path: root/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Closure.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Closure.hs')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Closure.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Closure.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c758ede95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToJS/Closure.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module GHC.StgToJS.Closure
+ ( closureInfoStat
+ , closure
+ , conClosure
+ , Closure (..)
+ , newClosure
+ , assignClosure
+ , CopyCC (..)
+ , copyClosure
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.StgToJS.Heap
+import GHC.StgToJS.Types
+import GHC.StgToJS.CoreUtils
+import GHC.StgToJS.Regs (stack,sp)
+import GHC.JS.Make
+import GHC.JS.Syntax
+import Data.Monoid
+import qualified Data.Bits as Bits
+closureInfoStat :: Bool -> ClosureInfo -> JStat
+closureInfoStat debug (ClosureInfo obj rs name layout ctype srefs)
+ = setObjInfoL debug obj rs layout ty name tag srefs
+ where
+ !ty = case ctype of
+ CIThunk -> Thunk
+ CIFun {} -> Fun
+ CICon {} -> Con
+ CIBlackhole -> Blackhole
+ CIPap -> Pap
+ CIStackFrame -> StackFrame
+ !tag = case ctype of
+ CIThunk -> 0
+ CIFun arity nregs -> mkArityTag arity nregs
+ CICon con -> con
+ CIBlackhole -> 0
+ CIPap -> 0
+ CIStackFrame -> 0
+setObjInfoL :: Bool -- ^ debug: output symbol names
+ -> Ident -- ^ the object name
+ -> CIRegs -- ^ things in registers
+ -> CILayout -- ^ layout of the object
+ -> ClosureType -- ^ closure type
+ -> FastString -- ^ object name, for printing
+ -> Int -- ^ `a' argument, depends on type (arity, conid)
+ -> CIStatic -- ^ static refs
+ -> JStat
+setObjInfoL debug obj rs layout t n a
+ = setObjInfo debug obj t n field_types a size rs
+ where
+ size = case layout of
+ CILayoutVariable -> (-1)
+ CILayoutUnknown sz -> sz
+ CILayoutFixed sz _ -> sz
+ field_types = case layout of
+ CILayoutVariable -> []
+ CILayoutUnknown size -> toTypeList (replicate size ObjV)
+ CILayoutFixed _ fs -> toTypeList fs
+setObjInfo :: Bool -- ^ debug: output all symbol names
+ -> Ident -- ^ the thing to modify
+ -> ClosureType -- ^ closure type
+ -> FastString -- ^ object name, for printing
+ -> [Int] -- ^ list of item types in the object, if known (free variables, datacon fields)
+ -> Int -- ^ extra 'a' parameter, for constructor tag or arity
+ -> Int -- ^ object size, -1 (number of vars) for unknown
+ -> CIRegs -- ^ things in registers
+ -> CIStatic -- ^ static refs
+ -> JStat
+setObjInfo debug obj t name fields a size regs static
+ | debug = appS "h$setObjInfo" [ toJExpr obj
+ , toJExpr t
+ , toJExpr name
+ , toJExpr fields
+ , toJExpr a
+ , toJExpr size
+ , toJExpr (regTag regs)
+ , toJExpr static
+ ]
+ | otherwise = appS "h$o" [ toJExpr obj
+ , toJExpr t
+ , toJExpr a
+ , toJExpr size
+ , toJExpr (regTag regs)
+ , toJExpr static
+ ]
+ where
+ regTag CIRegsUnknown = -1
+ regTag (CIRegs skip types) =
+ let nregs = sum $ map varSize types
+ in skip + (nregs `Bits.shiftL` 8)
+closure :: ClosureInfo -- ^ object being info'd see @ciVar@ in @ClosureInfo@
+ -> JStat -- ^ rhs
+ -> JStat
+closure ci body = (ciVar ci ||= jLam body) `mappend` closureInfoStat False ci
+conClosure :: Ident -> FastString -> CILayout -> Int -> JStat
+conClosure symbol name layout constr =
+ closure (ClosureInfo symbol (CIRegs 0 [PtrV]) name layout (CICon constr) mempty)
+ (returnS (stack .! sp))
+-- | Used to pass arguments to newClosure with some safety
+data Closure = Closure
+ { clEntry :: JExpr
+ , clField1 :: JExpr
+ , clField2 :: JExpr
+ , clMeta :: JExpr
+ , clCC :: Maybe JExpr
+ }
+newClosure :: Closure -> JExpr
+newClosure Closure{..} =
+ let xs = [ (closureEntry_ , clEntry)
+ , (closureField1_, clField1)
+ , (closureField2_, clField2)
+ , (closureMeta_ , clMeta)
+ ]
+ in case clCC of
+ -- CC field is optional (probably to minimize code size as we could assign
+ -- null_, but we get the same effect implicitly)
+ Nothing -> ValExpr (jhFromList xs)
+ Just cc -> ValExpr (jhFromList $ (closureCC_,cc) : xs)
+assignClosure :: JExpr -> Closure -> JStat
+assignClosure t Closure{..} = BlockStat
+ [ closureEntry t |= clEntry
+ , closureField1 t |= clField1
+ , closureField2 t |= clField2
+ , closureMeta t |= clMeta
+ ] <> case clCC of
+ Nothing -> mempty
+ Just cc -> closureCC t |= cc
+data CopyCC = CopyCC | DontCopyCC
+copyClosure :: CopyCC -> JExpr -> JExpr -> JStat
+copyClosure copy_cc t s = BlockStat
+ [ closureEntry t |= closureEntry s
+ , closureField1 t |= closureField1 s
+ , closureField2 t |= closureField2 s
+ , closureMeta t |= closureMeta s
+ ] <> case copy_cc of
+ DontCopyCC -> mempty
+ CopyCC -> closureCC t |= closureCC s