path: root/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Closure.hs
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diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Closure.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Closure.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RecordWildCards #-}
+-- Stg to C-- code generation:
+-- The types LambdaFormInfo
+-- ClosureInfo
+-- Nothing monadic in here!
+module GHC.StgToCmm.Closure (
+ DynTag, tagForCon, isSmallFamily,
+ idPrimRep, isVoidRep, isGcPtrRep, addIdReps, addArgReps,
+ argPrimRep,
+ NonVoid(..), fromNonVoid, nonVoidIds, nonVoidStgArgs,
+ assertNonVoidIds, assertNonVoidStgArgs,
+ -- * LambdaFormInfo
+ LambdaFormInfo, -- Abstract
+ StandardFormInfo, -- ...ditto...
+ mkLFThunk, mkLFReEntrant, mkConLFInfo, mkSelectorLFInfo,
+ mkApLFInfo, mkLFImported, mkLFArgument, mkLFLetNoEscape,
+ mkLFStringLit,
+ lfDynTag,
+ isLFThunk, isLFReEntrant, lfUpdatable,
+ -- * Used by other modules
+ CgLoc(..), SelfLoopInfo, CallMethod(..),
+ nodeMustPointToIt, isKnownFun, funTag, tagForArity, getCallMethod,
+ -- * ClosureInfo
+ ClosureInfo,
+ mkClosureInfo,
+ mkCmmInfo,
+ -- ** Inspection
+ closureLFInfo, closureName,
+ -- ** Labels
+ -- These just need the info table label
+ closureInfoLabel, staticClosureLabel,
+ closureSlowEntryLabel, closureLocalEntryLabel,
+ -- ** Predicates
+ -- These are really just functions on LambdaFormInfo
+ closureUpdReqd, closureSingleEntry,
+ closureReEntrant, closureFunInfo,
+ isToplevClosure,
+ blackHoleOnEntry, -- Needs LambdaFormInfo and SMRep
+ isStaticClosure, -- Needs SMPre
+ -- * InfoTables
+ mkDataConInfoTable,
+ cafBlackHoleInfoTable,
+ indStaticInfoTable,
+ staticClosureNeedsLink,
+ ) where
+#include "../includes/MachDeps.h"
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import StgSyn
+import SMRep
+import Cmm
+import PprCmmExpr() -- For Outputable instances
+import CostCentre
+import BlockId
+import CLabel
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import DataCon
+import Name
+import Type
+import TyCoRep
+import TcType
+import TyCon
+import RepType
+import BasicTypes
+import Outputable
+import DynFlags
+import Util
+import Data.Coerce (coerce)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
+-- Data types and synonyms
+-- These data types are mostly used by other modules, especially
+-- GHC.StgToCmm.Monad, but we define them here because some functions in this
+-- module need to have access to them as well
+data CgLoc
+ = CmmLoc CmmExpr -- A stable CmmExpr; that is, one not mentioning
+ -- Hp, so that it remains valid across calls
+ | LneLoc BlockId [LocalReg] -- A join point
+ -- A join point (= let-no-escape) should only
+ -- be tail-called, and in a saturated way.
+ -- To tail-call it, assign to these locals,
+ -- and branch to the block id
+instance Outputable CgLoc where
+ ppr (CmmLoc e) = text "cmm" <+> ppr e
+ ppr (LneLoc b rs) = text "lne" <+> ppr b <+> ppr rs
+type SelfLoopInfo = (Id, BlockId, [LocalReg])
+-- used by ticky profiling
+isKnownFun :: LambdaFormInfo -> Bool
+isKnownFun LFReEntrant{} = True
+isKnownFun LFLetNoEscape = True
+isKnownFun _ = False
+-- Non-void types
+-- We frequently need the invariant that an Id or a an argument
+-- is of a non-void type. This type is a witness to the invariant.
+newtype NonVoid a = NonVoid a
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+fromNonVoid :: NonVoid a -> a
+fromNonVoid (NonVoid a) = a
+instance (Outputable a) => Outputable (NonVoid a) where
+ ppr (NonVoid a) = ppr a
+nonVoidIds :: [Id] -> [NonVoid Id]
+nonVoidIds ids = [NonVoid id | id <- ids, not (isVoidTy (idType id))]
+-- | Used in places where some invariant ensures that all these Ids are
+-- non-void; e.g. constructor field binders in case expressions.
+-- See Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in UnariseStg.
+assertNonVoidIds :: [Id] -> [NonVoid Id]
+assertNonVoidIds ids = ASSERT(not (any (isVoidTy . idType) ids))
+ coerce ids
+nonVoidStgArgs :: [StgArg] -> [NonVoid StgArg]
+nonVoidStgArgs args = [NonVoid arg | arg <- args, not (isVoidTy (stgArgType arg))]
+-- | Used in places where some invariant ensures that all these arguments are
+-- non-void; e.g. constructor arguments.
+-- See Note [Post-unarisation invariants] in UnariseStg.
+assertNonVoidStgArgs :: [StgArg] -> [NonVoid StgArg]
+assertNonVoidStgArgs args = ASSERT(not (any (isVoidTy . stgArgType) args))
+ coerce args
+-- Representations
+-- Why are these here?
+-- | Assumes that there is precisely one 'PrimRep' of the type. This assumption
+-- holds after unarise.
+-- See Note [Post-unarisation invariants]
+idPrimRep :: Id -> PrimRep
+idPrimRep id = typePrimRep1 (idType id)
+ -- See also Note [VoidRep] in RepType
+-- | Assumes that Ids have one PrimRep, which holds after unarisation.
+-- See Note [Post-unarisation invariants]
+addIdReps :: [NonVoid Id] -> [NonVoid (PrimRep, Id)]
+addIdReps = map (\id -> let id' = fromNonVoid id
+ in NonVoid (idPrimRep id', id'))
+-- | Assumes that arguments have one PrimRep, which holds after unarisation.
+-- See Note [Post-unarisation invariants]
+addArgReps :: [NonVoid StgArg] -> [NonVoid (PrimRep, StgArg)]
+addArgReps = map (\arg -> let arg' = fromNonVoid arg
+ in NonVoid (argPrimRep arg', arg'))
+-- | Assumes that the argument has one PrimRep, which holds after unarisation.
+-- See Note [Post-unarisation invariants]
+argPrimRep :: StgArg -> PrimRep
+argPrimRep arg = typePrimRep1 (stgArgType arg)
+-- LambdaFormInfo
+-- Information about an identifier, from the code generator's point of
+-- view. Every identifier is bound to a LambdaFormInfo in the
+-- environment, which gives the code generator enough info to be able to
+-- tail call or return that identifier.
+data LambdaFormInfo
+ = LFReEntrant -- Reentrant closure (a function)
+ TopLevelFlag -- True if top level
+ OneShotInfo
+ !RepArity -- Arity. Invariant: always > 0
+ !Bool -- True <=> no fvs
+ ArgDescr -- Argument descriptor (should really be in ClosureInfo)
+ | LFThunk -- Thunk (zero arity)
+ TopLevelFlag
+ !Bool -- True <=> no free vars
+ !Bool -- True <=> updatable (i.e., *not* single-entry)
+ StandardFormInfo
+ !Bool -- True <=> *might* be a function type
+ | LFCon -- A saturated constructor application
+ DataCon -- The constructor
+ | LFUnknown -- Used for function arguments and imported things.
+ -- We know nothing about this closure.
+ -- Treat like updatable "LFThunk"...
+ -- Imported things which we *do* know something about use
+ -- one of the other LF constructors (eg LFReEntrant for
+ -- known functions)
+ !Bool -- True <=> *might* be a function type
+ -- The False case is good when we want to enter it,
+ -- because then we know the entry code will do
+ -- For a function, the entry code is the fast entry point
+ | LFUnlifted -- A value of unboxed type;
+ -- always a value, needs evaluation
+ | LFLetNoEscape -- See LetNoEscape module for precise description
+-- StandardFormInfo tells whether this thunk has one of
+-- a small number of standard forms
+data StandardFormInfo
+ = NonStandardThunk
+ -- The usual case: not of the standard forms
+ | SelectorThunk
+ -- A SelectorThunk is of form
+ -- case x of
+ -- con a1,..,an -> ak
+ -- and the constructor is from a single-constr type.
+ WordOff -- 0-origin offset of ak within the "goods" of
+ -- constructor (Recall that the a1,...,an may be laid
+ -- out in the heap in a non-obvious order.)
+ | ApThunk
+ -- An ApThunk is of form
+ -- x1 ... xn
+ -- The code for the thunk just pushes x2..xn on the stack and enters x1.
+ -- There are a few of these (for 1 <= n <= MAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE) pre-compiled
+ -- in the RTS to save space.
+ RepArity -- Arity, n
+-- Building LambdaFormInfo
+mkLFArgument :: Id -> LambdaFormInfo
+mkLFArgument id
+ | isUnliftedType ty = LFUnlifted
+ | might_be_a_function ty = LFUnknown True
+ | otherwise = LFUnknown False
+ where
+ ty = idType id
+mkLFLetNoEscape :: LambdaFormInfo
+mkLFLetNoEscape = LFLetNoEscape
+mkLFReEntrant :: TopLevelFlag -- True of top level
+ -> [Id] -- Free vars
+ -> [Id] -- Args
+ -> ArgDescr -- Argument descriptor
+ -> LambdaFormInfo
+mkLFReEntrant _ _ [] _
+ = pprPanic "mkLFReEntrant" empty
+mkLFReEntrant top fvs args arg_descr
+ = LFReEntrant top os_info (length args) (null fvs) arg_descr
+ where os_info = idOneShotInfo (head args)
+mkLFThunk :: Type -> TopLevelFlag -> [Id] -> UpdateFlag -> LambdaFormInfo
+mkLFThunk thunk_ty top fvs upd_flag
+ = ASSERT( not (isUpdatable upd_flag) || not (isUnliftedType thunk_ty) )
+ LFThunk top (null fvs)
+ (isUpdatable upd_flag)
+ NonStandardThunk
+ (might_be_a_function thunk_ty)
+might_be_a_function :: Type -> Bool
+-- Return False only if we are *sure* it's a data type
+-- Look through newtypes etc as much as poss
+might_be_a_function ty
+ | [LiftedRep] <- typePrimRep ty
+ , Just tc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe (unwrapType ty)
+ , isDataTyCon tc
+ = False
+ | otherwise
+ = True
+mkConLFInfo :: DataCon -> LambdaFormInfo
+mkConLFInfo con = LFCon con
+mkSelectorLFInfo :: Id -> Int -> Bool -> LambdaFormInfo
+mkSelectorLFInfo id offset updatable
+ = LFThunk NotTopLevel False updatable (SelectorThunk offset)
+ (might_be_a_function (idType id))
+mkApLFInfo :: Id -> UpdateFlag -> Arity -> LambdaFormInfo
+mkApLFInfo id upd_flag arity
+ = LFThunk NotTopLevel (arity == 0) (isUpdatable upd_flag) (ApThunk arity)
+ (might_be_a_function (idType id))
+mkLFImported :: Id -> LambdaFormInfo
+mkLFImported id
+ | Just con <- isDataConWorkId_maybe id
+ , isNullaryRepDataCon con
+ = LFCon con -- An imported nullary constructor
+ -- We assume that the constructor is evaluated so that
+ -- the id really does point directly to the constructor
+ | arity > 0
+ = LFReEntrant TopLevel noOneShotInfo arity True (panic "arg_descr")
+ | otherwise
+ = mkLFArgument id -- Not sure of exact arity
+ where
+ arity = idFunRepArity id
+mkLFStringLit :: LambdaFormInfo
+mkLFStringLit = LFUnlifted
+-- Dynamic pointer tagging
+type DynTag = Int -- The tag on a *pointer*
+ -- (from the dynamic-tagging paper)
+-- Note [Data constructor dynamic tags]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- The family size of a data type (the number of constructors
+-- or the arity of a function) can be either:
+-- * small, if the family size < 2**tag_bits
+-- * big, otherwise.
+-- Small families can have the constructor tag in the tag bits.
+-- Big families only use the tag value 1 to represent evaluatedness.
+-- We don't have very many tag bits: for example, we have 2 bits on
+-- x86-32 and 3 bits on x86-64.
+isSmallFamily :: DynFlags -> Int -> Bool
+isSmallFamily dflags fam_size = fam_size <= mAX_PTR_TAG dflags
+tagForCon :: DynFlags -> DataCon -> DynTag
+tagForCon dflags con
+ | isSmallFamily dflags fam_size = con_tag
+ | otherwise = 1
+ where
+ con_tag = dataConTag con -- NB: 1-indexed
+ fam_size = tyConFamilySize (dataConTyCon con)
+tagForArity :: DynFlags -> RepArity -> DynTag
+tagForArity dflags arity
+ | isSmallFamily dflags arity = arity
+ | otherwise = 0
+lfDynTag :: DynFlags -> LambdaFormInfo -> DynTag
+-- Return the tag in the low order bits of a variable bound
+-- to this LambdaForm
+lfDynTag dflags (LFCon con) = tagForCon dflags con
+lfDynTag dflags (LFReEntrant _ _ arity _ _) = tagForArity dflags arity
+lfDynTag _ _other = 0
+-- Observing LambdaFormInfo
+isLFThunk :: LambdaFormInfo -> Bool
+isLFThunk (LFThunk {}) = True
+isLFThunk _ = False
+isLFReEntrant :: LambdaFormInfo -> Bool
+isLFReEntrant (LFReEntrant {}) = True
+isLFReEntrant _ = False
+-- Choosing SM reps
+lfClosureType :: LambdaFormInfo -> ClosureTypeInfo
+lfClosureType (LFReEntrant _ _ arity _ argd) = Fun arity argd
+lfClosureType (LFCon con) = Constr (dataConTagZ con)
+ (dataConIdentity con)
+lfClosureType (LFThunk _ _ _ is_sel _) = thunkClosureType is_sel
+lfClosureType _ = panic "lfClosureType"
+thunkClosureType :: StandardFormInfo -> ClosureTypeInfo
+thunkClosureType (SelectorThunk off) = ThunkSelector off
+thunkClosureType _ = Thunk
+-- We *do* get non-updatable top-level thunks sometimes. eg. f = g
+-- gets compiled to a jump to g (if g has non-zero arity), instead of
+-- messing around with update frames and PAPs. We set the closure type
+-- to FUN_STATIC in this case.
+-- nodeMustPointToIt
+nodeMustPointToIt :: DynFlags -> LambdaFormInfo -> Bool
+-- If nodeMustPointToIt is true, then the entry convention for
+-- this closure has R1 (the "Node" register) pointing to the
+-- closure itself --- the "self" argument
+nodeMustPointToIt _ (LFReEntrant top _ _ no_fvs _)
+ = not no_fvs -- Certainly if it has fvs we need to point to it
+ || isNotTopLevel top -- See Note [GC recovery]
+ -- For lex_profiling we also access the cost centre for a
+ -- non-inherited (i.e. non-top-level) function.
+ -- The isNotTopLevel test above ensures this is ok.
+nodeMustPointToIt dflags (LFThunk top no_fvs updatable NonStandardThunk _)
+ = not no_fvs -- Self parameter
+ || isNotTopLevel top -- Note [GC recovery]
+ || updatable -- Need to push update frame
+ || gopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags
+ -- For the non-updatable (single-entry case):
+ --
+ -- True if has fvs (in which case we need access to them, and we
+ -- should black-hole it)
+ -- or profiling (in which case we need to recover the cost centre
+ -- from inside it) ToDo: do we need this even for
+ -- top-level thunks? If not,
+ -- isNotTopLevel subsumes this
+nodeMustPointToIt _ (LFThunk {}) -- Node must point to a standard-form thunk
+ = True
+nodeMustPointToIt _ (LFCon _) = True
+ -- Strictly speaking, the above two don't need Node to point
+ -- to it if the arity = 0. But this is a *really* unlikely
+ -- situation. If we know it's nil (say) and we are entering
+ -- it. Eg: let x = [] in x then we will certainly have inlined
+ -- x, since nil is a simple atom. So we gain little by not
+ -- having Node point to known zero-arity things. On the other
+ -- hand, we do lose something; Patrick's code for figuring out
+ -- when something has been updated but not entered relies on
+ -- having Node point to the result of an update. SLPJ
+ -- 27/11/92.
+nodeMustPointToIt _ (LFUnknown _) = True
+nodeMustPointToIt _ LFUnlifted = False
+nodeMustPointToIt _ LFLetNoEscape = False
+{- Note [GC recovery]
+If we a have a local let-binding (function or thunk)
+ let f = <body> in ...
+AND <body> allocates, then the heap-overflow check needs to know how
+to re-start the evaluation. It uses the "self" pointer to do this.
+So even if there are no free variables in <body>, we still make
+nodeMustPointToIt be True for non-top-level bindings.
+Why do any such bindings exist? After all, let-floating should have
+floated them out. Well, a clever optimiser might leave one there to
+avoid a space leak, deliberately recomputing a thunk. Also (and this
+really does happen occasionally) let-floating may make a function f smaller
+so it can be inlined, so now (f True) may generate a local no-fv closure.
+This actually happened during bootstrapping GHC itself, with f=mkRdrFunBind
+in TcGenDeriv.) -}
+-- getCallMethod
+{- The entry conventions depend on the type of closure being entered,
+whether or not it has free variables, and whether we're running
+sequentially or in parallel.
+Closure Node Argument Enter
+Characteristics Par Req'd Passing Via
+Unknown & no & yes & stack & node
+Known fun (>1 arg), no fvs & no & no & registers & fast entry (enough args)
+ & slow entry (otherwise)
+Known fun (>1 arg), fvs & no & yes & registers & fast entry (enough args)
+0 arg, no fvs \r,\s & no & no & n/a & direct entry
+0 arg, no fvs \u & no & yes & n/a & node
+0 arg, fvs \r,\s,selector & no & yes & n/a & node
+0 arg, fvs \r,\s & no & yes & n/a & direct entry
+0 arg, fvs \u & no & yes & n/a & node
+Unknown & yes & yes & stack & node
+Known fun (>1 arg), no fvs & yes & no & registers & fast entry (enough args)
+ & slow entry (otherwise)
+Known fun (>1 arg), fvs & yes & yes & registers & node
+0 arg, fvs \r,\s,selector & yes & yes & n/a & node
+0 arg, no fvs \r,\s & yes & no & n/a & direct entry
+0 arg, no fvs \u & yes & yes & n/a & node
+0 arg, fvs \r,\s & yes & yes & n/a & node
+0 arg, fvs \u & yes & yes & n/a & node
+When black-holing, single-entry closures could also be entered via node
+(rather than directly) to catch double-entry. -}
+data CallMethod
+ = EnterIt -- No args, not a function
+ | JumpToIt BlockId [LocalReg] -- A join point or a header of a local loop
+ | ReturnIt -- It's a value (function, unboxed value,
+ -- or constructor), so just return it.
+ | SlowCall -- Unknown fun, or known fun with
+ -- too few args.
+ | DirectEntry -- Jump directly, with args in regs
+ CLabel -- The code label
+ RepArity -- Its arity
+getCallMethod :: DynFlags
+ -> Name -- Function being applied
+ -> Id -- Function Id used to chech if it can refer to
+ -- CAF's and whether the function is tail-calling
+ -- itself
+ -> LambdaFormInfo -- Its info
+ -> RepArity -- Number of available arguments
+ -> RepArity -- Number of them being void arguments
+ -> CgLoc -- Passed in from cgIdApp so that we can
+ -- handle let-no-escape bindings and self-recursive
+ -- tail calls using the same data constructor,
+ -- JumpToIt. This saves us one case branch in
+ -- cgIdApp
+ -> Maybe SelfLoopInfo -- can we perform a self-recursive tail call?
+ -> CallMethod
+getCallMethod dflags _ id _ n_args v_args _cg_loc
+ (Just (self_loop_id, block_id, args))
+ | gopt Opt_Loopification dflags
+ , id == self_loop_id
+ , args `lengthIs` (n_args - v_args)
+ -- If these patterns match then we know that:
+ -- * loopification optimisation is turned on
+ -- * function is performing a self-recursive call in a tail position
+ -- * number of non-void parameters of the function matches functions arity.
+ -- See Note [Self-recursive tail calls] and Note [Void arguments in
+ -- self-recursive tail calls] in GHC.StgToCmm.Expr for more details
+ = JumpToIt block_id args
+getCallMethod dflags name id (LFReEntrant _ _ arity _ _) n_args _v_args _cg_loc
+ _self_loop_info
+ | n_args == 0 -- No args at all
+ && not (gopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags)
+ -- See Note [Evaluating functions with profiling] in rts/Apply.cmm
+ = ASSERT( arity /= 0 ) ReturnIt
+ | n_args < arity = SlowCall -- Not enough args
+ | otherwise = DirectEntry (enterIdLabel dflags name (idCafInfo id)) arity
+getCallMethod _ _name _ LFUnlifted n_args _v_args _cg_loc _self_loop_info
+ = ASSERT( n_args == 0 ) ReturnIt
+getCallMethod _ _name _ (LFCon _) n_args _v_args _cg_loc _self_loop_info
+ = ASSERT( n_args == 0 ) ReturnIt
+ -- n_args=0 because it'd be ill-typed to apply a saturated
+ -- constructor application to anything
+getCallMethod dflags name id (LFThunk _ _ updatable std_form_info is_fun)
+ n_args _v_args _cg_loc _self_loop_info
+ | is_fun -- it *might* be a function, so we must "call" it (which is always safe)
+ = SlowCall -- We cannot just enter it [in eval/apply, the entry code
+ -- is the fast-entry code]
+ -- Since is_fun is False, we are *definitely* looking at a data value
+ | updatable || gopt Opt_Ticky dflags -- to catch double entry
+ {- OLD: || opt_SMP
+ I decided to remove this, because in SMP mode it doesn't matter
+ if we enter the same thunk multiple times, so the optimisation
+ of jumping directly to the entry code is still valid. --SDM
+ -}
+ = EnterIt
+ -- even a non-updatable selector thunk can be updated by the garbage
+ -- collector, so we must enter it. (#8817)
+ | SelectorThunk{} <- std_form_info
+ = EnterIt
+ -- We used to have ASSERT( n_args == 0 ), but actually it is
+ -- possible for the optimiser to generate
+ -- let bot :: Int = error Int "urk"
+ -- in (bot `cast` unsafeCoerce Int (Int -> Int)) 3
+ -- This happens as a result of the case-of-error transformation
+ -- So the right thing to do is just to enter the thing
+ | otherwise -- Jump direct to code for single-entry thunks
+ = ASSERT( n_args == 0 )
+ DirectEntry (thunkEntryLabel dflags name (idCafInfo id) std_form_info
+ updatable) 0
+getCallMethod _ _name _ (LFUnknown True) _n_arg _v_args _cg_locs _self_loop_info
+ = SlowCall -- might be a function
+getCallMethod _ name _ (LFUnknown False) n_args _v_args _cg_loc _self_loop_info
+ = ASSERT2( n_args == 0, ppr name <+> ppr n_args )
+ EnterIt -- Not a function
+getCallMethod _ _name _ LFLetNoEscape _n_args _v_args (LneLoc blk_id lne_regs)
+ _self_loop_info
+ = JumpToIt blk_id lne_regs
+getCallMethod _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = panic "Unknown call method"
+-- Data types for closure information
+{- ClosureInfo: information about a binding
+ We make a ClosureInfo for each let binding (both top level and not),
+ but not bindings for data constructors: for those we build a CmmInfoTable
+ directly (see mkDataConInfoTable).
+ To a first approximation:
+ ClosureInfo = (LambdaFormInfo, CmmInfoTable)
+ A ClosureInfo has enough information
+ a) to construct the info table itself, and build other things
+ related to the binding (e.g. slow entry points for a function)
+ b) to allocate a closure containing that info pointer (i.e.
+ it knows the info table label)
+data ClosureInfo
+ = ClosureInfo {
+ closureName :: !Name, -- The thing bound to this closure
+ -- we don't really need this field: it's only used in generating
+ -- code for ticky and profiling, and we could pass the information
+ -- around separately, but it doesn't do much harm to keep it here.
+ closureLFInfo :: !LambdaFormInfo, -- NOTE: not an LFCon
+ -- this tells us about what the closure contains: it's right-hand-side.
+ -- the rest is just an unpacked CmmInfoTable.
+ closureInfoLabel :: !CLabel,
+ closureSMRep :: !SMRep, -- representation used by storage mgr
+ closureProf :: !ProfilingInfo
+ }
+-- | Convert from 'ClosureInfo' to 'CmmInfoTable'.
+mkCmmInfo :: ClosureInfo -> Id -> CostCentreStack -> CmmInfoTable
+mkCmmInfo ClosureInfo {..} id ccs
+ = CmmInfoTable { cit_lbl = closureInfoLabel
+ , cit_rep = closureSMRep
+ , cit_prof = closureProf
+ , cit_srt = Nothing
+ , cit_clo = if isStaticRep closureSMRep
+ then Just (id,ccs)
+ else Nothing }
+-- Building ClosureInfos
+mkClosureInfo :: DynFlags
+ -> Bool -- Is static
+ -> Id
+ -> LambdaFormInfo
+ -> Int -> Int -- Total and pointer words
+ -> String -- String descriptor
+ -> ClosureInfo
+mkClosureInfo dflags is_static id lf_info tot_wds ptr_wds val_descr
+ = ClosureInfo { closureName = name
+ , closureLFInfo = lf_info
+ , closureInfoLabel = info_lbl -- These three fields are
+ , closureSMRep = sm_rep -- (almost) an info table
+ , closureProf = prof } -- (we don't have an SRT yet)
+ where
+ name = idName id
+ sm_rep = mkHeapRep dflags is_static ptr_wds nonptr_wds (lfClosureType lf_info)
+ prof = mkProfilingInfo dflags id val_descr
+ nonptr_wds = tot_wds - ptr_wds
+ info_lbl = mkClosureInfoTableLabel id lf_info
+-- Other functions over ClosureInfo
+-- Eager blackholing is normally disabled, but can be turned on with
+-- -feager-blackholing. When it is on, we replace the info pointer of
+-- the thunk with stg_EAGER_BLACKHOLE_info on entry.
+-- If we wanted to do eager blackholing with slop filling,
+-- we'd need to do it at the *end* of a basic block, otherwise
+-- we overwrite the free variables in the thunk that we still
+-- need. We have a patch for this from Andy Cheadle, but not
+-- incorporated yet. --SDM [6/2004]
+-- Previously, eager blackholing was enabled when ticky-ticky
+-- was on. But it didn't work, and it wasn't strictly necessary
+-- to bring back minimal ticky-ticky, so now EAGER_BLACKHOLING
+-- is unconditionally disabled. -- krc 1/2007
+-- Static closures are never themselves black-holed.
+blackHoleOnEntry :: ClosureInfo -> Bool
+blackHoleOnEntry cl_info
+ | isStaticRep (closureSMRep cl_info)
+ = False -- Never black-hole a static closure
+ | otherwise
+ = case closureLFInfo cl_info of
+ LFReEntrant {} -> False
+ LFLetNoEscape -> False
+ LFThunk _ _no_fvs upd _ _ -> upd -- See Note [Black-holing non-updatable thunks]
+ _other -> panic "blackHoleOnEntry"
+{- Note [Black-holing non-updatable thunks]
+We must not black-hole non-updatable (single-entry) thunks otherwise
+we run into issues like #10414. Specifically:
+ * There is no reason to black-hole a non-updatable thunk: it should
+ not be competed for by multiple threads
+ * It could, conceivably, cause a space leak if we don't black-hole
+ it, if there was a live but never-followed pointer pointing to it.
+ Let's hope that doesn't happen.
+ * It is dangerous to black-hole a non-updatable thunk because
+ - is not updated (of course)
+ - hence, if it is black-holed and another thread tries to evaluate
+ it, that thread will block forever
+ This actually happened in #10414. So we do not black-hole
+ non-updatable thunks.
+ * How could two threads evaluate the same non-updatable (single-entry)
+ thunk? See Reid Barton's example below.
+ * Only eager blackholing could possibly black-hole a non-updatable
+ thunk, because lazy black-holing only affects thunks with an
+ update frame on the stack.
+Here is and example due to Reid Barton (#10414):
+ x = \u [] concat [[1], []]
+with the following definitions,
+ concat x = case x of
+ [] -> []
+ (:) x xs -> (++) x (concat xs)
+ (++) xs ys = case xs of
+ [] -> ys
+ (:) x rest -> (:) x ((++) rest ys)
+Where we use the syntax @\u []@ to denote an updatable thunk and @\s []@ to
+denote a single-entry (i.e. non-updatable) thunk. After a thread evaluates @x@
+to WHNF and calls @(++)@ the heap will contain the following thunks,
+ x = 1 : y
+ y = \u [] (++) [] z
+ z = \s [] concat []
+Now that the stage is set, consider the follow evaluations by two racing threads
+A and B,
+ 1. Both threads enter @y@ before either is able to replace it with an
+ indirection
+ 2. Thread A does the case analysis in @(++)@ and consequently enters @z@,
+ replacing it with a black-hole
+ 3. At some later point thread B does the same case analysis and also attempts
+ to enter @z@. However, it finds that it has been replaced with a black-hole
+ so it blocks.
+ 4. Thread A eventually finishes evaluating @z@ (to @[]@) and updates @y@
+ accordingly. It does *not* update @z@, however, as it is single-entry. This
+ leaves Thread B blocked forever on a black-hole which will never be
+ updated.
+To avoid this sort of condition we never black-hole non-updatable thunks.
+isStaticClosure :: ClosureInfo -> Bool
+isStaticClosure cl_info = isStaticRep (closureSMRep cl_info)
+closureUpdReqd :: ClosureInfo -> Bool
+closureUpdReqd ClosureInfo{ closureLFInfo = lf_info } = lfUpdatable lf_info
+lfUpdatable :: LambdaFormInfo -> Bool
+lfUpdatable (LFThunk _ _ upd _ _) = upd
+lfUpdatable _ = False
+closureSingleEntry :: ClosureInfo -> Bool
+closureSingleEntry (ClosureInfo { closureLFInfo = LFThunk _ _ upd _ _}) = not upd
+closureSingleEntry (ClosureInfo { closureLFInfo = LFReEntrant _ OneShotLam _ _ _}) = True
+closureSingleEntry _ = False
+closureReEntrant :: ClosureInfo -> Bool
+closureReEntrant (ClosureInfo { closureLFInfo = LFReEntrant {} }) = True
+closureReEntrant _ = False
+closureFunInfo :: ClosureInfo -> Maybe (RepArity, ArgDescr)
+closureFunInfo (ClosureInfo { closureLFInfo = lf_info }) = lfFunInfo lf_info
+lfFunInfo :: LambdaFormInfo -> Maybe (RepArity, ArgDescr)
+lfFunInfo (LFReEntrant _ _ arity _ arg_desc) = Just (arity, arg_desc)
+lfFunInfo _ = Nothing
+funTag :: DynFlags -> ClosureInfo -> DynTag
+funTag dflags (ClosureInfo { closureLFInfo = lf_info })
+ = lfDynTag dflags lf_info
+isToplevClosure :: ClosureInfo -> Bool
+isToplevClosure (ClosureInfo { closureLFInfo = lf_info })
+ = case lf_info of
+ LFReEntrant TopLevel _ _ _ _ -> True
+ LFThunk TopLevel _ _ _ _ -> True
+ _other -> False
+-- Label generation
+staticClosureLabel :: ClosureInfo -> CLabel
+staticClosureLabel = toClosureLbl . closureInfoLabel
+closureSlowEntryLabel :: ClosureInfo -> CLabel
+closureSlowEntryLabel = toSlowEntryLbl . closureInfoLabel
+closureLocalEntryLabel :: DynFlags -> ClosureInfo -> CLabel
+closureLocalEntryLabel dflags
+ | tablesNextToCode dflags = toInfoLbl . closureInfoLabel
+ | otherwise = toEntryLbl . closureInfoLabel
+mkClosureInfoTableLabel :: Id -> LambdaFormInfo -> CLabel
+mkClosureInfoTableLabel id lf_info
+ = case lf_info of
+ LFThunk _ _ upd_flag (SelectorThunk offset) _
+ -> mkSelectorInfoLabel upd_flag offset
+ LFThunk _ _ upd_flag (ApThunk arity) _
+ -> mkApInfoTableLabel upd_flag arity
+ LFThunk{} -> std_mk_lbl name cafs
+ LFReEntrant{} -> std_mk_lbl name cafs
+ _other -> panic "closureInfoTableLabel"
+ where
+ name = idName id
+ std_mk_lbl | is_local = mkLocalInfoTableLabel
+ | otherwise = mkInfoTableLabel
+ cafs = idCafInfo id
+ is_local = isDataConWorkId id
+ -- Make the _info pointer for the implicit datacon worker
+ -- binding local. The reason we can do this is that importing
+ -- code always either uses the _closure or _con_info. By the
+ -- invariants in CorePrep anything else gets eta expanded.
+thunkEntryLabel :: DynFlags -> Name -> CafInfo -> StandardFormInfo -> Bool -> CLabel
+-- thunkEntryLabel is a local help function, not exported. It's used from
+-- getCallMethod.
+thunkEntryLabel dflags _thunk_id _ (ApThunk arity) upd_flag
+ = enterApLabel dflags upd_flag arity
+thunkEntryLabel dflags _thunk_id _ (SelectorThunk offset) upd_flag
+ = enterSelectorLabel dflags upd_flag offset
+thunkEntryLabel dflags thunk_id c _ _
+ = enterIdLabel dflags thunk_id c
+enterApLabel :: DynFlags -> Bool -> Arity -> CLabel
+enterApLabel dflags is_updatable arity
+ | tablesNextToCode dflags = mkApInfoTableLabel is_updatable arity
+ | otherwise = mkApEntryLabel is_updatable arity
+enterSelectorLabel :: DynFlags -> Bool -> WordOff -> CLabel
+enterSelectorLabel dflags upd_flag offset
+ | tablesNextToCode dflags = mkSelectorInfoLabel upd_flag offset
+ | otherwise = mkSelectorEntryLabel upd_flag offset
+enterIdLabel :: DynFlags -> Name -> CafInfo -> CLabel
+enterIdLabel dflags id c
+ | tablesNextToCode dflags = mkInfoTableLabel id c
+ | otherwise = mkEntryLabel id c
+-- Profiling
+-- Profiling requires two pieces of information to be determined for
+-- each closure's info table --- description and type.
+-- The description is stored directly in the @CClosureInfoTable@ when the
+-- info table is built.
+-- The type is determined from the type information stored with the @Id@
+-- in the closure info using @closureTypeDescr@.
+mkProfilingInfo :: DynFlags -> Id -> String -> ProfilingInfo
+mkProfilingInfo dflags id val_descr
+ | not (gopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags) = NoProfilingInfo
+ | otherwise = ProfilingInfo ty_descr_w8 (BS8.pack val_descr)
+ where
+ ty_descr_w8 = BS8.pack (getTyDescription (idType id))
+getTyDescription :: Type -> String
+getTyDescription ty
+ = case (tcSplitSigmaTy ty) of { (_, _, tau_ty) ->
+ case tau_ty of
+ TyVarTy _ -> "*"
+ AppTy fun _ -> getTyDescription fun
+ TyConApp tycon _ -> getOccString tycon
+ FunTy {} -> '-' : fun_result tau_ty
+ ForAllTy _ ty -> getTyDescription ty
+ LitTy n -> getTyLitDescription n
+ CastTy ty _ -> getTyDescription ty
+ CoercionTy co -> pprPanic "getTyDescription" (ppr co)
+ }
+ where
+ fun_result (FunTy { ft_res = res }) = '>' : fun_result res
+ fun_result other = getTyDescription other
+getTyLitDescription :: TyLit -> String
+getTyLitDescription l =
+ case l of
+ NumTyLit n -> show n
+ StrTyLit n -> show n
+-- CmmInfoTable-related things
+mkDataConInfoTable :: DynFlags -> DataCon -> Bool -> Int -> Int -> CmmInfoTable
+mkDataConInfoTable dflags data_con is_static ptr_wds nonptr_wds
+ = CmmInfoTable { cit_lbl = info_lbl
+ , cit_rep = sm_rep
+ , cit_prof = prof
+ , cit_srt = Nothing
+ , cit_clo = Nothing }
+ where
+ name = dataConName data_con
+ info_lbl = mkConInfoTableLabel name NoCafRefs
+ sm_rep = mkHeapRep dflags is_static ptr_wds nonptr_wds cl_type
+ cl_type = Constr (dataConTagZ data_con) (dataConIdentity data_con)
+ -- We keep the *zero-indexed* tag in the srt_len field
+ -- of the info table of a data constructor.
+ prof | not (gopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags) = NoProfilingInfo
+ | otherwise = ProfilingInfo ty_descr val_descr
+ ty_descr = BS8.pack $ occNameString $ getOccName $ dataConTyCon data_con
+ val_descr = BS8.pack $ occNameString $ getOccName data_con
+-- We need a black-hole closure info to pass to @allocDynClosure@ when we
+-- want to allocate the black hole on entry to a CAF.
+cafBlackHoleInfoTable :: CmmInfoTable
+ = CmmInfoTable { cit_lbl = mkCAFBlackHoleInfoTableLabel
+ , cit_rep = blackHoleRep
+ , cit_prof = NoProfilingInfo
+ , cit_srt = Nothing
+ , cit_clo = Nothing }
+indStaticInfoTable :: CmmInfoTable
+ = CmmInfoTable { cit_lbl = mkIndStaticInfoLabel
+ , cit_rep = indStaticRep
+ , cit_prof = NoProfilingInfo
+ , cit_srt = Nothing
+ , cit_clo = Nothing }
+staticClosureNeedsLink :: Bool -> CmmInfoTable -> Bool
+-- A static closure needs a link field to aid the GC when traversing
+-- the static closure graph. But it only needs such a field if either
+-- a) it has an SRT
+-- b) it's a constructor with one or more pointer fields
+-- In case (b), the constructor's fields themselves play the role
+-- of the SRT.
+staticClosureNeedsLink has_srt CmmInfoTable{ cit_rep = smrep }
+ | isConRep smrep = not (isStaticNoCafCon smrep)
+ | otherwise = has_srt