path: root/compiler/GHC/Rename/Expr.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Rename/Expr.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Rename/Expr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Rename/Expr.hs
index d091dc66fa..20163e9d65 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Rename/Expr.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Rename/Expr.hs
@@ -241,7 +241,6 @@ rnExpr (HsPragE x prag expr)
rn_prag (HsPragSCC x1 src ann) = HsPragSCC x1 src ann
rn_prag (HsPragCore x1 src lbl) = HsPragCore x1 src lbl
rn_prag (HsPragTick x1 src info srcInfo) = HsPragTick x1 src info srcInfo
- rn_prag (XHsPragE x) = noExtCon x
rnExpr (HsLam x matches)
= do { (matches', fvMatch) <- rnMatchGroup LambdaExpr rnLExpr matches
@@ -289,7 +288,6 @@ rnExpr (ExplicitTuple x tup_args boxity)
; return (L l (Present x e'), fvs) }
rnTupArg (L l (Missing _)) = return (L l (Missing noExtField)
, emptyFVs)
- rnTupArg (L _ (XTupArg nec)) = noExtCon nec
rnExpr (ExplicitSum x alt arity expr)
= do { (expr', fvs) <- rnLExpr expr
@@ -441,7 +439,6 @@ rnCmdTop = wrapLocFstM rnCmdTop'
; return (HsCmdTop (cmd_names `zip` cmd_names') cmd',
fvCmd `plusFV` cmd_fvs) }
- rnCmdTop' (XCmdTop nec) = noExtCon nec
rnLCmd :: LHsCmd GhcPs -> RnM (LHsCmd GhcRn, FreeVars)
rnLCmd = wrapLocFstM rnCmd
@@ -514,8 +511,6 @@ rnCmd (HsCmdDo x (L l stmts))
rnStmts ArrowExpr rnLCmd stmts (\ _ -> return ((), emptyFVs))
; return ( HsCmdDo x (L l stmts'), fvs ) }
-rnCmd (XCmd nec) = noExtCon nec
type CmdNeeds = FreeVars -- Only inhabitants are
-- appAName, choiceAName, loopAName
@@ -545,8 +540,6 @@ methodNamesCmd (HsCmdLam _ match) = methodNamesMatch match
methodNamesCmd (HsCmdCase _ _ matches)
= methodNamesMatch matches `addOneFV` choiceAName
-methodNamesCmd (XCmd nec) = noExtCon nec
--methodNamesCmd _ = emptyFVs
-- Other forms can't occur in commands, but it's not convenient
-- to error here so we just do what's convenient.
@@ -558,20 +551,16 @@ methodNamesMatch (MG { mg_alts = L _ ms })
= plusFVs (map do_one ms)
do_one (L _ (Match { m_grhss = grhss })) = methodNamesGRHSs grhss
- do_one (L _ (XMatch nec)) = noExtCon nec
-methodNamesMatch (XMatchGroup nec) = noExtCon nec
-- gaw 2004
methodNamesGRHSs :: GRHSs GhcRn (LHsCmd GhcRn) -> FreeVars
methodNamesGRHSs (GRHSs _ grhss _) = plusFVs (map methodNamesGRHS grhss)
-methodNamesGRHSs (XGRHSs nec) = noExtCon nec
methodNamesGRHS :: Located (GRHS GhcRn (LHsCmd GhcRn)) -> CmdNeeds
methodNamesGRHS (L _ (GRHS _ _ rhs)) = methodNamesLCmd rhs
-methodNamesGRHS (L _ (XGRHS nec)) = noExtCon nec
methodNamesStmts :: [Located (StmtLR GhcRn GhcRn (LHsCmd GhcRn))] -> FreeVars
@@ -593,7 +582,6 @@ methodNamesStmt (TransStmt {}) = emptyFVs
methodNamesStmt ApplicativeStmt{} = emptyFVs
-- ParStmt and TransStmt can't occur in commands, but it's not
-- convenient to error here so we just do what's convenient
-methodNamesStmt (XStmtLR nec) = noExtCon nec
@@ -923,9 +911,6 @@ rnStmt ctxt _ (L loc (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts, trS_by = by, trS_form = for
rnStmt _ _ (L _ ApplicativeStmt{}) _ =
panic "rnStmt: ApplicativeStmt"
-rnStmt _ _ (L _ (XStmtLR nec)) _ =
- noExtCon nec
rnParallelStmts :: forall thing. HsStmtContext GhcRn
-> SyntaxExpr GhcRn
-> [ParStmtBlock GhcPs GhcPs]
@@ -955,7 +940,6 @@ rnParallelStmts ctxt return_op segs thing_inside
; let seg' = ParStmtBlock x stmts' used_bndrs return_op
; return ((seg':segs', thing), fvs) }
- rn_segs _ _ (XParStmtBlock nec:_) = noExtCon nec
cmpByOcc n1 n2 = nameOccName n1 `compare` nameOccName n2
dupErr vs = addErr (text "Duplicate binding in parallel list comprehension for:"
@@ -1124,10 +1108,6 @@ rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ stmt@(L _ (ApplicativeStmt {})) -- Shouldn't appear yet
rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ (L _ (LetStmt _ (L _ (EmptyLocalBinds _))))
= panic "rn_rec_stmt LetStmt EmptyLocalBinds"
-rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ (L _ (LetStmt _ (L _ (XHsLocalBindsLR nec))))
- = noExtCon nec
-rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ (L _ (XStmtLR nec))
- = noExtCon nec
rn_rec_stmts_lhs :: Outputable body => MiniFixityEnv
-> [LStmt GhcPs body]
@@ -1195,18 +1175,12 @@ rn_rec_stmt _ _ stmt@(L _ (ParStmt {}), _) -- Syntactically illegal in mdo
rn_rec_stmt _ _ stmt@(L _ (TransStmt {}), _) -- Syntactically illegal in mdo
= pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt: TransStmt" (ppr stmt)
-rn_rec_stmt _ _ (L _ (LetStmt _ (L _ (XHsLocalBindsLR nec))), _)
- = noExtCon nec
rn_rec_stmt _ _ (L _ (LetStmt _ (L _ (EmptyLocalBinds _))), _)
= panic "rn_rec_stmt: LetStmt EmptyLocalBinds"
rn_rec_stmt _ _ stmt@(L _ (ApplicativeStmt {}), _)
= pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt: ApplicativeStmt" (ppr stmt)
-rn_rec_stmt _ _ (L _ (XStmtLR nec), _)
- = noExtCon nec
rn_rec_stmts :: Outputable (body GhcPs) =>
(Located (body GhcPs) -> RnM (Located (body GhcRn), FreeVars))
-> [Name]
@@ -1854,7 +1828,6 @@ isStrictPattern lpat =
NPlusKPat{} -> True
SplicePat{} -> True
CoPat{} -> panic "isStrictPattern: CoPat"
- XPat nec -> noExtCon nec
Note [ApplicativeDo and refutable patterns]
@@ -2065,7 +2038,6 @@ pprStmtCat (LetStmt {}) = text "let"
pprStmtCat (RecStmt {}) = text "rec"
pprStmtCat (ParStmt {}) = text "parallel"
pprStmtCat (ApplicativeStmt {}) = panic "pprStmtCat: ApplicativeStmt"
-pprStmtCat (XStmtLR nec) = noExtCon nec
emptyInvalid :: Validity -- Payload is the empty document
@@ -2131,7 +2103,6 @@ okCompStmt dflags _ stmt
RecStmt {} -> emptyInvalid
LastStmt {} -> emptyInvalid -- Should not happen (dealt with by checkLastStmt)
ApplicativeStmt {} -> emptyInvalid
- XStmtLR nec -> noExtCon nec
checkTupleSection :: [LHsTupArg GhcPs] -> RnM ()