path: root/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Heap/Layout.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Runtime/Heap/Layout.hs')
1 files changed, 563 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Heap/Layout.hs b/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Heap/Layout.hs
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index 0000000000..b7899ecc1b
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+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+-- (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+-- Storage manager representation of closures
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP,GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module GHC.Runtime.Heap.Layout (
+ -- * Words and bytes
+ WordOff, ByteOff,
+ wordsToBytes, bytesToWordsRoundUp,
+ roundUpToWords, roundUpTo,
+ StgWord, fromStgWord, toStgWord,
+ StgHalfWord, fromStgHalfWord, toStgHalfWord,
+ halfWordSize, halfWordSizeInBits,
+ -- * Closure representation
+ SMRep(..), -- CmmInfo sees the rep; no one else does
+ IsStatic,
+ ClosureTypeInfo(..), ArgDescr(..), Liveness,
+ ConstrDescription,
+ -- ** Construction
+ mkHeapRep, blackHoleRep, indStaticRep, mkStackRep, mkRTSRep, arrPtrsRep,
+ smallArrPtrsRep, arrWordsRep,
+ -- ** Predicates
+ isStaticRep, isConRep, isThunkRep, isFunRep, isStaticNoCafCon,
+ isStackRep,
+ -- ** Size-related things
+ heapClosureSizeW,
+ fixedHdrSizeW, arrWordsHdrSize, arrWordsHdrSizeW, arrPtrsHdrSize,
+ arrPtrsHdrSizeW, profHdrSize, thunkHdrSize, nonHdrSize, nonHdrSizeW,
+ smallArrPtrsHdrSize, smallArrPtrsHdrSizeW, hdrSize, hdrSizeW,
+ fixedHdrSize,
+ -- ** RTS closure types
+ rtsClosureType, rET_SMALL, rET_BIG,
+ -- ** Arrays
+ card, cardRoundUp, cardTableSizeB, cardTableSizeW
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import BasicTypes( ConTagZ )
+import DynFlags
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Platform
+import FastString
+import Data.Word
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+* *
+ Words and bytes
+* *
+-- | Word offset, or word count
+type WordOff = Int
+-- | Byte offset, or byte count
+type ByteOff = Int
+-- | Round up the given byte count to the next byte count that's a
+-- multiple of the machine's word size.
+roundUpToWords :: DynFlags -> ByteOff -> ByteOff
+roundUpToWords dflags n = roundUpTo n (wORD_SIZE dflags)
+-- | Round up @base@ to a multiple of @size@.
+roundUpTo :: ByteOff -> ByteOff -> ByteOff
+roundUpTo base size = (base + (size - 1)) .&. (complement (size - 1))
+-- | Convert the given number of words to a number of bytes.
+-- This function morally has type @WordOff -> ByteOff@, but uses @Num
+-- a@ to allow for overloading.
+wordsToBytes :: Num a => DynFlags -> a -> a
+wordsToBytes dflags n = fromIntegral (wORD_SIZE dflags) * n
+{-# SPECIALIZE wordsToBytes :: DynFlags -> Int -> Int #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE wordsToBytes :: DynFlags -> Word -> Word #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE wordsToBytes :: DynFlags -> Integer -> Integer #-}
+-- | First round the given byte count up to a multiple of the
+-- machine's word size and then convert the result to words.
+bytesToWordsRoundUp :: DynFlags -> ByteOff -> WordOff
+bytesToWordsRoundUp dflags n = (n + word_size - 1) `quot` word_size
+ where word_size = wORD_SIZE dflags
+-- StgWord is a type representing an StgWord on the target platform.
+-- A Word64 is large enough to hold a Word for either a 32bit or 64bit platform
+newtype StgWord = StgWord Word64
+ deriving (Eq, Bits)
+fromStgWord :: StgWord -> Integer
+fromStgWord (StgWord i) = toInteger i
+toStgWord :: DynFlags -> Integer -> StgWord
+toStgWord dflags i
+ = case platformWordSize (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ -- These conversions mean that things like toStgWord (-1)
+ -- do the right thing
+ PW4 -> StgWord (fromIntegral (fromInteger i :: Word32))
+ PW8 -> StgWord (fromInteger i)
+instance Outputable StgWord where
+ ppr (StgWord i) = integer (toInteger i)
+-- A Word32 is large enough to hold half a Word for either a 32bit or
+-- 64bit platform
+newtype StgHalfWord = StgHalfWord Word32
+ deriving Eq
+fromStgHalfWord :: StgHalfWord -> Integer
+fromStgHalfWord (StgHalfWord w) = toInteger w
+toStgHalfWord :: DynFlags -> Integer -> StgHalfWord
+toStgHalfWord dflags i
+ = case platformWordSize (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ -- These conversions mean that things like toStgHalfWord (-1)
+ -- do the right thing
+ PW4 -> StgHalfWord (fromIntegral (fromInteger i :: Word16))
+ PW8 -> StgHalfWord (fromInteger i :: Word32)
+instance Outputable StgHalfWord where
+ ppr (StgHalfWord w) = integer (toInteger w)
+-- | Half word size in bytes
+halfWordSize :: DynFlags -> ByteOff
+halfWordSize dflags = platformWordSizeInBytes (targetPlatform dflags) `div` 2
+halfWordSizeInBits :: DynFlags -> Int
+halfWordSizeInBits dflags = platformWordSizeInBits (targetPlatform dflags) `div` 2
+* *
+\subsubsection[SMRep-datatype]{@SMRep@---storage manager representation}
+* *
+-- | A description of the layout of a closure. Corresponds directly
+-- to the closure types in includes/rts/storage/ClosureTypes.h.
+data SMRep
+ = HeapRep -- GC routines consult sizes in info tbl
+ IsStatic
+ !WordOff -- # ptr words
+ !WordOff -- # non-ptr words INCLUDING SLOP (see mkHeapRep below)
+ ClosureTypeInfo -- type-specific info
+ | ArrayPtrsRep
+ !WordOff -- # ptr words
+ !WordOff -- # card table words
+ | SmallArrayPtrsRep
+ !WordOff -- # ptr words
+ | ArrayWordsRep
+ !WordOff -- # bytes expressed in words, rounded up
+ | StackRep -- Stack frame (RET_SMALL or RET_BIG)
+ Liveness
+ | RTSRep -- The RTS needs to declare info tables with specific
+ Int -- type tags, so this form lets us override the default
+ SMRep -- tag for an SMRep.
+-- | True <=> This is a static closure. Affects how we garbage-collect it.
+-- Static closure have an extra static link field at the end.
+-- Constructors do not have a static variant; see Note [static constructors]
+type IsStatic = Bool
+-- From an SMRep you can get to the closure type defined in
+-- includes/rts/storage/ClosureTypes.h. Described by the function
+-- rtsClosureType below.
+data ClosureTypeInfo
+ = Constr ConTagZ ConstrDescription
+ | Fun FunArity ArgDescr
+ | Thunk
+ | ThunkSelector SelectorOffset
+ | BlackHole
+ | IndStatic
+type ConstrDescription = ByteString -- result of dataConIdentity
+type FunArity = Int
+type SelectorOffset = Int
+-- We represent liveness bitmaps as a Bitmap (whose internal
+-- representation really is a bitmap). These are pinned onto case return
+-- vectors to indicate the state of the stack for the garbage collector.
+-- In the compiled program, liveness bitmaps that fit inside a single
+-- word (StgWord) are stored as a single word, while larger bitmaps are
+-- stored as a pointer to an array of words.
+type Liveness = [Bool] -- One Bool per word; True <=> non-ptr or dead
+ -- False <=> ptr
+-- An ArgDescr describes the argument pattern of a function
+data ArgDescr
+ = ArgSpec -- Fits one of the standard patterns
+ !Int -- RTS type identifier ARG_P, ARG_N, ...
+ | ArgGen -- General case
+ Liveness -- Details about the arguments
+-- Construction
+mkHeapRep :: DynFlags -> IsStatic -> WordOff -> WordOff -> ClosureTypeInfo
+ -> SMRep
+mkHeapRep dflags is_static ptr_wds nonptr_wds cl_type_info
+ = HeapRep is_static
+ ptr_wds
+ (nonptr_wds + slop_wds)
+ cl_type_info
+ where
+ slop_wds
+ | is_static = 0
+ | otherwise = max 0 (minClosureSize dflags - (hdr_size + payload_size))
+ hdr_size = closureTypeHdrSize dflags cl_type_info
+ payload_size = ptr_wds + nonptr_wds
+mkRTSRep :: Int -> SMRep -> SMRep
+mkRTSRep = RTSRep
+mkStackRep :: [Bool] -> SMRep
+mkStackRep liveness = StackRep liveness
+blackHoleRep :: SMRep
+blackHoleRep = HeapRep False 0 0 BlackHole
+indStaticRep :: SMRep
+indStaticRep = HeapRep True 1 0 IndStatic
+arrPtrsRep :: DynFlags -> WordOff -> SMRep
+arrPtrsRep dflags elems = ArrayPtrsRep elems (cardTableSizeW dflags elems)
+smallArrPtrsRep :: WordOff -> SMRep
+smallArrPtrsRep elems = SmallArrayPtrsRep elems
+arrWordsRep :: DynFlags -> ByteOff -> SMRep
+arrWordsRep dflags bytes = ArrayWordsRep (bytesToWordsRoundUp dflags bytes)
+-- Predicates
+isStaticRep :: SMRep -> IsStatic
+isStaticRep (HeapRep is_static _ _ _) = is_static
+isStaticRep (RTSRep _ rep) = isStaticRep rep
+isStaticRep _ = False
+isStackRep :: SMRep -> Bool
+isStackRep StackRep{} = True
+isStackRep (RTSRep _ rep) = isStackRep rep
+isStackRep _ = False
+isConRep :: SMRep -> Bool
+isConRep (HeapRep _ _ _ Constr{}) = True
+isConRep _ = False
+isThunkRep :: SMRep -> Bool
+isThunkRep (HeapRep _ _ _ Thunk) = True
+isThunkRep (HeapRep _ _ _ ThunkSelector{}) = True
+isThunkRep (HeapRep _ _ _ BlackHole) = True
+isThunkRep (HeapRep _ _ _ IndStatic) = True
+isThunkRep _ = False
+isFunRep :: SMRep -> Bool
+isFunRep (HeapRep _ _ _ Fun{}) = True
+isFunRep _ = False
+isStaticNoCafCon :: SMRep -> Bool
+-- This should line up exactly with CONSTR_NOCAF below
+-- See Note [Static NoCaf constructors]
+isStaticNoCafCon (HeapRep _ 0 _ Constr{}) = True
+isStaticNoCafCon _ = False
+-- Size-related things
+fixedHdrSize :: DynFlags -> ByteOff
+fixedHdrSize dflags = wordsToBytes dflags (fixedHdrSizeW dflags)
+-- | Size of a closure header (StgHeader in includes/rts/storage/Closures.h)
+fixedHdrSizeW :: DynFlags -> WordOff
+fixedHdrSizeW dflags = sTD_HDR_SIZE dflags + profHdrSize dflags
+-- | Size of the profiling part of a closure header
+-- (StgProfHeader in includes/rts/storage/Closures.h)
+profHdrSize :: DynFlags -> WordOff
+profHdrSize dflags
+ | gopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags = pROF_HDR_SIZE dflags
+ | otherwise = 0
+-- | The garbage collector requires that every closure is at least as
+-- big as this.
+minClosureSize :: DynFlags -> WordOff
+minClosureSize dflags = fixedHdrSizeW dflags + mIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE dflags
+arrWordsHdrSize :: DynFlags -> ByteOff
+arrWordsHdrSize dflags
+ = fixedHdrSize dflags + sIZEOF_StgArrBytes_NoHdr dflags
+arrWordsHdrSizeW :: DynFlags -> WordOff
+arrWordsHdrSizeW dflags =
+ fixedHdrSizeW dflags +
+ (sIZEOF_StgArrBytes_NoHdr dflags `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags)
+arrPtrsHdrSize :: DynFlags -> ByteOff
+arrPtrsHdrSize dflags
+ = fixedHdrSize dflags + sIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs_NoHdr dflags
+arrPtrsHdrSizeW :: DynFlags -> WordOff
+arrPtrsHdrSizeW dflags =
+ fixedHdrSizeW dflags +
+ (sIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs_NoHdr dflags `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags)
+smallArrPtrsHdrSize :: DynFlags -> ByteOff
+smallArrPtrsHdrSize dflags
+ = fixedHdrSize dflags + sIZEOF_StgSmallMutArrPtrs_NoHdr dflags
+smallArrPtrsHdrSizeW :: DynFlags -> WordOff
+smallArrPtrsHdrSizeW dflags =
+ fixedHdrSizeW dflags +
+ (sIZEOF_StgSmallMutArrPtrs_NoHdr dflags `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags)
+-- Thunks have an extra header word on SMP, so the update doesn't
+-- splat the payload.
+thunkHdrSize :: DynFlags -> WordOff
+thunkHdrSize dflags = fixedHdrSizeW dflags + smp_hdr
+ where smp_hdr = sIZEOF_StgSMPThunkHeader dflags `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags
+hdrSize :: DynFlags -> SMRep -> ByteOff
+hdrSize dflags rep = wordsToBytes dflags (hdrSizeW dflags rep)
+hdrSizeW :: DynFlags -> SMRep -> WordOff
+hdrSizeW dflags (HeapRep _ _ _ ty) = closureTypeHdrSize dflags ty
+hdrSizeW dflags (ArrayPtrsRep _ _) = arrPtrsHdrSizeW dflags
+hdrSizeW dflags (SmallArrayPtrsRep _) = smallArrPtrsHdrSizeW dflags
+hdrSizeW dflags (ArrayWordsRep _) = arrWordsHdrSizeW dflags
+hdrSizeW _ _ = panic "SMRep.hdrSizeW"
+nonHdrSize :: DynFlags -> SMRep -> ByteOff
+nonHdrSize dflags rep = wordsToBytes dflags (nonHdrSizeW rep)
+nonHdrSizeW :: SMRep -> WordOff
+nonHdrSizeW (HeapRep _ p np _) = p + np
+nonHdrSizeW (ArrayPtrsRep elems ct) = elems + ct
+nonHdrSizeW (SmallArrayPtrsRep elems) = elems
+nonHdrSizeW (ArrayWordsRep words) = words
+nonHdrSizeW (StackRep bs) = length bs
+nonHdrSizeW (RTSRep _ rep) = nonHdrSizeW rep
+-- | The total size of the closure, in words.
+heapClosureSizeW :: DynFlags -> SMRep -> WordOff
+heapClosureSizeW dflags (HeapRep _ p np ty)
+ = closureTypeHdrSize dflags ty + p + np
+heapClosureSizeW dflags (ArrayPtrsRep elems ct)
+ = arrPtrsHdrSizeW dflags + elems + ct
+heapClosureSizeW dflags (SmallArrayPtrsRep elems)
+ = smallArrPtrsHdrSizeW dflags + elems
+heapClosureSizeW dflags (ArrayWordsRep words)
+ = arrWordsHdrSizeW dflags + words
+heapClosureSizeW _ _ = panic "SMRep.heapClosureSize"
+closureTypeHdrSize :: DynFlags -> ClosureTypeInfo -> WordOff
+closureTypeHdrSize dflags ty = case ty of
+ Thunk -> thunkHdrSize dflags
+ ThunkSelector{} -> thunkHdrSize dflags
+ BlackHole -> thunkHdrSize dflags
+ IndStatic -> thunkHdrSize dflags
+ _ -> fixedHdrSizeW dflags
+ -- All thunks use thunkHdrSize, even if they are non-updatable.
+ -- this is because we don't have separate closure types for
+ -- updatable vs. non-updatable thunks, so the GC can't tell the
+ -- difference. If we ever have significant numbers of non-
+ -- updatable thunks, it might be worth fixing this.
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Arrays
+-- | The byte offset into the card table of the card for a given element
+card :: DynFlags -> Int -> Int
+card dflags i = i `shiftR` mUT_ARR_PTRS_CARD_BITS dflags
+-- | Convert a number of elements to a number of cards, rounding up
+cardRoundUp :: DynFlags -> Int -> Int
+cardRoundUp dflags i =
+ card dflags (i + ((1 `shiftL` mUT_ARR_PTRS_CARD_BITS dflags) - 1))
+-- | The size of a card table, in bytes
+cardTableSizeB :: DynFlags -> Int -> ByteOff
+cardTableSizeB dflags elems = cardRoundUp dflags elems
+-- | The size of a card table, in words
+cardTableSizeW :: DynFlags -> Int -> WordOff
+cardTableSizeW dflags elems =
+ bytesToWordsRoundUp dflags (cardTableSizeB dflags elems)
+-- deriving the RTS closure type from an SMRep
+#include "../includes/rts/storage/ClosureTypes.h"
+#include "../includes/rts/storage/FunTypes.h"
+-- Defines CONSTR, CONSTR_1_0 etc
+-- | Derives the RTS closure type from an 'SMRep'
+rtsClosureType :: SMRep -> Int
+rtsClosureType rep
+ = case rep of
+ RTSRep ty _ -> ty
+ -- See Note [static constructors]
+ HeapRep _ 1 0 Constr{} -> CONSTR_1_0
+ HeapRep _ 0 1 Constr{} -> CONSTR_0_1
+ HeapRep _ 2 0 Constr{} -> CONSTR_2_0
+ HeapRep _ 1 1 Constr{} -> CONSTR_1_1
+ HeapRep _ 0 2 Constr{} -> CONSTR_0_2
+ HeapRep _ 0 _ Constr{} -> CONSTR_NOCAF
+ -- See Note [Static NoCaf constructors]
+ HeapRep _ _ _ Constr{} -> CONSTR
+ HeapRep False 1 0 Fun{} -> FUN_1_0
+ HeapRep False 0 1 Fun{} -> FUN_0_1
+ HeapRep False 2 0 Fun{} -> FUN_2_0
+ HeapRep False 1 1 Fun{} -> FUN_1_1
+ HeapRep False 0 2 Fun{} -> FUN_0_2
+ HeapRep False _ _ Fun{} -> FUN
+ HeapRep False 1 0 Thunk -> THUNK_1_0
+ HeapRep False 0 1 Thunk -> THUNK_0_1
+ HeapRep False 2 0 Thunk -> THUNK_2_0
+ HeapRep False 1 1 Thunk -> THUNK_1_1
+ HeapRep False 0 2 Thunk -> THUNK_0_2
+ HeapRep False _ _ Thunk -> THUNK
+ HeapRep False _ _ ThunkSelector{} -> THUNK_SELECTOR
+ HeapRep True _ _ Fun{} -> FUN_STATIC
+ HeapRep True _ _ Thunk -> THUNK_STATIC
+ HeapRep False _ _ BlackHole -> BLACKHOLE
+ HeapRep False _ _ IndStatic -> IND_STATIC
+ _ -> panic "rtsClosureType"
+-- We export these ones
+Note [static constructors]
+We used to have a CONSTR_STATIC closure type, and each constructor had
+two info tables: one with CONSTR (or CONSTR_1_0 etc.), and one with
+This distinction was removed, because when copying a data structure
+into a compact region, we must copy static constructors into the
+compact region too. If we didn't do this, we would need to track the
+references from the compact region out to the static constructors,
+because they might (indirectly) refer to CAFs.
+Since static constructors will be copied to the heap, if we wanted to
+use different info tables for static and dynamic constructors, we
+would have to switch the info pointer when copying the constructor
+into the compact region, which means we would need an extra field of
+the static info table to point to the dynamic one.
+However, since the distinction between static and dynamic closure
+types is never actually needed (other than for assertions), we can
+just drop the distinction and use the same info table for both.
+The GC *does* need to distinguish between static and dynamic closures,
+but it does this using the HEAP_ALLOCED() macro which checks whether
+the address of the closure resides within the dynamic heap.
+HEAP_ALLOCED() doesn't read the closure's info table.
+Note [Static NoCaf constructors]
+If we know that a top-level binding 'x' is not Caffy (ie no CAFs are
+reachable from 'x'), then a statically allocated constructor (Just x)
+is also not Caffy, and the garbage collector need not follow its
+argument fields. Exploiting this would require two static info tables
+for Just, for the two cases where the argument was Caffy or non-Caffy.
+Currently we don't do this; instead we treat nullary constructors
+as non-Caffy, and the others as potentially Caffy.
+* *
+ Pretty printing of SMRep and friends
+* *
+instance Outputable ClosureTypeInfo where
+ ppr = pprTypeInfo
+instance Outputable SMRep where
+ ppr (HeapRep static ps nps tyinfo)
+ = hang (header <+> lbrace) 2 (ppr tyinfo <+> rbrace)
+ where
+ header = text "HeapRep"
+ <+> if static then text "static" else empty
+ <+> pp_n "ptrs" ps <+> pp_n "nonptrs" nps
+ pp_n :: String -> Int -> SDoc
+ pp_n _ 0 = empty
+ pp_n s n = int n <+> text s
+ ppr (ArrayPtrsRep size _) = text "ArrayPtrsRep" <+> ppr size
+ ppr (SmallArrayPtrsRep size) = text "SmallArrayPtrsRep" <+> ppr size
+ ppr (ArrayWordsRep words) = text "ArrayWordsRep" <+> ppr words
+ ppr (StackRep bs) = text "StackRep" <+> ppr bs
+ ppr (RTSRep ty rep) = text "tag:" <> ppr ty <+> ppr rep
+instance Outputable ArgDescr where
+ ppr (ArgSpec n) = text "ArgSpec" <+> ppr n
+ ppr (ArgGen ls) = text "ArgGen" <+> ppr ls
+pprTypeInfo :: ClosureTypeInfo -> SDoc
+pprTypeInfo (Constr tag descr)
+ = text "Con" <+>
+ braces (sep [ text "tag:" <+> ppr tag
+ , text "descr:" <> text (show descr) ])
+pprTypeInfo (Fun arity args)
+ = text "Fun" <+>
+ braces (sep [ text "arity:" <+> ppr arity
+ , ptext (sLit ("fun_type:")) <+> ppr args ])
+pprTypeInfo (ThunkSelector offset)
+ = text "ThunkSel" <+> ppr offset
+pprTypeInfo Thunk = text "Thunk"
+pprTypeInfo BlackHole = text "BlackHole"
+pprTypeInfo IndStatic = text "IndStatic"