path: root/compiler/GHC/Stg/DepAnal.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Stg/DepAnal.hs')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/DepAnal.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/DepAnal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a042902180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/DepAnal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+module GHC.Stg.DepAnal (depSortStgPgm) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import Id
+import Name (Name)
+import NameEnv
+import Outputable
+import UniqSet (nonDetEltsUniqSet)
+import VarSet
+import Data.Graph (SCC (..))
+-- * Dependency analysis
+-- | Set of bound variables
+type BVs = VarSet
+-- | Set of free variables
+type FVs = VarSet
+-- | Dependency analysis on STG terms.
+-- Dependencies of a binding are just free variables in the binding. This
+-- includes imported ids and ids in the current module. For recursive groups we
+-- just return one set of free variables which is just the union of dependencies
+-- of all bindings in the group.
+-- Implementation: pass bound variables (BVs) to recursive calls, get free
+-- variables (FVs) back.
+annTopBindingsDeps :: [StgTopBinding] -> [(StgTopBinding, FVs)]
+annTopBindingsDeps bs = zip bs (map top_bind bs)
+ where
+ top_bind :: StgTopBinding -> FVs
+ top_bind StgTopStringLit{} =
+ emptyVarSet
+ top_bind (StgTopLifted bs) =
+ binding emptyVarSet bs
+ binding :: BVs -> StgBinding -> FVs
+ binding bounds (StgNonRec _ r) =
+ rhs bounds r
+ binding bounds (StgRec bndrs) =
+ unionVarSets $
+ map (bind_non_rec (extendVarSetList bounds (map fst bndrs))) bndrs
+ bind_non_rec :: BVs -> (Id, StgRhs) -> FVs
+ bind_non_rec bounds (_, r) =
+ rhs bounds r
+ rhs :: BVs -> StgRhs -> FVs
+ rhs bounds (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ as e) =
+ expr (extendVarSetList bounds as) e
+ rhs bounds (StgRhsCon _ _ as) =
+ args bounds as
+ var :: BVs -> Var -> FVs
+ var bounds v
+ | not (elemVarSet v bounds)
+ = unitVarSet v
+ | otherwise
+ = emptyVarSet
+ arg :: BVs -> StgArg -> FVs
+ arg bounds (StgVarArg v) = var bounds v
+ arg _ StgLitArg{} = emptyVarSet
+ args :: BVs -> [StgArg] -> FVs
+ args bounds as = unionVarSets (map (arg bounds) as)
+ expr :: BVs -> StgExpr -> FVs
+ expr bounds (StgApp f as) =
+ var bounds f `unionVarSet` args bounds as
+ expr _ StgLit{} =
+ emptyVarSet
+ expr bounds (StgConApp _ as _) =
+ args bounds as
+ expr bounds (StgOpApp _ as _) =
+ args bounds as
+ expr _ lam@StgLam{} =
+ pprPanic "annTopBindingsDeps" (text "Found lambda:" $$ ppr lam)
+ expr bounds (StgCase scrut scrut_bndr _ as) =
+ expr bounds scrut `unionVarSet`
+ alts (extendVarSet bounds scrut_bndr) as
+ expr bounds (StgLet _ bs e) =
+ binding bounds bs `unionVarSet`
+ expr (extendVarSetList bounds (bindersOf bs)) e
+ expr bounds (StgLetNoEscape _ bs e) =
+ binding bounds bs `unionVarSet`
+ expr (extendVarSetList bounds (bindersOf bs)) e
+ expr bounds (StgTick _ e) =
+ expr bounds e
+ alts :: BVs -> [StgAlt] -> FVs
+ alts bounds = unionVarSets . map (alt bounds)
+ alt :: BVs -> StgAlt -> FVs
+ alt bounds (_, bndrs, e) =
+ expr (extendVarSetList bounds bndrs) e
+-- * Dependency sorting
+-- | Dependency sort a STG program so that dependencies come before uses.
+depSortStgPgm :: [StgTopBinding] -> [StgTopBinding]
+depSortStgPgm = map fst . depSort . annTopBindingsDeps
+-- | Sort free-variable-annotated STG bindings so that dependencies come before
+-- uses.
+depSort :: [(StgTopBinding, FVs)] -> [(StgTopBinding, FVs)]
+depSort = concatMap get_binds . depAnal defs uses
+ where
+ uses, defs :: (StgTopBinding, FVs) -> [Name]
+ -- TODO (osa): I'm unhappy about two things in this code:
+ --
+ -- * Why do we need Name instead of Id for uses and dependencies?
+ -- * Why do we need a [Name] instead of `Set Name`? Surely depAnal
+ -- doesn't need any ordering.
+ uses (StgTopStringLit{}, _) = []
+ uses (StgTopLifted{}, fvs) = map idName (nonDetEltsUniqSet fvs)
+ defs (bind, _) = map idName (bindersOfTop bind)
+ get_binds (AcyclicSCC bind) =
+ [bind]
+ get_binds (CyclicSCC binds) =
+ pprPanic "depSortStgBinds" (text "Found cyclic SCC:" $$ ppr binds)