mkPsSpan (psSpanStart span) loc
+ last_len = byteDiff buf nextBuf
+ span `seq` setLastToken span' last_len
+ return (L span' (docType comment))
+errBrace :: AlexInput -> RealSrcSpan -> P a
+errBrace (AI end _) span = failLocMsgP (realSrcSpanStart span) (psRealLoc end) "unterminated `{-'"
+open_brace, close_brace :: Action
+open_brace span _str _len = do
+ ctx <- getContext
+ setContext (NoLayout:ctx)
+ return (L span ITocurly)
+close_brace span _str _len = do
+ popContext
+ return (L span ITccurly)
+qvarid, qconid :: StringBuffer -> Int -> Token
+qvarid buf len = ITqvarid $! splitQualName buf len False
+qconid buf len = ITqconid $! splitQualName buf len False
+splitQualName :: StringBuffer -> Int -> Bool -> (FastString,FastString)
+-- takes a StringBuffer and a length, and returns the module name
+-- and identifier parts of a qualified name. Splits at the *last* dot,
+-- because of hierarchical module names.
+splitQualName orig_buf len parens = split orig_buf orig_buf
+ where
+ split buf dot_buf
+ | orig_buf `byteDiff` buf >= len = done dot_buf
+ | c == '.' = found_dot buf'
+ | otherwise = split buf' dot_buf
+ where
+ (c,buf') = nextChar buf
+ -- careful, we might get names like M....
+ -- so, if the character after the dot is not upper-case, this is
+ -- the end of the qualifier part.
+ found_dot buf -- buf points after the '.'
+ | isUpper c = split buf' buf
+ | otherwise = done buf
+ where
+ (c,buf') = nextChar buf
+ done dot_buf =
+ (lexemeToFastString orig_buf (qual_size - 1),
+ if parens -- Prelude.(+)
+ then lexemeToFastString (stepOn dot_buf) (len - qual_size - 2)
+ else lexemeToFastString dot_buf (len - qual_size))
+ where
+ qual_size = orig_buf `byteDiff` dot_buf
+varid :: Action
+varid span buf len =
+ case lookupUFM reservedWordsFM fs of
+ Just (ITcase, _) -> do
+ lastTk <- getLastTk
+ keyword <- case lastTk of
+ Just ITlam -> do
+ lambdaCase <- getBit LambdaCaseBit
+ unless lambdaCase $ do
+ pState <- getPState
+ addError (mkSrcSpanPs (last_loc pState)) $ text
+ "Illegal lambda-case (use LambdaCase)"
+ return ITlcase
+ _ -> return ITcase
+ maybe_layout keyword
+ return $ L span keyword
+ Just (keyword, 0) -> do
+ maybe_layout keyword
+ return $ L span keyword
+ Just (keyword, i) -> do
+ exts <- getExts
+ if exts .&. i /= 0
+ then do
+ maybe_layout keyword
+ return $ L span keyword
+ else
+ return $ L span $ ITvarid fs
+ Nothing ->
+ return $ L span $ ITvarid fs
+ where
+ !fs = lexemeToFastString buf len
+conid :: StringBuffer -> Int -> Token
+conid buf len = ITconid $! lexemeToFastString buf len
+qvarsym, qconsym :: StringBuffer -> Int -> Token
+qvarsym buf len = ITqvarsym $! splitQualName buf len False
+qconsym buf len = ITqconsym $! splitQualName buf len False
+-- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing]
+varsym_prefix :: Action
+varsym_prefix = sym $ \exts s ->
+ if | TypeApplicationsBit `xtest` exts, s == fsLit "@"
+ -> return ITtypeApp
+ | ThQuotesBit `xtest` exts, s == fsLit "$"
+ -> return ITdollar
+ | ThQuotesBit `xtest` exts, s == fsLit "$$"
+ -> return ITdollardollar
+ | s == fsLit "!" -> return ITbang
+ | s == fsLit "~" -> return ITtilde
+ | otherwise -> return (ITvarsym s)
+-- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing]
+varsym_suffix :: Action
+varsym_suffix = sym $ \_ s ->
+ if | s == fsLit "@"
+ -> failMsgP "Suffix occurrence of @. For an as-pattern, remove the leading whitespace."
+ | otherwise -> return (ITvarsym s)
+-- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing]
+varsym_tight_infix :: Action
+varsym_tight_infix = sym $ \_ s ->
+ if | s == fsLit "@" -> return ITat
+ | otherwise -> return (ITvarsym s)
+-- See Note [Whitespace-sensitive operator parsing]
+varsym_loose_infix :: Action
+varsym_loose_infix = sym (\_ s -> return $ ITvarsym s)
+consym :: Action
+consym = sym (\_exts s -> return $ ITconsym s)
+sym :: (ExtsBitmap -> FastString -> P Token) -> Action
+sym con span buf len =
+ case lookupUFM reservedSymsFM fs of
+ Just (keyword, NormalSyntax, 0) ->
+ return $ L span keyword
+ Just (keyword, NormalSyntax, i) -> do
+ exts <- getExts
+ if exts .&. i /= 0
+ then return $ L span keyword
+ else L span <$!> con exts fs
+ Just (keyword, UnicodeSyntax, 0) -> do
+ exts <- getExts
+ if xtest UnicodeSyntaxBit exts
+ then return $ L span keyword
+ else L span <$!> con exts fs
+ Just (keyword, UnicodeSyntax, i) -> do
+ exts <- getExts
+ if exts .&. i /= 0 && xtest UnicodeSyntaxBit exts
+ then return $ L span keyword
+ else L span <$!> con exts fs
+ Nothing -> do
+ exts <- getExts
+ L span <$!> con exts fs
+ where
+ !fs = lexemeToFastString buf len
+-- Variations on the integral numeric literal.
+tok_integral :: (SourceText -> Integer -> Token)
+ -> (Integer -> Integer)
+ -> Int -> Int
+ -> (Integer, (Char -> Int))
+ -> Action
+tok_integral itint transint transbuf translen (radix,char_to_int) span buf len = do
+ numericUnderscores <- getBit NumericUnderscoresBit -- #14473
+ let src = lexemeToString buf len
+ when ((not numericUnderscores) && ('_' `elem` src)) $ do
+ pState <- getPState
+ addError (mkSrcSpanPs (last_loc pState)) $ text
+ "Use NumericUnderscores to allow underscores in integer literals"
+ return $ L span $ itint (SourceText src)
+ $! transint $ parseUnsignedInteger
+ (offsetBytes transbuf buf) (subtract translen len) radix char_to_int
+tok_num :: (Integer -> Integer)
+ -> Int -> Int
+ -> (Integer, (Char->Int)) -> Action
+tok_num = tok_integral $ \case
+ st@(SourceText ('-':_)) -> itint st (const True)
+ st@(SourceText _) -> itint st (const False)
+ st@NoSourceText -> itint st (< 0)
+ where
+ itint :: SourceText -> (Integer -> Bool) -> Integer -> Token
+ itint !st is_negative !val = ITinteger ((IL st $! is_negative val) val)
+tok_primint :: (Integer -> Integer)
+ -> Int -> Int
+ -> (Integer, (Char->Int)) -> Action
+tok_primint = tok_integral ITprimint
+tok_primword :: Int -> Int
+ -> (Integer, (Char->Int)) -> Action
+tok_primword = tok_integral ITprimword positive
+positive, negative :: (Integer -> Integer)
+positive = id
+negative = negate
+decimal, octal, hexadecimal :: (Integer, Char -> Int)
+decimal = (10,octDecDigit)
+binary = (2,octDecDigit)
+octal = (8,octDecDigit)
+hexadecimal = (16,hexDigit)
+-- readRational can understand negative rationals, exponents, everything.
+tok_frac :: Int -> (String -> Token) -> Action
+tok_frac drop f span buf len = do
+ numericUnderscores <- getBit NumericUnderscoresBit -- #14473
+ let src = lexemeToString buf (len-drop)
+ when ((not numericUnderscores) && ('_' `elem` src)) $ do
+ pState <- getPState
+ addError (mkSrcSpanPs (last_loc pState)) $ text
+ "Use NumericUnderscores to allow underscores in floating literals"
+ return (L span $! (f $! src))
+tok_float, tok_primfloat, tok_primdouble :: String -> Token
+tok_float str = ITrational $! readFractionalLit str
+tok_hex_float str = ITrational $! readHexFractionalLit str
+tok_primfloat str = ITprimfloat $! readFractionalLit str
+tok_primdouble str = ITprimdouble $! readFractionalLit str
+readFractionalLit :: String -> FractionalLit
+readFractionalLit str = ((FL $! (SourceText str)) $! is_neg) $! readRational str
+ where is_neg = case str of ('-':_) -> True
+ _ -> False
+readHexFractionalLit :: String -> FractionalLit
+readHexFractionalLit str =
+ FL { fl_text = SourceText str
+ , fl_neg = case str of
+ '-' : _ -> True
+ _ -> False
+ , fl_value = readHexRational str
+ }
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Layout processing
+-- we're at the first token on a line, insert layout tokens if necessary
+do_bol :: Action
+do_bol span _str _len = do
+ -- See Note [Nested comment line pragmas]
+ b <- getBit InNestedCommentBit
+ if b then return (L span ITcomment_line_prag) else do
+ (pos, gen_semic) <- getOffside
+ case pos of
+ LT -> do
+ --trace "layout: inserting '}'" $ do
+ popContext
+ -- do NOT pop the lex state, we might have a ';' to insert
+ return (L span ITvccurly)
+ EQ | gen_semic -> do
+ --trace "layout: inserting ';'" $ do
+ _ <- popLexState
+ return (L span ITsemi)
+ _ -> do
+ _ <- popLexState
+ lexToken
+-- certain keywords put us in the "layout" state, where we might
+-- add an opening curly brace.
+maybe_layout :: Token -> P ()
+maybe_layout t = do -- If the alternative layout rule is enabled then
+ -- we never create an implicit layout context here.
+ -- Layout is handled XXX instead.
+ -- The code for closing implicit contexts, or
+ -- inserting implicit semi-colons, is therefore
+ -- irrelevant as it only applies in an implicit
+ -- context.
+ alr <- getBit AlternativeLayoutRuleBit
+ unless alr $ f t
+ where f ITdo = pushLexState layout_do
+ f ITmdo = pushLexState layout_do
+ f ITof = pushLexState layout
+ f ITlcase = pushLexState layout
+ f ITlet = pushLexState layout
+ f ITwhere = pushLexState layout
+ f ITrec = pushLexState layout
+ f ITif = pushLexState layout_if
+ f _ = return ()
+-- Pushing a new implicit layout context. If the indentation of the
+-- next token is not greater than the previous layout context, then
+-- Haskell 98 says that the new layout context should be empty; that is
+-- the lexer must generate {}.
+-- We are slightly more lenient than this: when the new context is started
+-- by a 'do', then we allow the new context to be at the same indentation as
+-- the previous context. This is what the 'strict' argument is for.
+new_layout_context :: Bool -> Bool -> Token -> Action
+new_layout_context strict gen_semic tok span _buf len = do
+ _ <- popLexState
+ (AI l _) <- getInput
+ let offset = srcLocCol (psRealLoc l) - len
+ ctx <- getContext
+ nondecreasing <- getBit NondecreasingIndentationBit
+ let strict' = strict || not nondecreasing
+ case ctx of
+ Layout prev_off _ : _ |
+ (strict' && prev_off >= offset ||
+ not strict' && prev_off > offset) -> do
+ -- token is indented to the left of the previous context.
+ -- we must generate a {} sequence now.
+ pushLexState layout_left
+ return (L span tok)
+ _ -> do setContext (Layout offset gen_semic : ctx)
+ return (L span tok)
+do_layout_left :: Action
+do_layout_left span _buf _len = do
+ _ <- popLexState
+ pushLexState bol -- we must be at the start of a line
+ return (L span ITvccurly)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- LINE pragmas
+setLineAndFile :: Int -> Action
+setLineAndFile code (PsSpan span _) buf len = do
+ let src = lexemeToString buf (len - 1) -- drop trailing quotation mark
+ linenumLen = length $ head $ words src
+ linenum = parseUnsignedInteger buf linenumLen 10 octDecDigit
+ file = mkFastString $ go $ drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= '"') src
+ -- skip everything through first quotation mark to get to the filename
+ where go ('\\':c:cs) = c : go cs
+ go (c:cs) = c : go cs
+ go [] = []
+ -- decode escapes in the filename. e.g. on Windows
+ -- when our filenames have backslashes in, gcc seems to
+ -- escape the backslashes. One symptom of not doing this
+ -- is that filenames in error messages look a bit strange:
+ -- C:\\foo\bar.hs
+ -- only the first backslash is doubled, because we apply
+ -- System.FilePath.normalise before printing out
+ -- filenames and it does not remove duplicate
+ -- backslashes after the drive letter (should it?).
+ resetAlrLastLoc file
+ setSrcLoc (mkRealSrcLoc file (fromIntegral linenum - 1) (srcSpanEndCol span))
+ -- subtract one: the line number refers to the *following* line
+ addSrcFile file
+ _ <- popLexState
+ pushLexState code
+ lexToken
+setColumn :: Action
+setColumn (PsSpan span _) buf len = do
+ let column =
+ case reads (lexemeToString buf len) of
+ [(column, _)] -> column
+ _ -> error "setColumn: expected integer" -- shouldn't happen
+ setSrcLoc (mkRealSrcLoc (srcSpanFile span) (srcSpanEndLine span)
+ (fromIntegral (column :: Integer)))
+ _ <- popLexState
+ lexToken
+alrInitialLoc :: FastString -> RealSrcSpan
+alrInitialLoc file = mkRealSrcSpan loc loc
+ where -- This is a hack to ensure that the first line in a file
+ -- looks like it is after the initial location:
+ loc = mkRealSrcLoc file (-1) (-1)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Options, includes and language pragmas.
+lex_string_prag :: (String -> Token) -> Action
+lex_string_prag mkTok span _buf _len
+ = do input <- getInput
+ start <- getParsedLoc
+ tok <- go [] input
+ end <- getParsedLoc
+ return (L (mkPsSpan start end) tok)
+ where go acc input
+ = if isString input "#-}"
+ then do setInput input
+ return (mkTok (reverse acc))
+ else case alexGetChar input of
+ Just (c,i) -> go (c:acc) i
+ Nothing -> err input
+ isString _ [] = True
+ isString i (x:xs)
+ = case alexGetChar i of
+ Just (c,i') | c == x -> isString i' xs
+ _other -> False
+ err (AI end _) = failLocMsgP (realSrcSpanStart (psRealSpan span)) (psRealLoc end) "unterminated options pragma"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Strings & Chars
+-- This stuff is horrible. I hates it.
+lex_string_tok :: Action
+lex_string_tok span buf _len = do
+ tok <- lex_string ""
+ (AI end bufEnd) <- getInput
+ let
+ tok' = case tok of
+ ITprimstring _ bs -> ITprimstring (SourceText src) bs
+ ITstring _ s -> ITstring (SourceText src) s
+ _ -> panic "lex_string_tok"
+ src = lexemeToString buf (cur bufEnd - cur buf)
+ return (L (mkPsSpan (psSpanStart span) end) tok')
+lex_string :: String -> P Token
+lex_string s = do
+ i <- getInput
+ case alexGetChar' i of
+ Nothing -> lit_error i
+ Just ('"',i) -> do
+ setInput i
+ let s' = reverse s
+ magicHash <- getBit MagicHashBit
+ if magicHash
+ then do
+ i <- getInput
+ case alexGetChar' i of
+ Just ('#',i) -> do
+ setInput i
+ when (any (> '\xFF') s') $ do
+ pState <- getPState
+ addError (mkSrcSpanPs (last_loc pState)) $ text
+ "primitive string literal must contain only characters <= \'\\xFF\'"
+ return (ITprimstring (SourceText s') (unsafeMkByteString s'))
+ _other ->
+ return (ITstring (SourceText s') (mkFastString s'))
+ else
+ return (ITstring (SourceText s') (mkFastString s'))
+ Just ('\\',i)
+ | Just ('&',i) <- next -> do
+ setInput i; lex_string s
+ | Just (c,i) <- next, c <= '\x7f' && is_space c -> do
+ -- is_space only works for <= '\x7f' (#3751, #5425)
+ setInput i; lex_stringgap s
+ where next = alexGetChar' i
+ Just (c, i1) -> do
+ case c of
+ '\\' -> do setInput i1; c' <- lex_escape; lex_string (c':s)
+ c | isAny c -> do setInput i1; lex_string (c:s)
+ _other -> lit_error i
+lex_stringgap :: String -> P Token
+lex_stringgap s = do
+ i <- getInput
+ c <- getCharOrFail i
+ case c of
+ '\\' -> lex_string s
+ c | c <= '\x7f' && is_space c -> lex_stringgap s
+ -- is_space only works for <= '\x7f' (#3751, #5425)
+ _other -> lit_error i
+lex_char_tok :: Action
+-- Here we are basically parsing character literals, such as 'x' or '\n'
+-- but we additionally spot 'x and ''T, returning ITsimpleQuote and
+-- ITtyQuote respectively, but WITHOUT CONSUMING the x or T part
+-- (the parser does that).
+-- So we have to do two characters of lookahead: when we see 'x we need to
+-- see if there's a trailing quote
+lex_char_tok span buf _len = do -- We've seen '
+ i1 <- getInput -- Look ahead to first character
+ let loc = psSpanStart span
+ case alexGetChar' i1 of
+ Nothing -> lit_error i1
+ Just ('\'', i2@(AI end2 _)) -> do -- We've seen ''
+ setInput i2
+ return (L (mkPsSpan loc end2) ITtyQuote)
+ Just ('\\', i2@(AI _end2 _)) -> do -- We've seen 'backslash
+ setInput i2
+ lit_ch <- lex_escape
+ i3 <- getInput
+ mc <- getCharOrFail i3 -- Trailing quote
+ if mc == '\'' then finish_char_tok buf loc lit_ch
+ else lit_error i3
+ Just (c, i2@(AI _end2 _))
+ | not (isAny c) -> lit_error i1
+ | otherwise ->
+ -- We've seen 'x, where x is a valid character
+ -- (i.e. not newline etc) but not a quote or backslash
+ case alexGetChar' i2 of -- Look ahead one more character
+ Just ('\'', i3) -> do -- We've seen 'x'
+ setInput i3
+ finish_char_tok buf loc c
+ _other -> do -- We've seen 'x not followed by quote
+ -- (including the possibility of EOF)
+ -- Just parse the quote only
+ let (AI end _) = i1
+ return (L (mkPsSpan loc end) ITsimpleQuote)
+finish_char_tok :: StringBuffer -> PsLoc -> Char -> P (PsLocated Token)
+finish_char_tok buf loc ch -- We've already seen the closing quote
+ -- Just need to check for trailing #
+ = do magicHash <- getBit MagicHashBit
+ i@(AI end bufEnd) <- getInput
+ let src = lexemeToString buf (cur bufEnd - cur buf)
+ if magicHash then do
+ case alexGetChar' i of
+ Just ('#',i@(AI end _)) -> do
+ setInput i
+ return (L (mkPsSpan loc end)
+ (ITprimchar (SourceText src) ch))
+ _other ->
+ return (L (mkPsSpan loc end)
+ (ITchar (SourceText src) ch))
+ else do
+ return (L (mkPsSpan loc end) (ITchar (SourceText src) ch))
+isAny :: Char -> Bool
+isAny c | c > '\x7f' = isPrint c
+ | otherwise = is_any c
+lex_escape :: P Char
+lex_escape = do
+ i0 <- getInput
+ c <- getCharOrFail i0
+ case c of
+ 'a' -> return '\a'
+ 'b' -> return '\b'
+ 'f' -> return '\f'
+ 'n' -> return '\n'
+ 'r' -> return '\r'
+ 't' -> return '\t'
+ 'v' -> return '\v'
+ '\\' -> return '\\'
+ '"' -> return '\"'
+ '\'' -> return '\''
+ '^' -> do i1 <- getInput
+ c <- getCharOrFail i1
+ if c >= '@' && c <= '_'
+ then return (chr (ord c - ord '@'))
+ else lit_error i1
+ 'x' -> readNum is_hexdigit 16 hexDigit
+ 'o' -> readNum is_octdigit 8 octDecDigit
+ x | is_decdigit x -> readNum2 is_decdigit 10 octDecDigit (octDecDigit x)
+ c1 -> do
+ i <- getInput
+ case alexGetChar' i of
+ Nothing -> lit_error i0
+ Just (c2,i2) ->
+ case alexGetChar' i2 of
+ Nothing -> do lit_error i0
+ Just (c3,i3) ->
+ let str = [c1,c2,c3] in
+ case [ (c,rest) | (p,c) <- silly_escape_chars,
+ Just rest <- [stripPrefix p str] ] of
+ (escape_char,[]):_ -> do
+ setInput i3
+ return escape_char
+ (escape_char,_:_):_ -> do
+ setInput i2
+ return escape_char
+ [] -> lit_error i0
+readNum :: (Char -> Bool) -> Int -> (Char -> Int) -> P Char
+readNum is_digit base conv = do
+ i <- getInput
+ c <- getCharOrFail i
+ if is_digit c
+ then readNum2 is_digit base conv (conv c)
+ else lit_error i
+readNum2 :: (Char -> Bool) -> Int -> (Char -> Int) -> Int -> P Char
+readNum2 is_digit base conv i = do
+ input <- getInput
+ read i input
+ where read i input = do
+ case alexGetChar' input of
+ Just (c,input') | is_digit c -> do
+ let i' = i*base + conv c
+ if i' > 0x10ffff
+ then setInput input >> lexError "numeric escape sequence out of range"
+ else read i' input'
+ _other -> do
+ setInput input; return (chr i)
+silly_escape_chars :: [(String, Char)]
+silly_escape_chars = [
+ ("NUL", '\NUL'),
+ ("SOH", '\SOH'),
+ ("STX", '\STX'),
+ ("ETX", '\ETX'),
+ ("EOT", '\EOT'),
+ ("ENQ", '\ENQ'),
+ ("ACK", '\ACK'),
+ ("BEL", '\BEL'),
+ ("BS", '\BS'),
+ ("HT", '\HT'),
+ ("LF", '\LF'),
+ ("VT", '\VT'),
+ ("FF", '\FF'),
+ ("CR", '\CR'),
+ ("SO", '\SO'),
+ ("SI", '\SI'),
+ ("DLE", '\DLE'),
+ ("DC1", '\DC1'),
+ ("DC2", '\DC2'),
+ ("DC3", '\DC3'),
+ ("DC4", '\DC4'),
+ ("NAK", '\NAK'),
+ ("SYN", '\SYN'),
+ ("ETB", '\ETB'),
+ ("CAN", '\CAN'),
+ ("EM", '\EM'),
+ ("SUB", '\SUB'),
+ ("ESC", '\ESC'),
+ ("FS", '\FS'),
+ ("GS", '\GS'),
+ ("RS", '\RS'),
+ ("US", '\US'),
+ ("SP", '\SP'),
+ ("DEL", '\DEL')
+ ]
+-- before calling lit_error, ensure that the current input is pointing to
+-- the position of the error in the buffer. This is so that we can report
+-- a correct location to the user, but also so we can detect UTF-8 decoding
+-- errors if they occur.
+lit_error :: AlexInput -> P a
+lit_error i = do setInput i; lexError "lexical error in string/character literal"
+getCharOrFail :: AlexInput -> P Char
+getCharOrFail i = do
+ case alexGetChar' i of
+ Nothing -> lexError "unexpected end-of-file in string/character literal"
+ Just (c,i) -> do setInput i; return c
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- QuasiQuote
+lex_qquasiquote_tok :: Action
+lex_qquasiquote_tok span buf len = do
+ let (qual, quoter) = splitQualName (stepOn buf) (len - 2) False
+ quoteStart <- getParsedLoc
+ quote <- lex_quasiquote (psRealLoc quoteStart) ""
+ end <- getParsedLoc
+ return (L (mkPsSpan (psSpanStart span) end)
+ (ITqQuasiQuote (qual,
+ quoter,
+ mkFastString (reverse quote),
+ mkPsSpan quoteStart end)))
+lex_quasiquote_tok :: Action
+lex_quasiquote_tok span buf len = do
+ let quoter = tail (lexemeToString buf (len - 1))
+ -- 'tail' drops the initial '[',
+ -- while the -1 drops the trailing '|'
+ quoteStart <- getParsedLoc
+ quote <- lex_quasiquote (psRealLoc quoteStart) ""
+ end <- getParsedLoc
+ return (L (mkPsSpan (psSpanStart span) end)
+ (ITquasiQuote (mkFastString quoter,
+ mkFastString (reverse quote),
+ mkPsSpan quoteStart end)))
+lex_quasiquote :: RealSrcLoc -> String -> P String
+lex_quasiquote start s = do
+ i <- getInput
+ case alexGetChar' i of
+ Nothing -> quasiquote_error start
+ -- NB: The string "|]" terminates the quasiquote,
+ -- with absolutely no escaping. See the extensive
+ -- discussion on #5348 for why there is no
+ -- escape handling.
+ Just ('|',i)
+ | Just (']',i) <- alexGetChar' i
+ -> do { setInput i; return s }
+ Just (c, i) -> do
+ setInput i; lex_quasiquote start (c : s)
+quasiquote_error :: RealSrcLoc -> P a
+quasiquote_error start = do
+ (AI end buf) <- getInput
+ reportLexError start (psRealLoc end) buf "unterminated quasiquotation"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Warnings
+warnTab :: Action
+warnTab srcspan _buf _len = do
+ addTabWarning (psRealSpan srcspan)
+ lexToken
+warnThen :: WarningFlag -> SDoc -> Action -> Action
+warnThen option warning action srcspan buf len = do
+ addWarning option (RealSrcSpan (psRealSpan srcspan) Nothing) warning
+ action srcspan buf len
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The Parse Monad
+-- | Do we want to generate ';' layout tokens? In some cases we just want to
+-- generate '}', e.g. in MultiWayIf we don't need ';'s because '|' separates
+-- alternatives (unlike a `case` expression where we need ';' to as a separator
+-- between alternatives).
+type GenSemic = Bool
+generateSemic, dontGenerateSemic :: GenSemic
+generateSemic = True
+dontGenerateSemic = False
+data LayoutContext
+ = NoLayout
+ | Layout !Int !GenSemic
+ deriving Show
+-- | The result of running a parser.
+data ParseResult a
+ = POk -- ^ The parser has consumed a (possibly empty) prefix
+ -- of the input and produced a result. Use 'getMessages'
+ -- to check for accumulated warnings and non-fatal errors.
+ PState -- ^ The resulting parsing state. Can be used to resume parsing.
+ a -- ^ The resulting value.
+ | PFailed -- ^ The parser has consumed a (possibly empty) prefix
+ -- of the input and failed.
+ PState -- ^ The parsing state right before failure, including the fatal
+ -- parse error. 'getMessages' and 'getErrorMessages' must return
+ -- a non-empty bag of errors.
+-- | Test whether a 'WarningFlag' is set
+warnopt :: WarningFlag -> ParserFlags -> Bool
+warnopt f options = f `EnumSet.member` pWarningFlags options
+-- | The subset of the 'DynFlags' used by the parser.
+-- See 'mkParserFlags' or 'mkParserFlags'' for ways to construct this.
+data ParserFlags = ParserFlags {
+ pWarningFlags :: EnumSet WarningFlag
+ , pThisPackage :: UnitId -- ^ key of package currently being compiled
+ , pExtsBitmap :: !ExtsBitmap -- ^ bitmap of permitted extensions
+ }
+data PState = PState {
+ buffer :: StringBuffer,
+ options :: ParserFlags,
+ -- This needs to take DynFlags as an argument until
+ -- we have a fix for #10143
+ messages :: DynFlags -> Messages,
+ tab_first :: Maybe RealSrcSpan, -- pos of first tab warning in the file
+ tab_count :: !Int, -- number of tab warnings in the file
+ last_tk :: Maybe Token,
+ last_loc :: PsSpan, -- pos of previous token
+ last_len :: !Int, -- len of previous token
+ loc :: PsLoc, -- current loc (end of prev token + 1)
+ context :: [LayoutContext],
+ lex_state :: [Int],
+ srcfiles :: [FastString],
+ -- Used in the alternative layout rule:
+ -- These tokens are the next ones to be sent out. They are
+ -- just blindly emitted, without the rule looking at them again:
+ alr_pending_implicit_tokens :: [PsLocated Token],
+ -- This is the next token to be considered or, if it is Nothing,
+ -- we need to get the next token from the input stream:
+ alr_next_token :: Maybe (PsLocated Token),
+ -- This is what we consider to be the location of the last token
+ -- emitted:
+ alr_last_loc :: PsSpan,
+ -- The stack of layout contexts:
+ alr_context :: [ALRContext],
+ -- Are we expecting a '{'? If it's Just, then the ALRLayout tells
+ -- us what sort of layout the '{' will open:
+ alr_expecting_ocurly :: Maybe ALRLayout,
+ -- Have we just had the '}' for a let block? If so, than an 'in'
+ -- token doesn't need to close anything:
+ alr_justClosedExplicitLetBlock :: Bool,
+ -- The next three are used to implement Annotations giving the
+ -- locations of 'noise' tokens in the source, so that users of
+ -- the GHC API can do source to source conversions.
+ -- See note [Api annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation
+ annotations :: [(ApiAnnKey,[RealSrcSpan])],
+ eof_pos :: Maybe RealSrcSpan,
+ comment_q :: [RealLocated AnnotationComment],
+ annotations_comments :: [(RealSrcSpan,[RealLocated AnnotationComment])]
+ }
+ -- last_loc and last_len are used when generating error messages,
+ -- and in pushCurrentContext only. Sigh, if only Happy passed the
+ -- current token to happyError, we could at least get rid of last_len.
+ -- Getting rid of last_loc would require finding another way to
+ -- implement pushCurrentContext (which is only called from one place).
+data ALRContext = ALRNoLayout Bool{- does it contain commas? -}
+ Bool{- is it a 'let' block? -}
+ | ALRLayout ALRLayout Int
+data ALRLayout = ALRLayoutLet
+ | ALRLayoutWhere
+ | ALRLayoutOf
+ | ALRLayoutDo
+-- | The parsing monad, isomorphic to @StateT PState Maybe@.
+newtype P a = P { unP :: PState -> ParseResult a }
+instance Functor P where
+ fmap = liftM
+instance Applicative P where
+ pure = returnP
+ (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad P where
+ (>>=) = thenP
+returnP :: a -> P a
+returnP a = a `seq` (P $ \s -> POk s a)
+thenP :: P a -> (a -> P b) -> P b
+(P m) `thenP` k = P $ \ s ->
+ case m s of
+ POk s1 a -> (unP (k a)) s1
+ PFailed s1 -> PFailed s1
+failMsgP :: String -> P a
+failMsgP msg = do
+ pState <- getPState
+ addFatalError (mkSrcSpanPs (last_loc pState)) (text msg)
+failLocMsgP :: RealSrcLoc -> RealSrcLoc -> String -> P a
+failLocMsgP loc1 loc2 str =
+ addFatalError (RealSrcSpan (mkRealSrcSpan loc1 loc2) Nothing) (text str)
+getPState :: P PState
+getPState = P $ \s -> POk s s
+withThisPackage :: (UnitId -> a) -> P a
+withThisPackage f = P $ \s@(PState{options = o}) -> POk s (f (pThisPackage o))
+getExts :: P ExtsBitmap
+getExts = P $ \s -> POk s (pExtsBitmap . options $ s)
+setExts :: (ExtsBitmap -> ExtsBitmap) -> P ()
+setExts f = P $ \s -> POk s {
+ options =
+ let p = options s
+ in p { pExtsBitmap = f (pExtsBitmap p) }
+ } ()
+setSrcLoc :: RealSrcLoc -> P ()
+setSrcLoc new_loc =
+ P $ \s@(PState{ loc = PsLoc _ buf_loc }) ->
+ POk s{ loc = PsLoc new_loc buf_loc } ()
+getRealSrcLoc :: P RealSrcLoc
+getRealSrcLoc = P $ \s@(PState{ loc=loc }) -> POk s (psRealLoc loc)
+getParsedLoc :: P PsLoc
+getParsedLoc = P $ \s@(PState{ loc=loc }) -> POk s loc
+addSrcFile :: FastString -> P ()
+addSrcFile f = P $ \s -> POk s{ srcfiles = f : srcfiles s } ()
+setEofPos :: RealSrcSpan -> P ()
+setEofPos span = P $ \s -> POk s{ eof_pos = Just span } ()
+setLastToken :: PsSpan -> Int -> P ()
+setLastToken loc len = P $ \s -> POk s {
+ last_loc=loc,
+ last_len=len
+ } ()
+setLastTk :: Token -> P ()
+setLastTk tk = P $ \s -> POk s { last_tk = Just tk } ()
+getLastTk :: P (Maybe Token)
+getLastTk = P $ \s@(PState { last_tk = last_tk }) -> POk s last_tk
+data AlexInput = AI PsLoc StringBuffer
+Note [Unicode in Alex]
+Although newer versions of Alex support unicode, this grammar is processed with
+the old style '--latin1' behaviour. This means that when implementing the
+ alexGetByte :: AlexInput -> Maybe (Word8,AlexInput)
+ alexInputPrevChar :: AlexInput -> Char
+which Alex uses to take apart our 'AlexInput', we must
+ * return a latin1 character in the 'Word8' that 'alexGetByte' expects
+ * return a latin1 character in 'alexInputPrevChar'.
+We handle this in 'adjustChar' by squishing entire classes of unicode
+characters into single bytes.
+{-# INLINE adjustChar #-}
+adjustChar :: Char -> Word8
+adjustChar c = fromIntegral $ ord adj_c
+ where non_graphic = '\x00'
+ upper = '\x01'
+ lower = '\x02'
+ digit = '\x03'
+ symbol = '\x04'
+ space = '\x05'
+ other_graphic = '\x06'
+ uniidchar = '\x07'
+ adj_c
+ | c <= '\x07' = non_graphic
+ | c <= '\x7f' = c
+ -- Alex doesn't handle Unicode, so when Unicode
+ -- character is encountered we output these values
+ -- with the actual character value hidden in the state.
+ | otherwise =
+ -- NB: The logic behind these definitions is also reflected
+ -- in basicTypes/Lexeme.hs
+ -- Any changes here should likely be reflected there.
+ case generalCategory c of
+ UppercaseLetter -> upper
+ LowercaseLetter -> lower
+ TitlecaseLetter -> upper
+ ModifierLetter -> uniidchar -- see #10196
+ OtherLetter -> lower -- see #1103
+ NonSpacingMark -> uniidchar -- see #7650
+ SpacingCombiningMark -> other_graphic
+ EnclosingMark -> other_graphic
+ DecimalNumber -> digit
+ LetterNumber -> other_graphic
+ OtherNumber -> digit -- see #4373
+ ConnectorPunctuation -> symbol
+ DashPunctuation -> symbol
+ OpenPunctuation -> other_graphic
+ ClosePunctuation -> other_graphic
+ InitialQuote -> other_graphic
+ FinalQuote -> other_graphic
+ OtherPunctuation -> symbol
+ MathSymbol -> symbol
+ CurrencySymbol -> symbol
+ ModifierSymbol -> symbol
+ OtherSymbol -> symbol
+ Space -> space
+ _other -> non_graphic
+-- Getting the previous 'Char' isn't enough here - we need to convert it into
+-- the same format that 'alexGetByte' would have produced.
+-- See Note [Unicode in Alex] and #13986.
+alexInputPrevChar :: AlexInput -> Char
+alexInputPrevChar (AI _ buf) = chr (fromIntegral (adjustChar pc))
+ where pc = prevChar buf '\n'
+-- backwards compatibility for Alex 2.x
+alexGetChar :: AlexInput -> Maybe (Char,AlexInput)
+alexGetChar inp = case alexGetByte inp of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just (b,i) -> c `seq` Just (c,i)
+ where c = chr $ fromIntegral b
+-- See Note [Unicode in Alex]
+alexGetByte :: AlexInput -> Maybe (Word8,AlexInput)
+alexGetByte (AI loc s)
+ | atEnd s = Nothing
+ | otherwise = byte `seq` loc' `seq` s' `seq`
+ --trace (show (ord c)) $
+ Just (byte, (AI loc' s'))
+ where (c,s') = nextChar s
+ loc' = advancePsLoc loc c
+ byte = adjustChar c
+-- This version does not squash unicode characters, it is used when
+-- lexing strings.
+alexGetChar' :: AlexInput -> Maybe (Char,AlexInput)
+alexGetChar' (AI loc s)
+ | atEnd s = Nothing
+ | otherwise = c `seq` loc' `seq` s' `seq`
+ --trace (show (ord c)) $
+ Just (c, (AI loc' s'))
+ where (c,s') = nextChar s
+ loc' = advancePsLoc loc c
+getInput :: P AlexInput
+getInput = P $ \s@PState{ loc=l, buffer=b } -> POk s (AI l b)
+setInput :: AlexInput -> P ()
+setInput (AI l b) = P $ \s -> POk s{ loc=l, buffer=b } ()
+nextIsEOF :: P Bool
+nextIsEOF = do
+ AI _ s <- getInput
+ return $ atEnd s
+pushLexState :: Int -> P ()
+pushLexState ls = P $ \s@PState{ lex_state=l } -> POk s{lex_state=ls:l} ()
+popLexState :: P Int
+popLexState = P $ \s@PState{ lex_state=ls:l } -> POk s{ lex_state=l } ls
+getLexState :: P Int
+getLexState = P $ \s@PState{ lex_state=ls:_ } -> POk s ls
+popNextToken :: P (Maybe (PsLocated Token))
+ = P $ \s@PState{ alr_next_token = m } ->
+ POk (s {alr_next_token = Nothing}) m
+activeContext :: P Bool
+activeContext = do
+ ctxt <- getALRContext
+ expc <- getAlrExpectingOCurly
+ impt <- implicitTokenPending
+ case (ctxt,expc) of
+ ([],Nothing) -> return impt
+ _other -> return True
+resetAlrLastLoc :: FastString -> P ()
+resetAlrLastLoc file =
+ P $ \s@(PState {alr_last_loc = PsSpan _ buf_span}) ->
+ POk s{ alr_last_loc = PsSpan (alrInitialLoc file) buf_span } ()
+setAlrLastLoc :: PsSpan -> P ()
+setAlrLastLoc l = P $ \s -> POk (s {alr_last_loc = l}) ()
+getAlrLastLoc :: P PsSpan
+getAlrLastLoc = P $ \s@(PState {alr_last_loc = l}) -> POk s l
+getALRContext :: P [ALRContext]
+getALRContext = P $ \s@(PState {alr_context = cs}) -> POk s cs
+setALRContext :: [ALRContext] -> P ()
+setALRContext cs = P $ \s -> POk (s {alr_context = cs}) ()
+getJustClosedExplicitLetBlock :: P Bool
+ = P $ \s@(PState {alr_justClosedExplicitLetBlock = b}) -> POk s b
+setJustClosedExplicitLetBlock :: Bool -> P ()
+setJustClosedExplicitLetBlock b
+ = P $ \s -> POk (s {alr_justClosedExplicitLetBlock = b}) ()
+setNextToken :: PsLocated Token -> P ()
+setNextToken t = P $ \s -> POk (s {alr_next_token = Just t}) ()
+implicitTokenPending :: P Bool
+ = P $ \s@PState{ alr_pending_implicit_tokens = ts } ->
+ case ts of
+ [] -> POk s False
+ _ -> POk s True
+popPendingImplicitToken :: P (Maybe (PsLocated Token))
+ = P $ \s@PState{ alr_pending_implicit_tokens = ts } ->
+ case ts of
+ [] -> POk s Nothing
+ (t : ts') -> POk (s {alr_pending_implicit_tokens = ts'}) (Just t)
+setPendingImplicitTokens :: [PsLocated Token] -> P ()
+setPendingImplicitTokens ts = P $ \s -> POk (s {alr_pending_implicit_tokens = ts}) ()
+getAlrExpectingOCurly :: P (Maybe ALRLayout)
+getAlrExpectingOCurly = P $ \s@(PState {alr_expecting_ocurly = b}) -> POk s b
+setAlrExpectingOCurly :: Maybe ALRLayout -> P ()
+setAlrExpectingOCurly b = P $ \s -> POk (s {alr_expecting_ocurly = b}) ()
+-- | For reasons of efficiency, boolean parsing flags (eg, language extensions
+-- or whether we are currently in a @RULE@ pragma) are represented by a bitmap
+-- stored in a @Word64@.
+type ExtsBitmap = Word64
+xbit :: ExtBits -> ExtsBitmap
+xbit = bit . fromEnum
+xtest :: ExtBits -> ExtsBitmap -> Bool
+xtest ext xmap = testBit xmap (fromEnum ext)
+-- | Various boolean flags, mostly language extensions, that impact lexing and
+-- parsing. Note that a handful of these can change during lexing/parsing.
+data ExtBits
+ -- Flags that are constant once parsing starts
+ = FfiBit
+ | InterruptibleFfiBit
+ | CApiFfiBit
+ | ArrowsBit
+ | ThBit
+ | ThQuotesBit
+ | IpBit
+ | OverloadedLabelsBit -- #x overloaded labels
+ | ExplicitForallBit -- the 'forall' keyword
+ | BangPatBit -- Tells the parser to understand bang-patterns
+ -- (doesn't affect the lexer)
+ | PatternSynonymsBit -- pattern synonyms
+ | HaddockBit-- Lex and parse Haddock comments
+ | MagicHashBit -- "#" in both functions and operators
+ | RecursiveDoBit -- mdo
+ | UnicodeSyntaxBit -- the forall symbol, arrow symbols, etc
+ | UnboxedTuplesBit -- (# and #)
+ | UnboxedSumsBit -- (# and #)
+ | DatatypeContextsBit
+ | MonadComprehensionsBit
+ | TransformComprehensionsBit
+ | QqBit -- enable quasiquoting
+ | RawTokenStreamBit -- producing a token stream with all comments included
+ | AlternativeLayoutRuleBit
+ | ALRTransitionalBit
+ | RelaxedLayoutBit
+ | NondecreasingIndentationBit
+ | SafeHaskellBit
+ | TraditionalRecordSyntaxBit
+ | ExplicitNamespacesBit
+ | LambdaCaseBit
+ | BinaryLiteralsBit
+ | NegativeLiteralsBit
+ | HexFloatLiteralsBit
+ | TypeApplicationsBit
+ | StaticPointersBit
+ | NumericUnderscoresBit
+ | StarIsTypeBit
+ | BlockArgumentsBit
+ | NPlusKPatternsBit
+ | DoAndIfThenElseBit
+ | MultiWayIfBit
+ | GadtSyntaxBit
+ | ImportQualifiedPostBit
+ -- Flags that are updated once parsing starts
+ | InRulePragBit
+ | InNestedCommentBit -- See Note [Nested comment line pragmas]
+ | UsePosPragsBit
+ -- ^ If this is enabled, '{-# LINE ... -#}' and '{-# COLUMN ... #-}'
+ -- update the internal position. Otherwise, those pragmas are lexed as
+ -- tokens of their own.
+ deriving Enum
+-- PState for parsing options pragmas
+pragState :: DynFlags -> StringBuffer -> RealSrcLoc -> PState
+pragState dynflags buf loc = (mkPState dynflags buf loc) {
+ lex_state = [bol, option_prags, 0]
+ }
+{-# INLINE mkParserFlags' #-}
+ :: EnumSet WarningFlag -- ^ warnings flags enabled
+ -> EnumSet LangExt.Extension -- ^ permitted language extensions enabled
+ -> UnitId -- ^ key of package currently being compiled
+ -> Bool -- ^ are safe imports on?
+ -> Bool -- ^ keeping Haddock comment tokens
+ -> Bool -- ^ keep regular comment tokens
+ -> Bool
+ -- ^ If this is enabled, '{-# LINE ... -#}' and '{-# COLUMN ... #-}' update
+ -- the internal position kept by the parser. Otherwise, those pragmas are
+ -- lexed as 'ITline_prag' and 'ITcolumn_prag' tokens.
+ -> ParserFlags
+-- ^ Given exactly the information needed, set up the 'ParserFlags'
+mkParserFlags' warningFlags extensionFlags thisPackage
+ safeImports isHaddock rawTokStream usePosPrags =
+ ParserFlags {
+ pWarningFlags = warningFlags
+ , pThisPackage = thisPackage
+ , pExtsBitmap = safeHaskellBit .|. langExtBits .|. optBits
+ }
+ where
+ safeHaskellBit = SafeHaskellBit `setBitIf` safeImports
+ langExtBits =
+ FfiBit `xoptBit` LangExt.ForeignFunctionInterface
+ .|. InterruptibleFfiBit `xoptBit` LangExt.InterruptibleFFI
+ .|. CApiFfiBit `xoptBit` LangExt.CApiFFI
+ .|. ArrowsBit `xoptBit` LangExt.Arrows
+ .|. ThBit `xoptBit` LangExt.TemplateHaskell
+ .|. ThQuotesBit `xoptBit` LangExt.TemplateHaskellQuotes
+ .|. QqBit `xoptBit` LangExt.QuasiQuotes
+ .|. IpBit `xoptBit` LangExt.ImplicitParams
+ .|. OverloadedLabelsBit `xoptBit` LangExt.OverloadedLabels
+ .|. ExplicitForallBit `xoptBit` LangExt.ExplicitForAll
+ .|. BangPatBit `xoptBit` LangExt.BangPatterns
+ .|. MagicHashBit `xoptBit` LangExt.MagicHash
+ .|. RecursiveDoBit `xoptBit` LangExt.RecursiveDo
+ .|. UnicodeSyntaxBit `xoptBit` LangExt.UnicodeSyntax
+ .|. UnboxedTuplesBit `xoptBit` LangExt.UnboxedTuples
+ .|. UnboxedSumsBit `xoptBit` LangExt.UnboxedSums
+ .|. DatatypeContextsBit `xoptBit` LangExt.DatatypeContexts
+ .|. TransformComprehensionsBit `xoptBit` LangExt.TransformListComp
+ .|. MonadComprehensionsBit `xoptBit` LangExt.MonadComprehensions
+ .|. AlternativeLayoutRuleBit `xoptBit` LangExt.AlternativeLayoutRule
+ .|. ALRTransitionalBit `xoptBit` LangExt.AlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional
+ .|. RelaxedLayoutBit `xoptBit` LangExt.RelaxedLayout
+ .|. NondecreasingIndentationBit `xoptBit` LangExt.NondecreasingIndentation
+ .|. TraditionalRecordSyntaxBit `xoptBit` LangExt.TraditionalRecordSyntax
+ .|. ExplicitNamespacesBit `xoptBit` LangExt.ExplicitNamespaces
+ .|. LambdaCaseBit `xoptBit` LangExt.LambdaCase
+ .|. BinaryLiteralsBit `xoptBit` LangExt.BinaryLiterals
+ .|. NegativeLiteralsBit `xoptBit` LangExt.NegativeLiterals
+ .|. HexFloatLiteralsBit `xoptBit` LangExt.HexFloatLiterals
+ .|. PatternSynonymsBit `xoptBit` LangExt.PatternSynonyms
+ .|. TypeApplicationsBit `xoptBit` LangExt.TypeApplications
+ .|. StaticPointersBit `xoptBit` LangExt.StaticPointers
+ .|. NumericUnderscoresBit `xoptBit` LangExt.NumericUnderscores
+ .|. StarIsTypeBit `xoptBit` LangExt.StarIsType
+ .|. BlockArgumentsBit `xoptBit` LangExt.BlockArguments
+ .|. NPlusKPatternsBit `xoptBit` LangExt.NPlusKPatterns
+ .|. DoAndIfThenElseBit `xoptBit` LangExt.DoAndIfThenElse
+ .|. MultiWayIfBit `xoptBit` LangExt.MultiWayIf
+ .|. GadtSyntaxBit `xoptBit` LangExt.GADTSyntax
+ .|. ImportQualifiedPostBit `xoptBit` LangExt.ImportQualifiedPost
+ optBits =
+ HaddockBit `setBitIf` isHaddock
+ .|. RawTokenStreamBit `setBitIf` rawTokStream
+ .|. UsePosPragsBit `setBitIf` usePosPrags
+ xoptBit bit ext = bit `setBitIf` EnumSet.member ext extensionFlags
+ setBitIf :: ExtBits -> Bool -> ExtsBitmap
+ b `setBitIf` cond | cond = xbit b
+ | otherwise = 0
+-- | Extracts the flag information needed for parsing
+mkParserFlags :: DynFlags -> ParserFlags
+mkParserFlags =
+ mkParserFlags'
+ <$> DynFlags.warningFlags
+ <*> DynFlags.extensionFlags
+ <*> DynFlags.thisPackage
+ <*> safeImportsOn
+ <*> gopt Opt_Haddock
+ <*> gopt Opt_KeepRawTokenStream
+ <*> const True
+-- | Creates a parse state from a 'DynFlags' value
+mkPState :: DynFlags -> StringBuffer -> RealSrcLoc -> PState
+mkPState flags = mkPStatePure (mkParserFlags flags)
+-- | Creates a parse state from a 'ParserFlags' value
+mkPStatePure :: ParserFlags -> StringBuffer -> RealSrcLoc -> PState
+mkPStatePure options buf loc =
+ PState {
+ buffer = buf,
+ options = options,
+ messages = const emptyMessages,
+ tab_first = Nothing,
+ tab_count = 0,
+ last_tk = Nothing,
+ last_loc = mkPsSpan init_loc init_loc,
+ last_len = 0,
+ loc = init_loc,
+ context = [],
+ lex_state = [bol, 0],
+ srcfiles = [],
+ alr_pending_implicit_tokens = [],
+ alr_next_token = Nothing,
+ alr_last_loc = PsSpan (alrInitialLoc (fsLit "<no file>")) (BufSpan (BufPos 0) (BufPos 0)),
+ alr_context = [],
+ alr_expecting_ocurly = Nothing,
+ alr_justClosedExplicitLetBlock = False,
+ annotations = [],
+ eof_pos = Nothing,
+ comment_q = [],
+ annotations_comments = []
+ }
+ where init_loc = PsLoc loc (BufPos 0)
+-- | An mtl-style class for monads that support parsing-related operations.
+-- For example, sometimes we make a second pass over the parsing results to validate,
+-- disambiguate, or rearrange them, and we do so in the PV monad which cannot consume
+-- input but can report parsing errors, check for extension bits, and accumulate
+-- parsing annotations. Both P and PV are instances of MonadP.
+-- MonadP grants us convenient overloading. The other option is to have separate operations
+-- for each monad: addErrorP vs addErrorPV, getBitP vs getBitPV, and so on.
+class Monad m => MonadP m where
+ -- | Add a non-fatal error. Use this when the parser can produce a result
+ -- despite the error.
+ --
+ -- For example, when GHC encounters a @forall@ in a type,
+ -- but @-XExplicitForAll@ is disabled, the parser constructs @ForAllTy@
+ -- as if @-XExplicitForAll@ was enabled, adding a non-fatal error to
+ -- the accumulator.
+ --
+ -- Control flow wise, non-fatal errors act like warnings: they are added
+ -- to the accumulator and parsing continues. This allows GHC to report
+ -- more than one parse error per file.
+ --
+ addError :: SrcSpan -> SDoc -> m ()
+ -- | Add a warning to the accumulator.
+ -- Use 'getMessages' to get the accumulated warnings.
+ addWarning :: WarningFlag -> SrcSpan -> SDoc -> m ()
+ -- | Add a fatal error. This will be the last error reported by the parser, and
+ -- the parser will not produce any result, ending in a 'PFailed' state.
+ addFatalError :: SrcSpan -> SDoc -> m a
+ -- | Check if a given flag is currently set in the bitmap.
+ getBit :: ExtBits -> m Bool
+ -- | Given a location and a list of AddAnn, apply them all to the location.
+ addAnnotation :: SrcSpan -- SrcSpan of enclosing AST construct
+ -> AnnKeywordId -- The first two parameters are the key
+ -> SrcSpan -- The location of the keyword itself
+ -> m ()
+ :: SrcSpan
+ -> SDoc
+ -> (DynFlags -> Messages)
+ -> (DynFlags -> Messages)
+appendError srcspan msg m =
+ \d ->
+ let (ws, es) = m d
+ errormsg = mkErrMsg d srcspan alwaysQualify msg
+ es' = es `snocBag` errormsg
+ in (ws, es')
+ :: ParserFlags
+ -> WarningFlag
+ -> SrcSpan
+ -> SDoc
+ -> (DynFlags -> Messages)
+ -> (DynFlags -> Messages)
+appendWarning o option srcspan warning m =
+ \d ->
+ let (ws, es) = m d
+ warning' = makeIntoWarning (Reason option) $
+ mkWarnMsg d srcspan alwaysQualify warning
+ ws' = if warnopt option o then ws `snocBag` warning' else ws
+ in (ws', es)
+instance MonadP P where
+ addError srcspan msg
+ = P $ \s@PState{messages=m} ->
+ POk s{messages=appendError srcspan msg m} ()
+ addWarning option srcspan warning
+ = P $ \s@PState{messages=m, options=o} ->
+ POk s{messages=appendWarning o option srcspan warning m} ()
+ addFatalError span msg =
+ addError span msg >> P PFailed
+ getBit ext = P $ \s -> let b = ext `xtest` pExtsBitmap (options s)
+ in b `seq` POk s b
+ addAnnotation (RealSrcSpan l _) a (RealSrcSpan v _) = do
+ addAnnotationOnly l a v
+ allocateCommentsP l
+ addAnnotation _ _ _ = return ()
+addAnnsAt :: MonadP m => SrcSpan -> [AddAnn] -> m ()
+addAnnsAt l = mapM_ (\(AddAnn a v) -> addAnnotation l a v)
+addTabWarning :: RealSrcSpan -> P ()
+addTabWarning srcspan
+ = P $ \s@PState{tab_first=tf, tab_count=tc, options=o} ->
+ let tf' = if isJust tf then tf else Just srcspan
+ tc' = tc + 1
+ s' = if warnopt Opt_WarnTabs o
+ then s{tab_first = tf', tab_count = tc'}
+ else s
+ in POk s' ()
+mkTabWarning :: PState -> DynFlags -> Maybe ErrMsg
+mkTabWarning PState{tab_first=tf, tab_count=tc} d =
+ let middle = if tc == 1
+ then text ""
+ else text ", and in" <+> speakNOf (tc - 1) (text "further location")
+ message = text "Tab character found here"
+ <> middle
+ <> text "."
+ $+$ text "Please use spaces instead."
+ in fmap (\s -> makeIntoWarning (Reason Opt_WarnTabs) $
+ mkWarnMsg d (RealSrcSpan s Nothing) alwaysQualify message) tf
+-- | Get a bag of the errors that have been accumulated so far.
+-- Does not take -Werror into account.
+getErrorMessages :: PState -> DynFlags -> ErrorMessages
+getErrorMessages PState{messages=m} d =
+ let (_, es) = m d in es
+-- | Get the warnings and errors accumulated so far.
+-- Does not take -Werror into account.
+getMessages :: PState -> DynFlags -> Messages
+getMessages p@PState{messages=m} d =
+ let (ws, es) = m d
+ tabwarning = mkTabWarning p d
+ ws' = maybe ws (`consBag` ws) tabwarning
+ in (ws', es)
+getContext :: P [LayoutContext]
+getContext = P $ \s@PState{context=ctx} -> POk s ctx
+setContext :: [LayoutContext] -> P ()
+setContext ctx = P $ \s -> POk s{context=ctx} ()
+popContext :: P ()
+popContext = P $ \ s@(PState{ buffer = buf, options = o, context = ctx,
+ last_len = len, last_loc = last_loc }) ->
+ case ctx of
+ (_:tl) ->
+ POk s{ context = tl } ()
+ [] ->
+ unP (addFatalError (mkSrcSpanPs last_loc) (srcParseErr o buf len)) s
+-- Push a new layout context at the indentation of the last token read.
+pushCurrentContext :: GenSemic -> P ()
+pushCurrentContext gen_semic = P $ \ s@PState{ last_loc=loc, context=ctx } ->
+ POk s{context = Layout (srcSpanStartCol (psRealSpan loc)) gen_semic : ctx} ()
+-- This is only used at the outer level of a module when the 'module' keyword is
+-- missing.
+pushModuleContext :: P ()
+pushModuleContext = pushCurrentContext generateSemic
+getOffside :: P (Ordering, Bool)
+getOffside = P $ \s@PState{last_loc=loc, context=stk} ->
+ let offs = srcSpanStartCol (psRealSpan loc) in
+ let ord = case stk of
+ Layout n gen_semic : _ ->
+ --trace ("layout: " ++ show n ++ ", offs: " ++ show offs) $
+ (compare offs n, gen_semic)
+ _ ->
+ (GT, dontGenerateSemic)
+ in POk s ord
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Construct a parse error
+ :: ParserFlags
+ -> StringBuffer -- current buffer (placed just after the last token)
+ -> Int -- length of the previous token
+ -> MsgDoc
+srcParseErr options buf len
+ = if null token
+ then text "parse error (possibly incorrect indentation or mismatched brackets)"
+ else text "parse error on input" <+> quotes (text token)
+ $$ ppWhen (not th_enabled && token == "$") -- #7396
+ (text "Perhaps you intended to use TemplateHaskell")
+ $$ ppWhen (token == "<-")
+ (if mdoInLast100
+ then text "Perhaps you intended to use RecursiveDo"
+ else text "Perhaps this statement should be within a 'do' block?")
+ $$ ppWhen (token == "=" && doInLast100) -- #15849
+ (text "Perhaps you need a 'let' in a 'do' block?"
+ $$ text "e.g. 'let x = 5' instead of 'x = 5'")
+ $$ ppWhen (not ps_enabled && pattern == "pattern ") -- #12429
+ (text "Perhaps you intended to use PatternSynonyms")
+ where token = lexemeToString (offsetBytes (-len) buf) len
+ pattern = decodePrevNChars 8 buf
+ last100 = decodePrevNChars 100 buf
+ doInLast100 = "do" `isInfixOf` last100
+ mdoInLast100 = "mdo" `isInfixOf` last100
+ th_enabled = ThQuotesBit `xtest` pExtsBitmap options
+ ps_enabled = PatternSynonymsBit `xtest` pExtsBitmap options
+-- Report a parse failure, giving the span of the previous token as
+-- the location of the error. This is the entry point for errors
+-- detected during parsing.
+srcParseFail :: P a
+srcParseFail = P $ \s@PState{ buffer = buf, options = o, last_len = len,
+ last_loc = last_loc } ->
+ unP (addFatalError (mkSrcSpanPs last_loc) (srcParseErr o buf len)) s
+-- A lexical error is reported at a particular position in the source file,
+-- not over a token range.
+lexError :: String -> P a
+lexError str = do
+ loc <- getRealSrcLoc
+ (AI end buf) <- getInput
+ reportLexError loc (psRealLoc end) buf str
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- This is the top-level function: called from the parser each time a
+-- new token is to be read from the input.
+lexer, lexerDbg :: Bool -> (Located Token -> P a) -> P a
+lexer queueComments cont = do
+ alr <- getBit AlternativeLayoutRuleBit
+ let lexTokenFun = if alr then lexTokenAlr else lexToken
+ (L span tok) <- lexTokenFun
+ --trace ("token: " ++ show tok) $ do
+ if (queueComments && isDocComment tok)
+ then queueComment (L (psRealSpan span) tok)
+ else return ()
+ if (queueComments && isComment tok)
+ then queueComment (L (psRealSpan span) tok) >> lexer queueComments cont
+ else cont (L (mkSrcSpanPs span) tok)
+-- Use this instead of 'lexer' in GHC.Parser to dump the tokens for debugging.
+lexerDbg queueComments cont = lexer queueComments contDbg
+ where
+ contDbg tok = trace ("token: " ++ show (unLoc tok)) (cont tok)
+lexTokenAlr :: P (PsLocated Token)
+lexTokenAlr = do mPending <- popPendingImplicitToken
+ t <- case mPending of
+ Nothing ->
+ do mNext <- popNextToken
+ t <- case mNext of
+ Nothing -> lexToken
+ Just next -> return next
+ alternativeLayoutRuleToken t
+ Just t ->
+ return t
+ setAlrLastLoc (getLoc t)
+ case unLoc t of
+ ITwhere -> setAlrExpectingOCurly (Just ALRLayoutWhere)
+ ITlet -> setAlrExpectingOCurly (Just ALRLayoutLet)
+ ITof -> setAlrExpectingOCurly (Just ALRLayoutOf)
+ ITlcase -> setAlrExpectingOCurly (Just ALRLayoutOf)
+ ITdo -> setAlrExpectingOCurly (Just ALRLayoutDo)
+ ITmdo -> setAlrExpectingOCurly (Just ALRLayoutDo)
+ ITrec -> setAlrExpectingOCurly (Just ALRLayoutDo)
+ _ -> return ()
+ return t
+alternativeLayoutRuleToken :: PsLocated Token -> P (PsLocated Token)
+alternativeLayoutRuleToken t
+ = do context <- getALRContext
+ lastLoc <- getAlrLastLoc
+ mExpectingOCurly <- getAlrExpectingOCurly
+ transitional <- getBit ALRTransitionalBit
+ justClosedExplicitLetBlock <- getJustClosedExplicitLetBlock
+ setJustClosedExplicitLetBlock False
+ let thisLoc = getLoc t
+ thisCol = srcSpanStartCol (psRealSpan thisLoc)
+ newLine = srcSpanStartLine (psRealSpan thisLoc) > srcSpanEndLine (psRealSpan lastLoc)
+ case (unLoc t, context, mExpectingOCurly) of
+ -- This case handles a GHC extension to the original H98
+ -- layout rule...
+ (ITocurly, _, Just alrLayout) ->
+ do setAlrExpectingOCurly Nothing
+ let isLet = case alrLayout of
+ ALRLayoutLet -> True
+ _ -> False
+ setALRContext (ALRNoLayout (containsCommas ITocurly) isLet : context)
+ return t
+ -- ...and makes this case unnecessary
+ {-
+ -- I think our implicit open-curly handling is slightly
+ -- different to John's, in how it interacts with newlines
+ -- and "in"
+ (ITocurly, _, Just _) ->
+ do setAlrExpectingOCurly Nothing
+ setNextToken t
+ lexTokenAlr
+ -}
+ (_, ALRLayout _ col : _ls, Just expectingOCurly)
+ | (thisCol > col) ||
+ (thisCol == col &&
+ isNonDecreasingIndentation expectingOCurly) ->
+ do setAlrExpectingOCurly Nothing
+ setALRContext (ALRLayout expectingOCurly thisCol : context)
+ setNextToken t
+ return (L thisLoc ITvocurly)
+ | otherwise ->
+ do setAlrExpectingOCurly Nothing
+ setPendingImplicitTokens [L lastLoc ITvccurly]
+ setNextToken t
+ return (L lastLoc ITvocurly)
+ (_, _, Just expectingOCurly) ->
+ do setAlrExpectingOCurly Nothing
+ setALRContext (ALRLayout expectingOCurly thisCol : context)
+ setNextToken t
+ return (L thisLoc ITvocurly)
+ -- We do the [] cases earlier than in the spec, as we
+ -- have an actual EOF token
+ (ITeof, ALRLayout _ _ : ls, _) ->
+ do setALRContext ls
+ setNextToken t
+ return (L thisLoc ITvccurly)
+ (ITeof, _, _) ->
+ return t
+ -- the other ITeof case omitted; general case below covers it
+ (ITin, _, _)
+ | justClosedExplicitLetBlock ->
+ return t
+ (ITin, ALRLayout ALRLayoutLet _ : ls, _)
+ | newLine ->
+ do setPendingImplicitTokens [t]
+ setALRContext ls
+ return (L thisLoc ITvccurly)
+ -- This next case is to handle a transitional issue:
+ (ITwhere, ALRLayout _ col : ls, _)
+ | newLine && thisCol == col && transitional ->
+ do addWarning Opt_WarnAlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional
+ (mkSrcSpanPs thisLoc)
+ (transitionalAlternativeLayoutWarning
+ "`where' clause at the same depth as implicit layout block")
+ setALRContext ls
+ setNextToken t
+ -- Note that we use lastLoc, as we may need to close
+ -- more layouts, or give a semicolon
+ return (L lastLoc ITvccurly)
+ -- This next case is to handle a transitional issue:
+ (ITvbar, ALRLayout _ col : ls, _)
+ | newLine && thisCol == col && transitional ->
+ do addWarning Opt_WarnAlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional
+ (mkSrcSpanPs thisLoc)
+ (transitionalAlternativeLayoutWarning
+ "`|' at the same depth as implicit layout block")
+ setALRContext ls
+ setNextToken t
+ -- Note that we use lastLoc, as we may need to close
+ -- more layouts, or give a semicolon
+ return (L lastLoc ITvccurly)
+ (_, ALRLayout _ col : ls, _)
+ | newLine && thisCol == col ->
+ do setNextToken t
+ let loc = psSpanStart thisLoc
+ zeroWidthLoc = mkPsSpan loc loc
+ return (L zeroWidthLoc ITsemi)
+ | newLine && thisCol < col ->
+ do setALRContext ls
+ setNextToken t
+ -- Note that we use lastLoc, as we may need to close
+ -- more layouts, or give a semicolon
+ return (L lastLoc ITvccurly)
+ -- We need to handle close before open, as 'then' is both
+ -- an open and a close
+ (u, _, _)
+ | isALRclose u ->
+ case context of
+ ALRLayout _ _ : ls ->
+ do setALRContext ls
+ setNextToken t
+ return (L thisLoc ITvccurly)
+ ALRNoLayout _ isLet : ls ->
+ do let ls' = if isALRopen u
+ then ALRNoLayout (containsCommas u) False : ls
+ else ls
+ setALRContext ls'
+ when isLet $ setJustClosedExplicitLetBlock True
+ return t
+ [] ->
+ do let ls = if isALRopen u
+ then [ALRNoLayout (containsCommas u) False]
+ else []
+ setALRContext ls
+ -- XXX This is an error in John's code, but
+ -- it looks reachable to me at first glance
+ return t
+ (u, _, _)
+ | isALRopen u ->
+ do setALRContext (ALRNoLayout (containsCommas u) False : context)
+ return t
+ (ITin, ALRLayout ALRLayoutLet _ : ls, _) ->
+ do setALRContext ls
+ setPendingImplicitTokens [t]
+ return (L thisLoc ITvccurly)
+ (ITin, ALRLayout _ _ : ls, _) ->
+ do setALRContext ls
+ setNextToken t
+ return (L thisLoc ITvccurly)
+ -- the other ITin case omitted; general case below covers it
+ (ITcomma, ALRLayout _ _ : ls, _)
+ | topNoLayoutContainsCommas ls ->
+ do setALRContext ls
+ setNextToken t
+ return (L thisLoc ITvccurly)
+ (ITwhere, ALRLayout ALRLayoutDo _ : ls, _) ->
+ do setALRContext ls
+ setPendingImplicitTokens [t]
+ return (L thisLoc ITvccurly)
+ -- the other ITwhere case omitted; general case below covers it
+ (_, _, _) -> return t
+transitionalAlternativeLayoutWarning :: String -> SDoc
+transitionalAlternativeLayoutWarning msg
+ = text "transitional layout will not be accepted in the future:"
+ $$ text msg
+isALRopen :: Token -> Bool
+isALRopen ITcase = True
+isALRopen ITif = True
+isALRopen ITthen = True
+isALRopen IToparen = True
+isALRopen ITobrack = True
+isALRopen ITocurly = True
+-- GHC Extensions:
+isALRopen IToubxparen = True
+isALRopen _ = False
+isALRclose :: Token -> Bool
+isALRclose ITof = True
+isALRclose ITthen = True
+isALRclose ITelse = True
+isALRclose ITcparen = True
+isALRclose ITcbrack = True
+isALRclose ITccurly = True
+-- GHC Extensions:
+isALRclose ITcubxparen = True
+isALRclose _ = False
+isNonDecreasingIndentation :: ALRLayout -> Bool
+isNonDecreasingIndentation ALRLayoutDo = True
+isNonDecreasingIndentation _ = False
+containsCommas :: Token -> Bool
+containsCommas IToparen = True
+containsCommas ITobrack = True
+-- John doesn't have {} as containing commas, but records contain them,
+-- which caused a problem parsing Cabal's Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs
+-- (defaultInstallDirs).
+containsCommas ITocurly = True
+-- GHC Extensions:
+containsCommas IToubxparen = True
+containsCommas _ = False
+topNoLayoutContainsCommas :: [ALRContext] -> Bool
+topNoLayoutContainsCommas [] = False
+topNoLayoutContainsCommas (ALRLayout _ _ : ls) = topNoLayoutContainsCommas ls
+topNoLayoutContainsCommas (ALRNoLayout b _ : _) = b
+lexToken :: P (PsLocated Token)
+lexToken = do
+ inp@(AI loc1 buf) <- getInput
+ sc <- getLexState
+ exts <- getExts
+ case alexScanUser exts inp sc of
+ AlexEOF -> do
+ let span = mkPsSpan loc1 loc1
+ setEofPos (psRealSpan span)
+ setLastToken span 0
+ return (L span ITeof)
+ AlexError (AI loc2 buf) ->
+ reportLexError (psRealLoc loc1) (psRealLoc loc2) buf "lexical error"
+ AlexSkip inp2 _ -> do
+ setInput inp2
+ lexToken
+ AlexToken inp2@(AI end buf2) _ t -> do
+ setInput inp2
+ let span = mkPsSpan loc1 end
+ let bytes = byteDiff buf buf2
+ span `seq` setLastToken span bytes
+ lt <- t span buf bytes
+ let lt' = unLoc lt
+ unless (isComment lt') (setLastTk lt')
+ return lt
+reportLexError :: RealSrcLoc -> RealSrcLoc -> StringBuffer -> [Char] -> P a
+reportLexError loc1 loc2 buf str
+ | atEnd buf = failLocMsgP loc1 loc2 (str ++ " at end of input")
+ | otherwise =
+ let c = fst (nextChar buf)
+ in if c == '\0' -- decoding errors are mapped to '\0', see utf8DecodeChar#
+ then failLocMsgP loc2 loc2 (str ++ " (UTF-8 decoding error)")
+ else failLocMsgP loc1 loc2 (str ++ " at character " ++ show c)
+lexTokenStream :: StringBuffer -> RealSrcLoc -> DynFlags -> ParseResult [Located Token]
+lexTokenStream buf loc dflags = unP go initState{ options = opts' }
+ where dflags' = gopt_set (gopt_unset dflags Opt_Haddock) Opt_KeepRawTokenStream
+ initState@PState{ options = opts } = mkPState dflags' buf loc
+ opts' = opts{ pExtsBitmap = complement (xbit UsePosPragsBit) .&. pExtsBitmap opts }
+ go = do
+ ltok <- lexer False return
+ case ltok of
+ L _ ITeof -> return []
+ _ -> liftM (ltok:) go
+linePrags = Map.singleton "line" linePrag
+fileHeaderPrags = Map.fromList([("options", lex_string_prag IToptions_prag),
+ ("options_ghc", lex_string_prag IToptions_prag),
+ ("options_haddock", lex_string_prag ITdocOptions),
+ ("language", token ITlanguage_prag),
+ ("include", lex_string_prag ITinclude_prag)])
+ignoredPrags = Map.fromList (map ignored pragmas)
+ where ignored opt = (opt, nested_comment lexToken)
+ impls = ["hugs", "nhc98", "jhc", "yhc", "catch", "derive"]
+ options_pragmas = map ("options_" ++) impls
+ -- CFILES is a hugs-only thing.
+ pragmas = options_pragmas ++ ["cfiles", "contract"]
+oneWordPrags = Map.fromList [
+ ("rules", rulePrag),
+ ("inline",
+ strtoken (\s -> (ITinline_prag (SourceText s) Inline FunLike))),
+ ("inlinable",
+ strtoken (\s -> (ITinline_prag (SourceText s) Inlinable FunLike))),
+ ("inlineable",
+ strtoken (\s -> (ITinline_prag (SourceText s) Inlinable FunLike))),
+ -- Spelling variant
+ ("notinline",
+ strtoken (\s -> (ITinline_prag (SourceText s) NoInline FunLike))),
+ ("specialize", strtoken (\s -> ITspec_prag (SourceText s))),
+ ("source", strtoken (\s -> ITsource_prag (SourceText s))),
+ ("warning", strtoken (\s -> ITwarning_prag (SourceText s))),
+ ("deprecated", strtoken (\s -> ITdeprecated_prag (SourceText s))),
+ ("scc", strtoken (\s -> ITscc_prag (SourceText s))),
+ ("generated", strtoken (\s -> ITgenerated_prag (SourceText s))),
+ ("core", strtoken (\s -> ITcore_prag (SourceText s))),
+ ("unpack", strtoken (\s -> ITunpack_prag (SourceText s))),
+ ("nounpack", strtoken (\s -> ITnounpack_prag (SourceText s))),
+ ("ann", strtoken (\s -> ITann_prag (SourceText s))),
+ ("minimal", strtoken (\s -> ITminimal_prag (SourceText s))),
+ ("overlaps", strtoken (\s -> IToverlaps_prag (SourceText s))),
+ ("overlappable", strtoken (\s -> IToverlappable_prag (SourceText s))),
+ ("overlapping", strtoken (\s -> IToverlapping_prag (SourceText s))),
+ ("incoherent", strtoken (\s -> ITincoherent_prag (SourceText s))),
+ ("ctype", strtoken (\s -> ITctype (SourceText s))),
+ ("complete", strtoken (\s -> ITcomplete_prag (SourceText s))),
+ ("column", columnPrag)
+ ]
+twoWordPrags = Map.fromList [
+ ("inline conlike",
+ strtoken (\s -> (ITinline_prag (SourceText s) Inline ConLike))),
+ ("notinline conlike",
+ strtoken (\s -> (ITinline_prag (SourceText s) NoInline ConLike))),
+ ("specialize inline",
+ strtoken (\s -> (ITspec_inline_prag (SourceText s) True))),
+ ("specialize notinline",
+ strtoken (\s -> (ITspec_inline_prag (SourceText s) False)))
+ ]
+dispatch_pragmas :: Map String Action -> Action
+dispatch_pragmas prags span buf len = case Map.lookup (clean_pragma (lexemeToString buf len)) prags of
+ Just found -> found span buf len
+ Nothing -> lexError "unknown pragma"
+known_pragma :: Map String Action -> AlexAccPred ExtsBitmap
+known_pragma prags _ (AI _ startbuf) _ (AI _ curbuf)
+ = isKnown && nextCharIsNot curbuf pragmaNameChar
+ where l = lexemeToString startbuf (byteDiff startbuf curbuf)
+ isKnown = isJust $ Map.lookup (clean_pragma l) prags
+ pragmaNameChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_'
+clean_pragma :: String -> String
+clean_pragma prag = canon_ws (map toLower (unprefix prag))
+ where unprefix prag' = case stripPrefix "{-#" prag' of
+ Just rest -> rest
+ Nothing -> prag'
+ canonical prag' = case prag' of
+ "noinline" -> "notinline"
+ "specialise" -> "specialize"
+ "constructorlike" -> "conlike"
+ _ -> prag'
+ canon_ws s = unwords (map canonical (words s))
+%* *
+ Helper functions for generating annotations in the parser
+%* *
+-- | Encapsulated call to addAnnotation, requiring only the SrcSpan of
+-- the AST construct the annotation belongs to; together with the
+-- AnnKeywordId, this is the key of the annotation map.
+-- This type is useful for places in the parser where it is not yet
+-- known what SrcSpan an annotation should be added to. The most
+-- common situation is when we are parsing a list: the annotations
+-- need to be associated with the AST element that *contains* the
+-- list, not the list itself. 'AddAnn' lets us defer adding the
+-- annotations until we finish parsing the list and are now parsing
+-- the enclosing element; we then apply the 'AddAnn' to associate
+-- the annotations. Another common situation is where a common fragment of
+-- the AST has been factored out but there is no separate AST node for
+-- this fragment (this occurs in class and data declarations). In this
+-- case, the annotation belongs to the parent data declaration.
+-- The usual way an 'AddAnn' is created is using the 'mj' ("make jump")
+-- function, and then it can be discharged using the 'ams' function.
+data AddAnn = AddAnn AnnKeywordId SrcSpan
+addAnnotationOnly :: RealSrcSpan -> AnnKeywordId -> RealSrcSpan -> P ()
+addAnnotationOnly l a v = P $ \s -> POk s {
+ annotations = ((l,a), [v]) : annotations s
+ } ()
+-- |Given a 'SrcSpan' that surrounds a 'HsPar' or 'HsParTy', generate
+-- 'AddAnn' values for the opening and closing bordering on the start
+-- and end of the span
+mkParensApiAnn :: SrcSpan -> [AddAnn]
+mkParensApiAnn (UnhelpfulSpan _) = []
+mkParensApiAnn (RealSrcSpan ss _) = [AddAnn AnnOpenP lo,AddAnn AnnCloseP lc]
+ where
+ f = srcSpanFile ss
+ sl = srcSpanStartLine ss
+ sc = srcSpanStartCol ss
+ el = srcSpanEndLine ss
+ ec = srcSpanEndCol ss
+ lo = RealSrcSpan (mkRealSrcSpan (realSrcSpanStart ss) (mkRealSrcLoc f sl (sc+1))) Nothing
+ lc = RealSrcSpan (mkRealSrcSpan (mkRealSrcLoc f el (ec - 1)) (realSrcSpanEnd ss)) Nothing
+queueComment :: RealLocated Token -> P()
+queueComment c = P $ \s -> POk s {
+ comment_q = commentToAnnotation c : comment_q s
+ } ()
+-- | Go through the @comment_q@ in @PState@ and remove all comments
+-- that belong within the given span
+allocateCommentsP :: RealSrcSpan -> P ()
+allocateCommentsP ss = P $ \s ->
+ let (comment_q', newAnns) = allocateComments ss (comment_q s) in
+ POk s {
+ comment_q = comment_q'
+ , annotations_comments = newAnns ++ (annotations_comments s)
+ } ()
+ :: RealSrcSpan
+ -> [RealLocated AnnotationComment]
+ -> ([RealLocated AnnotationComment], [(RealSrcSpan,[RealLocated AnnotationComment])])
+allocateComments ss comment_q =
+ let
+ (before,rest) = break (\(L l _) -> isRealSubspanOf l ss) comment_q
+ (middle,after) = break (\(L l _) -> not (isRealSubspanOf l ss)) rest
+ comment_q' = before ++ after
+ newAnns = if null middle then []
+ else [(ss,middle)]
+ in
+ (comment_q', newAnns)
+commentToAnnotation :: RealLocated Token -> RealLocated AnnotationComment
+commentToAnnotation (L l (ITdocCommentNext s)) = L l (AnnDocCommentNext s)
+commentToAnnotation (L l (ITdocCommentPrev s)) = L l (AnnDocCommentPrev s)
+commentToAnnotation (L l (ITdocCommentNamed s)) = L l (AnnDocCommentNamed s)
+commentToAnnotation (L l (ITdocSection n s)) = L l (AnnDocSection n s)
+commentToAnnotation (L l (ITdocOptions s)) = L l (AnnDocOptions s)
+commentToAnnotation (L l (ITlineComment s)) = L l (AnnLineComment s)
+commentToAnnotation (L l (ITblockComment s)) = L l (AnnBlockComment s)
+commentToAnnotation _ = panic "commentToAnnotation"
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+isComment :: Token -> Bool
+isComment (ITlineComment _) = True
+isComment (ITblockComment _) = True
+isComment _ = False
+isDocComment :: Token -> Bool
+isDocComment (ITdocCommentNext _) = True
+isDocComment (ITdocCommentPrev _) = True
+isDocComment (ITdocCommentNamed _) = True
+isDocComment (ITdocSection _ _) = True
+isDocComment (ITdocOptions _) = True
+isDocComment _ = False